Handy SQL for the Oracle Applications



• 课程目标是完成课程后可进行项目中大部分Oracle SQL开发
• 适用对象
• 学习过标准SQL,未使用过Oracle数据库的读者 • 适用过SQL Server或其他数据库,未使用过Oracle数据库的读者
课程介绍 SQL介绍 DML基础 DDL基础 DCL基础 TL基础
课程介绍 SQL介绍 DML基础 DDL基础 DCL基础 TL基础
• 教程概述
• 本教程假设读者已了解关系型数据库基本原理,明白表、视图、 主键、索引、外键、约束、关联等基本概念
• 本教程定位是Oracle SQL简明、实用教程,偏向于SQL开发,若 进一步学习Oracle数据库设计,请参阅其他教程或书籍文档
• 逻辑运算符号
• AND 两个为真则结果为真 • OR 一个为真即为真 • NOT 取相反的逻辑值
• 示例
• SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE (city = ‘Chicago’ AND name = ‘IBM’) OR (city = ‘Seattle’);
• 用途






1. Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM):Oracle Enterprise Manager是Oracle提供的最重要的工具之一,用于管理和监控Oracle数据库环境。


2. SQL*Plus:SQL*Plus是Oracle提供的一种命令行工具,它用于与数据库进行交互。


3. SQL Developer:SQL Developer是一个免费的图形化工具,专门为开发人员设计。


4. Oracle Data Pump:5. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler:6. Oracle SQL*Loader:7. Oracle Export/Import Utility:Oracle Export/Import Utility是一个传统的数据导入/导出工具,它用于在不同的Oracle数据库之间进行数据迁移。


8. Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN):Oracle Recovery Manager是一个备份和恢复工具,它可以用于创建数据库备份、恢复损坏的数据库文件以及执行点恢复等操作。

它可以通过命令行或者Oracle Enterprise Manager进行操作。

Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Microsoft SQL Server

Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Microsoft SQL Server

Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in version, 2016Heterogeneous Datacenter Management Oracle’s Philosophy•Productize our deep understanding of the Oracle stack to provide integrated management•Provide generic Oracle solutions for managing non- Oracle technology–User Experience Management, Middleware Management, BusinessTransaction Management, Testing & T est Data Management , …•Incent and promote others to provide optimized management for non-Oracle technology•Provide product extensibility wherever possible(today’s focus: Plug-In for SQL Server)Third Party Plug-insOracle Plug-insEvent and Service Desk ConnectorsEnterprise Manager 13c Heterogeneous ManagementMaking The Complex Simple In 3 Steps1. Use or create plug-ins using Enterprise Ready Extensible Framework2.Leverage common functions through plug-ins•Performance & Availability Monitoring •Configuration Management •Compliance Management •Job System•Alerting & Notifications •Custom UI •Reporting3. Manage like any other targetMicrosoft SQL Server Plug-in Revamped for Better Analysis and Management New! features•Indexes Page•“Backup all Databases” and“DifferentialBackup” Jobs•Migrated Information Publisher Reports toBusiness Intelligence Publisher Reports•Added Chargeback Functionality•Enabled more Metric Thresholds•Out of the Box, SQL Server ComplianceStandard Template•“Mirroring Statistics” Metricsand more!Plug-in s: Where do you get them? Self Update: Oracle Provided Content▪Self Update▪Download MS SQL Server plug-in directly from Self Update▪Delivers new features andupdates▪Single console to search,download and manage targetplug-ins▪Proactive notification for Oraclesupplied updates if running inconnected mode▪Supports Online & OfflinemodesPlug-In ManagerSingle window Solution for all (Un)Deployment▪Integrated with Self Update▪Plug-ins must bedeployed to OMSbefore agents▪Download, Deploy andUpgrade Plug-Insacross OMS and agentMicrosoft SQL Server Plug-in Features•MS SQL Server as EM Managed Target •Comprehensive collection of monitoring Metrics (~ 400)–Buffer Statistics, Memory Statistics, CacheStatistics–Locks, Processes, Space Usage–Users and Roles–Cluster and AlwaysOn performance and status •Out-of-box thresholds on key metrics•12 Out of the box Reports summarize key configuration and performance data •Comprehensive configuration management –Server Configuration, Database Settings,Registry and Security Settings–Ability to View, Search and Compareconfigurations•Ability to schedule Jobs•Ability to Start/Stop/Pause/Resume SQL Server Instances•Jobs to create, schedule, delete, and restore database backups•Versions supported:–SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2014New Intuitive Dashboards •Revamped for Better Analysis and Management•Includes intuitive interface for creating and managing databasebackups•Exposes even more keyperformance indicators, down tothe individual database level•Adds additional Indexes page with advanced investigative andmanagement capabilitiesSQL Server Focused Dashboard Views •View Database server as well asindividual database instancehealth and availability•Individual database status andstatistics with linking to additionaldetails and management•Key health, performance, andavailability views•Cluster and AlwaysOn availabilityand healthInstance-level Database Monitoring Monitor MS SQL databases at theinstance level•Database status and storagemeasurements•In-depth performance metricsDrill into SQL Server Session and Query Statistics •View session statistics by memoryutilization and CPU time•Break down query statistics byexecution count, CPU time, &blocked timeIdentify TOP SQL activity •Identify “Top” SQL queries•View by CPU Time or MemoryUtilization•Limit to last Day, Week or MonthManaging MS-SQL Session •Identify “Top” consumers byCPU or memory utilization•Kill runaway session fromwithin the UIManage Database Backups •Name and create unique backups for anyof your Microsoft SQL Server Databases •Schedule jobs to create new backups •Restore a selected backup•Delete old or unwanted backups from the listView Historical Key Performance Indicators •Process andConnection KPIs•Memory KPIs•SQL Execution KPIs•View the performancehistory by Day, Week,or MonthMetrics100s of performance and configuration metrics available for incident thresholds, reports, analysis and comparison.Drill down into individual MS-SQL statistics •Drill into hundreds of MS-SQLmetrics•Compare multiple MS-SQLserver instances to one-another for a specific metric•View associated alerts forparticular metrics•Choose to view the metric inreal-time or customizedhistorical viewsComprehensive MS-SQL ThresholdsIncident Manager for MS SQL ServerMetric Extensions▪Missing a metric your team depends on?▪Want to integrate custom scripts?▪Use Oracle Enterprise M anager’s Metric Extension capabilities to easily expand and customize the MS SQLsolution with a convenient UI-baseddevelopment workflow.Chargeback Functionality •Monitor and control ITcosts by gathering dataon resource use, and allocating charges accordingly.Latest Configuration of SQL Server•SQL Server version and patch level•Platform and OS details•Relevant Windows registry settings•Individual database details•Microsoft SQL AlwaysOn (HADR)Availability Group detailsCompare SQL Server ConfigurationsMicrosoft SQL Server Compliance Standard•Compliance managementstandard that tracks and reportsconformanceof managed targets to industry,Oracle, or internal standards.•Track and manage the adherenceof managed targets.BI Publisher Reports Comprehensive out-of-the-box reports Includes 12 MS SQL Server reports including reports focused on:•Performance Monitoring•Configuration•StorageReports - Sample Performance•In-depth performance reports•View the SQL query statements consuming the most resources or taking the longest toexecuteReportsTheme: Configuration•In-depth configuration reports •Reports for database and system configuration•At-a-glance comparison of key database configuration valuesReports - SampleTheme: Storage •Schedule a report toidentify databasesstorage utilization •Identify file growth and locationInventory and Usage Details•Drill down multiple levels of inventorydetails•View different trends in inventory countschartedHeterogeneous System TopologyEnterprise Manager helps you meetthe challenges of managing theheterogeneous enterprise–Comprehensive, top-downvisibility into your infrastructure–Rapid, accurate diagnosis &resolution of complex problemsFor More Information… Copyright © 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | •The Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in is listed in the Oracle Technology Global Price List under: System Monitoring Plug-in for Non Oracle Databases •The Oracle Global Price List can be found at: /us/corporate/pricing/technolo gy-price-list-070617.pdf •Latest Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in documentation : /cd/E63000_01/SQLPG/overvie w.htm#SQLPG110 •Comprehensive Metrics Reference Manual: /cd/E63000_01/EMMDA/dat abase_sql.htm#EMMDA116•Watch the capabilities:https://youtu.be/gz8JS43SS9E。

