Multiple point adsorption in a heteropolymer gel and the Tanaka approach to imprinting Expe




第 21 卷 第 4 期2023 年 4 月Vol.21,No.4Apr.,2023太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology超宽带太赫兹调频连续波成像技术胡伟东,许志浩*,蒋环宇,刘庆国,檀桢(北京理工大学毫米波与太赫兹技术北京市重点实验室,北京100081)摘要:太赫兹调频连续波成像技术具有高功率、小型化、低成本、三维成像等特点,在太赫兹无损检测领域受到了广泛关注。



因此,聚焦于太赫兹波无损检测领域,提出一种时分频分复用的114~500 GHz超宽带太赫兹信号的产生方式,基于多频段共孔径准光设计,实现超带宽信号的共孔径,频率可扩展至1.1 THz。

提出一种频段融合算法,实现了超宽带信号的有效融合,距离分辨力提升至460 μm,通过人工设计的多层复合材料验证了系统及算法的有效性,并得到封装集成电路(IC)芯片的高分辨三维成像结果。

关键词:太赫兹调频连续波;非线性度校准;多频段融合;准光设计;无损检测中图分类号:TN914.42文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2022225Ultra-wideband terahertz FMCW imaging technologyHU Weidong,XU Zhihao*,JIANG Huanyu,LIU Qingguo,TAN Zhen (Beijing Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)AbstractAbstract::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave(THz FMCW) imaging technology has attracted extensive attention in the field of THz Nondestructive Testing(NDT) because of its high power,miniaturization, low cost, three-dimensional imaging and other characteristics. However, due to thelimitation of microwave and terahertz devices, the terahertz signal bandwidth is difficult to expand, whichrestricts the range resolution of imaging. Although high carrier frequency can achieve large broadband,the accompanying low penetrability and low power will limit the application scenario of THz FMCWimaging system. Therefore, focusing on the field of terahertz wave nondestructive testing, this paperproposes a time-division frequency-division multiplexing 114~500 GHz ultra-wideband terahertz signalgeneration method, which is based on the quasi-optical design of multiband common aperture to achievethe common aperture of ultra-wideband signals. In addition, a multiband fusion algorithm is proposed toachieve effective fusion of ultra-wideband signals, and the range resolution is improved to 460 μm. Theeffectiveness of the system and algorithm is verified by artificially designed multilayer compositematerials, and the high-resolution 3D imaging results of Integrated Circuit(IC) chips are obtained.KeywordsKeywords::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave;non-linearity calibration;multiband fusion;quasi-optical design;Nondestructive Testing太赫兹波(0.03 mm~3 mm)在电磁波谱中位于微波与红外之间,由于其独特的穿透性与非电离性等特性,太赫兹技术已成功用于艺术品保护、工业产品质量控制、封装集成电路(IC)无损检测等领域[1-3]。









关键词:双目视觉;相机标定;立体匹配;三维重建Research on 3D Reconstruction of Intelligent DrivingBased on Binocular VisionAbstractAs an important branch of computer vision technology, three-dimensional reconstruction has been in a hot state. Now it has been widely used in industrial measurement, studio entertainment, medical technology and cultural relic reconstruction. This paper mainly studies the 3D reconstruction technology based on binocular vision in the field of intelligent driving.Firstly, the paper explains the image-forming principle of pinhole camera and binocular camera, and introduces the generation of camera distortion and the principle of image correction. Secondly, a binocular camera 3D reconstruction system is built. Zhang Zhengyou calibration method is selected to calibrate the camera, required camera internal and external parameters are obtained and images collected by the camera are corrected. After the correction, stereo matching algorithm is used to further process the image to obtain the parallax map. 3D point coordinates is calculated via parallax map through the reprojection matrix and 3D point cloud model is reconstructed. Finally, the experimental results are analyzed, and the results and shortcomings are summarized.Keywords:Binocular Vision;Camera Calibration;Stereo Matching;3D Reconstruction目录第1章绪论............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



一维奇异p-Laplacian三点边值问题正解的存在性白杰;祖力【摘要】利用非线性Leray-Schauder抉择定理和锥不动点定理,在假设条件下证明一维非线性奇异p-Laplacian三点边值问题解的存在性.结果表明,在区间(O,1]上至少存在一个正解.%By means of nonlinear Leray-Schauder alternative theorem and fixed point theorem in cones, thernauthors proved the existence of the solutions for one-dimensional singular p-Laplacian three-point boundaryrnvalue problems under assumptive conditions. There is at least one positive value in the interval from zero tornone.【期刊名称】《吉林大学学报(理学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(050)004【总页数】7页(P621-627)【关键词】Leray-Schauder抉择定理;锥不动点定理;奇异边值问题;正解的存在性【作者】白杰;祖力【作者单位】东北师范大学人文学院信息技术学院,长春130117;长春大学理学院,长春130022;东北师范大学数学与统计学院,长春130024【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.140 引言关于一维p-Laplacian边值问题的研究目前已有许多结果[1-10]. 翁世有等[8]利用Schauder不动点原理和非线性Leray-Schauder抉择定理建立了一维p-Laplacian奇异边值问题解的一些存在性原则; Agarwal等[11-12]利用Leray-Schauder抉择定理得到了p=2时正解的存在性.考虑如下奇异边值问题:(1)其中: Φ(s)=s; p>1; q(t)在t=0处有奇性; 非线性项f可能在u=0 处有奇性. 本文应用文献[11-12]的方法, 证明p>1时问题(1)存在正解.1 预备知识假设:(H1) q(t): (0,1)→(0,∞)连续, 并且存在0≤α<p-1, 使得tαq(t)dt<∞成立;(H2) f(u)=g(u)+h(u), 其中: g>0在(0,∞)上连续且单调不增; h≥0在[0,∞)上连续; 且h/g在(0,∞)上单调不减;(H3) 存在一个常数r>0, 使得(2)成立, 其中Φ-1(u) ∶=sgn u是Φ(u)的反函数.例如, 当α∈(a-1,p-1)∩[0,p-1)时, 函数q(t)=t-a(0<t<1, 0≤a<p)满足条件(H1). 注1 容易验证条件(H1)表明若函数u(t)满足下列条件, 则u(t)是问题(1)的一个正解:1) u∈C[0,1]∩C1(0,1];2) 对任意的t∈(0,1], 有u(t)>0, 并且u(0)=0, u(1)=u(ξ), 0<ξ<1;3) Φ(u′(t))在(0,1)上一致绝对连续, 且(Φ(u′))′+q(t)f(u(t))=0, 0<t<1.定义1[13] 设X为实Banach空间, K是X中的闭凸子集, 若K满足下列条件, 则称K是X中的闭锥(简称锥):1) 若x∈K, λ≥0, 则λx∈K;2) 若x∈K, -x∈K, 则x=0.引理1(非线性Leray-Schauder抉择定理)[14] 假设K为Banach空间E的一个凸集, Ω为K的一个相对开子集, 0∈Ω, 映射为一个紧算子, 则下列条件必有一个成立:1) A在上有一个不动点;2) 存在x∈∂Ω和0<λ<1, 使得x=λA(x).定义C[0,1]中锥K为: K ∶={u∈C[0,1]: u(t)是非负的凹函数}.引理2 令h(t): (0,1)→(0,∞)连续, 且存在0≤α<p-1, 使得tαh(t)dt<∞, 则(3)存在唯一的正解V∈C[0,1]∩C1(0,1].证明:先证解的存在性.当0<t≤1时, 设显然, 由注1知, y(t)在(0,1]上连续严格增, 且y(ξ)<0<y(1). 因此, y(t)在(0,1)上只有一个零点. 令σ是y(t)在(0,1)上的唯一零点. 则令(4)则V在(0,1]上有定义, 且在(0,1]上V(t)>0. 进一步, 有(5)由(H2)知, 对0<t≤σ, 有则V(0)=0.类似可得V(1)=V(ξ). 因此, V(t)在[0,1]上连续, 且V(0)=0, V(1)=V(ξ); [Φ(V′(t))]′=-h(t), t∈(0,1).由比较原理易证唯一性. 证毕.令n≥4是一个固定的自然数. 对每个u∈K, 考虑如下问题:(6)其中F(u)=g*(u)+h(u), 满足注2 g*(u)≤g(u), ∀u∈(0,∞).由引理2, 可得:引理3 对每个固定的u∈K, 边值问题(6)存在唯一的解:w(t)=(Ψu)(t), w∈K,其中(7)σu∈(0,1)为如下方程在0≤τ≤1时的唯一解:对u∈K, 由w和Ψ的定义知:1)2) 在(0,1)中, (Φ(w′(t)))′=-q(t)F(u(t)), 且w(0)=1/n, w(1)=w(ξ);3) w=Ψu∈K, ‖w‖=w(σu).表明w(t)是问题(6)的一个解, 且为定义在[0,1]上的凹函数.类似文献[7]中引理2.6~引理2.9的证明方法, 可得下列引理.引理4 令wi(t)是F=Fi(i=1,2)时问题(6)的一个解. 如果F1≤F2, 则w1(t)≤w2(t).引理5 设[a,1]⊂(0,1]是一紧区间, 且令w(t)是F(u)≤M时问题(6)的一个解, 则w′(t)≤C(a,M), a≤t≤1.其中: M是一个正常数; C(a,M)是一个与a,M有关的正常数.注3 设w(t)是F(u)≤M时问题(6)的一个解, 则w(t)≤1/n+VM(t), 即(Ψu)(t)≤1/n+VM(t).注4 设w(t)是F(u)≥m时问题(6)的一个解, 则w(t)≥1/n+Vm(t), 即(Ψu)(t)≥1/n+Vm(t).引理6 对任意有界闭子集Ω⊂K, 集合Ψ(Ω)在[0,1]上等度连续.引理7 对任意的有界闭子集Ω⊂K, 映射Ψ: Ω→K是连续的.综合引理3~引理7, 可得:引理8 Ψ: K→K是全连续的.2 主要结果定理1 假设条件(H1)~(H3)成立, 则在区间(0,1]上, 系统(1)至少存在一个解u∈C[0,1]∩C1(0,1], 满足u>0, 且‖u‖<r.证明: 先用引理1证明解的存在性. 选择ε>0, 且ε<r, 使得(9)选择n0∈{1,2,…}, 使得1/n0<ε. 令N+={n0,n0+1,…}.下面证明边值问题:(10)在(0,1]上有一个解: 且‖un‖<r.∀n∈N+, 为证式(10)有一个解, 需考虑如下边值问题:(11)其中F的定义见式(6).固定n∈N+. 定义为式(7), 式(7)中σu∈(0,1)为如下方程的唯一解:由引理8, 可得是全连续的.下面证明u≠λΨu, λ∈(0,1), u∈∂Ωr.(12)假设式(12)不成立, 即存在一个λ∈(0,1)和u∈∂Ωr, 使得u=λΨu, 则有(13)显然存在σn∈(0,1), 使得在(0,σn)上, u′(t)≥0; 在(σn,1)上, u′(t)≤0, 且u(σn)=‖u‖=r. 再注意到F(u(t))≤g(u(t))+h(u(t)), t∈(0,1),则当z∈(0,1)时,(14)对式(14)从t(0<t≤σn)到σn积分, 得(15)则有(16)再从0到σn积分得(17)即(18)因此(19)这与条件(9)矛盾, 于是式(12)成立.由引理1可知Ψ有一个不动点即1/n≤‖un‖≤r(注意到, 如果‖un‖=r, 则与式(14)~(19)的证明同理可得矛盾). 因为un≥1/n, 所以un(t)也是问题(10)的一个解. 由(H2), 当r>0时,g(un(t))≥g(r), f(un)=h(un)+g(un)≥g(r).则由注4, 可得(20)注5 注意到在区间(0,1]上, Vg(r)(t)>0, 则un(t)>0, t∈(0,1].下面证明{un}n∈N+在[0,1]上一致有界且等度连续. 由式(14)(用un代替u), 可得(21)因为在[0,1]上, un(t)≥1/n, 则在(0,σn)上存在σn∈(0,1), 使得而在(σn,1)上, 且un(σn)=‖un‖≤r.对式(21)从t(0<t<σn)到σn积分得(22)下面证明存在a0>0, 使得a0<inf{σn: n∈N+}≤1.(23)如果式(23)不成立, 则存在N+的子列S, 使得当S中的n→∞时, σn→ 0. 对式(22)从0到σn积分得(24)其中n∈S. 因为当n→∞时, σn→ 0, 则由式(24)可得, 当n→∞时, un(σn)→ 0. 又因为un在[0,1]上σn处取得最大值, 所以当n→∞时, C[0,1]中的函数un→ 0. 这与式(20)矛盾. 表明(25)其中W(t)=q(z)dz. 由注2知, Φ-1(W)∈L1[0,1].对式(21)从σn(σn<t<1)到t积分得当σn≤t≤1时, 有(26)则式(25),(26)表明, 当t∈(0,1)时,(27)定义I: [0,∞)→[0,∞)为I(z) 注意到I: [0,∞)→[0,∞)是单调增的映射, 且I(∞)=∞, 这是因为g(u)>0在(0,∞)上单调不减, 且对任意的B>0, I在[0,B]上连续.{I(un)}n∈N+在[0,1]上一致有界且等度连续, 其等度连续性可从下式得到(这里t,s∈[0,1]):由不等式(28)、 I-1的一致连续性及un(t)-un(s)=I-1(I(un(t)))-I(un(s))可知{un}n∈N+在[0,1]上一致有界且等度连续.由Arzela-Ascoli定理, N+存在一个子列N⊂N+, 使得当n∈N, n→∞时, 存在u∈C[0,1], 使得un在[0,1]上一致收敛于u. 则由式(20)知, 在[0,1]上,un(t)≥Vg(r)(t). 特别地, 在(0,1]上, u(t)>0.固定t∈(0,1], 有(29)由式(26), 有则有一个收敛子列; 为方便, 仍用表示该子列, 并且令r0∈R表示其极限. 则对上面固定的t∈(0,1], 在N上, 令n→∞(注意到q f在紧子区间[t,1]×(0,r]上一致连续)得(30)t取遍(0,1]可得因此r0=u′(1), 从而有(Φ(u′))′+q(t)f(u(t))=0, 0<t<1, u(0)=u(1)-u(ξ)=0.最后易证‖u‖<r(注意到如果‖u‖=r, 与式(14)~(19)的证明同理可推出矛盾). 从而证明了问题(1)至少有一个正解u(t)∈C[0,1]∩C1(0,1], 且‖u‖<r. 证毕.3 应用实例考虑奇异边值问题:(31)其中: 0≤m<p; σ>0; α>0; β>p-1.设则b0=σ1/(p-1)b1.应用定理1可知, 如果存在r>0满足(32)则问题(31)存在一个正解.设则选择r=x0, 则式(32)成立. 显然, 定理1中的(H1)~(H3)成立. 因此, 问题(31)存在一个解u∈C[0,1]∩C1(0,1], 使得在(0,1]上, u>0且‖u‖<r=x0.参考文献【相关文献】[1] XU Xian. 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摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction

