Brown-Uniqueness, stability, and comparative statics in rationalizable Walrasian markets
2、吸收度(absorbance ):透光率的负对数。
3、生色团(chromophore ):含有n—n*或n—n*跃迁的基团。
5、摩尔吸收系数(molar absorptivity):—定波长时,溶液浓度为1mol/L,光程为1cm时的吸收度。
6、比吸收系数(specific absorptivity ):—定波长时,溶液浓度为1%(W/V ),光程为1cm时的吸收度。
7、红移(red shift):化合物结构改变(共轭,引入助色团,溶剂改变等),使吸收峰向长波长移动的现象。
8、蓝移(blue shift):当化合物结构改变或受溶剂的影响等原因使吸收峰向短波长移动的现象。
也称短移(hypso chromic shift )。
9、增色效应(hyperchromic effect):由于化合物结构改变或其他原因使吸收强度增加的效应。
10、减色效应(hypochromic effect):由于化合物结构改变或其他原因使吸收强度减弱的效应。
11、末端吸收(end absorption ):在短波长处(200nm左右) 只呈现强吸收,而不成峰形的部分。
15、吸收带:吸收峰在紫外可见光谱中的波带位置(R、K、B和E 带)。
Adipose tissue browning and metabolic health
During evolution, animal species have been repeatedly challenged by two major threats to which they had to adapt: limited food supplies and cold temperatures. The adipose organ is an important tissue that responds to both changes in nutrient supply and ambient temperature. In higher vertebrates, white adipose tissue (WAT) stores vast amounts of nutrients as lipids in unilocular white adipocytes, which can then be released as fatty acids when food is scarce.1 Endothermic birds and mammals, more over, can maintain their body core temperature through basal metabolism or muscle-shivering thermogenesis.2 In mammals, brown adipose tissue (BAT) can both store nutrients as lipids and dissipate their energy as heat in a process called nonshivering thermogenesis.3 Classic brown adipocytes are characterized by a multi locular lipid droplet structure, high amounts of mito chondria and production of the mitochondrial brown fat uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) which is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane (Box 1). When activated by sympathetic tone, brown adipocytes dissipate chemical energy stored as triglycerides by channelling fatty acids into β‑oxidation.3 UCP1 uncouples electron transport from ATP production, which in turn leads to controlled exothermic resolution of the electrochemical gradient and generation of heat to maintain body core tempera ture. Consequently, BAT is highly metabolically active and can be detected as hot spots of glucose uptake on PET or by MRI (Box 2). BAT activity (as determined by PET– CT) is positively corre lated with the amount of BAT,4,5 its activation status4,6 and environmental factors, such as low temperatures.7 In humans, repeated cold exposure leads
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 10 (2022) 190-194doi: 10.17265/2328-2150/2022.06.002Assessment of Heavy Metals Content in Sewage Discharges from Health Structure in MauritaniaMohamed Bouna Ammar1,2,6, Brahim Ahmed Dick2,3, Yahya Maham Ould Sidi1,2, Hanan Deih1,2, Hana Youssef Learoussy3,4, Med Abderrahmane Sanhoury5, Vadly Sadegh6 and Mohamed Fekhaoui11. Geo-biodiversity and Natural Patrimony Laboratory, Scientific Institute, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco2. Research Unit of the Water, Pollution, Environment, FST, University of Nouakchott Al-Aasrya, Mauritania3. National Laboratory for the Quality Control of Medicines (LNCQM), Nouakchott, Mauritania4. Laboratory of Bioactive Molecules, FST, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco5. Materials Chemistry Research Unit, Department of Chemistry, FST, University of Nouakchott Al-Aasrya, Mauritania6. Central Purchasing Center for Medicines, Medical Equipment and ConsumablesAbstract: This study was carried to assess the quality of liquid waste produced by the Nouakchott Friendship Hospital in Mauritania, the aim is to quantify different heavy metals obtained from discharge of the hospital waste six heavy metals (arsenic, lead, cobalt, chromium, cadmium and copper) were object of evaluation. Analysis was carried using inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) method and the standards used are those of the WHO. The average content of heavy metals in different samples is different: Arsenic (4.625 μg/L), Lead (3.800 μg/L), Cyanide (0.05μg/L), Chromium (0.013μg/L), Cadmium (< LD (0.000000012 μg/L) and Copper (60 μg/L).Results showed that the samples of liquid waste from the Nouakchott Friendship Hospital were very loaded with pollutants, this may constitute a threat to the environment and a potential health risk for human, since the continuous introduction of these heavy metals into aquatic medium could be harmful through bioaccumulation and biomagnifications.Key words: Heavy metals, waste, ICP-OES, pollutants, health risk.1. IntroductionIn view of the nature and importance of specific substances (drug residues, chemical reagents, antiseptics, detergents, developers and x-ray fixators, etc.) contained in the waste generated by hospital activities, as well as its evacuation (like conventional urban waste, to the municipal sanitation network without prior treatment), it may cause potential hazards to humans and their environment [1].In recent years, the health establishments produce waste in large quantities, and of very diverse nature. In developed countries, the majority of wastewater (domestic, hospital and industrial) is passed throughCorresponding author: Mohamed Bouna Ammar, research fields: engineering and environment. Email: sanitation networks and collected and then treated in wastewater treatment plants before being released into the natural environment. This process thus makes it possible to limit the excessive inputs of organic matter and mineral pollutants into the natural environment [2].The management of medical waste in general is seen as a serious problem in some countries especially developing countries. A study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002 among 22 developing countries showed that 18 to 64% of health establishments do not properly dispose of their health care waste. This showed that the current management of medical waste poses a real public health and environmental problem in developing countries. In these countries, an additional danger is added, that of excavation of landfills and manual sorting ofwasteAssessment of Heavy Metals Content in Sewage Discharges from Health Structure in Mauritania 191collected at the exit of health care establishments without discrimination [3], which further complicates this problem and takes it on a different scale [4].The relative problems of risky substances are thus one of the major current concerns [5-7]. In this context, the issue of discharges of hospital waste is becoming increasingly important. Indeed, these establishments generate substantial volumes of liquid waste which contain specific xenobiotics (metals, chemical reagents, disinfectants, detergents, radiographic developers and fixers, etc.) which will thus be disseminated in the environment [8].Indeed, as occurs in all chains of human activity, medical care generates solid waste, liquid discharges and gaseous waste, and therefore causes transfers of pollutants to natural environments that can compromise the biological balance of ecosystems, aquatic life and the health of living beings [9]. Heavy metals like copper can disrupt in high doses the proper functioning of the enzymatic system of humans [10]. These heavy metals therefore represent a danger of water pollution since they can modify the physicochemical characteristics of the water