iText实战第二版(iText in Action
二、iText的特点和优势1. 强大的功能:iText支持创建、合并、拆分和操作PDF文档。
2. 多样化的输出形式:iText可以将PDF文件输出到多种形式,如文件、流、字节数组或网络流。
3. 兼容性强:iText兼容多种PDF版本,并能够处理不同版本之间的互转。
4. 灵活易用的接口:iText提供了简单易用的API,使开发人员能够快速上手,轻松实现PDF文件的创建和处理。
5. 大量的文档和示例:iText官方网站上提供了大量的文档和示例代码,包括教程、API文档和示例应用程序。
三、iText的应用场景1. 报表生成:iText可以用于生成各种形式的报表,包括财务报表、销售报表、数据统计报表等。
2. 文档处理:iText可以用于处理各种文档,如合同、发票、简历和证书等。
•功能测试专属重构很多通用的代码重构技巧,比如“重命名”,可以用在功能测试脚本里面,它们特定于测试意图,比如“Move the scripts to run each test case”。
Java RESTful Web Service实战(第2版
粗略看完,覆盖面广,最大的感受是java web写起来非常笨重,人生苦短。
深刻解读JAX-RS的标准和API设计;Jersey的使用要点和实现原理,以及基于REST的Web服务的设计思想和 原则自第1版发行后,Jersey的版本由2.9更新到了2.22.2,此间REST服务得到了更广泛的认可和使用。
搞技术的人,是停不下来的。时而要开疆拓土,学习和研究新的知识点,弥补自己的技术债;时而要运筹帷 幄,将知识点梳理成线,编织成;时而要深耕细作,面对当下要攻坚的业务所对应的知识点,深入研究、反复实 践、勤于思考、勇于交流。
安全性是指外系统对该接口的访问,不会使服务器端资源的状态发生改变;幂等性(idempotence)是指外 系统对同一REST接口的多次访问,得到的资源状态是相同的。
10.1身份认证 10.2资源授权
10.3认证与授权实 现
10.4 JAX-RS2实现
10.5 REST服 务与OAuth2
10.1.1基本认证 10.1.2摘要认证 10.1.3表单认证 10.1.4证书认证
10.2.1容器管理权限 10.2.2应用管理权限
10.3.1基本认证与JDBCRealm 10.3.2摘要认证与UserDatabaseRealm 10.3.3表单认证与DataSourceRealm 10.3.4 Form认证和JAASRealm 10.3.5证书认证与UserDatabaseRealm
1.2.1 REST式的Web服务 1.2.2对比RPC风格 1.2.3对比MVC风格
1.3.1 JAX-RS2标准 1.3.2 JAX-RS2的目标 1.3.3非JAX-RS2的目标 1.3.4解读JAX-RS元素
目录一、iText简介 (4)1)What is iText®? (4)二、搭建iText环境 (6)1)环境准备 (6)2)几个基础的类的含义 (6)三、用iText进行PDF操作 (7)1)经典的hello word. (7)2)给pdf来点颜色 (9)3)设置阅读器参数 (10)4)给文档设置密码和权限 (13)5)解决中文的问题 (16)6)总结: (18)一、iText简介1)What is iText®?如果你在需要创建PDF的一系列操作,你将使用像Adobe Acrobat 或者Adobe InDesign 这样的桌面图形设计工具去手动或者半自动的创建一个文档。
另一种情况, PDF文档是利用软件应用提供的API自动创建的、不需要或者最小化地依赖人工介入。
类似的情况发生在操作PDF,你可能用Adobe Acrobat更新PDF,但是也有工具可以使你将数据库形式的数据去增加内容。
iText 就是一个专注于自动化方面的工具。
•制作绘图和书籍,开拓很多PDF中的交互特性•在现有的PDF中增加书签,页码,水印,和其他特性•切分或者整合存在的PDF文件•填写互动表格•在WEB浏览器中提供动态生成和操作PDF的服务iText 不是最终用户的工具.你必须将iText搭建在你自己的应用中,这样你可以进行PDF 的一系列操作了.功能预览下图罗列出了你可以用iText进行的操作:iText支持的功能iText部分支持的功能iText主要的作用是创建和操作PDF文档当前最新版本:5.1.0项目官方网站:/下载地址:/project/itext/iText/iText5.1.0/itext-5.1.0.z ip二、搭建iText环境1)环境准备•MyEclipse8.5•下载iText最新jar包•新建一个javaProject、将iText.jar导入classPath、这样就可以用iText进行PDF 开发了。
第一步,创建一个 iTextSharp.text.Document对象的实例:Document document = new Document();第二步,为该Document创建一个Writer实例:PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileStream("Chap0101.pdf", FileMode.Create));第三步,打开当前Documentdocument.Open();第四步,为当前Document添加内容:document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));第五步,关闭Documentdocument.Close();完整的代码见示例代码0101。
注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));”中的字符串“Hello Word”换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中要专门讲解字体问题,中文显示也就迎刃而解了,如果不能正确显示中文,也就没有必要翻译本文了。
第一步创建一个Document实例:iTextSharp.text.Document-object共有三个构造函数:public Document();public Document(Rectangle pageSize);public Document(Rectangle pageSize,int marginLeft,int marginRight,int marginTop,int marginBottom);第一个构造函数以A4页面作为参数调用第二个构造函数,第二个构造函数以每边36磅页边距为参数调用第三个构造函数◆页面尺寸:你可以通过指定的颜色和大小创建你自己的页面,示例代码0102创建一个细长的浅黄色背景的页面:Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(144, 720);pageSize.BackgroundColor = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xDE);Document document = new Document(pageSize);通常,你不必创建这样的页面,而可以从下面页面尺寸中选择:A0-A10, LEGAL, LETTER, HALFLETTER, _11x17, LEDGER, NOTE, B0-B5, ARCH_A-ARCH_E, FLSA 和 FLSE大多数情况下使用纵向页面,如果希望使用横向页面,你只须使用rotate()函数:Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.rotate());详细代码见示例代码0103。
第一步,创建一个 iTextSharp.text.Document对象的实例:Document document = new Document();第二步,为该Document创建一个Writer实例:PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileStream("Chap0101.pdf", FileMode.Create));第三步,打开当前Documentdocument.Open();第四步,为当前Document添加内容:document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));第五步,关闭Documentdocument.Close();完整的代码见示例代码0101。
注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));”中的字符串“Hello Word”换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中要专门讲解字体问题,中文显示也就迎刃而解了,如果不能正确显示中文,也就没有必要翻译本文了。
第一步创建一个Document实例:iTextSharp.text.Document-object共有三个构造函数:public Document();public Document(Rectangle pageSize);public Document(Rectangle pageSize,int marginLeft,int marginRight,int marginTop,int marginBottom);第一个构造函数以A4页面作为参数调用第二个构造函数,第二个构造函数以每边36磅页边距为参数调用第三个构造函数◆页面尺寸:你可以通过指定的颜色和大小创建你自己的页面,示例代码0102创建一个细长的浅黄色背景的页面:Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(144, 720);pageSize.BackgroundColor = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xDE);Document document = new Document(pageSize);通常,你不必创建这样的页面,而可以从下面页面尺寸中选择:A0-A10, LEGAL, LETTER, HALFLETTER, _11x17, LEDGER, NOTE, B0-B5, ARCH_A-ARCH_E, FLSA 和 FLSE大多数情况下使用纵向页面,如果希望使用横向页面,你只须使用rotate()函数:Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.rotate());详细代码见示例代码0103。
Paragraph paragraph = newParagraph("用户表",font); //定义一个字段 PdfPCell cell = newPdfPCell(paragraph);//定义一个单元格,像表格内添加字段 table.addCell(cell); //把单元加到表格中
一般情况下, itext的使用是在以下一个或者多个要求的项目中使用: 1. 内容不固定无法提前利用,它是基于用户的输入或实时数据库信息计算 2. 由于内容,页面过多, PDF文档不能手动生成。 3. 文档需在无人参与,批处理模式下自动创建 4. 内容需要自定义或个性化,如:客户的名字需要打印到某一页
① table.setWidthPercentage(50);//设 置 表 格 的 宽 度 , 按 百 分 比 缩 放 ② table.setTotalWidth(100);//设 置 表 格 的 宽 度
table.setLockedWidth(true);//将 设 置 的 宽 度 锁 定 , 和 totalwidth结 合 使 用 。
cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(0); cell.setBorderWidthTop(0); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(0); cell.setBorderWidthRight(0); cell.setBorderWidthLeft(0);
FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 12))); //创建一个段落,向段落中加入短句 Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(new Phrase("This is my second paragraph.",
