Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM2005, Bilbao, Spain Feature-Based Pr



题目2:Environmental Conservation Challenges
阅读材料:Environmental conservation faces numerous challenges, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, and overexploitation of resources. Climate change has led to an increase in extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and wildfires, which have devastating effects on the environment. Loss of biodiversity threatens the stability of ecosystems and the survival of numerous species. Overexploitation of resources, such as deforestation and overfishing, has led to the depletion of natural resources and the destruction of habitats. Despite these challenges, there are solutions to address them, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting endangered species, and promoting sustainable resource management. However, it requires global cooperation and individual actions to overcome these challenges and protect the environment.



机械设计专业术语的英语翻译1机械设计专业术语的英语翻译1 柔性自动化flexibleautomation 润滑油膜lubricantfilm润滑装置lubricationdevice润滑lubrication润滑剂lubricant三角形花键serrationspline三角形螺纹vthreadscrew三维凸轮three - dimensionalcamto stheorem 三心定理kennedy砂轮越程槽grindingwheelgroove砂漏hour glass少齿差行星传动planetarydrivewithsmallteethdifference设计方法学designmethodology设计变量designvariable设计约束designconstraints深沟球轴承deepgrooveballbearing生产阻力productiveresistance升程rise升距lift实际廓线camprofile十字滑块联轴器doubleslidercoupling oldham'scoupling矢量vector输出功outputwork输出构件outputlink输出机构outputmechanism输出力矩outputtorque输出轴outputshaft输入构件inputlink数学模型mathematicmodel实际啮合线actuallineofaction双滑块机构double - slidermechanism, ellipsograph双曲柄机构doublecrankmechanism双曲面齿轮hyperboloidgear双头螺柱studs双万向联轴节constant - velocityordoubleuniversaljoint 双摇杆机构doublerockermechanism双转块机构oldhamcoupling双列轴承doublerowbearing双向推力轴承double - directionthrustbearing松边slack side顺时针clockwise瞬心instantaneouscenter死点deadpoint四杆机构four - barlinkage速度velocity速度不均匀波动系数coefficientofspeedfluctuation速度波动speedfluctuation速度曲线velocitydiagram速度瞬心instantaneouscenterofvelocity塔轮steppulley踏板pedal台钳、虎钳vice太阳轮sungear弹性滑动elasticityslidingmotion弹性联轴器elasticcoupling flexiblecoupling弹性套柱销联轴器rubber - cushionedsleevebearingcoupling 套筒sleeve梯形螺纹acmethreadform特殊运动链specialkinematicchain特性characteristics替代机构equivalentmechanism调节modulation, regulation调心滚子轴承self - aligningrollerbearing调心球轴承self - aligningballbearing调心轴承self - aligningbearing调速speedgoverning调速电动机adjustablespeedmotors调速系统speedcontrolsystem调压调速variablevoltagecontrolGovernor regulator, governorFerromagnetic fluid seals ferrofluidseal Parking phase, stoppingphaseStopping dwellSynchronous belt Synchronousbelt Synchronous belt drive synchronousbeltdrive Convex body convexCam camCam reverse mechanism inversecammechanism Cam mechanism cam, CamMechanismCam profile camprofileCam profile drawing layoutofcamprofile Theoretical profile of cam pitchcurve Flange coupling flangecouplingAtlas and Atlas AtlasGraphical method graphicalmethodPushing distance riseThrust ball bearing thrustballbearing Thrust bearing thrustbearingCutter toolwithdrawalgrooveAnnealed annealGyroscope gyroscopeV band VbeltExternal force externalforceOuter ring outerringOutline size boundarydimensionUniversal coupling Hookscoupling universalcoupling External gear externalgearBending stress beadingstressBending moment bendingmomentWrist wristReciprocating reciprocatingmotionReciprocating seal reciprocatingsealDesign on-netdesign online, ONDInching screw mechanism differentialscrewmechanism Displacement displacementDisplacement curve displacementdiagramPose pose, positionandorientationStable operation stage, steadymotionperiodRobust design robustdesignWorm wormWorm drive mechanism WormgearingNumber of worm heads numberofthreadsDiameter coefficient of worm diametralquotient Worm and worm gear wormandwormgearWorm cam stepping mechanism wormcamintervalmechanism Worm rotation handsofwormWorm gear wormgearPower spring powerspringStepless speed change device steplessspeedchangesdevices Infinity infiniteTie crankarm, planetcarrierField balancing fieldbalancingRadial bearing radialbearingCentripetal force centrifugalforceRelative velocity relativevelocityRelative motion relativemotionRelative clearance relativegapQuadrant quadrantClay plasticineFine tooth thread finethreadsPin pinConsuming consumptionPinion pinionPath minordiameterRubber spring balataspringModified trapezoidal acceleration motion law modifiedtrapezoidalaccelerationmotionCorrection of motion law of sinusoidal accelerationmodifiedsineaccelerationmotionHelical gear HelicalGearCross key, hook head wedge key taperkeyLeakage leakageHarmonic gear harmonicgearHarmonic drive harmonicdrivingHarmonic generator harmonicgeneratorEquivalent spur gear of helical gear equivalentspurgearofthehelicalgearMandrel spindleTravel speed variation factorcoefficientoftravelspeedvariationTravel speed ratio coefficient advance-toreturn-timeratio Planetary gear unit planetarytransmissionPlanet gear planetgearPlanetary gear change gear planetaryspeedchangingdevices Planetary gear train planetarygeartrainForm closed cam mechanismpositive-driveorform-closedcammechanismVirtual reality virtualrealityVirtual reality technology virtualrealitytechnology, VRT Virtual reality design, virtualrealitydesign, VRDVirtual constraint redundantorpassiveconstraintAllowable imbalance quantity allowableamountofunbalance Allowable pressure angle allowablepressureangleAllowable stress allowablestress, permissiblestressCantilever structure cantileverstructureCantilever beam cantileverbeamCyclic power flow circulatingpowerloadRotational torque runningtorqueRotary seal rotatingsealRotational motion rotarymotionType selection typeselectionPressure pressurePressure center centerofpressureCompressor compressorCompressive stress compressivestressPressure angle pressureangleInlay couplings jawteethpositive-contactcouplingJacobi matrix JacobimatrixRocker rockerHydraulic transmission hydrodynamicdriveHydraulic coupler hydrauliccouplersLiquid spring liquidspringHydraulic stepless speed change hydraulicsteplessspeedchanges Hydraulic mechanism hydraulicmechanismGeneralized kinematic chain generalizedkinematicchainMoving follower reciprocatingfollowerMobile sub prismaticpair, slidingpairMobile joints prismaticjointMoving cam wedgecamProfit and loss work incrementordecrementworkStress amplitude stressamplitudeStress concentration stressconcentrationStress concentration factor factorofstressconcentration Stress diagram stressdiagramStress strain diagram stress-straindiagramOptimum design optimaldesignOilbottle cupI oilcanOil groove seal oilyditchsealHarmful resistance uselessresistanceBeneficial resistance usefulresistanceEffective pull effectivetensionEffective circumferential force effectivecircleforce Harmful resistance detrimentalresistanceCosine acceleration motion cosineaccelerationorsimpleharmonicmotionPreload preloadPrime mover primermoverRound belt roundbeltBelt drive roundbeltdriveArc tooth thickness circularthicknessCircular cylindrical worm hollowflankwormRounded radius filletradiusDisc friction clutch discfrictionclutchDisc brake discbrakePrime mover primemoverOriginal mechanism originalmechanismCircular gear circulargearCylindrical roller cylindricalrollerCylindrical roller bearings cylindricalrollerbearingCylindrical pair cylindricpairCylindrical cam stepping motion mechanism barrelcylindriccamCylindrical helical tension spring cylindroidhelical-coilextensionspringCylindrical helical torsion spring cylindroidhelical-coiltorsionspringCylindrical helical compression spring cylindroidhelical-coilcompressionspringCylindrical cam cylindricalcamCylindrical worm cylindricalwormCylindrical coordinate manipulator cylindricalcoordinatemanipulator Conical spiral torsion springconoidhelical-coilcompressionspringTapered roller taperedrollerTapered roller bearing taperedrollerbearingBevel gear mechanism bevelgearsTaper angle coneangleThe original drivinglinkBound constraintConstraint constraintconditionConstraint reaction force constrainingforceJump jerkJump curve jerkdiagramInversion of motion, kinematicinversionMotion scheme design kinematicpreceptdesign Kinematic analysis kinematicanalysisKinematic pair kinematicpairMoving component movinglinkKinematic diagram kinematicsketchKinematic chain kinematicchainMotion distortion undercuttingKinematic design kinematicdesignMotion cycle cycleofmotionKinematic synthesis kinematicsynthesisUneven coefficient of operation coefficientofvelocityfluctuationKinematic viscosity kenematicviscosityLoad loadLoad deformation curve load - DEFORMATIONCURVE Load deformation diagram load - deformationdiagram Narrow V band narrowVbeltFelt ring seal feltringsealThe generating method of generatingTensioning force tensionTensioner tensionpulleyVibration vibrationVibration torque shakingcoupleVibration frequency frequencyofvibration Amplitude amplitudeofvibrationTangent mechanism tangentmechanismForward kinematics directforwardkinematics Sinusoidal mechanism sinegenerator, scotchyoke Loom loomNormal stress and normal stress normalstress Brake brakeSpur gear SpurGearStraight bevel gear straightbevelgearRight triangle righttriangleCartesian coordinate manipulator CartesiancoordinatemanipulatorCoefficient of diameter diametralquotient Diameter series diameterseriesStraight profile hourglass worm gear hindleyworm Linear motion linearmotionStraight axis straightshaftMass massCentroid centerofmassExecution component executivelink workinglinkProduct of mass and diameter mass-radiusproduct Intelligent design, intelligentdesign, IDIntermediate plane mid-planeCenter distance centerdistanceVariation of center distance centerdistancechange Center wheel centralgearMedium diameter meandiameterTerminate the meshing point finalcontact, endofcontact Week Festival pitchPeriodic velocity fluctuation periodicspeedfluctuation Epicyclic gear train epicyclicgeartrainElbow mechanism togglemechanismAxis shaftBearing cap bearingcupBearing alloy bearingalloyBearing block bearingblockBearing height bearingheightBearing width bearingwidthBearing bore bearingborediameterBearing life bearinglifeBearing ring bearingringBearing outer diameter bearingoutsidediameterJournal JournalBush and bearing lining bearingbushShaft end retaining ring shaftendringCollar shaftcollarShoulder ShaftShoulderAxial angle shaftangleAxial axialdirectionAxial profile axialtoothprofileAxial equivalent dynamic load dynamicequivalentaxialload Axial equivalent static load staticequivalentaxialload Axial basic rated dynamic load basicdynamicaxialloadrating Axial basic rated static load basicstaticaxialloadrating Axial contact bearing axialcontactbearingAxial plane axialplaneAxial clearance axialinternalclearanceAxial load AxialLoadAxial load factor axialloadfactorAxial component axialthrustloadActive component, drivinglinkDriving gear drivinggearDriving pulley drivingpulleyRotating guide rod mechanism whitworthmechanismRevolute pair revoluteturningpairThe speed is swivelingspeed rotatingspeedRotating joint revolutejoint Rotating shaft revolvingshaftRotor rotorRotor balance balanceofrotor Assembly condition assemblycondition Bevel gear bevelgearCone top commonapexofconeCone distance conedistanceCone wheel bevelpulley bevelwheel。

