Monopoles and fractional vortices in chiral superconductors
胶体与界面化学英文7Adsorption from Solution and Monolayer Formation
Chapter 1: Colloid and Surface/Interface Chemistry—Scope and Variables Chapter 2: Sedimentation and Diffusion and Their Equilibrium Chapter 3: Solution Thermodynamics: Osmotic and Donnan Equilibia Chapter 4: The Rheology of Dispersions
Chapter 7 Adsorption from solution and monolayer formation
1. Surfactant layers: Langmuir and Gibbs layers and Langmuir-Blodgett films
Analyzer Objective
Sample (e.g. film)
Many different variations of the film balance are available, and a number of instrumentational techniques can be combined with the Langmuir balance to obtain information on the microstructure of the films and the properties of the film.
化工进展CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2016年第35卷第8期·2350·碳酸锂在水中的溶解度和超溶解度的测定及热力学分析宋昌斌1,李润超2(1青海盐湖镁业有限公司,青海格尔木 816099;2北京四中高三(5)班,北京 100088)摘要:固体溶质在溶剂中的溶解度和超溶解度数值决定了结晶介稳区的宽度,而溶质结晶分离过程又是在介稳区中进行操作,因此固体溶质的溶解度和超溶解度在工业结晶中是很重要的基础数据。
本文以碳酸锂为溶质,在标准压力条件和283.15~318.15K温度条件下,用重量分析法测定其在水中的溶解度;用激光动态法测定其在一定温度条件下在水中的超溶解度,从而得到碳酸锂在水溶液中的介稳区;结果显示,碳酸锂在水中的溶解度和超溶解度均随温度的升高而减小,介稳区宽度随温度的升高而变窄;其溶解度数据用Van’t Hoff方程和修正的Apelblat方程进行了热力学关联计算,结果表明,两种热力学模型对碳酸锂在水中溶解度的关联效果都很好,其中Van’t Hoff方程和修正的Apelblat方程的计算值与实验值的平均相对偏差分别为0.54%和0.20%。
通过溶解热力学计算,得到碳酸锂在水中的溶解焓∆H d、熔解熵ΔS d和溶液标准吉布斯自由能变∆G d,结果表明该溶解过程为放热熵减小的非自发过程,并且溶解熵变对溶解过程的影响较大。
关键词:碳酸锂;水;溶解度;超溶解度;介稳区;热力学计算中图分类号:TQ 013.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2016)08–2350–05DOI:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2016.08.07Measurement and thermodynamic analysis of the solubility andsupersolubility of lithium carbonate in waterSONG Changbin1,LI Runchao2(1Qinghai Salt Lake Magnesium Industry Co.,Ltd.,Geermu 816099,Qinghai,China;2Beijing No.4 Middle School,High Senior Three Class 5,Beijing 100088,China)Abstract:The solubility and supersolubility determines the width of the metastable state and the crystallization process is operated in the metastable zone. Therefore,the solubility and supersolubility are an important basic data in industrial crystallization process. In this study,lithium carbonate was used as solute and the solubility of lithium carbonate in water was measured at (283.15 to 318.15) K and atmospheric pressure by using a gravimetric method. The supersolubility was measured by using a laser dynamic method. It was obviously showed that the solubility and supersolubility of lithium carbonate in water and the width of the metastable zone decreased with increasing temperature. The solubility data was correlated by Van’t Hoff equation and modified Apelblat equation. The results indicated that the solubility of calculated values was in good agreement with the experimental values.The average relative deviation of the Van’t Hoff equation and the modified Apelblat equation were0.54% and 0.20%,respectively. The changes of enthalpy(ΔH d),entropy(ΔS d)and Gibbs free energy(ΔG d)of the dissolving process were obtained by the thermodynamic calculation. The dissolving process was a non-spontaneous process of exothermic and Entropy. The entropy change was the main influencing factor in the dissolution process.152****************。
论文格式示范12一水肌酸对肥育猪胴体组成及肌肉系水力的影响3某某某1某某某1* 某某某1某某2(1. 某某大学饲料科学研究所动物分子营养学教育部重点实验室,杭州310029;452. 浙江宁波某某有限公司,宁波315124)6摘要:(目的)本研究旨在观察一水肌酸(creatine monohydration, CMH)对肥育猪生长性能、胴体组成和78系水力的影响及其机理探讨。
(方法)选用体重70 kg左右的杜长大三元杂交猪48头,按试验要求随机分为92组,每组设3个重复,每个重复8头猪,分别饲喂含CMH为0或0.25%的日粮,饲养试验时间为30 d。
(结果)结果表明,CMH对猪日增重无显著影响(P>0.05);CMH显著提高了肥育猪的眼肌面积(P<0.05),1011而对屠宰率、瘦肉率、胴体直长、胴体斜长、腹脂重、脂肪率、背膘厚、皮肤比率、骨骼比率等无显著12影响(P>0.05);CMH还使试验组猪的背最长肌率显著提高(P<0.05),股二头肌率有提高趋势但差异13不显著,而对其它骨骼肌重率无明显影响(P>0.05);CMH使肥育猪宰后24 h背最长肌和半膜肌的滴水14损失明显降低(P<0.05)、pH显著提高(P<0.05),而肌肉中乳酸含量显著降低(P<0.05)。
(研究的切入点) ......。
吕俊丽,任志龙,云月英,等. 基于模糊数学法的辣木籽杂粮面包配方优化及其品质分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(23):167−174. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010105LÜ Junli, REN Zhilong, YUN Yueying, et al. Formulation Optimization and Quality Analysis of Moringa Seed Multigrain Bread Based on Fuzzy Mathematics[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(23): 167−174. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010105· 工艺技术 ·基于模糊数学法的辣木籽杂粮面包配方优化及其品质分析吕俊丽1, *,任志龙2,云月英1,郭 慧1(1.内蒙古科技大学生命科学与技术学院,内蒙古包头 014010;2.包头轻工职业技术学院食品生物与检测系,内蒙古包头 014035)摘 要:为了满足人们对营养食品的需求,本研究以面包为载体,运用模糊数学感官评价法,以感官评分为依据,通过单因素和正交试验对辣木籽杂粮面包配方进行优化,在此基础上,分析了辣木籽杂粮面包的理化特性和抑菌特性。
此配方下面包的模糊数学感官评分最高(86.35分),此时面包味道浓郁,松软适口,过氧化值、酸价、菌落总数均符合国家标准,蛋白质含量比普通面包高5.6 g/100 g 。
物理化学概念及术语A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z概念及术语 (16)BET公式BET formula (16)DLVO理论 DLVO theory (16)HLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance method (16)pVT性质 pVT property (16)ζ电势 zeta potential (16)阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro’number (16)阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law (16)阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory (16)阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation (17)阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy (17)阿马格定律 Amagat law (17)艾林方程 Erying equation (17)爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence (17)爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation (17)安托万常数 Antoine constant (17)安托万方程 Antoine equation (17)盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance (17)半电池half cell (17)半衰期half time period (18)饱和液体 saturated liquids (18)饱和蒸气 saturated vapor (18)饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption (18)饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure (18)爆炸界限 explosion limits (18)比表面功 specific surface work (18)比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function (18)比浓粘度 reduced viscosity (18)标准电动势 standard electromotive force (18)标准电极电势 standard electrode potential (18)标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy (18)标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction (18)标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy (19)标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function (19)标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function (19)标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy (19)标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy (19)标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy (19)标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function (19)标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant (19)标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode (19)标准态 standard state (19)标准熵 standard entropy (20)标准压力 standard pressure (20)标准状况 standard condition (20)表观活化能apparent activation energy (20)表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight (20)表观迁移数apparent transference number (20)表面 surfaces (20)表面过程控制 surface process control (20)表面活性剂surfactants (21)表面吸附量 surface excess (21)表面张力 surface tension (21)表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law (21)波义尔定律 Boyle law (21)波义尔温度 Boyle temperature (21)波义尔点 Boyle point (21)玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant (22)玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution (22)玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula (22)玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem (22)泊Poise (22)不可逆过程 irreversible process (22)不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes (22)不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change (22)布朗运动 brownian movement (22)查理定律 Charle’s law (22)产率 yield (23)敞开系统 open system (23)超电势 over potential (23)沉降 sedimentation (23)沉降电势 sedimentation potential (23)沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium (23)触变 thixotropy (23)粗分散系统 thick disperse system (23)催化剂 catalyst (23)单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption (23)单分子反应 unimolecular reaction (23)单链反应 straight chain reactions (24)弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter (24)道尔顿定律 Dalton law (24)道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law (24)德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect (24)德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula (24)德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation (24)等焓过程 isenthalpic process (24)等焓线isenthalpic line (24)等几率定理 theorem of equal probability (24)等温等容位Helmholtz free energy (25)等温等压位Gibbs free energy (25)等温方程 equation at constant temperature (25)低共熔点 eutectic point (25)低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture (25)低会溶点 lower consolute point (25)低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric (26)第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind (26)第三定律熵 Third-Law entropy (26)第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind (26)缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption (26)电池常数 cell constant (26)电池电动势 electromotive force of cells (26)电池反应 cell reaction (27)电导 conductance (27)电导率 conductivity (27)电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force (27)电动电势 zeta potential (27)电功electric work (27)电化学 electrochemistry (27)电化学极化 electrochemical polarization (27)电极电势 electrode potential (27)电极反应 reactions on the electrode (27)电极种类 type of electrodes (27)电解池 electrolytic cell (28)电量计 coulometer (28)电流效率current efficiency (28)电迁移 electro migration (28)电迁移率 electromobility (28)电渗 electroosmosis (28)电渗析 electrodialysis (28)电泳 electrophoresis (28)丁达尔效应 Dyndall effect (28)定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume (28)定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer (28)定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure (29)定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer (29)定域子系统 localized particle system (29)动力学方程kinetic equations (29)动力学控制 kinetics control (29)独立子系统 independent particle system (29)对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume (29)对比体积 reduced volume (29)对比温度 reduced temperature (29)对比压力 reduced pressure (29)对称数 symmetry number (29)对行反应reversible reactions (29)对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state (29)多方过程polytropic process (30)多分子层吸附理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers (30)二级反应second order reaction (30)二级相变second order phase change (30)法拉第常数 faraday constant (31)法拉第定律 Faraday’s law (31)反电动势back E.M.F. (31)反渗透 reverse osmosis (31)反应分子数 molecularity (31)反应级数 reaction orders (31)反应进度 extent of reaction (32)反应热heat of reaction (32)反应速率rate of reaction (32)反应速率常数 constant of reaction rate (32)范德华常数 van der Waals constant (32)范德华方程 van der Waals equation (32)范德华力 van der Waals force (32)范德华气体 van der Waals gases (32)范特霍夫方程 van’t Hoff equation (32)范特霍夫规则 van’t Hoff rule (33)范特霍夫渗透压公式 van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure (33)非基元反应 non-elementary reactions (33)非体积功 non-volume work (33)非依时计量学反应 time independent stoichiometric reactions (33)菲克扩散第一定律 Fick’s first law of diffusion (33)沸点 boiling point (33)沸点升高 elevation of boiling point (33)费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics (33)分布 distribution (33)分布数 distribution numbers (34)分解电压 decomposition voltage (34)分配定律 distribution law (34)分散系统 disperse system (34)分散相 dispersion phase (34)分体积 partial volume (34)分体积定律 partial volume law (34)分压 partial pressure (34)分压定律 partial pressure law (34)分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions (34)分子间力 intermolecular force (34)分子蒸馏molecular distillation (35)封闭系统 closed system (35)附加压力 excess pressure (35)弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption (35)负极 negative pole (35)负吸附 negative adsorption (35)复合反应composite reaction (35)盖.吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law (35)盖斯定律 Hess law (35)甘汞电极 calomel electrode (35)感胶离子序 lyotropic series (35)杠杆规则 lever rule (35)高分子溶液 macromolecular solution (36)高会溶点 upper consolute point (36)隔离法the isolation method (36)格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer’s law (36)隔离系统 isolated system (37)根均方速率 root-mean-square speed (37)功 work (37)功函work content (37)共轭溶液 conjugate solution (37)共沸温度 azeotropic temperature (37)构型熵configurational entropy (37)孤立系统 isolated system (37)固溶胶 solid sol (37)固态混合物 solid solution (38)固相线 solid phase line (38)光反应 photoreaction (38)光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry (38)光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry (38)光敏反应 photosensitized reactions (38)光谱熵 spectrum entropy (38)广度性质 extensive property (38)广延量 extensive quantity (38)广延性质 extensive property (38)规定熵 stipulated entropy (38)过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution (38)过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor (38)过程 process (39)过渡状态理论 transition state theory (39)过冷水 super-cooled water (39)过冷液体 overcooled liquid (39)过热液体 overheated liquid (39)亥姆霍兹函数 Helmholtz function (39)亥姆霍兹函数判据 Helmholtz function criterion (39)亥姆霍兹自由能 Helmholtz free energy (39)亥氏函数 Helmholtz function (39)焓 enthalpy (39)亨利常数 Henry constant (39)亨利定律 Henry law (39)恒沸混合物 constant boiling mixture (40)恒容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant volume (40)恒容热 heat at constant volume (40)恒外压 constant external pressure (40)恒压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant pressure (40)恒压热 heat at constant pressure (40)化学动力学chemical kinetics (40)化学反应计量式 stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction (40)化学反应计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction (40)化学反应进度 extent of chemical reaction (41)化学亲合势 chemical affinity (41)化学热力学chemical thermodynamics (41)化学势 chemical potential (41)化学势判据 chemical potential criterion (41)化学吸附 chemisorptions (41)环境 environment (41)环境熵变 entropy change in environment (41)挥发度volatility (41)混合熵 entropy of mixing (42)混合物 mixture (42)活度 activity (42)活化控制 activation control (42)活化络合物理论 activated complex theory (42)活化能activation energy (43)霍根-华森图 Hougen-Watson Chart (43)基态能级 energy level at ground state (43)基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula (43)基元反应elementary reactions (43)积分溶解热 integration heat of dissolution (43)吉布斯-杜亥姆方程 Gibbs-Duhem equation (43)吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation (43)吉布斯函数 Gibbs function (43)吉布斯函数判据 Gibbs function criterion (44)吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula (44)吉布斯自由能 Gibbs free energy (44)吉氏函数 Gibbs function (44)极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode (44)极化曲线 polarization curves (44)极化作用 polarization (44)极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity (44)几率因子 steric factor (44)计量式 stoichiometric equation (44)计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient (45)价数规则 rule of valence (45)简并度 degeneracy (45)键焓bond enthalpy (45)胶冻 broth jelly (45)胶核 colloidal nucleus (45)胶凝作用 demulsification (45)胶束micelle (45)胶体 colloid (45)胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid (45)胶体化学 collochemistry (45)胶体粒子 colloidal particles (45)胶团 micelle (45)焦耳Joule (45)焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment (46)焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient (46)焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect (46)焦耳定律 Joule's law (46)接触电势contact potential (46)接触角 contact angle (46)节流过程 throttling process (46)节流膨胀 throttling expansion (46)节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion (46)结线 tie line (46)结晶热heat of crystallization (47)解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption (47)界面 interfaces (47)界面张力 surface tension (47)浸湿 immersion wetting (47)浸湿功 immersion wetting work (47)精馏 rectify (47)聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte (47)聚沉 coagulation (47)聚沉值 coagulation value (47)绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory (47)绝对熵 absolute entropy (47)绝对温标absolute temperature scale (48)绝热过程 adiabatic process (48)绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter (48)绝热指数 adiabatic index (48)卡诺定理 Carnot theorem (48)卡诺循环 Carnot cycle (48)开尔文公式 Kelvin formula (48)柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 Konovalov-Gibbs law (48)科尔劳施离子独立运动定律 Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions (48)可能的电解质potential electrolyte (49)可逆电池 reversible cell (49)可逆过程 reversible process (49)可逆过程方程 reversible process equation (49)可逆体积功 reversible volume work (49)可逆相变 reversible phase change (49)克拉佩龙方程 Clapeyron equation (49)克劳修斯不等式 Clausius inequality (49)克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程 Clausius-Clapeyron equation (49)控制步骤 control step (50)库仑计 coulometer (50)扩散控制 diffusion controlled (50)拉普拉斯方程 Laplace’s equation (50)拉乌尔定律 Raoult law (50)兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism (50)雷利公式 Rayleigh equation (50)兰格缪尔吸附等温式 Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula (50)冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration (50)冷却曲线 cooling curve (51)离解热heat of dissociation (51)离解压力dissociation pressure (51)离域子系统 non-localized particle systems (51)离子的标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation of ion (51)离子的电迁移率 mobility of ions (51)离子的迁移数 transport number of ions (51)离子独立运动定律 law of the independent migration of ions (51)离子氛 ionic atmosphere (51)离子强度 ionic strength (51)理想混合物 perfect mixture (52)理想气体 ideal gas (52)理想气体的绝热指数 adiabatic index of ideal gases (52)理想气体的微观模型 micro-model of ideal gas (52)理想气体反应的等温方程 isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions (52)理想气体绝热可逆过程方程 adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases (52)理想气体状态方程 state equation of ideal gas (52)理想稀溶液 ideal dilute solution (52)理想液态混合物 perfect liquid mixture (52)粒子 particles (52)粒子的配分函数 partition function of particles (53)连串反应consecutive reactions (53)链的传递物 chain carrier (53)链反应 chain reactions (53)量热熵 calorimetric entropy (53)量子统计quantum statistics (53)量子效率 quantum yield (53)临界参数 critical parameter (53)临界常数 critical constant (53)临界点 critical point (53)临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration (53)临界摩尔体积 critical molar volume (54)临界温度 critical temperature (54)临界压力 critical pressure (54)临界状态 critical state (54)零级反应zero order reaction (54)流动电势 streaming potential (54)流动功 flow work (54)笼罩效应 cage effect (54)路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则 Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity (54)露点 dew point (54)露点线 dew point line (54)麦克斯韦关系式 Maxwell relations (55)麦克斯韦速率分布 Maxwell distribution of speeds (55)麦克斯韦能量分布 MaxwelIdistribution of energy (55)毛细管凝结 condensation in capillary (55)毛细现象 capillary phenomena (55)米凯利斯常数 Michaelis constant (55)摩尔电导率 molar conductivity (56)摩尔反应焓 molar reaction enthalpy (56)摩尔混合熵 mole entropy of mixing (56)摩尔气体常数 molar gas constant (56)摩尔热容 molar heat capacity (56)摩尔溶解焓 mole dissolution enthalpy (56)摩尔稀释焓 mole dilution enthalpy (56)内扩散控制 internal diffusions control (56)内能 internal energy (56)内压力 internal pressure (56)能级 energy levels (56)能级分布 energy level distribution (57)能量均分原理 principle of the equipartition of energy (57)能斯特方程 Nernst equation (57)能斯特热定理 Nernst heat theorem (57)凝固点 freezing point (57)凝固点降低 lowering of freezing point (57)凝固点曲线 freezing point curve (58)凝胶 gelatin (58)凝聚态 condensed state (58)凝聚相 condensed phase (58)浓差超电势 concentration over-potential (58)浓差极化 concentration polarization (58)浓差电池 concentration cells (58)帕斯卡pascal (58)泡点 bubble point (58)泡点线 bubble point line (58)配分函数 partition function (58)配分函数的析因子性质 property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state (58)碰撞截面 collision cross section (59)碰撞数 the number of collisions (59)偏摩尔量 partial mole quantities (59)平衡常数(理想气体反应) equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases (59)平动配分函数 partition function of translation (59)平衡分布 equilibrium distribution (59)平衡态 equilibrium state (60)平衡态近似法 equilibrium state approximation (60)平衡状态图 equilibrium state diagram (60)平均活度 mean activity (60)平均活度系统 mean activity coefficient (60)平均摩尔热容 mean molar heat capacity (60)平均质量摩尔浓度 mean mass molarity (60)平均自由程mean free path (60)平行反应parallel reactions (61)破乳 demulsification (61)铺展 spreading (61)普遍化范德华方程 universal van der Waals equation (61)其它功 the other work (61)气化热heat of vaporization (61)气溶胶 aerosol (61)气体常数 gas constant (61)气体分子运动论 kinetic theory of gases (61)气体分子运动论的基本方程 foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases (62)气溶胶 aerosol (62)气相线 vapor line (62)迁移数 transport number (62)潜热latent heat (62)强度量 intensive quantity (62)强度性质 intensive property (62)亲液溶胶 hydrophilic sol (62)氢电极 hydrogen electrodes (62)区域熔化zone melting (62)热 heat (62)热爆炸 heat explosion (62)热泵 heat pump (63)热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat (63)热函heat content (63)热化学thermochemistry (63)热化学方程thermochemical equation (63)热机 heat engine (63)热机效率 efficiency of heat engine (63)热力学 thermodynamics (63)热力学第二定律 the second law of thermodynamics (63)热力学第三定律 the third law of thermodynamics (63)热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics (63)热力学基本方程 fundamental equation of thermodynamics (64)热力学几率 thermodynamic probability (64)热力学能 thermodynamic energy (64)热力学特性函数characteristic thermodynamic function (64)热力学温标thermodynamic scale of temperature (64)热力学温度thermodynamic temperature (64)热熵thermal entropy (64)热效应heat effect (64)熔点曲线 melting point curve (64)熔化热heat of fusion (64)溶胶 colloidal sol (65)溶解焓 dissolution enthalpy (65)溶液 solution (65)溶胀 swelling (65)乳化剂 emulsifier (65)乳状液 emulsion (65)润湿 wetting (65)润湿角 wetting angle (65)萨克尔-泰特洛德方程 Sackur-Tetrode equation (66)三相点 triple point (66)三相平衡线 triple-phase line (66)熵 entropy (66)熵判据 entropy criterion (66)熵增原理 principle of entropy increase (66)渗透压 osmotic pressure (66)渗析法 dialytic process (67)生成反应 formation reaction (67)升华热heat of sublimation (67)实际气体 real gas (67)舒尔采-哈迪规则 Schulze-Hardy rule (67)松驰力relaxation force (67)松驰时间time of relaxation (67)速度常数reaction rate constant (67)速率方程rate equations (67)速率控制步骤rate determining step (68)塔费尔公式 Tafel equation (68)态-态反应 state-state reactions (68)唐南平衡 Donnan equilibrium (68)淌度 mobility (68)特鲁顿规则 Trouton rule (68)特性粘度 intrinsic viscosity (68)体积功 volume work (68)统计权重 statistical weight (68)统计热力学 statistic thermodynamics (68)统计熵 statistic entropy (68)途径 path (68)途径函数 path function (69)外扩散控制 external diffusion control (69)完美晶体 perfect crystalline (69)完全气体 perfect gas (69)微观状态 microstate (69)微态 microstate (69)韦斯顿标准电池 Weston standard battery (69)维恩效应Wien effect (69)维里方程 virial equation (69)维里系数 virial coefficient (69)稳流过程 steady flow process (69)稳态近似法 stationary state approximation (69)无热溶液athermal solution (70)无限稀溶液 solutions in the limit of extreme dilution (70)物理化学 Physical Chemistry (70)物理吸附 physisorptions (70)吸附 adsorption (70)吸附等量线 adsorption isostere (70)吸附等温线 adsorption isotherm (70)吸附等压线 adsorption isobar (70)吸附剂 adsorbent (70)吸附量 extent of adsorption (70)吸附热 heat of adsorption (70)吸附质 adsorbate (70)析出电势 evolution or deposition potential (71)稀溶液的依数性 colligative properties of dilute solutions (71)稀释焓 dilution enthalpy (71)系统 system (71)系统点 system point (71)系统的环境 environment of system (71)相 phase (71)相变 phase change (71)相变焓 enthalpy of phase change (71)相变化 phase change (71)相变热 heat of phase change (71)相点 phase point (71)相对挥发度relative volatility (72)相对粘度 relative viscosity (72)相律 phase rule (72)相平衡热容heat capacity in phase equilibrium (72)相图 phase diagram (72)相倚子系统 system of dependent particles (72)悬浮液 suspension (72)循环过程 cyclic process (72)压力商 pressure quotient (72)压缩因子 compressibility factor (73)压缩因子图 diagram of compressibility factor (73)亚稳状态 metastable state (73)盐桥 salt bridge (73)盐析 salting out (73)阳极 anode (73)杨氏方程 Young’s equation (73)液体接界电势 liquid junction potential (73)液相线 liquid phase lines (73)一级反应first order reaction (73)一级相变first order phase change (74)依时计量学反应 time dependent stoichiometric reactions (74)逸度 fugacity (74)逸度系数 coefficient of fugacity (74)阴极 cathode (75)荧光 fluorescence (75)永动机 perpetual motion machine (75)永久气体 Permanent gas (75)有效能 available energy (75)原电池 primary cell (75)原盐效应 salt effect (75)增比粘度 specific viscosity (75)憎液溶胶 lyophobic sol (75)沾湿 adhesional wetting (75)沾湿功 the work of adhesional wetting (75)真溶液 true solution (76)真实电解质real electrolyte (76)真实气体 real gas (76)真实迁移数true transference number (76)振动配分函数 partition function of vibration (76)振动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration (76)蒸气压下降 depression of vapor pressure (76)正常沸点 normal point (76)正吸附 positive adsorption (76)支链反应 branched chain reactions (76)直链反应 straight chain reactions (77)指前因子 pre-exponential factor (77)质量作用定律mass action law (77)制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration (77)中和热heat of neutralization (77)轴功 shaft work (77)转动配分函数 partition function of rotation (77)转动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration (78)转化率 convert ratio (78)转化温度conversion temperature (78)状态 state (78)状态方程 state equation (78)状态分布 state distribution (78)状态函数 state function (78)准静态过程quasi-static process (78)准一级反应 pseudo first order reaction (78)自动催化作用 auto-catalysis (78)自由度 degree of freedom (78)自由度数 number of degree of freedom (79)自由焓free enthalpy (79)自由能free energy (79)自由膨胀free expansion (79)组分数 component number (79)最低恒沸点 lower azeotropic point (79)最高恒沸点 upper azeotropic point (79)最佳反应温度 optimal reaction temperature (79)最可几分布 most probable distribution (80)最可几速率 most propable speed (80)概念及术语BET公式BET formula1938年布鲁瑙尔(Brunauer)、埃米特(Emmett)和特勒(Teller)三人在兰格缪尔单分子层吸附理论的基础上提出多分子层吸附理论。
超几何分布的英语Here is an essay on the topic of the hypergeometric distribution, written in English with more than 1000 words. The title and any additional instructions have been omitted as requested.The hypergeometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a sequence of n draws from a finite population without replacement. In other words, it models the probability of obtaining a certain number of items with a desired characteristic from a finite population, given that the population is not replenished after each draw. This distribution is particularly useful in situations where the population size is relatively small, and the sampling is done without replacement, such as in quality control, survey sampling, and experimental design.The hypergeometric distribution is characterized by three parameters: the population size (N), the number of items with the desired characteristic in the population (K), and the number of items drawn from the population (n). The probability mass function (PMF) of the hypergeometric distribution is given by the formula:P(X = x) = (C(K, x) * C(N-K, n-x)) / C(N, n)where:- X is the random variable representing the number of items with the desired characteristic in the n draws- x is the observed value of X- C(a, b) is the binomial coefficient, which represents the number of ways to choose b items from a itemsThe hypergeometric distribution is related to the binomial distribution, but the key difference is that in the binomial distribution, the trials are independent and the probability of success remains constant, whereas in the hypergeometric distribution, the trials are not independent and the probability of success changes with each draw.One of the main applications of the hypergeometric distribution is in quality control. Suppose a manufacturer has produced a batch of N items, and K of them are defective. The manufacturer wants to inspect a sample of n items to determine the quality of the batch. The hypergeometric distribution can be used to calculate the probability of finding x defective items in the sample, which can help the manufacturer make decisions about the batch.Another application of the hypergeometric distribution is in survey sampling. Suppose a researcher wants to estimate the proportion ofa certain characteristic in a population, but the population size is relatively small. The researcher can draw a sample of n individuals from the population and use the hypergeometric distribution to calculate the probability of observing a certain number of individuals with the desired characteristic.The hypergeometric distribution also has applications in experimental design. For example, in a clinical trial, researchers may want to compare the effectiveness of a new drug to a placebo. The researchers can assign participants to the treatment or control group using a hypergeometric distribution, which ensures that the number of participants in each group is balanced.One of the key properties of the hypergeometric distribution is that it is a discrete distribution, meaning that the random variable X can only take on integer values. This property makes the distribution particularly useful in situations where the population size is finite and the sampling is done without replacement.Another important property of the hypergeometric distribution is that it is unimodal, meaning that the probability mass function has a single peak. The location of the peak depends on the values of the three parameters (N, K, and n), and the distribution can be left-skewed, right-skewed, or symmetric depending on the values of these parameters.The hypergeometric distribution also has several special cases. For example, when the population size N is large compared to the sample size n, the hypergeometric distribution approaches the binomial distribution. Similarly, when the number of items with the desired characteristic K is small compared to the population size N, the hypergeometric distribution approaches the Poisson distribution.In addition to its applications in quality control, survey sampling, and experimental design, the hypergeometric distribution has also been used in other areas, such as genetics, ecology, and finance. For example, in genetics, the hypergeometric distribution can be used to model the probability of observing a certain number of mutations in a gene sequence, while in ecology, it can be used to model the probability of observing a certain number of species in a sample of a habitat.Overall, the hypergeometric distribution is a powerful and versatile probability distribution that has numerous applications in a wide range of fields. Its ability to model the probability of success in a finite population without replacement makes it a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners in many different domains.。
QCD vacuum structure