目录一、iText简介 (4)1)What is iText®? (4)二、搭建iText环境 (6)1)环境准备 (6)2)几个基础的类的含义 (6)三、用iText进行PDF操作 (7)1)经典的hello word. (7)2)给pdf来点颜色 (9)3)设置阅读器参数 (10)4)给文档设置密码和权限 (13)5)解决中文的问题 (16)6)总结: (18)一、iText简介1)What is iText®?如果你在需要创建PDF的一系列操作,你将使用像Adobe Acrobat 或者Adobe InDesign 这样的桌面图形设计工具去手动或者半自动的创建一个文档。
另一种情况, PDF文档是利用软件应用提供的API自动创建的、不需要或者最小化地依赖人工介入。
类似的情况发生在操作PDF,你可能用Adobe Acrobat更新PDF,但是也有工具可以使你将数据库形式的数据去增加内容。
iText 就是一个专注于自动化方面的工具。
•制作绘图和书籍,开拓很多PDF中的交互特性•在现有的PDF中增加书签,页码,水印,和其他特性•切分或者整合存在的PDF文件•填写互动表格•在WEB浏览器中提供动态生成和操作PDF的服务iText 不是最终用户的工具.你必须将iText搭建在你自己的应用中,这样你可以进行PDF 的一系列操作了.功能预览下图罗列出了你可以用iText进行的操作:iText支持的功能iText部分支持的功能iText主要的作用是创建和操作PDF文档当前最新版本:5.1.0项目官方网站:/下载地址:/project/itext/iText/iText5.1.0/itext-5.1.0.z ip二、搭建iText环境1)环境准备•MyEclipse8.5•下载iText最新jar包•新建一个javaProject、将iText.jar导入classPath、这样就可以用iText进行PDF 开发了。
中间碰到了一个创建字体的问题:Java代码BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);console错误提示"Font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' is not recognized"BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);console错误提示"Font 'STSong-Light' with 'UniGB-UCS2-H' is not recognized"google一下,处理方式可以采用windos自带字库:Java代码BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc,1", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc,1", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);下面是在对网上一例的代码整理:Java代码/*** 创建pdfWriter模板** @Field cell表示表格中每个单元格的内容,paragraph为段落内容* @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/abstract public class PDFWriter {protected Document document = null;protected FileOutputStream out = null;protected Rectangle pageSize = null;protected String filePath = null;protected Cell cell = null;protected Paragraph header = null;protected Paragraph prg = null;protected Table table = null;public PDFWriter(String filePath) {try {this.filePath = filePath;document = new Document();out = new FileOutputStream(filePath);//文档输出路径信息PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);;} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (DocumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public void close() {try {document.close();out.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}/*** 创建pdfWriter模板** @Field cell表示表格中每个单元格的内容,paragraph为段落内容* @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/abstract public class PDFWriter {protected Document document = null;protected FileOutputStream out = null;protected Rectangle pageSize = null;protected String filePath = null;protected Cell cell = null;protected Paragraph header = null;protected Paragraph prg = null;protected Table table = null;public PDFWriter(String filePath) {try {this.filePath = filePath;document = new Document();out = new FileOutputStream(filePath);//文档输出路径信息PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);;} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (DocumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public void close() {try {document.close();out.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}Java代码import com.lowagie.text.BadElementException;import com.lowagie.text.Cell;import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;import com.lowagie.text.Font;/*** 定制单元格** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class PDFCell extends Cell {public PDFCell(String content, int rowspan, int colspan)throws BadElementException {super(new Chunk(content, PDFChineseFont.createChineseFont(10, Font.NORMAL)));setRowspan(rowspan);setColspan(colspan);setHeader(false);}}import com.lowagie.text.BadElementException;import com.lowagie.text.Cell;import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;import com.lowagie.text.Font;/*** 定制单元格** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class PDFCell extends Cell {public PDFCell(String content, int rowspan, int colspan)throws BadElementException {super(new Chunk(content, PDFChineseFont.createChineseFont(10,Font.NORMAL)));setRowspan(rowspan);setColspan(colspan);setHeader(false);}}Java代码import com.lowagie.text.Element;import com.lowagie.text.Font;import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;/*** 定制段落** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/@SuppressWarnings("serial")public class PDFParagragh extends Paragraph {public PDFParagragh(String content, int alignment, int fontSize) {super(content, PDFChineseFont.createChineseFont(fontSize, Font.NORMAL)); setAlignment(alignment);}public static final int CENTER = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;public static final int LEFT = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;public static final int RIGHT = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;public static final int TOP = Element.ALIGN_TOP;public static final int MIDDLE = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;public static final int BOTTOM = Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM;}import com.lowagie.text.Element;import com.lowagie.text.Font;import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;/*** 定制段落** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/@SuppressWarnings("serial")public class PDFParagragh extends Paragraph {public PDFParagragh(String content, int alignment, int fontSize) {super(content, PDFChineseFont.createChineseFont(fontSize, Font.NORMAL));setAlignment(alignment);}public static final int CENTER = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;public static final int LEFT = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;public static final int RIGHT = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;public static final