



外观及结构测试规范1. 管理规章1.1 目的1) 本规范,系预防车载产品外壳出现不良现象,确保车载产品的质量,以满足客户需求。

2) 作为美赛达内部与协力厂之间质量沟通桥梁。

3) 提供质量规范订定之参考。

1.2 范围适用于美赛达所出货的车载产品与零件,但设计图面或承认书有另行标定规格者,应优先采用该标定规格。

2. 外观检验与标准3.1 方法光源 视线 目视距离 : 40~45 cm目视时间 : 5 ~ 7秒 (每个表面来回观看)说 明版本 页码 版本 1.管理规章 1 1.0 2.检验规章 2 1.0 3.外观检验与标准3 1.0 4.功能测试与标准9 1.0 5.包装 9 1.0CASE 0.6m~1.0m 1 m-1.5m30~45∘500 ~ 1000 LUX2.2产品外观检测2.3烤漆/喷漆测试:烤漆/喷漆测试: 1、百格测试:1)在100mm 2之区域以美工刀每隔1mm 划一条线(深度须见底材),交叉刻画100个方格,以3M#600 Scotch 胶布或与其兼容的胶布粘贴于刻画测试区, 将胶带以垂直方向瞬间并快速撕离,测试面上的漆不可有5%以上的脱落(不含)。

2)若烤漆膜厚为25um-60um ,依标准的网格大小1mm 为测试基准;若烤漆膜厚为缺点类别A 区B 区C 区备注异色 杂质 压痕 7.5cm 距离内只能有一点直径≤ 0.3mm 且同面只允许有3点 7.5cm 距离内只能有一点直径≤ 0.5mm 且同面只允许有3点 10cm 距离内只能有一点直径≤0.5mm 且同面只允许有4点 Logo 及印刷区域,不可有 刮伤 不允许刮伤限制5mm 长0.13mm 宽., 1条刮伤限制10mm 长0.13mm 宽. 2条Rework 并经Acer 确认OK 后则可接受 折痕(金属) 不允许经MSD 确认OK 后则可接受 油污 不允许间隙 以图面为准结合线 阴影 流痕 以网点Film 于30mm 处无法辨视为原则顶白 不允许 段差 ≤0.1mm≤0.1mm≤0.15mm气泡 不影响外观功能则接受变形 依图示定义且不能影响间隙段差及功能 毛边 ≤0.1mm(在不影响功能及外观依定义, 否则依图面判定) 色差目视判定为主, 仪器测试为辅 浇口0mm(MAX) 0mm(MAX) 0mm(MAX) 不能影响整体外观 光泽 咬花3.0+1/-1 3.0+1/-1 3.0+1/-1.5基本上以ID 承认样本为准,若有特殊状况,得以个案处理.60um-100um,则依标准的网格大小2mm为测试基准。





`目录一、应用范围 (4)二、产品描述 (4)三、产品详细规格及性能参数 (4)四、对导航软件的要求 (5)`一、应用范围讲述本产品的应用范围二、产品描述三、产品详细规格及性能参数环境参数产品外形尺寸工作温度范围存储温度范围工作湿度范围存储湿度范围系统参数主频主芯片型号内存存储空间导航软件存储操作系统软件编译类型基本参数显示屏尺寸显示屏分辨率声音输出声音功率平均功耗待机功耗电池类型电池使用时间BLUETOOTH参数协议规格输出功率芯片组免提类型连接距离多媒体参数及性能音频支持类型视频解码性能`FM发射IC发射距离发射频率图片及文本浏览器支持图片类型支持文本类型视频参数视频类型视频输入制式视频信号幅度GPS硬件参数芯片组频率C/A CODE通道数跟踪灵敏度定位精度速率数据更新率重新捕获时间热启动时间温启动时间冷启动时间最大定位高度最大速率加速度内置天线类型内置天线增益内置天线电压内置天线电流内置天线驻波比外接天线接口外接天线电压外接天线增益外接天线电流四、对导航软件的要求操作系统:`◆软件编译类型:◆UI分辨率:◆导航接口类型:◆如需要SDK,请联系MSD!说明:本文中的绿色字体均为指导或说明性文字。

根据不同的产品型号,确定相应的内容!并删除此句!——完——表单编号:MSD-FM-0743 版本/状态:A/0。



OTD/VMI Hub/JIT Hub 运作状况(8pts)
产品设计及制程 控制能力(2pts)
供应商提供之技术培训 (-5~5pts)
断线(品质事件) (-5pts)
说明 PSL(优选供应商) AVL(可接受供应商) RSL(需改善供应商) RSL(需淘汰供应商)
总分 连续6个月 S>95pts
品质/价格/供 应链支持/技 术支持 连续6个月 S>=90pts
过去一年 未被列为RSL
Prerferred Supplier List(PSL)优选供应商
机芯、模块、PCB、屏、 触摸屏,晶振、电源线材, 排线、插座、编码器、电 容类、电阻/电感类、二三 极管类、等
1,必须通过 TS16949认证 2,车厂二级/三 级供应商
现场考评80分以 上
1.符合车规级要求。 2.电气参数OK(关键技术 指标)。 3.环境实验OK。 4.安全性测试OK(根据实
总分 连续6个月 75=<S<95pts
品质/价格/供 应链支持/技 术支持(每项) 连续6个月 S>=80pts
3 ROHS风险低
Available Vender List(AVL)一般合格供应商
总分 连续3个月 S<74pts