a r X i v :h e p -l a t /0011026v 2 13 N o v 20001QCD vacuum structureM.Garc´ıa P´e rez aaTheory Division,CERN,CH-1211Geneva 23,SwitzerlandSeveral issues related to the structure of the QCD vacuum are reviewed.We concentrate mostly on results concerning instantons and center vortices.1.IntroductionThe structure of the QCD vacuum has been the subject of many lattice investigations over the years.Two phenomena have attracted most at-tention:chiral symmetry breaking and confine-ment.Instantons have been conjectured to play a key role in driving the former [1].Here the lattice has entered the game by trying to pro-vide non-perturbative information on the instan-ton ensemble.Activity in this field has already been reviewed in [2,3]and there is not much new to add this year.This is far from implying that we have reliably obtained all the information con-cerning QCD instanton dynamics.Fundamental issues like the size distribution or density of in-stantons are still not really settled,a point that will be briefly discussed in section 3.Instantons have also come back on stage due to the beautiful instanton-monopole link arising at finite temperature [4,5].This re-establishes some equality between these,a priori,two very different objects;instantons are made up of monopoles but monopoles can also be viewed as periodic arrays of instantons [6].Monopoles bring us to the most popular sce-nario for confinement,the dual superconductor picture [7],which is beautifully at work in SUSY gauge theories [8].’t Hooft’s proposal of abelian projection [9]has been the subject of extensive lattice studies.The strongest version of this ap-proach,based on abelian dominance,has been criticised in several respects [10–12].Different abelian projections do not seem to be equivalent.Should one of them be preferred,it would imply that a particular U(1)is selected.The confiningflux tube should then be abelian in nature and fields neutral with respect to it would be uncon-fined.A naive particular prediction would be no area law for adjoint Wilson loops.Although such loops are indeed screened at large distances,nu-merical investigations indicate the existence of a regime where they exhibit a confining behaviour with approximate Casimir scaling [13].Moreover,[10]one also observes the more ‘fundamental’cen-ter dominance,where instead of U(1)the relevant dynamical variables are assumed to be the ones in the center of the gauge group.Note that cen-ter dominance does not a priori solve the prob-lem of Casimir scaling (adjoint fields are blind to the center).Although in [10]this was intended as a criticism,indications towards the possible relevance of center vortices to confinement arose from further work on the subject [14,15].This has boosted the revival of a proposal of confine-ment that for very long remained asleep [16,17].It is based on the fact that center vortices,and not U(1)monopoles,are the ‘confining’configu-rations.Most of the activity during the past year has been devoted to this subject.I think it would be unfair to review QCD vacuum structure with-out acknowledging what has captured most of the attention.I will thus present my inexpert view on vortices in section 4.Results concerning the dual superconductor approach to confinement will not be reviewed here (for recent reviews see [12,18]).Let me only men-tion that there is some agreement towards the fact that abelian dominance is indeed not really the issue [12,18].Possible resolutions of the puzzles mentioned before have been proposed.An impor-tant result is that one can study condensation of2monopoles by constructing a monopole creation operator [19].The vev of such an operator is a disorder parameter for confinement,irrespective of the abelian projection used to define it.This is considered as a strong indication in favour of dual superconductivity.Related work concerning condensation of magnetic flux will be discussed in section 4.The review is structured as follows.I will first concentrate on the less speculative phenomena,in particular the calculation of the topological sus-ceptibility and the η′mass.This will be done in section 2.Section 3presents a few other topics re-lated to instantons,mostly concentrating on the instanton-monopole connection at finite temper-ature [4,5].In section 4results concerning center vortices will be presented.2.χand the η′massA lot of work has been devoted over the past years to computing the quenched topological sus-ceptibility on the lattice.In the limit of large number of colours,it is related to the η′mass through the Witten-Veneziano formula [20],χq =Q 22N f(m 2η+m 2η′−2m 2K ).(1)Measuring the fluctuations of topological charge on the lattice has turned out to be a difficult enterprise (for a detailed description see [2]).I believe,by now,we can safely say that χq has been successfully determined both for SU(2)and SU(3).Continuum extrapolations of the available lattice results give (taking√2N f+O (m 4π)∝m q,(2)in contrast to the behaviour in the symmetricphase where we expect χ∝m Nf q .The suscep-tibility is hence an observable clearly exhibitingthe effect of dynamical fermions.The situationas of Latt’99did not,however,look that promis-ing.Available results from CP-PACS and the Pisa group [2]failed to see any chiral behaviour and exhibited an unquenched susceptibility inde-pendent of the quark mass.Results from UKQCD were more encouraging;the expected m πdepen-dence was indeed observed,although the value of f πextracted from the slope of the susceptibility turned out about 20%below the physical value.Figure 1.Topological susceptibility χr 40vs m 2πr 2parison between data from [21]and [23]New results from UKQCD [21],the Pisa group [22]and the SESAM-T χL collaboration [23]are available.They use respectively N f =2clover im-proved,staggered and Wilson fermions.In Fig.1a comparison between UKQCD and SESAM-T χL’s data for χr 40vs m 2πr 20is presented (with the scale set by Sommer’s r 0≃0.49fm).Good agreement is observed.From a fit to eq.(2)keeping terms in m 4π,UKQCD quotes a valuef π=105±5+18−10MeV,in very good agreement with the expected physical value f π≃93MeV.New results by CP-PACS also indicating the expected chiral behaviour have been presented in S.Aoki’s plenary talk at this conference.Still,the data from the Pisa group remain puz-zling.We present them in Fig.2.The errors are rather large,hence it is difficult to judge whether the result is really inconsistent with the expected chiral behaviour.A fit independent of m q gives χ=(163±6MeV)4with a chi 2/dof ∼0.37,while a fit with a linear homogeneous dependence in m q3β(150)4(178)4(197)4χ/M e V4m/MeVFigure 2.χvs quark mass from [22].gives chi 2/dof ∼0.94.The largest βpoint,which seems the most problematic,might be affected by finite size effects which are rather severe for stag-gered fermions [24].Taking it out improves the quality of the linear fit to chi 2/dof ∼0.3.It is in any case clear that improved statistics and lighter quark masses are mandatory before decid-ing if these data represent a problem.To finish this section let me mention some re-sults by SESAM-T χL concerning the relation of the η′mass to topology [25].Direct evaluation of the η′mass turns out to be very tough because it involves OZI suppressed (‘disconnected’)dia-grams.Although improved estimators for these diagrams would be required,the connection with topology is already clearly exposed in [25].The ratio between disconnected and connected dia-grams is computed in sub-ensembles of Monte Carlo configurations characterised by their topo-logical charge.A clear correlation between this ratio and the charge is observed.In particu-lar,the disconnected piece vanishes in the sub-ensemble with charge |Q |≤1.5,indicating the degeneracy of the singlet and non-singlet states in the trivial topological charge sector.Results from CP-PACS on the η′mass have also been presented in S.Aoki’s plenary talk.3.Instanton constituentsLooking at instantons as composite objects is not a new idea.It is indeed at work in the non-linear O(3)model in two dimensions -see for instance [26]-where each instanton seems to becomposed of a pair of opposite Coulomb charges.It is the melting of instantons into a plasma of charges that is argued to induce the mass gap.In the deconfined phase charges remain bounded in dipoles and long range forces are screened.Sim-ilar ideas were put forward for QCD in [27]with fractional topological charge configurations,the merons,as fundamental objects.Merons have a singular action density and turn out analytically intractable.However,non-singular self-dual ob-jects with fractional topological charge exist on a torus with twisted boundary conditions.They have indeed been advocated as relevant for con-finement [28]and in some sense they can be seen as the fundamental constituents of some integer charge instantons.Recently this constituent nature of instantons has been explicitly exposed [4,5].The most gen-eral finite temperature instanton,the so-called caloron,has been constructed.It can be consid-ered as a periodic array of instantons.For instan-ton size of the order of their separation,each in-stanton splits into N constituent BPS monopoles.The splitting takes place when the Polyakov loop at spatial infinity is non-trivial.Let me,for the sake of simplicity,concentrate on the SU(2)case.At spatial infinity the Polyakov loop is constant and parametrised by its trace:2cos(2πw ).The masses of the constituent monopoles are deter-mined by w and 14fields added(and then decoupled)to ensure cal-culability.Inclusion of the constituent monopole contributions in the semiclassical expansion has brought the two expressions to an agreement. The way to make the constituent monopoles pop-up out of lattice calorons is by enforcing a non-trivial Polyakov loop at the spatial bound-ary.This is most naturally achieved by intro-ducing twisted boundary conditions[32].Indeed, it can be seen that the SU(2)BPS monopole with mass4π2/βprecisely corresponds with the Q=1/2finite temperature fractional instanton (allowed to have non-zero magnetic charge due to the twisted b.c.).Non-triviality of the Polyakov loop can also be achieved by freezing the time links at the spatial boundary.This has been used in[33]to investigate the relevant configurations infinite temperature SU(2)(extracted by cool-ing).The trace of the boundary Polyakov loop is frozen to be zero below T c,while it isfixed,above T c,to the observed loop average.In the con-fined phase,calorons made up of two charge-1/2 monopoles dominate.Above T c such monopoles are still present but coming in pairs of opposite topological charge.Dominance of Q=1/2ob-jects for SU(2)at T=0has also been observed by imposing magnetic twisted boundary conditions [28].Of course the relevant dynamical question, in particular below T c,is whether such dominance survives the thermodynamic limit irrespective of the boundary conditions used.The highly non-trivial behaviour of calorons arises due to the strong overlap in the periodic array of instantons.Overlap effects are also im-portant at T=0.As shown in[34]the action density of overlapping instantons differs consider-ably from the simple addition of single instanton profiles.Consequences for the extraction of the instanton size distribution from the lattice are im-portant.In particular,when instantons are par-allel oriented in colour space,large instantons are systematically missed by instantonfinders.This is not an irrelevant issue since a large instanton component has been argued to give rise to confin-ing behaviour for the Wilson loop[35].It is also relevant for the instanton liquid model[1]since it indicates a possible failure of the1-instanton approximation in ensembles with densities analo-gous to the ones obtained in lattice simulations.A few other works have dealt with this pic-ture of instanton constituents although from a different point of view.Ref.[36]presents a low-energy effective action for QCD that incorporates θdependence.It can be described in terms of a Coulomb gas of fractionally charged objects, resembling the constituent monopoles described above.Also merons have come back on stage in [37]where regularised lattice merons and their fermionic zero modes have been obtained.Fi-nally,ref.[38]studies whether instantons melt into constituents in CP(N−1)models with the re-sult that melting does not take place for N≥3. Let me now mention some other instanton related works.In[39,40]first evidence for a stronger correlation between instantons and anti-instantons in dynamical configurations has been measured.This has relevance for the instanton liquid model which predicts I-A correlations in the presence of dynamical quarks[1].In[41]the low-lying mesonic spectrum has been studied in ensembles of instantons with properties as ob-tained from the lattice,much in the spirit of the instanton liquid model.Afirst attempt to repro-duce the real spectrum failed due to a mixture between physical states and free lattice modes. Removing these free modes by adding a pertur-bative background results in an excellent agree-ment.Finally,the controlled cooling technique developed in[42]to reduce uncertainties in the analysis of the instanton content of MC configu-rations has been extended to SU(3)[43].4.Center vorticesThe idea that center vortices might be relevant for confinement in Yang-Mills theories is also a very old one[16,17].It is perhaps in3dimen-sions where it becomes most appealing[16].The 3-D vortex is a topologically stable soliton of the theory.The vortex creation operator,φ,is a local field whose vev signals the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Z N magnetic symmetry,mapping φ→e2πin5 tor of the domain wall that separates them.Thiswall is stable because the vacuum surrounding itis.In this picture the string tension confiningquarks is related to the tension of the wall.An extension of these ideas to4D is notstraightforward.In4D the vortex creation op-erator is no longer local(for a recent discussionsee[44]).The4-D soliton is string-like and thenatural low-energy effective theory is a theory ofstrings.Still,one can,following’t Hooft[16],de-fine quantised electric and magnetic Z Nfluxes.Consider Yang-Mills theory in a4-D torus of pe-riods lµ.The gauge potential is periodic in xµupto a gauge transformationΩµ(x).Univaluednessof AµimpliesΩµ(x+lν)Ων(x)=e2πinµν2ǫijk n jkcounts the magneticflux in the box along direc-tion i,while k i≡n0i is dual to the electricflux e i. Electricflux along a curve C is generated by the Wilson loop,W(C).The’t Hooft loop operator, B(C),non-local in the gaugefields,creates mag-neticflux along C.’t Hooft argued that in the absence of massless particles,the vacuum should be in one of two phases parametrised by the vevs of W and B.In the Higgs phase they show re-spectively perimeter and area laws.The confined phase is dual to it and the roles of W and B are interchanged.The free energy of a state of given e and m ise−βF( e, m)=k e−2πi k· eN))l1e−σl2l3(5)withσthe string tension of the electric confiningstring.The free energy of magneticflux decreasesexponentially as we let the box become large inthe plane transverse to theflux.Magneticfluxesspread over the whole volume and condense.Thisbehaviour parametrises the confinement phase.Itis derived solely from duality and the existence ofheavy electricfluxes.Indeed,duality does not tellwhether it is the electric or the magneticfluxeswhich condense.In the Higgs phase the roles ofelectric and magneticfluxes are interchanged.Implementing twisted boundary conditions onthe lattice is rather easy.For SU(2)a twist nµν=1can be enforced byflipping the sign of all theplaquettes sitting in,for instance,the upper rightcorner of each(µ,ν)plane.Notice that magneticflux is only defined modulo2,as is the number oftwisted plaquettes per plane.This year we have seen a revival of calculationsof magneticflux free energy on the lattice,bothat zero[45,46]and atfinite temperature[47–51].Already in[52]it was proposed to use magnetictwist as a probe for phase structure.In orderto compute the free energy of magneticflux,onecomputes the ratio of two partition functions:exp{−βF( m)}=Z( m)/Z( 0).Results at zerotemperature[45,46]support the exponential be-haviour indicated in(5).It would be nice to checkif the coefficient of the exponential decay of thefree energy does indeed agree with the electricstring tension.Atfinite temperature there areresults,both for3[51]and4dimensions[47–50],corroborating the dual behaviour of’t Hooft andWilson loops.There is,for non-zero T,a differ-ence between introducing the twist in space-timeor space-space planes.As shown in[48]space-space’t Hooft loops show area law,correspond-ing to deconfinement of space-time Wilson loops.However,space-time’t Hooft loops are screenedin agreement with