2008-2009学年第一学期期末考试国际金融试卷A一、单项选择题(本题共10小题,每题1分,共10分)1、由非确定的或偶然的因素引起的国际收支不平衡是( )A、临时性不平衡B、收入性不平衡C、货币性不平衡D、周期性不平衡2、隔日交割,即在成交后的第一个营业日内进行交割的是()A、即期外汇交易B、远期外汇交易C、中期外汇交易D、长期外汇交易3、在我国的国际收支平衡表中,各种实务和资产的往来均以()作为计算单位,以便于统计比较。
A、人民币B、美元C、欧元D、英磅4、国际货币基金组织的主要资金来源是()A、贷款B、信托基金C、会员国向基金组织交纳的份额D、捐资5 、当前国际债券发行最多的是()。
A 、外国债券B 、美洲债券C 、非洲债券D 、欧洲债券6、非居民相互之间以银行为中介在某种货币发行国国境之外从事该种货币存贷业务的国际金融市场是()金融市场。
湛江师范学院2008年- 2009学年度第一学期期末考试试题A卷考试科目:计算机文化基础Ⅱ一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共50分)[单选]矢量图形和位图图形相比,哪一项是矢量图形的特点()A.缩放不影响图形显示质量B.色彩丰富C.所占空间大D.用像素点记录信息[单选]在三种文本类型中,能够创建超级链接的是()A.静态文本和输入文本B.动态文本和输入文本C.静态文本和动态文本D.三种皆可[单选]Flash中不能够添加ActionScript代码的对象是()A.图形元件B.关键帧C.按钮元件D.影片剪辑[单选]下列有关图层的论述正确的是()A.一个遮罩层可以有多个被遮罩层B.遮罩层层中的动画只能是动作补间动画,不能是形状补间动画C.一个被遮罩层也可以有多个遮罩层D.引导层和被引导层的上下顺序更改不影响动画[单选]在Flash中,可以边播放边下载的声音类型是( )A.事件声音B.流式声音C.数字声音D.模拟声音[单选]以下那种类型的文件是Flash可以编辑的( )A.EXE文件B.SWF文件C.HTM文件D.FLA文件[单选]以下说法错误的是()A.一个动画可以有多个场景,改变场景的顺序将改变动画的播放顺序B.帧是动画的基本单位,制作动画的实质是制作各种不同类型的帧C.一个动画可以有多个图层,图层的数量越多生成的动画文件越大D.帧有不同的显示模式,如果选择“编辑多个帧”按钮,则可以同时对多个帧进行编辑[单选]下列关于元件和实例之间的关系论述正确的是()A.一个元件只有一个实例,修改实例则同时也修改了这个实例的元件B.实例是由元件产生的,删除实例的同时也删除了这个实例的元件C.修改元件不影响实例D.将图形元件的实例分离后,修改其颜色,不会影响元件的颜色[单选]Flash中,要使一个对象动起来,至少需要()个关键帧A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4[单选]下列哪项不是任意变形工具的功能()A.缩放对象B.旋转与倾斜C.扭曲对象D.翻转对象[单选]下列不属于Dreamweaver 8中页面布局工具的是()A.表格B.框架C.层D.表单[单选]下列关于网页描述不正确的是( )。
天津外国语学院基础课教学部2008--2009学年第一学期 文科数学 期末考试试卷 (A 卷)专业____________班级____________学号____________姓名____________成绩____________考试用时:90 分钟一、 填空:(本题16分,每空2分) 1. 函数11y x=-的定义域为______。
2.y =y = ,u = ,v = ,复合而成的函数。
3.邻域()2,1U -的区间表达形式为______。
4. 2,x y e y ''==若则______。
5. ()01f x '=若,则()()000limx f x x f x x∆→-∆-=∆___________。
6. ()ln(2)d x = ___________。
二、计算下列各题(每小题5分,共60分)1.求极限32lim 3x x →--2. 求极限434252lim 251x x x x x x →∞-++-+3. 求极限33132lim x x x x x→-+-4. 求极限()ln lim ln 1x x xe →+∞-专业____________班级____________学号____________姓名____________ 5. 已知函数52sin ln2,y x x y '=++求.6. 已知函数2cos ,1sin xy y x'=+求.7. 已知函数sin2,x y e x y -'=求.8. 已知函数()1arcsin arctan 2t f t t=+,求(1)f '.9. 求不定积分1(2cos)xe x dxx++⎰.10. 求不定积分4211xdxx-+⎰.11. 求不定积分1lndx x x ⎰.专业____________班级____________学号____________姓名____________12. 求不定积分321x dx x+⎰.三、求函数3(1)y x x =-的单调区间、极值点和极值.(用表格表示)(本题10分)四、求由方程524351y x y x x +++= 所确定的隐函数()y y x =在处的切线方程. (本题8分)五、证明:等式2π=))1,0((∈x .(本题6分)0x =。
A. ( f (b) − f (a))( g(b) − g(a)) < 0
f '(x) g '(x) < 0
C. ∫ f (x)dx∫ g(x)dx < 0
D. ∫a f (x)dx∫a g(x)dx < 0
9) If F (x) is an antiderivative of f (x) , C is any constant, then ____ is correct.