10. 简要介绍10.1 引言该资料是为对于投入使用P2020压片机负责的操作人员而写的,便于他们阅读和理解,并且能注意到资料里的所有事项.所提供的全部技术资料共有3卷,应该将其保存在P2020机器的就近.为了方便您使用P2020压片机.此操作手册对机器使用过程中的重要细节做了特别说明.掌握了此操作手册的内容就可以避免在操作P2020压片机时出现错误从而实现通畅运作.因此,操作人员必须确实掌握手册的内容.对于因未遵守操作事项而导致的机器损坏和故障,我们将不负任何责任.因此,建议操作人员在操作机器前首先详细阅读操作手册.如果您仍然碰到了困难,请与我们的客户服务部门,备件部门或代理商联络.他们将很乐意为您服务.此操作手册只适用于P2020.关于操作手册的内容介绍,我们保留因P2020技术改进而对该手册进行改动的权利.10.2 使用范围P2020压片机是为生产药片及其它可压制的物料而设计的药片状模块压制系统.压片机可被应用于化学,制药,食品,动物饲料及金属烧结等工业.为了能够在相应的使用范围内实现对P2020的最佳利用,根据生产需要,我们可以为您提供不同的压片工具,附加装置及外围设备.原则上P2020的使用范围已在操作手册以及列出压片工具,附加装置,外围设备的送货单上给出.如果P2020的应用范围超出合同所规定的使用范围,则应向菲特公司的客户服务部门(联络地址见下文)咨询, 否则保证条款内容失效.10.3 著作权此操作手册的著作权由菲特股份有限公司保留.此操作手册仅供装配,操作和监测人员使用.它所包含技术性的文字和图表绝不允许被部分或者全部地复印,传播或者由他人出于竞争目的未经授权非法利用和传播.著作权也包括所应用的数据处理程序及相关的程序描述.在扩充或更换现有程序的情况下,除非双方已达成其他协定,否则购买者有义务对所有的旧版本,复制和退换下来的文件进行销毁.继续转交给第三方是绝对不允许的.FETTE GmbHD - 21484 Schwarzenbek Postfach 1180D - 21493 Schwarzenbek Grabauer Straße 24 Telephone : 04151 - 12-0 Telex : 2 189 416 Telefax : 04151 - 833 371 Teletex : 415 111e-mail : tablet@11. 安全常识11.1 符号及提示解释安全生产符号 :此符号在操作手册中所有的安全生产提示中出现,提示可能会对身体和生命构成危险.请确保注意此类提示,在这种情况下,要特别谨慎从事.也请将所有安全工作提示转达给其他操作者.除了在操作手册中所提及的安全提示以外, 也应遵守一般的安全生产及意外事故预防规则.这个注意 ! 符号出现在此操作手册中表示特别提醒注意的位置,是为了确保操作员遵守生产规则,警惕安全提示,正确操作,从而避免自身受伤害或机器和其它装置受到破坏.11.2 安全操作警告您的P2020压片机的所有安全保护设施都是根据机器保护法,相关的德国工业规范以及国际标准规则(DIN/ISO),欧盟(EG)规程的规定以及按照德国化工职业协会所要求的必备条件而装备的.若能遵守所有的机器操作和保养规定,就可排除受伤的危险因素,保证安全生产.以下工作安全警告须特别注意 :. 若由未受过训练的人不正确地操作机器或者不符合规定地使用机器, 机器将会产生危险... 任何P2020操作人员,包括所有安装,拆卸,重装,试验运行,操作,维护(检查,保养,维修)人员,必须通读并理解该操作手册,尤其是"安全常识"这一章.为了确保执行,建议让操作人员签名.P2020压片机只允许被应用于已规定的使用范围,其它超出范围的使用被视为不符合规定.由此产生的所有风险以及导致的所有损害由使用者独自承担,制造商对此不负任何责任.. 由制造商所规定的安装,拆卸,重装,试验运行,操作,维护等条件也属于遵守规定的内容.. P2020压片机的操作,保养和维修只能由受过培训被授权的或者接受指导的人员来执行. 这些人员必须接受过有关当危险发生时应急处理措施的专门培训.. 对于机器安装,拆卸,重装,试验运行,操作,维护的责任必须明确落实.这样,在安全问题方面不至于出现责任不明的情况.. 所有的工作环节,例如安装,拆卸,重装,试验,操作,维护,设备调整,都要特别遵守操作手册所说明的停机规程.. 所有会危害生产安全的工作方法必须弃除.. 操作人员应当留心,确保未经授权人员不许操作机器.. 操作员也有义务对于生产中出现的危害生产安全的新情况立即作报告.. 使用者必须保证只有在无任何危害因素的情况下运行P2020压片机.. 不可未经许可擅自变动或者更改机器设备,影响生产安全.. 原则上全部工作只允许在机器静止的状态下进行.. 在对设备进行保养和维修之前,应注意确保驱动装置及附件装置不会因为不小心而导致冒然启动.. 在完成维修重新启动机器之前,检查是否所有的保护装置皆已准备就绪.. 当拆卸或安装机械零件的时候,必须注意它们的重量.. 在清洁机器时,一定要注意生产商的产品提示(清洁剂).. 待安装的起重器的负重能力必须至少与要装配的机器零件的重量相当.. 仅当机器完全停止后,才允许打开所有的门及窗盖.. 机器和配电箱只能用匹配的联接钩环固定.. 在相应的电路安装或检修工作完成后,须对采用的安全措施进行试验.(如:接地电阻).. 在使用P2020压片机的时候,在任何情况下工作地点的安全与事故预防规则都有效.以下4点任何操作者皆须遵守:1. 通向压片室的窗盖. 窗盖上的安全开关是为了确保进入压片室的安全.每天在开动机器之前都须检查其有无故障.只要其中任一窗盖开启,则表明机器未完成运行准备,不可启动.若您在机器运转过程中打开窗盖,则机器会立刻停止.2. 机器下部的防护盖. 为了确保安全,机器下方的四扇防护盖安装有转向栓锁,而且只可用一把钥匙打开.该钥匙只给相关人员保存,此人在打开防护盖之前应首先关掉操作终端的总电源开关或关掉配电箱的主开关.3. 插头连接. 如果想断开机器和配电箱间的电路连接,只需拔出电插头.但是,在拔出插头之前,应首先关掉机器的总开关.4. 紧急停机开关. 您的P2020压片机装备有紧急停机开关,遵照VDE(德国电器工程联合会)和TÜV(技术监测联合会)的相关规定该开关安装在机器的下部.首先旋转此开关四分之一周后其固定销方可松开.11.3 遵照规定使用该P2020压片机仅适用和应用于如供货单里说明的情况(压片工具,附加设备,外周仪器).超出此范围使用被视为未遵守规定.由此产生的所有风险和损害由使用者独自承担,生产商不承担任何责任.此操作手册可能还会有部分特殊内容,以选项标示,并非一定在您的机器上体现.机器的安全性能并不因此而受损.供货单仅包括合同或者/以及运货单上的部分内容.保留技术性更改的权利.于: 2004年1月版本 : 0.00。

Compaxo 的 ID30 工业 weighing PC 商品说明书

Compaxo 的 ID30 工业 weighing PC 商品说明书

An extensive range of meat products: cut, uncut, unpacked, fresh, low- oxygen and vacuum-packed are produced in Gouda, NL. Practically all supermarket chains in the Netherlands purchase a proportion of their fresh range from Compaxo. In addition to their own label meat products other goods, such as cheese, fruit drinks, salads and ready meals are also distributed.High demands in the choice of control terminal For the modernization of the order processing system a reliable, contem-porary control terminal was sought for the work floor. Mr A. K. M. van Zoest, project leader at Compaxo explains: “A PC linked to scales would not last long in such a working environment. It would actually have to be an industrial PC and a weighing terminal.” Due to their earlier experience with the ID20 terminal from METTLER TOLEDO, the choice was finally made for the new ID30 industrial weighing PC, which has extensive facilities for connecting all kinds of peripherals. The applica-tion software on the ID30 is compatible with Windows 2000 or Windows XP . For problem-free linkage between the weighing equipment and the applica-tion software, the MTScaleConnection software module is used. Van Zoest continues: “Its connectability to high-er level systems was also extremely important for us in choosing the ID30 as a weighing control station.”The order procedureOnce orders have been processed administratively, they are placed on the Order Picking Server for the physical picking of the items. Some 50 000 order lines are processed like this every week and compiled from the fresh stock.The Compaxo fully integrated order picking system, with easy to use touchscreens, provides excellent supply quality.Industrial weighing and measuringFlashCompaxothe right products at the right time/meat-poultryVisit for more informationFor picking the items, a list of all the relevant information concerning the customer and the order is printed. Based on this list, all the products are collected in plastic crates and rolling containers. Incorrect or incomplete supply of a customer has to be cor-rected along the rest of the distribution chain. “But what is unpleasant is an unsatisfied customer who does not find what he expects at the retailer”, says Van Zoest, “which is why it is custom-ary for us to check the picked order properly before it goes on the truck”.Order picking controlControl during order picking is car-ried out using nine Order Picking Control Station, all linked to theOrder Picking Server. These control stations consist of an ID30 industrial PC, linked to a weighing platform, a cordless (RF) bar code scanner and a label printer.Van Zoest: “After the order number has been scanned, the order is taken from our server to the control weigh-ing station where the individual order lines appear. By scanning and weigh-ing the items one after another, we know whether the order line has been picked correctly. For order lines that are checked by quantity rather than weight, our operators can give a manual okay via the ID30 terminal.”Item scanning allows the opera-tor plenty of freedom of movement, thanks to the use of cordless barcode scanners. For weighing the rolling containers, three control stations are equipped with a 1500 kg floor plat-form. The labels printed for an order contain all customer and product information necessary for further dis-tribution.The finished order is put ready for transport to the relevant branch, wholesaler or distribution centre, while the actual data for the picked order is passed on by the Order Picking Server to the ERP system, which gen-erates the invoice and packing slip.Control of material flowsWith the nine Order Picking Control Stations, Compaxo has the majority of its material flow under control, which means optimal ease of operation for staff. Van Zoest concludes: “By con-tinually working on further quality improvements of both our product and the associated logistics, we are always able to supply customers with the right products at the right time.”M e a t & P o u l t ryMettler-Toledo GmbH CH-8606 Greifensee SwitzerlandTel. +41-44-944 22 11Fax +41-44-944 30 60MTSI 44099639Subject to technical changes© 09/2005 Mettler-Toledo GmbH Printed in Switzerland.。

