Phase Stability of Nickel Hydroxides and Oxyhydroxides
111比列镍钴锰三元正极材料的开山之作 日本Tsutomu Ohzuku发表于Chemistry Letters
––Copyright ©2001 The Chemical Society of Japan6 wt% PVdF. The electrode was dried under vacuum at 150 °C for 12 h. A lithium electrode was prepared by pressing a lithi-um metal sheet onto a stainless steel plate (15 × 20 mm 2). Two sheets of porous polypropylene membrane (Celgard 2500) were used as a separator. The electrolyte used was 1M LiPF 6dis-solved in ethylene carbonate (EC) / dimethyl carbonate (DMC)(3/7 by volume) solution. Open-circuit voltages of the freshly fabricated cells were around 3.2 V. During charge at 0.17 mA cm –2, the cell voltage rapidly increased to 3.7 V and then stayed at 3.7–3.75 V until the charge capacity reaches about 80 mAh g –1. On further charging, the voltage increased monotonously to 4.2 V of charge-end voltage. The first charge capacity was ca. 165 mAh g –1based on LiCo 1/3Ni 1/3Mn 1/3O 2sample weight,while the first discharge capacity was ca. 150 mAh g –1.Irreversible capacity was ca. 15 mAh g –1in this case. For sub-sequent cycles, the curves converged on a single charge or dis-charge curve, as seen in Figure 2. The rechargeable capacity was 150 mAh g –1when the cell was operated in 2.5–4.2 V.Figure 3 shows the charge and discharge curves of a Li /LiCo 1/3Ni 1/3Mn 1/3O 2cell operated at 0.17 mA cm –2in voltages between 2.5 and 5.0 V. The first charge capacity at 5.0 V of charge-end voltage was ca. 250 mAh g –1and the first discharge capacity was ca. 220 mAh g –1. Although a loss in capacity dur-ing charge and discharge was observed mainly due to elec-trolyte oxidation occurring in higher voltages than 4.5 V,rechargeable capacity more than 200 mAh g –1was obtained with little capacity fading. As reported previously,3,10,11LiCoO 2or LiNiO 2was rapidly deteriorated when the sample was charged to higher voltages than 4.5 V against a lithium electrode. As shown in Figure 3, a Li / LiCo 1/3Ni 1/3Mn 1/3O 2cell shows a better capacity retention than those of LiCoO 2or LiNi 1/2Co 1/2O 2in that voltage range. We believe that LiCo 1/3Ni 1/3Mn 1/3O 2with rechargeable capacity of 200 mAh g –1will be used in lithium-ion batteries.In conclusion LiCo 1/3Ni 1/3Mn 1/3O 2 is a possible alternative to LiCoO 2for lithium-ion batteries. In this letter we did not state the crystal structure of this sample. Its structure is close to LiCoO 2or LiNiO 2, but something bothers us about a nature of complex solid solution mechanism. Structural refinements together with the optimization of synthetic processes are now in progress in our laboratory.The authors wish to thank Mr. Hiroyuki Ito of Tanaka Chemical Corp. for his help on the preparation of a series of nickel manganese hydroxides. This work is supported in part by a grant-in-aid for scientific research from Osaka City University Science Foundation.References1K. Mizushima, P. C. Jones, P. J. Wiseman, and J. B.Goodenough, Mater. Res. Bull., 25, 783 (1980).2J. R. Dahn, U. von Sacken, and C. A. Michal, Solid StateIonics , 44, 87 (1990).3T. Ohzuku, A. Ueda, M. Nagayama, Y. Iwakoshi, and H.Komori, Electrochim. Acta , 38, 1159 (1993) and references therein.4J. C. Hunter, J. Solid State Chem., 39, 142 (1981).5M. M. Thackeray, W. I. F. David, P. G. Bruce, and J. B.Goodenough, Mater. Res. Bull., 18, 461 (1983).6T. Ohzuku, K. Sawai, and T. Hirai, J. Electrochem. Soc.,137, 3004 (1990).7T. Ohzuku, S. Kitano, M. Iwanaga, H. Matsuno, and A.Ueda, J. Power Sources , 68, 646 (1997).8T. Ohzuku, A. Ueda, and N. Yamamoto, J. Electrochem.Soc., 142, 1431 (1995).9T. Ohzuku, K. Nakura, and T. Aoki, Electrochim. Acta , 45,151 (1999).10T. Ohzuku, A. Ueda, and M. Nagayama, J. Electrochem.Soc., 140, 1862 (1993).11T. Ohzuku and A. Ueda, J. Electrochem. Soc., 141, 2972(1994).。
NiSe2_NF 溶剂热硒化泡沫镍
In situ Grown Pyramid Structures of Nickel Diselenides Dependent on Oxidized Nickel Foam as Ef ficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution ReactionXiao Li a ,Guan-Qun Han a ,b ,Yan-Ru Liu a ,Bin Dong a ,b ,*,Xiao Shang a ,Wen-Hui Hu a ,Yong-Ming Chai a ,Yun-Qi Liu a ,Chen-Guang Liu a ,*a State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,China University of Petroleum (East China),Qingdao 266580,PR China bCollege of Science,China University of Petroleum (East China),Qingdao 266580,PR ChinaA R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received 16December 2015Received in revised form 1April 2016Accepted 20April 2016Available online 21April 2016Keywords:nickel diselenides nickel foam in situ grownoxidation pretreatment oxygen evolution reactionA B S T R A C TIn situ grown pyramid structures of nickel diselenides (NiSe 2)have been synthesized using oxidized nickel foam (NF(Ox))assubstrate bya facile solvothermal selenization.XRD results show that NiSe phaseon NFand NiSe 2phase on NF (Ox)have been obtained after the identical selenization process,respectively.The nanorods morphology of NiSe on NF and pyramid structure of NiSe 2on NF (Ox)have been revealed by SEM images.The different structure and morphology of NiSe/NF compared with NiSe 2/NF (Ox)can be ascribed to the oxidation pretreatment of NF which af filiates the formation of ultrathin b -Ni(OH)2nanosheets on NF.The electrochemical measurements for oxygen evolution reaction (OER)exhibit an enhanced electrocatalytic activity of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)with onset potential of 1.54V (vs.RHE)and small Tafel slope of 96mV dec À1.Moreover,NiSe 2/NF (Ox)possesses lower charge-transfer resistance (R ct )indicating a faster electron transfer rate than NiSe/NF.The excellent stability further con firms the improved elctrocatalytic performance of NiSe 2/NF (Ox).We speculate that the high Ni 2+proportion and octahedral structure of NiSe 2may be the keys for excellent electrocatalytic properties for OER.ã2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe urgent demand for global environmental protection and the severe energy crisis have accelerated the development of the clean and renewable energy fields [1].Hydrogen is considered as the most promising energy carrier and the best alternative for traditional fossil fuels due to the advantages of high calori fic value,abundant source and outstanding character of pollution-free [2–6].Electrochemical water splitting has been basically mature for producing hydrogen and oxygen promoted by electrolysis derived from variable and intermittent renewables,such as solar,wind and tidal power [7,8].Nevertheless,as a key half-reaction associated with water splitting,the anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER)has slow reaction rate owing to multi-steps transfer of four electrons with high activation energy and large overpotentials [9,10],which has seriously constrained the conversion ef ficiency ofwater electrolysis.Therefore,electrode materials with highly electrocatalytic activity for OER have been pursued to reduce the overpotential and enhance conversion ef ficiency.Such enhance-ment of electrocatalytic activity is highly related to the electrode surface properties because of the heterogeneous nature of electrocatalysis.The electrode has a signi ficant in fluence on the electro-transfer,reaction rates with reactants,intermediates,and products,promoting the whole electrocataltic reaction and remaining unchanged upon its completion [11].At present,RuO 2,IrO 2and their hybrids as electrode materials demonstrate the most ef ficient performances for OER [12,13].However,high cost and scarcity have limited their replication on a mass production scale [14,15].The alternative OER electrocatalysts from earth-abundant elements have been explored such as group VI oxides,hydroxides or chalcogenides including nickel hydroxide (b -Ni(OH)2)[16,17],cobalt oxide (Co 3O 4)[18,19],cobalt disul fide (CoS 2)[20],cobalt diselenide (CoSe 2)[21],etc.However,these candidates have been proved to process inferior electrocatalytic performances in nature [22].It is worth noting that designing different nanostructure and crystal phase of electrocatalysts may increase the number of active sites to enhance the electrocatalytic activity.For instance,Jin ’s*Corresponding authors at:State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,China University of Petroleum (East China),Qingdao 266580,PR China.Tel.:+8653286981376;fax:+8653286981787.E-mail addresses:dongbin@ (B.Dong),cgliu@ (C.-G.Liu)./10.1016/j.electacta.2016.04.1080013-4686/ã2016Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Electrochimica Acta 205(2016)77–84Contents lists available at ScienceDirectElectrochimica Actaj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e l e c t a c tagroup has recently prepared novel porous b-Ni(OH)2nanosheets with excellent and stable elctrocatalytic activity for OER[23]using layered double hydroxide(LDH)nanoplates as precursors.Sun’s group reported NiSe nanowirefilm supported on three dimen-sional(3D)nickel foam(NF)with enhanced electrocatalytic activity and stability for OER[24].3D architectures of NF have been proved to offer more active sites and enhanced electro-catalytic activity and stability for OER[25].The above researches have suggested that novel nanostructuring may be the key to obtain the excellent OER electrocatalysts.Herein,we synthesized in situ grown pyramid structures of nickel diselenides(NiSe2)based on oxidized nickel foam(NF (Ox))for thefirst time,referred to as NiSe2/NF(Ox).The oxidation pretreatment of NF will provide not only3D skeleton structure but also ultrathin b-Ni(OH)2nanosheets on the surface of NF[24],which may decide the crystal phase and morphology of Ni x Se y during selenization.XRD and SEM results show the crystalline structure of synthesized Ni x Se y has surprisingly varied from hexagonal NiSe based on bare NF to cubic pyrite-type NiSe2based on NF(Ox)with the morphology changing from short nanorods to evenly distributed pyramids structure.The electrochemical measurements of NiSe2/NF(Ox) indicate prominent improvements of OER activity and electrical conductivity compared to NiSe/NF,and also revealing a long-term stability in basic media.The enhanced mechanisms of OER activity have been discussed.2.Experimental2.1.Materials and CharacterizationAll of the reagents were of analytical grade and used as obtained without further purification.NF with thickness of1.0mm,surface density of350g mÀ2was purchased from Shenzhen Poxon Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.The phase analysis of samples was conducted by X-ray diffraction(XRD,X’Pert PRO MPD,Cu KR).The valence states of elements were examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,VG ESCALABMK II,Al K a(1486.6eV)).And the morphology and structure of samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM,Hitachi,S-4800)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM,FEI Tecnai G2).2.2.Preparation of NF(Ox)SamplesThe similar chemical oxidation method that has been reported [26]was used to prepare NF(Ox)as a precursor.Firstly,NF was cut into pieces of1Â2cm2and then ultrasonically washed before use with0.1M H2SO4,acetone,ethanol and water for20min, respectively.Secondly,the wet pieces of NF were sealed into a glass vials for24h.Afterwards,above pieces of NF were taken out and immersed in a mixed solution containing30mL,3M NaOH and 15mL,1M(NH4)2S2O8and sealed for6h at room temperature. Finally,NF(Ox)samples were rinsed with ethanol and deionized water for several times and dried at150 C for6h.Fig.1.(a)XRD patterns of NF(Ox),NiSe/NF and NiSe2/NF(Ox).Crystal structure of(b)hexagonal phase NiSe and(c)cubic phase NiSe2. 78X.Li et al./Electrochimica Acta205(2016)77–842.3.Preparation of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)and NiSe/NF SamplesA facile solvothermal selenization process has been conducted using Se powder and ethanol to prepare in situ grown nickel selenides on NF substrate [24].In a typical process,NiSe 2/NF (Ox)samples were prepared as following.0.118g Se powder was added into 2mL deionized water containing 0.13g NaHB 4.A clear NaHSe solution was obtained after moderate stirring.Meanwhile,N 2was purged into 60mL ethanol for 30min to eliminate the dissolved oxygen.The fresh prepared NaHSe solution was quickly added into above ethanol under N 2flow.After that,the solution was transferredinto a 100mL Te flon-lined stainless steel autoclave with three pieces of NF (Ox)samples as substrates.The hydrothermal reaction was maintained in an electric oven at 140 C for 12h.Following the autoclave cooled down at room temperature,the samples were rinsed with ethanol and deionized water for several times and dried at 60 C for 8h.For comparison,NiSe/NF samples were prepared by the same selenization method on the bare NF without chemical oxidation pretreatment.To investigate the growth of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)during selenization,NiSe 2/NF (Ox)-4h and NiSe 2/NF (Ox)-8h samples are also synthesized by controlling the selenization time for 4h and 8h,respectively.Fig.2.