华奥通HAC-DM GPRS DTU系列 用户手册说明书

HAC-DMGPRS DTU系列用户手册V e r s i o n3.2深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司S H E N Z H E N H A C T E L E C O M T E C H N O L O G Y C O.,L T D目 录一、产品概述 (3)二、产品特点 (3)三、DTU技术规格 (3)3.1 规格参数 (3)3.2 示意图 (4)3.3. 引脚功能 (4)四、DTU 参数设置 (5)4.1. 使用 AT 命令设置 (6)4.2 使用软件设置 (7)五、AT命令说明 (9)5.1 命令列表 (9)5.2命令描述 (10)六、短信报警功能 (14)6.1 设置触发方式 (14)6.2 设置短信号码 (14)6.3 设置短信内容 (14)七、DTU和服务器之间的通信协议 (14)7.1上行传输 (14)7.2下行传输 (15)八、DTU状态指示及故障说明 (16)九、DTU测试操作流程 (17)联系方式:电话: +86-755-23981075/76/77/78/79传真: +86-755-23981007地址: 深圳市南山区西丽路4227号大学城创意园2栋6楼邮箱:*************************,**************************网址: ,一、产品概述HAC-DM 是一款基于GPRS 网络平台、内置M590E 工业级通讯模块的终端,工业级标准设计,具有短信报警功能。
利用公用运营商网络为用户提供无线长距离数据传输功能,主要针对电力系统自动化、工业监控、交通管理、气象、金融、环保监测、煤矿、油田等行业的应用,利用GPRS 网络平台实现数据的传输。
采用12Ppin 接口,同时兼容RS232/RS485/TTL 数据接口以及1路开关量输入接口。
二、产品特点·采用neoway 公司高性能工业级GSM/GPRS 模块M590E·支持双频EGSM900/DCS1800·终端RS485、RS232接口和服务器之间进行双向数据传输 ·服务器端为标准的TCP/IP 通讯接口Socket·智能防掉线,支持在线检测,在线维持,掉线自动重拨,确保设备永远在线 ·支持多个备用服务器IP 配置,主服务器异常自动切换至备用服务器 ·通过串口、短信和远程来配置IP、端口号、APN、波特率等参数 ·支持远程下载程序,可随时升级和增加新功能 ·支持虚拟数据专用网(APN)·检测端口状态,满足触发条件发送短信到预设号码,报警通知三、DTU 技术规格3.1 规格参数参数 类型最小值典型值最大值单位电气性能 (25)℃ 电源电压 8 12 35 V 工作电流 75 (V=35V )100 (V=24V )350 (V=8V )mA 峰值电流 - -1500(V=8V )mA无线性能 (25)℃ 频率 EGSM900/DCS1800 双频-灵敏度 -106dBm - 最大发射功率EGSM900 Class4(2W) DCS1800 Class1(1W)-一般性能 接口速率 2400 9600 115200 bps接口电平 RS232, RS485, TTL工作温度-40 80℃ 外型尺寸 91×58.5×22 (天线和配件除外)mm3.2 示意图112图 3-13.3. 引脚功能 引脚定义输入/ 输出功能描述 1 VCC 输入 电源正极,8~35V2 GND 电源负极3 GND信号地 4 RXD_RS232 输入 串口输入(RS232) 5 TXD_RS232 输出 串口输出(RS232)6 A_RS485 RS485_A7 B_RS485RS485_B8 RXD_TTL 输入串口输入(TTL)9 TXD_TTL 输出串口输出 (TTL) 10 Online 输出DTU 状态指示高电平(1): 连接成功 低电平(0): 未连接11 EXTRI 输入 默认上拉输入,用于触发短信报警 由AT 命令设置。

HAC-Smart SeriesRADIO MODEM使用手册适用HAC-MRT_S22R /MUV e r s i o n 1.1/2011.12.20地址: 广东省深圳市南山区兴科一街深圳国际创新谷1栋A座9层目录一、HAC-Smart Series概述 (2)二、Smart Series功能 (2)三、Smart Series型号说明 (2)四、Smart Series功能指示灯 (2)五、Smart Series拨码开关定义 (2)六、Smart Series外型尺寸及安装(mm) (3)七、Smart Series标准配置 (4)八、附件: USB驱动程序安装说明 (4)九、免责声明 (10)一HAC-Smart Series概述HAC-Smart Series是深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司在标准无线模块基础上衍生的产品。
二Smart Series功能1.可以内嵌HAC-UP、UM、UN、LM、LN、MRT_S22R等系列型号的无线模块;2.提供USB接口,通过软硬件把USB口转换成串口,用户执行串口;3.提供电源,收发数据指示灯;4.提供拨码开关选择信道频率或校验位,(针对HAC-UP、UM、UN、LM、LN系列);5.MU只能USB 中5V的电源,所以对LM、LH或LN,不能订制500MW以上的三Smart Series型号说明Smart Series型号命名方式:HAC-标准无线模块型号/M X系列1.HAC标准无线模块型号见无线模块说明书如:UP12、UM96、LM96、LN12I等2.Smart Series型号举例HAC-LM96/MU四Smart Series功能指示灯1.电源指示灯:通电亮红灯;2.信号指示灯:空中接收到有效数据亮绿灯,空中发射有效数据亮红灯。
HAC-NBh8 产品说明书

类别Module保密等级模式NB-IoT对外公开版本Ver.1.0日期2019-05-21HAC-NBh8产品说明书V1.0地址: 广东省深圳市南山区兴科一街深圳国际创新谷1栋A座9层目录1. 概述 (1)2. 系统框图 (2)3. 电气特性 (2)4. 模块特性 (3)5. 触摸按键 (4)6. 串口通信 (5)7. NB通信 (6)8. web门户 (8)9. 基本使用说明 (8)10 补充 (9)11. 结构尺寸 (9)11 免责声明 (10)销售与服务 (10)1. 概述HAC-NBh模块是深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司自主研发,针对双簧管计量、霍尔计量、控阀、触摸按键、红外通讯、NBIoT一体化产品所设计。
