中级教程九 - OGRE 3D 中文





您还将学习如何使用AutoCAD 软件包里的文件,以及如何创建可用Autodesk 的独立DWF 查看器查看的3D 场景。

本教程中介绍的功能•修改资源路径•创建新库•使用3ds•Max 登录到库•设置工作文件夹•将文件添加到库中•检查文件是否在库中,并检查文件是否超出库范围•检查版本历史•检查文件是否超出库范围•准备用于导入的AutoCAD 图形•使用2D CAD 图形作为模板创建AEC 对象。

•导入3D CAD 模型并进行最后的调整。

•使用“文件链接管理器”在AutoCAD 和3ds•Max 之间创建实时链接•诊断使用“文件链接管理器”时可能遇到的问题•解决使用CAD 图形可能遇到的问题•解决使用CAD 图形和模型的常见问题•将3D 场景导出至独立DWF 查看器程序并解决DWF 格式的限制本节文件程序光盘中提供了本教程需要的所有文件,这些文件位于\tutorials目录下。

开始学习教程之前,请将\tutorials文件夹从光盘复制到本地安装程序的文件夹中本节教程使用资源跟踪保存场景状态使用AutoCAD 文件发布到DWF使用资源跟踪您可以使用以下两个功能从3ds•Max 中直接执行资源管理:•从库中打开•资源跟踪可以使用这些功能直接访问“资源跟踪系统”(ATS),例如:•Autodesk 库•Perforce•SourceSafeATS 应用程序将提供各种功能,如用于备份项目资源的版本控制和工具。

通常,ATS 应用程序在联网的团队环境中使用,成员之间资源共享。

我们建议您用于3ds•Max 资源跟踪的解决方案是Autodesk 库。

您可以使用独立于外部ATS 应用程序的3ds•Max 的资源跟踪功能。


如果在网络上具有外部ATS 设置,则您还可以直接使用资源跟踪访问这些应用程序。



Ogre引擎介绍OGRE(Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)(Ogre, 食人魔) ,是一款成熟、稳定、可靠、灵活、跨平台、而且拥有丰富功能开源实时3D 图形渲染引擎( 并不是游戏引擎) ,由 社区维护,遵守LGPL(GNU Lesser General Public License ) 协议。

同类其他开源引擎:1. Irrlicht ( 鬼火)2. Nebula( 星云)3. klayGEOGRE 引擎特性:·全面并同等的支持OpenGL 和Direct3D·全面支持Windows ,Linux 以及Mac OS X 平台·其完全的面向对象设计,允许您通过插件和子类毫不费力地扩展引擎的功能。

在Ogre 3D 的名字中包含“3D ”是很贴切的,因为那就是它所能做的所有事情。


它只是做为一个3D 渲染引擎被设计出来,并且那就是它唯一的应用。


(虽然Ogre 引擎中也会包含比如输入系统等一些简单的实现,但官方的说法一般是:这只是为了支持演示程序所提供的,不建议你在自己实际的应用中使用。

你需要在Ogre 去中去寻找其他的库来完善你自己的工具箱。






3dsmax9中文版实用教程教学设计 (2)

3dsmax9中文版实用教程教学设计 (2)




1.1 了解3dsmax9软件及其功能特点
1.2 下载安装3dsmax9中文版软件
1.3 了解软件界面及其常用工具
2.1 常用建模工具及其操作方法
2.2 单个物体建模技巧
2.3 多个物体建模技巧

Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide 第一章

Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide 第一章

感谢OGRE-叶子,对于《Ogre 3D 1.7 Beginner's Guide》这本书我就对第一章按照OGRE-叶子的文档格式进行翻译了一下。

具体安装说明也可见Ogre 3D Wiki。

1Installing Ogre 3D【第一章安装Ogre 3D引擎】Downloading and installing a new library are the first steps of learning about and using it.【想要学习并且使用Ogre,就要先下载并安装它】In this chapter, we will learn about:【在这章,我们将会学习到:】* Download and install Ogre 3D* Have our development environment working with Ogre 3D* Create our first scene rendered by Ogre 3DSo let's get on with it.【* 下载并安装Ogre 3D引擎* 配置好Ogre 3D引擎的开发环境* 用Ogre 3D引擎构建第一个场景那我们就开搞了。

】Downloading and installing Ogre 3D【下载并安装Ogre 3D引擎】The first step we need to take is to install and configure Ogre 3D.【我们要干的第一步就是安装并配置Ogre 3D引擎】Time for action – downloading and installing Ogre 3D【实践时刻——下载并安装Ogre 3D引擎】We are going to download the Ogre 3D SDK and install it so that we can work with it later.【为了后面的使用,现在我们就要下载安装Ogre 3D SDK了】1.Go to /download/sdk.【1.打开/download/sdk.的链接】2.Download the appropriate package. If you need help picking the right package, take a look atthe next What just happened section.【 2.下载合适的安装包。











基于C#来制作编辑器,在制作一些小工具上面很有利,比如说打包工具,加密器等等和图形关系不大的工具,它的优势在于它的简单易用,但是当你涉及到图形这一块的时候,如果引擎支持不C#,那么使用XNA、Manage DX 都不是很好的一种解决方案(除非你的游戏就是基于两者),导入动态链接库的方法又会比较麻烦,C#和C++之间还是有不小的区别。


