Newest Research proposal
Research Proposal 写作步骤

英语研究计划书(Research Proposal)的写作步骤和组成部分先扔一些指导英语研究计划书写作的文章的链接.hk/researchers/rp/wrp/序言:写研究计划书的难处在哪里研究计划书的重要性暂不讨论。
个人认为本科生写研究计划书有这些问题:1. 几乎从未写过研究计划书,接触科研的机会也不多,也没有相关课程教怎么写。
2. 不知如何搜索英文文献、从英文文献中搜寻和提炼自己需要的信息。
3. 用英语写学术文章,在遣词造句、思维方式方面比较生疏。
STEP1 定研究题目的大方向选择标准:与自己的本科专业、相关研究或调研经历、要申请的专业、目标教授有关。
注意:1. 研究的主题最好是当今国际上比较热的,至少别太过时;如果时间充裕,可以浏览国际上相关领域知名期刊近年来发的文章的题目和摘要,归纳总结一下别人都在研究些什么;也可以在有几个兴趣方向后,问问相关专业领域的老师,他们会比较清楚。
2. 一开始没必要把题目定的太细致,有个大方向即可。
STEP2 找文献&阅读文献文献选择的几个标准1. 以英语文献为主。
2. 相关专业具有影响力的期刊(若不知道,可以咨询相关专业的老师,他们比较清楚)上发的文章;3. 相关领域权威泰斗人士发的文章(可以追踪他长期的研究,一一阅读他从早期到现在的论文,这样能了解到这个研究主题发展的脉络);4. 近几年的文章,太久的(比如10年前的)参考价值降低;5. 如果你的目标教授有发表相关的英语文章,也可以找出来看看。
6. 中文有很多垃圾期刊,少看那上面的文章,不如不看7. 硕士和博士学位论文涵盖的内容比较综合,可以看个几篇,用于了解该领域的研究情况,来龙去脉,补充一些基础背景知识之类的。
英文research proposal

英文research proposal一、研究题目研究题目应该能够简洁明了地表达研究的目的和内容。
以上便是一份较为完整的英文research proposal的写作要点。
编写一份高质量的research proposal需要作者全面理解自己的研究内容,并清晰地向读者传达出来。

research proposal字数

Research Proposal一、研究背景随着社会的发展和进步,科学技术得到了快速发展,人们对科学知识的渴望也越来越强烈。
通过我们的研究,还可以为企业的XXX 提供一定的参考和指导。
四、研究内容1. XXX的定义和特性我们将通过文献综述和实地调查,对XXX的定义和特性进行界定和分析,从而深入探讨XXX的本质属性。
2. XXX的发展现状及问题我们将通过对XXX的发展现状进行调查和分析,发现其中存在的问题和矛盾,为我们进一步的研究提供依据。
3. XXX的发展趋势通过对XXX的发展趋势进行分析和研究,探讨XXX未来的发展方向和发展空间,为XXX领域的进一步研究提供参考。
五、研究意义我们的研究将有以下意义:1. 为XXX领域的发展提供理论指导和参考;2. 为企业的XXX提供决策支持和指导;3. 为相关研究人员提供研究思路和方法。
六、研究预期成果通过我们的研究,我们希望能够得到以下预期成果:1. 对XXX的定义和特性有更深刻、更系统的认识;2. 对XXX的发展现状、问题和趋势进行了深入的分析和探讨;3. 对XXX领域的发展提出了一定的见解和建议。
七、研究进度安排我们的研究将按以下进度安排进行:1. 月份:进行XXX的文献综述和调研;2. 月份:完成对XXX的实地调查和数据收集;3. 月份:进行数据分析和研究;4. 月份:撰写研究报告和论文。
research proposal 的格式