模块基本功能、性能:• 射频参数– NB-IoT模组调制解调器;– 无需中心网关,有NB-IoT基站即可使用– 工作频段为850M(Band5)/900M(Band8),属于NB-IoT专用频段,无需申请频点;– 峰值输出功率+23dBm;– 接收灵敏度高达-129dBm;• 功耗– 工作电压3.1V~4.2V 典型值3.6V;– 支持多种低功耗操作模式;– 休眠功耗<20uA;– 峰值工作电流260mA;• 基本功能– 高性能的32 bits 微控制器;– 支持串口通信, 波特率最高可达9600bps;– 通过NB网络经由电信IoT与业务服务器交互数据,数据格式采用json kv值的格式– 兼容NanoSIM\eSIM;–可通过串口读取参数、设置参数–可通过NB网络远程设置参数• 尺寸– 长X宽X高: 59.69mm*54.02mm*1.6mm应用领域•无线自动抄表(包括水表、气表、热表、电表等)•无线自动化数据采集•家庭和楼宇自动化•工业监视与控制•无线告警和安防系统•传感器物联网化(包括烟感、气感、水感等)•智能家居(包括门锁、家电等)•智能交通(包括停车、充电桩等)•智慧城市(包括路灯、物流、冷链等)2. 系统框图红外3. 电气特性工作条件:Parameter Min Typ Max Units工作电压 3.1V 3.6 4.2 V上电时间- - 100 ms 工作温度范围-40 25 75 °C 极限参数:Parameter Min Typ Max Units电源电压-0.3 - 4.2 VI/O电平-0.3 - V DD+0.3 V存储温度-40- 85°C 射频参数:参考NB模组参数。
hac-embee-a11n 2.4g 低功耗无线数传模块(zigbee)用户手册说明书

HAC-EmBee-A11D HAC-EmBee-A11N2.4G低功耗无线数传模块(ZigBee)用户手册V 2.02.2 2013/10/25深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司SHENZHEN HAC TELECOM TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD地址 : 深圳市南山区西丽路4227号大学城创意园2栋6楼电话 : +86-755-23981078传真 : +86-755-23981007邮件:*****************************网址 : HAC EmBee ZigBee Series 深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司高性能✧20dbm可视距离2.8km✧7dbm可视距离850m 低功耗✧20dbm发射电流145mA,接收电流38mA,休眠电流3uA✧7dbm发射电流42mA,接收电流29mA,休眠电流3uAMESH网络✧自动组网,自动路由,自动愈合✧点对点,点对多点传输✧最多高达16跳传输 使用简单✧AT命令✧API命令✧API远程AT命令✧透明传输符合标准✧Zigbee 2007 Pro✧A11 Profile高可靠性✧DSSS O-QPSK调制方式✧CSMA-CA 自动退避机制✧重发与应答机制高安全性✧网络层AES加密✧应用层AES加密目录1 EmBee模块 (6)1.1 EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序 (6)1.2 模块管脚分布 (7)1.3 模块性能参数 (8)1.3.1 HAC-EmBee-A11N参数 (8)1.3.2 HAC-EmBee-A11D参数 (9)2 EmBee模块操作 (10)2.1 UART串口介绍 (10)2.2 通信协议 (10)2.2.1 透明传输模式 (10)2.2.2 API传输模式 (11)2.3 AT命令模式 (11)2.3.1 进入AT命令模式 (12)2.3.2 发送AT命令 (12)2.3.3 AT命令响应 (12)2.3.4 退出AT命令模式 (13)2.4 回环功能 (13)2.4.1 透传模式的回环 (13)2.4.2 API模式的回环 (13)3 API操作 (14)3.1 API帧格式 (14)3.2 API帧 (15)3.2.1 AT命令帧(立即生效) (15)3.2.2 AT命令帧(不立即生效) (16)3.2.3 AT命令响应帧 (17)3.2.4 传输请求帧 (18)3.2.5 应用层可选的传输请求帧 (19)3.2.6 传输状态帧 (21)3.2.1 数据接收指示帧(AO=0) (22)3.2.2 数据接收指示帧(AO=1) (23)3.2.3 I/O接收指示 (24)3.2.4 节点发现指示 (26)3.2.5 模块状态指示帧 (28)3.2.6 远端AT命令请求帧 (29)3.2.7 远端AT命令响应帧 (30)4 AT命令 (32)4.1 地址命令 (32)4.2 网络命令 (34)4.3 射频参数命令 (36)4.4 串口参数命令 (37)4.5 I/O参数命令 (38)4.6 诊断参数命令 (41)4.7 AT命令参数 (42)4.8 休眠命令 (42)4.9 命令执行 (43)5 数字I/O和模拟I/O (45)5.1 本地I/O (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下读取本地I/O电平值和采样值 (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下配置本地I/O (46)5.1.2 API模式下配置本地I/O (47)5.2 远端I/O (47)5.2.1 API模式下配置远端I/O (47)6 EmBee ZigBee网络 (48)6.1 协调器 (48)6.2 路由器 (49)6.3 终端设备 (49)6.3.1 子节点与父节点关系 (50)6.3.2 子节点容量 (50)6.4 子节点工作过程 (51)6.5 父节点工作过程 (51)1EmBee模块1.1EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序EmBee模块的外形结构如下:管脚顺序从PIN1开始,逆时针依次至PIN20。

明确测试的目的和要求,如设 备性能、覆盖范围、信号质量
根据测试目标和要求,选择合 适的测试场地,如室内、室外 、开阔地、建筑物内等。
包括无线通信设备、测试仪表 、连接线缆等,确保设备处于 良好状态并符合测试要求。
短距离无线通信设备 检测无线通信设备测 试参数及测试流程课 件
• 短距离无线通信设备概述 • 无线通信设备测试参数 • 无线通信设备测试流程 • 无线通信设备测试案例 • 无线通信设备测试常见问题及解决方
评估设备在建立连接时的速度 ,确保满足实时通信需求。
测试蓝牙设备与其他设备的兼 容性,确保能够正常建立连接 和数据传输。
Wi-Fi设备测试主要 包括信号强度、传输 速率、覆盖范围和稳 定性等方面。
测试Wi-Fi设备的信 号强度,确保在正常 工作范围内信号稳定 。
多径效应是指无线信号在传输过程中 经过不同的路径到达接收端,导致接 收端接收到的信号存在时延和相位偏 移,影响通信质量。
多径效应可能是由于建筑物、障碍物 等引起的。在测试过程中,应确保测 试场地周围没有明显的多径传播源, 同时采取措施减少多径传播的影响。

I. 信号检测技巧信号检测是无线通信系统中的关键环节,其目的是识别和提取出信号中的有用信息。
以下是一些常用的信号检测技巧:1. 匹配滤波匹配滤波是一种常见且有效的信号检测技巧。
2. 自相关函数自相关函数是另一种常用的信号检测技巧。
3. 能量检测能量检测是一种简单且易于实现的信号检测技巧。
II. 信号解调技巧信号解调是将调制信号转换为原始信息信号的过程。
以下是一些常用的信号解调技巧:1. 相干解调相干解调是最常见和常用的信号解调技巧之一。
2. 非相干解调非相干解调是相对于相干解调的一种解调技巧。
3. 软判决解调软判决解调是一种高级的信号解调技巧,它利用接收信号多个采样点的特征来提高解调性能。
III. 研究进展随着科技的不断进步,无线通信系统的信号检测与解调技巧也在不断发展。