Spotlight SAR data focusing based on a two-step processing approach

Spotlight SAR data focusing based on a two-step processing approach

Spotlight SAR Data Focusing Based on a Two-StepProcessing ApproachRiccardo Lanari,Senior Member,IEEE,Manlio Tesauro,Eugenio Sansosti,Member,IEEE,and Gianfranco FornaroAbstract—We present a new spotlight SAR data-focusing algo-rithm based on a two-step processing strategy that combines the advantages of two commonly adopted processing approaches:the efficiency of SPECAN algorithms and the precision of stripmap fo-cusing techniques.The first step of the proposed algorithm imple-ments a linear and space-invariant azimuth filtering that is carried out via a deramping-based technique representing a simplified ver-sion of the SPECAN approach.This operation allows us to perform a bulk azimuth raw data compression and to achieve a pixel spacing smaller than(or equal to)the expected azimuth resolution of the fully focused image.Thus,the azimuth spectral folding phenom-enon,typically affecting the spotlight data,is overcome,and the space-variant characteristics of the stripmap system transfer func-tion are preserved.Accordingly,the residual and precise focusing of the SAR data is achieved by applying a conventional stripmap processing procedure requiring a minor modification and imple-mented in the frequency domain.The extension of the proposed technique to the case of high bandwidth transmitted chirp signals is also discussed.Experiments carried out on real and simulated data confirm the validity of the presented approach,which is mainly focused on spaceborne systems.Index Terms—Raw data focusing,spectral analysis(SPECAN) processing algorithms.I.I NTRODUCTIONS YNTHETIC aperture radar(SAR)spotlight mode allows the generation of microwave images with high geometric resolutions[1],[2].This result is achieved by steering the radar antenna beam,during the raw data acquisition interval,to al-ways illuminate the same area on the ground(spot).Accord-ingly,from each target located in the lighted area,a large number of backscattered echoes is received,and their coherent combina-tion allows to obtain the required azimuth resolution.Similarly, high resolution in the range direction is achieved by transmitting a high bandwidth chirp followed by a further data processing on each received echo.The first algorithms proposed for spotlight raw data pro-cessing are based on the similarity between spotlight SAR systems and computer tomography:they are usually referredManuscript received March30,2000;revised November29,2000.This work was partially supported by the Italian Space Agency,Roma,Italy.The spotlight SIR-C data have been processed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Pasadena,CA. nari,E.Sansosti,and G.Fornaro are with the Istituto di Ricerca per l’Elettromagnetismo e i Componenti Elettronici(IRECE)328I-80124 Napoli,Italy,(;; is with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione,Univer-sitàdegli Studi di Lecce,I-73100Lecce,Italy( Publisher Item Identifier S0196-2892(01) as polar format and convolution backprojection techniques [3]–[5].The former are computationally efficient but request a nontrivial interpolation step from a polar to rectangular grid: the image quality can be therefore affected by uncompensated range curvature effects[6]and interpolation errors.The latter allow overcoming these limitations but are generally inefficient if implementations on dedicated architectures are not consid-ered[5].Most recently,the development of spotlight raw data processing algorithms based on stripmap mode focusing techniques operating in the frequency domain has received increasing interest[7]–[10].Indeed,strip-mode processing procedures that are precise,efficient,and requiring less stringent approximations(compared to those involved in the tomographic approaches)are available[11]–[13].However,a relevant limitation to the straightforward application of these techniques to the spotlight data processing is represented by the fact that the raw signal azimuth bandwidth is,in the spotlight case,generally greater(often much greater)than the azimuth sampling frequency,referred to as pulse repetition frequency(prf).As a consequence,data processing carried out in the Fourier domain,as that involved in efficient strip-mode focusing,cannot be directly implemented on the full aperture because of the consequential azimuth spectrum folding effect.A way to overcome this limitation is based on partitioning the received signal into azimuth blocks whose block-bandwidths are smaller than the sampling frequency.Standard strip mode focusing techniques are then applied to each data block and the processed signals are then combined to generate the fully-resolved spotlight image[9],[10].Completely different pro-cessing solutions,based on a nontrivial reconstruction of the unfolded azimuth spectrum from the folded one associated to the raw signal,are also available[7],[8].On the other hand,a relatively simple spotlight processing al-gorithm can be implemented by applying the spectral analysis (SPECAN)technique[14].In this case,the received raw data are azimuth focused via the application of a deramping func-tion(a multiplication by a properly chosen chirp signal)fol-lowed by a final azimuth FT operation.The azimuth deramping factor is updated in range to allow for the compensation of the space-varying characteristic of the received data due to the(az-imuth)chirp rate range variation(focus depth).This procedure is attractive as far as computational efficiency and capability to overcome the azimuth spectral folding effect are concerned. However,its main limitation is represented by the lack of a pre-cise range cell migration(RCM)compensation that is often rel-evant in spotlight mode SAR systems due to high resolution re-quirements.0196–2892/01$10.00©2001IEEEIn this paper,we propose an alternative spotlight data fo-cusing technique based on decoupling the overall focusing oper-ation in two main steps.The key point of the proposed approach is to combine the advantages of efficient SPECAN and precise stripmap focusing approaches.In particular,the first processing step carries out a filtering operation aimed to achieve a bulk az-imuth raw data compression and an output pixel spacing smaller than(or equal to)the expected final azimuth resolution.Similar to SPECAN processing algorithms,this filtering operation is ef-ficiently carried out via a deramping-based approach[14]but, at variance of the former,the chirp rate of the deramping func-tion is kept constant and properly fixed at a convenient value. This is a key point in the proposed processing procedure that al-lows preserving the space variant characteristic of the residual system transfer function(STF).A discussion on the impact of the chirp rate selection on possible artifacts that may appear at the image borders is also provided.The second processing step carries out the residual focusing of the data via the use of a conventional stripmap processing pro-cedure implemented in the frequency domain and requiring only minor modifications in the available codes.This spectral do-main focusing operation is now possible because,following the bulk azimuth compression,the folding effect of the raw signal azimuth spectrum has been totally overcome.More precisely, this second(residual)processing step performs the precise RCM compensation,the data range compression and the residual az-imuth data compression;the latter accounts for higher order terms not compensated in the bulk azimuth processing step.The minor modifications to be performed in available stripmap pro-cessing codes are essentially a change of the azimuth filter func-tion,which accounts for the already compensated quadratic az-imuth phase term,and a change in the azimuth pixel spacing of the input data.It is worth noting the role that the bulk azimuth compres-sion operation plays in our approach to a preprocessing step that extends the processing capability of conventional stripmap fo-cusing procedures to spotlight data.In addition,the proposed processing algorithm does not require a specific manipulation and/or interpolation of the data,such as those necessary in az-imuth block divisions or in unfolded signal spectrum reconstruc-tion-based algorithms.Accordingly,we have finally achieved a processing procedure that is simple,precise and computation-ally efficient because it does not imply any significant increase of the raw data matrix dimensions and only includes fast Fourier transforms(FFTs)and matrix multiplication.Moreover,it can be easily extended to the case of high bandwidth transmitted sig-nals wherein spectral folding effects could appear in the range direction as well.In our case,the implemented solution is based again on a deramping approach,that is,at variance of conven-tional focusing techniques performed following the A/D con-version rather than before.A number of experiments carried out on a simulated and a real data set,the latter acquired by the experimental C-band sensor of the SIR-C system during the SIR-C/X-SAR mission in1994[9],demonstrate the validity of the presented approach.As a final remark,we want to stress that the presented anal-ysis is focused on spaceborne systems typically characterized by small squint angles[15]during the acquisition(often lessthan Fig.1.Spotlight system geometry.1-axis,assumed coincident with the platform flight path,is referred to as azimuthdirection are the(closest approach)target range and look angle,respectively.1We assume in the following that the sensor,mounted onboard a platform moving at the constantvelocity,transmits,attimes(1) whereangular carrierfrequency;chirp rate,beingis the systemwavelength,,the two-way antenna pattern factor,and being the azimuth dimension of the real,onboard antenna.Note that the assumed simplificationon allows avoiding the antenna footprint dependence on the platform location whose impact is 1Note that we have assumed the platform trajectory to be a straight line which is appropriate for airborne but not for spaceborne sensors.However,it can be shown that spaceborne data can be processed in the same manner as airborne data if the closed approach distance and the azimuth velocity are properly con-sidered[16]or,more precisely,via the appropriate sensor-target distance eval-uation[17].LANARI et al.:SPOTLIGHT SAR DATA FOCUSING 1995inessential for the following analysis.A more detailed discus-sion on this matter can be found in [10].Let us now consider a pointtargetandreceived onboard is represented,after the heterodyne process [that removes the fast varyingterm(4a)FTis the azimuth (spatial)frequency.Equation (7)shows that theazimuth spectrum is centered on thefrequencyand that the signal bandwidthiswith respect to the strip mode case,for whichit wouldbe.In this case,weget(8)Since the maximum valueof,i.e.,that relative to the nearest range,should be con-sidered.This is assumed hereafter,although we underline that in the spotlight case,due to the typically limited range extension of the illuminated spot,the range dependenceof (9)in order to avoid any azimuth spectral folding effect [18].On the other hand,this sampling frequency increase would lead to large data rates and could generate severe range ambiguity problems [15].Accordingly,the valuesofand are the raw data and thefocused image azimuth pixel dimensions,respectively,the latter chosen in agreement with the Nyquist limit available from (8).In this case,we get from(9)(10)1996IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,VOL.39,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001 Equation(10)clarifies that the azimuth number of pixel inthe raw data set and in the focused image,i.e.,,respectively,are comparable,and they become closeras.III.B ULK A ZIMUTH R AW D ATA C OMPRESSIONLet us now investigate a possible solution to the azimuth spec-tral folding effect discussed in the previous section.The pro-posed approach is based on a linear and space-invariant azimuthfiltering operation that performs a bulk azimuth data compres-sion and achieves an output pixel spacing,satisfying the Nyquistlimit shown in(8).This operation is efficiently implementedwithout any large zero padding step,via a deramping-basedtechnique[1],[2],[14].A.Continuous Domain AnalysisKey point of the presented technique is the azimuth convolu-tion between the raw data and the quadratic phasesignal(11)whereinand are the nearest and the farthest ranges of theilluminated spot,respectively,and represents the range valueof a generic point target located within the spot.No specific as-sumption has yet been made on the factor in(11),althoughwe anticipate that the impact of any particular selection for thisterm is later discussed in detail.We also underline that the rawsignal range component,accounting for the range independent(RI)and range dependent(RD)RCM effects,is neglected inthe azimuth convolution operation presented in this section.Allthese components are restored and accounted for during the sub-sequent and highly precise second processing step.The azimuth convolution between thesignal in(5),forthe case of an isolated target,and thefunction in(11)gives(12)wherein thesymbolof the target and on the valueof.The second line in(12)shows that this azimuth convo-lution is essentially a deramping based(SPECAN)processing,involving a chirp multiplication of the azimuth signal,a subse-quent FT and a residual phase cancellation.Indeed,but for theabove mentioned approximations,this processing step allows usto achieve an azimuth compression which is full only for thosetargets locatedat.This point can be