the observation that the spatial6string tension survives above T c.Similar results are obtained in[47,51].Previous analytic calcu-lations of the expectation value of the’t Hooft loop at high temperature[53]also support this picture.It is worth mentioning the comparison in [49,50]between disorder operators signalling monopole and magneticflux condensation.Both of them behave in a very similar way giving a crit-ical temperature compatible with the standard determinations.Another issue much more difficult to settle,is whether indeed the disordering of Wilson loops is driven by the presence of thick magnetic vortices in the vacuum as advocated in[17].Smooth vortex configurations do exist and have been obtained on the lattice from cooling[54]. For this the use of twisted boundary conditions is again essential.Here one remark is important. With twisted b.c.such that k· m=0(mod N) the topological charge is fractional and quantised in units of1/N.We have already discussed frac-tional charge objects in connection to monopoles. Vortices found in[54]also carry fractional charge. Another nice connection between vortices and topology has been put forward in[55].Based on a model that describes vortices as random sur-faces[56],topology is incorporated by provid-ing orientation to the surface.Non-trivial topo-logical charge comes from non-globally-orientable surfaces describable as patches of equal orien-tation separated by monopole lines.A predic-tion for the zero temperature susceptibility of χq(T=0)=(190±15MeV)4is derived,in amaz-ingly good agreement with lattice results-see sec. 2.How to locate thick center vortices on lattice configurations has been the subject of a big de-bate this year.In[14]an approach very similar to’t Hooft’s abelian projection was taken(other alternative approaches will not be discussed,for a recent review see[57]).Center vortices are located byfixing the so-called maximal center gauge(MCG),obtained by maximising the av-erage of|Tr(Uµ(x))|2.Let us concentrate on the SU(2)case.Center projection consists of replac-ing gaugefixed links by the closest Z2element. Center-projected(P-)vortices correspond to co-closed sets of plaquettes taking value(-1).It is claimed that the string tension from center-projected links(σZ2)agrees with the full string tension(σSU(2)),a phenomena dubbed as cen-ter dominance.The relevance of this is,how-ever,obscured by the fact that center dominance appears to be obtained even without gaugefix-ing[58].The physicality of P-vortices has to be judged on a different basis.Tests in[14]corre-spond to the behaviour of Wilson loops pierced by even/odd number of P-vortices,and to the scaling of the P-vortex density.The behaviour of P-vortices across the deconfinement phase transi-tion has also been studied[59].The news this year is that maximal center gauge turns out to be severely affected by lattice Gribov copies.Afirst indication in this direction was provided in[60].If,prior tofixing MCG,the configurations are driven into a smooth gauge like the Landau gauge,center dominance is lost and the density of P-vortices dramatically reduced. Worrisome is that Landau preconditioning usu-ally gives a higher local maximum than the one from direct MCG.Further evidence comes from [61,62]where several random copies of the same configuration are made,taking from them the one that gives the higher local maximum after MCG. The number of copies is extrapolated to infinity, with the result again that a very significant part ofσSU(2)is lost in center projection,even in the continuum limit.The debate originated about this issue(see[61,63])seems settled in[62]with a very careful study of the dependence on the num-ber of gauge copies and the results stated above. One can do better by performing a gaugefix-ing free of lattice Gribov ambiguities.This is the case of the Laplacian gauge,first introduced for abelian projection[64]and further extended to perform center gaugefixing[65](see also[66]). The idea is to diagonalise the adjoint Laplacian and use its two lowest eigenvectors tofix the gauge.Here instantons,monopoles and vortices arise respectively as point,1-or2-dimensional singularities of the gaugefixing[67].Indeed,in the Laplacian gauge,center dominance is recov-ered,although only in the continuum limit.But we have by now repeatedly said that center dom-inance alone is not good enough.Further investi-7gation on the vortex content of Laplacian gauge fixed configurations is still necessary.5.Closing remarksThere is still a lot of work to do to unveil the mysteries of confinement.Perhaps the relative failure of the approaches taken so far is related to our insistence on describing confinement in ‘semiclassical’terms.We tend to bear in mind that some underlying‘classical’fields(be it‘fat’monopoles,vortices or instantons)drive the phe-nomena.But attempts to identify them in non-perturbative ensembles have systematically led to problems.There might be some truth in it but the key ingredient seems to be still missing. AcknowledgementsI thank the organisers for a very enjoyable con-ference.I am indebted to Jos´e Luis F.Barb´o n, Tony Gonz´a lez-Arroyo and Pierre van Baal for in-valuable discussions over the years.I would also like to thank Philippe de Forcrand,Adriano Di Giacomo,JeffGreensite,Tamas Kovacs,Alvaro Montero,Carlos Pena and Nucu Stamatescu. 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微波场非热效应对巴氏杀菌三文鱼脂质品质的影响张 玲1,张 莉2,薛倩倩3,栾东磊1*(1.上海海洋大学 食品学院,上海 201306;2.通标标准技术服务有限公司,山东青岛266101;3.中国海洋大学 食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266003)摘 要:为探究三文鱼微波巴氏杀菌过程中非热效应是否存在,采用无线温度传感器记录微波处理过程中三文鱼冷热点的时间温度-曲线后,用水浴加热方式分别对微波冷点和热点进行升温曲线的模拟,从上边界和下边界逼近微波冷热点的时间-温度曲线,即采用双向逼近法研究微波场非热效应。
同时研究了微波场非热效应对三文鱼总脂、过氧化值(Peroxide Value,POV)、硫代巴比妥酸值(Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances,TBARs)、酸价(Acid Value,A V)以及脂肪酸组分的影响。
关键词:三文鱼;微波杀菌;非热效应;双向逼近法;脂肪酸组分The Effect of Microwave Field Non Thermal Effect on the Lipid Quality of Pasteurized SalmonZHANG Ling1, ZHANG Li2, XUE Qianqian3, LUAN Donglei1*(1.College of Food Sciences and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2.SGS-CSTC Standard Technical Services, Qingdao 266101, China;3.School of Food Science and Technology, Ocean Universityof China, Qingdao 266003, China)Abstract: To explore the existence of non-thermal effects in the salmon microwave pasteurization, the time-temperature curves of salmon cold and hot spots during microwave processing were recorded with a wireless temperature sensor. Then the time-temperature curves of microwave cold and hot spots were simulated by water bath thermal groups, which were approached from the upper and lower boundaries. The Double sides approximate method studied the non-thermal effects of the microwave field. The effects of microwave field non-thermal effects on salmon total fat, peroxide value (POV), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs), acid value (AV) and fatty acid components were studied. The results showed that the total fatty acid content of the microwave groups was not between the two water bath groups and the extraction coefficients of 17 fatty acid components among the 27 fatty acid components measured were higher than the two water bath groups (P<0.05). The results suggested that the non-thermal effects of the microwave heating made the lipid components easier to be extracted, increasing the fatty acids extraction coefficient. This study provides theoretical reference and data support for the effect of non-thermal effects on food quality during microwave therm al.Keywords:salmon; microwave pasteurization; non-thermal effects; double sides approximate method; fatty acid components基金项目:上海市自然科学基金“微波杀菌处理对软包装秋刀鱼脂质组分的影响机制研究”(20ZR1423800)。
FORMALIZED MATHEMATICSVolume11,Number4,2003University of BiałystokBanach Space of Absolute SummableReal SequencesYasumasa Suzuki Take,Yokosuka-shiJapanNoboru EndouGifu National College of Technology Yasunari ShidamaShinshu UniversityNaganoSummary.A continuation of[5].As the example of real norm spaces, we introduce the arithmetic addition and multiplication in the set of absolutesummable real sequences and also introduce the norm.This set has the structureof the Banach space.MML Identifier:RSSPACE3.The notation and terminology used here are introduced in the following papers:[14],[17],[4],[1],[13],[7],[2],[3],[18],[16],[10],[15],[11],[9],[8],[12],and[6].1.The Space of Absolute Summable Real SequencesThe subset the set of l1-real sequences of the linear space of real sequences is defined by the condition(Def.1).(Def.1)Let x be a set.Then x∈the set of l1-real sequences if and only if x∈the set of real sequences and id seq(x)is absolutely summable.Let us observe that the set of l1-real sequences is non empty.One can prove the following two propositions:(1)The set of l1-real sequences is linearly closed.(2) the set of l1-real sequences,Zero(the set of l1-real sequences,the linearspace of real sequences),Add(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space377c 2003University of BiałystokISSN1426–2630378yasumasa suzuki et al.of real sequences),Mult(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space ofreal sequences) is a subspace of the linear space of real sequences.One can check that the set of l1-real sequences,Zero(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space of real sequences),Add(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space of real sequences),Mult(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space of real sequences) is Abelian,add-associative,ri-ght zeroed,right complementable,and real linear space-like.One can prove the following proposition(3) the set of l1-real sequences,Zero(the set of l1-real sequences,the linearspace of real sequences),Add(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear spaceof real sequences),Mult(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space ofreal sequences) is a real linear space.The function norm seq from the set of l1-real sequences into R is defined by: (Def.2)For every set x such that x∈the set of l1-real sequences holds norm seq(x)= |id seq(x)|.Let X be a non empty set,let Z be an element of X,let A be a binary operation on X,let M be a function from[:R,X:]into X,and let N be a function from X into R.One can check that X,Z,A,M,N is non empty.Next we state four propositions:(4)Let l be a normed structure.Suppose the carrier of l,the zero of l,theaddition of l,the external multiplication of l is a real linear space.Thenl is a real linear space.(5)Let r1be a sequence of real numbers.Suppose that for every naturalnumber n holds r1(n)=0.Then r1is absolutely summable and |r1|=0.(6)Let r1be a sequence of real numbers.Suppose r1is absolutely summableand |r1|=0.Let n be a natural number.Then r1(n)=0.(7) the set of l1-real sequences,Zero(the set of l1-real sequences,the linearspace of real sequences),Add(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear spaceof real sequences),Mult(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space ofreal sequences),norm seq is a real linear space.The non empty normed structure l1-Space is defined by the condition (Def.3).(Def.3)l1-Space= the set of l1-real sequences,Zero(the set of l1-real sequences,the linear space of real sequences),Add(the set of l1-realsequences,the linear space of real sequences),Mult(the set of l1-realsequences,the linear space of real sequences),norm seq .banach space of absolute summable (379)2.The Space is Banach SpaceOne can prove the following two propositions:(8)The carrier of l1-Space=the set of l1-real sequences and for every set xholds x is an element of l1-Space iffx is a sequence of real numbers andid seq(x)is absolutely summable and for every set x holds x is a vectorof l1-Space iffx is a sequence of real numbers and id seq(x)is absolutelysummable and0l1-Space=Zeroseq and for every vector u of l1-Space holdsu=id seq(u)and for all vectors u,v of l1-Space holds u+v=id seq(u)+id seq(v)and for every real number r and for every vector u of l1-Spaceholds r·u=r id seq(u)and for every vector u of l1-Space holds−u=−id seq(u)and id seq(−u)=−id seq(u)and for all vectors u,v of l1-Spaceholds u−v=id seq(u)−id seq(v)and for every vector v of l1-Space holdsid seq(v)is absolutely summable and for every vector v of l1-Space holdsv = |id seq(v)|.(9)Let x,y be points of l1-Space and a be a real number.Then x =0iffx=0l1-Space and0 x and x+y x + y and a·x =|a|· x .Let us observe that l1-Space is real normed space-like,real linear space-like, Abelian,add-associative,right zeroed,and right complementable.Let X be a non empty normed structure and let x,y be points of X.The functorρ(x,y)yields a real number and is defined by:(Def.4)ρ(x,y)= x−y .Let N1be a non empty normed structure and let s1be a sequence of N1.We say that s1is CCauchy if and only if the condition(Def.5)is satisfied. (Def.5)Let r2be a real number.Suppose r2>0.Then there exists a natural number k1such that for all natural numbers n1,m1if n1 k1and m1k1,thenρ(s1(n1),s1(m1))<r2.We introduce s1is Cauchy sequence by norm as a synonym of s1is CCauchy.In the sequel N1denotes a non empty real normed space and s2denotes a sequence of N1.We now state two propositions:(10)s2is Cauchy sequence by norm if and only if for every real number rsuch that r>0there exists a natural number k such that for all naturalnumbers n,m such that n k and m k holds s2(n)−s2(m) <r.(11)For every sequence v1of l1-Space such that v1is Cauchy sequence bynorm holds v1is convergent.References[1]Grzegorz Bancerek.The ordinal numbers.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):91–96,1990.[2]Czesław Byliński.Functions and their basic properties.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):55–65,1990.380yasumasa suzuki et al.[3]Czesław Byliński.Functions from a set to a set.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):153–164,1990.[4]Czesław Byliński.Some basic properties of sets.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):47–53,1990.[5]Noboru Endou,Yasumasa Suzuki,and Yasunari Shidama.Hilbert space of real sequences.Formalized Mathematics,11(3):255–257,2003.[6]Noboru Endou,Yasumasa Suzuki,and Yasunari Shidama.Real linear space of real sequ-ences.Formalized Mathematics,11(3):249–253,2003.[7]Krzysztof Hryniewiecki.Basic properties of real numbers.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):35–40,1990.[8]Jarosław Kotowicz.Monotone real sequences.Subsequences.Formalized Mathematics,1(3):471–475,1990.[9]Jarosław Kotowicz.Real sequences and basic operations on them.Formalized Mathema-tics,1(2):269–272,1990.[10]Jan Popiołek.Some properties of functions modul and signum.Formalized Mathematics,1(2):263–264,1990.[11]Jan Popiołek.Real normed space.Formalized Mathematics,2(1):111–115,1991.[12]Konrad Raczkowski and Andrzej Nędzusiak.Series.Formalized Mathematics,2(4):449–452,1991.[13]Andrzej Trybulec.Subsets of complex numbers.To appear in Formalized Mathematics.[14]Andrzej Trybulec.Tarski Grothendieck set theory.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):9–11,1990.[15]Wojciech A.Trybulec.Subspaces and cosets of subspaces in real linear space.FormalizedMathematics,1(2):297–301,1990.[16]Wojciech A.Trybulec.Vectors in real linear space.Formalized Mathematics,1(2):291–296,1990.[17]Zinaida Trybulec.Properties of subsets.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):67–71,1990.[18]Edmund Woronowicz.Relations and their basic properties.Formalized Mathematics,1(1):73–83,1990.Received August8,2003。
• Accurate control of flow rate, pressure and temperature can ensure
stability and repeatability.