权利要求书3页 说明书10页 附图3页
CN 109861880 A
CN 109861880 A
权 利 要 求 书
1/3 页
1 .一种无线通讯模块的生产检测方法,其特征在于,包括: 扫描上电 后的 待测试无线通讯模块上的MAC标签 ,并从所述MAC标签中解析出所述待测 试无线通讯模块的MAC地址; 扫描所述待测试无线通讯模块上的SN标签,并从所述SN标签中解析出所述待测试无线 通讯模块的SN码; 根据所述SN码 ,从预存的 数 据中 确定所述待 测试无线通讯模块对应的目 标配置 信息 , 其中,所述目标配置信息,包括:所述MAC地址和所述SN码; 根据所述MAC地址,确定所述待测试无线通讯模块是否通讯异常; 如果否 ,将所述目 标配置 信息发送给所述待 测试无线通讯模块 ,以 使所述待 测试无线 通讯模块在接收到所述目标配置信息时,写入所述目标配置信息。 2 .根据权利要求1所述的无线通讯模块的生产检测方法,其特征在于, 所述根据所述MAC地址 ,确定所述待 测试无线通讯模块是否通讯异常 ,如果否 ,将所述 目标配置信息发送给所述待测试无线通讯模块,包括: S1 :确定是否搜索到所述待测试无线通讯模块的 ,与所述MAC地址相对应的MAC热点 ,如 果是,执行S2,否则,执行S4; S2:利用预设的出厂密码连接所述MAC热点; S3:将所述目标配置信息发送给连接后的所述待测试无线通讯模块; S4:输出所述待测试无线通讯模块通讯异常。 3 .根据权利要求2所述的无线通讯模块的生产检测方法,其特征在于, 在所述S2之后,在所述S3之前,进一步包括: 确定所述MAC热点的 信号强度是否在预设的范围内 ,如果是 ,执行S3 ,否则 ,输出所述待 测试无线通讯模块信号强度异常。 4 .根据权利要求3所述的无线通讯模块的生产检测方法,其特征在于, 在所述扫描上电后的待测试无线通讯模块上的MAC标签之前,进一步包括: 存储预设的测试软件,并存储所述测试软件的测试版本号; 利 用所述 测试软件 ,执行扫描上电 后的 扫描上电 后的 待测试无线通讯模块上的 MAC标 签; 当确定所述MAC热点的信号强度在预设的范围内时, 在所述S3之前,进一步包括: 向所述待测试无线通讯模块发送版本号查询指令,以使所述待测试无线通讯模块在接 收到所述软件版本号查询指令时,读取本地的软件的软件版本号; 在接收到所述待测试无线通讯模块返回的软件版本号时 ,确定所述测试版本号是否与 所述软件版本号 相对应 ,如果是 ,将所述软件版本号写入到所述目 标配置信息中 ,并执行 S3,否则,输出所述测试版本号异常; 所述S3,包括: 将写入所述软件版本号的所述目标配置信息发送给连接后的所述待测试无线通讯模 块。 5 .根据权利要求1至4中任一所述的无线通讯模块的生产检测方法,其特征在于, 所述根据所述SN码,从预存的数据中确定所述待测试无线通讯模块对应的目标配置信

uwb模块的物理参数测试方法UWB模块的物理参数测试方法引言UWB(Ultra-Wide Band)是一种无线通信技术,可以实现高速、高精度的无线通信。
EZRadioPRO 无线通信模块测试示例说明书

Rev. 0.1 1/15Copyright © 2015 by Silicon Laboratories AN657AN657R A D I O E V A L U A T I O N D E M O F O R EZR A D I O PRO ®1. IntroductionThe Radio Evaluation demo provides an easy way to evaluate the performances of the EZRadioPRO ® devices.The demo can be used in the laboratory to measure the basic RF parameters of the radio (output power, sensitivity,etc.); however, it is mainly designed to evaluate radio performance through range testing.A self explanatory, on-screen menu system walks the user through the radio configuration; so, the demo can be used in stand-alone mode without any PC.2. Hardware ConfigurationThe demo is designed for the Si4030-B1, Si4031-B1, Si4032-B1, Si4330-B1, Si4430-B1, Si4431-B1, Si4432-B1,Si4330-A1, Si4430-A1, Si4431-A1, Si4432-V2, Si100x-B1, Si100x-B2, Si101x-B1, Si101x-B2, Si102x-B2, and Si103x-B2 devices and runs on the UDP platform. More devices will be supported in later versions of the demo.2.1. Test Card and Pico Board OptionsTest cards are provided for Si4x3x, Si100x, and Si101x devices. Pico boards are also provided for the Si102x and Si103x. The Si10xx family includes an MCU and a radio device.The power amplifier and the LNA are not connected inside the Si4x3x and Si10xx devices. Several different test cards and Pico boards are introduced to provide examples for main connection schemes.On test cards or Pico boards using direct-tie connection, the TX and RX pins are directly connected externally,eliminating the need for an RF switch.On test cards or Pico boards using an RF switch, separate transmit and receive pins on the RFIC are connected to an antenna via an SPDT RF switch for single antenna operation. The radio device assists with control of the RF switch. By routing the RX State and TX State signals to any two GPIOs, the radio can automatically control the