int TOP = Element.ALIGN_TOP;public static final int MIDDLE = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE;public static final int BOTTOM = Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM;}Java代码import;import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;import com.lowagie.text.Font;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;/*** 如果无此函数定义,生成的pdf文件中的中文字符将不会显示** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class PDFChineseFont {private static Font chineseFont;public final static Font createChineseFont(int size, int style) {try {// chineseFont = new Font(BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light",// "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED), size, style);//使用windos自带字库:chineseFont = newFont(BaseFont.createFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc,1",BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED), size, style);} catch (DocumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return chineseFont;}import;import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;import com.lowagie.text.Font;import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;/*** 如果无此函数定义,生成的pdf文件中的中文字符将不会显示** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class PDFChineseFont {private static Font chineseFont;public final static Font createChineseFont(int size, int style) {try {// chineseFont = new Font(BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light",// "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED), size, style);//使用windos自带字库:chineseFont = newFont(BaseFont.createFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\simsun.ttc,1",BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED), size, style);} catch (DocumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return chineseFont;}}Java代码import com.lowagie.text.BadElementException;import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;import com.lowagie.text.Table;/*** 定制PDF文档格式** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜public class MyWriter extends PDFWriter {public MyWriter(String path) {super(path);try {header = new Paragraph("练习文档");// header = new PDFParagraph("练习文档");document.add(header);table = new Table(14);table.setBorderWidth(0);table.addCell(new PDFCell("(单价:1毛)", 1, 5));table.addCell(new PDFCell("2009年01月13号", 1, 9));document.add(table);table = new Table(14);table.setBorderWidth(0);table.addCell(new PDFCell("公司名称", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("网址", 1, 3));table.addCell(new PDFCell("型号规格", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("数量", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("单价", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("总价", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("附件", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("备注", 1, 2));table.endHeaders();// 换行table.addCell(new PDFCell("广拓芯", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("", 1, 3)); table.addCell(new PDFCell("1860", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("3", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("0.3", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("2000", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("无", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("无", 1, 2));table.endHeaders();document.add(table);close();// 别忘记关闭} catch (BadElementException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (DocumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}import com.lowagie.text.BadElementException;import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;import com.lowagie.text.Table;/*** 定制PDF文档格式** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class MyWriter extends PDFWriter {public MyWriter(String path) {super(path);try {header = new Paragraph("练习文档");// header = new PDFParagraph("练习文档");document.add(header);table = new Table(14);table.setBorderWidth(0);table.addCell(new PDFCell("(单价:1毛)", 1, 5));table.addCell(new PDFCell("2009年01月13号", 1, 9));document.add(table);table = new Table(14);table.setBorderWidth(0);table.addCell(new PDFCell("公司名称", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("网址", 1, 3));table.addCell(new PDFCell("型号规格", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("数量", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("单价", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("总价", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("附件", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("备注", 1, 2));table.endHeaders();// 换行table.addCell(new PDFCell("广拓芯", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("", 1, 3));table.addCell(new PDFCell("1860", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("3", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("0.3", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("2000", 1, 1));table.addCell(new PDFCell("无", 1, 2));table.addCell(new PDFCell("无", 1, 2));table.endHeaders();document.add(table);close();// 别忘记关闭} catch (BadElementException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (DocumentException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}Java代码/*** 测试类** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {PDFWriter pdf = new MyWriter("gtxin.pdf");}}/*** 测试类** @date 2009年01月13日* @author 林维煜*/public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {PDFWriter pdf = new MyWriter("gtxin.pdf");}}。
PDFWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("Helloworld.PDF"));
