

英美概况---演讲 unit1

英美概况---演讲 unit1

Think about the question:
• what makes a good presentation?
Parts to make a good presentation (P92)
• • • • • 1.Overall 2.System 3.Delivery 4.Body language 5.Visual aids
Review tenses
• 1. Past time -- ththe present perfect
• 3. Present time -- the present simple
Exercise 1 on P6
• • • • • • • • Some time ago (A) Over the last few years (B) Now (C) Over the same period (B) Last year (A) Ten years ago (A) In 1985 (A) Since then (B)
The essentials of a good presentation?
• Overall (objective,audience, place, time and length) • System (what to say, how to organize the content) • Delivery (avoid reading from a paper, speak with notes, formal or imformal) • Body language (eye contact, confident, passionate) • Visual aids (clear, professional)



The national flag
50 stars: 50 states 13 stripes: the f i r s t 13 states that used to be
colonies red: valor and hardiness white: innocence and purity blue: vigilance, perseverance and justice
The Central valley of Californ highly productive area basic field crops as sugar beets, beans, rice and cotton
The United States is mainly situated i the northern temperate zone.
Administrative States
· 50 states The largest in area: Alaska The second: Texas The youngest: Alaska and Hawaii
· Afederal district The District of Columbia Capital City: Washington
Yellowstone National Park
It covers an area of about 9000 sq.km.There are about 3,000 geysers and hot springs in the park.There are also other natural wonders.
Deep South
South Carolina Georgia Texas Alabama Mississippi Louisiana

新编英美概况教程周叔麟Chapter 1

新编英美概况教程周叔麟Chapter 1
National flag: National Anthem: Total area:
Part 6
Union Jack God Save the Queen
Approximately 242,000 sq km Nearly 61,000,000
Capital and largest city: Official language:
Part 6
Chapter 1 Geography of the United Kingdom
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
General Characteristics of the UK
Ⅰ. Fill in the following form and memorize the basic information about the UK.
Part 6
Chapter 1 Geography of the United Kingdom
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Ⅱ. The constituents of the UK. 1. The UK consist of two large islands and 2000 smaller islands. Geographically, most of the UK is located on the British Isles : the main 不列颠群岛 /英伦三岛 island, Britain, and part of the Irish island. Most of the smaller UK islands are found near western and northern Scotland. 1. The island of Britain is crossed by the 0 ° meridian of longitude. The 0° degree meridian was established at the original site of the Greenwich Observatory .



The Contour of the US
Land and Water Resources
America has much excellent farm land and rich pasture land. America has many rivers and lakes, especially in the eastern half of the country. The five Great Lakes cover some 240,000 square kilometers. The Mississippi River is the most important, with nearly two-thirds of the US (between the alachians and Rockies) draining into the river.
Place Size (km2) Pop (millions) Henan 167,000 94.0 Alaska 1,700,000 0.7 Texas 696,000 25 California 424,000 37 New York 141,000 19.3 Wisconsin 169,000 5.7 Montana 381,000 1 South Carolina 83,000 4.6 This is Important! Americans are used to space: personal space and national space. This helps reinforce individualism.
Main Geographic Divisions
1. Atlantic Seacoast and Appalachians (old, rounded mountains) broad in the south, narrow in the north 2. Mississippi River Valley, a large (2,000 km east to west), largely flat area between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains 3. Rocky Mountains (high, sharp mountains) and Pacific Seacoast



Unit 1 British and American English语言点学习目标重点词汇differ, remark, steady/steadily, variety, present, common, while, confuse/confusing, attempt, obvious, omit重点短语refer to…as, pick up, as much as, more than, get around, have difficulty (in) doing sth., thanks to. 重点句型It doesn’t make much of a difference whether a teacher speaks British or American English.You find sb./ oneself/ sth.…知识讲解重点词汇differ【原句回放】The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.另外两种语言的不同之处体现在拼写和发音上。

【点拨】differ v. 与……不同Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.汉语与日语在发音上有很大区别。

【拓展】differ from 与……不同differ in 在……方面不同differ with sb. 与(某人)不一致,意见不一致Men differ in habits.人们在习惯方面都各有不同。

She differs from her sister in character.她在性格方面与姐姐不同。

Tom differed with his friend about the plan.汤姆就这个计划与他的朋友不同。

remark【原句回放】When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famous remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common language, he was obviously thinking about the differences. 当爱尔兰作家萧伯纳讲那句名言-英国和美国是被同一种语言分开的两个民族-的时候,他显然想到了它们的区别。



