



(10) ~ (13)备选答案: A. B.
D. 或 R1 的 S0
E. 或 R2 的 S0
配置信息主要是实现(10);语句 time-range night 00:00 to 10:00 daily 的作用是(11)。
【问题 4】(每空 2 分,共 4 分)
// (6) [NBW-S2300-vlanif4000] interface Ethernet 0/0/1 [NBW-S2300-vlanif4000-Ethernet0/0/1] port link-type access
[NBW-S2300-vlanif4000_Ethernet0/0/1]port default vlan 100
[USG3000] p2p-class 0
[USG3000-p2p-class-0]cir 1000 index 1 time-range daytime
[USG3000-p2p-class-0]cir 2000 index 2 time-range night
[USG3000-p2p-class-0] quit
FTP 的配置如图 2-3 所示。
院 学 考 软
1.当客户机连接到 FTP 服务器时,客户端显示的消息为(11)。




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Autodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 安装说明书

Autodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 安装说明书

Autodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 Thank you for downloading Autodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3.This readme contains the latest information about the installation and use of the service pack. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you apply the service pack to your product. For reference, you should save this document to your hard drive or print a copy.1InstallationWho Should Install This Service Pack?You can apply the appropriate service pack to the following Autodesk products running on all supported operating systems and languages.▪Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2016▪Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2016▪Autodesk Navisworks Simulate 2016NOTE:Standard Windows Installer command line switches can be used to configure how the service pack is installed.Autodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Installation Readme 2 Supported Operating Systems64-bit: Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Microsoft® Windows® 8 Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate (recommended) Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional Microsoft® Windows® 7 Enterprise Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home Premium Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home BasicAutodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Installation Readme 32 Installing the Service PackYou can check for Service Pack updates at /downloads or via Autodesk Application Manager. Autodesk Application Manager must be active on the target devices for this to work, and you must have sufficient rights to install software on your machine.You have three options: a. To install the service pack on an individual computer with Autodesk Navisworks 2016 products already installedb. To install the service pack on an individual computer when installing an Autodesk Navisworks 2016 productc. To install the service pack when creating an Autodesk Navisworks 2016 DeploymentAutodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Installation Readme 4To install the service pack on an individual computer with Autodesk Navisworks 2016 products already installed1. Download the service pack and save it to any folder.2. Find the folder where you saved it and double-click the appropriate file:▪ Autodesk_Navisworks_2016_Service_Pack_3_Multilingual_Freedom_64bit.msp▪ Autodesk_Navisworks_2016_Service_Pack_3_Multilingual_Simulate_64bit.msp▪ Autodesk_Navisworks_2016_Service_Pack_3_Multilingual_Manage_64bit.mspTo install the service pack on an individual computer when installing an Autodesk Navisworks 2016 product1.Download the service pack and save it to any folder. 2.Install the product as detailed in the Autodesk Navisworks Installation Guide . 3.On the Configure Installation page, select the products to install. 4.Click the product name to open the configuration panel. 5.Select Include Service Pack(s) from local drive of network. 6.Click Add. 7. Find the folder where you saved the service pack and double-click the appropriate file:▪ Autodesk_Navisworks_2016_Service_Pack_3_Multilingual_Freedom_64bit.msp▪ Autodesk_Navisworks_2016_Service_Pack_3_Multilingual_Simulate_64bit.msp▪ Autodesk_Navisworks_2016_Service_Pack_3_Multilingual_Manage_64bit.msp8. Click the product name to close the configuration panel and continue with thestandard product installation procedure.NOTE: You can include service packs for as many products as required onthe Configure Installation page.Autodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Installation Readme 5To install the service pack when creating an Autodesk Navisworks 2016 DeploymentAbout Application Manager Application Manager starts in a special Administrator mode when you finish creating a deployment. It shows all available updates and service packs for the final image. Note that the Application Manager client application isn't installed on your computer. It starts directly from the deployment creation environment. To Install 1. Select the Create Deployment option from the installation framework.2. Click through the deployment configuration pages, and select Add Updates.3. Application Manager will now start in Administrator mode.4. Click the Updates tab and select which Service Pack updates to include.5. Click Update Software.。



4.1.1 硬件结构

- 1 -
4.1.2 在硬件结构中插入对象
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1插入 5 通信组态
2激活/撤销 6 交叉参考
3I/O 编辑7 前一个对象
4网络8 下一个对象
- 2 -
4.1.3 过程站硬件组态 组态一个AC800F控制器硬件 插入一个AC 800F控制器硬件