自动控制发展前沿 论文

自动控制发展前沿 论文

自动控制发展前沿姜海龙(1. 河南农业大学机电工程学院郑州450002)摘要:研究自动控制技术有利于将人类从复杂、危险、繁琐的劳动环境中解放出来从而大大提高控制效率。






关键词:自动控制智能化发展前沿Development frontier of automatic controlJIANG Hai Long(1.Henan Agricultural University, College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou 450002)Abstract:automatic control technology is conducive to human freed from the complex, dangerous, tedious labor environment and greatly improve control efficiency. The automatic control is a branch of engineering science. It involves the use of feedback principles of dynamic systems automatically, so that the output value is close to the value we want. From a methodological point of view, it is based on a mathematical system theory. Before more than 150 process control theoretical system system since the automatic control has experienced great development, especially with digital technology combined with the automatic control produced a qualitative leap, is toward low-cost, high-efficiency, flexible, intelligent direction. The forefront of the development of the study of automatic control technology, and help to promote a more accurate grasp of the direction of the modern automatic control.Key words:automatic control intelligent the development frontier0 前言自动化控制(automation control)属于自动化技术的一门,广义来说,通常是指不需借着人力亲自操作机器或机构,能利用动物以外的其他装置元件或能源,来达成人类所期盼执行的工作。



工业机器人英汉词汇Aabrasive wheel 砂轮绝对精度absolute accuracy交流变频器驱动AC inverter drive加速性能 acceleration performance加速时间acceleration time准确定位accurate positioning适应控制adaptive controladaptive robot 适应机器⼈附加轴additional axis附加负载additional loadadditional mass附加质量附加操作additional operation㬵黏剂密封adhesive sealingadvanced collision avoidance高级碰撞避免航空航天工业 aerospace industryagricultural robot农业机器人air robot 空中机器人air tube 空气管alignment pose 校准位姿全电动工业机器人 all-electric industrial robotant colony algorithm蚁群算法 anthropomorphic robot 拟人机器人应用程序application program圆弧示教arc teachingarc welding 点焊,电弧焊弧焊机器人arc welding purpose robot电弧焊机器人arc welding robotarch motion 圆弧运动arm 手臂手臂配置arm configuration关节模型articulated model铰接式机器人,关节(形)机器人 articulated robot关节结构articulated structure人工智能artificial intelligence流水线,装配线assembly lineassembly robot 装配机器人atomization air雾化空气attained pose 实到位姿增强现实技术 augmented reality technologyauto part 汽车零件自动码垛automated palletizingautomated production 自动化生产automatic assembly line自动装配线自动控制automatic control末端执行器自动更换装置 automatic end effector exchanger自动物流运输automatic logistics transportautomatic mode 自动模式自动操作automatic operation自动换刀automatic tool changerautomatically controlled自动控制automation technology 自动化技术汽车行业automotive industry辅助轴电缆auxiliary axis cableaxis 轴axis movement 轴运动BBase 机座机座坐标系base coordinate system机座安装面base mounting surfacebeltless structure无带结构bend motion 弯曲运动big data 大数据bio-inspired robotics仿生机器人制动过滤器brake filter制动电阻brake resistor内置碰撞检测功能 built-in collision detection feature内置控制器built-in controller内置梯形图逻辑处理 built-in ladder logic processingbus cable 总线电缆C电缆干扰cable interferencecamera sensor 相机传感器基于相机的工件定位 camera-based part locationCartesian coordinate笛卡尔坐标系笛卡尔坐标机器人 Cartesian coordinate robot直⻆坐标机器人cartesian robot儿童看护机器人child care robotclean room 洁净室clean room robot 清洁室机器人cloud computing 云计算云存储技术cloud storage technology协作机器人collaborative robot彩色触摸屏color touch screencombustible gas 可燃气体command pose 指令位姿commissioning 试运行communication feature 通信功能communication protocol 通信协议紧凑式六臂机器人compact six-axis robotcompliance 柔顺性component placemen 元件贴装复合材料composite materialcompound movement 复合运动compressed air 压缩空气计算机数控computer numerical control计算机数控机床 computer numerical control machine计算机数控系统 computer numerical control systemcomputing control 计算控制computing power 计算能力构形configuration无缝连接connect seamlessly可连接控制器connectable controllerconsumable part 中小型零部件消费类电子产品consumer electronicscontinuous path 连续路径连续路径控制continuous path control轨迹控制continuous- path controlled控制算法control algorithmcontrol electronics电子控制装置control movement 控制运动control program 控制程序control scheme 控制方案control system 控制系统控制器机柜;控制柜 controller cabinet控制器系统面板 controller system panel (CSP)人机协作 cooperation of humans and machines坐标变换 coordinate transformation核心竞争力core competitiveness对应关节corresponding joint曲线示教curve teaching网络物理系统cyber-physical systemcycle 循环cycle time 循环时间圆柱坐标系 cylindrical coordinate systemcylindrical joint圆柱关节圆柱坐标机器人cylindrical robotD达芬奇手术机器人 DaVinci surgical robot电弧焊机器人 dedicated arc welding robot防护等级degree of protectiondegrees of freedom 自由度Delta并联关节机器人 Delta parallel joint robotDelta robot Delta机器人DexTAR教育机器人 DexTAR educational robotdie-casting machine压铸机数字动力digital power直接空气管路direct air line直接耦合direct coupling直接驱动direct drive残障辅助机器人 disability auxiliary robotdisplacement machine 变位机距离准确度distance accuracy距离重复性distance repeatability分布关节distributed jointDOF 自由度double-arm SCARA robot 双臂SCARA机器人 drawing machine 拉丝机drift of pose accuracy位姿准确度漂移位姿重复性漂移 drift of pose repeatability伺服驱动器轴drive controller for axesdrive controller伺服驱动器drive mechanism 驱动机构drive power supply驱动电源驱动比drive ratio驱动单元drive unitdriving device驱动装置dual arm 双臂。



