SSAT Patient Care Guidelines
SIJ疼痛的诊断符合以下5个体格检查中的3项骶髂关节分离试验(SIJ Distraction)骶髂关节挤压试验(SIJ CompressionThigh Thrust)Gaenslen’s Maneuver试验Patrick’s 测试Thigh Thrust关节内SIJ注射关节内注射SIJ可缓解>50%疼痛影像学无其他影像学病理来源(CT/MRI)SIJ保守治疗急性期(1-3天)避免触发活动药物:非甾体抗炎药亚急性期(3天至8周)通过物理治疗,增加活动,加强和伸展肌肉,正常化姿势和力学药物:非甾体抗炎药慢性/维持期(>期为8周)介入性疼痛管理选择,家庭锻炼计划药物:非甾体抗炎药骶髂关节注射SIJ注射可用于诊断和治疗目的,使用各种成像技术,包括但不限于CT、透视和超声。
2021《APASL临床实践指南:自身免疫性肝炎患者的诊断和治疗》主要内容2021年5月4日,亚太肝病硏究学金APASL )官方杂志Hepatology International在线发布《APASL临床实践指南:自身免疫性肝炎患者的诊断和治疗》(简称《指南》),内容涵盖亚太地区自身免疫性肝炎(AIH )患者的流行病学、发病机制、病理学、诊断、治疗,以及自然史、预后和生存。
糖皮质激素和硫哩瞟吟是AIH 的标准治疗方案,应在确诊后启动治疗。
对于标准治疗无应答的患者, 应考虑采用替代疗法。
抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体(anti-neutrophi1cytop1asmicantibody z ANCA)相关性血管炎(ANCAassociatedvascu1itis,AAV)是以侵犯小动脉、小静脉及毛细血管为主的系统性疾病,主要病理特征为小血管炎症和纤维素样坏死。
临床类型包括显微镜下多血管炎(microscopicpo1yangiitis,MPA\肉芽肿性多血管炎(granu1omatosiswithpo1yangiitis z GPA∖嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎(eosinophi1icGPA,EGPA X AAV的病因及发病机制尚未完全清楚,可能与遗传、环境、感染及药物等因素导致机体对中性粒细胞蛋白酶3(proteinase3,PR3)或髓过氧化物酶(mye1operoxidase,MPO)抗原的免疫耐受性丧失相关。
与成人相比,儿童AAV肾脏受累更为常见且严重,29%~32%的患儿最终进展至终末期肾病(endstagekidneydisease,ESKD);部分患儿起病隐匿,可仅有肾脏受累,就诊时已进入ESKD o现有的多个AAV 相关诊治指南均未特别关注AAGN且未纳入儿童相关证据,儿童AAGN的治疗策略多源于成人证据的推荐。
CFDA 已批准柳氮磺吡啶( 别名为舒腹捷) 用于治疗 AS。其他国内 临 床 常 用 的 慢 作 用 抗 风 湿 药 还 有 沙 利度胺和甲氨蝶呤( methotrexate,MTX) 。 2.2.1 沙利度胺 沙利度胺是一个相对较弱的 TNF-α 抑 制 剂,可 能 通 过 选 择 性 促 进 TNF-α 信 使 RNA 降解、减少 TNF-α 的合成而对 AS 有一定的疗 效[3]。2006 年 ASAS / EULAR 关于 AS 治疗的建议 认为,虽然开放性试验结果显示沙利度胺对脊柱病 变有益,但其不良反应较多,考虑其严重致先天缺陷 及潜在的不可逆外周神经病变,其毒性超过其治疗 益处[4]。2010 年 ASAS / EULAR 关于 AS 治疗建议 的更新中未提及沙利度胺的应用[5]。2010 年国内 AS 诊疗指南指出,沙利度胺可改善部分男性难治性 AS 患者的临床症状、血沉和 C 反应蛋白[2]。检索 Thomson Healthcare MICROMEDEX 数据库,沙利度 胺的 Thomson 有效性级别为 Class Ⅱa,推荐级别为 Class Ⅱb,值得注意的是,只有 C 级的证据强度。见 表 3。
有效性等级 Class I; 推荐等级 Class IIb; 证据强度 Category B
有效性等级 Class I; 推荐等级 Class I; 证据强度 Category B
成人: 有效性等级 Class I; 推荐等级 Class I; 证据强度 Category A
从 CFDA、美国食品及药物管理局( FDA) 及欧 洲药品管理局 ( EMA) 药品说明书 中 共 检 索 14 种 NSAIDs 药物,见表 2; 其中 CFDA 已批准吡罗昔康、 美洛昔康、塞 来 昔 布、双 氯 芬 酸、吲 哚 美 辛、萘 丁 美 酮、布洛芬及萘普生等用于治疗 AS,见表 1。其他 国内临床常用的 NSAIDs 包括舒林酸、依托考昔、尼 美舒利、阿西美辛、依托度酸、洛索洛芬等国内说明 书均无 AS 适应证。其中,舒林酸治疗 AS 的 Thomson 有效性等级为 Class Ⅰ,推荐等级为 Class Ⅱa, 证据强度为 Category B,美国 FDA 已批准用于治疗 AS; 依 托 考 昔 治 疗 AS 的 Thomson 有 效 性 等 级 为 Class Ⅱa,推荐等级为 Class Ⅱb,证据强度为 Category A,见表 3。尼美舒利、阿西美辛、依托度酸及洛 索洛芬既无 CFDA、FDA 或 EMA 批准的 AS 适应证, 亦无 Thomson Healthcare MICROMEDEX 数 据 库 关 于治疗 AS 的评价,因此本文共识未对尼美舒利、阿 西美辛、依托度酸及洛索洛芬说明书之外治疗 AS 作出推荐。
Patient care standards以患者为中心的标准
PFR4 患者权利告示张贴,告知患者
Patient rights posted, patient informed
PFR1 领导和员工保护患者和家属权利
Leadership and all staff protects patient and family rights PFR1.1 辨别和克服患者和家属权利的障碍及其影响 Identify, overcome and reduce impact of barrier to rights PFR1.2 确定,尊重和回应患者宗教信仰 Identify, respect and respond to patient’s religious belief PFR1.3 确定并尊重患者的隐私和保密权 Identify & respect patient’s privacy & confidentiality PFR1.4 个人物品:信息和安全保障 Personal belongings: information and safeguard PFR1.5 防止弱势群体被攻击 Protect vulnerable population from assault
Right to complaints and to be informed of rights
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
最新:美国结肠直肠外科医师协会艰难梭菌感染诊疗临床指南美国结直肠外科医师协会(American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons,ASCRS)致力于促进结直肠肛门疾病的科学化预防和管理,以确保为患者提供高质量的诊疗服务。
1 问题陈述艰难梭菌(Clostridioides difficile,CD)是一种厌氧、革兰氏阳性的芽孢杆菌,是人类结肠的正常定植菌群,其最常见的传播途径是通过粪口途径1。
尽管美国CD感染(Clostridioides difficile infection,CDI)病人的数量在过去10年中相对稳定(2011年估计有476,400例,导致29,000人死亡,2017年估计有462,100例,导致20,500人死亡),但该疾病的患病率仍然很高3-5。
有报道称,长期使用抗生素(包括围手术期抗生素)的病人,以及有炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)或免疫抑制等潜在共病的病人,CDI发生率较高9-15。
