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影响服装廓形变化的因素主要有面料性能、服 装设计以及松量分布。 基于计算机的虚拟仿真技术
能够在 生 产 与 制 作 之 前 获 知 服 装 的 三 维 着 装 效 果[1] 。 目前虚拟仿真主要展示理想化紧身服装,具
收稿日期:2018-06-29 修回日期:2018-11-21 基金 项 目: 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 面 上 项 目 ( 11671009 ) ; “ 浙 江 省 服 装 工 程 技 术 研 究 中 心 ” 重 点 实 验 室 开 放 基 金
Typical cross section silhouette analysis and interval prediction model construction of shorts
LI Tao1, DU Lei1,2, SUN Jie1, ZHANG Yijie1, ZOU Fengyuan1,2
(1. Fashion College, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China; 2. Clothing Engineering Research Center of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China)
Abstract In order to explore the influence of ease allowance on the shorts silhouette, the waist, hip and other typical cross sections which closely related to the shorts shape were selected as the research object. [ TC] 2 3-D scanner was adopted to collect point cloud data of typical section, and the curve was fitted by cerebellar model articulation controller ( CMAC ) neural network. The minimum enclosing rectangle, thickness to width ratio and the interval were used to characterize the cross section silhouette. The prediction model of interval and ease allowance was established by regression analysis. The results show that negative correlation exists between the ease allowances and the thickness to width ratio of the hip, thigh and leg opening. The interval of hip and thigh accumulates mainly on both sides and back middle part, resulting in the shape of the cross section is gradually flattening. Upon two paired samples T examination, no significant difference exists between the predicted values and actual measured results. The interval prediction model has a good fit, which can provide reference for establishing the relationship between human body data, cross section silhouette and 3-D simulation. Keywords shorts; ease allowance; silhouette; cerebellar model articulation controller neural network; interval
第 40 卷 第 5 期 2019 年 5 月
DOI:10. 13475 / j.fzxb.20180608606
纺 织 学 报 Journal of Textile R特征截面廓形分析及间隙量预测模型构建
李 涛1, 杜 磊1,2, 孙 洁1, 张益洁1, 邹奉元1,2
(1. 浙江理工大学 服装学院, 浙江 杭州 310018; 2. 浙江理工大学 浙江省服装工程技术研究中心, 浙江 杭州 310018)
摘 要 为探究短裤松量变化对截面廓形的影响,选取与裤装造型密切相关的腰围、臀围等特征截面进行研究。 通过[ TC] 2 三维扫描仪获取截面点云数据,利用小脑神经网络进行曲线拟合,提取最小外接矩形面积、厚宽比及间 隙量表征截面廓形变化,通过回归分析构建短裤间隙量与松量的预测模型。 结果表明:短裤松量与臀围、裆围及裤 口围截面厚宽比呈负相关,臀围、裆围处间隙量主要向截面两侧及后中部位累积,截面形状趋于宽扁;经两配对样 本 T 检验,间隙量的预测值与实际测量结果之间无显著差异,间隙量预测模型的拟合优度较好。 研究结果可为建 立人体、服装截面廓形及三维仿真之间的关系提供参考。 关键词 短裤; 松量; 廓形; 小脑神经网络; 间隙量 中图分类号:TS 941. 17 文献标志码:A