RF switch. The GPIOs disable the RF switch if the radio is not in active mode.On test cards using split connection, the TX and RX pins are routed to different antenna connectors.The actual antenna configuration of the test cards or Pico boards is stored in the EEPROM of each card. The demo automatically recognizes the antenna connections and sets the boards up accordingly. The user does not need to make these settings.Note:The transmit output of Si4x3x and Si10xx devices must be terminated properly before output power is enabled. This isaccomplished by using a proper antenna or connecting the power amplifier to an RF instrument that provides 50 termi-nation to ensure proper operation and protect the device from damage.AN6572Rev. 0.12.2. UDP PlatformThe example source codes run on the Universal Development Platform (UDP). The UDP consists of several boards. Both the MCU card and the test card are plugged into the UDP Motherboard (UP-BACKPLANE-01EK). It provides the power supply and USB connectivity for the development system. The MCU card (UPMP-F960-EMIF-EK) has several peripherals for simple software development (e.g. LEDs, Push Buttons, etc.), and it has a socket for various MCU selections. The UPPI-F960-EK MCU Pico board is used for software development and has a C8051F960 MCU on it. It controls the radio on the test card using the SPI bus. The test card is connected to the 40-pin connector (J3) on the UDP Motherboard where the following signals are used (UDP_MB refers to UDP Motherboard, and MCU refers to the MCU of the UPMP-F960-EMIF card). Pico boards, such as the UPPI-1020GM-915TR, include the MCU and the radio. Its function is equal to the MCU card and the radio test card. For more information on the UDP platform, refer to the “UDP Motherboard User's Guide”.Table 1. Pin Configuration of Si4x3xTable 2. Pin Configuration of Si102xAN657Rev. Setting up the Development BoardBefore running the demo, the UDP platform must be configured according to the following instructions:If the test card is used:1. Connect the Si4x3x Test card to the 40-pin (J3) connector.2. Connect the antenna(s) to the SMA connector(s) of the test card.3. Set S5 to OFF to disable the 6.5 V voltage on Pin 36 of the test card connector.4. Short the JP19 and JP21 jumpers as shown in Figure 1 to provide VDD for the radio (the currentconsumption of the radio can be measured through these jumpers).5. Short P12(P0.4 and P0.5) on the UPMP-F960-EMIF card.Figure 1. Jumper Positions (JP19, JP21)If the Pico board is used:1. Plug the Pico board into the socket of the UPMP-F960-EMIF card.2. Connect the antenna(s) to the SMA connector(s) of the Pico board.3. Short P12(P0.4 and P0.5) on the UPMP-F960-EMIF card.2.2.2. Downloading and Running the DemoIf the setup is programmed with a different firmware, perform the following steps to set up the board for running the demo:1. Connect the USB debug adapter to the 10-pin J13 connector of the MCU card (see Figure 2).2. To power the board, connect a 9 V dc power supply to J20 (UDP_MB), or connect the development board to a PC over USB cable (J16 on UDP_MB).3. Turn on S3 on UDP_MB (Power switch).4. Start Silicon Labs IDE on your