2024年儿童支气管哮喘规范化诊疗指南英文版2024 Pediatric Bronchial Asthma Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment GuidelinesIn 2024, the medical community has recognized the importance of standardized guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric bronchial asthma. These guidelines aim to provide healthcare professionals with clear and concise recommendations to improve the management of this common childhood respiratory condition.The guidelines emphasize the importance of early diagnosis through comprehensive clinical assessments, including medical history, physical examination, and appropriate diagnostic tests. It is essential to consider the clinical symptoms, such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, along with the patient's age, family history, and environmental factors.Once a diagnosis of pediatric bronchial asthma is confirmed, the guidelines recommend a stepwise approach to treatment. This includes the use of inhaled corticosteroids as the first-line therapy for controlling inflammation in the airways. Short-acting bronchodilators are recommended for the relief of acute symptoms, while long-acting bronchodilators may be added for persistent symptoms.Patient education and self-management are integral parts of the treatment plan. Healthcare professionals should provide comprehensive education on proper medication use, trigger avoidance, and asthma action plans. Regular follow-up visits are essential to monitor symptom control, adjust treatment as needed, and address any concerns or questions from patients and their families.In conclusion, the 2024 Pediatric Bronchial Asthma Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines provide a framework for healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality care to children with asthma. By following these guidelines, healthcare providers can improve outcomes, enhance patient satisfaction, and reduce the burden of asthma on children and their families.。
2024-2025版患者的十大医疗指南英文版2024-2025 Patient's Top Ten Medical Guidelines1. Regular Check-ups: It is important for patients to schedule regular check-ups with their healthcare provider to monitor their overall health.2. Healthy Diet: Patients should aim to maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support their health.3. Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, can help improve patients' physical and mental well-being.4. Hydration: Staying hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water each day is crucial for maintaining proper bodily functions.5. Sleep: Ensuring that patients get enough quality sleep each night is essential for their overall health and well-being.6. Stress Management: Patients should practice stress-reducing techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness, to improve their mental health.7. Avoid Smoking: Patients should refrain from smoking and limit their exposure to secondhand smoke to reduce their risk of developing smoking-related illnesses.8. Limit Alcohol Intake: Patients should drink alcohol in moderation, if at all, to minimize the potential negative effects on their health.9. Medication Compliance: Patients should adhere to their prescribed medication regimen as directed by their healthcare provider to manage their conditions effectively.10. Mental Health Support: Seeking help from a mental health professional when needed can provide patients with the necessary support and resources to maintain their mental well-being.。
1月25日,J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.(影响因子9.228)发布了由安大略皮肤病学协会(DAO)召集的加拿大专家小组制定的AD特殊人群应用系统治疗的专家共识,旨在根据最新证据总结6种特殊人群的系统药物治疗建议,包括AD合并哮喘、眼表疾病、恶性肿瘤史、感染史的患者,以及妊娠期与哺乳期和老年AD患者,主要就传统系统药物(硫唑嘌呤,AZA;环孢素A,CsA;甲氨蝶呤,MTX;吗替麦考酚酯,MMF)、Janus激酶抑制剂(JAKis:阿布昔替尼、巴瑞替尼、乌帕替尼)和生物制剂(度普利尤单抗、lebrikizumab、tralokinumab)的使用提出建议。