clarified by recon-sidering(12).Indeed,if weassume(13)wherein the imaged target is fully azimuth focused.Forany,by assuming the validity of theSPM method3weget,for which the resulting signal is centeredaround andextendsfor.However,because the range ex-tension of the spot area is typically very small,we canassumeand,even in this limiting case,a compression effect,althoughpartial with respect to that achieved in(13),is obtained.The obtained results apply to the case of an isolated target,however they can be easily extended to the case of an illumi-nated area.Accounting for the azimuth spotdimensionwith(16)3Generalization to those cases where SPM cannot be applied can be derivedas in[19].Here we are interested only in having a rough measure of the targetecho extension following the first processing step.LANARI et al.:SPOTLIGHT SAR DATA FOCUSING 1997with ,i.e.,with a pixel spacing satisfying the Nyquist limit of the spotlight signal,see (8)and (9).Accordingly,sim-ilarly to what is shown in the continuous analysis presented in the previous section,(12)becomesbeing the nearest integer operator.Note that,dueto(10),with (18)where thefactorrepresents the output azimuth data repli-cation.Accordingly,under the validity of the inequality in (18),not only the azimuth spectral folding effects are avoided,see (16),but also no data wrap around occurs in the azimuth direc-tion.We note that the validity of the aforementioned inequality in (18)is generally satisfied due to the presence of a slight az-imuth data oversampling carried out on the spotlight signal with respect to the Nyquist rate that we would have with the system operating in the stripmap mode.This point can be clarified by accounting for (15)in the inequality in (18).In this case,wegetgives a value ofaboutfor the right-hand side factor in (21).This leads tothe newinequality,which is satisfied for most real spotlight SAR systems.Of course in the (rare)case of an insufficient oversampling factor,a balancing choice would be represented by setting at the midrange swath,thus leading to a resolution degradation at the image near and far range edges.Anyway,we remark that this is generally not a very critical issue because,due to the antenna beam steering,those targets would be in any case characterized by a lower resolution [10].Based on (18),we can finally rewrite (17)asfollows:of the orderofis required and implemented via the substitu-tionin (11)[and equivalently in (17)]to compen-sate for this effect.Secondly,due to the appearance of a sig-nificant range walk effect [15]in the RCM,an additional edge degradation could appear even at midrange.Although the paper is focused on low squint angle acquisitions,we stress that well known procedures applied for mitigating the range walk effect in deramping-based focusing approaches could be considered [20].However,this is worth pursuing for future studies.4Notealso that,at variance with what is shown in (22),a more conventionalexpression of the DFT operation can be consideredimplying1with n =0P=2;...;P=201[18].Inthis case,a trivial manipulation of (22)is required.1998IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,VOL.39,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001 IV.R ESIDUAL D ATA F OCUSING VIA S TRIPMAPP ROCESSING T ECHNIQUESLet us concentrate on the result of the bulk azimuth com-pression step shown in(12).We underline that,following thisoperation,the folding effect influencing the azimuth spectrumis avoided and the space-variant characteristics of the systemtransfer function are maintained.Accordingly,it is possible tocarry out the residual focusing of the data via the use of effi-cient and precise techniques originally designed for stripmapSAR data focusing that are implemented in the frequency do-main.To clarify this point,we refer to the expression of the receivedsignal over a distributed scene by resorting the linearity of thesystemrepresents the reflectivity function of the illumi-nated scene including the fast varying phase term in(24).Thereceived data spectrum can be written asfollows:is the range(spatial)frequency,andcan be found via the application ofthe SPM,leading to the following expression[15]:(27)where,and.In this case,wehaveFT(29)wherein the phasefactor accounts for thebulk compression step.By finally substituting(27)in(29),weget(30)withinsteadof[15].Moreover,the folding effects influencing the azimuth raw signalspectrum(see Section II)have been avoided due to the alreadycarried out bulk azimuth compression step leading to the newpixelspacing shown in(18).We also note that the space-variant characteristics of the system transfer function are pre-served by the bulk compression.This nonlinear mapping of therange frequencies,i.e.,bysimply accounting for the system transfer functioncomponentinsteadof and by considering the new azimuth sam-pling frequency.In particular,we have considered the stripmap processing ap-proach described in[12],and the overall processing block dia-gram is shown in Fig.2.In this case,the first step carries out thebulk azimuth compression,while the residual focusing is im-plemented as follows:the filtering operation,carried out in thetwo-dimensional(2-D)frequency domain via the filterfunctionallows us to fully focus the midspot area by accountingLANARI et al.:SPOTLIGHT SAR DATA FOCUSING1999Fig. 2.Two-step focusing procedure block diagram.Note that i=0P=2;...;P=201and l=0M=2;...;M=201.Moreover,1=(P1x)and1=(M1ri i in i l i l inr r i l lo re i rara r l l i in i ir i ra r i i ira r i r i im l inis r i i la r in l ii r i l r if l id i x r ii r r ic l x r i re ii i2000IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,VOL.39,NO.9,SEPTEMBER2001 Fig.4.C-band VV-polarized image of the Sidney zone obtained by applyingthe focusing approach of Fig.5to the raw data set acquired in1994by theSIR-C system operating in an experimental spotlight mode.The expectedazimuth resolution is about1m,but the image is represented with an azimuthpixel spacing of about6.5m to avoid the geometric distortions caused bydifferent dimensions of the pixel in range and azimuth directions.The extensionof the area is of about1.7km24.5km.range compressionof(zeropadded to increase its extensionfrom)and thesignalin(31),becomingLANARI et al.:SPOTLIGHT SAR DATA FOCUSING2001Fig.5.Simulated image obtained after the bulk azimuth compression(rangecompression has been also implemented).The range corresponding to~r ishighlighted.Clearly,although not explicitly mentioned,the range pixelspacing resulting from the range focusing operation of(33)must also be considered for the implementation of theresidual focusing step.As final remarks,we underline that all the operations involvedin(33)are assumed,in our case,to be carried out after the A/Dconversion in the receiver.Moreover,the computational effi-ciency of the procedure in Fig.3can be further improved bycombining the range compression operation and the compen-sation of the scaling factor2002IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,VOL.39,NO.9,SEPTEMBER 2001TABLE IIR ESULTSOF THEA NALYSIS C ARRIED O UT ONTHE I MAGED P OINTT ARGETS OF F IG .61994by the C-band sensor of the SIR-C system operated in the experimental spotlight mode (see Table I for a description of the system parameters).In this case,because of theratiokm,andthe near,mid,and far range distancesarekm,km,and km,respectively.Theselected value ofiskm.Accordingly,based on the analysis of Section III,we can evaluate the minimum andmaximum range distance,forexampleand ,which ensure the absence of degradation at the edges of the image,by using (20).They are givenbyKmand(36)thus guaranteeing the possibility of focusing the overall scene.The image obtained by applying the procedure of Fig.2is pre-sented in Fig.4.It clearly shows the focusing capability of the proposed algorithm.However,the absence of known reference targets in the scene does not allow any significant quantitative measurement of the quality of the obtained image.Accordingly,in order to assess the performance of the proposed approach,we have generated a simulated data set representing the signal backscattered by a sequence of three point targets aligned in the range direction and located over an absorbing background.The system parameters are again those of Table I.To better clarify the effect of the bulk azimuth compression step,we show the result obtained by applying this operation (see Fig.5).As expected,the achieved azimuth compression 5effect is more relevant for the target located at a range closer to .We additionally remark that the azimuth extension of the bulk com-pressed data is of 2048samples,and it has been increased 6with respect to the raw data,by about 20%(the azimuth raw data length was of 1700samples),but no additional data dimension increase is required in the residual focusing step.Note also in5Inorder to improve the readability of the result,a range compression step has been also carried out.6This allowed the use of high efficient FFT codes with a power of two data lengths[18].Fig.7.High resolution simulated image obtained by applying the focusing procedure of Fig.3.The contour plots of the three imaged point targets are also shown.Fig.5the effect of the uncompensated range cell migration ef-fect.The fully focused image is finally shown in Fig.6.The results of the measurements carried out on the imaged point targets of Fig.6are summarized in Table II wherein the theoretical az-imuth resolution values are those pertinent to the selected point reflector.The inspection of Table II clarifies the high perfor-mance of the presented technique for what concerns the ampli-tude characteristics of the target responses.The phase accuracy has been also assessed;it is about 1LANARI et al.:SPOTLIGHT SAR DATA FOCUSING2003 TABLE IIIR ESULTS OF THE A NALYSIS C ARRIED O UT ON THE I MAGED P OINTT ARGETS OF F IG.712004IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,VOL.39,NO.9,SEPTEMBER 2001different foreign research institutes such as the Institute of Space and Astronau-tical Science (ISAS),Tokyo,Japan,the German Aerospace Research Establish-ment (DLR),Oberpfafenhoffen,Germany,and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL),Pasadena,CA,where he received a NASA recognition for the innovative development of a ScanSAR processor for the SRTM mission.His main research activities are in the SAR data processing field as well as in IFSAR techniques.On this topic,he has authored 30international journal papers and,more recently,a book Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing (Boca Raton,FL:CRC).He also holds two patents on SAR raw data processing techniques.nari has been Chairman at several international conferences and was invited to join the technical program committee for the IGARSS Conference in 2000and2001.Manlio Tesauro received the Laurea degree (summa cum laude)in electronic engineering and the in electronic engineering and computer sci-ence,both from the University of Napoli “Federico II,”Napoli,Italy,in 1992and 1998,respectively.In 1998and 1999,he was with the Istituto di Ricerca per l’Elettromagnetismo ed I Componenti Elettronici (IRECE),Napoli,National Research Council (CNR),with a grant from Telespazio.Since 2000,he has been a Research Scientist with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione,University of Lecce,Lecce,Italy.In February 2000,he was a member of the Italian Team in the ASI Ground Data Processing Chain during the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Pasadena,CA.His main interests are in the field of statistical signal processing with emphasis on SAR and IFSARprocessing.Eugenio Sansosti (M’96)received the Laurea degree (summa cum laude)in electronic engineering from the University of Napoli “Federico II,”Napoli,Italy,in 1995.Since 1997,he has been with the Istituto di Ricerca per l’Elettromagnetismo e I Componenti Elettronici (IRECE),National Research Council (CNR),where he currently holds a Full Researcher position.He is also an Adjunct Professor of electrical Communica-tions at the University of Cassino,Cassino,Italy.He was a Guest Scientist with the Jet Propulsion Labora-tory,Pasadena,CA,from August 1997to February 1998,and again in February 2000in support of the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission.In November and December 2000,he worked as an Image Processing Adviser at the Istituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA),Sao Josédos Campos SP,Brazil.His main research interests are in airborne and spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)data processing,SAR interferometry,and differential SARinterferometry.Gianfranco Fornaro received the Laurea degree in electronic engineering from the University of Napoli “Federico II,”Napoli,Italy,in 1992,and the from the University of Rome “La Sapienza,”Rome,Italy,in 1997.He is currently a Full Researcher at the Istituto di Ricerca per l’Elettromagnetismo e i Componenti Elettronici (IRECE),Italian National Research Council (CNR)and Adjunct Professor of Communi-cation,University of Cassino,Cassino,Italy.He has been a Visiting Scientist with the German AerospaceEstablishment (DLR),Oberpfafenhoffen,Germany,and the Politecnico de Milano,Milano,Italy,and has been a Lecturer with the Istituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA),Sao Josédos Campos SP,Brasil.His main research interests are in the signal processing field with applications to the synthetic aperture radar (SAR)data processing,SAR interferometry,and differential SAR interferometry.Dr.Fornaro was awarded the Mountbatten Premium Award by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)in 1997.。