(a)XPS survey spectra for NiSe 2/NF (Ox)in the (c)Ni 2p,(e)Se 3d regions.(b)XPS survey spectra for NiSe/NF in the (d)Ni 2p,(f)Se 3d regions.X.Li et al./Electrochimica Acta 205(2016)77–84792.4.Electrochemical MeasurementsThe electrochemical measurements were performed on an electrochemical workstation(Gamry Reference600Instrument, USA)with a three-electrode system in a1M KOH aqueous solution (pH=$14)using a sample NF as the working electrode,Pt foil as the counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode(SCE)as the reference electrode.O2was purged into the electrolyte for30min to saturate the electrolyte prior to each electrochemical measure-ment.The polarization curve was obtained by consecutive linear sweep voltammetry(LSV)from0to0.8V(vs.SCE)with a scan rate of20mV sÀ1until there is no evident variation.Electric impedance spectroscopy(EIS)was carried out from105Hz to0.1Hz at an overpotential of0.45V(vs.SCE).Stability is tested by cyclic voltammetry(CV)at a sweep rate of100mV sÀ1for500cycles.3.Result and discussionFig.1a shows XRD patterns of NF(Ox),NiSe/NF and NiSe2/NF (Ox).The obviously sharp diffraction peaks of the three samples at around43.94 and51.34 may arise from the metallic NF substrate (PDF No.03-065-0380).And the peaks at around21.83 belong to the amorphous glass slide.The main peaks of NiSe/NF including (101),(102),(110)and(202)planes can be exactly indexed to that of NiSe(PDF No.03-065-6014),and no impurity can be detected. Similarly,the main planes of NiSe2/NF(Ox)such as(200),(210), (211),(311),(023),(321)and(421)are also well-matched with that of NiSe2(PDF No.03-065-5016).Obviously,the oxidation pretreatment of NF brings the change of the crystal structure from hexagonal phase NiSe(in Fig.1b)into distinct cubic phase NiSe2with a pyrite-type octahedral structure(in Fig.1c).While the presence of b-Ni(OH)2on NF(Ox)is not confirmed by the XRD analysis,which probably owes to the tiny amount not enough for detection,it can be further confirmed by SEM.Fig.2shows XPS survey spectra for NiSe2/NF(Ox)and NiSe/NF. As shown in Fig.2a and2b,the characteristic peaks of Ni and Se can be clearly observed in both NiSe2/NF(Ox)and NiSe/NF.In addition,the peaks of C1s and O1s may derive from contamina-tion and surface oxidation[27].Considering that the solvother-mal reaction,drying step or chemical oxidation pretreatment inevitably causes the surface oxidation of NF substrate,the emergencies of O1s signals may represent the existences of nickel oxides[24].In Fig.2c and2d,the comparison of Ni2p peaks from NiSe2/NF(Ox)and NiSe/NF is clearly presented,respectively. For both of the two samples,the peaks at872.9and855.4eV correspond to Ni2+[28,29]which is regarded as one kind of unusual valence states Ni playing important roles in improving OER catalytic performance[30].However,Ni3+centered at 874.4and856.5eV[29]derived from surface oxidation may be inactive for OER owing to the high valence states and difficulties in further oxidation to active sites.Therefore,the higher proportion of Ni2+in NiSe2/NF(Ox)may predict a better OER performance.In fact,for the two samples,the ratio of Ni2+to Ni3+ can be elucidated by calculations of Ni2p peak area with a result of5.7:1in NiSe2/NF(Ox)and3.5:1in NiSe/NF,which implies the better electrocatalytic activity of NiSe2/NF(Ox)for OER. Meanwhile,the peaks at852.8and870.2eV belong to metallic Ni from NF substrate[28].Fig.2e and f show the Se3d region where the splitting peaks of3d3/2and3d5/2representsÀ2valence of Se,and the relative lower and broad peak near58.6eV indicates the surface oxidation state of Se species[31].Finally,XPS spectra for as-prepared NiSe2/NF(Ox)and NiSe/NF also reveal the about 1:2and1:1Ni:Se ratio corresponding with the crystal phase analysis in XRD.Fig.3presents SEM images of the bare NF and NF(Ox).In Fig.3a, the macroscopic3D skeleton of bare NF can be observed.And the smooth surface with no impurities forms the substrate of anode electrode material(in Fig.3b).The unique3D structure and high surface area of NF are advantages for ideal substrate.Fig.3c shows that b-Ni(OH)2film homogeneously covers on the surface of3D NF after oxidation pretreatment.Under higher magnification(as shown in Fig.3d),b-Ni(OH)2film is composed of manynanosheets Fig.3.Low(a)and high(b)magnification SEM images of the bare NF;low(c)and high(d)magnification SEM images of NF(Ox).80X.Li et al./Electrochimica Acta205(2016)77–84with a partly cross-linked structure grown on the surface of 3D NF [26].Fig.4shows SEM images of different morphologies of NiSe/NF and NiSe 2/NF (Ox).Fig.4a exhibits a network-like film of NiSe grown on the 3D NF.Under higher magni fication,the network-like film is composed of many nanorods and a few nanowires (as shown in Fig.4b and c).With further TEM analysis of NiSe scratched off NiSe/NF samples (see in Fig.S1),it can be clearly observed that the diameter of NiSe nanorods is about 70nm and the average length is around 1m m.The small amount of nanowires with the length ranging from 2to 4m m may be the intermediates during the growth process of nanorods.Fig.4d and e indicate that a homogeneous film entirely covers on the skeleton of NF (Ox).There look like many pyramids on the surface of the film under higher magni fication (as shown in Fig.4f).The morphology of distributed NiSe 2pyramids on NiSe 2/NF (Ox)is evidently different from the morphology of NiSe/NF nanorods.The pyramid structures of NiSe 2may belong to octahedron con figuration of cubic system consistent with XRD results.Therefore,the oxidation pretreatment of NF is responsible for the different structure and morphologybetween NiSe 2pyramids and NiSe nanorods.To clearly observe the growth of NiSe 2pyramids,SEM images of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)-4h and NiSe 2/NF (Ox)-8h at different times during the growth of NiSe 2are further revealed in Fig.5.It can be seen that NiSe 2pyramids increases gradually and distributes densely with the prolonging of selenization process.Meanwhile,a large amount of irregularly little cubes,which can be assigned to the intermediates of standard NiSe 2pyramids,emerge on NiSe 2/NF (Ox)-8h (in Fig.5d),however,there still exists large area of exposed Ni (Ox)surface suggesting the incomplete of selenization process for 8h.For NiSe 2growing on NiSe 2/NF (Ox)after selenization for 12h (in Fig.4f),the thick layer of densely distributed NiSe 2pyramids and intermediates has already formed.Accordingly,that some parts of surface morphol-ogy do not look exactly standard pyramid structures may owe to the large amount of NiSe 2pyramids or their intermediates with different sizes strongly overlaying each other.The growth mechanisms of the different types of Ni x Se y grown on bare NF or NF (Ox)could be explained by the following putative chemical equations.2NaHSe +O 2!2Se #+2NaOH(1)Fig.4.Low (a)and high (b and c)magni fication SEM images of NiSe 2/NF (Ox);low (d)and high (e and f)magni fication SEM images of NiSe/NF.X.Li et al./Electrochimica Acta 205(2016)77–84816Ni(OH)2+13Se +Se 2À!6NiSe 2#+2SeO 3À+6H 2O(2)Ni ðOH Þ2!Ni2þþ2OH Àð3À1Þ3Se þ6OH À!2Se 2ÀþSeO 3Àþ3H 2Oð3À2ÞNi +2CH 3CH 2OH +Se 2À!NiSe #+2CH 3CH 2O À+H 2"(4)The prepared NaHSe solution tends to be easily oxidized into amorphous red Se even under N 2atmosphere (Equation (1)),which facilitates the growth of NiSe 2described as Equation (2).The detailed growth mechanisms are as follows:(1)The b -Ni(OH)2layer on NF (Ox)gradually decomposes into Ni 2+and OH À(Equation (3-1))with increasing temperature of solvothermal reaction,which creates a relative much stronger basic environ-ment and a large quantity of Ni 2+;(2)The disproportionation of Se with excess OH Àcan provide more Se 2À(Equation (3-2))which is the key to synthesize NiSe 2.Therefore,the high density of Se 2Àaggregating around Ni 2+af filiates the formation of NiSe 2crystal nucleus whose octahedron skeleton are composed of 6Se atoms located at the corners with 1Ni atom in the central position (Fig.1c).For the growth process of NiSe/NF,there ’s no existing Ni 2+participating the reaction with Se 2Àowing to the absence of Ni (OH)2.Besides,the alkalinity of solution is not strong enough to promote more Se 2Àby the disproportionation of Se.Therefore,only NiSe,whose formation needs less Se 2À,emerges instead of NiSe 2(Equation (4)).Summing up the above growth mechanisms of NiSe 2and NiSe,the oxidation pretreatment of NF plays a dominant role in the transformation of crystal phases.The ir-corrected electrocatalytic performances for OER based on projected geometry area of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF,NF (Ox)and bare NF electrodes are shown in Fig.6.Fig.6a presents their polarization curves on the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)scale in 1M KOH electrolyte.As is evident from the enhancement of current density and the earliest onset potential (1.54V vs.RHE)of OER,NiSe 2/NF (Ox)demonstrates much superior electro-catalytic activity than NiSe/NF,NF (Ox)and bare NF samples.However,the obvious oxidation peaks at around 1.4V (vs.RHE)are observed for NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF and NF (Ox),which can be assigned to the surface reactions from Ni 2+to active Ni 3+species (Equation (5),(6)and (7))[32–35].The obtained active Ni 3+species including NiSe 2(OH),NiSe(OH)and NiO(OH)have been speculated to be the real active sites for OER [30],[32],however,different types of transformations from Ni 2+to active sites may differ signi ficantly in their ease of reactions leading to the different amount of active sites.Such distinction may be resulted from the disparities of unique crystal structures between NiSe 2and NiSe.As shown in Fig.1c,the central Ni atom is octahedrally bonded to adjacent 6Se atoms composing a pyrite-type crystal structure in NiSe 2,whereas 1Ni atom is attached to only 3Se atoms in NiSe (in Fig.1b).The much higher density of Se atoms in NiSe 2compared with NiSe means the stronger electronegativity atmosphere.Thus,the shell electrons of Ni 2+in NiSe 2can be more easily attracted by Se atoms to facilitate the oxidation reaction into more Ni 3+as active sites for OER.Accordingly,NiSe 2demonstrates enhanced activity for OER during anodic polariza-tion compared with NiSe.As for Ni (Ox),the inferior OER performance may owe much to the smaller amount of active sites generated by ultrathin b -Ni(OH)2nanosheets on Ni (Ox)as shown in SEM images of Fig.3d.NiSe 2+OH À!NiSe 2(OH)+e À(5)Fig.5.Low (a)and high (b)magni fication SEM images of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)–4h prepared by solvothermal reaction for 4h;low (c)and high (d)magni fication SEM images of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)–8h prepared by solvothermal reaction for 8h.82X.Li et al./Electrochimica Acta 205(2016)77–84NiSe +OH À!NiSe(OH)+e À(6)Ni(OH)2+OH À!NiO(OH)+H 2O +eÀ(7)Fig.6b shows the Tafel plots of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF,NF (Ox)and bare NF.It can be observed that Tafel slope has been signi ficantly reduced from 153mV dec À1of NiSe/NF to 96mV dec À1of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),which indicates a higher OER rate for NiSe 2/NF (Ox)and is in agreement with the polarization curves.As shown in Fig.6c,the electrochemical impedances spectra (EIS)of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF and NF (Ox)under 0.45V (vs.SCE)are compared and the mesured EIS data have been fitted and analyzed using Zview software.It can be seen that the simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental data.The insert equivalent circuit obtained from fitting spectra is further attached with the related electrochemical parameters of equivalent circuit:solution resistance (R s ),charge-transfer resistance (R ct )and constant phaseelement (CPE).Estimates of these circuit parameters are presented in Table ing CPE to replace capacitance is due to the high degree of roughness and inhomogeneity of the electrode and it hardly exhibits pure capacitance in real electrochemical process [36,37].In comparison of the simulated R ct of samples,NiSe 2/NF (Ox)with smallest R ct value means a best overall catalytic activity according to that R ct is proportional to the number of active sites and the site activity on the electrode material [38].The analysis of EIS data reinforce the highest OER activity of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)as con firmed in LSV results.To finally investigate the stability of synthesized NiSe 2/NF (Ox),500cycles of CV tests are conducted with a satisfying result as shown in Fig.6d.The current density and onset potential of polarization curve remain almost unchanged after stability tests.The enlargement of oxidation peak may be attributed to the arrival to a steady state with a certain content of active Ni 3+on the electrode as CV measurements continues.The signi ficantly enhanced activity for OER can be ascribed to the composition and unique crystal structure of NiSe 2/NF (Ox).On the one hand,the higher proportion of Ni 2+in NiSe 2/NF (Ox)compared with NiSe/NF as shown in XPS spectra of Ni 2p region (Fig.2c and d)would provide more active Ni 3+,representing the better activity as expected.On the other hand,the octahedral structure of NiSe 2accelerates the oxidation tendency of Ni 2+into Ni 3+which can enhance the amount of active sites improving the OER performance of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)as discussed above.In summary,the higher Ni 2+proportion and octahedralstructureFig.6.Electrocatalytic performances for OER of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF,NF (Ox)and NF.