

数据手册_HR6P71_Datasheet_C V2.1

数据手册_HR6P71_Datasheet_C V2.1

版本号:A(默认,不写) 封装:R—SSOP10; D—DIP18; S2—SOP18; D2—DIP20; S2—SOP20; R2—SSOP20 ROM容量:8—4K X 15位(8K字节) ROM类型:F—FLASH ROM 71:MCU型号 6P:8位 MCU指令集类型
HR6P71 数据手册
型号 HR6P71F8R HR6P71F8D HR6P71F8S2 HR6P71F8D2 HR6P71F8S HR6P71F8R2 FLASH:4K×15 位 SRAM:224×8 位 程序存储器 数据存储器 封装 SSOP10 DIP18 SOP18 DIP20 SOP20 SSOP20
关于芯片的 ESD 防护措施
海尔 MCU 芯片具有满足工业级 ESD 标准保护电路。 建议用户根据芯片存储/应用的环境采取适当静电防护 措施。应注意应用环境的湿度;建议避免使用容易产生静电的绝缘体;存放和运输应在抗静电容器、抗静 电屏蔽袋或导电材料容器中;包括工作台在内的所有测试和测量工具必须保证接地;操作者应该佩戴静电 消除手腕环手套,不能用手直接接触芯片等。
HR6P71 数据手册
8 位 MCU HR6P71
数 据 手 册
产品简介 数据手册 产品规格
上海海尔集成电路有限公司 2011 年 5 月 5 日
V2.1 版权所有©上海海尔集成电路有限公司
HR6P71 数据手册
版本 V1.0 V2.0 修改日期 2008-04-15 2010-09-28 初版 模板及命名修订 加强描述:3.2.1,3.2.3,5.1.4,附录 1.2 V2.1 2011-04-22 错误修正:2.1,2.2,4.3,,,,,,5.1.5,6.5.1,附录 1.2 更改概要



Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.*RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan. 27, 2003 including annex and RoHS Recast 2011/65/EU June 8, 2011.Stop Strength..............................................................................................................................................................................45 N-cm (64 oz.-in.) minimum Mechanical Angle ...........................................................................................................................................................................................3600 ° +10 °, -0 °Torque (Starting & Running) ................................................................................................................................0.35 N-cm (0.5 oz.-in.) maximum (unsealed) 1.1 N-cm (1.5 oz.-in.) maximum (sealed) Mounting ..............................................................................................................................................................................55-80 N-cm (5-7 lb.-in.) (plastic) 90-113 N-cm (8-10 in.-lb.) (metal)Shaft Runout......................................................................................................................................................................................0.13 mm (0.005 in.) teral Runout ...................................................................................................................................................................................0.20 mm (0.008 in.) T.I.R.Shaft End Play ...................................................................................................................................................................................0.25 mm (0.010 in.) T.I.R.Shaft Radial Play ...............................................................................................................................................................................0.13 mm (0.005 in.) T.I.R.Pilot Diameter Runout .......................................................................................................................................................................0.08 mm (0.003 in.) T.I.R.Backlash ............................................................................................................................................................................................................1.0 ° maximum Weight ........................................................................................................................................................................................................Approximately 19 G Terminals ................................................................................................................................................................................................Solder lugs or PC pins Soldering ConditionManual Soldering...........................................................96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu solid wire or no-clean rosin cored wire; 370 °C (700 °F) max. for 3 seconds Wave Soldering ...................................................................................96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu solder with no-clean fl ux; 260 °C (500 °F) max. for 5 seconds Wash processes .......................................................................................................................................................................................Not recommended Marking .....................................Manufacturer’s name and part number, resistance value and tolerance, linearity tolerance, wiring diagram, and date code.Ganging (Multiple Section Potentiometers) ......................................................................................................................................................1 cup maximum Hardware ............................................................................................................One lockwasher and one mounting nut is shipped with each potentiometer.NOTE: For Anti-rotation pin add 91 after confi guration dash number. Example: -2 becomes -291 to add AR pin.1At room ambient: +25 °C nominal and 50 % relative humidity nominal, except as noted. 2Consult manufacturer for complete specifi cation details for resistances below 1k ohms.BOLDFACE LISTINGS ARE IN STOCK AND READILY AVAILABLETHROUGH DISTRIBUTION. FOR OTHER OPTIONS CONSULT FACTORY.ROHS IDENTIFIER: L = COMPLIANTRecommended Part Numbers(Printed Circuit)(Solder Lug)(Solder Lug)Resistance (Ω)Resolution (%)3590P-2-102L 3590S-2-102L 3590S-1-102L 1,000.0293590P-2-202L 3590S-2-202L 3590S-1-202L 2,000.0233590P-2-502L 3590S-2-502L 3590S-1-502L 5,000.0253590P-2-103L 3590S-2-103L 3590S-1-103L 10,000.0203590P-2-203L 3590S-2-203L 3590S-1-203L 20,000.0193590P-2-503L 3590S-2-503L 3590S-1-503L 50,000.0133590P-2-104L3590S-2-104L3590S-1-104L100,000.009*Ro H S C O MP L I A N T/Panel Thickness Dimensions(For Bushing Mount Only)1.60 +.08/-.03(.063 +.003/-.001)DIA.ANTI-ROTATION PINAnti-rotation pin hole is shown at six o'clockposition for reference only. The actual location isdetermined by the customer's application. Referto the front view of the potentiometer to see thelocation of the optional A/R pin.Panel thickness and hole diameters arerecommended for best fit. However, customersmay adjust the dimensions to suit their specificapplication.Product DimensionsSpecifi cations are subject to change without notice.Customers should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.REV. 06/12 MOUNTING SURFACE-2, -4, -6, -8 Confi gurations-1, -3, -5, -7 Confi gurationsRecommended PCB LayoutHOLE DIAMETER5.08(.200)5.08(.200)6.99(.275)SchematicTOLERANCES: EXCEPT WHERE NOTED.508 .127DECIMALS: .XX ±(.02),.XXX ±(.005)FRACTIONS: ±1/64MMDIMENSIONS:(IN.)Shaft & Bushing Confi gurations(Bushing - DxL, Shaft - D):(-1) Plastic Bushing (3/8 ” x 5/16 ”)and Shaft (.2480 + .001, - .002)(-2) Metal Bushing (3/8 ” x 5/16 ”)and Shaft (.2497 + .0000, - .0009)(-3) Sealed, Plastic Bushing (3/8 ” x 5/16 ”)and Shaft (.2480 + .001, - .002)(-4) Sealed, Metal Bushing (3/8 ” x 5/16 ”)and Shaft (.2497 + .0000, - .0009)(-5) Metric, Plastic Bushing (9 mm x 7.94 mm)and Shaft (6 mm + 0, - .076 mm)(-6) Metric, Metal Bushing (9 mm x 7.94 mm)and Shaft (6 mm + 0, - .023 mm)(-7) Metric, Sealed, Plastic Bushing (9 mm x7.94 mm) and Shaft (6 mm + 0, - .076 mm)(-8) Metric, Sealed, Metal Bushing (9 mm x7.94 mm) and Shaft (6 mm + 0, - .023 mm)Terminal Styles“P” Terminal Style“S” Terminal Style/分销商库存信息:BOURNS3590S-2-502L3590S-2-102L3590S-2-103L 3590S-2-203L3590S-1-502L3590S-2-104L 3590S-1-203L3590S-2-501L3590S-2-202L 3590S-1-503L3590S-2-503L3590S-1-104L 3590S-291-102L3590S-291-203L3590S-291-502L 3590S-1-201L3590S-1-501L3590S-2-101L 3590S-2-201L3590P-1-102L3590P-1-103L 3590P-1-201L3590P-1-502L3590S-1-102L 3590S-1-103L3590S-2-252L3590P-291-501L 3590P-2-102L3590P-2-201L3590P-2-203L 3590P-2-502L3590S-1-202L3590S-6-102L 3590S-6-201L3590S-6-202L3590S-6-203L 3590S-6-501L3590P-1-104L3590S-6-502L 3590S-4-102L3590S-4-103L3590S-4-202L 3590S-4-203L3590S-4-502L3590S-8-102L 3590S-8-103L3590S-8-202L3590P-2-104L 3590P-4-103L3590P-4-202L3590S-6-503L 3590S-6-104L3590S-4-104L3590P-4-503L 3590P-4-104L3590S-2-5023590S-1-102 3590S-1-1033590S-1-1043590S-1-203 3590S-1-5023590S-1-5033590S-2-102 3590S-2-1033590S-2-1043590S-2-203 3590S-2-5033590S-1-2023590S-2-202 3590S-2-501。

G3VM-MOS FET继电器 一览表

G3VM-MOS FET继电器 一览表
输 输入输出间耐压 入
电 气
输 输出导通电阻(最大)

端 表面安装端子 子 结 构 印刷基板用端子
AC2,500V 50/60Hz 1min AC2,500V 50/60Hz 1min AC5,000V 50/60Hz 1min AC2,500V 50/60Hz 1min AC2,500V 50/60Hz 1min
输 入
电 输气 出性

端 子 结 构
MOS FET继电器 一览表
绝输 对出
最 大
连续负载电流 (6脚型:A连接)


60V 3000mA
光电二极管耦合器 100V
200V 250mA
输 入



LED forward voltage VF (V)
Continuous load current vs. On-state voltage
3 Ta = 25°C
IF = 5mA 2
Continuous load current IO (A)
Turn-ON time
Turn-OFF time
Measurement conditions IF = 10 mA VR = 5 V V = 0, f = 1 MHz IO = 1 A IF = 5 mA, IO = 2 A, t < 1s VOFF = 60 V V = 0, f = 1 MHz f = 1 MHz, VS = 0 V VI-O = 500 VDC, ROH ≤ 60% IF = 5 mA, RL = 200 Ω, VDD = 20 V (See note 2.)
Continuous load current vs. Ambient temperature
IO - Ta
Continuous load current IO (A)
LED forward current IF (mA)
2 30
20 1
MOS FET Relays
LED forward current vs. LED forward voltage



1600 1300 1050 900 500 450 400 350 250 200 170 140
80 70 70 65 50 50 45 40
07 品种额定
压敏电 最大连续工作电
等级电压 等级电流 (V) (A)
500 17
500 17
500 17
500 17
500 17
500 17
500 17
500 17
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
2500 30
最大峰值电流 (A)
A·Crms D.C