AD合并2型哮喘1. 对于AD合并哮喘的患者,通过阻断IL-4R从而抑制IL-4和IL-13的药物治疗有效。
2. JAKis治疗哮喘的研究目前仍处于早期阶段。
3. 除泼尼松外,其他传统系统药物治疗AD合并哮喘无效,包括MTX、CsA、MMF 和AZA。
4. 无论AD的系统治疗方案如何,都不建议患者在未咨询医生的情况下自行调整哮喘的治疗方案。
推荐 RTX 联合甲氨蝶呤(MTX),用于对一种或多种 TNF 抑制剂治疗效果欠佳的成人中重度类风湿关节炎。
推荐 RTX 联合糖皮质激素,用于≥2 岁患者肉芽肿性多血管炎(GPA)和显微镜下多血管炎(MPA)。
推荐 RTX 用于成人中重度寻常型天疱疮。
推荐 RTX 用于血清 AQP4-IgG 阳性的视神经脊髓炎谱系障碍。
推荐 RTX 用于中重度活动性 SLE。
推荐 RTX 用于顽固性狼疮肾炎。
推荐 RTX 用于至少有 1 个疾病进展危险因素的膜性肾病。
推荐 RTX 用于成人频繁复发的或激素依赖的局灶性节段性肾小球硬化(FSGS)。
推荐 RTX 用于成人频繁复发的或激素依赖的微小病变肾病(MCD)。
推荐 RTX 用于儿童频繁复发(FRNS)或激素依赖性肾病综合征(SDNS)。
Grade A Grade B Grade C Level I Level II-2,III Level III Level III-IV Class A and LevelClass B Class C 無I,II-2,III0 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 2 1 11.指標類型:治療前(1)2.指標名稱:大腸直腸癌病人手術前在病歷上有至少接受包括「胸部x光」及「腹部超音波或CT scan或MRI」的百分比。
3.指標定義:分子:大腸直腸癌病人手術前在病歷上有臨床分期的紀錄者證明至少接受包括「胸部x光」及「腹部超音波或CT scan或MRI」的病人數(相關檢查不限於本院,外院檢查亦可)。
6.參考文獻:RCSI 20027.實證強度/ 推薦等級(出處): Grade C (RCSI 2002)8.備註:RCSI-All patients, particularly those with rectal cancer,should have pre-operative staging to determine the local extent of the diseaseand the presence of lung and liver metastases.9.修訂:原指標敘述為「大腸直腸癌病人手術前在病歷上有臨床分期的紀錄者證明至少接受包括胸部x光及超音波或CT scan的百分比11.指標類型:治療(1)2.指標名稱:接受大腸直腸癌切除術之病人,至少於術前6個月或術後6個月內,於病歷上記載曾接受全大腸檢查(大腸鏡檢或直腸鏡檢加加下消化道鋇劑攝影)。
November 2021To: Clients of the New York Hospital Laboratories (NYHL)From: NYHL ManagementSubject: NEW Testing Guidance for Respiratory PathogensDear Valued NYHL Client,Beginning November 15, 2021, a new order panel with computer decision support (CDS) will be available in Epic to guide appropriate testing for respiratory pathogens. When placing the order in Epic, it will prompt providers to answer questions regarding the patient’s clinical status and testing indications, including rapid vs non-rapid. The system will recommend orders based on the provider’s responses, the patient’s clinical status an d testing indications. Orders will then display based on the provider’s responses. For non-Epic users orders will have to be determined by the provider based on Table 2 following and appropriate testing will have to be selected in the Change HealthCare portal or written in the miscellaneous test section on the paper requisition being submitted.The following table (Table 1) are the available tests for all our clients utilizing our laboratory services at the Weill Cornell Campus. Kindly note, for Epic User the order to search is the Respiratory Pathogen PCR Panel (see below for Epic order info).The newly available Respiratory Pathogen PCR Panel will require a Nasopharyngeal swab submitted in an approved Viral Transport Media. This full panel now includes SARS-CoV-2, in addition to Influenza, RSV, and/or other respiratory pathogens.Kindly refer to the tables below following this memo for additional testing information and age appropriate guidelines.ORDERING INFORMATION:For Epic users: The NEW Respiratory Pathogen Testing Order Panel has a cascading effect and as such, in order to select the appropriate panel, on the “Facility List” tab in the ORDER PANEL section/category in the search field enter "RPP PANEL" and select AMB RESPIRATORY PATHOGEN TESTING ORDER PANEL.For Change Health Care Portal users: Select the test order deemed appropriate by the provider based on the ordering guidelines detailed in the following table (Table 2).For clients utilizing paper requests: In the miscellaneous test section, kindly write in the Cerner ordering mnemonic deemed appropriate by the provider based on the ordering guidelines detailed in the following table (Table 2).TEST SUMMARY/SUPPLY INFORMATION: REQUIRED COLLECTION SUPPLY:Turnaround time: 24 hours (once received in Microbiology) Nasopharyngeal swab submitted in an approvedViral Transport Media (see approved list)Approved Transport Supplies:Copan Universal Transport Media System (UTM-RT); BDTM Universal Viral Transport System (UVT); MedSchenker Smart Transport MediumFor any questions related to this new test or supply, please contact Client Services at (212) 746-0670.As always, we appreciate your continued support of the Laboratories at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.1LIAT POC is only available at certain sites.3Additional targets include:Adenovirus, CoV HKU1, CoV NL63, CoV 229E, CoV OC43, human metapneumovirus, influenza A/H1, influenza A/H3, influenza B, RSV, parainfluenza 1-4, RSV, Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniaeTable 4. Respiratory Pathogen Testing for Ambulatory Settings (with Cerner Order Mnemonics)。
Stoma Care – A Guide For Patients说明书
PATIENT’S GUIDE TO MANAGING HIGH OUTPUT STOMA ( ≥ 1500ml)Stoma Care – A Guide For Patients, p 172-173Rali Marinova, Petya Marinova, Zarah Perry-Woodford© 2021 St Mark's Academic InstituteI N I T I A L M A N A G E M E N T•Have you had any food/drinks that may have upset your stomach or that you do not usually tolerate well?•Have you had a meal which was eaten raw or had undercooked food? •Have you taken antibiotics, laxatives or medications that may cause diarrhoea as a side effect?•Have you travelled abroad recently and picked up an infection? •Do you feel generally unwell?•Monitor fluid intake and stoma output accurately •Stop eating high fibre and spicy foods •Add extra salt to your meals•Drink rehydration drinks such as E–Mix solution/ Dioralyte™ – 1 litre/24 hours•Restrict hypotonic fluids to 0.5–1 litre/24 hours (tea, coffee, water, squash, etc.) and hypertonic fluids (juice, fizzy drinks, Ensure®)•Eat foods rich in potassium – bananas, smooth peanut butter, potatoes, oranges•Eat foods rich in salt – crackers and savoury biscuits (no seeds/nuts), crisps, cheese•Eat output thickening food – bananas, white rice, apple sauce, white toast, mashed potatoes, marshmallows, tapioca pudding•Take Loperamide as instructed, 30 minutes before meals and before bed •Take Codeine Phosphate as instructed•Take anti-secretory medication as instructedF U R T H E R M A N AG E M E N TContact your Stoma Nurse or go to your local emergency department if your high output persists after 48–72 hours and you feel unwell or dehydrated.IF NO IMPROVEMENT WITHIN 48–72 HOURSST MARKS E–MIX SOLUTION• 6 level teaspoons of Glucose powder – 20 grams.• 1 level teaspoon of Sodium Chloride (table salt) – 3.5 grams. •Half a heaped teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) – 2.5 grams. Dissolve all the ingredients in 1 litre of water and sip over 24 hours. You can add a tiny splash of squash for a better taste or keep the solution refrigerated. Do not add ice as this dilutes the solution. The ingredients can be bought from the chemist or the supermarket.DIORALYTE™•Mix 10 sachets in 1 litre of water.