(a)Polarization curves based on RHE in 1M KOH electrolyte;(b)Tafel plots extracted from (a);(c)EIS plots of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF,NF (Ox)at 0.45V (vs.SCE)from 105Hz to 0.1Hz;(d)Polarization curves of NiSe 2/NF (Ox)before and after 500cycles used for stability tests.Table 1Simulated parameters of the elements in equivalent circuits for OER of NiSe 2/NF (Ox),NiSe/NF and NF (Ox)at 0.45V (vs.SCE)in O 2saturated 1.0M KOH.R s (V cm 2)R ct (V cm 2)CPE-T (F cm À2)CPE-P (F cm À2)NiSe 2/NF (Ox) 2.154 6.4840.3370.417NiSe/NF 2.24618.3260.2940.428NF (Ox)3.762146.0200.0230.481X.Li et al./Electrochimica Acta 205(2016)77–8483of NiSe2could synergistically increase the amount of active Ni3+ and lead to a significantly enhanced OER performance.4.ConclusionThe oxidized NF was utilized to in situ prepare novel NiSe2 pyramid structures by a facile solvothermal selenization.The ultrathin b-Ni(OH)2nanosheets grown on NF after oxidation pretreatment may be responsible for the formation of NiSe2 pyramids rather than NiSe nanorods.The electrochemical meas-urements for OER activity demonstrate that NiSe2/NF(Ox)has the enhanced electrocatalytic activity including the smaller over-potential,Tafel slope and charge-transfer resistance in comparison with NiSe/NF,which may be due to the high content of Ni2+and inherently octahedral structure of NiSe2.Therefore,designing novel nanostructures based on oxidized NF may provide a choice for preparing OER eletrocatalysts with excellent performances.AcknowledgementsThis work isfinancially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(U1162203and21106185)and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (15CX05031A).Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j. electacta.2016.04.108.References[1]D.G.Vlachos,S.Caratzoulas,The roles of catalysis and reaction engineering inovercoming the energy and the environment 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物 理 化 学 学 报Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2024, 40 (1), 2303055 (1 of 9)Received: March 30, 2023; Revised: May 24, 2023; Accepted: May 25, 2023; Published online: June 5, 2023.*Correspondingauthors.Emails:******************(Y.K.);***************(X.S.);Tel.:+86-10-64448751(X.S.).The project was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFA1502200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21935001, 22075013, 22179029), the Key Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Z210016), the S&T Program of Hebei (21344601D), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFA1502200), 国家自然科学基金项目(21935001, 22075013, 22179029), 北京市自然科学重点基金项目(Z210016), 河北省科技计划项目(21344601D)及中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 © Editorial office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica[Article] doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202303055 Tungsten-Doped NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxides as Efficient Oxygen Evolution CatalystsXinxuan Duan 1, Marshet Getaye Sendeku 2, Daoming Zhang 3, Daojin Zhou 1, Lijun Xu 4, Xueqing Gao 5, Aibing Chen 5, Yun Kuang 2,*, Xiaoming Sun 1,*1 State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China.2 Ocean Hydrogen Energy R&D Center, Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518071,Guangdong Province, China.3 China Institute of Nuclear Industry Strategy, Beijing 100048, China.4 Xinjiang Coal Mine Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology Research Center, Xinjiang Institute of Engineering, Urumchi 830023, China.5 College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China.Abstract: Electrochemical water splitting proves critical tosustainable and clean hydrogen fuel production. However, the anodicwater oxidation reaction—the major half-reaction in water splitting—has turned into a bottleneck due to the high energy barrier of thecomplex and sluggish four-electron transfer process. Nickel-ironlayered double hydroxides (NiFe-LDHs) are regarded as promisingnon-noble metal electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER)catalysis in alkaline conditions. However, the electrocatalytic activityof NiFe-LDH requires improvement because of poor conductivity, asmall number of exposed active sites, and weak adsorption of intermediates. As such, tremendous effort has been made to enhance the activity of NiFe-LDH, including introducing defects, doping, exfoliation to obtain single-layer structures, and constructing arrayed structures. In this study, researchers controllably doped NiFe-LDH with tungsten using a simple one-step alcohothermal method to afford nickel-iron-tungsten layered double hydroxides (NiFeW-LDHs). X-ray powder diffraction analysis was used to investigate the structure of NiFeW-LDH. The analysis revealed the presence of the primary diffraction peak corresponding to the perfectly hexagonal-phased NiFe-LDH, with no additional diffraction peaks observed, thereby ruling out the formation of tungsten-based nanoparticles. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the NiFeW-LDH nanosheets were approximately 500 nm in size and had a flower-like structure that consisted of interconnected nanosheets with smooth surfaces. Additionally, it was observed that NiFeW-LDH had a uniform distribution of Ni, Fe, and W throughout the nanosheets. X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) revealed the surface electronic structure of the NiFeW-LDH catalyst. It was determined that the oxidation state of W in NiFeW-LDH was +6 and that the XPS signal of Fe in NiFeW-LDH shifted to a higher oxidation state compared to NiFe-LDH. These results suggest electron redistribution between Fe and W. Simultaneously, the peak area of surface-adsorbed OH increased significantly after W doping, suggesting enhanced OH adsorption on the surface of NiFeW-LDH. Furthermore, density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicated that W(VI) facilitates the adsorption of H 2O and O *-intermediates and enhances the activity of Fe sites, which aligns with experimental results. The novel NiFeW-LDH catalyst displayed a low overpotential of 199 and 237 mV at 10 and 100 mA ∙cm −2 in 1 mol ∙L −1KOH, outperforming most NiFe-based colloid catalysts. Furthermore, experimental物理化学学报 Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.2024,40 (1), 2303055 (2 of 9)characterizations and DFT+U calculations suggest that W doping plays an important role through strong electronic interactions with Fe and facilitating the adsorption of important O-containing intermediates.Key Words: Oxygen evolution reaction; Layered double hydroxide; Tungsten doping; Electronic interaction;Electrocatalysis钨掺杂镍铁水滑石高效电催化析氧反应段欣漩1,Marshet Getaye Sendeku 2,张道明3,周道金1,徐立军4,高学庆5,陈爱兵5,邝允2,*,孙晓明1,*1北京化工大学,化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,北京软物质科学与工程高精尖创新中心,北京 1000292清华大学深圳研究院,海洋氢能研发中心,广东深圳 5180713中核战略规划研究总院,北京 1000484新疆工程学院,新疆煤矿机电工程技术研究中心,乌鲁木齐 8300235河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院,石家庄 050018摘要:电解水对制备可持续和清洁的氢气能源至关重要。
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第5期·1658·化 工 进展乙酸蒸汽催化重整制氢的研究进展王东旭1,肖显斌2,李文艳1(1华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京 102206;2华北电力大学生物质发电成套设备国家工程实验室,北京 102206)摘要:通过生物油蒸汽重整制备氢气可以减少环境污染,降低对化石燃料的依赖,是一种极具潜力的制氢途径。
关键词:生物油;乙酸;制氢;催化剂;热力学中图分类号:TK6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)05–1658–08 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.05.014A review of literatures on catalytic steam reforming of acetic acid forhydrogen productionWANG Dongxu 1,XIAO Xianbin 2,LI Wenyan 1(1 School of Energy ,Power and Mechanical Engineering ,North China Electric Power University ,Beijing 102206,China ;2 National Engineering Laboratory for Biomass Power Generation Equipment ,North China Electric PowerUniversity ,Beijing 102206,China )Abstract :Hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil ,a potential way to produce hydrogen , can reduce environmental pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. Acetic acid is one of the main components of bio-oil and is often selected as a model compound. Nickel-based catalyst is widely used in the steam reforming of acetic acid ,but it deactivates fast due to the carbon deposition. In this paper ,the affecting factors for the steam reforming of acetic acid are analyzed. The coking mechanism of nickel-based catalyst in this process is illustrated. Optimization methods for nickel-baed catalyst are discussed ,including optimizing the pretreatment process ,adding promoters ,and choosing appropriate catalyst supports. Research progresses in the thermodynamics analyses for steaming reforming of acetic acid are summarized. Further studies should be focused on the effects of a combination of a variety of promoters on carbon deposition. Catalytic activity and the synergy mechanism should be analyzed to produce a novel nickel-based catalyst with high activity ,high resistance to caborn deposition for hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil. Key words :bio-oil ;acetic acid ;hydrogen production ;catalyst ;thermodynamics第一作者:王东旭(1994—),男,硕士研究生,从事生物质能利用技术研究。
镍基电催化析氢催化剂的研究进展方志强;邹毅臻;王雨晴;郝召民【摘要】Hydrogen energy is one of the most useful energy in the world, and the primary problem is how to produce hydrogen effectively and continuously. The low-cost electrocatalysts with high perform-ance and stability for hydrogen evolution reaction ( HER) play an important role for improving hydro-gen production technologies. In this paper, the development of Ni-related electrocatalysts for HER was reviewed. The study on nickel oxides, double oxides/hydroxides, seleniums, and sulfides were mainly focused. The synthesis, characterization, catalytic activity, durability and the relationship between the structure and performance were also discussed.%氢能是目前世界上公认的清洁能源之一,如何有效的可持续的产氢是人们步入氢能社会首要解决的问题.研发低成本,高性能,高稳定性的电催化析氢催化剂对提升产氢技术,促进氢能经济的发展具有重要意义.本文综述了近几年发展的镍基电催化析氢催化剂,重点介绍了镍的氧化物,镍的双层氧化物/氢氧化物,硒化物,硫化物等电催化析氢催化剂的研究和发展情况,对它们的合成方法、结构特性、催化活性、稳定性能以及微观结构和析氢性能之间的关系进行深入的探讨,并一一举例说明.【期刊名称】《化学研究》【年(卷),期】2017(028)006【总页数】9页(P781-789)【关键词】析氢反应;电化学;催化剂;应用前景【作者】方志强;邹毅臻;王雨晴;郝召民【作者单位】河南大学化学化工学院,河南开封475004;河南大学化学化工学院,河南开封475004;河南大学化学化工学院,河南开封475004;河南大学化学化工学院,河南开封475004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O613.72当前社会和经济的快速发展导致了化石燃料资源的枯竭和加剧了环境的污染和温室效应. 因此,发展一种可再生、持续的、环境友好、无污染的替代能源已经迫在眉睫[1-3]. 纵观各种可以替代的能源,氢气作为一种洁净、无污染的能源具有燃烧热值高、储运方式多样、制备原料丰富等优势[4-5]. 目前,世界上96%的氢气以化石燃料为原料制取的[6-8]. 这种基于化石能源制氢的方式,不仅消耗大量的化石能源,而且还产生大量的对自然界有害的气体. 电解水产氢具有无污染、操作简单、产品纯度高等优点. 然而,析氢反应(2H+ + 2e = H2 或者 2H2O + 2e = H2 + 2OH-)存在较为严重的阴极极化现象,需要较高的过电势,导致制氢的成本较高不适合大规模的生产[9-10]. 贵金属电催化剂能够有效地降低析氢反应的过电势被认为是电解水产氢的杰出的催化剂,但是它们在自然界中稀有的程度和昂贵的价格限制了其大规模的生产[11-13]. 所以,开发廉价、性能高的、稳定的、地球上资源丰富的电催化析氢催化剂是很有必要的.为了更有效的解决这个问题,最近许多研究人员把研究集中到以过渡金属镍为基础的电催化剂上. 由于它在自然界中资源非常丰富且价格低廉,而且,人们研究发现基于镍为基础的析氢电催化剂拥有良好的性能,低的过电势和优秀的稳定性. 除此之外,还发现含有镍的析氢电催化剂能够暴露更多的活性位点以便于提高催化活性[14-15]. 其中的这些廉价的以镍为基础的析氢电催化剂有利于电催化析氢技术的大规模产业化,在国家提倡绿色环保的条件下近几年基于镍为基础的电催化析氢催化剂得到大力的发展,研究者们制备了许多优异性能的催化剂,对电催化析氢技术的商业化起到了良好的推动作用. 本文主要综述了镍基电催化析氢催化剂近三年的研究进展,包括镍的氧化物、镍的双层氧化物/氢氧化物、硒化物、硫化物等,对它们的合成、结构以及电催化析氢性能进行了分析和讨论,并对这些催化电极材料的性能进行总结和展望.镍的氧化物在自然界中具有丰富的资源,并且还是技术中重要的半导体材料,已经被广大的研究者们应用在催化剂[16]、锂离子电池[17]、超级电容器[18]、电致变色材料[19]等领域. 由于它价格低廉,催化活性高,稳定性较好,最近被广泛的用作析氢反应的电催化剂. 纳米材料的大小、形貌、孔隙率和表面的微观结构对它们的电学、光学以及磁学特性起到了决定性作用. 因此,许多方法被用来调控镍的氧化物的大小、形貌、表面的微观结构以便于提高hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) 的活性. 例如:YOSHIKAZU课题组[20]通过一步退火的方法制备了可调控孔径的多孔镍氧化物纳米颗粒(图1a),该纳米颗粒同时还具有电催化析氢性能和较好的稳定性. 这种合成方法简便易操作,但是在合成过程中由于退火的缘故导致纳米材料部分团聚,使它的比表面积受到了很大的影响进而影响了其催化活性. 为了避免这一问题,研究者们又做了大量的工作. 2016年WANG等[21]以竹状的碳纳米管为基底把NiOx负载到其表面(图1b),这种方法更加充分地利用了NiOx催化的活性位点,相应地提高了其电催化析氢的催化性能,降低了其反应的过电势且增大了催化表面积. 