文件制定/修订/废止履历表版本日期制定/修订内容制定核准V1.02020.8.12首版徐V1.12020.8.19更新部分参数徐目录一、产品概述 (5)二、电气参数 (6)三、外观尺寸 (8)四、管脚定义 (10)五、原理图 (11)六、设计指导 (12)七、回流焊曲线图 (14)八、包装信息 (15)九、联系我们 (15)一、产品概述安信可LoRa系列模块(Ra-01S)由安信可科技设计开发。




Omron G3VM-101HR MOS FET Relay 数据手册说明书

Omron G3VM-101HR MOS FET Relay 数据手册说明书

1Higher power, 1.4-A switching with a 100-V load voltage, SOP package. Low 100-m Ω ON Resistance.•Continuous load current of 1.4 A. (Connection C: 2.8 A)■Application Examples■Terminal Arrangement/Internal Connections■List of Models*The AC peak and DC value are given for the load voltage.RoHS compliantNote: The actual product is marked differently from theimage shown here.•Communication equipment •Test & Measurement equipment •Data loggers •Industrial equipmentOMRON logo Pin 1 markModel name LOT.No.932101HRNote:The actual product is marked differently from the image shown here.Package type Contact formTerminalsLoad voltage (peak value) *ModelMinimum package quantityNumber per tube Number per tape and reelSOP61a(SPST-NO)Surface-mounting Terminals100 VG3VM-101HR75-G3VM-101HR (TR)-2,5002G3VM-101HRMOS FET Relays■Recommended Operating ConditionsUse the G3VM under the following conditions so that the Relay will operate properly.■Engineering Data■Safety Precautions•Refer to "Common Precautions" for all G3VM models.ItemSymbol MinimumTypical Maximum Unit Load voltage (AC peak/DC)V DD -- 100V Operating LED forward current I F 57.520mAContinuous load current (AC peak/DC)I O - -1.1A Ambient operating temperatureTa−20- 65°CLED forward current vs. Ambient temperatureContinuous load current vs. Ambient temperatureLED forward current vs. LED forward voltageContinuous load current vs. On-state voltage On-state resistance vs. Ambient temperature Trigger LED forward current vs. Ambient temperatureTurn ON, Turn OFF time vs. LED forward current Turn ON, Turn OFF time vs. Ambient temperatureCurrent leakage vs. Load voltageOutput terminal capacitance vs. Load voltageI F - TaAmbient temperature Ta (°C)L E D f o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (m A )01020304050-40-2020406080100O Ambient temperature Ta (°C)C o n t i n u o u s l o a d c u r r e n t I O (A )12345F FLED forward voltage V F (V)L E D f o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F (m A )0.60.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 O - V ONOn-state voltage V ON (V)C o n t i n u o u s l o a d c u r r e n t I O (A )-1.5-1-0.500.511.5R ON - TaAmbient temperature Ta (°C)O n -s t a t e r e s i s t a n c e R O N (m Ω)050100150200I FT - TaAmbient temperature Ta (°C)T r i g g e r L E D f o r w a r d c u r r e n t I F T (m A ) ON , t OFF - I FLED forward current I F (mA)T u r nO N , T u r n O F F t i m e t O N , t O F F (m s )0.010.1110Ambient temperature Ta (°C)T u r n O N , T u r n O F F t i m e t O N , t O F F (m s )0.010.1110-40-20020406080100I LEAK - V OFFLoad voltage (V)C u r r e n t l e a k a g e I L E A K (n A ) OFF - V OFFLoad voltage (V)O u t p u t t e r m i n a l c a p a c i t a n c e C O F F /C O F F (0V )■Dimensions(Unit: mm)Note:Actual Mounting PadDimensions(Recommended Value, TOP VIEW)Note: The actual product is marked differently from the image shown here.Surface-mounting TerminalsWeight: 0.13 g• Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product.• Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms.Cat. No. K180-E1-010412(0412)(O)Note: Do not use this document to operate the Unit.OMRON CorporationELECTRONIC AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS COMPANYContact: /ecb。

MacroSAN MS5520G2-HG 系列存储设备安装手册说明书

MacroSAN MS5520G2-HG 系列存储设备安装手册说明书

MacroSAN MS5520G2-HG系列存储设备安装手册文档版本:V1.01杭州宏杉科技股份有限公司400-650-5527声明版权所有©2022杭州宏杉科技股份有限公司。