WxWidgets和QT都是跨平台的GUI 库,目前来说还算主流,我个人倾向于QT,WxWidgets了解不多,QT目前由诺基亚负责,有自己的IDE、设计工具、详细的例子、比较充实的文档、与VS的结合还算完美,还有一些第三方的库支持,网络上的资料也还多,是个发展潜力不错的GUI库。

犀牛中文教程:Rhinoceros 3D 参考手册 Rhinoceros NURBS modeling forWindows

犀牛中文教程:Rhinoceros 3D 参考手册 Rhinoceros NURBS modeling forWindows

RHINO参 考 手 册

4 页 , 共 733 页
使 下 一 個 觀 視 視 窗 成 為 最 上 層 觀 視 視 窗 (NextViewportToTop) ................................ ......41 關 閉 觀 視 視 窗 (CloseViewport) ................................ ................................ ..................... 42 放 大 觀 視 視 窗 (MaxViewport) ................................ ................................ ........................ 42 複 製 窗 至 所 有 的 觀 視 視 窗 (CopyViewToAll) ................................ ................................ ...42 設 定 最 大 觀 視 視 窗 (SetMaximizedViewport) ................................ ................................ .42 複 製 顯 示 視 窗 至 剪 貼 簿 (CopyDisplayWindowToClipboard)................................ .........43 選 取 色 彩 對 話 窗 (Select Color dialog box) ................................ ................................ ...43 顯 示 指 令 歷 史 (Command history display) ................................ ................................ ...44 指 令 歷 史 (CommandHistory)................................ ................................ ........................ 44 貼 上 指 令 (CommandPaste) ................................ ................................ .......................... 44 讀 入 指 令 檔 (ReadCommandFile) ................................ ................................ ................. 45 第 3章 檔 案 功 能 表 ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 47



2009 CAC教育机构 Corporation
导入AutoCAD模型并进行调整 模型并进行调整 导入
步骤9:当对基本颜色不满意时,可通过单击【添加自定义颜色】按钮 在弹出的【颜色选择器:添加颜色】对话框中进行相应的设置,如 图13-11所示. 步骤10:按照前面的步骤导入"别墅东立面图"文件,在顶视图中选 择立面图,然后右击【选择并旋转】按钮,系统弹出【旋转变换输 入】对话框,在"绝对:世界"选项组的X,Y和Z文本框中依次输 入"-90","-180"和"90",关闭【旋转变换输入】对话框后 右击鼠标,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择"隐藏当前选择"选项.
2009 CAC教育机构 Corporation
步骤11:选中步骤9所绘的线段后,单击【几何体】按钮,利用下拉 列表框将"基本标准体"修改为"复合对象",然后单击"对象类 型"卷展栏中的【放样】按钮,从"创建方法"卷展栏中单击【获 取图形】按钮并选择步骤10绘制的圆,顶视图如图13-128所示. 步骤12:在选中放样模型的基础上单击【修改】面板,将其重命名 为"毛巾架"后从"变形"卷展栏中单击【缩放】按钮,弹出【缩 放变形(X)】对话框,在其中分别选择两侧的端点并在下方的缩放 比例文本框中输入"60",如图13-129所示.
2009 CAC教育机构 Corporation
导入AutoCAD模型并进行调整 模型并进行调整 导入
步骤4:利用3DS MAX右下角的【缩放】按钮将导入的 平面图缩放至合适大小,然后单击工具栏中的【选择 对象】按钮,选中顶视图中的轴线,编号,标高等对 象后按Delete键对其进行删除. 步骤5:利用工具栏中的【选择对象】按钮,在顶视图 中选择平面图的所有线条,选择【组】→【成组】菜 单项,即可弹出【组】对话框,在"组名"文本框中 输入"平面图",单击【确定】按钮后完成组操作.


|| (逻辑或)
! (逻辑非)
* 指针运算符
& 地址运算符
& (位与)
| (位或)
^ (位异或)
~ (位非)
<< (左移)
>> (右移)
++ (自加)
-- (自减)
+= (复合加)
-= (复合减)
*= (复合乘)
/= (复合除)
&= (复合与)
|= (复合或)
int checkSensor(){
if (analogRead(0) > 400) {
return 1;
return 0;
void loop(){
// 这里是功能不正常的代码
for (初始化部分; 条件判断部分; 数据递增部分) {
for (x = 0; x < 255; x ++)

最新3DS MAX 9中文版标准教程PPT课件

最新3DS MAX 9中文版标准教程PPT课件

• 什么是高空作业?
• 凡是坠落高度基准面2米以上(含2米)的高处进行的
• 高空作业分四个级别
➢ 作业高度在2-5米(含5米)称一级高空作业 ➢ 作业高度>5-15(含15米)称为二级高空作业 ➢ 作业高度>15-30(含30米)称为三级高空作业 ➢ 作业高度>30米称为特级高空作业
表X轴,绿色的线代表Y轴。 “移动控制点”按钮 :使用它可以移动控制点,按住该按钮可以弹出
水平和垂直方向的移动按钮。 “缩放控制点”按钮 :缩放选定的控制点,通常用于多个控制点同时
选定时。 “插入角点”按钮 :在变形曲线上添加控制点,按住该按钮,片刻后
会弹出“插入Beizier点”按钮 。 “删除控制点”按钮 :删除当前选中的控制点。 “重置曲线” :取消所做的修改。
7.5 通过变形创建复合对象
• 大多数安全事故都是由于
• “不注意”、“疏忽”、“判断失误”、 • “缺乏危险预判能力”等人为因素引起。
• 因此,为了预防事故发生,每个作业人员都必须提高 对危险的觉察能力,每个人都应具有
• “自我安全,自我保护”的意识
• 安全第一,预防为主,综合治理 • 创建没有安全隐患的工作环境、零事故的工作现场
• 慢慢求医路,心灵的折磨。。。。 • 背上沉重的医疗费用。。。。
死 • 非 及伤
1. 凡在高地面2米及以上的地点进行的工作,都应视作高处作业。凡是能在地面上预先 做好的工作,都必须在地面进行,尽量减少高处作业。
2. 担任高处作业人员必须身体健康,患有精神病、癫痫病及经医师鉴定患有高血压,心 脏病等不宜从事高处作业病的人员,不准参加高处作业。凡发现工作人员有饮酒、精 神不振时,禁止登高作业。