and adversely affect the proper functioning of the treatment plant by destroying its purification flora [11].In Mauritania, management of medical waste is a major challenge for national hospitals. Despite the large quantities produced at these hospitals, there is a poor management of effluents, which is mainly due to the lack of an establishment specialized in the treatment and disposal of hospital effluents.In Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, out of 13,650 m3 of wastewater collected per day including hospital liquid effluents, only 4,250 m3 are treated. Thus, 9,400 m3 of wastewater (68.86%) is untreated and discharged directly into the sea through a public collection network. In view of this observation, it is necessary to implement planned integrated management systems for hospital waste. Mauritania’s environmental and sanitation codes stipulate that producing establishments, namely hospitals and other health facilities are responsible for the biomedical waste they discharge [12].The objective of the study is to evaluate the discharges of waste water at the Friendship Hospital by the quantification of heavy metals by ICP-OES method.2. Material and Methods2.1 Study LocationThe Friendship Hospital was chosen as the study site because it is not directly linked to the city’s sewerage network. The hospital has 9 departments, including surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, emergency, ENT, ophthalmology, anesthesia, resuscitation/hemodialysis/ outpatient, and medical analysis laboratory, with 91 beds. The friendship hospital has a unit responsible for public hygiene, which deals only with the cleaning of the premises and not with the treatment of waste from the various departments.2.2 SamplingSamples of liquid waste were collected from the internal sewage network of the Nouakchott Friendship Hospital. Four samples were collected in sterile bottles from August to September 2019, with an interval of 10 days.The trace metal analysis was conducted using ICP-OES, which limit of detection (LOD) is 0.001 mg/kg. Hg was analyzed using Direct Mercury Analyzer (LOD = 0.003 mg/kg) according to the method [13].3. Results and DiscussionThe liquid waste produced by the Friendship Hospital of Nouakchott has a great variability in characteristics and this variability depends upon the rejection of services. The results show that the concentrations of heavy metals in liquid waste varied at the Friendship Hospital of Nouakchott during the study (Figures 1-5).Assessment of Heavy Metals Content in Sewage Discharges from Health Structure in Mauritania192Fig. 1 Arsenic variation in samples.Fig. 2 Lead variation in samples.Fig. 3 Cyanide variation in samples.Fig. 4Fig. 5 Copper variation in samples.2468Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Arsenic content in µg/L0. 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Cyanide content in µg/LAssessment of Heavy Metals Content in Sewage Discharges from Health Structure in Mauritania 193The results obtained from the analysis of heavy metals in samples of liquid waste from Nouakchott Friendship Hospital are presented in Table 1. The results revealed a variation in contents of different heavy metals. The averages of the heavy metal concentrations of for samples from the liquid waste collection point of the Friendship Hospital are respectively presented in Table 2.Table 1 Overview of heavy metals content in different samples.Element (µg/L) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Arsenic 6 5.8 4.1 2.6 Lead 6.4 5.2 2.5 2.1 Cyanide 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.09 Chromium 0.011 0.006 0.028 0.005 Cadmium < LD < LD < LD < LD Copper 30 30 140 40LD = limit of detection (0.000000012 μg/L).Table 2 Comparison results with different countries standards.Element (µg/L) Range Mean ± SDStandardsMorocco Senegal Benin South Africa OMSArsenic as As 2.6-6 4.625 ± 1.597 1,000 1,000 500 500 - Lead as Pb 2.1-5.4 3.800 ± 1.742 5,000 500 1,000 100 500 Cyanide as Cn 0.03-0.09 0.050 ± 0.028 1,000 - 1,000 - - Chromium as Cr 0.005-0.028 0.013 ± 0.011 100 - 2,500 500 - Cadmium as Cd < LD - - - 1,000 50 -One of the main environmental problems posed by liquid hospital waste is its discharge, like conventional urban effluents, to municipal sanitation networks without prior treatment [14]. Indeed, the use of measuring devices and solutions based on metals in hospitals in developing countries facilitates the presence of these metals in the liquid discharges of the various medical services [15].The sewage discharge from services of the Friendship Hospital of Nouakchott does not reveal a high concentration of heavy metals (Arsenic, Lead, Cyanide, Chromium, Cadmium and Copper). Our results showed a variation of different heavy metals content in period of sampling. Arsenic and lead contents (Figures 1 & 2) decreased in the period of the study, while cyanide (Figure 3) increased. However, the contents of chromium and copper (Figures 4 & 5) had a variation during the study.In Mauritania, there is no regulation about the standards for heavy metals in hospital sewage discharge. In our study, we compared our results with those of the WHO standards and those of other countries standards in Africa (Table 2). In our study, the content of heavy metals found in liquid waste from Friendship Hospital is not significant and are below the sewage discharge standards, except for copper which in Sample 3 (140 µg/L) was above the limit of copper by the Moroccan regulation. Arsenic concentrations varis from 2.6-6 µg/L, the lead content varied between 2.1-5.4 µg/L, and the cyanide, chromium and copper contents varied between 0.03-0.09 µg/L, 0.005-0.028 µg/L, 30-140 µg/L, respectively. The cadmium concentration was lower than the detection limit of 0.000000012 μg/L, which was consistent with the determination result [16]. Other studies have shown that there are low concentrations of heavy metals in hospital liquid wastes, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper andAssessment of Heavy Metals Content in Sewage Discharges from Health Structure in Mauritania 194chromium [16-18].4. ConclusionsThe study is the first to measure heavy metal emissions from health facilities in Mauritania. The concentration of heavy metals in liquid wastes provides valuable information; the toxicity of these metals should be taken into account when comparing the potential impact of these metallic elements on the environment and on aquatic animals. This preliminary study highlights the presence of heavy metals in the liquid wastes from the Nouakchott Friendship Hospital, which are toxic even at very low concentrations.The evaluation of metal pollution degree in this study shows that metal pollution can be seen in all samples (arsenic, lead, cyanide, chromium, cadmium and copper). In order to reduce the risk of these toxic elements in hospital emissions, it is necessary to treat this wastewater.References[1]Darsy, C., et al. 2002. Effluents des établissementshospitaliers et la maîtrise de la diffusion des bactéries multi résistantes: teneur en microorganismes pathogènes, risques san itaires, procédures particulières d’épuration et gestion des boues. pp. 10.[2]Code de la santépublique. 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填空题:1、蛋白质结构数据来源:①实验测定方法: X-ray 、 NMR 、Cryo-EM ②理论预测:同源建模、折叠识别、从头计算2、一级数据库:①一级核酸数据库:Genbank(美国)、EMBL (欧洲)、DDBJ(日本) NCBI②一级蛋白质序列数据库:SWISS-PORT 、PIR 、 NCBI③一级蛋白质结构数据库:PDB、 pfam 、 prosite大分子序列格式:fasta数据库基本文件格式:genbank蛋白质分类数据库:SCOP、CATH 、 FSSP二次数据库: GDB 、 Prosite、 TRANSFAC3、本地软件: Clustal-x 、 BioEdit 、 Mega、 sequencher、 spdbv、 Discovery-studio4、本课程主要理论依据:相似性、同源性、序列比对(3D结构比对)、数学方法、分子动力、分子力学5、基因鉴定三步骤:①找到序列中的非编码区(低复杂度区)②找基因③鉴定找到的基因6、主要的生物大分子数据:①DNA:基因组序列、基因序列、cDNA、EST、碱基修饰DNA 功能模块 /位点(如启动子、剪接体、表达调控位点等)②蛋白质:氨基酸组成、氨基酸序列、理化性质、原子坐标;二级结构、核体、结构域、功能域 /位点; 3D 结构常见的生物信息数据记录格式:FASTA 、GenBank、EMBL、 PDBFASTA 格式:序列文件的第一行由大于符号>大头的任意文字说明,主要为标记序列用。
