第Ⅰ卷(选择题共40分)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题4分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1~6小题只有一个选项符合题目要求,第7~10小题有多个选项符合题目要求,全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分)1.(2021·大庆市东风中学高一开学考试)下面关于向心力的叙述中,错误的是( B ) A.向心力的方向始终沿着半径指向圆心,所以是一个变力B.做匀速圆周运动的物体,除了受到别的物体对它的作用力外,还一定受到一个向心力的作用C.向心力可以是重力、弹力、摩擦力中的某个力,也可以是这些力中某几个力的合力,或者是某一个力的分力D.向心力只改变物体速度的方向,不改变物体速度的大小解析:向心力的方向始终沿着半径指向圆心,所以是一个变力,选项A正确,不符合题意;向心力是物体指向圆心方向的合力,它是效果力,不是物体所受的力,选项B错误,符合题意;向心力可以是重力、弹力、摩擦力中的某个力,也可以是这些力中某几个力的合力,或者是某一个力的分力,选项C正确,不符合题意;向心力的方向指向圆心,则只改变物体速度的方向,不改变物体速度的大小,选项D正确,不符合题意。
拉动多次后,纽扣绕其中心的转速可达50 r/s,此时纽扣上距离中心1 cm处的点向心加速度大小约为( C )A.10 m/s2B.100 m/s2C.1 000 m/s2D.10 000 m/s2解析:纽扣在转动过程中ω=2πn=100π rad/s由向心加速度a=ω2r≈1 000m/s2,故选C。
新教材高中物理人教版必修一 精品精讲精练 专题强化三 高一力学必会专题动态平衡与临界极值
第三章 相互作用力 专题强化三:高一力学必会专题动态平衡与临界极值 一:知识点梳理 一:动态平衡动态平衡就是通过控制某一物理量,使物体的状态发生缓慢的变化,但变化过程中的每一个状态均可视为平衡状态,所以叫动态平衡.2.常用方法(1)平行四边形定则法:但也要根据实际情况采用不同的方法,若出现直角三角形,常用三角函数表示合力与分力的关系.(2)图解法:图解法分析物体动态平衡问题时,一般是物体只受三个力作用,且其中一个力大小、方向均不变,另一个力的方向不变,第三个力大小、方向均变化.(3)矢量三角形法①若已知F 合的方向、大小及一个分力F 1的方向,则另一分力F 2的最小值的条件为F 1⊥F 2;②若已知F 合的方向及一个分力F 1的大小、方向,则另一分力F 2的最小值的条件为F 2⊥F 合.例1如图所示,轻质不可伸长的晾衣绳两端分别固定在竖直杆M 、N 上的a 、b 两点,悬挂衣服的衣架挂钩是光滑的,挂于绳上处于静止状态.如果只人为改变一个条件,当衣架静止时,下列说法正确的是( )A.绳的右端上移到b ′,绳子拉力不变B.将杆N 向右移一些,绳子拉力变大C.绳的两端高度差越小,绳子拉力越小D.若换挂质量更大的衣服,则衣架悬挂点右移解:设两杆间距离为d ,绳长为l ,Oa 、Ob 段长度分别为l a 和l b ,则l =l a +l b ,两部分绳子与竖直方向夹角分别为α和β,受力分析如图所示.绳子中各部分张力相等,F T a =F T b =F T ,则α=β.满足2F T cos α=mg ,d =l a sin α+l b sin α=l sin α,即sin α=d l ,F T =mg 2cos α,d 和l 均不变,则sin α为定值,α为定值,cos α为定值,绳子的拉力保持不变,故A 正确,C 错误;将杆N 向右移一些,d 增大,则sin α增大,cos α减小,绳子的拉力增大,故B 正确;若换挂质量更大的衣服,d 和l 均不变,绳中拉力增大,但衣服的位置不变,D 错误.二:平衡中的临界与极值问题1.临界问题当某物理量变化时,会引起其他几个物理量的变化,从而使物体所处的平衡状态“恰好出现”或“恰好不出现”,在问题的描述中常用“刚好”、“刚能”、“恰好”等语言叙述.2.极值问题平衡物体的极值,一般指在力的变化过程中的最大值和最小值问题.3.解决极值问题和临界问题的方法(1)极限法:首先要正确地进行受力分析和变化过程分析,找出平衡的临界点和极值点;临界条件必须在变化中去寻找,不能停留在一个状态来研究临界问题,而要把某个物理量推向极端,即极大和极小.(2)数学分析法:通过对问题的分析,依据物体的平衡条件写出物理量之间的函数关系(画出函数图象),用数学方法求极值(如求二次函数极值、公式极值、三角函数极值).(3)物理分析方法:根据物体的平衡条件,作出力的矢量图,通过对物理过程的分析,利用平行四边形定则进行动态分析,确定最大值与最小值.例1重力都为G的两个小球A和B用三段轻绳如图11所示连接后悬挂在O点上,O、B间的绳子长度是A、B间的绳子长度的2倍,将一个拉力F作用到小球B上,使三段轻绳都伸直且O、A间和A、B间的两段绳子分别处于竖直和水平方向上,则拉力F的最小值为( )A.12G B.33G C.G D.233G解析对A球受力分析可知,因O、A间绳竖直,则A、B间绳上的拉力为0.对B球受力分析如图所示,则可知当F与O、B间绳垂直时F最小,F min=G sin θ,其中sin θ=l2l =12,则F min=12G,故A项正确.例2如图所示,质量为m(可以看成质点)的小球P,用两根轻绳OP和O′P在P点拴结后再分别系于竖直墙上相距0.4 m的O、O′两点上,绳OP长0.5 m,绳O′P长0.3 m,今在小球上施加一方向与水平成θ=37°角的拉力F,将小球缓慢拉起.绳O′P刚拉直时,OP绳拉力为F T1,绳OP刚松弛时,O′P绳拉力为F T2,则F T1∶F T2为(sin 37°=0.6,cos 37°=0.8)( )A.3∶4B.4∶3C.3∶5D.4∶5 解析 绳O ′P 刚拉直时,由几何关系可知此时OP 绳与竖直方向夹角为37°,小球受力如图甲,则F T1=45mg .绳OP 刚松弛时,小球受力如图乙,则F T2=43mg .则F T1∶F T2=3∶5,C 选项正确.专项强化训练一、单选题1.(2022·丽江市教育科学研究所高一期末)如图所示,用轻绳将重球挂在墙上,不考虑小球与墙面间的摩擦。
广东省广州市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期月考物理试卷一、单题(共42 分)1. 关于曲线运动,下列说法正确的是()A.做曲线运动的物体加速度一定变化B.匀变速曲线运动在相同时间内速度的变化量都相同C.匀速圆周运动在相等时间的位移相同D.做变速圆周运动的物体,其合力一定不指向圆心2. 如图所示一种古老的舂米机。
已知OB=2OC,则在横梁绕O转动过程中()A.B、C的向心加速度相等ωCB.B、C的角速度关系满足ωB=2v CC.B、C的线速度大小关系满足vB=2D.舂米锤击打稻谷时对稻谷的作用力大于稻谷对舂米锤的作用力3. 关于物理科学史或行星的运动,下列说法正确的是()A.卡文迪许测出了万有引力常量,从而使牛顿被称为“第一位称量地球的人”中的比例系数G,与中心天体质量有关B.万有引力定律F=G Mmr2C.相同时间内,火星与太阳连线扫过的面积等于木星与太阳连线扫过的面积D.火星与木星公转周期之比的平方等于它们轨道半长轴之比的立方4. 如图所示为教室里可以沿水平方向滑动的黑板,一位老师用粉笔在其中可移动的黑板上画线。
若粉笔相对于地面从静止开始向下匀加速直线滑动,同时一同学推动黑板以某一速度水平向左匀速滑动,取水平向右为x轴正方向,竖直向下为y轴正方向,则粉笔在黑板上所画出的轨迹可能为下列图中的()A. B.C. D.5. 如图甲为2022年北京冬奥会的跳台滑雪场地“雪如意”,其主体建筑设计灵感来自于中国传统饰物“如意”。
则运动员从飞出至落到斜坡上的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A.运动员运动的时间为2vgtanθB.运动员落在斜坡上时的瞬时速度方向与水平方向的夹角为2θC.若运动员飞出速度是原来2倍,则其位移大小是原来的2倍D.若运动员飞出速度是原来2倍,则其速度变化量是原来的2倍6. 下列有关生活中圆周运动实例分析中说法正确的是()A.甲图中,离心分离机将不同成分的物质快速分离,密度大的物质聚集在试管底部B.乙图中,杂技演员表演“水流星”,在通过最低处时,水与桶之间可以没有作用力C.丙图中,当火车转弯超过规定速度行驶时,轮缘会挤压内轨D.丁图中,汽车通过圆拱桥最高点时,处于超重状态7. 如图所示,轻质不可伸长的细绳绕过光滑圆环O与质量为m的物块A连接,A放在倾角为β的光滑斜面上,绳子与斜面平行。
选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。
1、如图所示为某小型电站高压输电示意图.发电机输出功率恒定,升压变压器原、副线圈两端的电压分别为U 1和U 1.在输电线路的起始端接入两个互感器,原、副线圈的匝数比分别为10:1和1:10,电压表的示数为110 V ,电流表的示数为10 A ,各互感器和电表均为理想的,则下列说法正确的是( )A .升压变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为1221n U n U B .采用高压输电可以增大输电线中的电流,输电电流为100 A C .线路输送电功率是110 kW D .将P 上移,用户获得的电压将降低 2、关于天然放射性,下列说法正确的是 A .天然放射现象说明原子是可分的B .放射性元素的半衰期与外界的温度有关,温度越高半衰期越短C .放射性元素发生β衰变时所释放出的电子是原子核内的中子转化为质子时产生的D .机场、车站进行安检时,能发现箱内危险物品,是利用了α射线较强的穿透能力3、如图所示,一宽40 cm 的匀强磁场区域,磁场方向垂直纸面向里,一边长为20 cm 的正方形导线框位于纸面内,以垂直于磁场边界的速度v =20 cm/s 匀速通过磁场区域.在运动过程中,线框有一边始终与磁场区域的边界平行,取它刚进入磁场的时刻t =0,正确反映感应电流随时间变化规律的图象是( )A.B.C.D.4、发射通信卫星常用的方法是:先用火箭将卫星送入近地圆形轨道运行,然后再适时开动卫星上的小型喷气发动机,经过过渡轨道将其送入与地球自转同步的圆形运行轨道.比较卫星在两个圆形轨道上的运行状态,在同步轨道上卫星的()A.机械能大,动能小B.机械能小,动能大C.机械能大,动能也大D.机械能小,动能也小5、绕在同一铁芯上的线圈Ⅰ、Ⅱ按图所示方法连接,G为电流计,则()A.开关S闭合瞬间,G的示数不为零B.保持开关S闭合状态,G的示数不为零C.保持开关S闭合,移动变阻器R0滑动触头的位置,G的示数为零D.断开开关S的瞬间,G的示数为零6、如图所示是研究光电管产生的电流的电路图,A、K是光电管的两个电极,已知该光电管阴极的极限频率为ν0,元电荷为e,普朗克常量为h.现将频率为ν(大于ν0)的光照射在阴极上,则下列方法一定能够增加饱和光电流的是A.照射光强度不变,增加光的频率B.照射光频率不变,增加照射光强度C.增加A、K电极间的电压D.减小A、K电极间的电压二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