辅助菜单说明图形视角说明Analyze 分析命令File 文件管理命令NeW 开启新档建立新图形:消除屏幕上的图形,使系统回到开机时的状态Edit 编辑文件编辑:系统提供一功能强大的全屏幕编辑器(Mcedit)可在不退出系统的状态下编辑各类ASCII文件(NC﹑NCI﹑DOC﹑IGS﹑PST ﹑AUTOEXEC﹑OTHER)Get 取档调用图形文件,将其显示在屏幕上Merge 合并档案图形合并:读入另一个图形文件,并显示在屏幕上,原屏幕上图形保留List 列出列出ASCII文件内容,只能看,不能修改﹑编辑SAve 存档图形文件存盘:将屏幕上的几何图形储存为一图形文件Save some部分存档储存部分图形:将屏幕上的一部分几何图形储存为一图形文件Browse 浏览图形浏览:浏览已储存在指定目录的图形文件(*。

GE3),依次显示在屏幕上Forward 显示前一个图形Backup 显示后一个图形Auto 自动显示一个个图形DeLay 自动显示时,下一个图形显示的延时时间Keep 保留当前屏幕上的一个图形Delete 删除当前屏幕上的一个图形Converters 档案转换图形转换:完成不同格式图形文件的读﹑写双向转换。

图形数据交换标准ASCII 这里的ASCII文件是指用一系列点的XYZ坐标组成的数据文件。




STEP STEP是一个包含一系列应用协议的ISO标准格式。



系统可以读取STEP文件Autodesk 与由美国Autodesk公司开发的AutoCAD软件和Inventor软件的图形文件格式作图形转换。




SceneManager 对象

SceneManager预定义若干子类,对不同类型场 景优化,例如BspSceneManager可以对大型场景 进行基于BSP的优化 通常应用程序只需要简单地调用 Root::createSceneManager(..)方法,通过参数指定 场景类型,OGRE选择合适的子类 OGRE的开发可以添加新的场景优化算法对特定 场景进行优化。这一过程不需要修改上层应用 程序。


在创建OGRE程序时,只需要继承OGRE FrameWork中的类并做少 量改动。
ExampleApplication 1
mFrameListener 1



创建„Visual C++ Projects‟ / „Win32‟ / „Win32 Project‟类型的工程, 命名、路径

从OGRE安装目录复制\bin文件夹(包含 \debug and \release) 和\media文件夹到工程文件夹 工程属性(project property)配置

步骤的代码如下: virtual bool setup(void) { mRoot = new Root(); //首先创建Root类的对象。 setupResources(); //加载资源路径 bool carryOn = configure(); //弹出config对话框,配置RenderSystem if (!carryOn) return false; chooseSceneManager(); //选择场景管理器类型 createCamera(); //创建并初始化摄像机 createViewports(); //创建窗口中的视口