A. F (x) = C∫ f (x)dx
C. F '(x) = f (x) +C
∫ B. F (x) = f (x)dx C
D. F (x) = lim f (x + h) − f (x)
10) a and b are in the domains of f (x) and g(x) , then ___ is correct.
7) If l= im f (x) li= m f '(x) 0, lim f ''(x) ≠ 0 but exists, then ________.
A. lim f (x) = 0, x→a f '(x)
B. lim f (x) ≠ 0 but exists, x→a f '(x)
C. lim f (x) = ∞, x→a f '(x)
D. lim f (x) ≠ ∞ but does not exist. x→a f '(x)
8) If f (x) is a continuous on interval [a,b], then in [a,b], f (x) at least have_ __
诚信应考 考出水平 考出风格 浙江大学城市学院 2008— 2009学年第 一 学期期末考试试卷答案 A 《 管理学 》 开课单位: 商学院 ;考试形式:闭卷;考试时间:_2009_年__1_月__10__日; 所需时间: 120 分钟一.单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分;请将您选择的答案填入下表对应的方格内) 1.大地公司为大宾馆、高档写字楼等提供各色盆景、景观植物,品种多达上千种。
这一措施是:( B ) A. 组织措施。
B. 计划措施。
C. 销售措施。
D. 控制措施。
由于此合同对公司发展关系重大,董事会在讨论其中失误的责任时,存在以下几种说法,你认为哪一种说法最为合理?( A ) A .总经理至少应该承担领导用人不当与督促检查失职的责任。
3.泰罗的管理理论对以后管理理论的发展产生了深远影响,他的代表作是( C )。
A.《社会组织与经济组织理论》B.《工业管理和一般管理》C.《科学管理理论》D. 《管理的要素》4.八十年代,日本企业管理模式一度引起各国企业的关注和借鉴.然而,东南亚金融风暴的出现,反映了日本经济脆弱的一面.此时,许多人又下结论,日本企业管理模式已经过时,美国企业管理模式更加有效,对于这种情况,你赞同以下那种说法( B )。
射性活度关系。 3. 简述核力的性质。 4. 简述实验发现的α 衰变的物理规律并给出物理解释。
(10 分) (10 分) (20 分)
5. 对于反应 10 B d 8 Be 17.8MeV ,当氘的能量为 0.6MeV 时,在=900 方向上观 测到四种能量的α 粒子:12.2, 10.2, 9.0, 7.5MeV, 试求 8 Be 的激发能。 6. 试判断 3/2-7/2-, 3/2-9/2-, 9/2+1/2+β 跃迁的性质。 7. 是判断 1+0+,1+1+,1+2+跃迁的类型。 (20 分) (15 分) (15 分)
N 2 (t )
2 1
N1 (0)(e 1t e 2t )
2 1 1 1 N1 (t )[1 e ( )t ] 2 1
2 1
N (0)e 1 [1 e ( 2 1 )t ]
由于 1 < 2 ,当 t 足够大时,有 e( )t <<1,则此时上式成为
197*1.66*1021 98.7*10-24 *1012 *0.02*19.3 197 *1.66*1021
1.2*108 (/cm )
N IN s
所以 N0= N t=1.28×108×5×60=3.84×1010(/cm2)
t 所以 A Ne =
log A 86.25log E 式中 A 为常量。
由上式可见,衰变常量 随α 粒子的能量的改变而剧烈地变化。 5.解: 当
900 时,Q 方程为
A A Q a 1 Ea b 1 Eb AB AB
2008 - 2009学年第一学期《高频电子线路》期末考试卷(A 卷)授课班号202601/2/3年级专业2006级通信,电信,电科学号 _____________ 姓名 ________1. 谐振回路的品质因数 Q 越大,通频带越(),选择性越( )。
A 宽B 窄C 好D 差2. 晶体管在工作高频时,其放大能力与低频工作时相比,放大能力() A 增大 B 减小 C 不变3. 常用集电极电流流通角 0的大小来划分功放的工作类别,丙类功放()A 0 = 180 0B 90° < 0 < 1800C 0 = 90 °D 0 < 90°4、电容三点式与电感三点式振荡器相比,其主要优点是 ()6、同步检波器和变频器都是由非线性器件和滤波器组成, 器所用的为(),变频器所用的为() A 低通滤波器B 高通滤波器C带通滤波器7、若调制信号的频率是从 300Hz 〜3000Hz ,那么,窄带调频时,调频电路中带通滤波器的通频带宽度至少应为()A 3000HzB 5400Hz C600Hz D 6000Hz&某已调波的数学表达式为u (t ) =2(1 • sin2二103t )sin2二106t ,这是一个( )A AM 波B FM 波C DSB 波D SSB 波 9、 设非线性元件的伏安特性为 i 二ae • a 3u 3,它()产生调幅作用。
A 能 B 不能 C 不确定10、 比例鉴频器中,当输入信号幅度突然增加时,输出信号幅度()。
A 随之增加B随之减小C保持不变11、 设混频器的本振频率f L ,输入信号频率f c ,输出中频频率f I ,三者满足f L =f C +f I ,若有干 扰信号fn= f L +fI,则可能产生的干扰称为( )A 电路简单且易起振BC 改变频率不影响反馈系数D5. 并联型晶体振荡器中,晶体工作在(A 并联谐振B 串联谐振输出波形好工作频率比较低)频率附近,此时晶体等效为()元件。
题一二三四五总分总评分人复查人分值40203010100得分湛江师范学院2008年-2009学年度第1学期期末考试试题A卷(考试时间:120分钟)考试科目: 数据结构请将所有答案填写在答题卡上,交卷时请将所有试卷上交一、单选题(每小题2分,共40分)1.下列算法的时间复杂度是( B )。
for ( i=0; i<n; i++) c[i][j]=i+j;A O(1)B O(n)C O(log 2n)D O(n 2)2.每一个存储结点不仅含有一个数据元素,还包含一个指针,该存储方式是( B )存储方式。
A 顺序B 链式C 索引D 散列3.指针p 指向以L 为头指针的循环链表的首元素的条件是( A )。
A p==L B p->next==L C L->next==p D p->next==NULL 4.4个元素进S 栈的顺序是A 、B 、C 、D ,进行两次Pop(S,x)操作后,栈顶元素的值是( B )。
A AB BC CD D5.经过下列栈的运算后GetTop(S)的值是( A )。
InitStack(s); Push(s,a); Push(s,b); Pop(s); A a B b C 1 D 2( )( )6.栈的特点是( B )。
A 先进先出B 后进先出C 后进后出D 不进不出7.经过下列运算后GetHead(Q)的值是(A )InitQueue(Q); EnQueue(Q,a); EnQueue(Q,b);A aB bC 1D 28.一维数组的元素起始地址loc[0]=1000,元素长度为4,则loc[2]为(C )。
A 1000B 1010C 1008D 10209.二叉树第i层上最多有(C )个结点。
A 2iB 2i-1C 2i-1D i210.满二叉树(A )二叉树。
