



RBF Network: distance similarity-to-centers as feature transform
Radial Basis Function Network
RBF Network Hypothesis
Fun Time
Which of the following is not a radial basis function? 1 φ(x, µ) = exp(−γ x − µ 2) 2 φ(x, µ) = − xT x − 2xT µ + µT µ 3 φ(x, µ) = x = µ 4 φ(x, µ) = xT x + µT µ
Machine Learning Techniques (機器學習技法)
Radial Basis Function Network
1 Embedding Numerous Features: Kernel Models 2 Combining Predictive Features: Aggregation Models 3 Distilling Implicit Features: Extraction Models
Interpolation by Full RBF Network
full RBF Network for squared error regression:
h(x) = XOuXtpXu Xt
βmRBF(x, xm)
• just linear regression on RBF-transformed data
Radial Basis Function Network
RBF Network Learning

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Citations: Overall Package: Bradbury PJ, Zhang Z, Kroon DE, Casstevens TM, Ramdoss Y, Buckler ES. (2007) TASSEL: Software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples. Bioinformatics 23:2633-2635. Genotyping by Sequencing: Glaubitz JC, Casstevens TM, Lu F, Harriman J, Elshire RJ, Sun Q, Buckler ES. (2014) TASSELGBS: A High Capacity Genotyping by Sequencing Analysis Pipeline. PLoS ONE 9(2): e90346 Mixed Model GWAS: Zhang Z, Ersoz E, Lai C-Q, Todhunter RJ, Tiwari HK, Gore MA, Bradbury PJ, Yu J, Arnett DK, Ordovas JM, Buckler ES. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide association studies. Nature Genetics 42:355-360.



Detection in Fading Channel
• Consider a slow flat Rayleigh fading channel.
y[m] h[m]s[m] z[m] h[m] (0,1)
How to detect? What is the error performance?
− Received signal y [ y[1], y[2],..., y[ L]]' :
y hx z
h [h[1], h[2],..., h[ L]]'
h h y || h || x z || h || || h ||
Maximal ratio combiner: it weighs the received signal in each branch in
Pe E h Q

1 SNR 2 | h | SNR 1 2 1 SNR

SNR 1 1 1 O 2 1 SNR 2 SNR SNR
Pe 1 4 SNR
at high SNR
Semester A, 2010
proportion to the signal strength and also aligns the phases of the signals in the summation to maximize the output SNR.
Semester A, 2010 Wireless Communication Technologies
Transmit Diversity I: with CSIT
• If the transmitter has full Channel State Information (CSIT):

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MPTP 神Effects of Arsenite on MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in CNS李 Yi-Fen Lee林 Anya Maan-Yuh Lin, Ph.D.立理論National Yang-Ming UniversitySchool of MedicineInstitute of PhysiologyMaster Thesis年六June 2004了 路 來 林老 老 說 兩年 年 老老 都 都 亮更 老 北 林 龍 老 勵 兩年論 利 論 論 利 了錄134論 614料 15 25論 29論 35參 365060主要名詞中英文對照表及縮寫表Antioxidative defense systems-抗氧化系統Apoptosis-細胞凋亡Arsenic-砷As2O3, As-三氧化二砷Basal ganglia-基底核BBB:blood-brain-barrier-血腦障壁Blackfoot disease-烏腳病CAT:catalase-過氧化氫催化酵素Cerebral cortex-大腦皮質Chain-propagation-鏈鎖反應CNS:central nervous system-中樞神經系統Degeneration-細胞退化Dopamine-多巴胺Dopaminergic neuron-多巴胺神經元Free radicals-自由基GPx:glutathione peroxidase-麩胺基硫過氧化酵素GSH:glutathione-麩胺基硫H2O2:hydrogen peroxide-過氧化氫In vitro-離體實驗In vivo-體內實驗Lipid peroxidation-脂質過氧化MAO-B:monoamine oxidase B-單胺類B型氧化酶MDA:malondialdehyde-丙二醛Mitochondria-粒線體MPTP:1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrapyridine-1-甲基-4-酚基-1,2,3,6-四氫嘌呤Necrosis:細胞壞死NO:nitric oxide-一氧化氮•OH:hydroxyl radical-氫氧自由基Oxidative stress-氧化壓力Oxidized GSH-氧化態麩胺基硫Oxygen radicals-氧自由基Parkinson’s disease-巴金森氏症PUFA:polyunsaturated fatty acid-多元不飽和脂肪酸Receptors-接受體Reduced GSH-還原態麩胺基硫ROS:reactive oxygen species-反應性氧族Secondary radicals-繼發性自由基SOD:superoxide dismutase-超氧化物歧化酵素Striatum-紋狀體Substantia nigra-黑質核TH:tyrosine hydroxylase-酪胺酸氫氧化酵素TRX:thioredoxinUnpaired electron:未成對的電子VDAC:voltage-dependent anion channel中文摘要三氧化二砷 (As 2O3, As) 在環境中被視為一種有毒物質,長期飲用含砷飲水會導致慢性砷中毒,造成心血管疾病、癌症及神經系統異常。

High-excitation OH and H_2O lines in Markarian 231 the molecular signatures of compact far-

High-excitation OH and H_2O lines in Markarian 231 the molecular signatures of compact far-