新编剑桥商务英语(中级)Module-9Module 9 All of our operators currently unavailablearetoWordlist answer your call.on hold displays Can I call you back? odour subject line Can I take your name, aroma distinguish a please?brand put through Can you bear with me a suit attachment second?quality assurance Could you connect me/put turnover bear with me through to...? someonefragrance Do you mind if we put the scent unavailable meeting back to Tuesday? inbox slogan Hold on a moment.urgent brand jingle I'm just going to put yo usmell voicemail on hold.brand identity logo I'm just looking his spam whiff number up on the capitals luxury computer.speech recognition I'm just putting you on consumers obsession hold for a moment. technology Let me call you back later.Expressions you.Let me read that back to Expressions you.One moment, please. Please hold.Sorry, he's tied up with something at the moment. Can I help?Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out. We'll bring the schedule forward by a week.When would be convenient for you?When would suit you?9.1 Branding What's the smell?Reading1 Students discuss the questions in pairs before reporting back to the class. Encourage students to give specific examples of brands that they like or think are particularly effective.2 Students complete the article with the phrases. A-G. Note that while this task is very similar to Part Two of the Reading Test, it is slightly more difficult because all seven phrases need to be put in the text, rather than only five. Also note that in the test the sentences are complete, whereas in this exercise A-G are all parts of sentences (relative clauses). Answers1 B2 G3 E4 C5 A6 F7 DExtensionFor more vocabulary and reading practice, ask students to underline:1 any smell they may need bilingual dictionaries to check understanding of thesesmells2 examples of how companies have used these smells.3 synonyms for the word smell.Answers1 Sugar and butter, vanilla and mandarin, white tea, lavender, cherry.2 In stores to put customers in the mood for buying, attract customers to displays, make shoppers wait longer, visit a hotel ice cream shop, to creat the perception that the product is good, on mobile phone keypads and on billboards.3 odour, scent, fragrance, aroma Discussing branding Speaking3 Students work alone to completethethreebeginnings of sentences. Students then compare their views and continue discussing the article. Possible answersOne thing that interests me about this is that smell can have such an effect on humans.One thing that surprises me is that ScentAir's turnover has quadrupled as a result.4 Put students into groups of three to discuss each of the five items. One person in each group should make notes on their decisions and which smells they will use. At the end, each group canreport back to the class.Photocopiable activity 9.1 See page 176.Relative clausesGrammarAsk students to read the information about relative clauses. They could also refer to the grammar summary on page 130 for more detailed information.1 Students complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun. These pronouns should be familiar to students at this level.Answers 1 which 2 when 3 who 4 whose5 why6 whereExtensionWrite the following on the board and the relative pronouns in a jumbled list. Ask students to match the pronoun to what it refers to: (answers in brackets) person (who) thing/item (which) possession (whose) location (where) reason (why) time (when)2 The aim of this exercise is to draw student's attention to the fact that there are two types of relative clauses (defining and non-defining).AnswersWe're a Swedish company which has controlling shares in three subsidiaries and a large stake in one smaller division. It is recommended therefore that we focus our financial interests on the smaller subsidiary, which incidentally is also based in Sweden.3 Students analyse the key differences between the two clauses by referring back to exercise 2. They may also need to refer to and check their answers in the grammar summary on page 130.Answers1 defining2 non-defining3 commas4 The sentences in the text on page 87 containing relative clauses are those which were completed withA-G in exercise 2 on page 86. If students seem unsure, tell them that if there is a comma it will be non-defining. Defining:...that his grandmother used to make...who walk around reception will get a whiff ofa chocolate chip cookie Answers...when it began 12 years 1 Let me introduce you to ago David who's the direct of ...why so many companies our company.are now association brands 2 This is the main factory with a scent where we produce car Non-defining: parts....which typically includes 3 This is our latest product more than six smells which is also our biggest ...where the odour of seller.waffle-cones were released 4 The company had ainto the air to encourage turnover of about a million visitors to an out-of-the Euros in 2004 when it was way ice cream shop founded in 2004....whoserecently-introduced cell 5 Students personalise the phone keypad was grammar focus with lavender-scented sentences of their own.5 that Possible answersI worked for a company4 Students study the which produces software.example and complete I study at a college that sentences 1-4. specialises in businesscourses.The best kind of boss is someone who doesn't interfer. ExtensionStudents could compare their sentences in pairs or groups.6 Tell students to make the sentences non-defining. They should insert the clause in the middle of the sentence. Answers1 My company, which is based in Sydney, has offices all over the world.2 Mrs. Sayers, who's waiting in reception, says she has an appointment with you.3 The man, whose briefcase we found last night, called this morning to see if we had it.4 The report, which I've just finished, is in your in-tray. PronunciationYou could help students focus on the pronunciation ofnon-defining relative clauses at this stage by drilling the four sentences in exercise 6. Students need to note that there will be a slight pause where there are commas and that the intonation often rises before the first comma to indicate the speaker has more to say. You could mark the sentences on theboard like this:/\1 My company, /which is based in Sydn ey, /has offices all over the world./\2 Mrs. Sayers, /who's wait ing in recepti on, /says she has an appo in tme nt with you./\3 The man, /whose briefcase we found last ni ght, /called this morning to see if we had it./\4 The report, /which I've just fini shed, /is in your in-tray.Chin ese luxury obsessi on Readi ng7 This task requires stude nts to read a text very carefully, and correct any pronouns or features of relative clauses (such as commas).An swers1 which where2 what who3 who's whose4 where, (delete comma)5 when why6 whose which7 why where8 no wadays, (delete comma)9.2 Getting through Automated voicemail systemsListe ning1 Ask the students what they think is the worst invention of the modern age, eg the car, the mobile phone, etc. They the n compare their ideas with the view in the article. Find out at which point on the scale (1-10) most students give up listening to an automated voice mail system. Also find out if their compa nies use them.2 9.1 Play the recording of some one hav ing to deal with an automated voicemail system.An swers1 GH Loa ns.2 The caller presses 2 because he wants to speak to an operator.3 The caller reaches 3 on the scale before he puts the phone down because the system uses speech recog niti on tech no logy which requires him to an swer " Yes" or "No".9.1 Liste ning scriptC = Caller M = Machi ne C Hello, I'd like to speak to...M Hello. Thank you for calling GH Loans Customer Care. You will now hear a numberof options. Please press the option you require. For a statement, press 1, for early repayment, press 2, for any other enquiry or to speak to one of our operators, press3...Thank you.C Hello, I'm calling about... M Thank you for calling GH Loans. Please note that your call may be monitored for quality assurance and training purposes.M We're sorry but all of our operators are currently unavailable to take your call. Please hold. Your call is important to us.M Hello. You're through to our loans department.C Could you put me through to someone...M To help us deal with your call quickly and efficiently, please answer the following questions with "Yes" or "No". Do you currently have an account with...3 9.2 This second call successfully reaches an operator. Students listen and complete the information. Answers1 Abi Kaye2 TI36623 21st April 19814 loan early last month5 statement6 five thousand Euros7 01724439298 four9.2 Listening scriptO = Operator C = CallerO Hello, you're through to Katrina. How can I help you this morning?C Oh hello, it's with regard toa statement I received. I think there's been a mistake.O OK. One moment, please. Can I take your name, please?C Yes, it's Abi Kaye.O Can you spell that for me?C Sure. Abi. A-B-I. Kaye.K-A-Y-E.O And do you have an account number?C Yes, TI3662.O Sorry. Was that T for Thailand, I as in India?C That's correct.O And for security can I have your date of birth?C The 21st of April, 1981.O That's fine, Ms Kaye. So how can I help you?C Well, I paid off part of my loan early last month but I received a statement from you this morning and it isn'ton the statement. Could you tell me if the payment has gone through?O Right. I don't see it. Can you bear with me for a second? I'm just going to put you on hold.C Sure.O Hello. Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm afraid I can't find a record of it. Howmuch was it for? Telephone wordsC Five thousand Euros. VocabularyO I'll have to check this for 4 9.1, 9.2 Ask students to you. Can I call you back? try to complete 1-10 before C Yes, please. they listen. If your students O What's your number, Mr have difficulties, you could Kaye? play the conversationsC Zero one seven, two again to help them.double four, three nine two Answersnine. 1 unavailable / take O So that was zero one 2 hold 3 put / seven, two double four, throughthree nine two nine. 4 One 5 C That's right. What time take 6 bear with medo you think you'll call 7 put (you) on hold back because I have to go 8 call (you) backout now? 9 So that was O When would suit you? 10 suitC At four.O That's fine. Speak to you Pronunciationthen. Goodbye. Students often haveC Bye. problems saying the word sconvenient, unavailableand suit so you may want to drill these. It will also be helpful to drill the entire phrases from exercise 4. Make sure your students' intonation sounds friendly and polite.5 Give students time to study the rules for phrasal verbs and how the position of the object can change in some cases. Once they have looked at this, let them complete 1-9. Note that they should also try to write two answers where possible.Answers1 Let me call you back later.2 Let me read that back toyou. 3 I'm just looking up his number on the computer. / I'm just looking his number up on the computer.4 Do you mind if we put the meeting back to Tuesday? / Do you mind if we put back the meeting to Tuesday?5 We'll bring the schedule forward by a week. / We'll bring forward the schedule bya week.6 Hold on a moment.7 Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out.8 Sorry, he's tied up with something at the moment. Can I help?9 I'm just putting you on hold for a moment.time)Making phone calls Speaking 6 Students carry out similar role-plays to the situation in listening 9.2. Student A looks at File 9.1 on page 127 and Student B looks at File 9.2 on page 132. They take turns to call and must complete notes in a message.Possible answers Student A's message (File 9.1)Caller: Mr/Ms Jakuczik Message: He/She rang to postpone meeting with Mr Vathone On 24th in Hong Kong, China.Account number: YE99-087 Call back at: 7pm (US Student B's message (File 9.2)Caller: Mr/Ms Jingshan Message: He/She paid $3,760 into account, but it isn't on this month's statement. Account number: HIE364 4756Call back at: (students decide time) on980 765 55 44Photocopiable activity 9.2 See page 177.Email marketingReading1 Discuss the questions as a class. Check that students know the word "spam" which is often used to refer to unwanted emails. Students should also be familiar with the words "junk email" which many email programs can now identify and prevent from■■■■Iarriving in your inbox.2 Students read the article and answer questions 1-3. Answers1 B2 B3 A3 Discuss the question with the class. Dr Mani is an interesting case in terms of unwanted emails because part of the money he makes from sending spam goes to charity. For this reason, students might have to think twice about deleting his emails.4 This task resembles a possible discussion in the final part of the Speaking Test. Refer students to the Exam Success tip, but you might want to give them more than three minutes at this stage to discuss their newsletter. It will be helpful if one student takes notes on what it will include and who will receive it. This information can be presented to the class at the end.ExtensionWith pre-work learners on college courses or on courses where you have plenty of time for project work, it may be appropriate to set up a project where students produce a newsletter, possibly for their place of study. This lesson would be a good moment to introduce the concept and find out what students would like to include.Correcting and rewriting Writing5 Students will find the six missing words in the first five lines of the article on page 92. Answers1 email2 capitals3 spam (or) email newsletters4 important5 subject6 inbox6 Students try to add more tips to the six listed in exercise 5.Possible answers- With emails to people you don't know, use formal expressions such as Dear..., I am writing to..., I look forward to ................- Organise your emails into folders.- Send many attachments in separate emails. - Only cc emails to someone else when it's really necessary.7 Students read the email and study the rules in exercise 5.AnswersThe person broke the following rules:1 He/She didn't check for things like spelling, grammar and formality (eg. received / I look forward to see you then / Hi...).2 and 4 He/She used capitals and marked it IMPORTANT!5 The subject line wasn't short and clear.8 Students re-draft the email in exercise 7 to improve it. It is up to the students to decidehow well the two people (Mr Kay and J) already know each other. If in doubt, remind students that as a general rule it's best to use a semi-formal or neutral business register. This is also true of the BEC Vantage writing test. Possible answerDear Mr Kay,Further to your message regarding next week's brand development meeting, I can confirm that I will be able to attend. Please also find attached ScentAir's latest proposal, which we can discuss in more detail next week.I look forward to seeing you. Best regardsJohn Taylor9.3 Writing testExam PracticeBegin by asking students to read the introductory paragraph about this part of the exam. Refer them to the Exam Success tip and ask them to answer the four questions in the tip with reference to the exam task on page 95.Answers-What type of business document do I need to write?A report.-What is my role (job) in the scenario? A representative from a market research company carrying outresearch.-Who am I writing it for / to? A soft drinks company. -What information from the visual material and handwritten notes is essential? The information in the handwritten notes is always essential in this type of question. With the pie charts, students will need to summarise the main trends indicated rather than list every figure given. With the bar chart, students should summarise the overall indication of preferences and not worry about quoting exact percentages.Students write their reports. If necessary, refer them back to the introduction to writing reports in Module 4 on page 42 and 43. They will also find the checklist on page 94 helpful while they write or after they have complete their reports. They could then swap with a partner and use the checklist to mark their work.Possible answerReport on findings from focus group research Introduction The aim of this report is to make recommendations based on findings from ten focus groups.FindingsFirstly, nearly three-quarters of responses to the cherry flavour were very positive with only 7% being neither positive nor negative about the product. On the other hand, about two-thirds said they disliked the strawberry flavourbecause of the sugar and artificial taste. Finally, with regard to the normal and diet versions, approximately 20% more people preferred the diet cherry version and nearly three times as many preferred the diet strawberry version. Recommendations Based on these findings, I would recommend that the company launches two types of cherry flavour drink (normal and diet). While I wouldn't suggest a normal strawberry version,the company couldconsider producing a diet version which was clearly more popular.。