A 一定是完全B 不一定是完全C 不是D 不是完全11.二叉树按二叉链表存储,每个结点包含三个域(lchild、data、rchild),若p指针指向二叉树的根结点,经过运算while ( p->rchild!=null ) p=p->rchild,则(A )。
讨论问题: 1、你会像迈克.维尔一样做出从日本撤回爆米花的决定吗?为什么? 2、光学扫描仪引出了一个好的办法吗? 3、作为一个家族组织,迈克.维尔在考虑质量时会有什么不同吗?股份制公司会有相同的态度吗? 4、公司不得不采取变革措施提高爆米花质量的要素是什么? 5、控制质量能在员工不用作任何改变的情况下完全自动化吗?。
2008-2009学年第一学期考试试卷A卷考试科目财务管理考试方式闭完成时限2小时一、单项选择(每题1.5分,共1.5×20=30分)1、下列属于企业销售商品或提供劳务形成的财务关系是( C )A.企业与供应商之间的财务关系B.企业与债务人之间的财务关系C.企业与客户之间的财务关系D.企业与受资者之间的财务关系2、一般认为,下列哪个财务管理目标既考虑了股东利益、而且也考虑了债权人、经理层和一般职工的利益。
( D )A.利润最大化B.股东财富最大化C.权益资本利润率最大化D.企业价值最大化3、正相关程度越高,投资组合可分散投资风险的效果就越( B )。
A.大B.小C.相等D.无法比较4、无风险收益率为6%,风险收益率为4%,资金时间价值为5%,通货膨胀补偿率为1%,那么必要收益率为( C )。
A.5%B.6%C.10%D.11%5、非系统风险包括的内容有( B )。
A.2B.1.43C.3D.无法确定7、下列因素引起的风险中,投资者可以通过投资组合予以消减的是( D )。
A.国家进行税制改革B.世界能源状况变化C.发生经济危机D.一个新的竞争者生产同样的产品8、下列权利中,不属于普通股股东权利的是( D )。
A.公司管理权B.分享盈余权C.优先认股权D.优先分配剩余财产权9、某人分期购买一套住房,每年年末支付40000元,分10次付清,假设年利率为2%,则该项分期付款相当于现在一次性支付( B )元。
(P/A,2%,10)=8.9826A.400000B.359304C.43295D.5526510、下列各项资金,可以利用商业信用方式筹措的是( c )A、国家财政资金B、银行信贷资金C、其他企业资金D、企业自留资金11、已知利率为10%的一期、两期、三期的复利现值系数分别是0.9091、0.8264、0.7513,则可以判断利率为10%,3年期的年金现值系数为( D )。
佛山科学技术学院2008 —2009学年第一学期《大学语文》课程期末考试试题 A专业、班级:姓名:学号:一、选择题答案二、1.B 2. D 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C11.D 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.C一、选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.《诗经》按( B )可分为风、雅、颂。
A.表现手法 B.音乐性质 C.艺术成就 D.结构特点2.与屈原的《湘君》并称为姊妹篇的另一抒情诗是( D )。
A.《山鬼》 B.《天问》 C.《九歌》 D.《湘夫人》3.以下属于先秦诸子散文的一篇是( D )。
A.叔向贺贫 B.秦晋殽之战 C.冯谖客孟尝君 D.庄周梦为胡蝶4.“贫乏不能自存,使人属孟尝君。
”一句中“属”字通( B )字A.阻 B.嘱 C.祝 D.助5.“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”是( C )的诗歌主张。
A.杜甫 B.孟浩然 C.白居易 D.王昌龄6.“会当凌绝顶”后面一句是( D )。
A.一览群山小 B.一览名山小 C.纵览江山小 D.一览众山小7.李清照《声声慢》中“这次第怎一个愁字了得”的“次第”是指( A )。
A.光景、情形 B.心底、心中 C.情绪、情感 D.语气词8.元杂剧中对动作、表情和效果等的舞台提示,被称为( B )。
A.唱 B.科 C.白 D.净9.以下属于白话短篇小说的是( A )。
A.《三言二拍》 B.《西游记》 C.《红楼梦》 D.《儒林外史》10.被元人周德清誉为“秋思之祖”的是( C )。
A.《秋声赋》 B.《静夜思》 C.《天净沙·秋思》 D.《长相思》11.《边城》、《长河》的作者是( D )。
A.张爱玲 B.赵树理 C.曹禺 D.沈从文12.属于20世纪20年代新月派的代表诗人是( C )。
A.穆旦 B.卞之琳 C.徐志摩 D.戴望舒13.被曹禺认为“最具有雷雨性格”的人物是( B )。
| | | | | | | |装| | | | |订| | | | | |线| | | | | | | | ||防灾科技学院2008~2009学年 第一学期期末考试概率论与数理统计试卷(A )使用班级07601/ 07602/07103 答题时间120分钟一填空题(每题2分,共20分)1、已知事件A ,B 有概率4.0)(=A P ,条件概率3.0)|(=A B P ,则=⋂)(B A P 0.28 ;2、设),(~1p n b X ,),(~2p n b Y 则~Y X +),(21p n n b +;3、若)2(~πX ,则=)(2X E 6 ;4、随机变量X 的分布函数是⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧≤<≤<≤--<=x x x x x F 3,131,8.011,6.01,0)(,则=≤<-)31(X P0.4 ;5、连续型随机变量的概率密度函数为)0(0,)(>⎩⎨⎧≤>=-λλλx x ex f x,则分布函数为⎩⎨⎧≤>-=-000,1)(x x e x F x λ;6、若)1,0(~),1,0(~N Y N X 且X 与Y 相互独立,则~2/)(22Y X X +)2(t ;7、若随机变量X ,1)(,2)(==X D X E ,则利用切比雪夫不等式估计概率()≥<-32X P 98;8、若总体),(~2σμN X ,则样本方差的期望=)(2S E 2σ;9、设随机变量)2,1(~-U X ,令⎩⎨⎧<≥=.0,0,0,1X X Y ,则Y10、已知灯泡寿命)100,(~2μN X ,今抽取25只灯泡进行寿命测试,得样本1200=x 小时,则μ的置信度为95%的置信区间是 (1160.8,1239.2) (96.1025.0=z )。
二、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1、若6.0)(,4.0)(,5.0)(===B A P B P A P ,则=)(A B P ( C )(A) 0.2 ; (B) 0.45; (C) 0.6; (D) 0.75;2、设离散型随机变量X 的分布律为k k X P αβ==}{, ,2,1=k 且0>α,则参数=β( C )(A )11-=αβ ;(B )1+=αβ;(C )11+=αβ;(D )不能确定; 3、设随机变量X 和Y 不相关,则下列结论中正确的是( B )(A )X 与Y 独立; (B ))(4)()2(Y D X D Y X D +=-;(C ))(2)()2(Y D X D Y X D +=-; (D ))(4)()2(X D Y D Y X D -=-;4、若)1,0(~N X ,则)2|(|>X P =( A )(A ))]2(1[2Φ-;(B )1)2(2-Φ;(C ))2(2Φ-;(D ))2(21Φ-; 5、下列不是评价估计量三个常用标准的是( D ))(A 无偏性; )(B 有效性; )(C 相合性; )(D 正态性。
2008 至 2009 学年第 一 学期 课程 《 经济数学 》 期末考试试题( A 卷)一,填空题(每空1分,共33分)1.函数()ln 1y x =+的定义区间为 。
