2016年广东高新技术企业数量达到19857家 增长78.8%
1 day 251 nailed 501 last 751 clod2 noah 252 nylon 502 lesson 752 clan3 ma 253 new loam 503 lyceum 753 clam4 Ra 254 kneeler 504 laser 754 clear5 law 255 nail hole 505 lazily 755 galileo6 jaw 256 knowledge 506 lasatian 756 clash7 key 257 nailing 507 lacing 757 clack8 fee 258 nullify 508 lucifer 758 cliff9 bay 259 nail brush 509 lisp 759 clap10 daze 260 niches 510 ladies 760 cages11 dad 261 unshod 511 lighted 761 caged12 dan 262 nation 512 latin 762 cushion13 dam 263 unjam 513 late meal 763 cashmere14 dairy 264 injure 514 ladder 764 cashier15 dale 265 unshell 515 old age 765 cajole16 dash 266 nosh shop 516 leading 766 quiche shop17 deck 267 no joke 517 old foe 767 catching18 daffy 268 unshaved 518 lead pipe 768 cageful19 dab 269 unship 519 lance 769 ketchup20 NASA 270 necks 520 land 770 cakes21 net 271 naked 521 linen 771 cooked22 nan 272 noggin 522 liniment 772 cocoon23 name 273 income 523 linear 773 cucumber24 nar 274 anchor 524 lineal 774 cooker25 nail 275 nickel 525 launch 775 cackle26 niche 276 no cash 526 lank 776 quick change27 nag 277 knocking 527 lunar flight 777 cooking28 navy 278 encave 528 line up 778 quick fire29 nab 279 uncap 529 looms 779 cock up30 mace 280 nephews 530 layman 780 cafes31 mat 281 nevada 531 lame mare 781 cave dweller32 man 282 uneven 532 lamarck 782 coffin33 ma'am 283 infamy 533 lamclla 783 caveman34 mare 284 never 534 lime juice 784 caviar35 mail 285 navel 535 lamclla 785 cavil36 mash 286 knavish 536 lime juice 786 coffee shop37 mac 287 invoke 537 looming 787 caving38 mafia 288 unfavourable 538 lymph 788 cavafy39 map 289 enfeeble 539 lamp 789 coffee bean40 race 290 nibs 540 layers 790 cabs41 rat 291 unpod 541 lard 791 cupid42 rain 292 new pan 542 lcarn 792 cabin43 ram 293 new beam 543 laarm 793 cabman44 rara 294 neighbour 544 leerer 794 caper45 rail 295 nibble 545 laurcl 795 cable46 rage 296 nippish 546 large 796 cabbage47 rack 297 unpack 547 lark 797 coping48 rafia 298 unpaved 548 larva 798 keep off49 rap 299 nabob 549 larrup 799 cobweb50 lace 300 moses 550 lilies 800 faces51 lad 301 mast 551 lilt 801 fast52 lane 302 mason 552 lowland 802 pheasant53 lab 303 museum 553 lilo mattress 803 face mole54 lair 304 miser 554 lowlier 804 visor55 lilly 305 missile 555 lily livered 805 facile56 lash 306 massage 556 low ledge 806 visage57 lake 307 mask 557 lilac 807 facing58 lava 308 massive 558 low life 808 face value59 lab 309 mishap 559 lullaby 809 face up60 chase 310 midas 560 lashes 810 fates61 chat 311 midday 561 legit 811 faded62 chain 312 maiden 562 legion 812 fatten63 chime 313 madam 563 lush meadow 813 fathom64 chair 314 motor 564 lecher 814 fetter65 cello 315 medal 565 lushly 815 fatal66 cha-cha 316 modish 566 all jewish 816 fattish67 check 317 medic 567 logic 817 fading68 chaff 318 midwife 568 low shove 818 fateful69 chap 319 mudpie 569 lush pea 819 football70 case 320 manse 570 lakes 820 fans71 cat 321 mend 571 licked 821 faint72 can 322 minion 572 lagoon 822 finance73 cameo 323 mimim 573 locum 823 venom74 car 324 manner 574 laceuer 824 fawner75 call 325 manila 575 local 825 final76 cage 326 manage 576 luggage 826 finish77 cake 327 maniac 577 licking 827 fawning78 cofe 328 manful 578 liqucfy 828 fanfare79 cab 329 monopoly 579 lock pu 829 vain boy80 face 330 maims 580 leaves 830 famous81 fad 331 mammoth 581 liv id 831 vomit82 fan 332 mammon 582 elfin 832 famine83 fame 333 my mum 583 alluvium 833 fame mad84 fair 334 memory 584 lever 834 femur85 fall 335 mammal 585 level 835 female86 fish 336 may match 586 lavish 836 famish87 fag 337 mimic 587 leav ing 837 foaming88 fife 338 mummify 588 leave off 838 fumeful89 fab 339 mump 589 lifeboat 839 vampe90 base 340 mars 590 lips 840 farce91 bat 341 maraud 591 leaped 841 fort92 ban 342 marine 592 lib now 842 fern93 bam 343 miriam 593 low bum 843 farm94 bar 344 mirro 594 labour 844 farrier95 ball 345 moral 595 label 845 frail96 bash 346 march 596 lip chap 846 fresh97 back 347 mark 597 law book 847 frock98 beef 348 morphia 598 lcapfrog 848 verify99 babe 349 marble 599 lap up 849 verb100 daisies 350 males 600 chases 850 false101 dust 351 malt 601 chaste 851 fault102 design 352 melon 602 jason 852 flan103 dismay 353 mileman 603 chessman 853 flame104 desire 354 miller 604 chaser 854 flare105 dazzle 355 molehill 605 chisel 855 flail106 discharge 356 mulish 606 cheese show 856 flash 107 disc 357 milk 607 chasing 857 flake108 deceive 358 mollify 608 joseph 858 fluff109 despair 359 mailbag 609 cheese pie 859 flab110 dates 360 matches 610 shades 860 fishes111 deadwood 361 mashed 611 shaded 861 fished112 deaden 362 machine 612 showdown 862 fashion 113 diadem 363 mishmash 613 chatham 863 fishmonger 114 daughter 364 major 614 chatter 864 fisher115 detail 365 mesh lock 615 chattel 865 faical116 detach 366 magician 616 chitchat 866 fish shop117 toothache 367 magician 617 cheating 867 fishing118 dative 368 much force 618 shodoof 868 fish food 119 deathbed 369 much bent 619 chat up 869 fish bait 120 tennis 370 mikes 620 chains 870 foucs121 dent 371 mocked 621 chant 871 faked122 denun 372 mochcan 622 genuine 872 fecund123 denim 373 makemuck 623 chinaman 873 vacuum 124 dinner 374 maker 624 joiner 874 fakir125 downhill 375 meekly 625 channel 875 fickle126 danish 376 my cash 626 change 876 fake china 127 dank 377 making 627 chink 877 faking128 downfall 378 make off 628 geneva 878 havocful 129 danube 379 magpie 629 shinbone 879 vagabond 130 demise 380 mauve skirt 630 chums 880 fifes131 domed 381 mufti 631 ashamed 881 vivid132 demon 382 muffin 632 showman 882 vivien133 demimonde 383 movement 633 jemima 883 five a.m. 134 demure 384 mayfair 634 chimera 884 fever135 dimly 385 muffile 635 shameless 885 favillous136 damage 386 my fish 636 jimjams 886 fifish137 democracy 387 mafeking 637 jamaica 887 fifing138 dam full 388 mauve feer 638 shameful 888 vivify139 damp 389 movable 639 champ 889 viviparous140 dress 390 mopes 640 cheers 890 fibs141 dart 391 moped 641 chart 891 fibbed142 drain 392 embank 642 shrine 892 fabian143 dram 393 wampum 643 chairman 893 fob maker 144 drawer 394 empire 644 juror 894 fibre145 drill 395 maple 645 churl 895 fable146 dredge 396 ambush 646 charge 896 foppish147 drage 397 impact 647 chcrokee 897 fec back148 drive 398 mob violence 648 ciraffe 898 few puffs 149 drip 399 imbibe 649 chirp 899 fab boy150 de luxe 400 recess 650 jealous 900 basis151 daylight 401 recite 651 child 901 pasta152 delinquent 402 raisin 652 chilean 902 basin153 dilemma 403 resume 653 shalom 903 bosom154 dealer 404 racer 654 jailer 904 bazaar155 delilah 405 wrestle 655 shallowly 905 puzzle156 deluge 406 rose show 656 geology 906 beseech157 delicacy 407 risk 657 gelignite 907 basic158 delphi 408 receive 658 shelf 908 passive159 tulip 409 rasp 659 julep 909 baseball160 duchess 410 raids 660 judges 910 beads161 dashed 411 radiate 661 judged 911 bedded162 dudgeon 412 rattan 662 jejune 912 button163 dutchman 413 redecm 663 judgement 913 bottom 164 dodger 414 radar 664 judger 914 batter165 dash light 415 rattle 665 jewishly 915 battle166 dishwasher 416 radish 666 choo choo choo 916 badge 167 dechoke 417 reading 667 joshing 917 bedding168 dishevel 418 ratify 668 jehoshaphat 918 beautify169 dish up 419 rat bait 669 shoe shop 919 bad boy170 decks 420 reigns 670 checks 920 bans171 decade 421 rained 671 checked 921 band172 token 422 reunion 672 chicken 922 banana173 decamp 423 uranium 673 checkmate 923 benumb 174 decree 424 runner 674 checker 924 banner175 ducal 425 runnel 675 chuckle 925 banal176 duckish 426 ranch 676 check shirt 926 banish177 decaying 427 rank 677 checking 927 bank178 take off 428 run off 678 chekhov 928 banff179 decapitate 429 rainbow 679 jacob 929 pin up180 deface 430 remus 680 chafes 930 beams181 defeat 431 rammed 681 shaft 931 pomade182 divan 432 roman 682 shaven 932 bemoan183 defame 433 remmber 683 chief mohawk 933 beam maker 184 diver 434 ramrod 684 shaver 934 be merry185 defile 435 rommel 685 joyful 935 pommel186 devotion 436 rummage 686 chiffchaff 936 bombshell187 edifying 437 remake 687 chafling 937 beaming188 two frisky fillies 438 ramify 688 shove off 938 bumph189two frighterned boys 439 ramp 689 shavable 939 bumph 190 debase 440 rcards 690 chaps 940 brass191 debate 441 reared 691 chapter 941 bread192 debone 442 rareness 692 japan 942 barn193 whitebeam 443 rear man 693 jobman 943 brim194 dipper 444 rarer 694 chopper 944 barrier195 dabble 445 rarely 695 chapel 945 barrel196 debauch 446 rarec show 696 sheepish 946 barge197 dipping 447 rearing 697 chipping 947 park198 dab off 448 rarefy 698 sheepfold 948 brief199 depip 449 rarebit 699 shop boy 949 bribe200 nieces 450 release 700 kisses 950 blaze201 nasty 451 railed 701 cast 951 bald202 insane 452 reloan 702 casino 952 balloon203 noisome 453 realm 703 chasm 953 balme204 no sir 454 roller 704 kisser 954 bolier205 nestle 455 reel line 705 gazellc 955 balliol206 incision 456 relish 706 kiss shy 956 blush207 nosegay 457 relic 707 cask 957 black208 unsafe 458 relief 708 cohesive 958 bailiff209 newsboy 459 relapse 709 cusp 959 bulb210 notice 460 riches 710 cats 960 beaches211 needed 461 reached 711 cadot 961 budget212 indian 462 region 712 cotton 962 passion213 anatomy 463 regime 713 gotham 963 pyjamas214 nadir 464 rasher 714 guitar 964 paocher215 needle 465 rachel 715 cattle 965 bushel216 night watch 466 rejudge 716 cottage 966 push chair217 antique 467 raging 717 coating 967 pushwhacker218 native 468 rach foe 718 cadaver 968 bashful219 antibes 469 reach up 719 cut up 969 bishop220 ninnies 470 racks 720 cans 970 bacchus221 ninth 471 racket 721 cannada 971 bucket222 ninon 472 reckon 722 cannon 972 bacon223 no name 473 requiem 723 economy 973 becalm224 nunnery 474 raker 724 coiner 974 baker225 union hall 475 recall 725 kennel 975 bickle226 nunnish 476 roguish 726 conjurer 976 baggage227 non qaua 477 rococo 727 conk 977 backing228 nineveh 478 recover 728 cotivey 978 back off229 ninepin 479 rack up 729 canopy 979 back up230 names 480 refuse 730 cameos 980 bechieves231 nomad 481 raft 731 comel 981 buffet232 nominee 482 raven 732 common 982 buffoon233 no ma'am 483 revamp 733 commemorate 983 pavement 234 enamour 484 reefer 734 camera 984 beaver235 animal 485 raffle 735 camel 985 baffle236 no mash 486 ravage 736 game show 986 peevish237 unmake 487 revoke 737 comic 987 bivouac238 nymph 488 reivive 738 comfy 988 puffy face239 numb 489 rough passage 739 camp 989 puff up240 nurse 490 rabies 740 caress 990 babies241 narrate 491 rabid 741 card 991 pupper242 no run 492 ribbon 742 corn 992 baboon243 norm 493 ripe melon 743 cram 993 pipe major244 narrower 494 rapier 744 career 994 paper245 nearly 495 rabble 745 carol 995 babble246 nourish 496 rubbish 746 crash 996 baby show247 new york 497 rebuke 747 crack 997 popgun248 nerve 498 rebuff 748 canfe 998 pipeful249 nearby 499 republic 749 carp 999 pop up250 nails 500 lasses 750 class 1000 these zoos。
259 茬 CHA
260 茶 CHA