Oracle NoSQL 数据库企业版 19.5 产品介绍说明书

Oracle NoSQL 数据库企业版 19.5 产品介绍说明书

Oracle NoSQL DatabaseEnterprise Edition, Version 19.5Oracle NoSQL Database is a scalable, distributed NoSQL database, designed to provide highly reliable, flexible and available data management across a configurable set of storage nodes.Data can be modeled as relational-database-style tables, JSON documents or key-value pairs. Oracle NoSQL Database is a sharded (shared-nothing) system which distributes the data uniformly across the multiple shards in the cluster, based on the hashed value of the primary key. Within each shard, storage nodes are replicated to ensure high availability, rapid failover in the event of a node failure and optimal load balancing of queries. NoSQL Database provides Java, C, C#, Python and Node.js drivers and a REST API to simplify application development. Oracle NoSQL Database is integrated with a wide variety of related Oracle and open source applications in order to simplify and streamline the development and deployment of modern big data applications. NoSQL Database is dual-licensed and available as an open-source Apache licensed Community Edition as well as a commercially licensed Enterprise Edition.K E Y B U S I N E S S B E N E F I T S•Hybrid cloud NoSQL database •High throughput•Bounded latency•Near-linear scalability•High availability•Short time to deployment•Smart topology management •Online elastic configuration •Enterprise grade software and support ArchitectureThe Oracle NoSQL Database is built upon the proven Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition high-availability storage engine, which is in widespread use in enterprises across industries. In addition, it adds a layer of services for use in distributed environments.The resulting solution provides distributed, highly available key/value storage that is well suited to large-volume, latency-sensitive applications.K E Y F E A T U R E S•Single common application programming interface•Native JSON data type•JSON data type queries with SQL •Java, Python, Node.js,C, C# APIs •Fast, index Btree storage •Dynamic partitioning (sharding) •Transparent load balancing •Streaming Large Object support •Multi data models•GeoJSON support•Secondary index support•Streams support•ACID compliant transactions •Replication for HA, fault tolerance, fail-over, read scalability•JMX for system monitoring•Online rolling upgrade•Efficient multi-zone support•Wire level data encryption using SSL •Node level backup and restore •Integrated with Apache Hadoop •Secure full text search •Aggregation•Parent child joins•Zone affinity High Availability and No SinglePoint of FailureEach shard in the Oracle NoSQL Databaseprovides dynamically elected leader nodes(masters) and multi-replica databasereplication. Transactional data is delivered toall replica nodes in the shard with flexibledurability policies per transaction. In theevent the master replica node of a shard fails,a PAXOS-based automated fail-over election provides a new shard master with minimal affects to write latency. This allows for scalability, high-availability, and low latency read and write operations.High PerformanceThe Oracle NoSQL Database is network topology and latency aware. The Oracle NoSQL Database Driver working in conjunction with highly scalable, fault tolerant, high throughput storage engine enables a more granular distribution of resources and processing, which reduces the incidence of hot spots and provides greater performance on commodity based hardware.Transparent Load BalancingThe Oracle NoSQL Database Driver partitions the data in real time and evenly distributes it across the storage nodes. It is network topology and latency-aware, routing read and write operations to the most appropriate storage node in order to optimize load distribution and performance.Configurable Smart TopologySystem administrators indicate how much capacity is available on a given storage node, allowing more capable storage nodes to host multiple replication nodes. Once the system knows about the capacity for the storage nodes in a configuration, it automatically allocates replication nodes intelligently. This results better load balancing for the system, better use of system resources and minimizing system impact in the event of storage node failure. Smart Topology also supports Data Centers, ensuring that a full set of replicas is initially allocated to each data center.Elastic ConfigurationThe Oracle NoSQL Database includes a topology planning feature, with which an administrator can now modify the configuration of a NoSQL database, while the database is still online. This allows the administrator to:•Increase Data Distribution: by increasing number of shards in the cluster, this increases the write throughput.•Increase Replication Factor: by assigning additional replication nodes to each shard, which increases read throughput and system availability.U S E C A S E S•“Last mile” Big Data connectivity •Click-through data capture•High-Throughput event processing •Fraud detection•Metadata storage•Social Network data capture•Online retail customer view•Mobile application back end infrastructure•Real time sensor aggregation •Network device monitoring and management•Scalable authentication•Content management•ArchivingR E L A T E D P R O D U C T SThe following Oracle products are easily used in conjunction with Oracle NoSQL Database:•Oracle Big Data Appliance•Oracle Exadata•Oracle Big Data SQL•Oracle Berkeley DB•Oracle SQL Developer•Oracle Spatial and Graph•Rebalance Data Store: by modifying the capacity of a storage node(s), the system can be rebalanced, re-allocating replication nodes to the availablestorage nodes, as appropriate. The topology rebalance command allows theadministrator to move replication nodes and/or partitions from over utilizednodes onto underutilized storage nodes or vice versa.Easy Administration and Enhanced System MonitoringThe Oracle NoSQL Database provides an administration service, which can be accessed from command-line interface (CLI) interface. This service supports core functionality such as the ability to configure, start, stop and monitor a storage node, without requiring manual effort with configuration files, shell scripts, or explicit database operations.In addition it also allows Java Management Extensions (JMX agents to be available for monitoring. This allows management clients to poll information about the status, performance metrics and operational parameters of the storage node and its managed servicesArbitersThe ability to reduce hardware requirements using fewer replicas per shard instance. Online Rolling UpgradeUpgrade and patching is an important part of any software support cycle. The Oracle NoSQL Database provides facilities to perform a rolling upgrade, allowing a system administrator to upgrade all of the nodes in the Oracle NoSQL Database cluster while the database continues to remain online and available to clients.Multi-Zone DeploymentThe Oracle NoSQL Database supports the definition of multiple zones from within the topology deployment planner. It leverages the definition of these zones internally to intelligently allocate replication of processes and data, ensuring optimal reliability during hardware, network & power related failure scenarios.There are two types of Zones: Primary zones contain nodes that can be served as masters or replicas and are typically connected by fast interconnects. Secondary zones contain nodes which can only be served as replicas. Secondary zones can be used to provide low latency read access to data at a distant location, or to offload read-only workloads, like analytics, report generation, and data exchange for improved workload management. The Oracle NoSQL Database allows users to continue business operations in the event of zone failures. This allows for any planned maintenance that results in the taking of one or more zones offline without impacting business operations. Additionally, with the zone affinity feature it’s possible to place master nodes in primary zones that are in close network proximity to the user applications. This helps to get predictable write latencies.Single Application Programming InterfaceHTTP proxy is a new middle tier component that sits between the client applications and the NoSQL Database server. The HTTP protocols are identical for on-premise Oracle NoSQL Database and Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service. Client applications can connect and move between both products easily. With a single common application programming interface, developers can easily build applications that run and interoperate in a hybrid cloud environment.Table Data ModelA tabular data structure is available, which simplifies application data modeling by leveraging existing schema design core concepts. Table model is layered on top of the distributed key-value structure, inheriting all its advantages and simplifying application design even further by enabling seamless integration with familiar SQL-based applications.Native JSON Data TypeJSON is a first-class citizen making it easy to store data that doesn’t confirm to rigid schema. Only valid JSON documents can be stored providing automatic JSON document validation. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are converted to an internal binary (optimized) format that allows quick read access to document elements. The ability to create JSON indexes on JSON column allows developers access to the nested attributes embedded deep within a JSON document.Secondary IndexPrimary key only based indexing limits number of low latency access paths. Sometime application needs a few non-primary-key based paths to support the whole solution for the real-time system. Being able to define secondary index on any value field dramatically improves performance for queries.SQL for NoSQLOracle NoSQL Database provides a SQL-like interface to Oracle NoSQL Database that can be used from a command line interface, scripts, or from the Oracle NoSQL Database Java Table Driver. The SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database data model supports flat relational data, hierarchical typed (schema-full) data, and schema-less JSON data. SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database is designed to handle all such data in a seamless fashion without any "impedance mismatch" among the different sub models. SQL Path Expression allows to navigate inside complex values and select their nested values using different types of step operations. For JSOC docs, its possible to "introspect" the JSON docs, in case you don't know what is in there.JSON Indexing and QueryCreate indexes on JSON columns to access the nested JSON attributes efficiently. Query your JSON data type with familiar SQL queries. This powerful feature gives developers the ability to use SQL to query schemaless JSON data. NoSQL now offers the flexibility of rich query over schemaless data along -side more structured queries.Partial JSON UpdateDevelopers can update (change, add, remove) a part of JSON document. This update happens on the server side eliminating the need for read-modify-write cycle, is atomic and thread safe.GeoJSON SupportData can be stored in GeoJSON format to represent geographical features, properties, and boundaries. Geometry types supported are Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection. Search functions support queries on geographical data that have a relationship based on a certain geometry. Indexes can be created for optimal search performance.Parent-Child JoinsOracle NoSQL Database includes support for a special kind of join among tables that belong to the same table hierarchy. This is implemented with a NESTED TABLES clause that is semantically equivalent to the LEFT-OUTER-JOINS defined by standard SQL and supported by all RDBMS implementations. The Left Outer Join creates a result set containing pairs of matching rows from the left and right tables and you would see a similar behavior in Oracle NoSQL.Aggregation FunctionsAggregate functions in Oracle NoSQL Database iterate over the rows, evaluate an expression for each row, and aggregate the returned values into a single value. Syntactically Aggregate functions appear in the SELECT clause. Supported Aggregate functions supported are: sum, count, avg, min, max.Simple and Easy to Use APIs in Multiple Programming LanguagesThe Oracle NoSQL Database includes Java, C, Python, C# and Node.js APIs. These simple APIs allow the application developer to perform CRUD operations on the Oracle NoSQL Database. C and Java drivers, also include Avro support, so that developers can serialize key-value records and de-serialize key-value records interchangeably between C and Java applications.Full Text Search (FTS)Gives users the ability to perform very secure fast text and indexed searches on data stored in Oracle NoSQL Database. FTS combines the TABLE interface with ElasticSearch (ES) for a powerful way to find documents that satisfy a query. This provides a high performant, secure full-text search of Tables stored in Oracle NoSQL Database.Streams ProcessingBased on Reactive Streams, streams processing in Oracle NoSQL Database allow for a notification service that permits a user to subscribe to all logical changes (table row putsand deletes) made to an Oracle NoSQL Database store. Applications can be alerted to these changes which allows for asynchronous monitoring of database changes.Time-To-LiveAllows for data to be stored for a specified period of time and then deleted automatically which is a critical requirement for sensor data capture in an Internet Of Things (IoT) service.Oracle Database Integration via External TablesSupport for external table allows fetching from the Oracle NoSQL Database data from Oracle database using SQL statements such as Select, Select Count(*) etc. Once data from the Oracle NoSQL Database is exposed through external tables, one can access the data via standard JDBC drivers and/or visualize it through enterprise Business Intelligence tools.Oracle Big Data SQL and Hive IntegrationOracle Big Data SQL is a common SQL access layer to data stored in Hadoop, HDFS, Hive and the Oracle NoSQL Database. This allows customers to run queries on the Oracle NoSQL Database from a Hive or Oracle Database. Users can also run MapReduce jobs against data stored in the Oracle NoSQL Database that's configured for secure access. The latest release also supports both primitive and complex data types.Integration with Other Oracle ProductsThe integration of Oracle NoSQL Database with OEM primarily takes the form of an EM plug-in. The plug-in allows monitoring through Enterprise Manager of NoSQL Database store components, their availability, performance metrics, and operational parameters.With Oracle SQL Developer integration it’s possible to view (Read-only) the data that’s stored in Oracle NoSQL Database.Oracle Event Processing (OEP) provides read access to the Oracle NoSQL Database via the Oracle NoSQL Database cartridge. Once the cartridge is configured, CQL queries can be used to query the data.The Oracle Semantic Graph has developed a Jena Adapter for the Oracle NoSQL Database to store large volumes of RDF data (as triplets/quadruplets). This adapter enables fast access to graph data stored in the Oracle NoSQL Database via SPARQL queries. An integration with Oracle Coherence has been provided that allows the Oracle NoSQL Database to be used as a cache for Oracle Coherence applications, also allowing applications to directly access cached data from the Oracle NoSQL Database.Large Object SupportStream based APIs are provided in the product to read and write Large Objects (LOBs) such as audio and video files, without having to materialize the value in its entirety inmemory. This permits low latency operations across mixed workloads of objects ofvarying sizes.Apache Hadoop IntegrationKVAvroInputFormat and KVInputFormat classes are available to read data from theOracle NoSQL Database natively into Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs. One use for this classis to read the Oracle NoSQL Database records into Oracle Loader for Hadoop.Import/Export CapabilitiesData can be moved to and from Oracle NoSQL Database using a simple, dataexchange format.Enterprise SecurityOS- OS-independent, cluster-wide password-based user authentication and OracleWallet integration, enables greater protection from unauthorized access to sensitivedata. Additionally, session-level Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and networkport restrictions deliver greater protection from network intrusion. Oracle NoSQLDatabase now can use Kerberos integration for external authentication. This allows forOracle NoSQL Database to be easily integrated with customers' existing applicationwhich are already protected by Kerberos.Commercial Grade Software and SupportThe Oracle NoSQL Database overcomes a significant limitation faced by manyenterprises considering the implementation of NoSQL databases—the need for fullsupportability. The Oracle NoSQL Database is a commercial product fully supported byOracle. This gives organizations the confidence and reduces the risk they need todeploy the Oracle NoSQL Database in the production environments they depend on tomanage their business-critical data.C O N T A C T U SFor more information about Oracle NoSQL Database, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speakto an Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/nosql/oracle/oraclenosqlCopyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any otherwarranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations areformed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license andare trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo aretrademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 0116 V3。