document.add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));
public Document();
public Document(Rectangle pageSize);
public Document(Rectangle pageSize,
int marginLeft,
int marginRight,
int marginTop,
int marginBottom);
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileStream(&uot;Chap0101.pdf&uot;, FileMode.Create));
注:如果你将例中“document.Add(new Paragraph(&uot;Hello World&uot;));”中的字符串“Hello Word”换成中文,如“这是我的第一个PDF文件”,产生的结果一定让你大失所望,因为生成的PDF文件中并没有将中文显示出来,不要担心,在第9章中 要专门讲解字体问题,中文显示也就迎刃而解了,如果不能正确显示
document.Add(new Paragraph(&uot;Hello World&uot;));
该例子只在PDF文件中加了“Hello World“一行文字。
Document document = new Document();try{PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream ("Chap0101.pdf"));;document.add(new Paragraph("Hello World"));}catch(DocumentException de){System.err.println(de.getMessage());}catch(IOException ioe){System.err.println(ioe.getMessage());}document.close();由以上的例子可见,程序的框架十分清楚明了。
以下是一个简单的示例,展示了如何创建一个包含文本的PDF文档:```import;public class CreatePDFpublic static void main(String[] args)// 创建一个Document对象Document document = new Document(;try// 创建一个PdfWriter对象,将文档写入文件PdfWriter.getInstance(document, newFileOutputStream("output.pdf"));//打开文档;//添加文本到文档document.add(new Paragraph("Hello, World!"));//关闭文档document.close(;System.out.println("PDF创建成功!");} catch (DocumentException e)e.printStackTrace(;} catch (FileNotFoundException e)e.printStackTrace(;}}```运行上述代码将会在当前目录下创建一个名为output.pdf的PDF文档,并在其中添加了一段文本"Hello, World!"。
以下是一些常见的操作示例:1.添加图像:```import;public class AddImagepublic static void main(String[] args)Document document = new Document(;tryPdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("output.pdf"));;//添加图像Image image = Image.getInstance("image.jpg");document.add(image);document.close(;System.out.println("图像已添加到PDF文档!");} catch (Exception e)e.printStackTrace(;}}```上述示例将会在PDF文档中添加名为image.jpg的图像。
document.setPageSize(PageSize.A4.rotate());// A4横向打印document.newPage(); //另起⼀页⾯document.add(new Paragraph(" ", CUtility.getSun(4)));//间接到达换⾏效果关于表格宽度,单元格宽度的设置PDF画表格,确定表格每⼀列的宽度和表格总宽度// 中间表格部分for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {document.add(new Paragraph(" ", CUtility.getSun(10))); //Cutility为我操作PDF的⼀个⼯具类 }float[] widths = { 70, 95, 55, 95, 55, 90 };// 460PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); //确定每⼀列的宽度table.setLockedWidth(true); //锁定表格宽度 int tableWidth = 0;for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++)tableWidth += widths[i];table.setTotalWidth(tableWidth); //设定表格总宽度table.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); //设置表格内的内容⽔平居中详细内容添加完之后想在表格下⾯接着画⼀个宽度⼀样的表格等分成三列table = new PdfPTable(3);//设置⼀个三列的表格,均分table.setTotalWidth(765);//设置表格总宽度//不想均分也可以对每列进⾏设置table.setTotalWidth(new float[] { 200, 300, 265 });//或者:table.setTotalWidth(765);table.setWidth(new int[]{200,300,265});table.setLockedWidth(true);//设置锁定表格宽度关于表格单元格常⽤APIPdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell(); // 表格的单元格pdfCell.setMinimumHeight(rowHeight);// 设置表格⾏⾼pdfCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);//⽔平居中pdfCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);//垂直居中pdfCell.setRowspan(2);//合并2⾏pdfCell.setColspan(2);//合并2列pdfCell.setMinimumHeight(70);//设置最⼩⾼度pdfCell.setBackgroundColor(BaseColor.ORANGE);//设置背景颜⾊pdfCell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER);//设置⽆边框pdfCell.setBorder(0);//设置⽆边框如何给⽂字加下划线:Chunk chunk = new Chunk(" " + num_1 + " ");chunk.setUnderline(0.1f, -2f);// 下划线paragraph = new Paragraph("\r\n 以上共计 ", CUtility.getKai());paragraph.add(chunk);操作itextPDF的⼯具类package mon;import java.text.NumberFormat;import java.text.ParseException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Calendar;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Date;import java.util.UUID;import com.itextpdf.text.Element;import com.itextpdf.text.Font;import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph;import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont;import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell;public class CUtility {private static final char[] numArray = { '零', '⼀', '⼆', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '⼋', '九' };private static final int fontSize = 12;public static final int UNIT_STEP = 4; // 单位进位,中⽂默认为4位即(万、亿)public static final String[] CN_UNITS = new String[] { "个", "拾", "佰", "仟", "万", "拾", "佰", "仟", "亿", "拾", "佰", "仟", "万" }; public static final String[] CN_CHARS = new String[] { "零", "壹", "贰", "叁", "肆", "伍", "陆", "柒", "捌", "玖" };/*** 将阿拉伯数字转换为中⽂数字123=》⼀⼆三** @param srcNum* @return*/public static String getCNNum(int srcNum) {String desCNNum = "";if (srcNum <= 0)desCNNum = "零";else {int singleDigit;while (srcNum > 0) {singleDigit = srcNum % 10;desCNNum = String.valueOf(numArray[singleDigit]) + desCNNum;srcNum /= 10;}}return desCNNum;}/*** 将⽇期转化为上中下旬** @param inDate* @return*/public static String get10DayClass(String inDate) {String returnCode = "⽉下旬";Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();try {cal.