文件中和每一行都不要超过80 个字符(通常60 个字符)GenBank格式:序列名称、长度。
日期;序列说明、编号、版本号;物种来源、学名、分类60学位置;相关文献作者、题目、刊物、日期;序列特征表;碱基组成;序列本身(每行个)二 .填空题1.常用的三种序列格式: NBRF/PIR,FASTA 和 GDE2.初级序列数据库: GenBank, EMBL 和 DDBJ3.蛋白质序列数据库: SWISS-PROT 和 TrEMBLPIR (蛋白4. 提供蛋白质功能注释信息的数据库:KEGG (京都基因和基因组百科全书)和质信息资源) 5. 目前由 NCBI 维护的大型文献资源是PubMed6.数据库常用的数据检索工具: Entrez, SRS, DBGET7.常用的序列搜索方法: FASTA 和 BLAST8.高分值局部联配的 BLAST 参数是 HSPs(高分值片段对), E(期望值) 9. 多序列联配的常用软件: Clustal10.蛋白质结构域家族的数据库有:Pfam, SMART11. 系统发育学的研究方法有:表现型分类法,遗传分类法和进化分类法12. 系统发育树的构建方法:距离矩阵法,最大简约法和最大似然法13. 常用系统发育分析软件:PHYLIP 14.检测系统发育树可靠性的技术: bootstrapping 和 Jack-knifing 15. 原核生物和真核生物基因组中的注释所涉及的问题是不同的16. 检测原核生物ORF 的程序: NCBI ORF finder17. 测试基因预测程序正确预测基因的能力的项目是GASP(基因预测评估项目)18.二级结构的三种状态:α螺旋,β折叠和β转角19.用于蛋白质二级结构预测的基本神经网络模型为三层的前馈网络,包括输入层,隐含层和输出层20.通过比较建模预测蛋白质结构的软件有SWISS-PDBVIEWER ( SWISS — MODEL 网站) 21. 蛋白质质谱数据搜索工具:SEQUEST 22. 分子途径最广泛数据库:KEGG23. 聚类分析方法,分为有监督学习方法,无监督学习方法24. 质谱的两个数据库搜索工具:1、 SEQEST 和 Lutkefi 三大数据库:核酸序列数据库、蛋白质序列数据库、结构数据库世界三大核酸序列数据库:GenBank、 EMBL-Bank 、 DDBJ蛋白质序列数据库:Swiss-Prot、 TrEMBL 、UniProt蛋白质结构数据库:PDB 、SCOP、CATH2、 GenBank 文献、提供了提供的服务:提供了EntrezBLAST 序列类似性检索。
下面是一些与后基因组研究相关的重要名词解释:1. 转录组学(Transcriptomics):转录组是指在一个特定条件下生物体中的所有转录RNA分子的集合。
2. 蛋白质组学(Proteomics):蛋白质组是指在一个特定条件下生物体中的所有蛋白质的集合。
3. 代谢组学(Metabolomics):代谢组是指在一个特定条件下生物体中的所有代谢产物的集合。
4. 表观基因组学(Epigenomics):表观基因组是指在一个特定条件下生物体中基因组上的各种表观遗传修饰(如DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰)。
5. RNA-Seq:RNA-Seq是一种转录组学研究中常用的技术,通过高通量测序分析样品中的所有转录RNA,以获得全面而准确的转录组信息。
6. 蛋白质互作网络(Protein-protein interaction network):蛋白质互作网络是基于蛋白质之间的相互作用关系构建的网络模型,用于研究蛋白质功能、信号传导和调控等方面。
RSR AQP4 Ab Version2 Aquaporin4 (AQP4) Autoantibod
ElisaRSR TM AQP4 Ab Version 2 Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) AutoantibodyELISA Version 2 Kit –Instructions for useRSR LimitedParc Ty Glas, Llanishen, CardiffCF14 5DU United KingdomTel.: +44 29 2068 9299 Fax: +44 29 2075 7770 Email: Website: EC REP Advena Ltd. Tower Business Centre, 2nd Flr., Tower Street, Swatar, BKR 4013 Malta.INTENDED USEThe RSR AQP4 Autoantibody ELISA Version 2 kit is intended for use by professional persons only, for the quantitative determination of AQP4 autoantibodies (AQP4 Ab) in human serum. Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), also known as Devic’s syndrome, is an immune-mediated neurologic disease that involves the spinal cord and optic nerves. It can be considered to be a disorder distinct from multiple sclerosis (MS). A serum immunoglobulin G autoantibody (NMO-IgG) has been shown to be a specific marker for NMO and the water channel aquaporin 4 (AQP4) has been identified as the antigen for NMO IgG. Measurement of AQP4 Ab can be of considerable value in distinguishing NMO from MS when full clinical features may not be apparent and early intervention may prevent or delay disability. REFERENCESV. A. Lennon et al.A serum autoantibody marker of neuromyelitis optica: distinction from multiple sclerosis.Lancet 2004 364(9451): 2106 - 2112V. A. Lennon et al.IgG marker of optic-spinal multiple sclerosis bindsto the aquaporin-4 water channel.The Journal of Experimental Medicine 2005 202: 473 - 477B. G. Weinshenker et al.Neuromyelitis optica IgG predicts relapse after longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis.Annals of Neurology 2006 59: 566 - 569N. Isobe et al.Quantitative assays for anti-aquaporin-4 antibody with subclass analysis in neuromyelitis optica. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2012 18: 1541 – 155S. Jarius et al.Testing for antibodies to human aquaporin-4 by ELISA: Sensitivity, specificity and direct comparison with immunohistochemistry.Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2012 320:32 - 37PATENTSThe following patents apply:European patent EP 1 700 120 B1, US patents US 7,101,679 B2, US 7,947,254 B2 and US 8,889,102 B2, Chinese patent ZL200480040851.3 and Japanese patent 4538464. ASSAY PRINCIPLEIn RSR’s AQP4 Ab ELISA Version 2 kit, AQP4 Ab in patient s’ sera, calibrators and controls are allowed to interact with AQP4 coated onto ELISA plate wells and liquid phase biotinylated AQP4 (AQP4-Biotin). After incubation at room temperature for 2 hours with shaking, the well contents are discarded. AQP4 Ab bound to the AQP4 coated on the well will also interact with AQP4-Biotin through the ability of AQP4 Ab in the samples to act divalently leaving AQP4-Biotin bound to the well via an AQP4 Ab bridge. The amount of AQP4-Biotin bound is then determined in a second incubation step involving addition of streptavidin peroxidase (SA-POD), which binds specifically to biotin. Excess, unbound streptavidin peroxidase is then washed away and addition of the peroxidase substrate, 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethlybenzidine (TMB), results in formation of a blue colour. This reaction is stopped by the addition of a stop solution, causing the well contents to turn yellow. The absorbance of the yellow reaction mixture at 450nm and 405nm is then read using an ELISA plate reader. A higher absorbance indicates the presence of AQP4 autoantibody in the test sample. Reading at 405nm allows quantitation of high absorbances. It is recommended that values below 10 u/mL should be measured at 450nm. If it is possible to read at only one wavelength 405nm may be used. The measuring interval is 3.0 –80 u/mL (arbitrary RSR units).STORAGE AND PREPARATION OF SERUM SAMPLESSera to be analysed should be assayed soon after separation or stored, preferably in aliquots, at or below –20o C. 100 μL is sufficient for one assay (duplicate 50 μL determinations). Repeated freeze thawing or increases in storage temperature should be avoided. Do not use lipaemic or haemolysed samples. Studies in which EDTA, citrate and heparin plasma samples were spiked with AQP4 Ab positive sera showed minor changes in signal compared with spiked serum from the same donor. In particular OD450values with spiked EDTA, citrate and heparin plasmas were 79% - 128% of spiked serum (15 samples with serum concentrations ranging from 2.6 u/mL – 30 u/mL) or 87% - 130% in terms of u/mL. When required, thaw test sera at room temperature and mix gently to ensure homogeneity. Centrifuge serum prior to assay (preferably for 5 min at 10-15,000 rpm in a microfuge) to remove particulate matter. Please do not omit this centrifugation step if sera are cloudy or contain particulates.SYMBOLSSymbol MeaningEC Declaration of Conformity IVD In Vitro Diagnostic DeviceREF Catalogue NumberLOT Lot NumberConsult InstructionsManufactured bySufficient forExpiry DateStoreNegative ControlPositive ControlMATERIALS REQUIRED AND NOT SUPPLIED Pipettes capable of dispensing 25 μL, 50 μL and 100 μL.Means