261 查 CHA
262 碴 CHA
263 搽 CHA
264 察 CHA
265 岔 CHA
266 差 CI
267 诧 CHA
268 拆 CHAI
269 柴 CHAI
270 豺 CHAI
271 搀 CHAN
272 掺 CAN
273 蝉 CHAN
274 馋 CHAN
367 初 CHU
368 出 CHU
369 橱 CHU
370 厨 CHU
371 躇 CHU
372 锄 CHU
373 雏 CHU
374 滁 CHU
375 除 CHU
376 楚 CHU
377 础 CHU
378 储 CHU
379 矗 CHU
380 搐 CHU
381 触 CHU
382 处 CHU
383 揣 CHUAI
501 悼 DAO
502 道 DAO
503 盗 DAO
504 德 DE
505 得 DE
506 的 DI
507 蹬 DENG
508 灯 DENG
509 登 DENG
510 等 DENG
511 瞪 DENG
512 凳 DENG
513 邓 DENG
514 堤 DI
515 低 DI
516 滴 DI
517 迪 DI
84 棒 BANG
85 磅 BANG
86 蚌 BANG
87 镑 BANG
88 傍 BANG
89 谤 BANG
90 苞 BAO
91 胞 BAO
92 包 BAO
Immobilizer (blinks):
Use correct key
*models with navigation only
On/Off Indicators
(located on center panel)
Bed lights on Headlights on Turn signals/hazards on High beams on
On/Off Indicators
Parking brake on: Release
Condition IndicatoSFreasasttebenltsreeamt ibndeeltr(:s)
management 4WD)
Condition Indicators
BriePRfaerllkyeinagseabrpakepoCLLen:ooahwArwactrwioogntiiiiistnrlnhegepederpsedeayrbscseysthdsrueSFsievameearustrtenebrenelgtsrei:eanmtiebndeeltsr(:st)art. Red and ambeSVrISAMDAMEiOBnAaIFaRdlSFfBiuiAnc(GntaaOecntFttnoFii-aorlonsnccaklearbmeMrapmikne(odcshseHTyueterrsancdt:cslkeiiggrhnmetaisltnso)/ihngcaiznaardels.olBinglhut)e
恒达 HR-V 技术参数说明书
EX-L NaviEX-L NaviEX-L NaviTransmissionsComfort and ConvenienceInstrumentationDisclaimersExterior MeasurementsEPA Mileage Ratings3 / FuelPassive SafetyDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONLXLXLXLXLXLXLXEXEXEXEXEXEXEX6-Speed Manual Transmission (6MT)Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)with Sport Modewith Dual-Mode Paddle Shifters2WD Model OnlyAvailableAvailable2WD Model OnlyAvailableAvailableAvailable•••Bluetooth® Streaming Audio8Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®8MP3/Windows Media®9 Audio (WMA) Playback CapabilityRadio Data System (RDS)Speed-Sensitive Volume Control (SVC)Display Audio Interface10HondaLink® Next Generation11Pandora®12 CompatibilitySMS Text Message Function13HD Radio™14SiriusXM® Radio15160-Watt AM / FM / CD Audio System with 4 Speakers180-Watt AM / FM / CD Audio System with 6 Speakers5-Inch Color LCD Screen7-Inch Display Audio with High-Resolution WVGA (800 x 480)with Electrostatic Touch-Screenwith Customizable Feature Settingswith Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™16with Honda HD Digital Traffic16with Voice RecognitionMP3 / Auxiliary Input JackUSB Audio Interface17 (front)Driver’s and Front Passenger’s Vanity MirrorsPower Windows with Auto-Up / Down Driver’s WindowProgrammable Power Door LocksIlluminated Driver’s Window and Door Lock ControlsCruise ControlTilt and Telescopic Steering ColumnCenter Console with Sliding Armrest & Storage CompartmentBeverage HoldersSliding Sun VisorsInterior Chrome Door HandlesMap LightsLED Pocket Light12-Volt Power Outlets (front / second row)Passenger-Side Seatback PocketPassenger-Assist Grips (front / rear)Driver-Side Garment HookRemote Fuel Filler Door ReleaseRear-Seat Heater DuctsRear Window DefrosterFloor MatsDoor-Pocket Storage Bins (front / rear)Cargo Area Tie-Down AnchorsCargo Area LightHonda LaneWatch™7Push Button StartLeather-Wrapped Steering Wheel and Shift KnobAutomatic-Dimming Rearview MirrorIlluminated Steering Wheel-Mounted ControlsCruise / Audio / PhoneCruise / Audio / Phone / NavigationAir Conditioning with Air-Filtration SystemAutomatic Climate Control with Electrostatic Touch-ScreenWheelbase:102.8 inLength:169.1 inHeight:63.2 inWidth:69.8 inTrack: Front / Rear:60.4 in / 60.6 inCurb Weight for 2WD MT (lbs)Curb Weight for 2WD CVT (lbs)Curb Weight for AWD CVT (lbs)Weight Distribution for 2WD MT (Front/Rear, %)Weight Distribution for 2WD CVT (Front/Rear, %)Weight Distribution for AWD CVT (Front/Rear, %)6-Speed Manual Transmission (6MT) (2WD)City:25 MPGHighway:34 MPGCombined:28 MPGContinuously Variable Transmission (CVT) (2WD)City:28 MPGHighway:35 MPGCombined: 31 MPGContinuously Variable Transmission (CVT) (AWD)City:27 MPGHighway:32 MPGCombined:29 MPGFuel Tank Capacity:13.2 galRequired Fuel:Rar UnleadedAdvanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) Body StructureDual-Stage, Multiple-Threshold Front Airbags (SRS)SmartVent® Front Side AirbagsSide Curtain Airbags with Rollover Sensor3-Point Seat Belts at All Seating PositionsFront 3-Point Seat Belts with Automatic Tensioning SystemLower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH):Lower Anchors (2nd-Row Outboard)Tether Anchors (2nd-Row All)Driver’s and Front Passenger’s Seat-Belt ReminderChild-Proof Rear Door Locks••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Single•••••••••••••••••••••••AWD modelsCVT modelCVT model•••••28882902306261 / 3962 / 3860 / 40••••••••••••••••••••••Illuminated••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Dual•••••••••••••••••••••••AWD modelsCVT modelCVT model••••••••29172933309461 / 3962 / 3860 / 40••••••••••••••••••••••Illuminated•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Dual•••••••••••••••••••••••AWD models••••••••••–29473109–62 / 3860 / 40•••••••••••••••••••2WD = Two-Wheel Drive • AWD = All-Wheel Drive • 6MT = 6-Speed Manual Transmission • CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission 2WD = Two-Wheel Drive • AWD = All-Wheel Drive • 6MT = 6-Speed Manual Transmission • CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission1. ULEV-2 (Ultra-Low-Emission Vehicle) models as certified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).2. Does not apply to fluid and filter changes. Will vary with driving conditions. Please see your Honda dealer for details.3. Based on 2016 EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions andother factors.4. VSA is not a substitute for safe driving. It cannot correct the vehicle’s course in every situation or compensate for reckless driving. Control of the vehicle always remains with thed river.5. For optimal tire wear and performance, tire pressure should be checked regularly with a gauge. Do not rely solely on the monitor system. Please see your Honda dealer for details.6. Always visually confirm that it is safe to drive before backing up; the rearview camera display does not provide complete information about all conditions and objects at the rearof your vehicle.7. Display accuracy will vary based on weather, size of object and speed, and the display may not show all relevant traffic. The display is not a substitute for your own direct visualassessment of traffic conditions before changing lanes.8. TheBluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is under license.9. Windows Media® is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.10. The Display Audio Interface is used for direct connection to and streaming from some current smartphones. Some smartphones may not work. Please see your Honda dealer ford etails.11. Check the HondaLink® website for smartphone compatibility and access to the Display Audio Interface.12. Pandora, the Pandora logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc. Used with permission. Compatible with selectsmartphones. See: /everywhere/mobile. Not all devices compatible with USB connection. Your wireless carrier’s rate plans apply.13. Compatible with select phones with Bluetooth®. Your wireless carrier’s rate plans apply. State or local laws may limit use of texting feature. Only use texting feature whenconditions allow you to do so safely.14. HD Radio is a proprietary trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation.15. SiriusXM services require a subscription after any trial period. If you decide to continue your SiriusXM service at the end of your trial subscription, the plan you choose willautomatically renew and bill at then-current rates until you call SiriusXM at 1-866-635-2349 to cancel. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at . Fees and programming subject to change. XM satellite service is available only to those at least 18 years and older in the 48 contiguous United States and D.C. ©2015 SiriusXM Radio Inc. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc.16. The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ is standard on the EX-L Navi model in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. (Honda HD Digital Traffic service only availablein the United States, except Alaska). Please see your Honda dealer for details.17. The USB Audio Interface is used for direct connection to and control of some current digital audio players and other USB devices that contain MP3, WMA or AAC music files.Some USB devices with security software and digital rights-protected files may not work. Please see your Honda dealer for details.©2015 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. All information contained herein applies to U.S. vehicles only.Please see our Privacy Policy and Legal Terms and Conditions.12-Volt Battery-Charging System IndicatorABS IndicatorAirbag System IndicatorAutomatic Brake Hold IndicatorsBrake System IndicatorCoolant Temperature IndicatorsCruise Control IndicatorsDoor- and Tailgate-Open IndicatorElectric Parking Brake IndicatorElectric Power Steering (EPS) IndicatorHeadlights-On IndicatorHigh-Beam IndicatorImmobilizer System IndicatorLow-Brake-Fluid IndicatorLow-Fuel IndicatorLow-Oil-Pressure IndicatorLow-Tire-Pressure IndicatorMaintenance Minder™ IndicatorMalfunction IndicatorSeat-Belt Reminder IndicatorTachometerTPMS5 IndicatorVSA5 System and VSA-Off4 IndicatorsAll-Wheel-Drive (AWD) IndicatorECON Mode IndicatorShift Lever Position IndicatorSmart Entry System IndicatorStarter System IndicatorFog Lights Indicator6-Speed Manual Transmission Continuously Variable Transmission:::::::::::1st2nd3rd4th5th6thReverseFinal DriveDriveReverseFinal Drive3.6421.8851.3611.0240.8300.6863.6734.7052.526~0.4082.706~1.4805.436GEAR : RATIO GEAR : RATIOAudio and ConnectivityEX-L NaviEX-L NaviEX-L NaviEX-L Navi。
Hyundai 车辆快速参考指南说明书