- 3 -。

办公自动化技术(Windows7 Office2016)第3版 第7章 常用办公工具软件的使用

办公自动化技术(Windows7 Office2016)第3版 第7章 常用办公工具软件的使用

7.5.2 查杀木马
利用计算机程序的漏洞侵入系统并窃取计算机中资料的程序称为木马,其具有隐藏性和自发性等特点, 难以通过明显现象发觉,因此需要使用软件进行检测并查杀,保障办公文件的安全。
7.5.3 修复系统漏洞
系统漏洞是指应用软件或操作系统中的缺陷或错误,他人可能会通过在其中植入病毒或木马,窃取计 算机中的重要资料,甚至破坏系统。使用360安全卫士的漏洞修复功能可扫描并修复计算机中的漏洞。
第7章 常用办公工具软件的使用
办公自动化技术 (Windows 7+Office 2016)
7.1 安装与卸载软件 7.1.1 获取软件安装程序 7.1.2 安装软件 7.1.3 卸载软件
7.2 使用压缩软件 7.3 使用Adobe Acrobat 7.4 使用美图秀秀处理图片 7.5 使用安全防护软件 7.6 项目实训 7.7 课后练习
7.1 安装与卸载软件 7.2 使用压缩软件 7.3 使用Adobe Acrobat 7.4 使用美图秀秀处理图片 7.5 使用安全防护软件
7.5.1 清理系统垃圾 7.5.2 查杀木马 7.5.3 修复系统漏洞 7.6 项目实训 7.7 课后练习
7.5.1 清理系统垃圾
7.3.1 查看PDF文档
前面介绍了将PPT演示文稿转换为PDF文件的方法,方便在办公中传递和审阅文件,如果要查看PDF 文档,就需要使用Adobe Acrobat软件。
7.3.1 查看PDF文档

Windows Server 2016 系列用户指南说明书

Windows Server 2016 系列用户指南说明书

Windows Server 2016 –Le système d’exploitation adapté au nuageGrâce à la technologie infonuagique, le rythme des changements est plus rapide que jamais, ce qui met de la pression sur les TI. Les organisations cherchent à accroître la sécurité, l’e fficacité et l’innovation, et c’e st ce que Windows Server 2016 leur permet. Windows Server 2016 est le systèmed’e xploitation adapté au nuage qui prend en charge vos charges de travail actuelles tout en ajoutant de nouvelles technologies qui faciliteront la transition vers l’infonuagique lorsque vous serez prêt.Comment utiliser ce guide de comparaison Utilisez ce guide pour comparer les fonctionnalités propres à chaque version de Windows Server, afin de comprendre les différences entre la version que vous utilisez aujourd’hui et la plus récente version offerte par Microsoft.La sécurité est une priorité des équipes de TI. De nouvelles menaces rendent plus que jamais difficile la tâche de sécuriser les données et les applications. Windows Server 2016 vous donne de nouvelles capacités de prévention des attaques et de détection des activités suspectes, grâce à des fonctionnalités de contrôle des accès privilégiés, de protection des machines virtuelles et de prémunition des plateformes contre les menaces émergentes.Aujourd’hui, les opérations des centres de données semblent faire l’o bjet de plus d’e xamens que de financement. De nouvelles applications rallongent les opérations et créent des arriérés en matièred’infrastructure qui peuvent ralentir les activités. Pour répondre aux attentes, les organisations de TI doivent faire plus avec moins, mais une infrastructure vieillissante qui manque d’automatisation peut devenir un obstacle. Alors que les organisations cherchent au-delà de la virtualisation de serveurs afin de devenir plus efficaces, elles peuvent se tourner vers les capacités de Windows Server 2016 pour répondre aux défis opérationnels et de sécurité, libérant ainsi des ressources de TI qui peuvent alors se concentrer sur la planification et l’innovation en matière de solutions futures qui favorisent le succès.Utilisez Windows Server 2016 pour compter sur de nouvelles façons de déployer etd’e xécuter les applications qui vous permettront de gagner des clients et de susciter leur participation, que cesoit localement ou dans Microsoft Azure. Le nuage facilite plus que jamais l’innovation avec les applications.Vous pouvez maintenant créer de nouvelles applications au moyen de conteneurs, de Nano Server et de microservices. Windows Server 2016 demeure également une excellente option pour les organisations quiexécutent toujours des applications client sur serveur.Entièrement pris en chargePassez à l’étape suivante. Pour en savoir plus, visitez le /WindowsServer2016。