商标信息MacroSAN、ODSP、ODSP_MSC、ODSP_JMC、ODSP Scope、宏杉均为杭州宏杉科技股份有限公司的商标。


目录MacroSAN MS5520G2-HG系列存储设备 ............................................................................................ 1-1安装手册............................................................................................................................................... 1-1声明 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-2商标信息............................................................................................................................................... 1-2目录 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-3图目录................................................................................................................................................... 1-8表目录................................................................................................................................................. 1-12 1前言 ................................................................................................................................................. 1-141.1 读者对象.......................................................................................................................................... 1-141.2 适用范围.......................................................................................................................................... 1-141.3 文档结构.......................................................................................................................................... 1-141.4 文档约定.......................................................................................................................................... 1-151.4.1 手册描述约定........................................................................................................................ 1-151.4.2 其他约定 ............................................................................................................................... 1-161.5 术语................................................................................................................................................. 1-161.5.1 DSU ...................................................................................................................................... 1-161.5.2 EMC ...................................................................................................................................... 1-161.5.3 EP ......................................................................................................................................... 1-161.5.4 FC ......................................................................................................................................... 1-161.5.5 GE ........................................................................................................................................ 1-161.5.6 GUI ....................................................................................................................................... 1-161.5.7 iSCSI .................................................................................................................................... 1-161.5.8 ODSP ................................................................................................................................... 1-171.5.9 ODSP Scope ........................................................................................................................ 1-171.5.10 ODSP Scope+ .................................................................................................................... 1-171.5.11 SAN .................................................................................................................................... 1-171.5.12 SAS .................................................................................................................................... 1-171.5.13 SATA .................................................................................................................................. 1-171.5.14 SP ....................................................................................................................................... 1-171.5.15 SPU .................................................................................................................................... 1-171.5.16 SSD .................................................................................................................................... 1-171.6 资料获取方式................................................................................................................................... 1-181.7 资料意见或建议反馈方式 ................................................................................................................ 1-18 2设备使用注意事项............................................................................................................................ 2-182.1 用电安全注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... 2-182.2 防静电安全注意事项........................................................................................................................ 2-182.2.2 无防静电腕带时紧急操作方法............................................................................................... 2-192.3 激光安全注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... 2-192.4 电池安全注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... 2-192.5 EMC注意事项................................................................................................................................. 2-202.6 磁盘使用注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... 2-202.7 操作安全注意事项 ........................................................................................................................... 2-21 3产品介绍 .......................................................................................................................................... 3-223.1 产品概述.......................................................................................................................................... 3-223.2 产品规格.......................................................................................................................................... 3-223.2.1 SPU规格 .............................................................................................................................. 3-223.2.2 DSU规格.............................................................................................................................. 3-233.2.3 磁盘模块规格........................................................................................................................ 3-243.3 产品外观.......................................................................................................................................... 3-253.3.1 SPU外观 .............................................................................................................................. 3-253.3.2 DSU2625外观...................................................................................................................... 3-303.3.3 DSU2624外观...................................................................................................................... 3-343.3.4 DSU2725外观...................................................................................................................... 3-383.3.5 磁盘模块外观........................................................................................................................ 3-423.4 产品指示灯 ...................................................................................................................................... 3-443.4.1 SP指示灯 ............................................................................................................................. 3-443.4.2 SPU风扇模块+电池模块指示灯 ........................................................................................... 3-453.4.3 IO插卡指示灯....................................................................................................................... 3-453.4.4 DSU指示灯 .......................................................................................................................... 3-473.4.5 EP指示灯 ............................................................................................................................. 3-473.4.6 DSU风扇模块指示灯............................................................................................................ 3-483.4.7 电源模块指示灯 .................................................................................................................... 3-483.4.8 磁盘模块指示灯 .................................................................................................................... 3-48 4安装设备 .......................................................................................................................................... 4-494.1 安装规划.......................................................................................................................................... 4-494.2 安装流程.......................................................................................................................................... 4-494.3 安装前准备 ...................................................................................................................................... 4-504.3.1 准备安装场所........................................................................................................................ 4-504.3.2 准备机柜 ............................................................................................................................... 4-534.3.3 准备安装工具........................................................................................................................ 4-544.4 安装前检查 ...................................................................................................................................... 4-554.4.1 检查环境 ............................................................................................................................... 4-554.4.2 检查设备 ............................................................................................................................... 4-564.5 安装机柜.......................................................................................................................................... 4-584.5.1 安装机柜 ............................................................................................................................... 4-584.5.2 安装机柜后检查 .................................................................................................................... 4-584.6 安装托架式滑道............................................................................................................................... 4-594.6.1 托架式滑道介绍 .................................................................................................................... 4-594.6.2 确定滑道位置........................................................................................................................ 4-604.6.3 安装滑道 ............................................................................................................................... 4-604.6.4 安装滑道后检查 .................................................................................................................... 4-624.7 安装浮动螺母(可选).................................................................................................................... 4-624.7.1 浮动螺母介绍........................................................................................................................ 4-624.7.2 安装浮动螺母到机柜内 ......................................................................................................... 4-634.8 安装SPU ......................................................................................................................................... 4-634.8.1 安装SPU流程...................................................................................................................... 4-634.8.2 安装SPU到机柜中............................................................................................................... 4-644.8.3 安装SPU风扇模块+电池模块(可选)................................................................................ 4-654.8.4 安装SPU磁盘模块和磁盘假面板(可选)........................................................................... 4-664.8.5 安装SPU后检查 .................................................................................................................. 4-664.9 安装DSU......................................................................................................................................... 4-674.9.1 安装DSU流程...................................................................................................................... 4-674.9.2 安装DSU到机柜中............................................................................................................... 4-684.9.3 安装DSU磁盘模块和磁盘假面板(可选) .......................................................................... 4-684.9.4 安装DSU后检查 .................................................................................................................. 4-694.10 安装线缆........................................................................................................................................ 4-694.10.1 布线注意事项...................................................................................................................... 4-694.10.2 安装线缆流程...................................................................................................................... 4-724.10.3 安装接地线.......................................................................................................................... 4-734.10.4 安装电源线.......................................................................................................................... 4-744.10.5 安装SAS线缆 .................................................................................................................... 4-764.10.6 安装SP业务接口线缆 ........................................................................................................ 4-824.10.7 安装SP管理网口线缆 ........................................................................................................ 4-864.10.8 安装客户端服务器线缆 ....................................................................................................... 4-864.10.9 安装线缆后检查 .................................................................................................................. 4-87 5启动与配置设备 ............................................................................................................................... 5-875.1 设备上电前检查............................................................................................................................... 5-875.2 设备上电及启动............................................................................................................................... 5-885.2.1 DSU上电及启动 ................................................................................................................... 5-885.2.2 DSU启动后检查 ................................................................................................................... 5-885.2.4 SPU启动后检查 ................................................................................................................... 5-895.3 设备配置.......................................................................................................................................... 5-895.3.1 设备默认配置........................................................................................................................ 5-895.3.2 设备配置准备........................................................................................................................ 5-905.3.3 设备配置 ............................................................................................................................... 5-905.4 设备关机及下电............................................................................................................................... 5-92 6安装与拆卸设备组件 ........................................................................................................................ 6-936.1 安装与拆卸设备组件速查表............................................................................................................. 6-936.2 安装/拆卸SP ................................................................................................................................... 6-946.2.1 SP介绍................................................................................................................................. 6-946.2.2 安装SP ................................................................................................................................. 6-946.2.3 拆卸SP ................................................................................................................................. 6-956.3 安装/拆卸SPU风扇模块+电池模块................................................................................................. 6-956.3.1 SPU风扇模块+电池模块介绍 ............................................................................................... 6-956.3.2 安装SPU风扇模块+电池模块 .............................................................................................. 6-966.3.3 拆卸SPU风扇模块+电池模块 .............................................................................................. 6-966.3.4 安装电池模块到风扇模块中 .................................................................................................. 6-976.3.5 从风扇模块中拆卸电池模块 .................................................................................................. 6-976.4 安装/拆卸IO插卡............................................................................................................................ 6-986.4.1 IO插卡介绍........................................................................................................................... 6-986.4.2 安装/拆卸IO插卡 ................................................................................................................. 6-986.5 安装/拆卸EP ................................................................................................................................. 6-1006.5.1 安装/拆卸DSU2625 EP ...................................................................................................... 6-1006.5.2 安装/拆卸DSU2624 EP ...................................................................................................... 6-1016.5.3 安装/拆卸DSU2725 EP ...................................................................................................... 6-1026.6 安装/拆卸DSU风扇模块............................................................................................................... 6-1036.6.1 安装/拆卸DSU2625风扇模块 ............................................................................................ 6-1036.6.2 安装/拆卸DSU2624风扇模块 ............................................................................................ 6-1046.6.3 安装/拆卸DSU2725风扇模块 ............................................................................................ 6-1056.7 安装/拆卸电源模块 ........................................................................................................................ 6-1086.7.1 电源模块介绍...................................................................................................................... 6-1096.7.2 安装电源模块...................................................................................................................... 6-1106.7.3 拆卸电源模块...................................................................................................................... 6-1106.8 安装/拆卸磁盘模块 ........................................................................................................................ 6-1116.8.1 磁盘模块介绍...................................................................................................................... 6-1116.8.2 安装/拆卸2.5英寸磁盘模块A ............................................................................................ 6-1126.8.3 安装/拆卸2.5英寸磁盘模块B ............................................................................................ 6-1136.8.4 安装/拆卸3.5英寸磁盘模块................................................................................................ 6-1156.8.5 安装磁盘假面板 .................................................................................................................. 6-117 7常见故障处理................................................................................................................................. 7-1187.1 SP故障处理 .................................................................................................................................. 7-1187.1.1 故障现象1:SP的告警指示灯闪烁或常亮 ......................................................................... 7-1187.1.2 故障现象2:SP的运行指示灯常亮或常灭 ......................................................................... 7-1197.1.3 故障现象3:SP启动过程中,LED数码管无法显示信息................................................... 7-1197.1.4 故障现象4:SP启动过程中,LED数码管停留在88 ......................................................... 7-1197.1.5 故障现象5:SP启动过程中,LED数码管长时间停留在某个固定值................................. 7-1207.2 SPU风扇模块+电池模块故障处理 ................................................................................................ 7-1207.3 EP故障处理 .................................................................................................................................. 7-1217.3.1 故障现象1:告警指示灯闪烁或常亮 .................................................................................. 7-1217.3.2 故障现象2:运行指示灯常亮或常灭 .................................................................................. 7-1217.4 DSU风扇模块故障处理................................................................................................................. 7-1227.5 电源模块故障处理 ......................................................................................................................... 7-1227.6 磁盘模块故障处理 ......................................................................................................................... 7-1237.7 其他故障处理................................................................................................................................. 7-123附录A.拇指螺钉的安装方法.............................................................................................................. 7-123附录B.中国有害物质声明 ................................................................................................................. 7-126图目录图3-1 SPU前正视图........................................................................................................................... 3-25图3-2 SPU后正视图........................................................................................................................... 3-26图3-3 SP正视图................................................................................................................................. 3-27图3-4 SPU风扇模块+电池模块正视图................................................................................................ 3-28图3-5 SPU电池模块正视图................................................................................................................ 3-29图3-6 SPU电源模块正视图................................................................................................................ 3-29图3-7 DSU2625前正视图 .................................................................................................................. 3-30图3-8 DSU2625后正视图 .................................................................................................................. 3-31图3-9 DSU2625的EP正视图............................................................................................................ 3-32图3-10 DSU2625风扇模块正视图...................................................................................................... 3-33图3-11 DSU2625电源模块正视图...................................................................................................... 3-33图3-12 DSU2624前正视图................................................................................................................. 3-34图3-13 DSU2624后正视图................................................................................................................. 3-35图3-14 DSU2624的EP正视图 .......................................................................................................... 3-36图3-15 DSU2624风扇模块正视图...................................................................................................... 3-37图3-16 DSU2624电源模块正视图...................................................................................................... 3-37图3-17 DSU2725前正视图................................................................................................................. 3-38图3-18 DSU2725后正视图................................................................................................................. 3-38图3-19 DSU2725的EP正视图 .......................................................................................................... 3-39图3-20 DSU2725后端风扇模块正视图............................................................................................... 3-40图3-21 DSU2725内置风扇模块安装位置示意图................................................................................. 3-41图3-22 DSU2725内置风扇模块外观图............................................................................................... 3-41图3-23 DSU2725电源模块正视图...................................................................................................... 3-42图3-24 2.5英寸磁盘模块A外观......................................................................................................... 3-42图3-25 2.5英寸磁盘模块B外观......................................................................................................... 3-43图3-26 2.5英寸磁盘模块前面板 ......................................................................................................... 3-43图3-27 3.5英寸磁盘模块前面板 ......................................................................................................... 3-44图4-1存储设备的安装规划示意图 ...................................................................................................... 4-49图4-2存储设备的安装流程示意图 ...................................................................................................... 4-50图4-3设备防拆封条示意图................................................................................................................. 4-57图4-4保留磁盘标签示意图................................................................................................................. 4-58图4-5带拇指螺钉托架式滑道(左侧滑道)示意图 ............................................................................. 4-59图4-6带定位销托架式滑道(左侧滑道)示意图................................................................................. 4-60。