Looking for more detailed information? This Quick Reference Guide does not replace your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual, If you require additional information or are unsure of a specific issue, you should always refer to the vehicle’s Owner’s Manual or contact your authorized Hyundai dealer.The information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was correct at the time of printing, however, specifications and equipment can change without notice. No warranty or guarantee is being extended in this Quick Reference Guide, and Hyundai reserves the right to change product specifications and equipment at any time without incurring obligations. Some vehicles are shown with optional equipment. Specifications apply to U.S. vehicles only. Please contact your Hyundai dealer for current vehicle specifications.NP150-V2019☐ BLUE LINK – pages 26- A ssist with creating account - Assist with Blue Link enrollment - Show Blue Link Users Manual- Encourage customer to download the MyHyundai by Blue Link app☐ Date/Time – pages 36- Demonstrate how to set Date/Time (including daylightsavings setting for Navigation equipped vehicles)☐ D UAL CLUTCH TRANSMISSION – pages 38- Explain DCT characteristics☐ N AVIGATION (if applicable) – page 29- Demonstrate navigation system POI, enter dealer address☐ T- E xplain TPMS function of customer - W hen illuminated, one or more tires areunder-inflated- B when there is a malfunction with the TPMS☐ V EHICLE SETTINGS – pages 12 and 31- Show radio presetsTheHyundai VELOSTERRoadside Assistance: 1-800-243-7766 Consumer Affairs:1-800-633-5151 Sirius XM ®Radio: 1-800-967-2346 Quick Reference GuideCommand Example BLUETOOTH®Dial <Phone #>Call <Name>“Dial7-1-4-9-6-5-3-0-0-0” “Call John Smith”Command ExampleNAVIGATIONFind Address <House #, Street,City, State>“1-2-3-4-5 1st Street,Fountain Valley”CommandExampleLocated on Rearview MirrorLOCAL SEARCHFind <POI Name><POI Name>“Find Lowe’s® near me”“Starbucks®”Improving how you store your contacts can optimize your Bluetooth® Voice Recognition performance:• Use full names instead of short or single-syllable names (“John or Dad”)• Avoid using special characters/emojis or abbreviations (“Dr.”) when saving contactsFind <POI Name>“Find McDonald’s®”☐ INTRODUCTION AND LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DEPARTMENT ☐ SET FIRST SERVICE APPOINTMENT☐ REVIEW FACTORY RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ☐ WAS THE CONDITION OF YOUR VEHICLE (AT DELIVERY) TO YOURSATISFACTION?Sales Consultant DateSales Manager Date CustomerDate@HYUNDAI VEHICLE OWNER PRIVACY POLICYYour Hyundai vehicle may be equipped with technologies and services that use information collected, generated, recorded or stored by the vehicle. Hyundai has created a Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy to explain how these technologies and services collect, use, and share this information.You may read our Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy on the website at https:///owner-privacy-policy.aspxIf you would like to receive a hard copy of our Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy, please contact our Customer Connect Center at:Hyundai Motor AmericaHyundai Customer Connect CenterP.O. Box 20850Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0850**************************************Hyundai's Customer Connect Center representatives are available Monday through Friday, between the hours of 5:00 AM and 7:00 PM PST and Saturday and Sunday between 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM PST (English). For Customer Connect Center assistance in Spanish or Korean, representatives are available Monday through Friday between 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM PST.ENGINE START/STOP BUTTONWith the ignition OFF, press the engine start/stop button:• Once for ACC (Accessory) mode. • Twice for ON mode. • Three times for OFF.To start the engine, press the start/stop button while: • EcoShift Dual Clutch Transmission: depressing the brake pedal. • Manual Transmission: depressing the clutch and brake pedal.To shut engine OFF, shift to:• E coShift Dual Clutch Transmission: P (Park) and press thestart/stop button. • M anual Transmission: Select Neutral, apply thehand brake, and press the start/stop button.Emergency situations• S hut off engine while driving:Press engine start/stop button for more than 2 seconds or press it 3 times consecutively within 3 seconds. • R estart engine while driving:Press engine start/stop button with shift lever in N (Neutral).See Owner's Manual for more details.SUNROOF INTERIOR LIGHTSMap lampINSTRUMENT CLUSTERType A1231 122334455678Sport ModeFEATURES AND CONTROLS TRIP COMPUTERC Climate display button G Rear window defroster button Outside (fresh) air position Recirculated air positionNOTETo reduce the tendency of the glass fogging and improve visibility, keep the interior surface of the windshield clean by wiping it with aPlease visit /Bluetooth for a list of compatible phones tested to work with Hyundai’s Bluetooth ® system.Pairing tutorials, phone compatibility andOperational tips can be found through the Smart QR code using the QR reader application on your Smartphone.BLUETOOTH PHONE PAIRINGPhone setup (pairing phone)1. P ress PHONE button on the radio or on the steering wheel.2. Press the “Bluetooth” button on the screen.3. Press “Add New” button on the screen.4. Search for the device name as displayed on your mobile phone and connect.5. If necessary, input the passkey displayed on the Audio screen.6. Pairing is complete.NOTEVehicle must be in park to complete pairing process.BLUE LINK TELEMATICS SYSTEMBlue Link subscription is required. To enroll, please visit your dealership or .Press the button for access to the voice-response menu of services.- You can say:Service LinkRoadside AssistanceBlue Link Account Services Help CancelPress the button for Destination search by Voice.- For vehicle equipped with factory-installed navigation systems.- For non-navigation, this button functions with Android Auto or Apple CarPlay.Press the button for SOS Emergency Assistance.Visit for more information or refer to your Blue Link User’s Manuall for detailed information on system operation. For immediate assistance with subscription services, please call 1-855-2BLUELINK (1-855-225-8354).Google TM is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.You can download the MyHyundai with Blue Link app to your compatible smart phone from the following sites:• iPhone ® — Apple ® App Store • Android ™ — Google Play ™Remote Start enables you to remotely start your vehicle from virtually anywhere. For vehicles equipped with full-automatic temperature control, you can also enable climate control remotely and turn on the front window defroster, ensuring a warm or cool car is ready to go when you are.NOTE:Temperature will be set to temperature set at last use.• To use this feature, you must have a Blue Link PersonalIdentification Number (PIN). To create or change your PIN, log on to or open the MyHyundai app.Remote StartThe MyHyundai with Blue Link App• R emote Start will automatically shut off after 10 minutes or after selected engine timer runs out.• W hile this feature is active, the parking lights will blink until vehicle is turned off or when vehicle is in operation.• T o continue operation of the vehicle, the proximity key must be inside the vehicle with the driver prior to pressing the brake and being able to move the gearshift from the P (Park) position.Remember:Visit FAQs to see a list of compatible devices.NOTE : Remote Start is not available on all models. Remote Start is only available for Push Start equipped vehicle with an AutomaticTransmission or Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT). Remote Start with Climate Control additionally requires Fully Automatic Temperature Control.Preconditions:• I gnition is OFF• A larm is armed (i.e., vehicle locked by key fob Remote Door Lock) • G earshift level is in the P (Park) position • B rake pedal is not depressed • E ngine hood is securely closed • A ll the doors are closed and locked • T he tailgate or trunk lid is closed• T he security/panic system is not activated • T he proximity key is not inside the vehicle • T he battery power is not low• V ehicle is located in an open area• I t has been less than 4 days since last vehicle ignition off • V ehicle located in area with good cell receptionRemote Start will terminate:• After 10 minutes or after selected engine timer runs out • B rake is pressed without proximity key inside vehicle • A larm is triggered without proximity key inside vehicle • D oor/trunk is opened from inside the vehicleNotice: Laws in some communities may restrict the use of thefeatures that remotely start the engine. For example, some laws may require a person using the remote start feature to have the vehicle in view when doing so or limit the length of time a vehicle engine may idle. Please check local and state regulations for any requirements and restrictions on remote starting of vehicles and engine idling time.NOTEA clear view of the southern sky is recommended to ensure SXM ® radio reception. • SETTING PRESET BUTTONS (FM/AM/SXM)” S ix preset frequencies for each radio modes can be stored manually.1. S elect the radio mode you want to store a station into.2. Select the desired station.3. T ouch and hold one of the preset buttons until audible beep is heard. • ADJUSTING THE SOUND1. Press SETUP button C .2. Touch “Sound” on screen. • T ouch the arrows on screen to adjustdesired sound setting.AUDIO MODE*SiriusXM® is only available on Display Audio Light and NavigationPress POWER button A to turn radio on.• TUNING/LISTENING TO CHANNELS1. Press RADIO button B .2. Rotate TUNE knob D to desired channel.Playing PandoraNOTE Not all smart phones are compatible1. E nsure you have Pandora app onyour smart phone. 2. P air your smart phone to theBluetooth system. 3. S elect “Media” on Audio screen. 4. S elect “Pandora”. 5. I nitiate Pandora app on yoursmartphone. NAVIGATIONBasic features on the map screen1 Move to the Home Screen2 Change the map view mode3 Voice Guidance On/Off4 Zoom in the map5 S et the zoom level automatically according to the guidance6 Zoom out the map7Q uick and easy selection of a destination and options8Touch to scroll the map 9 Q uick and easy selection ofa destination from the map screen 10 Set a waypoint to the current route 11 S ave frequently used address to address book 12 F ind a POI (Point Of Interest) around the current position 13 V iew the vehicle’s current position on the map screen13891011121 Set destination by address search.2 Select from previously inputted addresses and POI’s.3 Online search.4 Select the desired item in the sub-categories.5Search and select the desireddestination among the search items.6 Search and select the desireddestination among the search items.7 Search and select the desireddestination among the search items.8 Search the destination with the address book.9Type coordinates to search.icon will appear confirming the setup.For more detailed information on how to operate Android Auto, please refer to your navigation manual.For additional Android Auto support, please refer to the Android Auto Support Websitehttps:///androidauto/Android Auto, Google Play, Android, and other marks are trademarksof Google Inc.PHONE SETUPTurn on Bluetooth ® on your phone and connect the micro USB cable to your phone and the USB port on the vehicle.Phone will prompt you to download the Android Auto app and update other needed apps (i.e. Google Maps™, Google Play Music™, Google Now™).NOTE: Vehicle must be parked.- Location mode setting should be set to High accuracy.- Car and phone setup should be completed in one sitting. If phone setup needs to be resumed, recommend to Force Stop the Android ANDROID AUTO ™REQUIREMENTS:- Micro USB cable- OS Android™ 5.0 or higher - Compatible Android Phone- Data and wireless plan for applicable featuresBEFORE YOU BEGIN:- Android Auto features may operate differently than on your phone.