computer.5. Connect the IDE to the C8051F960 MCU (if test card is used) or Si102x, Si103x (if Pico boards is used) of the development board by pressing the Connect button on the toolbar or by invoking the menu Debug → Connect menu item.6. Erase the flash of the C8051F960 MCU or Si10xx in the Debug. Download object code → Erase all code space menu item.7. Download the desired example HEX file either by hitting the Download code (Alt+D) toolbar button or from the Debug → Download object code menu item.8. Hit the Disconnect toolbar button or invoke the Debug → Disconnect menu item to release the device from halt and let it run.Figure 2. J13 Connector of the MCU CardAN6573. DemoAfter running the demo, the first screen is the Welcome Screen, which shows the version number of the firmware. The Welcome Screen is shown for up to three seconds or as long as any of the push buttons is pressed.Figure 3. Welcome Screen3.1. Menu SystemThe on-screen menu system is designed for easy configuration. The user can select between laboratory and range test mode. For accurate range testing, the demo measures the actual packet error rate (PER) of the radio link. The RF settings of the radio can be configured based on predefined data rate, modulation, and frequency settings. It is also possible to change the packet configuration and the output power of the radio.Four push buttons are used to navigate in the menu system, and soft labels help the user understand the current function of the given buttons. In general, push button 1 (PB1) is used to select an item; push buttons 2 (PB2) and 3 (PB3) are used to scroll between the menu options, and push button 4 (PB4) is used to go to the next menu page.A small arrow ( ) points to the actual setting.The demo can be configured through four menu pages. The first page is used to select the functionality of the demo (packet error rate test or laboratory modes). The range test can be performed for single-way (Transmit or Receive mode) or bidirectional (Transceiver mode) radio communication.Figure 4. Range Test Demo ModeAN657In laboratory mode, the following tests are available:⏹ Unmodulated carrier (CW) mode is used to measure the output power of the radio.⏹ Random modulated (PN9) mode is used to verify the modulated output power.⏹ Bite Error Rate (BER) mode is used to measure the sensitivity of the radio with a continuous PN9modulated data stream.⏹ Packet Error Rate (PER) mode is used to measure the sensitivity of the radio based on packet reception.⏹ In Direct Receive (RAW RX) mode, the received continuous data stream is provided on one of the GPIOsof the radio.Figure 5. Laboratory ModeThe basic RF parameters (data rate, modulation, and frequency) can be selected from a predefined list on Menu Page 2.Most of the test cards or Pico boards are designed for a certain frequency band. There is an EEPROM on each test card or Pico board that contains this information. The demo offers only the available frequencies for which the test card or Pico board is designed.The available RF settings vary for different frequency bands.The menu page shown in Figure 7 is used to adjust the output power of the radio.Figure 7. Output