浅析DIALux evo在道路照明设计中的应用
DIALux evo 是德国 DIAL 公司开发的一款免费软件,目前最 新的版本为 DIALux evo8.1 版,能完成标准化的室内、户外或街道 的照明规划与计算、专业的灯光设计、能量评估,效果模拟、导出 报告等丰富的照明设计功能,在照明设计行业内得到了广泛的 应用。
一、DIALux evo 在国内道路照明设计中的应用 DIALux evo 软件功能强大,在道路照明设计中应用时,只需 要输入道路技术参数(街道属性、路面、道宽、运行路径数量)、路 灯安装参数(维护系数、排列方式、灯杆间距、发光点高度、灯臂 斜度、光突出部分距离、灯杆旋转角度、每个灯杆的灯具数量、灯 杆与车道之间的距离、灯臂长度、纵向位移)并打开灯具插件软 件将选定灯具的技术参数发送到 DIALux evo 中就可以通过软件 计 算 得 到 结 果 ,还 可 以 看 到 路 灯 效 果 模 拟 ,并 且 可 以 导 出 计 算 报告。 按照我国 CJJ45-2015《城市道路照明设计标准》规定,城市 道路照明分为机动车道照明和交会区照明及人行及非机动车道 照明。 机动车道道路照明评价系统有亮度评价系统和照度评价系 统,由于机动车驾驶员行车作业时,眼睛直接感受到的是路面亮 度,因此以亮度评价系统进行道路照明评价更为科学合理。在 我国 CJJ45-2015《城市道路照明设计标准》中明确规定了亮度评 价系统标准值(包括路面平均亮度、亮度总均匀度、亮度纵向均 匀度、眩光限制阈值增量、环境比的标准值)和照度评价系统标 准 值(包 括 路 面 平 均 照 度 维 持 值 及 照 度 均 匀 度 最 小 值 的 标 准 值)。由于道路照明亮度计算复杂且目前国内路灯管理部门一 般只能进行照度测量,较少配备亮度测量的设备,在此情况下, 国内设计单位在进行道路照明设计时一般仍采用照度评价 系统。 DIALux evo 默认采用亮度评价系统(欧美国家大多采用亮 度评价系统),但在道路照明设计计算时既能给出路面平均亮度 维持值、亮度总均匀度最小值、亮度纵向均匀度最小值、眩光限 制阈值增量最大初始值、环境比最小值,但同时也可以给出机动 车道路面平均照度维持值和照度均匀度最小值。因为 DIALux evo 软件内置标准为 EN 13201 和 ROVL 2011 两个欧洲标准,由 于国内道路照明设计标准和国外道路照明设计标准存在差异, 在计算时需要合理选择计算标准,建议采用 EN13201:2015(照 明评价标准与 CJJ45-2015《城市道路照明设计标准》可基本对 应 ,只 是 标 准 值 不 完 全 对 应),路 面 特 性 可 根 据 实 际 情 况 参 照 IESNA-RP-8 - 00《American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting》选择路面分类,如果设计标准采用亮度评价系统, 在选择评估区域照度种类时应选择 M 照明种类,DIALux evo 计 算结果将给出路面平均亮度维持值、亮度总均匀度最小值、亮度 纵向均匀度最小值、眩光限制阈值增量最大初始值、环境比最小 值,如果设计标准采用照度评价系统,则应选择 C 照明种类,DIALux evo 计算结果将给出路面平均照度维持值和照度均匀度最 小值。 利用 DIALux evo 进行交会区照明设计一般需导入 CAD 图纸 或绘制多边形地面组件的方式进行户外场景模拟,再根据计算
浅析DIALux evo在道路照明设计中的应用
浅析DIALux evo在道路照明设计中的应用作者:刘建文来源:《砖瓦世界·下半月》2019年第06期摘要:介绍了DIALux evo软件在国内道路照明设计中的应用情况。
关键词:DIALux evo软件;道路照明;照度DIALux evo是德国DIAL公司开发的一款免费软件,目前最新的版本为DIALux evo8.1版,能完成标准化的室内、户外或街道的照明规划与计算、专业的灯光设计、能量评估,效果模拟、导出报告等丰富的照明设计功能,在照明设计行业内得到了广泛的应用。
一、DIALux evo在国内道路照明设计中的应用DIALux evo软件功能强大,在道路照明设计中应用时,只需要输入道路技术参数(街道属性、路面、道宽、运行路径数量)、路灯安装参数(维护系数、排列方式、灯杆间距、发光点高度、灯臂斜度、光突出部分距离、灯杆旋转角度、每个灯杆的灯具数量、灯杆与车道之间的距离、灯臂长度、纵向位移)并打开灯具插件软件将选定灯具的技术参数发送到DIALux evo中就可以通过软件计算得到结果,还可以看到路灯效果模拟,并且可以导出计算报告。
一、前言这份标准(EN 13201-4:2003)是CEN/TC 169“光与照明”技术委员会制订的,其秘书处设在DIN。
这份EN 13201-4 文件是CEN/TC 169“光与照明”和CEN/TC 226“道路装备”工作组合作完成的。
标准EN 13201“道路照明”由四部分组成。
观察者的位置和测量点的定位采用EN 13201-3(也就是欧洲标准之道路照明的第3部分:效果计算)中的做法。
关键词阿尔及利亚55公里铁路;欧洲标准;线路设计;最小曲线半径;缓和曲线长;超高;欠超高;过超高;超高系数;夹直线本项目为阿尔及利亚东西铁路干线西段阿尔及尔至奥兰线路EL AFFROUN 至KHEMIS MILIANA车站间复线工程及线路校正项目。
根据本项目业主要求160 km/h设计速度,平面曲线最小半径采用1000m,超高系数取6.5,本项目中采用实际超高为:D=6.25Vmax2/R。
本项目中欠超高I=11.8 Vmax2/R-D,欠超高取值见下表:国内铁路设计情况:根据铁科院《客货共线铁路最高时速140、160线路平面及竖曲线标准的研究》报告中建议常用70mm,采用最大90mm,允许最大110mm。
道路照明设计的几个常见问题发表时间:2019-08-12T15:57:41.597Z 来源:《防护工程》2019年10期作者:杨春华[导读] 照明计算软件相比手工计算,具有高精度、高效率的优点,使用照明计算软件进行照明设计已经很普遍。
天津市市政工程设计研究院天津 300392摘要:本文从道路照明和电气照明设计的标准出发,阐述了道路照明设计中常见的问题,包括路灯的利用系数、道路亮度与照度的转换关系、灯柱的布置等。
Street Lighting with LED Light Sources Application NoteAbstractThe following application note provides an insight into street lighting with LED light sources. Some possible lighting designs with the Golden DRAGON® OVAL and an OSTAR-Lighting with Fraen reflector for a flexible design solution are presented.Review of street lighting standardsEach country has its own set of requirements for street lighting applications. In addition, the requirements are divided into different categories as well, requiring a considerable amount of investigation before beginning the design of a street lighting fixture. In the following, summaries and examples of the standards in the various countries are presented.European (German) standard DIN EN 13201 – Road lighting, consists of four separate sections as follows: DIN 13201-1 Road lighting – selection of lighting classes (only applicable for Germany), DIN EN 13201-2 Road lighting – performance requirements, DIN EN 13201-3 Road lighting – calculation of performance, and DIN EN 13201-4 Road lighting – methods of measuring lighting performance. In the above standards, the requirements define specific values with respect to luminance, illuminance, uniformity and further requirements in categories including measurement and calculation methods as well as the appearance of the lighting installations. General specifications for applications which conform to the standards are listed in the following table.January, 2009Table 1: Example of German standard In terms of disability glare, its restriction is specified by a calculated value of Threshold Increment (TI) for ME class, but, in case that the TI value cannot be calculated especially for CE class, it is restricted by installed luminous intensity classes (G classes) in cd/klm at certain angles from downward vertical