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(inDate));} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}int day = cal.get(Calendar.DATE);if (day < 11)returnCode = "⽉上旬";else if (day < 21)returnCode = "⽉中旬";returnCode = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "年" + String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + returnCode;return returnCode;}/*** 格式化KindEditor中输⼊的字符串,进⾏显⽰和输出** @param content* @return*/public static String formatEditorStr(String c8) {c8 = c8.replaceAll(" ", "");c8 = c8.replaceAll("\r", "");c8 = c8.replaceAll("\n", "");c8 = c8.replaceAll("<p>", "");c8 = c8.replaceAll("</p>", "");c8 = c8.replaceAll("<br/>", "\r\n");return c8;}/*** 打印中的楷体** @return* @throws Exception*/public static Font getKai() throws Exception {return getKai(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);public static Font getKai(int fontSize) throws Exception {return getKai(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font getKai(int fSize, int fonStyle) throws Exception {fSize = fSize > 0 ? fSize : fontSize;return getFont(fSize, fonStyle, "simkai.ttf");}/*** 打印中的⿊体** @return* @throws Exception*/public static Font getHei() throws Exception {return getHei(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font getHei(int fontSize) throws Exception {return getHei(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font getHei(int fSize, int fonStyle) throws Exception {fSize = fSize > 0 ? fSize : fontSize;return getFont(fSize, fonStyle, "simhei.ttf");}/*** 打印中的宋体** @return* @throws Exception*/public static Font getSun() throws Exception {return getSun(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font getSun(int fontSize) throws Exception {return getSun(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font getSun(int fSize, int fonStyle) throws Exception {fSize = fSize > 0 ? fSize : fontSize;return getFont(fSize, fonStyle, "simsun.ttc,1");}/*** 打印中的word字体** @return* @throws Exception*/public static Font getWSun() throws Exception {return getWSun(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font geWSun(int fontSize) throws Exception {return getWSun(fontSize, Font.NORMAL);}public static Font getWSun(int fSize, int fonStyle) throws Exception {fSize = fSize > 0 ? fSize : fontSize;return getFont(fSize, fonStyle, "WINGDNG2.ttf");}private static Font getFont(int fontSize, int fonStyle, String fontName) throws Exception {BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont(ServerInfo.getInstance().getFontPath() + fontName, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);Font fontChinese = new Font(bfChinese, fontSize, fonStyle);return fontChinese;}/*** 打印时需要的Cel** @param content* @param font* @return*/public static PdfPCell getCell(String content, Font font) {}public static PdfPCell getCell(String content, Font font, int rowsSpan, int colsSpan) {return getCell(content, font, rowsSpan, colsSpan, 30);}public static PdfPCell getCell(String content, Font font, int rowsSpan, int colsSpan, int rowHeight) { PdfPCell pdfCell = new PdfPCell(); // 表格的单元格pdfCell.setMinimumHeight(rowHeight);// 设置表格⾏⾼pdfCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);pdfCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);if (rowsSpan > 1)pdfCell.setRowspan(rowsSpan);if (colsSpan > 1)pdfCell.setColspan(colsSpan);pdfCell.setPhrase(new Paragraph(content, font));return pdfCell;}/*** 格式化输出为Span标签** @param title* @param value* @param type* @return*/public static String setBadge(String title, String value, int type) {String returnCode = " <span class='layui-badge";switch (type) {case 0:returnCode += "'>";break;// ⾚case 1:returnCode += " layui-bg-orange'>";break;// 橙case 2:returnCode += " layui-bg-green'>";break;// 绿case 3:returnCode += " layui-bg-cyan'>";break;// 青case 4:returnCode += " layui-bg-blue'>";break;// 蓝}returnCode += "" + title + "" + value + "</span> ";return returnCode;}/*** 获取本地中⽂货币显⽰样式** @param currency* @return*/public static String getLocalCurrency(String currency) {double currcencyNum = 0;try {currcencyNum = Double.parseDouble(currency);} catch (Exception e) {}return getLocalCurrency(currcencyNum);}public static String getLocalCurrency(double currency) {NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();return "¥ " + numberFormat.format(currency);}/*** 获取系统当前时间** @return*/public static String genCD() {return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}/*** 获取系统唯⼀码* @return*/public static String genUUID() {return UUID.randomUUID().toString().toUpperCase().replaceAll("-", "");}/*** 数值转换为中⽂字符串(⼝语化)* @param isColloquial* 是否⼝语化。
Problem: drawing vector layers
• PdfContentByte allows pen movements:
private void drawPathContent(Coordinate[] coord) { pdfContentByte.moveTo( origX + (float) coord[0].x, origY + (float) coord[0].y); for (int i = 1; i < coord.length; i++) { pd#43; (float) coord[i].x, origY + (float) coord[i].y); }
private void setFill(Color color) { // Color and transparency PdfGState state = new PdfGState(); state.setFillOpacity(color.getAlpha() / 255f); state.setBlendMode(PdfGState.BM_NORMAL); template.setGState(state); template.setColorFill(color);
Structure in PDF
Tagged PDF to XML
• Take the file moby.xml • Convert it to moby.pdf
– create a RoleMap – parse the structure – parse the content
• Convert tagged PDF to XML
iText in Action Second Edition
itextsharp itextextractionstrategy
itextsharp itextextractionstrategy itextsharp是一个用于操作PDF文档的开源库,广泛应用于.NET平台的PDF文档处理。
本文将一步一步回答有关itextsharp itextextractionstrategy主题的问题。
而itextsharp是iText的.NET版本,专门为.NET 平台开发。
itextextractionstrategy是一个接口,它定义了一组方法,用于从PDF 文档中提取文本。
这些方法包括:- BeginTextBlock():开始文本块的提取。
- EndTextBlock():结束文本块的提取。
itext7 pdf注释
itext7 pdf注释
1. 注释类型:iText7支持多种类型的注释,包括文本注释、高亮注释、下划线注释、删除线注释、图章注释、文件附件注释等。
2. 注释属性:每个注释都有一些属性,如注释的位置、大小、颜色、内容等。
3. 添加注释:要向PDF文档中添加注释,首先需要创建一个注释对象,并设置其属性。
4. 读取注释:要读取PDF文档中的注释,可以使用PdfDocument 对象的getPage()方法获取指定页面对象,然后使用页面对象的getAnnotations()方法获取该页面上的所有注释对象。
iText DITO 2.0 (MVP)发布预览指南说明书
