



maintenance to form a total manufacturing system.
A CAM system generally contains three major divisions:
Unit 24
Manufacturing: The physical operation of controlling the machine tools, material handing equipment, inspection operations,
Unit 24
CAM uses all the advanced technologies to automate the
operations in manufacturing and handle the data that drives the process. The tools of CAM include computer technologies, CAE, and robotics. CAM uses all these technologies to join the process of design with automated production machine tools, material handling equipment, and control systems. Without computers, the most important tool in industry, the productivity of the
Unit 24
3.The parts program was now run from the computer’s
memory instead of from a tape that had to be rewound.



Electronic supplementary Material_1Sequential thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), detailed method and control samplesTD/Py-GC-MS was performed on a CDS Pyroprobe 1000 via a CDS1500 valved interface (320°C), to a Hewlett-Packard 5890GC split injector (280°C) linked to a Hewlett-Packard 5973MSD (electron voltage 70eV, filament current 220uA, source temperature 230°C, quadrupole temperature 150°C, multiplier voltage 2200V, interface temperature 340°C). The acquisition was controlled by a HP kayak xa chemstation computer, in full scan mode (50-700amu). Approximately 2-3mg of ground sample was weighed into a quartz tube with glass wool end plugs. The tube was placed into a pyroprobe platinum heating coil and sealed into the valved interface. The sample was thermally desorbed at 310°C for 10secs in open split mode at 30mls/minute. At the same time the GC temperature programme and data acquisition commenced. Separation was performed on a fused silica capillary column (30m x 0.25mm i.d) coated with0.25um 5% phenyl methyl silicone (DB-5). Initially the GC was held at 35°c for 5 minutes and then temperature programmed from 40°C-340°C at 6°C min and held at final temperature for 15 minutes, total 65 minutes, with Helium as the carrier gas (constant flow 1ml/min, initial pressure of 45kPa, split at 30 mls/min). The run was repeated with the same sample being pyrolysed at 610°C for 10 seconds with the split open.Modern control samples.Four control samples of dental calculus including a modern (Hoy) sheep and an (Alsatian) dog, and two samples from the Victorian cemetery of St Barnabas, London were used for comparative purposes to assist in the interpretation of the El Sidrón material (Figures S1, S2, S3, S4).Historical (Victorian) human calculus, St Barnabus, sample 1By comparison to Neanderthal sample SDR007, the presence of i-C15 and ai-C15, and i-C16and ai-C16alkenes, with no n-alkane counterparts in samples of modern human calculus (Figure S1, S2) is indicative of microbially-derived components which have undergone relatively little diagenetic change.This is corroborated by the presence of significant amounts of cholesterol derivatives, with cholest-3-ene being the major component, in the TD-GC-MS; cholesterol is virtually absent in bacterial cell membranes (Shorland1962), these sterols resulting from in situ modification of the original food lipids by bacteria in the mouth.Figure S1 Reconstructed total ion chromatogram of the pyrolysis profile (610ºC for 10s) of Historical (Victorian) human calculus, St Barnabus 10, 5.3mg, after thermal desorption (310ºC for 10s). Peak identities (x indicates carbon chain length): filled squares, C x indicates alkenes; filled circles, C x indicates alkanes; open diamonds, C x:y indicates acyclic nitriles; open pentagons indicates alkyl pyrroles; open hexagons indicates alkyl pyridines. Also shown are the structures of five aromatic compounds identified: benzene, toluene, styrene, indene and indole, and the steroidal compound: cholest-3-ene. Inset displays a reconstructed total ion chromatogram of the thermal desorption profile (310ºC for 10s) of this sample. Peak identities: filled squares, C x indicates alkenes; open diamonds, C x:y indicates acyclic nitriles. Peaks labelled a to e were identified as steroidal compounds: a = a cholestadiene, b = cholest-4-ene, c = a cholestatriene, d = a cholestatriene, e = cholesta-1,3,5,7-tetraene. Also shown are thestructures of two aromatic compounds identified: pyridine and indole, and the steroidal compound identified: cholest-3-ene.Historical (Victorian) human calculus, St Barnabus, sample 2Figure S2 Reconstructed total ion chromatogram of the pyrolysis profile (610ºC for 10s) of Historical (Victorian) human calculus, St Barnabus 54, 2.9mg, after thermal desorption (310ºC for 10s). Peak