- Message and data charges may apply when using Android Auto.- Android Auto relies on the performance of your phone. If you experience performance issues:recommended.your requests.https:///androidauto/CAR SETUP1. Press the SETUP button.2. Touch the “Connectivity” icon on the screen.3. Touch “iOS” on the Connectivity Settings screen then touch “On” to enable Apple CarPlay.4. Connect your Apple iPhone to the vehicle USB port then touch ‘OK’ when the pop-up message appears. The Apple CarPlay icon will now appear on the vehicle Home screen confirming the setup.Apple CarPlay, Apple, and other marks are trademarks of Apple Inc.REQUIREMENTS- Apple Lightning ® cable - Latest iOS- iPhone ® 5 or above- Data and wireless plan for applicable featuresBEFORE YOU BEGIN- Apple ® CarPlay features may operate differently than on your phone.- Message and data charges may apply when using Apple CarPlay.- Apple CarPlay relies on the performance of your phone. If you experience performance issues:- Close all apps and then restart them or - Disconnect and then reconnect your phone- Using the Apple Lightning cable that was provided with your phone is recommended.- When Apple CarPlay is active, your voice recognition system is disabled and you will be using Siri ® to make your requests.APPLE CARPLAY ™PHONE SETUPOn your phone, go to Settings > General > Restrictions > CarPlay to allow CarPlay access.On your phone, go to Settings > General > Siri and ensure Siri is turned ON.MESSAGESTouch the MESSAGES 8 icon to access the Message screen. Siri will automatically asks ‘To hear unread messages or create a new one’ when the MESSAGE icon is selected.3rd PARTY APPSSupported CarPlay apps that are downloaded on your phone will appear on the CarPlay screen. Touch the apps icons to access those supported apps.NOTE: A list of the supported CarPlay supported apps can be foundat /ios/carplay/Ensure phone has latest version of the 3rd Party Apps.Apple CarPlay uses Siri to perform many actions like sending messages, placing calls, and looking up/setting POI/Destinations. A Siri session can be initiated on any screen by:1. Touch and holding the HOME icon 1 on the CarPlay screen or2. Press the steering wheel VOICE RECOGNITION 13 button.Note: Ensure Siri feature is set to ON in your phone (Go to Settings > General > Siri).3. Say any of the following commands;•“Text <John Smith> ‘Call you later’” to send a text message. •“Read text messages” to read available text message. •“Call <John Smith>” to make a phone call.•“Find <POI/Destination>” to locate a POI/Destination.converter. This creates more of a direct-drive feel, with the transition from one gear to the next managed by clutch slip, especially at lower speeds. As a result, shifts are sometimes more noticeable, and a light vibration can be felt as the transmission speed is matched with theengine speed. This is a normal condition of the dual clutch transmission.CRUISE CONTROL/SMART CRUISE CONTROL112Adjusting the vehicle speed1. Toggle “+RES” switch 2 UP to increase cruising speed.2. Toggle “-SET” switch 3 DOWN to decrease cruising speed.Note Quick toggle up/down will change speed by 1 mph. Holding switch up/down will change speed by 10 mph.To Cancel Cruise ControlPress the “CANCEL” button 4 or depress the brake pedal.When the gear shift lever is shifted into reverse (R), the rearview camera displays the area behind the vehicle.TPMS MALFUNCTION INDICATORBlinks for approximately one minute, then remains illuminatedwhen there is a malfunction with the TPMS. Inspect all tires and adjust the tire pressure to specification. If the lamp remainsilluminated, have the system checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer as soon as possible.LOW TIRE PRESSURE POSITION INDICATOR AND TIRE PRESSURE INDICATOR (LCD DISPLAY)Tire pressures will display after driving a short distance. If a tire pressure drops lower than predetermined specification, the Low Tire Pressure Indicator will illuminate and the LCD display will indicate tire(s) requiring air.The Tire Specification and Pressure Label located on the driver's side center pillar gives the tire pressures recommended for your car.Low Tire Pressure Position IndicatorB L U E T O O T H ® H A N D S -F R E ESWITCHING BETWEEN PAIRED PHONESOn the radio:1. Push the SETUP button.2. Select Bluetooth .3. Select Bluetooth Connection .4. Select Connect next to the desired phone.CONNECTING YOUR PHONEOn the radio:1. Push the SETUP button.2. Select Bluetooth .3. Select Bluetooth Connection .4. Select Add New . In your phone’sBluetooth settings:5. Select the <Vehicle Name> on your phone.6. Enter the passkey from theradio or accept the authorization pop-up on your phone.For more information, visit Using Voice Command:“Change Bluetooth device”。
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65 益
66 液
67 駅
68 悦
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70 謁
71 閲
91 往
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2.2.1. 探测器接线 ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.2. 报警输出接线 ................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.3. 电源接线 ........................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.4. 防拆开关接线 ................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.5. 键盘接线 ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.6. 警号接线 ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.7. 电话接线 ........................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.8. GPRS 接线 ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.2.9. 辅电接线 ........................................................................................................................... 16
1729674-1Portable Crimp Tools, Premium Crimp Tooling, Not Releasable, Not Adjustable,Fixed In Tool, TE Product Specification (114-), Certification, ManualApplication Tooling>Portable Crimp ToolsCertification:YesSpecification Type:TE Product Specification (114-)Die Sets Type:Fixed In ToolRatchet Configuration:Not Releasable, Not AdjustableTool Grade:Premium Crimp ToolingFeaturesOtherCrimp Form-Wire Barrel Type Open Barrel - F CrimpTool Grade Premium Crimp ToolingRatchet Configuration Not Releasable, Not AdjustableDie Sets Type Fixed In ToolSpecification Type TE Product Specification (114-)Certification YesPower Type ManualTool Type Straight Action Hand ToolProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Out of ScopeEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Out of ScopeChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016Not reviewed for China RoHS complianceEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JUN 2016(169)Does not contain REACH SVHC 1729674-1 ACTIVEAMPTE Internal #:1729674-1Portable Crimp Tools, Premium Crimp Tooling, Not Releasable,Not Adjustable, Fixed In Tool, TE Product Specification (114-),Certification, ManualView on >Halogen Content Not Yet Reviewed for halogen content Solder Process CapabilityNot applicable for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked.Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulations, TE’s information on SVHC in articles for this part number is still based on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance on requirements for substances in articles’(Version: 2, April 2011), applying the 0.1% weight on weight concentration threshold at the finished product level. TE is aware of the European Court of Justice ruling of September 10th, 2015 also known as O5A (Once An Article Always An Article) stating that, in case of ‘complex object’, the threshold for a SVHC must be applied to both the product as a whole and simultaneously to each of the articles forming part of its composition. TE has evaluated this ruling based on the new ECHA “Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” (June 2017, version 4.0) and will be updating its statements accordingly.TE Model / Part #3-1633860-2CRIMPER, WIRE FTE Model / Part #2836262-1OCEAN_2.0_Applicator-S-O42F070OVTE Model / Part #936887-00222759/33-26-7TE Model / Part #2-1579021-8CSV10 4.2 ConnSystTE Model / Part #1437000-9779-2151=DIE 622 FEM SKT USE WTE Model / Part #615571-00222759/33-26-5TE Model / Part #45160DAHT PG 22-16TE Model / Part #66102-2III+ PIN,24-20,TIN-LEAD,STRIPTE Model / Part #CAT-G7534-T111GRACE INERTIA TabTE Model / Part #CAT-G7534-R2435GRACE INERTIA ReceptacleCompatible PartsCustomers Also BoughtTE Model / Part #CB5371-000SST-48-15/FR/97/NMDocumentsProduct DrawingsSAHT FOR GIC 6.2MM PITCH W-W CONTACT L JapaneseDatasheets & Catalog PagesCrimp Term Whitepaper-Use the Right Tool 1-1773953-1 EnglishCRIMPING WHERE FORM MEETS FUNCTION EnglishBottoming DiesEnglishProduct SpecificationsGRACE INERTIA CONNECTOR 6.2MM PITCH JapaneseApplication SpecificationJapanese。
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Wimberley C-30 Quick-Release Clamp 说明书
try. It is compatible with most Arca -Swiss style quick -release plates, such as those made by Wimberley, Really Right Stuff, Kirk Enterprises, Arca -Swiss and Markins.It is not compatible with most Bogen, Manfrotto or Gitzo quick -release plates.The C -30 clamp is 4.1" long. It has three 3/8"threaded mounting holes. The C -30 was originally designed to convert the old -style Wimberley Head gimbal (WH -100) to a head with quick -releasecapability. The C -30 was the standard quick -release clamp sold on the classic Wimberley Head (WH -101) until this model Head was discontinued at the end of 2005.Wimberley, Inc. Phone: 1-434-529-8385 1750 Broadway St Toll Free: 1-888-665-2746 (USA & Canada)Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA *******************Mounting the C -30 to the Old -style Wimberley Head:Remove any cork/rubber padding from the Wimberley Head platform before attaching the clamp (this provides a more rigid connection). It is not necessary, but it is recom-mended. To do this, simply peel off the cork (use a butter knife or plastic spatula if needed). Use lighter fluid as a solvent to remove any excess adhesive that remains on the platform.Use the enclosed hex key and fasteners to mount the clamp to the platform of the Wimberley Head.Instructions continued on back >>Figure 1Loading a Quick -release Plate in the ClampWimberley, Inc. Phone: 1-434-529-8385 1750 Broadway StToll Free: 8886652746 (USA & Canada)Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA *******************5 Year Warranty – See /warranty.cfm for complete details Dimensions (Overall L x W x H): 4.2 x 3.3 x 0.98 in Weight: 8.5 oz (includes mounting screws )Materials: Anodized 6061 aluminum, stainless steel Package Contents:Quick -release Clamp: C -30 (Qty 1)Mounting Screws: 3/8”-16 x 5/8” Button Head Cap (Qty 2)Washers: 3/8” ID (Qty 2) Hex Key: 