广州市第二中学2024学年第一学期期中考试高二物理命题:王**、邱** 审校:2024.11.07本试卷共6页,15小题,满分为100分。
每题所给的四个选项中,只有一个正确答案,选错或多选均不得分)1、下列说法中,正确的是( )A.由可知电场中某点的电势φ与q成反比B.由可知单位时间内通过导体横截面的电荷量越多,导体中的电流越大C.试探电荷在电场中所受的电场力F与其电量q无关D.电容器电容越大,电容器所带的电荷量就越多2、锂离子电池主要依靠锂离子(Li+)在电池的正极和负极之间移动来工作。
此锂电池的电动势为3.7V ,则此过程( )A.电池内部电流方向从正极到负极B.电池内部是静电力使Li+移动到正极C.电源内部每搬运一个Li+非静电力做功3.7eVD.将锂电池接入电路,与用电器形成闭合回路,锂电池两端电压为3.7V3、欧姆不仅发现了欧姆定律,还对导体的电阻进行了研究。
当样品两侧面加上相同的电压U时,样品中电流最大的是( )A.B.C.D.4、在与纸面平行的匀强电场中,建立如图甲所示的直角坐标系,a、b、c、d是该坐标系中的4个点,已知、、;现有一电子以某一初速度从O点沿Od方向射入,则图乙中能大致反映电子运动轨迹的是( )A.①B.②C.③D.④5、如图是某一沿x方向电场的电场强度E与位置坐标x的关系图像。
2023-2024学年广东省广州市第二中学南沙天元学校高二上学期12月月考物理试题1.下列图片的描述正确的是()A.图甲中线圈从运动到的过程中,穿过线圈的磁通量先变小后变大B.图乙中点的磁场方向垂直于纸面向外C.图丙中通电液体在磁场中将逆时针旋转(从上往下看)D.以上都不对2.电场线能直观地反映电场的分布情况,如图甲是等量异种点电荷形成的电场的电场线,图乙是该电场中的一些点:O是电荷连线的中点,E、F是连线中垂线上关于О对称的两点,B、C和A、D分别是两电荷连线上关于О对称的两点,则()A.A、D两点电场强度不同B.E、F两点电场强度相同C.B、O、C三点中,О点电势最低D.电子沿着中垂线从E点运动到F点,电场力先做正功后做负功3.两个相同的小量程电流表分别改装成两个电流表A1和A2,电流表A1的量程小于A2的量程,把它们按如图接入电路中,则()A.A 1的读数比A 2的读数大B.A 1的读数比A 2的读数小C.A 1指针偏转角度与A 2指针偏转角度相同D.A 1指针偏转角度与A 2指针偏转角度不同4.某兴趣小组设计的测量大电流的装置如图所示,通有电流I的螺绕环在霍尔元件处产生的磁场,通有待测电流的直导线垂直穿过螺绕环中心,在霍尔元件处产生的磁场。
电路如图所示,R1=4R0,R2=3R0,R3=2R0,R4=R0, M、N加恒定电压,最小功率100W,则电路的最大功率为()A.1000W B.200WC.333W D.520W7.如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势E=12V,内阻可忽略不计,电阻的阻值分别为R1=10Ω,R2=20Ω,滑动变阻器的最大阻值R=50Ω,电容器MN的电容C=20μF,现将滑动触头P移于最左端a点,闭合开关S,过一段时间电路稳定后,下列说法正确的是()A.此时电容器M板带正电,N板带负电B.此时断开开关S,通过R1的电荷量为C.当滑动触头P置于R的中点时,M板带电量为D.当滑动触头P从a端缓慢滑动到b端的过程中,电容器所带的电荷量先减少后增大,但N板一直带正电荷8. 2020年爆发了新冠肺炎疫情,新冠病毒传播能力非常强,在医院中需要用到呼吸机和血流计检测患者身体情况。
单板滑雪大跳台是选手从高处滑行而下通过大跳台一飞冲天,表演各种空翻、回转等空中绝技,关于这项运动,下列说法正确的是( )A.苏翊鸣从高处滑下的过程中(忽略空气阻力),受到了重力、斜坡的支持力、斜坡的摩擦力和下滑力四个力的共同作用B.苏翊鸣通过大跳台飞到空中最高点时处于平衡状态C.苏翊鸣从高空落回地面的运动在忽略空气阻力的情况下可以看作是自由落体运动D.裁判在评判苏翊鸣的动作并打分时,不能把苏翊鸣看作质点【答案】D【详解】A.苏翊鸣从高处滑下的过程中(忽略空气阻力),受到了重力、斜坡的支持力、斜坡的摩擦力三个力的作用,故A错误;B.飞到空中最高点时,受到重力的作用,所以苏翊鸣通过大跳台飞到空中最高点时处于非平衡状态,故B错误;C.苏翊鸣从高空落回地面时,仍有一个水平方向的速度,所以苏翊鸣从高空落回地面的运动在忽略空气阻力的情况下可看作是平抛运动,故C错误;D.裁判在评判苏翊鸣的动作并打分时,动作不可忽略,故不能把苏翊鸣看作质点,故D正确。
2022-2023学年广东省广州市第二中学南沙天元学校高一上学期期末物理试题1. 2022 年田径运动会赛场上,下列有关说法正确的是()A.入场仪式中研究经过主席台的速度,方队可以视为质点B.某同学用“追拍法”清晰的记录了运动的美,该同学选择的参考系是地面C.在跳远比赛中,6.84 米是路程,也是位移的大小D.开幕式上航模表演时间为 10 分钟,指的是时刻2.雨滴在空中下落时会受到空气阻力,阻力f 的大小与雨滴的半径r成正比,与雨滴下落速率v的二次方成正比,即,则比例系数k的单位是()A.kg/m 4B.kg/m 3C.kg/m 2D.kg/m3.关于质点做直线运动的速度和加速度,下列说法正确的是()A.物体的速度为零时,加速度一定为零B.加速度不断增大,运动物体的速度可能不断减小C.物体运动的速度变化量很小,加速度一定很小D.加速度为零时,物体的速度可能发生变化4.图是可用来制作豆腐的石磨。
O点是三根轻绳的结点,F、F1和F2分别表示三根绳的拉力大小,F1= F2且∠AOB = 120°。
下列能表示该过程运动员速度大小v或加速度大小a随时间t变化的图像是()A.B.C.D.6.如图,质量为 5kg的物体在水平面上向右运动,同时受到一个水平向左的恒力F作用,取水平向左为正方向,该物体所受的摩擦力f 随时间t 变化的关系图像如图所示。
重力加速度g取 10m/s 2,最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力。
下列说法正确的是()A.物体和水平面间的动摩擦因数为 0.16B.水平向左恒力F的大小为10NC.物体所受最大静摩擦力的大小可能是8ND.当F = 2N时,木箱刚开始运动的加速度大小为2.4m/s 27.如图所示,清洗楼房玻璃的工人常用一根绳索将自己悬在空中,悬绳与竖直墙壁呈一定夹角,悬绳对工人的拉力大小为F T,墙壁对工人的弹力大小为F N,忽略一切摩擦。
下列说法中正确的是( )A .百米赛跑中,一名运动员发现自己在“后退”,他是以大地为参考系B .广播通知径赛检录于9:30开始,此处9:30指的是时间间隔C .运动员跑完1000m 比赛,这个1000m 指的是路程D .研究跳高比赛起跳动作时,可以把运动员看作质点2.关于加速度,下列说法中正确的是( )A .加速度就是物体在某段时间物体增加的速度B .速度的方向不变,则加速度的方向就不变C .加速度越大,物体的速度越大D .速度变化越快,物体的速度可能越来越小3.关于摩擦力,下列说法正确的是( )A .运动着的物体不可能受静摩擦力作用,只能受滑动摩擦力作用B .物体受到弹力作用时,一定受摩擦力到作用C .握在手中的瓶子握得越紧越不容易滑落下来是因为握得越紧静摩擦力越大D .无论滑动摩擦还是静摩擦力,都可以具有动力作用4.一子弹垂直射入并排固定紧靠在一起的相同厚度的木板,穿过第60块木板后速度恰好为0,该过程可视为匀减速运动。
如果子弹在60块木板中运动的总时间是t ,那么该子弹穿过前45块木板所用的时间是( )AB .12tCD 5.一物体做匀变速直线运动,前一半位移的平均速度是v 1,后一半位移的平均速度是v 2,此物体在全过程中的平均速度( )A .可能等于v 1B .不可能等于v 2C .可能等于2v 2D .可能大于2v 16.图像在解决物理问题中扮演着至关重要的角色,它们不仅能够直观地展示物理现象和规律,还能帮助学生更好地理解和分析物理问题。
如图所示的四幅图分别为四个物体做直线运动的图像,下列说法正确的是( )A .甲图中,物体在0~0t 这段时间内的平均速度等于02v B .乙图中,物体做匀减速直线运动,其加速度大小为102m /sC .丙图中,若物体从静止开始运动,则在0~6s 内物体的位移等于18mD .丁图中,物体做匀加速直线运动,其加速度大小为42m /s7.如图所示,小球甲从距离地面高度为115m h =处以速度010m /s v =竖直向上抛出,同时小球乙从距离地面高度为220m h =处开始自由下落,小球运动的过程中不计空气阻力,重力加速度取210m /s g =,则下列说法中正确的是( )A .小球乙落地前,两小球的速度差逐渐变大B .落地前的运动过程中小球甲、乙的平均速率之比为1∶2C .至小球乙落地时,甲、乙两球的位移大小之比为3∶4D .小球甲、乙在落地前最后1s 下落的高度相同二、多选题8.一质点0t =时刻从原点开始沿x 轴正方向做直线运动,其运动的v t -图象如图所示。
2022-2023学年广东省广州市第二中学九年级上学期期中考试物理试题气压和温度相同时, 氢气的密度比氧气的密度小、在装有氧气的瓶子上面, 例扣一个装有氢气的瓶子, 并放置于0℃的环境中、如图所示, 快速抽掉玻璃板后放置足够长的时间后, 气体分子的分布为()A. /B. /C. /D. /某组同学在做“探究小灯泡发光”实验, 他们有一个小灯泡和一些新的干电池。