identities (x indicates carbon chain length): filled squares, C x indicates alkenes; filled circles, C x indicates alkanes; open diamonds, C x:y indicates acyclic nitriles; open pentagons indicates alkyl pyrroles; open hexagons indicates alkyl pyridines; N within conjoined open hexagons and pentagons indicates alkyl indoles. Peak 1 is 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one and 2 is 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one. Also shown are the structures of four aromatic compoundsidentified: benzene, toluene, styrene and indole. Inset displays a reconstructed total ion chromatogram of the thermal desorption profile (310ºC for 10s) of this sample. Peak identities: filled diamonds, C x:0 indicates saturated fatty acid methyl esters; open diamonds, C x:y indicates acyclic nitriles; filled squares, C x indicates alkenes; filled circles, C x indicates alkanes. Peaks labelled a to d were identified as the steroidal compounds: a = a cholestadiene, b = a cholestene, c = a cholestene, d = a cholestane. Peak dd is dimethyl disulfide, peak s is an unidentified sesquiterpenoid and peak 1 was tentatitively identified as 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-α-D-glucopyranose. Also shown are the structures of the steroidal compound: cholest-3-ene and the cyclic lactone: oxacycloheptadecan-2-one (juniper lactone), both identified in the TD.Sheep dental calculus sample, Hoy 560Figure S3: Reconstructed total ion chromatogram of the pyrolysis profile (610ºC for 10s) sheep calculus, Hoy 560, after thermal desorption (310ºC for 10s). Peak identities (x indicates carbon chain length; where shown, y indicates degree of unsaturation): filled triangles, C x:y indicates fatty acids; open triangles, C x:y indicates amides; open diamonds, C x:y indicates acyclic nitriles; open pentagons indicates alkyl pyrroles; open hexagons indicates alkyl pyridines; open hexagons with open circle attached indicates alkyl phenols; filled squares, C x indicates alkenes; filled circles, C x indicates alkanes. Peaks labelled a to f were identified as the steroidal compounds: a = cholesta-2,4-diene, b = cholesta-3,5,7-triene, c = 13-norcholesta-11,13(17),15,18,20,22-hexaen-3-one*, d = cholesta-3,5-dien-7-one, e = cholest-4-en-3-one, f = cholesta-4,6-dien-3-one(*tentatively identified only). Peak 1 is 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2 is 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one and 3 is 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopentene-1-one. Peaks α to ηwere identified as the 2,5-diketopiperazines: α = proline-alanine, β = proline-alanine + diketopyrrole, γ = proline-glycine, δ = proline-valine, ε = proline-valine, ζ = proline-leucine, η = proline-leucine. Also shown are the structures of aromatic compounds identified: toluene, pyrrole, pyridine, styrene, phenol, indene, benzyl nitrile and benzenepropanenitrile; two steroidal compounds identified: cholesterol and cholesta-3,5-diene; and the carbohydrate marker identified: levoglucosan.Dog (German shepherd) dental calculus sample.Figure S4: Reconstructed total ion chromatogram of the pyrolysis profile (610ºC for 10s) dog calculus, German Shepherd, after thermal desorption (310ºC for 10s). Peak identities (x indicates carbon chain length; where shown, y indicates degree of unsaturation): open triangles, C x:y indicates amides; open diamonds, C x:y indicates acyclic nitriles; open pentagons indicates alkyl pyrroles; open hexagons indicates alkyl pyridines; conjoined open hexagons and pentagons indicates alkyl indenes; N within conjoined open hexagons and pentagons indicates alkyl indoles; filled squares, C x indicates alkenes; filled circles, C x indicates alkanes. Peak 1 is 2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one and 3 is 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopentene-1-one (note: 2, 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, observed in Fig. S3 is absent). Peaks δ to θ were identified as the 2,5-diketopiperazines: δ = proline-valine, ε = proline-valine, ζ = proline-leucine, η =proline-leucine, θ = proline-proline (note: the DKP’s α = proline-alanine, β = proline-alanine and γ = proline-glycine observed in Fig. S3 are absent). Also shown are the structures of aromatic compounds identified: toluene, pyrrole, pyridine, styrene, indene, benzyl nitrile, benzenepropanenitrile, indole and methyl indole; three steroidal compounds identified: cholest-3-ene, cholesta-3,5,7-triene and cholesta-3,5-diene.References.Shorland, F. B. 1962 Comparative Biochemistry, Vol 3(A) Eds. Florkin, M. & Mason, S. Academic Press, NewYork.。