Oracle SQL 调优利器Oracle Real-Time SQL MonitorReal-Time SQL Monitor 初解在Oracle数据库的性能调优中,绝大部分的性能问题最后都可以追溯到SQL的执行性能上。


而面对突发的SQL性能问题也许老司机能够快速地通过查看真实的执行计划xplan from cursor 这些方式分析执行计划的瓶颈。


然而这需要较为深厚的优化功底,而Oracle 11gr2 中的Real-Time SQL Monitor 却是给新手调优带来的一大利器。

我们先来认识一下这位神秘的优化助手:From Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2):The real-time SQL monitoring feature of Oracle Database enables you to monitor the performance of SQL statements while they are executing. By default, SQL monitoring automatically starts when a SQL statement runs parallel, or when it has consumed atleast 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time in a single execution.➢real-time sql monitor 会去自动monitor执行时间在CPU/IO 上累积耗费超高5s 或者并行执行的SQL语句。

当然某些wait 时间不到5s 的SQL 也可以通过加/*+monitor */ 来monitor。




Oracle常⽤SQL命令创建表空间1.创建默认表空间WLP_DATCREATE TABLESPACE "MYSPACE" DATAFILE'D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\data/WLP_DAT.dbf' SIZE 32M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 32MLOGGING EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO;2.创建临时表空间WLP_TEMP(⽤于缓存,可以不建)ALTER TABLESPACE "TEMP" ADD TEMPFILE'D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\data/WLP_TEMP.dbf' SIZE 32m REUSE autoextend on next 32m;创建⽤户并授权1CREATE USER "WLPING" PROFILE "DEFAULT"2 IDENTIFIED BY "123456"3DEFAULT TABLESPACE "MYSPACE" //默认指定表空间4TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "TEMP" //指定缓存表空间5 ACCOUNT UNLOCK; //⽤户⾮锁定67GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_comparison TO "WLPING";8GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO "XIR_MD";9GRANT "CONNECT" TO "XIR_MD";10GRANT "RESOURCE" TO "XIR_MD";1112-- GRANT DBA TO XIR_MD;PROFILE:Oracle系统中的profile可以⽤来对⽤户所能使⽤的数据库资源进⾏限制,使⽤Create Profile命令创建⼀个Profile,⽤它来实现对数据库资源的限制使⽤,如果把该profile分配给⽤户,则该⽤户所能使⽤的数据库资源都在该profile的限制之内。

oracle application使用手册.doc

oracle application使用手册.doc

Oracle Application使用手册目录Page一、如何进入Oracle系统___________________ 2二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍______________ 4三、更改密码_______________________________ 4四、TOOL BAR 介绍_______________________ 5五、GUI下拉式功能选单介绍________________ 6六、查询操作_______________________________ 12七、Reports 打印操作________________________ 13八、如何离开Oracle系统___________________ 14版本: ORACLE APPLICATION USER’S GUIDE Release 10G制作单位: 系统设计处制作日期:Oracle Application User’s guide简介一. 如何进入Oracle系统:1、Double Click Window95桌面上之Application 图标,即出现LOGIN 画面。

UESR NAME : M+工号(EX: M42590) (大小写皆会转换成大写) 按ENTER键,PASSWORD : M+工号(EX:M42590)按下Connect按钮即可进入系统。

2、若使用者第一次登入此系统,则系统会要求你重新设定密码:. 输入旧密码按TAB键,. 输入新密码按TAB键,(至少要5个字符). 确认新密码按下OK 钮后完成密码变更。

** 请务必牢记自己设定之新密码,此密码将做为今后进入ORACLE任何系统使用!!3、正确登入系统后,则会出现您可使用的系统选择画面:请选择要进入的系统,并按下OK 钮,系统将进入功能选单。

4、功能选择: 请各自参考各系统的操作手册.二、展开或收回的标志功能介绍图标符号说明1 向下展开一层菜单, 亦可选择Bar menu中Special的Expand功能。