7/32” (Qty 1) Made in USAOpen the jaws of the clamp by turning the knob counter -clockwise.You can load a quick -release plate by opening the jaws of the clamp minimally and sliding the plate in from the end (end loading), or you can open the jaws of the clamp wide so that they clear the entire width of the plate and then load the plate from the top (top loading).You will need to top load your plate if you have safety -stop screws installed on your plate.C -30 Quick -Release ClampCaptive KnobThere is a captive screw in the end of the threaded stud of the clamp knob (Fig. 2). This screw keeps the knob and internal workings of the clamp captive, which means that the knob should not unscrew entirely and come apart unexpectedly. You should not need to back the knob all the way off the clamp stud.Note: For added protection during transport, we recommendclosing the clamp all the way to prevent damage to the knob stud.Tongue and Groove designThe clamp has a unique hidden tongue and groove design that protects internal parts from dust and grit (Fig. 3).The tongues are nearly twice as long as those on other Arca -Swiss style clamps. This added length counteracts the tendency for the moving jaw of the clamp to tip backwards during clamping, thus keeping the jaws aligned with the geometry of the plate. This also eliminates unwanted bending stresses on the stud on which the knob rides.Safety Stop ChannelsTwo shallow, finger -shaped channels have been machined into the face of the clamp from the ends, stopping just short of the central 3/8” tapped hole (see Fig. 4). These channels allow greater forward -backward adjust-ment when using the optional safety -stop screws on Wimberley plates or on other compatible quick -release lens plates that include this safety feature.Figure 3(C -10 Clamp shown)Figure 2Captivating ScrewWimberley, Inc. ©2017, All Rights ReservedRev. 170707Thank you for your interest in Wimberley products. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us.Figure 4Additional Features:。
2016 CIVICCivic Touring Sedan shown in Lunar Silver Metallic.Imagine.THE ALL-NEW 2016 CIVICCivic Touring Sedan shown in Crystal Black Pearl.Surrender.17-INCH ALLOY WHEELSThe Civic has a new look, accented by stunning 17-inch alloy wheels (EX-T and above).LED HEADLIGHTSLED Daytime Running Lights (DRL) make adistinctive impression. Touring models alsofeature all-LED headlights.17-INCH ALLOY WHEELS LED HEADLIGHTSAggressive by design.Civic Touring Sedan shown with Ivory Leather.The redesigned interior combines a premium feel withavailable innovative technology like heated front seatsand a 7-inch Display Audio touch-screen.Comforting by nature.POWER FRONT SEATSEasily find the perfect driving position witheight ways to adjust (EX-L, Touring Sedan).The front passenger enjoys 4-way poweradjustment as well (Touring Sedan).DRIVER INFORMATION INTERFACEA color screen right behind the steeringwheel displays what’s playing, who’scalling and almost everything else youneed to know (select models).STEERING WHEEL-MOUNTED CONTROLSChange the music or answer a call viaBluetooth®1 HandsFreeLink.® Your handsnever leave the wheel, and your eyesnever leave the road.*REMOTE ENGINE STARTAvailable remote engine start lets youpre-heat or cool your Civic, and be readyto go when you reach the door.7-INCH DISPLAY AUDIO TOUCH-SCREENTouch, pinch and swipe your way throughmusic, podcasts and more using thisavailable touch-screen.* D rive responsibly. Some state laws prohibit the operation of handheld electronic devices while operating a vehicle. For safety reasons, always launch youraudio application or perform any other operation on your phone or audio device only when the vehicle is safely parked.Honda LANEWATCH2Signal right and an available small cameradisplays live video on your Display Audioscreen, revealing nearly four times morethan the passenger-side mirror alone.HEATED OUTBOARD REAR SEATSThese heated outboard rear seats helpkeep your passengers extra cozy(Touring Sedan).ELECTRIC PARKING BRAKEA new electric parking brake replacesthe conventional hand lever with a simple,sleek switch.CENTER CONSOLE STORAGEA massive console with an adjustablebeverage holder gives you enoughroom to store your essentials and hideyour valuables.APPLE CARPLAY3The available Apple CarPlay featuregives you access to several iPhone®features on the Display Audiotouch-screen.ANDROID AUTO4Android smartphone users can accessGoogle Maps, Google Now, messages,music and other popular apps with theavailable Android Auto feature.Honda SENSING TMBoth the Civic Sedan and Coupe are available with Honda Sensing, a suite of safety and driver-assistive technologies that can help you sense things you might miss while driving.ROAD DEPARTURE MITIGATION SYSTEM (RDM)6RDM can determine if you cross over detected lanes without signaling and can even provide steering and braking assistance to help you stay in your lane. COLLISION MITIGATION BRAKING SYSTEM TM(CMBS TM)5 Helps bring your Civic to a stop by automatically applying brake pressure when the system determines a frontal collision is unavoidable.Sedan models with front crash prevention features.LANE KEEPING ASSIST SYSTEM (LKAS)9Long highway drives are easier with LKAS, which subtly adjusts steeringto help keep the Civic centered in a detected lane.LANE DEPARTURE WARNING (LDW)8A small camera searches for lane markings on the road. If itdetects the driver making an unindicated lane departure,visual and audible alerts will signify the departure.FORWARD COLLISION WARNING (FCW)7The FCW system can help sense the presence of vehicles infront of you, and if it calculates that you’re at risk of collidingwith a detected vehicle, it activates audible and visible alerts.ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (ACC)10 WITH LOW-SPEED FOLLOWACC helps you maintain a set following interval. After stopping, a tapon the throttle instructs the car to continue maintaining the desiredinterval between the vehicles.Introducing the most stunning Civic Coupe ever. The next thrilling evolution of our sport compact legend.With an aggressive new fastback design and an available turbocharged engine, the Civic Coupe is as quick as it looks.WING SPOILERGive your new Civic an aerodynamic exclamation point with this color-matched Honda Genuine Accessory.17-INCH ALLOY WHEELSThese stunning 17-inch alloy wheels are designed exclusively as a Honda Genuine Accessory, helping make your Civic more one-of-a-kind.FRONT UNDERBODY SPOILERThis accessory front underbody spoiler adds a subtle, custom look to your Civic. Manufactured by Honda for a precise fit and easy installation (Touring shown).FASTERAn all-new 1.5-liter turbocharged and intercooled engineproduces a thrilling 174 hp * and 162 lb-ft of torque,* and a new dual exhaust system helps optimize airflow (EX -T and above ).SHARPERThe Civic is designed with a revised suspension for more lateral support while cornering, plus wider tires for increased grip and reduced braking distance.LIGHTERA redesigned engine and chassis helps the Civic shed weight, increasing its power-to-weight ratio and handling characteristics.*SAE net.Even with a storied heritage spanning over 40 years, the Civic continues to push the boundaries of automotive engineering.AWESOME EFFICIENCYThe Civic earned an impressive 42-mpg highway rating,* thanks to reduced weight, direct injection engine technology and an efficient continuously variable transmission (CVT).EARTHDREAMS ® TECHNOLOGY* 31 city/42 highway/35 combined mpg rating for EX -T, EX -L and Touring Sedan models. Based on 2016 EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions and other factors.Overachiever.SHOW OFFLower, shorter and more aggressive, the Civic Coupe lets you show your wild, sensible side.SMARTVENT ® AIRBAGSFront side airbags feature SmartVent technology designed specifically to help protect the driver’s or front passenger’supper torso in the event of a side-impact collision.*ACE TM BODY STRUCTUREBy distributing frontal impact energy more evenly throughout the vehicle, the Advanced Compatibility Engineering TM body structure helps protect passengers.SAFETYEvery Civic is equipped with advanced safety features designed to help protect you and your passengers, mile after mile.Civic Touring Sedan shown in Lunar Silver Metallic.Your safety is our priority.*Honda reminds you and your passengers to always use seat belts and appropriate child seats. Children 12 and under are safest when properly restrained in the rear seat. †VSA is not a substitute for safe driving.It cannot correct the vehicle’s course in every situation or compensate for reckless driving. Control of the vehicle always remains with the driver.TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM (TPMS)11Because lost tire pressure can dramatically affect a vehicle’s performance, TPMS is designed to alert you if air pressure becomes significantly low in any tire.ADVANCED BRAKINGAn anti-lock braking system (ABS ) helps prevent wheels from locking up when braking hard, while Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD ) balances braking forces at each wheel based on how the Civic is dynamically loaded.MULTI -ANGLE REARVIEW CAMERA 12See more of what’s behind you with the multi-angle rearview camera with guidelines, which comes standard on every Civic.VEHICLE STABILITY ASSIST TM (VSA ®) WITH TRACTION CONTROL VSA helps you stay on course in the event of an understeer or oversteer condition by braking individual wheels and/or reducing engine power to help restore your intended course.