Adobe ColdFusion 2016企业版应用服务器用户指南说明书

Adobe ColdFusion 2016企业版应用服务器用户指南说明书

Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release) Enterprise EditionThe 2016 release of Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise Edition is a tried and testedapplication server that simplifies complex coding tasks in enterprise environments. Rapidly develop web and mobile applications that are robust, scalable, secure and adept at handling high loads with high reliability. Create new channels for your offerings by using the all-new API Manager to implement your API strategy faster. Get unprecedented control over PDF generation and manipulation.Embrace futuristic technologies —Move your APIs swiftly from concept to production with the all-new API Manager. Manage APIs across their lifecycle, get insights into usage and track all aspects of performance. Secure your APIs, restrict access beyond a specified threshold and maximize returns on your APIs through the developer portal.Deploy enterprise-ready applications —Get unprecedented control over PDF generation and manipulation, including new capabilities such as redaction and sanitization. Use the new security code analyzer to automatically detect vulnerabilities. Leverage overall performance enhancements to make existing applications work faster.Build applications quickly —Work faster with many nifty new features that include a command-line interface, CFML enhancements, SOAP to REST translation, and web services support. Leverage your existing CFML skills to develop mobile apps and use built-in integration with Adobe PhoneGap Build.Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release)Enterprise EditionGet a robust platform for scalable, high-performing web and mobile applications.If you recently purchased ColdFusion 11, you might be eligible for a complimentary upgrade to ColdFusion (2016 release). To find out more, contact Customer Service at 800-833-6687 or /support/contactVERSION COMPARISON CHART• AvailableRestrictedEnhanced Enhanced FeaturesBlank Not AvailableNew Features• AvailableRestricted Enhanced Enhanced FeaturesBlank Not AvailableNew Features• AvailableRestricted Enhanced Enhanced FeaturesBlank Not AvailableNew Features• AvailableRestricted Enhanced Enhanced FeaturesBlank Not AvailableNew Features• AvailableRestricted Enhanced Enhanced Features Blank Not AvailableNew Features• AvailableRestricted Enhanced Enhanced FeaturesBlank Not AvailableNew FeaturesAdobe, the Adobe logo, ColdFusion and ColdFusion Builder are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.© 2016 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.xxxxxxxx x/xxAdobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park AvenueSan Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA•Available RestrictedEnhanced Enhanced Features Blank Not AvailableNew Features。

3ds Max 2016中文版案例教程(第2版)第1章 3D max 2016 快速体验

3ds Max 2016中文版案例教程(第2版)第1章 3D max 2016 快速体验

1.3 3ds Max2016视图操作
1.3.1 视图的类型
在默认状态下,左上方的为“顶视图”,顶视图提供了对三维空间中的 物体的俯视效果,
在这种视图状态下可以对物体进行前后、左右的移动操作,并对物体 的长、宽进行修改。
1.3 3ds Max2016视图操作
1.3.2 视图区域
标准的视图区域主要用于视图的 编辑操作,是操作界面中最大的一个 区域,也是3ds Max中用于实际操作 的区域。分为正交视图、用户视图和 透视图,通常的建模工作就是在这些 视图中完成的.默认状态下为单一的视 图显示,通常使用的状态为正交视图 显示,包括顶视图、左视图、前视图 和透视图,在这些视图中可以从不同 的角度对场景中的对象进行观察和编 辑。
1.3 3ds Max2016视图操作
1.3.3 个性化用户界面
在进行正式的软件基本操作前,可以对当前软件的参数进行简单的设置, 将其设置成符合个人日常习惯的操作。
1.4 3ds Max主工具栏的使用
1.4.1 工具栏的基本操作
1.撤消和还原 单击主工具栏中的按钮 ,用来取消上一次的 操作结果,与“编辑”→“撤消”菜单命令 功能相同,快捷键为【Ctrl+Z】。单击 按钮 右侧的下拉列表箭头,即可进入撤消动作列 表
1.1 初识3ds Max 2016
1.1.1 3ds Max 发展简史
Autodesk推出的3ds Max是目前使用最广泛、最优秀的三维设计软件 之一,其应用范围涵盖了建筑装潢设计、影视片头包装、电影电视物技、三 维动画、虚拟现实(VR)设计及游戏开发等3ds Max的适用领域
1.1.3 3ds Max 2016 的新增功能
2.建模方面 在3ds Max2016版本的软件中,在建模方面更新了自适应 细分功能,开启后,场景中近处的 模型将更加细分显示,远离场景模型可以临时降低显示质 量。 还有图形创造界面(MCG),一个功能强大的可视化节 点创建修改器。通过其可以创建一 个新的插件,只需在图形界面的方式下,通过参数节点、 计算节点、输出节点连接起来,即可 输出为一个新的XML文件或是其他元素打包成的ZIP文件, 直接使用或者分享。