浙江美达科技有限公司 产品说明书

浙江美达科技有限公司 产品说明书

Step 28. Select Latch Type SubmenuPress d to display flashing DSBL / ENBL .If flashing DSBL is displayed, press a , if ENBL is displayed, press b until DSBL is displayed, then press d to store and go to the next menu item.Step 29. Select the Above Type of Active Submenu Press d . If flashing ABoV Above is displayed, press a ,otherwise press b until ABoV is displayed. Press d to store and advance to next menu item.Step 30. Select the Deadband Value Submenu Press d . The display will show 020.0, otherwisepress b or c.Press d to store and advance to next menu item.Step 31. Enter the Alarm 2 MenuThe display will show ALR2the top menu for Alarm 2.Repeat steps from 29 and 30 to set for Alarm 2 the same conditions as for Alarm 1.Step 32. Configuration of Display Color Selection Press a until the COLR Display Color Selection Menu appears on the Display. Configure COLR as N.CLR / GRN (green), 1.CLR / RED (red), 2.CLR / AMBR (amber). Please refer to the operator’s manual if needed.Step 33. Run a TestPress a until reset the controller and return to RUN Mode to display 075.0(Ambient Temperature). Now you are ready to observe temperature as it rises 10°F higher than displayed. Touch the tip of the Thermocouple to raise the temperature above the Alarm 2 value 082.0, and AL2 will turn on, and Display Color will change from Green toAmber. Continue touching the tip to raise the temperature above the Alarm 1 value 087.0and Display Color will change from Amber to Red.USAStep 10. Enter to the Thermocouple Input Submenu Press d to store Thermocouple Input. The display will stop flashing and show the top menu for Thermocouple types. If you press a controller will step to next menu item (Skip to Step 14).Step 11. Enter to the Thermocouple Type Input Submenu Press d to display flashing, previously selected Thermocouple type.Step 12. Scroll through available selection of TC types Press b to sequence thru flashing Thermocouple types,(select k -for type "K" CHROMEGA ®/ALOMEGA ®)J K T E N DIN J R S B C - TC types J k t E N dN J R S b C - DisplayStep 13. Store TC typeAfter you have selected the Thermocouple type press d to store your selection, the instrument automatically advances to the next menu item.Step 14. Enter to Reading Configuration MenuThe display shows RDG Reading Configuration, which is the top menu for 4 submenus: Decimal Point, Degree Units,Filter Constant and Input/Reading Submenus.Step 15. Enter to Decimal Point Submenu Press d to show DEC Decimal Point.Step 16. Display the Decimal Point positionPress d again to display the flashing Decimal Point position.Step 17. Select the Decimal Point position Press b to select FFF.F Decimal Point position.Step 18. Store selected Decimal Point positionBy pressing d momentarily the Decimal Point position will be stored and the instrument will go to the next menu item.Step 19. Enter to Temperature Unit Submenu Display shows TEMP Temperature Unit.Step 20. Display available Temperature Units Press d to display the flashing Degree °F or °C .Step 21. Scroll through Temperature Units selection Press b to select °F Degree.Step 22. Store the Temperature UnitPress d to display momentarily that the Degree Unit has been stored and the instrument will go automatically to the next menu item.Step 23. Enter the Filter Constant Submenu Display shows FLTR Filter Constant Submenu.Step 24. Display the Filter Constant Value Submenu Press d to display the flashing, previously selected Filter Constant.Step 25. Scroll through available Filter Constants Press b to sequence thru Filter Constants 0001, 0002,0004, 0008, 0016, 0032, 0064and 0128.Step 26. Store the Filter ConstantPress d momentarily to store 0004Filter Constant and the instrument will automatically go to the next menu item.Step 27. Enter Alarm 1 MenuPress a until the ALR1Alarm 1 Menu appears on the Display. In the following steps we are going to Disable Latch, Active Above, Deadband 020.0, and above Setpoint 1 Value will activate Alarm 1.SPECIFICATIONAccuracy:+0.5°C temp;0.03% rdg. process typical Resolution:1°/0.1°; 10 µV process Temperature Stability:0.04°C/°C RTD;0.05°C/°C TC @ 25°C (77°F); 50 ppm/°C process Display:4-digits, 9-segments LED,10.2 mm (0.40") with red, green and amber programmable colors Input Types:Thermocouple, RTD, Analog Voltage and Current TC:(ITS90)J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L RTD:(ITS68)100/500/1000 ohm Pt sensor 2-wire, 3-wire, or 4-wire; 0.00385 or 0.00392 curve Voltage:0 to 100 mV, 0 to 1 V, 0 to 10 Vdc Current:0 to 20 mA (4 to 20 mA)Output 1†:Relay 250 Vac @ 3 A Resistive Load,SSR, Pulse, Analog Voltage and Current Output 2†:Relay 250 Vac @ 3 A Resistive Load,SSR, Pulse †Only for AlarmsOptions:Communication:RS-232 / RS-422 / RS-485 or Excitation:24 Vdc @ 25 mAExc. not available for Low Power OptionLine Voltage/Power:90 - 240 Vac ±10%,50 - 400 Hz*, or 110 - 375 Vdc, 4 W* No CE compliance above 60 HzLow Voltage Power Option:12 - 36 Vdc, 3 W****Units can be powered safely with 24 Vac but No Certification for CE/UL are claimed.Dimensions:25.4 H x 48 W x 126.3 D mm (1.0 x 1.89 x 5")Weight:127 g (0.28 lb)Approvals:CE per EN 61010-1:2001MQS3847/0905It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply.OEMGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives.OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering,Inc.accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.TRADEMARK NOTICE:®,®,, and®are Trademarks ofOMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.®This Quick Start Reference provides informationon setting up your instrument for basic operation.The latest complete Communication and OperationalManual as well as free Software and ActiveX Controlsare available at /specs/iseries or onthe CD-ROM enclosed with your shipment. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONThe instrument is a panel mount device protected in accordance with EN 61010-1:2001, electrical safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory. Remember that the unit has no power-on switch. Building installation should include a switch or circuit-breaker that must be compliant to IEC 947-1 and 947-3. SAFETY:•Do not exceed voltage rating on the label located onthe top of the instrument housing.•Always disconnect power before changing signal andpower connections.•Do not use this instrument on a work bench withoutits case for safety reasons.•Do not operate this instrument in flammable orexplosive atmospheres.•Do not expose this instrument to rain or moisture. EMC:•Whenever EMC is an issue, always use shielded cables.•Never run signal and power wires in the same conduit.•Use signal wire connections with twisted-pair cables.•Install Ferrite Bead(s) on signal wire close to theinstrument if EMC problems persist.Panel Mounting Instruction:ing the dimensions from the panel cutout diagramshown above, cut an opening in the panel.2.Insert the unit into the opening from the front of thepanel, so the gasket seals between the bezel and thefront of the panel.3.Slide the retainer over the rear of the case and tightenagainst the backside of the mounting panel.。

MSD-6410P CORE-规格说明

MSD-6410P CORE-规格说明

美赛达科技-专业GPS方案提供商规格说明书MSD-6410P COREREV: 001编制:王迈峰标准化:宁双林审核:批准:修改记录产品名称版本号 拟制人/修改人拟制/修改日期更改理由主要更改内容 (写要点即可)MSD-6410P CORE 规格说明书 001王迈峰 091108注1:每次更改归档文件时,需填写此表。


目录1 应用范围 (General Description) (4)2 特色(Feature) (4)3 规格(Specification) (5)4 接口说明(PIN Description) (6)5核心板封装尺寸图(SCH Referrence).......................................................................错误!未定义书签。

6 导航软件需求说明(Software Request)....................................................................错误!未定义书签。

71 应用范围 (General Description)本核心板上有samsung6410的基本系统和video.audio输出部分,接口部分包含所有普通I/O和专用I/O。


2 特色(Feature)外部接口丰富,高性能,低成本,低功耗支持128MB/256MB DDR/mDDR内存有samsung6410的专用接口和普通接口支持3D UI效果支持双SD卡,一个导航用一个娱乐用支持双显示系统,支持本机和头枕显示不同的内容支持画中画功能支持双音频,导航和娱乐声音从不同的语音通道输出,导航时不打断娱乐的声音强大的多媒体娱乐功能3 规格(Specification)系统参数主频800MHZ主芯片型号SAMSUNG S3C6410XH-80内存128MB/256MB存储空间128MB(可扩展至2GB)SD接口支持协议SD Memory Card Spec(ver 2.1) / MMC Memory card Spec(4.2)compatible/SDHC导航软件存储 SD卡/NAND FLASH音频支持类型MP3/WMA/PCM视频支持类型AVI/ASF/WMV/DIVX/rmvb….视频解码性能QVGA > 25帧/S操作系统WINCE 6.0 CORE软件编译类型ARMV4I接口参数通讯接口I2C/SPI/UART/USB/SD触摸屏接口四线电阻式/UART音频接口I2S视频接口 /CVBS/数字RGB888 复合视频输入接口ITU656/601其他接口普通IO/AD/PWM电气特性供电电压 3.3V(+-5%)供电电流约300mA所有接口输入电压 3.0-3.6V所有接口输出电压0-3.6V工作温度 -10——+70度存储温度 -20——+80度板尺寸 70mm(长) x 40mm(宽) x 9mm(高)4 接口说明(PIN Description)1)主接口采用2组间距为2.0mm双排插座连接方式;2)扩展接口采用50pin的0.5mm间距的FPC座连接方式;3)2个SD卡接口1个采用12pin的0.5mm间距的FPC座,另一个采用16pin的0.5mm间距的FPC 座连接方式。