SSMA for Oracle v7.6.0 快速启动指南说明书

SSMA for Oracle v7.6.0 快速启动指南说明书

Step-by-Step Guide toRunning SSMA for Oraclev7.6.0Prepared byRakesh DavanumSolution Architect, DMJ Engineering ProgramJonathon FrostSolution Architect, DMJ Engineering ProgramThis document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice.Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.© 2018 Microsoft. All rights reserved.This document is meant to be used as a Quick Start Guide to migrate schema & data from Oracle to Azure SQL DB using SSMA for Oracle v7.6.0. The complete documentation can be found athttps:///en-us/sql/ssma/oracle/sql-server-migration-assistant-for-oracle-oracletosqlSteps1.)Ensure Oracle Client Drivers are already installed on the Windows machine•For example, if connecting to Oracle 11g, ensure Oracle Client Driver for 11g or higher is installed2.)Install SSMA for Oracle v7.6.0 from this link: https:///en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54258•Install on a Windows machine with network access to the Oracle instances.•When the target is SQL Server On-Prem or IaaS, then in addition to installing SSMA, the SSMA Extension pack needs to be installed on the computer that isrunning SQL Server: https:///en-us/sql/ssma/oracle/installing-ssma-components-on-sql-server-oracletosql3.)Open SSMA for Oracle v7.6.04.)Create a new project using the File menu5.)In the New Project dialog, specify the Project Name & Location. Make sure to select theMigrate To drop down as SQL Azure as the target platform and click OK.6.)Click Connect to Oracle7.)Enter your Oracle server info then click Connect8.)Once the connection is established, all the Oracle Schemas and Objects are listed inOracle Metadata Explorer9.)Click on the schema that you want to convert, to show the details of the schema on the rightdetails pane10.)C lick on Type Mapping to confirm the source to target data type mapping. Use the Editbutton to make changes (if needed) to the default mapping shown.11.)E xpand Schemas and select the schema you want to migrate. Use the Create Reportbutton on the top ribbon or right click on the schema name and choose Create Report to generate the SSMA migration report. (You may be prompted to re-enter the credentials and reconnect to the source system).12.)O nce the report is created, the HTML report will be opened in a Web Browser13.)A t this point you can save the project if you want to do some offline analysis. ChooseSave Project from the File menu.14.)T his will bring up the Save Metadata dialog box which will let you select the schemasthat you want offline information about so that if you share the SSMA project with others they will not need to connect to the source system for offline analysis. Select theschemas you want and choose Save. (You may be prompted to re-enter the credentials and reconnect to the source system).15.)O nce the report is generated, the next step is to Convert Schema which will create thecorresponding schema code for the target environment – SQL Azure DB. Click onConnect to SQL Azure on the top ribbon to connect to your target environment.16.)S pecify the SQL Azure DB connection details in the dialog box17.)O nce the connection is successful, all the objects in SQL Azure DB are listed in SQL AzureMetadata Explorer18.)S elect the schema you want to convert in Oracle Metadata Explorer and then click onConvert Schema button on the top ribbon or right click on the schema and choose Convert Schema19.)O nce the schema is converted, the converted objects will be listed under the SQL AzureMetadata Explorer. The schemas are just created in SSMA but are not actuallycommitted/persisted in the target SQL Azure DB at this point.20.)T he schema creation script for the target SQL Azure DB can now be saved at this pointfor future reference or offline reading. Select the schemas in SQL Azure Metadata Explorer for which you want to save the script then right click on Schemas and choose Save as Script21.)N ow that the schema is converted to target Azure SQL DB, the same can becommitted/persisted into the target system. Under SQL Azure Metadata Explorer, choose the schemas that you want to commit and the 2 assemblies starting with the nameSSMA4Oracle, right click on the database name then choose Synchronize withDatabase22.)T his will bring up the dialogue box showing the differences in Local Metadata vsDatabase. Click on the button Hide Equal Objects at the top to see only the difference.23.)C lick on OK to initiate synchronizing with database24.)O nce the Synchronize with Database operation is complete, connect to the target AzureSQL DB using a different tool like SSMS. Expanding the different objects under thedatabase should now list all the new objects that were converted from Oracle.25.)N ow that the schema is created in the target Azure SQL DB, we can proceed to migratingthe actual data from Oracle. Under Oracle Metadata Explorer, select the schema forwhich you want to migrate the data. Right click on the schema name and chooseMigrate Data. (May be prompted to connect to Oracle & Azure SQL DB)•Note: When the target is SQL Server On-Prem or IaaS, follow the instructions provided at https:///en-us/sql/ssma/oracle/migrating-oracle-data-into-sql-server-oracletosql to ensure Server Side Data Migration settingsare setup up correctly before initiating data migration.26.)O nce the data migration is complete, a Data Migration Report is shown listing all thetables and the total rows that was migrated.27.)C lick on Save Report if you want an offline copy of the Data Migration Report which canbe save in a CSV format28.)O nce the data migration is complete, connect to the target Azure SQL DB using adifferent tool like SSMS and query a table to confirm that the data was transferred successfully from Oracle to Azure SQL DB.Feedback and suggestionsIf you have feedback or suggestions for improving this data migration asset, please contact the Data Migration Jumpstart Team (******************************). Thanks for your support!Note:For additional information about migrating various source databases to Azure, see the Azure Database Migration Guide.。



Oracle中SQL优化原理分析随着数据库技术应用越来越广泛,用户日益增长,使数据量越来越大,且伴随数据挖掘、数据分析不断深人,数据处理也越来越复杂,庞大数据量加上复杂数据处理过程,使数据库服务器经常超负荷运作,甚至出现死锁现象,严重影响使用效果,若不注重SQL 查询优化策略,往往在系统投人初期使用时查询反应迅速,使用流畅,但随着数据库表中记录数据量越来越大,系统响应速度越来越慢,甚至无法正常响应,就可能导致系统可用性降低,失去实用价值。

因此,科学地构造数据库结构,合理使用查询语句及查询方法,是成功开发和应用数据库系统重要环节,对于SQL语句优化,因为会有成千上万条SQL语句访问Oracle 数据库,所以这是最费时间的调整操作。













SQL脚本移植到ORACLE的一些方法总结一、表、索引、约束脚本转换1、把SQL SERVER脚本中的‘[’和‘]’去掉,(ORACLE中不能有此符号);同时把‘GO’去掉,在每一段程序后面加上‘/’2、数据类型之间的转化:目前我们程序中需要改动的就以上几种。

3、自增长字段的处理:由于oracle 没有自动增长字段,对于在sql server中的自增长定义全部去掉,用oracle 的sequence替代,具体步骤如下:1、查找sql server 脚本中的IDENTITY(1,1) 字符串,将它去掉;2、在去掉的同时,建立一个sequence :create sequence 表名_字段名// sequence 的名称由表名_字段名组成start with 1increment by 1nomaxvaluenocycle3、在建立了sequence 后,马上建立一个触发器,这个触发器的作用是在往原来的自增长字段表中插入一个记录前,将由sequence取到的下一个值自动加入新纪录的自增长字段:create or replace trigger 表名_trigger // 触发器的名称由表名_trigger 组成before insert on 表名for each rowbeginselect 表名_字段名.nextval into :new.id from dual;end ;/在实现了上述3个步骤后,不用更改任何sql脚本和程序代码,就能实现自增长字段同样的功能举例:CREATE TABLE VotingViewer (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,votingid integer NULL,sharetype integer NULL,resourceid integer NULL,subcompanyid integer NULL,departmentid integer NULL,roleid integer NULL,seclevel integer NULL,rolelevel integer NULL,foralluser integer NULL)/create sequence VotingViewer_idstart with 1increment by 1nomaxvaluenocycle/create or replace trigger VotingViewer_triggerbefore insert on VotingViewerfor each rowbeginselect VotingViewer_id.nextval into :new.id from dual;end ;/4、返回默认值的修改:在SQL server中如果需要对一些列名进行返回值的设定,它有专门的语句:比如:ALTER TABLE [Prj_TaskProcess] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [DF__Prj_TaskP__isact__5CE1B823] DEFAULT (0) FOR [isactived] GO但是在ORACLE中实现语句很复杂,所以这次采用的是人工修改,比如上例:先找到表:Prj_TaskProcess 再找到列名:isactived 把列名后面的NULL改成:default 0 就可以了。

oracle sql执行流程

oracle sql执行流程

oracle sql执行流程下载温馨提示:该文档是我店铺精心编制而成,希望大家下载以后,能够帮助大家解决实际的问题。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!1. 解析(Parse):当用户提交 SQL 语句时,Oracle 首先对其进行解析。