†MULTI -ANGLE REARVIEW CAMERA 12For more information and complete specifications, go to All 2016 Honda vehicles – and any Honda Genuine Accessories installed at the time of vehicle purchase – are covered by a 3-year/36,000-mile limited warranty.13Plus, Honda cars and trucks are covered by a 5-year/60,000-mile Limited Powertrain Warranty,13 too. For more information or assistance, see your Honda dealeror please give us a call at 1-800-33-Honda.24-hour emergency road service is available to you in the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada throughout your 3-year/36,000-mile limited warranty term,starting with 2015 vehicles. Services include jump-starting, flat tire and lockout assistance, towing, and more (limitations apply ). Call 1-866-864-5211.Honda Care ® is an affordable, comprehensive vehicle and travel protection plan backed by Honda reliability, service and parts. Please see your Honda dealer for details.Manufactured to the same strict standards as Honda vehicles, Honda Genuine Accessories are the perfect way to personalize and protect your vehicle. Please see your Honda dealer for details.Whether you buy or lease a Honda vehicle, Honda Financial Services can assist you with the process. Please ask your dealer which lease or purchase plan best suits your needs.EXTERIORSEDAN INTERIOR EX -L & TOURING COUPE INTERIOR EX -L & TOURINGSEDAN INTERIOR LX, EX & EX -T COUPE INTERIOR LX, LX -P & EX -T WHITE ORCHID PEARL(SEDAN ONLY)(COUPE ONLY)(SEDAN ONLY)TAFFETA WHITE1 The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Honda Motor Co., Ltd., is under license.2 Display accuracy will vary based on weather, size of object and speed, and the display may not show all relevant traffic. The display is not a substitute for your own direct visual assessment of traffic conditions before changing lanes.3 Apple CarPlay is a trademark of Apple Inc.4 Android and Android Auto are trademarks of Google Inc.5 Depending on the circumstances, CMBS may not go through all the alert stages before initiating the last stage (of collision mitigation). CMBS cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and other factors. System operation affected by high interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.6 Road Departure Mitigation (RDM) only alerts drivers when lane drift is detected without a turn signal in use and can apply mild steering torque to assist driver in maintaining proper lane position and/or brake pressure to slow the vehicle’s departure from a detected lane. RDM may not detect all lane markings or lane departures; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.7 Forward Collision Warning (FCW) cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and other factors. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. FCW does not include a braking function. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.8 Lane Departure Warning (LDW) only alerts drivers when lane drift is detected without a turn signal in use. LDW may not detect all lane markings or lane departures; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions.9 LKAS only assists driver in maintaining proper lane position when lane markings are identified without a turn signal in use and can only apply mild steering torque to assist. LKAS may not detect all lane markings; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road condition. System operation affected by extreme interior heat. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions. 10 Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with low-speed follow cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed, and other factors. ACC should not be used in heavy traffic, poor weather, or on winding roads. Driver remains responsible for safely operating vehicle and avoiding collisions. 11 For optimal tire wear and performance, tire pressure should be checked regularly with a gauge. Do not rely solely on the monitor system. Please see your Honda dealer for details. 12 Always visually confirm that it is safe to drive before backing up; the rearview camera display does not provide complete information about all conditions and objects at the rear of your vehicle. 13 3-Year/36,000-Mile Limited Warranty. 5-Year/60,000-Mile Limited Powertrain Warranty. Ordinary maintenance or adjustments, parts subject to normal wear and replacement, and certain items are excluded. Please see your Honda dealer for the terms and conditions of the limited warranties. 14 158 hp @ 6500 rpm (SAE net). 15 174 hp @ 5500 rpm (SAE net). 16 SiriusXM services require a subscription after any trial period. If you decide to continue your SiriusXM service at the end of your trial subscription, the plan you choose will automatically renew and bill at then-current rates until you call SiriusXM at 1-866-635-2349 to cancel. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at . Fees and programming subject to change. XM satellite service is available only to those at least 18 years and older in the 48 contiguous United States and D.C. ©2016 SiriusXM Radio Inc. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. 17 HD Radio is a proprietary trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation. 18 The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System is available on EX-L Sedan and standard on Touring models in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. (Honda HD Digital Traffic service only available in the United States, except Alaska.) Please see your Honda dealer for details. 19 NHL and the NHL Shield are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. © NHL 2016. All Rights Reserved. 20 The Twitter bird logo and Stylized V logo are trademarks of Twitter, Inc., or its affiliates. iPhone is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Honda reminds you and your passengers to always use seat belts and appropriate child seats. Children 12 and under are safest when properly restrained in the rear seat. Specifications, features, illustrations and equipment shown in this brochure are based upon latest available information at the time of printing. Although descriptions are believed to be correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. American Honda Motor Co., Inc., reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, in colors, specifications, accessories, materials and models. Some features mentioned herein are not available in all areas. Please see your Honda dealer for details. Some vehicles may be shown with optional equipment. Available = Optional. All images contained herein are either owned by American Honda Motor Co., Inc., or used under a valid license. It is a violation of federal law to reproduce these images without express written permission from American Honda Motor Co., Inc., or the individual copyright owner of such images. Honda Financial Services is a DBA of American Honda Finance Corporation. Honda, the H-mark symbol, Honda Care, Honda LaneWatch, Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System, Honda Sensing, Advanced Compatibility Engineering, ACE, Collision Mitigation Braking System, CMBS, ECON logo, HandsFreeLink, SmartVent, Vehicle Stability Assist and VSA are trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. © 2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.CIVIC SPECIFICATIONSCIVIC SEDANCIVIC COUPETOURING adds to or replaces EX -L features•S tandard Honda Sensing suite of safety anddriver-assistive features • S tandard Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System 18 with voice recognition and Honda HD Digital Traffic • L ED turn indicators (headlights and side mirrors )• C hrome door handles • R ain-sensing windshield wipers • L ED headlights (low & high beam ) with auto-on/off • H eated outboard rear seats • F ront passenger’s seat with 4-way power adjustment • 450-watt premium audio system with 10 speakers, including subwooferTOURING adds to or replaces EX -L features•H onda Sensing suite of safety anddriver-assistive features• H onda Satellite-Linked Navigation System 18 with voice recognition and Honda HD Digital Traffic • L ED turn indicators (headlights and side mirrors )• C hrome door handles • R ain-sensing windshield wipers • L ED headlights (low & high beam ) with auto-on/offEX adds to or replaces LX features• R emote engine start• S tandard continuously variable transmission (CVT )• 16-inch alloy wheels• H onda LaneWatch 2• H eated side mirrors• O ne-touch power moonroof with tilt feature • S mart Entry • P ush button start• 60/40 split fold-down rear seatback • 180-watt audio system with 8 speakers•Apple CarPlay 3• A ndroid Auto 4LX -P adds to or replaces LX features• R emote engine start• S tandard continuously variable transmission (CVT )• O ne-touch power moonroof with tilt feature • S mart Entry •P ush button startEX -T adds to or replaces EX features• 174-hp,15 1.5-liter turbocharged and intercooledDOHC 4-cylinder engine with direct injection• 17-inch alloy wheels • F og lights • B ody-colored decklid spoiler • D ual-zone automatic climate control system • H eated front seats • S iriusXM ® Radio 16• H D Radio 17EX -T adds to or replaces LX -P features• 174-hp,15 1.5-liter turbocharged and intercooledDOHC 4-cylinder engine with direct injection• 17-inch alloy wheels • F og lights • H onda LaneWatch 2• H eated side mirrors • D ual-zone automatic climate control system • H eated front seats • 450-watt premium audio system with 10 speakers, including subwoofer • Apple CarPlay 3• A ndroid Auto 4• S iriusXM Radio 16• H D Radio 17EX -L adds to or replaces EX -T features•A utomatic-dimming rearview mirror• L eather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob • D river’s seat with 8-way power adjustment • L eather-trimmed seats•A vailable Honda Satellite-Linked NavigationSystem 18 with voice recognition and Honda HD Digital TrafficEX -L adds to or replaces EX -T features• A utomatic-dimming rearview mirror• L eather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob •L eather-trimmed seatsLX• 158-hp,14 2.0-liter DOHC i-VTEC ® 4-cylinder engine•6-speed manual or available continuously variabletransmission (CVT )• E lectric parking brake with automatic brake hold • H ill start assist • 16-inch wheels with full covers • M ulti-angle rearview camera 12 with guidelines • L ED Daytime Running Lights (DRL )• O ne-touch turn indicators • T aillights with integrated LED light bars • 160-watt audio system with 4 speakers • A vailable Honda Sensing suite of safety and driver-assistive features (CVT model only)LX• 158-hp,14 2.0-liter DOHC i-VTEC 4-cylinder engine•6-speed manual or available continuously variabletransmission (CVT )• E lectric parking brake with automatic brake hold • H ill start assist • 16-inch alloy wheels • M ulti-angle rearview camera 12 with guidelines • L ED Daytime Running Lights (DRL )• O ne-touch turn indicators • T aillights with integrated LED light bars • 60/40 split fold-down rear seatback • 160-watt audio system with 4 speakersJoin the millions of other Honda fans and connect with us socially.20Powerful. Agile. Versatile enough to handle almost any condition. It’s no wonder Honda is the officialv ehicle of the NHL.®19。
Qty: 6 PCS Carton #_____of_____ G.W.: 4.6Kg 10.1lbs. N.W.: 4.1Kg 9.0lbs.
Qty: 6 PCS Carton #_____of_____ G.W.: 4.6Kg 10.1lbs. N.W.: 4.1Kg 9.0lbs.
CASE PACK: 6pcs. G.W.: 3.7 kg, 8.2 lbs. N.W.: 3.2 kg, 7.1 lbs. Carton #_____of_____ P.N.:EJ703
CASE PACK: 6pcs. G.W.: 3.7 kg, 8.2 lbs. N.W.: 3.2 kg, 7.1 lbs. Carton #_____of_____ P.N.:EJ703
M9 正唛*2
CASE PACK: 6pcs. G.W.: 3.7 kg, 8.2 lbs. N.W.: 3.2 kg, 7.1 lbs. Carton #_____of_____ P.N.:EJ705
S9 正唛*2
CASE PACK: 6pcs. G.W.: 3.6 kg, 7.9 lbs. N.W.: 3.1 kg, 6.8 lbs. Carton #_____of_____ P.N.:EJ703
2016年林菲尔ンMK X车型价格清单说明书