Product data sheet Supersedes data of 2004 Apr 022004 Jun 14PMEGXX10BEA;PMEGXX10BEV1 A very low V F MEGA Schottky barrier rectifierFbarrier rectifier PMEGXX10BEVFEATURES•Forward current: 1 A•Reverse voltages: 20 V, 30 V, 40 V•Very low forward voltage•Ultra small and very small plastic SMD package •Power dissipation comparable to SOT23.APPLICATIONS•High efficiency DC-to-DC conversion•Voltage clamping•Protection circuits•Low voltage rectification•Blocking diodes•Low power consumption applications.DESCRIPTIONPlanar Maximum Efficiency General Application (MEGA) Schottky barrier rectifier with an integrated guard ring for stress protection, encapsulated in a very small SOD323 (SC-76) and ultra small SOT666 SMD plastic package. MARKING QUICK REFERENCE DATA PINNINGTYPE NUMBER MARKING CODE PMEG2010BEA V1 PMEG3010BEA V2 PMEG4010BEA V3 PMEG2010BEV G6 PMEG3010BEV G5 PMEG4010BEV G4SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX.UNIT I F forward current1AV R reverse voltage20; 30; 40VPIN DESCRIPTION PMEGXX10BEA (see Fig.1)1cathode2anodePMEGXX10BEV (see Fig.2)1, 2, 5, 6cathode3, 4anodeF barrier rectifierPMEGXX10BEVORDERING INFORMATION LIMITING VALUESIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Notes1.Refer to SOD323 (SC-76) and SOT666 standard mounting conditions.2.Only valid if pins 3 and 4 are connected in parallel (SOT666 package).3.For Schottky barrier diodes thermal runaway has to be considered, as in some applications the reverse power lossesP R are a significant part of the total power losses. Nomograms for determining the reverse power losses P R and I F(AV) rating will be available on request.TYPE NUMBER PACKAGENAME DESCRIPTIONVERSION PMEGXX10BEA −plastic surface mounted package; 2 leads SOD323PMEGXX10BEVplastic surface mounted package; 6 leadsSOT666SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMIN.MAX.UNITV Rcontinuous reverse voltage PMEG2010BEA/PMEG2010BEV −20V PMEG3010BEA/PMEG3010BEV −30V PMEG4010BEA/PMEG4010BEV−40V I F continuous forward current T s ≤ 55 °C; note 1−1A I FRM repetitive peak forward current t p ≤ 1 ms; δ ≤ 0.5; note 2− 3.5A I FSM non-repetitive peak forward current t p = 8 ms; square wave; note 2−10A T j junction temperaturenote 3−150°C T amb operating ambient temperature note 3−65+150°C T stg storage temperature−65+150°CF barrier rectifierPMEGXX10BEVTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSNotes1.Refer to SOD323 (SC-76) standard mounting conditions.2.For Schottky barrier diodes thermal runaway has to be considered, as in some applications the reverse power lossesP R are a significant part of the total power losses. Nomograms for determining the reverse power losses P R and I F(AV) rating will be available on request.3.Device mounted on an FR4 printed-circuit board with copper clad 10 × 10 mm.4.Solder point of cathode tab.5.Refer to SOT666 standard mounting conditions.6.Only valid if pins 3 and 4 are connected in parallel (SOT666 package).CHARACTERISTICST amb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified.Note1.Pulse test: t p ≤ 300 μs; δ ≤ 0.02.SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSVALUE UNITPMEGXX10BEA (SOD323)R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambientin free air; notes 1 and 2450K/W in free air; notes 2 and 3210K/W R th(j-s)thermal resistance from junction to soldering pointnote 490K/WPMEGXX10BEV (SOT666)R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambientin free air; notes 2 and 5405K/W in free air; notes 2 and 6215K/W R th(j-s)thermal resistance from junction to soldering pointnote 480K/WSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS PMEG2010BEA/PMEG2010BEV PMEG3010BEA/PMEG3010BEV PMEG4010BEA/PMEG4010BEV UNIT TYP.MAX.TYP.MAX.TYP.MAX.V Fforward voltageI F = 0.1 mA 901309013095130mV I F = 1 mA 150190150200155210mV I F = 10 mA 210240215250220270mV I F = 100 mA 280330285340295350mV I F = 500 mA 355390380430420470mV I F = 1 000 mA420500450560540640mV I Rcontinuous reverse currentV R = 10 V; note 115401230720μA V R = 20 V; note 140200−−−−μA V R = 30 V; note 1−−40150−−μA V R = 40 V; note 1−−−−30100μA C d diode capacitanceV R = 1 V; f = 1 MHz668055704350pFFbarrier rectifier PMEGXX10BEV GRAPHICAL DATAFbarrier rectifier PMEGXX10BEVFbarrier rectifier PMEGXX10BEVFbarrier rectifier PMEGXX10BEV PACKAGE OUTLINESFbarrier rectifier PMEGXX10BEVF barrier rectifierPMEGXX10BEVDATA SHEET STATUSNotes1.Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.2.The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was publishedand may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL . DOCUMENT STATUS (1)PRODUCT STATUS (2)DEFINITIONObjective data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development.Preliminary data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product data sheet ProductionThis document contains the product specification.DISCLAIMERSGeneral ⎯ Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties,expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Right to make changes ⎯ NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to informationpublished in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use ⎯ NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment orapplications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications ⎯ Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Limiting values ⎯ Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) may cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditionsabove those given in the Characteristics sections of this document is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Terms and conditions of sale ⎯ NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /profile/terms, including those pertaining to warranty, intellectual property rightsinfringement and limitation of liability, unless explicitly otherwise agreed to in writing by NXP Semiconductors. In case of any inconsistency or conflict between information in this document and such terms and conditions, the latter will prevail.No offer to sell or license ⎯ Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Export control ⎯ This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export controlregulations. Export might require a prior authorization from national authorities.Quick reference data ⎯ The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding.分销商库存信息:NXPPMEG3010BEA,115PMEG4010BEA,115PMEG2010BEA,115 PMEG2010BEV,115PMEG3010BEV,115PMEG4010BEV,115。


APPLICATIONS • General purpose switching and amplification.
DESCRIPTION PNP transistor in a TO-92; SOT54 plastic package. NPN complement: JC501.
collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = −10 mA; IB = −0.5 mA

IC = −100 mA; IB = −5 mA

base-emitter saturation voltage IC = −10 mA; IB = −0.5 mA
collector cut-off current
emitter cut-off current DC current gain
IE = 0; VCB = −45 V

IE = 0; VCB = −45 V; Tj = 125 °C

IC = 0; VEB = −5 V

IC = −1 mA; VCE = −5 V
collector-base voltage collector-emitter voltage peak collector current total power dissipation DC current gain transition frequency