research proposal 的格式Research Proposal Format:Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisIntroduction:- Briefly explain the background and significance of the topic.- Highlight the existing gap in knowledge or controversy surrounding the impact of social media on mental health.- State the research questions and objectives.Literature Review:- Conduct a comprehensive review of studies exploring the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes.- Summarize the main findings and controversies in the existing literature.- Identify any limitations or gaps in the current research.Methodology:1. Research Design:- Specify whether the study will be a systematic review or ameta-analysis.- Justify the chosen methodology and explain how it will contribute to addressing the research questions.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:- Define the population of interest, including age range and social media platforms.- Specify the types of studies that will be included (e.g., experimental, correlational, longitudinal) and any language or date restrictions.3. Search Strategy:- Describe the databases and search engines that will be utilized. - Explain the keywords and search terms that will be used.- Discuss any additional strategies for identifying relevant studies (e.g., hand-searching reference lists, contacting experts).4. Study Selection:- Outline the process for screening and selecting studies based on the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria.- Describe the number of reviewers involved and any measures toensure inter-rater reliability.5. Data Extraction:- Specify the data items that will be collected from each study (e.g., sample size, study design, outcome measures).- Indicate how the relevant data will be extracted and recorded (e.g., using standardized forms).6. Quality Assessment:- Explain the methods for assessing the quality and risk of bias of the included studies.- Discuss any tools or criteria that will be used for this purpose.Data Analysis:- Describe the statistical methods that will be employed for data synthesis (e.g., meta-analysis, qualitative synthesis).- Explain the rationale for pooling or comparing the results of the selected studies.Ethical Considerations:- Discuss any ethical issues that may arise during the research process.- Address how participant confidentiality, informed consent, and other ethical principles will be ensured.Timeline and Resources:- Provide a detailed timeline of the proposed research activities. - Specify any necessary resources, such as research assistants, software, or funding.Conclusion:- Summarize the main points of the research proposal.- Emphasize the potential contributions and implications of the proposed study.- Discuss the feasibility and limitations of the research.References:- Include a list of all the references cited in the proposal, following appropriate citation style guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA).。

干货ResearchProposal写作方法Research Proposal(简称RP)也就是指研究报告或者开题报告,一般作为论文或者研究开始前的计划和纲要,比如毕业论文开题报告、申请博士的研究计划、国家基金类研究申报报告等。
主要包括标题(Title)、摘要 (Abstract)、引言(Introduction)、文献综述(Literature Review)、方法(Methods)、结果(Result)、讨论(Discussion)七部分。
整体字数看学校要求,一般1500-2000.下面我们详细分析Research Proposal写作方法。
Title+ Abstract就一锤定生死了,剩下部分基本就是abstract的拓展了。
对于建筑类相关专业,empirical study(案例研究/场地调研/问卷访谈等等)非常重要,如果连实地都没有去过,何来一手的资料,一手的结论呢?此处会涉及到original contribution(原创贡献),你的原创性/你对这一议题的贡献值有多少。
英文research proposal 标题

英文research proposal 标题The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of HealthcareArtificial intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing various industries, and the healthcare sector is no exception. As the world grapples with an aging population, rising healthcare costs, and the need for more efficient and personalized care, AI has emerged as a promising solution to address these challenges. This research proposal aims to explore the potential impact of AI on the future of healthcare, focusing on its applications, the benefits it can offer, and the ethical considerations that must be addressed.The rapid advancements in AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, have already begun to transform the healthcare landscape. AI-powered technologies can assist healthcare professionals in various tasks, from disease diagnosis and drug development to patient monitoring and decision-making support. By leveraging large datasets, AI algorithms can identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make predictions with a level of accuracy and speed that surpasses human capabilities.One of the key areas where AI is expected to have a significant impact is in disease diagnosis and treatment. AI-based systems can analyze medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans, with greater precision and speed than human experts, leading to earlier detection of diseases and more accurate diagnoses. This can lead to more timely interventions, improved patient outcomes, and reduced healthcare costs. Moreover, AI can assist in the development of personalized treatment plans by analyzing an individual's genetic and medical data to tailor therapies to their specific needs.Another promising application of AI in healthcare is in the field of drug discovery and development. The process of developing new drugs is costly, time-consuming, and often has a high failure rate. AI-powered tools can accelerate this process by identifying promising drug candidates, streamlining clinical trials, and predicting drug interactions and side effects. This can lead to the development of more effective and safer medications, ultimately improving patient care and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.Furthermore, AI can play a crucial role in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs by enhancing patient monitoring and care coordination. AI-powered wearable devices and remote monitoring systems can continuously gather and analyze patient data, alerting healthcare providers to potential health issuesor medication non-compliance. This can enable early intervention, prevent complications, and reduce hospital readmissions, leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient utilization of healthcare resources.While the potential benefits of AI in healthcare are significant, it is essential to address the ethical considerations and challenges that arise with the implementation of this technology. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the need for transparency and accountability in AI-based decision-making must be carefully navigated. Researchers and healthcare providers must work collaboratively to ensure that the development and deployment of AI technologies in healthcare are aligned with ethical principles and respect the rights and well-being of patients.Additionally, the integration of AI into healthcare will have implications for the workforce, as certain tasks and roles may be automated or transformed. It is crucial to consider the impact on healthcare professionals, such as radiologists, pathologists, and nurses, and develop strategies to retrain and upskill the workforce to adapt to the changing landscape.In conclusion, the impact of AI on the future of healthcare is poised to be profound. By leveraging the power of AI, the healthcare sector can improve disease diagnosis, accelerate drug discovery, enhancepatient monitoring and care coordination, and ultimately deliver more personalized and effective healthcare solutions. However, the successful integration of AI into healthcare will require a multifaceted approach that addresses the technical, ethical, and workforce-related challenges. This research proposal aims to contribute to the understanding of the impact of AI on healthcare and provide insights that can guide the responsible and effective implementation of this transformative technology.。
Research Proposal经典建议