电子信息工程专业英语教程第三版译者:唐亦林p32In 1945 H. W. Bode presented a system for analyzing the stability of feedback systems by using graphical methods. Until this time, feedback analysis was done by multiplication and division, so calculation of transfer functions was a time consuming and laborious task. Remember, engineers did not have calculators or computers until the '70s. Bode presented a log technique that transformed the intensely mathematical process of calculating a feedback system's stability into graphical analysis that was simple and perceptive. Feedback system design was still complicated, but it no longer was an art dominated by a few electrical engineers kept in a small dark room. Any electrical engineer could use Bode's methods find the stability of a feedback circuit, so the application of feedback to machines began to grow. There really wasn't much call for electronic feedback design until computers and transducers become of age.1945年HW伯德提出了一套系统方法,用图形化方法来分析反馈系统的稳定性。



电子行业英文电子书IntroductionThe electronics industry plays a crucial role in modern society, as it encompasses a wide range of technological devices and systems that have become integral parts of our everyday lives. From smartphones and laptops to televisions and home appliances, the electronics industry has revolutionized the way we live, communicate, and work.To delve deeper into the intricacies of the electronics industry, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the technical jargon and concepts used in this field. As the industry operates on a global scale, having a good command of English is crucial for professionals and enthusiasts alike.Why an English Ebook for the Electronics Industry? English has emerged as the lingua franca of the electronics industry due to its universal acceptance in scientific and technical communities.Furthermore, many prominent research articles and technical literature are published in English, making it essential for professionals to have a strong grasp of the language.An English ebook dedicated to the electronics industry can serve as a comprehensive resource for individuals looking to improve their technical knowledge and English language skills simultaneously. It can provide valuable insights into various aspects of the industry, including:1.Electronics components and circuits terminology.2.Integrated circuit design and fabrication processes.3.Electronic systems engineering and development.4.Emerging technologies and trends in the electronics industry.5.Industry standards, regulations, and quality control measures.Chapter 1: Introduction to ElectronicsIn this chapter, we will lay the foundation for a solid understanding of electronics. We will cover the basics of electricity, voltage, current, and resistance. Additionally, we will explore the concept of electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, and transistors, and their role in circuit design.Chapter 2: Integrated Circuit Design and FabricationIntegrated circuits (ICs) are the building blocks of modern electronics. In this chapter, we will delve into the world of ICs, covering topics such as transistor-level design, logic gates, and Boolean algebra. We will also explore the fabrication process of ICs, including lithography, etching, and doping.Chapter 3: Electronic Systems EngineeringThis chapter will focus on the design and development of electronic systems. We will discuss topics such as system requirements, hardware and software design, as well as testing and troubleshooting methodologies. Additionally, we will explore concepts related to system integration and interfacing.Chapter 4: Emerging Technologies in the Electronics IndustryThe electronics industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging at a rapid pace. In this chapter, we will explore some of the latest trends and innovations, including Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. We will discuss the potential applications and implications of these technologies in various sectors.Chapter 5: Industry Standards, Regulations, and Quality ControlMntning quality standards and complying with regulations are vital in the electronics industry. In this chapter, we will delve into the various standards and regulations that govern the industry. We will also explore quality control methodologies, including statistical process control and Six Sigma, to ensure the production of reliable and high-quality electronic products.ConclusionAn English ebook dedicated to the electronics industry can serve as an invaluable resource for professionals and enthusiasts looking to enhance their technical knowledge and English language skills. By covering essential topics such as electronic components, integrated circuit design, electronic systems engineering, emerging technologies, and industry standards, the ebook provides a comprehensive guide to the ever-evolving world of electronics.Whether you are a student, engineer, or anyone with an interest in the field of electronics, this ebook can be an excellent companion on your journey toward technical excellence. So, dive in and embark on a fascinating exploration of the exciting world of the electronics industry!。