2.函数()211x f x x -=-的间断点是 ,它属于 间断点。
3.求导数:()2x '=_______,()arcsin x '=_______,()2ln x '-=_______。
4.当0x →时,等价无穷小 arcsin x ~ ,1cos x ~ 。
5.设2223()3x xf x x x+=-,则lim ()x f x →∞= ,0lim ()x f x →= 。
6.求极限:()2lim 21x x →-=____,211lim1x x x →--=+____,21lim 36x x x →∞+=-___0sin lim x x x →=___,sin lim x x x →∞=___,()10lim 1x x x →+=____,2lim 1xx x →∞⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭______。
7. x d e ,2(ln )d x = ,=()d 。
8.曲线331yx x 的拐点的坐标为 。
9. 某物体运动方程:32S t t =+, 2t =时的加速度为_____。
10. 已知x y xe =,则y ''=_______ , 则()10y =_______。
11. 函数y =()4,2处的切线的斜率为_______。
12. 曲线21x y x -=+的水平渐近线是 ,垂直渐近线是 。
13. 2x dx =⎰ ,121dx x =+⎰ ,tan xdx =⎰ 。
14. 函数()323f x x x =-的单调增区间为 。
15. 若()ln f x dx x x c =+⎰,则()=x f 。
16.已知某商品需求函数为14.5 1.5Q p =-,供给函数为7.54S p =-+,则该商品的均衡价格0p 是_______。
Final Examination of Comprehensive English (A)综合英语课程期末考试试卷(A)2008―2009Term: _1_ Major: EnglishTesting period: 120 minutesGrade 2008 Class ________ No. _____________ N ame ________I.Oral work: Choose the correct answer (10%, 10 X 1=10)1.Which of the following utterances is used of egress ing annoyance?A.We'd be OK if we could get this stiqiid gate to open properly.B.This gate cannot open proper^ so we'll use the other gate.C.ril Irave the gate repaired as soon as possible.2.How do you encourage your friend without sounding blindly optimistic?A.Work Iwrd and you'll succeed.B.Try it! You never know, you might be lucky.C.Don't give You know you can do it.3.Which of the following is the most direct way to express your negative view?A.It is well known tlmt such problems are very difficult to solve.B.I guess such problems are not at all easy to solve.C.To be realistic, such problems will probably never be solved.4.How do you e;q)ress your satis Action with your present job? A.What I do now is OK, but I could find a better job.B.I'm quite Mppy with my job.C.Well, ...eh, my present job isn't bad.5.Which of the following utterances is the most explicit one for e)q)ressmgregret?A.Fve left your dictiorary in my room, for Fll Mve to use it again tonight.B.I wanted to bring your dictionary with me, but somehow I forgot.C.I am sorry. I shouldn't Mve left your dictioimry in my room.6.Which ofthe following sentences is not to ask politely?A.Would you mind answering a few questions?B.Could you tell me wlmt think about SMoguan University?C.Couldn't you do it better?7.Which of the following warnings is the mildest one to stop somebodyfrom interfering with other's business?A.Don't get nosy!B.Cover your back!C.People would get angry if someone looked into their persoiml matters.8.Which ofthe following requests is the most polite one?A.Shut the door, please.B.Would you shut the door?C.Can you shut the door?9.Tour friend tells you something, but you don't believe hin% so you say:A.Fm not convinced of the truth of your words.B.I mustn't take your words serious坟C.You are kidding.10.Which of the following utterances is the most en^lmtic way of showingagreement?A.I couldn't agree more.B.I'd go along with you there.C.I agree with you on this point.23.Chiming tlmt weapons nake the hunt more cMllenging, nMtny hunters now Mve gone back to the use ofbows and arrows, especially for deer. A. aboriginal B. primitive C. original D. fiindamentalII.Multiple Choice ( 25%, 25X1=25)Directions: In this section, there are some inconq)lete sentences tint are followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer tint best co珂)letes the sentence. Then nmik the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11.1 wonder if you could possibly alter a dress for me. It needs .A.taking inB. taking offC. taking downD. taking on12.Will you please the documents before you start your work?A.look intoB. look overC. look forD. look out13.It is apparent tlmt new energy sources will be required to keep up thesocieties of the world in the fiiture.A.civilB. civilianC. civilizedD. civic15. Children Mve better memories tlrati adults, especially in learning foreignlanguages.A.on the averageB. on an averageC. averagelyD. on averageB.carried onC. carried offD. carried through , he voted to rejected the proposalB.hesitationC. reactionD. conten^lation18.The treatment of cancer hasinqiroved since 1920, when less than 20 percent of the patient with cancer survived more tlmn five years.A.rei皿MblyB. dreadfiillyC. terriblyD. drastically19.You Mve to a hrge amount ofmoney if you want to buy a flat.A.gatherB. assembleC. accumulateD. collect20.The hut collapsed. Do you know how it ?A.came acrossB. came alongC. came aboutD. came out21.If any of the runners interfere with the others during the conqietition, the race isautonratically declared null and .A.entityB. hckingC. uselessD. void22.As the fire was not at once, the danmge was great.A. put acrossB. put awayC. put outD. put off24.The visiting schohr's humorous speech really most of the listeners,even though the topic was rather serious.A. anmzedB. amusedC. astonishedD. astounded25.Not until the 17th century did a nation dare to attempt a(n) count ofits popuhtion, due to calculating difficulties.A. estimatedB. accurateC. roughD. calcuhted26.A number of amateur build their own observatories in or near theirhomes, and they supplement the work of professioiml observatories with their own equ^)ment.A. professionalsB. researchersC. astronomersD. experts27.China regained her over Hong Kong on July 1,1997, after British's moretlmn 150 years of colonization of the iskuui.A. nwjestyB. sovereigntyC. authorityD. administration28.Immigration into Tlmihnd suddenly ended with the onset of World War H(193^1945) and I MLS never in significant numbers.A. presumedB. assumedC. resumedD. consumed29.In the earfy 1980s autonmkers worldwide were rapidly their phnts toadvanced electronic autonmtion techniques.A. dingingB. adjustingC. adaptingD. converting30.The Victory is hcking in technical personnel, so the production of the sophisticated device will the he 单of Shao guan University. A. call for B. call on C. call up D. call away31.Reducing the gap between the rich and poor is dicing nMiny governments in theworld.A. testsB. tmlsC. threats32.Ancient Greek and Ronmn tenqiles and other public phcescontained art objects to the gods.A. dedicatedB. devotedC. contributedD. sacrificed33.American linguist Noah Webster was among the first to the growingdifference between American and British usages of English.A. realizeB. recognizeC. researchD. reckon34.Gifts and purchases are important of other types of collections for amuseum.A. sourcesB. originsC. basesD. homes得分阅卷教师14. Here is a list of reference books by Professor Lu. It will keep youbusy during the