PREMIERE EQUIPMENT GROUPPRICING2016 LI N CO LN M KXFor news, photos and video, visit .Follow us on Facebook at /lincoln .INTERIOR FEATURES •S eat features:– H eated front seats – 10-way power driver’s/front passenger seat with two-way power lumbar and driver’s side memory – F our-way manual adjustable front head restraints – 60/40 split rear seat –L incoln Luxury Soft-Touch Seating Surfaces • L incoln Experiences includes:– L incoln welcome mat – D oor handle illumination – A pproach detection – S ignature lighting fade-up • D ual-zone electronic automatic temperature control •C upholders • P ower door locks • D ual illuminated front visor mirrors • P ower windows with one-touch-up/-down for all four windows • D river’s/front passenger seat back map pockets • F ront and rear floor mats • F ront floor console with storage and two cupholders • L ED map lights • L eather-wrapped steering wheel with cruise and redundant audio controls; manual tilt/telescoping steering column • A uto-dimming rearview mirror • O verhead console with sunglasses holder • P articulate air filter POWER AND HANDLING • 3.7-liter Ti-VCT V6 engine •F ront-wheel drive • E lectric power-assisted steering•E lectronic parking brake • A ctive noise control • H ill start assist •P ush-button shift • T orque Vectoring Control •S ix-speed SelectShift®automatic transmission with paddle activation • 18-inch spare tire and wheel • Auto Hold featureEXTERIOR FEATURES•B ody-color bumpers/fascias,door handles and spoiler • B right beltline molding and door handle inserts • D ual chrome exhaust tips • S olar tinted windshield and front door glass • R ear privacy glass • H ID automatic headlamps with LED signature lamps • B ody-color dual power, heated sideview mirrors with memory, integrated blind spot mirrors and LED turn signals • L ED taillamps with LED backup lights • 18-inch painted aluminum wheels SAFETY/SECURITY • M yKey®• F our-wheel disc anti-lock brakes • A dvanceTrac® with RSC® (Roll Stability Control™)• D ual-stage front airbags • F ront seat-mounted side airbags • S afety Canopy® side-curtain airbags • D river and front passenger knee airbags • L ATCH (Lower Anchors and Tether Anchors for Children)•P erimeter alarm • R ear view camera• S ecuriCode™ invisible keypad • S ecuriLock® Passive Anti-Theft System • S OS Post-Crash Alert System™• T ire Pressure Monitoring System •T raction controlFUNCTIONALITY • P remium Sound System with 10 speakers, subwoofer, single-CD player and auxiliary input jack • S iriusXM Satellite Radio with six-month prepaid subscription. Service not available in Alaska and Hawaii •C ruise control • E asy Fuel® capless fuel filler • I ntelligent Access with push-button start •M anual liftgate • 18-gallon fuel tank•R ear-window defroster/wiper • R emote Start System • R everse Sensing System • S YNC® with MyLincoln Touch™ includes 911 Assist,® Vehicle Health Report and SYNCServices. Vehicle Health Report and SYNC Services include complimentary one-year nonrenewable subscription • M edia hub includes two USB ports and SD card reader • 8-inch LCD touch screenSELECTEQUIPMENT GROUPALL PREMIERE EQUIPMENT GROUP CONTENT, PLUS:• 18-inch premium painted aluminum wheels • L ED daytime running lamps• A uto-dimming driver’s sideviewmirror • Wood trim • B ridge of Weir Deepsoft™ leather seating surfaces • P ower tilt/telescoping steering column with memory• Hands-free power liftgate • U pgraded Lincoln Experiences includes:– H eadlamp signature lighting light-up sequence – A mbient lighting with light-up sequence– P ower-folding sideview mirrors – R emote software update functionality – P ersonalized service write-up • U niversal garage door openerRESERVEEQUIPMENT GROUPALL SELECT EQUIPMENT GROUP CONTENT, PLUS:• 20-inch premium painted 10-spoke aluminum wheel (2.7L engine, AWD)• 20-inch premium painted 20-spoke aluminum wheel (2.7L engine, FWD and 3.7L engine, FWD/AWD)• A daptive HID headlamps • H eated and cooled front seats • P anoramic Vista Roof® with power sunshade • B LIS® (Blind Spot Information System) with cross-traffic alert •V oice-activated Navigation System•E mbedded modemPERFORMANCE•F ront-wheel drive• 3.7-liter Ti-VCT V6 engine • S ix-speed SelectShift® automatic transmission • 20-inch premium painted aluminum with chrome insert wheels • 21-inch polished aluminum wheels ($1,300)6INTERIOR • C hoice of four exclusive designer themes: Modern Heritage, Indulgence, Thoroughbred and The Muse • E ach includes Alcantara® headliner, exclusive leather seating and perforation patterns, leather-wrapped console and instrument panels, unique stitching, and genuine wood or Artesian aluminum appliqués • R evel Ultima system with 19 speakers • I nflatable rear outboard safety beltsCARGO ACCESSORY PACKAGE – $175• D urable lightweight rubber cargo mat • R ear bumper anti-scratch pad/load protector CARGO UTILITY PACKAGE – $365• R ear Cargo Management System with liftgate scuff plate, cargo net and two chrome cargo tie-down hooks • M olded plastic storage bins and spare tire vanity cover under cargo floor • C argo compartment with reversible mat • 110-volt power outlet • C argo area tonneau cover CLIMATE PACKAGE – $5951• H eated rear outboard seats • H eated steering wheel • R ain-sensing front wipers • A uto high-beam headlamps TRAILER TOW PACKAGE – $645• T railer sway control • Hitch receiverSELECT PLUS PACKAGE – $1,1002• V oice-activated Navigation System • B LIS® (Blind Spot Information System) with cross-traffic alertTECHNOLOGY PACKAGE – $1,7203• E nhanced active park assist • F orward Sensing System •360-degree cameraDRIVER ASSISTANCE PACKAGE – $1,6503•L ane-Keeping System • A daptive cruise control • P re-Collision Assist with Pedestrian Detection LUXURY PACKAGE – $4,4003• R evel® Ultima system with 19 speakers and HD Radio™ Technology • A daptive LED headlamps FREESTANDING FEATURES • A ll-weather rubber floor mats – $75• S atin roof-rack side rails without crossbars – $195• I nflatable rear outboard safety belts – $250• A daptive steering 4 – $625• 21-inch summer tires 4 –$995• R evel® audio system with 13 speakers and HD Radio Technology – $1,155• 21-inch premium painted aluminum wheels 5 – $1,165• 21-inch polished aluminum wheels 6 – $1,300•22-way adjustable front seats 5 – $1,500• P anoramic Vista Roof®2 – $1,895• F actory-installed Dual-Headrest DVD Entertainment System – $1,995• 2.7-liter EcoBoost® V6 engine – $2,000• I ntelligent all-wheel drive with continuously controlled damping – $2,495• E nhanced security – $60•S onata Spin aluminum trim – N/CAVAILABLE EXTERIOR COLORS • B lack Velvet – N/C • I ngot Silver Metallic – N/C • L uxe Metallic – N/C • A llure Blue Metallic – N/C • R uby Red Metallic Tinted Clearcoat – $495• B ronze Fire Metallic Tinted Clearcoat – $495• P latinum Dune Metallic Tri-coat – $695• W hite Platinum Metallic Tri-coat – $695AVAILABLE INTERIOR COLORS • E bony – N/C • C offee/Cappuccino – $375• H azelnut – $375• T erracotta – N/CFREESTANDING PACKAGESALL PRICES MSRP AND DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES OR OTHER FEES 2016 LINCOLN MK X1Available on Select and Reserve only. 2Available on Select only. 3Available on Reserve only. 4Requires Reserve; available fall 2015. 5Requires Reserve or Black Label. 6Available Fall 2015; requires Reserve and 2.7-liter EcoBoost V6 engine. HD Radio is a proprietary trademark of iBiquity Digital Corp. Chroma is a registered trademark of JDS Uniphase Corporation. Bridge of Weir is a trademark of Bridge of Weir Leather Company Limited.LINCOLN BLACK LABELFor news, photos and video, visit .Follow us on Facebook at /lincoln .EXTERIOR• Unique Lincoln MKX Black Label badging • Panoramic Vista Roof • Adaptive LED headlamps• Colors exclusive to Lincoln Black Label Core colors:– C onfidential White – C rystal Silver – B lack TieChromaFlair® colors:– C hroma® Elite – $1,750– C hroma Quartz – $1,750– C hroma Couture – $1,750PRIVILEGES • F our-year or 50,000-mile extended premium service and maintenance coverage on wear items, such as shockabsorbers, engine belts and hoses, brake pads and linings, windshield wiper blades and spark plugs • N o-cost rental vehicle while any covered maintenance is performed •R emote service that lets Lincoln Black Label customers have their vehicles picked up and returned (within 30-mile radius) when maintenance is performed • A nnual vehicle detailing • A nytime car washes •C ulinary Collection membership: Lincoln Black Label customers enjoy access to curated list of restaurants from coast to coast, with noted chefs who provide at-your-service dining experiences。
ACU-RITE 精密玻璃尺度说明书
V i s i t u s a t ...ww w .a c u -r i t e .c o mP .N. 9951-0220 Rev. 5/07Made in USAPrecision Glass ScalesWith more than one million scales in use today, ACU-RITE precision glass scales withstand the elements of contamination found in even the harshest machine shop environments. As a result, our precision glass scales resist changes in size, shape or density due to temperature and humidity variations. This stability provides exceptional accuracy down to ±1.5µm (.00006"), resulting in tighter workpiece tolerances.ACU-RITE scales are available in travel lengths from 1"–773" and in resolutions from 0.5µm (.00002") to 5µm (.0002").Worldwide Office LocationsAcu-Rite Companies Inc. USAOne Precision Way, Jamestown, NY 14701 Tel: 800.344.2311 Fax: 716.661.1888 Web:/E-mail:******************Acu-Rite Companies Inc. USA - West Coast Office16312 Garfield Avenue, Unit B, Paramount, CA 90723 Tel: 562.634.5421 Fax: 562.634.5459 Web:/E-mail:******************ACI (Shanghai Rep. Office), ChinaRoom 1986, Tower B, City Center of Shanghai No. 100 Zunyi Lu Road, Chang Ning District 200051 Shanghai P .R.C Tel: Fax:******************ACU-RITE GmbH, GermanyFraunhoferstrasse 1, D-83301, Traunreut, Germany Tel: 011.49.8669.856110 Fax: 011.49.8669.850930 Web:www.acu-rite.de/E-mail:****************ANILAM srl, Acu-Rite Products, ItalyStrada Borgaretto, 38, 10043 Orbassano, Torino, Italy Tel: Fax: Web:www.acu-rite.it/E-mail:************ANILAM TW, Acu-Rite Products, TaiwanNo. 246 Chau-Fu Road, Taichung City 407, Taiwan, ROC Tel: 011.886.4.225.87222 Fax: 011.886.4.225.87260 E-mail:*******************ACI (UK) Limited, United Kingdom16 Plover Close, Interchange Park, Newport Pagnell Buckinghamshire, MK16 9PS United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Web:/E-mail:**************.ukVUE Technical DataDisplay 1-,2- or 3-axes 5.7”transmissive LCD displayCommon Functions• Job clock • Feed rate display • Multiple language supports • Absolute/incremental • Near-zero warning • Help function • 16 tool offsets / diameter • Preset and zero reset • 4 function calculator / Trig calculator • Instant inch/mm conversion • 200mm fixed reference marksMilling Specific Functions • Bolthole pattern calculations with graphics (full and partial circles/linear patterns)• Centerline calculation enables you to establish workpiece zero and midpointsTurning Specific Functions • Lock axis feature - used in conjunction with tool offsetting,lets you establish tool offsets with the tool under load,resulting in reduced tool deflection.