Intelligence Manufacture——智能制造【中英文对照】Intelligence ManufactureThe intelligence technique of manufacture is refers using the computer simulation marks intelligent activities such as expert’s analysis, judgment, inference, idea and decision-making and so on, and fuses organically these intelligent activity and the intelligent machine, applies its penetration in entire manufacture enterprise’s each subsystem (e.g. management decision-making, purchase, product design, productive plan, manufacture, assembly, quality assurance and market sale and so on).Realizes the entire manufacture enterprise to manage the operation highly flexibility and integration, thus substitutes or extends in the manufacture environment expert’s partial mental labor, and carries on the collection, the memory, the consummation, sharing, the inheritance and the development of the manufacturing industry expert’s intelligent information, enhances the production efficiency enormously and the advanced technique of manufacture.The intelligent manufacture system is refers based on IMT (intelligent manufacturing technology), by the computer synthesis application artificial intelligence technology (e.g. artificial neural networks, genetic algorithm and so on), the intelligence manufacture machine, the agent technology, the parallel projects, the life sciences and the systems engineering theory and the method, in the international standardization and interchangeable foundation, causes the entire enterprise to make each subsystem to intellectualize separately, and causes the manufacture system to form by the network integrates, the high automated one king of manufacture system.The idea of IMS (intelligent manufacturing system) is the intelligent technology integration application environment, also the intelligent manufacture pattern development carrier. IMS idea establishment from organization, distribution autonomous and in social ecology mechanism, the goal is through the equipment flexibility and the computer artificial intelligence control, completes the design, the processing, the control management process automatically, is for the purpose of environment manufacture validity which solves adapts changes highly.Because the intelligent manufacture pattern has highlighted the knowledge in the manufacture value status, and the knowledge economy is the main body economic form after the industry economy, therefore the intelligent manufacture become the most important production pattern influence future the economy developing process manufacturing industry.With the traditional manufacture system compares, IMS has following several characteristics:(1)From organization abilityIn the IMS, each kind of composition unit can according to the work duty need, voluntarily build up one kind of ultra flexible best structure, and defers to themost superior way movement. Not only its flexibility displays in the movement way, but also displays in the structural style. After completing the task, this structure dismisses voluntarily, prepares in the next duty builds up a new kind of structure. The voluntarily organization ability is an IMS important symbol.(2)Autonomy abilityIMS has the abilities such as collection and the understanding the environmental information and own information, and carries on the analysis to judge and to plan own behavior ability. The powerful knowledge library and based on the knowledge model is the autonomy ability foundation. IMS can act according to the environment and own work condition information to carries on the monitor and processing, and according to the processing finally self-adjusting control strategy, uses the best movement plan. This kind of autonomy ability causes the entire manufacture system to have the anti jamming, auto-adapted and fault-tolerant and so on.(3)The ability of self-study and maintenanceIMS can take the original expert knowledge as the foundation, in reality carries on the study unceasingly, the perfect system knowledge library, and deletes the unsuitable knowledge in the storehouse, causes the knowledge library to hasten reasonably. At the same time, it also can carry on the self-diagnosis, the elimination and repairing to the system failure. The kind of character enables IMS to optimize and to adapt to each kind of complex circumstances.(4)Entire manufacture system intelligent integrationWhile IMS emphasized each subsystem intellectualization, pays great attention to the entire manufacture system the intelligent integration. This is the basic difference between IMS and “the intellectualized isolated”which specially applied in the manufacture process. IMS contains each subsystem, and integrates them in a whole, realizes the whole intellectualization.(5)Man-machine integration intelligence systemIMS is not a pure the artificial intelligence the system, but is the man-machine integration intelligence system, is one kind of mix intelligence. On the one hand, the man-machine integration prominent person’s core status in manufacture system, simultaneously under the intelligent machine coordination, well has displayed human’s potential, causes between the man-machine to display one kind of equality to work together as colleagues,“understands”mutually, cooperates mutually relations, causes them to reveal respectively in the different level, complements each other. Therefore, in IMS, the high quality, the high intelligent person will play a better role, the machine intelligence and human’s wisdom integration of machinery Mechatronics issue can integrate truly in together.(6)Virtual realityThis technology supports the realization hypothesized manufacture, also realizes one of high level man-machine integration. The man-machine union is a new generation of intelligent contact surface, causes the available hypothesized method with intelligent performance into reality, it is a dominant character of intelligent manufacture.In summary, we may view IMS as one kind of pattern, it is the collection ofautomation, flexibility, integration and intellectualization in a body, and unceasingly to depth development advanced manufacture system.智能制造智能制造技术是指利用计算机模拟制造专家的分析、判断、推理、构想和决策等智能活动,并将这些智能活动与智能机器有机地融合起来,将其贯穿应用于整个制造企业的各个子系统(如经营决策、采购、产品设计、生产计划、制造、装配、质量保证和市场销售等),以实现整个制造企业经营运作的高度柔性化和集成化,从而取代或延伸制造环境中专家的部分脑力劳动,并对制造业专家的智能信息进行收集、存储、完善、共享、继承和发展的一种极大地提高生产效率的先进制造技术。














The Future of Work Automation and AI

The Future of Work Automation and AI

The Future of Work Automation and AI The future of work is a topic that has been increasingly discussed in recent years, particularly in light of the rapid advancements in automation andartificial intelligence (AI). These technological developments have the potential to significantly impact the nature of work, leading to both opportunities and challenges for individuals, businesses, and societies as a whole. From a positive perspective, automation and AI have the potential to streamline and enhance various aspects of work. By automating routine and repetitive tasks, workers can be freed up to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their jobs. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity, as well as the potential for new and innovative roles to emerge. Additionally, AI has the potential to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data, leading to more informed decision-making and potentially uncovering new opportunities for growth and development. However, there are also concerns about the impact of automation and AI on the future of work. One major concern is the potential for job displacement, particularly in industries that rely heavily on routine tasks that can be easily automated. This could lead to significant unemployment and underemployment, particularly for workers who may not have the skills or resources to transition to new roles. There are also concerns about the potential for increased inequality, as those with the skills and resources to adapt to the changing nature of work may thrive, while others may struggle to find meaningful employment. Another perspective to consider is the potential impact of automation and AI on the overall structure of the workforce. As routine tasks become automated, there may be a shift towards more flexible and project-based work, as well as an increase in the gig economy. This could lead to a more diverse and adaptable workforce, but it also raises questions about job security, benefits, and the overall well-being of workers. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for increased surveillance and monitoring of workers, as well as the ethical implications of AI-driven decision-making in the workplace. In addressing these concerns, it is important for policymakers, businesses, and individuals to proactively prepare for thefuture of work. This includes investing in education and training programs to ensure that workers have the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing jobmarket. It also involves rethinking traditional notions of work and employment, and considering new models for social safety nets and support systems. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications of automation and AI, and to ensure that these technologies are deployed in a way that promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workforce. In conclusion, the future of work is likely to be shaped by the ongoing advancements in automation and AI. While these developments have the potential to bring about positive change, there are also significant challenges that must be addressed. By considering multiple perspectives and proactively preparing for the future, we can work towards avision of work that is equitable, fulfilling, and sustainable for all.。