Data Sheet No. PD60338IRMCK311 Dual Channel Sensorless Motor Control IC forAppliancesFeaturesMCE TM (Motion Control Engine) - Hardware based computation engine for high efficiency sinusoidal sensorless control of permanent magnet AC motor Integrated Power Factor Correction controlSupports both interior and surface permanent magnet motorsBuilt-in hardware peripheral for single shunt current feedback reconstructionNo external current or voltage sensing operational amplifier requiredDual channel three/two-phase Space Vector PWM Three-channel analog output (PWM)Embedded 8-bit high speed microcontroller (8051) for flexible I/O and man-machine controlJTAG programming port for emulation/debugger Two serial communication interface (UART)I2C/SPI serial interfaceWatchdog timer with independent analog clockThree general purpose timers/countersTwo special timers: periodic timer, capture timer Internal ‘One-Time Programmable’ (OTP) memory and internal RAM for final production usagePin compatible with IRMCF311 RAM version1.8V/3.3V CMOS Product SummaryMaximum crystal frequency 60 MHz Maximum internal clock (SYSCLK) frequency 128 MHz Maximum 8051 clock frequency 33 MHz Sensorless control computation time 11 μsec typ MCE TM computation data range 16 bit signed 8051 OTP Program memory 56K bytes MCE program and Data RAM 8K bytes GateKill latency (digital filtered) 2 μsec PWM carrier frequency counter 16 bits/ SYSCLK A/D input channels 6 A/D converter resolution 12 bits A/D converter conversion speed 2 μsec 8051 instruction execution speed 2 SYSCLK Analog output (PWM) resolution 8 bits UART baud rate (typ) 57.6K bps Number of I/O (max) 14 Package (lead-free) QFP64 Operating temperature -40°C ~ 85°CDescriptionIRMCK311 is a high performance OTP based motion control IC designed primarily for appliance applications. IRMCK311 is designed to achieve low cost and high performance control solutions for advanced inverterized appliance motor control. IRMCK311 contains two computation engines. One is Motion Control Engine (MCE TM) for sensorless control of permanent magnet motors; the other is an 8-bit high-speed microcontroller (8051). Both computation engines are integrated into one monolithic chip. The MCE TM contains a collection of control elements such as Proportional plus Integral, Vector rotator, Angle estimator, Multiply/Divide, Low loss SVPWM, Single Shunt IFB. The user can program a motion control algorithm by connecting these control elements using a graphic compiler. Key components of the sensorless control algorithms, such as the Angle Estimator, are provided as complete pre-defined control blocks implemented in hardware. A unique analog/digital circuit and algorithm to fully support single shunt current reconstruction is also provided. The 8051 microcontroller performs 2-cycle instruction execution (16MIPS at 33MHz). The MCE and 8051 microcontroller are connected via dual port RAM to process signal monitoring and command input. An advanced graphic compiler for the MCE TM is seamlessly integrated into the MATLAB/Simulink environment, while third party JTAG based emulator tools are supported for 8051 developments. IRMCK311 comes with a small QFP64 pin lead-free package.TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Overview (5)2 IRMCK311 Block Diagram and Main Functions (6)3 Pinout (8)4 Input/Output of IRMCK311 (9)4.1 8051 Peripheral Interface Group (10)4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface Group (10)4.3 Analog Interface Group (11)4.4 Power Interface Group (11)4.5 Test Interface (12)5 Application Connections (13)6 DC Characteristics (14)6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)6.2 System Clock Frequency and Power Consumption (14)6.3 Digital I/O DC Characteristics (15)6.4 PLL and Oscillator DC Characteristics (15)6.5 Analog I/O DC Characteristics (16)6.6 Under Voltage Lockout DC Characteristics (17)6.7 AREF Characteristics (17)7 AC Characteristics (18)7.1 PLL AC Characteristics (18)7.2 Analog to Digital Converter AC Characteristics (19)7.3 Op Amp AC Characteristics (19)7.4 SYNC to SVPWM and A/D Conversion AC Timing (20)7.5 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)7.6 Interrupt AC Timing (21)7.7 I2C AC Timing (22)7.8 SPI AC Timing (23)7.8.1 SPI Write AC timing (23)7.8.2 SPI Read AC Timing (24)7.9 UART AC Timing (25)7.10 CAPTURE Input AC Timing (26)7.11 JTAG AC Timing (27)7.12 OTP Programming Timing (28)8 I/O Structure (29)9 Pin List (32)Dimensions (35)10 Package11 Part Marking Information (36)Information (36)12 OrderingTABLE OF FIGURESFigure 1. Typical Application Block Diagram Using IRMCK311 (5)Figure 2. IRMCK311 Internal Block Diagram (6)Figure 3. IRMCK311 Pin Configuration (8)Figure 4. Input/Output of IRMCK311 (9)Figure 5. Application Connection of IRMCK311 (13)Figure 6. Clock Frequency vs. Power Consumption (14)Figure 7 Crystal oscillator circuit (18)Figure 8 Voltage droop of sample and hold (19)Figure 9 SYNC to SVPWM and A/D conversion AC Timing (20)Figure 10 GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)Figure 11 Interrupt AC Timing (21)Figure 12 I2C AC Timing (22)Figure 13 SPI AC Timing (23)Figure 14 SPI Read AC Timing (24)Figure 15 UART AC Timing (25)Figure 16 CAPTURE Input AC Timing (26)Figure 17 JTAG AC Timing (27)Figure 18 OTP Programming Timing (28)Figure 19 All digital I/O except motor PWM output (29)Figure 20 RESET, GATEKILL I/O (29)Figure 21 Analog input (30)Figure 22 Analog operational amplifier output and AREF I/O structure (30)Figure 23 VPP programming pin I/O structure (30)Figure 24 VSS and AVSS pin structure (31)Figure 25 VDD1 and VDDCAP pin structure (31)Figure 26 XTAL0/XTAL1 pins structure (31)TABLE OF TABLESTable 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)Table 2. System Clock Frequency (14)Table 3. Digital I/O DC Characteristics (15)Table 4. PLL DC Characteristics (15)Table 5. Analog I/O DC Characteristics (16)Table 6. UVcc DC Characteristics (17)Table 7. AREF DC Characteristics (17)Table 8. PLL AC Characteristics (18)Table 9. A/D Converter AC Characteristics (19)Table 10. Current Sensing OP Amp AC Characteristics (19)Table 11. SYNC AC Characteristics (20)Table 12. GATEKILL to SVPWM AC Timing (21)Table 13. Interrupt AC Timing (21)Table 14. I2C AC Timing (22)Table 15. SPI Write AC Timing (23)Table 16. SPI Read AC Timing (24)Table 17. UART AC Timing (25)Table 18. CAPTURE AC Timing (26)Table 19. JTAG AC Timing (27)Table 20. OTP Programming Timing (28)Table 21. Pin List (32)1 OverviewIRMCK311 is a new International Rectifier integrated circuit device primarily designed as a one-chip solution for complete inverter controlled appliance dual motor control applications. Unlike a traditional microcontroller or DSP, the IRMCK311 provides a built-in closed loop sensorless control algorithm using the unique Motion Control Engine (MCE TM) for permanent magnet motors. The MCE TM consists of a collection of control elements, motion peripherals, a dedicated motion control sequencer and dual port RAM to map internal signal nodes. IRMCK311 also employs a unique single shunt current reconstruction circuit to eliminate additional analog/digital circuitry and enables a direct shunt resistor interface to the IC. The sensorless control is the same for both motors with a single shunt current sensing capability. Motion control programming is achieved using a dedicated graphical compiler integrated into the MATLAB/Simulink TM development environment. Sequencing, user interface, host communication, and upper layer control tasks can be implemented in the 8051 high-speed 8-bit microcontroller. The 8051 microcontroller is equipped with a JTAG port to facilitate emulation and debugging tools. Figure 1 shows a typical application schematic using IRMCK311.IRMCK311 is intended for volume production purpose and contains 64K bytes of OTP (One Time Programming) ROM, which can be programmed through a JTAG port. For a development purpose use, IRMCF311 contains a 48k byte of RAM in place of program OTP to facilitate an application development work. Both IRMCF311 and IRMCK311 come in the same 64-pin QFP package with identical pin configuration to facilitate PC board layout and transition to mass productionFigure 1. Typical Application Block Diagram Using IRMCK3112 IRMCK311 Block Diagram and Main FunctionsM o t i o n C o n t r o l B u sFigure 2. IRMCK311 Internal Block DiagramIRMCK311 contains the following functions for sensorless AC motor control applications:• Motion Control Engine (MCE TM )o Proportional plus Integral block o Low pass filtero Differentiator and lag (high pass filter) o Ramp o Limito Angle estimate (sensorless control) o Inverse Clark transformation o Vector rotator o Bit latch o Peak detect o Transitiono Multiply-divide (signed and unsigned)o Divide (signed and unsigned)o Addero Subtractoro Comparatoro Countero Accumulatoro Switcho Shifto ATAN (arc tangent)o Function block (any curve fitting, nonlinear function)o16-bit wide Logic operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NEGATE)o MCE TM program and data memory (6K byte). Note 1o MCE TM control sequencer• 8051 microcontrollero Three 16-bit timer/counterso16-bit periodic timero16-bit analog watchdog timero16-bit capture timero Up to 36 discrete I/Oso Eleven-channel 12-bit A/DFive buffered channels (0 – 1.2V input)One unbuffered channel (0 – 1.2V input)o JTAG port (4 pins)o Up to three channels of analog output (8-bit PWM)o Two UARTo I2C/SPI porto 64K byte Note 1program One-Time Programmable memoryo2K byte data RAM. Note 2Note 1: Total size of OTP memory is 64K byte, however MCE program occupiesmaximum 8K byte which will be loaded into internal RAM at a powerup/bootprocess. Therefore only 56K byte OTP memory area is usable for 8051microcontroller.Note 2: Total size of RAM is 8K byte including MCE program, MCE data, and 8051data. Different sizes can be allocated depending on applications.3 PinoutXTAL0XTAL1P1.1/RXD P1.2/TXDVDD1VSS VDD2P1.3/SYNC/SCKP1.4/CAPP 3.6/R X D 1P 3.7/T X D 1FPWMVL FPWMUL V S SV D D 2A V D DA V S SA I N 0A R E FP 2.7/A O P W M 1P 2.6/A O P W M 0CPWMUH CPWMVH CPWMWH CPWMUL CPWMVL CPWMWL CGATEKILL VDD1VSS I F B C OI F B C +I F B C -P L L V S SP L L V D DR E S E TN CT C KP 5.3/T D IP 5.2/T D OP 5.1/T M SS D A /C S 0S C L /S O -S I /V P PP 5.0/P F C G K I L LP F C P W M V S SFGATEKILL FPWMWL VAC-VAC+VACO IPFCO IPFC+IPFC-I F B F OI F B F +I F B F -P3.0/INT2/CS1C M E X TFPWMVH FPWMUHFPWMWH A I N 1P 3.2/I N T 0Figure 3. IRMCK311 Pin Configuration4 Input/Output of IRMCK311All I/O signals of IRMCK311 are shown in Figure 4. All I/O pins are 3.3V logic interface except A/D interface pins.Figure 4. Input/Output of IRMCK3114.1 8051 Peripheral Interface GroupUART InterfaceP1.1/RXD Input, Receive data to IRMCK311, can be configured as P1.1P1.2/TXD Output, Transmit data from IRMCK311, can be configured as P1.22nd channel Receive data to IRMCK311, can be configured as P3.6 P3.6/RXD1 Input,P3.7/TXD1 Output,2nd channel Transmit data from IRMCK311, can be configured as P3.7Discrete I/O InterfaceP1.3/SYNC/SCK Input/output port 1.3, can be configured as SYNC output or SPI clock P1.4/CAP Input/output port 1.4, can be configured as Capture Timer inputP3.0/INT2/CS1 Input/output port 3.0, can be configured as external interrupt 2 or SPIchip select 1P3.2/INT0 Input/output port 3.2, can be configured as external interrupt 0Analog Output InterfaceP2.6/AOPWM0 Input/output, can be configured as 8-bit PWM output 0 withprogrammable carrier frequencyP2.7/AOPWM1 Input/output, can be configured as 8-bit PWM output 1 withprogrammable carrier frequencyCrystal InterfaceXTAL0 Input, connected to crystalXTAL1 Output, connected to crystalReset InterfaceRESET Inout, system reset, needs to be pulled up to VDD1 but doesn’t requireexternal RC time constantI2C/SPI InterfaceSCL/SO-SI/VPP Output, I2C clock output, SPI SO-SII2C Data line, Chip Select 0 of SPISDA/CS0 Input/output,P3.0/INT2/CS1 Input/output port 3.0, can be configured as external interrupt 2 or SPIchip select 1P1.3/SYNC/SCK Input/output port 1.3, can be configured as SYNC output or SPI clock 4.2 Motion Peripheral Interface GroupPWMCPWMUH Output, motor 1 PWM phase U high side gate signalCPWMUL Output, motor 1 PWM phase U low side gate signalCPWMVH Output, motor 1 PWM phase V high side gate signalCPWMVL Output, motor 1 PWM phase V low side gate signalCPWMWH Output, motor 1 PWM phase W high side gate signalCPWMWL Output, motor 1 PWM phase W low side gate signalFPWMUH Output, motor 2 PWM phase U high side gate signalFPWMUL Output, motor 2 PWM phase U low side gate signal分销商库存信息: IRIRMCK311TR。



Storage temperature
Symbol IF IFP
Iop TJ VI-O Ta Tstg
Soldering temperature
Rating 30 1 −0.3 5 125 20 4 4 8 −40 −40 −80 12 125
Connection A
resistance with Connection B RON
output ON
Connection C
Current leakage when the relay is open ILEAK
LED reverse voltage
Connection temperature
Load voltage (AC peak/DC)
Continuous load current
Connection A Connection B Connection C
ON current reduction rate
Capacity between terminals COFF
Capacity between I/O terminals CI-O
Insulation resistance between I/O terminals RI-O 1000 ---