由图甲可知, 灯丝的两端分别跟金属螺纹壳和金属触头相连, 则下列说法正确约是()A.按①和③的方式连接电路, 灯泡可以发光B.按①方式连接电路, 小灯泡会被烧坏C.按④方式连接电路, 电源短路D.连接金属螺纹壳与金属触头的部件X, 采用的材料是导体甲物体分子动能总和为E甲1, 分子势能总和为E甲2;乙物体的分子动能总和为E乙1, 分子势能总和为E乙2, 各能量大小如图, 甲、乙两物体相比, 则()A. 两物体分子数相同B. 两物体所处物态相同C. 甲物体的内能较大D. 乙物体的温度较高手电筒的结构如图所示, 按下按键时, 电路接通小灯泡发光。
该手电筒的电路图, 图中正确的是()A. /B. /C. /D. /如图为部分物质的原子核对核外电子束缚能力强弱情况, 束缚能力越弱越容易失去电子。
现用丝绸摩擦橡胶棒, 然后将该橡胶棒靠近轻质小球, 发现它们相互排斥。
下列说法中正确的是()A. 小球一定带正电B. 小球可能带负电也可能不带电C.丝绸和橡胶棒摩擦过程中, 丝绸得到电子D.丝绸和橡胶棒摩擦后, 丝绸与小球带异种电荷礼花喷射器结构如图, 气罐内有高压气体, 气罐通过气阀与纸筒相连。
使用时转动纸筒, 气体将纸筒内的礼花快速喷向远处。
对该过程的分析正确的是()A. 罐内气体的内能减少B. 罐内气体分子热运动加剧C. 罐内气体通过热传递方式改变了其内能D. 该过程能量转化方式与内燃机压缩冲程相同为了提高行车的安全性, 有的汽车装有日间行车灯, 如图所示. 当汽车启动时, S1闭合, 日间行车灯L1立即亮起, 再闭合S2, 车前大灯L2也亮起. 如图所示的电路图中符合这一情况的是A. /B. /C. /D. /如图所示为甲、乙、丙三部汽油机燃料完全燃烧释放的内能和汽油机输出机械能的二维柱状图。
广州市第二中学2021-2022学年上学期10月月考满分150分考试用时120分钟听力 1分第一节听力理解听第一段话,回答第1-3题1.Why does the man come to the woman?A.To handle his visaB.To cash a chequeC.To get his passport2. How much should the man pay?A.300 yuanB.400 yuanC.500 yuan3.When should the man take the documents to the woman?A.Within 30 daysB.Within 5 daysC.Within 7 days听第二段话,回答第4-5题4.What is the basis of application for such scholarship?A.Academic merit and family incomeB.Grades and personal incomeC.Teacher recommendation and family income5.What can we learn from the conversation?A.The part time jobs are offered three times per academic yearB.The part time jobs are from 50 to 150 working hours on the averageC.The woman has got the part time job on the campus听第三段话,回答第6-8题6.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At the man’s houseB.At a restaurantC.At the woman’s house7.What did the woman do last night?A.She went to a gym to watch a basketball matchB.She watched a basketball match on TV.C.She went to a gym to take part in a basketball match8. Why does the man look white as a sheet?A.Because he is so tired that he doesn’t feel very wellB.Because he has just had an operation on his legC.Because he has got any cash with him听第四段对话,回答第9-10题9.Which function of mass media will become more important in the future?municationcationC.Entertainment10.How many functions of mass media are mentioned in the talk?A.3B.4C.5第二节听取信息单项选择 1分( )1.Rather than ________on a crowded bus, he always prefers ________a bicycle.A.ride,rideB.riding,rideC.ride,to rideD.to ride,riding ( )2.The professor highly recommends that we________the hardest task first________ we can avoid procrastination(拖延).A.deal with,so thatB.must deal with, soC.should deal with, so as toD.be dealt with, in order that( )3.It was__________the old laboratory________they successfully did the experiment.A./,thatB.in,whichC.in,whereD.in,that ( )4.---What makes him so excited these days?---_______as a member of the school basketball team.A.ChosenB.He choosesC.Because he is chosenD.being chosen( )5.---What are you going to do this afternoon?---I am going to the cinema with some friends.The film_______quite early, so we ________to the bookstore after that.A.finished, are goingB.finished,goC.finished, are goingD.finishes,go( )6.Write to me soon and tell me ________you are getting along recently.A.ifB.thatC.howD.what( )7.In Britain, women ______around 40% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children with in paid work.A.make up forB.are made ofC.make upD.are made up of ( )8.Extremely _________, he dragged his feet________along.A.tired,slowlyB.tiredly, slowC.tired, slowD.tiredly,slowly ( )9._______the city of Guangzhou, a first-tier city in Southern China.A.The centre of Guangzhou liesB.In the centre of Guangdong liesC.In the centre of Guangzhou liesD.The centre of Guangzhou lie in( )10.She rushed to unpack the box.Right in the front of her was a _________coat.A.new short beautiful Chinese red woolenB.beautiful short new red Chinese woolenC.beautiful Chinese new red woolen shortD.red new short beautiful Chinese woolen( )11.We have arranged __________at nine.A.the car to arriveB.for the car to reachC.the car to reachD.for the car to arrive( )12.An advantage of living on the top floor of a high rise building is that you cana good _________.A.sceneryB.sceneC.viewD.sight( )13.She applies herself to________English and wants to apply ______ateaching positionafter college.A.learn,forB.learn,toC.learning,forD.learning,to ( )14.As the music started, the audience watched in_________questions,________at the gracefulness of her dance.A.extreme, amazingB.extremely, amazedC.extreme, amazedD.extremely,amazing( )15.The transportation has improved a lot in the city with another bridge_____last year.A.builtB.buildingC.being builtD.to be built阅读理解 2分AI’ve been reading 100 books per year on average during the past decade.So obviously I get the usual question of what books I recommend.Well, here’re my top 4 favorite books of all times, which influenced me into who I am today.1.Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.One of the biggest bestsellers of all times. Napoleon Hill spent two decades analyzing over 500 successful men like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and John D.Rockefeller to discover how they did it.The result of Hill’s research is in Think & Grow Rich---13 steps to achieve your goal, whatever it is.All other self-help books are just copies of Hill’s book first published in 1937.2.Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Another bestseller and the only self-help book you’ll need next to Think Grow Rich.Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who was amazed that some patients still felt ugly after surgery(外科手术).That’s when he discovered they also needed reconstruction work inside ---their “self-image”. Everything about how to use the “mind-body”connection to achieve your goals, and how to feel confident about your body is inside this book.3.Talent is Overrated by Geoff Clovin.This book drives the point home that success in any field is not determined by genetics or talent but deliberate practice.Colvin uses examples from world class achievers like Tiger Woods, Jack Welch, Warren Buffet, Mozart to prove that they all got theirs through years of practice---the 10,000 hours rule.You’ll reexamine your beliefs about what it takes to succeed and supercharge your motivation after reading Colvin’s book.4.Mastery by George Leonard.This book also stresses that practice is the secret of success in anything.Leonard explains that mastership never ends-you will never have perfect technique and be able to stop.Instead you’ll keep learning, improving,and hitting plateaus(瓶颈期).The big point in Mastery is that plateaus are vital for improving your skills and that you therefore must start enjoying them instead of getting impatient or quitting like most guys do.31.What is the book Think & Grow Rich mainly about?A.Successful men’s storiesB.A research on being richC.An analysis of famous people.D.Instruction on how to succeed32.What do Talent is Overrated and Mastery both mention?A.The steps to achieving the goalB.World class achievers’ achievementC.Practice’s key role in achieving successD.Genetics and talent’s influence on being successful.33.Which book can best explain the saying “Live and learn”?A.Think& Grow RichB.PsychocyberneticsC.Talent is OverratedD.MasteryBIt was not turning out to be the great fishing trip we had imagined.It certainly was not the one Father had promised.All day the rain beat against the roof of our cabin.Father sat at the window, looking out over the lake. My older brother Jeremy, who had recently turned sixteen years old, lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I paced the room, occasionally glancing toward Father to see if there was any sign that the rain would let up.“I wish we’d never come out to his boring place,” Jeremy said.I stopped pacing and looking at Father.He gave no sign that he had heard, and I hoped he hadn’t.This trip meant a lot to him.He used to come out here with his own father.I started pacing again.“I mean, if we’d stayed home, at least I could watch television, or I could be out with my friends or playing my guitar.” Jeremy continued.I looked at Father.He kept at his long-distance staring over the lake, the rain breaking its surface.This was his only week off for the entire year.Silence continued for some time.I kept pacing, imagining the trip I had dreamed of before the bad weather had set in. I saw us in the boat, anchor dropped in a calm bay, casting our lines toward shore, the way Father had described it when he was trying to convince Jeremy to come along.Father stood up and turned to face us. He smiled at me. “Come on, get up.Jeremy.”he said. “Let’s go fishing, boys.”He picked up his fishing rod and the tool box, opened the door, and walked out into the rain.Jeremy and I watched Father walk down the pathway toward the dock, the wind whipping at his hair, the rain wetting his clothes. Jeremy shock his head. “He’s crazy if he thinks I’m going with him,” he said. “Maybe I would have when I was a little kid, but not now,”he said.I waited for a while, unsure of what to do, looking out the open door at Father, who was walking onto the dock, facing