但是其催化活性和Pt/C相比较,还是有一定的差距. 同年,GONG等[22]引进了镍基的前驱体,通过热分解的方法将纳米级镍的氧化物负载到碳纳米管的侧壁上用于构建有效的析氢电催化剂(图1c). 经过检测其HER性能发现其活性接近于Pt/C的活性, 当电流密度达到20 mA·cm-2的过电压仅仅是1.50 V RHE,稳定性检测24 h后前后曲线的波动小于5%,几乎没有发生化学变化. 其之所以有这么好的催化活性是因为其中部分还原的Ni(OH)2在碳纳米管壁上作为相互作用的基底阻止了镍的完全还原和聚集,通过NiO/Ni之间的相互作用,暴露了更多的HER催化活性位点,进而影响了其HER催化活性[23-25].镍基的氢氧化物也是一种重要的HER催化剂. 一般来说对于单一相的Ni(OH)2来说目前报道的非常的有限,但是对于复合的纳米Ni(OH)2材料来说正处于迅速的发展阶段. 例如:RAO组[26]报道了水滑石Ni(OH)2纳米片,利用了原位生长在泡沫镍上的方法得到并且用于电催化析氢(图2a). 此种合成方法高效简便并且可以排除粘连剂对电极的影响,更加难能可贵的是利用这种方法合成出来的Ni(OH)2纳米材料可以均匀地分布在泡沫镍上. 可以说RAO组的工作给我们提供了另外的一种思想去探究镍的氢氧化物在电催化析氢方面的应用. 尽管这种方法给我们提供了一种新奇的想法,但是它的催化性能相比较于复合的Ni(OH)2纳米材料还是有一定的差距的. 鉴于催化性能还有很大的提升空间,在2017年MANJEET和他的同事们报道了Ni/Ni(OH)2的复合材料[27],并且将复合材料负载到石墨烯上作为电催化析氢的电极材料(图2b). 这种电极材料是利用了先进的电化学双脉冲电镀的方法,在连续恒电流和恒电位的脉冲下制得的Ni/Ni(OH)2/石墨烯的电极材料. 该电极的优点是在石墨烯上镀上Ni/Ni(OH)2的复合材料,其中有Ni和Ni(OH)2之间的协同作用和以石墨烯为基底的大的比表面积,增强了H-H键的裂解和H2(ad)的复合,从而降低了其析氢反应的过电势进而提高了其反应的催化性能[28-30]. 除此之外,NIU组[31]报道了NiMo/Ni(OH)2负载到NiAl合金箔上(图2c),ZHANG组[32]将MoS2/Ni(OH)2的异质结构制作成电极 (图2d) 等均用作于电催化析氢的电催化剂. 正因为是这些新奇的材料的报道,开发了一种可扩展和低成本的方法应用在电催化析氢中.镍的硒化物正在逐渐成为有吸引力的HER催化剂. 在自然界中,我们都知道氢化酶可以有效地操作通过Ni和Fe基的活性中心产生氢气,其中金属原子在八面体的配位场中,五个配体和邻近的原子相键合[33-35]. 这些活性位点的基本结构激发了研究者们开发大量的具有精确分子结构的人造均相和多相的过渡金属催化剂. 就最近几年,镍的硒化物被证实为优良的电催化剂. 比如:孙旭平组[36]提出了使用NaHSe作为Se源,通过水热法处理得到生长在泡沫镍上的NiSe纳米线(图3a),从图3a中我们可以看到清晰的线条状的NiSe大约20~80 nm,这种三维结构(NiSe/NF)的电极不仅有较强的析氢活性,在10 mA·cm-2时达到的过电压是96 mV,而且还能在强碱的条件下保持12 h以上没有任何的化学变化. 这种持久的稳定性有利于其在工业电解水中的广泛应用,同时他的这篇报道也引领了电催化析氢的方向. 除了有纳米线结构的NiSe外,在2016年HE等[37]合成出了富硒的NiSe2纳米片(图3b),并且证实了其是良好的析氢反应的催化剂在10 mA·cm-2达到的过电压是117 mV, 更加惊喜的是其塔菲尔斜率仅仅为32 mV/dec. 更进一步地证明了这种电极材料能够大大地降低了析氢反应的过电势. 不仅如此,它还能稳定地存在于酸性溶液中长达60 h以上. 并且HE组根据其实验数据和DFT的计算结果提出了NiSe2的Se位点和Se-Se键主要在低的折射率表面上发生高效的HER活性,这种结果的原因是其本身是富硒的NiSe2纳米片[38-39]. 由此可见镍的硒化物中Se-Se键在电解水析氢的过程中起到了很大的作用.作为在自然界中资源丰富、价格低廉、易获取的镍的硫化物近几年被认为是贵金属催化剂的替代者,特别是应用在电催化析氢反应的过程中,它表现出来的暴露富有的活性位点,高的析氢活性和极好的稳定性足以证实其是优秀的电催化析氢反应的催化剂. 例如:WANG等[40]在泡沫镍上合成了微球状的NiS (图4a),展示了优良的HER催化性能,在20 mA·cm-2时过电压是仅仅是158 mV. 不仅如此,此种形态的NiS还具备优秀的电催化析氧的性能,在50 mA·cm-2时的过电势是335 mV. 当用计时电流法去检测电极时发现经过20 h的测试后,它的电流没有明显的变化的趋势,可以证明硫化镍在HER中表现出的优良性能和良好的稳定性.经过文献的调研我们不难发现大多数的文献报道的电极材料都是在同一种电解液中检测的,在不同的电解液中检测这一领域还是有很大的进步空间的. 于是在2017年重庆大学的王雨课题组[41]成功地通过简单的水热的方法合成了NiS2空心微球(图4b),然后在特定的气氛中进行精确的温度的控制最后得到了多孔中空的NiS微球 (图4b). 这种特定的合成方法为广大的研究者们提供了一个新的思路. 它还打破了以往电极只能在相同电解液中测试的不足,这种电极既能在强酸条件下检测而且还能在强碱条件下检测,同时它还是一种双功能的电催化剂对HER和OER都有优良的性能. 除此之外,最近我们组[42]合成了较均一的NiS纳米球应用在电催化析氢反应中(图4c),在测试的过程中发现电流在2和10 mA·cm-2的过电压是42和113 mV. 不难发现其表现了极好的析氢性能. 通过计时电流法测试发现经过25 h以上电流几乎没有变化,从而可见此电极具有长久的耐久性. 镍的硫化物是一种有吸引力的电极材料,把它应用在HER中能表现出低的超电势和优秀的稳定性.除了以镍的氧化物、氢氧化物、硒化物和硫化物以外,也发展了一些以镍为基的其他类型电催化析氢催化剂. SHEN等[43]以Ni(NO3)2·6H2O和Na2Fe(CN)5NO·2H2O为原料在黑暗的环境中反应10 h,然后收集固体干燥在氮气保护的条件下800 ℃加热,最后用硫酸处理得到一系列的NiFe@氮化石墨烯管(NiFe合金-NGT)复合材料. 随后在0.5 mol/L硫酸电解液中检测其HER的性能,发现在电流密度在18 mA·cm-2时的析氢过电压仅为150 mV. 其报道丰富了电催化剂的种类. 除此之外,在2016年四川大学的孙旭平课题组[44]利用NiSO4·7H2O和FeSO4·7H2O为原料通过原位生长的方法使NiFe合金生长到泡沫镍上 (图5a). 这种简单的方法消除了粘合剂对电极的影响,使得测试的结果更加准确. 当在1 mol/L KOH中检测其HER性能时,在10 mA·cm-2时达到的析氢过电势是139 mV, 这比同样测试条件下的CoP/CC (~209 mV)[45], FePNAs/CC (~218 mV)[46], Mo2C (~190 mV)[47]和NiFe LDH/NF (~210mV)[48]都要优秀. 除了Ni的合金外,最近报道的镍的磷化物同样也引起研究者们的注意. 如:KUANG等[49](图5c)报道了三维蜂窝状的Ni2P(图5b),这种结构的优点是能够暴露更多的催化活性位点和有较大的比表面积这样以来更有利于减低析氢反应的过电压提高HER的性能,不仅如此,蜂窝状的骨架更有利于电子的传输和电子之间的交换. 果然,在检测其HER性能时发现这种蜂窝状的Ni2P的电催化析氢性能接近于贵金属Pt/C的析氢性能,这也能印证了结构和性质之间的关系.近几年随着金属有机骨架(Metal organic Frameworks,MOFs)的研究热的升温,MOFs也被应用到来合成电催化析氢催化剂中. 其中MOFs具有孔隙大、结构易于调控、比表面积大和种类丰富等优点[50-51]. 它的这些优点和研究者心中理想的电催化剂相吻合. 因此许多研究者们开始研发以MOFs为前驱体的电催化电极材料.例如:2016年JIANG课题组[52]以FeCl3·6H2O和Ni(NO3)2·6H2O为原料首先制备得到NiFe-MOFs,在这期间可以调控Ni和Fe的比例以便达到最佳目标,然后将NiFe-MOFs在空气的条件下进行空烧,最后得到NiFeOx的产物. 这种引入MOFs为前驱体的合成思路给我们又一个新的启示,拓宽了合成析氢电催化剂的道路.过渡金属镍在地球上丰富、低价、易于获取,发展以镍基为析氢反应的电催化剂更具有实用价值. 近几年基于镍基的氧化物、氢氧化物、硒化物、硫化物等是众多研究者们的关注的对象. 纵观这些以镍为基的电催化剂镍的硫化物,硒化物能表现出较高的HER性能相较于氧化物、氢氧化物. 但是其稳定性不是很好,在特定的氛围下易于在其表面氧化. 镍的氧化物、氢氧化物在合成方法上比较繁琐,不宜控制. 除此之外,它们的HER催化性能没有想象中的好,但其在长期条件测试下很稳定. 另外,电催化析氢电极的制备对测试的过程影响还是比较大的,直接在电极基体上生长的电催化剂,可以避免在制备电极的过程中使用粘合剂导致的性能的损失,这种方法也是一种非常有前景的制备电极的方法.目前,对电催化析氢的反应机理研究的比较透彻,但是基于镍基的电催化析氢反应机理的研究尚不清晰,需要我们去深入的研究来表明镍基的氧化物、氢氧化物、硒化物、硫化物的电催化析氢反应机理,为以后以镍基的化合物的研究提供理论的指导和为过渡金属作为析氢反应催化剂提供方向支持. 无机化学、纳米材料和电催化的发展和进步将为解决这些问题提供有效的途径.【相关文献】[1] WANG C, WANG X, ZHANG X, et al. 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46化学化工C hemical Engineering电感耦合等离子体法(ICP 法)测定镍钴锰三元复合氢氧化物中的微量磷元素冯焕村1,陈珍华1,魏稼轩21.广东佳纳能源科技有限公司,广东 英德 513056;2.江西佳纳能源科技有限公司,江西 龙南 341700摘 要:本文探讨了一种采用电感耦合等离子体(ICP)法测定镍钴锰三元复合氢氧化物中微量磷元素的方法。
关键词:电感耦合等离子体法;镍钴锰三元复合氢氧化物;微量磷元素;测定中图分类号:S151.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2024)01-0046-3Determination of trace phosphorus elements in nickel cobalt manganese ternary composite hydroxidesby inductively coupled plasma method (ICP method)FENG Huan-cun 1, CHEN Zhen-hua 1, WEI Jia-xuan 21.Guangdong Jiana Energy Technology Co., Ltd.,Yingde 513056,China; 2. Jiangxi Jiana Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Longnan 341700,ChinaAbstract: A method for the determination of trace phosphorus in Ni-Co-Mn ternary complex hydroxide by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) was discussed in this paper. Phosphorus has a significant effect on the electrochemical performance of materials, so it is very important to measure its content accurately to optimize the performance and quality of batteries. The ICP method used in this paper is a highly sensitive and accurate measurement technology, which has excellent effect on the determination of trace elements in complex matrix. The results show that this method has the advantages of good linear relationship, high precision, high accuracy and little interference for the determination of phosphorus in Ni-Co-Mn ternary complex hydroxide, which proves its feasibility in practical application. Keywords: inductively coupled plasma method; Ni-Co-Mn ternary complex hydroxide; Trace phosphorus; determine收稿日期:2023-12作者简介:冯焕村,生于1981年,男,广东清远人,工程师,主要研究方向:高端钴盐和镍钴锰三元新材料。
收稿日期:1999201214 基金项目:上海交通大学科技基金资助项目(交财A 2762) 作者简介:冷拥军(1970-),男,江西省人,讲师,博士。
Biography :L EN G Y ong 2jun ,(1970-),male ,lecture ,Ph D.铁取代氢氧化镍制备、结构与电化学性能Ⅱ 结构分析冷拥军1, 马紫峰1, 张存根1, 张鉴清2, 吴益华1, 曹楚南2(1.上海交通大学化学化工学院,上海200240;2.浙江大学化学系,浙江杭州310027)摘要:α2Ni (OH )2由于具有高的理论比容量,而且过充时不会发生镍电极的膨胀,有可能作为高性能镍电极的电极材料。
采用化学共沉淀方法制备了Fe 取代氢氧化镍,讨论了取代Fe 含量对Fe 取代氢氧化镍相结构的影响,并从结构分析方面解释了样品的电化学性能。
XRD 分析表明,Fe 取代量不同,样品的相结构亦不同。
当Fe 取代量为19.1%以上时,样品为单一的α相;当Fe 取代量为1.9%或不取代时,样品为单一的β相为主。
当Fe 取代量为6.4%和12%时,样品为混合相结构,前者β相为主,后者α相为主。
IR 光谱分析表明,要维持稳定的α相,在层间间隙内需插入一定量的阴离子如CO 2-3。
关键词:Fe 取代氢氧化镍;相结构;电化学性能中图分类号:TM 910.3;TM 912 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10022087X (2000)0120032204Prep aration ,structure and electrochemical p erformanceof iron 2substituted nickel hydroxidePart Ⅱ Structure analysisL EN G Y ong 2jun 1,MA Zi 2feng 1,ZHAN G Cun 2gen 1,ZHAN G Jian 2qing 2,WU Y i 2hua 1,CAO Chu 2nan 2(1.College of Chemist ry and Chemical Technology ,S hanghai Jiaotong U niversity ,S hanghai 200240,Chi na ;2.Chemist ry Depart ment ,Zhejiang U niversity ,Hangz hou Zhejiang 310027,Chi na )Abstract :α2Ni (OH )2is of great interest since it is likely to have high specific capacity ,moreover ,mini 2mizes the problems of nickel expansion.Iron 2substituted nickel hydroxides have been prepared by chemical co 2precipitation with iron substitution rates ranging from 0to 0.40.Effect of iron substitution on phase structure was investigated in detail.XRD analysis shows that with different amount of iron substitution ,different phases present.When the amount of iron substitution exceeds 19.1%,only α2phase ,with which nickel hydroxides are stable in strong alkaline solution ,presents in the sample.On the contrary ,when the amount of iron substitution is as low as 1.9%or non ,only β2phase presents in the sample.While the amount of iron substitution is 6.4%or 12%,both β2phase and α2phase present.However ,β2phase domi 2nates in the sample with the former substitution amount as well as α2phase does in another sample.IRstudy shows that it is necessary to intercalate some anion ,such as CO 2-3,between Ni (OH )2slabs in order to keep the αphase stable.K ey w ords :Fe 2substituted nickel hydroxide ;phase structure ;electrochemical performance α2Ni (OH )2/γ2NiOOH 之间充放电循环不仅不会发生镍电极的膨胀,而且在循环转变过程中在每一个镍原子上都交换大量的电子。
催化剂 氢能 经典综述
催化剂氢能经典综述英文回答:Catalysts for Hydrogen Energy: A Comprehensive Review.Hydrogen energy has emerged as a promising alternative to fossil fuels, owing to its high energy density, zero-carbon emissions, and abundance. However, the production, storage, and utilization of hydrogen require efficient and cost-effective catalysts. This comprehensive review provides an overview of the various types of catalysts used in hydrogen energy applications, including their synthesis, characterization, and performance.Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting.Electrocatalytic water splitting is a key technologyfor hydrogen production. Electrocatalysts are responsible for catalyzing the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the anode and cathode,respectively. Common electrocatalysts for the OER include metal oxides, such as RuO2, IrO2, and CoOx, and mixed-metal compounds, such as spinel and perovskite structures. For the HER, platinum-based materials remain the most efficient electrocatalysts but are expensive. Transition metal-based materials, such as MoS2, WS2, and NiFe-LDH, offer promising alternatives.Catalysts for Hydrogen Production from Biomass.Biomass is a renewable source of hydrogen. Catalysts are employed to convert biomass into hydrogen through various processes, such as steam reforming, gasification, and pyrolysis. Steam reforming catalysts typically consist of supported noble metals (e.g., Rh, Ru) or nickel-based materials. Gasification catalysts are typically based on nickel or iron, while pyrolysis catalysts often utilize zeolites or metal oxides.Catalysts for Hydrogen Storage.Hydrogen storage is crucial for the transportation andutilization of hydrogen energy. Catalysts are used to enhance hydrogen adsorption and desorption rates on storage materials, such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and carbon nanotubes. Common catalysts for hydrogen storage include metal hydrides, such as TiFeH, MgH2, and NaAlH4, and transition metal-based catalysts, such as nickel and cobalt.Catalysts for Fuel Cells.Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert hydrogen into electricity and heat. Electrocatalysts are used at the anode and cathode to catalyze the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), respectively. Platinum-based materials are commonly used for both HOR and ORR but face challenges in terms of cost and durability. Alternative catalysts include non-precious metals, such as iron-nitrogen-carbon (Fe-N-C) and cobalt-nitrogen-carbon (Co-N-C), and metal-free catalysts, such as carbon nanomaterials.Conclusion.Catalysts play a vital role in hydrogen energy applications. By understanding the different types of catalysts, their synthesis methods, and their performance, researchers can develop more efficient and cost-effective technologies for hydrogen production, storage, and utilization.中文回答:氢能催化剂,综述。
基于本论文提出的异相模型中建立的数学模型,可以求得聚合物电还原过程的临界还原电量Q c,Q c的物理意义为聚苯胺膜内形成连续的部分还原相所需要的最小还原消耗电量。
实验结果表明,掺杂阴离子对Q c值的大小有很大的影响,用十二烷基苯磺酸掺杂的聚苯胺膜相对用高氯酸掺杂的聚苯胺膜具有更小的Q c;当膜内注入的还原电量大于Q c时,导电聚苯胺膜电阻将显著增加。
因此,Q c越小表示聚苯胺膜对还原(或脱杂)越灵敏,这预示着十二烷基苯磺酸掺杂的聚苯胺膜对碱性或还原性气体有更良好的敏感能力。
河南科技Henan Science and Technology 化工与材料工程总第812期第18期2023年9月泡沫镍基底表面氢氧化镍电极材料的原位生长及其电化学性能测试董瑞婷(南昌师范学院化学与食品科学学院,江西南昌330032)摘要:【目的】以泡沫镍网为基底和镍源,在温和条件下制备出低内阻的氢氧化镍电极材料。
关键词:氢氧化镍电极;原位生长;活化法;超级电容器中图分类号:TQ138.13文献标志码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2023)18-0066-04 DOI:10.19968/ki.hnkj.1003-5168.2023.18.014In-Situ Growth and Electrochemical Performance Testing of a NickelHydroxide Electrode Material on the Surface of Nickel Foam SubstrateDONG Ruiting(College of Chemistry and Food Science,Nanchang Normal University,Nanchang330032,China)Abstract:[Purposes]A nickel hydroxide electrode material with low internal resistance has been synthe⁃sized using nickel foam as substrate and nickel source under mild conditions.[Methods]Nickel hydrox⁃ide was grown in-situ on the surface of nickel using a two-step activation method,Without adding any other sources of nickel.The electrode surface morphology was analyzed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM),and the electrochemical performance was evaluated.Additionally,factors such as activation method,soaking duration,and other variables on the morphology and electrochemical characteristics of the electrodes were examined.[Findings]Under the conditions of a voltage window of0~1.2V,100scan⁃ning cycles,and a soaking time of50hours,the electrode obtained at a current density of2mA/cm2ex⁃hibited an area specific capacitance of1059mF/cm2,which was significantly higher than that of the un⁃activated or singly activated electrode.[Conclusions]The method is gentle and straightforward,and thein-situ growth technique can enhance the mechanical adhesion and utilization of the active substances, thereby offering valuable insights for related research.Keywords:nickel hydroxide electrode;in-situ growth;activation method;supercapacitor收稿日期:2023-07-17基金项目:江西省教育厅科研项目(GJJ2202025、GJJ2202026);南昌师范学院校级科研项目(22XJZR01、22XJZR03)。
