【关键词】《围城》认知翻译隐喻 【中图分类号】H315。【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1()09—8534(2011)02—0034一04 一、隐喻——一种认知行为
隐喻是一种普遍存在的语言现象。理查兹指出 隐喻是人类“语言无所不在的原理”。我们日常会话 中几乎每三句话中就可能出现一个隐喻。(Richards, 1936:98)。乔治・莱考夫认为:“隐喻无所不在,在我们 的语言中,思想中。我们赖以思考和行为的日常概念 系统,从本质上讲,也是隐喻性的。”(【akoff& Johnson,1980:4)他对隐喻的定义是:隐喻的实质就是 通过另一类事物来理解和经历某一类事物(ibid:5)。 莱考夫用源域与目标域之间的映射以及意象图式来 解释隐喻现象.从而得出隐喻是一种“跨域映射”,是 一种思维方式,是人们参照已知的,熟悉的,具体的 概念去认识或思考未知的,陌生的,抽象的概念的认 知方式。隐喻实际上就是两个义域在概念上的映射。 莱克芙将隐喻分为三类:结构隐喻:TIME IS
Sun said.
fianc6 and
already antiques.At
least we’
leamed something
2.辛楣教训了李梅亭一顿,鸿渐背后对辛楣到: “那雌老虎跳出来的时候.我们这方面该孙小姐出 场,就抵得住了。” …“When
lener was sad
hean of stone… 评价:该类隐喻
3 . 2替换 由于不 同民族或 国家的文化背 景 、风俗 习惯 、历史 进 程 、地 理 位 置 等 方 面 的 差 异 , 某 些 隐 喻 为 本 民族 所 特 有 。英语 中也有许 多隐喻与汉 语中 的隐 喻区别很大 ,有 时 候 中英 文 化 中概 念 隐 喻 形 成 的经 验 基 础 并 不 完 全 相 同 。 若 将 源 语 中 的 概 念 隐 喻 直 译 到 译 文 中 ,译 文 读 者 并 不 能 获 得 相 同 的 认 知 效 果 。 这 样 的 隐 喻 在 翻 译 的 时 候 应 该 根 据英语 的习惯 ,转换 喻体 ,舍 弃原来英语字 面上的喻体 形 象 , 在 目的 语 中 可 以找 到 相 似 的 概 念 隐 喻 ,加 以替 换 , 来传达 原文的意思。例 如: 辛楣道 : “ 我并没 有那样 气量 小—— 这全是 你不好 , 听 了许 多闲话来告诉我 ,否则我耳根 清静 ,好好 的不会
此隐 喻属 于结构 隐喻 。 “ 税 ”在 此处指 的是付 出的代 价。 “ 代 价是税 ”在 中 国文化 中的这两个概念 ,相似之处 都为义务 的、非主动 的。 T o l l 在英文 中的概念意义为 “ 通 行费 ,税 ” ,而 其引 申意义为 “ 代价 ” ,由于中英文读者 在这个概 念上有相 同的认知基础 ,始源域 “ 代价 ”的特 征能够 映射到 目标域 上,所 以采 用直译 能起 到异 曲同工
概 念 隐喻 理论
下只好舍弃始源域 ,采取意译的策略。
3 . 1直 译 世 界 各 民 族 文 化 各 异 ,但 是 人 类 在 生 存 和 进 化 中也
享有相 同的观点和认 知,在思 维和 行为方面 有一定程度 上 的相似 性 ,存在着 相同 的概念 隐喻 。汉语 中有很多隐 喻在字面 涵义、喻体 形象和 比喻意义方面与 英语的隐喻 致或者 喻体在英语 读者 中的联 想意义相 同,这个时候 就 采 取 直 接翻 译 的 策 略 。例 如 : 吐 了么? 没有 关 系的。第 一次 坐飞机 总要 纳点税 。
074《名家名作》·翻译[摘 要] 翻译的过程是一项复杂的活动,国内外很多学者都试图从不同的角度来研究、阐释翻译。
[关 键 词] 《围城》;文化意象;隐喻;翻译策略翻译研究文化转向视角下《围城》英译本中的隐喻翻译唐 甜 申卫华翻译是人类的一项活动,人类借助语言进行的交流包括文化交流、文学研究等。
随着苏珊·巴斯内特(Susan Bassnett)和安德烈·勒菲弗尔(Andre Lefevere)等翻译领先人物的出现,使20世纪90年代的翻译研究出现了文化转向。
基于文化研究理论,笔者拟对小说《围城》(Jeanne Kelly 和Nathan K. Mao 译)隐喻翻译中的文化转译进行分析。
《围城》中汉语隐喻英译方法探析作者:罗玉枝来源:《文教资料》2010年第29期摘要: 隐喻的翻译是一个复杂的认知过程。
关键词: 隐喻翻译《围城》近几十年来,隐喻成了心理学、哲学、认知科学、语言学和文学批评等诸多学科研究的热点。
其中以Lakoff &Johnson(1980)[1]的研究最具代表性。
国内对隐喻的研究主要受Lakoff &Johnson隐喻理论的影响,其中以胡壮麟[6]、束定芳[7]、林书武[8]等为主要代表。
本文试以钱钟书(2001)《围城》[14]及Jeanne Kelly & NathanK.Mao(2003)的英译本(Jeanne Kelly & Nathan K.Mao,2003)[15]为范本,借鉴认知语言学关于隐喻的理论,探讨汉语隐喻翻译的方法以及文化差异对汉语隐喻翻译的影响。
一、隐喻翻译的方法Newmark在他的论著A Textbook of Translation中提到了七种隐喻翻译的方法:1)在目的语中重现相同的喻体;2)用目的语中合适的喻体代替源语言中的喻体;3)用明喻代替隐喻,保留喻体;4)明喻和喻底结合;5)将隐喻转化为喻底;6)省略;7)同一隐喻与喻底结合法。
收稿日期:2020-8-27 1 《围城》简介1.1 《围城》及作者简介钱钟书,作家、文学研究家、清华大学教授,著有《围城》《管锥编》《谈艺录》等。
20世纪70年代美国威斯康星州大学中文系硕士珍妮 · 凯利(Jeanne Kelly )与华人学者茅国权(Nathan K. Mao )把《围城》译为英文,该英译本被美国图书协会选为1980—1981年度卓越学术著作。
1.2 《围城》隐喻的既往研究《围城》隐喻的前人研究多集中在关联理论、认知学等方面。
2 生态翻译学 2.1 生态翻译学的定义根据胡庚申(2008:11)对生态翻译生态翻译学视角下汉语隐喻的英译策略——以《围城》为例□ 胡文婷江南大学[摘 要] 隐喻作为一个巧妙的语言应用现象,非常值得研究。
[关键词] 隐喻;生态翻译学;英译策略;《围城》[中图分类号] H059 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-6167(2021)04-0025-03学的定义,生态翻译学是翻译研究的一种生态学方法,或是从生态学角度解读翻译的研究。
概念隐喻视角下《围城》英译本中隐喻的翻译策略作者:叶枫来源:《速读·下旬》2017年第05期摘要:美国语言学家George Lakoff和Mark Johnson在1980年提出了“概念隐喻”理论。
随后,珍妮·凯利(Jeanne Kelly)和茅国权分别翻译了《围城》,将中国的“新儒林外史”介绍给了外国读者。
Weinrich认为每个词、物都可以用隐喻表示,并在此基础上提出了意向场(image field),即始源意向(image donor)和接受意向(imagerecipient)的连接。
1980年,美国语言学家George Lakoff和Mark Johnson发表了《我们赖以生存的隐喻》(Metaphors We Live by),其中正式提出了概念隐喻理论。
类似于Weinrich的意向场理论,Lakoff认为隐喻是基于若干个概念域(conceptual domain),隐喻的认知力量在于始源域(source domain)和目标域(target domain)之间的一系列映射(mapping)。
2021年19期总第563期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS【摘要】 隐喻作为一种修辞手法,在文学作品中十分常见,并为其增添了不少美学价值。
【关键词】 目的论;隐喻汉英翻译;《围城》【作者简介】周露,武昌首义学院。
Jeanne Kelly和Nathan K.Mao翻译的英文版有较高的艺术水准,已被收入英国企鹅经典文库。
它是由德国学者Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vemeer, Justa Holz - Manttari和Christiane Nord提出的。
艺术研究0 引言《围城》是钱钟书先生所著的长篇小说,在中国现代文学史上占有重要地位。
1 隐喻理论概述隐喻是一种比喻,即用一种事物比喻另一种事物[2]。
2 《围城》中隐喻的分类钱钟书先生基于中国传统文化、历史背景、时代特点等元素,充分运用隐喻思维,在《围城》中向读者展现了一幅具有深厚文化内涵的知识分子生活图景[5]。
2.1 显性隐喻与隐性隐喻按照认知的表现形式对隐喻进行分类,可将其分为以下两种类别:显性隐喻和隐性隐喻。
隐喻 的内涵界定及相关研 究
等。在隐喻翻译 中, 译者不仅要准确理解源语表达 的 各种意义 , 还应将其在 目标语 中的映射 表达 出来 , 勾 勒出原文作者想要表达的客观世界和心 理认知。 在《 围城》 的翻译 中 , 隐喻翻译 有多重形式 , 一是 结 构隐喻。如“ 有人叫鲍小姐 ‘ 熟食铺子 ” ’ , 显然这句
l ll 00 l
文化 视 角 下 《 围 的 隐喻翻 译
◎蒋 岚
( 新 乡医学院 , 河南 新乡 4 5 3 0 0 3 ) 在 日常生活 中,隐喻是一种极 为常见 的语言现 象, 如词 组 、 成语 、 歇后 语 、 诗歌、 广告 台词等 语言行 为都存在着大量 的隐喻。关于隐喻的研 究已有 2 0 0 0 多年 的历史 了, 2 0世纪 7 O年代人们开始将 隐喻作为 认知方式进行研究 。作 为一种思维方式与认知模式 , 隐喻有 着重 要意义 , 能够丰 富人 类语言文化 , 促 进人 们认识社会 文化 。作 为一种语言存在 , 文学 中包含着 大量 的隐喻 , 而 隐喻有着独特 的文化 内涵 , 如何 识别 隐喻的方式与功能 , 寻找语境 和隐喻意义 的关联 , 成 为隐喻翻译的重要 内容。本文试 图以钱钟 书先生的 《 围城》 为例 , 探讨跨文化翻译 中的隐喻翻译 。
象为基础的映射 , 从形 象具体 、 易于理解 的源 域映射 人 们不太熟悉或较 为抽象 的 目标域 ,通过 映射将源
道“ 他” 的情绪变化。
三、 《 围城》 中的隐喻翻译方法
《 围城》 是钱 钟 书唯一部 长篇小 说 , 他 以幽默犀
利 的 语 言 描 绘 了 国难 时 期 知 识 分 子 的 众 生 相 ,书 中 有许 多新 颖独特 、 不 落窠 臼、 令人 忍俊不 禁 的隐喻 , 使 读 者 能 够 领 会 到 钱 钟 书 的 机 敏 、智 慧 、博 学 和 幽
114第27卷 第11期 牡丹江大学学报 Vol.27 No.112018年11月 Journal of Mudanjiang University Nov. 2018文章编号:1008-8717(2018)11-0114-03隐喻文化翻译策略探究——以《围城》英译本为例谢 晓 科(陇南师范高等专科学校外国语学院, 甘肃 成县 742500)摘 要:钱钟书小说《围城》中语言运用的一大特点是大量中国式隐喻文化的灵活使用。