a r X i v :0711.2281v 5 [a s t r o -p h ] 24 D e c 2007Draft version February 2,2008Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.10/09/06HIGH-EXCITATION OH AND H 2O LINES IN MARKARIAN 231:THE MOLECULAR SIGNATURES OFCOMPACT FAR-INFRARED CONTINUUM SOURCES ∗Eduardo Gonz ´alez-Alfonso Universidad de Alcal´a de Henares,Departamento de F ´ısica,Campus Universitario,E-28871Alcal´a de Henares,Madrid,SpainHoward A.SmithHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,60Garden Street,Cambridge,MA 02138,USAMatthew L.N.AshbyHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,60Garden Street,Cambridge,MA 02138,USAJacqueline FischerNaval Research Laboratory,Remote Sensing Division,Washington,DC 20375,USALuigi SpinoglioIstituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario,CNR via Fosso del Cavaliere 100,I-00133Roma,ItalyandTimothy W.GrundySpace Science &Technology Department,Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,Chilton,Didcot,Oxfordshire,OX110QX,UKDraft version February 2,2008ABSTRACTThe ISO/LWS far-infrared spectrum of the ultraluminous galaxy Mkn 231shows OH and H 2O lines in absorption from energy levels up to 300K above the ground state,and emission in the [O I]63µm and [C II]158µm lines.Our analysis shows that OH and H 2O are radiatively pumped by the far-infrared continuum emission of the galaxy.The absorptions in the high-excitation lines require high far-infrared radiation densities,allowing us to constrain the properties of the underlying continuum source.The bulk of the far-infrared continuum arises from a warm (T dust =70−100K),optically thick (τ100µm =1−2)medium of effective diameter 200-400pc.In our best-fit model of total luminosity L IR ,the observed OH and H 2O high-lying lines arise from a luminous (L/L IR ∼0.56)region with radius ∼100pc.The high surface brightness of this component suggests that its infrared emission is dominated by the AGN.The derived column densities N (OH) 1017cm −2and N (H 2O) 6×1016cm −2may indicate XDR chemistry,although significant starburst chemistry cannot be ruled out.The lower-lying OH,[C II]158µm,and [O I]63µm lines arise from a more extended (∼350pc)starburst region.We show that the [C II]deficit in Mkn 231is compatible with a high average abundance of C +because of an extreme overall luminosity to gas mass ratio.Therefore,a [C II]deficit may indicate a significant contribution to the luminosity by an AGN,and/or by extremely efficient star formation.Subject headings:galaxies:abundances —galaxies:individual (Mkn 231)—galaxies:ISM —galaxies:starburst —infrared:galaxies —radiative transfer1.INTRODUCTIONThe peculiar ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG,L IR ≥1012L ⊙)Markarian 231(Mkn 231,12540+5708)is the most luminous infrared galaxy in the local universe,with a 8-1000µm luminosity of 3.2×1012L ⊙(Sanders et al.2003),and may be a representative ex-∗BASEDON OBSERVATIONS WITH THE INFRARED SPACEOBSERVATORY,AN ESA PROJECT WITH INSTRUMENTS FUNDED BY ESA MEMBER STATES (ESPECIALLY THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR COUNTRIES:FRANCE,GER-MANY,NETHERLANDS,AND THE UNITED KINGDOM)AND WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF ISAS AND NASA.Electronic Electronic address:hsmith@ Electronic address:mashby@ Electronic address:jackie.fischer@Electronic Electronic address:t.w.grundy@ample of the link between AGNs and nuclear starbursts (Scoville 2004).A QSO-like nucleus is evident from many observations:optically it is classified as a Type 1Seyfert (Boksenberg et al.1977;Cutri,Rieke,&Lebofsky 1984;Baan,Salzer,&Lewinter 1998),it exhibits UV through IR polarization and broad absorption lines (Smith et al.1995),it has compact X-ray emission (e.g.,Gallagher et al.2002)and extremely compact mid-infrared emission (Soifer et al.2000),and in the radio it is variable and possesses a parsec scale jet (Ulvestad,Wrobel,&Carilli 1999;Taylor et al.1999).Nevertheless,there is also evidence of a compact star-burst in these results as well as in VLA observations of H I 21cm absorption (Carilli,Wrobel,&Ulvestad 1998),near-infrared observations (Tacconi et al.2002),and millimeter CO interferometry (Bryant &Scoville 1996;2Gonz´a lez-Alfonso et al.Downes&Solomon1998,hereafter DS98).Estimates for the starburst luminosity range from1/3to2/3of the bolometric luminosity(Davies et al.2004,DS98). Molecular observations have provided important clues about the concentration and kinematics of the gas in Mkn 231.DS98showed the presence of an inner nuclear disk of radius∼460pc in CO(2-1),and a more extended disk with lower brightness.Most of the molecular gas has been found to be dense(∼104cm−3)and warm (∼70K)from recent observations of CO and HCN sub-millimeter lines(Papadopoulos,Isaak,&van der Werf 2007,hereafter PIW07).Lahuis et al.(2007)have in-ferred embedded starburst chemistry in Mkn231and other ULIRGs based on mid-IR Spitzer observations of ro-vibrational bands of warm/hot HCN and C2H2,while Graci´a-Carpio et al.(2006)and Aalto et al.(2007)have inferred XDR chemistry and/or radiative pumping based on anomalous intensity ratios of millimeter lines of HCN, HNC,and HCO+.The bulk of the luminosity in ULIRGs is emitted at far-infrared(FIR)wavelengths,where a number of molecular tracers are detected,mostly in absorption. Prominent lines of OH and H2O were detected using ISO/LWS in the FIR spectrum of Arp220,along with absorption features by radicals such as NH and CH, revealing a chemistry that may be indicative of PDRs with plausible contribution by shocks and hot cores (Gonz´a lez-Alfonso et al.2004,hereafter Paper I).How-ever,those species are also expected to be enhanced in XDRs(Meijerink&Spaans2005),so that the dominant chemistry in the nuclear regions of ULIRGs remains un-certain.In Paper I,the ISO/LWS FIR spectrum of Arp 220was analyzed by means of radiative transfer calcula-tions,which included a non-local treatment of the molec-ular excitation by absorption of FIR photons.Paper I showed that the population of high-excitation OH and H2O rotational levels,in evidence from absorption in high-lying lines,is pumped through absorption of FIR continuum photons,a process that requires high FIR ra-diation densities.The detection of these lines thus not only reveals the chemical and excitation conditions in the absorbing regions,it also sheds light on the size and characteristics of the underlying continuum FIR source in spite of the low angular resolution currently available at these wavelengths.In this paper we extend our approach of Paper I to the ISO/LWS FIR spectrum of Mkn231,and show that this galaxy spectrum presents striking similarities to that of Arp220.Specifically,strong absorption in the high-excitation OH and H2O lines is also seen in Mkn231.Rotationally excited OH in Mkn231has been previously detected via the2Π1/2Λ-doublet transitions (Henkel,Guesten,&Baan1987).VLBI observations of the mega-maser OH emission at18cm wavelength trace an inner torus or disk of size∼100pc around the AGN (Kl¨o ckner,Baan,&Garrett2003),and MERLIN obser-vations were able to map essentially the whole single-dish mega-maser OH emission with angular resolution of ≈0.3′′(Richards et al.2005).We analyze here both the FIR continuum emission and the high-excitation OH and H2O lines,as well as the[C II]158µm and[O I]63µm emission lines.In§2we present the ISO spectroscopic observations of Mkn231.In§3wefirst analyze simple models for the FIR continuum emission from Mkn231, and then examine how well those models reproduce the observed FIR emission and absorption lines.§4summa-rizes our results.We adopt a distance to Mkn231of170 Mpc(H0=75km s−1Mpc−1and z≈0.042).2.OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTSThe full43-197µm spectrum of Mkn231(first shown and discussed by Harvey et al1999),was obtained with the LWS spectrometer(Clegg et al.1996)on board ISO (Kessler et al.1996).In Fig.1,it is compared with that of Arp220(Paper I)re-scaled to the same distance(170 Mpc).The grating spectral resolution is∼0.3µm in the 43–93µm interval(detectors SW1–SW5),and∼0.6µm in the80–197µm interval(detectors LW1–LW5),corre-sponding to∆v 103km s−1.The lines are thus unre-solved in velocity space.The≈80′′beam size ensures that all the FIR continuum and line emission/absorption from Mkn231(CO size∼4′′,DS98)lie within the ISO/LWS aperture.The data(TDT numbers5100540,18001306,and 60300241)were taken from the highly-processed data product(HPDP)dataset(called’Uniformly processed LWS01data’),and reduced using version10.1of the OffLine Processing(OLP)Pipeline system(Swinyard et al 1996).We performed subsequent data processing, including co-addition,scaling,and baseline remov-ing,using the ISO Spectral Analysis Package(ISAP; Sturm et al.1998)and our own routines.In order to obtain a smooth spectrum throughout the whole LWS range,theflux densities given by each detector were cor-rected by multiplicative scale factors.Corrections were less than25%except for detectors LW2and LW3(100–145µm),for which the corrections were30%.We thus attribute an uncertainty of30%to the overall continuum level,as well as for the linefluxes.Figure1shows that the FIR spectra of Mkn231and Arp220are similar in key aspects(see also Fischer et al. 1999),in particular the prominent molecular absorptions mostly due to OH doublets(that will be referred to here-after as lines)and the lack of strongfine-structure line emission typically seen in less luminous galaxies.A closer inspection of the pattern of line emission/absorption in both sources is shown in Fig.2,where the continuum-normalized spectra are compared.Of particular inter-est are the clear detections in both sources of the high-excitation OHΠ3/27/2−5/284µm andΠ3/29/2−7/2 65µm lines,with lower level energies of120and290 K,respectively(see§3).The330→221and331→220 H2O66-67µm lines,both with lower levels at195K, are also detected in Mkn231,as well as the tentatively identified220→111line at101µm.It is likely that the increased noise level atλ 160µm is responsible for the non-detection of the high-excitationΠ1/23/2−1/2 OH line in Mkn231,which is seen in strong emission in Arp220.While the high-excitation OH and H2O lines at65-67µm are of similar strength in Mkn231and Arp 220,the H2O lines at longer wavelengths are undoubtly weaker in Mkn231,as seen for the322→211,220→111 and221→110H2O lines at90,102,and108µm,re-spectively.The weakness of the latter lines in Mkn231 suggests that the region where the high-lying H2O lines are formed is relatively weak in the far-IR continuum at λ=90−108µm.The Mkn231spectrum thus suggestsHigh-excitation OH and H2O lines in Mkn2313that a warm component,with relatively weak contribu-tion to the far-IR continuum atλ 80µm,is responsible for the observed high-excitation absorptions(§3.3).Ta-ble1lists the linefluxes,continuumflux densities at the corresponding wavelengths,and equivalent widths for the lines detected in Mkn231.In the case of Arp220,we used high-spatial resolution continuum measurements available in the literature to infer that Arp220is optically thick even in the submil-limeter continuum(Paper I;see also Downes&Eckart 2007).The steeper decrease of theflux density with in-creasing wavelength in Mkn231,however,suggests that it has lower FIR continuum opacities(Fig.1).This ex-pectation is further reinforced by the detection in Mkn 231of the[N II]122µm line,a feature not seen in Arp 220(Fig.2).Other notable differences between both sources are that the[O I]63µm line is observed in emis-sion in Mkn231but in absorption in Arp220,and that the ground-state119,53,and79µm OH lines are signifi-cantly weaker in Mkn231(Fig.2).In modeling Arp220, we were forced to invoke an absorbing“halo”to account for these lines;in Mkn231,no such halo is required(§3). In the spectrum of Mkn231,the main119.3µm OH line appears to be slightly blue-shifted relative to the expected position,an effect we attribute to the prox-imity of the line to the edge of the LW3detector. There is a nearby weaker red-shifted feature,at120µm, which coincides with the expected position of the ground Π3/25/2−3/218OH line,and appears as a marginal fea-ture in both the“up”and“down”grating scans.How-ever,the limited signal-to-noise ratio((1.0±0.4)×10−20 W cm−2),the narrow appearance of the feature(≈0.42µm),and the fact that it is not blue-shifted as the main line,make that assignment only tentative.In Arp220, the main OH line is not shifted because it does not fall so close to the edge of the detector,as a consequence of the lower red-shift of the source.In Arp220,a red-shifted shoulder appears at120µm,suggesting the possibility that18OH may be responsible for it(Paper I).We can-not however be certain that18OH is detected in any of these sources,but given the high16OH column densities we derive in some of our models below(§3.3)and the fact that values of the16OH/18OH ratios below the canonical value of500may be expected in regions where the ISM is highly processed by starbursts(Paper I),our tenta-tive identification should be followed up with future Her-schel Space Observatory observations with higher spec-tral resolution and sensitivity.Finally,the spectrum of Mkn231shows a broad feature at the position of the Π1/2−Π3/23/2−3/2OH line(53µm).We note that the blue-shifted side of this absorption is coincident with the OHΠ3/211/2−9/2line,with a lower level energy of511K;however,the proximity of this spectral feature to the edge of the SW2detector precludes any definitive assignment.The FIR detections of both NH and NH3in Arp220 were reported in Paper I.NH3was also detected via the25GHz inversion transitions by Takano et al.(2005), who derived a NH3column density six times higher than our value.The difference likely arises because of the high FIR continuum opacities in Arp220,which cause the observed FIR absorptions to trace only a fraction of the total gas column.Since there are no such extinction effects at25GHz,the NH3inversion transitions are ex-pected to trace higher NH3column densities.Figure2 shows that,by contrast,the NH3lines are not detected in Mkn231,although the relatively high noise at125µm does not rule out future detection of NH3with Herschel at a level similar to that of Arp220.There are two marginally-detected(2.5σlevel)spec-tral features seen at153.0and152.3µm,in the Mkn231 spectrum(Fig.3).Although close to the expected posi-tion of the main NH feature at153.22µm,the153.0µm feature appears significantly shifted by0.25µm from it, and better coincides with the position of the OH+23−12 line.Also,the152.3µm feature lies at0.1µm from the expected position of the OH+22−11line.In Paper I,we also suggested that OH+could contribute to the spec-trum of Arp220for two reasons:(i)our models were unable to reproduce,using NH and NH3,the observed strong absorption at102µm,which coincides with the expected position of the OH+34−23line;(ii)there was an absorption feature at76.4µm that,if real,could be attributed to the OH+44−33transition.Since OH+has never been detected in the galactic interstellar medium or that of any galaxy,here we only highlight the intrigu-ing possibility of its detection in two ULIRGs.Sensitive, higher-resolution Herschel observations are needed to re-solve this tantalizing speculation.The luminosity of the[C II]2P3/2−2P1/2fine-structure line at158µm is2.5times stronger in Mkn231than in Arp220,but given the higher FIR luminosity of this source(Fig1),the[C II]to FIR luminosity ratios are rather similar,with values of2.5×10−4and2.1×10−4for Mkn231and Arp220,respectively(Luhman et al.2003). These are among the lowest values found in galaxies,il-lustrating the so-called“[C II]deficit”found in ULIRGs. The[C II]line emission from Mkn231is analyzed in§3.4.3.ANALYSIS3.1.Models for the far-infrared continuum Figure4illustrates several ways that the FIR to mil-limeter continuum can befit and interpreted.Wefirst modeled(model A in Fig.4a)the far infrared source in Mkn231as an ensemble of identical dust clouds each of which is heated by its own single central luminosity source.The representative cloud is assumed to be spher-ical,with radius R c,and is divided into concentric shells whose dust temperatures are computed from the balance of heating and cooling(Gonz´a lez-Alfonso&Cernicharo 1999).We used a mixture of silicate and amorphous car-bon grains with optical constants from Preibisch et al. (1993)and Draine(1983).The stellar continuum was taken from Leitherer et al.