Research Proposal MeansMost students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.大多数学生和早期研究者并不完全清楚一个研究计划意味着,他们也不明白它的重要性。
A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.一个研究计划的目的是说服别人,你有一个有价值的研究项目,并且有能力和工作计划完成它。
一份漂亮的Research Proposal给你的申请加分

一份漂亮的Research Proposal给你的申请加分Research Proposal是什么?在申请研究型硕士或PhD时,有学校会要求提交一份ResearchProposal,也就是你的选题报告,或者叫研究计划。
Title Page 封面页写标题和作者。
Table of Contents 目录Introduction 介绍这部分可以陈述你的研究背景、研究问题、研究的目的和意义。
Background(Literature Review)研究背景这部分也可以作为文献综述部分,提出你的研究问题,回顾以往的研究来进行评论和分析。
Mainbody(Hypothesis, Methodology, Research Design)RP的主体部分可以阐述你的研究假设、采用的研究方法,或者是实验的步骤、实验结果的分析方法、处理数据的方法。
Time Table 研究日程表这部分可以列出你进行研究的每个阶段,从准备、设计、修改、实施到后期写作阶段的步骤和时间,时间不需要太精准,只需要把大致的时间安排写下就好。
List of References参考文献列表引用的格式需要根据你的科目和学校的要求而定,可以参考APA、HARVAR、MLA的格式。

Statement of purpose里的研究计划大概只有一段左右。
Research proposal一般来说是申请博士才会需要,但是有一些硕士班申请也会要求。
通常research proposal会比statementof purpose长。
至于research proposal要写得多详细?有两种方式:一个是挑一个研究的方向,写得很详细,展现出现你有能力做深度的研究;另一个是挑两三个研究的主题,每一个都讨论一页左右,让学校觉得你是一个很有弹性,愿意多方学习的人。
Research proposal通常还会包含一个 literature review,也就是把目前为止学者们做的研究做到哪里了,写出来。
那接下来你得说明,你赞成哪些**,不赞成哪些**,以及最重要的是,你未来的研究,跟前人的研究有什么不同,你的学术贡献在哪里?如果是你比较top priority想申请的学校,建议博士班申请可以将自己的研究想法,过去做过的研究成果,以及未来想走的方向写一封大约500字的email给你中意的教授。
关于「research proposal」:写给对申请领域了解很少的同学