Carrier gas
• “Inert” carrier gas constitutes about 90 % of the gas phase ⇒
Schematics of a MOCVD system
Carrier gas Material sources Gas handling system
In-situ diagnostics
NO electron beam probes!
•Reflectance •Ellipsometry •RAS
Hidrides and dopants
• Form: gases from high pressure cylinders • Mixed into the carrier gas line • Flow control: valve + mass flow controller (MFC)
MOCVD, since it determines the concentration of source material in the reactor and the deposition rate. Too low a vapor pressure makes it difficult to transport the source into the deposition zone and to achieve reasonable growth rates. Too high a vapor pressure may raise safety concerns if the compound is toxic.
关键词:对流干燥; 微波干燥; 马铃薯; 复水; 缩水; 维生素C目录1.简介2. 材料与方法3. 结果与讨论3.1.维生素C3.2.收缩性3.3. 复水4.结论参考文献1.简介在微波加工过程中,食物品质是消费者关注的重要指标之一。
而这些反应机制可以受浓度、温度、水分活度(aw)影响(Bruin & Luyben, 1980)。
Rosen (1972) 曾研究讨论了微波食品及其相关食料的作用影响,微波量子能在各能级范围内比其他形式的电磁能(X- 和γ-射线)能量都低,也就使得分子和化学集团相互作用从而引起化学变化。
Gerster (1989)把热敏感和水溶性的维生素C 、B1和B2作为指示器来定性分析化学变化。
研究发现抗坏血酸的破坏速率随着aw值增加而增加,在解吸附系统中由于粘度的降低破坏速度会大大增加(Labuza, McNally, Gallagher, & Hawkes, 1972)。
Kirk, Dennison, Kokoczka, and Heldman (1977)研究发现,在复水食品体系中,抗坏血酸的稳定性受水分活度、湿度、氧气、贮藏温度的影响。
张璇,赵文,高哲,等. 果胶与多酚相互作用机制及其对食品加工特性影响的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(1):378−386.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030201ZHANG Xuan, ZHAO Wen, GAO Zhe, et al. Research Progress on the Interaction Mechanism of Pectin and Polyphenol and Their Effect on Food Processing Characteristics[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(1): 378−386. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030201· 专题综述 ·果胶与多酚相互作用机制及其对食品加工特性影响的研究进展张 璇1,赵 文1,2,高 哲1,李美娇1,吴梦颖1,周 茜1,*(1.河北农业大学食品科技学院,河北保定 071000;2.河北省农产品加工工程技术研究中心,河北保定 071000)摘 要:果胶和多酚共存于植物性食品体系中。
本文总结了果胶与多酚相互作用的机制、内部和外部多重影响因素、主要的研究方法并结合 Langmuir 和Freundlich 常见的等温吸附模型对果胶与多酚之间的吸附行为进行描述和定量表征。
关键词:果胶,多酚,相互作用,等温吸附模型,生物可利用性本文网刊:中图分类号:TS255.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002−0306(2024)01−0378−09DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023030201Research Progress on the Interaction Mechanism of Pectin and Polyphenol and Their Effect on Food Processing CharacteristicsZHANG Xuan 1,ZHAO Wen 1,2,GAO Zhe 1,LI Meijiao 1,WU Mengying 1,ZHOU Qian 1, *(1.College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China ;2.Engineering Technology Research Center for Agricultural Product Processing of Hebei, Baoding 071000, China )Abstract :The pectin and polyphenols that co-exist in plant-based food systems form complexes in natural conditions and interact quickly and spontaneously during food processing due to external forces, such as heating, high pressure, and drying.The interaction can affect the physicochemical properties and functional properties of foods. This review summarizes the mechanisms, multiple internal and external influencing factors, and main research methods involved in pectin and polyphenol interaction, while their adsorption behavior is described and quantitatively characterized using the isothermal adsorption model commonly used by Langmuir and Freundlich. In addition, the impact of pectin and polyphenol interaction on food processing characteristics and polyphenol bioavailability is also discussed, and the future research prospects and development trends in this field are analyzed.Key words :pectin ;polyphenol ;interactions ;isothermal adsorption models ;bioavailability果胶是一种酸性杂多糖,广泛存在于蔬菜、水果和谷物等植物细胞壁中,在人类健康中发挥着重要的作用[1]。
26CyclodextrinsKatia Martina and Giancarlo CravottoCONTENTS26.1 Introduction (593)26.2 Inclusion Complex Formation (595)26.3 Applications of CD in Food (596)26.4 Analysis of CD (597)26.4.1 Characterization of CD-Inclusion Complex (597)26.4.2 Determination of CD Content (598) The Colorimetric Method (598) Chromatography (599) Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (600)26.5 Conclusion (600)References (601)26.1 I ntroductionCyclodextrins (CDs) are unique molecular complexation agents. They possess a cage-like supramolecular structure, which involves intra- and intermolecular interactions where no covalent bonds are formed between interacting molecules, ions, or radicals. It is mainly a “host–guest” type phenomenon. CDs are definitively the most important supramolecular hosts found in the literature. As a result of molecular complexation, CDs are widely used in many industrial fields (cosmetics, pharmaceutics, bioremediation, etc.) and in analytical chemistry. Their high biocompatibility and negligible cytotoxicity have opened the doors to their uses such as drug excipients and agents for drug-controlled release (Stella and Rajewski 1997, Matsuda and Arima 1999), in food and flavors (Mabuchi and Ngoa 2001), cosmetics (Buschmann and Schollmeyer 2002), textiles (Buschmann et al. 2001), environment protection (Baudin et al. 2000), and fermentation and catalysis (Koukiekolo et al. 2001, Kumar et al. 2001).CDs are cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of at least six glucopyranose units which are joined together by a (1 → 4) linkage. CDs are known as cycloamyloses, cyclomaltoses, and historically as Schardinger dextrins. They are produced as a result of an intramolecular transglycosylation reaction from the degra-dation of starch which is performed by the CD glucanotransferase enzyme (CGTase) (Szetjli 1998). The first reference to the molecule, which later proved to be CD, was published by Villiers in 1891. Digesting starch with Bacillus amylobacter, he isolated two crystalline products, probably α- and β-CDs. In 1903, Schardinger reported the isolation of two crystalline products that he called α- and β-dextrin, in which the helix of amylose was conserved in fixed-ring structures.From the x-ray structures, it appears that the secondary hydroxyl groups (C2 and C3) are located on the wider edge of the ring and the primary hydroxyl groups (C6) on the other edge. The apolar –CH (C3 and C5) and ether-like oxygens are on the inside of the truncated cone-shaped molecules (Figure 26.1). This results in a hydrophilic structure with an apolar cavity, which provides a hydrophobic matrix, often described as a “microheterogeneous environment.” As a result of this cavity, CDs are able to form inclu-sion complexes with a wide variety of hydrophobic guest molecules. One or two guest molecules can be entrapped by one, two, or three CDs.593594 Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional FoodsAlthough CDs with up to 12 glucose units are known, only the first three homologues (α-, β-, and γ-CD) have been extensively studied and used. β-CD is the most accessible due to its low price and high versatility. The main properties of the aforementioned CDs are given in Table 26.1.The safety profiles of the three most common natural CDs and some of their derivatives have recently been reviewed (Irie and Uekama 1997, Thompson 1997). All toxicity studies have demonstrated that orally administered CDs are practically nontoxic due to the fact that they are not absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract.Pioneer country in the industrial applications of CDs was Japan, since 1990 it become the largest con-sumer in the world. Eighty percent of the annual consumption was used in the food industry and over 10% in cosmetics, <5% was used in the pharmaceutical and the agrochemical industries. The industrial usage of CDs progresses somewhat slower in Europe and America. The constant annual growth of the number of scientific papers and patents indicates the scale of research and industrial interest in this field. From a regulatory standpoint, a monograph for β-CD is available in both the US Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary (USP 23/NF 18, 1995) and the European Pharmacopoeia (3rd ed., 1997). All native CDs are listed in the generally regarded and/or recognized as safe (GRAS) list of the US-FDA for use as a food additive. β-CD was recently approved in Europe as a food additive (up to 1 g/kg food). In Japan, the native CDs were declared to be enzymatically modified starch and, therefore, their use in food prod-ucts has been permitted since 1978.FIGURE 26.1 Chemical structure of α, β, and γ-CD.Cyclodextrins 595Apart from these naturally occurring CDs, many derivatives have been synthesized so as to improve solubility, stability to light or oxygen and control over the chemical activity of guest molecules (Eastburnand and Tao 1994, Szente and Szejtli 1999). Through partial functionalization, the applications of CDs are expanded. CDs are modified through substituting various functional compounds on the pri-mary and/or secondary face of the molecule.26.2 I nclusion Complex FormationThe most notable feature of CDs is their ability to form solid inclusion complexes (host–guest complexes) with a very wide range of solid, liquid, and gaseous compounds by molecular complexation (Szejtli 1982).Since the exterior of the CDs is hydrophilic, they can include guest molecules in water solution. As depicted in Figure 26.2, the guest can be either completely or partially surrounded by the host molecule. The driving force in complex formation is the substitution of the high enthalpy water molecules by an appropriate guest (Muñoz-Botella et al. 1995). One, two, or more CDs can entrap one or more guest molecules. More frequently the host–guest ratio is 1:1; however, 2:1, 1:2, 2:2 or even more complicated associations and higher-order equilibria have been described. The packing of the CD adducts is related to the dimensions of the guest and cavity. Several factors play a role in inclusion complex formation and several interactions have been found:a. Hydrophobic effects, which cause the apolar group of a molecule to fit into the cavity.b. Van der Waals interactions between permanent and induced dipoles.c. Hydrogen bonds between guest molecules and secondary hydroxyl groups at the rim of the cavity.d. Solvent effects.TABLE 26.1Physical Properties of α-, β-, and γ-CDsPropertyα-CD β-CD γ-CD Number of glucose units678Mol wt. (anhydrous)97211351297V olume of cavity (Å3 in 1 mol CD)174262427Solubility in water (g 100 mL −1 r.t.)14.5 1.8523.2Outer diameter (Å)14.615.417.5Cavity diameter (Å) 4.7–5.3 6.0–6.57.5–8.3′R ″CD derivatives R R ′ R ″Native CD R R ′ R ″ = H1:1 and 1:2 inclusion complexes with a naphthalene derivativeFIGURE 26.2 1:1 and 1:2 host–guest CD complexes.596Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods Regardless of what kind of stabilizing forces are involved, the geometric characteristics and the polar-ity of guest molecules, the medium and temperature are the most important factors for determining the stability of the inclusion complex. Geometric rather than the chemical factors are decisive in determin-ing the kind of guest molecules which can penetrate the cavity. If the guest is too small, it will easily pass in and out of the cavity with little or no bonding at all. Complex formation with guest molecules signifi-cantly larger than the cavity may also be possible, but the complex is formed in such a way that only certain groups or side chains penetrate the CD cavity.Complexes can be formed either in solution or in the crystalline state and water is typically the solvent of choice. Inclusion complexation can be accomplished in cosolvent systems, also in the presence of any nonaqueous solvent. Inclusion in CDs exerts a strong effect on the physicochemical properties of guest molecules as they are temporarily locked or caged within the host cavity giving rise to beneficial modi-fications which are not achievable otherwise (Dodziuk 2006).Molecular encapsulation can be responsible for the solubility enhancement of highly insoluble guests, the stabilization of labile guests against degradation and greater control over volatility and sublimation. It can also modify taste through the masking of flavors, unpleasant odors, and the controlled release of drugs and flavors. Therefore, CDs are widely used in food industry (Shaw 1990), in food packaging (Fenyvesi et al. 2007), in pharmaceuticals (Loftsson and Duchene 2007, Laze-Knoerr et al. 2010), and above all in cosmetics and toiletries (Szejtli 2006).26.3 A pplications of CD in FoodToday the nontoxicity of β-CD is well proven, the same tenet is generally accepted for the other CDs. The regulatory statuses of CDs differ in Europe, the United States, and Japan, because official processes for food approval are different. In the United States α-, β-, and γ-CD have obtained the GRAS status and can be commercialized as such. In Europe, the approval process for α-CD as Novel Food has just started and is expected to legalize the widespread application of α-CD to dietary products, including soluble fiber. In Japan, α-, β-, and γ-CDs are recognized as natural products and their commercialization in the food sector is restricted only by purity considerations. In Australia and New Zealand, α- and γ-CD have been classified as Novel Foods since 2004 and 2003, respectively.Nowadays the application of CD-assisted molecular encapsulation in foods offers many advantages (Cravotto et al. 2006):• Improvement in the solubility of substances.• Protection of the active ingredients against oxidation, light-induced reactions, heat-promoted decomposition, loss by volatility, and sublimation.