of measuring various volumes to reconstitute or dilute reagents supplied.Pure water.ELISA Plate reader suitable for 96 well formats and capable of measuring at 450nm and 405nm.ELISA Plate shaker, capable of 500 shakes/min (not an orbital shaker).ELISA Plate cover.PREPARATION OF REAGENTS SUPPLIEDStore unopened kit and all kit components at 2-8o C.A AQP4 Coated Wells12 breakapart strips of 8 wells (96 in total) in a frame and sealed in foil bag. Allow foil bag to stand at room temperature (20-25o C) for 30 minutes before opening.Ensure wells are firmly fitted in the frame provided. After opening return any unused wells to the original foil bag and seal with adhesive tape. Then place foil bag in the self-seal plastic bag with desiccant provided and store at 2-8o C for up to4 months.B1-5 Calibrators1.5, 5, 20, 40, 80 u/mL (arbitrary RSR units)5 x 0.7 mLReady for useC1-2 Positive Controls I & II(see label for concentration range) 2 x 0.7 mLReady for useD Negative Control0.7 mLReady for useEAQP4–Biotin3 vialsLyophilisedImmediately before use, reconstitute withreconstitution buffer for AQP4-Biotin (F),1.5 mL per vial. When more than one vialis to be used, pool the contents of thevials and mix gently.FReconstitution Buffer for AQP4-Biotin10 mLReady for useGStreptavidin Peroxidase (SA-POD)0.8 mLConcentratedDilute 1 in 20 with diluent for diluting SA-POD (H). For example, 0.5 mL (G) + 9.5mL (H). Store for up to 16 weeks at 2-8o Cafter dilution.HDiluent for SA-POD15 mLReady for useIPeroxidase Substrate (TMB)15 mLReady for useJConcentrated Wash Solution120 mLConcentratedDilute 1 in 10 with pure water before use.Store at 2-8o C up to kit expiry date.KStop Solution14 mLReady for useASSAY PROCEDUREAllow all reagents to stand at room temperature (20-25o C) for at least 30 minutes prior to use. Do notreconstitute AQP4-Biotin until step 2 below. AnEppendorf type repeating pipette is recommended forsteps 2, 5, 8, and 9.1. Pipette 50 μL(in duplicate) of patientsera, calibrators (B1-5) and controls (C1-2 and D) into respective wells. Leave onewell empty for blank.2. Reconstitute AQP4-Biotin and pipette25μL into each well (except blank).3. Cover the frame and shake the wells for2 hours at room temperature on an ELISAplate shaker (500 shakes per min).4. Use an ELISA plate washer to aspirateand wash the wells three times withdiluted wash solution (J). If a platewasher is not available, discard the wellcontents by briskly inverting the frame ofwells over a suitable receptacle, washthree times manually and tap the invertedwells gently on a clean dry absorbentsurface to remove excess wash.RESULT ANALYSISA calibration curve can be established by plotting calibrator concentration on the x-axis (log scale) against the absorbance of the calibrators on the y-axis (linear scale). The AQP4 Ab concentrations in patient sera can then be read off the calibration curve [plotted at RSR as a spline log/lin curve (smoothing factor = 0)]. Other data reduction systems can be used. The negative control can be assigned a value of 0.15 u/mL to assist in computer processing of assay results. Samples with AQP4 Ab concentrations above 80 u/mL can be diluted (e.g.10 x and/or 100 x) in AQP4 Ab negative serum. Some sera will not dilute in a linear way. TYPICAL RESULTS (Example only; not forAbsorbance readings at 405nm can be converted to 450nm absorbances by multiplying by the appropriate factor (3.4 in the case of equipment used at RSR).This cut off has been validated at RSR. However each laboratory should establish its own normal and pathological reference ranges for AQP4 Ab levels. Also it is recommended that each laboratory include its own panel of control samples in the assay. CLINICAL EVALUATION(The information below is derived from 450nm data) Clinical SpecificitySera from 358 individual healthy blood donors were tested in the AQP4 Ab ELISA Version 2 kit. 356 (99%) sera were identified as being negative for AQP4 Ab.Clinical SensitivityOf 62 sera from patients with NMO or NMO spectrum disorder (NMOSD) 48 (77%) were positive for AQP4 Ab.Lower Detection LimitThe negative control was assayed 20 times and the mean and standard deviation calculated. The lower detection limit at 2 standard deviations was0.17 u/mL.Clinical AccuracyAnalysis of 205 sera from patients with autoimmune diseases other than neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) indicated no interference from autoantibodies to the TSH receptor (n=110), glutamic acid decarboxylase (n=26), 21-hydroxylase (n=12), the acetylcholine receptor (n=10), thyroid peroxidase (n=15), thyroglobulin (n=10), IA-2 (n=7) or from rheumatoid factor (n=15) in the RSR AQP4 Ab ELISA Version 2. InterferenceNo interference was observed when samples were spiked with the following materials; bilirubin at 20 mg/dL or intralipid up to 3000 mg/dL. Interference was seen from haemoglobin at 500 mg/dL. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSStreptavidin Peroxidase (SA-POD)Signal word: WarningHazard statement(s)H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction Precautionary statement(s)P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/ eye protection/face protectionP302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and waterP333 + P313: If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attentionP362 + P364: Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reusePeroxidase Substrate (TMB)Signal word: DangerHazard statement(s)H360: May damage fertility or the unborn child Precautionary statement(s)P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionP308 + P313: IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attentionThis kit is intended for use by professional persons only. Follow the instructions carefully. Observe expiry dates stated on the labels and the specified stability for reconstituted reagents. Refer to Safety Data Sheet for more detailed safety information. Avoid all actions likely to lead to ingestion. Avoid contact with skin and clothing. Wear protective clothing. Material of human origin used in the preparation of the kit has been tested and found non-reactive for HIV1 and 2 and HCV antibodies and HBsAg but should, none-the-less, be handled as potentially infectious. Wash hands thoroughly if contamination has occurred and before leaving the laboratory. Sterilise all potentially contaminated waste, including test specimens before disposal. Material of animal origin used in the preparation of the kit has been obtained from animals certified as healthy but these materials should be handled as potentially infectious. Some components contain small quantities of sodium azide as preservative. With all kit components, avoid ingestion, inhalation, injection or contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid formation of heavy metal azides in the drainage system by flushing any kit component away with copious amounts of water.ASSAY PLANAllow all reagents and samples to reach room temperature (20-25 o C) before usePipette: 50 μL Calibrators, controls and patient seraPipette: 25 μL AQP4-Biotin (reconstituted) into each well (except blank)Incubate: 2 Hours at room temperature on an ELISA plate shaker at 500 shakes/min Aspirate/Decant: PlateWash: Plate three times and tap dry on absorbent material1Pipette: 100 μL SA-POD (diluted 1:20) into each well (except blank)Incubate: 20 Minutes at room temperature on a ELISA plate shaker at 500 shakes/min Aspirate/Decant: PlateWash: Plate three times and tap dry on absorbent material1, 2Pipette: 100 μL TMB into each well (including blank)Incubate: 20 Minutes at room temperature in the dark without shakingPipette: 100 μL Stop solution into each well (including blank) and shake for 5 seconds Read absorbance at 450nm and 405nm within 10 minutes of adding stop solution31It is not necessary to tap the plates dry after washing when an automatic plate washer is used2Use pure water for the final wash when washing manually3If it is possible to read at only one wavelength, 405nm may be used。