关于「research proposal」:写给对申请领域了解很少的同学如果已经有了topic 或者研究方向恭喜你最艰难的一关你已经过了既然已经有了topic 或者大致了方向了那就等于有了最终的目标你已经不是无头苍蝇了搞学术嘛归根结底就是解决问题所以接下来要做的:把你要解决的问题具体化形象化如果可能的话拆分为几个小的问题譬如需要确定什么参数?需要测定什么数据?需要瞭解什么情况?等等著重关注方法学-- 也就是"idea"即在现有的条件或环境下该如何实现这个目标或者解决这个( 这些) 问题我以为一篇成功的proposal 方法学是最重要的部份两个层面第一个层面是比较基础的譬如需要什么手段?需要什么技术?需要什么仪器?需要什么模型?採用什么算法?等等另一个层面则更为抽象和核心简言之就是:你拿到这些原始数据或者初步结果之后你要如何处理或者分析这些初步的结果并解决你的问题?前面已经强调了「方法学」是一篇rp 最为核心的部份所谓" 成也萧何败也萧何" 「方法学」部份如果没什么新意或者没什么价值sorry 没人会继续读下文了形式上需要注意的地方比较多思路要清楚逻辑要清晰要全面要严谨要能够自圆其说关注国内外同行的进展最主要的渠道就是查文献了譬如看看大家做到什么程度了看看别人都採用了什么手段看看别人的结果如何等等这部份是比较痛苦的三五十篇文献一点都不算多先列一个outline 出来我个人的rp 大致分为如下基本部份:背景介绍- 文献综述- 研究目的- 研究方法- ( 预期结果) - 展望- 参考文献列表「文献综述」基本上就是「我们目前对这个问题瞭解到什么程度了」「研究目的」基本上就是「我想解决什么问题」显然这个是核心所在「研究方法」顾名思义就是「我们想通过何种途径来解决这个问题」整体的逻辑大该是:基于我们目前的知识我们还需要解决什么问题以及我们该如何解决这个问题接下来就照著outline 动手写吧需要注意的问题:结构清晰思路清楚切忌罗嗦而且要有可操作性比如你的研究需要太过昂贵的或者过分尖端的仪器或者技术你就需要思考一下可行性了而且很重要的一点说话不能空口无凭要有凭有据!譬如某个观点是别人的研究里得出来的那麽一定要列出来出处或者某个观点是你总结归纳出来的那麽论据要充分或者某个观点是基于未发表的结果那麽也要标注来源或出处如是坦言我个人并不擅长写作经验有一点点但也不多我个人觉得理工类科技类的写作( 譬如受众多为专业人士的论文专著等) 并不刻意追求表达方面的艺术性但是在文字或表述上有其特殊的要求这裡基于个人的一些经历和体会强调一点即:逻辑清晰表述严谨这一点非常重要譬如" 因为我肚子饿了所以我要喝水" 显然这个论点和论据并无直接的联繫或者说从论据无法推理得到该结论这个例子很夸张很荒谬但是这类问题发生的概率非常之高归结一下常见的容易被直接枪毙的错误有:( 1 ) 混淆了" 回归( regression ) " 与" 相关( correlation ) " 之间的区别;( 2 ) 由表观上的" 相关关系" 仓促给出" 因果关系"。
research proposal研究申请书指导

Research proposal研究申请如何写一、什么是研究申请报告?研究申请报告就是你要研究项目的大纲,其中包括:1.定义一个清晰的问题,和寻求解答的方法2.强调原创性(博士生)或重要性3.解释如何发展或挑战了现有的文献4.向潜在导师或基金解释工作的重要性,和就是他们要的人研究报告的长度不超过2500字,或5页纸,2至3页一般就足够。
research proposal格式

research proposal格式
英文research proposal格式

一、概述在科研工作者进行研究之前,通常需要撰写一个研究提案(research proposal)来明确研究的目的、方法和重要性。
本文将针对英文research proposal的格式和内容进行详细介绍,帮助读者了解如何撰写一份高质量的研究提案。
二、提案标题和背景1. 提案标题研究提案的标题应当简明扼要地概括研究的主题,通常不超过15个词。
2. 研究背景研究背景部分应当包括对研究领域的概述,阐明研究的重要性和必要性。
三、研究目的和问题1. 研究目的研究目的部分应当明确说明研究的总体目标和具体目的。
2. 研究问题研究问题部分应当提出明确的研究问题或假设,阐明研究的内容和范围。
四、研究方法和流程1. 研究方法研究方法部分应当详细描述研究的具体方法和步骤,包括实验设计、数据采集和分析方法等。
2. 研究流程研究流程部分应当对研究的具体进展和时间安排进行详细规划,包括各项工作的时间节点和人力物力的分配。
五、预期成果和意义1. 预期成果预期成果部分应当说明研究取得的具体成果和效益,可以是新的理论发现、实用技术或政策建议等。
2. 研究意义研究意义部分应当阐明研究的社会和学术价值,可能涉及到对学科发展、社会进步或经济效益等方面的影响。