SQL Server2016实用教程 第1章 SQL Server 2016简介

SQL Server2016实用教程 第1章   SQL Server 2016简介

第1章 SQL Server 2016简介
——SQL Server 2016的安装

1 2
SQL Server 2016 安装准备
1. 软硬件要求
(1)处理器速度:x64 处理器,建议2.0 GHz 或更快。 (2)内存建议:Express 版本:1 GB,所有其他版本:至少 4 GB 并且应该随着数据 库大小的增加而增加,以便确保最佳的性能。 (3)SQL Server 要求最少 6 GB 的可用硬盘空间。磁盘空间要求将随所安装的 SQL Server 组件不同而发生变化。 (4)WOW64是 Windows 64 位版本中的一项功能,使用该功能可以在 32 位模式下本 机运行 32 位应用程序。SQL Server 安装不支持 WOW64。 (5)若要执行远程安装,介质必须处于网络共享状态,或是物理计算机或虚拟机的本 地介质。 (6)安装 SQL Server Management Studio 时,必须先安装 .NET 4.6.1 必备组件。 (7)SQL Server 支持的操作系统具有内置网络软件。 独立安装的命名实例和默认实例 支持以下网络协议:共享内存、命名管道、TCP/IP 和 VIA。 (8)安全性:安装SQL Server 机器在安全位置,有权限的人才能接触,定期备份所有 数据;使用防火墙;在不同的 Windows 帐户下运行各自的 SQL Server 服务;使用 NTFS 文件系统 (NTFS),但是支持(未来版本可能不支持)在使用 FAT32 文件系统的计算机上安 装 SQL Server ,对关键数据文件使用独立磁盘冗余阵列 (RAID);Web 服务器和域名系统 (DNS) 服务器不需要 NetBIOS 或 SMB。