line. And, for S class, discomfort glare is restricted by glare index classes (D classes) in cd/m, which is a combination of maximum luminous intensity at an angle of 85° from downward vertical line and apparent area of luminous part.Page 1 of 10The European standard does not specify the values for road width, pole height, or pole to pole distance.Chinese standard 中华人民共和国行业标准 城市道路照明 设计 标准 Road criteria Urban road Expressway Arterial road 30/50 lx Secondary trunk road 20/30 lx Branch road 15/20 lx Residential road Conventional road lighting Lamp height <15m High mast lighting Lamp height ≧20m Semi-height lighting Lamp height 15-20m Glare: Cut-off luminaire: maximum intensity 90°, 10cd/1000lm 80°, 30cd/1000lm Uniformity 0.4 Pavement illumination standard Classified by pedestrian flow at night (3 classes) and area (2 classes) Avg. illuminance 5-20 lx Emax/Emin 1-7.5 Min. illuminance 1-4 lx Road width, pole to pole distance This standard does not define road width and pole to pole distance.Intersections (only illuminance) Road surface classifications for pavement Four classes (from mostly diffuse to mostly specular) Requirements Illuminance (e.g. 3-15 lx) Luminance (e.g. 0.3-1.2 cd/m2) Uniformity of the above Veiling luminance ratio Glare The glare level is not provided by the standard, and it is described as just information Road width, pole heights, pole to pole distance There are certainly many different road types and pole heights and spacings. It is hard to summarize also here. It is defined by each self-governing body. A following figure shows some examples.US standard ANSI/IESNA RP-8-2000 – National Standard Practice Lighting Road criteria Freeway Expressway Major Collector Local Bikeway PedestrianJanuary, 2009American Roadway Japanese standard: JIS JIS Z9110 Recommended levels of illumination JIS Z9111 Lighting for roads JIS Z9116 Lighting of tunnels for motorized traffic Lighting Classes Motorway Main arterial road Supplementary arterial roadPage 2 of 10Pavement Requirements Luminance Illuminance Uniformity Limitation of glare Maximum glare level is provided for each criteria Surround ratio Glare Road width, pole heights, pole to pole distance The above requirements are defined by road type. There are certainly many different road types.RoHS compliant product (Hg, Pb-free) ⇒ Easy lamp recycling Higher light output even at low temperatures Less attraction to nocturnal insects ⇒ Long and predictable service intervals ⇒ Reduced maintenance cost Easy to design non-glare lighting equipment ⇒ Reduction of light pollution As can be seen from the advantages listed above, the use of LEDs as a light source offers many possibilities to improve upon the quality of street lighting in lighting fixture design.Why are LEDs suitable for street lighting?LEDs offer the following advantages when used as light sources in street lighting applications: Long and predictable lifetime ⇒ Long and predictable service intervals ⇒ Reduced maintenance costs Reliability ⇒ Increased road safety Low power consumption Dimming ⇒ Adjusting to specific light levels ⇒ Reducing energy consumption and light pollution Small package size ⇒ Flexible, flat and compact lamp design High color rendering (CRI) Mixing of yellow and white LEDs ⇒ Flexibility in color temperature and CRI Available color temperature range Quick turn on / off No problem with hot ignition ⇒ Turn on / off without time delay ‘Unbreakable’ LED package ⇒ No safety screen for luminaire necessaryNocturnal InsectsUnlike humans, insects are sensitive to the UV-blue and green region of the light spectrum. Nocturnal insects are attracted to the emission of UV-blue and green light from conventional light sources.Figure 1: Relative spectral emission of a white LED (e.g. LUW W5AM) White LEDs, however, emit light in a small peak in the blue range and smaller in the green range, so nocturnal insects are less attracted to such light sources. This offers long and predictable service intervals for LED-based light fixtures as they achieve less insectural dirt.January, 2009Page 3 of 10Specifics/Peculiarities - glare effects and light pollutionCurrent light sources emit light across the entire angle, leading to excess glare and light pollution of the sky if the fixture is not carefully designed. On the other hand, LEDs radiate light over a limited range and the emission can be easily redirected. Thus, it is comparatively easy to control the direction of light from the LED and reduce the amount of glare, resulting in energy