Table of ContentsTable of Contents2 Introduction2 Manage Your Workspace 2 Manage Your Data2 Manage Your Templates2 Manage Your Images, Stylesheets and Fonts 2 iText DITO Editor - Revamped and Extended3 iText DITO Manager3 Workspace Controls3 New Management Experience for Data Collections4 New Management Experience for Templates5 New Management Experience for Resources5 iText DITO Editor6 User Interface Makeover6 Feature Enrichments7 iText DITO SDK8 Integration with iText DITO Manager8 Deprecation of the Native Java SDK8 Deployment and Migration8 IntroductionWe are excited to announce the general availability of iText DITO 2.0 (MVP) on March 30, 2021. This release marks the introduction of the iText DITO Manager component, which brings a workspace control room experience and a central repository for your templates, data collections and resources. The iText DITO Editor component has been optimized to integrate with the Manager experience and it received a UI make-over as well as some interesting new features. The PDF producer API has also been optimized to integrate with iText DITO Manager. For the future of iText DITO, we have chosen to focus on further development of the Dockerized REST version, deprecating the native Java flavor of the SDK.Manage Your WorkspaceiText DITO Manager introduces the concept of a workspace in which you store and deploy templates, data collections and additional resources. The workspace manages users and security roles, connected SDK instances and your template promotion pipeline.Manage Your DataIn the data management area of iText DITO Manager you can create and maintain re-usable data collections. These are data structures, extracted from JSON files you upload, that can be associated with one or more templates. To preview the templates with relevant data at design time, you can add data samples to data collections. There's versioning, permission management and dependency control on all data collections you create.Manage Your TemplatesiText DITO Manager mainly revolves around template management. In iText DITO 2.0 there are four different types of templates: the self-explanatory standard, header and footer templates, and compositions, which are combinations of the other three types of templates. Compositions allow you to reuse headers, footers or body sections across a variety of different output documents. Just like data collections, templates have a full audit trail, permission settings and a dependency list. You can promote them from dev to production along the different stages of your workspace's promotion path. As you do so, they are automatically deployed to the connected SDK instances.Manage Your Images, Stylesheets and FontsTemplates often contain more than just content. Layout resources like images, stylesheets and fonts are also managed in iText DITO 2.0. That means that they can be reused across multiple templates. From a content management perspective that allows you to update the look and feel of multiple templates at once, by updating the images and styles they share.iText DITO Editor - Revamped and ExtendediText DITO Editor has received a full make-over. All familiar functionalities are still there and easier to use than ever before. But most of all the experience has been optimized to co-exist with iText DITO Manager. The 2.0 release also contains new capabilities, such as automated table of contents and bookmark creation based on template headings.iText DITO ManageriText DITO Manager is a new component in the iText DITO framework, that offers a central control center for your templating environment. It allows you to manage a workspace, users, templates and all their dependencies. It gives system admins the tools they need to maintain in control of your PDF generation space, and it allows business users to manage content and lay-out in a more organized way.Workspace ControlsiText DITO templates and the data connections and resources they need, are managed in a work environment, called a "workspace". The workspace settings area in iText DITO Manager contains the following sections:Workspace settings : Control the name of your workspace and set the default time zone for all timestamps thesystem generates, such as creation and modification times of items;•Subscription management : Upload your license and monitor how many PDFs you have left on your current volumesubscription, or check your next renewal date;•User management : Create and manage users. You need to have a user profile to open, edit and deploy templatesand their dependencies. To generate PDFs, you don't need a user profile;•Security role management : Users have permissions based on their roles. There are three system security roles:global administrator, administrator and template designer. You can add custom roles to give certain users permissions on specific items only.•Instance management and promotion path designer : Connect SDK instances to your workspace and make a visualrepresentation of your promotion pipeline with the graphical promotion path designer. Use it to promote templates from dev to production, and through all the stages in between.