Electronic power steering systemWhat it is?Electrically powered steering uses an electric motor to drive either the power steering hydraulic pump or the steering linkage directly. The power steering function is therefore independent of engine speed, resulting in significant energy savings.How it works?Conventional power steering systems use an engine accessory belt to drive the pump, providing pressurized fluid that operates a piston in the power steering gear or actuator to assist the driver.In electro-hydraulic steering, one electrically powered steering concept uses a high efficiency pump driven by an electric motor. Pump speed is regulated by an electric controller to vary pump pressure and flow, providing steering efforts tailored for different driving situations. The pump can be run at low speed or shut off to provide energy savings during straight ahead driving (which is most of the time in most world markets).Direct electric steering uses an electric motor attached to the steering rack via a gear mechanism (no pump or fluid). A variety of motor types and gear drives is possible. A microprocessor controls steering dynamics and driver effort. Inputs include vehicle speed and steering, wheel torque, angular position and turning rate.Working In Detail:A "steering sensor" is located on the input shaft where it enters the gearbox housing. The steering sensor is actually two sensors in one: a "torque sensor" that converts steering torque input and its direction into voltage signals, and a "rotation sensor" that converts the rotation speed and direction into voltage signals. An "interface" circuit that shares the same housing converts the signals from the torque sensor and rotation sensor into signals the control electronics can process. Inputs from the steering sensor are digested by a microprocessor control unit that alsomonitors input from the vehicle's speed sensor. The sensor inputs are then compared to determine how much power assist is required according to a preprogrammed "force map" in the control unit's memory. The control unit then sends out the appropriate command to the "power unit" which then supplies the electric motor with current. The motor pushes the rack to the right or left depending on which way the voltage flows (reversing the current reverses the direction the motor spins). Increasing the current to the motor increases the amount of power assist.The system has three operating modes: a "normal" control mode in which left or right power assist is provided in response to input from the steering torque and rotation sensor's inputs; a "return" control mode which is used to assist steering return after completing a turn; and a "damper" control mode that changes with vehicle speed to improve road feel and dampen kickback.If the steering wheel is turned and held in the full-lock position and steering assist reaches a maximum, the control unit reduces current to the electric motor to prevent an overload situation that might damage the motor. The control unit is also designed to protect the motor against voltage surges from a faulty alternator or charging problem.The electronic steering control unit is capable of self-diagnosing faults by monitoring the system's inputs and outputs, and the driving current of the electric motor. If a problem occurs, the control unit turns the system off by actuating a fail-safe relay in the power unit. This eliminates all power assist, causing the system to revert back to manual steering. A dash EPS warning light is also illuminated to alert the driver. To diagnose the problem, a technician jumps the terminals on the service check connector and reads out the trouble codes.Electric power steering systems promise weight reduction, fuel savings and package flexibility, at no cost penalty.Europe's high fuel prices and smaller vehicles make a fertile testbed for electric steering, a technology that promises automakers weight savings and fuel economy gains. And in a short time, electric steering will make it to the U.S., too. "It's just just a matter of time," says Aly Badawy, director of research and development for Delphi Saginaw SteeringSystems in Saginaw, Mich. "The issue was cost and that's behind us now. By 2002 here in the U.S. the cost of electric power steering will absolutely be a wash over hydraulic."Today, electric and hybrid-powered vehicles (EV), including Toyota's Prius and GM's EV-1, are the perfect domain for electric steering. But by 2010, a TRW Inc. internal study estimates that one out of every three cars produced in the world will be equipped with some form of electrically-assisted steering. The Cleveland-based supplier claims its new steering systems could improve fuel economy by up to 2 mpg, while enhancing handling. There are true bottom-line benefits as well for automakers by reducing overall costs and decreasing assembly time, since there's no need for pumps, hoses and fluids.Another claimed advantage is shortened development time. For instance, a Delphi group developed E-TUNE, a ride-and-handling software package that can be run off a laptop computer. "They can take that computer and plug it in, attach it to the controller and change all the handling parameters -- effort level, returnability, damping -- on the fly," Badawy says. "It used to take months." Delphi has one OEM customer that should start low-volume production in '99.Electric steering units are normally placed in one of three positions: column-drive, pinion-drive and rack-drive. Which system will become the norm is still unclear. Short term, OEMs will choose the steering system that is easiest to integrate into an existing platform. Obviously,greater potential comes from designing the system into an all-new platform. "We have all three designs under consideration," says Dr. Herman Strecker, group vice president of steering systems division at ZF in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany. "It's up to the market and OEMs which version finally will be used and manufactured." "The large manufacturers have all grabbed hold of what they consider a core technology," explains James Handy sides, TRW vice president, electrically assisted steering in Sterling Heights, Mich. His company offers a portfolio of electric steering systems (hybrid electric, rack-, pinion-, and column-drive). TRW originally concentrated on what it still believes is the purest engineering solution for electric steering--the rack-drive system. The system is sometimes refer to as direct drive orball/nut drive. Still, this winter TRW hedged its bet, forming a joint venture with LucasV arity. The British supplier received $50 million in exchange for its electric column-drive steering technology and as sets. Initial production of the column and pinion drive electric steering systems is expected to begin in Birmingham, England, in 2000.In 1995, according to Delphi, traditional hydraulic power steering systems were on 7596 of all vehicles sold globally. That 37-million vehicle pool consumes about 10 million gallons in hydraulic fluid that could be superfluous, if electric steering really takes off.The present invention relates to an electrically powered drive mechamsm for providing powered assistance to a vehicle steering mechanism. According to one aspect of the present invention, there is provided an electrically powered driven mechanism for providing powered assistance to a vehicle steering mechanism having a manually rotatable member for operating the steering mechanism, the drive mechanism including a torque sensor operable to sense torque being manually applied to the rotatable member, an electrically powered drive motor drivingly connected to the rotatable member and a controller which is arranged to control the speed and direction of rotation of the drive motor in response to signals received from the torque sensor, the torque sensor including a sensor shaft adapted for connection to the rotatable member to form an extension thereof so that torque is transmitted through said sensor shaft when the rotatable member is manually rotated and a strain gauge mounted on the sensor shaft for producing a signal indicative of the amount of torque being transmitted through said shaft. Preferably the sensor shaft is non-rotatably mounted at one axial end in a first coupling member and is non-rotatably mounted at its opposite axial end in a second coupling member, the first and second coupling members being inter-engaged to permit limited rotation there between so that torque under a predetermined limit is transmitted by the sensor shaft only and so that torque above said predetermined limit is transmitted through the first and second coupling members.Now, power steering systems of some cars have become the standard-setting, the whole world about half of the cars used to powersteering. With the development of automotive electronics technology, some cars have been using electric power steering gear, the car of the economy, power and mobility has improved. Electric power steering device on the car is a new power steering system device, developed rapidly in recent years both at home and abroad, because of its use of programmable electronic control devices, the flexibility in the same time there are also potential safety problems. In the analysis This unique product on the basis of the author of the characteristics of electronic control devices, security clearance just that the factors that deal with security measures, and discussed a number of concerns the safety of specific issues. The results show that : Existing standards can not meet the electric power steering device security needs and made the electric power steering device safety evaluation of the idea. Research work on the electric power steering device development and evaluation of reference value.电子动力转向系统电子动力转向系统是什么?电子动力转向系统是通过一个电动机来驱动动力方向盘液压泵或直接驱动转向联动装置。