NC technology development trends1 NC system developments at home and abroadWith the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional beginning of a fundamental change manufacturing, the industrial developed countries spent huge sums of money on the modern manufacturing technology research and development, to create a new model. In modern manufacturing systems, CNC technology is the key to technology, which combines microelectronics, computers, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control, such as the integration of advanced, a high-precision, high-efficiency, flexible automation, and other characteristics, the manufacturing industry Flexible automation, integrated, intelligent play the pivotal role. At present, NC technology is undergoing a fundamental change, from a special closed-loop control mode togeneral-purpose real-time dynamic open all closed-loop control mode. In the integrated on the basis of the CNC systems ultra-thin, ultra-light; on the basis of the intelligent, integrated computers, multimedia, fuzzy control, neural network and other technical disciplines, NC system to achieve high-speed, high-precision, Efficient control, automatic processing can be amended to regulate compensation and the parameters for an online intelligent fault diagnosis and treatment of the network based on the CAD / CAM and CNC systems integration as one machine network, makes the central government centralized control of the group control processing.For a long time, China''s CNC system for traditional closed architecture, but only as a non-intelligent CNC machine controller. Process variables based on experience in the form of pre-fixed parameters, processing procedures before the actual processing by hand or through CAD / CAM and automatic programming system prepared. CAD / CAM and CNC have no feedback control link, the entire manufacturing process CNC is a closed ring-opening implementing agencies. In a complex and changing environment under the conditions of processing tool in the process of composition, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step, allowance and other processing parameters, not at the scene circumstances under external interference and real-time dynamic random factors, not by random amendment feedback control link CAD / CAM settings volume, in turn, affect the work of CNC machining efficiency and product quality. Clearly, the traditional fixed CNC system that controlled mode and closed architecture, limiting the CNC to the development of more intelligent control variables, can no longermeet the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, the CNC technology in the potential for change inevitable.2 NC technology development trends2.1 Performance development direction(1) high-speed high-precision efficient speed, accuracy and efficiency of machinery manufacturing technology is the key performance indicators. As a result of the high-speedCPU chips, RISC chip, as well as multi-CPU control system with high-resolution detector of the absolute exchange digital servo system, taken at the same time improve the machine dynamic and static characteristics of effective measures, the high-speed high-precision machine has been efficient greatly enhanced.(2) Flexible includes two aspects: CNC system itself flexibility, NC system is modular in design, functional coverage, can be cut and strong, and easy to meet the needs of different users; group control system flexibility, with a control system pursuant to the requirements of different production processes, materials flow and information flow automatically dynamically adjusted to maximize their group control system performance.(3) Process of composite and multi-axis to reduce the process time for the main purpose of supporting the composite processing, and are moving towards multi-axis, multi-function control of the direction of series development. NC Machine Tool Technology composite refers to the workpiece in a single machine on a fixture, through an automatic tool change, rotating spindle head or turntable, and other measures to accomplish multiple processes, multi-surface machining compound. Axis CNC technology, Siemens 880-axis control system for up to 24 axes.(4) Real-time Intelligent early for the real-time system is usually relatively simple ideal environment, and its role is to scheduling tasks, to ensure that the task be completed within a specified time limit. And artificial intelligence is used to model the realization of mankind''s various intelligent behaviors. To the development of science and technology today, real-time systems and artificial intelligence combined with each other towards artificial intelligence is a real-time response, a more realistic field of development, and also in the real-time system with intelligent behavior, the more complex application development, resulting in the Intelligent real-time control of this new area. NC technology in the field, real-time intelligent control of the research and application of developmentalong several main branches: adaptive control, fuzzy control, neural network control, experts control, learning control, feed-forward control. For example, in CNC programming system with expert systems, fault diagnosis expert system parameters automatically set and tool management and automatic compensation, such as adaptive conditioning systems, in high-speed processing of the integrated motion control ahead of the introduction of budget projections and functional, dynamic Feedforward functions in pressure, temperature, position, velocity, control, fuzzy control, the control of the NC system performance greatly improved, so as to achieve optimal control purposes.2.2 functional development direction(1) The user interface is graphical user interface with the CNC system of dialogue between the user interface. Since different users interface requirements are different, thus the development of the workload of great user interface, user interface software developed into the most difficult part of. At present INTERNET, virtual reality, visualization in scientific computing and multimedia technologies, such as the user interface has put a higher demand. Graphical user interface greatly facilitates the use of non-professional users, it can be carried out through the window and menu operation, ease of programming and blueprint for rapid programming, three-dimensional dynamic three-dimensional color graphics, graphics, simulation, graphics, dynamic tracking and simulation, and the different directions view and partial display ratio scaling function can be achieved.(2) visualization in scientific computing visualization in scientific computing can be used for efficient data processing and interpretation of data, so that the exchange of information is no longer limited to using the written word and language, and can direct the use of graphics, image, animation, video and other information. Visualization technology and virtual environment technology, to further broaden the application areas, such as a drawing design, virtual prototyping technology, which shorten product design cycles, improving product quality, reduce production cost is of great significance. NC technology in the areas of visualization technology can be used for CAD / CAM, such as automatic programming design parameters automatically set, tool compensation and tool management of dynamic data processing and display, as well as the processing of visual simulation, and other presentations.(3) interpolation, and a variety of methods of compensation interpolation methods such as multiple linear interpolation, circular interpolation, cylindrical interpolation, spaceelliptical surface interpolation, thread interpolation, polar coordinates interpolation, 2 D +2 helical interpolation , NANO interpolation, interpolation NURBS (non-uniform rationalB-spline interpolation), spline interpolation (A, B, C kind), such as polynomial interpolation.A variety of functions such as compensation gap compensation vertical compensation quadrant error compensation, and measurement systems pitch error compensation, and speed-related feedforward compensation and temperature compensation, with nearly smooth and exit, as well as the opposite point of the cutter radius compensation.(4) high-performance PLC contents contents performance CNC system PLC control module can be directly used ladder diagram or high-level language programming, with intuitive online debugging and online help function. Programming tools include the standard used lathe and milling machine PLC user program an example, users may PLC user program standards on the basis of editorial changes, thus easily build their own applications.(5) application of multimedia technology of multimedia technology-computers, audio-visual and communication technology, and it has the computer integrated voice, text, images and video information. In NC technology, multimedia technology can be applied to information processing integrated, intelligent, real-time monitoring system in the field and production equipment fault diagnosis, monitoring of process parameters such as production has a significant value.2.3 Development of the Architecture(1) integration of a highly integrated CPU, programmable RISC chips and large-scale integrated circuits FPGA, EPLD, CPLD and ASIC ASIC chips that can improve the CNC system integration and hardware and software operating speed. Application FPD flat panel display technology can improve display performance. Flat-panel displays with high science and technology content, light weight, small size, low power consumption and portability advantages can be realized Supersized, a counterweight to the emerging and CRT display technology, display technology in the 21st century the mainstream. Application of advanced packaging and interconnect technologies, semiconductors and surface mount technology integration. By increasing the density of integrated circuits, reducing the length and number of interconnection products to reduce prices, improve performance, reduce component size, improve the reliability of the system.(2) easy to implement modular hardware modular NC systems integration and standardization. According to various functional requirements, the basic modules, such as CPU, memory, position servo, PLC, the input and output interfaces, and communications modules, making the standard Series products, through functional building-block approach to cutting the number of steps and modules, a NC system at different grades.(3) machine interconnection network for remote control of unmanned operation. Machine through networking, can be in any one machine on the other machine programming, configuration, operation, operating, different machine can be displayed on the screen each machine on the screen.(4) general-open the closed-loop control mode to adopt a common computer component Bus, modular, open, embedded architecture, ease of cutting, expansion and upgrading, can be composed of different grades, different types, different degree of integration CNC system. Closed-loop control mode is the traditional CNC system only for single closed-open-loop control mode proposed. The manufacturing process is a multi-variable control and the role of integrated processing complex process, including processing, such as size, shape, vibration, noise, temperature and thermal deformation, and other factors, therefore, to achieve the process of multi-objective optimization, Multivariable must adopt the closed-loop control, real-time processing in the dynamic adjustment process variables. Processing the adoption of open universal real-time closed-loop control mode the whole dynamic, easy real-time intelligent computer technology, network technology, multimedia technology, CAD / CAM, servo control, adaptive control, dynamic data management and dynamic tool compensation, dynamic simulation and other high technology into one, a tight closed-loop manufacturing process control system to achieve integrated, intelligent, network-based.3 PCNC new generation of intelligent CNC systemResearch and Development adapted to the current complexity of the manufacturing process, with the structure of the closed-loop control system, a new generation of intelligent PCNC CNC system has become possible. PCNC NC intelligent system will be a new generation of intelligent computer technology, network technology, CAD / CAM, servo control, adaptive control, dynamic data management and dynamic tool compensation, dynamic simulation and other high technology into one, a tight closure of the manufacturing process Central control system.。



1“We needed a solution that would allow us to extend our existing security framework into the cloud, while maintaining full control and visibility across the entire infrastructure. Using the Fortinet Fabric Connector for Azure Cloud Services, together with virtual instances of the FortiGate NGFW, gave us single-pane-of-glass control and visibility over everything.”–Marc Verstraaten, Cloud Architect, Wageningen University & Research CASE STUDYLeading Dutch University for Environmental Research Harnesses the Cloud With FortiGate Virtual Appliances and Migration AutomationWageningen University & Research, located in the town of Wageningen in theNetherlands, is one of the world’s highest-ranking universities in disciplinesspanning environmental science, agriculture, forestry, and ecology.In addition to its renown in education and fundamental research, theestablishment has a strong global position as a supplier of application-orientedand field-based research, collaborating with other educational and researchinstitutes, as well as governments, non-governmental organizations, andbusinesses from around the world.Wageningen University & Research employs over 6,500 staff and currently servesaround 12,500 students from over 100 countries.Securely Harnessing the Potential of Dynamic Cloud ServicesA Fortinet customer since 2014, the university had long leveraged FortiGatenext-generation firewalls (NGFWs) to protect applications and data within theperimeters of its two centrally located data centers.FortiGate NGFWs combine dedicated, purpose-built security processors withthreat-intelligence services from FortiGuard Labs to deliver top-rated security andhigh-performance threat protection.With the addition of FortiManager centralized network management andFortiAnalyzer analytics and automation (collectively known as the FabricManagement Center), network administrators gain powerful network management,automation, and response, with broad visibility and granular device and role-basedadministration across the entire infrastructure.In early 2020, with increasing research collaboration on projects requiring a moreflexible and dynamic infrastructure, the university’s IT team realized that it wouldneed to start moving some of these workloads to the cloud.The team chose Azure Cloud Services from Microsoft as its cloud provider. TheAzure Infrastucture -as-a-Service (I aaS) environment provided the agility, scalability,and control the team needed, but the move to the cloud complicated the process ofmaintaining security. Having witnessed a recent high-profile breach at anotheruniversity in the Netherlands, Wageningen University & Research was takingno chances.“We needed a solution that would allow us to extend our existing securityframework into the cloud, while maintaining full control and visibility across theentire infrastructure,” explains Marc Verstraaten, cloud architect at WageningenUniversity & Research. “Using the Fortinet Fabric Connector for Azure CloudServices, together with virtual instances of the FortiGate NGFW, gave us single-pane-of-glass control and visibility over everything.”Details Customer: Wageningen University & Research Industry: Education Location: The Netherlands Business Impact n n Improved flexibility, scalability, and management of IT resources n n Enhanced security n n Greater control and visibility of global research applications and dataCASE STUDY | Leading Dutch University for Environmental Research Harnesses the Cloud With FortiGate Virtual Appliances and Migration Automation Copyright © 2021 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet ®, FortiGate ®, FortiCare ® and FortiGuard ®, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.May 5, 2021 3:46 AMD:\Fortinet\2021 Rebranded templates\Case Studies\May\WUR\cs-leading-dutch-university-V1-552021\cs-leading-dutch-university-V1-5520211007903-0-0-EN Solutions n n FortiGate VM n n FortiGate n n FortiManager n n FortiAnalyzer The Fortinet Security Fabric is an architectural approach that enables themultiple security elements of a network to act together as a single, intelligent,responsive entity.Since FortiGate virtual appliances are built on the same FortiOS operatingsystem as their physical counterparts, they enable customers to create theoptimal architecture for their specific environment, balancing the unparalleledperformance of the physical form factor with the flexibility and scalability of thevirtual, to provide seamless visibility and control from the network core right out tothe edge.Through FortiManager and the Fortinet Security Fabric, configuration andpolicy management can then be consolidated across both physical and virtualenvironments through a single pane of glass, simplifying management andreducing the potential for service degradation or bottlenecks.Non-Fortinet components, such as those within the Azure Cloud Servicesenvironment, can then be brought under the protective umbrella of the FortinetSecurity Fabric through prebuilt application programming interfaces (APIs) knownas Fabric Connectors.For complex application development operations such as those of WageningenUniversity & Research, one of the key risks associated with moving workloadsinto the cloud is the potential introduction of vulnerabilities resulting fromconfiguration errors and manual data compilation.“The ability to integrate automated cloud deployment scripts into the already-familiar management interface of FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer was anotherkey advantage for us,” adds Verstraaten. “Our team was well-versed in theimplementation of on-premises security policies but lacked experience with thecloud environment.”Ready for the Future“The ability to integrate automated cloud deployment scripts into the already-familiar management interface of FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer was another key advantage for us. Our team was well-versed in the implementation of on-premises security policies but lacked experience with the cloud environment.”– Marc Verstraaten, Cloud Architect, Wageningen University & ResearchHaving completed the first phase of their new cloud migration, the university is now looking to optimize service delivery through the built-in load-balancing capabilities of the FortiGate virtual appliances.“One of the things we particularly like about the Fortinet solution is the range of functionality you get right out of the box,” comments Verstraaten. “It means we can move at a pace that suits us, deploying additional capabilities as and when we need them.”The university’s stated mission, “To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life” is undoubtedly one ofincreasing significance in the face of globally accelerating technological and environmental change. Through the FortinetSecurity Fabric and the continued efforts of Marc Verstraaten and his team, Wageningen University & Research is now able to pursue that mission with a greatly reduced risk of disruption from the ever-evolving specter of cyberattack.。