关键词:《围城》; 中国文学; 隐喻翻译; 文化特点; 翻译策略中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:AResearch on Translation Strategies of Metaphor Culture——Taking the English Version of Fortress Besieged as an ExampleXIE Xiao-ke(School of Foreign Language , Longnan Teachers College, Chengxian ,Gansu 742500)Abstract: Fortress Besieged is a unique sarcastic novel in the contemporary history of Chinese literature in which there are abundant Chinese-style metaphorical expressions that has brought great challenges to translation. The paper explores the metaphorical translation methods about overseas and domestic scholars, and analyzes the characteristics of metaphors in the novel and the translation examples of some typical types of metaphors, and summarizes the translation strategies of metaphors in the English version F ortress Besieged .Key words: Fortress Besieged ; Chinese literature; metaphor translation; cultural features; translation strategies收稿日期:基金项目:作者简介:2018-06-212016年度陇南师专校级科研项目“隐喻的文化翻译策略研究”(2016LSSK02012);2016 年度陇南师专校级教改项目“基于翻转课堂模式下大学英语教学研究”(JXGG201613)谢晓科 (1980—),男,甘肃天水人,讲师,研究方向:文化与翻译。
找足生前的年龄数目 (第48页) 。 译文:…were really the souls of a ll thos e who d ied Prematurely in the wa r hurrying to be rebOrn so that they could live out the alI t ed years o their Iives. (P48) ot f 中国传统习俗中的迷信成分是相当浓 厚的。 中国人讲究夫妻之间 命运“ 相济” 相 或“ 克, .迷信死人“ 投胎转世: 这些观念在西方 文化中是缺失的。 译者尽其所能将中国文化 的东西传递出去, 并作必要的调整和变通, 寻 找可以匹配的意象, 在认知能力许可的范围
给人带来或清晰或模糊、 或正确或错误的心 理感受。 这种独特的心理体验反映在文字上 文化意象的迁移不是机械的保留过程, 而是 对两种语言文化不断对比、 选择和再创造的 过程。 对于不同语码间的文化意象的迁移处 理应是灵活的对应. 以便在译语读者的心理
风味。【(p, ’ ] 1 9)那么, 钱先生 所剖 围 Z 城灰 J
Hale Waihona Puke 饭T 。 (第9页) 译文:Mls s Bao ’ beauty is suCh a s feast to the eye, you got your fill just and Iooking a her and didn’have t ea . (P21) t t o t 例2. ……光耀门媚, 也是孝子贤 婿应有 的 承欢养志。 1 页) (第1 译文:Every dutiful son a nd worthy
特点的“ 讽刺’ 小说。 作者用形象的幽默、 敏锐 的观察力、 诙谐生动的语言、 高超的叙事技 巧塑造出一批有血有肉的人物形象。 更值得 一提的是, 这是一部涉及中西方的文学、 哲 学、 逻辑、 俗、 习 法律、 教育体制等的“ 学者型
收稿日期:2020-11-191 研究背景《围城》是钱钟书先生唯一的长篇小说,是先生“锱铢积累”的心血。
其中,珍妮·凯利和茅国权合译的英译本Fortress Besieged 流传最广。
如何对文化特色鲜明的文学作品进行翻译?生态翻译学提出了“译有所为”的概念,强调“译者作为翻译实践活动的中心”(金瑞 等,2019:165),要实现“译文所达到的翻译效果和美学期待”(祝一舒,2019:71)。
2 生态翻译学与译有所为学者胡庚申于2001年首次提出“生态翻译学”,这是由中国学者开拓的新研究领域。
生态翻译学融合了“生态学”和“翻译学”两种学科(李荣荣 等,2019),从生态学视角对翻译进行整体性研究,用生态学术语来阐述翻译研究中的命题。
生态翻译学顺应全球化的生态思潮,遵循了中国古代的生态智慧,重视译者的“主体性”(吴婷 等,2019:59)。
2.1 为“理想”而“为”—— 实现翻译理想1947年《围城》在上海首次出版,一时风靡全国,且流传至海外。
的映射 , 使人类达到认知世界的 目的。《 围城》 中情感概念 隐喻及其翻译 的定量和定 性分析证明: 基于人类共 同的身体经验 , 英汉两种语言的情感概念隐喻 系统有 着重叠 的部分, 英汉隐喻完全移植的实现是翻译过程 中求“ 同” 忽略“ 异” 的过程 , 然而对于那 些 无法 忽略 的“ 异” , 英 汉不 同文化 模 式 中的“ 优 先概 念 化 ” 对 翻 译 策略 的 选择 则 起 到
隐 喻” 理 论 。莱考夫 认 为 : “ 隐 喻无 所 不 在 , 在 我们 的语 言 中 , 思 想 中 。我们赖 以思 考 和行 为的 日常概 念 系统 , 从 本质 上讲 , 也是隐喻性的。 ” 概 念 隐 喻理
论 为 隐喻 翻译研 究带 来 了许 多新 的启 示 。
达。 ” 隐喻翻译作为翻译活动中的一个特殊组成部
使用的认知手段和思维方式 , 是从始源域到 目 标域
的结 构 映射 。在 莱 考 夫 和约 翰 逊 ( M.J o h n s o n ) 看 来, 隐喻 的 实质就 是通 过另 一类 具体的概念
( 始源域) 来 理解 人们 未 知 的 、 陌生的、 抽 象 的概 念 ( 目标 域 ) 。始 源 域 的知 识 结 构 被 映 射 到 目标 域
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3—0 3一l 7
作者简介 : 郑凌燕 , 福建福州人 , 硕 士生 , 主要从事 翻译理论和实践研究 。
1 0 6・
郑凌燕 :从概 念隐喻的视角看《 围城》中的情感隐喻翻译
三、 《 围城》 中的 情感概 念 隐喻
在《 围城》 中 以情 感作 为 目标 域 的概 念 隐喻 总 数达 5 6条 , 包含 了快 乐 、 悲伤、 愤怒、 爱情 和妒忌 这 些 人类 常见 的情 感 。这些 概 念 隐 喻 的 翻译 策 略 见
第19卷 第7期 牡丹江大学学报 Vol.19 No.7 2010年7月 Journal of Mudanjiang University Jul. 201078 文章编号:1008-8717(2010)07-0078-02英译《围城》中的隐喻翻译解读吴 桐 习海宇(江西师范大学,江西 南昌 330022)摘 要:本文在回顾隐喻、翻译和认知关系的基础上,以英译《围城》文本中的隐喻翻译为例做了重点讨论,并分析了其中隐喻翻译的优劣,作者从认知语言学的角度对比了《围城》中汉英隐喻的不同,从而揭示了翻译不仅仅是语言问题,更是思维问题。
关键词:隐喻;翻译;认识中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 一、引言隐喻在生活中可谓俯拾即是,可表现为字,词组,歇后语,四字成语,歌词,诗歌,广告台词等等。
本文试图通过由钱钟书先生著的一本充满了令人赞叹的隐喻佳例《围城》一书的英译本(珍妮·凯利 茅国权译)来揭示隐喻汉英翻译和认知的关系。
二、隐喻与认知1980年Lakoff 和Johnson 提出的概念隐喻理论(Conceptual Metaphor Theory)推倒了传统修辞学把隐喻看作是一种修辞手段的观点,认为隐喻是一种“跨域映射”(cross-domain mapping),是一种思维方式,是人们参照已知的、熟悉的、具体的概念去认知或思考未知的、陌生的、抽象的概念的认知方式。
(李苗,2002)纽马克指出(2001: 113):“隐喻翻译是一切语言翻译的缩影,因为隐语翻译给译者呈现出多种选择方式:要么传递其意义,要么重塑其形象,要么对其进行修改,要么对其意义和形象进行完美的结合,林林总总,而这一切又与语境因素、 文化因素如此密不可分,与隐喻在文内重要性的联系就更不用说了。
第二种是将隐喻翻译与文本类型联系起来,根据文本的具体特征决定隐喻翻译方法,例如纽·马克将隐喻分为五种类型,即:消亡隐喻(dead)、过失隐喻(clich és)、常用隐喻(stock)、时兴隐喻(recent)和独创隐喻(original),并指出各种类型的隐喻多应用于不同类型的文本,因此宜采用不同的翻译方法;第三种是从文化方面来研究隐喻,根据这种研究观点,隐喻的翻译受具体的文化框架的影响。
关键词:《围城》;隐喻;喻体;意象;翻译策略中图分类号:H059 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2016)14-0275-02一、引言隐喻是一种思维的外在表达方式,学者束定芳(2000)曾将其本质概括为“人类将其某一领域的经验来说明或理解另一领域的经验的认知活动”。
2512020年44期总第536期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS从文化视角探讨《围城》隐喻翻译文/栾 颖 尹 萍译的影响。
许多西方学者,如 Dagut、Van den Broeck、Newmark和Mason等都认同隐喻翻译是文化翻译的问题,在一定程度上体现着作者对世界的认知。
由Jeanne Kelly(珍妮·凯利)和茅国权(Nathan K Mao)所翻译的英文版Fortress Besieged 被收入英国“企鹅经典文库”中。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1英语流行歌曲中隐喻的功能分析——以后街男孩的歌曲为例2《飘》—斯嘉丽女性主义意识的成长历程解读3《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛姬的性格4论《一个温和的建议》中的黑色幽默5Feasibility of Popularizing Bilingual Teaching6通过语境与潜台词解析情景喜剧的幽默——以《老友记》为例7电影《死亡诗社》中的教育意义8《宠儿》中的女性形象分析9《蝴蝶梦》中女主角吕蓓卡的人物形象分析10方位词“上”和“Up”语义对比研究11美国宪法形成的历史和原因之研究12商务英语翻译中的委婉表达13从女性主义视角解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的黛西14概念隐喻在英语汽车广告中的应用15 A Study on Fuzziness of Advertising Language16从杨必翻译的《名利场》看文学翻译中的归化与异化17讨论型课堂与英语学习18耐克公司Ps营销策略对我国体育用品产业的启示19The Application of TBLT Approach in Reading Instruction20从礼貌原则探析酒店服务英语21浅谈文化差异对网络新词英译的影响22中国春节与美国圣诞节的文化比较23言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析24 A Brief Study of Rhetorical Devices Employed in President Obama’s Inaugural Address--from the Perspective of Syntactic Structure25An Analysis on the Tree Image on Sethe’s Back in Beloved26《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事技巧分析27浅析《他们眼望上苍》中女性意识的觉醒28从生态女性主义角度解读《苔丝》29家乐福定价策略研究30Shylock’s Tragedy in The Merchant of Venice31Maintaining and Revitalizing the Native American