氢氧化镍晶格间距1. 引言氢氧化镍(Ni(OH)2)是一种重要的过渡金属氢氧化物,具有广泛的应用领域,如电池、电催化剂和储能材料等。
2. 氢氧化镍的晶格结构氢氧化镍属于六方晶系,空间群为P63/mmc。
3. 晶格间距的测量方法测量晶格间距是了解材料结构和性质的重要手段之一。
下面介绍几种常见的测量方法:3.1 X射线衍射(XRD)X射线衍射是一种常用的测量晶体结构的方法。
3.2 透射电子显微镜(TEM)透射电子显微镜是一种高分辨率的显微镜技术,可以通过透射电子束穿过样品薄片来观察材料的晶格结构。
3.3 原子力显微镜(AFM)原子力显微镜是一种基于探针与样品表面相互作用力测量表面形貌和性质的仪器。
4. 影响氢氧化镍晶格间距的因素氢氧化镍的晶格间距受多种因素的影响,下面列举几个主要因素:4.1 温度温度是影响晶格间距的重要因素之一。
4.2 应力应力是指外界施加在材料表面或内部的力。
研究了镍电极在0.2mol/L NaOH溶液中电极电位的稳定性,结果表明:纯度为99.99%的镍电极在0.2mol/L NaOH溶液中经过约100s后电位开始趋于稳定,最终稳定在-0.205V(vs. SCE),电位波动在0.1~0.2mv范围以内。
将聚乙烯醇(PV A)和羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)以一定质量比加入到0.2mol/L NaOH溶液,配制成了一种PV A-CMC-NaOH-H2O碱性凝胶电解质。
研究了不同浓度的凝胶电解质的电阻、粘度及钝化区间,结果表明:30g PV A和7.5g CMC(质量比4:1)加入到350ml 0.2mol/L NaOH配制的凝胶电解质中的电阻及钝化区间与0.2mol/L NaOH溶液的最接近,并且粘度适中。
关键词:电化学渗氢传感器镍电极凝胶电解质暂态方法华中科技大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACTBased on the method of electrochemical hydrogen permeation measurement presented by Devanathan-Stachurski, we developed a new hydrogen sensor to determine the concentration of atomic hydrogen in metals. The open circuit potential change of Nickel electrode in 0.2mol/LNaOH solution was investigated. Nickel electrode (99.99%) can be used as a reference electrode for the hydrogen sensors because it can stability at -0.205V in 0.2mol/LNaOH solution after about 100 seconds, and the potential fluctuation was in the range 0.1 to 0.2mV. The alkaline gel-electrolyte of PV A-CMC-NaOH-H2O was prepared by mixing polyvinyl alcohol and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose with different mass ratio in 0.2mol/L NaOH solution, The effects of gel-electrolyte concentration on the electrical resistance,viscosity and passive potential rangewere investigated. When the gel-electrolyte composed of 32g polyvinyl alcohol and 7.5g sodium polyacrylate (ratios4:l) was added in 350ml 0.2mol/L NaOH, the electrical resistance and passive potential range were close to those in 0.2mol/L NaOH, and the viscosity was moderate well. So, the gel-electrolyte was used for replacing the liquidity and corrosive NaOH solution in hydrogen sensor. The use of transient potential method for hydrogen permeation measurement can eliminate the influence of thickness of the measured specimen, the responding transient current was large, and so the transient potential method in measuring hydrogen permeation current for thicker specimen has a high sensitivity. Field tests using CST820 hydrogen sensor designed on the transient method revealed that the new electrochemical hydrogen permeation probe has several advantages including simplicity, high sensitivity and high reliability.Keywords: Electrochemical hydrogen permeation, Sensor, Nickel electrode,methodTransientGel-electrolyte,独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
第43卷第1期2021年2月Vol.43No.1Feb=2021核化学与放射化学Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry球形亚铁氧化镍钾聚丙烯腈吸附剂的制备及应用游新锋1!,李腾1,牟凌2,张振涛】,刘开明2,李连顺2,华小辉】,曹学斌2,李童2,李雪玉21•中国原子能科学研究院放射化学研究所&匕京102413;2.中核四O四有限公司,甘肃嘉峪关735103摘要:制备了以聚丙烯腈(PAN)为骨架、亚铁氰化镍钾(KNiFC)为核心的球形复合吸附剂(KNiFC/PAN),并通过X射线衍射仪、金相显微镜和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪等手段对该吸附剂进行了分析表征(采用批式实验,研究了硝酸浓度、Na+、NH+、接触时间等对KNiFC/PAN吸附Cs+的影响,研究了吸附过程的反应动力学和吸附等温线(结果表明,该吸附剂对Cs+的典型吸附分配系数(K d)为104〜105mL/g,平衡时间小于5min;硝酸浓度小于1.0mol/L时?d值基本不变,之后随酸度增加?d值逐步减小;随着Na+浓度增加?值逐步减小;NH+对Cs+的吸附有明显的竞争(KNiFC/PAN对Cs+的等温吸附较符合Langmuir模型,饱和吸附容量可达127mg/g;吸附动力学符合准二级动力学模型;KNiFC/PAN对Cs+的吸附为化学吸附(柱实验表明,该吸附剂可用于柱实验,操作方便,可将低放废液净化至137Cs活度浓度小于10Bq/L,处理能力大于17500倍床容积,可为低放废液的深度净化提供技术支持(关键词:亚铁氰化镍钾;吸附;137Cs;深度净化;低放废液中图分类号:O647.3文献标志码:A文章编号:0253-9950(2021)01-0091-08do#107538/hhx2020YX2019074Preparation and Application of Spherical Ferrocyanide Nickel Potassium Polyacrylonitrile Composite AdsorbentYOU Xin-feng12,LI Teng1,MOU Ling2,ZHANG Zhen-tao1,LIU Kai-ming2, LI Lian-shun2&HUA Xiao-hui1&CAO Xue-bin2&LITong2&LIXue-yu21.China Institute of Atomic Energy,P.O.Box275(93),Beijing102413,China;2The404companyLtd ChinaNationalNuclearCorporation Jiayuguan735103ChinaAbstract:A spherical composite adsorbent of ferrocyanide nickel potassium binding with polyacrylonitrile(KNiFC/PAN)was prepared.The KNiFC/PAN was characterized and analyzed by XRD,metalloscope,ICP-MS,etc.Cs+adsorption on KNiFC/PAN as a functionof the concentrations of nitric acid,Na+,NH f,and contact time was studied through batch experimen9s.Fur9hermore9headsorp9ionkineicsandiso9hermswereanalyzed.Theresul9s show9ha99he9ypical adsorp9ion dis9ribu9ion coe f icien9(K d)for Cs+is104-105mL/g and收稿日期:2019-10-09;修订日期:2020-03-19作者简介:游新锋0982—),男,河南漯河人,博士,副研究员,从事放射性废物处理与处置研究,E-mail:tianfeiyan800@92核化学与放射化学第43卷the adsorption equilibrium time is within5min.When the concentration of nitric acid is less than1.0mol/L,the K d value is almost unaffected,and the K d value decreases with acid concentration increasing while the concentration of nitric acid is greater than 1.0mol/L.And Na+has a little effect on adsorption of Cs+&however,NH^has significantly competition with Cs+.The adsorption isotherm of Cs+on the adsorbent is better described with the Langmuirequaion model&andi9ssa9ura9edadsorp9ioncapaci9yis127mg/g&9hepseudo-second-orderkineicsequa9ionfi9swe l wi9h9heexperimen9alda9a.Fina l y&i9isprovedby columnexperimen9s9ha99headsorben9canremove137Cs9oless9han10Bq/L&andwi9hmore than17500volume reduction factors.The adsorbent is easy to using for column operation andhope0ul0ordeeppuriicationo0radioactivelowlevelwaterinnuclear ield.Key words:ferrocyanide nickel potassium;radioactiveliquid随着核能的大发展,对放射性废物的处理越来越受到关注(中国监管部门对放射性废液的要求比国际原子能机构(IAEA)的标准更严格。
文章编号1001-3849(2004)01-0031-03D化学镀镍液中硫酸镍与次磷酸钠的快速测定徐启文吴源清黄岳山赵修华(华南理工大学生物力学研究所广东广州510641)摘要采用光度分析方法研究化学镀镍过程中硫酸镍及次磷酸钠质量浓度的快速测定建立了标准硫酸镍及标准次磷酸钠质量浓度与吸光度回归方程对比试验表明镀液测定的标准偏差小于4 与化学分析标准法相比其偏差可控制在6 左右本法适用于快速检测镀液中主成分含量的变化关键词化学镀镍硫酸镍次磷酸钠快速测定中图分类号TG115 335文献标识码Brapid determination of nickel sulf ate and sodiumHypophosphite in electroless nickel plating bathXU Oi-wen WU Yuan-ging HUANG Yue-shan ZHAO Xiu-hua (Biomechanics hnstitute South china University of Technology Guangzhou510641 china)Abstract Rapid determination of nickel sulfate and sodium hypophosphite in electroless nickel plating bath was investigated using spectrophotometry.The regression eguations of the relation-ship between absorbance and nickel sulfate concentration and between absorbance and sodium hypophosphite concentration in the standard solutions were established.Experimental results of comparison test show that the standard deviation of determiantion of the spectrophotometric method for plating bath is less than4 and it can be controlled in about6 as compared with the standard method of chemical analysis.The method is suitable for rapid determining the change of main components in the plating bath.Keywords electroless nickel plating nickel sulfate sodium hypophosphite rapid determination化学镀镍由于具有镀层厚度均匀!抗蚀性和耐磨性好!操作方便等优点在众多的工业领域中得到日益广泛的应用在施镀过程中随着沉积反应的不断进行硫酸镍及次磷酸钠不断消耗反应迅速减慢若不及时分析!调整浓度化学镀镍的生产将无法正常进行因此快速测定化学镀镍液中硫酸镍和次磷酸钠的质量浓度有利于控制在较小的范围内变化以维持工艺过程的一致性保证产品质量十分重要目前测定化学镀镍液中硫酸镍和次磷酸钠质量浓度的方法主要有容量分析法和仪器分析法本文采用分光光度法对化学镀镍液中硫酸镍及次磷酸钠的质量浓度的快速测定进行了研究"13"2004年1月电镀与精饰第26卷第1期(总154期)收稿日期1实验原理1.1硫酸镍的测定[1~3]硫酸镍在镀液中电离出的镍离子与镀液中络合剂结合在可见光的范围内对光的吸收峰值为390nm而镀液中的其它成分在390nm左右的吸收对镍离子的吸收影响不大可以直接测定镀液中镍离子对红色光的吸光度即可准确测定其浓度O1.2次磷酸钠间接测定[4~6]次磷酸根离子在可见光的范围内不发生吸收可根据化学反应定量析出有色物质通过对反应物的测定来确定次磷酸钠的质量浓度O实验用碘酸钾与次磷酸钠反应可定量地析出单质碘然后测定碘的吸光度来测定次磷酸钠的质量浓度碘的吸收峰值在460nm O反应方程为,5NaH2PO2+2KIO3+2H2SO4=5NaH2PO3+I2+2KHSO4+H2O2实验试剂与仪器2.1试剂(均为分析纯)浓硫酸;硫酸镍;次磷酸钠;碘酸钾;盐酸;ED-A;0.1moI/L硫代硫酸钠标准溶液;0.1moI/L 碘标准溶液O2.2仪器双光波分光光度仪(G2PC Spectropho-tometers USA)3实验方法3.1标准溶液配制按工艺过程优化配方固定络合剂~表面活性剂等在溶液中含量改变硫酸镍及次磷酸钠含量分别配制不同的硫酸镍和次磷酸钠标准溶液再将溶液pH值调节至4.6~4.8O3.2标准曲线绘制打开分光光度仪调零及调节光透过率为100%按仪器程序测试由仪器记录系统入射光的透过率每个标样平行检测三次O标准溶液的测定次序应由低浓度到高浓度进行O利用仪器自带软件自动绘出标准曲线O3.3化学镀镍溶液的测试验证该仪器测试的可行性O4实验结果4.1标准溶液中硫酸镍的测试结果对于标准的化学镀镍溶液不同的硫酸镍质量浓度(01)对入射光的吸收不同与之对应的透过率也将发生变化O标准溶液中硫酸镍的测试结果如图1所示O图1硫酸镍标准曲线将上述数据进行线性回归得出了吸光度A1与硫酸镍质量浓度(01)的关系,A1=0.0279201+0.02 该回归方程的相关系数为0.990 置信度大于97.5%O4.2标准溶液中次磷酸钠的测试结果对于标准的化学镀镍溶液不同的次磷酸钠质量浓度(02)对入射光的吸收不同与之对应的透过率也将发生变化O标准溶液中次磷酸钠的测试结果如图2所示O图2次磷酸钠标准曲线将不同的次磷酸钠质量浓度同与之对应的A2的数据进行回归得出了A2与次磷酸钠质量浓度(02)的二阶关系方程,A2=0.000173022+0.002102该回归方程的相关系数为0.980 置信度大于97%O4.3待测硫酸镍溶液及次磷酸钠溶液的测试我们采用ED A法测硫酸镍作对比和用碘量23Jan.2004PIating and f inishing VoI.26No.1中的硫酸镍和次磷酸钠的质量浓度 若以化学分析法为标准 其产生的偏差是可以接受的0表1待测液中硫酸镍及次磷酸钠结果比较样品方法编号吸光度质量浓度(g /L )平均值(g /L )标准偏差S硫酸镍EDTA 法128.352 28.343 28.3628.35O.O1吸光光度法1O.74827.52O.73927.53O.74327.627.5O.1次磷酸钠化学分析法1 25.612 25.633 25.6125.62O.O2吸光光度法1O.14724.O 2O.15424.O 3O.15124.O24.OO5结论与分析化学镀镍的快速测定法可以应用于施镀过程中的对硫酸镍和次磷酸钠的实时检测 为及时取得施镀的第一手参数提供了可行方法 并得出以下结论:1)利用在线镀液余温(5OC 左右) 可将本快速测定时间控制在5min 以内;2)本方法可扩展为在线自动测试;3)本快速测定法 测出硫酸镍及次磷酸钠的浓度与吸光度的关系标准曲线的回归方程分别为:A 1=O.O2792p 1+O.O2;A 2=O.OOO 173p 22+O.OO21p 24)本快速测定方法标准差在4%以内 与化学分析标准法相比 其偏差可控制在6%左右0本法完全可应用与化学镀镍生产上的快速检测镀液中主成分含量的变化 确保施镀的顺利进行0参考文献:[1]丘山 丘星初.分光光度法测定光亮镍及珍珠镀镍液中的镍含量[J ].电镀与涂饰 2OO1 2O(1):44-49.[2]侯晓晖 洪祥乐.化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠的快速测定[J ].材料保护 2OO2 35(6):48-49.[3]刘汝涛 杨景和 高灿柱 等.化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠的测定[J ].电镀与环保 2OOO 2O(1):29-31.[4]张道礼 龚树萍 周东祥 等.化学镀镍溶液中次亚磷酸钠浓度测定方法的比较[J ].材料保护 1999 32(5):14-15.[5]胡文成 迟兰洲 钟廉基 等.硫酸镍浓度在线自动测试[J ].电子科技大学学报 1997 26(5):56O-563.[6]迟兰洲 胡文成 钟廉基 等.化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠在线自动测试[J ].电子科技大学学报 1997 26(1):1O9-112.最新消息加拿大英可(INCO )公司国内最大的代理销售商 宁波神化化学品经营有限责任公司日前与天津美坚机电化工发展有限公司签署联营协议 携手拓展北方市场 为北方提供高效,快捷,具有品牌保证的金属镍及镍盐产品0欢迎广大客户惠顾神美联营体033 2OO4年1月电镀与精饰第26卷第1期(总154期)。
关于镍的研究报告英文Research Report on NickelIntroduction:Nickel is a chemical element with the symbol Ni and atomic number 28. It is a silvery-white lustrous metal that is commonly found in nature. This research report aims to provide an overview of the properties, uses, and applications of nickel, as well as discussing its environmental impact and potential health hazards. Properties of Nickel:Nickel has several notable properties that make it valuable in various industries. It is highly resistant to corrosion and can withstand extreme temperatures, making it ideal for the production of stainless steel. Additionally, it has excellent magnetic properties, which are useful in the manufacturing of magnets and rechargeable batteries.Uses and Applications:Nickel finds extensive applications in various industries. The primary use of nickel is in the production of stainless steel, where it contributes to its anti-corrosive properties. Stainless steel is widely used in construction, automotive, and household goods. Moreover, nickel is used in the manufacturing of coins, as a catalyst in chemical reactions, and as a coating to protect other metals from corrosion.Environmental Impact:The mining and extraction of nickel can have significant environmental impacts. Deforestation, soil erosion, and waterpollution can result from nickel mining activities, affecting natural habitats and threatening biodiversity. Furthermore, the release of pollutants during refining processes can contribute to air pollution, leading to health issues for both humans and animals.Health Hazards:Exposure to nickel can result in various health hazards. Inhalation of nickel dust or fumes can cause respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. Prolonged contact with nickel can result in dermatitis, a skin condition characterized by redness, itching, and rashes. Moreover, nickel has been classified as a carcinogen by certain regulatory bodies, with long-term exposure potentially increasing the risk of lung and nasal cancers.Conclusion:Nickel is a versatile metal with significant applications in various industries. Its anti-corrosive properties and magnetic characteristics make it valuable in the production of stainless steel, magnets, and batteries. However, the mining and extraction of nickel can cause adverse environmental impacts and potential health hazards. It is crucial to adopt sustainable mining practices and implement proper safety measures to mitigate these risks. Further research is necessary to explore alternative materials and processes that are more environmentally friendly and less harmful to human health.。