Q5000 Sevies
Q5000 Sevies
1.2 储存及安装
本 品 在 安装之 前 必须 置 于 其 包装 箱内 ,若 该 机 暂 不使 用 ,为了 使 该 品能 够 符 合 本公 司 的 保 固 范围内 以 及日 后 的 维 护, 储存 时务 必 注 意 下列 事 项:
√必须置于无尘垢、干燥之位置。 √ 储 存位置的 环 境温度 必 须 在 -20℃ 到 +65℃ 范围 内 。 √ 储 存位置的 相 对湿度 必 须 在 0% 到 95% 范围内, 且 无结 露 。 √避免储存于含有腐蚀性气、液体之环境中。 √最好适当包装存放在架子或台面。
Q5000 Sevies
2.1 基本配线图
第 二 章 配 线 说 明
变频器配线部分,分为主回路及控制回路。用户可将输出/输入端子的盖子掀开, 此时可看到主回路端子及控制回路端子,用户必须依照下列之配线回路确实连接。
下 图为Q5000出厂时 变 频器 的标 准 配线 图 。若仅 用 数 字控制 面板 操作时 , 只 有 主回 路 端子配线。
安装 方向及 空 间
为了使冷却循环效果良 好,必须将变 频器安装在 垂直方向,因 变频器底部 装有冷却风 扇以强制风冷,其上下 左右与相邻的 物品和挡板 (墙)必须保 持足够的空 间。如下图 所示:
无水滴、蒸气、灰尘及油性灰尘之场所。 无腐蚀、易燃性之气、液体。 无漂浮性的尘埃及金属微粒。 坚固无振动之场所。 无电磁杂讯干扰之场所。 使 用环境 温度为 -10℃~ 50℃,若环 境 温 度超 过40℃以 上 时 , 请置于 通 风良 好 之 场 所。
端子功能说 明 多 功 能指示信 号 输 出接 点 多 功 能指示信 号 输 出接 点 多功能输入辅助端子 多功能输入选择一 多功能输入选择二 多功能输入选择三 多功能输入选择四 多功能输入选择五 多功能输出端子一 速度设定用电源 模拟电压频率指令 模拟电流频率指令 模拟频率/电流计



SIM卡管理系统产品需求说明书V1.0版本发布人:发布日期:修改记录目录1.简介1.1 文档目的本文档是为美赛达SIM统一管理而编写。

1.2 参考资料序号文档名1.3 产品角色1.3.1产品的使用者运营部人员1.3.2产品的关联者车友互联导航终端运营商工厂1.4 产品概述及目标1.4.1产品概述SIM卡管理系统目的为管理SIM卡的生命周期,梳理各个阶段现有的与SIM卡有关的业务、关联的系统,并细化运营需求。





















成品检验标准与使用说明1000B-MSD-025REV: 001修改记录目录1 应用范围 (3)2 引用标准 (3)3 产品描述 (3)4 产品详细规格 (4)5 GPS备附件列表: (6)6 操作说明: (6)⏹ 6.1 开/关机 6⏹ 6.2 校正触摸屏7⏹ 6.3 音乐播放器界面操作:7⏹ 6.4 AUDIO OUT功能说明:10⏹ 6.5 视频播放器界面操作:10⏹ 6.6 阅读器界面操作说明:14⏹ 6.7 图片浏览器界面操作说明:16⏹ 6.8 GPS监视器界面操作:19⏹ 6.9 语言设置界面操作:22⏹ 6.10 亮度设置界面操作: 22⏹ 6.11 音量调节操作: 23⏹ 6.12 查看系统信息操作: 24⏹ 6.13 时间设置操作: 26⏹ 6.14 运行导航软件操作说明: 27⏹ 6.15 指示灯说明 29⏹ 6.16 按键功能297 注意事项 (29)1 应用范围⏹本测试标准适用于美赛达1000B-MSD-025的导航成品;⏹本测试标准规定了美赛达导航产品的规格参数、使用说明。

2 引用标准⏹导航软件操作标准3 产品描述⏹ 2.5寸LTPS高清晰显示,显示分辨率为320*240⏹双声道耳机接口,内置高保真度1W扬声器,音量可调⏹按键+触摸屏操作⏹内置高灵敏度SiRF STAR III GPS接收模块⏹内置GPS天线,并可外接天线⏹可直接运行SD卡的导航软件⏹可支持播放mp3,mp4*等播放文件⏹视频播放器支持的文件格式: asf,avi,mp4,wmv⏹看图软件支持: BMP,JPG,PNG,GIF;⏹文字浏览器支持: TXT⏹内置单节锂电池, 通过外部DC12V充电,可直接接汽车点烟器⏹双色灯指示:一个为运行指示灯(蓝色):运行时常亮,SLEEP时熄灭;另一个为电池充电灯指示:充电时红色灯常,充饱后红灯熄灭,黄灯点亮。

*¹: 多媒体播放软件需要支付授权费用4 产品详细规格OMED HG F NLKJI CBA蓝色,运行时常亮G 立体声耳机插座L 天线翻盖H 电池充电座M 触摸笔插槽I 软件更新接口N 系统复位孔J 外接天线座O 喇叭声音出口K 操作锁开关5 GPS备附件列表:◆GPS整机一台◆双声道耳机一副◆触模笔一支◆车充线一条或100~~~220V转12V充电器一个◆外接天线一条6 操作说明:6.1开/关机◆按住“POWER”按钮3秒以上,工作指示灯亮,同时LCD显示公司LOGO及开机进度条。





目录安全注意事项 (2)一、概述 (3)二、技术指标 (3)三、安装和接线 (4)3.1使用环境 (4)3.2 安装注意事项 (4)3.3 配线接线图 (5)3.4 控制端子原理图接线 (5)四、操作面板 (6)4.1面板说明 (6)4.2 按键说明 (7)4.3 显示面板操作方法如下 (8)五、功能参数表 (9)六、软起动内部线路板资料 (12)七、BANG软起动性能 (13)八、电机软起动器装置结构及外形尺寸 (14)九、电机软起动柜结构及外形参考尺寸 (15)十、维护及故障检修 (16)安全注意事项警告!BANG软起动器只允许专业技术人员安装,并根据使用手册进行操作。