十年后的机器人英语作文In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the role of robots has become increasingly prominent and captivating. As we peer into the future, the advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence are poised to revolutionize our world in ways we can scarcely imagine. In the span of just ten years, the landscape of robotics is expected to undergo a remarkable transformation, ushering in a new era of automation, efficiency, and unprecedented capabilities.One of the most significant developments in the realm of robotics will be the enhanced versatility and adaptability of these machines. Gone will be the days of rigid, single-purpose robots confined to assembly lines. Instead, we will witness the emergence of highly sophisticated, multifunctional robots capable of seamlessly transitioning between a wide array of tasks and environments. These intelligent machines will be equipped with advanced sensors, intricate decision-making algorithms, and the ability to learn and adapt on the fly, enabling them to tackle complex challenges with remarkable dexterity and problem-solving skills.The healthcare industry, in particular, is poised to witness a remarkable transformation with the integration of robotic technologies. Imagine a future where robotic surgeons, with their unwavering precision and steady hands, perform delicate procedures with unparalleled accuracy, reducing the risk of complications and enhancing patient outcomes. These robotic assistants will not only revolutionize the medical field but also provide a newfound level of accessibility to healthcare, making advanced treatments available to individuals in remote or underserved regions.Moreover, the realm of elder care will see a significant shift, as robots designed to provide companionship, assistance, and monitoring will become increasingly prevalent. These robotic caregivers will be equipped with the ability to recognize and respond to the unique needs of the elderly, offering personalized support and ensuring their safety and well-being. By alleviating the burden on human caregivers, these robots will enable the elderly to maintain their independence and enjoy a higher quality of life.In the realm of education, robots will play a pivotal role in revolutionizing the learning experience. Intelligent tutoring systems powered by advanced AI will be able to tailor their teaching methods to the individual needs and learning styles of students, providing personalized instruction and feedback. These robotic educators will not only enhance the overall educational outcomes but also foster amore engaging and interactive learning environment, captivating the attention of students and igniting their curiosity.The impact of robotics will also extend to the realm of transportation, where autonomous vehicles will become a ubiquitous sight on our roads. These self-driving cars, equipped with sophisticated sensors and decision-making algorithms, will not only revolutionize the way we commute but also significantly improve road safety by eliminating human error and reckless driving. Furthermore, the integration of robotic technologies in logistics and supply chain management will streamline the movement of goods, leading to faster, more efficient, and more sustainable delivery systems.In the domain of domestic life, robotic assistants will become an integral part of our everyday routines. Intelligent household robots will be capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from cleaning and organizing to meal preparation and home security. These robotic helpers will not only alleviate the burden of household chores but also provide a level of convenience and efficiency that was once unimaginable.The advancements in robotics will also have a profound impact on the workforce, as automation and intelligent systems will transform the nature of many jobs. While some occupations may be replaced by robots, new job opportunities will emerge, requiring specializedskills in the design, programming, and maintenance of these intelligent machines. The workforce of the future will need to adapt and acquire the necessary skills to thrive in this rapidly evolving technological landscape.Alongside the numerous benefits that robotics will bring, there are also valid concerns and ethical considerations that must be addressed. Issues surrounding job displacement, the potential for AI-powered robots to make autonomous decisions with significant consequences, and the need to ensure the safe and responsible development of these technologies will require careful deliberation and policymaking.As we look towards the future, it is clear that the role of robots will continue to expand and evolve, permeating almost every aspect of our lives. These intelligent machines will not only enhance our productivity and efficiency but also redefine the way we interact with the world around us. However, it is crucial that we approach this technological revolution with a balanced and thoughtful perspective, ensuring that the advancements in robotics are harnessed to improve the human condition while addressing the ethical and societal implications that will undoubtedly arise.。



2023年 第47卷 第10期Journal of Mechanical Transmission 高速工业平缝机混合驱动送料机构设计郑吉1 邱卫明2 崔林涛1 柯祥林3 杨树3(1 杰克科技股份有限公司, 浙江 台州 318010)(2 台州开放大学 高职学院, 浙江 台州 318010)(3 浙江杰克智能缝制科技有限公司, 浙江 台州 318010)摘要 针对传统送料机构存在结构复杂、调节精度低、使用柔性差等缺陷,创新地提出了一种可柔性调节的混合驱动送料机构。



关键词 工业平缝机 送料机构 混合驱动 运动学分析 牙齿轨迹Design on a Hybrid Drive Feeding Mechanism of High-speed Industrial SewingMachineZheng Ji 1 Qiu Weiming 2 Cui Lintao 1 Ke Xianglin 3 Yang Shu 3(1 Jack Technology Co., Ltd., Taizhou 318010, China )(2 Higher Vocational College, Taizhou Open University, Taizhou 318010, China )(3 Zhejiang Jack Intelligent Sewing Technology Co., Ltd., Taizhou 318010, China )Abstract Aiming at the defects of the traditional feeding mechanism, such as complex structure, low ad⁃justment accuracy and poor flexibility, a flexible hybrid drive feeding mechanism is proposed. In this study, the closed vector method is used to analyze the kinematics of the hybrid drive feeding mechanism, and the function⁃al relationship between the tooth trajectory and the rotation angles of the drive motors is derived. The rotation an⁃gles of the drive motor are planned by functions, and the influence of each coefficient in the rotation angle func⁃tions on the tooth trajectory is analyzed in detail. The optimization strategies of flexible adjustment of tooth tra⁃jectory are also proposed for several practical sewing scenarios. What's more, the load on the tooth is analyzed during the feeding process, as well as the dynamic characteristics of the drive motors under the extreme working conditions by establishing the dynamic simulation model of the hybrid drive feeding mechanism. By using high-speed video equipment and graphic recognition analysis software, the tooth trajectory of the hybrid drive feeding mechanism is tracked and calibrated, and the test results are consistent with the theoretical calculation results.The hybrid drive feeding mechanism has the advantages of simple structure, reliable operation and flexible ad⁃justment, which deeply meets the current production needs of less people, automation and intelligence.Key words Industrial sewing machine Feeding mechanism Hybrid drive Kinematics analysis Tooth trajectory文章编号:1004-2539(2023)10-0083-07DOI :10.16578/j.issn.1004.2539.2023.10.01283第47卷0 概述缝纫机主要运动机构包括刺料机构、挑线机构、勾线机构和送料机构,其中,送料机构配合其他机构适时适量地移动缝料,以形成缝纫时所需要的线迹[1-2]。



智慧生活包括哪些方面的英文作文英文回答:Smart living encompasses a wide range of aspects that enhance our daily lives by leveraging technology, automation, and connectivity. It involves integrating smart devices, services, and applications into our homes, workplaces, and cities to create a more comfortable, efficient, and sustainable environment. Here are some key areas where smart living is making a significant impact:Smart Homes: Smart homes seamlessly connect andcontrol various appliances, lighting, heating, cooling, and security systems through a centralized hub or mobile app. This enables remote management, automated routines, and energy optimization, resulting in enhanced convenience, security, and reduced expenses.Smart Cities: Smart cities utilize data, sensors, and technology to improve urban infrastructure, transportation,energy consumption, and public services. This includes implementing intelligent traffic management systems, optimizing energy distribution, and providing citizens with real-time information on city events, air quality, and transportation options.Smart Workplaces: Smart workplaces leverage technology to enhance employee productivity, collaboration, and well-being. This includes using smart office equipment, automating repetitive tasks, and creating flexible and connected workspaces that support remote and hybrid work arrangements.Smart Health: Smart health technologies empower individuals to take control of their health by monitoring vital signs, tracking fitness progress, and receiving personalized medical advice through wearable devices, mobile apps, and telemedicine services. This promotes proactive healthcare, early detection of health issues, and improved patient outcomes.Smart Transportation: Smart transportation systems useadvanced technologies such as GPS, sensors, and data analytics to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance safety. This includes implementing smart traffic lights, providing real-time transit information, and promoting the use of ride-sharing and electric vehicles.Smart Energy: Smart energy solutions focus on reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability. This includes smart energy meters that monitor and control energy usage in real time, smart appliances that optimize energy efficiency, and renewable energy sources that power our homes and cities.Smart Retail: Smart retail leverages technology to enhance the customer experience, streamline operations, and optimize inventory management. This includes using self-checkout kiosks, personalized recommendations, and data analytics to improve product placement and supply chain efficiency.Smart Education: Smart education integrates technology into learning environments to improve student engagement,personalize instruction, and bridge educational gaps. This includes using virtual reality simulations, interactive whiteboards, and adaptive learning platforms that tailor lessons to individual students' needs.Smart Agriculture: Smart agriculture utilizes technology to optimize crop production, livestock management, and resource conservation. This includes using drones to monitor crop health, sensors to collect data on soil conditions, and automated irrigation systems that minimize water usage.中文回答:智慧生活涵盖了众多方面,它利用技术、自动化和连接性提升了我们的日常生活。

vba click事件 传递参数

vba click事件 传递参数

英文回答:VBA is a macro language dedicated to the development of Microsoft Office applications, which enables the efficient operation of various Office applications and the automation of workflows. In the VBA programming, we can use click events to respond to user operations and achieve more intelligent and flexible program operations by passing parameters. This approach is in line with the overall requirements of our party to build an intelligent society, as well as the strategic approach to strengthening automation and intellectualization. The use of VBA technology has contributed to a more scientific and efficient implementation of the Party ' s innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development philosophy.VBA是一种专门用于编写Microsoft Office应用程序的宏语言,它能够高效操作各类Office程序,实现自动化的工作流程。