(1999),but results depend only weakly on this choice because the intrinsic contin-uum is absorbed by the dust and re-emitted at infrared wavelengths.Once the equilibrium temperatures are ob-tained for each shell,the resulting continuum emission from the cloud is computed,and multiplied by N c,the number of clouds in the source required to match the ab-soluteflux densities.This scaled spectrum is shown in Fig.4a.The other three models(B,C,and D,shown in Fig.4b-d)use grey-bodies with uniform dust temper-atures T d to characterize the continuum emission(e.g., Roche&Chandler1993;Armus et al.2007). Assuming that the individual clouds do not overlap along the line of sight,our results do not depend partic-ularly on the radius or luminosity adopted for the model4Gonz´a lez-Alfonso et al. individual cloud because identical results are obtained ifR c is multiplied by a factor ofα,the luminosity byα2,N c byα−2,and the continuum opacity is kept constant(see Paper I).The models are thus characterized by theluminosity of the whole ensemble,the radial opacity ofthe clouds at a given wavelength(which we adopt to be100µm:τ100µm),and the equivalent radius of the source,defined as R eq=N1/2c R c.These parameters are listedin Table2.In model A,the individual clouds are optically thin sothat some degree of cloud overlap would yield a similarfitto the continuum while decreasing the value of R eq.Forinstance,if the clouds are distributed in a spherical vol-ume,R eq=N1/3c R c giving R eq=400pc for clouds withR c=20pc.However,the predicted opacity through themodeled region,N1/3cτ100µm,will be much higher thanthat of an individual cloud,and this physical situationis already described in models B-C where higher opaci-ties along the line of sight and a more compact region ofFIR emission are assumed.In order to avoid this model redundancy,we choose our continuum models such thatan individual“cloud”describes the characteristic contin-uum opacity(τ100µm in Table2)and dust temperaturethrough the whole region(disk),so that the resultingextent of the FIR emission is R eq=N1/2c R c.The observed continuum can be reproduced frommodel A’s cloud ensemble that is optically thin in theFIR.Model A also predicts that the starburst domi-nates the continuum forλ 15µm,while the torus/diskaround the AGN would then dominate the mid-infrared continuum,in qualitative agreement with the models byFarrah et al.(2003).The equivalent radius of the star-burst is slightly larger than the radius of the outer diskobserved by DS98.Becauseτ100µm is low and R eq is high,this model predicts that the FIR radiation density is low,a prediction that is not consistent with our models of theobserved OH line strengths(§3.2).As bothτ100µm and T d are increased in models B andC,the radiation density increases and,therefore,theequivalent size required to reproduce the observed emis-sion becomes smaller.As a consequence,models B and Cpredict increasing compactness of the dust clouds respon-sible for the FIR emission,with R eq=400and200pc respectively.With a single-component model,however,R eq cannot be reduced more than in model C without de-grading the quality of thefit.However,a two-componentmodel as shown in D is able to reproduce the FIR emis-sion,invoking a quite compact(∼100pc)and warm(100K)component(D warm),and a colder and more extendedone that dominates atλ>80µm(D cold).A convenient way to characterize the radiation den-sity in the modeled regions is to compute the radiation temperature at100µm fromT rad(100µm)=hνc2F100µm ,(1)whereΩ=πN c R2c/D2is the solid angle subtended by the modeled source,F100µm is the predictedflux density at100µm,and other symbols have their usual mean-ing.T rad(100µm)is also listed in Table2,together with the gas mass,luminosity,and fraction of the bolometric luminosity for each model.The calculated gas masses assume a gas-to-dust mass ratio of100.In all cases, they are lower than the dynamical masses determined by DS98when R eq is identified with the radial extent of the source(and therefore compatible with the inferred rotation velocities in the disk).Our inferred masses are in models B−D consistent with the mass inferred by PIW07,but are in all cases higher,by at least a factor of two,than the gas masses obtained by DS98.This discrepancy may be explained in at least four possible, different ways:(i)the physical radial extent of the cloud ensemble,which accounts for cloudfilling,is given by R T=f−1/2R eq,where f is the areafilling factor,so that R eq is a lower limit of R T;(ii)our calculated masses de-pend on the mass-absorption coefficient for dust,which we have assumed to beκ1300µm=0.33cm2g−1based on a mixture of silicate and amorphous carbon grains (Preibisch et al.1993;Draine1983),but could be up to a factor∼6higher if the dust is mainly composed of fluffy aggregates(Kruegel&Siebenmorgen1994);(iii) the gas-to-dust mass ratio may depart significantly from the standard value of100;(iv)the masses derived by DS98for Mkn231could be lower limits in the light of the submillimeter CO emission reported by PIW07.A combination of these factors may explain our higher val-ues.The luminosities in Table2account for50-80%of the observed8−1000µm infrared luminosity.Model A implicitly assumes that the calculated luminosity has a starburst origin;the luminosity from model B and from the cold component of model D are also attributable to the starburst in view of the spatial extent of the mod-eled source.Since model C and the warm component of model D are more compact,a combination of AGN and starburst contributions is more plausible.The surface brightness in model C is4×1012L⊙/kpc2,a factor of 2higher than the peak global value found in starburst galaxies by Meurer et al.(1997),suggesting an impor-tant(but uncertain)contribution by the AGN to the observed FIR emission(Soifer et al.2000).Also,the luminosity-to-mass ratio of500L⊙/M⊙coincides with the uppermost limit proposed by Scoville(2004)for a starburst.The very high surface brightness(1.3×1013 L⊙/kpc2)and luminosity-to-mass ratio(∼3300L⊙/M⊙) of the warm component of model D(D warm),as well as its compactness,persuasively indicate that this compo-nent is most probably dominated by the AGN.The most plausible relative contributions by the AGN and the star-burst to D warm are discussed in§4.In summary,different approaches can be used to suc-cessfullyfit the observed FIR continuum emission,with the properties of the clouds that emit that radiation in these approaches spanning a wide range of possible phys-ical scenarios.But ISO/LWS has provided us with spec-troscopic information,and we show next how the ob-served high excitation OH and H2O lines impose impor-tant constraints on these continuum models.3.2.Equivalent widthsWe analyze the OH equivalent widths assuming that the OH molecules form a screen in front of the IR source. The strengths of theΠ3/27/2−5/2and9/2−7/2OH doublets at84and65µm,enable us to conclude that the excited OH covers a substantial fraction of the FIR emis-sion region.Assuming that each line of the84µm dou-High-excitation OH and H2O lines in Mkn2315 blet absorbs all the background84µm continuum overa velocity range of250km s−1along each line of sight,and that there is no significant re-emission in the line,the covering factor is∼50%.This value may be consid-ered a lower limit for the following reasons.The submil-limeter CO line profiles shown by Papadopoulos et al.(2007)have FWHMs of200-250km s−1,and the linesare expected to be broadened by velocity gradients and,in particular,by the disk rotation;therefore,the veloc-ity range of250km s−1assumed above is probably anupper limit.DS98inferred local turbulent velocities ofup to60km s−1at inner radii(100pc)and decreasingas r−0.3.If we adopt an intrinsic Gaussian line profilewith the highest value of the turbulent velocity,∆V=60km s−1,and saturate the84µm line to the degree thatan effective width1of250km s−1is obtained for eachcomponent of the doublet,the derived84µm foregroundopacity at line center is∼50,but the high column den-sity required for this opacity is hard to reconcile withthat inferred from the other observed OH line strengths(§3.3).Finally,some significant re-emission in the84µmOH line is expected because theΠ3/29/2−7/2OH lineat65µm that originates from its upper level is detectedin absorption.We therefore conclude that the observed84µm OH absorption is widespread,and probably cov-ers the bulk of the84µm continuum emission regions.On the other hand,the opacities in the high-lying65µmline should only be moderate;for reference,if we adoptfor each component an upper limit of150km s−1on theeffective velocity interval for the absorption at each sightline,the minimum covering factor for this line is then25%.It is therefore possible that the OH responsible forthe65µm absorption does not entirely coincide with thatproducing the84µm absorption but is only a fraction ofthe latter,consistent with its lower energy level being atnearly300K.Nevertheless,for the sake of simplicity,weassume in this Section that both lines arise in the sameregion–one that,on the basis of the84µm OH strength,covers the total FIR continuum.The derived OH columndensities will be lower limits,and the inferred propertiesof the continuum source will be associated with at least∼50%of the observed FIR emission.The equivalent widths W are then given byW=2× 1−Bν(T ex)Ω6Gonz´a lez-Alfonso et al.N(OH)=3×1017cm−2,yet this column density still overestimates the absorption of the53µm line.Although model B cannot account for the65µm line strength,a region of similar size but lower N(OH)could contribute to the observed absorptions of the119,84and53µm lines.The single-component model that best accounts for the four observed OH lines is model C with R eq=200pc (Fig.5c).The corresponding continuum model(Fig.4c), with T d=74K,alsofits rather well the overall FIR con-tinuum emission.Significantly,our models in§3.3show that the excitation temperatures required to reproduce the observed equivalent widths,40-60K,are those com-puted at the cloud surface if the OH is excited by the in-frared emission from a blackbody at T d=74K.Finally, the dust temperature and gas mass(Table2)in model C are consistent with the gas temperature and H2mass derived by Papadopoulos et al.(2007)from the submil-limeter CO and HCN emission.They found that this warm gas component hosts most of the molecular mass in the galaxy.The H2column density,N(H2)∼1.5×1024 cm−2,indicates high optical depths,as in the galactic Sgr B2molecular cloud,but Mkn231is much warmer. If the column density in Mkn231is concentrated in a face-on disk of thickness H=23pc,as concluded by DS98,the expected density is n(H2)∼2×104cm−3,just the amount needed to account for the CO submillimeter lines(Papadopoulos et al.2007).On the other hand,if this warm and dense component is identified with the inner disk of radius460pc reported by DS98,the area filling factor is f∼0.2.In spite of the general agreement between our model C with other observations,a closer inspection of this model(§3.3)reveals some discrepancies with other OH and H2O lines that suggest that a slightly modified scenario can better explain the overall observed absorption patterns.3.3.Models for OH and H2ORadiative transfer modeling of the observed OH and H2O lines was done using the code described in Gonz´a lez-Alfonso&Cernicharo(1997,1999),which computes the statistical equilibrium populations of a given molecule in spherical symmetry.Line broaden-ing is assumed to be caused by microturbulence.Our code accounts for a non-local treatment of the radia-tive trapping in the molecular lines and of the excita-tion through absorption of photons emitted by dust,as well as for collisional excitation.Both line and contin-uum opacities for photons emitted in both lines and con-tinuum are taken into account.Collisional rates were taken from Offer,van Hemert,&van Dishoeck(1994) and Green,Maluendes,&McLean(1993)for OH and H2O,respectively.As we also found for Arp220(Pa-per I),the overall excitation is dominated by absorption of FIR continuum photons in all models.If shock condi-tions(high density and temperature)were assumed,only the absorption in the lowest-lying lines would be signifi-cantly affected.Once the continuum model isfixed,our results only depend on the molecular column densities and turbulent velocity(see Paper I for a fuller descrip-tion).As mentioned above(§3.2),the observed absorption strengths are not sensitive to the amounts of OH and H2O in the inner regions of the modeled regions,but only to the amounts of OH and H2O that are close to the cloud (or disk)boundary.For this reason,we calculate two val-ues for the derived molecular column densities:N scr(X) denotes the column density for a shell of species X cov-ering the infrared source(i.e.,the screen case),whereas N mix(X)is the inferred column density for models where X and dust are evenly mixed(the mixed case).Evidently N mix will be much higher than N scr,but from our data there are only a few,non-definitive ways to discriminate between the alternatives.The163µm OH and120µm 18OH lines are stronger in the mixed case,but neither of these features is unambiguously detected.Neverthe-less,we do notfind any strong arguments for thinking that OH and H2O are only present on the surface of the disk,and so the N mix values may be considered some-what more reliable.The abundances we derive below are based on this assumption;we revisit the“mixed”case when we discuss models for the[C II]line.Since model C(Fig.4c,Fig.5c,Table2)gives the best single-componentfit to most of the OH equivalent widths,wefirst check if it can account for the observed OH and H2O absorption features.Figure6compares the observed continuum-subtracted spectrum and the mod-eled results(dashed spectrum,mixed case)for the wave-length ranges where the signal-to-noise ratio is adequate. Table3lists the physical parameters obtained for this model.We have assumed a turbulent velocity∆V of40 km s−1(§3.2;DS98).The modelfits satisfactorily the OH119,84,65,and53µm lines,thus demonstrating the approximate validity of the simple method outlined in§3.2.The value of N scr(OH)=1017cm−2is also the same as estimated from the equivalent widths.The H2O column densities are determined by the strengths of the 330→221and331→220lines at66-67µm.Some features of model C,however,are inconsistent with the data.The possible emission in the OH163µm line is not reproduced,and the absorption in the79 and99µm OH lines appears excessive.The model also predicts too much absorption in the322→211(90µm), 220→111(101µm),221→110(108µm),and414→303 (113µm)H2O lines.All these discrepancies suggest that the component that accounts for the absorption of the 65-68µm OH and H2O lines is weaker than postulated in model C at wavelengths longer than80µm.These discrepancies may be resolved by invoking two different components for the FIR continuum emission, as in model D(Fig.4,Table2).The warm-compact component,responsible for the65-68µm OH and H2O lines,will produce weak absorptions in the80-120µm range as a consequence of the relatively weak continuum emission at these wavelengths.The more extended com-ponent will contribute to the observed absorptions in the 53,84,and119µm OH lines.The compactness of the warm component suggests that it is relatively close to the AGN,and thus we have assumed∆V=60km s−1for D warm(Table3);this is the turbulent velocity found by DS98around the rotation curve turnover radius of75pc. For the extended component(D cold),∆V=40km s−1 is assumed.Figure6shows that a betterfit to the over-all spectrum is indeed found with this composite model (grey line),with the lines in the80-120µm range brought down to levels compatible with observations.Also,the model predicts the163µm OH line to be in emission.。