Oracle Payables产品说明书

Oracle Payables产品说明书

Oracle PayablesOracle® Payables improves margins, instills corporate and fiscal discipline, and optimizes business relationships. It is the cornerstone of Oracle’s Procure to Pay and Travel & Expense Management solutions, seamless and comprehensive business flows that help you manage total enterprise spend.K E Y B U S I N E S S B E N E F I T SOracle Payables enables you to: •Optimize Procure-to-Pay process by providing enhanced visibility and lowering process costs•Instill corporate and fiscal discipline by allowing you to create and maintain enterprise-wide business rules for added control and flexibility•Grow globally by offering comprehensive support for your international business requirements •Utilize E-Business Suite Mobile Application to review and approve Payables Invoices on the go. Lower CostsAs global competition increases, successful companies are improving their margins by lowering the cost of doing business. One way they are achieving this goal is by automating and integrating internal processes. Oracle Payables offers an unprecedented variety of tools to this end.Stop the Paper ChaseAutomate invoice processing by leveraging out-of-the-box automation; including electronic data interchange (EDI), XML messages, Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS), and business-to-business e-commerce. Allow your suppliers to enter and inquire on their own invoices using self-service functionality provided through Oracle iSupplier Portal. Create a request for payment without requiring a supplier or purchase order. Empower your payables manager with visibility and control over the items selected for payment processing as well as comprehensive liability and payment reporting.Take advantage of seamless integration with other related Oracle E-Business Suite products including:•Oracle Property Manager and Lease Management, which allows you to upload approved property lease and equipment charges for hands-off, expeditiousprocessing and payment.•Oracle Internet Expenses, which shortens the employee reimbursement cycle by automating the entry, approval, audit, invoicing, and payment of expense reports. •Oracle Projects, which allows you to manage cost for a project by tracking project specific invoices and expense reports.•Oracle Assets, which allows you to create assets by tracking and transferring invoices distribution for asset purchases.•Oracle Approvals Management, which allows for the automatic enforcement of business rules that you specify for a paperless invoice routing, approval andnegotiation process.K E Y F E A T U R E S•Flexible chart of accounts and reporting structures•Support shared service centers with multi-org access•Support global accounting and tax requirements•Automatically create supplier records from external sources•Manage suppliers, including merge and purge functionality•Import invoices from Oracle and non-Oracle products•Receive invoices via Oracle iSupplier Portal•Provide self-service inquiry of invoice and payment status•Specify unique business rules for invoice routing & approval •Centralize non-invoice disbursement requests•Pay on receipt (ERS) or advance shipment notice•Automatically create debit memos for returned items•Match credit and debit memos to purchase orders•Generate electronic payments in EDI, XML, or other standard, global formats •Utilize Single European Payments Area (SEPA) support for improved straight-through processing •Flexible payments option like Third Party Payments allows suppliers to specify a related trading partner to be paid on their behalf.•Achieve faster approval cycles by utilizing Parallel approval for invoice that allows all approvers to receive notifications simultaneously upon invoice submission.•Complete flexibility to specify payment discounts terms either in fixed monetary amounts or calculated on a percentage basis. Optimize Payment StrategiesOracle Payables gives you the tools to control your cash flow, minimize errors and overpayments, and eliminate inefficiencies with:•Real-time, accurate cash position, and forecast information so you can plan payment runs and major disbursements appropriately•Minimum and maximum payment controls to better manage cash flow•Highly flexible payment formatting capabilities•Flexible discount management tools•Standard reports that allow you to eliminate duplicate and unauthorized payments •Disbursement requests that allow you to pay non-supplier payees and give detailed visibility of statusFigure 1: Manage payments from the Payment Process Requests windowIn partnership with Oracle Payments, Oracle Payables offers the latest generation of electronic payment transmission technologies, formats, and security, meeting most industry standards out-of-the-box. The complexity and cost of configuration is greatly reduced by allowing business users to configure payment-processing rules. This partnership improves payment processing with a controlled and efficient disbursement flow including support for Single European Payments Area (SEPA).Instill Corporate and Fiscal DisciplineNow more than ever, strong internal controls and healthy corporate governance are a requirement of doing business. Shareholders are demanding the highest level of fiscal responsibility from their investments. Oracle Payables promotes strong internal controls and fiscal discipline with a range of features uniquely designed to address these needs.Improve Corporate Governance and Promote Fiscal ResponsibilityTight integration with Oracle Approvals Management gives you built-in policy enforcement. Routine compliance is dramatically streamlined as exceptions can be automatically routed to management, Oracle Payables allows you to create and maintain enterprise-wide business rules at both the invoice header and line levels givingR E L A T E D P R O D U C T SProducts which integrate to or can co-exist with Oracle Payables are:•Oracle Approvals Management •Oracle Assets•Oracle Cash Management•Oracle E-Business Tax•Oracle Financial Analytics (OBIA) •Oracle General Ledger•Oracle Internet Expenses•Oracle Mobile Approvals for Oracle E-Business Suite•Oracle iSupplier Portal•Oracle Lease Management •Oracle Payables Command Center •Oracle Payments•Oracle Projects•Oracle Property Manager•Oracle Purchasing•Oracle XML GatewayR E L A T E D S E R V I C E SThe following services support Oracle Payables:•Product Support Services •Professional Services you added control and flexibility. Real-time enforcement can significantly lower your exposure to fraud, error, and unauthorized paymentsOracle Payables gives you another level of control with complex payment terms support including: contract financing, retainage and progress terms. It gives you the option to schedule points of progress, request advances, or set retainage amounts so you can determine when and how payment will be made for services rendered.Oracle Payables offers comprehensive matching capabilities including 2-way, 3-way and 4-way against POs and Receipts. This allows organizations to ensure that the quantity and pricing of the goods and services are within the specified tolerance levels.Oracle Payables supports the on-going audit of your operations with integration to Oracle Subledger Accounting. This centralized accounting engine is a powerful, rules-based solution that provides consistent accounting treatment to transactions created across Oracle E-Business Suite applications. Oracle Payables integrated with Subledger Accounting enables you to:•Account for your encumbrances (e.g. Requisitions (Commitments), Purchase Orders (Obligations) and so forth)•Easily drill-down from balances to subledger transactions, whether budget, encumbrances or actual expenditure•Account for your proprietary and budgetary accounting entries without any need for end-user interventionAnd finally, you can monitor the fiscal health of your organization with Daily Business Intelligence to highlight current spend information, as well as trends and expenditure information over time.Approve Invoices on the GoUtilize Oracle E-Business Suite Mobile Applications to:•Review Invoices that require approval•Gain complete visibility into Invoice details at all Levels including Invoice Headers, Lines & Account Distributions•Take actions to approve or reject invoices• Retain visibility into past actions using Action HistoryFigure 2: View and approve Payables Invoices using E-Business Suite Mobile ApplicationGrow GloballySupport Global Financial OperationsOracle Payables provides comprehensive support for your international business requirements including foreign-currency transactions, global tax regimes, and future dated payments. You can view and report on your accounts payable transactions in multiple currencies using the Multiple Reporting Currencies feature. Integration with Oracle E-Business Tax automates invoice tax calculation and processing through a centralized tax engine. This integration gives you more consistent, accurate and efficient tax handling. Furthermore, tax setup is streamlined with the option to integrate with Oracle Validated Integration (OVI) partners in United States.Eliminate Redundancies and Centralize ControlOracle Payables supports shared services functionality which promotes best practices and efficiencies in your growing enterprise. It allows you to provide worldwide payment processing from a single service center that supports your global operations and provides the tools to ensure that your payment policy is consistent and is enforced globally. Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) enables companies that have implemented a shared services operating model to efficiently process business transactions by allowing users to access, process, and report on data for an unlimited number of operating units within a single responsibility. This increases the productivity of shared service centers, as users and processes no longer have to switch application responsibilities access, process, and report on data for an for multiple operating units.Meet Complex and Diverse Statutory RequirementsWith the globalization of your enterprise comes the need to manage exponentially complicated statutory requirements. Each and every country in which you do business has its own set of tax regulations and reporting rules, which you must meet. Oracle Payables supports automated calculation and accounting of partially recoverable and non-recoverable value-added tax (VAT), sales and use tax, withholding tax, and regional and local taxes.With its integration with Oracle Subledger Accounting, configurable accounting rules enable compliance with multiple legislative, industry or geographic requirements concurrently in a single instance. As a common data model and repository for all subsystem accounting activity, Subledger Accounting increases transparency and enables full audit ability of transaction and accounting information.Gain Insight with Oracle Payables Command CenterThe Oracle Payables Command Center provides actionable insights to empower accounts payable personnel to optimize days payable outstanding, identify discount opportunities, and improve supplier relationships, all without custom operational reporting.Figure 3: Holds Dashboard in Oracle Payables Command CenterAccounts payable personnel can easily monitor and resolve transaction holds and accounting exceptions, reduce closing time, eliminate manual adjustments and accelerate readiness of the financial results all without custom operational reporting.With tools and visualizations such as actionable indicators, tag clouds, interactive charts, and consumer-like search and filters, accounts payable personnel can browse and drill on whatever captures their attention, revealing new information on which to base next discovery steps.Through this "information-driven navigation", accounts payable personnel can quickly narrow in on priority transactions and take immediate, informed action.Figure 4: Period Close Dashboard in Oracle Payables Command CenterThe Oracle Payables Command Center is available at no additional cost to licensed users of Oracle Financials, Release 12.2.4 and above.Oracle E-Business Suite - The Complete SolutionOracle E-Business Suite enables companies to efficiently manage customer processes,manufacture products, ship orders, collect payments, and more - all from applicationsthat are built on the unified information architecture. This information architectureprovides a single definition of your customers, suppliers, employees, products - allaspects of your business. Whether you implement one module or the entire suite,Oracle E-Business Suite enables you to share unified information across the enterpriseso you can make smarter decisions with better information.C O N T A C T U SFor more information about Oracle Payables visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to anOracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/oracle/oracle/oracleCopyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any otherwarranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations areformed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license andare trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo aretrademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 0520。