Languages32论英语谚语的翻译33通过《喧哗与骚动》中三兄弟各自对于凯蒂的叙述分析三人各自性格特征34英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究35从文化差异角度看谚语的英汉互译:动态对等36美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析37《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究38宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现39从关联理论看《阿甘正传》的字幕翻译40从翻译美学探究散文英译41试析英汉颜色习语折射出的中西文化异同42从警察与赞美诗中分析欧亨利的写作风格43论《老人与海》中的象征手法44The Application of Functionalist Approaches in Advertisement Translation45文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响46路易斯——现实世界在非现实世界的投影——解读《夜访吸血鬼》的现代性47中学英语老师提问存在的问题及解决策略48On Mark Twain's Contributions to Realism49论“黑”字所体现的对美国黑人的种族歧视50 A Contrastive Study of Politeness Principle in English and Chinese51从《绝望主妇》看美国人的婚姻观52论谭恩美《喜福会》中文化身份迷失与探寻53《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的性格分析54《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》三个中文译本的对比赏析55《围城》中文化词的英译策略56从语体学论《一九八四》中的反极权主义57从《肖申克的救赎》看美国的个人英雄主义58希思克厉夫—一个拜伦式英雄59中国民族主义的新表现:“中国威胁论”——构建民族认同的一种手段60从社会符号学角度浅谈汉语“一”字成语翻译61浅析《老人与海》中的悲剧色彩62试论班扬《天路历程》中基督徒的精神历程63从合作原则的违反谈黑色幽默在《第二十二条军规》中的实现64汉英亲属称谓词的文化差异及翻译65论奥斯卡•王尔德的矛盾性——从传记角度解读《奥斯卡•王尔德童话集》(开题报告+论)66论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例67论弗罗斯特诗歌中自然意象对意境的构建68从中英文动物词汇看中西方文化差异69 A Comparative Analysis of Wolf Images Between Wolf Totem and The Call of the Wild70《到灯塔去》中的“双性和谐”研究71An Eco-analysis of The Yearling72关于商务英语教材编写的几点思考--基于教材特点的比较分析73“集体无意识”理论观照下艾米莉的悲剧性74The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter75浅析《雨中猫》中的猫和雨的象征意义76自我效能感对大学生英语学习的影响77英语广告的语言特点78高中英语听力课中的文化教学79基于《生活大爆炸》研究合作原则的违反80英语广告语篇中名物化的研究81析《狮子和宝石》中拉昆来失败的原因82英语广告中双关语的运用及翻译研究83Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye84Differences of Time Orientation in Chinese and American Cultural Background 85从妇女主义角度分析《紫色》中三位女性人物特征86论《红字》的模糊性8788论《简爱》对当代女性爱情观的启示89英语中常用修辞格90从语用等效角度透析旅游景点名称英译91论象征在海明威《永别了,武器》中的应用92《了不起的盖茨比》叙述者尼克分析93 A Tentative Approach To Contemporary American Romance Movies94电影《刮痧》所体现出的文化冲突与融合95从理解文化角度翻译英语习语96目的论下英语广告仿拟格的汉译97英语口语教学中的不足之处以及改善方法98马克吐温小说的语言特征99 A Cultural Analysis of English and Chinese Names100浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格和婚姻观101从《阿Q正传》译本看民族文化的可译性102Comparative Studies on Metaphors with Animal Images in Chinese and English 103《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的形象分析104Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation 105小议约翰多恩的奇思妙喻106On the Female Character During the War Through A Farewell to Arms107从“绝望的主妇”看现代女性主义的困惑108商标翻译中的文化要素109《幸存者回忆录》中多丽丝•莱辛的生态观110跨文化背景下广告汉英翻译策略研究111凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析112功能对等理论视域下的商标名称汉译113科技英语中模糊数词的翻译策略114《白象似的群山》里的潜意识115音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法116《双城记》中的象征手法分析117从《老人与海》看海明威的人生观118《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析119A Southern Elegy-A Feminist Study on Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”120《西游记》和《哈利波特》的对比121从“老人与海”译本比较研究看理解在翻译中的重要性122商务英语信函中礼貌策略初探123剖析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的复杂个性124Text Cohesion in English Business Contracts125An Analysis of “The Cask of Amontillado”126对《红字》中罗杰齐灵沃斯的新认识127原罪与拯救:《小伙子布朗》与《好人难寻》比较128Dickens’ Humanitarianism in The Two Cities129文化语境维度下中餐菜名的英译研究130成人第二语言习得中的石化现象131中式菜肴名称英译的功能观132论电影翻译中的创造性叛逆——以《肖申克的救赎》为例133从服饰的变化看待中美文化的差异134美国影视剧中的俚语翻译135浅读不同语境下的跨文化沟通136浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰137从《劝导》看简•奥斯汀创作思想的发展138暗喻的英汉对比翻译139弥尔顿《失乐园》中撒旦的悲剧英雄形象140A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 141谈商务英语信函的词语汉译142浅议英语情态动词“can”和汉语能愿动词“能”—以类型学为视角143论麦琪的悲剧144从《大卫科波菲尔》女性人物形象分析来看狄更斯以女性为中心的家庭观145中西面子观比较研究146浅析文化因素对商标翻译的影响147从《麦琪的礼物》分析欧·亨利的内心世界148论小学英语教学中的语法教学149西方饮食文化给中国餐饮业经营者带来的若干启示150《东方快车谋杀案》中的伦理困境151试论英语学习中的动机152从《喜福会》中透视文化的冲突与融合153基于学习共同体的自主学习模式研究154《呼啸山庄》的哥特式传统155A Comparative Study of Refusal in Chinese and American Cultures156从中西文化差异的角度浅析商宴之道157探讨法国葡萄酒营销与中国白酒营销中的民族特色158英汉词汇的文化内涵之对比研究159The Comparison and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms160论被动句的翻译161The Study of Joseph Conrad’s Colonialism in Heart of the Darkness162论《荆棘鸟》中人性和宗教信仰的矛盾冲突163浅论创造性叛逆—以《一朵红红的玫瑰》三个译本为例164论《科利奥兰纳斯》的政治悲剧165《少年派的奇幻漂流》电影中的隐喻与象征手法研究166解析威廉布莱克《老虎》中的修辞运用及其对英语写作的启示167文化语境对隐喻理解的影响168A Reflection on the Amplification in Chinese-English Translation169浅析简•奥斯汀《理智与情感》中的婚姻观170Approaching English Vocabulary Teaching—a Lexicological Perspective171从《马拉喀什》和《射象》看乔治•奥威尔散文的艺术风格172英语修辞的翻译方法173霍桑的《胎记》中乔治亚娜的死的深层原因探究174《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较175浅析英语颜色词的语义特征176英语委婉语:礼貌视角下的有意不合作177她们的自我选择—解读简奥斯汀傲慢与偏见中女性的婚恋观178中西方文化中家庭观念差异研究——以电影《推手》为例179《蝇王》中火的象征意义的转变180论英语课堂教学中的非语言交际181中美学校教育对比——学生个性发展方面182茶文化和咖啡文化183The Symbolic Meanings of Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter184英语X-ful词的形态与认知构建185A Survey on the Major Factors Affecting Oral Performance186The Characters and Personality of American Slang187海明威在《永别了,武器》中的反战情绪188《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较189斯嘉丽---一朵铿锵的玫瑰190简奥斯汀对英国小说的贡献——以《傲慢与偏见》为例191A Study of Translation of Chinese Idioms with Numeral “San”192功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译193论文化对国际市场营销的重要性--以迪斯尼乐园为例194从反抗到妥协——析《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿的精神世界195A Study of Pragmatic Failure in Politeness between Chinese and English196双关语在英语广告中的应用与翻译研究197《围城》英译文本中隐喻的翻译策略198广告中反语现象的关联分析199浅谈奥斯卡·王尔德的喜剧《认真的重要性》中“谎言”的运用对其情节、语言和人物塑造的作用。