无人机目标检测量子多模式识别优化算法侯旋1,2,薛飞3,陈涛41.西北政法大学新闻传播学院,西安7101222.空军工程大学航空工程学院,西安7100383.空军研究院航空兵研究所,北京1000764.电子科技大学电子科学技术学院,成都611731摘要:研究了现阶段无人机雷达探测技术的难点与方法,分析了量子多模式识别网络模型与算法,根据Grover 算法优化理论,提出了基于相位旋转的量子多模式识别算法(PRQMPRA )。

优化算法避免了在带冗余项的量子多模式识别算法(RQMPRA )中两个相位旋转均为π会导致搜索成功概率降低的缺陷。

利用三种数据集对误差反向传播算法(EBPA )、基于交叉熵函数的深层自编码器学习算法(CDAA )以及RQMPRA 与PRQMPRA 进行模式识别能力分析,结果表明在确定限定误差的情况下PRQMPRA 具有更高的识别率与相对较快的运算速度。


利用上述四种算法进行无人机目标检测实验,研究结果表明PRQMPRA 具有更高的检测精度,在低信噪比的情况下可保持较高的发现概率。

关键词:目标检测;无人机;量子计算;模式识别文献标志码:A中图分类号:TP183doi :10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2001-0143UAV Target Detection on Quantum Multi-pattern Recognition Optimization AlgorithmHOU Xuan 1,2,XUE Fei 3,CHEN Tao 41.School of Journalism and Communication,Northwest University of Politics and Law,Xi ’an 710122,China2.College of Aeronautics Engineering,Air Force Engineering University,Xi ’an 710038,China3.Aviation Institute,Air Force Research Institute,Beijing 100076,China4.College of Electronic Science and Technology,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,ChinaAbstract :The difficulties and methods of unmanned aerial vehicle radar detection technology are studied.It analyzes the model and algorithms of Quantum multi-Pattern Recognition Network (QPRN ).By Grover introducing algorithm optimi-zation theory,Phase Rotation Quantum Multi-Pattern Recognition Algorithm (PRQMPRA )is proposed.The optimization algorithm avoids the defect that both phase rotations are πin the Redundancy Quantum Multi-Pattern Recognition Algo-rithm (RQMPRA ),which will lead to a decrease in the probability of successful search.Three types of data sets are used to analyze the pattern recognition ability of Error Back Propagation Algorithm (EBPA ),Cross-entropy function-Deep Autoencoder learning Algorithm (CDAA ),RQMPRA and PRQMPRA.In the case of determining the limit error,the results show that PRQMPRA has higher recognition rate and relatively faster operation speed.A multi-pattern recognition algorithm based radar target detection method is proposed to study the target detection problem by pattern ing the above four algorithms for UAV target detection experiments,the results show that PRQMPRA has higher detection accuracy and can maintain a higher discovery probability in the case of low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR ).Key words :target detection;Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV );quantum computing;pattern recognition基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51507186)。


法 , 方 法 对 于 经 过 旋 转 、 度 、 糊 以 及 噪 声 处 理 后 的失 真 图 像 仍 能 提 取 出相 对 位 置 和 数 量 都 较 为 一 致 的 该 亮 模 特 征点 。而 针 对 尺 度 相 互 作 用 的墨 西 哥 帽 小 波 提 取 不 同 尺 度 的 图像 时 的 特 征 点 相 对 位 置 不 一 致 的 问题 , 提 出 了在 墨 西 哥 帽 小 波 中加 入 尺 度 因子 的方 法 , 过 仿 真 实 验 验 证 了算 法 的 正确 性 。 通
Ex r c i g I a e Fe t r i t i g t a tn m g a u e Po n s Usn
S ae I t r c i n o e ia - tW a ees c l — n e a to fM x c n Ha v l t
D I G a — n ~ .LI Ya yi g N N n na U n— n . ZH U i M ng
Cha g hu 1 0 3 nc n 3 0 3,C n E- l: n8 04@ l 3.On; hia, mai d 5 6 CT
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文章 编 号 :0 72 8 2 1 ) 10 2 — 5 1 0 — 7 0( 0 2 0 — 1 5 0


号 。最后应用 S VM分类器对特征信号进行分类识别 。实验证明 , 改进算法识别 率高于雷 达 目标识别 系统 中的传 统特征提 取算法 , 略低 于 K C P A特征 提取算法 , 且在常用雷达探 测距离 内都能够保持较高的识 别率。 关键词 : 特征提取 : 高分辨雷达信号 ; 雷达 目标识别
i v ra t C f au e e ta t n ag r h n a in KP A e tr xr c i lo t m. F rt ,t i meh d c lu ae r i me to ih r s l t n rd r o i is y h s l t o ac l td o i n mo n fh e ou i a a g g o s n l n h n o h r mie o w if r t n l s ,t ep s in o ih r s l t n r d rs n l eai et h r i a ,a d t e n t e p e s fl n omai o s h o i o fhg e o u i a a i a lt ot e o i g o o t o g r v ・ gn mo n a s d t d s rb r i a sg a ,te e y ei n td t e h g e ou in r d rsg a r n lt n s n i i me tw su e o e c e o i n l i n l h r b l i g mi ae h ih r s l t a a in lt sai e s— o a o t i .T e it v y h n,t emeh d c mb n d KP A fau e e ta t n a g rt m e r n l t n iv r n C e t r x h to o i e C e t r x rc i lo h t g t ta sai n a i t o i o a o a KP A fau ee — t cin ag r h r t lo i m.F n l ,i a p id S a o t i al t p l VM ls i e o c a sf h i h r s lt n r d r s n 1 E p r n ss o y e ca sf r t l si te h g e ou i a a i a. x e i i y o g me t h w t a e r c g i o ae o e n w a g rtm s h g e h n t e t d t n lo e a d sih l o e h n KP e t r h tt e o n t n r t ft e lo i h i h h i ih rt a h r i o a n n l t l w rt a CA fau e a i g y e t cin ag r h ,w i h k e sa h g e o nt n r t n te c mmo l a a ee t n r n e x r t l oi m a o t h c e p ih r c g i o ae i h o i ny r d r d tci a g . o