Power SettingAN657Menu Page 4 is used to configure the packet configuration of the Packet Error Rate demo. The Self ID field is filled automatically based on the serial number of the given test card or Pico board. It is important to set up the destination ID accurately or the link will not work. The destination ID has to be the self ID of the other device.The default packet configuration of the demo is as follows:1. Destination ID is the same as the Self ID.2. Packet payload length is 5 bytes.3. Max. packets is 1000 packets.However, the length of the packet can be adjusted with the Packet Length option if the user wants to test the Packet Error Rate with a longer packet.The “Max. Packets” option defines the number of packets to be sent during the test.The Packet Length and the Max. Packet options must be configured only on the Transmit (initiator) side of the link and apply on the receive side automatically.Figure 8. Packet ConfigurationIf RAW mode of Laboratory mode is selected, there are only two pages for the user to configure the chip. For information on the sections on Menu Pages 2 (Figure 9) and 3 (Figures 10 and 11), refer to “AN463: Raw Data Mode with EZRadioPRO”.Figure 9. RF Parameters SettingFigure 10. Software Algorithms Setting when Deglitch Method is 2AN657Figure 11. Software Algorithms Setting when Deglitch Method is 13.2. Bidirectional Range TestAfter the demo is fully configured, it enters into the demo page, where the range test can be started.The screen is divided into three sections. At the top of the page, soft labels show the functions of the LEDs. LED1 blinks when a packet is transmitted; LED2 blinks if a packet is successfully received (with valid CRC and packet content matching the expected value), and LED3 shows the actual Receive Signal Strength Level (RSSI) of the received packet on a bar graph.The middle section of the screen, shown in Figure 12, summarizes the RF settings and the source/destination addresses.Figure 12. Demo PageAt the bottom of the screen, the soft labels show the actual functionality of the push buttons. PB3 and PB4 are used to go back to the configuration menu.After entering Demo mode, both ends of the link are in receive mode. The test starts if one end of the link starts to transmit ping packets; it can be initiated by pressing PB1. After that, the originator transmits a ping packet for the second board. If it receives the packet correctly, it transmits an acknowledgement packet. Each ping packet has a serial number (increased by the originator after every packet transmission) that is transmitted back by the acknowledgement packet. If the originator receives the acknowledgement within a predefined timeout, then it considers the link to be working; otherwise, it increases the number of missed packets by one. The originator also stores the number of transmitted PING packets, so the demo can calculate the Packet Error Rate based on this information. These are updated on the sixth line of the LCD after each packet transmission (number of received ACK / number of sent packets, actual packet error rate in percent).AN657Figure 13. Running PER TestThe demo runs as long as the number of