• Elimination (or reduction) of undesired tastes/odors, microbiological contamination, hygro-scopicity, and so on.Typical technological advantages include, for example, stability, standardized compositions, simple dosing and handling of dry powders, reduced packing and storage costs, more economical, and man-power savings. CDs are mainly used, in food processing, as carriers for the molecular encapsulation of flavors and other sensitive ingredients. As CDs are not altered by moderate heat, they protect flavors throughout many rigorous food-processing methods such as freezing, thawing, and microwaving. β-CD preserves flavor quality and quantity to a greater extent and for a longer time compared to other encap-sulants (Hirayama and Uekama 1987).CDs can improve the chemical stability of foods by complete or partial inclusion of oxygen-sensitive components. They can be used to stabilize flavors against heat that can induce degradation and they can also be employed to prolong shelf-life by acting as stabilizers.CDs are used for the removal or masking of undesirable components; for example, trimethylamine can be deodorized by the inclusion of a mixture of α-, β-, and γ-CDs. CDs are also used to free soybean products from their fatty smell and astringent taste. Even the debittering of citrus juices with β-CD is a long pursued goal.Cyclodextrins 597 CDs have an important use in the removal of cholesterol from animal products such as milk, butter, and egg yolks and have recently been studied as neutraceutics carriers to disperse and protect natural lipophylic molecules such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and Vitamin K3.26.4 A nalysis of CD26.4.1 C haracterization of CD-Inclusion ComplexWhen molecules are inserted within the hydrophobic interior of the CDs, several weak forces between the host and guest are involved, that is, dipole–dipole interaction, electrostatic interactions, van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions. An equilibrium exists between the free and complexed guest molecules. The equilibrium constant depends on the nature of the CD and guest molecule, as well as temperature, moisture level, and so on. The inclusion complexes formed in this way can be isolated as stable crystalline substances, and precise information on their topology can be obtained from the structural x-ray analysis of single crystals (Song et al. 2009). The topology of the inclusion complex can also be determined in solution. The interactions between host and guest may lead to characteristic shifts in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra (Dodziuk et al. 2004, Chierotti and Gobetto 2008). Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) provide more precise information since their magnitudes are a mea-sure of the distance between host and guest protons. Circular dichroism spectra give information on the topology of the adduct, when achiral guests are inserted into the chiral cavity (Silva et al. 2007). Potentiometry, calorimetry, and spectroscopic methods including fluorescence, infrared, Raman, and mass spectrometry have also been used to study inclusion complexes (Daniel et al. 2002).The molecular encapsulation of natural essential oils, spices, and flavors such as cheese, cocoa, meat, and coffee aromas with β-CD has been known since several years. The literature has dealt with the improved physical and chemical stability of these air-, light-, and heat-sensitive flavors (Szente et al. 1988; Qi and Hedges 1995) and investigated the interaction of these compounds with CDs.UV absorbance spectroscopy was applied to investigate hyperchromic effects induced by the addition of β-CD to a water solution of caffeine (Mejri et al. 2009). The spectroscopic and photochemical behav-ior of β-CD inclusion complexes with l-tyrosine were investigated by Shanmugam et al. (2008). UV–vis, fluorimetry, FT-IR, scanning electron microscope techniques, and thermodynamic parameters have been used to examine β-CD/l-tyrosine complexation.Nishijo and Tsuchitani (2001) studied the formation of an inclusion complex between α-CD and l-tryp-tophan using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Linde et al. (2010) investigated the complexation of amino acids by β-CD using different NMR experiments such as diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) and rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY). This study provided molecular level infor-mation on complex structure and association-binding constants and advanced the sensorial knowledge and the development of new technologies for masking the bitter taste of peptides in functional food products. The preparation of stable, host–guest complexes of β-CD with thymol, carvacrol, and oil of origanum has been described by LeBlanc et al. (2008). The complex was characterized by NMR and the inclusion constant was measured by fluorescence spectroscopy where 6-p-toluidinylnaphthalene-2-sulfonate was in competitive binding and acted as a fluorescent probe.Caccia et al. (1998) provide the evidence of the inclusion complex between neohesperidin dihydrochalcone/β-CD by x-ray, high resolution NMR and MS spectroscopy. The association constant was determined by NMR via an iterative nonlinear fitting of the chemical shift variation of H3 in β-CD. The geometry of the binding was studied by nuclear NOEs between the proton directly involved in the host/guest interaction as well as by ROESY. The use of fast atom bombardment (FAB) gave comple-mentary information on specific host–guest interaction, while x-ray diffractometry patterns could define the complex in solid state.Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), or nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) were employed by Marcolino et al. (2011) to study the stability of the β-CD com-plexes with bixin and curcumin. Owing to the huge industrial applications of natural colorants, this study aimed to compare different methods of complexes formation and evaluate their stability.598Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods Natural and synthetic coffee flavors were included in β-CD and the complexes were analyzed by x-ray diffraction by Szente and Szejtli (1986). By thermofractometry and the loss of a volatile constitu-ent, it was demonstrated that the volatility of these complexed flavors diminished in such a way that they could be stored for longer periods. Various spectroscopic methods have been compared, by Goubet et al. (1998, 2000), to study the competition for specific binding to β-CD. The substrates were a group of flavors which show different physicochemical properties, such as vapor pressure, water solubility, and log P.Inverse gas chromatography was recently used for the direct assessment of the retention of several aroma compounds of varying chemical functionalities by high amylose corn starch, wheat starch, and β-CD (Delarue and Giampaoli 2000). The inclusion selectivity of several monoterpene alcohols with β-CD in water/alcohol mixtures was studied by Chatjigakis et al. (1999) using reverse-phase HPLC. Flavor r etention in α-, β-, and γ-CDs was compared, by Reineccius et al. (2002), by the GC analysis of the released flavor compounds; quantification was accomplished using standard internal protocols.GC-MS was used for the identification of the volatile constituents of cinnamon leaf and garlic oils before and after the microencapsulation process with β-CD (Ayala-Zavala et al. 2008). The profile of volatile substances in the β-CD microcapsules was used to evaluate the competitive equilibrium between β-CD and all volatile substances. The eugenol and allyl disulfide content of cinnamon leaf and garlic oils were used as a pattern to evaluate the efficiency in the microencapsulation process. The IR spectra of the microcapsules was employed to demonstrate the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the guest and host molecules.Samperio et al. (2010) investigated the solubility in water and in apple juice of 23 different essential oils and 4 parabens. The study was focused on the β-CD complexes of few essential oil components (o-methoxycinnamaldehyde,trans, trans-2,4-decadienal, and citronellol), evaluating the increase of solubility in water and the storage stability. UV absorption spectrophotometry was performed to quan-tify the compound in solution. Linear regression analysis was used to calculate the concentration of test compounds in solution from day 0 to day D etermination of CD ContentTraditionally, a variety of techniques have been developed to analyze CDs and their derivatives.Few analytical methods for the quantification of β-CD are described in the literature. Among them are colorimetric methods, LC methods based on the use of indirect photometric detection, pulse ampero-metry, or refractive index experiments, affinity capillary electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry are able to provide qualitative and quantitative data when analyzing the complex CD mixtures. T he Colorimetric MethodThe colorimetric method may be used as an alternative to chromatography especially at low CD concen-trations, this also works in the presence of linear oligosaccharides. The colorimetric method, based on the complexation of phenolphthalein, was employed by Higuti et al. (2004) to carry out sensitive and relatively specific quantification of β-CD. A decrease in absorbance at 550 nm, due to phenolphthalein–CD complex formation, was exploited to study the optimization of the CGTase production in Bacillus firmus. A highly reproducible and selective α-CD determination method had already been described by Lejeune et al. (1989). This involves the formation of an inclusion complex between the α-CD and methyl orange under conditions of low pH and low temperature. The metal indicator calmagite (1-(1-hydrohy-4-methyl-phenylazo)-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid) interacts selectively with γ-CD and was described by Hokse (1983) to quantify a standard solution of γ-CD.Kobayashi et al. (2008) observed that various kinds of hydrophobic food polyphenols and fatty acids could be dispersed in water containing starch by the action of GTAse (CD-producing enzyme). NMR and spectrophotometric methods were used to confirm the presence of CDs as solubilizing agents. The for-mation of inclusion complexes was demonstrated by using Congo Red as a model molecule in the pres-ence of GTAse or α-, β-, and γ-CD, respectively. Major changes in the 1H NMR profile of Congo Red were observed in the presence of γ- and β-CD.Cyclodextrins 599On the other hand, a spectrophotometric and infrared spectroscopic study of the interaction between Orange G, a valuable clastogenic and genotoxic acid dye used as a food colorant, and β-CD has been described by Wang et al. (2007) as a method for the quantitative determination of this dye. Based on the enhancement of the absorbance of Orange G when complexed by β-CD, the authors proposed a ratiomet-ric method, carried out spectrophotometrically, for the quantitative determination of Orange G in bulk aqueous solution. The absorbance ratio of the complex at 479 and 329 nm in a buffer solution at pH 7.0 showed a linear relationship in the range of 1.0 × 10−5 to 4.0 × 10−5 mol L−1. IR spectroscopy of the com-plex was described to confirm the inclusion complex formation. C hromatography26. T hin-Layer ChromatographyOne reference in the literature refers to the use of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) technique as an inexpensive, simple, and very informative method for the analysis and separation of CD inclusion com-plex food components. Prosek et al. (2004) isolated the inclusion complex between coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and β-CD and described its analysis and separation by one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and multidimensional TLC. The article described different TLC supports, mobile phases, and visualization methods in detail and the authors evaluated that 70% of the complex remained unchanged during the first semipreparative chromatography run and only a small amount of CoQ10 was lost from the complex dur-ing the TLC procedure. The results were confirmed by the use of other separation techniques such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, and NMR. L iquid Chromatography, LC-MS, HPLC-MSLiquid chromatography (LC) methods are employed for the analysis and separation of CDs and their derivatives. The separation of the complex samples containing CDs in mixture with linear oligosaccha-ride residual starch as well as protein salts and other substances may suffer from poor sensitivity, resolu-tion, and long separation times. Good results can be achieved where differences in mass or polarity are found or, otherwise, will require extensive sample preparation.Several stationary phases have been described, for example, resins modified with specific adsorbents and reverse-phase media used in combination with either refractive index detection (Berthod et al. 1998), evaporative light scattering (Caron et al. 1997, Agüeros et al. 2005), indirect photometric detection (Takeuchi et al. 1990), postcolumn complexation with phenolphthalein (Frijlink et al. 1987, Bassappa et al. 1998), polarimetric detection (Goodall 1993), or pulsed amperometric detection (Kubota et al. 1992).López et al. (2009) described the application of LC and refractive index detection to estimate the amount of residual β-CD (>20 mg per 100 g of product) present in milk, cream, and butter after treat-ment with β-CD. The analyses were performed with a C18 reversed-phase silica-based LC column, α-CD was defined as