•Alternatively, you can mix 2 sachets in a 200 ml glass of water, 5 times a day. Drink the solution slowly over 24 hours. You can buy Dioralyte™ from the chemist or the supermarket.Dioralyte™ is high in potassium ther efore it needs to be taken with caution.D E T E R M I N E C A U S ETypes of fluids Isotonic fluidsHypotonic fluidsHypertonic fluidsFluids such as rehydration solutions (Dioralyte™ and St Mark’s E-Mix) and drinks rich in salt (vegetable/meat stock, Oxo®, Bovril®, Knorr®) have ideal concentration of salt which helps your body achieve balance and stay hydrated by keeping water and salt in your body rather than moving it to your intestine where it is lost through the stoma.Fluids such as tea, coffee, ‘diet’ drinks, water and squash bring salt from your body into your intestine.Fluids such as juice, alcohol, energy drinks, fizzy drinks and Ensure® drinks bring water together with salt from your body into your intestine.Ironically, the more hypotonic and hypertonic fluids you drink, the thirstier you feel, as once salt and water are brought into your intestine you then start losing them through your stoma.。
• 双丙戊酸钠 • 鲁拉西酮 • 喹硫平 + SSRI† • 莫达非尼辅助治疗 • 锂盐或双丙戊酸钠 + 拉 莫三嗪 • 锂盐或双丙戊酸钠 + 鲁 拉西酮 • • • • • • • •
卡马西平 奥氮平 ECT* 锂盐 + 卡马西平 锂盐+普拉克索 锂盐或双丙戊酸钠 + 文拉 法辛 锂盐+ MAOI 锂盐或双丙戊酸钠或 AAP + TCA 锂盐或双丙戊酸钠或 卡马 西平 + SSRI† + 拉莫三嗪 喹硫平 + 拉莫三嗪
• 氯丙嗪 • 氯氮平 • 奥卡西平
• 氟哌啶醇
• 锂盐+双丙戊酸钠
• 他莫昔芬
• 卡立哌嗪† • 锂盐或双丙戊酸钠 + 氟哌 啶醇 • 锂盐 + 卡马西平 • 他莫昔芬辅助治疗
不推荐 加巴喷丁、托吡酯、 拉莫三嗪、维拉帕米、噻加宾、利 培酮 + 卡马西平、 奥氮平 + 卡马西平
*如果发生代谢副作用,则使用时应严密监测 †目前尚未上市销售 ECT = 电休克疗法; XR或ER = 缓释制剂
审查一般原则, 并 评估用药情况
+ 步骤2
不采用药物治疗或一 线药物治疗
开始使用Li、DVP、 AAP或2药联合使用 治疗 增加或换用AAP
评估安全性/功能 确定治疗方案 D/C抗抑郁药物 找出医学原因 D/C咖啡因、酒精和非法物质 行为策略/节律, 心理健康教育 采用一线药物治疗
SSRI = 选择性5-羟色胺再吸收抑制剂
Yatham LN, et al., Bipolar Disorder, 2013 Feb;15(1):1-44
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SSAT Patient Care GuidelinesEsophageal AchalasiaIntroductionEsophageal achalasia is a primary esophageal motility disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by absence of esophageal peristalsis and increased or normal resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which fails to relax completely in response to swallowing.Clinical PresentationDysphagia is the most common symptom, experienced by virtually all patients. Regurgitation is the second most common symptom, and is present in about 60% of patients. It occurs more often in the supine position, and exposes the patients to the risk of aspiration of undigested food. Chest pain occurs in about 40% of patients, and is usually experienced at the time of a meal. Heartburn is experienced by about 40% of patients. In untreated patients this symptom is usually due to stasis and fermentation of food or esophageal distension.DiagnosisIn addition to careful symptomatic evaluation, the following tests should be routinely performed: Barium swallow usually shows narrowing at the level of the gastroesophageal junction ("bird beak"), and various degrees of esophageal dilatation. Endoscopy is important to rule out the presence of a peptic stricture or cancer, and gastroduodenal pathology. In patients older than 60 years of age, with recent onset of dysphagia and excessive weight loss, secondary or pseudo-achalasia (obstruction due to a submucosal neoplasm in the distal esophagus) should be ruled out. Because a cancer of the gastroesophageal junction is the most common cause of pseudo-achalasia, an endoscopic ultrasound or a CT scan of the gastroesophageal junction can help to establish the diagnosis. Esophageal manometry is the key test for establishing the diagnosis. The classic manometric findings are: (a) absence of esophageal peristalsis, and (b) hypertensive or normotensive LES which fails to relax completely in response to swallowing. TreatmentTreatment is directed toward elimination of the outflow resistance at the level of the gastroesophageal junction. The following treatment modalities are available to achieve this goal:Traditionally, pneumatic dilatation has been the first line of treatment for esophageal achalasia, while surgery was reserved for patients who had persistent dysphagia after multiple dilatations or who had