holidayA. nrade offB. nrade upC. nmde forD. nmde outFreshmen athletes many gold medals at the recent spots meet.16.A. carried out17. Wthout a moment'sA. meditation one of the皿inD. challenges35.It seems necessary for these newcomers to have some at this stage fortheir better understanding ofthe new subjectA. arrangementB. orientationC. approachD. principleIIL Blank fllUng (15%, 30 X 0.5=15)Directions: Fill in each blank with a word beginning with the letter printed below and then write the corresponding answer on the Answer Sheet.'Other countries have a climate; in Eng监nd we Mve weather.5 This statement is often (36) m by Englishmen to (37) d the peculiar meteorological (38) c of their country. In (39) n country other tlmii Enghnd, can one (40) efour seasons in the course of a (41) s day! Day nmy break as a balmy (42) smorning. An hour or so later bhck (43) c nmy Mve appeared (44) fnowhere and the rain nmy be (45) p down. At midday conditions (46) mbe really wintry with the (47) t down by about eight (48) d or more centigrade. And then (49) 1 in the afternoon the sky will (50) c up, the sun will begin to (51) s , and for an (52) h or two before (53 d 卸Is, it will be (54) s .This (55) u about the weather Ms (56) h a definite effect (57) u the Englishman's character. It tends to (58) m him cautious, for (59) e . The foreigner may (60) 1 when he sees the Englishn^m setting forth on a (61) b sunny morning (62) w a raincoat and carrying an (63) u , but he nmy (64) r his hughter hter in the day!And of course, the weather's variety provides a constant (65) t of conversation. Even the most taciturn ofEnglishmen are always prepared to discuss the weather.IV Readli^ Comprehension (20 %, 10x2=20) Directions: There are two passages below Each of the passages is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefidfy and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:It 屁often been renmiked tlmt the saddest thing about youth is tlmt it is wasted on the young.Reading a recent newspaper report on a survey conducted among college students, I learned tlmt the students' nmjor aim is to be financrally well ofil Less inq)ortant tlrati ever is developing a meaningfill belief in life.Interest in teaching and social service is low, along with ethic and women's studies. On the other Imnd, application for business programs, engineering and conqmter science is way up.Tlmt is no surprise, either. A friend of mine (a sales girl for a chemical conqiany) was nuking twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job — even before she con^leted her two-year degree.To tell the truth, I'm proud of the young lady. But why cant we Mve it both wa齐?Cant we educate people for life as well as a profession?While it is true tlmt we all need a profession, it is equally true tlmt our society Ms gathered a great amount of knowledge in fields fer remote from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions — both scientific and artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the different wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More inq)ortant, peihaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things as well as see beyond our immedrate needs.I think Oscar Wide Md it right when he said that we ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives.Lefs hope