against the storm.Jeremy couldn’t believe it when I picked up my rod and walked out into the storm after Father.I couldn’t quite hear what Jeremy said because of the wind in my ears, but I heard his footsteps behind me as he began to follow me out to the boat.34.What does the underlined phrase “let up” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Pour downB.StopC.Set inD.Hit35. Why was the fishing trip important for the author’s father?A.He had never fished in the rain.B.It’s his son Jeremy’s first fishing trip.C.He and his own father usually went fishing there.D.He wanted to have a better relationship with his sons.36.What do we know about Jeremy?A.He cared little about his father and brotherB.He dislikes outdoor activitiesC.He really expected the fishing tripD.He showed no interest in the fishing trip37.What can be the best title for the text?A.A Trip to the SeaB.Fishing in the RainC.Like Father, Like SonD.A Great way to RememberCOn January 12, 2018, a few days after registration opened at Yale for Psychology and the Good Life, nearly 300 undergraduates had signed up. Within three days, the figure had more than doubled.After three more days, it rose to about 1,200.The course, taught by Laurie Santos,42, a psychology professor,tries to teach students how to lead a happier, more satisfying life in twice-weekly lectures.“Students want to change, to be happier themselves, and to change the culture here on campus.” Dr Santos said in an interview, “With one in four students at Yale taking it, if we see good habits, things like students showing more gratitude, increasing social connections, we’re actually seeding change in the school’s culture.Dr Santos believes that Yale students are interested in the class because in high school, their happiness was second to admission to the school, and they adopted harmful life habits that have led to what she called “the mental health crises we’re seeing at places like Yale.”Students have long requested that Yale offer a course on positive psychology, according to Woo-Kyoung Ahn, director of undergraduate studies in psychology, who said she was “blown away” by Dr Santos’ suggestion for the class.Offering such a large course has come with challenges in terms of lecture halls and 24 teaching fellows required.Because the psychology department lacked the resources to staff it fully, the fellows had to be drawn from places like Yale’s School of Public Health and law school.And with so many undergraduates attending a single lecture, Yale’s hundreds of other classes---particularly those that conflict with Dr Santos’s --may have seen decreased enrollment.Dr Santos says the things Yale undergraduates often connect with life satisfaction--a high grade, a precious internship(实习期), a good-paying job--don’t increase happiness at all.Some students admit that they see the course as an opportunity to take a relaxed lecture with few requirements.But Dr Santos refers to her course as “the hardest class at Yale”.To see real change in their life habits, students have to be responsible for their action each day, she said.38.Professor Laurie Santos’ course aims to ____________.A.reduce the burden of studentsB.help students adapt to campusC.add variety to students’ campus cultureD.instruct students how to live a happy life.39. How many undergraduates does Yale University have in 2018 according to the text?A.About 1,200B.About 2,400C.About 3,600D.About 4,80040.What does the underlined phrase “blown away” in paragraph 5 probably mean?A.InspiredB.ConfusedC.PleasedD.Surprised41.What do we know about the course?A.Students attend it once a weekB.It is a challenge to the teaching fellow’ abilityC.It has an influence on Yale’s other coursesD.Students should work hard to pass itDCommon phrases like “no pains, no gains” give the impression that we ought to be suffering while we study.It’s almost as though the only way to know if we’re putting in enough work is the sense of hardship we bear.When we haven’t taken the time to come up with another idea, all we know how to do is shut ourselves in a room with a book.It’s no surprise that we find revision boring and difficult.Just as children learn about from playing, we can learn from doing, or at least from study techniques that interest us,rather than make use switch off.Shutting yourself away can make you learn to hate studying.This leads to a situation where instead of being able to concentrate on your work, you are troubled by how unfair it is that you