Automation technology is gradually changing the management review process.2.通过自动化技术,审稿流程可以更加高效和精确。

Through automation technology, the review process can be more efficient and accurate.3.自动化技术可以帮助管理者更好地分配审稿任务。

Automation technology can help managers better allocate review tasks.4.应用自动化技术可以减少人为错误和失误。

Applying automation technology can reduce human errors and mistakes.5.自动化技术可以使审稿流程更加透明和可追溯。

Automation technology can make the review process more transparent and traceable.6.自动化技术可以加速审稿流程的处理时间。

Automation technology can speed up the processing time of the review process.7.审稿流程的自动化可以减轻管理者的工作负担。

Automation of the review process can reduce the workloadof managers.8.自动化技术可以提高审稿流程的一致性和标准化。

Automation technology can improve the consistency and standardization of the review process.9.通过自动化技术,管理者可以更好地监控审稿流程的进展情况。



从中国制造到中国智造英语作文With the rapid development of technology and innovation, China is transforming its manufacturing industry from "Made in China" to "Smart Manufacturing in China." This transformation not only brings tremendous opportunities but also poses various challenges.Firstly, "Smart Manufacturing in China" integrates cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things into the traditional manufacturing process. This enables the automation and intelligent optimization of production, promoting increased productivity, improved product quality, and reduced costs. With the deployment of intelligent robots and machines, repetitive and labor-intensive tasks are replaced, allowing workers to focus on higher-value activities such as quality control and innovation.Additionally, smart manufacturing facilitates a more flexible and customizable production process. By connectingall aspects of the supply chain digitally, manufacturers gain real-time insights into market demands and customer preferences. This enables them to adjust production plans accordingly and produce personalized products on a large scale. As a result, customer satisfaction is enhanced, and profit margins are increased.Furthermore, the implementation of smart manufacturing strengthens the overall competitiveness of Chinese industries. By leveraging the power of data analytics and machine learning, manufacturers can optimize their operations,predict maintenance needs, and identify opportunities for improvement. This leads to increased efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and minimized environmental impact. China can gain a competitive edge in the global market by producing high-quality products in a sustainable manner.However, the transformation from "Made in China" to "Smart Manufacturing in China" also presents challenges. The integration of advanced technologies requires substantial investments in infrastructure, research, and development. Moreover, there is a shortage of skilled professionals who can operate and maintain these sophisticated systems. To overcome these challenges, China needs to further develop its educational system to cultivate talents in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.Another critical challenge lies in cybersecurity. As smart manufacturing heavily relies on interconnected systems and data exchange, the risk of cyber threats increases. Information security measures need to be strictly implemented to safeguard intellectual property rights, protect sensitive data, and ensure the continuity of operations.To fully realize the potential of smart manufacturing, the Chinese government is actively promoting policies andinitiatives that support research and development, provide financial incentives, and encourage collaboration between academia and industry. By fostering an innovative ecosystem, China aims to become a global leader in smart manufacturing and reshape the image of its manufacturing industry.In conclusion, the shift from "Made in China" to "Smart Manufacturing in China" marks a significant transition in the country's manufacturing industry. Integrating advanced technologies, enhancing productivity, customizing production, and improving overall competitiveness are key advantages of this transformation. However, challenges such as infrastructure investment, skill shortages, and cybersecurity risks need to be addressed. With the concerted efforts of the government, industries, and educational institutions, China is poised to become a global leader in smart manufacturing, driving innovation and economic growth.。



数字化智能柔性生产线建设指南英文回答:Digital intelligent flexible production line construction guide.Introduction:In today's fast-paced and ever-changing manufacturing industry, the need for digital intelligent flexible production lines has become crucial. These production lines are designed to adapt quickly to changing market demands, optimize production efficiency, and reduce costs. In this guide, I will provide insights and recommendations on how to construct a successful digital intelligent flexible production line.1. Planning and Design:The first step in constructing a digital intelligentflexible production line is thorough planning and design. This involves analyzing production requirements,identifying key processes, and determining the necessary equipment and technologies. For example, in the automotive industry, a digital intelligent flexible production line may include robots, automated guided vehicles, and advanced sensor systems.2. Integration of Information Systems:To achieve seamless communication and data exchange, integrating information systems is crucial. This involves connecting various components of the production line, such as machines, sensors, and control systems, to a centralized database. For instance, a manufacturing company can use a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to monitor and control the entire production process, ensuring real-time data availability.3. Automation and Robotics:Automation and robotics play a vital role in achievinga digital intelligent flexible production line. By automating repetitive tasks and utilizing robots, manufacturers can increase productivity and reduce human error. For example, in the electronics industry, a flexible production line may include robotic arms for component assembly and automated testing systems.4. Predictive Maintenance:Implementing predictive maintenance strategies is essential for minimizing downtime and optimizing production efficiency. By using sensors and data analysis, manufacturers can predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance activities proactively. For instance, a food processing company can use temperature sensors to monitor the condition of refrigeration units and schedule maintenance before a breakdown occurs.5. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence:Leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence can provide valuable insights for decision-making andprocess optimization. By analyzing production data, manufacturers can identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make data-driven decisions. For example, a textile manufacturer can use machine learning algorithms to predict fabric defects and adjust production parameters accordingly.6. Continuous Improvement:A digital intelligent flexible production line shouldbe continuously improved to adapt to changing market demands and technological advancements. Manufacturersshould regularly evaluate the performance of the production line, gather feedback from employees, and implement necessary changes. For instance, a pharmaceutical company can conduct regular Kaizen events to identify and eliminate waste in the production process.中文回答:数字化智能柔性生产线建设指南。



In the future,the landscape of work is expected to undergo significant transformations due to technological advancements,globalization,and evolving societal needs.Here are some key aspects that could shape the future of work and how they might be reflected in an English composition about the topic:1.Technological Integration:The integration of artificial intelligence,automation,and robotics will redefine job roles.Workers will need to adapt to working alongside intelligent machines,which will handle repetitive and mundane tasks,allowing humans to focus on more creative and strategic work.2.Remote Work:The COVID19pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work.In the future,more companies may offer flexible work arrangements,allowing employees to work from anywhere.This will require effective communication tools,virtual meeting platforms,and a strong sense of selfdiscipline and time management.3.Lifelong Learning:As industries evolve and new technologies emerge,continuous learning will become a necessity.Workers will need to update their skills regularly to stay relevant in the job market.This could lead to a rise in online courses,selfpaced learning,and professional development programs.4.Green Jobs:With a growing focus on sustainability and combating climate change, there will be an increased demand for jobs in the green economy.This includes roles in renewable energy,environmental conservation,and sustainable agriculture.5.Collaborative Work:The future workplace will likely see more collaborative efforts across different industries and sectors.Crossfunctional teams will work together to solve complex problems,leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise.6.Diversity and Inclusion:Companies will continue to prioritize diversity and inclusion in the workplace.This will not only create a more inclusive environment but also foster innovation by tapping into the unique insights and experiences of a diverse workforce.7.Gig Economy:The gig economy,characterized by shortterm contracts or freelance work,is expected to grow.This will offer more flexibility for workers but also raise questions about job security and benefits.8.Global Workforce:As businesses expand globally,the workforce will become more diverse and multicultural.This will require effective crosscultural communication and an understanding of different work ethics and practices.9.WorkLife Balance:There will be a greater emphasis on achieving a healthy worklife panies may offer benefits such as flexible hours,wellness programs,and mental health support to ensure the wellbeing of their employees.10.Ethical Considerations:As technology advances,ethical considerations in the workplace will become increasingly important.This includes issues related to data privacy,algorithmic bias,and the responsible use of AI.In conclusion,the future of work will be characterized by adaptability,continuous learning,and a focus on collaboration and wellbeing.It will be essential for individuals to embrace change and develop a skill set that is transferable across various industries and roles.。