1, Electromechanical integration and the development of technology trends 一、机电一体化技术发展历程及其趋势Since an electronic technology birth of electronic technology and mechanical technology integration began, only a semiconductor integrated circuit, particularly in a microprocessor representative of thelarge-scale integrated circuits for the future, "mechatronics," a technical after significant progress, and has attracted widespread attention.自电子技术一问世,电子技术与机械技术的结合就开始了,只是出现了半导体集成电路,尤其是出现了以微处理器为代表的大规模集成电路以后,"机电一体化"技术之后有了明显进展,引起了人们的广泛注意.(1) mechanical-electrical integration, "the course of development(一)机电一体化"的发展历程1. CNC machine tools come out, wrote "mechatronics," the first page of history;1.数控机床的问世,写下了"机电一体化"历史的第一页;2. Microelectronic technology, "mechatronics''bring a great vitality;2.微电子技术为"机电一体化''带来勃勃生机;3. PLC, "Power Electronics" for the development of "mechatronics" providea firm foundation;3.可编程序控制器、"电力电子"等的发展为"机电一体化"提供了坚强基础;4. Laser technology, fuzzy technology, information technology and other new technologies to "mechanical and electrical integration," a new and higher level.4.激光技术、模糊技术、信息技术等新技术使"机电一体化"跃上新台阶.(2) mechanical-electrical integration, "the development trend(二)机电一体化"发展趋势1. Integration of optical and electrical machinery. General mechanical and electrical integration system by sensing systems, energy systems, information processing systems, machinery, and other components of the structure. Therefore, the introduction of optical technology, the realization of the inherent advantages of optical technology is effective Improved mechanical-electrical integration system sensing system, energy (power) systems and information processing system. optical and electrical machinery integration is the development of mechanical and electrical products trend.1.光机电一体化.一般的机电一体化系统是由传感系统、能源系统、信息处理系统、机械结构等部件组成的.因此,引进光学技术,实现光学技术的先天优点是能有效地改进机电一体化系统的传感系统、能源(动力)系统和信息处理系统.光机电一体化是机电产品发展的重要趋势.2. Systematic self-distribution - Flexible Future electromechanical integration products, and implementation of control systems are adequate "redundancy" and more "flexible" and can better deal with an emergency, is designed "self-distribution system." Self-discipline in thedistribution system, the various subsystems are independent of each other's work, the subsystem for system services, and has its own "self-discipline", according to different environmental conditions react differently. Its characteristics are subsystem can generate its own information and additional information given in the overall premise, specific "action" can be changed. In this way, significantly increase the system's ability to adapt (flexible), not because of the failure of a subsystem of the whole system.2.自律分配系统化——柔性化.未来的机电一体化产品,控制和执行系统有足够的“冗余度”,有较强的“柔性”,能较好地应付突发事件,被设计成“自律分配系统”。



电力电子技术Power Electronics Vol.53,No.3 March2019第53卷第3期2019年3月基于大功率LLC谐振变换器的中频化辅助变流器董侃马颖涛1,2,杨二林2,李旭阳2(1.中国铁道科学研究院机车车辆研究所,北京100081;2.北京纵横机电技术开发公司,北京100094)摘要:为降低辅助变流器的体积重量,提高功率密度,设计了一种基于大功率LLC谐振变换器的中频化辅助变流器。


关键词:谐振变换器;大功率;中频化;辅助变流器中图分类号:TM46文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-100X(2019)03-0047-04Intermediate Frequency Auxiliary Converter Based onHigh Power LLC Resonant ConverterDONG Kan1,2,MA Ying-tao1,2,YANG Er-lin2,LI Xu-yang2(1.Locomotive&Car Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences,Beijing100081,China)Abstract:In order to reduce the volume weight of auxiliary converter and increase power density,an intermediate fre­quency auxiliary converter based on high power LLC resonant converter is designed.Firstly,the topology of intermedi-ate frequency auxiliary converter and the working principle of LLC resonant converter are introduced.On this basis, the design of voltage gain and frequency of LLC resonant converter is analyzed in detail.Finally,the simulation and experimental verification are carried out and it lays a foundation for reducing weight and increasing efficiency of aux­iliary converter.Keywords:resonant converter;high power;intermediate frequency;auxiliary converterFoundation Project:Supported by Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences Foundation(No.2017YJ015-1751ZH1504)1引言传统辅助变流器多采用工频拓扑⑴,先将直流电逆变,再经工频变压器降压隔离输出三相工频交流电源。


up milling down milling regard…as in a similar way in this way be recognized as
逆铣 顺铣 认为……是 同样 这样 被认为是
tool life
Unit 4
heavy-duty cast iron as follows twist drill high-speed steel heat treatment
Unit 4
conventional [kEn5venFEn(E)l] adj. 一般的,常规的
prep. 对,与…相对
v.&n. 攀登,爬
i.e.=that is
regard recognize acceptable [rI5^B:d] [5rekE^naIz] [Ek5septEb(E)l]
Unit 4
Fig. 4-1 Two methods of milling (a) Conventional (Up) milling;(b) Climb (Down) milling
Unit 4
Both conventional milling and climb milling are being employed,
Unit 4
Mr. Xiong: It is the temperature at which a certain change takes
place in the physical condition of the steel.