Ogre 中级教程 7Table of contents 目录                  Introduction 先决条件 Setting Up the Scene 创建场景 Creating a Texture 创建纹理 Writing Our Texture to a File 写出我们的纹理到文件 Implementing the Miniscreen 实现迷你场景 Creating a Material From Scratch翻译 byCatD从头创建一个材质Using a RenderTargetListener使用一个渲染目标监听器Render to Texture and Shaders渲染到纹理和阴影Exercises练习o o o o o o o o Easy简单Intermediate中级Difficult困难Advanced地狱(括弧笑)     Conclusion总结Full Source全部代码Next下一节Introduction 先决条件This tutorial covers the basics of rendering a scene to a texture. This technique is used for a variety of effects. It is particularly useful in combination with shaders. Motion blur effects can be created in this way. 本教程涵盖了渲染纹理到一个场景,这个技术用于制作出各种效果,它在结合着色器时格外的 有用,可以用这种方法创建动态模糊效果。

The basic idea is rather simple. Instead of just sending render information strictly to our render window, we will also send the information to be rendered directly to a texture in our scene. This texture will then be used like a texture loaded from the hard drive. 基本的想法非常简单,咱在咱的场景里发送直接渲染的信息到纹理来代替咱发送严格的渲染信 息,这种结构将用起来像是使用一个已经被硬盘加载的纹理。

精品课件-中文版3ds max 9效果图制作-第2章

精品课件-中文版3ds max 9效果图制作-第2章
两次创建完成的标准几何体 两次创建完成的标准几何体是指拖曳两次鼠标完成的标准 几何体,包括长方体、圆柱体、圆环和四棱锥等四种,其形态 如图2-11所示。 【长方体】:用于制作六面体或长方体,如地面等,在效 果图制作中使用最多。 【圆柱体】:用于制作棱柱体、圆柱体以及局部棱柱或圆 柱造型。 【圆环】:用于制作圆环以及局部圆环的造型,其截面为 正多边形,在效果图制作中经常用于生成筒灯造型。 【四棱锥】:用于制作四棱锥造型。
(6) 最后单击鼠标右键,结束圆锥体的创建,圆锥体的 形态与参数如图2-21所示。
第2章 基础——三维建模与基本操作 图2-21 圆锥体的形态和参数
第2章 基础——三维建模与基本操作
常用参数的意义如下: 【半径1】:用于设置圆锥体的底面半径。 【半径2】:用于设置圆锥体的顶面半径。 【高度】:用于设置圆锥体的高度。 【高度分段】:用于设置圆锥体的高度分段数。 【端面分段】:用于设置圆锥体上、下两端面沿半径向外 的分段数。图2-22所示为取不同端面分段值时的圆锥体形态。
第2章 基础——三维建模与基本操作 图2-25 扩展基本体的基本形态
第2章 基础——三维建模与基本操作
【异面体】:用于制作各种奇特表面组合的多面体,如钻 石、链子球等。
【环形结】:用于制作管状相互连缠在一起的造型。 【切角长方体】:用于制作边缘有倒角的长方体,倒角可 以使对象更圆滑、真实,如桌面、方柱等造型。 【切角圆柱体】:用于制作边缘有倒角的柱体,如坐垫、 塞子等造型。 【油罐】:用于制作带有球体凸出顶部的柱体,如油桶等 造型。 【胶囊】:用于制作两端带有半球的圆柱体,与胶囊形态 相近。
第2章 基础——三维建模与基本操作 图2-8 茶壶形态与参数
第2章 基础——三维建模与基本操作



OGRE1.7.2 安装2011-11-16 11:17:47标签:ogre1.7.2休闲职场最近老师说让我们学习一下OGRE场景编辑器,网上搜索了很久,最后搜索到了Ogitor学做编辑器的方法,前提是要先编译好OGRE,于是,我就开始看网上的各种资料来学习OGRE,由于没人给予指导,都是自己一点点在网上看别人博客上总结的方法和自己的摸索总结出来的一些方法。