an internal standard. The repeatability of the analytical method for β-CD was tested on commercial milk, cream, and butter spiked with known amounts of β-CD.The detection limit in milk was determined to be >0.03 mg mL−1 of β-CD which is similar to that found by LC using amperometric detection (Kubota et al. 1992) and its reproducibility was comparable to that found in a colorimetric method for the estimation of β-CD using phenolphthalein (Basappa et al. 1998, Frijlink et al. 1987).LC-MS coupling has led to the development of new interfaces, extending the automation of various procedures and increasing the sensitivity for high-polar and high-molecular mass compounds. New ion-ization techniques such as electron spray (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) (Bartsch et al. 1996, Sporn and Wang 1998) on quadrupole, magnetic sector, or time-of-flight (TOF) instruments or coupled with instruments with tandem MS (MS-MS) capabilities have also been funda-mental in food applications. By coupling HPLC to isotope-ratio, MS has been proven valuable in provid-ing precise isotopic measurements for nonvolatile species such as carbohydrates. For these reasons, the number of reported applications of LC-MS in the analysis of CD in food is rapidly increasing.HPLC/MS analyses for the detection of minute amounts of CDs in enzyme and heat-treated, s tarch-containing food products were proposed by Szente et al. (2006). A suitable sensitive and selective600Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods analytical method was studied with the aim of verifying the presence of parent β- and γ-CDs and all the three, α-, β-, and γ-branched CDs with different degrees of glycosylation in appropriately preconcen-trated and purified food samples (beer samples, corn syrups, and bread). Both the HPLC-retention times and mass-spectral data were used for the identification of CDs. As the expected concentrations of CDs were very low, selected ion monitoring (SIM) was preferred to the routinely used refractive index and evaporative light scattering detection techniques as the only reliable detection method. The malto-oli-gomer mixture was analyzed with a detection window opened at the masses of CD sodium salts in order to enable the detection of any malto-oligomer side products.Wang et al. (1999) proposed the efficient qualitative and quantitative analysis of food oligosaccharides by MALDI-TOF-MS. In order to optimize the method, matrices, alkali–metal adducts, response inten-sity, and sample preparation were all examined individually. A series of experiments were carried out by the authors to study analyte incorporation in the matrix. In a first phase of experiments, maltohexanose and γ-CD were used as reference samples to verify the suitability of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), 3-aminoquinoline (3-AQ), 4-hydroxy-a-cyanocinnamic acid (HCCA), and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), 1-hydroxy-isoquinoline (HIC), (1:1) as the matrix material. Spot-to-spot or sample-to-sample repeatability tests and the ability to achieve a good quality spectrum with a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio and the best resolution were compared. Good quality spectra and acceptable repeatability were achieved with DHB but many interfering matrix peaks were observed in the low mass region. The best results were achieved using a 2,4,6-trihydroxy-acetophenone monohydrate (THAP) matrix. The authors exploited the high solubility of THAP in acetone, its fast evaporation to fine crystals, and the homo-geneous incorporation of the sample to avoid low-quality results which may be due to irregular crystal-lization when the substance is used directly in water. A ffinity Capillary ElectrophoresisAffinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) techniques have been introduced more recently and are currently in rapid development. CDs have played a central role in the development of a wide variety of analytical methods based on ACE in the separation of chiral molecules. ACE also provides a powerful analytical tool for the analysis of CDs and their derivatives.The electrophoretic separation and analysis of α-, β-, and γ-CDs have been carried out recently without modification. CDs that are charged at very high pH can be separated by the formation of inclu-sion complexes. Their complexes, with a large range of aromatic ions, facilitate detection by indirect UV absorbance (Larsen and Zimmermann 1998, 1999). In addition, fluorescent molecules such as 2-anilinonaphthalene-6-sulfonic have been used for the separation and detection of CDs in a ACE system (Penn et al. 1994).Furthermore, the indirect electrophoretic determination of CD content has recently been described using periodate oxidation. The amount of produced iodate was monitored by ACE and reproducible quantitative results were obtained for α-, β-, and γ-CDs (Pumera et al. 2000). Nevertheless, ACE has not been yet exploited for the analysis of CDs in food. The major advantages of ACE compared to other analysis methods are their short analysis times and high versatility. An exhaustive review of this topic was published in 1999 (Larsen and Zimmermann 1998, 1999).26.5 C onclusionThe use of native CDs for human consumption is growing dramatically due to their well-established safety. CDs are effective in protecting lipophilic food components from degradation during cooking and storage. In this context, several methodologies have been developed to detect, identify, and quantify CDs in food extracts and to study molecular inclusion complexes. X-ray and NMR spectroscopy afford valuable and detailed insight into the structure and the dynamics of a wide range of complexes which are not amenable to study by other analytical techniques. HPLC coupled with refractive index and evaporative light scattering detection technique is routinely used in CD food analysis and LC-MS data in this respect are particularly useful in detecting minute amounts of CDs in complex food samples.。
记录了晚古生代 — 中生代弧后扩张、多岛弧盆系发 育、 弧# 弧碰撞、 弧#陆碰撞的地质演化历史。 碰撞之 后该区的大部分地区于晚三叠世转化为陆地,并形 成碰撞后地壳伸展背景下的裂陷或裂谷盆地。 冈瓦纳北缘晚古生代 — 中生代冈底斯 # 喜马拉 雅构造区:班公湖 # 丁青 # 碧土 # 昌宁 # 孟连对接带 是冈瓦纳与劳亚 # 泛华夏大陆的分界线,亦即冈瓦 纳大陆的北界。伯舒拉岭 # 高黎贡山属于冈瓦纳晚 古生代 — 中生代前锋弧, 聂荣隆起、 嘉玉桥变质地体 等是前锋弧的残块。在前锋弧的后面 (南侧) 是晚古 生代 — 中生代冈底斯 # 喜马拉雅弧后扩张、多岛弧 盆系发育、 弧 #弧碰撞、 弧#陆碰撞的演化结果。 该区 三叠纪和侏罗纪 — 早白垩世的雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩是 目前青藏高原乃至中国大陆内, 保存最好、 最完整的 蛇绿岩 “三位一体” 组合, 代表了特提斯洋向南俯冲 诱导出的一系列藕断丝连的弧后扩张盆地。
(或晚古 !#*&#奥依塔格 &库地 &苏巴什 &东昆中结合带 生代裂谷带) (含前寒武纪岩块、 海山和洋岛残块) !#*&!南昆仑残余弧
#+&!高喜马拉雅结晶岩带或基底逆冲带 #+&)低喜马拉雅褶冲带 #+&+锡伐利克后造山前陆盆地带
!#*&)麻扎&康西瓦&木孜塔格&西大滩晚古生代结合带 ! 泛华夏大陆晚古生代羌塘 &三江构造区 "#扬子陆块:
青藏高原具有复杂而独特的巨厚地壳和岩石圈 结构, 是一个由北部劳亚大陆、 泛华夏陆块西缘和南 部冈瓦纳大陆北缘不断弧后扩张、裂离,又互相对 接、 镶嵌构成的复杂地区, 经历了漫长的构造变动历 史, 特别是古生代以来的多岛弧盆系的形成演化, 最 终由!"多条规模不等的弧#弧、弧#陆碰撞结合带和 其间的岛弧或陆块拼贴而成。由于后期印度板块向 北强烈顶撞,在其左右犄角处分别形成帕米尔和横 断山构造结及相应的弧形弯折,在东西两端改变了 原来东西向展布的构造面貌,加之华北和扬子刚性 陆块的阻抗和陆内俯冲对原有构造,特别是深部地 幔构造的改造, 造成了青藏高原独特的构造、 地貌景 观, 形成了统一的深部幔拗和地表的隆升。
乙腈不同温度下的表面蒸气压概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述乙腈(化学式CH3CN)是一种常用的有机溶剂,广泛应用于化学实验室、工业生产和科研领域。
1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍乙腈的物性特点,包括分子结构、物理性质和化学性质等方面。
1.3 目的本文旨在深入探讨乙腈在不同温度下的表面蒸气压变化规律,并通过实验结果分析验证相关理论模型。
2. 正文2.1 乙腈的物性介绍乙腈是一种常见的有机溶剂,化学式为CH3CN。
乙腈的分子量为41.05 g/mol,密度为0.786 g/cm^3。
2.2 表面蒸气压的概念和影响因素表面蒸气压指在一定温度下,液体与其饱和蒸气之间达到动态平衡时所对应的气相压强。
2.3 不同温度下乙腈表面蒸气压的变化规律随着温度升高,乙腈的表面蒸气压将增加。
以常规大气压下为例,乙腈在25°C时的表面蒸气压约为76.15 mmHg,在50°C时增至131.3 mmHg。
Monotone method for periodic boundary value problems of Caputo fractional differential equations
1. INTRODUCTION The derivative of an arbitrary order or fractional derivative has been introduced almost 300 years ago with a query posed by L’Hospital to Leibnitz. The fractional calculus was reasonably developed by 19th century. It was realized, only in the past few decades that these derivatives are better models to study physical phenomenon in transient state. This gave a fresh lease to this field and there is a growing interest to study the theory of fractional differential equations.[1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]. The monotone iterative technique [7] is an effective and flexible mechanism that offers theoretical, as well as constructive results in a closed set, namely, the sector. The generalized monotone iterative technique is a generalization and a refinement of the monotone method. In this paper, the PBVP for Caputo fractional differential equation is considered and the generalized monotone iterative technique is developed to cater to the situation where the function on the righthand side is split into two functions- a function that can be made into a non-decreasing function and a non-increasing function.
The composition of the Earth
1. Introduction An accurate and precise model of the chemical and isotopic composition of the Earth can yield much information regarding its accretion processes, and global-scale differentiation processes, including: core segregation, possible mineral fractionation in a primordial magma ocean and crust-mantle differentiation. With such a model we can also constrain compositional estimates for present-day reservoirs in the Silicate Earth and thus provide insights into their evolution. (The terms Silicate Earth and Primitive Mantle are synonymous.) There are three main approaches which have been used to model the composition of the Earth: ( 1) using the seismic profile of the core and mantle and their interpretation; (2) comparing the compositional systematics of primitive meteorites and the solar photosphere to constrain the solar nebula composition and from this estimate the composition of the inner rocky planets; and ( 3 ) using chemical and petrological models of peridotite-basalt melting relations (i.e. the pyrolite model). The seismic velocity structure of the Earth, in combination with mineral physics data for phases at the appropriate pressures and temperatures, provide important information about the average density and from this the bulk composition of the crust, mantle and core. These data yield basic insights into the gross compositional characteristics of these regions, but cannot be used to constrain the minor- and trace-element composition of the Earth. Compositional models based on primitive meteorites relates elemental abundances in the bulk Earth to those observed in chondritic meteorites in general, but particularly the CI carbonaceous chondrites, the most primitive of the chondritic meteorites. These meteorites are free of chondrules, possess the highest abundances of the moderately-volatile and volatile elements rela-
李望铭,马荣琨,贾庆超,等. 基于反演法计算不同温度下小麦面团的水分扩散系数[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(11):111−117.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070354LI Wangming, MA Rongkun, JIA Qingchao, et al. Calculation of Moisture Diffusivity of Wheat Dough at Different Temperatures Based on Inversion Method[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(11): 111−117. (in Chinese with English abstract).doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070354· 研究与探讨 ·基于反演法计算不同温度下小麦面团的水分扩散系数李望铭1,马荣琨1,贾庆超1,张 杰1,赵学伟2(1.郑州科技学院食品科学与工程学院,河南郑州 450064;2.郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,河南郑州 450002)摘 要:水分扩散系数是食品加工过程中重要的物理参数。
本研究采用Peleg 、Weibull 、双指数这三种常用的食品水分吸附动力学模型拟合了冻干面团在20、30及40 ℃时的吸湿曲线。
在此基础上,通过COMSOL 软件分别建立了瞬时平衡、对流、平行指数边界三种条件下的面团吸湿模型,并通过反演法计算出对应模型下的水分扩散系数。
结果表明,Weibull 模型和双指数模型决定系数均在0.999以上,较为适合冻干面团吸湿曲线的拟合;平行指数边界模型能较好的模拟出不同温度条件下冻干面团的吸附水分变化规律。
阎波1,2,* ꎬ 谭送琴2 ꎬ 马晓芳2 ꎬ 刘宪斌1,2 ꎬ 田胜艳1,2 ꎬ 张涛2 ꎬ 王璐2
2017 年 第 12 卷
第 3 期ꎬ572 ̄578
Vol. 12, 2017
No.3, 572 ̄578
Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology
DOI:10.7524/AJE.1673 ̄5897.20160927001
阎波, 谭送琴, 马晓芳, 等. 菲和镉单一及复合污染条件下在毛蚶体内的富集动力学研究[J]. 生态毒理学报ꎬ2017, 12(3): 572 ̄578
Anadara subcrenata under Single and Joint Exposures
Yan Bo1,2,* , Tan Songqin2 , Ma Xiaofang2 , Liu Xianbin1,2 , Tian Shengyan1,2 , Zhang Tao2 , Wang Lu2
threne and Cd were faster during the early stage and slowed down after eight days. The temporal trend of the elimi ̄
nation rate was similar to that of bioconcentration. Phenanthrene possessed a higher BCF (37.80) than did Cd
Magnetic Monopoles and Gravity
2 Magnetic Monopoles and Sphalerons in Flat Space
Let me start with a short reminder on the static, spherically symmetric solutions of the YMH system in at space. For simplicity I restrict myself to the gauge group SU(2) from now on. The so-called 't Hooft-ansatz for the static, spherically symmetric YM eld in polar coordinates reads k W0a = 0 Wia = iak x2 (W (r) ? 1) : (1) r 2
h W2 2 i (3) SY M;red = ? dr g12 (W 02 + (1 ? r2 ) ) : 2 A rescaling of the radial coordinate r ! r= leads to a rescaling of the action SY M;red ! SY M;red. This property (related to the scale invariance of the 4-dimensional theory) prevents the existence of any non-trivial stationary point of SY M;red with nite non-zero
Subject of this talk is an overview of results on self-gravitating non-abelian magnetic monopoles. The coupling to the gravitational eld leads to new features absent in at space: gravitating monopoles have unstable \radial excitations" and they exist only up to a maximal mass (related to a kind of \gravitational con nement" at the Planck scale). In addition to the globally regular monopoles there are \coloured" black holes, i.e. magnetically charged black holes carrying a non-trivial YM eld outside their event horizon. The latter give rise to a violation of the \No Hair" Conjecture.