南昌工程学院2009 级毕业(设计)论文信息工程学院系(院)电子信息工程专业英文文献翻译学生姓名某某班级09电子信息工程学号**********指导教师欧阳瑾日期2012 年12 月21 日南昌工程学院教务处订制Brief introduction of intelligent IC card meter Intelligent electric energy meter three-phase four wire and three phase three wire two, for active electric energy measurement occasions, by user fees on the intelligent IC card charging and input meter, ammeter to power supply, with beforehand charge of electricity, automatic meter reading, larceny, card power is exhausted automatic brake power-off function. In order to effectively solve the door-to-door meter reading and difficult to receive charge of electricity problems. The user 's computer implementation of power purchase information management, facilitate the query, statistics, fees and printing bills etc..Intelligent meter industry background may be investors in thinking about this problem first need to grasp, as China puts forward to build the National Smart Grid concept, and the direct matching intelligent meter begins to become the focus of attention. Intelligent electric energy meter is a new type of electric energy meter, relative to the previous general electric energy meter, in addition to basic measuring function, intelligent electric energy meter is full electronic watt-hour meter, with the hardware clock and a complete communication interface, high reliability, high safety grade and large storage capacity and other features, completely in line with China's future development of " energy saving and environmental protection " requirement.Smart meters smart grid intelligent terminal, it is not in the traditional sense of the electric energy meter, smart meter in addition to the traditional electric energy meter with electric energy measurement in basic functionality, in order to adapt to the intelligent network and the use of new energy sources, it also has multiple rate measurement function, the user terminal control function, a variety of data transmission mode of two-way data communication function, function of preventing electric larceny and intelligent function, smart meter represents the future energy saving intelligent network intelligent terminal end user development direction. With the smart grid development, countries in the world for intelligent user terminal is also increasing demand, according to statistics, in the next 5 years, with the construction of smart grid in countries around the world, smart meters in the global installationquantity to be as high as 200000000. Similarly, in China, with the national smart grid construction progress, as the user end of the smart meter demand will increase substantially, conservative estimates, the market will have 170000000 or so only needs. The United States government to upgrade its power allocation, have a part specifically for the next 3 years in 13% of American households to installing smart meters. In Europe, Italy and Sweden have completed advanced metering infrastructure deployment, all general meter replacement for intelligent meter. France, Spain, Germany and the UK are expected in the next 10 years will also be completed the comprehensive promotion and application of intelligent electric meter.Intelligent electric meter working principle is the user take IC card to pay electricity power supply departments, power supply departments use the electricity sale management machine will buy n written into an IC card, the user holds the card in the induction zone brush contactless IC card, then switching power supply, power supply after the card. When the table is equal to the residual quantity of electricity power switching-off alarm, alarm or buzzer alarm, at this point the user in the induction zone by swiping the restoration of power supply; when the remaining capacity is zero, the automatic power switching-off, the user must again card fee electricity purchase, can restore electricity.Intelligent IC card electric meter has the advantages as follows:1, does not require manual meter reading, is advantageous to the modernized management. IC card electric meter use manual meter reading charge to the customer to avoid the inconvenience, and the history of electricity purchase data can be saved, to facilitate customer inquiries.2, with a variety of anti-theft function, small starting current, no running, wide load, low power consumption, the error curve of straight, long-term operation stability.3, IC card electric meter with multiple anti-theft functions, small starting current, no running, wide load, low power consumption, error curve is flat, long-term operation stability is good, beautiful appearance, small volume, light weight, convenient installation. High accuracy: all electronic design, built a dedicated chip,precision is not affected by frequency, temperature, voltage harmonics influence.4, long life: using SMT technology, optimized circuit design, no need of adjustment circuit of machine factory.5, low power consumption: Using low power consumption, reduce power loss.6, IC card prepayment electric quantity; data transfer, data read back, including the back read total electric quantity, the remaining power, table cumulative purchase of electricity, the total purchase frequency and other information.7, stored tables of constants, initial value, the user addresses, names and other information.8, overload alarm power-off, remaining capacity alarm, timely to remind users to buy electricity.9, technical parameters : the life table, prolong the use period. Precision grade 2 current range; 5 ( 20) 5 ( A 30 ) A 10 ( A 40 ) 20 ( 80) A power≤ 1WIntelligent IC card electric meter main technical index1, use AD7755 chip, is stable and accurate, reliable performance2, accuracy rating: 1, according to GB/T17215-1998, IEC1036-19963, current specifications: 5 ( 20 ) A, 5 ( 30) A, 10 ( 40) A, 20 ( 80) A 4, rated voltage: AC220V5, rated frequency: 50Hz6, the starting current: 0.4%Ib7, power:≤ 1W8, the environmental working conditions: -20 ℃~ +55 ℃, relative humidity of not more than 85% ( +25 ℃)9, strong anti-jamming ability, can be in bad power operating environment10, strengthen the process control, a unique process guarantee, the high reliability design.Intelligent IC card electric meter installation and method of use:1 open the electric energy meter terminal button box, then press the wiring diagram is connected to each terminal wiring, power supply.2 user IC card card prepayment electric quantity according to the direction of thearrow ( the left insert sheet metal contacts ) within the first display, display F1 and then displays the purchase quantity, then F2 and stable display monitor displays the original residual charge plus a new purchase quantity and the remaining power, the desirable IC card, display out. As the table below shows the remaining power alarm electric quantity display is often bright, table Zhongyuan surplus energy and electricity purchase card consumption and greater than 9999kWh, the card is not input power meter, is still preserved in the card.3 when the user of electricity, pulse indicative of then shining exhibit of lanterns.4 prepaid meter during normal use, for the purchase of electricity for decreasing automatic calculation. When the electrical energy table within the remaining capacity of less than 20 degrees, display shows the current remaining power to remind users to buy electricity. When the remaining capacity is equal to 10 degree, the blackout time remind the user of electricity purchase, the user needs to be inserted IC card electric energy meter a recovery of power supply. When the remaining capacity is zero, to stop power supply. The5 one meter one card, the user each time a new purchase of electricity, can insert their own input an effective electricity meter.6 prepaid meter displays are usually not bright, if the user needs to check the remaining power, can be inserted IC card electric meter, shows the F1 purchase electricity display zero, F2 residual quantity, pull card display out.7 every time the user will be inserted IC card prepaid meter, the meter will the user of electricity all back to write on the IC card, the user when the next purchase of electricity, electricity sale management system of IC card data read and check whether the user legitimate power. Electricity inspection personnel can also be used to check the card, check the user of electricity.8 power supply management departments according to the actual situation of setting user's largest electricity load. When the actual load exceeds the set value, to stop power supply, the meter display " E2 ", to remind the user to reduce electricity load, the user needs to be inserted after the restoration of power IC card electric meter.智能IC卡电表简介智能电表分三相四线和三相三线两种,用于有功电能的计量场合,由用户交费的方式对智能IC卡充值并输入电表中,电表才能供电,具有预收电费、自动抄表、防窃电、卡中电量用完后自动拉闸断电等功能。