suffered a perforation during dilatation. Today, minimally invasive surgery has completely changed this treatment algorithm and a laparoscopic Heller myotomy and partial fundoplication is preferred by most gastroenterologists and surgeons as the primary treatment modality. When properly performed, a Heller myotomy can be expected to result in permanent relief of dysphagia in 85-100% of patients. Critical details of the operation include a generous myotomy of the lower esophagus, extending well onto the gastric wall. Because of the lack of esophageal peristalsis, a partial (Dor or Toupet), rather than a total fundoplication is frequently added to prevent reflux. A recent prospective, randomized study demonstrated that Heller myotomy plus a partial fundoplication is superior to Heller myotomy alone in regard to the incidence of postoperative reflux as measured by 24 hour pH testing. Patients can usually eat the morning of the first postoperative day, and can be discharged home after one or two days. In the only prospective, randomized trial performed comparing balloon dilation with surgery, myotomy outperformed balloon dilation 95% to 65%.Historically, the most popular treatment for achalasia has been by forceful pneumatic dilation. The success rate of this procedure is 55-70% with a single dilation but can be increased to nearly 90% with multiple dilations. However, the risk of perforation with each dilation is at least 3-5% and has been reported as high as 12% in some series. These patients may require open surgery to close the perforation and perform a myotomy. Furthermore, when stratified by age, balloon dilation is less than 50% effective in patients younger than 40 years old and is rarely effective in adolescents.Intrasphincteric injection of botulinum toxin (BOTOX) injection is less effective than balloon dilation and requires re-treatment to maintain an efficacy rate of 65%. Of greater concern is the fact that BOTOX injection leads to scar formation in the submucosal plane which results in a more difficult myotomy and higher mucosal perforation rate (up to 30%) during dissection. Thus, BOTOX should be reserved for the treatment of patients who are poor candidates for surgery and poor candidates for balloon dilation (dilated sigmoid esophagus) or as a bridge to surgery. An additional utility for BOTOX is in aiding in the diagnosis of patients who have equivocal findings on initial evaluation. A good responseto BOTOX is usually an indication that the patient will have long-term relief following surgical myotomy.In selected patients such as a hostile, multiply operated abdomen or following a failed abdominal myotomy, the thoracic or thoracoscopic approach may be preferred. The thoracic approach is also appropriate in managing patients with proximal esophageal motility abnormalities.Occasionally the degree of esophageal aperistalsis is so advanced that myotomy alone will not relieve the dysphagia and the patient is better served with esophagectomy. Esophagectomy should be considered in a patient who has had a previous myotomy, with a resting LES pressure of less than 10 mmHg, and a dilated sigmoid esophagus. The need for esophagectomy for achalasia is very uncommon, even in the presence of a dilated esophagus, and should be reserved for failures after myotomy.All patients undergoing treatment for achalasia should be followed by surveillance endoscopy, because they are at increased risk for development of both squamous and adenocarcinoma.RisksAspiration of retained food in the esophagus at the time of induction of anesthesia and perforation of the esophageal mucosa are