Windows Server 2016数据中心操作优化指南说明书

Windows Server 2016数据中心操作优化指南说明书

Reconsidere las operaciones para mejorar la eficacia y la seguridadActualmente, las operaciones del centro de datos parecen recibir más escrutinioque los presupuestos. Las aplicaciones nuevas estiran el tejido operacional y creantrabajos pendientes en la infraestructura que pueden frenar los negocios. Se esperaque las organizaciones de TI logren más con menos, pero una infraestructuraantigua con poca automatización se convierte en un impedimento para avanzar .Mientras tanto, las infracciones de seguridad son recurrentes y afectan la reputaciónde las organizaciones.Cuando las organizaciones busquen más allá de la virtualización del servidor paraalcanzar una mayor eficacia, pueden usar las capacidades de Windows Server 2016para satisfacer los desafíos de seguridad y operación, lo que liberará a los recursosde TI para que se dediquen a planificar e innovar futuras soluciones que puedanaumentar el éxito de la empresa.Automatice las operaciones rutinarias del centro de datosSi un objetivo importante es obtener escala sin aumentar el costo, unaestrategia posible es el uso correcto de la automatización. Las organizacionesde TI tienen que ajustar una cantidad cada vez mayor de solicitudes de negociosy mantener , al mismo tiempo, la infraestructura y las aplicaciones existentes. Lasorganizaciones que ya lograron ahorrar todos los costos disponibles mediantela virtualización del servidor pueden considerar virtualizar las redes y elalmacenamiento. De esta forma, podrán disminuir los costos con un hardware máseconómico, eliminar la complejidad y obtener la capacidad de administrar segúnlas políticas, la automatización y la organización en vez de usar configuracionesmanuales y estáticas.Mediante el uso de las capacidades de PowerShell en Windows Server 2016 sepueden lograr eficiencias operacionales importantes, ya que les permite a losadministradores de TI usar una consola para automatizar , implementar , configurar ,administrar y desmantelar aplicaciones, servidores, configuraciones y usuarios enuno o más servidores. El entorno mejorado de Configuración de estado deseadopuede permitirle ahorrar tiempo mediante la definición del estado deseado y elenvío de alertas automáticas y reparaciones si hay problemas. Esta automatizaciónayuda a los administradores de TI a ofrecer infraestructura como servicio a losclientes internos como autoservicio para abordar el ataque de solicitudes deimplementación y configuración.Ahora los administradores de TI tienen nuevas opciones para los entornosvirtualizados, lo que les permite seleccionar e implementar lo más adecuado para aumentar las eficiencias y disminuir el costo.Logre eficiencia con un centro de datos definido por el softwarecon Windows Server 2016Maximice la eficiencia Aquí le presentamos tres formas más en las que Windows Server 2016 ayuda a las organizaciones a mejorar su eficiencia y reducir los costos.Infraestructura hiperintegrada Infraestructura hiperintegrada. La máxima expresión del software: el centro de datos definido integra estrechamente los recursos de informática, redes, almacenamiento, virtualización y hardware en un entorno informático para aumentar la simpleza y escalabilidad. Windows Server 2016 puede ayudar a las organizaciones a descubrir los beneficios de los entornos hiperintegrados.Servidor Nano Sistema operativo eficaz. Disminuya la huella de su centro de datos con el Servidor Nano, una nueva opción de instalación de administración remota para centros de datos y nubes privadas. Minimice la superficie de ataques, aumente la disponibilidad y reduzca el uso de recursos. Actualización gradual del sistema operativo de clústeres Actualizaciones eficaces. Ahora los administradores pueden actualizar los clústeres del servidor de Windows Server 2012 R2 a Windows Server 2016 sin detener las cargas de trabajo de Hyper-V o del Servidor de archivos de escalabilidad horizontal.“ L o que logró Microsoft con los Espacios de almacenamiento directo es nada menos que increíble. Un excelente rendimiento y una gran flexibilidad a un precio muy conveniente. Gracias a la capacidad de usar NVMe o SSD como una memoria caché y SSD o HDD para la capacidad, junto con los adaptadores de red de RDMA, todas las necesidades con respecto al rendimiento quedan satisfechas". – David Knappett, arquitecto técnico de Alternative NetworksMejore la movilidad de la carga de trabajo y el controlde las redesLas infraestructuras tradicionales de red son rígidas y complejas. Las organizacionespueden lograr un escalado rápido y agilidad cuando trasladan la capa de control dered desde el hardware al software para crear una red definida por el software. El controlsegún políticas les permite configurar y administrar de forma centralizada los dispositivosfísicos y de redes virtuales, como enrutadores, conmutadores y gateways en el centro dedatos. Además, trae como resultado el equilibrio en la carga automática y la capacidadde cambiar cargas de trabajo sin configurar conmutadores. Los elementos de la redvirtual, como el Conmutador virtual de Hyper-V , la Virtualización de red de Hyper-V y laGateway de Windows Server , se convierten en elementos integrales de la infraestructurade red definida por software. El equipo de TI puede seguir usando conmutadores,enrutadores y cualquier otro dispositivo de hardware físico existente, siempre que seancompatibles con los controladores virtuales y mientras logren una mayor integraciónentre la red virtual y la red física. Disminuya los costos de almacenamiento En un entorno altamente virtualizado, el sistema subyacente de almacenamiento puede afectar el rendimiento general. Un sistema tradicional de almacenamientoconfigurado de forma manual puede evitar que las organizaciones reciban todoslos beneficios del centro de datos definido por software. Las capacidades dealmacenamiento definido por software en Windows Server 2016, como Espaciosde almacenamiento directo, Réplica de almacenamiento y Calidad de servicio, usanpolíticas y automatización para aumentar la eficiencia del centro de datos y disminuirlos costos de administración del almacenamiento. Ayude a asegurar su futuro en el nivel del sistema operativoLos criminales cibernéticos son más sofisticados que nunca. Usan estrategias inteligentespara infringir la seguridad de su centro de datos y obtener acceso a la información clavede su empresa. Usar herramientas distintas de diversos proveedores para configurarsoluciones solo logra sumar problemas de seguridad. Con Windows Server 2016, lastecnologías de seguridad están integradas en la plataforma de virtualización para ayudara asegurar el bloque de creación básico de la informática virtualizada: la máquinavirtual. Las máquinas virtuales blindadas son ideales para sistemas empresariales clave,incluidos controladores de dominios y servidores de certificados. Las máquinas virtualessolo pueden ejecutarse en hardware designado y los datos se mantienen cifrados,incluso si una de ellas se filtra accidentalmente o un administrador ficticio la roba. Otrascaracterísticas, como Credential Guard y la Integridad de código, ayudan a proteger lascredenciales almacenadas y evitan que se ejecuten los archivos binarios ficticios.Los departamentos de TI también luchan por mantener a los hackers fuera de lasredes corporativas. El nuevo firewall de Virtualización de la función de red integradoen Windows Server 2016 ayuda a las organizaciones a estar más seguras y ser máseficientes, ya que permite que el firewall sea parte integral del entorno de red definidopor software, incluida la automatización y organización de la configuración del firewallcuando el entorno informático cambia. © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. T odos los derechos reservados. Esta hoja de datos tiene únicamente fines informativos. Microsoft no realiza garantías, expresas o implícitas, con respecto a la información que aquí se presenta.Logre eficiencia con un centro de datos definidopor el softwareDé el próximo paso. Más información en/WindowsServer2016Opciones para administrar la infraestructura Microsoft ofrece una variedad de soluciones de administración de la infraestructura para trabajar con cualquier modelo operacional. Microsoft System Center 2016Ya sea que tenga miles de servidores o solo unos pocos, System Center proporciona una función eficaz para laadministración e implementación de sucentro de datos virtualizado y definidopor software para mejorar la agilidady el rendimiento.PowerShell y la Configuración de estado deseado Defina, implemente y administre el entorno del software con el scripting dePowerShell y la Configuración de estadodeseado usando una sola consola.Herramientas de administración del servidor Use las Herramientas de administración del servidor, un servicio gratuito de la nube para administrar instancias de Windows Server locales y en Azure.Operations Management Suite Para administrar y ayudar a proteger las cargas de trabajo en diversos tipos de nube, puede ampliar la administración a los servicios de Operations Management Suite (OMS) para obtener visibilidad y control en los sistemas de Azure, AWS, Windows Server, Linux, VMware y OpenStack.。



