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2015年6 月6日







Multimedia electronic album management system

Author :LaiNa

(Grade11,Class02,Information and computing science Major, Mathematics and Computing Science Dept., Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi)

Tutor: ZhangRuiLin

[Abstract] With the development of the society, the acquisition, disposal, communication and decision of the information all need the high-quality computer software to complete. Nowadays, image management is a necessary task faced by the Internet site, it is also an important and complex work to implement the management of the image effectively. The album exists a long time, originally it in the form of paper photos, with the universality of digital cameras and digital video cameras, photo is not the original sense of the photo anymore. On the Internet, electronic photo album has been developing rapidly, many of the websites and blogs need the function of electronic photo album. Many web sites provide the function of personal electronic albums, users can put pictures to the electronic photo album, on the one hand it is beneficial to keep photos, on the other hand friends can share these pictures with each other, and pick up high popularity for website. This system will relate how to realize the electronic photo album management system development from the system overview, demand analysis, database structure design, system design and function realization, etc. 残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。

[Keywords] Electronic album;Photo; jsp; MySQL


1 项目概述 (1)

1.1 电子相册系统研究背景及发展现状 (1)

1.2 本文研究目的和意义 (1)

1.3 本文主要完成工作 (1)

2 开发环境及数据库概述 (3)

2.1 JSP技术简介 (3)

2.2 Tomcat简介 (4)

2.3 MyEclipse简介 (5)

2.4 运行环境 (5)

2.5开发模式/架构 (5)

3 需求分析 (6)

3.1 总体设计思路 (6)

3.2 可行性分析 (6)

3.2.1 技术可行性 (6)

3.2.2 经济可行性 (7)

3.2.3 社会可行性 (7)

3.2.4 操作可行性 (7)

3.3 功能需求分析 (7)

3.3.1 用户注册登录功能 (7)

3.3.2 相册管理功能 (7)

3.3.3 照片管理功能 (7)

3.3.4 背景音乐功能 (8)

3.3.5 添加好友功能 (8)

3.3.6 访问好友相册 (8)

3.3.7 退出系统功能 (8)

3.3.8 相片浏览特效功能 (8)

4 系统分析 (9)

4.1 总体框架设计 (9)

4.1.1 用户模块 (9)

4.2数据库的设计与建立 (9)

4.2.1 数据库设计 (9)

4.2.2 数据流程及功能分析 (10)

4.2.3 数据字典 (11)

4.2.4 数据库设计文档 (12)

5 系统详细设计 (14)

5.1 概述 (14)

5.2 系统程序流程图 (14)

5.3 系统E-R图 (15)

5.4 系统详细设计 (15)

5.4.1 注册、登录 (15)

5.4.2 相册管理 (19)