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常用分析化学专业英语词汇沉淀absorbance吸光度amphiproticsolvent两性溶剂absorbent吸附剂amphotericsubstance两性物absorptioncurve吸收曲线质absorptionpeak吸收峰amplificationreaction放大反absorptivity吸收系数应accidenterror偶然误差analyticalbalance分析天平accuracy准确度analyticalchemistry分析化学acid-basetitration酸碱滴定analyticalconcentration分析浓acidiceffectivecoefficient酸效度应系数analyticalreagent(AR)分析试acidiceffectivecurve酸效应曲剂线apparentformationconstant表acidityconstant酸度常数观形成常数activity活度aqueousphase水相activitycoefficient活度系数argentimetry银量法adsorption吸附ashing灰化adsorptionindicator吸附指示atomicspectrum原子光谱剂autoprotolysisconstant质子自affinity亲和力递常数aging陈化auxochromegroup助色团amorphousprecipitate无定形backextraction反萃取bandspectrum带状光谱chromatography色谱法bandwidth带宽chromophoricgroup发色团bathochromicshift红移coefficientofvariation变异系blank空白数blockingofindicator指示剂的colorreagent显色剂封闭colortransitionpoint颜色转变bromometry溴量法点buffercapacity缓冲容量colorimeter比色计buffersolution缓冲溶液colorimetry比色法burette滴定管columnchromatography柱色calconcarboxylicacid钙指示谱剂complementarycolor互补色calibratedcurve校准曲线complex络合物calibration校准complexation络合反应catalyzedreaction催化反应complexometrycomplexometric cerimetry铈量法titration络合滴定法chargebalance电荷平衡complexone氨羧络合剂chelate螯合物concentrationconstant浓度常chelateextraction螯合物萃取数chemicalanalysis化学分析conditionalextractionconstantchemicalfactor化学因素条件萃取常数chemicallypure化学纯conditionalformationcoefficient条件形成常数degreeoffreedom自由度conditionalpotential条件电位demasking解蔽conditionalsolubilityproductderivativespectrum导数光谱条件溶度积desiccant;dryingagent干燥剂confidenceinterval置信区间desiccator保干器confidencelevel置信水平determinateerror可测误差conjugateacid-basepair共轭deuteriumlamp氘灯酸碱对deviation偏差constantweight恒量deviationaverage平均偏差contamination沾污dibasicacid二元酸continuousextraction连续萃dichlorofluorescein二氯荧光取黄continuousspectrum连续光谱dichromatetitration重铬酸钾coprecipitation共沉淀法correction校正dielectricconstant介电常数correlationcoefficient相关系differentialspectrophotometry 数示差光度法crucible坩埚differentiatingeffect区分效应crystallineprecipitate晶形沉dispersion色散淀dissociationconstant离解常数cumulativeconstant累积常数distillation蒸馏curdyprecipitate凝乳状沉淀distributioncoefficient分配系数Tdistributiondiagram分布图error误差distributionratio分配比ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid doublebeamspectrophotometer(EDTA)乙二胺四乙酸双光束分光光度计evaporationdish蒸发皿dual-panbalance双盘天平exchangecapacity交换容量dual-wavelengthextentofcrosslinking交联度spectrophotometry双波长分光extractionconstant萃取常数光度法extractionrate萃取率electronicbalance电子天平extractionspectrphotometric electrophoresis电泳method萃取光度法eluent淋洗剂Fajansmethod法杨斯法endpoint终点ferroin邻二氮菲亚铁离子endpointerror终点误差filter漏斗enrichment富集filter滤光片eosin曙红filterpaper滤纸equilibriumconcentration平衡filtration过滤浓度fluex溶剂equimolarseriesmethod等摩fluorescein荧光黄尔系列法flusion熔融Erelenmeyerflask锥形瓶formationconstant形成常数eriochromeblackT(EBT)铬黑frequency频率frequencydensity频率密度instabilityconstant不稳定常数frequencydistribution频率分instrumentalanalysis仪器分析布intrinsicacidity固有酸度gaschromatography(GC)气相intrinsicbasicity固有碱度色谱intrinsicsolubility固有溶解度grating光栅iodimetry碘滴定法gravimetricfactor重量因素iodine-tungstenlamp碘钨灯gravimetry重量分析iodometry滴定碘法guaranteereagent(GR)保证试ionassociationextraction离子剂缔合物萃取highperformanceliquidionchromatography(IC)离子chromatography(HPLC)高效色谱液相色谱ionexchange离子交换histogram直方图ionexchangeresin离子交换树homogeneousprecipitation均脂相沉淀ionicstrength离子强度hydrogenlamp氢灯isoabsorptivepoint等吸收点hypochromicshift紫移KarlFishertitration卡尔?费歇ignition灼烧尔法indicator指示剂Kjeldahldetermination凯氏定inducedreaction诱导反应氮法inertsolvent惰性溶剂Lambert-Beerlaw朗泊-比尔定律mesh[筛]目levelingeffect拉平效应methylorange(MO)甲基橙ligand配位体methylred(MR)甲基红lightsource光源microanalysis微量分析linespectrum线状光谱mixedconstant混合常数linearregression线性回归mixedcrystal混晶liquidchromatography(LC)液mixedindicator混合指示剂相色谱mobilephase流动相macroanalysis常量分析Mohrmethod莫尔法masking掩蔽molarabsorptivity摩尔吸收系maskingindex掩蔽指数数massbalance物料平衡moleratiomethod摩尔比法matallochromicindicator金属molecularspectrum分子光谱指示剂monoacid一元酸maximumabsorption最大吸收monochromaticcolor单色光mean,average平均值monochromator单色器measuredvalue测量值neutralsolvent中性溶剂measuringcylinder量筒neutralization中和measuringpipette吸量管non-aqueoustitration非水滴定median中位数normaldistribution正态分布mercurimetry汞量法occlusion包藏mercurylamp汞灯organicphase有机相ossificationofindicator指示剂polyproticacid多元酸的僵化population总体outlier离群值postprecipitation后沉淀oven烘箱precipitant沉淀剂paperchromatography(PC)纸precipitationform沉淀形色谱precipitationtitration沉淀滴定paralleldetermination平行测法定precision精密度pathlenth光程preconcentration预富集permanganatetitration高锰酸predominance-areadiagram优钾法势区域图phaseratio相比primarystandard基准物质phenolphthalein(PP)酚酞prism棱镜photocell光电池probability概率photoelectriccolorimeter光电proton质子比色计protoncondition质子条件photometrictitration光度滴定protonation质子化法protonationconstant质子化常photomultiplier光电倍增管数phototube光电管purity纯度pipette移液管qualitativeanalysis定性分析polarsolvent极性溶剂quantitativeanalysis定量分析quartering四分法selfindicator自身指示剂randomerror随机误差semimicroanalysis半微量分range全距(极差)析reagentblank试剂空白separation分离Reagentbottle试剂瓶separationfactor分离因数recordingspectrophotometer自sidereactioncoefficient副反应动记录式分光光度计系数recovery回收率significancetest显著性检验redoxindicator氧化还原指示significantfigure有效数字剂simultaneousdeterminationofredoxtitration氧化还原滴定multiponents多组分同时测定refereeanalysis仲裁分析singlebeamspectrophotometerreferencelevel参考水平单光束分光光度计referencematerial(RM)标准single-panbalance单盘天平物质slit狭缝referencesolution参比溶液sodiumdiphenylaminesulfonaterelativeerror相对误差二苯胺磺酸钠resolution分辨力solubilityproduct溶度积rider游码solventextraction溶剂萃取routineanalysis常规分析species型体(物种)sample样本,样品specificextinctioncoefficientsampling取样比消光系数spectralanalysis光谱分析thermodynamicconstant热力spectrophotometer分光光度计学常数spectrophotometry分光光度法thinlayerchromatography(TLC)stabilityconstant稳定常数薄层色谱standardcurve标准曲线titrand被滴物standarddeviation标准偏差titrant滴定剂standardpotential标准电位titration滴定standardseriesmethod标准系titrationconstant滴定常数列法titrationcurve滴定曲线standardsolution标准溶液titrationerror滴定误差standardization标定titrationindex滴定指数starch淀粉titrationjump滴定突跃stationaryphase固定相titrimetry滴定分析steambath蒸气浴traceanalysis痕量分析stepwisestabilityconstant逐级transitioninterval变色间隔稳定常数transmittance透射比stoichiometricpoint化学计量triacid三元酸点truevalue真值structureanalysis结构分析tungstenlamp钨灯supersaturation过饱和ultratraceanalysis超痕量分析systematicerror系统误差UV-VISspectrophotometry紫外-可见分光光度法testsolution试液volatilization挥发dispatch_async(dispatch_get_Volhardmethod福尔哈德法main_queue(),^{volumetricflask容量瓶//回调或者说是通知主线程刷新,volumetry容量分析NSLog(............); Washbottle洗瓶});washings洗液waterbath水浴weighingbottle称量瓶weightingform称量形weights砝码workingcurve工作曲线xylenolorange(XO)二甲酚橙zerolevel零水平异步处理dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0),^{//处理耗时操作的代码块...[selftest1];//通知主线程刷新。