GS-R1012120W STEP-DOWN SWITCHING REGULATORJune 19941/7Type V i V o I o GS-R101218to 36V12V10AFEATURESWide input voltage range (18to 36V)High efficiency (90%min.)Parallel operation with current sharing SynchronizationRemote inhibit/enableRemote load voltage sense Output short-circuit protection Soft-startPCB or chassis mountableDESCRIPTIONThe GS-R1012is a step-down switching voltage regulator suitable to provide 12V/10A output volt-age from a wide input voltage range (18to 36V).ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V i DC Input Voltage 40V V iinh High Inhibit voltage28V T stg Storage Temperature Range –20to +105°C T copOperating Case Temperature Range0to +75°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T amb=25°C unless otherwise specified)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit V i Input Voltage V o=12V I o=1.5to10A182436Vl i Input Current V i=24V I o=10A5,6A l ir Reflected Input Current V i=24V I o=10Awith external filter(C=1000µF)400500mApp V ien Enable Input Voltage V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10A0 1.2V V iinh Inhibit Input Voltage V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10A224Vl iinh Inhibit Input Current V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10AV iinh=5V0.30.5mAV o Output Voltage V i=18to36V I o=1.5to10A11.41212.6VV or Output RippleVoltage V i=24VI o=10A150mVppδV OL Line Regulation V i=18to36V I o=10A0.5%δV OO Load Regulation V i=24V I o=1.5to10A1%∆V o Remote SenseCompensation V i=24VI o=10A0.5VI o Output Current*V i=18to36V V o=12V010A I ol Output CurrentLimitingV i=18to36V10.511.5AI osc Short-circuit OutputCurrentV i=24V16AδI o Current SharingDeviation V i=24VI o=2to10A two modules inparallel10%t ss Soft-start Time V i=24V I o=10A15mstr1Line TransientRecovery Time V i=15to36VI o=5A60µstr2Load TransientRecovery TimeV i=24V I o=1.5to10A100µsf s Switching Frequency V i=24V I o=1.5to10A100kHzηEfficiency Vi=18to36V I o=10A9092% R thc Thermal ResistanceCase-to-ambient7.5°C/W *Note:when output current is less than1.5A,output ripple voltage increases due to discontinuous operation.2/7GS-R1012Dimensions in mm(inches).CONNECTION DIAGRAM AND MECHANICAL DATAPIN DESCRIPTIONPin Function Description1GND Input Return for input voltage source.Internally connected to pin10,11.2Inhibit The converter is ON(Enable)when this pin is unconnected or the voltage applied is lower than1.2V.The converter is OFF(Inhibit)for a control voltage in the range of2to24V.3+Vin DC Input voltage;recommended maximum voltage is36V.External capacitor between pin3and pin1is mandatory;recommended value is 1000µF/50V for switching application.4,5+Vout+12V output voltage.6+Sense Senses the remote load high side.To be connected to pin4,5when remote sense is not used.7Sync Synchronization output.See figures1,2,3,4.Take care to leave the pin open when is not used.8Parallel Parallel output.See figures1,2,3,4.Take care to leave the pin open when is not used.9-Sense Senses the remote load return.To be connected to pin10,11when remote sense is not used.In parallel configuration,take care to connect all-S pins together(see figures1,2,3,4).10,11GND Output Return for output current path.Internally connected to pin1.GS-R10123/7USER NOTESInput VoltageThe recommended operating maximum DC input voltage is36V inclusive of the ripple voltage.The use of an external low ESR,high ripple current capacitor located as close the module as possibleis mandatory;recommended value is1000µF/50V. SoftstartTo avoid heavy inrush current the output voltage rise time is typically15ms in any condition of load. Remote SensingThe remote voltage sense compensation range is for a total drop of500mV equally shared between the load connecting wires.It is a good practice to shield the sensing wires to avoid oscillations.See the connection diagram on figures1,2,3,4.Parallel OperationTo increase available output regulated power,the module features the parallel connection possibility with equal current sharing and maximum deviation of10%(two modules in parallel).See the connec-tion diagram on figures1,2,3,4.Module ProtectionThe module is protected against occasional and permanent shortcircuits of the output pins to ground,as well as against output current overload. It uses a current limiting protection circuitry,avoid-ing latch-up problems with certain types of loads.Figure1.Figure2. GS-R10124/7Thermal characteristics:how to choose the heat-sinkSometimes the GS-R1012requires an external heat-sink depending both operating temperature conditions and power.Before entering into calculations details,some ba-sic concepts will be explained to better understand the problem.The thermal resistance between two points is rep-resented by their temperature difference in front of a specified dissipated power,and it is expressed in Degree Centigrade per Watt(°C/W).For GS-R1012the thermal resistance case to am-bient is7.5°C/W.This means that an internal power dissipation of1W will bring the case temperature at 7.5°C above the ambient temperature.The maximum case temperature to which the mod-ule provides10A is75°C(see fig.6).Let’s suppose to have a GS-R1012that delivers a load current of10A at an ambient temperature of 40°C.The dissipated power in this operating condition is about10.4W(at typical efficiency of92%),and the case temperature of the module will be:T Case=T Amb+P d×R th=40+10.4×7.5=118°C This value exceeds the maximum allowed tempera-ture and an external heat-sink must be added.To this purpose four holes(see mechanical drawing) are provided on the metal surface of the module. To calculate this heat-sink,let’s first determine what the total thermal resistance should be.R th=T CaseMAX−T ambP d=75−4010.4=3.37°C/WThis value is the resulting value of the additional heatsink thermal resistance.Figure3.Figure4.GS-R10125/76/7Figure 6.-Output Current vs.T case.8889909192939495969798012345678910Typ.eff.(%)Vi=18VVi=24V Vi=36VFigure 5.-Efficiency vs.Output Current.GS-R1012The following list may help the designer to select the proper commercially available heat-sink.Sometimes it can be more convenient to use aManufacturers Type Height (mm)Rth (°C/W)ALUTRONICPR139203PR140192PR15920 2.5ASSMAN V5440193V5805152V5280192AAVID 6088514 4.56066025.5 1.56235533.53AUSTERLITZ KS50123KS100.315 2.5FISCHER SK1625.5 1.5SK52192SGE BOSARIL30213LZ50243THERMALLOY 615514 4.56601145617624 4.56320301.57/7custom made heat-sink that can be experimently designed and tested.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.©1994SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics –All Rights ReservedSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia -Brazil -China -France -Germany -Hong Kong -Italy -Japan -Korea -Malaysia -Malta -Morocco -The Netherlands -Singapore -Spain -Sweden -Switzerland -Taiwan -Thailand -United Kingdom -U.S.A.GS-R1012。



© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2007 January, 2007 − Rev. 141Publication Order Number:MJE350/DMJE350Plastic Medium PowerPNP Silicon TransistorThis device is designed for use in line−operated applications such as low power, line−operated series pass and switching regulators requiring PNP capability.Features•High Collector−Emitter Sustaining V oltage −V CEO(sus)= 300 Vdc @ I C= 1.0 mAdc•Excellent DC Current Gain −h FE= 30−240 @ I C= 50 mAdc•Plastic Thermopad Package•Pb−Free Package is Available*MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit Collector−Emitter Voltage V CEO300Vdc Emitter−Base Voltage V EB 3.0Vdc Collector Current − Continuous I C500mAdcTotal Power Dissipation @ T C = 25_C Derate above 25_C P D200.16WmW/_COperating and Storage JunctionTemperature RangeT J, T stg–65 to +150_CTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case q JC 6.25_C/W Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Characteristic Symbol Min MaxUnit OFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector−Emitter Sustaining Voltage(I C = 1.0 mAdc, I B = 0)V CEO(sus)300−VdcCollector Cutoff Current(V CB = 300 Vdc, I E= 0)I CBO−100m AdcEmitter Cutoff Current(V EB = 3.0 Vdc, I C = 0)I EBO−100m Adc ON CHARACTERISTICSDC Current Gain(I C = 50 mAdc, V CE = 10 Vdc)h FE30240−*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.Device Package Shipping ORDERING INFORMATIONMJE350TO−225500 Units/BoxMJE350G TO−225(Pb−Free)500 Units/Box2h F E , D C C U R R E N T G A I N2005030101002070V CE , COLLECTOR−EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 3. Active −Region Safe Operating Area I C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (m A )1003020I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)Figure 4. Temperature CoefficientsThere are two limitations on the power handling ability of a transistor: average junction temperature and second breakdown. Safe operating area curves indicate I C − V CE limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation; i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation than the curves indicate.The data of Figure 3 is based on T J(pk) = 150_C; T C is variable depending on conditions. Second breakdown pulse limits are valid for duty cycles to 10% provided T J(pk)v 150_C. At high case temperatures, thermal limitations will reduce the power that can be handled to values less than the limitations imposed by second breakdown.20T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 5. Power Derating10080400160206016128.04.00120140P D , P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )PACKAGE DIMENSIONSTO −225CASE 77−09ISSUE Z2.COLLECTOR3.BASEON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION分销商库存信息: ONSEMIMJE350G。

NP3100GARLG,NP3100GBRLG,NP1800GBRLG, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

NP3100GARLG,NP3100GBRLG,NP1800GBRLG, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

DO-15 NP SeriesPreferred DevicesThyristor Surge ProtectorsHigh Voltage BidirectionalNP Series Thyristor Surge Protector Devices (TSPD) protect telecommunication circuits such as central o ice, access, and customer premises equipment from overvoltage conditions. These are bidirectional devices so they are able to have functionality of 2 devices in one package, saving valuable space on board layout.These devices will act as a crowbar when overvoltage occurs and will divert the energy away from circuit or device that is being e of the NP Series in equipment will help meet various regulatory requirements including: IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 60950, TIA-968-A,EN 60950, UL 1950.ELECTRICAL PARAMETERSDevice V DRMV (BO)V T I DRM I (BO)I T I H V V V m A mA A mA NP1100GxRLG 9013045800 1.0150NP1300GxRLG 12016045800 1.0150NP1500GxRLG 14018045800 1.0150NP1800GxRLG 170220458001.0150NP2300GxRLG 190260458001.0150NP2600GxRLG 22030045800 1.0150NP3100GxRLG 27535045800 1.0150NP3500GxRLG320400458001.0150G = indicates leadfree, RoHS compliant SURGE DATA RATINGS(Nominal Values)Specification Waveformx = series ratings Unit Voltage m s Current m s A B TIA-968-A 10x56010x56050100A(pk)GR-1089-CORE 10x100010x10005080*BIDIRECTIONAL AXIAL LEADTHYRISTOR 110 - 350 VOLTSPreferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overall value.MT1MT2See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 4 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONDIAGRAMA = Assembly Location NPxxxx = Device Number xxx = (See Table Page 3)YY = Year WW = Work Week G = Pb-Free Package(Note: Microdot may be in either location)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Characteristics (Note 1)Symbol Min Typ Max UnitBreakover Voltage (Both Polarities)NP1100GxRLGNP1300GxRLGNP1500GxRLGNP1800GxRLGNP2300GxRLGNP2600GxRLGNP3100GxRLGNP3500GxRLG V(BO)130160180220260300350400VOff-State Voltage (Both Polarities)NP1100GxRLGNP1300GxRLGNP1500GxRLGNP1800GxRLGNP2300GxRLGNP2600GxRLGNP3100GxRLGNP3500GxRLG V DRM90120140170190220275320VOff State Current ( V D1 = 50 V ) Both Polarities( V D2 = V DRM ) Both Polarities I DRM1I DRM22.05.0m Am AHolding Current (Both Polarities) (Note 4) V S = 500 V; I T = 2.2 A I H150250-mA On-State Voltage I T = 1.0 A(pk) (PW = 300 m Sec, DC = 2%)V T-- 4.0V Maximum Non-Repetitive Rate of Change of On-State Current (Note 1)(Haefely test method, 1.0 pk < 100 A)di/dt--500A/m SecCritical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage(Linear Waveform, V D = 0.8 V DRM, T J = 25°C)dv/dt 5.0--kV/m Sec CAPACITANCECharacteristics SymbolTypUnit A B(f=1.0 MHz, 1.0 V rms, 2 Vdc bias)NP1100GxRLGNP1300GxRLGNP1500GxRLGNP1800GxRLGNP2300GxRLGNP2600GxRLGNP3100GxRLGNP3500GxRLG C o706060604040404012510010010060606060pF1.Electrical parameters are based on pulsed test methods.2.di/dt must not be exceeded of a maximum of 100 A/m Sec in this application.3.Measured under pulsed conditions to reduce heating4.Allow cooling before testing second polarity.SURGE RATINGSCharacteristicsSymbolABUnit Nominal PulseSurge Short Circuit Current Non – RepetitiveDouble Exponential Decay Waveform (Notes 5, 6 and 7)10 x 560 m Sec 10 x 1000 m Sec I PPS1I PPS2505010080A(pk)5.Allow cooling before testing second polarity.6.Measured under pulse conditions to reduce heating.7.Nominal values may not represent the maximum capability of a device.Figure 1. Exponential Decay Pulse WaveformTIME (m s)0500I p p - P E A KP U L S E C U R R E N T - %I p pt rt f-IFigure 2. Voltage Current Characteristics of TSPDSymbol ParameterV DRM Peak Off State Voltage V (BO)Breakover Voltage I (BO)Breakover Current I H Holding Current V T On State Voltage I TOn State CurrentORDERING INFORMATIONPart NumberMarking CaseShipping †NP1100GARLG NP110A Axial Lead (Pb-Free)5000 / Tape and ReelNP1100GBRLG NP110B NP1300GARLG NP130A NP1300GBRLG NP130B NP1500GARLG NP150A NP1500GBRLG NP150B NP1800GARLG NP180A NP1800GBRLG NP180B NP2300GARLG NP230A NP2300GBRLG NP230B NP2600GARLG NP260A NP2600GBRLG NP260B NP3100GARLG NP310A NP3100GBRLG NP310B NP3500GARLG NP350A NP3500GBRLGNP350B†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSAXIAL LEAD CASE 59AA-01ISSUE O (DO-15)BDIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 5.807.600.2280.299B 2.60 3.600.1020.142D 0.710.860.0280.034K25.44---1.000---NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.ALL RULES AND NOTES ASSOCIATED WITH JEDEC DO-41 OUTLINE SHALL APPLY .4.POLARITY DENOTED BY CATHODE BAND.5.LEAD DIAMETER NOT CONTROLLED WITHIN F DIMENSION.6.REPLACES CASE 59-09.ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further noticeto any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。