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关键词:隐喻,概念隐喻,隐喻表达,文化,翻译AbstractThis thesis focuses on the topic of metaphor and culture, as well as translation of metaphorical expressions. Through the combined application of both computer software (ConcApp) and manual statistics, several corpora have been developed respecting metaphorical expressions used in Qian Zhong-shu’s novel Fortress Besieged. Through a qualitative analysis based on a quantitative investigation of the metaphorical expressions and their English translations, this thesis presents a cultural study of the connotations implied in these metaphorical expressions and the strategies in dealing with the translation.The cultural study of these metaphorical expressions is conducted from a cognitive perspective. That approach is inspired by Lakoff’s conceptual metaphor theory that metaphor is a cross-domain mapping from the source domain to the target domain in the conceptual system, and, therefore, that metaphors permeate almost all aspects of our lives and are, indeed, what we live by. However, people from different cultures have different preferences when referring to certain metaphors, thus there are cultural dimensions of metaphor.However, metaphors are not limited to individual words, or even phrases. A whole poem or novel can be metaphorical, as well. That makes “fortress besieged” much more interesting and insightful when it is given an interpretation other than the literal one. In such a case, the “fortress besieged” is not specified, and it may be viewed as the conceptual metaphor “LIFE IS A FORTRESS BESIEGED.”A similar case is presented by the metaphoric image used in Fortress Besieged that “food” or “eating” is the Chinese people’s favorite. This metaphor implies that LIFE IS A MEAL. It supports the Chinese people’s belief in collectivism and the values of harmony.The metaphorical expressions used in Fortress Besieged are compared with their English translations. The investigation of those metaphorical expressions and their translations shows that people in different cultures share common experiences in mostcases, which makes the translation of some culture-specific metaphorical expressions become possible. However obstacles such as differences in tradition and custom, language system, literature, religion and belief, make the translation of metaphorical expressions rather complicated. Thus translational strategies vary from case to case. Total matching, literal translation, shift of image, and some compensational methods such as foot notes or end notes, contextual hints, as well as repetition of certain metaphorical images are widely used by the translators in dealing with the metaphorical expressions in this novel.Key words: metaphor, conceptual metaphor, metaphorical expressions, culture, translation上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。
学位论文作者签名:王锦云日期: 2006年 3 月 14 日上海交通大学学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。
(请在以上方框内打“√”)学位论文作者签名:王锦云指导教师签名:童剑平日期: 2006 年 3月 14日日期: 2006 年 3 月 14日AcknowledgementsIt has been an arduous voyage. Upon its completion, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers for their excellent lectures that have prepared me well for this journey.No acknowledgements can adequately describe my debt to my supervisor Prof. Tong Jian-ping who guided me in the study of Cross-cultural Communication. From the planning of the thesis to its completion, I have benefited enormously from her timely guidance, illuminating criticism and insightful remarks. Without her supervising, the present thesis would not have been finished.A great deal I owe to Shanghai Jiao T ong University for granting me excellent academic training and the special opportunity to proceed with my study and to complete my pursuit of the master degree.I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof. Milt Morris and Prof. Wei Nai-xing. I have benefited a great deal from their inspiring teaching and instruction which laid a foundation for the completion of my study.I am especially grateful to my dear parents and husba nd for encouraging me with their loving care and words during my postgraduate study.Last but not least, I would like to thank my friends and classmates with whom I have discussed the ideas that occurred to me during the writing of this thesis.Chapter 1 IntroductionIt is common to think of metaphor as merely stylistic decoration. When we complain that marriage is a besieged fortress, we are usually using a highly metaphorical style. However, as we work closely with metaphor, we should remember that it is not simply a cosmetic device, but a powerful tool that enables discourse and pervades all rhetorical strategies and structures.1.1 Definition of MetaphorMetaphor can be simply regarded as speaking of one thing in terms of another which it resembles. Both this “one thing” that is metaphorically described and that describing “another” thing have many names. For example, “tenor” and “vehicle” (Richards, 1936), “focus” and “frame” (Black, 1962), “primary subject” and “secondary subject” (Black, 1979), “object” and “image” (Newmark, 1982), and “target domain” and “source domain” (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) are used in connection with metaphors. The two components of metaphor come