savings due to a more efficient fixture design.These applicability and advantages of the LED technology will be further extended and enlarged by the continuous enhancements in the fields of semiconductor and housing technology in future. Today latest versions of white LED already exhibit remarkable higher efficiencies, and reach values of nearly 100lm/W.Total cost in comparison to conventional lightingNowadays, the investment required for LED light sources over their entire product life is competitive with conventional lamps. The initial cost for an LED lamp is much higher than that for a HPS lamp. However, due to the high maintenance costs and system efficiency of the HPS lamp, the total cost for HPS lamp is assumed to be higher than that for the LED lamp over its lifetime, while product lifetimes are expected to be to be nearly the same. Since the bulb of the HPS lamp must be changed every three years, the cumulative costs for HPS lamp are assumed to be higher than that for LED lamp after a period of 3 or 4 years. With the continuous improvement of LED performance and cost reduction of LED products, this crossover point can be expected to occur even earlier in the future.Comparison of light sourcesTable 2 shows the comparison of light sources for street lighting. As example of a LED lamp a design composed of 100 single LEDs with an optical efficiency of 55lm/W was used as a basis for comparison. In the comparison with the other lamp types the excellent applicability of the LED technology relating to street lighting appears already with these LEDs in particular concerning power dissipation, brightness, color reproduction index and also life time.Table 2: Comparison of various light sourcesJanuary, 2009 Page 4 of 10OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LEDs suitable for street lightingOf the many LED products offered by OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, the DRAGON® and OSTAR-Lighting products are predestined for street lighting applications. Table 4, lists a few promising LED products along with their specifications. Golden DRAGON® with OVAL lens Golden DRAGON® with ARGUS lens Golden DRAGON® Plus OSTAR-Lighting The Golden DRAGON® LEDs are single chip packages that provide a typical luminous flux of 82 lm @350 mA (105 lm with Golden DRAGON® Plus). On the other hand, the OSTAR-Lighting consists of multiple LED chips (4 or 6 dies) within a single package, providing a typical luminous flux of 895 lm @700 mA with the 6-die version. And, as shown in Figures 4 through 7, due to the characteristics of the primary lenses, the suitable DRAGON® LEDs have a wide radiation angle in order to provide better uniformity of illuminance on the target surface, while the OSTAR-Lighting has an almost Lambertian radiation pattern.Figure 4: Radiation pattern of the Golden DRAGON® with OVAL lensFigure 5: Radiation pattern of the Golden DRAGON® with ARGUS lens The Golden DRAGON® with an OVAL lens has an asymmetric, oval-shaped radiation pattern which makes it especially suitable for use as a light source for street or tunnel lighting applications, without requiring additional optics.Table 4: Examples of LED products suitable for street lightingJanuary, 2009Page 5 of 10light output, e.g. with an optic for elliptical beam shaping, however. In such cases, there are several solutions from OSRAM Opto Semiconductors ‘LED Light for you’ (LLFY) partners which offer standard optical products that can be easily installed in order to achieve the desired optical performance.Figure 6: Radiation pattern of the Golden DRAGON® PlusFigure 7: Radiation pattern of the OSTARLighting (LE UW E3B) Exemplary lighting fixture designs with the Golden DRAGON® with OVAL lens (LW W5JM) and the Golden DRAGON® ARGUS (LW W5KM) are shown in Figures 8 and 9.Figure 9: Street lamp with 54 Golden DRAGON® ARGUS LEDs (LW W5KM) and reflectorThermal ConsiderationIn order to ensure high reliability and optimal performance for LED light sources appropriate thermal management is necessary (see also application notes “Thermal Management of Golden Dragon LED” and “OSTARLighting”). Figure 8: Street lamp with the Golden DRAGON® with Oval lens (LW W5JM) The OSTAR-Lighting requires additional optics in order to efficiently utilize the entireJanuary, 2009Basically, the maximum allowable junction temperature of the individual LED light sources should not be exceeded, as this can lead to irreversible damage to the LED and spontaneous failures.Page 6 of 10Furthermore for