Bartender2016 关于创建全局数据字段,官网或其它地方的转载,都写到“会弹出如下1202信息性消息,或者2648警告消息”,点1202错误的确定来开始创建,但,本人可能安装选择不对,创建全局数据字段的时候只有2648,不弹1202,不能开始创建。

经过反复重装卸载试验,要使用全局数据字段,至少要安装Reprint Console功能。


2.在指定安装选项中,至少选择Reprint Console功能,当然前置的Administration Console功能会自动勾选。







————————————END——————————————另:BarTender System Service及SQL会一直在后台运行,如果不常打标签,电脑配置又不是很好的话,可以关掉,等使用的时候再开起来。



3.找到BarTender System Service,双击打开,启动类型改为“手动”。


5.将下面的代码复制,保存为.bat批处理文件,注意双引号为英文状态下:(新建文本文件.txt,重命名为Bartender.bat)net start "BarTender System Service"net start "MSSQL$BARTENDER"pausenet stop "BarTender System Service"net stop "MSSQL$BARTENDER"6.要打印标签时,对这个bat文件右击—“以管理员运行”,在显示“按任意键继续...”后,不要动它,最小化,现在可以打开.btw标签文档操作打印了。

SQL Server 2016 产品概述与版本简介说明书

SQL Server 2016 产品概述与版本简介说明书

Product OverviewSQL Server 2016 delivers mission critical performance across all workloads with in-memory built -in, faster insights from any data with familiar tools, and a platform for hybrid cloud enabling organizations to easily build, deploy, and manage solutions that span on -premises and cloud.Editions OverviewThe SQL Server 2016 editions align with how customers are deploying applications and solutions:∙ Enterprise Edition for mission critical applications and large scale data warehousing∙Standard Edition for basic database, reporting and analytics capabilitiesThe editions are offered in a straightforward, tiered model that creates greater consistency across the product editions, features and licensing.Enterprise Edition includes all the capabilities available in SQL Server 2016, while Standard Edition includes features to enable non critical analysis, business intelligence and database capabilities.SQL Server 2016 is also available in free Developer and Express editions. Web Edition is offered in the Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) program only.SQL Server 2016 Licensing ModelsSQL Server 2016 offers customers a variety of licensing options aligned with how customers typically purchase specific workloads. There are two main licensing models that apply to SQL Server: SERVER + CAL: Provides the option to license users and/or devices, with low cost access to incremental SQL Server deployments.∙ Each server running SQL Server software requires a serverlicense.∙ Each user and/or device accessing a licensed SQL Serverrequires a SQL Server CAL that is the same version or newer – for example, to access a SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition server, a user would need a SQL Server 2012 or 2016 CAL. ∙ Each SQL Server CAL allows access to multiple licensed SQLServers, including Standard Edition and legacy Business Intelligence and Enterprise Edition Servers.PER CORE: Gives customers a more precise measure of computing power and a more consistent licensing metric,regardless of whether solutions are deployed on physical servers on -premises, or in virtual or cloud environments.∙ Core based licensing is appropriate when customers are unableto count users/devices, have Internet/Extranet workloads or systems that integrate with external facing workloads.∙ To license a physical server—when running SQL Server in aphysical OSE —all physical cores on the server must be licensed .∙ A minimum of four core licenses are required for eachphysical processor on the server .SQL Server 2016 Editions availability by licensing model: Special Note for Enterprise Edition Users: With the introduction of SQL Server 2012, Enterprise Edition wasremoved from the Server + CAL model and new server licenses are no longer available. However, customers with activeSoftware Assurance (SA) coverage can continue to renew SA on Enterprise Edition servers and upgrade to SQL Server 2016 software. Note: for customers who upgrade to SQL Server 2016, a 20 core limit applies to the software.Licensing for VirtualizationSQL Server 2016 offers virtualization rights, options and benefits to provide flexibility for customers deploying in virtualenvironments. There are two primary virtualization licensing options in SQL Server 2016 – the ability to license individual virtual machines and the ability to license for maximum virtualization in highly virtualized and private cloud environments.INDIVIDUAL VIRTUAL MACHINESAs hardware capabilities grow, it continues to be more common for each database to use a fraction of its server ’s computing power. When deploying databases on Virtual Machines (VMs) that use just a fraction of a physical server, savings can be achieved by licensing individual VMs.∙ To license a VM with core licenses, purchase a core licensefor each virtual core (virtual thread) allocated to the VM (with a minimum of 4 core licenses per VM).∙ To license a single VM with a server license (for StandardEdition only), purchase a server license and matching SQL Server CALs for each user or device.∙ Each licensed VM covered with SA can be moved frequentlywithin a server farm, or to a third -party hoster or cloud services provider, without the need to purchase additional SQL Server licenses.SQL Server 2016 Licensing DatasheetLicensing for High AvailabilitySQL Server software can be configured so that if one server fails,its processing will be picked up, recovered and continued byanother server. Each active server licensed with SA coverageallows the installation of a single passive server used for fail-over support.∙ The passive secondary server used for failover support doesnot need to be separately licensed for SQL Server as long asit is truly passive. If it is serving data, such as reports toclients running active SQL Server workloads, or performingany “work” such as additional backups from secondaryservers, then it must be licensed for SQL Server.∙ The active server license (s) must be covered with SA, andallows for one passive secondary SQL Server, with up to thesame amount of compute as the licensed active server, only.Licensing for Non-Production UseSQL Server 2016 Developer Edition provides a fully featuredversion of SQL Server software—including all of the featuresand capabilities of Enterprise Edition—licensed fordevelopment, test and demonstration purposes only.Customers may install and run the SQL Server Developer Editionsoftware on any number of devices. This is significant, becauseit allows customers to run the software on multiple devices (fortesting purposes, for example) without having to license eachnon-production server system for SQL Server.A production environment is defined as an environment that isaccessed by end-users of an application (such as an Internetwebsite) and that is used for more than gathering feedback oracceptance testing of that application.SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition is now a free product,available for download from the Visual Studio Dev Essentialsprogram. For more information on free Visual Studio DevEssentials program, including how to register, visit:https:///en-us/products/visual-studio-dev-essentials-vs.aspx©2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is forinformational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied,in this summary. For more information on how to buy SQL Server 2016, pleasevisit /en-us/server-cloud/products/sql-server/.Note: When licensing VMs under the Server + CAL model, the number of virtualcores does not affect the number of server licenses required.HIGH DENSITY VIRTUALIZATIONFurther savings can be achieved by operating a SQL Serverprivate cloud. This is a great option for customers who want totake advantage of the full computing power of their physicalservers and have very dynamic provisioning and de-provisioning of virtual resources.∙ Customers can deploy an unlimited number of VMs on theserver and utilize the full capacity of the licensed hardware,by fully licensing the server (or server farm) with EnterpriseEdition core licenses and SA coverage based on the totalnumber of physical cores on the servers.∙ SA enables the ability to run an unlimited number of virtualmachines to handle dynamic workloads and fully utilize thehardware’s computing power.SQL Server 2016 Licensing Datasheet。

Autodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 用户指南说明书

Autodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 用户指南说明书

Autodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Guide to features and enhancementsSeptember 2015Please send feedback on this guide to: **************************************Autodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Feature ReadmeContentsGuide to features and enhancements (1)September 2015 (1)Contents (2)BIM 360 Shared Views support (3)Primary issues resolved by the Service Pack (4)AutoCAD (4)Autodesk Rendering (4)BIM 360 Glue Interoperability (4)Core (4)Installer (4)Inventor (4)MicroStation (4)OGS (5)PDF (5)XML (5)2Autodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Feature Readme 3 BIM 360 Shared Views supportNavisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 provides integrated Shared Views with BIM 360 Glue. Shared Views created in either BIM 360 Glue or Navisworks are synchronized with the project, providing real-time access across clients. This capability enables users of the Navisworks client, connected to a BIM 360 Glue project, to be able to share views - resulting from their review and analysis activity – with the BIM 360 Glue project team, facilitating increased collaboration.Shared Views created in any BIM 360 Glue connected client retain view fidelity, including:• Object Visibility (hidden state)• Object Overrides – color and transparency*• Section Planes and BoxesShared Views can be saved directly in NavisworksShared Views can be renamed, and moved into folders**Shared Views can be deleted (if the user has the appropriate BIM 360 Glue permissions)* Shared Views do not retain ‘level of transparency’ – transparencies are fixed at 95% ** Shared View folders cannot be created in Navisworks. However, folders created in BIM 360 Glue aresupported, and can be used for organizing shared views in NavisworksAutodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Feature ReadmePrimary issues resolved by the Service PackAutodesk Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 3 provides the following fixes and enhancements: AutoCAD▪Fixed an issue where a missing object enabler when opening a CADmep DWG causes Navisworks to crash.Autodesk Rendering▪Fixed an issue where a cylinder is rendered as a square object.BIM 360 Glue Interoperability▪Fixed an issue when accessing BIM 360 to open a model from BIM 360 Glue resulted in a server busy message.▪Fixed an issue when saving models that are opened in concurrent sessions of Navisworks. Core▪Fixed an issue with based loaders creating invalid caches for xrefed files▪Fixed an issue with eye level when walking through models.▪Improved performance when saving a model after updating a viewpoint with color override.Installer▪Fixed an issue that caused Navigator to crash if Navisworks Simulate/Manage 2016 SP2 is installed.Inventor▪Fixed an issue where the view is different between Navisworks 2016 and Navisworks 2016 Service Pack 2.▪Improved performance when importing JT files into Navisworks.MicroStation▪Fixed an issue with opening DGN files in Navisworks.4Autodesk® Navisworks® 2016 Service Pack 3 Feature ReadmeOGS▪Resolved a Security vulnerability in ATIL and OGS.PDF▪Fixed an issue where PDF were displaying as blank in Navisworks.XML▪Fixed an issue when importing viewpoints. Multi-line tags now display as expected.5。