transmitted packets has reached the predefined number or until it is interrupted by PB1.3.3. One-Way Range TestThe range test can also be performed with one-way radio communication. In this case, one end of the link needs to be set up as the transmitter (this will be the originator as described in the bidirectional link); the other end of the link needs to be the receiver.The test needs start at the transmit side by pressing PB1. The test runs as long as the number of transmitted packets reaching the predefined number or the demo is interrupted by PB1. The user can follow the number of transmitted packets on the LCD.Figure 14. Transmit NodeThe demo works the same as the bidirectional one; however, the number of lost packets and the packet error rate are defined only at the receive side based on the difference between the previously- and last-received packet IDs.Figure 15. Receive NodeAN6573.4. Laboratory ModesThese modes can be used to fully evaluate the receiving and transmitting performances of the radio. Note that all the lab modes require RF test equipment, such as a spectrum analyzer and RF signal generator.3.4.1. CW ModeCW mode is used to test the output power of the test card and obverse the unmodulated carrier spectrum. In this mode, only the frequency and the output power are configurable parameters.A spectrum analyzer is used to measure the transmit performances of the radio and must be connected through a proper RF cable to the TX SMA connector of the test card or Pico board.Figure 16. LCD Screen During CW ModeFigure 17. Unmodulated CW Signal Measured with Spectrum AnalyzerAN6573.4.2. PN9 ModeIn this mode, the power amplifier of the radio is generated internally using a pseudo-random (PN9 sequence) bit generator. The primary purpose of this mode is to observe the modulated spectrum without having to provide data for the radio.Figure 18 shows the last page of the PN9 mode, and Figure 18 shows the spectrum when the test card works in PN9 mode. The data rate is 256 kbps; the deviation is 128 kHz, and the modulation type is GFSK.Figure 18. LCD Screen during PN9 ModeFigure 19. PN9 Modulated Signal (GFSK, 256 kbps Data Rate, ±128 kHz Deviation)AN6573.4.3. BER ModeThe sensitivity of the radio can be measured with a random continuous data stream (PN9). This mode is called biterror rate. The radio is set into continuous receive mode. The RF data needs to be fed to the RX SMA of the testcard or Pico board, and the radio provides the received data and clock on its GPIOs. GPIO0 outputs the receiveddata. The received data must be fed back to the RF signal generator, which can then compare the transmitted andreceived data bits and calculate the bit error rate. By adjusting the output power of the signal generator, thesensitivity of the radio can be measured (it is typically measured for 10–3 BER). The suggested hardwareconfiguration is shown in Figure 20.Figure 20. BER Measurement SetupFigure 21. LCD Screen During BER ModeAN6573.4.4. PER ModeThe sensitivity of the radio can be measured by receiving packets. This test also involves an RF signal generator,which can transmit predefined packets after a trigger signal. In this mode, the radio