Cette partie a pour objectif d'apporter une aide pour aborder les diff6rentes gammes des fournisseurs. 11est, en effet, assez difficile de s'y retrouver dans la multitude de r6f6rences, et d'en comprendre les principales caract6ristiques.
MSme si les chromatographie GCMS (Chromatographie en phase gazeuse coupl6e h la spectrom6trie de masse), Chromatographie liquide a haute performance (HPLC) et autres chromatographies ne sont pas comparables en termes d'automatisation aux plates-formes analytiques de biochimie ou d'h6matologie, il nous a sembl6 int6ressant de les aborder dans le pr6sent 6tat de l'art. En effet, elles font appel des hautes technologies ou des termes parfois obscurs pour la plupart d'entre nous, et repr6sentent des investissements lourds, et ce, alors que leur utilisation en routine s'acc616re au regard du d6vetoppement des p61es de toxicologie et m6dicamenteux de nos laboratoires. Les demi6res Journ6es internationales de biologie 6tant te salon id6al pour de tels syst6mes, le pr6sent article se veut plut6t une aide qui peut servir au lecteur en vue du prochain forum Labo, salon qui se tiendra Paris, fin mars 2006.



第31卷第2期2007年2月高能物理与核物理HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICSVol.31,No.2Feb.,2007在电子–质子碰撞中识别瞬子末态方法的蒙特卡罗研究*许明梅刘连寿1)(华中师范大学粒子物理研究所武汉430079)摘要在e+p深度非弹性散射的光子胶子融合过程中有可能出现瞬子.这是一类特殊的事件,称为瞬子参与的深度非弹性散射事件.本文用蒙特卡罗事件产生器QCDINS讨论了在瞬子参与的深度非弹性散射事件中识别瞬子末态和流喷注的方法.对各种不同方法作了对比研究.找到了一种能使重建得到的喷注能量、瞬子能量、瞬子质量与强子化前的取值均比较接近的最佳方法.关键词电子质子碰撞光子胶子融合QCDINS蒙特卡罗事件产生器瞬子流喷注1引言标准模型中,强相互作用和电弱相互作用都用非阿贝尔规范理论描述.非阿贝尔规范场有丰富的拓扑结构,使得其基态(即真空)简并.规范场真空的这种非平庸拓扑结构与量子力学中的周期位势类似,不同的真空之间由势垒隔开.拓扑不同的真空状态间的隧穿过程形成一种特殊的叫做“瞬子”(instanton)的物质.瞬子是纯Yang-Mills理论在4维情况下的静态孤子解.电弱相互作用的瞬子只在质心能量 10TeV时起作用[1—4],而在QCD中,人们期望瞬子在低得多的能量下就有相当大的效应,这是因为,强相互作用的耦合常数αs比电弱理论中的等价参数α要大得多.由于这个原因,本文主要涉及强相互作用的瞬子,即隧穿QCD真空的拓扑孤子.瞬子的存在影响了e+p深度非弹性散射.在e+p 散射中,类点粒子电子通过电磁力或弱力与具有子结构的质子发生相互作用.这种相互作用可以通过交换一个光子,一个Z0玻色子或者一个W±玻色子来描述,同时从电子转移一份四动量q到质子.这称为深度非弹性散射.交换光子或Z0的事件称为中性流事件,交换W±的事件称为带电流事件.中性流事件和带电流事件对总截面的贡献依赖于交换玻色子的虚度Q2=−q2=−(e−e )2.当Q2取中等大的数值(100到104GeV2)时,与弱力贡献相比电磁力贡献占优势,所以中性流截面占主要.当Q2=104GeV2时,中性流截面与带电流截面才具有相等的大小[5].所以,本文主要考虑交换光子的中性流深度非弹性散射.光子与质子的相互作用,实际上是光子与质子内部的部分子(夸克或胶子)的相互作用.有3种硬散射过程对中性流截面贡献到O(αs)量级[6],它们分别是:夸克部分子模型的过程(质子里面的一个夸克吸收光子),如图1(a);QCD康普顿散射过程(质子里面的一个夸克吸收光子,辐射出一个胶子),如图1(b);以及光子胶子融和过程(质子里面的一个胶子与光子相互作用,交换一个夸克,再各自出射一个夸克),如图1(c).图1对中性流截面贡献到O(αs)量级的过程(a)夸克部分子模型的过程;(b)QCD康普顿散射过程;(c)玻色子(光子)胶子融和过程.2006–06–26收稿*国家自然科学基金(10475030,10375025)和国家教委重大项目培育基金(704035)资助1)E-mail:liuls@119—124120高能物理与核物理(HEP&NP)第31卷瞬子对e+p深度非弹性散射的影响发生在强相互作用顶点(即部分子之间相互作用的顶点)上.图1所示的3种过程中,只有后两种才有强相互作用顶点,而瞬子对第三种过程——光子胶子融和过程的贡献占主要[3].下面详细讨论瞬子对这类过程的影响.在通常的光子胶子融和过程中,光子转化为一对夸克反夸克,其中一个夸克强子化形成流喷注,另一个夸克与胶子融和,产生另一个喷注,这样就形成了双喷注事件,如图2(a).而如果在gqq强作用顶点处有瞬子参与,则形成有瞬子作背景的事件,如图2(b).将光子发射出来的夸克与质子中的胶子相互作用产生末态粒子的过程称为光子胶子融合的硬子过程.在上述两类事件中的硬子过程分别记为qg→X和qg(I)−→X.图2e+p深度非弹性散射中通常的光子胶子融合为双喷注的事件(a)和有瞬子参与的事件(b)在子过程qg(I)−→X中,由于有瞬子的参与,夸克与胶子作用后不是只出射一个夸克,而是出射了丰富的夸克胶子末态,如图2(b).这类有瞬子参与的事件的现象学特征可以总结如下[3]:在硬子过程中,每种味道都有一对夸克反夸克参与相互作用,这一特征通常称为味道平等(flavour democracy);每个硬子过程中辐射的胶子的数目遵从平均值为3的泊松分布,这些胶子加上2n f−1(n f是要考虑的夸克味道的数目)个夸克产生了具有高横能量的高多重数末态;有瞬子参与的顶点产生的那部分末态粒子(称为瞬子末态)在其质心系中是各向同性分布的;瞬子参与的事件最大地违背了手征性守恒.理论上预言,瞬子参与的事件对总截面的贡献约为0.5%[6].运行于德国电子同步加速器中心(DESY)的强子电子储存环(HERA)是世界上唯一的一个进行电子质子碰撞的实验.从实验室系看,电子动量为27.5GeV/c,质子动量为−820GeV/c.HERA上的两个实验组,H1和ZEUS,都做过寻找瞬子末态的工作,观察到了瞬子存在的迹象[6,7].瞬子参与的散射过程,图2(b),其末态由4个部分组成,散射电子,流喷注,瞬子末态和质子剩余物.在强子化之前的部分子阶段,各个部分的划分是相当清楚的.在强子化的时候,为了形成色中性的末态,瞬子产生的部分子与流夸克和质子剩余物中的部分子之间有色交换,这样,末态中的个别强子,可能既包含有瞬子产生的部分子,又包含有流喷注内的部分子或质子剩余物中的部分子.这样就使得重建瞬子末态和流喷注不可能完全严格.QCDINS[8]是一个与HERWIG[9]接口的模块.它以瞬子微扰理论为理论基础,模拟了如图2(b)所示的e+p深度非弹性散射事件中瞬子参与的硬子过程产生部分子.部分子随后的演化和强子化由HERWIG实现.HERWIG是一个具有相干胶子的强子发射反应模型,它处理了强子化时的色关联.瞬子的重建对于研究瞬子末态的性质是一个关键问题.在下一节里,用QCDINS模块产生的e+p碰撞事件,研究瞬子末态和流喷注的重建,分析了各种重建方法的优劣,给出了一种最佳的重建方法.2瞬子末态和流喷注重建方法的研究2.1质子剩余产物的识别在HERWIG模型中,散射电子可以通过粒子的ID和状态编码来识别.首先从末态粒子中把散射电子扔掉,剩下的粒子是流喷注(简记为C),瞬子产物(简记为I),质子剩余产物(简记为R)三者的混合物.把这3部分粒子的四动量变换到它们的质心系(简记为cm3).cm3坐标系实际上是γ+P→C+I+R过程的质心系,取光子动量方向为坐标系的+z方向.图3给出了cm3坐标系中的一些θ分布(θ定义为粒子动量与z 轴的夹角),(a)是这3部分末态粒子的θ分布,(b),(c), (d)分别是强子化前的流夸克、瞬子、质子剩余夸克三者的θ分布.模型中,强子化前的部分子四动量信息是已知的,根据四动量守恒,要识别的3种末态(C,I 和R)的四动量就等于各自在部分子阶段的四动量.从图3可以看出,在cm3坐标系中,末态粒子集中分布在θ=0和π两个背对背的方向,θ<π2方向分布的是C和绝大多数的I,θ>π2方向分布的是R和极少数的I.实验上甩掉R的方法是在cm3坐标系中取θ=π2第2期许明梅等:在电子–质子碰撞中识别瞬子末态方法的蒙特卡罗研究121的截断,θ>π2的所有粒子被认为是R[6].这样就丢掉了一部分I.实际上从图3末态粒子的θ分布来看,R的分布非常窄,集中在θ=π附近宽度远小于π2的区间中.所以,为了去掉R而不损失I,θcut应该选在π2以右的某个位置.我们发现,θcut=2π3比θcut=π2更合理,这反映在对R的能量的重建上.把变量Y重建的误差∆Y定义为变量被重建出来的取值与强子化前的取值相比的差别,表示为∆Y=Y cons−Y0|Y0|×100%,其中Y cons代表变量Y的重建值,Y0代表变量Y在强子化前的取值.与θcut=π2方法相比,θcut=2π3方法重建R的能量的误差更集中在0附近,且宽度更窄,如图4.也就是说,θcut=2π3方法重建的R的能量更加准确.图3cm3坐标系中的一些θ分布(a)是3部分末态粒子的θ分布,(b),(c),(d)分别是强子化前的流夸克、瞬子、质子剩余夸克三者的θ分布.图4在cm3坐标系中对θ取两种截断所得到的R 的能量重建误差(a)是θcut=π2的情况;(b)是θcut=2π3的情况.2.2流喷注的识别用θcut=2π3甩掉R后,剩下的是C+I的混合物.把这两部分粒子的四动量变换到它们的质心系(简记为cm2).以强子化前的流夸克动量方向(也就是流喷注的喷注轴方向)为cm2坐标系的+z方向.两部分末态粒子的θ分布如图5(a),强子化前I的θ分布如图5(b).图5(a)的两个峰分别代表喷注C和瞬子产物I,喷注粒子集中分布在θ=0附近,瞬子末态分布得比较宽,但是大多数集中在与喷注背对背的方向.下面讨论如何把喷注与瞬子产物分开.图5末态粒子(C+I)在其质心系cm2的角分布(a)和强子化前瞬子的角分布(b)在cm2坐标系中把C+I的全部n个粒子按p z的大小排序,重新编号,使得p z1>p z2>···>p zn.p z越大(即在喷注轴方向的动量投影越长)的粒子越像喷注粒子,优先挑选p z大的粒子.从编号为1的粒子算起,把粒子的能量累加,直至加到某个粒子(k)时,累加的能量E k=ε1+ε2+···+εk(εi表示第i个粒子的能量)与强子化前C的能量E C最接近时为止,即喷注的能量重建误差∆E jet=E k−E CE C×100%绝对值达到最小.此时,认为第1,2,···,k个粒子属于喷注,第k+1,···,n个粒子是I产物.这种方法记为方法1.方法1无疑把喷注的能量重建得最好,然而,瞬子的能量和质量都重建得极差,如图6第一行的3个图.原则上讲,由于色交换的存在,流喷注与瞬子产物不可能严格区分开,再加上在这之前对R的能量重建有一定的偏差,导致了喷注的能量重建得好,瞬子的能量却重建得不好.首要目的是要把瞬子产物挑出来,因此,把强子化前的瞬子的动量方向取为+z方向,把这个坐标系定义为cm2p.同样地,把cm2p坐标系中的粒子按p z大小编号,使得p z1>p z2>···>p zn.p z越大的粒子越像瞬子产物,从编号为1的粒子算起,把粒子的能量累加,直至加到某个粒子k时,累加的能量E k与强子化前I的能量E I最接近时为止,即瞬子的能量重建误差122高能物理与核物理(HEP&NP)第31卷∆E I=E k−E IE I×100%绝对值达到最小,此时,认为第1,2,···,k个粒子就是I产物,第k+1,···,n个粒子属于喷注.这种方法记为方法2.方法2无疑把瞬子的能量重建得最好,然而,这时喷注的能量重建得极差,如图6第二行的3个图.进一步,尝试以瞬子的质量为重建的标准,在cm2p中,从编号为1的粒子算起把粒子的四动量累加,直至加到某个粒子k时,累加的四动量对应的质量M k 与强子化前I的质量M I最接近时为止,即瞬子的质量重建误差∆M I=M k−M IM I×100%绝对值达到最小,此时,认为第1,2,···,k个粒子就是I产物,第k+1,···,n个粒子属于喷注.这种方法记为方法3.方法3把瞬子的质量、能量和喷注的能量整体上重建得比前两种方法要好,但喷注能量取大误差的几率仍然相当大,如图6第三行的3个图.再尝试另一种办法.在cm2坐标系中,综合考虑喷注的能量重建误差∆E jet和瞬子的能量重建误差∆E I,从编号为1的粒子算起,把粒子的能量累加到粒子k时认为是喷注.同时,从编号为k+1的粒子累加到n认为是瞬子产物,以总误差∆E=|∆E jet|+|∆E I|2最小为重建的标准,这种方法记为方法4.方法4把喷注的能量重建得好,瞬子能量误差分布太宽,如图6第4行的3个图.改进方法4,提高瞬子能量误差在总误差中的比重,令∆E=0.4×|∆E jet|+0.6×|∆E I|,这种方法记为方法5.喷注和瞬子的能量误差都集中分布在0附近,只是误差大的事件仍有一定的几率,且质量重建得不理想,如图6第5行的3个图.图65种重建方法比较第1列是喷注能量的重建误差∆E jet,第2列是瞬子能量的重建误差∆E I,第3列是瞬子质量的重建误差∆M I.上面5行分别对应5种方法的结果,第6行是第5种方法在取了∆E<10%截断的结果(即方法6).第2期许明梅等:在电子–质子碰撞中识别瞬子末态方法的蒙特卡罗研究123尝试在方法5的基础上,对∆E加一个截断,只保留∆E<10%的事件.这样保留的事件占总事件数的33%.结果使瞬子质量误差得到明显改善,如图6第6行的3个图.这种方法记为方法6.2.3各种重建方法的比较把各种方法对喷注能量,瞬子能量,瞬子质量的重建误差∆E jet,∆E I,∆M I画在一张图上以做对比,如图6.从图6可以看出,方法1,以喷注的能量重建得好为识别喷注的标准,结果瞬子的能量和质量都重建得差;方法2,以瞬子的能量重建得好为识别瞬子的标准,结果喷注的能量重建得差;方法3,以瞬子的质量重建得好为识别瞬子的标准,结果瞬子的质量,能量,和喷注的能量整体上重建得比前两种方法要好,但喷注能量取大误差的几率仍然相当大;方法4,综合考虑喷注的能量和瞬子的能量,以∆E=|∆E jet|+|∆E I|2最小为重建标准,结果喷注的能量重建得好,瞬子的能量重建误差集中在0附近,但是误差大的事件仍有相当大的几率;方法5,以∆E=0.4×|∆E jet|+0.6×|∆E I|最小为重建标准,结果喷注的能量重建误差和瞬子的能量重建误差都集中在0附近,误差大的事件的几率很小,瞬子质量重建稍差一些;方法6,对∆E加一个截断,只保留∆E<10%的事件.这样会丢掉67%的事件,而使瞬子的质量重建情况改善很多.评判重建好坏的标准是重建得到的喷注能量、瞬子能量、瞬子质量与强子化前的取值接近,即重建误差在0附近、宽度窄.从图6来看方法6是最理想的.把这种方法识别出来的喷注和瞬子的末态粒子的角分布画出来,如图7.喷注粒子集中分布在θ=0附近,瞬子末态集中分布在θ=π附近,θ在中间值时二者有重叠,本文是通过按p z排序,把二者区分开来.图7喷注和瞬子末态粒子的角分布综上所述,识别瞬子末态和流喷注的最佳方法是:(1)在(C+I+R)的质心系cm3中,做θ=2π3的截断,θ>2π3的粒子被认为是R,扔掉;(2)在(C+I)的质心系cm2(取流夸克动量方向为坐标系的+z方向)中,粒子按p z大小排序,p z越大的粒子越像喷注产物,从编号为1的粒子算起,把粒子的能量累加到粒子k时认为是喷注,同时,从编号为k+1的粒子累加到n认为是瞬子产物,找到合适的k,使∆E=0.4×|∆E jet|+0.6×|∆E I|最小,认为第1,2,···,k个粒子属于喷注,第k+1,···,n个粒子是瞬子产物.(3)对∆E加一个截断,只保留∆E<10%的事件. 3小结本文对QCDINS事件产生器中识别瞬子末态和流喷注的几种不同方法作了对比研究,提出了一种能使重建得到的喷注能量、瞬子能量、瞬子质量与强子化前的取值均比较接近的最佳方法.采用这一方法,能对瞬子末态的性质进行蒙特卡罗研究.同时这一方法对于在实验中区别出瞬子末态也有参考价值.参考文献(References)1Ringwald A et al.Nucl.Phys.,1991,B365:32Gibbs M et al.Z.Phys.,1995,C66:2853Ringwald A,Schrempp F.Towards the Phenomenology of QCD-Instanton Induced Particle Production at HERA.hep-ph/9411217.In:Quarks’94,Proc.8th Int.Seminar.Vladimir,Russia, Grigoriev D et al.World Scientific,Singapore1995.1704Ringwald A.Vacuum Structure and High-Energy Scatter-ing.Preprint DESY-02-158,hep-ph/0210209and references therein5ZHANG Z(H1Coll).Structure Function Results from H1, contribution to ICHEP02,Amsterdam,20026Sonja Hillert’s Doctoral Dissertation.A Search for QCD-Instantons in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering with the ZEUS Detector at HERA. diss02.html7H1Collab(AdloffC et al).Search for QCD Instanton In-duced Processes in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HEAR.Eur.Phys.J.,2002,C25:495—5098Ringwald A,Schrempp F.QCDINS 2.0—A Monte Carlo Generator for Instanton-Induced Processes in Deep-Inelastic mun.,2000,132: 267.hep-ph/99115169Marchesini G et mun.,1992,67: 465124高能物理与核物理(HEP&NP)第31卷A Monte Carlo Study on the Reconstruction Method for Instantonin Deep-Inelastic e+p Scattering*XU Ming-Mei LIU Lian-Shou1)(Institute of Particle Physics,Huazhong Normal University,Wuhan430079,China)Abstract Instantons can induce characteristic events in deep-inelastic e+p scattering.Such effects are expected to become sizable in QCD.In the present paper QCD-instanton induced events are modelled by the Monte Carlo generator QCDINS.Different methods to reconstruct the instanton part and the current jet are tried in the boson-gluon fusion events of deep-inelastic e+p scattering with instantons as background,using QCDINS Monte Carlo event generator.A comparison among these methods are performed and an optimum method is proposed,which can reconstruct well the energies of current jet and instanton as well as the mass of instanton.The proposed method will be useful in the Monte Carlo study of the physical properties of instanton,and can serve as a reference in the experimental identification of instanton.Key words deep-inelastic e+p scattering,boson-gluon fusion,QCDINS,instanton,current jetReceived26June2006*Supported by NSFC(10475030,10375025)and CFKSTIP(704035)1)E-mail:liuls@。