•New Management Experience for Data CollectionsInstead of copying and pasting JSON code into iText DITO Editor, the new version has a centralized approach to data collection management. In the data management section of iText DITO Manager you can:Create data collections: Upload a JSON file to create data collections. Data collections can have data samples which •can be used to preview templates with relevant data;•Consult version history: Every time you edit a data collection, a new version is created. You can consult the version history and roll back to an earlier version of the data collection if required;Set permissions: If modifying the data collection should be restricted to a subset of your users, you can set •collection-specific restrictions for custom security roles. Administrator roles always have access to all items;Check dependencies: In the dependencies table you can see which templates are associated with the active data •collection. You cannot delete data collections that have dependent templates.The MVP release of iText DITO 2.0 expects the import of a valid JSON file as a source for a data collection. In future releases we aim to broaden that scope to other data formats and alternative ways of collecting data.New Management Experience for TemplatesWhereas earlier versions of iText DITO required some sort of file management by the customer, iText DITO 2.0 introduces its own centralized, repository-based template management. There are now four types of templates:Standard templates : Standard templates fill the main body section of a document;•Header templates : Header templates fill the top margin section of a document. They are repeated on every page of the document;•Footer templates : Footer templates fill the bottom margin of a document. They are repeated on every page of the document;•Compositions : Compositions are combinations of header, footer and standard templates. A composition can have one header, one footer and multiple standard templates.•In the template management section of iText DITO Manager you can:Create templates : Create templates of any of the aforementioned types and associate them with a data collection;•Update templates : When you update standard, header and footer templates, iText DITO Editor will open up from within the Manager experience. When you save and commit your changes, the template will be updated to a new version and stored back into the central repository. When you update compositions, the built-in composition wizard will open inside iText DITO Manager, so you can drag and drop templates to the corresponding document sections. •Consult version history and promote/undeploy templates : Every time you update a template, a new version is created. You can consult the version history and roll back to an earlier version of the template if required. You can also promote or undeploy templates from the version history tab.•Set permissions : If modifying the template should be restricted to a subset of your users, you can set template-specific restrictions for custom security roles. Administrator roles always have access to all items;•Check dependencies : In the dependencies table you can see which data collection and resources are associated with the active template. You cannot delete templates that have dependent compositions, or promoted versions.•New Management Experience for ResourcesiText DITO 2.0 also introduces central management of resources, such as images, stylesheets and fonts.Images : Central management of graphic resources allows for better image library management and more control over where images are used. This centralized approach lets you update all of the templates that use a certain image at once. This may come in handy when you need to update templates with a new company logo for instance.•Stylesheets : For less common design challenges, iText DITO Editor continues to support the use of cascading stylesheets (CSS). Also these stylesheets are managed centrally. In the Editor you can link a stylesheet to the active template and select the style you want to use.•Fonts : With iText DITO 2.0, the days of CSS-based custom font declarations are finally behind us. Do you want to use a custom font? Then simply upload the font archive to iText DITO Manager and it will match discovered font files with supported font faces and create a custom font resource. That's all you need to do to make the new font available to all your templates. Please make sure though to only use fonts for which you hold a valid license or fonts that can be used more freely.•iText DITO EditorUser Interface MakeoveriText DITO Editor 2.0 has received a full UI makeover, mostly to integrate it seamlessly with iText DITO Manager. The most remarkable UI improvements are:Collapsible left side panels : The side panels on the left can be minimized or fully collapsed to free more screen estate for the template canvas. Also, the Template Elements panel, now renamed "Structure" can be easily expanded to the full height of the screen, which allows for easier template navigation;•Tabbed experience for Toolbox, Properties, Data Binds and Resources : Each of these items have their own tab in the resizable panel to the right of the canvas, which allows for a more focused template design experience;•Workspace header : iText DITO inherits the workspace header controls from iText DITO Manager, displaying the name of the template, the workspace and the active user.