tlmt our educators answer the students' cries for profession education, but at the same time let's n^ke sure that the students are prepared for the day when they realize their mistake. There's a lot more to life tlmn a job.66.According to the survey present college students areA. practicalB. creativeC. hopefillD. helpfill67.The writer's friend .A.earned twice the salary ofher college graduatesB.was admired by all her friendsC.was thought to be successful among the youngD.got a promotion after graduation68.How nmny reasons has the writer given to argue for his belief tlmt we shouldeducate people for life as well as for a profession?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. None69.The writer thinks that we should .A.concentrate our efforts on learning knowledgeB.learn how to rehx after workC.be both creative and hard-workingD.work well and live happily70.By "there's a lot more to life than a job", the writer means .A.life 1ms a different meaning from a jobB.we should enjoy our life rather tlmn our workC.we should never try to work before we realize what life is to usD.the quality of life is of much greater value tlmii a jobQuestions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:A conqiuter is a nmchine. Let us look briefly at the history of nmchines and their use in Victories. Before the year 1750 practically everything was made by craftsmen using hand tools. By 1800, some machines were in use and were driven by steam engines. After this, nmchines were steadily inqiroved and Victories sprang up all over England to n^ke the great variety of goods that are now available to us. However; all these 皿chines were for spec谊1 purposes. There were nmchines for unking cloth,皿chines for nuking shoes and 皿chines for canning food. An improvement in food canning methods, for e)mnq)le, did not affect the Victories producing the other things. The great difference in the case of the con^iuter is tlmt as it is concerned with the office work, it affects every conq)an^ no nMitter wlmt it nmkes. This is why the introduction of conqmters is called the Con^uter Revolution.If conqmters can do the office work so well, does it mean that the clerks will all lose their jobs? In fiiture there will be fiir fewer jobs for clerks, as such, but this does not mean tlmt nmny cleiks will be dismissed from their jobs. There are three reasons for this. The first is that a large amount of clerical work is done by women. There are either girls who will probably marry or else married women who came back to work for a few years. Women are constant以leaving the conq)an^ and in norn^il conditions, replacements would Mve to be found. When the conqiuter is brought into the office, it merely means tlmt fewer new girls need be taken on. The second reason is tlmt the conqianies which buy conqiuters will probable be e?q)andmg, so the clerks can be moved to fill new vacancies. The third reason is tlmt a hrge number of jobs will become available in connection with the conqiuters, and clerks are suitable for nmny of them.Once the conqmter is accepted as a nomml part ofthe conqiany's organization, there will be many clrnnges. The activities ofthe conq)any will be arranged so that all the details are sent directly to the conqmter. In this wa» the conqmter will contain up-to-date knowledge ofthe conqiany's