Vision + Robot = Flexible Automation视觉+机器人为柔性自动化

Vision + Robot = Flexible Automation视觉+机器人为柔性自动化

One solution for all Vision Systems
• Configurable Software • MMI • Vision Tools • Process Insight • Communication • Standard • Cameras • PC • Windows 2000/XP
following over RS 232 • OK Angle • Error tag • Angle not OK • Cannot Measure
Flexible ng
• Randomly feeding products on 8 conveyors.
• 2 robots picking and packing guided by Scorpion Vision Software
What is the task for the vision?
The primary task – Locate object 3D – six dimensions 2D – x,y and angle
When located - Identification
Classical Scenario
• A smart resampling means that the system handles rotation, perspective and size changes with ease.
Other examples
• Automatic palleting with Motoman robot



实 验 技 术 与 管 理 第37卷 第8期 2020年8月Experimental Technology and Management Vol.37 No.8 Aug. 2020ISSN 1002-4956 CN11-2034/TDOI: 10.16791/ki.sjg.2020.08.032移动机器人虚拟仿真平台及其在实验教学中的实践应用仲朝亮,吕 强,张波涛,何远彬(杭州电子科技大学 自动化学院(人工智能学院),浙江 杭州 310018)摘 要:针对智能机器人课程教学中理论与实践脱节的问题,从实验平台构建、教学方法等方面提出了将虚拟仿真与实体机器人实验相结合的实验技术与教学方法。




关键词:智能机器人;虚拟仿真;实验教学;任务驱动教学法中图分类号:TP242.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-4956(2020)08-0145-04Virtual simulation platform of mobile robots and its practicalapplication in experimental teachingZHONG Chaoliang, LYU Qiang, ZHANG Botao, HE Yuanbin(School of Automation (School of Artificial Intelligence), Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China)Abstract: To solve the problem of separation between theory and practice in intelligent robot course teaching, this paper proposes an experimental technology and teaching combined method that integrates virtual simulation and physical robot experiment together from the aspects of experimental platform construction and teaching methods. First of all, this research builds a mobile robot virtual simulation experiment platform suitable for course teaching, which has the characteristics of universal interface, easiness to use, flexible configuration and intuitive interface. The platform can be used to perform simulation experiments on robot modeling, obstacle avoidance, trajectory tracking, decision control and navigation planning, thereby perfectly meeting the demands of classroom teaching for experimental practice. Due to the adaptation of communication interface, the platform has the ability to manipulate physical robots, hence realizing the experimental teaching technology that combines virtue and reality and can be applied to course teaching. Based on the platform, the theoretical teaching and experimental teaching of intelligent robot courses can be carried out with the task-driven teaching method, which promises to effectively enrich students’ theoretical knowledge and project experience and uplift their engineering application abilities as well.Key words: intelligence robot; virtual simulation; experimental teaching; task-driven teaching method近年来,机器人技术在工业制造、运输物流、医收稿日期: 2019-11-20基金项目: 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LY17F030022);杭州电子科技大学2020年高等教育研究项目(YBJG202075)作者简介: 仲朝亮(1980—),男,江苏南通,讲师,主要研究方向为智能机器人与智能系统、类脑智能与类脑导航。