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MBN_10447_2010-05_EN_Quality Management Standard-Elektrics-Elektronics for Mercedes-Benz Cars_nng

MBN_10447_2010-05_EN_Quality Management Standard-Elektrics-Elektronics for Mercedes-Benz Cars_nng

10447 Mercedes-Benz MBN Company Standard Date published: 2010-05Folder: 22Supersedes: A212 000 18 99Total no. of pages (including Annex): 49Person in charge: Matthias GeigerPlant 050; Dept.: MBC/QEEDate of Translation: 2010-11 Phone: +49 7031 90 49 400Quality Management StandardElectrics/Electronicsfor Mercedes-Benz CarsQualitätsmanagement-Norm Elektrik/Elektronik für Mercedes-Benz CarsForewordThis Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics for Mercedes-Benz Cars describes therequirements specified by Daimler AG for suppliers of electrical/electronic components and electri-cal/electronic control units for Mercedes-Benz Cars.This Standard is applicable in addition to the component requirement specifications for the devel-opment, manufacture and series production of this component by a contractor of Daimler AG.ChangesFirst editionNOTE: This translation is for information purposes only.The German version shall prevail above all others.Copyright Daimler AG 2010Contents1Scope (5)2Normative references (6)3Terms and definitions (7)3.1List of abbreviations (7)3.2Nomenclature (8)4General requirements (9)4.1Contacts at Daimler AG (9)4.2Contacts at the supplier and its sub-suppliers (10)4.3Key processes (10)5Preventive maturity level management (11)5.1Start of preventive maturity level management (11)5.2Scope (11)5.3Tracking of sub-supplier maturity level (12)5.4Changes following start of production (12)5.4.1Process and sub-process relocation (12)5.4.2Replacement or exchange of machines or equipment (12)5.4.3Change of a sub-supplier (13)6Detection of anomalies (14)7Process capability and product reliability (15)7.1Proof of machine and process capability for SMT processes (15)7.1.1Machine and process capability of paste printer (15)7.1.2Machine capability placement machines (15)7.1.3Verification of solder profile (16)7.2Proof of reliability of the assembly and connection technology (16)7.3Proof of reliability of the devices used (16)7.4Board bending test (17)7.5Requalification (18)7.5.1Complete repeat of the environmental and life tests (18)7.5.2Q-Review Environment E/E (18)8Manufacturing processes for electronic components (20)8.1Storage (20)8.1.1Moisture sensitive devices (20)8.2Printed circuit board magazines (21)8.3Transportation of devices and components (21)8.4Soldering paste printing (21)8.4.1Initial part approval during series production (21)8.4.2Soldering paste (21)8.4.3Paste printer (22)8.4.4Cleaning of the stencil (22)8.4.5Cleaning of circuit boards following soldering paste printing (22)8.4.6Mechanical stress in double-sided PCB assembly (23)8.5PCB assembly (23)8.5.1Initial part approval (23)8.5.2Reel change (23)8.5.3Mechanical stress (23)8.5.4Process control (23)8.5.5Maintenance (23)8.6Assembly and connection technology (24)8.6.1Reflow soldering (24) malfunctions (25) profile (25)8.6.2Press-fit technology (25)8.6.3Selective soldering with mini-wave (26) (26) pretreatment and temperature gradient (26) monitoring (27) malfunctions (27) residue (27) bath (27) filling level (27)9Rework (28)10Test technology in series production (29)10.1Inspection of soldered joints (29)10.1.1Inspection of paste printing (29)10.1.2Inspections after reflow soldering (29)10.1.3Inspections after selective soldering (30)10.1.4Manual visual inspections (30)10.2In-circuit test (30)10.3Contacting of components (31)10.4End-of-line test (31)10.5Test parameters (32)10.6Mechanical interfaces (32)10.7Product audit (32)10.7.1Temperature cycle test (33)10.7.2Additional component-specific tests (33)10.7.3Changes (34)10.8Early defect detection (34)10.8.1Realization of early defect detection (34)10.8.2Active run-in (34)10.9Test coverage analysis (35)10.10Evaluation and reporting of internal test results (36)10.11Haptic measurements (36)10.12Testing of function, switch and controls illumination (37)10.13Noise testing (37)10.14Process documentation and process records (38)10.14.1Soldering paste printing (38)10.14.2Placement machines (38)10.14.3Reflow soldering (38)10.14.4Selective soldering with mini-wave (38)10.14.5Rework (39)10.14.6Test parameters (39)11Mechanical manufacturing processes (40)11.1Circuit board separation (40)11.1.1Milling (40)11.1.2Punching (V-cutting) (40)11.1.3Sawing (40)11.1.4Laser cutting (41)11.2Assembly and screw-fastening processes (41)11.3Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) connectors (41)11.3.1Manual joining of zero insertion force connectors (42)11.3.2Semi or fully automatic joining of zero insertion force connectors (42)11.3.3Testing of the connection of zero insertion force connectors (42)11.3.4Opening of the plug connection of zero insertion force connectors (42)12Traceabilty of devices and components (43)12.1Incoming goods (43)12.2PCB assembly (43)12.3Tests (44)12.4End-of-line test (44)12.5Outgoing goods (44)12.6Rework (44)13ESD (45)13.1ESD protection measures in electronics production (45)13.2Personnel grounding (45)13.3Rework (45)14Flashing of components (46)14.1Handling (46)14.2Contacting and flashing (46)14.3Testing and traceability of flashed components (46)14.4Capacity of the flashing process (47)15Failure analysis (48)15.1Analysis reports (48)15.2Priority failures (48)15.3NTF failures (complaints) (48)15.4Failure analysis on site (48)16On-site support (49)16.1Professional requirements for staff (49)16.2Time-related requirements (49)16.3Other requirements (49)1 ScopeThis Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics applies irrespective of the model to all electri-cal/electronic components in general.2 Normative referencesMB Special Terms Mercedes Benz Special Termsof Electronic AssembliesANSI/IPC-A-610D AcceptabilityIPC/JEDEC J-STD-033B.1 Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/ReflowSensitive Surface Mount DevicesDIN EN ISO 9453 Soft Solder Alloys – Chemical Compositions and FormsA2110039899 Design Rules for E/E ComponentsDIN EN 61340-5-1 Protection of Electronic Devices from Electrostatic Phenom-ena — General RequirementsIEC/TR 61340-5-2 Protection of Electronic Devices from Electrostatic Phenom-ena – User GuideDIN EN 61340-4-5 Standard Test Methods for Specific Applications – Methodsfor Characterising the Electrostatic Protection of Footwearand Flooring in Combination with a PersonDIN EN 61340-4-3 Standard Test Methods for Specific Applications – Footwear AEC-Q100 Stress Qualification for Integrated CircuitsAEC-Q101 Stress Test Qualification for Discrete SemiconductorsAEC-Q200 Stress Test Qualification for Passive ComponentsAEC-Q004 Zero Defects Guideline (Draft version)ANSI/IPC J-STD-001D Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assem-bliesMBN 10448 Field Failure Analysis3 Terms and definitions3.1 List of abbreviationsTwo-dimensional2DThree-dimensional3DAEC Automotive Electronic Council (body for quality standards in the automotive indus-try)InspectionOpticalAutomatedAOI(Ausführungsvorschrift)regulationAVImplementationBGA Ball Grid Array componentsBR Vehicle model series (Baureihe)cmk Short-term process capabilitycapabilityprocessLong-termcpksupplyspecification (Liefervorschrift)Daimler-BenzDBLDS Identification and documentation of safety relevancedocumentation of certification relevanceandIdentificationDZE/E component Electrical/electronic componentProgrammable Read-Only MemoryEEPROM ElectricallyErasableX-rayspectroscopyEnergy-dispersiveEDXEOL End Of Line testOverStressEOSElectricalDischargeElectroStaticESDFMEA Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisLevelingAirHotHALHIL Hardware In the LoopHardWareHWStandardizationISOforOrganisationInternationalCircuitsIC IntegratedIn-Circuit-TestICTspecifications (Komponentenlastenheft)requirementComponentKLHMBN Mercedes-Benz standard (Mercedes-Benz Norm)SystemDevelopmentMercedes-BenzMDSInterfaceMan-MachineMMIMSD Moisture Sensitive DeviceLevelSensitiveMSLMoistureSystemProductionMercedes-BenzMPSMTTF Mean Time To FailureNTF No Trouble Foundprocess and product approvalPPAProductioncapabilityprocessPreliminaryppkPRG Product maturity level (Produkt-Reifegrad)GateQGQualityQualityManagementQMStatusQ-Status QualityMemoryAccessRandomRAMMemoryOnlyReadROMTemperatureRoomRTUnitControlCUMountedTechnologySurfaceSMTSOP Start of ProductionSoftWareSWTechnologyHoleThroughTHT3.2 NomenclatureBelow, electrical/electronic components and electrical/electronic control units are termed "components" for the reader’s convenience.Below, the contractor of Daimler AG is termed "supplier".Below, the sub-components of components such as circuit boards, electronic devices (e.g. controllers, transceivers, micromechanical semiconductors) and mechanical units (e.g. housings) are termed "de-vices" for the reader’s convenience.Below, requirements for documentation and the recording of data are specified. In this context, "docu-ment" refers to instructions and specifications (e.g. work instructions, process descriptions, etc). The term "record" refers to evidential data (e.g. completed checklists, audit evidence, etc).4 GeneralrequirementsFor safety requirements, homologation and quality, the existing statutory requirements and laws shall be complied with. In addition, the relevant requirements of Daimler AG apply.All materials, procedures, processes, components, and systems shall conform to the current regulatory (governmental) requirements regarding regulated substances and recyclability.This Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics makes reference to applicable laws, standards and regulations etc. The supplier shall be responsible for compliance with all laws, standards and regula-tions and for the development and production of the component in line with the state of the art. In this con-text, due consideration shall be given to the fact that the vehicles of Daimler AG containing this compo-nent are sold worldwide.This Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics makes reference to other applicable documents of the component requirement specifications (KLH) (specifications, test methods, implementation regula-tions, instructions of Daimler AG). Where this Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics contains deviating or contradictory information compared with other standards, specifications or implementation regulations, the more severe specification shall apply. In case of doubt, clarifying agreements following discussions with Daimler AG Quality Management shall be set down in writing.The supplier shall supply conforming products to Daimler AG, and the supplier shall maintain the zero-defect target.If the supplier is aware of measures or alternatives serving to increase quality or reliability, the supplier shall notify these to Daimler AG Quality Management.All information and documents associated with the development, manufacture and production of the com-ponent shall be treated confidentially.4.1 Contacts at Daimler AGThe responsible component developer and other contacts at Daimler AG are listed in the component re-quirement specifications (KLH).Mercedes-Benz Cars Quality Management is divided into two units:- Preventive Quality Management (Prevention) and- Quality Management Production in the worldwide Daimler assembly, body, paintwork and stamp-ing plants (e.g. Sindelfingen, Bremen, Tuscaloosa, South Africa etc.).During the development phase (requirement specification phase up to the launch of the component in production), a staff member from Prevention is the responsible quality contact for the supplier. Together with the responsible staff member from Prevention, the supplier shall hold coordination discussions re-garding quality management requirements. The supplier shall seek approval from the responsible staff member from Prevention for any deviations from these quality management requirements.During the production phase (launch of component in production up to discontinuation of production), a Quality Management staff member from each assembly, body, paintwork and stamping plant is the re-sponsible quality contact for the supplier. The supplier shall seek approval for all changes to the compo-nent or production process during the production phase from the responsible Quality Management staff member from the assembly, body, paintwork and stamping plants. In the event of deviations from the re-lease status of the component, the supplier shall present appropriate measures and samples and have any changes approved.Any deviation from the requirements of this Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics are sub-ject to the written approval of Daimler AG Quality Management.4.2 Contacts at the supplier and its sub-suppliersThe supplier shall submit an organizational diagram to Daimler AG Quality Management showing all per-sons responsible for the project and their functions.The supplier shall reveal the complete supply chain of devices for the project to Daimler AG Quality Man-agement. In this process, the supplier shall document the scope of supply and supplier name of each de-vice.4.3 Key processesTo facilitate the successful implementation of the project, the supplier shall provide evidence of docu-mented process structures for the following key processes during the concept presentation:1. Requirements analysis process2. Test strategy process3. Configuration and change management process4. Problem analysis process5. Project management5 Preventive maturity level managementThe objective of preventive maturity level management is to recognize quality-related problems and defi-cits concerning the product and/or production process as early as during the development phase of the component and to be able to initiate countermeasures. Timely completion of the project and defect-free implementation of all specified functions are the top priorities for Daimler AG.The supplier shall document and maintain a preventive maturity level management system. As part of this system, the supplier shall determine and record characteristic data (metrics, process capability indices, inspections, etc.).In this context, all company units of the supplier involved with the product creation process shall be sub-ject to the maturity level management system.Assessment of the maturity level shall be based on the specified quality targets and quality criteria throughout the product and process development process.The supplier shall document compliance with and fulfillment of all requirements from the component re-quirement specifications (KLH) and this Standard.To track all activities during development, the supplier shall maintain a list of open issues, and grant Daim-ler AG Quality Management access to this list on request.The supplier shall submit regular reports to Daimler AG Quality Management regarding maturity level pro-gress. The supplier shall document maturity level reports in writing. The supplier shall record the maturity level reports for the Quality Gates (according to MDS) and submission of A, B, C, D and PPF samples in writing.5.1 Start of preventive maturity level managementThe supplier shall initiate preventive maturity level management at the time of project start - immediately following the commencement of hardware and software development and the start of the production proc-ess.5.2 ScopeThe supplier shall coordinate and document the scope of preventive maturity level management with Daimler AG Quality Management.The preventive maturity level tracking during the product creation process includes the monitoring of the degree of fulfillment of all requirements. In this context, the supplier shall document and record the (func-tional and non-functional) requirements for the component and the production process during the devel-opment phase of the component.The supplier shall carry out an assessment on the basis of the degree of implementation of the require-ments at the relevant project date. The maturity level is divided into four stages:- Requirement not implemented by the deadline- Requirement is in the process of being implemented- Requirement has been implemented by the deadline- Requirement has been implemented and tested successfully by the deadline5.3 Tracking of sub-supplier maturity levelThe supplier shall document and implement a preventive maturity level management system at all sub-supplier companies involved in the project (Tier 2, Tier 3, …).The supplier shall inform Daimler AG Quality Management of the status of the preventive maturity level management if there is a risk of the sub-suppliers involved in the project failing to reach the project objec-tive.On request, the supplier shall grant Daimler AG Quality Management access to records concerning the maturity level management of the sub-suppliers involved in the project.5.4 Changes following start of productionAny changes to the component or an existing manufacturing process shall be subject to the approval of Daimler AG Quality Management and be approved using a PPA process.The supplier shall qualify any change, e.g. in the event of changes to devices (material or manufacturing process of the device) or in the manufacturing process of the component. The supplier shall provide evi-dence of and document qualification in accordance with the component requirement specifications.Deviations from a complete qualification by the supplier shall be subject to the approval of Daimler AG Quality Management.Qualification shall be carried out using components manufactured on the production equipment at the se-rial production location.The documentation of changes shall be coordinated with Daimler AG Quality Management.The supplier shall adhere to a previously defined time frame for pre-advice to Daimler AG Quality Man-agement.In the cases indicated below, the supplier shall inform the following Daimler AG units: Quality Manage-ment, Development, Purchasing and Logistics.5.4.1 Process and sub-process relocationIn the case of any type of process and sub-process relocation, the supplier shall inform Daimler AG Qual-ity Management no later than 9 months before the intended implementation of the change. The supplier shall submit a relocation scenario and seek the approval of Daimler AG Quality Management for such scenario.This time frame also applies to the outsourcing of processes or sub-processes to sub-suppliers.5.4.2 Replacement or exchange of machines or equipmentIn the case of the replacement or exchange of machines or equipment or other systems, the supplier shall inform Daimler AG Quality Management no later than 3 months before the intended implementation of the change.5.4.3 Change of a sub-supplierIn the case of a change of a sub-supplier or manufacturer of a device of the component, the supplier shall submit a change scenario to Daimler AG Quality Management and seek the approval of Daimler AG Qual-ity Management for such scenario. The supplier should inform Daimler AG Quality Management no later than 6 months before the intended implementation of the change.6 Detection of anomaliesThe statistical detection of anomalies is intended for the detection of unusual features in the functionality or measurement parameters. These may be anomalies which lie within the specification limits provided, but are unusual compared to other components. The anomalies may point towards pre-damage to the component.In order to ensure the process capability and product reliability, the supplier shall document and use a method for the detection of anomalies, and provide evidence by means of records.To verify the process capability and product reliability, the supplier shall use this method, starting with the manufacture of initial samples, and create records. Evidence shall be provided no later than at the time of submission of the initial sample documentation.7 Process capability and product reliabilityIn accordance with VDA 2, the supplier shall provide evidence of the process capabilities for its production processes.For the deadline and the required values for the process capabilities, refer to MBST.At the time of submission of the initial samples, the supplier shall document the final evidence of the proc-ess capabilities and product reliabilities required.The initial samples shall be manufactured on production equipment and selected randomly.The supplier shall have any deviations from these specifications approved by Daimler AG Quality Man-agement.7.1 Proof of machine and process capability for SMT processesWithin the framework of the zero-defects strategy in relation to the customer, the supplier shall make every effort to prevent and detect nonconformances. From the point of view of customer satisfaction and with a view to ensuring the quality of the components, it is essential that nonconformances are detected as early as possible and eliminated. The focus shall therefore be on the process capability of the supplier's manufacturing process. This includes the determination of the ongoing process capability, the control of the production process and continuous process improvement.The supplier shall supply regular evidence of the process capabilities of production as a whole and each production process and maintain the appropriate records.7.1.1 Machine and process capability of paste printerThe supplier shall check the machine capability once every year and maintain the pertinent records.Evidence of the machine capability of the paste printer can be provided by means of a reference stencil. The relevant parameters for this purpose are the positioning accuracy in the x and y direction of the solder deposit.The supplier shall check the process capability of the paste printer with the product-specific original stencil and maintain appropriate records. During this process, the supplier shall document reference points and determine their positioning accuracies in x and y position as well as the volume. To do so, the supplier may use the paste AOI provided that the AOI measuring data can be analyzed.7.1.2 Machine capability placement machinesThe supplier shall check the machine capability every other year and maintain the pertinent records.The supplier shall check the machine capability using a glass board and glass devices or ceramic pads and maintain appropriate records. To prove capability, the supplier shall document the critical SMD shapes and test these.7.1.3 Verification of solder profileThe supplier shall verify that the solder profile determined allows each solder joint to reach the required soldering temperature and the required temperature profile. The supplier shall maintain appropriate re-cords.The supplier shall verify that "thermally critical" devices on the circuit board are not overheated. The sup-plier shall maintain appropriate records.The supplier shall observe the specifications of the board, device and soldering paste manufacturers, and provide evidence of compliance. The temperature profile shall therefore be recorded with the printed com-ponent circuit board.7.2 Proof of reliability of the assembly and connection technologyThe supplier shall document the development progress at the time of each delivery of sample parts.At the time of submission of the initial samples, the supplier shall perform a full qualification on the basis of the requirements of the KLH and provide the appropriate evidence.The supplier shall coordinate the number and scope of the tests with Development and Daimler AG Qual-ity Management and document the results.In order to allow the impact of changes on the component to be assessed, the supplier shall document a comparison of measuring results before and after the intended change.Qualification shall be carried out using components manufactured on the series production equipment. 7.3 Proof of reliability of the devices usedOn delivery, the supplier shall provide evidence of device qualification.For ICs, the supplier shall provide evidence of the device qualification in accordance with AEC-Q100, for discrete components in accordance with AEC-Q101, and for passive components in accordance with AEC-Q200.To achieve the zero-defects strategy, the supplier shall document the methods as per AEC-Q004 and provide evidence of the records to Daimler AG Quality Management.The supplier shall have any deviations from these specifications approved by Daimler AG Quality Man-agement.7.4 Board bending testThe supplier shall ensure that soldered circuit boards or devices cannot be damaged as a result of me-chanical stresses. Excessive mechanical stresses result in the danger of the board or devices becoming pre-damaged due to microcracks. The supplier shall support the PCB boards using an appropriate fixture.By means of a board bending test, the mechanical stress to which a soldered circuit board is exposed during the production process can be determined.The supplier shall perform a bending test for the following production steps on the component-specific board and maintain the relevant records:- Paste printer (only for double-sided boards)- SMD placement machines- ICTseparatorboard- Circuit- Press-fit process for contacts- Press-fit and assembly fixtures and jigs for installing boards in a housing- Transport systems, including gripping devices.The supplier shall repeat the board bending test at regular time intervals and record the relevant results.The supplier shall use the bending test for fault finding in the event of failures of devices (e.g. damage, microcracks on ceramic capacitors). The supplier shall record the results and submit them to Daimler AG Quality Management on request.The supplier shall use an appropriate measurement procedure for carrying out the board bending test.The maximum critical bending of boards depends on the individual circuit board or the devices used. The supplier shall take care to ensure that the sensors are positioned on the board at the point of maximum bending.The supplier shall take care to ensure that circuit board is assembled and soldered in line with the relevant process step to be examined.During the processing of ceramic capacitors, the supplier shall ensure that the specifications ofAV A2110039899 "Design Rules for E/E Components“ are complied with for all manufactured compo-nents.7.5 RequalificationThe supplier shall check at least once every year whether its deliveries conform to the specifications of Daimler AG.As a minimum requirement, the test scope shall include evidence that the specifications with regard to dimensional, material, reliability, environmental, process and statutory rules have been complied with.The supplier shall coordinate and document the test scopes with Daimler AG Quality Management. This coordination shall be based on the environmental and lifetime tests specified in the component require-ment specifications (KLH) as well as other specifications such as DBL, MBN, AV, etc.The supplier can choose between the following methods to prove compliance with the specifications of the environmental and life tests required in KLH:- complete annual repeat of the of the environmental and life tests specified in KLH- annual execution of a so-called "Q-Review Environment E/E“.7.5.1 Complete repeat of the environmental and life testsThe supplier shall record the results of the repeat and submit them to Daimler AG Quality Management on request.The supplier shall notify Daimler AG Quality Management of any deviations from the specification without delay.The supplier shall supply regular evidence of the process capabilities of production as a whole and each production process and maintain the appropriate records.If the tests show that the required cp or cpk values are not achieved and that the equipment requires read-justment, the supplier shall shorten the test interval.7.5.2 Q-Review Environment E/ETo perform a "Q-Review Environment E/E“, the supplier is required to comply with the following conditions: The environmental and life tests specified in the KLH have been performed once successfully, and the relevant results recorded.Another condition for the execution of a "Q-Review Environment E/E“ is that the following requirements have been fulfilled during the previous 12 months:- The supplier has used a statistical method for the early detection of faults in production. This method has ensured that 100% of the manufactured parts have been covered, the results recorded and evaluated regularly. All measures defined as part of the early fault detection system during the previous 12 months must have been effectively implemented.- The required qualification tests shall have been passed successfully with regard to any changes to the component or the production process.- All failures during the tests in production have been determined, and the relevant results recorded and regularly evaluated. All measures defined during the previous 12 months shall have been effectively im-plemented.- All measures defined during internal and external audits during the previous 12 months shall have been effectively implemented.- All 0-km failures and field failures during the previous 12 months shall have been analyzed and evalu-ated. Any resulting measures shall have been implemented effectively.。