Consensus sequence是决定启动序列的转录活性大小的序列。
EST(Expressed Sequence Tag)是某个基因cDNA克隆测序所得的部分序列片段,长度大约为200~600bp。
染整英汉词汇A-class goods 正品A-weighted sound level A声级(一种噪声值)《环保》AA(acrylic acid) 丙烯酸AAid(acrylamide) 丙稀酰胺aal 阿尔(红色的植物染料)AAMA (American Apparel Manufacturers Association) 美国服装制造家协会AAS (American Academy of Sciences) 美国科学院AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry) 原子吸收光谱法AATCC (Fastessness Tests) 美国纺织化学家和染色家协会[制定的]坚牢度试验法AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists) 美国纺织化学家和染色家协会AATT( American Association for Textile Technology) 美国纺织工业协会Abbe refractometer 阿贝折射计Abbot dyeing process 艾博特染色法(多空轴心染色法)Abbot-Cox process 艾博特-考克斯染色法(还原染料悬浮体染色法)abreviated system 短流程工艺abrasiva resistance 耐磨度absolute dry weight 绝对干重absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute intensity 绝对强度absolute pressure 绝对压力absorbency index 吸收指数absorbent finishing 吸湿性整理absorption coefficient (curve) 吸收系数(曲线)absorption fabric 吸收性织物(可吸收气体或蒸汽)absorption gauge 织物吸湿率测试仪absorption isotherm 吸收等温线absorption maximum 最大吸收abstract design \pattern 抽象图案,局部花纹图案acari, acarid螨ACC (automatic combustion control) 自动燃烧控制accelerated chacterization 催化特性accelerating agent 促染剂,催化剂acceptable limit 允许限度acceptable quality level 合格质量标准,验收合格标准acceptable tolerence range 合格容差幅度acceptace 验收,认可,肯定acceptance check 合格检验,验收acceptance test 验收试验acceptance tolerence 验收公差accepted product 合格产品accessories 附件,附属设备;服饰品accessories for baby clothing 婴儿衣物的服饰品accessory ingredient 配合助剂accessory pigment 辅助色素accident 故障,事故accident error, accidental error 偶然误差,随机误差accidental color 偶生色(凝视有色物体后将有色物体移开时产生的一种色觉)accidental shutdown 事故停车accommodator 调节器accompanying drawing 附图accompanying dyestuffs 伴染着色染料(指防染、拔染着色染料)accompanying fabric [测试沾色用的]贴衬织物accordion fabric 单面提花针织物accumulator 存布器;储蓄器;蓄电池accumulator scray 储布装置acetal fiber 缩醛纤维acetate 醋酸盐;醋酸酯;醋酯纤维acetate cellulose fiber 醋酯纤维acetate crepe 醋酯绉绸acetate dyes 醋酯纤维染料acetate filament 醋酯长丝acetate rayon 醋酯人造丝acetate rayon staple 醋酯短纤维acetate resist 醋酯纤维防染acid ager 酸气蒸化机acid azo dyes 酸性偶氮染料acid brighting 酸性丝光整理acid chlorination 酸性氯化(羊毛防缩整理)acid colloid method 酸性胶体整理法(用于毛织物防缩整理,或是棉织物防腐整理)acid color dipi dyeing 酸性染料浸染acid color discharge 酸性染料拔染acid color printing 酸性染料印花acid color resist dyeing 酸性染料拔染acid cracking 酸裂解法(用于羊毛脂回收)acid desizing 酸退浆acid dye lake 酸性染料色淀acid finish 浓硫酸整理法(棉纤维制品的羊毛纸整理工艺)acid milling 酸缩绒acid peroxide bleach 酸性过氧化物漂白acid scouring 酸性精练acid stain 酸斑,酸渍acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂acid-leuco 隐色酸,酸隐色体acoustextile 隔音纺织品add-on size 上浆率,上浆量adding and copying machine 连续曝光机addition agent 添加剂;加成剂;配合助剂additional agent finish 添加剂整理addition colors 调色量,追加色additive level 添加剂总含量additive three primaries 加法三原色adhesion machine for screen printing fabric 筛网印花织物的贴布机adjacent color 临近色ADL ( acceptable defect level ) 允许疵点标准ADMI(American Manufacturere Institute) 美国染料制造厂协会advancing color 近似色,连感色after treated direct dyes 经固色处理的直接染料after treatment with formalin 甲醛后处理afterproduct 副产品against the skin 与皮肤接触against to sample 与来样不符against-scale 逆鳞片agar plate method 琼脂平面培养法agate 玛瑙棕(深棕色)agate green 灰湖绿age-inhibiting additive 防老化添加剂;阻老化添加剂ageing characteristics of mucilages 胶浆的老化性能(美国印花艺术用语)ageing stability 老化稳定性AIC(Association Internationle del Canleur) 国际色彩协会(法国)A.I.C.(American Institute of Chemists) 美国化学工作者学会air blast dryer 气流式烘干机air brush printing 喷雾印花air chamber 风室,空气室air conditioning apparatus 温湿度调节装置air free ager 还原蒸化机air freight 空运,空运费air injection beam dyeing 喷气经轴染色air monitor 大气污染监测器air permeability 透气性air permeability tester 透气性测试仪air permeable waterproffing 透气性放水整理air seal 气封(烘房等进出布口的一种封口措施)air-cooled finish 凉爽整理(使织物纱线间保持空隙,以便穿着时有舒适感)air-dry weight 湿重(指标准回潮时的重量)airsteam circulating machine 空气蒸汽循环染色机(染袜子专用染色机)airdry moisture regain 标准回潮率airflow dyeing machine 气流染色机airflow instrument 气流仪Alcian dyes 爱尔新染料(暂溶性酞菁染料)ALG(alginate) 海藻酸盐;海藻纤维alginic acid 海藻酸alkali blue 碱性蓝alkali boil-off 碱煮练alkali damage 碱斑,碱损alkali desizing 碱退浆alkali deweighting finish, alkali deweighting finishing 碱减量整理(涤纶仿真丝绸整理)alkali fastness 耐碱坚牢度alkali fusion 碱熔融alkali shrinkage single jersery 碱缩单面针织物all cotton stretch yarn 全棉弹力纱all fashion 全成形all round sewing 全面缝all weather coat 风雨衣all wool yarn 全羊毛纱,纯羊毛纱all-in method 全料[印染]法all-in printing process 全料印花法all-in vat printing process 还原染料全料印花法all-over 满地,全幅,满地花纹all-over color 满地着色all-over effect 满地花纹效应all-over print 满地印花all-purpose 通用的all-round fastness 全面坚牢度all-round pattern 满地图案,满花allergic dyestuffs 过敏性染料allskin rayon fiber 全皮层粘胶纤维almond[brown] 杏仁棕(浅灰棕色)almond green 杏仁绿(浅灰绿色)aloha shirt 夏威夷衫,香港衫alpaca wool 阿尔帕羊毛,羊驼毛aluminum foil printing 铝箔印花amicor fiber 抗菌纤维(英国制)ammonia mercerizing 液氨丝光anaerbic treatment 厌氧处理analytical balance 分析天平analytical column 分析柱analytical methodology 分析方法论analyticity 解析性ancient madder 古茜草印花,仿茜草印花angel frame defect 印框疵aniline black range 精元染色联合机,氧化元染色联合机aniline blue 苯胺蓝anion activator 阴离子活化剂anionic surfactant 阴离子型表面活性剂Ann.Rep(annual report) 年报,年鉴ANSI( American National Standards Institute) 美国国家标准研究所Anti-yellow 防泛黄[整理]antibacterial fiber 抗菌纤维antibacterial and purifying finish 抗菌防臭整理anticockle treatment 抗皱整理antique bronze 古铜色(暗黄棕色)antishrink finish 防缩整理antiultraviolet finishing 抗紫外线整理apparel 服装(总称)apparel fabric 衣料apparel textiles 服装纺织品appearance of ground [印花]露底appearance quality 外观质量appearance rating 外观等级appending label 商标application roller 给液辊,上胶辊application printing, applied printing 直接印花appliqué printing [发泡式]立体印花apposition dyeing 同浴染色appret 织物上浆整理approved sample 封样,验收样(作对比用的实物标样)apricot 杏黄色apricot buff 杏黄色apricot cream 米黄色,杏色aqua green 水绿,浅黄绿色aqua regia 王水aquamarine 海蓝宝石蓝(浅绿蓝色)aqueous dyeing 水相染色aqueous printing ink 水性印墨(转移印花用)arabesque 橘棕色Arabian blue 铁青(深色)architecture of textile 织物结构arctic cap 防寒帽area shrinkage 面积收缩率argent 银[白]色argyle design 菱形图案,菱形花纹art imlique 内蕴艺术art silk 刺绣丝线art ticking 印花床垫;印花枕头布;印花床单art-textile 艺术纺织品art square 工艺美术地毯(双面提花,两端有穗)article mark 商品标志article number 品号artificial cotton 人造棉asbestos 石棉asepsis 无菌,无毒ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 美国机械工程师协会asparagus green 浅豆绿,龙须菜绿assemblies 衣片assessment of singeing 烧毛评级assessments of fastness 染色牢度评级athletic clothing 运动衣ATMA(American Textile Machinery Exhibition – International ) 美国国际纺织机械展览会atmospheric overflow dyeing machine 常压溢流染色机atmospheric piece dyeing machine 常温匹染机atmospheric steamer 常压汽蒸箱atmospheric winch 常温绞盘染机attaching sleeves 附着套袖autojetwet 自动喷湿系统autojig 自动卷染机automatic color matching system 自动测色配色系统Automatic Registation System 自动对花系统automotive fabric 汽车用织物available chlorine 有效氯avivage 后整理;柔软整理;丝鸣整理avivage agent 后整理助剂,柔软整理剂,增艳剂,发亮剂avocado 橄榄绿azure blue 中兰,天蓝azurite 蓝色颜料azurite blue 石青蓝(灰绿蓝色)baby pink 淡粉红back and face effect [染色]织物的正反面效果back cloth/grey 印花衬布back to back knitted fabric 双面针织物back-to-back 反面对反面相叠back-to-face shading 正反面色差background color 地色bad register 对花不准bad work 疵点bagging method? 