Shimadzu ASI-100和ASI-100T自动样品注射器产品说明书

Shimadzu ASI-100和ASI-100T自动样品注射器产品说明书

The ASI-100 and ASI-100TAutomated Sample Injectors are highly flexible autosamplers for automating high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) methods. The ASI-100/ASI-100T,which allows independent processing of sample sequences and methods, has been designed for routine laboratory use and incorporates exceptional reliability and high performance. With integrated safety features such as automatic vial recognition and electronic needle resistance shut-down, the ASI-100 family is ideally suited for unattended operation. The ASI-100/ASI-100T incorporates an in-line split-loop injection system, thereby providing variable injection volumes with the precision of conventional fixed-loop autosamplers. The ASI-100T provides sample carousel temperature control.No Sample LossIn-line split-loop injection, where the needle itself is an integral part of the sample loop, not only delivershighly accurate and highly reproducible injection volumes, but also conserves valuable sample by drawing only the volume to be injected. The ASI-100/ASI-100T requires only 5 µL of sample to complete an injection, making it ideal for samples of limited volume.The minimum amount of sample that can be injected is 1 µL.After injection, mobile phase is directed through the in-line needle,eliminating the need for an additional flush cycle and minimizing sample carryover (< 0.1%).FlexibilityThe ASI-100/ASI-100T allows easy loading of samples without the extra step of removing the sample carousel. The removable carousel is divided into three 120˚ sectors; each segment is interchangeable to accept eight different vials (Table 1). All three sectors can be configured for the same size vials or the sectors can be mixed to accept three sizes (Figure 2). The autosampler automatically identifies which size vials are in each sector. For programming purposes, vials areidentified by sector, row, and position within the row.a u t o s a mCapacityThe number of samples that can be analyzed using the ASI-100/ASI-100T depends on the type of segments in the carousel. Three 4-mL vial segments hold 63 samples, three 2-mL segments hold 117 samples, and three 1.2-mL segments hold 192 vials. Each of these configurations also permits the use of three additional 4-mL wash vials. (See Table 1.)AutomationThe ASI-100/ASI-100T can be programmed in two ways: directly from its front panel using easy-to-follow menus, or externally throughC HROMELEON™ chromatography management software (Figure 2), which provides significantly enhanced capabilities. These enhancements include random sample access, variable injection volume for each sample, a variable number of replicates, definition of longer sample batches, definition of more sample methods, and automatic documentation of measuring conditions via the Audit Trail feature. In addition, a second electrically activated switching valve for column switching can be controlled.When necessary, the autosampler can be interrupted during a sequence to run a priority sample immediately. By pressing the “Quick Sample” button on the front panel and programming the position of the sample to be run, the sampler will finish processing the current sample, then run the specified sample and return to the previously programmed sequence.ASI-100P for Semi-preparative Usage For semi-preparative applica-tions, the ASI-100P was designed for low backpressure contribution even at high flow rates. The carousel of theAS1-100P is equipped with semi-preparative 4-mL vial segments and a 2500 µL syringe and sample loop. The ASI-100PT provides sample tempera-ture control.Figure 2. The ASI-100/ASI-100T can be programmed with C HROMELEON chromatography management software.Sample PreparationThe ASI-100/ASI-100T can be programmed through the front panel or through C HROMELEON to perform several operations prior to sample injection that normally would be performed by the analyst before placing the sample in a vial. These operations include proce-dures such as reagent addition, sample dilution, standard additions, and stan-dards preparation. Mixing is accom-plished through a draw and dispense pro-cess; with C HROMELEON, multiple draw and dispense operations can be per-formed. The autosampler also can be programmed to perform a “Wash” proto-col when required.Sample Temperature ControlThe ASI-100T provides samplecarousel temperature control using Peltier heating and cooling. The temperature range of the ASI-100T is 4–45 o C (39–113 o F), with maximum cooling of -18 o C from ambient. Maximum heating is +35 o C from ambient.ServiceabilityThe ASI-100/ASI-100T is easy to operate and maintain. Syringe and sample loop changes are made through an access panel on the right front corner (Figure 3). The standard syringe and sample loop volume is 250 µL; other volume options are 100, 1000, and 2500 µL. It is recommended that the syringe volume and sample loop Figure 3. Easy access is provided to the syringe and sample loop.size are equivalent.To aid in maintenance schedules,the autosampler keeps an internal log ofactions that have been performed. Byaccessing the “Counters” submenu,users can view statistical informationfor individual counters. The counterstrack the following parameters:•Number of executed injections•Number of injection valve statorand rotor movements•Wear of the needle port•Wear of the needle seal•Wear of the syringeASI-100P for Semi-preparative UsageFor semi-preparative applica-tions, the ASI-100 was designed forlow backpressure contribution even athigh flow rates. The carousel of theASI-100P is equipped with semi-preparative 4-mL vial segments and a2500 µL syringe and sample loop. TheASI-100PT provides sample tempera-ture control.Printed on recycled and recyclable paper.ASI-100, ASI-100T, and C HROMELEON are trademarks of Dionex Corporation.Vespel is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.Dionex Corporation Dionex CorporationDionex U.S. Regional Offices Dionex International Subsidiaries1228 Titan Way Salt Lake City Technical Center Sunnyvale, CA (408) 737-8522Austria (01) 616 51 25 Belgium (015) 203800 Canada Germany 06126-991-0P.O. Box 36031515 West 2200 South, Suite A Westmont, IL (630) 789-3660Italy (06) 66 51 50 52 Japan (06) 6885-1213 The Netherlands (062) 205 99 66 Sunnyvale, CA Salt Lake City, UT Houston, TX (281) 847-565294088-360384119-1484Atlanta, GA (770) 432-8100(408) 737-0700(801) 972-9292Marlton, NJ (856) 596-0600©2002 Dionex Corporation。


trip (under specified conditions).
Maximum Interrupt Current
The maximum interrupt current (better known as “breaking” capacity; (I ) is the highest permissible fault current to trip these
Initial Resistance
The initial resistance (RImin and RImax) is the resistance of the resettable protector under specified conditions (i.e. 20°C) before connection into a circuit.
I (hold) Element will remain in low resistance state
Ambient Temperature ( oC)
De-rating of Hold and Trip Currents
Figure 14
The ‘heat transfer’ environment oso influence the performance of the element. Generally, by increasing the ‘heat transfer’ into the surrounding environment the following parameters will subsequently be augmented:

Atlas Copco MD, MDG, ND 热压胸干燥机产品说明书

Atlas Copco MD, MDG, ND 热压胸干燥机产品说明书

Heat of compression rotary drum dryersMD series (200-4000 l/s, 424-8480 cfm)ND series (300-4000 l/s, 636-8480 cfm)MDG series (450 l/s, 954 cfm)Cost-effectivedry air for your applicationClean and dry compressed air is vital to power up your busy production environment. Containing moisture, aerosols and dirt particles, untreated compressed air poses a substantial risk as it can damage your air system and end product. Y etit must be produced reliably, energy-efficiently and cost-effectively. Atlas Copco’s heat-of-compression rotary drum dryers protect your systems and processes. T heir robust design ensures they operate with total reliability and deliver the desired quality of air.Protecting your reputationand productionBy removing moisture from compressed air with a pressure dewpoint as low as -45°C/-49°F, MD, MDG and ND heat-of-compression rotary drum dryers eliminate system failures, production downtime and costly repairs.Keeping your productionup and runningAtlas Copco's proven rotary drum technology ensures maximum reliable process continuity thanks to the use ofhigh-quality materials. In addition, its simple design eliminates any risk of losses and advanced control and monitoring is available for optimal energy efficiency.Driving down energy costsAs the heat-of-compression is used to dry the desiccant, limited energy is required for drying. T he energy required to rotate the drum is negligible. Furthermore, there is no loss of compressed air, ensuring 100% flow capacity at output. T he rotary drum dryers are characterized by zero purge by design, an extremely low pressure drop and no filtration requirements.Easy installation and long maintenance intervalsThe combination of an easy-to-service vessel, minimal maintenance downtime and long service intervals reduces your maintenance time and costs. T he dryers have a small footprint thanks to an innovative all-in-one design. Installation is straightforward, minimizing costly production downtime. Assuring your peace of mindThrough continuous investment in our competent, committed and efficient service organization, Atlas Copco ensures superior customer value by maximizing productivity. With a presence in over 180 countries, we offer professional and timely service through interaction and involvement. Uptime is guaranteedby dedicated technicians and 24/7 availability.Cost-effective dry airfor your applicationDry and clean compressed air is essential for a broad range of industrial applications. Y et it must be produced reliably, energy-efficiently and cost-effectively. Atlas Copco’s heat-of-compression rotary drum dryers protect your systems and processes. T heir robust design ensures they operate with total reliability and deliver the desired quality of air.Food & BeverageA RELIABLE SUPPL Y OF DRY AIRingredient or item of food.Power generationA FOCUS ON PRODUCTIVITYduring a period of maintenance or emergency.PharmaceuticalsA T IGHT CONTROL ON QUALITYto crumble or the drug to decompose and diminish in its therapeutic value. T o assureis therefore vital.Process airA CONTINUOUS FLOW OF DRY AIRand running at all times.costHeatless Blower purge Rotary drumWhy rotary drum dryers?A dry compressed air system is essential to maintain the reliability of production processes and the quality of end products. Untreated air can cause corrosion in pipe work, premature failure of pneumatic equipment, and product spoilage. Heat of compression is a by-product of a compressor. It is typically wasted, because there is no use for it. Rotary drum dryers use this heat to regenerate the desiccant. Little to no additional heat is needed to reach an acceptable dewpoint. T his is what makes rotary drum dryers extremely energy efficient.Lifecycle costEnergy can constitute up to 80% of the total lifecycle cost of a dryer. Y ou therefore need to look closely at energy efficiency when selecting a dryer. The illustration compares the lifecycle cost of heatless, blower purge and rotary drum dryers.W a t e r t o t h e a i r n e t p e r d a y (l i t e r )1000212036002000424072003000 l/s 6360 cfm 10800 m 3/hWater to the air net if no dryer installedThe heatless desiccant dryer is the most expensive to operate as 15-20% of its rated flow capacity is consumed as purge air. T he rotary drum dryer can lead to significant energy savings because of its unique design and controls. Even compared to a blower purge dryer, rotary drum dryers can save up to 50% of the lifecycle cost.efficiencyZero purge by designWhereas other desiccant dryer types can consume up to 20% of the compressed air, the rotary drum dryers guarantee 100% flow capacity at the output.No filtration requirementsRotary drum dryers need no pre-filters, no after-filters and no dust filters, all of which can cause pressure drops. T ypically a set ofpre- and after-filters can have an average pressure drop exceeding 0.5 bar and lead to an extra 3.5% energy consumption.Smart heating and best performance (ND only)The controller adapts the heating power to the required minimum to achieve the requested performance.Low pressure dropthe system pressure drop is very low.Required extra compressor power1 bar/14.5 psi Pressure drop7%Low maintenanceThe combination of an easy-to-service vessel, minimal maintenance downtime and long service intervals reduces your maintenance time and costs. In addition, there is no need to changefilter cartridges.Complete, compact packageThe small footprint of rotary dryers means they take up minimal space in your facility. T hey come in a completely integrated package; all piping and connections are included as standard. A convenient lifting eye makes them easy to maneuver.Environmentally friendlyRotary drum dryers are totally oil-free and use no Freon or CFCs, and a minimal amount of desiccant (only 5-10% of conventional adsorption dryers). 95% of all components can be recycled, and the units have very low noise levels.Choice of rotary drum adsorption dryer23415Constant dry air at extreme low power consumptionThanks to their pioneering technology, rotary drum dryers ensure the lowest pressure drop and lowest energy consumption for the highest possible efficiency – saving you time and money throughout the production process. T he uniqueness of the rotary drum dryers lies in the fact that the loss of compressed air is completely avoided. Due to the usage of the generated heat from the compression process, a minimal amount of power is required to achieve very low dewpoints.Savings when selecting the right drying method* Assumptions: 1 kWh = 0.05 € – 8,000 h/year2000 l/s 4240 cfm 7200 m 3/h50010601800100021203600150031805400Heatless dryer Refrigerant dryer Heat reactivated dryer MD/MDGHighly efficient at almost no cost• The only energy needed is the power to rotate the drum, a mere 0.12 kW • 100% flow capacity at the output• Temperature, pressure and dewpoint peaks are eliminatedFlowE n e r g y c o s t s * (€/y e a r )The MD’s working principle is based on using hot compressed air from the compressor to regenerate the desiccant. T he single pressure vessel is divided into two sectors: drying (75%) andregenerating (25%). Desiccant, impregnated on a honeycomb glass fiber drum, slowly rotates through these two sectors.Hot air leaving the last stage of the compressor is divided into two streams, 1 and 2. T he main stream – branch 1 – passes through the compressors after cooler (not visible in the image) and enters the dryer for drying. T he regeneration stream – branch 2 – (hotunsaturated air) is headed for desiccant regeneration. It passesthrough the regeneration section of the drum, removes the moisture through desorption and regenerates the desiccant. T he nowsaturated regeneration air flow is cooled in the regeneration cooler (3), and then mixed with the main stream (branch 1).MD W orking principle12345Wet compressed airRegeneration compressed air CoolerCooled regeneration compressed air Dried compressed air080007000600050004000300020001000ND W orking principleMDG W orking principleThe difference with the MD working principle is that the regeneration stream – branch 2 – (hot unsaturated air) is split in two, the first part passes directly through the regeneration sector of the desiccant drum. T he second part passes through theregeneration heater 6, is further heated and moves to the regeneration sector to achieve deeper dew points. Both flows are passing through the regeneration sector of the drum, removing the moisture through desorption; the desiccant is regenerated. T he saturated regeneration air flow is cooled in theregeneration cooler 3 and then mixed with the main stream (branch 1). T he controller adapts the heating power to the minimum required to achieve the requested performance.The full flow of hot compressed air leaves the last stage of the compressor and passes through theMDG’s heat exchanger (2) and the water-cooled cooler (3). Cooled compressed air (branch 4) enters the drum for drying. Dry air comes out at the top, where it leaves the MDG at point 5.Part of the dry air (branch 6) goes into the heat exchanger (2), where it picks up the heat from incoming compressed air (branch 1). Dry and hot regeneration air (branch 7) passes through theregeneration section of the drum, where the moisture is removed. Wet and hot regeneration air is cooled in the regeneration cooler (8) and then mixed with the incoming cooled compressed air (branch 4).123456798Hot wet compressed air Heat exchanger Water-cooled cooler Cooled wet compressed air Dried compressed airRegeneration compressed air Heated regeneration compressed air Cooled regeneration compressed air62514371234567Wet compressed airRegeneration compressed air CoolerCooled regeneration compressed airDried compressed air HeaterHeated regeneration compressed airWater-cooled cooler765894312Regeneration air cooler• Stainless steel for water-cooled versions;aluminium for air-cooled versions• Efficient heat transfer and high reliability• Integrated in the dryerStainless still pipes (MDG only)• Resistant to corrosion without special protective coating• High strength at reduced weightControls• User-friendly interface in 32 languages• Comprehensive maintenance displayCompressed air cooler (MDG only)• Stainless steel keeps performance over the lifetime of the dryer• Requires minimum maintenance• Easy to cleanElectric motor• Drives the rotating drum, consuming minimal power(Variable Speed Drive is optional on selected models)• Greased for lifeElectronic water drainsNo loss drains with superior reliabilityfor efficient condensate removalMinimal floor space requiredRotary drum technology• No loose desiccant, compared to twin tower dryers • No need for pre-filtration of compressed air• Long lifetimeLow wattage heater (ND only)• Stainless steel design ensures long lifetime• Nickel-plated heater pipe protects against corrosion• Double thermostat protectionA step ahead inmonitoring and controlsAtlas Copco's Elektronikon ® control and monitoring system takes continuous care of your dryers to ensure optimal productivity and efficiency at your site.User-friendly interfaceAvailable in 32 languages, this graphical 3.5-inch high-definition color display with pictograms and LED indicators for key events is easy to use.The keyboard is durable to resist tough treatment in demanding environments.Comprehensive maintenance displayValuable items of information displayed include the ServicePlan indicator and preventive maintenance warnings.SMART LINK*• Remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save energy and costs• Provides a complete insight in your compressed air network • Anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front* Please contact your local sales representative for more informationOnline & mobile monitoringThe Elektronikon ® system monitors and displays key parameters such as dewpoint, vessel pressure and inlet temperature, and includes an energy-savings indicator. Internet-based visualization of your dryer is possible by using a simple Ethernet connection.Optimize your systemScope of supply- : Not available: Standard• : OptionalRotary drum adsorption dryers MD 200-4000Rotary drum adsorption dryer MDG 450Rotary drum adsorption dryers ND 300-4000COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0688 02 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。



5.8 电源适应性试验.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2 外形、外观结构与零部件要求.......................................................................................... 9
4.3 互连配接要求...................................................................................................................... 9
4.8 电源适应性...................................................................................................................... 14
4.9 可靠性.............................................................................................................................. 15
4.6 电磁兼容性...................................................................................................................... 10



Eaton 187420Eaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM Type F RCCB. Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), 25A, 4p, 300mA, type G/FGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM Type F RCCB187420FRCMM-25/4/03-G/F401508182478680 mm 76 mm 70 mm 0.341 kg RoHS conformIEC/EN 62423 EN45545-2 IEC 61373 IEC/EN 61008Product NameCatalog Number Model CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances CertificationsFour-pole10 ms delayed25 A10 kA with back-up fuse 300 mAPulse-current sensitive3 kA (8/20 μs) surge-proof 240 V AC / 415 V AC240 V440 V4 kV0.3 A0.3 A50 Hz / 60 Hz63 A (max. admissible back-up fuse)Other500 A25 A gG/gL10 kA3 kA184 V AC - 440 V AC2Frequency mix (10 Hz, 50 Hz, 1000 Hz) enhanced sensitivity 4000 operationsApplicationNumber of polesTripping timeAmperage RatingRated short-circuit strength Fault current rating Sensitivity typeImpulse withstand current Type Voltage rating (IEC/EN 60947-2)Rated operational voltage (Ue) - maxRated insulation voltage (Ui)Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated fault current - minRated fault current - maxFrequency ratingShort-circuit ratingLeakage current typeRated residual making and breaking capacity Admissible back-up fuse overload - max Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) Surge current capacityTest circuit rangePollution degreeRadiation resistanceLifespan, electricalSwitchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applicationsxEffect - Switchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applicationsCurrent test marks as per inscriptionMaximum operating temperature is 55 °C: Starting at 40 °C, the max. permissible continuous current decreases by 3% for every 1 °C45 mm470 mm (4 SU)70.5 mmDIN railQuick attachment with 2 latch positions for DIN-rail IEC/EN 60715As requiredIP20IP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureWhite / blueTwin-purpose terminals1.5 mm² - 35 mm²1.5 mm²35 mm²16 mm² (2x)1.5 mm²16 mm²M5 (with cross-recessed screw as defined in EN ISO 4757-Z2, PZ2)25 A3.275 W2.8 W13.1 W0 W0 W-25 °C40 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.FrameWidth in number of modular spacingsBuilt-in width (number of units)Built-in depthMounting MethodMounting positionDegree of protectionStatus indicationTerminals (top and bottom)Terminal capacity (solid wire)Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max Terminal capacity (stranded cable)Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max Terminal capacity (cable)Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependentEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependentStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependentHeat dissipation capacityAmbient operating temperature - minAmbient operating temperature - max10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impactFinger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 502742 Nm - 2.4 NmRed / green0.8 mm - 2 mm20000 operations-35 °C60 °C25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Terminal protectionTightening torqueContact position indicator colorBusbar material thicknessLifespan, mechanicalPermitted storage and transport temperature - min Permitted storage and transport temperature - max Climatic proofing 10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical functionEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaResidual current circuit breaker Additional equipment possibleInterlocking deviceShort-time delayed trippingResidual current circuit breakers FRCmMType G/F (�VE E 8601)eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdfeaton-pdd-railrolling-stock-brochure-br011002en-en-us.pdf eaton-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-catalog-ca003018en-en-us.pdf DA-DC-03_FRCmMas_frcmmDA-CE-ETN.FRCMM-25_4_03-G_Featon-187407-drawing.dwgeaton-187407-3d-model.stpeaton-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.jpgFeaturesFitted with: Functions Special featuresUsed with Application notes Brochures Catalogues Certification reports DrawingseCAD model mCAD model Wiring diagramsFRCmMResidual current circuit breakersType G/F (ÖVE E 8601)。