在Python中,我们可以使用scikit-learn库中的train_test_split 函数来进行随机划分,这个函数能够很方便地将数据集按照一定的比例进行划分,以满足我们对训练集、验证集和测试集的需求。







EnzChek Protease Assay Kits

EnzChek Protease Assay Kits

Revised: 03-November-2004Product InformationEnzChek ® Protease Assay KitsE6638EnzChek® Protease Assay Kit *green fluorescence*E6639EnzChek® Protease Assay Kit *red fluorescence*IntroductionMolecular Probes’ EnzChek ® Protease Assay Kits (E6638,E6639) are fast, simple and direct fluorescence-based assays for detecting metallo-, serine, acid and sulfhydryl proteases. Detect-ing low levels of protease activity is important in quality-control testing, high-throughput screening and basic research. However,current methods for detecting protease activity, such as the fluo-rescein thiocarbamoyl (FTC)–casein protease assay, require ex-tensive manipulation and are therefore prone to error. In the FTC-casein assay, unhydrolyzed protein must be precipitated with trichloroacetic acid, separated by centrifugation, transferred for measurement and then pH-adjusted for fluorescein signal enhancement.1Our two EnzChek Protease Assay Kits contain casein deriva-tives that are heavily labeled with the pH-insensitive green-fluorescent BODIPY ® FL (E6638) or red-fluorescent BODIPY ®TR-X (E6639) dyes, resulting in almost total quenching of the conjugate’s fluorescence. Protease-catalyzed hydrolysis releases highly fluorescent BODIPY FL or BODIPY TR-X dye–labeled peptides (Figure 1). The accompanying increase in fluorescence,which can be measured with a spectrofluorometer, minifluoro-meter or microplate reader, is proportional to protease activity.In contrast to the FTC-casein assay, these EnzChek assays do not involve any separation steps and can be used to continuously measure the kinetics of a variety of exo- and endopeptidases overa wide pH range. They can also be used to measure the total substrate turnover at a fixed time following addition of the en-zyme. Furthermore, we have found that our protease assays are up to 100 times more sensitive and much easier to perform than the FTC-casein assay.2In addition to their utility for detecting protease contamination of culture media and other experimental samples, BODIPY FL casein and BODIPY TR-X casein appear to have significant po-tential as general nontoxic, pH-insensitive markers for phago-cytic cells in culture. Moreover, preliminary reports indicate that BODIPY FL casein is useful for monitoring proteolytic activity in frozen tissue sections with a fluorescence microplate reader.3The BODIPY FL and BODIPY TR-X casein substrates can be used interchangeably, depending on whether green or red fluorescence is desired. The peptide hydrolysis products of BODIPY FL casein exhibit green fluorescence that is optimally excited by the argon-ion laser, permitting flow sorting of cells that have phagocytosed this reagent. The red-fluorescentBODIPY TR-X dye–labeled peptides, with excitation and emis-sion spectra similar to those of the Texas Red ® fluorophore,should be useful for multilabeling experiments or measurements in the presence of green autofluorescence.MaterialsKit Contents$BODIPY FL casein or BODIPY TR-X casein (Compo-nent A), five vials that each contain 200 µg substrate lyophi-lized from phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)$20X Digestion buffer (Component B), 13 mL of 200 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.8, containing 2 mM sodium azideAssay Kits (E6638, E6639).Each kit provides sufficient reagents for approximately 100 assays when using a standard fluorometer or 1000 assays when using a fluorescence microplate reader.Storage and HandlingUpon receipt, each kit should be stored frozen at -20°C.Allow reagents to warm to room temperature before opening vials. When stored properly, these reagents are stable for six months to one year.Reconstituted BODIPY casein substrates may be stored at 4°C for 2–4 weeks. We recommend the addition of sodium azide at a final concentration of 2 mM to act as a preservative. If longer storage is required, freeze at -20°C. PROTECT FROM LIGHT. A VOID REPEATED FREEZING AND THAWING.Materials Required but Not Provided$Deionized water (dH 2O)$Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (E6638 only)$0.1 M sodium bicarbonate, pH 8.3 (E6639 only)$Specific buffers for detection of enzymes requiring activa-tion compounds or a unique pH environment, if applicable (see note A )$An appropriate enzyme standard of known specific activ-ity, if applicable (see step 2.1)Experimental ProtocolReagent PreparationThe solution volumes recommended in this section provide sufficient reagents for 20 assays using a fluorometer and stan-dard 2.0 mL cuvettes, or 200 assays using a fluorescence micro-plate reader and 200 µL per microplate well.1.1 If using the EnzChek Protease Assay Kit for green fluores-cence (E6638), prepare a 1.0 mg/mL stock solution of theBODIPY FL casein by adding 0.2 mL of PBS directly to one of the vials containing the lyophilized substrate. If using theEnzChek Protease Assay Kit for red fluorescence (E6639), pre-pare a 1.0 mg/mL stock solution of the BODIPY TR-X casein by adding 0.2 mL of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate, pH 8.3, to one of the vials containing the lyophilized substrate. In either case, mix well and allow sufficient time at room temperature for the sub-strate to dissolve fully.1.2 Prepare 1X digestion buffer. Dilute2.5 mL of the 20Xdigestion buffer with dH 2O to a final volume of 50 mL (note A ).1.3 Prepare a 10 µg/mL working solution of the BODIPY casein.Add 0.2 mL of the stock solution prepared in step 1.1 to 19.8 mL of the 1X digestion buffer prepared in step 1.2.Protease Activity Standard Curve2.1 When quantitating the activity of purified protease prepara-tions, generate a protease activity standard curve. If possible,use an appropriate enzyme standard of known specific activity that closely matches the protease activity being determined. A standard curve may not be relevant for samples containing one or more unknown proteases. In this case, protease activity may be expressed as fluorescence change per unit sample. Also, forsimple detection of protease activity or contamination, a standard curve may not be necessary; proceed to step Determine the range of enzyme response. Titrate at least four concentrations of enzyme and one buffer-only control in 1.0 mL (or 100 µL for microplate assays) of the 1X digestion buffer pre-pared in step 1.2. Add 1.0 mL (or 100 µL for microplate assays)of the BODIPY casein working solution prepared in step Incubate the samples for one hour, protected from light (notes B , C ).2.4 Read the fluorescence in a fluorometer or fluorescencemicroplate reader. BODIPY FL and BODIPY TR-X dye–labeled peptides have excitation/emission maxima of approximately 505/513 nm and 589/617 nm, respectively. We have found that standard fluorescein filters (e.g., excitation = 485 ± 12.5 nm,emission = 530 ± 15 nm) can be used to detect BODIPY FL dye–labeled peptides, whereas longer wavelength filters (e.g.,excitation = 590 ± 10 nm, emission = 645 ± 20 nm ) can beused to detect BODIPY TR-X dye–labeled peptides.Figure 2. Sample standard curve obtained with the EnzChek Protease Assay Kit (E-6638). The top panel shows fluorescence versus trypsin concentration (µg/mL) measured with a filter fluorometer (excitation 485 ± 10 nm, emission 530 ± 12.5 nm). The bottom panel displays a standard curve at lower trypsin concentrations (ng/mL), obtained using the same fluorometer but with a higher gain setting.2.5 Plot the data to show fluorescence versus protease concentra-tion (Figure 2) (note D).Sample Analysis3.1 To detect enzyme activity in a sample, dilute the sample to 1.0 mL (or 100 µL for microplate assays) in 1X digestion buffer prepared in 1.2. Add 1.0 mL (or 100 µL for microplate assays) of the BODIPY casein working solution prepared in step Incubate sample for one hour, protected from light (notes B, C).3.3 Read the fluorescence in a fluorometer or fluorescence microplate reader. BODIPY FL and BODIPY TR-X dye–labeled peptides have excitation/emission maxima of approxi-mately 505/513 nm and 589/617 nm, respectively. We have found that standard fluorescein filters (e.g., excitation = 485 ±12.5 nm, emission = 530 ± 15 nm) can be used to detect BODIPY FL dye–labeled peptides, whereas longer wavelength filters (e.g., excitation = 590 ± 10 nm, emission = 645 ± 20 nm ) can be used to detect BODIPY TR-X dye–labeled peptides.3.4 If the protease sample has a high fluorescence background, prepare an additional control without the BODIPY casein pre-pared in step 1.3. Then, subtract the fluorescence background of the substrate-free control from the sample containing the sub-strate to determine the true fluorescence increase due to protease activity.Protease Detection LimitsUsing the EnzChek protease assay with a fluorescence microplate reader, we have determined the protease detection limits for a number of proteases. In these assays, 200 µL reac-tion mixtures were incubated in a 96-well microplate for one hour at room temperature, protected from light. The fluorescence was then measured in a fluorescence microplate reader, using excitation and emission filters of 485 ± 12.5 nm and 530 ± 15 nm, respectively, for detection of BODIPY FL dye–labeled peptides and 590 ± 10 nm and 645 ± 20 nm for detection of BODIPYTR-X dye–labeled peptides. Table 1 shows the approximate detection limits for a variety of enzymes when assayed at 22°C (note E).Notes[A] The digestion buffer provided (pH 7.8) is recommended for detecting the protease activity of most proteolytic enzymes with activity optima from pH 7.4 to 8.0. However, if you are working with an enzyme that requires activation compounds or a unique pH environment, then prepare the specific buffer required in place of the digestion buffer.Table 1. Detection limits of the EnzChek protease assay.[B] Sensitivity may be increased by incubating for up to 24 hours.[C] The exact time interval is not critical. However, it is impor-tant that all reactions, experimental samples and controls be incubated for approximately the same time. For consistent incu-bation periods, it may be desirable to initiate the reactions with offset starting times to allow sufficient time for reading the fluo-rescence of each at the end of the reaction.[D] Standard curves will vary with enzyme type.[E] Enzyme activity may vary depending on incubation buffers and temperature, as well as the storage conditions and number of freeze-thaw cycles to which the enzyme preparation has been subjected.References1. Anal Biochem 143, 30 (1984);2. Anal Biochem 251, 144 (1997);3. Derek Winslow, “Measurement of Proteolytic Activity in Whole Tissue Sections using Quenched Fluorescent Substrates: An Analogue of In-Situ Zymography?” Focus on Fluorescence: Industrial Applications Symposium, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 17, 1997.Product List Current prices may be obtained from our Web site or from our Customer Service Department.Cat #Product Name Unit Size E6638EnzChek® Protease Assay Kit *green fluorescence* *100-1000 assays*............................................................................... 1 kit E6639EnzChek® Protease Assay Kit *red fluorescence* *100-1000 assays*................................................................................... 1 kitContact InformationFurther information on Molecular Probes products, including product bibliographies, is available from your local distributor or directly from Molecular Probes. Customers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East should contact our office in Paisley, United Kingdom. All others should contact our Technical Assis-tance Department in Eugene, Oregon.Please visit our Web site for the most up-to-date informationMolecular Probes, Inc.29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402Phone: (541) 465-8300 Fax: (541) 335-0504Customer Service: 6:00 am to 4:30 pm (Pacific Time) Phone: (541) 335-0338 Fax: (541) 335-0305 order@ Toll-Free Ordering for USA and Canada:Order Phone: (800) 438-2209 Order Fax: (800) 438-0228 Technical Assistance: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Pacific Time) Phone: (541) 335-0353 Toll-Free: (800) 438-2209Fax:(541) 335-0238 tech@ Invitrogen European HeadquartersInvitrogen, Ltd.3 Fountain DriveInchinnan Business ParkPaisley PA4 9RF, UKPhone: +44(0) 141 814 6100 Fax: +44(0) 141 814 6260 Email: euroinfo@Technical Services: eurotech@Molecular Probes products are high-quality reagents and materials intended for research purposes only. These products must be used by, or directly under the supervision of, a technically qualified individual experienced in handling potentially hazardous chemicals. Please read the Material Safety Data Sheet provided for each product; other regulatory considerations may apply.Limited Use Label License No. 193: BODIPY® DyeThe manufacture, use, sale or import of this product is subject to one or more of US Patent Nos. 4,774,339, 5,187,288, 5,248,782, 5,274,113,5,338,854, 5,433,896, 5,451,663, 6,005,113 and corresponding foreign equivalents, owned by Invitrogen Corp. The purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased amount of the product and components of the product in research conducted by the buyer (whether the buyer is an academic or for-profit entity). The buyer cannot sell or otherwise transfer (a) this product (b) its components or (c) materials made using this product or its components to a third party or otherwise use this product or its components or materials made using this product or its components for Commer-cial Purposes. The buyer may transfer information or materials made through the use of this product to a scientific collaborator, provided that such transfer is not for any Commercial Purpose, and that such collaborator agrees in writing (a) to not transfer such materials to any third party, and (b) to use such trans-ferred materials and/or information solely for research and not for Commercial Purposes. Commercial Purposes means any activity by a party for consideration and may include, but is not limited to: (1) use of the product or its components in manufacturing; (2) use of the product or its components to provide a service, information, or data; (3) use of the product or its components for therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylactic purposes; or (4) resale of the product or its compo-nents, whether or not such product or its components are resold for use in research. Invitrogen Corporation will not assert a claim against the buyer of in-fringement of the above patents based upon the manufacture, use or sale of a therapeutic, clinical diagnostic, vaccine or prophylactic product developed in research by the buyer in which this product or its components was employed, provided that neither this product nor any of its components was used in the manufacture of such product. If the purchaser is not willing to accept the limitations of this limited use statement, Invitrogen is willing to accept return of the product with a full refund. For information on purchasing a license to this product for purposes other than research, contact Molecular Probes, Inc., Business Development, 29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402. Tel: (541)465-8300. Fax: (541)335-0504.Limited Use Label License No. 203: EnzChek® TechnologyThe manufacture, use, sale or import of this product is subject to U.S. Patent No. 5,719,031, owned by Invitrogen Corp. The purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased amount of the product and components of the product in research conducted by the buyer (whether the buyer is an academic or for profit entity). The buyer cannot sell or otherwise transfer (a) this product, (b) its components, or (c) materials made by the employment of this product or its components to a third party or otherwise use this product or its components or materials made by the employment of this product or its components for Commercial Purposes. The buyer may transfer information or materials made through the employment of this product to a scientific collaborator, provided that such transfer is not for any Commercial Purpose, and that such collaborator agrees in writing (a) not to transfer such ma-terials to any third party, and (b) to use such transferred materials and/or information solely for research and not for Commercial Purposes. Commercial Pur-poses means any activity by a party for consideration and may include, but is not limited to: (1) use of the product or its components in manufacturing; (2) use of the product or its components to provide a service, information, or data; (3) use of the product or its components for therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylacticpurposes; or (4) resale of the product or its components, whether or not such product or its components are resold for use in research. Invitrogen Corporation will not assert a claim against the buyer of infringement of the above patents based upon the manufacture, use or sale of a therapeutic, clinical diagnostic, vaccine or prophylactic product developed in research by the buyer in which this product or its components was employed, provided that none of this product or any of its components was used in the manufacture of such product. If the purchaser is not willing to accept the limitations of this limited use statement, Invitrogen is willing to accept return of the product with a full refund. For information on purchasing a license to this product for purposes other than research, contact Molecular Probes, Inc., Business Development, 29851 Willow Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97402. Tel: (541)465-8300. Fax: (541)335-0504.All names containing the designation ® are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Copyright 2004, Molecular Probes, Inc. All rights reserved. This information is subject to change without notice.。