ASP生成静态页面1. 什么是动态网页和静态网页动态网页:一般指的是采用ASP,,JSP,PHP,Cold Fusion,CGI等程序动态生成的页面,该网页中的大部分数据内容来自与网站相连的数据库。












2. 为什么要生成静态页面在三年前,有百分之八十的网站要求做成动态的。






OrCAD_17.2_2016_New Feature

OrCAD_17.2_2016_New Feature

Cadence 发布新版本 OrCAD 17.2-2016,OrCAD 提供完整的电子设计解决方案,包含电路设计、仿真与PCB布局,相关OrCAD17.2-2016 产品及其新功能请参考本文档介绍。

Cadence 17.2-2016 新发布· Cadence 17.2-2016 仅支持 64 位操作系统。

·Cadence OrCAD、Allegro 产品的相关应用软件调整路径构架。

-Cadence OrCAD、Allegro17.2-2016的相关应用软件放置路径调整至17.2-2016安装路径中的/tools/bin文件夹下。


而运行Cadence OrCAD、Allegro17.2-2016相关软件也无需设置17.2-2016的相关路径和环境变量’’path’’中。

-Cadence SPB Switch Release 17.2-2016软件工具已更新,可辨别不同软件版本间的软件构架不同,用以自动更新软件文件夹联系关系。

-若您使用命令提示窗口或批处理文件(batch file)执行批处理程序(bacth programs),请将您原批处理文件加入17.2-2016安装路径下的/tools/bin文件夹下的allegro_cmd.bat文件。

·OrCAD Products 支持 TCL 8.6 64 位。

OrCAD Capture 17.2-2016新功能设计差异对比当两份电路图有所差异时,通过 Capture Compare Design功能可以选择对原理图文件夹或是原理图图纸页面做差异比对,比对结果可查看原理图逻辑或是图形的差异。

在 Capture 命列菜单中,选择 Tools - Compare Designs 功能菜单来进行原理图的差异比对。


通过 Show Details 功能可打开浏览器查看实际结果差异。



MicrosoftOffice2016四合一绿色精简版-冰封客栈Office2016四合一绿色精简版,包含Access、Excel 、Ppt 、Word 四大组件(含VBA ),支持自动永久激活及KMS激活,支持Win7、Win8.1、Win10操作系统32及64位,此版仅适合普通文档编辑使用,特殊需要建议安装原版,无法保证在系统装有office复杂情况下使用正常!微软办公软件全新套件Microsoft Office 2016 正式版于2015年9月22号正式推出,其特点是为多人跨平台办公与团队协作打造。

Office2016相比Office2013的变化不是太大,新版可个性化主题颜色,提供模板下载、Word引入实时协作,全新的Excel数据制图,Excel可直接识别手写方程式等等,大大提高办公效率!此版介绍测试环境:Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 x32/x64位2018-02-02 Office 2016 Plus AIO 4in1 四合一绿色精简版(163MB)# 精简其它组件,保留Word、Excel、Ppt、Access 四大组件 (含VBA);# 绿化完后默认自动KMS激活为180天试用,可自行用Ley密钥永久激活;# 支持打开pdf文档、支持联机模板、支持规划求解、分析等Excel加载项;# 添加MSDN/MAK/KMS三种授权方式,可Mak永久激活!# 更新安全补丁累积更新截止到2018年1月;# 尝试解决在不关闭UAC情况下安装和运行;永久激活方法:方法一:备份还原激活信息└—永久激活后,运行!)激活备份还原.cmd,选1 备份激活信息。

└—重装后恢复,运行!)激活备份还原.cmd,选2 恢复激活信息,在office2016文件夹中右键打开dos窗口,运行cscript Office16\ospp.vbs /inpkey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX方法二、在线联网激活方法└—在office2016绿色版安装文件夹中打开dos窗口,运行cscript Office16\ospp.vbs /inpkey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXcscript Office16\ospp.vbs /act(xxxxx为永久激活key,且必须与备份的激活信息文件相配套)下载地址百度:https:///s/14awS2jI1b1hBLxXx2chWnw 密码: 5xdqEND。

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