SureHold All American Super Glue 产品安全数据表说明书

SureHold All American Super Glue 产品安全数据表说明书

Revision 2Revision Date 09-Sept-2013 Barristo Enterprises, Inc., dba SureHold®SAFETY DATA SHEETAll American Super GlueProduct Name All American Super GluePart Number SH-325Company Barristo Enterprises, Inc. dba SureHold3717 N Ravenswood Avenue, Suite 243Chicago, IL 60613*****************Telephone + 773-472-8592; Toll Free 800-881-4495Fax + 773-525-1750Emergency telephone800-881-4495harmful if swallowed. High concentrations or prolonged overexposure can cause:Asthma, bronchitis and other chronic lung conditions/upper respiratory tract. Primary Routes of Entry Eye and skin contact, ingestion, inhalationSigns and Symptoms of Exposure Chronic Effects: Repeated use may result in irritation of the mucus membrane and upper respiratory tract. Note to Physician: Cured adhesive does not pose a health risk.2-Ethyl Cyanoacrylate > 90% 7085-85-0 [1] ppm; [1] mg/m30.2 ppmPolymethyl methacrylate 1 – 5% 9011-14-7Bronopol < 0.1% 52-51-7Buthylated hydroxyanisole < 0.1% 25013-16-5with soap for at least 15 minutes then remove if possible without force. Get medicalattention if irritation or ill effect develops or persist.Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Do not attempt topull apart bonded eyelid. Seek medical attention.Inhalation Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give oxygen by trainedpersonnel. If signs or symptoms persist, seek medical attention.Ingestion DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Saliva will cause cyanoacrylate to polymerize in mouth. If lips are bonded together, use warm water to gently separate the lips apart. Contact aphysician.not use water jet. Hazardous Product of CombustionCombustible liquid.Protective equipment As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, (MSHA/MIOSH approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Unusual Fire/Explosion HazardsThis product is combustible. Lower Explosive Limit Upper Explosive LimitSmall Spill: Large Spill:Notes:Absorb with dry sand, soil, sawdust, cloth, etc., then place in sealable container. Dike and prevent overflow. Guide to safe place then dispose of properly.Keep spilled material from entering storm drains, sewers or other environmentalmediums. Disposal of clean-up materials may be governmentally regulated. Observe allgloves, rags, paper towels or clothing. A reaction containing cellulose fibers can cause smoke and fumes. To avoid fire, minimize ignition sources. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. May react in presence of moisture. May react or be incompatible with alkalies. Washthoroughly after handling.StorageContains moisture sensitive material. Store in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area. Keep control parameters during the use of this product.Respiratory protection In case of insufficient ventilation, wear NIOSH approved respiratory equipment when exposure limits are exceeded.Hand protection Wear impervious gloves. Wash thoroughly after handling.Eye protection Wear safety glasses. Wear splash goggles if the potential for splashing or spraying exists.Protective equipmentWear chemically impervious clothing, gloves, boots, aprons and gauntlets to preventprolonged or repeated skin contact. Wear protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles, per OSHA eye- and face protection regulations (29 CFR 1910.133). Contact lenses or not eye protective devices. Appropriate eye protection must be worn instead of, or in conjunction with contact lenses.Work Hygienic PracticesWash hands before eating, smoking or using restroom. Food or beverages should not be consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored. Facilities storing or utilizing OdorAcrid Boiling pointFlash point -83°C Closed Cup pHSolubility in Water Insoluble in cold water. Specific Gravity VOC (Wt.%) Vapor PressureVapor Density (Air=1)Hazardous Polymerization Yes, due to heat generated during polymerization. Incompatibilities Reactive with alkalis, oxidizing agents and water. Conditions to AvoidCan react with light or water. Hazardous Products of Combustion Carbon oxide, Nitrogen oxide.US Department of Transportation – DOT – 49 CFR (Ground)DOT Shipping Name Combustible liquid n.o.s. (2-Ethyl cyanoacrylate)Hazard Class Comb liq Packing Group III UN/ID Number NA1993IATA (Air)Proper Shipping NameAviation regulated liquid n.o.s. (2-Ethyl cyanoacrylate) Class or Division Class 9 Packing Group III UN/ID NumberUN3334IMDG (Vessel)Proper Shipping NameCombustible liquid n.o.s. (2-Ethyl cyanoacrylate) Hazard ClassComb liq Packing Group III UN Number UN3334States with Special RequirementsThis product contains a component or components listed on the New Jersey Right to Know list of hazardous chemicals. Chemical Name: BronopolCalifornia Proposition 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Buthylated hydroxyanisole. TSCA Inventory Status All components of this product are listed (or exempt) on the EPA TSCA Inventory.Estimated HMISHEALTH 2, FLAMMABILITY 2, PHYSICAL HAZARD 2, PERSONAL PROTECTION C Classification(NFPA is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association)(HMIS is a registered trademark of the National Paint and Coatings Association)Further information The information supplied in this Safety Data Sheet is designed only as guidance for the safeuse, storage and handling of the product. This information is correct to the best of ourknowledge and belief at the date of publication; however, no guarantee is made to itaccuracy. This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not bevalid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any other process.。



美赛达科技-专业GPS方案提供商规格说明书872F-MSDREV: 002编制:许赖玉标准化:宁双林审核:批准:修改记录目录1 应用范围 (4)2 产品描述 (4)3 产品详细规格及性能参数 (5)4 接口说明(PIN Description) (7)5 对导航软件的要求 (10)1应用范围本规格说明书适用于美赛达内置车载导航板872F-MSD。


2产品描述通过内置存储Flash装入电子地图导航软件实现GPS卫星定位导航功能;三星S3C2451XH-40/53芯片方案,ARM926EJ核心,400MHz/533MHz主频;系统内存为128MB DDRII SDRAM;Flash支持SLC/MLC,初定为三星128MB SLC NAND FLASH;接口齐全,外围电路简单,与车载DVD完美结合,功能扩展潜力巨大;支持多种视频输出格式和分辨率,可输出RGB,S-VIDIO(即Y/C),CVBS及YPbPr视频,双声道CD立体音质输出,可直接与汽车DVD的AV(AUDIO AND VIDIO)端连接;RGB输出,分辨率为320×240、480×234、400×234、640×480和800×480等;CVBS,Y/C,YPbPr输出支持多种分辨率:320×240、480×234、400×234、640×480和800×480等;CVBS,Y/C,YPbPr输出模式是可选择PAL或NTSC输出,可在界面上调节亮度,对比度,色度,饱和度;视频输出模式以及触摸接口方式改动无需改动硬件;超强的自适应性:可在屏幕上直接调节显示大小及显示位置,在匹配不同厂家的屏或不同的地图时更显优势;内置SiRF STAR III GPS接收模块和内置SMA天线接口,采用2.0间距的32pin兼容接口实现与汽车DVD通讯,并支持0.5mm间距的12PIN FPC SD卡接接口支持双声道line out,支持声音输出有效信号控制;支持导航声音优先功能,即客户在观看DVD时如有导航提示,则自动播放导航语音; 可直接支持四线电阻式触摸,红外遥控操作,通过串口接口可完成触摸屏、按键、红外的操作;支持灵活的触摸屏操作,可方便与车载DVD整合共用一个触摸屏,可以通过硬件切换的方式(继电器或模拟开关)或者软件协议的方式(串口)实现触摸屏共用;支持MP3/MP4播放功能,支持图片浏览功能,支持文本文件阅读功能;支持USB host1.1信号兼容USB Device2.0;支持电子狗功能扩展或者TMC功能二选一;支持蓝牙、可以通过12pin FPC座接口跟蓝牙通讯;支持CMMB数字电视功能;CMMB数字电视CA采用SMD方式。