the use in street lighting applications it is recommended to keep the junction temperature of the LED as low as possible to obtain a high lifetime (see also note “Reliability and Lifetime of LEDs”). Based on that in a design with plastic housing the passive cooling element should be directly connected to the backside of the isolated metal core board (IMS-PCB).Optical simulationA simulation was performed using the freeware program DIALux, to demonstrate a possible street lighting design with OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LED products. Figure 12 shows a model for the simulation.Figure 10: Example of a street light with plastic housing and passive cooling element (source: SED) By contrast a direct connection of the IMSPCB to the surrounding housing is feasible if the lamp is composed of metal. Figure 12: Street lighting model In this calculation, the following criteria were assumed, based on the Japanese standard: > 2 lx at the pavement (recommendation for residential streets in Japan so that it is possible to recognize person’s action from a distance of 4 m.) > 10 lx at the roadway (technically equivalent to the requirement described in JIS for a roadway with a concrete surface) Figure 11: Example of a street light with metal housing and integrated cooling fins (source: Softray) The following conditions were used for the calculation: Pavement width: 4 m Roadway width: 8 m Pavement light height: 4.5 m Roadway light height: 10 m Pavement light pitch (pole): 20 m Roadway light pitch (pole): 25 m Arrangement of pavement lighting pole: single-sidedJanuary, 2009 Page 7 of 10Arrangement of roadway lighting pole: alternate, double-sided Light source example for pavement lighting fixture: Golden DRAGON® with OVAL lens (LW W5JM, 60 lm), 15 pieces per fixture; Light source example for pavement lighting fixture (another case): Golden DRAGON® Plus (LUW W5AM, 121 lm), 15 pieces per a fixture; Light source example lighting fixture: for roadway Figure 14(a): Illuminance at pavement (by Golden DRAGON® with OVAL lens)Figure 14(b): Illuminance at pavement (by Golden DRAGON® Plus)OSTAR-Lighting (LE UW E3B, 865 lm) with reflector (Fraen FRC M1), 10 pieces per fixture; The overall radiation pattern of the combination of the OSTAR-Lighting product and the reflector is shown in Figure 13.1.2 1 0.8 intensity 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 angle (deg)Figure 15: Illuminance at roadway (by OSTAR-Lighting) As shown by the above results, it was found that with feasible product specifications, it is possible to design a street lighting fixture using LED light sources which meets the criteria of more than 2 lx at the pavement and more than 10 lx at the roadway. A rendering of the simulation result is shown in Figure 16.Figure 13: Radiation pattern of the OSTAR-Lighting with a reflector (Fraen FRC M1) The calculated illuminance at the pavement and roadway are illustrated in the contour graphs in Figures 14 and 15.Figure 16: Simulation resultJanuary, 2009Page 8 of 10SummaryIn the above simulation, efficiencies (percentage of luminaire luminous flux arriving on the street) are: pavement (LW W5JM) 33.8% pavement (LUW W5AM) 18.2% roadway (LE UW E3B with reflector Fraen FRC M1) 32.4% LEDs have many advantages in comparison to current light sources - high-pressure sodium, metal halide, high-pressure mercury, low-pressure sodium, and compact fluorescent lamps. An LED is especially environmentally friendly, due to its high efficiency, long lifetime and low maintenance requirements. When designing a street lighting fixture, the minimum requirements must be met in each lighting category for the specific country. In addition, other factors must be taken into consideration such as glare or appearance. LEDs also offer several advantages in these areas, compared to conventional light sources, since the light output can be directed and controlled. With the use of DIALux, it was demonstrated that it is possible to design a street lighting fixture using OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LED products - the Golden DRAGON® with OVAL lens, the Golden DRAGON® Plus and the OSTAR-Lighting which can provides more than 2 lx at the pavement and more than 10 lx at the roadway.January, 2009Page 9 of 10AppendixDon't forget: LED Light for you is your place to be whenever you are looking for information or worldwide partners for your LED Lighting project.Authors: Masaki Ono, Yoshiharu Chikazawa About OSRAM Opto SemiconductorsOSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH, Regensburg, is a wholly owned subsidiary of OSRAM GmbH, one of the world’s three largest lamp manufacturers, and offers its customers a range of solutions based on semiconductor technology for lighting, sensor and visualisation applications. The company operates facilities in Regensburg (Germany), San José (USA) and Penang (Malaysia). Further information is available at . All information contained in this document has been checked with the greatest care. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH can however, not be made liable for any damage that occurs in connection with the use of these contents.January, 2009Page 10 of 10。
英国标准BS EN 13201-2:2003道路照明第二部分:性能需求引言照明等级定义了一系列光度学的需求来满足特定的道路区域和环境下道路使用者的视觉需要。
S和 A等级反映了道路照明的不同优先级。
ME等级按级别ME6, ME5… ME1构成测量照度的照明等级台阶,提供不断增强的需求。
6 Calculation of _(C,_)6.1 GeneralTo determine the luminous intensity from a luminaire to a point it is necessary to find the vertical photometric angle (_) and photometric azimuth (C) of the light path to the point. To do this, account has to be taken of the tilt in application in relation to the tilt during measurement, the orientation, and rotation of the luminaire. For this purpose it is necessary to establish mathematical sign conventions for measuring distances on the road and for rotations about axes. The system used is a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system. The corrections for turning movements do not allow for any change in the luminous flux of the light source due to turning movements.6 I(C,γ)的计算6.1 概要为确定灯具在某点处的发光强度,需要得到光路在该点的光度垂直角γ和光度方位角C。
欧洲标准EN 1320 :1996目录前言1适用范畴8 检验方法2标准性参阅文献8.1 对接焊缝3定义8.2 填充焊缝4 原则8.3 对可变形焊件的特别提示5 名称和缩写9 检验结果6 试件尺寸10 检验报告7取样7.1 概述附件A 检验报告(规范性)7.2 标记7.3 取样7.4 制作前言本欧洲标准由CEN/TC 121“焊接”技术委员会制定。
本标准适用于各种方式制成金属材料的熔焊连接,并且连接焊缝等于或大于2 mm。
prEN 970 熔焊焊缝无损探伤-外观目测检验EN 25817 钢材电弧焊-焊缝不匀缺陷评定分级标准(ISO 5817:1992)EN 30042 铝材及适合焊接的铝合金材料电弧焊-焊缝不匀缺陷评定分级标准(ISO 10042 :1992)3定义下列定义适用于本标准:3.1检测长度(L f) :于可能侧面缺口之间沿焊缝轴线测量的长度(见图6)。
3.2 总检测长度( L f) :沿焊缝轴线测得的试样侧缺口间断裂面试块的所有试样总长度(见图6)。
CL13 2011与CL13 2015的对照表
d)对场地和环境条件有要求的检测项目, 应对场地和环境条件进行确认,并对关键参 数予以监控记录,如: 汽车除霜、除雾试 验低温实验室的温度、冷空气流速,汽车碰 内容变更 撞实验室的标态间和假人标定间工作期间的 温湿度,气囊点爆实验室温控间的温湿度, 汽车、 摩托车整车和发动机排放实验室、 颗粒物质量称重室的温湿度等。
----汽车碰撞试验所使用的可变形壁 障(蜂窝铝)应有制造商提供的、符 合EEVC(欧洲车辆安全促进会)相 关规定的证书。
从事道路试验的驾驶人员必须获得法 定驾驶证,同时还必须获得试验司机 的上岗证。对( 临时)雇佣的驾驶 人员,应进行足够的培训和监督,保 存培训、考核、监督和工作记录。
新增 新增
a) 长期使用的试验场地应提供相应符合性 证据,如:汽车、摩托车加速行驶车外噪声 和ABS试验等对试验场地符合性有定期核查 要求的,应制定核查计划,并按计划定期对 噪声场地的特性(如路表构造深度、空隙率 或吸声系数)及ABS场地的摩擦系数等实施 内容变更 b) 临时使用的试验场地,应在检测作业指 导书中规定核查内容、核查方法。在使用前 应进行核查,以证实能够满足相应检测标准 和实验室的规范要求,并保存记录; 删减
a)实验室对从事汽车和摩托车整车、 零部 件、材料等检测的人员均应进行相关检测知 识、检测标准以及检测项目的安全知识培 内容变更 训, 并进行上岗前考核评价;应按要求确 认从事道路试验的驾驶人员的上岗资格,资 格要求包括但不限于必须具有法定的机动车 b)从事汽车碰撞检测、汽车和摩托车电磁 兼容检测、污染物检测等使用及操作复杂测 量系统的检测人员应具有相关专业理工科大 学本科及以上学历。学历不满足要求的,至 新增 少应有 10 年以上相关检测工作经历;此 外, 关键技术人员,如技术负责人(包括 授权签字人)、对检测方法进行验证或确认 人员、报告复核人员除满足上述要求外, a)从事电动汽车和电动摩托车及其零部件 新增 高压带电检测的人员应接受电工安全作业的 培训,并保存培训的记录; b)从事汽车碰撞检测、汽车和摩托车电磁 兼容检测、污染物检测等使用及操作复杂测 新增 量系统的检测人员应接受过涉及仪器原理、 操作和维护等方面知识的培训, 并掌握相 关的知识和专业技能; 对雇佣的临时人员,如试验驾驶人员等,除 对其工作能力进行确认外,应对其进行足够 的培训、监督,确认能够胜任并按照管理体 内容变更 系要求进行工作,应保存培训、考核、监督 和工作记录。 删除
评估区域和照度种类(IESNA RP-8-00)
照度评估参数 小目标可见度评估参数
行车道、紧急车道 等)
CIE 140 / EN
CE 字路口、环状交叉
1、沥青混凝土路面,所含的砾石尺寸大于10mm,纹理粗糙如砂纸; 2、纹理已磨亮
1、使用了几个月后的沥青砂路面 2、路面相当光滑
平均辉度系数 反射因数
0.07 0.08
0.58 1.55
S2 反射因数
1.80 3.03
大部分擴散 反射型
A 自行车道、紧急车 道等)DK来自LDK_LE DK_E
DIN 5044 (过时)
若有多个道路,且评估区域 不同,这里需要注意选择
可选择评估 项,不选则 需满足所有。
所有/单个 灯具选择
导入灯具文件 输入街道属性和组件 设置评估区域和照度种类
选择评估区域 选择灯具
设置灯具排列参数 选择定位建议 计算 查看报表
欧洲道路标准集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]E N13201-3Edition: 2007-06-01路灯第三部分:性能计算Road lightingPart 3: Calculation of performanceNational ForewordThe present ?NORM EN has been reissued without prior public enquiry and represents a consolidated national new edition of EN 13201-3:2003-11, including Corrigendum EN 13201-3:2003/AC:2007-02.The preceding European corrigendum EN 13201-3:2003/AC:2005-06 has been considered and incorporated in this version of ?NORM EN 13201-3.Following clauses were changed:Ad Figure 11 was replacedText after figure title was addedAd Equation (35) was includedEnglish versionRoad lighting - Part 3: Calculation of performanceThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 1 September 2003.This corrigendum becomes effective on 22 June 2005.This corrigendum becomes effectice on 28 February 2007.