每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。
How to write a research proposal?能否写出漂亮的proposal,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。
英文的Research Proposal自有一套“八股”。
对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。
下面这篇流传甚广的Research Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利。
[点击这里,查看更多关于RESEARCH PROPOSAL以及GRANT PROPOSAL、PROJECT PROPOSAL写作的网上资源]文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada). 题为:How to Write a Research Proposal. 全文转载如下:Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling.This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.TITLE:It s hould be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigationof . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader’s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal.ABSTRACT:It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used.INTRODUCTION:The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing.If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident.Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas.However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current “hot” area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify “key players” and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance.The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements:1. State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.6. State your hypothesis or theory, if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.8. Provide definitions of key concepts. (This is optional.)LITERATURE REVIEW:Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review of the literature.The literature review serves several important functions:1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).Most students’ literature reviews suffer from the following problems:* Lacking organization and structure* Lacking focus, unity and coherence* Being repetitive and verbose* Failing to cite influential papers* Failing to keep up with recent developments* Failing to critically evaluate cited papers* Citing irrelevant or trivial references* Depending too much on secondary sourcesYour scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc.It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try totell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.)METHODS:The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project.The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study.You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method.Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as comparedto quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.)For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections:1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?2. Subjects or participants – Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?3. Instruments – What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?4. Procedure – How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?RESULTS:Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis.DISCUSSION:It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.3. Failure to cite landmark studies.4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers.5. Failure to stay focused on the research question.6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.8. Too much rambling —going “all over the map” without a clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.10. Too long or too short.11. Failing to follow the APA style.12. Slopping writing./2008/02/25/762/大多数学生和刚起步的研究者都不了解什么是研究计划,也不知道其重要性。
research proposal博士申请

research proposal博士申请(原创版)目录1.引言2.研究背景和问题3.研究方法和策略4.预期的研究成果5.时间安排和预算6.结论正文1.引言随着全球化的发展和科技的进步,博士研究已经成为各个领域知识创新和人才培养的重要途径。
3.研究方法和策略本研究计划将采用深度学习、自然语言处理等技术,结合大数据和知识图谱,研究以下问题:(1) 如何构建一个更加准确、完整的知识图谱?(2) 如何利用知识图谱提高信息检索和智能问答的准确性和效率?(3) 如何实现知识图谱的自动更新和维护?4.预期的研究成果本研究计划预期达到以下成果:(1) 提出一种基于深度学习和自然语言处理的知识图谱构建方法,提高知识图谱的准确性和完整性。
(2) 设计一种基于知识图谱的信息检索和智能问答系统,提高回答准确性和效率。
(3) 实现一个基于大数据和知识图谱的自动更新和维护机制,确保知识图谱的时效性和可用性。
预算方面,主要支出包括数据购买、计算资源、实验设备等,预计总预算为人民币 10 万元。
开题报告:Research Proposal格式

开题报告:Research Proposal格式项目背景在科技和社会的发展过程中,围绕数据的需求不断增长。
如何写作Research Proposal(译文)