Figure 5. Current Derating
Figure 6. Forward Power Dissipation
MBRA140T3G, NRVBA140T3G Surface Mount Schottky Power Rectifier
Figure 1. Typical Forward Voltage
Figure 2. Maximum Forward Voltage
†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.
TJ = 125C TJ = 85C
10E-3 TJ = 85C 1.0E-3 TJ = 25C

施耐德电气 Galaxy VS 带内部电池的 UPS 技术规格书说明书

施耐德电气 Galaxy VS 带内部电池的 UPS 技术规格书说明书

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放电终止电压...................................................................................... 21 电池电压范围...................................................................................... 21 电池运行时间(分钟) ........................................................................21 合规性 .....................................................................................................22 通信和管理............................................................................................... 23 EPO................................................................................................... 23 可配置输入接点和输出继电器 ..............................................................24 规格......................................................................................................... 25 建议的线缆规格 - 380/400/415 V ..........................................................27 扭矩规格 ............................................................................................28 环境 ...................................................................................................28 散热 (BTU/hr) .....................................................................................29 UPS 运输重量和尺寸...........................................................................30 UPS 重量和尺寸 .................................................................................30 间距 ...................................................................................................30 图纸......................................................................................................... 31 10-20 kW 400 V ..................................................................................31 选项......................................................................................................... 32 配置选项 ............................................................................................32 硬件选项 ............................................................................................33



HV100/HV10108/26/02Supertex Inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications and will not knowingly sell its products for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate "products liability HV100HV101Applications❑-48V Central Office Switching (line cards)❑+48V Server Networks❑+48V Storage Area Networks❑+48V Peripherals, Routers, Switches❑+24V Cellular and Fixed Wireless (bay stations, line cards)❑+24V Industrial Systems ❑+24V UPS Systems❑-48V PBX & ADSL Systems (line cards)❑Distributed Power Systems ❑Powered Ethernet for VoIPFeatures❑33% Smaller than SOT-232❑Pass Element is Only External Part ❑No Sense Resistor required ❑Auto-Adapt* to Pass Element ❑Short Circuit Protection*❑UV & POR Supervisory Circuits ❑ 2.5s Auto Retry❑±10V to ±72V Input Voltage Range❑0.6mA Typical Operating Supply Current ❑Built in Clamp for AC Path Turn On GlitchTypical Applications and WaveformsGeneral DescriptionThe HV100/HV101 are 3-pin hotswap controllers available in SOT-223 and MLP packages, which require no external compo-nents other than a pass element. The HV100/HV101 contain many of the features found in hotswap controllers with 8 pins or more, and which generally require many external components.These features include undervoltage (UV) detection circuits,power on reset (POR) supervisory circuits, inrush current limit-ing, short circuit protection, and auto-retry. In addition, the HV100/HV101 use a patent pending mechanism to sample and adapt to any pass element, resulting in consistent hotswap profiles without any programming.The only difference between the HV100 and the HV101 is the internally set undervoltage (UV) threshold.Ordering InformationV U s n o it p O sn o i t p O e g a kc a P 322-T O S n i P -3P L M n i P -3ei D V 435K 001V H 6K 001V H X 001V H V415K 101V H 6K 101V H X101V H *Patents Pending 1IRF530 is a Trademark of International Rectifier Corporation 2MLP3x2 Package Version compared to 3mmx3mm SOT-23-6元器件交易网Electrical Characteristics (-40°C < T A < +85°C unless otherwise noted)lo b m y S re t e m a r a P ni M py T xa M st i n U sn o i t i d n o C y l p p u S V o t d e c n e r e f e R (P P )n i p V N N e g a t l o V y l p p u S 27-V U V I NN tn e r r u C y l p p u S 6.00.1Am V N N V84-=l o r t n o C V U V o t d e c n e r e f e R (N N )n i p V L V U )w o L o t h g i H (d l o h s e r h T V U 034383V 001V H 3.21417.51V 101V H V HV U si s e r e t s y H V U 3V 001V H 1V101V H t u p t u O e v i r D e t a G V o t d e c n e r e f e R (N N )n i p V E T A G e g a t l o V e v i r D e t a G m u m i x a M 012141V R S E T A G et a R w e l S l a i t i n I m /V C E T A G Fn 1=I N W O D E T A G )g n i k n i s (t n e r r u C n w o D -l l u P e v i r D e t a G 861A m V E T A G V ;V 1=P P V 5.11=I PU L L U P tn e r r u C p u -l l u P p a w S t o H t s o P 611AµV E T A G V6=l o r t n o C g n i m i T V o t d e c n e r e f e R (N N )n i p t R O P y a l e D R O P n o i t r e s n I m t DR A ya l e D t r a t s e R o t u A t l u s e R l a c i r t c e l E e l p m a x E )035F R I g n i s U (I M I L p a w s t o H g n i r u D t n e r r u C h s u r n I x a M 4.1A C ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I D A O L F µ001=I M I L p a w s t o H g n i r u D t n e r r u C h s u r n I x a M 5.2A C ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I D A O L F µ002=I M I L p a w s t o H g n i r u D t n e r r u C h s u r n I x a M 1.3A C ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I D A O L F µ003=I T R O H S t r o h S a o t n I t n e r r u C x a M 0.4A R ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I D A O L 1<<=t T R O H S e m i T c e t e D d a o L d e t r o h S 0.1s m R ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I D A O L 1<<=∆E T A G et a G f o e s i R f o e t a R l a i t i n I 5.2s m /V C y n a ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I D A O L t SH eg a t l o V e t a G l l u F o t d o i r e P p a w S t o H 5.21sm C y n a ,T E F S O M l a n r e t x e 035F R I DA O L Pin DescriptionV PP –Positive voltage supply input to the circuit.V NN –This pin is the Negative voltage power supply input to the circuit.GATE–This is the Gate Driver Output for the external N-Channel MOSFET.Absolute Maximum Ratings*V PP Input Voltage-0.3V to 75V Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C Operating Junction Temperature Range -40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range-65°C to 150°C*All voltages referenced to V NN .Pinouts123VNNGATE2VPPTop View SOT-223123VPPGATEVNN Top View 3 pin MLPFunctional Block DiagramFunctional DescriptionInsertion into Hot BackplanesTelecom, data network and some computer applications require the ability to insert and remove circuit cards from systems without powering down the entire system. Since all circuit cards have some filter capacitance on the power rails, which is espe-cially true in circuit cards or network terminal equipment utilizing distributed power systems, the insertion can result in high inrush currents that can cause damage to connector and circuit cards and may result in unacceptable disturbances on the system backplane power rails.The HV100/HV101 are designed to facilitate the insertion and removal of these circuit cards or connection of terminal equip-ment by eliminating these inrush currents and powering up these circuits in a controlled manner after full connector insertion has been achieved. The HV100/HV101 are intended to provide this control function on the negative supply rail.Description of OperationOn initial power application the high input voltage internal regu-lator seeks to provide a regulated supply for the internal circuitry. Until the proper internal voltage is achieved all circuits are held reset by the internal UVLO and the gate to source voltage of the external N-channel MOSFET is held off. Once the internal regulator voltage exceeds the UVLO threshold, the input undervoltage detection circuit (UV) senses the input voltage to confirm that it is above the internally programmed threshold. If at any time the input voltage falls below the UV threshold, all internal circuitry is reset and the GATE output is pulled down toVNN . UVLO detection works in conjunction with a power on reset(POR) timer of approximately 3.5ms to overcome contact bounce.Once the UVLO is satisfied the gate is held to VNN until a PORtimer expires. Should the UV monitor toggle before the POR timer expires, the POR timer will be reset. This process will be repeated each time UVLO is satisfied until a full POR period has been achieved.After completion of a full POR period, the MOSFET gate Auto-Adapt operation begins. A reference current source is turned on which begins to charge an internal capacitor generating a ramp voltage which rises at a slew rate of 2.5 V/ms. This reference slew rate is used by a closed loop system to generate a GATE output current to drive the gate of the external N-channel MOSFET with a slew rate that matches the reference slew rate. Before the gate crosses a reference voltage, which is well below the VTHof industry standard MOSFETs, the pull-up current value is stored and the Auto-Adapt loop is opened. This stored pull-up current value is used to drive the gate during the remainder of the hot swap period. The result is a normalization with CISS, which for most MOSFETs scales with CRSS.The MOSFET gate is charged with a current source until it reaches its turn on threshold and starts to charge the load capacitor. At this point the onset of the Miller Effect causes the effective capacitance looking into the gate to rise, and the current source charging the gate will have little effect on the gate voltage. The gate voltage remains essentially constant until the output capacitor is fully charged. At this point the voltage on the gate of the MOSFET continues to rise to a voltage level that guarantees full turn on of the MOSFET. It will remain in the full on state until an input under voltage condition is detected.If the circuit attempts turn on into a shorted load, then the Miller Effect will not occur. The gate voltage will continue to rise essentially at the same rate as the reference ramp indicating that a short circuit exists. This is detected by the control circuit and results in turning off the MOSFET initiating a 2.5 second delay, after which a normal restart is attempted.If at any time during the start up cycle or thereafter, the input voltage falls below the UV threshold the GATE output will be pulled down to VNN, turning off the N-channel MOSFET and all internal circuitry is reset. A normal restart sequence will be initiated once the input voltage rises above the UVLO threshold plus hysteresis.Application InformationTurn On ClampHotswap controllers using a MOSFET as the pass element all include a capacitor divider from V PP to V NN through C LOAD , C RSS and C GS . In most competitive solutions a large external capacitor is added to the gate of the pass element to limit the voltage on the gate resulting from this divider. In those instances if a gate capacitor is not used the internal circuitry is not available to hold off the gate and therefore a fast rising voltage input will cause the pass element to turn on for a moment. This allows current spikes to pass through the MOSFET.The HV100/HV101 include a built-in clamp to ensure that this spurious current glitch does not occur. The built-in clamp will work for the time constants of most mechanical connectors.There may be applications, however, that have rise times that are much less than 1µs (100’s of ns). In these instances it may be necessary to add a capacitor from the MOSFET gate to source to clamp the gate and suppress this current spike. In these cases the current spike generally contains very little energy and does not cause damage even if a capacitor is not used at the gate.Auto-Adapt OperationThe HV100/HV101 Auto-adapt mechanism provides an impor-tant function. It normalizes the hotswap period regardless of pass element or load capacitor for consistent hotswap results.By doing this it allows the novel short circuit mechanism to workbecause the mechanism requires a known time base.The above diagram illustrates the effectiveness of the auto-adapt mechanism. In this example three MOSFETs with different C ISS and R DSON values are used. The top waveform is the hotswap current, while the bottom waveform is the gate voltage. As can be seen, the hotswap period is normalized, the initial slope of the gate voltage is approximately 2.5V/ms regardless of the MOSFET,and the total hotswap period and peak currents are a function of a MOSFET type dependent constant multiplied by C LOAD .Typically if MOSFETs of the same type are used, the hotswap results will be extremely consistent. If different types are used they will usually exhibit minimal variation.Short Circuit ProtectionThe HV100/HV101 provide short circuit protection by shutting down if the Miller Effect associated with hotswap does not occur.Specifically, if the output is shorted then the gate will rise without exhibiting a “flat response ”. Due to the fact that we have normal-ized the hotswap period for any pass element, a timer can be used to detect if the gate voltage rises above a threshold within that time, indicating that a short exists. The diagram below shows a typical turn on sequence with the load shorted, resultingin a peak current of 4A.The maximum current that may occur during this period can be controlled by adding a resistor in series with the source of the MOSFET. The lower graph shows the same circuit with a 100m Ωresistor inserted between source and V NN . In this case themaximum current is 25% smaller.For most applications and pass elements, the HV100/HV101provides adequate limiting of the maximum current to prevent damage without the need for any external components. The 2.5s delay of the auto-retry circuit provides time for the pass element to cool between attempts.2A/divNTE66 is a trademark of NTE ElectronicsIRF530 is a trademark of International Rectifier Corporation IRF120M is a trademark of International Rectifier Corporation1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089TEL: (408) 744-0100 • FAX: (408) 222-489508/26/02 rev.3bApplication Information, cont’d.Auto-RetryNot only does the HV100/HV101 provide short circuit protection in a 3-pin package, it also includes a 2.5s built in auto-restart timer. The HV100/HV101 will continuously try to turn on the system every 2.5s, providing sufficient time for the pass element to cool down after each attempt.Calculating Inrush CurrentAs can be seen in the diagram below, for a standard pass element, the HV100/HV101 will normalize the hotswap time period against load capacitance. For this reason the current limit will increase with increasing value of the load capacitance.Inrush can be calculated from the following formula:I INRUSH(PEAK) = (C ISS / C RSS ) * 2.5e3 * C LOADThis is a surprisingly consistent result because for most MOSFETs of a particular type the ratio of C ISS / C RSS is relatively constant (though notice from the plot that there is some variation) even while the absolute value of these and other quantities vary.Based on this, the inrush current will vary primarily with C LOAD .This makes designing with the HV100/HV101 particularly easy because once the pass element is chosen, the period is fixed and the inrush varies with C LOAD only.Programming the HV100/HV101The HV100/HV101 require no external components other than a pass element to provide the functionality described thus far. In some applications it may be useful to use external components to adjust the maximum allowable inrush current, adjust UVLO, or to provide additional gate clamping if the supply rails have rise times below 1ms.All of the above are possible with a minimum number of external components.i)To adjust inrush current with an external component simply connect a capacitor (C FB ) from drain to gate of the MOSFET.The inrush calculation then becomes:I INRUSH = (C ISS / (C RSS + C FB )) * 2.5e3 * C LOADNote that a resistor (approximately 10K Ω) needs to be added in series with C FB to create a zero in the feedback loop and limit the spurious turn on which is now enhanced by the larger divider element.ii)To increase undervoltage lockout simply connect a Zener diode in series with the V PP pin.iii)If the V PP rises particularly fast (>48e6V/s) then it may bedesirable to connect a capacitor from gate to source of the MOSFET to provide a path for the power application tran-sient spike, which is now too fast for the internal clamping mechanism.iv)To limit the peak current during a short circuit, a resistor inseries with the source of the MOSFET may help.Implementing PWRGD ControlDue to the HV100/HV101’s small footprint, it is possible to create an open drain PWRGD signal using external components and still maintain a size comparable with the smallest hotswap controllers available elsewhere. To accomplish this an external MOSFET may be used in conjunction with the gate output.Simply use a high impedance divider (10M Ω) sized so that the open drain PWRGD MOSFET threshold will only be reached once the HV100/HV101’s gate voltage rises well above the current limit value required by the external MOSFET pass device. Alternatively a Zener diode between the gate output and the PWRGD MOSFET gate set at a voltage higher than the maximum pass element Vt will also work.2A/div。