oracle sql高级编程 书

oracle sql高级编程 书

oracle sql高级编程书Oracle SQL Advanced Programming is a book that delves into the intricacies of Oracle SQL, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of advanced programming techniques. The book covers a wide range of topics, including advanced SQL queries, performance tuning, and optimizing database operations. It is a valuable resource for both novice and experienced Oracle SQL developers, as it offers practical insights and real-world examples to help readers improve their SQL programming skills.One of the key strengths of Oracle SQL Advanced Programming is its in-depth coverage of advanced SQL queries. The book goes beyond the basics of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, exploring complex queries involving subqueries, correlated subqueries, and common table expressions. This comprehensive approach enables readers to gain a deeper understanding of SQL query optimization and performance tuning, which are essentialfor maximizing the efficiency of database operations.In addition to advanced SQL queries, the book also provides valuable insights into performance tuning and optimization techniques. These topics are crucial for ensuring that database operations are executed as efficiently as possible, especially in large-scale enterprise environments. By learning how to optimize SQL queries, indexes, and database structures, readers can improve the overall performance of their Oracle SQL applications, leading to faster response times and better resource utilization.Furthermore, Oracle SQL Advanced Programming offers practical guidance on leveraging advanced features of Oracle Database, such as PL/SQL, stored procedures, and triggers. These features enable developers to create powerful and efficient database applications, with the ability to automate complex business logic and data processing tasks. By mastering these advanced programming techniques, readers can enhance the functionality and performance of their Oracle SQL applications, ultimately leading to more robust and scalable solutions.The book also covers advanced topics such as data warehousing, data mining, and business intelligence, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of how Oracle SQL can be used to analyze and extract valuable insights from large datasets. This knowledge isparticularly valuable in today's data-driven business environment, where organizations rely on sophisticated analytics and reporting capabilities to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge.Overall, Oracle SQL Advanced Programming is a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their Oracle SQL skills to the next level. Whether you are a seasoned SQL developer or a newcomer to Oracle Database, this book offerspractical insights and real-world examples to help you master advanced programming techniques and optimize the performance of your SQL applications. With its comprehensive coverage of advanced SQL queries, performance tuning, and advanced features of Oracle Database, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking to excel in Oracle SQL programming.。

Oracle银行数字体验安装程序起源US LZN手册版本17.说明书

Oracle银行数字体验安装程序起源US LZN手册版本17.说明书

Oracle Banking Digital ExperienceInstaller Originations US LZN Manual Release No. E88573-01July 2017Installer Originations US LZN ManualJuly 2017Oracle Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax:+91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.Table of Contents1.Preface (4)2.Introduction (5)3.Prerequisites (6)4.Installation (7)5.Post Installation (16)1. Preface1.1 Intended AudienceThis document is intended for the following audience:∙Customers∙Partners1.2 Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.1.3 Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.1.4 StructurePreface gives information on the intended audience. It also describes the overall structure of the User Manual.The subsequent chapters cover following∙Introduction∙Prerequisites∙Installation∙Post Installation Steps1.5 Related Information SourcesFor more information on Oracle Banking Digital Experience Release, refer to the following documents:∙User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience Installer Pre-Requisite Setup∙User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience Installation Guide2. Introduction2.1 Purpose of the DocumentThe purpose of the OBDX US LZN Installation Guide is to provide a step by step overview on the installation process of the solution.It includes:∙Installation of OBDX US LZN with Oracle’s o wn Core Banking and Origination Products.∙Advanced Configurations (Post installation)3. PrerequisitesOBDX Base with OBP flavor should be installed through OBDX Installer. This installation will be henceforth referred to in this manual as ‘OBDX17.2 Base’.For OBDX 17.2 Base installation, refer documents mentioned in section 1.5 Related Information Sources.4. Installation4.1 Pre InstallationOBDX17. Base with OBP flavor should be installed through installer.4.2 PreferenceDo changes in /config/preference.xml: Preference EnumerationConfig should be overridden by preference EnumerationConfigOBP2502LZN.4.3 Steps of installationDownload and extract. Post extraction ‘OBDX_LZNInstaller’ folder would be available.Ensure before installation following sub-directories are available:∙app∙db∙ui4.3.1 Application deploymentThe ‘app’ directory will have 3 artifacts to be deployed on the OBDX Application server.i. .appx.service.rest.ear∙Un-deploy ‘com.ofss.digx.appx.service.rest.ear’ EnterpriseApplication from OBDX 17.2 Application Server. This artifact hadbeen deployed as a part of OBDX 17.2 Base Installation.∙Deploy ‘.appx.service.rest.ear’ artifact as anEnterprise Application.ii. .app.domain.ear∙Deploy this artifact as a library.iii. .app.wsdl.domain.ear∙Deploy this artifact as a library.Note: Login to Weblogic Server. First shut down the application server. Go to Deployments, Un-deploy the REST application project of the OBDX Base and deploy REST application project of the OBDX US LZN and other two libraries (ii & iii) mentioned above. All other libraries of OBDX Base are required for OBDX US LZN. Do not remove them.Start the application server.Steps to Un-deploy library/application -Login into Weblogic Server. Go to Deployments. Select the library/application and click on delete.Confirm delete.Success message will be displayed.Steps to Deploy library/application -Click on install to deploy library/application. Click on Upload Button.Click on ‘Choose File’ to select the library/application to upload.Click on NEXT button.Again click on NEXT button.Select ‘Install as library/application’, as per the deployment.Select the managed server/cluster to deploy on. Click on Next.Click on Finish.Confirmation of installation will be displayed.Figure 1 : Deployments after OBDX17. Base InstallationFigure 2: Deployments after OBDX US LZN Installation4.3.2 Database scripts deploymentThe ‘db’ directory will have two sub-directories : dml and ddl. Executes all scripts present in the dml folder.Note: There are no ddl scripts to execute.4.3.3 UI deploymentThe ‘ui’ directory contains all the UI related files. The UI deployed by OBDX Base installation should be replaced by the UI contents of this directory.Note: No change required in OHS.5. Post InstallationRefer ‘User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience System Configuration.docx’document to perform Day1 configurations for OBDX17. US LZN setup.5.1 Additional ConfigurationApart from the configuration given in section 5 of ‘User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience OBP US LZN Setup and Configuration’ document, below table consistsadditional non-mandatory configuration for OBDX17. US LZN‘OriginationConfig’ category id in DIGX_FW_CONFIG_ALL_B5.2 OBP Application Configurations.Following maintenance/configurations should be done in OBP application.5.2.1 Funding table template maintenanceThis maintenance decides which all sections like LMI, Fees should be part of funding table.5.2.2 Application level feesThis maintenance decides which all fees like ‘Title Search fee’, ’Registration fee’ should be shown on application tracker and funding table.5.2.3 Financial template maintenanceThis maintenance decides which all income, expense, liability and asset should be visible as part of financial template. It is also used to decide the mandatory and non mandatory options for income, expense, liability and asset.5.3 OUD configuration in OBP:Refer to section 5.2 of ‘User Manual Oracle Banking Digital Experience OBP Base Setup and Configuration.docx’.。