the most common operative complications. Persistent or recurrent dysphagia occurs in 5% to 10% of patients. The combination of intraoperative manometry and endoscopy can better guide the extent of the myotomy and can improve the adequacy of myotomy and are useful tools in decreasing the incidence of significant dysphagia after antireflux surgery. A complete work-up is necessary to evaluate the cause of the dysphagia in these patients, and either pneumatic dilatation or a second operation can often correct the problem. Up to 15% of patients may experience gastroesophageal reflux after myotomy, as measured by pH monitoring. In patients undergoing elective myotomy the mortality rate is less than 1%.Expected OutcomesAbout 90% of patients have long-term relief of dysphagia after a myotomy, with a low incidence of symptomatic acid reflux. There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study. All patients should be studied by postoperative pH study. Patients with demonstrated reflux by pH study or with reflux symptoms after surgery should be treated long-term with proton pump inhibitors. Qualifications for Performing Operations for AchalasiaThe qualifications of a surgeon performing any operative procedure should be based on training (education), experience, and outcomes. At a minimum, surgeons who are certifiedor eligible for certification by the American Board of Surgery, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or their equivalent should perform operations for achalasia. Achalasia surgery should preferably be performed by surgeons with special knowledge, training and experience in the management of gastroesophageal swallowing disorders. These surgeons have successfully completed at least 5 years of surgical training after medical school graduation and are qualified to perform operations on the esophagus and stomach. When performing laparoscopic or thoracoscopic operations, it is highly desirable that the surgeon has advanced videoscopic skills. The level of training in advanced videoscopic techniques necessary to conduct minimally invasive surgery is important to assess.Suggested ReadingsHunter JG, Trus TL, Branum, GD, Waring JP. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy and fundoplication for achalsia. Ann Surg 1997; 225:655.Spiess AE, Kahrilas PJ. Treating achalasia. From whalebone to laparoscope. JAMA 1998; 280: 638-642.Zaninotto G, Constantini M, Molena D, et al. Treatment of esophageal achalasia with laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor partial anterior fundoplication: prospective evaluation of 100 consecutive patients. J Gastrointest Surg 2000; 4: 282-289.Finley RJ, Clifton JC, Stewart KC, et al: Laparoscopic Heller myotomy improves esophageal emptying and the symptoms of achalasia. Arch Surg 2001; 136: 892-896 Nussbaum MS, Jones MP, Pritts TA, et al. Intraoperative manometry to assess the esophagogastric junction during laparoscopic fundoplication and myotomy. Surg Laparosc Percutan Tech 2001; 11: 294.Patti MG, Fisichella PM, Perretta S, et al. Impact of minimally invasive surgery on the treatment of esophageal achalasia: a decade of change. J Am Coll Surg 2003; 196:698. Douard R, Gaudric M, Chaussade S, et al. Functional results after laparoscopic Heller myotomy for achalasia: A comparative study to open surgery. Surgery 2004; 136:16. Richards WO, Torquati A, Holzman MD, et al. Heller myotomy versus Heller myotomy with Dor fundoplication for achalasia. Ann Surg 2004; 240: 405.Keywordsachalasia, esophageal motility disorders, dysphagia, pneumatic dilatation, Heller myotomy, partial fundoplication, Botulinum toxin。