together to reach a point of similarity or resemblance (simile and metaphor), a point of representation (metonymy and synecdoche), a point of deduction (models), or a point of allusion, which illustrates the deep structure of human thinking—linking one thing with another. This thesis applies Lakoff’s “target domain”, “source domain” and “mapping”, with “target domain” referring to the conception which is described metaphorically, “source domain” referring to the experience the “target domain” is trying to cover, and “mapping” referring to the particular aspects of the “target domain” and the “source domain” which are overlapping.To further illustrate the mechanism of metaphor, this thesisintroduces another concept: “montage.” Montage can be viewed as a cinematic device used to show a series of scenes, all related and building to some conclusion1. A montage involves: (1) the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated shots or scenes which, when combined, achieve meaning (as in, shot A and shot B together give rise to an third idea, which is then supported by shot C, and so on); or (2) a series of related shots which lead the viewer to a desired conclusion (as in, shot A leads to shot B leads to shot C... leads to shot X; shot X being the outcome of the sequence)2. It is pointed out that metaphor is not just a rhetoric device, but rather a way of thinking. It functions in much the same way as “montage” functions in our mental world—linking different images together by both agreement and conflict to construct new images dynamically.1.2Basic Aims of the Present StudyMetaphor is a window through which customs, histories, and values of different cultures can be seen, especially when we compare different Chinese and English metaphorical expressions. And, this brings us to the basic aim of the present thesis, which is to discuss metaphors from a cognitive perspective. Metaphors such as “LIFE IS A JOURNEY”, “LIFE IS A FORTRESS BESIEGED”, or “LIFE IS A MEAL” imply different aspects of “life” conception which can be shared by people in different cultures. However, people from different cultures have their own preferences because of the influence of their cultural backgrounds. For example, LIFE IS A MEAL is a typical metaphor used by Chinese people to express their perception of “life.” The discovery of these conceptual metaphors is based on a personal 1Cited online: 2Cited online: /tech/film_terms.htmlinvestigation on people of different cultural backgrounds and on the parallel metaphor corpus3, which is built through the reading of both the Chinese original and the translated English version of Fortress Besieged.The study of metaphor has undergone revolutionary changes several decades before. The stimulus for the explication of these revolutionary changes comes from two sources: the traditional views of metaphor as a poetic device excluded from everyday language on the one hand, and the “cognitive turning” of metaphor studies made by the twentieth-century conceptualists on the other. The cognitive perspective of metaphor study, together with a cultural dimension of metaphor connotation, provides a theoretical standing point for the whole thesis. Cognitive metaphor functions as the essential foundation for the following analysis of metaphoric conceptions in Fortress Besieged. Besides, metaphorical diversity between cultures is also very important, especially when the cultural dimension of metaphor studies is considered. All of this will be discussed in detail in Chapter 2.Metaphorical conception and its cultural diversity have rarely been considered in relation to each other in the translation of metaphors. Despite the fact that the translation’s choice of words, or its syntax, frequently raises cultural issues, and that metaphor translation therefore constitutes a congenial area of cultural investigation, attempts at applying statistics and corpus analysis to metaphor study and its translation, in relation to English and Chinese at any rate, have been scarcely made so far. Thus, in contrast with the conceptual analysis 3This corpus is composed of 1133 metaphorical expressions (both the Chinese original and the English translation) ranging from words and idioms to sentences and paragraphs, which are respectively selected from the original Chinese version and the English translation of the novel Fortress Besieged.widely undertaken in Anglo-American intralingua metaphor studies for the past thirty years or so, criticism of metaphor translation, particularly of the metaphor translation from Chinese to English, has remained remarkablely traditional, characterized by general and impressionistic comments on culture or by an intuitive analysis with a notable lack of sensitivity to the subtle conceptual system underlying source and target cultures.To bring studies of metaphor translation up to date and to improve the quality and standard of metaphor translation, there is an urgent need to replace traditional impressionistic approaches by more precise and more culture-inviting models and methods.Another aim of the present thesis is therefore to argue, mainly by way of practical analysis of culture-loaded images, that metaphor translation functions the same as cultural communication. It can be