关键词:流数据;预警规则;kafka;storm;预警系统中图分类号:TP302.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2019)30-0069-05开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Design of an Early Warning System Based on Processing of Stream DataWANG Xing-guo1,HAO Weng-jing2,DONG Jian1,DU Jia-ying1,LIU Zhan-bin1(1.Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security,Shanghai20120,China;2.Shuicheng Middle School,Liaocheng252000,China)Abstract:With the development of big data application,how to improve the timeliness of big data application becomes the key of big data work.Aiming at the problem of real-time massive data early warning disposal,an early warning system Based on stream data pro‐cessing is designed.The system includes data preprocessing,early warning rules setting,early warning data identification,early warning data storage and other modules.The key components of the system include distributed message system Kafka,distributed stream com‐puting framework Storm.Early warning rules support keyword matching or regular expression matching.The system can be widely used and real-time requirements of various early warning disposal systems.Key words:streaming data;warning rules;kafka;storm;warning system1背景随着信息技术的快速发展,不仅是互联网、移动互联网的数据正以指数级别的增长,其他社会各行业数据也呈现了高速增长的趋势,因此如何快速、有效的从海量数据中提炼出更有价值的信息成为大数据应用的关键。

数据库实用教程 董健全 丁宝康 编著 清华大学出版社第5章

数据库实用教程 董健全   丁宝康 编著 清华大学出版社第5章

我们只能根据语义来确定一个函数依赖,而不能按照 其形式化定义来证明一个函数依赖是否成立。 例如,对于关系模式S (SNO,SNAME,AGE,DEPT) ,当 学生不存在重名的情况下,可以得到:
这种函数依赖关系,必须是在没有重名的学 生条件下才成立的,否则就不存在函数依赖 了。 所以函数依赖反映了一种语义完整性约束。 3.函数依赖与属性之间的联系类型有关。 (1)在一个关系模式中,如果属性X与Y有 1:1联系时,则存在函数依赖X→Y,Y→X,即 X Y。
但是将R分解成R1和R2两个模式是否最佳 分解,也不是绝对的。如果要查询学生所学课 程的任课教师,就要对两个关系做联接操作, 而联接的代价是很大的。而在原来模式R 的关 系中,就可直接找到上述结果。到底什么样的 关系模式是最优的?标准是什么?如何实现? 都是本章要讨论的问题。
5.1.4 本章的符号规定
关系数据库的规范化理论主要包括三个方面的 内容:
函数依赖 范式(Normal Form) 模式设计
其中,函数依赖起着核心的作用,是模式分解 和模式设计的基础,范式是模式分解的标准。
5.1.2 关系模型的外延和内涵
一个关系模型包括外延(Extension)和内 涵(Intension)两个方面的内容
这里t[X]表示元组t在属性集X上的值,其 余类同。XY读作“X函数决定Y”,或“Y函数 依赖于X”。FD是对关系模式R的一切可能的关 系r定义的。
对于当前关系r的任意两个元组,如果X值 相同,则要求Y值也相同,即有一个X值就有一 个Y值与之对应,或者说Y值由X值决定。因而 这种依赖称为函数依赖。 这类似于变量之间的单值函数关系。设单值 函数Y=F(X),自变量X的值可以决定一个唯一 的函数值Y 等价定义1:在r中不存在两个元组,在X上的 值相同,在Y上的值却不同。 等价定义2:若两个元组在Y上的值不同,则 在X上的值也不同。(逆否命题)


第一页,编辑于星期六:四点 四十四分。
Unit 19
Tool Life
The higher the cutting speed, the shorter the tool life. By tool life is meant the time of cutting until the tool becomes too worn to do its work effectively and must be sharpened.
worn to do its work efficiently and must be sharpened.
Mr. Zhang: How can we decide that the tool must be sharpened?
第五页,编辑于星期六:四点 四十四分。
Unit 19
Mr. Cheng: If the tool is broken or the cutting operation is very
切削速度是指工件通过刀具的速率。 too+形容词或副词+to V “太…(以致)不” 这种句型中,后面的to v 有否定的意义。如: This problem is too difficult to understand.
这个问题太难,理解不了。 Modern high-strength alloys are often too hard to machine.
第十一页,编辑于星期六:四点 四十四分。
Unit 19
2.Although it cannot be universally applied, many cutting operations on most materials obey the empirical relationship:



Unit 14
1.The application of hydraulic power to operations of machine tools is by no means new, though its adoption on such a wide scale as exists at present is comparatively recent. 虽然液压传动的广泛应用是最近才出现的,但它在机床上
linear motions of the cutting tool and the rotary motion of the
work may be hydraulically driven and/or controlled. 在某些情况下,某些液压车床的刀具的直线运动和工件 的旋转运动都可以用液压驱动和(或)控制。
Unit 14
用柱塞泵的形式出现。 “by far”的含义为“到目前为止”,“the greater proportion of”的含义为“绝大部分”。 4.In some cases, as in certain hydraulic lathes both the
Unit 14
2.It was in fact the development of the modem self-contained pump unit that stimulated the growth of this form of machine tool operation. 事实上,正是现代整体泵装置的出现,促进了这种机床操作 形式的发展。 这是一个强调句,强调“(in fact)the development of the…pump unit”。 强调句的句型是:It is (was)+强调部分+that+句子其它成分。 3.By far the greater proportion of machine tool hydraulic drives are confined to the linear motions, a rotary pump being used to actuate one or more linear hydraulic motors in the form of double-acting hydraulic rams, usually of the piston type.

论《虞美人草》的悲剧性 开题

论《虞美人草》的悲剧性 开题
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齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计外文翻译(初稿)题目太阳光入射角光电检测装置学院通信与电子工程学院专业班级电子085班学生姓名董建指导教师苗凤娟2012年03月20日太阳辐射预测植被建模的多尺度计算Christian Piedallu*, Jean-Claude G´egout(2007年2月12日修订版2007年5月29日,2007年7月4日)摘要最近大环境数据库的发展允许的大片领土,物种或社区的生态行为的分析。






















具有开发大型数据库[ 4,19 ]和取样方法[ 15 ],植被研究需要准确的环境数据在大领域为新型物种分布的规模分布区[ 20]。



















第2章 方 法2.1 模型描述短波辐射涵盖0.28-5微米范围内的频谱,可分为三个组成部分[12,18]:从太阳,通常是最大的直接辐射,弥漫天空的辐射,大气扩散,取决于他们其组成和地形反射辐射,这是一部分在直接或弥漫性散射辐射的地面。














我们用经验方程外推法的基础上每月平均云量测量地面气象站[ 27]。




太阳高度角(α)定义太阳在地平线以上的位置:sin sin sin cos cos cos αφδφηδ=⨯+⨯⨯ (1) 其中φ为纬度研究计算,η(即太阳和当地的经络线之间的角距离),δ是太阳赤纬,角之间的太阳能光束和赤道平面,取决于不同的日数[ 6 ]:表1 在Helios 计划中参考文献使用的参数如下23.45sin(360(284)/365).J δ=⨯+ (2) 太阳方位角(β)是太阳与正北之间的角度。

cos (sin cos cos sin cos )/cos βδφδφηα=⨯-⨯⨯ (3)2.1.2 光的特性和衰耗我们计算模型[28]Kreith 和Kreider 太阳辐射通量大气层外的(ROUT ,W/m ²)。

太阳辐射通量是一个太阳常数(我们使用世界辐射中心价值1367 W/m ²): Rout=Sc×(1+0.034×cos(360J/365)). (4) 透射系数τM 代表的入射辐射在大气顶层,到达地面沿垂直轨迹。



在山区,有必要使用一个校正因子相关的大气压力P/Po ,这对高度依赖。

我们用列表[33]的公式和Kreith 和Kreider[28]:M = Mo×P/Po (5)P/Po 是大气压力校正计算公式如下:()()5.256P /Po 2880.0065h /288=-⨯ (6)其中h 是高度、Mo 空气质量是相对路径,在海平面的长度:614sin .α⨯ (7)2.1.3.地形影响计算辐射倾斜的表面,它是必要的传入的太阳光线和入射角地面的表面。

随着太阳的位置和地形条件[5]:(0.2710.294)sin .M Rdiff Rout τα=⨯-⨯⨯ (8) 其中χ是坡度(度),βs 是纵横(度)。

2.1.4.全球辐射计算每小时计算全球辐射的总和形成直接(Rdir ),弥漫性(RDIFF )和反射辐射周围的地形[18](RREF )获得:cos M Rdir Sh Rout i τ=⨯ (9)其中SH 是一个遮蔽的太阳高度角(α)和太阳方位角(β)(表一)每个小时,每个整数值计算的二进制值。

sh 是计算使用ArcInfo 软件的山体阴影的命令,使发光射线投射光从太阳计算的位置。




该模型考虑到太阳高度角和透射的气氛下,晴天条件:(0.2710.294)sin .M Rdiff Rout τα=⨯-⨯⨯ (10) 地形反射辐射计算使用门的公式[18]:2(0.2710.706)sin sin (/2)M Rref r Sc x τα=⨯⨯+⨯⨯(11)其中r 为地面反射(我们使用值0.2)。

三个组成部分的总和,全球辐射(Rtot )每个小时计算(W/m ²):.Rtot Rdir Rdiff Rref =++ (12) 每日全球辐射值求和的计算从日出到日落的小时值。

灰蒙蒙的天空[11,23]计算的云衰减因子(KC )由卡斯滕和定义[27]。




阴天辐射(Rtotc),使用下列公式计算:=⨯ (13) Rtotc Rtot Kc3.4Kc N=- (14)(10.75(/8))全球辐射的计算持续时间可以从一天到一年,考虑日常值的总和。





2.2 数据的计算和评估方案赫利奥斯运行整个法国(540万平方公里),50米×50米的网格间距用数字高程模型。