must study.When you hate your work it’s very difficult to make yourself start, or approach it with enthusiasm.This can be part of a vicious cycle(恶性循环)that traps you into ineffective revision, your poor progress fueling further annoyance.Just being around other people really helps fight against feelings of loneliness and, thankfully, it’s perfectly possible to work in the company of other people.We just need to learn how to deal with distractions.It’s not necessary to avoid all company, just idle(懒惰的)company.Studying in the same room as someone who is ironing or working out is perfectly possible.People who are bored and looking to be distracted, however, are terrible to work around.They constantly try to keep others in conversation.It’s also a good idea to avoid the company of people involved in activities that you would rather be doing than studying.Working while sitting next to someone playing video games is much more likely to end with a new high score than a productive few hours of revision.If being around others means working in a noisy environment, a pair of headphones and some background music can block out even noisy children.They also act as a psychological barrier, so that people think twice before interrupting you.When you’re studying for a big exam, it seems like your whole life is taken up with study.Friends and family can lessen feelings of isolation(孤立).And connecting with other people makes us happy, so it’s important not to give that up and to maker sure that we take the time to socialize.42.The author might believe that the phrase “no pains, no gain” _______________A.best describes how to study wellB.make people treat study as a habitC.encourages people to learn step by stepD.is not a good inspirational phrase for study43.Which saying about study might the author prefer?A.There is no royal road to learningB.It’s better to work behind closed doorsC.A positive motivation leads to good study results.D.He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning44.Which might lead to effective study based on this text?A.A correct goalB.A good teacherC.A favorable interestD.A hard task45.If you are studying in a noisy environment, you’d better___________.A.give indication of not wanting to be interruptedB.give up others’ company at onceC.think twice before taking any actionD.force yourself to be accustomed to the environment阅读填空2分How to Get Out of Your Comfort ZoneMethodologically(方法上), getting out of your comfort zone involves doing whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable.46.______________As long as you do that,you will naturally expand your comfort zone.However, for some people who want to push themselves out of their comfort zone constantly, to always be in the face of discomfort, uncertainty, and resistance, and be okay with that, there needs to be a reason or a fuel to drive them forward despite resistances.This reason can be a passion they are trying to seek or a vision they are trying to realize.Here are some specific tips to push yourself out of your comfort zone:Move towards your fear (rather than away from it)This means if you feel fearful about something, then feel the fear, and just do it anyway.47.________ By stepping into the emotion of fear, you are actually expanding your comfort zone.48.__________Every little thing you do that is a deviation(偏离)from your usual routine is one step outside of your comfort zone.For example, try a different path to work.Order a different dish in your favorite restaurant.Speak to that colleague whom you normally would not talk to.Fall in love with discomfortThe whole essence of moving out of one’s comfort zone is about learning to be okay with being uncomfortable.Better yet, learn to love to be uncomfortable. 49. _________Don’t resist that feeling of discomfort; rather, just welcome and accept it.Constantly try new things50.___________It can be as simple as reading a new book, trying rock climbing, or something else.Be always open to doing different things, as long as they fall within your personal schedule.In fact, as a personal principle, you need give something at least one shot too before you write it off.A.Make a point to try something new every weekB.Give yourself a reason to get out of the comfort zone.C.Take actions different from what you normally do.D.Fear of failure often worries you and holds you backE.This means doing things that you resist, hate,or even fear.F.Whenever you feel uncomfortable, it means that you are growing.G.Your fear determines the things that lie outside of your comfort zone.