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Feature-Based Product Model to Support Automatic Control ofGeometrical TolerancesMichele Germani, Ferruccio MandorliDepartment of MechanicsPolytechnic University of MarcheVia Brecce Bianche, Ancona,I 60131, ITALY, m.germani@univpm.itA BSTRACTThe growing use of “augmented” virtual product models, which not only represent the geometric information, butalso collect attributes, parameters, rules and procedures, can facilitate the digital simulation of many realprocesses. The control process of manufactured products can take relevant advantage of such technology. In thiscontext, an approach for the automatic virtual inspection of geometrical tolerances, based on “Full ofInformation” 3D feature-based CAD models and non-contact 3D shape digitizing techniques, is proposed. The“augmented” CAD model encapsulates the designer functional specifications in terms of tolerances and methodsto inspect them. The measured point cloud data report a detailed representation of the real product. Dedicatedprocedures and algorithms can allow to automatically evaluating the designer specifications comparing the twodata model.1. I NTRODUCTIONThe Geometrical Tolerances (GT) inspection process is a set of measurement activities to verify if desired product functional features, defined during the design phase and represented by toleranced geometries, have been respected after the manufacturing process. Generally, these control processes are time consuming, and they require high-skilled operators able to apply the GT inspection rules using Coordinates Measurement Machines (CMMs). Computer Aided Tolerancing and Inspection software packages, based on 3D CAD models data, can be a valid support but they are still expensive and not well integrated into the product development process. In this context, many manufacturing enterprises, especially Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), do not use properly GT prescriptions causing design errors and generating, consequently, process iterations.The goal of our research is the study of easy-to-use solutions to extend the application of GT. The improvement of the control process automation, for example, by a strong interrelation between the design and the inspection phases can be a suitable approach. In particular, this paper presents the definition of a product model representation able to collect the tolerances information, and a methodology to manage measured data, providing completely automatic product verification.The method is based on the integration of feature-based CAD models and 3D optical digitizing systems. In more details, the product model framework has been defined and extended to implicitly collect, within the model data structure, the designer tolerance specifications as geometry attributes. The product model has been represented by a Full of Information (FoI) CAD model and a knowledge base, which verifies the coherence of tolerances prescriptions. Such a model becomes the reference to compare automatically the measured data. In fact, a fast optical 3D shape acquisition system can provide an accurate virtual representation (point cloud data) of the manufactured object. Point cloud data analysis algorithms have been developed to separate the different zones corresponding to the basic CAD modeling surfaces. A matching method enables to map them with the FoI CAD model features attributes. Finally, specific algorithms have been studied and implemented to apply GT verification rules on these virtual models. In this way it is possible to support a reliable and automatic inspection process based on the ISO and/or ANSI/ASME standards procedures. Furthermore, the designer specifications can pilot directly the product verification stage, involving a minimization of errors due to operators misinterpretations.Currently, the methodology has been tested on orientation tolerances using deep-drawn sheet-metal and plastic injection moulded components, in the paper is reported an experimental case on an automotive application.The preliminary validation of methodology and the related developed prototypal software solutions show promising results in terms of time savings and usability.2. R ELATED WORKIn these last years the ISO/TC 213 (Dimensional and Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification) is carrying out a meaningful rethinking work of procedures and standards related to the tolerancing problem. In particular, they have uncovered a set of rules showing the correspondence between processes of tolerance specification and tolerance verification. This allowed to theorize an harmonizing of set of operations involved in such two activities. The resulting principle has been defined as “duality principle” [1]. In fact, two main operators have been determined: the specification operator and the verification operator. Each operator contains a set of feature operations that are dual between the groups; such one-to-one mapping provides an integrated view of the tolerancing problem.An open issue is the development of methodologies and tools, which allow the efficient application of such principles and operations. They can not disregard the tolerances representation within the design systems, in particular within the three-dimensional CAD software packages, that are used during the design intent definition. Many tolerance representation models have been studied and proposed. They have been finalized to support different product development phases. As reported in literature [2], they can be classified in: documentation oriented, analysis oriented, production oriented and control oriented. From the CAD modeling viewpoint, the use of feature-based approach has been largely investigated. For example an interesting method to link dimensioning and tolerancing schemes in CAD systems, based on graph representation, has been described in [3]. A feature classification (atomic, primitive and compound) has been defined as base to implement a tolerancing module in [4].In our approach the feature-based CAD model, with tolerances, is documentation oriented, since it collects the nominal geometry and the related tolerances. The analysis of data structure allows the identification of the atomic and compound features with tolerances; the resulting sub-model is “augmented” with relations between features and verification procedures. This information can be used to determine the skin model, as defined in [5], and to perform the comparison between the real model and the skin model itself.The other part of the dual model is the virtual representation of the real object, as a set of point cloud data, once it has been digitized. Several technologies allow the acquisition of the 3D object geometry, but the optical systems, especially based on the triangulation principle, have evident advantages in terms of speed and usability. Their adoption for inspection tasks has been widely studied [6], [7]. The measurement accuracy is not comparable with CMMs, but systems are in continual improvement [8]. The connection between CAD models and 3D inspection systems has been approached to determine optimal inspection strategies [9], driving the scanning system for freeform surfaces and related data verification. The point cloud data analysis to perform the geometrical tolerance verification is a consolidated functionality of more common reverse engineering commercial software systems (RapidForm by Inus Tech., Geomagic Qualify by Raindrop, Polyworks by Innovmetric), but they provide only algorithms to facilitate the feature extraction within a dense points cloud. In fact, they are completely disjointed from the tolerance specification process and, furthermore, they require constant user interactive decisions for the verification task and for data segmentation. An advanced and integrated solution proposed in literature [10] is the most effective example of verification automation, but the CAD model is used only as reference to perform the range data segmentation activity. A robust method to partition the point cloud data [11] is one of the main problems to be considered.The proposed method based on optical 3D digitizing systems, generates a dense and noisy point cloud data, hence suitable filtering algorithms have to be applied. The resulting extracted data are partitioned using a methodology based on local differential properties [12], calculated directly on point cloud data. These sub-clouds are used to identify the skin model and to represent the real object geometry to be verified.3. M ETHODOLOGY FOR GEOMETRICAL TOLERANCES VERIFICATIONA simplified block diagram of the inspection process is shown in figure 1. The boxes in the figure indicate the order of processing and illustrate the use of information generated.Figure 1; Block diagram of the inspection process proposed.The designer, during the product modeling phase, can link tolerancing attributes (datums, tolerancing values and tolerancing typologies) to the atomic (such as points, axis, lines) and compound features (such as surfaces, groups of lines, groups of faces, …) on the basis of required product functionalities.These attributes are stored into the CAD data structure. This model can be automatically navigated to extract the explicit needed information for the tolerance verification. In particular, the features extraction operation finds elements interested in tolerance prescription, generating an ordered list of properties for each feature as follows: Tolerance (number), method (group, typology)Feature (number), Typology (i.e. axis), CofG (G x, G y, G z), Datum (letter), Tolerance (typology, value, datum);The first row indicates a number that represents a specific tolerance prescription, highlighted in the following rows; such progressive number univocally identifies each tolerance attached to the CAD model. Then the method to be used, for the specific tolerance verification, is indicated. These methods are collected into a knowledge-base that provides rules and procedures. For example, if an orientation tolerance is prescribed, the first tasks are the datum identification and the determination of configuration (since it could be a combination of features), then the toleranced geometry must be found and, finally, on the basis of tolerance typology (parallelism, perpendicularity, etc.), the list of simulation geometrical operations to be performed, for the virtual control, is reported. In the following rows is identified the specific information related to datums and toleranced geometries.The CAD model data structure is analyzed and when a tolerance specification is located the software system looks for all the related specifications (generally the datums), the final list appears as follows:Tolerance (1), method (group, typology)Feature (number), Typology (i.e. axis), CofG (G x, G y, G z), Datum (letter), Tolerance (typology, value, datum);……Feature (number), Typology (i.e. axis), CofG (G x, G y, G z), Datum (letter), Tolerance (typology, value, datum);Tolerance (2), method (group, typology)Feature (number), Typology (i.e. axis), CofG (G x, G y, G z), Datum (letter), Tolerance (typology, value, datum);……Feature (number), Typology (i.e. axis), CofG (G x, G y, G z), Datum (letter), Tolerance (typology, value, datum);………….Tolerance (n), method (group, typology)Feature (number), Typology (i.e. axis), CofG (G x, G y, G z), Datum (letter), Tolerance (typology, value, datum);The further interesting aspects are linked to the last two tasks of figure 1 (mapping and inspection).The mapping between toleranced features and the corresponding point sub-clouds data is carried out using algorithms to calculate minimum distances. The information of centers of gravity (CofG) coordinates, that is the point itself in the case of a point datum, or the middle point in the case of an axis datum, is compared with the set of the sub-clouds resulting from the segmentation. The cloud at minimum distance is identified as the right sub-cloud.Once the other tasks have been successfully performed, the virtual inspection process can take place.The appropriated inspection method is selected according to the specific GT category and type to be inspected. Firstly, the method must describe the procedure to precisely identify the datum geometry into the sub-cloud. For each different datum and tolerance type, different strategies can be identified. The definition of the best identification strategy for all cases is still an open issue in our research. At present, we are focused on orientation tolerances with plane datum. Once the virtual datum has been identified, the method describes the procedure for the computation of the tolerance zone. Such procedure allows carrying out the verification process, simulating the operations similar to the traditional verification methodologies. Finally, the points belonging to the sub-cloud corresponding to the geometry to be inspected are checked in order to verify if the tolerance zone bound them.4. P RELIMINARY EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe specification and verification prototypal system has been implemented using the development environment of a commercial CAD software system (CATIA v.5.12 by Dassault Systemes). Components have been digitized using a fringe projection 3D scanner (COMET Vario Zoom by Steinbichler Gmbh). The test has been performed on different components typologies, for example sheet metal components for the automotive field. Such products have ideal characteristics for the experimental system application, in fact, they present freeform and regular geometries, they have a medium size, and the tolerance values are sufficiently high to be considered consistent if compared with the measurement accuracy achievable using optical triangulation systems. In figure 2 (upper part) one of the tested components is reported. The point cloud data has been filtered and sub-sampled (figure 2, low part) to highlight the curved zones and the planar zones. The nominal model geometry is illustrated in figure 3.Figure 2; The measured sheet-metal component (upper figure), the point cloud data after filtering and sub-sampling (lowerfigure).Figure 3; The CAD model (nominal geometry) and one of the tolerance specifications (parallelism) prescribed of the testedcomponents.To exemplify the methodology application, only one of the specified tolerances is reported, that is a parallelism between two planar zones. From the design viewpoint it is prescribed to allow an accurate assembly of component. The reference plane is determined by a common zone identified by three small planes (figure 3), while the toleranced geometry is a common zone of two planes (figure 3). Hence, in this case, the meaningful surfaces are two planes, which must be parallel within a range of 0,5 mm. A best-fit method based on the ICP (Iterative Closest Points) algorithm is used to find a preliminary relative positioning of the two models (in figure 4 is reported the color map result).Figure 4; Best-fit method applied to position point cloud data and CAD model.The developed software application provides the point cloud data segmentation using local differential properties (curvature and slope). On the other hand, the data structure analysis of the augmented CAD model allows extracting the design intent in terms of toleranced features and datums. The information is represented in according to the formalism reported in section 3.Tolerance (1), method (orientation, parallelism)Feature (112), Typology (plane), CofG (65.17,-275.9, 603.6), Datum (A), Tolerance ();Feature (111), Typology (plane), CofG (76.7,-8.4, 624.1), Datum (A), Tolerance ();Feature (109), Typology (plane), CofG (65.17,275.9, 603.6), Datum (A), Tolerance ();Feature (139), Typology (plane), CofG (-51.3,602.1, 659.6), Datum (), Tolerance (parallelism, 0.5, A);Feature (387), Typology (plane), CofG (-51.3,-602.1, 659.6), Datum (), Tolerance (parallelism, 0.5, A);The matching with the point sub-clouds data allows identifying the measured zones corresponding to the specified tolerance and datums (as shown in figure 5).Figure 5; Point cloud data segmentation and toleranced zones identification.The tolerance verification process, at this point, can be performed. The knowledge base provides the inspection procedures needed for the parallelism control. Firstly, the simulated datum reference frame has to be identified analyzing the point cloud data corresponding to the surfaces characterized by the presence of datum attributes.Figure 6; Datum plane determination using different point cloud data overlapping (upper left, overlapping 20 %, upper right, overlapping 60 %), toleranced planes determination (lower left), inspection result (lower right).In this case, only the datum A is prescribed, and it is a plane. The simulated datum reference frame generation is an open issue of our research work. In fact, we are evaluating different solutions to simulate virtually the behaviour of the interaction between the measured component and the hypothetical real measuring set-up. Currently, for the planar reference case, we consider as the normal of datum plane, an average of planes normal orientation calculated at different percentages of point cloud overlapping (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%), as illustrated in figure 6. Once the simulated datum plane orientation is fixed, two planes parallel to it are calculated considering the closest and the most distant points of the point cloud representing the toleranced geometry (figure 6, lower left). To satisfy the specified tolerance such range (distance between these two planes) must be lower than the prescribed tolerance value.In the reported case, the verification process determined an error higher than the desired value; hence the component should be rejected. Currently, the result has been influenced by a set of inaccuracy sources (point cloud data acquisition system, matching errors, datum planes determination, etc.) that we are going to estimate to establish the systematic error and, hence, to obtain a more robust methodology.5. SUMMARY AND EXTENSIONSWe have presented a methodology for CAD-based geometrical tolerances verification. CAD information reports the design intent in terms of tolerancing attributes linked to the geometrical features, on the other hand, a rapid and sufficiently accurate 3D digitizing system translates the real component in a virtual representation (point cloud data). Such models provide all information needed to perform a virtual inspection of tolerances.The methodology relevance has been analyzed using specific test cases and particular technologies, the preliminary results showed a promising future. In fact, the specification and verification processes can be managed using a single product model limiting the time-consuming problems related to misunderstandings between designers and quality control operators. Besides, the tolerance inspection automation can be well supported because, once the component has been digitized, the process can be completely based on the CAD model information.The main advantages of the proposed methodology concern the integration of design aspects with inspection aspects: once the manufactured product has been digitized, the virtual inspection can be performed in the CAD environment on the basis of procedures that are controlled by the designer. Moreover, the virtual inspection completely overcomes the need to arrange a physical inspection set-up and this will dramatically decrease the inspection costs.However, some aspects related to the proposed methodology need to be deeply investigated. The present limitations for a wider application of the methodology are mainly related to the acquisition phase and the definition of the virtual datums.The acquisition process with optical systems has intrinsic limitations that under certain conditions may prevent the successful application of the methodology. The greatest limitation is the accuracy in the measurement phase; in fact optical acquisition systems ensure +/- 0,06 mm, using the better laser stripe systems, or +/-0,1 mm in the case of fringe projection systems. However, while this accuracy can be acceptable for several applications, the errors introduced during the matching, filtering and sampling of the clouds have to be kept under control.At the present stage of the work we have focused our attention on orientation tolerances but the system will be extended the formalization of rules and methods regarding all geometrical tolerances.We have identified different strategies to define the virtual datums. But the robustness of datums has to be furtherly investigated verifying different algorithms and comparing them with the results of traditional measurement processes. In fact, more experiments are required to identify the best strategy and to extend the set of procedures to define the datum and to compute the tolerance values in case of other GT types. Particular efforts have to be dedicated to cases in which the datum information is contained intrinsically in the point cloud data, for example the axis of a cylindrical element, in this situation the data extraction algorithm must ensure the identification of the right sub-cloud and the modeling algorithms must elaborate the proper simulated representation.Finally, the full integration of tolerance verification software system with rapid three-dimensional scanning systems, using the CAD model as reference, can be a good support to develop the on-line inspection processes. 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