首先说一下我会介绍两种办法来配置: SDK 和源码首先申明一下:我的环境. Win7 + VS2008 + DirectX SDK (February 2010)一、SDK(这个不需要进行源码编译)这个版本,主要是为那些需要用OGRE,但是不打算研究的。

学过DirectX的人都应指导SDK应怎么配置吧,就是配置lib 和 include:但是由于OGRE中引入Bosst(这个即将引入标准库的,类似STL)的东西,所以还是需要配置一下Boost 的lib和include库,不过你没必要自己去下,OGRE里面就有,下面说说详细的:1、首先到OGRE的官网下载SDK:最新版本是1.7.2:根据自己的平台和编译器,下载合适的版本网址:/download/sdk2、首先你的机器上必须有DirectX 或者 OpenGL 这样一个图形处理的SDK:看一下整个操作:a、安装并配置DirectX SDK(官方建议的版本是DirectX SDK - February 2010。


)1、把DirectX SDK里的include文件夹添加进包含文件中2、把DirectX SDK里的Lib\x86文件夹添加进库文件中3、把DirectX SDK里的Utilities\Bin\x86添加进可执行文件中这三步是在vs2008中使用的时候要配置的,如果单单只是要cmake编译OGRE的源代码的话,不需要配置的,只要装一下DirectX SDK (February 2010)就行了,cmake中Configure的时候,会自动找到里面的include和lib文件的。