•Feature EnrichmentsiText DITO 2.0 also introduces a number of feature enrichments for iText DITO Editor:Automated table of contents creation : The table of contents of this very document is autogenerated with iTextDITO. A TOC can be added to a template straight from the Toolbox. The entries in the TOC are based on the document headings, taking into account any conditional visibility and data binding logic you have built into these headings. You can define whether to include page numbers and links to the included headings and you can choose from a series of tab leader visualizations to style your table of contents;•Automated bookmarks creation : iText DITO 2.0 can also use the document headings to create bookmarks. Thisfeature contributes to the accessibility of the generated PDF documents. Although not a hard requirement, the PDF/UA specification recommends including bookmarks in your PDFs. iText DITO 2.0 autogenerates those. The bookmark creation checkbox is located in the Template Settings section;•Comment and commit : Templates can be opened in iText DITO Editor with a simple click from the template's detailview in iText DITO Manager. When you are done editing the template you can choose to save and commit your changes. A new version of the template will be created, containing your changes, and you can leave a version comment;•CSS word-break support : iText DITO Editor now also supports word-break in CSS. This means that longer text stringscan be broken to continue the next line at the edge of a containing box, such as a rich text element with a fixed width, a subform or a table cell;•Minor improvements : As well as these feature enrichments a number of smaller improvements are part of the iTextDITO 2.0 release, including several performance enhancements, improved copying and pasting, case-insensitive condition evaluation and much more.•iText DITO SDKIntegration with iText DITO ManagerUpdates to the iText DITO SDK mainly revolve around integration with third party content providers such as iText DITO Manager. Two main areas of improvement are:•Application configuration: in iText DITO 2.0 you can set up a YML configuration file in the config folder of the SDK container. In this file you can enable or disable interaction with third party content providers and control timeout settings for template operations. You can also use this file to set a maximum retention time for PDF production reports;•Authentication: in iText DITO 2.0 you can set up a security proxy sidecar container to handle authentication of requests. The image for such containers will be available through Docker Hub. In the config folder you can set up a YML configuration file that describes an HTTP header and a token that is expected on every request to one of the SDK’s endpoints.Deprecation of the Native Java SDKIn light of the containerized approach to deploying the new iText DITO, support for the native Java version of the iText DITO SDK will not be extended to iText DITO 2.0. iText will continue to support the native Java flavor of version 1.5 for a period of time however.Deployment and MigrationiText DITO will be deployed in a series of Docker containers, for which images will be available through Docker Hub. A standard deployment of iText DITO 2.0 contains these containers:One iText DITO Manager Database container;•One iText DITO Manager Frontend container;••One iText DITO Manager Backend container;•One iText DITO Editor container;•One or more iText DITO SDK containers;Optionally, one or more iText DITO Security Proxy sidecar containers.•A migration guide to help you update from iText DITO 1.5 to iText DITO 2.0 will be available through the iText Knowledge Base shortly after the MVP release. Optimization of *.dito template project files may be required prior to import into youriText DITO 2.0 Manager environment. But the import process will automatically create data collections, samples, templatesand resources (images and stylesheets) from your optimized 1.5 template projects.。
itext pdf2data解析表格
itext pdf2data解析表格iText PDF2Data 是一个用于从PDF 文件中解析表格的库。
它可以识别PDF 文件中的表格,并将其转换为易于处理的数据结构。
以下是使用iText PDF2Data 解析表格的一般步骤:1. 导入iText PDF2Data 库:确保在你的项目中包含了iText PDF2Data 库的依赖项。
你可以通过Maven、Gradle 或手动下载并将库添加到项目的类路径中。
2. 加载PDF 文件:使用iText 的PdfReader 类加载要解析的PDF 文件。
例如,可以使用以下代码加载一个名为"input.pdf" 的PDF 文件:PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("input.pdf");3. 创建PDF2Data 实例:创建一个PDF2Data 实例,并将其与加载的PDF 文件关联。
例如:PDF2Data pdf2Data = new PDF2Data(reader);4. 解析表格:使用PDF2Data 实例的extractTables 方法解析PDF 文件中的表格。
例如:java复制代码List<Table> tables = pdf2Data.extractTables();5. 处理表格数据:遍历解析得到的表格列表,对每个表格进行处理。
例如,可以打印每个表格的内容:for (Table table : tables) {int numRows = table.getNumberOfRows();int numColumns = table.getNumberOfColumns();for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {Cell cell = table.getCell(i, j);System.out.print(cell.getText() + "\t");}System.out.println();}}6. 关闭资源:在完成解析后,确保关闭PdfReader 和PDF2Data 实例以释放资源。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
iText 实战第二版(iText in Action
2018/03/08 24 原网址:https://developers.itextpdf/content/itext-5-examples/itext- action-second-edition
Helper classes database connection |数据库连接帮助类Pojo classes film database |Chapter 1: Introducing PDF and iText |介绍PDF 和iTextChapter 2: Using iText’s basic building blocks |使用iText 基础模块Chapter 3: Adding content at absolute positions |添加内容Chapter 4: Organizing content in tables |表内组织内容Chapter 5: Table, cell, and page events |表,单元,和页面时间Chapter 6: Working with existing PDFs |对于已存
在的PDF 文档进行操作Chapter 7: Making documents interactive |文件交互Chapter 8: Filling out interactive forms |填写交互表单Chapter 9: Integrating iText in your web applications |在您的Web 应用程序集成iTextChapter 10: Brightening up your PDF with color and images |用图片和颜色装点你的PDFChapter 11: Choosing the right font |选用合适的字体Chapter 12: Protecting your PDF |保护你的PDF 文档Chapter 13: PDFs inside-out |??Chapter 14: The imaging model |图片模式Chapter 15: Page content and structure |页面内容和结构Chapter 16: PDF streams |pdf 流