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate theconditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.Contents pageForeword ......................................................................... .. (4)Introduction ..................................................................... . (5)1 Scope............................................................................. . (5)2 Normativereferences............ ........................................................... . (5)3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations (5)Terms and definitions....................................................................... . (5)List of symbols and abbreviations..................................................................... . (8)4 Mathematicalconventions ............ ......................................................... . (10)5 Photometric data.............................................................................. . (10)General .......................................................................... .. (10)The _-table ............................................................................ (10)Interpolation in the _-table ............................................................................ .. (12)General .......................................................................... .. (12)Linear interpolation..................................................................... (12)Quadratic interpolation..................................................................... . (13)Quadratic interpolation in the region of C = 0_, or _ = 0_ or180_ (15)The r-table ............................................................................ (15)Interpolation in the r-table............................................................................. . (18)6 Calculation of_(C,_) ........................................................................... (19)General .......................................................................... .. (19)Mathematical conventions for distances measured on the road (19)Mathematical conventions for rotations (20)Calculation of C and_ ................................................................................ .. (21)7 Calculation of photometric quantities........................................................................ (22)Luminance ........................................................................ . (22)Luminance at apoint ............................................................................ .. (22)Total luminance at a point............................................................................. .. (23)Field of calculation for luminance......................................................................... .. (23)Position of calculationpoints ........................................................................... (24)llluminance....................................................................... .. (29)General .......................................................................... .. (29)Horizontal illuminance at a point............................................................................. .. 29Hemispherical illuminance at a point (29)Semicylindrical illuminance at apoint (30)Vertical iluminance at apoint ............................................................................ (31)Total illuminance at a point............................................................................. (32)Field of calculation for illuminance....................................................................... .. (33)Position of calculationpoints ........................................................................... .. (33)Luminaires included incalculation ...................................................................... (34)llluminance on areas of irregularshape (35)8 Calculation of qualitycharacteristics .................................................................. .. (35)General .......................................................................... .. (35)Averageluminance ........................................................................ .. (35)Overall uniformity........................................................................ .. (35)Longitudinaluniformity ....................................................................... . (35)Threshold increment......................................................................... .. (35)Surroundratio ............................................................................ .. (36)Measures ofilluminance ...................................................................... (39)General .......................................................................... . (39)Averageilluminance ...................................................................... (39)Minimum illuminance....................................................................... .. (40)Uniformity ofilluminance ...................................................................... . (40)9 Ancillary data.............................................................................. .. (40)Bibliography ..................................................................... (41)ForewordThis document (EN 13201-3:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 169 “Light and lighting”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2004, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by May 2004.This European Standard was worked out by the Joint Working Group of CEN/TC 169 "Light and lighting" and CEN/TC 226 "Road Equipment", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.This document includes a Bibliography.This standard, EN 13201 Road lighting, consists of three parts. This document is:Part 3: Calculation of performanceThe other parts of EN 13201 are:Part 2: Performance requirementsPart 4: Methods of measuring lighting performanceAccording to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of thefollowing countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.IntroductionThe calculation methods described in this Part of this European Standard enable road lighting quality characteristics to be calculated by agreed procedures so that results obtained from different sources will have a uniform basis.引言本部分欧洲标准中描述的计算方法能使路灯指标通过认可的程序计算出,以使不同光源的结果具有统一的计算依据。
EN 13201-2:2003 (E)ContentsForeword Introduction 前言1 Scope 范围2 Normative references3 Terms and definitions 条款和定义4 ME/MEW-series of lighting classes 灯具等级中的ME/MEW系列5 CE-series of lighting classes 灯具等级中的CE 系列6 S-, A-, ES- and EV- series of lighting classes 灯具等级S-,A-,ES-, EV系列7 Appearance and environmental aspects 外观和环境因素Annex A (informative) Installed classes for glare restriction and control of obtrusive light A.1 Luminous intensity classes 光强等级A.2 Glare index classes 眩光等级Annex B (informative) Lighting of pedestrian crossingsBibliographyForewordThis document (EN 13201-2:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 169 “Light and lighting”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2004, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by May 2004.This document EN 13201-2 has been worked out by the Joint Working Group of CEN/TC 169 “Light and lighting” and CEN/TC 226 “Road Equipment”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.Annexes A and B are informative.This document includes a Bibliography.This standard, EN 13201 Road Lighting, consists of three parts. This document is;Part 2: Performance requirementsThe other parts of EN 13201 are:Part 3: Calculation of performancePart 4: Methods of measuring lighting performanceAccording to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.IntroductionA lighting class is defined by a set of photometric requirements aiming at the visual needs of certain road users in certain types of road areas and environment. 灯具有光学要求来定义,目的是满足在某种道路区域和环境下某些道路使用者的视觉要求.The purpose of introducing lighting classes is to make it easier to develop and use road lighting products and services in CEN member countries. The lighting classes have been defined with consideration of road lighting standards in these countries aiming at harmonization of requirements where possible. However, some lighting classes and subclasses reflect particular situations and national approaches based on traditional, climatic or other conditions.介绍灯具等级的目的是让欧洲标准联盟的成员,在开发和使用照明产品和服务时更容易,灯具等级考虑到不同国家的道路照明标准,目的是尽可能的统一,但是有些照明等级和子等级会反映一些特殊的情况,这些情况可能是建立在传统的或气候和其他情况下.The ME classes are intended for drivers of motorized vehicles for user on traffic routes, and in some countries also residential roads, allowing medium to high driving speeds.ME 等级针对于机动车辆驾驶者,某些国家也适用于居住区道路,也允许中高速的速度。
欧盟轨道交通通用环境标准概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述为了保障轨道交通系统的安全性、可持续性和环境友好性,欧盟制定了一系列的轨道交通通用环境标准。
1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍轨道交通通用环境标准的概念和意义,包括标准制定及更新过程。
1.3 目的本文旨在向读者阐述欧盟在轨道交通领域所制定的通用环境标准,并解释其背后的理念和目标。
2. 正文在轨道交通行业中,为了保障环境保护和可持续发展,欧洲联盟(EU)已经制定了一系列的轨道交通通用环境标准。
2.1 环境管理体系在欧盟轨道交通通用环境标准中,一个重要的方面是建立和实施有效的环境管理体系。
2.2 能源消耗与排放控制另一个关键领域是对能源消耗和排放进行控制。
1. 欧洲第一阶段(Euro 1):1992年开始实施,主要限制一氧化碳(CO)、碳氢化合物(HC)、氮氧化物(NOx)和颗粒物(PM)的排放。
2. 欧洲第二阶段(Euro 2):1996年开始实施,对比Euro 1