better conducted by a comparison of conceptual and cultural system between the source language4 and target language5, and thus bridges the gap between the cultures by much more mutual understanding.The Chinese novel Fortress Besieged, or Wei-cheng, together with its English version, is chosen here for the further discussion on the metaphor and its translation rather than an English novel. For one thing, Fortress Besieged is considered to be one of the most influential, if not the best, novels in modern Chinese literature. For another, the contrastive study of metaphors with Chinese-to-English language translation is significantly less than the contrastive study of metaphors with English-to-Chinese translation. The present study makes known to people in non-Chinese speaking cultures, especially those who speak English, some knowledge of the Chinese people’s central cultural4Meaning Chinese as far as the present thesis is concerned.5Meaning English as far as the present thesis is concerned.patterns through the comparative study of metaphors and the translation in Fortress Besieged.1.3 About Fortress Besieged (FB)Fortress Besieged (hereinafter referred to as “FB”), is arguably the best of Qian Zhong-shu’s pre-1949 works. Throughout this novel, especially in Section 1, references are made to Chinese and Western literature, philosophy, logic, customs, laws, educational systems, and other areas, such as foreign languages and feminism. Structured in nine chapters, FB “is a comedy of manners with much picaresque humor, as well as a scholar’s novel, a satire, an observation of courtship and marriage, and a study of one contemporary man”, remarks of Nathan K. Mao (2003, ix), one of the translators of this novel.First serialized in Literary Renaissance (Wen-i-fu-xing) and published in book form in 1947, FB has been acclaimed as “one of modern China’s two best novels,” or even her “greatest novel.” Among different views on the merits of the novel, C.T. Hsia has highly praised the novel’s comic exuberance and satire; Dennis Hu, its linguistic manipulation; Theodore Huters, its relationship to modern Chinese letters. In addition, Mai Ping-kun has written favorably about Qian’s essays and his fiction (Mao, 2003). Each critic has stressed is one aspect of the novel’s multifaceted brilliance.Translation of the English version of Fortress Besieged was performed cooperatively by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao, the former doing the first draft and the latter revising it, and writing the introduction as well as refining the footnotes. Jeanne Kelly has translated many Chinese short stories and scholarly articles, and Nathan K. Mao, a professor of Shippensburg State College, is the translator of Twelve Towers and Cold Nights, and the author of Li Yuand Pa Chin.The translators, whose mother tongue is English, are certainly more familiar with the Western culture than the Chinese culture as far as the novel is concerned. Therefore, they found it rather easy to deal with the part involving the former in the process of translation. However, the differences between the English language and Chinese, English history and culture and Chinese, the English conceptual system and Chinese, constitute a great problem in the translation, especially the translation of metaphorical expressions.This thesis does not comment on the accurateness of the translation of FB, but discusses the metaphor translation involved, as well as the difficulties involved in the Chinese—English translation, and the conceptual differences between the Chinese culture and the English culture. Also, the ways the translators tackle the difficulties of translation are discussed in detail.1.4 MethodologyThe present thesis, which focuses on the topic of metaphor and culture as well as translation of metaphorical expressions, is mainly a qualitative study based on a quantitative investigation.Through a combined application of both computer software (ConcApp) and manual statistics, the author managed to build up several corpora respecting metaphorical expressions used in Qian Zhong-shu’s novel Fortress Besieged, especially a parallel corpus covering almost all metaphorical expressions ranging from words and phrases to sentences and paragraphs. So the present research of metaphorical expressions is also a corpus-based study.ConcApp is a user-friendly text analysis program. It offers concordances, collocations and word frequency statistics. It can also beused to edit text files. Support is offered for English, Japanese and Chinese characters. With the help of the statistic software ConcApp, the occurrences of words and phrases of simile, which are important components of metaphors, such as “xiang(像), ” “si-de(似的), ”“fang-fu (仿佛), ” “wan-ru (宛如、有如), ” “hao-bi (好比), ” “pi-ru (譬如), ” and “Gen…yi-yang (跟…一样)6” in Fortress Besieged, are compared with such occurrences in two other novels, Mao Dun’s Midnight and Lu Xun’s Ah Q.The building of the parallel corpus is all by manual statistics, which requires careful reading and selecting. In this corpus of total 70,189 words of both Chinese and English, there are altogether 1133 units of metaphorical expressions, among which similes, metaphors, allusions, idioms, proverbs and so on are comprehensively