完形填空 1.5分My grandmother was always encouraging me to set goals and work hard to achieve them.She would tell me not to be a follower and not to set 51 on what I could achieve.She 52 believed that there were not limits and that you could 53 whatever you wanted.I would never forget the following story that she once told me:A farmer won first 54 at the country fair for his huge radish(小萝卜)that was the exact shape milk bottle.57 one gentleman went up to the farmer and asked the question.The farmer replied, “It was 58 .I got the seed growing and then I put it into the milk bottle.It had 59 else to go.”You can use this story as an analogy(比喻)to life---our lives are 60 by the kind of surroundings we place ourselves in, the people that we allow to 61 us, and the goals we give ourselves.If we only 62 and take no action, then we get to no further.But if we 63 ,set a goal and take action, then our life takes a 64 shape.Goals and actions can help us accomplish more in a year than what some people will accomplish in a lifetime.To prove this 65 , rad the biographies of 66 people and you will see that goals and actions 67 played a big role in their success.Remember the 68 of Mary Kay Ash, who said, “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do.You can go 69 your mind lets you.Whatever you believe, remember, you can achieve.”In summary, don’t put yourself in a bottle, in other words, move out of what is 70 and secure if you want to move forward.( )51、A.expectations B.rules C.limits D.lines( )52、A.truly B.naturally C.tightly D.partly( )53、A.win B.grasp C.realize D.achieve( )54、A.remark B.prize C.position D.award( )55、A.size B.length C.weight D.height( )56、A.doubtful B.worried C.anxious D.curious( )57、A.Immediately B.Gradually C.Finally D.Actually( )58、A.strange B.easy C.funny D.secret( )59、A.nowhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.anywhere ( )60、A.shaped B.formed C.controlled D.improve( )61、A.understand B.help C.influence D.contact( )62、A.dream B.refuse C.doubt D.change( )63、A.struggle B.insist C.continue D.plan( )64、A.beautiful B.different C.solid D.clear( )65、A.theory B.lesson C.point D.evidence ( )66、A.successful B.brave C.friendly D.careful( )67、A.as usual B.above all C.at all D.in fact( )68、A.example B.wisdom C.statement D.speech( )69、A.as if B.in case C.as far as D.as long as ( )70、fortable B.valuable C.ordinary D.boring单词拼写(welcome unit和Unit 1-2) 1分71.The c_________look on her face suggested that she didn’t know what to do.72.Some details in this report remain to be discussed.I’ll prepare a_________(修订好的)one foryou after we’ve settled all.73.The debt has forced them to move into rented________________(住宿)74.According to o_________reports, the disease killed over 500 people.75.You’ve put me in an_______________(令人尴尬的)position.76.She found her new job very c___________and decided to take a course to improve her skill.77.Music has a magical effect on releasing_______________(焦虑)78.Bad weather added to the difficulty_______________(探索)the cave.79.The a_________course only accepts 20 students ---it is not for beginners.80.The public t__________in this city is so well-developed that it can take you to anywhere ofthe city.81.He got an offer of an international company upon____________from college82.Your own personal_______________(manner of acting or controlling yourself)as a student,outside of school hours, reflects on the school itself.83.Practice is the best_______________(策略)to learn a foreign language.84.C_____________drove him into the room to find out what the sound was.85.There is _______________(easy to see or understand)difference between the cultures of Eastand West完成句子1分86.当看到她对这份工作的投入,我们都被她的热情打动了We__________________________her enthusiasm when witnessed her devotion to the job.87.航天飞机预定于凌晨4点38分发射升空The space shuttle____________________________blast off at 04:38.88.除了一楼还剩一个房间之外所有的房间都有客人There is no room left_________________________a room on the first floor.89.她一定要查清楚到底是谁犯的错She made it her business to find out who_____________________________the fault90.雇主通常在五分钟内就能决定一个人是否适合这份工作Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone_________________the job.91.如果你每周吃一次快餐或者更多,你可能对快餐上瘾了If you eat fast food once a week or more, you may_____________________it.92.任何对摄影感兴趣的同学都可以报名这个课程Anyone who is interested in photography is welcomed to__________________the course. 93.这个设备是为有特殊需要的人群专门设计的The device_______________________people with special needs.94.