Oracle银行流动性管理 Release 安装指南说明书

Oracle银行流动性管理 Release 安装指南说明书

Getting Started With Installation Guide Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Release Number F46760-01August 2021Table of Contents1.INSTALLATION PROCESS (1)1.1I NTRODUCTION (1)1.2P RE-R EQUISITE (1)1.3OSDC P ACKAGE (1)1.4O RACLE B ANKING M ICROSERVICES A RCHITECTURE S ERVICES TO BE INSTALLED (1)1.5SMS S ERVICE TO BE INSTALLED (2)1.6C OMMON C ORE S ERVICES TO BE INSTALLED (3)1.7O RACLE B ANKING L IQUIDITY M ANAGEMENT S ERVICES TO BE INSTALLED (4)1.8IC S ERVICES TO BE INSTALLED (5)1.9A PP-SHELL TO BE INSTALLED (6)1.10I NITIAL S ETUP (6)1.11F ILE U PLOAD S ETUP (7)1. Installation Process 1.1 IntroductionThis document details out the order in which the user should carry on the installation process. 1.2 Pre-RequisiteAll software required for the application setup is installed. Refer the Release Notes for thesoftware to be installed.1.3 OSDC PackageExtract the OSDC Package and the package will have the below structure.1.4 Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture Services tobe installedBelow are the lists of Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture Services to be installed forOracle Banking Liquidity Management. Deployments to be done in the same order.***Conductor-server should be deployed prior to plato-orch-service.Oracle Banking MicroservicesPlatform Servicesplato-config-serviceplato-discovery-serviceplato-api-gatewayplato-ui-config-serviceplato-batch-serverplato-orch-serviceplato-report-servicesLocation of the Oracle Banking Microservices Platform Services:Please follow the Oracle Banking Microservices Platform Foundation Installation Guide forinstalling the above services.1.5 SMS Service to be installedBelow are the lists of SMS Service to be installed for Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.SMS Servicessms_core_servicesLocation of the SMS Services:Please follow the Security Management System Service Installation Guide for installing the above services.1.6 Common Core Services to be installedBelow are the lists of Common Core Services to be installed for Oracle Banking LiquidityManagement.CMC Servicescmc-account-servicescmc-base-servicescmc-branch-servicescmc-currency-servicescmc-customer-servicescmc-external-chart-account-servicescmc-external-system-servicescmc-external-virtual-account-servicescmc-obrh-servicescmc-settlements-servicescmc-txn-code-servicesLocation of the Common Core Services:Please follow the Common Core Service Installation Guide for installing the above services.1.7 Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Services to beinstalledBelow are the lists of Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Services to be installedOracle Banking Liquidity Management Servicesoblm-batch-servicesoblm-cash-concentration-servicesoblm-dashboard-servicesoblm-icl-servicesoblm-integration-servicesoblm-messaging-servicesoblm-maintenance-servicesoblm-pool-servicesoblm-report-servicesoblm-rtl-servicesoblm-structure-servicesoblm-sweep-servicesLocation of the Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Services:Please follow the Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Installation Guide for installing the above services.1.8 IC Services to be installedBelow are the lists of Interest and Charges Services to be installed. oblm-ic-config-services to be deployed first.IC Servicesoblm-ic-bod-batch-servicesoblm-ic-config-servicesoblm-ic-charge-calc-servicesoblm-ic-external-adapter-servicesoblm-ic-intchg-accting-servicesoblm-ic-interest-accrual-servicesoblm-ic-interest-allocate-servicesoblm-ic-interest-batch-servicesoblm-ic-interest-calc-servicesoblm-ic-interest-input-servicesoblm-ic-interest-liquidation-servicesoblm-ic-interest-maintqueue-servicesoblm-ic-interest-resolve-servicesoblm-ic-maintenance-servicesoblm-ic-online-liquidation-servicesLocation of the IC Services:Please follow the Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Installation Guide for installing the above services.1.9 App-shell to be installedDeploy the below App-ShellUIapp-shellcmc-component-serveroblm-component-serversms-component-serverLocation of the app-shell:Please follow the Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Installation Guide for installing the above services.1.10 Initial SetupFollow the instruction given in the Initial Setup Guide.Location of the Initial Setup:,1.11 File Upload SetupFor the file upload to work, below folders are to be created with application user.1. Batch Foldera. Create LM_FILEUPLOAD under /scratch folderb. Create a <Batch> Folder under /LM_FILEUPLOAD folderc. Create all sub folders as in the screen shot and all Sub folders should have full access.2. Archival Folder:a. Create a <Archival> Folder under /LM_FILEUPLOAD folderb. Create all sub folders as in the screen shot and all Sub folders should have full access.Make Sure Properties table has the below values insertedGetting Started With InstallationOracle Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax: +91 22 6718 3001https:///industries/financial-services/index.htmlCopyright © 2018, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. OracleCorporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to youraccess to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。

Oracle Web Service Manager Implementation Guide.pd

Oracle Web Service Manager Implementation Guide.pd

Oracle Web Service Manager Implementation GuideOracle Banking ELCMRelease[November] [2021]Table of Contents1.INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-12.PREREQUISITES ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-13.INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-14.ATTACHING POLICIES TO THE WEB SERVICE ................................................................................................ 4-15.TESTING WEB SERVICE WITH POLICIES .......................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1T ESTING W EB S ERVICE THROUGH E NTERPRISE M ANAGER ...................................................................................... 5-1 5.2T ESTING OF W EB S ERVICE VIA SOAP UI(EVIWARE SOAP UI3.0.1) .......................................................................... 5-61. IntroductionThe Oracle Web Services Manager (WSM) Policy Manager is the security and management policy lynchpin for Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Web services. It provides a policy framework to manage and secure Web services consistently across your organization. Oracle WSM can be used by both developers, at design time, and system administrators in production environments.The policy framework is built using the WS-Policy standardThe following list provides examples of specific tasks that you can perform using Oracle WSM: ∙Handle WS-Security (for example, encryption, decryption, signing, signature validation, and so on)∙Define authentication and authorization policies against an LDAP directory.∙Generate standard security tokens (such as SAML tokens) to propagate identities across multiple Web services used in a single transaction.∙Segment policies into different namespaces by creating policies within different folders.∙Examine log files.2. Prerequisites This document assumes that the following software are installed and configured properly.∙Oracle SOA Suite 11g∙Oracle Weblogic Server 11g∙Oracle Web Service Manager 11g which comes along with Oracle SOA suite 11g∙eviware soapUI3.0.1 (For testing the web service with policy)Gateway EJB and Gateway Web Services has to be deployed on weblogic server before attaching policies.For gateway EJB and gateway Web services deployment please refer to Gateway Installation guide.3.Installation For the installation of Oracle SOA 11g and Oracle Weblogic 11g please refer to Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Getting Started With Installation for Oracle Weblogic Server respectively.4.Attaching policies to the Web Service The following policy which have been tested with FLEXCUBE services :∙policy:oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy∙Please follow the procedure mentioned to attach a policy to the web service.Navigate to the Summary of Deployments page.1.Expand the web service application and click on Web Services link.2.Navigate to the Configuration tab.3.Click ‘WS-Policy’.4.Select web service end point of the web service.5.Select OWSM web service policy and navigate to the next page by clicking on ‘N ext’.6. Select policy:oracle/wss_username_token_service_policy and click on finish.7. Update the plan.xml.8. Click on Deployment to restart the application to reflect the plan.9. Stopping the application.10. Starting the application.11. After starting the application make sure that it is active.12. Expand the application and click on the web service to verify the policies attached with it.5. Testing Web Service with Policies5.1 Testing Web Service through Enterprise Manager1. Once attaching the policies is finished, login to the enterprise manager (http://hostname:port/em)2. Expand the Weblogic Domain and Select the domain (created during SOA installation).5-13. Select Test Web Service link from the fusion middleware control.4. Enter the WSDL URL of the web service for which policy is applied and click on Parse WSDL.5. Select the operation for which you want to test the web service.6. Select WSS Username Token and enter the Weblogic credentials.7. Enter the Request Message and Click on Test Web Service button.8. The Test Status Passed indicates the web service is properly authenticated by the policy.9. Wrong credential will result to an error during Testing of web service.5.2 Testing of Web Service via SOAP UI (eviware soapUI3.0.1)The above Testing of web service can also be done via SOAP UI as follows:Configure the Outgoing WS- Security Configurations by double clicking the project and navigating to the Security Configurations tab.1.Create a new request for the operation, which you want to invoke.2.Configure the Authentication and security related setting by going to Aut Section as shown to applythe WS-User Token into the request.3.Run the request by clicking the button as shown.Oracle Web Service Manager Implementation Guide[November] [2021]Version Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax: +91 22 6718 3001https:///industries/financial-services/index.htmlCopyright © [2007], [2021], Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。



数据库学习1/20/2016目录1数据库基本概念 (3)1.1常用数据库介绍 (3)1.1.1关系型数据库 (3)1.1.2非关系型数据库NoSql (3)2Oracle数据库 (3)2.1Oracle体系结构 (3)2.2Oracle常用基本概念 (5)2.3Oracle数据库对象 (6)2.4SQL基本语句编写 (6)2.4.1SQL语句分类及功能 (6)2.4.2常用DDL语句 (7)2.4.3常用DDL语句 (9)2.4.4常用DML语句 (12)2.4.5存储过程 (13)2.4.6数据库备份与还原 (16)2.4.7SQL语句优化 (19)2.4.8Sqlplus使用 (20)1数据库基本概念数据库(Database)是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库,简单来说是本身可视为电子化的文件柜——存储电子文件的处所,用户可以对文件中的数据进行新增、截取、更新、删除等操作。