a 鱼irs and this knowledge will be available to the nmnagers at any time, merely by nuking the conqmter print out the required infom^ition. Many of the conqiany's records, which are now kept in filing cabinets, will in fiiture be kept on reels of nmgnetic tape. It is in these cringes within the conqiany's organization that the conqiuter will cause a revolution. All the indications are tlmt conqiuters will not cause very much unemployment.71.The expression "practically everything" in Line 2 of Paragraph 1 means .A. absolutely everythingB. almost everythingC.hardly anythingD. almost nothing72.According to the writer there was a rapid increase in the use of nmchinesA. before 1750B. in 1800C.between 1750 and 1800D. after 180073.The nmin idea ofthe first paragraph is that .A.皿chines came into general use after 1800B.there was an inqjrovement in fbod-catming methods after 1800C.皿chines in general inqiroved during the nineteenth centuryD.unlike in軍rovements in nmchiner* the introduction of the conqmter willaffect every conqiany74.In the writer's opinion, the introduction of computers will mean tlmt .A.there will be more clerical jobsB.there will be fewer clerical jobsC.nMiny clerks will lose their jobsD.the total number ofjobs will be increased75.The writer says the biggest dmnge produced by the introduction of conqmters willbe tlmt .A.conq)anies will increasingly dismiss their workersB.conq)anies will become snmllerC.conq)anies will be expanded day after dayD.the up-to-date knowledge will be available to nmnagersV lyanslatlon (15%)Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English or vice versa vrith the possible words or phrases given in the bracket (one point for each o/- the Chmese-English translation and 10 points for English- Chinese translation). 76. 我认为即使我们每一分钱都节省下来,我们也买不起这幢房子。
分析化学期末考试试题2008—2009第一学期分析化学期末试题(A)一、选择题 ( 每题2分,共40分 )1(可以用下列中哪些方法减小分析测定中的偶然误差…( )。
A(进行对照试验 B(进行空白试验 C(进行仪器校准 D(增加平行试验的次数 2.为标定KMnO4溶液的浓度宜选择的基准物是---------- ( ) A Na2S2O3 B Na2SO3C FeSO4?7H2OD Na2C2O4 3(已知某标准NaOH溶液在保存过程中吸收了少量CO2,用此溶液标定HCl溶液的浓度,若以酚酞为指示剂,则对所标定的HCl溶液的浓度的影响是( )A.偏高B.偏低C.无影响D.难预测4. 0.05 mol/L SnCl2溶液 10 mL 与 0.10 mol/L FeCl3溶液 20 mL 相混合,平衡时体系的电,,,,, (Fe3+/Fe2+)= 0.68 V, , (Sn4+/Sn2+)= 0.14 V] ( ) 位是[已知此条件时A 0.14 VB 0.32 VC 0.50 VD 0.68 V5. 以下溶液稀释10倍时,pH改变最小的是---------------------------- ( )A 0.1mol/L HAcB 0.1mol/L NH4AcC 0.1mol/L NaAcD 0.1mol/L NH4Cl6(当金属离子M和N共存时,欲以EDTA滴定其中的M,若 CM=10CN,TE=0(1,,pM=0(2,则要求lgK为…( )A 5B 6C 4D 77. (1) 用 0.02 mol/L KMnO4溶液滴定 0.1 mol/L Fe2+溶液 (2) 用 0.002mol/L KMnO4溶液滴定 0.01 mol/L Fe2+溶液,上述两种情况下其滴定突跃将是 ------ ( )A 一样大B (1)>(2)C (2)>(1)D 缺电位值, 无法判断 8采用BaSO4重量法测Ba2+时,洗涤沉淀用的洗涤剂是( )A 稀H2SO4B 稀HClC 冷水D 乙醇9 pH=4时有莫尔法滴定含量,将使结果( )A 偏高B 偏低C 忽高忽低D 无影响10用同一NaOH溶液分别滴定体积相等的H2SO4和HAc溶液,消耗的体积相等,说明H2SO4和HAc两溶液中的( )A.氢离子浓度(mol/L下同)相等;B. H2SO4和HAc溶液的浓度相等;C. H2SO4浓度为HAc溶液浓度的1/2;D.两个滴定的pH突跃范围相同。
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《证券投资》试卷A - 1 -
6.(7分)考虑一个股价为$50 的股票的10个月期远期合约。
们假设在3个月、6个月以及9个月后都会有每股$1 的红利付出,求远期价格。
《证券投资》试卷A - 2 -
- 3 -
⑵针对ABC 三种证券建立等权重组合。
求ABC 组合期望收益率E r 、标准差σ、ABC 与D 相关系数ρ,ABC 组合与D 之间风险-收益存在何种关系?可否套利?如有,请建构套利方式。
⑶假定ABC 组合方差(2
P σ)等于8.582
,求A 、B 、C 各证券的权重1w ,2w ,3w 、组
合期望收益率E r 、组合与D 之间的相关系数ρ;ABC 组合与D 之间风险-收益存在何种关系?可否套利?如有,请建构套利方式。
《证券投资》试卷A - 4 -
11.(5分)债券A是一张息票率为10%的5年期债券,价格为P A=98.72。
一张息票率为7%的5年期债券,价格为P B=85.89。
《证券投资》试卷A - 5 -。