精品课件-中文版3ds max 9效果图制作-第4章

精品课件-中文版3ds max 9效果图制作-第4章
(8) 关闭【缩放变形】对话框,此时放样生成的造型形 态如图4-10所示。
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法 图4-10 放样生成的造型形态3
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法
4.1.2 布尔运算建模
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法
2.布尔运算的操作步骤 在进行布尔运算之前,首先要建立两个相交的原始对象。 下面通过实例演示布尔运算的运算过程与运算结果。 (1) 在视图中创建一个长方体和一个球体,并使这两个 对象充分相交,如图4-13所示。
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法 图4-13 创建布尔运算的两个原始对象
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法 第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法
4.1 课堂讲解 4.2 课堂实训 4.3 课堂总结 4.4 课后练习
第4章 提高——几种特殊的建模方法
4.1 课 堂 讲 解 前面几节课重点学习了三维建模技术与二维建模技术,利 用这些知识,基本可以满足室内外效果图的制作要求。但是对 于一些复杂的建筑模型,还会涉及到一些比较高级的建模方法。 本节课中,我们将着重学习效果图制作过程中频繁使用的三种 特殊建模方法:放样建模、布尔运算建模和多边形建模。其中, 放样建模与布尔运算建模属于复合建模技术,用于制作一些不 规则的造型;多边形建模是基于修改命令来完成的。
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文档:教程:中级教程:中级教程九 - OGRE 3D 中文
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CEGUI通过“OgreGUIRenderer”类与Ogre进行结合。这个类所在文件存放在Ogre的“Samples”文件夹 下,然而却定义在“CEGUI”命名空间内。OgreGUIRenderer简单的取得了CEGUI中的一些绘制命令, 并将这些命令转译成Ogre中的网格和材质数据,并将其放置到"层渲染队列(Overlay render queue)"中,通过这种手段Ogre就可以对其进行绘制了.同时,这样可以使UI在我们的渲染场景中永远 处于近屏顶端。 在我们的程序代码中,我们除了提供一个OgreGUIRenderer类的实体对象给CEGUI,其他的渲染相关 部分我们不用操心。
在本文中我们将准备把CEGUI整合到实际开发项目中。 这个版本的代码将告别VC71项目,并采用VC8(Visual C++2005)项目。实际上,自我工作以来,一 直到最近我都一直使用VC71。那些使用VC71的朋友应该有足够的经验把VC71的项目转移到VC8上---这是非常简单直接的事情。 这个例子的代码是基于Ogre1.4.x版本的----另外,如果你使用Ogre1.2.x版本,你可能会发现下面的例 子是需要修改一些问题才能顺利运行的。这是因为这1.4.x版本的Ogre消息泵(message pump)有一些 变动,另外OIS库本身也有些更变了。总之,下面的例子代码最好能够使用OgreSDK1.4.1进行编译测 试。 CEGUI是一个2D的UI渲染库。它支持大部分渲染引擎,不仅支持Ogre,也同样的支持OpenGL和 Irrlicht引擎. 它同时又是基于XML脚本文件格式应用的一个重量级库。当然,你可以在你的代码中定义所有的UI 信息,但如果你在使用XML文件进行UI文件的定义也会非常简单,CEGUI也能够在运行时对这些 XML文件进行读取和分析。CEGUI本身有一些例子和支持这些例子的资源。你可以看一看这些例子 中是如何使用XML脚本文件,如何进行UI单元的定义的。也可以去看看例子中的 .layout 文件和 .xsd 文件,这些会对你学习CEGUI有所帮助。当然,你可能需要在自己的程序中自定义一些UI组件。但 是,很遗憾,自定义组件已经出了本文的讲解范围。请到CEGUI官方获得更多信息。
说起来,你可能能够在代码中完美的进行你的UI层的定义。但是用以下几种XML文件做为CEGUI的 配置方法将会更加简单和高效。这些文件包括”scheme”, ”looknfeel”, ”layout”, ”imagesets”和CEGUI显 示使用的文字”font”。
Scheme 定义着在同一个配置下不同的有效UI元件。例如. 我们程序中需要使用的一些按钮Buttons,下拉选菜单ListBoxes等等UI元件都能 Look-And-Feel 定义着每个需要显示的UI元件的各种属性,包括了它的纹理,颜色,状态属性等。我们可以查看 .looknfeel文件。 Layout 定义了UI元件的父层级关系,位置,大小等与其他UI元件可能联系到的属性。我们可以查看 .layout 文件。 Imageset 定义了一种配置下的纹理,UV值等信息,我们可以查看 .imageset 文件。 font 显而易见。CEGUI需要知道我们程序中使用的文字纹理类型,纹理清晰度等信息这些都记录在 . font 文件中。
文档:教程:中级教程:中级教程九 - OGRE 3D 中文
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际上很简单。在Ogre的Debug文件夹下resource目录下有个压缩包是gui.zip,你在里面会发现一个文件 叫”yout”,下面是该文件的全部内容:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <GUILayout> <Window Type="TaharezLook/FrameWindow" Name="Main"> <Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.0,0},{0.0,0},{1.0,0},{1.0,0}}" /> <Property Name="FrameEnabled" Value="false" /> <Property Name="TitlebarEnabled" Value="false" /> <Property Name="CloseButtonEnabled" Value="False" /> <Window Type="TaharezLook/Button" Name="cmdQuit"> <Property Name="Text" Value="Quit" /> <Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.4,0},{0.7,0},{0.6,0},{0.77,0}}" /> </Window> <Window Type="TaharezLook/Button" Name="cmdOptions"> <Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.4,0},{0.6,0},{0.6,0},{0.67,0}}ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ /> <Property Name="Text" Value="Options" /> </Window> <Window Type="TaharezLook/Button" Name="cmdInstantAction"> <Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.4,0},{0.5,0},{0.6,0},{0.57,0}}" /> <Property Name="Text" Value="Instant Action" /> </Window> </Window> </GUILayout>
文档:教程:中级教程:中级教程九 - OGRE 3D 中文
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From OGRE 3D 中文
我想,迟到总比没到好。(译者:作者这句话意思大约是说,这篇文章虽然发布的晚了些,但是总比 完全没有CEGUI这方面的教程好。)
■ 1 CEGUI ■ 1.1 UI的渲染 ■ 1.2 输入系统和CEGUI ■ 1.3 CEGUI数据文件 ■ 2 编码 ■ 2.1 数据 ■ 2.2 接下来,看编码 ■ 2.2.1 初始化CEGUI ■ 2.2.2 CEGUI的输入支持 ■ 3 结束语 ■ 4 下载这些代码
你在浏览这些代码的时候,首先可能发现里面那些神秘的数字。在CEGUI 0.5.x版本中,UI元件需要 定义的是UI元件的绝对尺寸大小。而在这个layout文件中,我们使用的是统一的相对尺寸范围。Value =”” 中定义了元件的左,右,上,下点的位置。但这个位置我们既可以定义这些点的绝对位置,也可 以是定义这些点针对其父容器UI元件的相对位置。例如,下面这个UI元件的区域定义:
这些数值告诉了CEGUI,这个UI元件在其上一层元件容器中的相对位置和大小。 如本例,这个元件左上角将距离其上一层元件容器的左上角的右偏移距离为 (0.4 * 上一层元件容器 宽度),这个元件左上角将距离其上一层元件容器的左上角的下偏移距离为 (0.5 * 上一层元件容器 高度)。该UI元件宽度将为((0.6 – 0.4)* 上一层元件宽度 )大小,高度将为( (0.57 – 0.5) * 上一层元 件告诉 )大小。 那么,那些参数中的”0”是什么意义呢?如果你想同时指定UI元件的绝对象素位置的话,可以把这些” 0”替换为该元件的象素位置。所以这就意味着,你能够根据自己喜好,为UI元件设置相对坐标或者象 素的绝对坐标。我想不起来指定象素绝对坐标时这些数值的意义,如果谁看到本例并且知道这些绝对 坐标数值意义的话,请帮助补充到本文中。:)不过,如果谁是曾经做过网页的话,将会非常熟悉这 些绝对坐标的意义和顺序,因为这俩完全是一个东西。 (补充:译者推荐在游戏制作中使用相对坐标,这样的话在对窗口缩放或对单一UI窗口缩放时会容易 的避免一些问题。) 在上面的这个Layout文件中,第一行告诉CEGUI,我们想创建一个顶层的窗口”Main”,而且这个窗口 大小是占满整个程序显示区----它的相对宽高是(1.0 - 0.0 )。我们不希望看到它的标题栏,也不希望看 到这个顶层窗口右上边的关闭按钮和其边框。于是,下面我们设置他们的Value为false。(这三项是 FrameWindow框架窗口默认存在的捆绑控件)。 接下来,我们在屏幕中放置三个按钮----这样的话,在我们运行程序的时候将会从上到下见到“Instant Action”“Options”“Quit”三个按钮。按钮控件的名称属性是非常重要的,这是我们在代码中获取该控件 行为的唯一标识,这点我们一会就会见到。
首先,我们来看一下CEGUI中至关重要的数据文件---Layout文件。你可以通过CEGUI的Layout编辑器 来生成和编辑该文件,但是在本例中下面这个XML格式的 .layout 文件完全是我手动编写出来的,实