accepted as forms of metaphorical expressions. To keep the expressions clear in meaning, their necessary contexts are attached, which may unavoidably lead to the phenomena that some statistical units may include more than one metaphorical expression. Through further statistical selection, the author builds several sub-corpora of metaphorical expressions, containing images of “eating”, “clothing”, “animals”, “god/ghost”, etc. The comparative study of these sub-corpora becomes necessary in dealing with the metaphorical concepts implied in.The examples used in the discussion of metaphor translation are also selected from this parallel corpus. For the reason that the building of this corpus is totally based on the electronic edition of the novel Fortress Besieged without any page number corresponding to its book form, all the examples in this thesis are not given their page numbers.6 These Chinese phrases are equal to “are like”, “the same as”, “resemble” etc. in English.1.5 Organization of the ThesisThe thesis is composed of five chapters. After a brief introduction in Chapter 1, a literature review of metaphor theories, as well as the cultural dimension of metaphor, is presented in Chapter 2.Then, Chapter 3 presents a discussion on the thematic metaphor implied in the novel, and a discussion on specific metaphorical details chosen by people in different cultures to convey the conceptual metaphor.And Chapter 4 deals with the translation of metaphorical expressions. The first section of this part presents the obstacles in translation of metaphorical expressions, and the second section, some useful strategies that can be used in translation. The discussion is supported mainly by examples from Fortress Besieged.Finally, Chapter 5 presents the conclusion of the whole thesis, the limitation of the present research and the implications for future study.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewInstead of being a mere rhetoric device applied only by a few insightful writers, metaphor is, indeed, a daily used means people use to make themselves understood. I.A. Richards, an English rhetorician, claims that there would appear to be a metaphor in every three sentences in our daily speech. (Richards, 1936: 98) According to the estimation of Pollio et al (Pollio, Barlow, Fine and Pollio, 1977), a person would use four metaphorical figures of speech every minute in free talks. (Shu, 2000: 1)Metaphor has traditionally been viewed as the most important form of figurative language, and is usually seen as reaching its most sophisticated forms in literary or poetic language. Until recent times, metaphor was seen by most linguists, philosophers, and other researchers of languages as a linguistic oddity, lying outside the center of their daily occupations. This view can be traced back to as early as Aristotle, who regarded metaphor as “fancy language” used by poets. He found it to be nice, but not necessary. As a consequence of its alleged odd status, metaphor was not deemed worthy of a place at the core of linguistics. Its study was mainly left to the literary critics.At the end of the 1970’s however, landmark publications such as Ortony (1979) and Lakoff & Johnson (1980) completed what may be called the “cognitive turn” in metaphorology. The interests in metaphor and studies of its structure, mechanism, function, effect and cognitive nature have grown rapidly in a broad range of disciplines: linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, education, and science, and many books have been published.Now that many scholars are studying metaphors, it is no wonderthere are several theories advanced for dealing with them. Among the most important are interaction theory (Richards, 1936; Black, 1979, 1985), structure mapping theory (Gentner, 1989), conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Gibbs, 1990), and similarity creating theory (Indurkhaya, 1992).These theories differ from each other, but do not exclude each other. Some focus on mechanism, some on nature, some on comprehension, and others on function. Herein, the comparison theory and the substitution theory are classical representatives, and the interaction theory and the conceptual metaphor theory are contemporary representatives. To carry on a cultural study on metaphorical expressions and their translation, a cultural dimension is added to discover certain specific details of life that might be important to a group of people because one of the most important contributions of metaphorical expressions is that they deal with the ideas that matter most to a culture—ideas about life, death, relationships, nature.2.1 Traditional Theories of MetaphorThe classic theory of metaphor dates from Aristotle, whose The Poetics and Rhetoric cover many important aspects of metaphor, including its definition, mechanism, and function. In The Poetics, Aristotle states that “metaphor consists in giving the thing a name that belongs to something else,” and that metaphor is a transference of meaning, “the transference being either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or on the ground of analogy” (Kjargaard, 1986: 11). Aristotle’s interpretation of metaphor as the mechanism of rename and transference is later developed into “comparison theory”, which dominates the traditional study of metaphor.2.1.1 Comparison TheoryWithin Aristotle’s framework metaphor is viewed as an implicit or indirect comparison, based on the principles of analogy. As for metaphor by analogy, Aristotle further explains that when B is to A as D is to C, then B can be used to replace D and instead of saying B directly, people can render D in this case. For instance, the “wine cup”(B) is to “Dionysus” (A) as the “shield” (D) is to “Ares” (C), thus the analogy allows the term combination “cup(B) of Ares(C)” to replace “Shield (D)”, and the combination “shield(D) of Dionysus(A)” to replace “cup(B)”, and also “old age(B)” is to “life(A)” as “evening(D)” is to “day(C)”, so that “evening(D)” can be called the “day’s (C) old age(D)” and the “old age(B)” be called the “evening(D) of life(A)” or “life’s(A) setting sun” (Luo, 1962:73-74).The nature of metaphor and that of simile, in Aristotle’s view, are the same. Moreover, the function of metaphor is primarily ornamental and a mere decorative additive to language. Therefore, for Aristotle, his followers, and many writers in the following centuries, metaphor is an artistic analogy to achieve colorful expressions. Indeed, the ability to use metaphor receives high praise from Aristotle.2.1.2 Substitution TheoryAristotle’s idea of metaphor as a special kind of device to achieve stylistic effect and to be used in poetry only was inherited and reinforced by Roman thinkers like Cicero, Horace, Longinus and Quintilian. The substitution theory was proposed by Roman rhetorician Quintelian in the first century, and it is the development of Aristotle’s view.The theory holds that metaphor is used in place of someequivalent literal expressions, that is, one word is used to substitute for another. As Quintilian regards it, “a metaphor is a shorter form of simile, while in the latter we compare some object to the thing which we wish to describe, whereas in the former the object is actually substituted for the thing.” A pervasive example to interpret this theory is the sentence “John is a lion”. The “lion” in this sentence is the word that used metaphorically to substitute for the literal expression “a courageous man.” The substitution theory, together with the comparison theory, has exerted great influence on the rhetorical study of metaphor in the following 2000 years and has become the rhetorical tradition of metaphor study. In this tradition, metaphor is viewed as merely one of the tropes on the lexical level. They stress that any metaphor that causes difficulties in comprehension should be avoided, since metaphor is merely a decorative, rather than the essential, element of a language.The Roman thinkers’ definition and treatment contains all the basic elements of classical theory of metaphor. This view is later criticized harshly by Black and Lakoff.2.2 Cognitive Theories of MetaphorIn the past few decades, however, the metaphor studies have undergone a series of radical changes. This transformation is marked by the publication of Lakoff and Johnson’s book Metaphors We Live By, published in 1980. The central thesis of the theory is that metaphor, in its broadest sense, is pervasive and essential in language and thought. Human conceptual systems are “pervasively structured by metaphor, metonymy, and other kinds of imaginative structures” (Johnson, 1995:158). Metaphor is no longer regarded as a figure of speech, but a figure of thought (Lakoff, 1980: 3). It is a cognitive mechanismhelping in the construction of a conceptual world with its own laws.2.2.1 Interaction TheoryThe 20th century has seen the unprecedented development of science. Einstein’s theory of relativity challenges Newton’s classical theory of physics by illustrating the relativity of both time and space. In psychological study, Piaget takes a developmental epistemology, which argues knowledge of the reality results from continuous construction, or the interaction between the assimilating and accommodating mechanism of the cognitive agents.This indicates that an individual’s mind is not simply a reflection of the world, but is created through the interaction between newly acquired knowledge and his pre-existing schemas. Such a relativist view on knowledge and reality shakes the basis of logical positivism—the absolute objectivity of the reality. As a result logical relativism takes its place by denying “any truly vertical epistemological access to reality (Ortony, 1993:1)” and arguing for the constructivity of cognition.I. A. RichardsLogical relativism is employed by Richards in arguing for the relativity of meaning and interpretation. In his opinion, a word derives its meaning from its interaction with context rather than from itself. Its meaning varies with the context. Consequently, nothing can prevent a word form signifying more than one thing. It therefore can be inferred that sentence meaning also depends on its context, as well as its components and structure. For the same reason, both metaphorical and literal expressions have relative meanings. As far as their function in describing the world is concerned, there are no fundamental differences between two expressions since both can represent or perhaps create a possible world of its own.。