is set to receive; then, thedemo generates a trigger (falling edge on LED1). Upon receiving the trigger, the generator must send a packet. Ifthe radio does not receive the packet within timeout, it increases the number of the missed packet counter andupdates the PER information and the actual RSSI on the LCD screen. By adjusting the output power of thegenerator, the sensitivity of the radio can be determined. It is usually defined for a 1% or 20% packet error rate.Figure 22. PER Test with Signal GeneratorFigure 23. Packet Error Rate Measurement SetupAN6573.4.5. RX RAW ModeThe radio can be used to receive a continuous bit stream and provide this information on one of the GPIOs. The Si443x allows for the reception of any packet structure without the need to follow the recommended packet structure in the data sheet. Refer to “AN463: Raw Data Mode with EZRadioPRO” for more details. The RAW data mode is implemented here as one of the laboratory modes. During this mode, the demo is in continuous Receive mode and provides the received data bits on GPIO1 and the data clock on GPIO2. After the software algorithm filter, the glitch of the received data is removed, and the clear received data is provided on the PIEZO speaker, which is located on the right top of the LCD card.Notes:1.Because we provide received data on GPIO1 and data clock on GPIO2, the test cards or Pico boards usingan RF switch cannot work in this mode.2. R10, R11, R12, R15, R16, and R19 on the UPMP-F960-EMIF card should be configured correctly. R11, R15,and R19 should be connected, and R10, R12, and R16 should be disconnected.Figure 24. RX RAW Mode Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASmart. Connected. Energy-Friendly .Products /products Quality /quality Support and Community Disclaimer Silicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark Information Silicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。

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1. 功能测试(1)通话功能测试:通过测试车辆与外部通信设备之间的语音通话功能,包括呼叫、接听、语音质量等方面的测试。
2. 性能测试(1)信号强度测试:测试通讯模块在不同信号环境下的接收和发送信号强度,包括信号质量、信号覆盖范围等方面的测试。
1. 搭建测试环境:将车载终端和测试设备连接,并确保信号发生器输出满足测试要求的信号。
2. 进行功能测试:按照预设的测试用例,对通话、短信、数据传输等功能进行测试,并记录测试结果。

深圳市华奥通通信 HAC-UM系列微功率无线数传模块 说明书

HAC-UM系列 微功率无线数传模块 使用手册 深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司 目 录 一. HAC-UM系列微功率无线数传模块特点 2 二. HAC-UM系列微功率无线数传模块的应用 3 三. HAC-UM系列微功率无线数传模块的使用方法 3 四. HAC-UM系列的组网应用 9 五. HAC-UM的技术指标 9 六. HAC-UM 的型号说明10 深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司 地址:深圳市福田区泰然九路海松大厦A座19楼1903区 电话:+86-755-23981078,13316864567 传真: +86-755-23981007 邮箱:webmaster@rf-module-china.com 网址:www.rf-module-china.com 一. HAC-UM系列微功率无线数传模块特点1.微功率发射,最大发射功率10mW。
视距情况下,天线放置位置>2米,可靠传输距离可达1000m (BER=10-3/1200bps), 可靠传输距离大于700m (BER=10-3/4800bps),可靠传输距离大于500m (BER=10-3/9600bps)。
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1. 5米通信效率测试
2. 高低温测试
1.计算机一台、专用串口线a 1根(DB9孔-DB9孔,连接方法2-3 、3-2、5-5、9-4、4-9)、
专用电源转换板一块(UM-POW),串口线b 1根(DB9-4位白色插头,连接方法3-1,2-2,5-4)
1) 将专用串口线a 一端连接到L309的串口上,一端连接到连接到待测无线模块的串口上。
2) 将无线模块的1、2、3、5拨码拨到ON ,其余为OFF 。
3) 将电源板接到工装用无线模块上,并将串口线b ,接到电源板上,并将DB9插头接到计算机的串口上。
4)给L309 和电源转换板供24V,并上电。
6)运行MDOSCAN软件,并配置串口为9600 8 N 1
8)设置采集120个HOLD 寄存器。