research proposal博士申请

research proposal博士申请(实用版)目录1.引言2.研究背景和问题3.研究目标和方法4.预期成果5.时间表和预算6.参考文献正文1.引言随着全球化的发展和科技的进步,博士研究已经成为各个领域知识创新的重要途径。
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Research proposal: the global communication technology lead to the Globalization EffectIntroductionAs we know, herd mentality is a common psychological phenomenon. Under normal circumstances, we think that most people's views are often right, then following majority are generally good. Moreover, the Internet has gradually come into people’s life; some people take it for granted that the Internet is symbol of global communication technology. Due to the modern communication technology developed such well, it becomes a very important way lead to the herd mentality. Since we can know everything what happened in current and any most fashionable information all over the world. That’s why global modern communication technology is also the effect impact peo ple’s herd mentality. However, the Internet include the global communication technology that has types of media technology such as IP phone, face book, Twitter, IPTV and so on. With the development of global communication technology, globalization has come into people’s life at the same time. As a matter of fact, I think the globalization is also a type of the herd mentality or it is the result of the herd mentality. For the globalization means, it is refer to the society industry, technology, legal, political, economic, lifestyle, diet, language, letters and religion to accept any kind of culture process. Combining the reason of herd mentality, I would like to extend the opinion that the method to impact people’s herd mentality-- the global communication technol ogy. In evaluating how much global communication technology encourages people's herd mentality, even leading to globalization, I will be referring to "Corn Pone Opinions" by Mark Twain as well as my other research sources.Purpose Statement:The purpose of this proposal is to show an overview of my investigation of herd mentality, globalization, the global communication technology and the relation between all of these. My aim is to show with a brief history and development of the global communication technologyand the influence power of it to the whole society. And how the concept of globalization was brought to the all over the world (herd mentality). The globalization and herd mentality was also base on the development of communication technology.Main Research Questions1.Why can the communication technology impact herd mentality? And how does herd mentality lead to the globalization?2.Which aspect globalization effects (herd mentality). would be led by communication technology?●The effects to the politics●The effects to the society●The effects to the cultures3.What’s the advantage and the disadvantage of the herd mentality and globalization?Major Claims1.Some people think global communication technology has impacted people’s herd mentality, even lead to the globalization and their countries has been never ever their original traditional countries. However, some people still believe that the oriental counties have not moved to globalization.2.The development of the communication has really affect s people’s life seriously.Research Strategies(1) I will gain on overview of globalization by reading encyclopedia articles about it.(2) Using the training in the library research class, I will search NYIT’s library holdings electronically. I hope to find books, journal articles, newspaper articles, and some Ebooks.(3) After discovering what is available through NYIT website, I will talk to a librarian to help me access and evaluate my potential sources.(4) Possibly I will also use Google Scholar, other libraries, other college libraries and websites like for more books, articles, and visual media.Research Documents●Ali Farazmand & Jack Pinkowski, (2007), Handbook of Globalization,Governance, and Public Administration, P18, Published by Taylor &FrancisGroup. ISBN:0-8493-3726-7●Bale,T. (2005). European politics: a comparative introduction,Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan●Beck, U. Sznaider, N and Winter,R .(2003).Global America? : The culturalconsequences of globalization, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press●Bell,T,E. (2000). Engineering tomorrow: today's technology experts envision thenext century, Piscataway: IEEE Press●Bertrand Badie. and Claudia Royal. (2000). The imported state: the Globalizationof the political order, Stanford University Press●Castells, M. (2010). The rise of the network society, Chichester and West Sussex:Wiley-Blackwell●Dunning, J, H. (2008). Multinational enterprises and the global economy,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar●Gibbs, D. (2009). Comparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies andthe Internet, Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands●Gordon Mathews (2013), Some Possible Anthropological Futures: WCAA vs.SSCI available from: /blog/?p=75●Janet Smith,(1962). Mark Twain on the Damned Human Race pp. 21-26. NewYork: Noonday Press,●Kaplan, (2010). Skill for study 3, no publisher●MUBARAK, Muhammad Husni, (2007), Egypt Country Profile [electric book],University of Liverpool, available from:/ehost/detail?vid=3&hid=9&sid=6966 193c-663d-467e-b105-84e57e2b903e%40sessionmgr11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWh vc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=buh&AN=29438763●OZ, S. (2002). The economics of network industries, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press●Paul, T, V. and Hall, J,A. (2002). International order and the future of worldpolitics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press●Swale, A, D. (2009).The Meiji restoration: Monarchism, mass communicationand conservative revolution, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacmillanConclusionPeople took more benefits with the global communication technology developing and accelerating the herd mentality and spread of globalization. Therefore, we can see the positive view of the herd mentality easily. We can learn some advantages of other developed countries, for instance, the effective and high quality education has spread; pushing the economy increase as well as warfare decline and polity democratization. In my paper, I evaluate the effects of the globalization led by the herd mentality for people and both two sides of the view point. Overall, we can know that the global communication technology is the method, but the globalization is the result and the manifestation mode of the herd mentality.。