Prediction Tools of Multipactor Breakdown in Passive Components for Space Applications

Prediction Tools of Multipactor Breakdown in Passive Components for Space Applications
Rectangular Waveguides
• Susceptibility Voltage Limit (Vdis) Calculation [1,2]:
Vt ≤ Vdis
2 Vdis 2Z0
P ≤ Pmax =
(VMF )
• Parallel-Plate Dielectric-Loaded Waveguides • Future Directions and Conclusions • Selected References
Applicable Notes
Maximum Power Level without multipactor
0.5 13.7 13.75 13.8 13.85 13.9 13.95 f (GHz) 14 14.05
Mechanization effects DO NOT affect the multipactor free power threshold
V.E. Boria, B. Gimeno, C. Vicente, A.M. Pérez, G. Torregrosa, A. Coves, A. Álvarez, F. Quesada
• Introduction and Motivation • Multipactor in Rectangular Waveguides
Maximum Power Level without multipactor:


t us — e on m e h r tr gi t od , ac t r i i he s c d o de nf m a i h ur e t r i i . U nde p o— e h ie aton usng t e on r ri or ton oft e c r ntie aton po nt ra pr
A b t a t: s r c A s fa ptve r s e i n e hod f el— da i t u t r g o m t or nons o h o ex m i m ia in s m ot c nv ni z to i pr e e es nt d. Thi pa e fr t s p r is t a f r s he r ns o m t no m o h onv x ns ot c e m i m ia in nt a fe e i l c nv i m iaton y i t M or a ni z to i o dif r ntab e o ex m ni z i b usng he e u—
A p .2 0 r 01
求 解 非 光 滑 凸 最 小 值 问 题 的 自适 应 信 赖 域 方 法
唐 江 花
( 桂林 电 子 科 技 大 学 数 学 与计 算 科 学 学院 , 西 桂 林 广 510) 4 0 4

要: 针对非光 滑凸最 小值 问题提 出一个 自适应 的信赖域 方法 , 利用 Moeu Y s a 则化将非 光滑凸最小值 在 ra — o i 正 d
Ke y wor s: on x mi m iaton;r tr gi e ho ;gl d c ve ni z i t us — e on m t d oba onv r e e;s m is oot e s lc e g nc e —m hn s

System and method of communication between multipl

System and method of communication between multipl

专利名称:System and method of communicationbetween multiple point-coordinatedwireless networks发明人:Pierre T. Gandolfo申请号:US10305066申请日:20021127公开号:US20030224787A1公开日:20031204专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A wireless scatternet is provided that has at least two networks, each including a controller and one or more devices. The controller of each network has a usablephysical area that indicates the farthest distance to which the controller can successfully communicate. The controllers will pass network information to each other in various ways depending upon the extent of overlap between the networks. If two networks have visible overlap, the controllers will pass the network information directly. If they have hidden overlap, one controller will use a device in the other controller's network to pass the network information. If they have indirect overlap, one device from each network will together in a child network, and the controllers will pass the network information via the devices in this child network. The network information may be passed through beacons or a separate broadcast message.申请人:GANDOLFO PIERRE T.更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Point-to-point protection in point-to-multipoint n

Point-to-point protection in point-to-multipoint n

专利名称:Point-to-point protection in point-to-multipoint networks发明人:Meijen, Johan Theodorus,Heijningen, PieterHendrik申请号:EP00307179.2申请日:20000821公开号:EP1182903A1公开日:20020227专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for protection switching in a point-to-multipoint network, the point-to-multipoint network including a first network end node connected by at least one firstconnection to at least one second network end node, wherein at least one protected second network end node of the at least one second network end nodes is further connected to the first network end node via at least one second connection, characterised in that as protection switching method a linear protection switching method is applied to at least one point-to-point part of the point-to-multipoint network independently from switching of other point-to-point parts, whereby a point-to point part includes at least said first network end node connected to one second network end node. Hereby, switching only protected second network end nodes is possible without further protocols. Further a network end node system for performing a method according to the invention and a network comprising such network end node system are provided.申请人:LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC.地址:600 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974-0636 US国籍:US代理机构:Buckley, Christopher Simon Thirsk更多信息请下载全文后查看。



中图分类号R259单位代码10517学号YX151********密级不保密硕士研究生学位论文中文题目头顶一颗珠对OA诱导的AD模型大鼠认知障碍的防治作用及其机制研究英文题目To Study on the prevention and treatment ofAD model rats induced by OA and its possiblemechanism研究生姓名谢文执学科专业中医内科学研究方向中医药延缓衰老及防治老年病的研究导师姓名职称罗洪斌(副教授)陈娟(副主任医师)学位授予日期2018年6月授予单位名称及地址湖北民族学院湖北省恩施市学院路39号摘要目的:探讨头顶一颗珠水煎液对OA诱导的AD模型大鼠认知功能障碍的防治作用及其可能机制研究。




然后取脑海马组织并均浆,再用蛋白免疫印迹法检测各组大鼠脑海马组织PP2A活性以及Tau蛋白磷酸化水平和突触相关蛋白表达情况;运用尼氏染色法检测海马CA1和CA3区神经损伤情况;运用高尔基染色法观察各组树突棘的数量;运用LTP 来观察各组大鼠脑海马突触可塑性。


2免疫印迹法显示高剂量组可明显下调脑海马组织PP2A的磷酸化和去甲基化水平,而上调甲基化水平,这表明头顶一颗珠中、高剂量组可提高PP2A 的活性。



现代电子技术Modern Electronics Technique2023年6月1日第46卷第11期Jun.2023Vol.46No.110引言脑机接口(Brain Computer Interface,BCI )是脑⁃计算机接口的简称,这是一种新人机交流的方式,可以直接将大脑皮层产生的神经元电活动转化为计算机或其他辅助设备的控制命令[1]。

BCI 系统分为侵入式和非侵入式两种类别。

在侵入式BCI 中,需要手术将传感器放置在大脑里面的不同脑区,实验要求比较高;非侵入性BCI 可以从颅骨表面直接获取大脑活动,脑电图(Electroencephalogram,EEG )是获取BCI 信号的一种形式,在使用中安全性高、便于携带、价格便宜、采集信号质量好,被广泛应用[2]。

目前,BCI 的研究主要集中在运动想象(Motor Imagery,MI )、P300、SSVEP 等方面,这是在某些情况下被触发的典型信号。

其中,MI 由于表现不复杂,可以自然、直观的命令方式实现控制,得到广泛研究[3⁃5]。


EEG 信号的缺点是采集的信号信噪比低、空间分辨率较差[8]。


这里面使用最多的就是共空间模式(Common Spatial Pattern,CSP ),实验结果证实CSP 在提取MI⁃EEG 特征中比较有效[9]。

但是传统的CSP 对滤波器频带、时间窗口和通道的选择非常敏感,使得在进行信号解码时基于正则化共空间模式的运动想象脑电信号解码刘化东,许博俊(昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院,云南昆明650500)摘要:运动想象⁃脑机接口(MI⁃BCI )是一种能对使用者的运动意图进行解码,无需任何外部刺激就能产生指令,可以为无法自主运动患者提供一种额外交互控制通道,辅助或改善其生活方式。



多特征和APSO-QNN相结合的语音端点检测算法董胡【摘要】Aiming at the problem of low endpoint detection accuracy and weak robustness of traditional endpoint detection algorithm in multiple complex noise environment, an endpoint detection algorithm which combines multiple features and accelerated particles swarm optimizes quantum neural network (APSO-QNN) was proposed in this paper.By extracting short-time energy feature, circle average magnitude difference function feature, frequency band variance feature and mel-frequency cepstral coefficient feature of speech signal, the features of which were sent to quantum neural networks (QNN)for learning.The method used accelerated particle swarm algorithm to optimize quantum neural network parameters, and making model of speech endpoint detection, then the type of signal was judged.The simulation experimental results proved that this method not only improved the speech endpoint detection accuracy, but also reduced the virtual detection rate and missing rate, and had strong noise robustness.%针对传统端点检测算法在多种复杂噪声环境下端点检测正确率低、鲁棒性较弱的问题,提出多特征和加速粒子群优化量子神经网络(APSO-QNN)相结合的端点检测算法.该算法通过提取语音信号的短时能量特征、循环平均幅度差函数特征、频带方差特征及美尔频率倒谱系数特征,将这些特征量输入量子神经网络(QNN)进行学习并利用加速粒子群算法对量子神经网络参数进行优化,构建语音端点检测模型,实现对信号的类型的判别.仿真实验结果表明,该方法不仅提升了语音端点检测的正确率,而且降低了虚检率与漏检率,具有较强的抗噪鲁棒性.【期刊名称】《探测与控制学报》【年(卷),期】2017(039)004【总页数】6页(P90-95)【关键词】端点检测;加速粒子群优化;量子神经网络;正确率;鲁棒性【作者】董胡【作者单位】长沙师范学院电子与信息工程系,湖南长沙 410100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.4语音端点检测在语音识别的预处理阶段具有相当重要的地位,对识别结果的正确率影响较大[1]。