• Instant radius / diameter conversion Error Compensation Linear and non-linear compensation up to +/-9,999 ppmConstruction Die-cast metalData Interface Serial communication via USB for software downloadsElectrical Requirements Voltage of 100-240 Vac Power of 25 VA max Frequency of 50/60 Hz (+/-3Hz)Operating Temperature0 degrees to 45 degrees C (32 degrees to 113 degrees F)Storage Temperature-20 degrees to 70 degrees C (-22 degrees to 158 degrees F)Weight5.20 lbs.CertificationsISO-9001:2001,UL,CSA,CEVUE for MillingThe world’s first choice for readout systems.Visit today for more information.VUE for Turning VUE for GrindingThe ACU-RITE VUE is a simple, cost-effectiveentry level solution for manual machine toolapplications.The ACU-RITE VUE features exclusive LCD display screentechnology and versatile software to accommodatemilling, turning or grinding applications. The ACU-RITEVUE is the first readout in the industry to display full texton a crystal clear LCD display. Plus, a content-sensitivehelp function assists you right on screen.The ACU-RITE VUE is designed and manufactured inACU-RITE’s ISO 9001:2001 certified facility. They aredesigned to UL/CSA/CE specifications and are backed by a3-year Hassle-Free Warranty.ACU-RITE maintains a strong worldwide authorizeddistribution network of fully trained and qualifiedpersonnel to provide quality sales and service support.ACU-RITE’s authorized distribution network is readilyavailable to provide prompt delivery, thorough producttraining and skilled technical service.VUE LCD Digital ReadoutsV ersatile, User-Friendly, Easy.SALES & SERVICE: A Tech Authority, Inc. 13745 Stockton Ave. Chino CA 91710 909-614-4522 ************************SALES & SERVICE: A Tech Authority, Inc. 13745 Stockton Ave. Chino CA 91710 909-614-4522 ************************。
CLAUSEID ORGANID STANDARDID CLAUSECODE1CLAUSECODE2 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t02O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.1 4.1.1eht4b8z9z4gcj4t03O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.1 4.1.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t04O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t05O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t06O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t07O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t08O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t09O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t010O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t011O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t012O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t013O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t014O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t015O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t016O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t017O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t018O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t019O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t020O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t021O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t022O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t023O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t024O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t025O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.2eht4b8z9z4gcj4t026O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t027O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t028O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t029O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t030O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t031O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t032O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t033O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t034O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t035O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t036O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t037O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t038O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t039O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t040O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t041O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t042O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t043O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t044O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t045O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3eht4b8z9z4gcj4t047O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t048O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t049O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t050O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t051O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t052O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t053O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t054O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t055O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.3 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eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0129O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0130O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0131O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0132O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0133O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0134O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0135O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0137O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0138O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0139O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0140O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.7 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0141O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.8 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0142O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.9 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0143O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.10.1 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0144O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.10.2 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0145O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.10.3 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0146O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 4.10.4 eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0147O00000000000101eht4b8z9z4gcj4t0 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0043中4.2.21/2弧,D/mm:1.0-1.3,40mm<L<缝针YY 0043中4.2.23/8弧,D/mm:0.2-0.6,L<20mm 缝针YY 0043中4.2.23/8弧,D/mm:0.2-0.6,20mm<L<缝针YY 0043中4.2.23/8弧,D/mm:0.7-0.9,L<20mm 缝针YY 0043中4.2.23/8弧,D/mm:0.7-0.9,20mm≤L 缝针YY 0043中4.2.23/8弧,D/mm:0.7-0.9,40mm<L<缝针YY 0043中4.2.23/8弧,D/mm:1.0-1.3,20mm≤L 缝针YY 0043中4.2.33/8弧,D/mm:1.0-1.3,40mm<L<缝针YY 0043中4.2.3韧性缝针YY 0043中4.2.4D/mm:0.2、0.3、0.4缝针YY 0043中4.2.4D/mm:0.5、0.6、0.7缝针YY 0043中4.2.4D/mm:0.8、0.9、1.0缝针YY 0043中4.2.4D/mm:1.1、1.2、1.3缝针YY 0043中4.3外观4.3.1针体缝针YY 0043中4.3外观4.3.2三角针刃口缝针YY 0043中4.3外观4.3.3表面粗糙度无菌环氧乙烷残留量热原血液相容性细胞毒性遗传毒性植入致敏小包装标志CLAUSECONTENT REMARK缝线表面应光滑,条干均匀,无污渍,无结头;多股缝线表面应有涂层针线连接处应光滑、无毛刺0.001-0.0090.010-0.0190.020-0.0290.030-0.0390.040-0.0490.050-0.0690.070-0.0990.100-0.1490.150-0.1990.200-0.2490.250-0.2990.300-0.3490.350-0.3990.400-0.4990.500-0.5990.600-0.6990.700-0.7990.800-0.8990.900-0.9991.000-1.0991.100-1.1991.200-1.299≥0.01≥0.06≥0.19≥0.42≥0.59≥1.08≥1.96≥3.92≥5.88≥9.41≥13.0≥14.1≥21.2≥26.7≥34.5≥47.8≥60.4≥71.3≥88.8≥0.05≥0.14≥0.28≥0.39≥0.59≥1.08≥2.25≥4.51≥6.47≥9.00≥10.0≥14.2≥17.7≥24.9≥36.1≥0.02≥0.20≥0.59≥0.69≥1.08≥1.60≥2.65≥5.29≥8.04≥13.3≥15.4≥17.6≥33.3≥46.6≥57.8≥89.3≥112≥133≥156≥178≥201≥223≥0.07≥0.05≥0.14≥0.10≥0.21≥0.15≥0.49≥0.24≥0.78≥0.39≥1.67≥0.78≥2.25≥1.08≥4.41≥2.25≥6.66≥3.33≥9.00≥4.50≥10.8≥4.50≥14.7≥4.50≥17.6≥5.88≥17.6≥6.86褪色试验应合格缝线长度≥标示长度的95%单根缝线长度≤3.5m载荷/N:0.39,圆针≤0.63;三角针≤0.49载荷/N:0.58,圆针≤0.68;三角针≤0.58载荷/N:0.78,圆针≤0.78;三角针≤0.68载荷/N:0.98,圆针≤0.93;三角针≤0.78不小于520HV0.2弧形增大10%,变形量不大于2%弧形增大11%,变形量不大于1.5%弧形增大9%,变形量不大于2%弧形增大10%,变形量不大于1.5%弧形增大11%,变形量不大于1%弧形增大8%,变形量不大于2%弧形增大9%,变形量不大于1.5%弧形增大10%,变形量不大于1%弧形增大8%,变形量不大于2%弧形增大9%,变形量不大于1.5%弧形增大7%,变形量不大于2%弧形增大8%,变形量不大于1.5%弧形增大9%,变形量不大于1%弧形增大7%,变形量不大于1.5%弧形增大8%,变形量不大于1%将1/2弧形针展开近似至3/8弧形,不得折断;将3/8弧形展开至近似直形,不得折断;直形针弯曲成近似90º,不得折应无虚尖,加载荷0.39 N顶压后,不得有弯钩应无虚尖,加载荷0.58 N顶压后,不得有弯钩应无虚尖,加载荷0.78 N顶压后,不得有弯钩应无虚尖,加载荷0.98 N顶压后,不得有弯钩表面应光亮、色泽均匀,针孔和针槽应光滑居中,不得有毛刺或明显歪斜现象不得有卷刃、白刃及锯齿状表面粗糙度Ra数值应不大于0.8μm应无菌不大于250μg/g应无热原溶血率不大于5%反应不大于1级不应有毒性变化反应应符合GB/T 16175-1996中13.6.2的规定应无致敏应符合标准要求曲成近似90º,不得折断。
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子信 息 、L E D、新 能源 汽车 、生 物 、
当天公 布的 《 广东省 实施创新 驱动发展战略 2 0 1 7 年工作要点 》显 示 ,2 0 1 7 年 ,广 东将持续 培育更 多 高新技术 企业 ,推动 国家 高新技 术 企业超过 2 . 3万家 。深入实施大型工 业企 业研发机构 全覆盖行 动 ,重点 推动 年产值 5 亿 元 以上的大型 工业 企业全部设立研发机构。
化 到近 3 1 0 0 项 细 分 的 产 品 和服 务 .
2 0 1 6 年广东高新技术企业数量达到 1 9 8 5 7家 增 长 7 8 . 8 %
2月 7日召开 的J 东 省 创新 发 展
务。预计 2 0 1 7年 ,深圳市 国家高新
企 业 数有 望达 到 1 万家。
广东省科技发展专项资金开始申报 5 8 个专题、百万资金扶持1
2 0 1 7年度省科技发 展专项资金 项 目( 第三批 ) 申报工作开始啦 !据 了解 ,本次 申报 专题共 五十八个 ,
涵 盖 制 造 品 、生 物 医 药 、互 联 网 等
本地 生产总值约 1 . 9 5万亿元 ,增长
2 0 1 7年 将 在 3月 份 发 布 国 家 高 新技术企业认定 申请指南
1 月1 0日,深圳 市委常 委 、常 务副 市长张虎调 研高新技术 企业培 育 并主持 召开工作会议 。从 会上获
悉 ,2 0 1 6 年 ,深 圳 认 定 国 家 高 新 技 术企业 3 7 9 1 家 ,新 增 2 5 1 3 家 , 总 数达 8 0 3 7 家 ,全 市 各区 超 额 完 成 任
高端装备制造 、资源环境 、 新能源 、 新材料八 大方面 。本次专项扶持 力 度特别大,最少的 2 0 0 万/ 项 ,最高
2 0 0 0万 / 项!
《 战略性新 兴产业 重点产品和服 务
指导 日录 》( 下 称 《目录 》) 2 0 1 6版 出炉 ,该版 本是 在 《目录 》2 0 1 3版
务 受 理 窗 口的 截 止 时 间 为 2 ( ) 1 7 年 3
月2 ( ) 日下午 1 7 : 0 0 。
息技 术 、高端 装备 制造 、新材料 、 生物 、新 能源 、数字 创意等战 略性
新 兴产 业 。
对 比 《目录 》2 0 1 3版 中涉 及 7 个 产业 、2 4 个发 展方向 、进一步细
珠 三 角地 区 高 新 技 术 企 业 数 量 达 到 1 8 8 8 0 家 ,比 2 0 1 5 年 增长 了 7 8 . 8 %。
业 内人 士分 析 , 《目录 》2 0 1 6 版是落 实 《 规 划 》和 引导全社 会资 源投 向的具体举措 ,进 一步细 化各 个产业 中具有市场 需求和价值 的产 品和服 务 ,为企业 制定战略方针 提
术 企 业 培 育 的 有 关 情 况 。去 年 ,在 3 7 9 1 家 认 定 的 企 业 中 , 电子 信 息 领 域企 业 占 5 4 . 9 %, 先 进 制 造 与 自动 化领 域 r 与1 7 . 9 %,其 他 六 个领 域 均 未
会上披露 的数据显 示 ,2 0 1 6年
供 支持 。
其 中,深圳 、广州数量 领 先,分别 达到 8 0 3 7 和4 7 4 4 家 ;广州 、东莞 、 中 山等 市 高 新 技 术 企 业 存 量 实 现 1 0 0 % , 以上快 速增长 。据深圳市委书 记 许勤介绍 ,2 { ) 1 6 年 ,在 外部 下行 压 力较大 的形势下 ,深圳经 济保持 了有质量 、有效益 、 可持续 的发展。
大会披露 ,2 0 1 6 年 ,广东高新 技术
企业数 量 达到 1 9 8 5 7 家 ,总 量 居 全
国第 一 。
《目录 》2 0 1 6 版在产业 数量上增加 了1 个 ,在细 分产品 和服 务的数量
上增 加 了 1 6 个 重 点方 向 , 约9 0 0 项。
会 上,市科技创 新委 主任梁永 生介绍了深圳 市 2 0 1 6 年国家高新技
9 %。石 墨烯 太赫兹芯 片、无人机 、
年将 在 3月份 发布 国家高新技 术企
业 认 定 申请指 南 , 分 三批 进行 认 定 。
柔性显示等技 术处于全球领 先水平 ,
华 为短码方案成为全球 5 G技术标准
众多行业 ,其 中包括 :高端 新型 电
新版 战 略性 新 兴产 业 指 导 目录 出炉 细分产品服务增加约 9 0 0 项
超过 1 ( ) %。深圳 市 国家高新 技术 企
业 数 量 已 超 过 上 海 ,在 全 国排 第 四 位 ,深 圳 市 高 新 技 术 企 业 数 i 与全 国
的7 . 7 3 %。
据 悉,2 0 1 7 年 ,深圳 市委 市政 府对 高新技术 企业培育提 出新 的要
求 ,要 求 今 年 完 成 新 增 2 0 0 0 家 。今
域 8个产 业 ,进 一 步 细 化 到 4 ( J 个 重 点方 向下 1 7 4 个 子 方 向 ,近 4 0 ( ) ( ) 项 细 分 的 产 品 和 服 务 ,涉 及 新 一 代 信
截 止 时 间为 2 0 1 7 年 3月 1 5日下 午
1 7 : 0 0 。书面 申报材料送 省科技 厅业
基础 上 修订 完 善形 成 。
申报单 位网 上申报及提 交截 止
时间为 2 0 1 7年 3月 6日下午 1 7 : 0 0 ,
《 目录 》2 ( ) 1 6 版 明确 的五大领
各级 科 技 主 管 部 门 网上 审 核 推 荐
5 4 印 割雷, 蕾 资 誊 f 乙2 0 1 7 年3 g J  ̄ g 2 期