QMA Q5000手册

QMA Q5000手册
第 八 章: 规格...........................................................................................................48
8.1 标准 规格................................................................................................48
安装 方向及 空 间
为了使冷却循环效果良 好,必须将变 频器安装在 垂直方向,因 变频器底部 装有冷却风 扇以强制风冷,其上下 左右与相邻的 物品和挡板 (墙)必须保 持足够的空 间。如下图 所示:
无水滴、蒸气、灰尘及油性灰尘之场所。 无腐蚀、易燃性之气、液体。 无漂浮性的尘埃及金属微粒。 坚固无振动之场所。 无电磁杂讯干扰之场所。 使 用环境 温度为 -10℃~ 50℃,若环 境 温 度超 过40℃以 上 时 , 请置于 通 风良 好 之 场 所。
第 六 章: 功能/参 数一 览 表.......................................................................................38
第 七 章: 错误讯 息指示 与故 障 排除.......................................................................46
制动 电阻(选购)
*若为单相 机种则主回 路端子可任选2个端子作为 输入电源端 *单相机种 可输入三相 电源
2.2 系统配线图
Q5000 Sevies
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目录1 应用范围42 产品描述43 产品详细规格及性能参数54 接口说明(PIN Description)75 对导航软件的要求111应用范围本规格说明书适用于美赛达内置车载导航板872F-MSD。


2产品描述➢通过内置存储Flash装入电子地图导航软件实现GPS卫星定位导航功能;➢三星S3C2451XH-40/53芯片方案,ARM926EJ核心,400MHz/533MHz主频;➢系统内存为128MBDDRIISDRAM;➢Flash支持SLC/MLC,初定为三星128MBSLCNANDFLASH;➢接口齐全,外围电路简单,和车载DVD完美结合,功能扩展潜力巨大;➢支持多种视频输出格式和分辨率,可输出RGB,S-VIDIO(即Y/C),CVBS及YPbPr 视频,双声道CD立体音质输出,可直接和汽车DVD的AV(AUDIOANDVIDIO)端连接;➢RGB输出,分辨率为320×240、480×234、400×234、640×480和800×480等;➢CVBS,Y/C,YPbPr输出支持多种分辨率:320×240、480×234、400×234、640×480和800×480等;➢CVBS,Y/C,YPbPr输出模式是可选择PAL或NTSC输出,可于界面上调节亮度,对比度,色度,饱和度;➢视频输出模式以及触摸接口方式改动无需改动硬件;➢超强的自适应性:可于屏幕上直接调节显示大小及显示位置,于匹配不同厂家的屏或不同的地图时更显优势;➢内置SiRFSTARIIIGPS接收模块和内置SMA天线接口,采用2.0间距的32pin兼容接口实现和汽车DVD通讯,且支持0.5mm间距的12PINFPCSD卡接接口➢支持双声道lineout,支持声音输出有效信号控制;➢支持导航声音优先功能,即客户于观见DVD时如有导航提示,则自动播放导航语音;➢可直接支持四线电阻式触摸,红外遥控操作,通过串口接口可完成触摸屏、按键、红外的操作;➢支持灵活的触摸屏操作,可方便和车载DVD整合共用壹个触摸屏,能够通过硬件切换的方式(继电器或模拟开关)或者软件协议的方式(串口)实现触摸屏共用;➢支持MP3/MP4播放功能,支持图片浏览功能,支持文本文件阅读功能;➢支持USBhost1.1信号兼容USBDevice2.0;➢支持电子狗功能扩展或者TMC功能二选壹;➢支持蓝牙、能够通过12pinFPC座接口跟蓝牙通讯;➢支持CMMB数字电视功能;➢CMMB数字电视CA采用SMD方式。

3产品详细规格及性能参数环境参数产品外形尺寸,75mm(长)*39mm(宽)*8mm(厚)工作温度范围,-20℃到+85℃存储温度范围,-40℃到+100℃工作湿度范围,45%到80%RH存储湿度范围,30%到90%RH工作高度,于15000feet(4573米)高度下可正常工作摔落测试,设备从30inches(76cm)高度摔落后可正常工作系统参数主频,400MHZ/533MHZ主芯片型号,SAMSUNGS3C2451XH-40/53内存,128MBDDRIISDRAM存储空间,64MB~2GBNANDFlash导航软件存储,内置NANDFlash操作系统,WinCE5.0Core中/英文版软件编译类型,ARMV4I多媒体参数及性能音频支持类型,MP3/WMA/PCM视频支持类型,MP4/ASF/WMV/AVI/DIVX/3GP视频解码性能,QVGA25帧/秒图片浏览器支持图片类型,BMP/JPG/GIF/PNG文本浏览器支持文本类型,TXTGPS硬件参数芯片组,SiRFStarIII频率,1.575GHZC/ACODE,1.023MHZchiprate通道数,20通道跟踪灵敏度,-159dBm定位精度,10m,2DRMS 5m,2DRMS,WAASenable速率,0.1m/s数据更新率,1HZ重新捕获时间,平均0.1s(OPENSKY)热启动时间,平均3s(OPENSKY)温启动时间,平均38s(OPENSKY)冷启动时间,平均45s(OPENSKY)最大定位高度,18,000m最大速率,515m/s加速度,<4g外接天线接口,SMA外接天线电压,3.3V±5%外接天线增益,27dB外接天线电流,15mAUSB参数及性能USB接口类型,USBHost1.1/USB2.0(HighSpeed)DeviceUSB性能,可连接PC机4接口说明(PINDescription)4.1采用间距为2.0mm的直插式PIN座.跟DVD主板90度直插或平插的连接方式,导航板尺寸图见附件,具体pin脚定义如下:汽车DVD接口定义壹(32PIN2.0mm间距J3)脚位,名称,描述,备注1,IIS-RO,右声道输出,AnalogOutput2,IIS-LO,左声道输出,AnalogOutput3,AGND,AGND,AGND4,CVBS-BOUT,模拟视频信号输出(CVBS或BOUT),AnalogOutput5,C-GOUT,模拟视频信号输出(C或GOUT),AnalogOutput(默认C输出)6,Y-ROUT,模拟视频信号输出(Y或ROUT),AnalogOutput(默认Y输出)7,CSYNCO/HSYNCO,模拟RGB复合同步信号输出/模拟RGB行同步信号输出,3.3VCMOSOutput(复合同步信号支持5VCMOSOutput)8,VSYNCO,模拟RGB场同步信号输出/RGB/YC/YPbPr选项,3.3VCMOSOutput9,VDD5V,USBHOST电源输出,POWEROUTPUT10,DN0,USBHOST接口(USB1.1),USBHOST接口11,DP0,USBHOST接口(USB1.1),USBHOST接口12,GND,GND,GND13,MUTE,声音有效输出(H=有声音输出),3.3VCMOS电平14,IR,红外信号输入,3.3VCMOS电平15,SLEEP,控制系统进入休眠(H=sleep)/RESET,3.3VCMOS电平16,TSXM/RXD3,四线电阻式触摸屏接口/触摸屏和按键通讯串口,X轴X2 17,TSYM/TXD3,四线电阻式触摸屏接口/触摸屏和按键通讯串口,Y轴Y2 18,TSXP,四线电阻式触摸屏接口,X轴X119,TSYP,四线电阻式触摸屏接口,Y轴Y120,SD-WP,SD0/MMC0卡写保护接口,3.3VCMOS电平21,SDDATA1,SD0/MMC0卡数据1接口,3.3VCMOS电平22,SDDATA0,SD0/MMC0卡数据0接口,3.3VCMOS电平23,SDCLK,SD0/MMC0卡时钟接口,3.3VCMOS电平24,VCC33V,SD卡电源输出,POWEROUT25,SD-CD,SD0/MMC0卡侦测接口,3.3VCMOS电平26,SDCMD,SD0/MMC0卡命令接口,3.3VCMOS电平27,SDDATA3,SD0/MMC0卡数据3接口,3.3VCMOS电平28,SDDATA2,SD0/MMC0卡数据2接口,3.3VCMOS电平29,PGND,PGND,PGND30,PGND,PGND,PGND31,ACC,汽车ACC信号输入,12VINPUT32,+12V/+5V,主电源输入+12V或+5V输入,POWERIN注意:1.红色标示的是脚位共用的IO.用户能够根据实际需要设计;2.所有I/O电压不能超过3.3V(ACC能够12V输入),请做好静电保护。