如果不适合,您可以七天内退掉这条裙子,换另外一个款式You can come and _______________________another if it doesn’t fit you.95.他喜欢和朋友在一起,不喜欢一个人待着He enjoys the company of his friends and dislikes_____________________________.课文填空1分96._________________________________to be attracted to computer games and the online world... I think you should 97.____________________________.Why not.....Each statue has a different face, 98.___________________________that each one is a copy of a real soldier.The statues fill only one part of the emperor’s huge tomb, which still 99.________ ___________________....However, 100._________________________knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974, when some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well.书面表达15分+卷面分5分假如你是学生会主席李华,高一新生Tom正负责策划一次班级出游,并向你咨询旅游前的准备工作。
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广州市第二中学2020学年第一学期期末考试高一物理命题: 审校:2021.1.21本试卷共6页,18小题,满分为100分。
注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用2B 铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号。
2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
)1.广州二中第57届田径运动会于2020年10月16日~10月17日隆重举行,关于田径项目,下列叙述中正确的是A .长跑运动员的比赛成绩是4分30,说的是时刻B .短跑运动员跑100m 和200m 都是指位移C .研究跳高运动员过杆动作时运动员不能看成质点D .高水平运动员400m 比赛的平均速度有可能大于其他运动员200m 比赛的平均速度2. 质点做直线运动的位置x 与时间t 的关系为x=4+5t+t 2(各物理量均采用国际单位制单位),则该质点A .第1s 内的位移是10mB .前2s 内的平均速度是6m/sC .任意相邻的1s 内位移差都是1mD .任意1s 内的速度增量都是2m/s3.如图所示,甲、乙两人分别乘坐两种电动扶梯,此时两电梯均匀速向上运转,则A .甲受到三个力的作用B .乙受到三个力的作用C .甲对扶梯有摩擦力的作用D .乙对扶梯作用力的方向垂直扶梯向下4.如图,直角斜面固定在水平面上,倾角分别为53°和37°。
质量分别为km 和m 的滑块A 和B ,用不可伸长的轻绳绕过直角处的光滑定滑轮连接。
已知滑块A 与斜面的动摩擦因数为0.5,滑块B 光滑。
开始按住A 使两滑块静止,绳子刚好伸直。
松手后,滑块A 将沿斜面向下加速,加速度大小为0.25g ,g 为重力加速度。
则k 的值为( )A .175B .125C .2311D .17115.图为广州二中趣味运动会的一个项目:学生从最低点竖直引体向上,到达最高点后再回到最低点,这就算完成一个引体向上。
已知该生质量为50kg ,重力加速度g 取10m/s 2,规定向上为正方向,则下列说法正确的是A .0时刻学生对横杆的拉力为500NB .0.2s 末学生处于超重状态C .在0.7~0.8s 内,手臂拉力小于学生重力D .0.9s 末学生处于失重状态6.如图甲所示,一轻质弹簧下端固定在水平面上,上端放置一物体(物体与弹簧不连接),初始时物体处于静止状态。
现用竖直向上的拉力F 作用在物体上,使物体开始向上做匀加速运动,拉力F 与物体位移x 之间的关系如图乙所示(g =10m/s 2),则下列结论正确的是( )A .物体与弹簧分离时,弹簧处于压缩状态B .弹簧的劲度系数为500 N/mC .物体的质量为3 kgD .物体的加速度大小为6 m/s 27.卡丁车曾经风靡欧美,近年来国内许多儿童和年轻人兴起玩室内卡丁车,小明和小华相约一起玩卡丁车。
小明驾车以最大加速度a 1从静止启动,加速到最大速度v 后匀速运动一段时间再以最大加速度a 2制动,直到停止;小华以最大加速度a 1从静止启动,加速到最大速度v 后立即以加速度a 22制动,直到停止。
已知小明和小华都是做直线运动,同时启动同时停止,且小明比小华多走了s 的距离。
s 和v 已知,a 1和a 2未知。
下列说法错误..的是 A .可以求出小华全程的平均速度 B .可以求出小明匀速的时间C .可以求出小华减速的位移D .可以求出a 1和a 2的比值8.打印机正常情況下,进纸系统能做到每次只进一张纸, 进纸系统的结构示意图如图所示,设图中刚好有20张相同的纸, 每张纸的质量均为m ,搓纸轮按图示方向转动带动最上面的第1张纸向右运动。
搓纸轮与纸张之间的动摩擦因数为μ1,纸张与纸张之间、纸张与底部摩擦片之间的动摩擦因数均为μ2,工作时搓纸轮给第1张纸压力大小为F 。
打印机正常工作时,下列说法正确的是( )A .第2张纸受到第1张纸的摩擦力方向向左B .第10张纸与第11张之间的摩擦力大小为μ1(F+10mg)C .第20张纸与摩擦片之间的摩擦力为0D .打印机正常工作时,必然有μ1>μ2二、多项选择题(共5题,每题4分,共20分。
设此过程中OA、OB的拉力分别为F OA、F OB,下列说法正确的是()A.F OA逐渐减小B.F OA逐渐增大C.F OB先减小后增大D.F OB先增大后减小12.如图所示,A、B两球质量相等,光滑斜面的倾角为θ,图甲中A、B两球用轻弹簧相连,图乙中A、B两球用轻质杆相连,系统静止时,挡板C与斜面垂直,轻弹簧、轻杆均与斜面平行,重力加速度为g。
在突然撤去挡板的瞬间有()A.图甲中两球的加速度一定相等B.图乙中轻杆的作用力不可能为零C.图甲中B球的加速度为2g sinθD.图乙中A球的加速度为g sin θ13.如图所示,木板静止放置在水平地面上,有一个可视为质点的物块,以某一水平初速度从左端冲上木板,物块刚好没离开木板。
物块和木板的v -t 图象如图所示,a 、b 、c 、d 点的坐标为a (0,10)、b (0,0)、c (4,4),重力加速度g 取10m/s 2。
根据v -t 图象,可以求得A .木板的长度为20mB .物块与木板之间的动摩擦因数为0.15C .0-4s 内物块与木板平均速度之比为3:2D .物块与木板质量之比为2:3三、实验(共17分)14.用等效替代法验证力的平行四边形定则的实验情况如下图甲所示,其中A 为固定橡皮筋的图钉,O 为橡皮筋与细绳的结点,OB 和OC 为细绳,图乙是白纸上根据实验结果画出的图。
A .橡皮筋可以用细绳替代B .左侧弹簧测力计的作用效果可以替代右侧弹簧测力计的作用效果C .右侧弹簧测力计的作用效果可以替代左侧弹簧测力计的作用效果D .两弹簧测力计共同作用的效果可以用一个弹簧测力计的作用效果替代(2)图乙中的F 与F ′两力中,方向一定沿着AO 方向的是________,图中________是F 1、F 2合力的理论值,______是合力的实验值。
A .两细绳必须等长B .弹簧秤、细绳、橡皮条都应与木板平行C .用两弹簧秤同时拉细绳时两弹簧秤示数之差应尽可能大D .拉橡皮条的细绳要长些,标记同一细绳方向的两点要近些15.两实验小组分别作“探究加速度和力、质量的关系”实验。
(1)A 组用如图甲所示的实验装置做实验。
①在木板水平放置的情况下,A 组同学打出一条如图乙所示的纸带,每两个计数点之间还有四个计时点没有画出来,纸带上的数字为相邻两个计数点间的距离,打点计时器的频率为50 Hz 。
打第4个计数点时小车的速度v 4=______ m/s ;小车做匀加速直线运动的加速度a =________ m/s 2(保留三位有效数字)。
甲 乙②在①的情况下,保持小车质量M 不变,多次往砂桶里加砂,直到砂和砂桶的质量最终达到M /3。
在这过程中,测出每次加砂后,砂和砂桶的总重力F 和小车的加速度a ,作a -F 的图像及截距如图丙所示。
设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,重力加速度为g ,下列说法不.正.确.的是________。
A .小车受到的最大静摩擦力为F 0B .小车与木板的动摩擦因数为a 0/gC .小车质量为F 0/a 0D .当砂和砂桶质量为M /3时,小车加速度为g/3(2)B 组用如图丁所示装置做实验,图中带滑轮的长木板放置于水平桌面上,拉力传感器与固定在木板一端定滑轮之间轻绳始终与木板面平行,传感器可直接显示绳上拉力的大小。
A .取下沙桶,将长木板右端适当垫高,使小车能匀速滑动B .小车靠近打点计时器,先接通电源,再释放小车,打出一条纸带,同时记录传感器的示数C .为了减小误差,实验中一定要保证砂和砂桶的质量远小于小车的质量D .用天平测出砂和砂桶的质量②若B 组已经完成平衡摩擦力的步骤,且传感器示数为F ,则小车所受合外力为 。
赛事开始,调整旋翼使无人机以竖直向上的恒定升力F =20N 从地面静止升起,到达稳定速度过程中,其运动图像如图所示乙。
已知无人机质量为m =1kg ,飞行时受到的空气阻力与速率成正比,即f =kv ,方向与速度方向相反。
重力加速度g 取10m/s 2,求:(1)k 值和1s 末无人机的加速度大小;(2)调整旋翼角度以改变升力,使无人机以v 0=1m/s 水平飞行进行录像,求此时的升力大小和方向。
丁甲 乙丙17.(13分)如图,水平传送带以恒定速率v=2m/s向右运动,长度为L=1m。