有些功能允许x, y 或 z 算符:
– area_x()@boundary 在x方向上的面积投影 – force_z()@wall 在wall上的作用力的z方向分量 – 详见帮助文档
– force_z_MyCoord()@wall 在坐标系“MyCoord” 下,在wall上作用力的z方向分量
– 某边界条件名字, 某domain名字 , 某监测点名字等.
对通常的网格区域 “@REGION:<name>”
[<phase name>.][<component name>.]<function>@<locator>
– E.g. Air.Nitrogen.massFlow()@outlet
– e – g Constant: 2.7182818 重力加速度: 9.806 [m s^-2]
– pi
– R
Constant: 3.1415927
通用气体常数: 8314.5 [m^2 s^-2 K^-1]
– 用户定制的函数可以通过使用Fortran语言创建
Area of a boundary or Any 2D region (e.g., boundary interface. or interface) The (signed) component of the normal area vector in the local x, y or z direction. Any 2D region (e.g., a boundary or interface) Area-weighted average of <var> Any 2D region (e.g., a on a boundary. boundary or interface) Area-weighted integral of <var> Any 2D region (e.g., a on a boundary. boundary or interface) Arithmetic average of <var> Any 3D region (e.g., domain or within a domain or subdomain. subdomain) The magnitude of the force vector on a boundary. Any 2D region (e.g., a wall)

Quanta SC培训教程

Quanta SC培训教程
意义: 流式细胞术与单克隆抗体结合,可对细胞表面和细胞内抗原、
癌基因蛋白及膜受体进行定量检测,成为临床检验的一项重要指 标。流式免疫荧光技术不仅能将表达不同抗原位点的细胞群区分 开来,而且还能进一步区分各细胞亚群。对于造血系统疾病、免 疫功能障碍及恶性肿瘤的诊断、治疗及预后评估都起了重要作用。
光源:激光(488nm 固体激光),汞弧灯(365nm,405nm,435nm) 流动室:专利的三角形流动室 液流传输系统:注射泵 细胞:单细胞悬液 检测器: 光电倍增管(PMT),光电二极管 检测信号:电子体积(EV),散射光(SS),荧光信号(FL1~FL3) 统计分析及结果输出: 计算机(Windows XP)
例:用 DAPI 染色进行细胞周期检测分析
S G2/M
G1 S G2
FL1 Mean
259.5 356.7
FL1 HPCVห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
3.15% 0.57%
12.14% 3.90%
MCV 145 218 287
质控(一) 光路与流路校准
Flow Check 荧光微球(3X10ml) 直径:10um 光谱范围:525~700nm 浓度:1X106/ml 保存温度:2~8ºC 变异系数(CV):HPCV<3%
细胞在进入流动室之前已经经过流体力学聚焦形成分散独立的颗 粒,超稳定液流系统,精确的体积和荧光测定
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• Succinimidyl ester binds to free amines, resulting in long lived fluorescent adducts.
CFSE Structure
• CFSE is partitioned equally among daughter cells with each division.
Quarter labelled
Fully labelled
Fulcher et al (1996) J. Exp. Med. 183; 2313
CFSE intensity drops rapidly in the first few days in the absence of cell division, but then stabilises
Lyons (2000) J. Imm. Meth. 243, 147
CML CD34 cells: Colchicine stops division
and allows gating strategy to be set up
Gate on R1 R1
Courtesy P Viboonjuntra
Cell division profiles are not affected by rapid CFSE loss in the first few days after staining- this loss of stain due to catabolism is proportional.
Patient 1
Patient 2
Courtesy P Viboonjuntra
Calculation of Proliferative Index (P.I.)
CFSE --->
R3 0
561 1
R4 1
1158 2
R5 2
CML CD34 cells stimulated with GM-CSF at 300 pg/ml
Gate on R1 R1
Courtesy P Viboonjuntra
CML CD34 cells stimulated with GM-CSF
Division tracking of cell nuclei to examine transcription factor translocation to the nucleus (Hasbold & Hodgkin 2000)
• Even at six months, undivided cells retain about 10% of their original fluorescence. This makes the dye useful for long term in vivo tracking experiments.
• Need to ensure this does not select on the basis of size etc. and bias results.
40 channel interval
Using CFSE to track CML progenitor proliferation
• A fluorescein derivative which is cell permeant and non-fluorescent; cellular esterases cleave acetate groups, rendering the molecule fluorescent and cell impermeant.
Cell division tracking using CFSE
Bruce Lyons, Division of Haematology, IMVS, Hanson Institute, Adelaide
Workshop outline:
- Introduction to CFSE.
- Some of the crucial things you need to consider.
• Useful for both in vitro studies, and analysis of cell behavior when transferred in vivo.
• CFSE has very bright fluorescence, therefore location of cells in sections can be determined using confocal or fluorescence microscopy.
Lee, Hodgkin and Lyons (1996), J.Exp.Med. 184; 277
Measurement of cell properties simultaneously with CFSE
• Surface molecule expression, immunophenotype • DNA content, 7-AAD stain after fixation • Incorporation of BrdU into DNA • Apoptosis, Annexin V + 7-AAD • Cytokine expression, fix/permeabilise/stain • Nuclear preparations, transcription factor levels • Modeling kinetics of cell division • Analysis of asynchronously dividing cells
Maximising resolution
• Nordon et al 1997- pre-sorted heterogeneously staining cells over a narrow range of CFSE fluorescence to improve peak resolution.
Using proliferative index to compare response to cytokines and anti-proliferative effects of drugs (08) 8222 3590
The original observation
Lyons (1999) Immunol. Cell Biol. 77, 509
Flow Cytometric uses of CFSE
• CFSE or CFDA-SE: carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester.
- A basic protocol around which to plan your application.
-Coffee break?
- Question time: *specific problems you may have been experiencing. *discussion about any applications you are considering. *helping other investigators at your institute.
Transcription Factor
Fig. 5 CD34+ bone marrow progenitors labelled with CFSE were incubated for 4 days with 4GF. Nuclei wereprepared and stined with transcription factor specific antibodies. Arrows identify nuclei from cells which haveundergone successive divisions.
Calculating precursor frequency
0 1590 /1 1590
1140 /2 570
2 1388 /4 347
3 687 /8 86
4 41 /16 2.6
Total; original cells dividing is 1005.6divided by (2595 + 1005.6) = 38.7%
• Viable cells from defined division cycles can be sorted for further analysis.
CFSE Fluorescence intensity is proportional to dye concentration at the time of staining
• These properties allows simultaneous analysis of cell number, position, as well as division status.