铝硅镁合⾦三元相图Al-Mg-Si (Aluminum-Magnesium-Silicon)V.RaghavanThe compilation of the experimental data on this ternary system by [1995Vil]includes a liquidus projection and 15vertical sections from [1977Sch]and partial isothermal sections at 1050,800,460,430,427,400,and 300°C from severalsources.Subsequent to the thermodynamic assess-ment of this system by [1992Cha],new assessments were reported by [1997Feu,2005Lac].Binary SystemsThe Al-Mg phase diagram [2003Cze]has the following intermediate phases:Mg 2Al 3(cubic,denoted b ),R or e (rhombohedral)and Mg 17Al 12(A 12-type cubic,denoted c ).The Al-Si phase diagram is a simple eutectic system with the eutectic at 577°C and 12.2at.%Si.In the Mg-Si system,[1997Feu]performed calorimetric studies to determine the enthalpies of formation and fusion,and the heat capacity of Mg 2Si and the enthalpy of mixing of liquid Mg-Si alloys.The new experimental results were used in the optimization of the Mg-Si phase diagram by computation.The diagram depicts a stoichiometriccompound Mg 2Si (C 1,CaF 2-type cubic),with negligible terminal solid solubility.[2000Yan]developed a new thermodynamic description of the Mg-Si system that uses fewer model parameters than [1997Feu].More recently,[2004Kev]remodeled the Mg-Si description to obtain a phase diagram without an arti?cial miscibility gap in the liquid phase at high temperatures,as found in the descrip-tions of [1997Feu,2000Yan].Ternary Phase EquilibriaWith starting metals of 99.999%Al,99.98%Mg and 99.999%Si,[1997Feu]induction-melted alloy samples under Aratm.Differential thermal analysis (DTA)was done at heating/cooling rates between 2and 5°C per/doc/f632cd116c175f0e7cd137ba.html ing the new data with those in the literature (as selected by [1992Cha]),[1997Feu]reoptimized the thermodynamic parameters.The liquid,the face-centered cubic (fcc)and the close-packed hexagonal (cph)phases were modeled as single-lattice substitutional solutions.The Al-Mg com-pounds,Mg 2Si and Si were treated as stoichiometric phases.Ternary interaction parameters were determined for the liquid phase.The earlier description of the Al-Mg phase diagram [1990Sau],which includes an uncon?rmed com-pound f ,was used.This,however,did not change the computed results in the Al-rich region.In Fig.1-4,the four vertical sections at 95,90,85and 80mass%AlrespectivelyFig.1Al-Mg-Si computed vertical section at 95mass%Al[1997Feu]Fig.2Al-Mg-Si computed vertical section at 90mass%Al [1997Feu]JPEDAV (2007)28:189–191DOI:10.1007/s11669-007-9027-81547-7037óASM InternationalPhase Diagram Evaluations:Section IIJournal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion V ol.28No.22007189computed by [1997Feu]are compared with their own DTA data on solidi?cation temperatures.The agreement with the experimental data is good.[2005Lac]carried out a new thermodynamic assessment of this system,which uses the revised Al-Mg description with only the three intermediate phases,Mg 2Al 3(b ),e and c .They used a larger set of data for the liquid-solid equilibria from the experimental results of [1977Sch,1997Feu].Temperature-independent ternary interaction parameters were obtained for the liquid phase.A partial liquidus projection and three vertical sections at 5and 85mass%Al and 2mass%Si respectively were computed by [2005Lac].The vertical section at 2mass%Si is redrawn in Fig.5.The agreement with the experimental results of [1977Sch,1931Los]is satisfactory.The eutectic maximum (e 3)of the reaction L $eAl TtMg 2Si does not lie on the Al-Mg 2Si join but on the Mg-rich side of this line [1992Cha,1997Feu,2001Bar,2005Lac].The partial liquidus projection in Fig.6depicts the above univariant line determined by [2001Bar].Other recent references on the phase equilibria of this system include[1999Esk,2002Fro,2003Erm,2003Roo,2004Liu,2005Don].References1931Los:L.Losana,The Aluminum-Magnesium-Silicon Ternary System,Metall.Italiana ,1931,23,p 367-382,in Italian1977Sch:E.Schurmann and A.Fischer,Melting Equilibria in the Ternary System Al-Mg-Si,Giessereiforschung ,1977,29(4),p 161-165,inGermanFig.3Al-Mg-Si computed vertical section at 85mass%Al[1997Feu]Fig.4Al-Mg-Si computed vertical section at 80mass%Al[1997Feu]Fig.5Al-Mg-Si computed vertical section at 2mass%Si[2005Lac]Fig.6Al-Mg-Si partial liquidus projection depicting the uni-variant line of L $eAl TtMg 2Si [2001Bar]Section II:Phase Diagram Evaluations190Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion V ol.28No.220071990Sau:N.Saunders,A Review and Thermodynamic assess-ment of the Al-Mg and Mg-Si Systems,CALPHAD,1990,14(1),p61-701992Cha:N.Chakraborti and H.L.Lukas,Thermodynamic Optimization of the Mg-Al-Si Phase Diagram,CALPHAD,1992,16(1),p79-861995Vil:P.Villars, A.Prince and H.Okamoto,Al-Mg-Si, Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams,vol4,ASM International,Materials Park,OH,19951997Feu:H.Feufel,T.Godecke,H.L.Lukas,and F.Sommer, Investigation of the Al-Mg-Si System by Experiments and Thermodynamic Calculations,J.Alloys Compd.,1997,247, p31-421999Esk:D.G.Eskin, A.Massardier,and P.Merle,A Study of High Temperature Precipitation of Al-Mg-Si Alloys with an Excess of Silicon,J.Mater.Sci.,1999,34(4), p811-8202000Yan:X.Y.Yan,F.Zhang,and Y.A.Chang,A Thermody-namic Analysis of the Mg-Si System,J,Phase Equilibria,2000,21(4),p379-3842001Bar:O.M.Barabash,O.V.Sulgenko,T.N.Legkaya,and N.P. Korzhova,Experimental Analysis and Thermodynamic Calcu-lation of the Structural Regularities in the Fusion Diagram of the System of Alloys Al-Mg-Si,J.Phase Equilibria,2001,22(1),p5-112002Fro:A.G.Froseth,S.J.Andersen, C.D.Marioara,P.M. Derlet,and R.Hoier,Solving the Structure of Phases in theAl-Mg-Si Alloy System with the Help of ab initio Modeling, Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.,2002,755,p19-242003Cze:T.Czeppe,W.Zakulski,and E.Bielanska,Study of the Thermal Stability of Phases in the Mg-Al System,J.Phase Equilibria,2003,24(3),p249-2542003Erm:S.V.Ermakova,K.D.Savelev,and V.M.Golod, Thermodynamic Study of Equilibrium Solidi?cation and Ther-mophysical Properties of Al-Si-Mg System Alloys,Liteinoe Proizvodstvo,2003,9(Suppl.),p9-12,in Russian2003Roo:A.Roosz,J.Farkas,and G.Kaptay,Thermodynamics Based Semi-empirical Description of the Liquidus Surface and Partition Coef?cients in Ternary Al-Mg-Si Alloy,Mater.Sci. Forum,2003,414-415,p323-3282004Kev:D.Kevorkov,R.Schmid-Fetzer,and F.Zhang,Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics of the Mg-Si-Li System and Remodeling of the Mg-Si System,J.Phase Equilib.Diffus., 2004,25(2),p140-1512004Liu:Y.Q.Liu,A.Das,and Z.Fan,Thermodynamic Predic-tions of Mg-Al-M(M=Zn,Mn,Si)Alloy Compositions Amenable toSemisolid Metal Processing,Mater.Sci.Technol., 2004,20(1),p35-412005Don:H.B.Dong and R.Brooks,Determination of Liquidus Temperature in Al-Si and Al-Si-Mg Alloys Using a Single-Pan Scanning Calorimeter,Mater.Sci.Eng.A,2005,A413-A414, p480-4842005Lac:/doc/f632cd116c175f0e7cd137ba.html caze and R.Valdes,CALPHAD-type Assessment of the Al-Mg-Si System,Monatsh Chem.,2005,136(11),p1899-1907 Phase Diagram Evaluations:Section IIJournal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion V ol.28No.22007191。
干燥过程中硅镁镍矿的作用机制及其相变特征李博;魏永刚;王华【摘要】According to characteristics of large moisture content for garnierite, the high temperature and low temperature drying experiments for garnierite were completed, drying characteristics curves were drawn, the drying mechanism and phase transformation characteristics of garnierite were investigated. The results show that the existing forms of water from garnierite include adsorbed water, crystal water and structural water. The low temperature drying process of garnierite is divided into two stages, which are rising rate stage and reducing rate stage. The drying process is achieved when the wet basis moisture content of garnierite reaches the equilibrium moisture content, and the activation energy of drying process is 1.7 kJ/mol; the optimum drying time for high temperature experiment is 30 min, the unshaped magnesium silicate is formed after high temperature drying, (Mg,Fe)SiO4 and Fe2O3 are formed renewedly in garnierite at 750℃.%针对硅镁镍矿含水量大的特点,进行硅镁镍矿高温干燥实验和低温干燥实验,绘制干燥特征曲线,研究硅镁镍矿的干燥机制及相变特征。
Ni基催化剂的氢-水汽相催化交换性能喻彬;唐涛;熊仁金;宋江锋;张志;陈闽;安永涛;吕超;罗德礼【摘要】Vapor phase catalytic exchange (VPCE)is one of the important methods for water detritiation.This paper focuses on investigating the catalytic performance of the nickel which could replace platinum catalyst for HDO-H2 static and dynamic experiment under different conditions.The experimental results show that when the temperature is over 200 ℃,and the pressure as well as the mole ratio of HDO-H2 are higher,the nickel catalyst exhibits better catalytic effect in static experiment.It is also found that Ni with high loading has a better catalytic performance than Pt.In the dynamic experiments,the resultant deuterium concen-tration is about 1% which is in agreement with the results of static experiments.The result-ant deuterium concentration is higher when there is more HDO.This study shows that cheap metal Ni catalyst can effectively replace noble metal Pt in HDO-H2 exchange reaction,which is of importance in the practical application.%汽相催化交换(VPCE)是水除氚的重要手段之一,本研究采用金属Ni替代常用的贵金属Pt作为逆流型VPCE工艺的催化剂,研究了其在多种实验条件下HDO-H2 反应体系中的静态及动态催化交换性能.实验结果表明:静态实验时,催化剂在温度大于200 ℃、压力和反应物浓度的摩尔比值(HDO:H2 )越大的条件下,催化交换反应向正方向移动,催化性能更好;在Ni高负载率的情况下,其催化性能优于Pt基催化剂.动态实验时,产物平衡氘浓度与静态实验一致,H2 中氘摩尔浓度均为1%左右;且进料比例对结果的影响规律与静态实验一致,反应物HDO越多,产物氘浓度越大.本研究表明了纯Ni催化剂在HDO-H2 催化交换反应体系中有着较为明显的催化作用,可以替代传统贵金属Pt作为逆流型VPCE工艺的催化剂.【期刊名称】《核化学与放射化学》【年(卷),期】2016(038)001【总页数】7页(P1-7)【关键词】水除氚;水-氢交换;汽相催化交换;镍催化剂【作者】喻彬;唐涛;熊仁金;宋江锋;张志;陈闽;安永涛;吕超;罗德礼【作者单位】中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳 621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳 621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳 621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳 621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳 621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳 621908;中国工程物理研究院材料研究所,四川绵阳621908【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643.14随着各类型反应堆在世界范围内的应用,氚的产生越来越多。
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Phase Stability of Nickel Hydroxides and OxyhydroxidesA.Van der Ven,a,z D.Morgan,b Y.S.Meng,c and G.Ceder c,*a Department of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,Michigan48109,USAb Department of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Wisconsin,Madison,Wisconsin53706,USAc Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,Massachusetts02139,USAWe investigate phase stability of several nickel hydroxides fromfirst-principles.Hydrogen removal from-Ni͑OH͒2is predicted to occur through a biphasic reaction to-NiOOH involving a change in the stacking sequence from T1͓for-Ni͑OH͒2͔to P3͑for -NiOOH͒.Further topotactic removal of hydrogen from-NiOOH can only occur after a step in a range between0.4and0.9V is surpassed.We also propose an energetically stable crystal structure for stoichiometric␥-NiOOH,which offers an explanation for the oxidation limit of3.66for Ni.In this structure,potassium in the intercalation layer resides halfway between adjacent trigonal prismatic sites.We conclude with a discussion of the role of the electrolyte in determining phase stability as well as the voltage profile of␥-NiOOH.©2005The Electrochemical Society.͓DOI:10.1149/1.2138572͔All rights reserved.Manuscript submitted March4,2005;revised manuscript received September12,2005.Available electronically December14,2005.Nickel hydroxide compounds are widely used as cathodes in pri-mary and secondary alkaline batteries.Several different forms ofnickel hydroxide exist,each differing in crystal structure and com-position.Important nickel hydroxide variants are referred to as -NiOOH,-Ni͑OH͒2,␥-NiOOH,and␣-Ni͑OH͒2.During charge and discharge,a variety of phase transformations can occur betweenthe different nickel hydroxide variants.The Bode diagram͑Fig.1͒1qualitatively captures most of the essential phase transformations in Ni hydroxide electrodes.Charging of͑II͒nickel hydroxide Ni͑OH͒2leads to͑II͒nickel oxyhydroxide NiOOH.Ni in ͑II͒–Ni͑OH͒2has a valence of+2while Ni in͑III͒–NiOOH has a valence of+3.The͑III͒–NiOOH compound can either be dis-charged back to Ni͑OH͒2,or it can be charged even further,trans-forming to␥-NiOOH,a phase that is poorly characterized but is nevertheless known to contain water molecules and potassium which are drawn from the alkaline electrolyte.2Upon discharge,the ␥phase transforms under most conditions to an␣-Ni͑OH͒2which, like␥,also contains water molecules along with other molecules from the electrolyte or air,such as CO32−or NH2−.2Electrochemical cycling can occur over the␥→␣transformation,but␣usually transforms to͑II͒after some time.