1.1常用数据库介绍➢关系型数据库通过外键关联来建立表与表之间的关系;➢非关系型数据库通常指数据以对象的形式存储在数据库中,而对象之间的关系通过每个对象自身的属性来决定1.1.1关系型数据库➢Oracle➢MySQL➢Microsoft SQL Server1.1.2非关系型数据库NoSql➢CouchDB➢mongodb2Oracle数据库Oracle Database,又名Oracle RDBMS,或简称Oracle。





➢User Process:用户进程,在用户连接数据库时产生。

Oracle Banking Accounts DDA解决方案说明书

Oracle Banking Accounts DDA解决方案说明书

Puts you in the Driver’s SeatOracle Banking Accounts can enable the Bank of Tomorrow to massively scale its account operations to offer services to new-age businesses that need massive volumes and responsiveness.Account transactions have boomed exponentially for the past two decades. In this age of instant gratification, the scale of accounts operations continues to increase manifold every year. The traditional DDA platforms were not built to handle the volume and responsiveness required by the new types of transactions, such as real-time, instant, and e-commerce transactions. Banks currently face many problems playing catch-up with newer, more agile players to serve their customers.In such a world, banks must fundamentally reimagine and redefine the value they can offer their customers.Leveraging a proven, market-leading, and cloud-native DDA solution, which is massively scalable and comes pre-integrated to provide banks with the flexibility to handle any workflow through highly configurable processautomation, is an efficient way to execute this transformation2“Oracle Banking Accounts Cloud Service is built for Needs of Today and Tomorrow”Micro ServicesArchitecturePersonaCentricCloudNative RestAPIs24x7ContinuousUpgradesExtensibleHighlyScalableOracle Banking AccountsOR ACLE BANKING ACCOUNTS 3HANDLE MASSIVE VOLUMES OF TR ANSACTIONS ON CLOUDOracle Banking Accounts is built on a highly scalable cloud-native architecture based on data grid architecture with the industry’s highest TPS (Transaction per second) per CPU that scales linearly. Today, this is extremely important for banks, primarily to cater to corporate clients from high-volume industries like e-commerce.DOMAIN DRIVEN DESIGN APPROACH WITH SPECIFIC FOCUS ON BANKING PROCESSESWith a domain-driven design coupled with a microservices architecture, the service comes pre-integrated with other Oracle solutions and offers streamlined integration capabilities with 3rd party solutions. Since the service is built ground up with the banking domain in mind, all the domain services align to business sub-domains and come in the form of their microservices, putting the Bank in the pilot’s seat with total control and flexibility.4OR ACLE BANKING ACCOUNTS“Global growth in banking real-time processing”Globally, more than ~61%CAGR in number of transactions expected in 2025-30-PwCOR ACLE BANKING ACCOUNTS 5FLEXIBLE AND HIGHLY CONFIGUR ABLEOracle Banking Accounts is built on a microservices-led architecture catering to a flexible service that allows for highly configurable process automation and workflow with the ability to spawn multiple business processes.With real-time insights, intuitive dashboards, and alerts with built-in manual exceptions or escalations, it is also easy to track and maintain a 360-degree view of the account operations.NEXT GENERATION USER EXPERIENCEOracle Banking Accounts is built with a focus on user experience. The service caters to the newer generation of users looking for better experiences -the service offers specific persona-based screens and dashboards. It offers complete transparency and control of accounts, including origination, tracking, and servicing, with a 360-degree view.API FIRSTWith a cloud-native solution, all integrations are on an API-first approach. A low-code routing hub allows for greateragility and faster integration between Oracle’s own as well as other third party’s’ solutions. This enables rapid & seamless connection with the banking ecosystem across the complete accounts value chain.• Suite of native cloud services• Pre-integrated• Offers streamlined integration capabilities6OR ACLE BANKING ACCOUNTSUnlock Value with Oracle Banking AccountsCloud Native Microservices ArchitectureProven Architecture at Tier 1 BanksTrue 24*7No downtime during maintenance and upgradesHigh ConcurrencyHigh single account throughput and horizontal scalingContinuous UpgradeInnovation and features are delivered as periodic patch sets, enabling the bank to stay on the latest version Functional DepthEngineered for Tier 1 banks and built to work withLiquidity Management,Virtual Accounts Management ComponentsMulti-Multi EnabledMulti-Country, Multi-Entity, Multi-Currency, etc. enabledEnables Bank to build capability in-houseBuilt-in tooling such as configurability and extensibilitywill help Bank build in-house modifications to workflows, screens and lifecycleOpen APIOBA can easily connect with banks’ other systems or external apps enabling a seamless experienceOR ACLE BANKING ACCOUNTS 7。

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@ To Support: @ Do you have suggestions on some helpful SQL scripts when working with the Oracle Applications?
Yes, there are a number of helpful SQL scripts that we will share below. The scripts are segmented by foundation technology scripts (FND/ATG/AOL), then other product areas like manufacturing. Many of the scripts prompt for information. None of the scripts do any updates. Note that occasionally table names or columns change overtime. Where possible, the scripts will note if they will work only on a specific release. Otherwise, they should work across 11i to R12 though the scripts will be focused on the latest code.
1.5 Helpful SQL Syntax
1.5.1 Rowid: Working with Rowids: rowidtochar(rowid) and chartorowid('AAABUeAAQAAACsjAAg') 1.5.2 Date Columns a. Converting dates to show date with time: to_char(<date> 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') For example: select to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual; b. Comparing date columns -- Sometimes handy to skip the time portion when searching for dates. You can use the trunc command to strip the time off. This resets the time to midnight. For example: select to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
PROMPT Trigger details on a table. select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, trigger_name, trigger_type, TRIGGER_BODY from dba_TRIGGERS WHERE TABLE_NAME like '%&EnterTableName%';
Handy SQL for the Oracle Applications [ID 731190.1] Modified 16-SEP-2010 In this Document Goal Solution 1. Database 1.1 General Objects / Tables / Columns 1.2 Invalids / Compiling 1 .3 Bugs and Patching 1.4 Other Objects 1.5 Helpful SQL Syntax 2. Foundation (FND/ATG/AOL) 2.1 SQL related to Oracle Application Messages 2.2. Review Oracle Application Programs 2.3. Users and Responsibilities 2.4 Set Context / Initialize 3. Manufacturing 3.1 Manufacturing General 3.2. Setup 3.2.1. Inventory 3.3. Transactions 3.3.1. Inventory Transactions References Type HOWTO Status PUBLISHED
Applies to:
Oracle Inventory Management - Version: 11.5.9 and later [Release: 11.5 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform. This document includes all versions of 11i and R12 and later
NOTE: A specific bug maybe fixed by multiple patches so it might be good to look for the bug number, instead of the patch number to see if that bug is fixed already on your system. Another way is to look at the file version mentioned in the patch and check if you have that version or higher.
1. Database 1.1 General Objects / Tables / Columns
PROMPT Find Object by Type, Name, Status select object_name, object_type, owner, status from dba_objects where upper(object_name) like upper('%&object_name%') and object_type like upper('%'|| NVL('&object_type', 'TABLE')|| '%') and status like upper('%'|| NVL('&Status', '%')|| '%') order by object_name, object_type; PROMPT Find table indexes, keys, columns select index_name,column_position,column_name from all_ind_columns where table_name = '&EnterTableName' order by index_name, column_position; PROMPT Find tables and columns that include a table and/or column name specified. select table_name, column_name from dba_tab_columns where column_name like NVL(UPPER('&COLUMN_NAME'), column_name) and table_name like NVL(UPPER('&TABLE_NAME'), table_name);
1 .3 Bugs and Patching
PROMPT Find specific package version select text from dba_source where name = upper( '&PackageName') and line < 3; PROMPT Find bugs already installed fixed in your system select bug_number from ad_bugs where bug_number ='&Bug_Number'; PROMPT select from where Find patches applied substr(patch_name,1,12) patch_num ad_applied_patches patch_name like '%&Patch_Number%';
1.4 Other Objects
PROMPT Query view details of a specific view. SELECT VIEW_NAME, TEXT FROM DBA_VIEWS WHERE VIEW_NAME = UPPER('&VIEW_NAME') and owner = 'APPS';
1.2 Invalids / Compiling
PROMPT Find Invalids
select object_name, object_type, owner, status from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID'; PROMPT Compile Packages select 'alter package '|| object_name || ' compile '|| decode(object_type, 'PACKAGE', '', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'body')|| ';' from dba_objects where staቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱus = 'INVALID' and object_type like 'PACK%';