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9911486v 2 7 D e c 1999Monopoles and fractional vortices in chiral superconductorsG.E.VolovikLow Temperature Laboratory,Helsinki University of Technology,Box 2200,FIN-02015HUT,Espoo,FinlandandLandau Institute for Theoretical Physics,Moscow,Russia(February 1,2008)Communicated by Olli V.LounasmaaWe discuss two exotic objects which must be experimentally identified in chiral superfluids and superconductors.These are (i)the vortex with a fractional quantum number (N =1/2in chiral superfluids,and N =1/2and N =1/4in chiral superconductors),which plays the part of the Alice string in relativistic theories;and (ii)the hedgehog in the ˆl field,which is the counterpart of the Dirac magnetic monopole.These objects of different dimensions are topologically connected.They form the combined object which is called a nexus in relativistic theories.In chiral superconductors the nexus has magnetic charge emanating radially from the hedgehog,while the half-quantum vortices play the part of the Dirac string.Each of them supplies the fractional magnetic flux to the hedgehog,representing 1/4of the ”conventional”Dirac string.We discuss the topological interaction of the superconductor’s nexus with the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole,which can exist in Grand Unified Theories.The monopole and the hedgehog with the same magnetic charge are topologically confined by a piece of the Abrikosov vortex.This makes the nexus a natural trap for the magnetic monopole.Other properties of half-quantum vortices and monopoles are discussed as well including fermion zero modes.I.INTRODUCTIONMagnetic monopoles do not exist in classical electro-magnetism.Maxwell equations show that the magnetic field is divergenceless,∇·B =0,which implies that the magnetic flux through any closed surface is zero: S d S ·B =0.If one tries to construct the monopole solution B =g r /r 3,the condition that magntic field is nondivergent requires that magnetic flux Φ=4πg from the monopole must be acconpanied by an equal singular flux supplied to the monopole by an attached Dirac string.Quantum electrodynamics,however,can be successfully modified to include magnetic monopoles.In 1931Dirac showed that the string emanating from a magnetic monopole becomes invisible for electrons if the magnetic flux of the monopole is quantized in terms of the elementary magnetic flux [1]:4πg =n Φ0,Φ0=hcIn the Standard Model of electroweak interactions such monopoles do not exist,but the combined objects monopole+string can be constructed without violating of the condition∇·B=0.Further,following the ter-minology of Ref.[4]we shall call such combined object the nexus.In a nexus the magnetic monopole looks like a Dirac monopole but the Dirac string is physical and is represented by the cosmic string.An example is the electroweak monopole discussed for the Standard Model (see Review[5]):the outgoingflux of the hypermagnetic field is compensated by the incoming hyperchargeflux through the Z-string(Fig.1.)In condensed matter there are also topological ob-jects,which imitate magnetic monopoles.In chiral super-conductors their structure is very similar to the nexus: it is the magnetic monopole combined either with two Abrikosov vortices,each carrying theflux(1/2)Φ0,or with4half-quantum vortices,each playing the part of 1/4of the Dirac string.We also discuss the interaction of such topological defects in superconductors with the‘t Hooft-Polyakov monopole.If the latter exists,then the nexus provides a natural topological trap for the mag-netic monopole.II.SYMMETRY GROUPSThe similarity between the objects in Standard Model and in chiral superconductors stems from the similar symmetry breaking scheme.In the Standard Model the local electroweak symmetry group SU(2)W×U(1)Y at high energy is broken at low energy to the diagonal sub-group of the electromagnetism U(1)Q,where Q=Y−W3 is the electric charge.In amorphous chiral supercon-ductors the relevant symmetry above the superconduct-ing transition temperature T c is SO(3)L×U(1)Q,where SO(3)L is a global group of the orbital rotations.Be-low T c the symmetry is broken to the diagonal subgroup U(1)Q−L3.In high energy physics such symmetry break-ing of the global and local groups to the diagonal global subgroup is called semilocal and the corresponding topo-logical defects are called semilocal strings[5].So in chi-ral superconductors the strings are semilocal,while in chiral superfluids they are global,since both groups in SO(3)L×U(1)are global there.If onefirst neglects the difference between the global and local groups,the main difference between the sym-metry breaking schemes in high energy physics and chiral superconductors is the discrete symmetry.It is the dif-ference between SU(2)and SO(3)=SU(2)/Z2,and also one more discrete symmetry Z2which comes from the coupling with the spin degrees of freedom.This leads to the larger spectrum of the strings and nexuses in super-conductors,as compared with the Standard Model.III.FRACTIONAL VORTICES IN CHIRALSUPERFLUIDS/SUPERCONDUCTORSA.Order parameter in chiralsuperfluids/superconductorsThe order parameter describing the vacuum manifold in a chiral p-wave superfluid(3He-A)is the so called gap function,which in the representation S=1(S is the spin momentum of Cooper pairs)and L=1(L is the orbital angular momentum of Cooper pairs)depends linearly on spinσand momentum k,viz.∆(k,r)=Aαi(r)σαk i,Aαi=∆ˆdα(ˆe(1)i+iˆe(2)i).(2) Hereˆd is the unit vector of the spin-space anisotropy;ˆe(1)andˆe(2)are mutually orthogonal unit vectors in the orbital space;they determine the superfluid velocity of the chiral condensate v s=¯hmcA +Ka i∇b i,v s=¯hThe symmetry breaking scheme SO(3)S×SO(3)L×U(1)N→U(1)S3×U(1)N−L3×Z2,realized by the orderparameter in Eq.(2),results in linear topological defects(vortices or strings)of group Z4[7].Vortices are classifiedby the circulation quantum number N=(2m/h) d r·v saround the vortex core.Simplest realization of the N vor-tex with integer N isˆe(1)+iˆe(2)=(ˆx+iˆy)e iNφ,whereφis the azimuthal angle around the string.Vortices witheven N are topologically unstable and can be continu-ously transformed to a nonsingular configuration.B.N=1/2and N=1/4vorticesVortices with a half-integer N result from the aboveidentification of the points.They are combinations oftheπ-vortex andπ-disclination in theˆdfield:ˆd=ˆx cosφ2,ˆe(1)+iˆe(2)=e iφ/2(ˆx+iˆy).(6)The N=1/2vortex is the counterpart of Alice stringsconsidered in particle physics[8]:a particle which movesaround an Alice stringflips its charge.In3He-A,thequasiparticle going around a1/2vortexflips its U(1)S3charge,that is,its spin.This is because the d-vector,which plays the role of the quantization axis for the spinof a quasiparticle,rotates byπaround the vortex,sothat a quasiparticle adiabatically moving around the vor-tex insensiblyfinds its spin reversed with respect to thefixed environment.As a consequence,several phenom-ena( Aharonov-Bohm effect)discussed in theparticle physics literature have corresponding discussionsin condensed matter literature(see[9,10]for3He-A and[11,12]in particle physics).In type II superconductors,vortices with N circula-tion quanta carry a magneticfluxΦN=(N/2)Φ0;theextra factor1/2comes from the Cooper pairing natureof superconductors.According to the London equa-tions,screening of the electric current far from the vor-tex leads to the vector potential A=(mc/e)v s and tothe magneticflux d S·B= d r·A=(mc/e) d r·v s=(N/2)Φ0.Therefore,the conventional N=1Abrikosov vortex in conventional superconductors car-ries12Φ0.The empty space inside the loop repre-sents the common core of theπ/2crystal disclination and anN=1/2or N=1/4vortex.3chiral p-wave superconductor changes by2π.Thus the looptraps1/4of the circulation quantum.This corresponds to Φ0/8of magneticflux if the parameter K in the deformation current in Eq.(5)is neglected.twisting a thin wire by an angleπ/2and then by gluing the ends,Fig.3.Figs.2.b and3illustrate fractional vortices in the cases of d-wave and chiral p-wave superconductivity in the tetragonal crystal.Single-valuedness of the order pa-rameter requires that theπ2er1−cosθ2ereΘ(−z)δ2(ρ).(8)In amorphous chiral superconductors Eq.(8)describes the distribution of the electromagnetic vector potential far from the nexus.The regular part of the magnetic field,radially propagating from the hedghog,corresponds to a monopole with elementary magneticfluxΦ0=hc/e, while the singular part is concentrated in the core of the vortex,which supplies theflux to the monopole[24].This is the doubly quantized Abrikosov vortex,which is ter-minating on the hedgehog.Because of the discrete symmetry group,the nexus structures in3He-A and in amorphous chiral supercon-ductors are richer than in the Standard Model.The N=2vortex can split into two N=1Abrikosov vor-tices or into four N=1/2vortices(Fig.4),or into their combination,provided that the total topological charge N=0(mod2).So,in general,the superfluid velocity field in the3He-A nexus and the vector potential in its superconducting counterpart obeyv s=e=1/2νFIG.4.Nexus in a small droplet of superfluid3He-A:the hedgehog connecting4vortices with N=1/2each.Blue arrows outward show the radial distribution of the orbital momentumˆlfield;red arrows outward illustrate the radial distribution of superfluid vorticity∇×v s or of magnetic field B in the superconducting counterpart,a chiral super-conductor.The magneticflux of the nexusΦ0is supplied by 4half-quantum vortices,each carrying thefluxΦ0/4to the hedgehog.The chargeν=±1/2is the number of circula-tion quanta of the spin supercurrent velocity v sp around the half-quantum vortex.The stability of the monopole in the center of the droplet is supported by the foreign body in the center,for example by a cluster of4He liquid which provides the radial boundary condition for theˆl-vector.where A a is the vector potential of the electromagnetic field produced by the a-th string,i.e.the Abrikosov vor-tex with the circulation mumber N a terminating on the monopole,provided that a N a=0(mod2).This is similar to the other realization of the nexus in relativistic SU(n)quantumfield theories,for example in quantum chromodynamics,where n vortices of the group Z n meet at a center(nexus)provided the totalflux of vortices adds to zero(mod n)[4,25,26].B.Nexus in a3He dropletA nexus can be the ground state of3He-A in a droplet, if its radius is less than10µm.In this case the lowest energy of the nexus occurs when all vortices terminating on the monopole have the lowest circulation number:this means that there must be four vortices with N1=N2= N3=N4=1/2.According to Eq.(6)each half-quantum vortex is ac-companied by a spin disclination.Assuming that the ˆd-field is confined into a plane,the disclinations can be characterized by the winding numbersνa of theˆd vector,which have values±1/2in half-quantum vortices.The corresponding spin-superfluid velocity v sp isv sp=2e2dV ρs v2s+ρsp v2sp = e2m2c2dV(ρs−ρsp)(A1+A2)(A3+A4).(11)In the simplest case,which occurs in the ideal Fermi gas,one hasρs=ρsp[27].In this case the1/2-vortices with positive spin-current circulationνdo not interact with1/2-vortices of negativeν.The energy minimum occurs when the orientations of two positive-νvortices are opposite,so that these two1A-phasenexus at interface continuous vorticity× vs–the point defect at the interface between 3He-B and 3He-A.Blue arrows show the distribution of ˆl on the 3He-A side of the nexus,which resembles the gravimagnetic monopole whose Dirac string is the B-phase vortex.In superconductors such a nexus accounts for 1/2of the magnetic charge of the Dirac monopole,whose flux is supported by a single N =1vortex on the B-phase side.C.Nexus with fractional magnetic fluxA nexus with fractional magnetic charge can becon-structed usinggeometrywith severalcondensates.Fig.5shows the nexus pinned by the interface between super-fluid 3He-A and the nonchiral superfluid 3He-B.Due to the tangential boundary condition for the ˆl vector at the interface,the nexus covers only half of the unit sphere.For the superconducting analogs such a nexus represents the monopole with 12m 31−cos θ2m 3rm 3δ2(ρ).(13)The gravimagnetic flux propagates along the vortex in the B phase towards the nexus (boojum)and then ra-dially and divergencelessly from the boojum into the A phase.This is the analog of the gravimagnetic monopole discussed in [37].V.TOPOLOGICAL INTERACTION OF MAGNETIC MONOPOLES WITH CHIRALSUPERCONDUCTORSSince the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole,which can exist in GUT,and the monopole part of the nexus in chiral superconductors have the same magnetic and topological charges,there is a topological interaction be-tween them.First,let us recall what happens when the magnetic monopole enters a conventional superconduc-tor:because of the Meissner effect –expulsion of the magnetic field from the superconductor –the magnetic field from the monopole will be concentrated in two flux tubes of Abrikosov vortices with the total winding num-ber N =2(Fig.6a).In a chiral amorphous supercon-ductor these can form 4flux tubes,represented by half-quantum Abrikosov vortices (Fig.6b).However,the most interesting situation occurs if one takes into account that in a chiral superconductor the Meissner effect is not complete because of the ˆl tex-ture.As we discussed above the magnetic flux is not necessarily concentrated in the tubes,but can propa-gate radially from the hedgehog (Fig.6c).If now the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole enters the core of the hedgehog in Fig.6c,which has the same magnetic charge,their strings,i.e.Abrikosov vortices carried by the monopole and Abrikosov vortices attached to the nexus,will annihilate each other.What is left is the combined point defect:hedgehog +magnetic monopole without any attached strings (Fig.6d).This means that 6(a)(b)(c)N=1 vortex N=1/2 vortex Topological confinementof monopole FIG.6.Hedgehogs and magnetic monopoles in supercon-ductors.(a)‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole in con-ventional superconductor.Magnetic flux of the monopole is concentrated in Abrikosov vortices because of the Meiss-ner effect;(b)Magnetic monopole in a chiral superconduc-tor with unifrom ˆl vector.As distinct from the monopole inside the conventional superconductors,the magnetic flux Φ0of the monopole can be carried away from the monopole by 4half-quantum vortices.(c)Nexus:hedgehog with two Abrikosov vortices emanating from the core.Magnetic flux Φ0enters the core of the hedgehog along two Abrikosov vor-tices with N =1(or 4vortices with N =1/2)and then flows out radially along the lines of the ˆl -vector field.(d)‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole +hedgehog in a chiral superconductor.The Abrikosov vortices attached to the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole annihilate the Abrikosov vortices attached to the hedgehog.Magnetic field of the monopole penetrates radially into the bulk chiral supercon-ductor along the lines of the ˆl -vector field.(e)Topological confinement of the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole and hedgehog by Abrikosov strings in a chiral superconductor.For simplicity a single Abrikosov string with N =2is depicted.the monopole destroys the topological connection of the hedgehog and Abrikosov vortices,instead one has topo-logical confinement between the monopole and hedge-hog.The core of the hedgehog represents the natural trap for one magnetic monopole:if one tries to separate the monopole from the hedgehog,one must create thepiece(s)of the Abrikosov vortex(ices)which connect the hedgehog and the monopole (Fig.6e).VI.DISCUSSION:FERMIONS IN THE PRESENCE OF TOPOLOGICAL DEFECTSFermions in topologically nontrivial environments be-have in a curious way,especially in the presence of such exotic objects as fractional vortices and monopoles dis-cussed in this paper.In the presence of a monopole the quantum statistics can change,for example,the isospin degrees of freedom are trasformed to spin degrees [38].There are also the so called fermion zero modes:the bound states at monopole or vortex,which have exactly zero energy.For example the N =1/2vortex in a two-dimensional chiral superconductor,which contains only one layer,has one fermionic state with exactly zero en-ergy [39].Since the zero-energy level can be either filled or empty,there is a fractional entropy (1/2)ln 2per layer related to the vortex.The factor (1/2)appears because in superconductors the particle excitation coincides with its antiparticle (hole),i.e.the quasiparticle is a Majorana fermion (Nice discussion of Majorana fermions in chiral superconductors can be found in [40]).Also the spin of the vortex in a chiral superconductor can be fractional.According to [41],the N =1vortex in a chiral supercon-ductor must have a spin S =1/4(per layer);this implies the spin S =1/8per layer for N =1/2vortex.Similarly there can be an anomalous fractional electric charge of the N =1/2vortex,which is 1/2of the fractional 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