␥-NiOOH has also been ob-served to transform directly to͑II͒–Ni͑OH͒2upon discharge,by-passing the␣phase.3Although the general features of Ni-hydroxide-based electrode materials have been characterized over the last century,1,2,4many of their basic properties remain unknown.Important questions persist about the precise crystal structures of␥-NiOOH and-NiOOH. Furthermore,the relationship between the crystal structures ofand ␥-NiOOH and their measured capacities are still unclear.While it has not been possible to extract more than one electron per Ni ion in the-Ni͑OH͒2to-NiOOH couple,more than one electron per Ni can be cycled if the␥phase participates in the couple.Oxidation of the␥phase has,however,been limited to a maximum oxidation state for Ni of+3.66,5,6although the reason for this limitation is not understood.Further oxidation of␥by either chemical or electro-chemical means might produce an electrode capable of cycling two electrons per Ni,thereby significantly enhancing the capacity of alkaline cells.Cycling of Ni2+to Ni4+has been demonstrated in Li-ion batteries.7In this paper,we investigate the phase stability of nickel hydrox-ides fromfirst-principles.We predict that the previously uncharac-terized crystal structure of͑III͒–NiOOH is actually derived from the P3host.Furthermore,we identify a plausible crystal structure for the␥-NiO2͑H2O͒0.67K0.33H x phase that is consistent with avail-able experimental observations.The proposed crystal structure has aP3host and the K ions reside exactly between adjacent trigonalprismatic sites of the intercalation layer.We have also calculated the topotactic voltage curves for theand␥phases,and predict the existence of a large step in voltage at-NiOOH,which effectively limits the capacity of theNi-hydroxide compound to one electron per Ni ion.MethodologyWe combinefirst-principles electronic structure calculations witha cluster expansion approach for the disorder of protons in the ma-terials to calculate phase stability and thermodynamic properties ofthe nickel hydroxide system.The electronic structure calculationsyield information about solids at zero Kelvin,including energy dif-ferences between different crystal structures,equilibrium lattice pa-rameters,and electronic charge densities.For solids exhibiting con-figurational disorder͑e.g.,resulting from the many possiblearrangements of hydrogen atoms and vacancies within the hydroxidehost structures at nonstoichiometric compositions͒,the energies cal-culated with electronic structure methods can be combined with alattice model formalism͑i.e.,the cluster expansion͒and MonteCarlo simulations to obtainfinite temperature thermodynamic prop-erties such as phase diagrams and voltage curves.This approach hasbeen successfully applied to study phase stability in a wide varietyof oxides,and we refer the reader to the following references formore details.8-11The energies calculated with electronic structure methods wereperformed in the generalized gradient approximation͑GGA͒to den-sity functional theory using the pseudopotential method.While thisis one of the most accuratefirst-principles approaches,documentedproblems on transition metal oxides exist.12,9Nevertheless,based on our previous work on Li x CoO2and Li x NiO2,8-10we do not believe these would affect the outcome of ourfindings,which focus on determining relative stabilities and qualitative variations in voltage profiles with hydrogen concentration.The particular numerical implementation used for this work was a plane-wave projector aug-mented wave͑PAW͒13,14pseudopotential method as coded in the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package͑V ASP͒.15All calculations were spin polarized initialized with ferromagnetic magnetization.Phase Stability of-H x NiO2The transformation from͑II͒–Ni͑OH͒2to͑III͒–NiOOH upon charging of the nickel hydroxide compound is well known to be a*Electrochemical Society Active Member. z E-mail:avdv@ Journal of The Electrochemical Society,153͑2͒A210-A215͑2006͒0013-4651/2005/153͑2͒/A210/6/$15.00©The Electrochemical SocietyA210biphasic reaction.16While the crystal structure of ͑II ͒–Ni ͑OH ͒2is isomorphic with CdI 2͑which has the T1stacking sequence ͒,that of ͑III ͒–NiOOH has not been characterized.2,3The crystal structure of -Ni ͑OH ͒2consists of close-packed oxygen planes with an ABAB stacking sequence.2The Ni atoms occupy octahedral sites between alternating oxygen layers,and the hydrogen atoms reside in the tetrahedral sites of the remaining layers between oxygen.The hydrogen atoms do not reside at the centers of the tetrahedral sites but are tightly bound to one of the four oxygen atoms surrounding the tetrahedral sites as illustrated in Fig.2.For convenience,we will also write -Ni ͑OH ͒2as -H 2NiO 2,which upon removal of hydro-gen during charging becomes -H x NiO 2with x ranging between 0and 2.Written in this form,it becomes clear that nickel hydroxide consists of a rigid NiO 2host ͑which can undergo structural transfor-mations ͒and removable H atoms that occupy interstitial sites within the host.The phases that are thermodynamically stable and appear in equilibrium for the H x NiO 2system as a function of hydrogen con-centration are those with the lowest Gibbs free energy.Free energies of oxide compounds such as the -Ni-hydroxides can be calculated by combining first-principles electronic structure methods with tools from statistical mechanics ͑cluster expansion combined with Monte Carlo simulations ͒.8-10To this end,we calculated the energy of a variety of different hydrogen-vacancy arrangements ͑eight configu-rations ͒over the tetrahedral sites of the T1host structure of NiO 2for hydrogen concentrations ranging from x =0to 2within GGA using the PAW pseudopotential method.We also calculated the energy of different hydrogen arrangements within the P3host structure of NiO 2͑six configurations ͒.This host structure consists of an AAB-BCC oxygen stacking sequence,which can be derived from the T1ABAB stacking sequence by gliding the O–Ni–O slabs of T1with respect to each other to yield an AA stacking sequence across the intercalation layer ͑where hydrogen resides ͒.As in T1-NiO 2,the Ni ions in the P3structure reside in octahedral sites between oxygen planes with an AB stacking sequence.We considered the P3host structure in addition to that of T1for two reasons:͑i ͒it is observed to be the crystal structure of -CoOOH;17͑ii ͒the AA oxygen stack-ing sequence across the intercalation layers allows hydrogen atoms to form strong primary and secondary hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms as illustrated in Fig.2.The calculated energies for different arrangements in T1and P3H x NiO 2were used to parameterize the interaction parameters oflattice models ͑i.e.,cluster expansions ͒,one for each host structure ͑five interaction parameters for the cluster expansion of the T1host,and six interaction parameters for the cluster expansion of the P3host ͒,which were then combined with Monte Carlo simulations to calculate finite temperature Gibbs free energy curves.Figure 3illus-trates calculated free energies of -H x NiO 2at room temperature.As is clear from Fig.3,the T1crystal structure is not the most favored thermodynamically,as hydrogen is extracted from -Ni ͑OH ͒2.In-stead,the free energy of the solid is lowered if it phaseseparatesFigure 1.The Bode diagram illustrating the different variants of Ni-hydroxide and the possible phase transformations betweenthem.Figure 2.The crystal structures of -Ni ͑OH ͒2having the T1oxygen stack-ing sequence ͑ABAB ͒and -NiOOH having the P3oxygen stacking se-quence ͑AABBCC ͒.Also shown ͑right ͒is local coordination of hydrogen ͑small circles ͒by oxygen ͑large circles ͒.Figure 3.Calculated Gibbs free energies for the T1and P3forms of H x NiO 2.The dashed line corresponds to the common between the T1and P3free energy curves and signifies a two-phase coexistence region between Ni ͑OH ͒2and NiOOH.A211Journal of The Electrochemical Society ,153͑2͒A210-A215͑2006͒into a two-phase mixture of T1having stoichiometry Ni͑OH͒2and a phase with crystal structure P3having stoichiometry NiOOH.The free energy of this two-phase mixture is given by the common tan-gent͑dashed line in Fig.3͒to the free energies of T1at x=2and P3 at x=1.Hence,thefirst-principles calculations predict that P3 NiOOH forms through a biphasic reaction from T1upon charge.While not evident from the free energy curves in Fig.3,our first-principles calculations not only indicate that P3HNiO2is more stable than T1HNiO2,but that T1HNiO2is actually dynamically unstable,and spontaneously transforms to P3without encountering an energy barrier.We found that several of the ordered hydrogen-vacancy arrangements we considered at x=1make the T1host structure of NiO2dynamically unstable,inducing a spontaneous change in the stacking sequence of the oxygen layers from an ABAB sequence to the AABBCC sequence of P3.The relative stability between T1and P3HNiO2͑i.e.,NiOOH͒can be directly attributed to the local environment of the hydrogen atoms within the intercalation layers.While T1and P3have identi-cal O–Ni–O slabs,crucial differences exist between their stacking sequences across the H intercalation layer.In the P3crystal struc-ture,the oxygen atoms directly face each other across the intercala-tion plane as illustrated in Fig.2.This makes it possible for the hydrogen atoms to tightly bind to one of the oxygen atoms of one O–Ni–O slab͑covalent bond with a calculated length ofϳ1.1Å͒and to form an energetically favorable hydrogen bond with the oxy-gen atom of the adjacent O–Ni–O slab͑with a calculated bond length ofϳ1.4Å͒.The ability to form a secondary hydrogen bondis absent in the T1crystal structure,making it energetically unfavor-able compared to P3once hydrogen is removed from Ni͑OH͒2. Within the tetrahedral sites of T1,the H forms a covalent bond with one oxygen atom͑with calculated bond length ofϳ1Å͒but is too far͑ϳ2.3Å͒from its three other nearest-neighbor oxygen atoms to form any favorable secondary hydrogen bonds.The T1structure only forms at x=2in H x NiO2,because the P3structure does not have enough H sites to accommodate the two hydrogen atoms per formula unit.Because the Gibbs free energy contains all relevant thermody-namic properties of a system at constant pressure and temperature, other thermodynamic properties such as the intercalation voltage can also be obtained in a straightforward manner.In fact,the voltage is linearly related to the chemical potential of hydrogen within H x NiO2 and the chemical potential is proportional to the slope of the free energy curves illustrated in Fig.3.Figure4illustrates the predicted voltage profile of H x NiO2as the hydrogen content is varied.While the relative variation of the voltage is well predicted fromfirst-principles,there is currently no accurate methodology to calculate reference states for hydrogen.Hence,the absolute value of the volt-age cannot be predicted fromfirst-principles.To facilitate compari-son with experiment,we shifted all calculated voltages by a constant such that the predicted voltage of the NiOOH→Ni͑OH͒2couple is set to zero.Then for any specific anode,the voltage curve of Fig.4 can be shifted uniformly by an amount that is equal to the equilib-rium open-cell voltage measured during the͑III͒→͑II͒couple. The plateau between x=1and2corresponds to the voltage of the biphasic reaction as T1Ni͑OH͒2transforms to P3NiOOH upon charge,or the reverse reaction upon discharge.͑There is no polar-ization between calculated charge and discharge voltages because the solid lines represent the open-circuit voltage at complete equi-librium.