装袋染色法backed print 已焙烘的印花布bale dyeing 原坯染色bale press 打包机ballooning 缩纬整理balsam green 青灰色bamboo 竹黄色banana 香蕉黄色bandanna, bandana 班丹纳印花绸,班丹纳印花布;印花大手帕bandanna dyeing 班丹纳染色法(印度手工扎染法)bar code 条形码bark 鼠灰色Barnsley finish 巴恩斯利整理(厚亚麻斜纹布上轻浆和轧光整理方法,英国名称)barre mark 纬向条痕,纬档(织疵);横条(针织物疵点)barriness 条花,纬向色档barring 条痕,条花;起棱barry dyeing 色纬,纬色档(织疵)barroches 未漂细布(东南亚制)base cloth 底布base printing 色基印花basic color discharge 碱性染料着色拔染印花basic color resist 碱性染料防染basic shade 主地色bastose 木质纤维素batch 一批;分批;布卷;(染色后)卷布batch cold process [印染]冷堆法batch dueing 分批染色;间歇式染色;分卷染色batch gown [长]浴衣bathing suit 浴衣Batik, Baticdyeing,Batik printing 蜡防印花;爪哇印花法battik 蜡染法,蜡染花布BCC(British Color Council) 英国颜料染料委员会beach 海滩色(浅橄榄灰)beach coat 海滨服beam dyeing 经轴染色beck dyeing 绳状染色beck rub mark 染槽擦痕bed linen 床用织物(亚麻、棉或混纺材料制成)beetling calender 捶打轧光机begin color 本色,天然色beige 本色的,未漂白的;米黄色,浅灰黄色;坯布,原色哔叽;混色线呢bengaline 罗缎bergmeal 硅藻土beryl 海绿色;绿柱石beryl printing 贝里尔印花BHSO(British Health & Safety Organization) 英国卫生与安全组织binary colors 双色biological stain 生物染色,生物着色bio-polishing 生物光洁整理bio-washing 酶素洗,酶洗bioenzyme finish 生物酶整理biological oxygen demand 生物需氧量bionics-oriented garment designing 服装仿生设计biological stain 生物染色,生物着色biomimetic chemitry 仿生化学biotextiles 生物纺织品bird’s-eye pattern 鸟眼花纹bisque 藕荷色black and white halftone 黑白网点;浓淡点图,黑白半色调blanched places 擦伤痕(丝)blank assay 空白试验blatic 湖绿bleach croft 漂白车间blebbing blebby 满地印花轮廓不清bleed design 渗散印花花样bleaching out 褪色bleeder resistance 抗渗化性bleeder style printing 渗散印花bleeding by screen 拖版blemish 瑕疵,污点blend fabric 混纺织物blind 窗帘,百叶窗,挡板,失光blind dyeing 盲染,盲目染色blind spot 盲点block holder 裁减样板架block printing 手工模板印花bloom 光泽整理;绿灰色绒光;bloomy lustre 鲜明光泽,丝绒光泽blossom [pink] 粉红blotch ground 满地花纹,印花底色Blotch-Roll-Flash-Age technic 刮浆快蒸印花法blouse fabric 衬衫织物blowing agent 发泡剂,生气剂,起泡剂blue ashes 深灰蓝,潮蓝blue jean 蓝斜纹blue print 蓝图blue purple 品蓝blue scale [日晒牢度]蓝色标准blueing ink 上蓝bluewhite finish 上蓝整理boarding 热定型boardness 织物硬挺度boiled lawns 精练细亚麻平布boilfastcolour 耐洗牢度高的染料boiling-off test 练减检验bold corduroy 粗条灯芯绒boilting cloth 筛绢,筛绢织物;筛网bottom fabric 厚重织物box wheel 对花齿轮BP(British Patent) 英国专利brand 牌子,商标;品种brands [毛包]标志;[唛头印记]沾污毛Brazil wax 巴西腊breaking elongation 断裂伸长breaking tension 断裂张力breaking-down test 破坏性试验breaking-in period 试车时期,试产时期breathable fabric 透气织物breath coating 透气性涂层brilliant 加光整理brilliant blue 酞青,孔雀兰brilliant shade 鲜艳色British gum 印染胶British Standard 英国工业标准broad woven goods 宽幅织物brocade 锦缎,花缎broken crease 破边bromate discharge 溴化盐拔染bromanation process 溴化[防缩]处理(毛织物整理)bromo indigo 溴靛兰bronze blue 深蓝色,蓝色颜料bronze green 灰橄榄绿bronze mist 秋香色bronze yellow 杏黄色brown linen 本色亚麻布bruise roller 压浆滚筒(车间称之为“光辊”)brush damping 毛刷给湿brush-dewign machine 转刷给湿机brush furnisher 毛刷给浆辊brush patterning unit 印花装置brush sieving tester 起球试验仪brush roller 毛刷辊brushed fabric 起绒织物;拉绒织物brushed goods 拉绒针织物brushed pile 拉绒绒毛brushing machine 刷毛机;刷布机brushing machine for flannelette 绒布刷毛机brushign printing 刷印BSI(British Standard Institute) 英国标准协会BTCA(butyltetracarboxylic acid) 丁烷四羧酸(无醛防皱整理剂)bubble jet printing 喷泡式印花bubble process 气泡整理工艺bucking kier 煮练釜buckled selvedge 布边不齐bud green 浅草绿,鲜绿,春绿buffer agent 缓冲剂buffer solution 缓冲溶液buffing [仿麂皮]磨光工艺;抛光buffing fabric 磨光用织物build-up agent 增深剂build detergent 复配洗涤剂built-in type 内装式,嵌入式build-up member 装配件bulk development 蓬松显现bulk sample 大样bulk trial 大样试验bulk uniformity 蓬松均匀度bulk volume 毛体积bulky finish 膨体整理bulky hand 丰满手感bulky property 膨松性;弹性bulky yarn 膨松纱bunch yarn 雪花线,竹节花线bunchy yarn 竹节纱(纱疵)bundle yarn 绞纱染色burin [手工]雕刻刀burling machine 验布机burning off discharge, burnt-out discharge 烂花拔印burning off mordant,burnt-out mordant 烂花媒染burnt-out fabric 烂花织物burr dyeing 带草籽染色burst film yarn 裂膜丝cadet 紫灰cadet gray 浅蟹灰,蓝灰cake dyeing 丝饼染色calcium alginate 海藻酸钠calender 轧光机calendering crease 轧花绉calico printing 棉布印花calico strainer 细布过虑装置caloee fiber 南美苎麻camaieu effect 同色深浅效应cambic finish 细薄布整理(经烧毛,轧光及轻上浆处理)cameleon 织物闪色效应(在同一梭口中织入两根或三根色泽不同的纬纱,或用各色斑点纱线织成的效应)cameo brown 豆红色,豆沙色camouflage pattern 伪装印花布,迷彩印花布canal yellow 金丝雀黄(嫩黄色)cancerogenic substance 致癌无知cannele cord 花式灯芯绒cannetille 金银线(刺绣用);金银线花边;经棱条织物(用于服装及装饰)cantilever method 悬臂式测定法,刚软度测定法Canton crepe 重双绉;广绫(中国制,做拷绸用)canton finish 棉布平光整理canvas duck 粗帆布(亚麻短纤维纱织成)capacity production 生产能力capillarity 毛细作用,毛细现象Capri 卡普里兰(绿蓝色)capsicum red 辣椒红caramel 淡褐色,酱色,黄棕色carbamide 脲,尿素carbide fibre [金属]碳化物纤维carbon tissue process 碳素纸印象法(照相凹版雕刻)carborundum raising 金刚砂起绒carcinogen 致癌物,诱癌剂carcinogenic dyestuff 致癌染料carcinogenicity 致癌性card test 卡片试验(测润湿效率)cardon 平衡环;万向节;万向接头;活结连接器carded felt 毛毡cardinal cloth 主教呢(红色)cardinal stimuli 基准刺激care claim 使用要求care claim category 表明使用类别care instruction 使用说明care lable 使用须知标签care of fabric 织物的维护(包括洗涤、熨烫、晾晒、刷、防蛀、去污、储藏等)carmine 胭脂红,洋红;红色的天然颜料carnauba wax 巴西棕榈蜡,卡瑙巴蜡caroset 法兰绒carpet transfer printing 地毯转移印花carpet tufted 簇绒地毯。
1作者简介 罗守进(1960- ),女,安徽合肥人,副研究员,从事农业信息研究和编辑工作,E-mail: Luoshoujin@。
收稿日期 2011-08-25稻飞虱(Rice planthopper)属同翅目(Homoptera )飞虱科(Delphacidae ),俗名火蠓虫、白蚊、稻虱 稻浮尘子、火蜢子、厌虫、蚰虫、秧猛猛等。
主要种类为褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens Stal )、白背飞虱(Sogatella furcifera Horvath)和灰飞虱(Laodelphax striatellus Fallén)。
由于稻飞虱体型小、迁飞繁殖力强、栖息荫蔽等特性,如遇田间适宜生境,易造成突发和爆发,猖獗发生时,每丛水稻上的虫口达3 000余头,是目前影响我国水稻稳产、高产的主要虫害之一。
1 稻飞虱分布及为害对象褐飞虱在中国各稻区均有分布,长江流域以南各省(自治区)发生较烈;白背飞虱分布范围大体相同,以长江流域发生较多。
1.1 褐飞虱1.1.1 分布 褐飞虱有远距离迁飞习性。
1.1.2 为害作物 食性专一,只为害水稻、野生稻等稻类。
桑格尔测序特征桑格尔测序特征是一种用于描述DNA序列的方法,它是由美国生物学家Walter Fitch和Emile Zuckerkandl在1967年提出的。
Board Spectrum:就是广谱防晒,也就是能抵御伤害皮肤的大部分UVA和UVB射线。
有了“Board Spectrum”一瓶防晒霜才算进了初选。
UVB的遮蔽率=(SPF-1)/SPF x100%,例如SPF15产品的遮蔽率为(15-1)/15x100%= 93.3%,代表在防晒时间内可以遮蔽掉93%的UVB,因此SPF30的遮蔽率为96.7%,SPF50的遮蔽率为98%。
1. 主要峰:脯氨酸的拉曼光谱通常在1000-1800 cm-1范围内
其中,最显著的主峰位于1655 cm-1,对
此外,还有一个位于3400 cm-1附近的峰,对应于脯氨酸的胺基上的N-H伸缩振动。
2. 次要峰:脯氨酸的拉曼光谱还可能出现一些次要峰,这些次要峰通常对应于脯氨酸分子内的其他化学团的振动。
例如,位于1250 cm-1附近的峰对应于脯氨酸分子内的苯环振动。
3. 溶液与固体的差异:脯氨酸作为一种可溶性氨基酸,其在溶液中的拉曼光谱与其在固体中的拉曼光谱可能会有一些差异。
1. 唯一性(Uniqueness):在数据集中,指的是元素或观测值的独一无二性。
2. 独特性(Uniqueness):在统计建模中,指的是一个解的唯一性。
3. 不可互换性(Uniqueness):在参数估计的理论框架中,指的是参数的唯一性。
4. 独立同分布(Uniformly Distrubuted):在概率论和统计学中,独立同分布是指多个随机变量(或观测值)在统计推断中相互独立,并且具有相同的概率分布。
貘的英语作文The Tapir known as mò in Chinese is a unique and fascinating creature that holds a special place in the ecosystem. In this essay I will delve into the characteristics habitat and behavior of this intriguing mammal as well as the challenges it faces in the modern world.IntroductionThe Tapir is a large herbivorous mammal native to Central and South America and Southeast Asia. Often referred to as the forests gardener the Tapir plays a crucial role in seed dispersal contributing to the health and diversity of the forest.Physical CharacteristicsTapirs are characterized by their barrelshaped bodies short necks and strong limbs. They have a distinctive elongated snout which is used for foraging in water and on land. Their coloration varies from brown to gray with some species having unique patterns that help them blend into their environment.HabitatTapirs are found in a variety of habitats including tropical rainforests swamps and savannas. They are excellent swimmers and are often seen in or near water bodies which they use for both drinking and bathing.Diet and BehaviorHerbivorous by nature Tapirs have a diet consisting