局部二值淘汰模式进行人脸图像协同表达袁永顺【摘要】Traditional collaborative representation methods usually suffer from uncertainty resulted by data redundancy.Recently,in order to obtain better recognition result,some improvement solutions through the use of more effective training samples set to improve the classification performance of collaborative representation methods.In this article,we put forward an optimization model based on local binary pattern.The method gets LBP features in blocks and uses the whole image for the unit,making use of the elimination strategy to obtain more diagnostic LBP features of training set.Finally collaborative representation method is used for classification.This method has two advantages,first,the use of the advantages of rotation invariance of LBP features overcome the weak face pose variation on the classification effect;Secondly,optimizing selection strategy to weaken the negative impact to the method.It is conducted on two commonly used face database(ORL,FERET) and receives a better classification performance.%传统的协同表达方法通常会受到样本数据的冗余带来的不确定性因素的影响.近来,为了获得更好的识别效果,一些改进方案通过利用更有效的训练样本集来提高协同表达方法的分类性能.在本文中,我们基于局部二值特征(Local Binary Pattern,LBP)提出了一种优化的协同表达分类模型.该方法以分块图象为基础获得训练样本的LBP特征,然后以全局图像为单位,利用淘汰策略获得了更具鉴别性的LBP特征训练集,最终利用协同表达方法进行分类.此方法有两种优势,其一、利用了LBP特征的旋转不变性的优势,克服了人脸弱姿态变化对分类效果的影响;其二、优化淘汰策略弱化了冗余样本对表达方法的消极影响.该方法在两个常用人脸数据库(ORL,FERET)上进行了实验对比,获得了更好的分类性能.【期刊名称】《电子设计工程》【年(卷),期】2017(025)021【总页数】4页(P129-132)【关键词】协同表达;局部二值模式;人脸识别;图像处理;样本优化【作者】袁永顺【作者单位】江苏科技大学计算机学院,江苏镇江212003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP29随着数学的发展,线性表达学习方法受到了关注并取得了一定的成果。



多特征检测耦合混沌映射的红外图像加密算法彭英杰;陈豪颉【摘要】To solve these defects such as leaking the target shape of cipher and difficult to be used for infrared target encryption of the current image selective encryption algorithm,the infrared image selective encryption algorithm based on multi-feature detection model and low dimensional compound chaotic map was proposed.The contrast between the real target and the background was increased using morphological gradient.The Top-Hat transform was improved by considering the difference between the infrared target and the background for separating the infrared target from the background.The multi-feature detection model was constructed for obtaining the region of interest of the infrared target.The complex mapping was designed by taking one-dimensional Logistic mapping as trigger and combining with the sine mapping,Tent mapping for outputting random sequence.The encryption function was designed based on the new random sequence induced using the new initial condition for outputting the diffusion cipher.Test results show that the proposed algorithm can be better used for the encryption of infrared target with higher security and key sensitivity compared with the current selective encryption technology.%为克服当前选择性加密技术易外泄密文目标的形状,导致其不能有效实现红外图像的安全传输的问题,设计基于多特征检测模型与低维复合映射的红外目标选择加密算法.引入形态学梯度,增大真实目标与背景的对比度差异;考虑红外目标与背景的灰度差异,改进Top-Hat变换,对其完成检测;构建多特征检测模型,获取包含红外目标的感兴趣区域;将一雏Logistic映射作为触发器,联合sine映射、Tent映射,设计复合映射,改变感兴趣区域内的像素位置;改变复合映射的初值,输出新的混沌数组,设计加密函数,输出扩散密文.测试结果表明,与当前选择性加密技术相比,该算法能够更好地用于红外目标的加密,且其安全性更高.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》【年(卷),期】2017(038)011【总页数】7页(P3099-3105)【关键词】红外图像;选择性加密;低维复合映射;Top-Hat变换;多特征检测模型;感兴趣区域;形态学梯度【作者】彭英杰;陈豪颉【作者单位】青海民族大学计算机学院,青海西宁810007;兰州理工大学计算机与通信学院,甘肃兰州730050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.4传统的数据保密技术没有考虑图像的大数据容量与高的冗余度等特性,导致其难以确保加密图像进行安全传输[1-5]。



第16卷 第6期2008年6月 光学精密工程 O ptics and Precision Enginee ring V ol .16 N o .6 Jun .2008 收稿日期:2007-10-25;修订日期:2008-01-28. 基金项目:黑龙江省科技攻关基金资助项目(N o .2006G 0780-11)文章编号 1004-924X (2008)06-1093-05双密度小波在表面形貌信号分离中的应用李海燕,刘国栋,刘炳国,浦昭邦(哈尔滨工业大学自动化测试与控制系,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)摘要:为减少表面功能评定中测量数据采样起始点位置对传统小波模型滤波结果的影响,提出了一种基于双密度小波变换的表面形貌分离新方法。




关 键 词:小波分析;表面形貌;双密度小波;表面评定中图分类号:O 438.2;T B92 文献标识码:AApplication of double density wavelet transform tosurface topographic signal separationLI H ai -y an ,LIU Guo -dong ,LIU Bing -g uo ,PU Zhao -bang (Department o f Automatic Measurement and Control ,H arbin I nstitute o f Technology ,Harbin 150001,China )A bstract :A novel signal separation me thod based on Double Density Wavelet Transform (DDW T )w as presented to reduce the influence of the locations of sampling points o n the filtering re sults from traditio nal w avelet in surface evaluation .The o rig inal profile signal could be decom po sed by DDWT in -to a linear superpo sition o f w avelet functio ns and scaling functions .After reco nstruction of w av elet co -efficients cor responding to different co mponents ,the required surface topog raphic discrete signal w as obtained .The ex periment results show that the separatio n accuracy of ro ug hness ,w aveness and o ther frequency components can be higher about 4%than that o f o ther metho ds .In eng ineering surface anal -y sis ,the new method can pro vide near shift -invariance in surface tex ture separation and extraction ,and can decrease the influence of sam pling points on filtering results and also improve the measurem ent precision .Key words :w avelet analysis ;surface topog raphy ;double density w avelet ;surface ev aluation1 引 言 表面形貌包含着多种频率成分,如何准确地分离和提取出低频的形状误差、高频的表面粗糙度和频率介于两者之间的波度信号,是提高表面测量精度的关键。