͒The predicted voltage profile for thestructure exhibits a large step at x=1close to0.9V.This step arises from the energetic stability of the P3crystal structure of-NiOOH in which the hy-drogen atoms can form energetically favorable O–H–O bonds as illustrated in Fig.2.Further removal of hydrogen from P3NiOOH would require breaking these energetically favorable bonds.A siz-able increase in voltage is therefore necessary to remove hydrogen from P3-NiOOH.We note that predicted voltages are often modi-fied when treating electron correlation in the DFT+U method.12,18Using GGA+U with U values between3and6eV predicts a stepof around0.4V at x=1as compared to0.9V calculated with GGA.We expect the actual voltage step to be somewhere between these two values.A voltage step between0.4and0.9eV,needed to oxidize Ni beyond+3in this structure,makes it unlikely that sub-stantially more capacity will be obtained from thephase with aqueous electrolytes.It is,however,possible that further charging atlower potential is possible by conversion of thephase to anotherphase͑such as␥͒.The␥-NiOOH PhaseThe␥-NiOOH phase represents a family of Ni-hydroxide com-pounds characterized by a large interlayer sheet distance.2The gen-eral chemical formula of the␥form can be written asH x A y͑H2O͒z NiO2in which A is typically Na or K and y and z are often claimed to be0.33and0.66,respectively.2,19A commonform2,5of␥is H x K0.33͑H2O͒0.66NiO2,which can be obtained by overcharging-NiOOH.The potassium and water come from the electrolyte according to a reaction such as3͑−NiOOH͒+KOH+H2O→H2K͑H2O͒2Ni3O6The crystal structure of␥-H x K0.33͑H2O͒0.66NiO2is poorly charac-terized,though it is known that␥has a P3oxygen stacking sequence2similar to that predicted in this work for-NiOOH.Fur-thermore,experimental evidence suggests that the maximal oxida-tion state of Ni in the␥phase is+3.66.2,5,6Starting with the stoichiometric chemical formula for␥͑namely, H x K0.33͑H2O͒0.66NiO2͒,we usedfirst-principles total energy calcu-lations to determine an energetically stable crystal structure for this phase.An energetically stable form of H x K0.33͑H2O͒0.66NiO2is il-lustrated in Fig.5,which shows both a projection͑along the direc-tion perpendicular to the close-packed oxygen planes͒and a side view of the intercalation layer of the crystal structure.The structure has an AABBCC oxygen stacking sequence as in P3,which is con-sistent with what has been observed experimentally.The K atoms, which are ordered in aͱ3aϫͱ3a superlattice,do not reside at the center of a prismatically coordinated͑by oxygen͒interstitial site but instead reside at the center of a rectangle of oxygen atoms,two belonging to the O–Ni–O slab above and two belonging to the O–Ni–O slab below.In this way,K atoms avoid sites that share faces with Ni either from above or below the intercalation layer.The Figure 4.Calculated equilibrium voltage curve fornickel hydroxide within the GGA approximation͑the GGA+U approximation predicts a smaller voltage step of close0.4V͒.The reference state for the anode has been arbitrarily chosen such that the plateau corresponding to the ͑II͒↔͑III͒couple is zero.To compare to experiment,the whole curve should be shifted by an amount equal to the measured voltage for the ͑II͒↔͑III͒couple.A212Journal of The Electrochemical Society,153͑2͒A210-A215͑2006͒water molecules are oriented such that the vector connecting the two H atoms of each water molecule is perpendicular to the O–Ni–O slabs.It is likely that the K and water molecules behave as inert com-ponents during topotactic ͑i.e.,without changing the structure ͒charging and discharging of the ␥-phase.In that case,the other hydrogen atoms which are bound to oxygen atoms of the O–Ni–O slabs can be removed from the ␥crystal structure.These hydrogen atoms are indicated by arrows in Fig.5.There are four active hy-drogen sites for every three Ni atoms.This means that x in the stoichiometric formula for ␥-H x K 0.33͑H 2O ͒0.66NiO 2can only range from 0to 1.33.When x =0,the valence of Ni is +3.66.When x =1.33,the valence of Ni is +2.33.When half the active hydrogen sites are filled,the valence of Ni is exactly +3.In this proposed ␥crystal structure,it is clearly crystallographic factors that impose the seemingly artificial bound of +3.66on the maximum oxidation state of the Ni atoms.This suggests that higher Ni valence states,and associated larger cathode capacities,might be realized through struc-tural modification.The proposed crystal structure for ␥illustrated in Fig.5has a monoclinic unit cell and belongs to the C 2/m space group.Table I lists calculated lattice parameters ͓calculated at x =0.66in H x K 0.33͑H 2O ͒0.66NiO 2͔along with the calculated coordinates of the asymmetric unit cell for the atoms of the crystal ͑taken from calcu-lations at x =1.33in H x K 0.33͑H 2O ͒0.66NiO 2where all hydrogensites are filled ͒.We emphasize that we have only demonstrated that this structure for ␥-NiOOH is locally stable ͑i.e.,it is mechanically stable against deformation into another structure ͒.The arrangement of hydrogen,potassium,and water molecules between the O–Ni–O slabs may only correspond to a local minimum in energy and not a global minimum.Nevertheless,while we have not exhausted all possible hydrogen,potassium,and water arrangements within the intercalation layer,the proposed crystal structure is consistent with what is currently known about the ␥-phase.The monoclinic symme-try of the structure of Fig.5and Table I results from the superlattice ordering of the K and water molecules in the intercalation layer.In real crystals,however,it is likely that the K and water molecules of ␥-NiOOH are not perfectly ordered but instead exhibit short-range order that is similar to that in Fig.5on a local level.In that case,the symmetry of the crystal adopts that of the host structure,which for the P3stacking is R 3¯m symmetry.An important feature of this crys-tal structure is that the K atoms do not reside in a trigonal prismatic site of the intercalation layer of the P3host but rather reside exactly between adjacent trigonal prismatic sites.Because the formation of ␥upon overcharging or oxidizing of -NiOOH is accompanied by the uptake of K and H 2O,and because discharging of ␥proceeds through a transformation to ␣or -Ni ͑OH ͒2,it is experimentally difficult ͑if not impossible ͒to iso-late the topotactic voltage profile for the ␥phase.With first-principles computational tools,calculating a topotactic voltage pro-file is straightforward.Figure 6illustrates the topotactic voltage profile for the proposed structure of stoichiometric ␥-H x K 0.33͑H 2O ͒0.66NiO 2as the hydrogen content is varied from x =0to 1.33.The voltage curve was calculated with Monte Carlo simulations applied to a lattice model Hamiltonian ͑six interaction terms ͒that was fit to GGA first-principles energies of seven hydrogen-vacancy arrangements in the ␥-K 0.33͑H 2O ͒0.66NiO 2host.The same reference state for the anode was used as for the couple.Two plateaus are predicted,separated by a step of almost 1V at x =0.66͑corresponding to a Ni valence state of +3͒.The step in the voltage profile is not observed experimentally,as ␥never discharges topotactically but rather transforms to either or ␣.The voltage plateau between x =0and 0.66could potentially be observed when ␥is charged beyond a Ni oxidation state of +3.In our calculations several approximations were made.These in-clude the neglect of hydrogen vibrational degrees of freedom and the vibrational zero point energies.While vibrational degreesofFigure 5.Intercalation layer of proposed crystal structure for ␥-NiOOH.The proposed structure for ␥-NiOOH has a P3oxygen stacking sequence with Ni residing in octahedral sites.Table I.Calculated lattice parameters and asymmetric unit cell for the proposed ␥crystal structure.The proposed structure has a monoclinic unit cell (doubly primitive,face centered)and be-longs to the C 2/m space group.The first set of H sites has partial occupancy as x is varied in H x K 0.33…H 2O …0.66NiO 2.a =5.1b =9.1c =6.84␣=90.0=105.7␥=90.0H 8j ͑x =0.4042y =0.0802z =0.3435͒H 8j ͑x =0.4620y =0.2643z =0.3651͒K 2d ͑001/2͒Ni 2a ͑000͒4g ͑0y =0.28910͒O 4h ͑0y =0.29391/2͒4i ͑x =0.37390z =0.2491͒8j ͑x =0.3718y =0.6564z =0.1480͒Figure 6.Calculated topotactic voltage curve of ␥-NiOOH within the GGA approximation.The reference state for the anode is the same as that used in Fig.4.A213Journal of The Electrochemical Society ,153͑2͒A210-A215͑2006͒freedom can safely be ignored for most elements,they are important for hydrogen.Because of this,the voltages predicted for the two voltage plateaus are only approximate and quantitative comparisons with experiment must be avoided.Furthermore,the topotactic volt-age profile of Fig.6is for a stoichiometric␥phase with exactly 0.33K and0.66H2O molecules in the intercalation layers.In the experiment,the potassium and water contents may deviate from these stoichiometric values which will also change the voltage.DiscussionOurfirst-principles study of phase stability in the H x NiO2system predicts that-NiOOH has a different oxygen stacking sequence than-Ni͑OH͒2.-NiOOH is stable in the P3structure with anAABBCC oxygen stacking sequence,while-Ni͑OH͒2is stable in the T1host with ABAB stacking sequence.This has important im-plications for the͑II͒→͑III͒transformation,as it requires a re-shuffling of the oxygen planes across the intercalation layers.One mechanism by which such structural phase transformations can oc-cur is by passage of dislocations through the intercalation layers.20 The work by Delmas et al.19suggests,however,that this may not be the dominant mechanism to kinetically facilitate the͑II͒→͑III͒transformation.They showed that oxidation of Ni͑OH͒2 leads to a NiOOH compound having an amorphous-like X-ray dif-fraction pattern͑XRD͒,which nevertheless,reverts back to a crys-talline form of Ni͑OH͒2upon reduction.While passage of disloca-tions to facilitate the͑II͒→͑III͒transformation will introduce structural defects which could conceivably lead to an amorphization of the host structure,the damage resulting from dislocation passage is irreversible and is unlikely to be removed upon reduction of NiOOH to Ni͑OH͒2.Instead,the mechanism by which the͑II͒→͑III͒transformation actually proceeds may be linked to the oc-currence of noncooperative Jahn-Teller distortions of the oxygen octahedra around the Ni ions,observed by Delmas et al.19in NiOOH.Such noncooperative Jahn-Teller distortions in NiOOH can locally accommodate the strain induced by the stacking sequence change during the͑II͒→͑III͒transformation,and because the strain accommodation is local,the stacking sequence shifts need not be cooperative over long distance,leading to a structure that may appear amorphous with XRD measurements.We note that in our GGA pseudopotential calculations,we were unable to stabilize a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion in the P3form of NiOOH.An important prediction in this work is the large voltage step at x=1in H x NiO2.This step,which arises from the strong hydrogen bonds with oxygen in the P3NiOOH crystal structure͑Fig.2͒,es-sentially limits the capacity ofNi-hydroxide compounds to one electron per Ni in conventional aqueous electrolytes.A step in the voltage profile between0.4and0.9V is unlikely to be eliminated bychemical substitution.In aqueous electrolytes,further charge of -NiOOH leads to a transformation to the␥phase which forms upon uptake of potassium and water.2Only with nonaqueous elec-trolytes is it conceivable that the full topotactic H x NiO2voltage curve͑with x ranging between0and2͒can be realized in an elec-trochemical cell.With a detailed crystallographic model for ␥-H x K0.33͑H2O͒0.66NiO2,it is possible to calculate a topotactic volt-age curve.Our calculations suggest that the topotactic voltage curve for this crystal structure consists of two plateaus separated by a step approaching1V at a hydrogen concentration corresponding to a Ni valence state of+3.In experiment,it is unlikely that a topotactic voltage curve for␥-NiOOH can be isolated,as the formation of␥and its subsequent two-phase equilibria with either aor␣nickel hydroxide involves the insertion or removal not only of hydrogen but also potassium and water molecules from the electrolyte.It is the ability of both the␥and␣nickel hydroxides to exchange atoms and molecules with the electrolyte that sets these phases apart from most other intercalation compounds.The fact that these phases can exchange components with the electrolyte during charge and discharge means that their voltage depends not only on the state of charge,but also on the thermodynamic state of the electrolyte.For intercalation compounds such as-H x NiO2,which do not exchange species with the electrolyte,the equilibrium voltage of the com-pound atfixed temperature͑and for afixed anode͒is a function only of the overall hydrogen concentration in the compound.Indeed,the voltage is linearly related to the chemical potential of hydrogen within the compound,which is equal to the slope of the Gibbs free energy of the host with respect to x,as illustrated schematically in Fig.7a.This slope is independent of the composition of the electro-lyte.Compounds that are able to exchange matter with the electrolyte tend to equilibrate with the electrolyte.The hydrogen chemical po-tential and hence the voltage for such compounds is affected by the equilibrium reached between the cathode and the electrolyte.While a compound such as␥-NiOOH can exchange several species with the electrolyte,the basic principles can be illustrated with a simple hypothetical compound that only exchanges one component with the electrolyte.Figure7b illustrates a Gibbs free energy plot for a host structure M that can intercalate hydrogen,H;and simultaneously absorb species A from the electrolyte.The chemical potentialsA,H,andM for the different species at a given mole fraction x Aand Figure7.Schematic Gibbs free energies for topotactic intercalation͑a͒and intercalation accompanied by mass exchange with the electrolyte͑b͒.M corresponds to the host,H to hydrogen,and A to a species of the electrolyte that can be incorporated within the host during charge and discharge.A214Journal of The Electrochemical Society,153͑2͒A210-A215͑2006͒。