mainly of leaves fruits and aquatic plants. They are known to be solitary animals coming together only during the mating season. Tapirs are also nocturnal which means they are most active during the night and rest during the day.Reproduction and Life CycleThe gestation period for Tapirs is approximately 13 to 14 months after which a single calf is born. The mother will nurse and protect her young for about a year after which the calf is considered independent.Conservation StatusUnfortunately Tapirs are facing numerous threats due to habitat loss poaching and humanwildlife conflict. Deforestation and the conversion of their natural habitats into agricultural lands have significantly reduced their population. Additionally Tapirs are hunted for their meat and for traditional medicine further endangering their existence.Conservation EffortsVarious conservation organizations and governments are working to protect Tapirs through habitat preservation antipoaching measures and public awareness campaigns. Establishing protected areas and wildlife corridors is vital for the survival of these gentle giants.ConclusionThe Tapir is more than just an animal it is a symbol of the rich biodiversity that our planet has to offer. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that future generations can witness the grace and beauty of this remarkable creature in its natural habitat. By understanding and appreciating the Tapir we can contribute to the preservation of our shared environment and the countless species that call it home.。
2.什么是uniqueness 统计学术语
3.uniqueness 统计学术语的应用
4.uniqueness 统计学术语的例子
在统计学中,uniqueness 是一个重要的概念。
在数据分析和模型构建中,了解uniqueness 的含义以及如何使用它,可以帮助我们更好地理解数据,从而得到更准确的结果。
本文将介绍什么是uniqueness 统计学术语,以及它在统计学中的应用和例子。
【什么是uniqueness 统计学术语】
在统计学中,uniqueness 指的是一个数据集中的每个观测值都是唯一的,没有重复的值。
【uniqueness 统计学术语的应用】
uniqueness 在统计学中有广泛的应用。
【uniqueness 统计学术语的例子】
以下是一个uniqueness 的例子。
假设我们有一个数据集,其中包含了100 个学生的考试成绩。
如果每个学生的成绩都是唯一的,那么我们就可以说这个数据集中的uniqueness 是100%。
如果存在重复的成绩,那么uniqueness 就会降低。
总的来说,uniqueness 是统计学中一个重要的概念。
针对生活用水、奶产量、发育能力以及产犊能力等特质,加拿大公牛官方遗传评估报告的最低标准是Traits and Genotypes(T&G)基因组估算(PGCE)。
T&G PGCE通过使用特定的DNA序列来识别可作为基因型改善工具的特殊基因位点,并且可以识别那些会影响牛群生产性能表型的特殊基因位点。
T&G PGCE的最低标准要求,七个基因位点的估算必须有显著的保守性和精确性,以便更好地识别那些能够改善公牛生产性能的基因位点。
这样,T&G PGCE就能够提供公牛饲养者们丰富的同义位点,帮助他们改善其牛群的性能及遗传多样性。
T&G PGCE还侧重于在一定水平上增强公牛的标准要求,以确保其原始输入数据,将在现有和未来数据库中得到保留,为均衡公牛遗传学提供一种基于现有技术的环境友好型遗传学标准。
此外,T&G PGCE 还提供了行业最佳实践的参考,以加强公牛的整体遗传多样性改善,进而提高公牛群的生产性能。
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COWLES FOUNDATION FOR RESEARCH IN ECONOMICSAT YALE UNIVERSITYBox 2125, Yale StationNew Haven, Connecticut 06520COWLES FOUNDATION DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 1170 Note: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment.Requests for single copies of a Paper will be filled by theCowles Foundation within the limits of the supply. Referencesin publications to Discussion Papers (other than mere acknowledgment by a writer that he has access to such unpublished material) should be cleared with the author to protect the tentative character of these papers. UNIQUENESS, STABILITY, AND COMPARATIVE STATICS IN RATIONALIZABLE WALRASIAN MARKETSDonald J. Brown and Chris ShannonJanuary 1998Xqltxhqhvv/Vwdelolw|/dqgFrpsdudwlyh Vwdwlfv lqUdwlrqdol}deoh Z doudvldq PdunhwvGrqdog M1EurzqGhsduwphqw ri Hfrqrplfv/\doh Xqlyhuvlw|Fkulv VkdqqrqGhsduwphqw ri Hfrqrplfv/Xqlyhuvlw|ri Fdoliruqld/Ehunhoh|Mxo|4<<:/wklv yhuvlrq Mdqxdu|4<<;DevwudfwWklv sdshu vwxglhv wkh h{whqw wr zklfk txdolwdwlyh ihdwxuhv ri Zdoudvldq htxloleuld duh uhixwdeoh jlyhq d qlwh gdwd vhw1Lq sduwlfxodu/zh frqvlghu wkhk|srwkhvlv wkdw wkh revhuyhg gdwd duh Zdoudvldq htxloleuld lq zklfk hdfk sulfhyhfwru lv orfdoo|vwdeoh xqghu wåwrqqhphqw1Rxu pdlq uhvxow vkrzv wkdw d qlwhvhw ri revhuydwlrqv ri sulfhv/lqglylgxdo lqfrphv dqg djjuhjdwh frqvxpswlrqyhfwruv lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq dq hfrqrp|zlwk vprrwk fkdudfwhulvwlfv li dqg rqo|li lw lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq dq hfrqrp|lq zklfk hdfk revhuyhg sulfh yhfwru lv orfdoo|xqltxh dqg vwdeoh xqghu wåwrqqhphqw1Pruhryhu/wkh htxloleulxp fruuhvsrq0ghqfh lv orfdoo|prqrwrqh lq d qhljkerukrrg ri hdfk revhuyhg htxloleulxp lqwkhvh hfrqrplhv1Wkxv wkh k|srwkhvhv wkdw htxloleuld duh orfdoo|vwdeoh xqghuwåwrqqhphqw/htxloleulxp sulfhv duh orfdoo|xqltxh dqg htxloleulxp frpsdudwlyhvwdwlfv duh orfdoo|prqrwrqh duh qrw uhixwdeoh zlwk d qlwh gdwd vhw1ÆZh duh sohdvhg wr dfnqrzohgjh wkh lqvljkwixo frpphqwv ri Mrkq Txdk dqg d uhihuhh rq wkh suhylrxv yhuvlrq1Vkdqqrq*v zrun zdv vxssruwhg lq sduw e|QVI judqw VEU0<6543551Wklv zrun zdv ehjxq zkloh Vkdqqrq zdv rq ohdyh dw\doh Xqlyhuvlw|>wkh zdup krvslwdolw|ri wkh hfrqrplfv ghsduwphqw dqg wkh Frzohv Irxqgdwlrq lv juhdwo|dssuhfldwhg14LqwurgxfwlrqWkh pdmru wkhruhwlfdo txhvwlrqv frqfhuqlqj frpshwlwlyh htxloleuld lq wkh fodvvlfdo Duurz Gheuhx prgho h{lvwhqfh/xqltxhqhvv/frpsdudwlyh vwdwlfv/dqg vwdelolw|ri sulfh dgmxvwphqw surfhvvhv kdyh ehhq odujho|uhvroyhg ryhu wkh odvw iruw||hduv1 Zlwk wkh h{fhswlrq ri h{lvwhqfh/krzhyhu/wklv uhvroxwlrq kdv ehhq ixqgdphqwdoo| qhjdwlyh1Wkh frqglwlrqv xqghu zklfk htxloleuld fdq eh vkrzq wr eh xqltxh/frp0 sdudwlyh vwdwlfv joredoo|ghwhuplqdwh ru wåwrqqhphqw sulfh dgmxvwphqw joredoo|vwdeoh duh txlwh uhvwulfwlyh1Pruhryhu/wkh Vrqqhqvfkhlq Gheuhx Pdqwho wkhruhp vkrzv lq vwulnlqj idvklrq wkdw qr ehkdylru lpsolhg e|lqglylgxdo xwlolw|pd{lpl}dwlrq eh|rqg krprjhqhlw|dqg Zdoudv*Odz lv qhfhvvdulo|suhvhuyhg e|djjuhjdwlrq lq pdunhw h{0 fhvv ghpdqg1Wklv duelwudulqhvv ri h{fhvv ghpdqg lpsolhv wkdw prqrwrqh htxloleulxp frpsdudwlyh vwdwlfv dqg joredo vwdelolw|ri htxloleuld xqghu wåwrqqhphqw zloo rqo|uh0 vxow iurp wkh lpsrvlwlrq ri d olplwhg vhw ri frqglwlrqv rq suhihuhqfhv dqg hqgrzphqwv1 Edvhg rq wkhvh uhvxowv/pdq|hfrqrplvwv frqfoxgh wkdw wkh jhqhudo htxloleulxp prgho kdv qr uhixwdeoh lpsolfdwlrqv ru hpslulfdo frqwhqw1Ri frxuvh qr vwdwhphqw frqfhuqlqj uhixwdeoh lpsolfdwlrqv lv phdqlqjixo zlwkrxw uvw vshfli|lqj zkdw lqirupdwlrq lv revhuydeoh dqg zkdw lv xqrevhuydeoh1Li rqo|pdu0 nhw sulfhv duh revhuydeoh/dqg doo rwkhu lqirupdwlrq derxw wkh hfrqrp|vxfk dv lqgl0 ylgxdo lqfrphv/lqglylgxdo ghpdqgv/lqglylgxdo hqgrzphqwv/lqglylgxdo suhihuhqfhv dqg djjuhjdwh hqgrzphqw ru djjuhjdwh frqvxpswlrq lv xqrevhuydeoh/wkhq lqghhg wkh jhqhudo htxloleulxp prgho kdv qr whvwdeoh uhvwulfwlrqv1Wklv lv hvvhqwldoo|wkh frqwhqw ri Pdv0Frohoo*v yhuvlrq ri wkh Vrqqhqvfkhlq Gheuhx Pdqwho wkhruhp1Pdv0Frohoo^9` vkrzv wkdw jlyhq dq duelwudu|qrqhpsw|frpsdfw vxevhw ri vwulfwo|srvlwlyh sulfhv lq wkh vlpsoh{/wkhuh h{lvwv dq hfrqrp|H frpsrvhg ri frqvxphuv zlwk frqwlqxrxv/ prqrwrqh/vwulfwo|frqyh{suhihuhqfhv vxfk wkdw wkh htxloleulxp sulfh yhfwruv iru wkh hfrqrp|H duh jlyhq h{dfwo|e|wkh vhw 1Lq pdq|lqvwdqfhv/krzhyhu/lw lv xquhdvrqdeoh wr wklqn wkdw rqo|pdunhw sulfhv duh revhuydeoh>rwkhu lqirupdwlrq vxfk dv lqglylgxdo lqfrphv dqg djjuhjdwh frqvxpswlrq pd|eh revhuydeoh lq dgglwlrq wr pdunhw sulfhv1Eurzq dqg Pdw}nlq^5`vkrz wkdw li vxfk dgglwlrqdo lqirupdwlrq lv dydlodeoh/wkhq wkh Zdoudvldq prgho grhv kdyh uhixwdeoh lpsolfdwlrqv1Wkh|ghprqvwudwh e|h{dpsoh wkdw zlwk d qlwh qxpehu ri revhuydwlrqv lq idfw wzr rq pdunhw sulfhv/lqglylgxdo lqfrphv dqg djjuhjdwh frqvxpswlrqv/ wkh k|srwkhvlv wkdw wkhvh gdwd fruuhvsrqg wr frpshwlwlyh htxloleulxp revhuydwlrqv