基于Pareto邻域交叉算子的多目标粒子群优化算法屈敏;高岳林;江巧永【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2011(31)7【摘要】针对粒子群优化(PSO)算法局部搜索能力不足的问题,提出一种基于Pareto邻域交叉算子的多目标粒子群优化算法(MPSOP).该算法利用粒子群优化算法和Pareto邻域交叉算子相结合的策略产生新种群,并利用尺度因子在线调节粒子群优化算法和Pareto邻域交叉算子的贡献量.数值实验选取6个常用测试函数并对NSGA-Ⅱ、SPEA2、MOPSO三个多目标算法进行比较,数值实验结果表明MPSOP算法的有效性.%A multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm with Pareto neighborhood crossover operation (MPSOP) was propesed to solve the defect of local search in particle swarm optimization algorithm. MPSOP combined particle swarm optimization algorithm and Pareto neighborhood crossover operation to generate a new population. A scaling factor was used to balance contributions of particle swarm optimization algorithm and Pareto neighborhood crossover operation. Numerical experiments were conducted ti compared MOSOP with NSGA-Ⅱ, AND SPEA2 on six benchmark proble ms. The numerical results show the effectiveness of MPSOP.【总页数】4页(P1789-1792)【作者】屈敏;高岳林;江巧永【作者单位】北方民族大学信息与系统科学研究所,银川,750021;北方民族大学信息与系统科学研究所,银川,750021;北方民族大学信息与系统科学研究所,银川,750021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP18【相关文献】1.基于Pareto多目标粒子群优化算法的物流服务供应商选择决策研究 [J], 张咪;严广乐2.融合Pareto邻域交叉算子的多目标分布估计算法 [J], 江巧永;高岳林3.基于Pareto熵的多目标粒子群优化算法∗ [J], 胡旺;Gary G.YEN;张鑫4.一种基于Pareto关联度支配的多目标粒子群优化算法 [J], 汤可宗;李佐勇;詹棠森;李芳;姜云昊5.基于Pareto多目标粒子群优化算法的物流服务供应商选择决策研究 [J], 张咪;严广乐因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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Multiple point adsorption in a heteropolymer gel and the Tanaka approach to imprinting:Experiment and Theory†Kenji Ito∗,1,Jeffrey Chuang∗,2,Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo3,Tsuyoshi Watanabe4,Nozomi Ando5,Alexander Yu.Grosberg61National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,Tsukuba,Ibaraki305–8565,Japan, 2Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics,University of California,San Francisco,California94143,3Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnolog´ıa Farmac´e utica,Facultad de Farmacia,Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,15706-Santiago de Compostela,Spain,4Fundamental Research Laboratory,SUMITOMO BAKELITE Co.,Ltd.,Totsuka-ku,Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa245–0052,Japan,5Department of Physics,Cornell University,Ithaca,New York14853,6Department of Physics,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,Minnesota55455.AbstractHeteropolymer gels can be engineered to release specific molecules into or absorb molecules from a sur-rounding solution.This remarkable ability is the basis for developing gel applications in extensive areas such as drug delivery,waste cleanup,and catalysis.Furthermore,gels are a model system for proteins,many of whose properties they can be created to mimic.A key aspect of gels is their volume phase transition,which provides a macroscopic mechanism for effecting microscopic changes.The phase transition allows one to control the gel’s affinity for target molecules through tiny changes in the solution temperature,salt concentration,pH,or the like.We summarize recent experiments that systematically characterize the gel affinity as a function of adsorbing monomer concentration,solution salt concentration,and cross-linker concentration,on both sides of the phase transition.We provide a physical theory that explains the results and discuss enhancements via imprinting.Key wordsPolymer gel,isopropylacrylamide,volume phase transition,Langmuir adsorption,electrostatic interaction, statistical mechanics,molecular imprinting,conformational memory†The reviewed works were largely carried out in the Department of Physics and Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,Massachusetts02139.∗Contact:FAX:+81–29–861–4628, (K.Ito)and jchuang@(J.Chuang)Contents1Introduction5 2Theory62.1Langmuir Isotherm and Determination of the Affinity Q (7)2.2Fixed-Point Model (7)2.3Heuristic Derivation and Implications of the Tanaka Equation (9)2.4Discussion of the Tanaka Equation (11)2.4.1Delta function approximation for the distribution offixed points (14)2.4.2Adsorber Monomer Dependence of the Saturation Level S (15)2.4.3Domination of binding by a single value of p (16)2.4.4Modifications to n by effective cross-linking (16)3Experimental Assessment of the Tanaka Equation173.1Methods (17)3.1.1Gel preparation (17)3.1.2Degree of swelling (18)3.1.3Adsorption Studies (18)3.2Adsorber Concentration Dependence (20)3.3Salt Concentration Dependence (21)3.4Cross-linker Concentration Dependence (25)4Applications to Imprinted Gel Systems31 5Conclusion37NomenclatureNIPA N-isopropylacrylamideMAPTA+methacrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium cationMAPTAC methacrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium chlorideBIS N,N –methylene–bis(acrylamide)Py-11–pyrene sulfonatePy-26,8–dihydroxy-pyrene–1,3–disulfonatePy-38–methoxy pyrene–1,3,6–trisulfonatePy-41,3,6,8–pyrene tetrasulfonateQ The affinity of the gel for the target molecule[Ad]The concentration of adsorber monomers[Re]The concentration of replacement molecules,such as salt ions[Xl]The concentration of cross-linker in the gelp The number of adsorber monomers binding to the target moleculeβThe inverse Boltzmann factor1/k B T,in which k B and T represent the Boltzmann constant and absolute temperature,respectivelyThe binding energy when the target molecule binds a single adsorber monomer,as compared to when it binds a replacement moleculec A constant dependent on gel composition parametersS The concentration of binding sites,equivalent to the saturating concentrationK The binding constant for target molecule adsorption by the gel[T ads]The concentration of target molecules adsorbed into the gel[T sol]The concentration of target molecules in the solution surrounding the gelZ The partition function for target molecule adsorptionZ p The contribution to the partition function from binding by p adsorber monomersp max The number of sites on the target molecule to which single adsorber monomers may bindQ p The contribution to the affinity from binding by p adsorber monomersn The number of persistent lengths in an effective chain in thefixed point modelb The persistent length for an effective chain in thefixed point modela The size of a monomer in an effective chainm The number of monomers in a persistent length of an effective chainC ad The molar concentration of adsorber monomersN A The Avogadro numberNfixed points The total number offixed points in the gel or the total system volume times the adsorber monomer concentrationr The position of a target molecule in the gelx iThe position offixed point i jjλThe thermal wavelength of a target moleculeR p The radius of gyration of a group of pfixed pointsΘ(R p)The density of states as a function of R p γA constantd The gel diameter in the equilibrium state d0d upon polymerizationV The gel volume in the equilibrium state V0V upon polymerization1IntroductionThousands of polymeric materials have been invented and tailored to various uses since the discovery of vulcan-ization by Charles Goodyear in1839.However impressive,these achievements may one day be dwarfed by the new paradigm–in which polymer molecules act like functioning machines,rather than as building blocks for a material.The use of polymers as so-called‘smart’materials is motivated by the simple observation that biolog-ical molecules perform incredibly complex functions.While the goal of engineering polymers as effectively as nature remains somewhat in the realm of sciencefiction,in recent years many researchers have sought tofind or design synthetic polymeric materials capable of mimicking one or another‘smart’property of biopolymers.Polymer gels are a promising system for such smart functions because of their collapse phase transition, predicted theoretically by Duˇs ek and Patterson in1968[1]and then observed experimentally by T.Tanaka in 1978[2].Since then,manifestations of this transition have been shown in a variety of circumstances[3–21]. Gel collapse can be driven by any one of the four basic types of intermolecular interactions operational in water solutions and in molecular biological systems[10],namely,by Van der Waals interactions,hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions,and by Coulomb interactions between ionized(dissociated)groups.Gel collapse can be triggered by a variety of external‘stimuli,’including change of temperature(either heating or cooling)[22–27], solvent composition[28–32],pH[33–36],ionic strength[37,38],and also kinetic influences,such as external electric or magneticfields[7,39–42],currents and light[12,43].This wealth of properties guarantees rich applications,including super-absorbing materials exemplified by disposable diapers and sanitary napkins[17], materials releasing drugs in a controlled manner[14,27,34,44],catalysis[45],and mimetics of various organic systems[46–56],to name but a few.A broader perspective of gel collapse is that it is an amplifier allowing conformational changes of macro-molecules,huge or tiny as they may be,to be manifested on a macroscopic scale.Once this proposition is accepted,the question arises:what about the intricate conformational changes occurring in biological macro-molecules,such as protein folding—can they also be amplified and seen macroscopically in an appropriate gel?In1992it was discovered that multiple phases,in addition to the general collapsed and swollen phases, could exist in polymer gels[15].This work suggested that the phases of a folding protein,and the phenomena of heteropolymer freezing[57–62]in general,could indeed be realized experimentally in a polymer gel.In protein folding,the unique details of the protein’s native state,such as its shape and charge distribution,enable it to recognize and interact with specific molecules.Therefore in order to create gels with molecular specificity,it is necessary to design a native state for the gel as well.In recent years,several groups have developed theoretical approaches for designing a heteropolymer’s native conformation by choosing its monomer sequence[59,60]. Such ideas have grown out of research pioneered by the chemist G.Wulff[63–65]to imprint conformations into a polymer sequence.These ideas have recently been applied to realize imprinting of a native state into a heteropolymer gel[66–73].The imprinting technique in heteropolymer gels can be summarized as follows.A soup of gel monomers (e.g.N-isopropylacrylamide,NIPA;an experimental example will be shown in the following section)is placed in solution with charged adsorber monomers(e.g.methacrylamidopropyl trimethylammonium cation,MAPTA+), cross-linker(e.g.N,N –methylene–bis(acrylamide),BIS),and oppositely charged target molecules(e.g.Pyrene Tetra-sulfonate4−,Py-4).The target molecules mediate the coulomb interactions between the adsorber monomers. There is an indirect attraction between the adsorber monomers because several of them will tend to cluster around a single multivalent target molecule.Thus the target molecules serve as a sort of glue to stick adsorber monomers together.Polymerization is then initiated while the adsorbers are glued together and the conditions favor the col-lapsed state of the gel.The polymerizationfixes the sequence of gel monomers in such a way that the adsorber monomers will cluster together whenever the gel is forced to the collapsed state.After polymerization,the gel can be swollen,to release the target molecules.But whenever the gel is collapsed again,these adsorbing clusters should be recovered,due to the‘imprinting’effect of the target molecules.The recovered clusters will be able to act as molecular recognition sites,specifically attracting molecules with properties similar to those of the gluons.In this paper we review thefirst series of experiments related to the imprinting effect in heteropolymer gels sensitive to stimuli.This work focuses on the adsorption properties of random(non-imprinted)heteropolymer gels.Random gels are a large subject in their own right,and they should be understood before imprinting can be placed in the proper context.Wefirst discuss the theoretical ideas behind the adsorption properties of random heteropolymer gels.We then review the experiments that have been done on adsorption of target molecules by random gels,detailing the dependence of their adsorption affinity on adsorber monomer concentration[21],salt concentration[75],and cross-linker concentration[76].We then compare the properties of random and imprinted gels and show the early successes of the imprinting method[77–84].The effects observed so far are rather modest and at the moment do not pretend for any comparison with proteins.Nevertheless,it is hoped that imprinting experiments with gels will eventually help capture the princi-ples behind protein self-organization.With this idea in mind,we dedicate this work to the memory of the late Professor Toyoichi Tanaka(1946–2000).2TheoryIn this section,we provide a heuristic derivation of an equation which relates the target molecule affinity of a random gel to several key experimental parameters.This equation will be referred to and discussed in detail in the sections that follow.For convenience,we refer to Eq.(1)as the Tanaka equation since it summarizes a number offindings on gel affinity initiated by T.Tanaka[21,74–77].The Tanaka equation for the affinity Q isQ∼[Ad]pp[Re]pexp(−pβ )exp−(p−1)c[Xl][Ad]2/3,(1)where Q is the gel affinity for target molecules.The concentration of adsorbing monomers in the gel is denoted by[Ad],and[Re]is the concentration of replacement molecules,i.e.salt molecules that bind with the target molecule when it is not bound to adsorbing monomers.p is the number of bonds between separate adsorbing monomers and the target molecule.βis the Boltzmann factor1/k B T,and is the difference in binding energy of a target molecule with(1)an adsorbing monomer or(2)a replacement molecule.[Xl]is the concentration of cross-linker(e.g.BIS).c is a constant which can be estimated from the persistence length and concentration of the main component of the gel chains(e.g.NIPA).The Tanaka equation can explain how adsorber monomer concentration,salt concentration,and cross-linker concentration control the affinity,as will be described in subsequent experimental sections.Here we present a heuristic explanation of the affinity dependencies for each of these variables and explain what approximations are involved.A more detailed explanation and discussion of the technical issues regarding the Tanaka equation is described in the next section.In this section,we will discuss why adsorption of target molecules is dominated by one value of p at a time,as suggested conceptually by Eq.(1).We will also discuss conditions for the critical switch-like behavior of the gel,in which p changes from1in the swollen state to p max in the collapsed state, where p max is the number of binding sites on the target molecule.2.1Langmuir Isotherm and Determination of the A ffinity QLangmuir adsorption [85]has been commonly used to interpret the binding a ffinity of a gel for a target molecule [86].The Langmuir isotherm is derived from the concept of a two-state partition function for each binding site,where each binding site is filled or un filled.There are two terms in the partition function:one proportional to the number of target molecules in solution (analogous to the filled state),and the other independent (analogous to un filled).[T ads ]=S K [T sol ]K [T sol ]+1.