Maximum RMS Voltage
VRMS 35 70 140 210 280 420 560 700 V
Maximum DC Blocking Voltage
Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current .375 (9.5mm) Lead Length @TA = 55 oC
0 -0.25A
1.ime=7ns max. Input Impedance= 1 megohm 22pf
2. Rise Time=10ns max. Sourse Impedance= 50 ohms
-65 to +150
1. Reverse Recovery Test Conditions: IF=0.5A, IR=1.0A, IRR=0.25A 2. Measured at 1 MHz and Applied Reverse Voltage of 4.0 V D.C.
3. Mount on Cu-Pad Size 5mm x 5mm on P.C.B.
Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3 ms Single Half Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC method )
50 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 V
HER101G - HER108G
1.0 AMP. Glass Passivated High Efficient Rectifiers DO-41
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MOS FET Relays
Low 100-m Ω ON Resistance.
Higher power, 1.4-A switching with a 100-V load voltage, SOP package.
•Continuous load current of 1.4 A (connection C = 2.8 A).•Dielectric strength of 1,500 Vrms between I/O.! Refer to “Common Precautions”.
■Application Examples
•Broadband systems •Measurement devices •Data loggers •Industrial equipment
The actual product is marked differently from the image shown here.
■List of Models
Note:The AC peak and DC value is given for the load voltage.
All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.

Terminal Arrangement/Internal Connections (Top View)

RoHS compliant
Contact form Terminals Load voltage (peak value)
(See note.)Model Number per stick Number per tape SPST-NO
Surface-mounting terminals
100 V
G3VM-101HR 75---G3VM-101HR(TR)
Note:The actual product is marked differently
from the image shown here.
Weight: 0.13 g
■Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
■Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)
■Recommended Operating Conditions
Use the G3VM under the following conditions so that the Relay will operate properly.
■Engineering Data
Load Current vs. Ambient Temperature
■Safety Precautions
Refer to “Common Precautions” for all G3VM models.
Symbol Rating Unit Measurement Conditions Input
LED forward current
I F 30mA LED forward current reduction rate ∆ I F /°C −0.3mA/°C Ta ≥ 25°C
LED reverse voltage V R 5V Connection temperature
T j 125°C Output
Load voltage (AC peak/DC)V OFF 100V Continuous load current
Connection A I O
Connection A: AC peak/DC Connection B and C: DC
Connection B 1.4Connection C
2.8ON current reduction rate
Connection A ∆ I IO /°C −18.7mA/°C Ta ≥ 50°C
Connection B −18.7Connection C
−37.3Pulse on current Iop 4A t = 100 ms
Connection temperature
T j 125°C Dielectric strength between input and output (See note 1.)V I-O 1,500Vrms AC for 1 min
Operating temperature T a −40 to +85
With no icing or condensation Storage temperature T stg −55 to +125°C With no icing or condensation Soldering temperature (10 s)
10 s
1.The dielectric strength between the in-put and output was checked by apply-ing voltage between all pins as a group on the LED side and all pins as a group on the light-receiving side.
Symbol Mini-mum Typical Maxi-mum Unit
Measurement conditions Input
LED forward voltage V F 1.18 1.33 1.48V I F = 10 mA Reverse current
I R ------10µA V R = 5 V Capacity between terminals C T ---70---pF V = 0, f = 1 MHz Trigger LED forward current
I FT ---0.43mA I O = 100 mA
Maximum resistance with output ON
Connection A R ON
---0.10.2ΩI F = 5 mA, I O = 1.4 A, t < 1S Connection B ---0.050.1ΩI F = 5 mA, I O = 1.4 A, t < 1S Connection C
---0.025---ΩI F = 5 mA, I O = 2.8 A, t < 1S Current leakage when the relay is open
I LEAK ------10nA V OFF = 100 V Capacity between I/O terminals C I-O ---0.8---pF f = 1 MHz, Vs = 0 V Insulation resistance R I-O 1,000------M ΩV I-O = 500 VDC, RoH ≤ 60%
Turn-ON time t ON --- 1.0 5.0ms I F = 5 mA, R L = 200 Ω, V DD = 20 V (See note 2.)
Turn-OFF time
t OFF ---0.15
ms Note:
2.Turn-ON and Turn-OFF
Symbol Minimum
Maximum Unit
Load voltage (AC peak/DC)V DD
V Operating LED forward current I F 57.520mA Continuous load current (AC peak/DC)I O ------ 1.1A Operating temperature
T a
分销商库存信息: OMRON