3. 欧洲第三阶段(Euro 3):2000年开始实施,对比Euro 2
4. 欧洲第四阶段(Euro 4):2005年开始实施,对比Euro 3
5. 欧洲第五阶段(Euro 5):2009年开始实施,主要关注柴油车的颗粒物和氮氧化物排放控制。
6. 欧洲第六阶段(Euro 6):2014年开始实施,对比Euro 5
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EN 13201-4:2003 (E)Contents pageForeword (3)1 Scope (4)2 Normative references (4)3 Photometric measurements (4)4 Measurement conditions (4)4.1 Stabilization after switch-on (4)4.2 Climatic conditions (4)4.3 Extraneous light and obstruction of light (5)4.4 Measurements taken from a moving vehicle (5)5 Non-photometric measurements (5)5.1 General (5)5.2 Geometric data (5)5.3 Electric tension of supply (6)5.4 Temperature (6)5.5 Instruments (6)6 Location of grid points and observer (6)7 Measurement of illuminance (6)7.1 General (6)7.2 Height and orientation of the photometer head (7)7.3 Measurement grid (7)8 Measurement of luminance (7)9 Test report (8)Annex A (informative) Example of test report format (9)A.1 General test information (9)A.2 Geometrical data (9)A.3 Road surface data (9)A.4 Lamp and luminaire data (10)A.5 Electricity supply (10)A.6 Environmental conditions (10)A.7 Condition of installation (11)A.8 Measuring instruments (11)A.9 Measurement grid (12)A.10 Light monitoring record (13)A.11 Measurements from a moving vehicle (13)Bibliography (14)ForewordIntroductionThe purpose of this part of this European standard is to establish conventions and procedures for lighting measurements of road lighting installations, and to give advice on the use and selection of luminance meters and illuminance meters.The conventions for observer position and location of measurement points are those adopted in EN 13201-3. However, relaxation from these is permitted where the measurements are used for monitoring the performance of an installation or other purposes. Conditions which may lead to inaccuracies are identified and precautions are given to minimize these.A format for the presentation of the measurements is suggested.1 ScopeThis part of this European Standard specifies the procedures for making photometric and related measurements of road lighting installations. Examples are given of the form of the test report.这部分标准主要是详细规定制作光度测量的程序和相关的道路灯安装测量,有报告样本2 Normative references 参考This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from otherpublications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).EN 13201-3, Road lighting — Part 3: Calculation of performance.3 Photometric measurementsThe procedures adopted should be suited to the purpose of the measurements. Where the measurements are required for comparison with calculated values then the utmost stringency will be required to ensure that a valid comparison can be made. Where the measurements are required for monitoring the state of an installation then it is possible that a more limited set of measurements at widely spaced locations will suffice. The main essential in this case is that the measurements are carried out in the same way each time monitoring is carried out. In other cases spot checks may be sufficient.4 Measurement conditions 测试状态4.1 Stabilization after switch-on 点亮后的稳定性Discharge lamps require a period of time for their light output to stabilize. Llluminance measurements at the same location or locations shall be taken at regular time intervals to ensure that stability has been reached, before definitive light measurements of the installation are made. To ensure that stability is maintained during the period of measurement, monitoring readings shall be taken (see A.10). 灯要一段时间后,放出的光才会稳定。
为确保稳定状态在测量时间内的持续,监控是必要的(参考A10) 4.2 Climatic conditions 气候条件The climatic conditions should be such as not to affect the measurements significantly, unless this is intended. High or low temperatures may affect the light output of thermally sensitive lamps or the accuracy of the light measuring instruments. Condensation of moisture on light transmitting surfaces of measuring instruments or on their electric circuits may affect their accuracy. High wind speeds may make the luminaires oscillate or make the measuring instruments vibrate. They may also lower the temperature ofthermally sensitive lamps thereby affecting their light output. Even a slight dampness of the road surface may significantly affect the luminance of the road surface. The light transmission of the atmosphere will affect the light reaching the surface to be measured, and in the case of luminance measurements the light reaching the luminance meter from the surface to be measured. 气候条件不应该是影响测量的重要因素,除非是有意的。