fdq eh uhmhfwhg1Wkh|dovr jlyh frqglwlrqv xqghu zklfk wklv k|srwkhvlv lv dffhswhg dqg wkhuh h{lvwv dq hfrqrp|udwlrqdol}lqj wkh revhuyhg gdwd1Wklv sdshu frqvlghuv wkh h{whqw wr zklfk txdolwdwlyh ihdwxuhv ri Zdoudvldq htxl0 oleuld duh uhixwdeoh jlyhq d qlwh gdwd vhw1Lq sduwlfxodu/zh frqvlghu wkh k|srwkhvlv wkdw wkh revhuyhg gdwd duh Zdoudvldq htxloleuld lq zklfk hdfk sulfh yhfwru lv orfdoo| vwdeoh xqghu wåwrqqhphqw1Edvhg rq wkh Vrqqhqvfkhlq Gheuhx Pdqwho uhvxowv dqg wkh zhoo0nqrzq h{dpsohv ri joredo lqvwdelolw|ri wåwrqqhphqw vxfk dv Vfdui*v^;`/lw pd|vhhp dw uvw jodqfh wkdw wklv k|srwkhvlv zloo eh hdvlo|uhixwhg lq d Zdoudvldq4vhwwlqj1Vxusulvlqjo|/krzhyhu/zh vkrz wkdw lw lv qrw1Rxu pdlq uhvxow vkrzv wkdw d qlwh vhw ri revhuydwlrqv ri sulfhv/lqglylgxdo lqfrphv dqg djjuhjdwh frqvxpswlrq yhfwruv lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq dq hfrqrp|zlwk vprrwk fkdudfwhulvwlfv li dqg rqo|li lw lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq d glvwulexwlrq hfrqrp|lq zklfk hdfk revhuyhg sulfh lv orfdoo|vwdeoh xqghu wåwrqqhphqw1Pruhryhu/wkh htxloleulxp fruuhvsrqghqfh lv orfdoo|prqrwrqh lq d qhljkerukrrg ri hdfk revhuyhg htxloleulxp lq wkhvh hfrqrplhv/dqg wkh htxloleulxp sulfh yhfwru lv orfdoo|xqltxh1Wkh frqfoxvlrq wkdw li wkh gdwd lv udwlrqdol}deoh wkhq lw lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq d glv0wulexwlrq hfrqrp|/l1h1/dq hfrqrp|lq zklfk lqglylgxdo hqgrzphqwv duh froolqhdu/lv qrw vxewoh1Li zh gr qrw revhuyh wkh lqglylgxdo hqgrzphqwv dqg rqo|revhuyh sulfhv dqg lqfrph ohyhov/wkhq rqh vhw ri lqglylgxdo hqgrzphqwv frqvlvwhqw zlwk wklv gdwd lv froolqhdu/zlwk vkduhv jlyhq e|wkh revhuyhg lqfrph glvwulexwlrq1Vlqfh glvwulexwlrq hfrqrplhv e|gh qlwlrq kdyh d sulfh0lqghshqghqw lqfrph glvwulexwlrq/wklv revhu0ydwlrq pd|vxjjhvw wkdw rxu uhvxowv derxw vwdelolw|dqg frpsdudwlyh vwdwlfv ghulyh vlpso|iurp wklv idfw1Nlupdq dqg Nrfk ^7`vkrz wkdw wklv lqwxlwlrq lv idovh/krzhyhu1Wkh|vkrz wkdw wkh dgglwlrqdo dvvxpswlrq ri d {hg lqfrph glvwulexwlrq sodfhv qr uhvwulfwlrqv rq h{fhvv ghpdqg=jlyhq dq|frpsdfw vhw g U nn dqg dq|vprrwk ixqfwlrq }G U nn $U zklfk lv krprjhqhrxv ri ghjuhh 3dqg vdwlv hv Zdoudv*Odz/dqg jlyhq dq| {hg lqfrph glvwulexwlrq k 5U ?nn /S ? ' k ' /wkhuh h{lvwv dq hfrq0rp|H zlwk vprrwk/prqrwrqh/vwulfwo|frqyh{suhihuhqfhv dqg lqlwldo hqgrzphqwv /|'k |/vxfk wkdw h{fhvv ghpdqg iru H frlqflghv zlwk }rq g 1Khqfh dq|g|qdplf rq wkh sulfh vlpsoh{fdq eh uhsolfdwhg e|vrph glvwulexwlrq hfrqrp|1Wklv sdshu vkrzv wkdw udwlrqdol}deoh gdwd lv dozd|v udwlrqdol}deoh lq dq hfrqrp|lq zklfk pdunhw h{fhvv ghpdqg kdv d yhu|sduwlfxodu vwuxfwxuh1Xvlqj uhfhqw uhvxowv ri Txdk ^:`/zh vkrz wkdw li wkh gdwd lv udwlrqdol}deoh wkhq lw lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq dq hfrqrp|lq zklfk hdfk lqglylgxdo ghpdqg ixqfwlrq lv orfdoo|prqrwrqh dw hdfk revhuydwlrq1Wkh vwurqj surshuwlhv ri orfdo prqrwrqlflw|/lq sduwlfxodu wkh idfw wkdw orfdo prqrwrqlflw|ri lqglylgxdo ghpdqg lv suhvhuyhg e|djjuhjdwlrq lq pdunhw h{fhvv ghpdqg dqg wkh idfw wkdw orfdo prqrwrqlflw|lpsolhv orfdo vwdelolw|lq glvwulexwlrq hfrqrplhv/doorz xv wr frqfoxgh wkdw li wkh gdwd lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq d Zdoudvldq vhw0wlqj/wkhq lw lv udwlrqdol}deoh lq dq hfrqrp|lq zklfk hdfk revhuydwlrq lv orfdoo|vwdeoh xqghu wåwrqqhphqw1Wkxv joredo lqvwdelolw|/zkloh fohduo|d wkhruhwlfdo srvvlelolw|lq Zdoudvldq pdunhwv/fdqqrw eh ghwhfwhg lq d qlwh gdwd vhw frqvlvwlqj ri revhuydwlrqv rq sulfhv/lqfrphv/dqg djjuhjdwh frqvxpswlrq1Wkh sdshu surfhhgv dv iroorzv1Lq Vhfwlrq 5zh glvfxvv frqglwlrqv iru udwlrqdol}lqj lqglylgxdo ghpdqg lq hfrqrplhv zlwk vprrwk fkdudfwhulvwlfv1E|ghyhorslqj d vhw ri gxdo Diuldw lqhtxdolwlhv/zh vkrz wkdw li wkh revhuyhg gdwd fdq eh udwlrqdol}hg e|dq lqglylgxdo frqvxphu zlwk vprrwk fkdudfwhulvwlfv wkhq lw fdq eh udwlrqdol}hg e|d vprrwk xwlolw|ixqfwlrq zklfk jhqhudwhv d orfdoo|prqrwrqh ghpdqg ixqfwlrq1Lq Vhfwlrq 6zh glvfxvv wkh lpsolfdwlrqv ri orfdoo|prqrwrqh ghpdqg dqg xvh wkhvh uhvxowv wrjhwkhu zlwk wkh uhvxowv iurp Vhfwlrq 5wr vkrz wkdw orfdo xqltxhqhvv/orfdo vwdelolw|/dqg orfdo prqrwrqh frpsdudwlyh vwdwlfv duh qrw uhixwdeoh lq Zdoudvldq pdunhwv155Udwlrqdol}lqj Lqglylgxdo GhpdqgJlyhq d qlwh qxpehu ri revhuydwlrqv E R o c%o c o' c c /rq sulfhv dqg txdqwlwlhv/ zkhq lv wklv gdwd frqvlvwhqw zlwk xwlolw|pd{lpl}dwlrq e|vrph frqvxphu zlwk d qrq0 vdwldwhg xwlolw|ixqfwlrqB Zh vd|wkdw d xwlolw|ixqfwlrq L G U n$U udwlrqdol}hv wkh gdwd E R o c%o c o' c c /li;oR o %o R o %,L E%o L E% /;%5U nXvlqj wklv whuplqrorj|/zh fdq uhvwdwh wkh txhvwlrq deryh=jlyhq d qlwh gdwd vhw/ zkhq grhv wkhuh h{lvw d qrq0vdwldwhg xwlolw|ixqfwlrq zklfk udwlrqdol}hv wkhvh revhu0 ydwlrqvB Wkh fodvvlf dqvzhu wr wklv txhvwlrq zdv jlyhq e|Diuldw^4`1Wkhruhp+Diuldw,1Wkh iroorzlqj duh htxlydohqw=+d,wkhuh h{lvwv d qrq0vdwldwhg xwlolw|ixqfwlrq zklfk udwlrqdol}hv wkh gdwd+e,wkh gdwd vdwlv hv F|folfdo Frqvlvwhqf|+f,wkhuh h{lvw qxpehuv L /b :f/ ' c c zklfk vdwlvi|wkh Diuldw lqhtxdol0 wlhv =L L b R E% % / c ' c c+g,wkhuh h{lvwv d frqfdyh/prqrwrqh/frqwlqxrxv/qrq0vdwldwhg xwlolw|ixqfwlrq zklfk udwlrqdol}hv wkh gdwd1Lq sduwlfxodu/wkh htxlydohqfh ri+d,dqg+g,vkrzv wkdw wkh k|srwkhvlv wkdw suhi0 huhqfhv duh uhsuhvhqwhg e|d frqfdyh xwlolw|ixqfwlrq fdq qhyhu eh uhixwhg edvhg rq d qlwh gdwd vhw/vlqfh li wkh gdwd lv udwlrqdol}deoh e|dq|qrq0vdwldwhg xwlolw|ixqf0 wlrq wkhq lw lv udwlrqdol}deoh e|d frqfdyh/prqrwrqh/dqg frqwlqxrxv rqh1Pruhryhu/ Diuldw vkrzhg h{solflwo|krz wr frqvwuxfw vxfk d xwlolw|ixqfwlrq zklfk udwlrqdol}hv d jlyhq gdwd vhw1Iru hdfk%5U n/gh qhi L o n b o R o E% %o jL E% '4 ?oWklv xwlolw|ixqfwlrq lv lqghhg frqwlqxrxv/prqrwrqh dqg frqfdyh/dqg udwlrqdol}hv wkh gdwd e|frqvwuxfwlrq1Dv Fkldssrul dqg Urfkhw^6`qrwh/krzhyhu/wklv xwlolw|ixqfwlrq lv slhfhzlvh olqhdu dqg wkxv qhlwkhu gl huhqwldeoh qru vwulfwo|frqfdyh1Vxfk d xwlolw|ixqfwlrq grhv qrw jhqhudwh d vprrwk ghpdqg ixqfwlrq/dqg iru d qxpehu ri sulfhv grhv qrw hyhq jhqhudwh vlqjoh0ydoxhg ghpdqg1Wklv xwlolw|ixqfwlrq lv wkxv lqfrpsdwleoh zlwk pdq|vwdqgdug ghpdqg0edvhg dssurdfkhv wr wkh txhvwlrq ri udwlrqdol}delolw|ru hvwlpdwlrq/dv zhoo dv zlwk rxu txhvwlrqv derxw frpsdudwlyh vwdwlfv dqg dv|pswrwlf vwdelolw|16Zkhwkhu ru qrw d jlyhq vhw ri revhuydwlrqv fdq eh udwlrqdol}hg e|d vprrwk xwlolw| ixqfwlrq zklfk jhqhudwhv d vprrwk ghpdqg ixqfwlrq zloo reylrxvo|ghshqg rq wkh qd0 wxuh ri wkh revhuyhg gdwd1Wzr vlwxdwlrqv lq zklfk vxfk d udwlrqdol}dwlrq lv lpsrvvleoh duh ghslfwhg lq Iljxuhv4dqg51Wkh revhuydwlrqv lq Iljxuh4fdqqrw eh udwlrqdol}hg e|dq|vprrwk xwlolw|ixqfwlrq/dqg wkrvh lq Iljxuh5fdqqrw eh udwlrqdol}hg e|dq| ghpdqg ixqfwlrq1Li wkh gdwd vdwlv hv VDUS/wkhq vlwxdwlrqv olnh wkdw lq Iljxuh5 duh holplqdwhg>Fkldssrul dqg Urfkhw^6`vkrz wkdw li lq dgglwlrq vlwxdwlrqv olnh wkdw lq Iljxuh4duh uxohg rxw wkhq wkh gdwd fdq eh udwlrqdol}hg e|d vprrwk/vwurqjo| frqfdyh xwlolw|ixqfwlrq1---Lqvhuw Iljxuhv4dqg5khuh---Pruh irupdoo|/wkh gdwd vdwlv hv wkh vwurqj vwurqj d{lrp ri uhyhdohg suhi0 huhqfh+VVDUS,li lw vdwlv hv VDUS dqg li iru doo c ' c c /R 'R ,% '%Fkldssrul dqg Urfkhw^6`vkrz wkdw jlyhq d qlwh vhw ri gdwd vdwlvi|lqj VVDUS/ wkhuh h{lvwv d vwulfwo|lqfuhdvlqj/ "/vwurqjo|frqfdyh xwlolw|ixqfwlrq gh qhg rq d frpsdfw vxevhw ri U n zklfk udwlrqdol}hv wklv gdwd1Dowkrxjk VVDUS lv d frqglwlrq rq wkh revhuydeoh gdwd dorqh/lw fdq eh 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