(2)Here [T ads ]is the concentration of target molecules adsorbed into the gel,[T sol ]is the concentration of target molecules in solution,and S is the concentration of binding sites.K is the binding constant,with units of (concentration)−1.The overall a ffinity Q of the binding sites in the gel for the target molecule is de fined to be the product of S and K ,which is dimensionless.While the Langmuir isotherm is derived from the point of view of the binding sites,the value for Q can be determined from the point of view of a target molecule.Consider the partition function that sums over the di fferent possible states of the target molecule –0adsorbers bound,1adsorber bound,...p max adsorbers bound.The partition function will be of the formZ =Z 0+Z 1+Z 2+...+Z p max ,(3)with Z p indicating the term of the partition function in which a target molecule is bound by p adsorbing monomers.Z 0corresponds to the case of the target molecule being completely unbound.Looking at the denominator of Eq.2for the Langmuir isotherm,we can see that K [T sol ]is the term propor-tional to the fraction of filled binding sites,and 1is the term proportional to the fraction of vacant binding sites.Therefore S K [T sol ]is proportional to the concentration of adsorbed target paring with Eq.(3)we see that S K [T sol ]∝Z 1+Z 2+...+Z p max .Meanwhile,the partition function component Z 0for unbound target molecules must be proportional to the number of target molecules in solution,i.e.[T sol ]∝Z 0.We can use these two relationships to solve for the a ffinity Q =S K :Q ∼Z 1+Z 2+...+Z p max Z 0.(4)For convenience,we shall de fine the quantity Q p ≡Z p /Z 0,so that we may consider individual contributions to the a ffinity in the form Q = p Q p .We shall next describe a model which allows us to calculate each of the terms Z p .2.2Fixed-Point ModelWe now formulate a model that allows us to calculate the partition function for a single target molecule in solution with a heteropolymer gel.The gel is made up of a primary component (NIPA)as well as some adsorber monomers (MAPTAC).There are target molecules (pyranine)in solution which can di ffuse into and out of the gel.The polymer chains in the gel are connected by cross-linker monomers (BIS)into a network.From a theoretical point of view,the most complex aspect of polymer gels is their network structure.The monomers in the gel can di ffuse about to some extent,but are also constrained by the connectivity of the chains in the network.When the cross-linker density is high,there are many constraints on the motion of the monomers.Conversely,at low cross-linker densities,monomers can di ffuse more freely.The length scale of monomerlocalization is determined by the concentration of cross-linker in the gel.We will propose a simplified model to deal with this localization effect.Butfirst,it is important to discuss the motivations for the model we propose.To form an adsorption binding site of p adsorbing monomers,the monomers have to move in space in order to properly group together.Their motions are severely restricted,because almost every adsorbing monomer in the gel belongs to a sub-chain,which means it is connected by the polymer to two cross-links(there might also be a few adsorbers on the dangling ends,connected to only one cross-link).To understand the amount of freedom afforded to the adsorbing monomers,one has to realize that apart from real cross-links,the freedom of sub-chains is also restricted by the topological constraints,such as entanglements,between polymers.On the other hand, neither real cross-links nor entanglements represent rigid constraints,as they can also move inside the gel.This situation is far too difficult to address in any systematic theoretical approach.However,from a practical standpoint,what one can do is resort to a more qualitative approximation.We speak about the following mean-field type idea.Let us concentrate on one particular adsorbing monomer in the gel.Owing to a myriad of constraints,it can only access some relatively well defined volume.It is reasonable to assume that in the center of this volume the particle is free to move,but approaching the periphery of its spherical cage the particle feels increasing entropic restrictions.This can be modeled by saying that for each adsorbing monomer in the gel there is a pointfixed in space which is the center of the cage,and then there is a free energy potential well(of entropic origin)around this center.We should emphasize that the concept of this center is purely effective–it need not be solidly associated with anything particular in the chemical structure of the gel.Thisfixed point is as“real”as the self-consistentfield itself[92].To support physical intuition,it is useful to imagine the surrounding potential well by saying that every adsorbing monomer is attached to its corresponding self-consistent center by an effective(also self-consistent) polymer chain,like a dog on a leash(Fig.1).This polymer chain is not any particular chain in the real gel,but an effective way to describe the entirety of constraints in the gel.It follows from scaling considerations that the length of the effective chain must be of the same order as the distance between cross-linkers in the gel.Thus, it will be a decreasing function of the cross-link density.Clearly,because of the simplifications inherent in this model,it will be useful mainly from a scaling perspective.Using these motivations,we now describe what we refer to as the“fixed-point model.”We imagine that each of the adsorbing monomers is at the end of one of these effective chains.At the other end of the chain is one of these pointfixed in space,the positions of which are distributed randomly in the gel.Each chain is assumed to be made of n links,where n is inversely proportional to the density of cross-links in the gel,based on the concept that additional cross-links increase the frustration in the gel.While this assumption ignores dispersity in the location of the adsorber monomers in the actual gel relative to the cross-linking points,it will give the correct scaling dependence on n.The parameter n should be proportional to the ratio of main component monomers to cross-linker monomers(e.g.n∼[NIPA]/[BIS]in a NIPA gel cross-linked with BIS).An advantage of thefixed-point model is that it allows one to determine the entropic properties of the network using the well-known statistics of polymer chains.Adsorption of target molecules in the gel will deform the chain network,and the accompanying entropy loss will be analyzed via the entropy of gaussian chains.This entropic effect will be affected not only by the cross-linker density,but also by the density of adsorber monomers–which are implicit in the definition of afixed point.Note that this density can be adjusted via the gel swelling phase transition.In the swollen state there will be a low density offixed points,and in the collapsed state there will be a high density.Figure1:Schematic drawing for the model of a gel withfixed pointsfor cross-linking constraints.Thefixed-point model replaces these con-straints by placing each adsorber monomer at the end of afinite chain oflength n,the value of which is inversely proportional to the cross-linkerdensity.2.3Heuristic Derivation and Implications of the Tanaka EquationWe now give a qualitative explanation of the various terms in the Tanaka equation,which describes the affinity of a gel for a target molecule as it is bound by p adsorbing monomers.Experiments which have assessed the Tanaka equation will be described in subsequent sections.Wefirst explain the power-law dependence of the affinity Q on[Ad].For a target molecule to be adsorbed, the p adsorbing monomers must be clustered together.The probability of such a cluster existing at a given point in a random gel is a product of the probabilities for each of the adsorbing monomers.Therefore the dependence goes as[Ad]p.Each of these clusters requires p adsorbing monomers,hence Q is proportional to1/p.The affinity is proportional to[Re]−p because these replacement molecules(typically salt ions)act as com-petitors to the adsorbing monomers.In solution,a target molecule may either be adsorbed into the gel or bound by p replacement molecules.Binding to the replacement molecules prevents adsorption by the gel.In order for a target to be bound to p replacement molecules,the replacements must cluster around the target.This cre-ates a power-law dependence similar to that for target molecule adsorption by adsorbing monomers,but with an opposite sign exponent.The energetic attraction of a target molecule to p adsorbing monomers is encapsulated in the term exp(−pβ ). This is a Boltzmann probability based on a binding energy per adsorbing monomer.The dependence of the affinity,Q,on the cross-links can be explained as follows.The adsorber units in the gel can move rather freely within a certain volume determined by the cross-link density.Below a certain length scale associated with the cross-link density,the gel behaves like a liquid,allowing the adsorber groups to diffuse virtually freely.Beyond that length scale,however,the gel behaves as an elastic solid body.The adsorber units cannot diffuse further than that length scale.As shown earlier in Fig.1,we assume that each adsorber is at oneend of afictitious Gaussian chain with a length half the average polymer length between the nearest cross-links (Xl):l=nb=([NIPA]/2[Xl])a(5) Here n is the number of monomer segments of persistent length b contained in the chain.If there are[NIPA]/2[Xl] monomers between the cross-link and an adsorbing monomer group,then in Eq.(5),n=[NIPA]/2m[Xl]and b=ma,where m is the number of monomers involved in the persistent length and a is the length of each monomer.At a concentration of[Ad]of adsorbing monomers,the average spatial distance between adsorbing monomers is R=[Ad]−1/3.(For a molar concentration C ad this corresponds to R=1cm/(C ad N A)1/3,where N A is the Avogadro number.)Thisfictitious Gaussian chain represents the restricted ability of the adsorber groups to diffuse within a certain volume in the gel.We expect that the probability for two adsorber monomers to meet should be proportional to the Boltzmann factor of the entropy loss associated with the formation of one pair ofadsorbers.P=P0exp(−R2/nb2)=P0exp−c[Xl]/[Ad]2/3,(6)where the quantity c is determined by the persistence length,the number of monomers in a persistence length, and the concentration of the main component of the chains through the relationc=2m[NIPA]b2.(7)Since the adsorption of a divalent target by two adsorbers brings together each end from twofictitious Gaussian polymers,the affinity should be proportional to this probability.If more than two contact points are expected,theequation can be generalized asQ∝exp−(p−1)c[Xl]/[Ad]2/3.(8)If the target molecule is adsorbed only by a single contact(p=1),Q should be independent of the cross-linker concentration.However,if the target binding site requires several(p>1)adsorber monomers,the cross-links will frustrate the formation of the binding site,and the frustration will increase with p.Since the Tanaka equation is an expression for the total affinity of a gel for the target molecule,it implies that adsorption is dominated by a single value of p.This can be understood by considering whether the attraction of the target molecule to adsorber monomers(due to energetic and concentration effects)is stronger than the repulsion due to the entropy loss required to deform the gel.If attraction is sufficiently favored,then the target will be bound by as many adsorber monomers as possible(p=p max).However,if the entropy loss to deform the gel is stronger,then the only adsorption will be by single adsorber monomers,which would not require deformation of the network(p=1).The basic concept of gels as smart materials is that they will have high affinity for the target in the collapsed state,but low affinity in the swollen state.By controlling the phase transition of the gel,one will be able to create a switch-like behavior in the affinity.The Tanaka equation allows us to predict the composition of gels which will drastically change affinity during the gel phase transition.In order for the gel to have a low affinity in the swollen state,the adsorber monomers should have only a weak attraction to the target molecules,i.e.any adsorption should be single-handed(p=1).To have a high gel affinity,adsorption in the collapsed phase should involve as many adsorber monomers as possible(p=p max).To effect a change in p,one must change the relative strengths of terms with different p.The p value transition should occur where the entropic and energetic contributions to the affinity are equal,i.e.the crossover should occur whenln([Ad]/[Re])≈([Ad]2/3nb2)−1+β .(9)Thus the Tanaka equation provides us with a condition that allows us to design a gel with switch-like behavior in its affinity.At the gel volume phase transition,the concentrations of adsorber,cross-linker,and salt,as well as the temperature of the system may be altered to control this switch.To make a gel in which p changes across the volume phase transition,one should choose components so that Eq.(9)is valid at the center of the transition. The experiments discussed in the following sections use gels in which p changes across the phase transition. However,designing such gels still requires a significant amount of testing,since it is difficult to know the exact value for the binding energy a priori.2.4Discussion of the Tanaka EquationWhile most of the ideas behind the Tanaka equation can be understood by the heuristic arguments of the preceding section,it has been difficult to completely derive the Tanaka equation formally.There are four issues regarding its applicability that require some discussion.They are:1.Delta function approximation for the distribution offixed points.2.Adsorber monomer dependence of the saturation level S.3.Domination of binding by a single value of p.4.Modifications to n by effective cross-linking.In order to elucidate these issues,we write out a formal expression for the partition function Z.The partition function can be written as a sum of contributions from terms corresponding to the number of adsorbing monomersp binding the target molecule:Z=p maxp=0Z p.(10)The terms Z p have contributions from the binding energy of an adsorber to the target molecule,the displace-ment entropy of the replacement molecules,the binding entropy of the adsorber monomers,and the deformation entropy of the polymer network.If one follows the formulation of the partition function of an ideal gas[87],there is also a trivial contribution due to different possible momenta of the target molecule:Z p∝1λ3,whereλis the thermal wavelength of the gas of target molecules.The value ofλis irrelevant to the affinity,since Q is a sum of terms Z p/Z0which have noλdependence.Thisλcontribution is only important in order to allow for the partition function to be dimensionless (e.g.Z0=V/λ3,where V is the volume of the system).There is a binding energy associated with the adsorption of the adsorber monomer to the target molecule, which we define to be . is the difference in binding energy of an adsorbing monomer to the target molecule and a replacement molecule to the target molecule.This definition is necessary because a replacement molecule (i.e.a salt ion)mustfirst be displaced from the target in order for an adsorber monomer to be bound.Z p∝exp(−pβ ),(11) where we have assumed that each of the binding sites gives an identical contribution to the energy.In a system with heterogeneous binding sites or cooperative effects,multiple values of could be used to generalize.As mentioned in the last section,the affinity is proportional to[Re]−p because replacement molecules act as competitors to the adsorbing monomers.Binding of a replacement molecule to a gel reduces the entropy of。