该国,我们正在研究地全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国.这是一个什么在许多方面是一个复杂地国家复杂地名字.大多数人都知道做些什么,因为它地庞大地海外帝国给它一个重要地国际作用,只是来到一个在未来数年年底,之后第二次世界大战.然而,一些市民对英国知道(他们可能会呼吁干脆英国或错误,英格兰)可能不大如何最真实地英国人今天过自己地生活.一方面,帝国地日子已经足够长地时间以前,只有老人记得他们地任何东西是生活中地重要性.英国不再是一个帝国地国家,尽管其帝国地影响可能常常在遇到地各种方式,而不是在与或更多曾是这个帝国地一部分,和国家之间地密切关系,至少它通过一个松散地维持(自愿)组织地联系称为英联邦国家.但更重要地英国国际关系今天是欧洲联盟,其中英国年以来地成员,这是在考虑更有用现代英国强调它地作用作为一个欧洲国家,而不是其英联邦成员资格.它仍然是一个相对富裕地国家,是国集团成员地大型发达经济体.另外一个旧帝国地作用明显成效在于弥补地英国人口本身.从这些英联邦国家,这在世纪年代和年代鼓励一些移民,已制作了其中人在个非欧洲种族.他们自己或其父母或祖父母,出生在印度或巴基斯坦,加勒比国家,这些只是最常见地.这将引入什么是对英国地章节关键主题:因为是大多数情况下,或所有,国家是不可能总结了一些简单地对话英国人民.英国认为谁,很多人认为地英国绅士.但是,这仅仅是一个旧有地从未适用于英国绝大多数人来说,没有什么真正地有效性今天.英国是一个国家,一个单一地护照,和一个政府及对其所有地主权,但作为国家地大力顾名思义,它是由不同地元素组成.它包括一个国家内地部分国家:大不列颠岛是由英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士,北爱尔兰,一份关于爱尔兰邻近地岛屿省份,完成设置.因此,在讨论英国和英国地一些考虑,必须使这些分歧,例如:一个来自苏格兰地女人不会高兴,如果我们打电话给她地英国绅士?她是苏格兰和女性,并认为她地身份从不同地男人和不同地英语.但是,这个组成部分之间地区别地国家只有一个,也许是最简单地,不同地是分裂联合王国.有人已经指出,英国现在是一个多种族社会,这些移民是最近才集团带来了自己地文化,这与他们并肩坐在一起,与生活更加传统地英国方式方方面,例如,许多穆斯林,而大多数(名英国人至少)是基督教徒.并明确在我地苏格兰妇女地例子涉及地是事实,人和女人没有生活在英国同样地经历.此外,英国经济分为:它是一个阶级结构地社会.很可能夸大了这个阶级地重要性,因为结构地过程中,大多数国家有一些一流地一种制度,但它确实可以说,对英国社会地阶级结构是比较明显地.一名工厂工人,他地父亲是工厂地工人很可能会从股票经纪,父亲是一名股票经纪人,不同地文化:他们将倾向于读不同地报纸,看不同地电视节目,用不同地说话口音,在做不同地事情他们地自由时间,对自己地孩子有不同地期望.另一个不同之处,这标志着英国社会就是区域.即使在四个国家,每个地区地不同:高地之间地差异和低地苏格兰有着悠久地历史意义,例如:北部和南部英格兰队也被认为是文化不同,但它们之间地边界上没有标记任何地图,只存在一个比较笼统地精神风貌.然而,有一些是在经济方面地区别地基础,南部平均较富裕地北方.部分之间地北部和南部地另一个区别,这标志着英国社会,一个可以看到在许多社会中,但有可能尤其明显,在英国,也就是资本之间地区别和不同地经济差别地原因找到了省份. 伦敦是在该国南部,并在英国占主导地位地各种方式.这是迄今为止该国最大地城市,约占全国人口地七分之一,它是政府地所在地,它是文化中心,这里是所有地主要报纸,电视台,与遥遥领先地最广泛选择画廊,剧院和博物馆.此外它是商业中心,在英国大公司总部地绝大多数,是国家地金融中心,三个主要地国际金融中心之一.因此,它结合了北京,上海,广州,还是纽约,华盛顿和洛杉矶地职能,在一个城市.并鉴于其长期在英国地历史作用,也许西安呢!伦敦是英国地经济和文化生活地巨大影响力,并在一定程度上在其阴影地国家中休息.England() ( )( )英国是一个高度城市化地国家,其个城市地人口居住在%,而只有地农业劳动人口%.其最大地城市是首都,伦敦,这是在英国统治在各个领域:政府,金融,和文化.英国物理上地四国最大地,它是迄今最多地人口.在规模优势,这反映在文化和经济优势也具有其结果是外国人士有时约英格兰交谈时他们指地是英国地错误.值得注意地是,在英国地人有时也犯类似地错误,但在其他三个国家地人不会:他们会称自己为英国(如可能地英文),否则可能会称自己为苏格兰或威尔士和爱尔兰,但是,他们肯定不会自称(或喜欢被称为)英语.因此,奇怪地是,四国,英国大多数英国人认为,因此,作为一个独立地“英语”对自己最薄弱地文化,在英国.英国历史上一直是侵略地历史.之前,公元一世纪,英国是组成许多人地凯尔特部落王国:一个强大地文化源自欧洲中部.在当时英国入侵地罗马帝国,英格兰和威尔士(虽然不是苏格兰和爱尔兰),成为了近年罗马帝国地一部分.由于罗马帝国受到来自东面地威胁来了,罗马军队和罗马保护撤出英国,英国再次为小王国分裂,它再次受到来自外部地威胁,这从日耳曼民族时间:角度,和撒克逊人.其中最著名地传说源于英文本地时间.在公元世纪,据说是一位伟大地领导人出现,统一了英国人,他地神奇地剑,神剑,推动了撒克逊人回来.这是亚瑟王地故事,并已通过歌手,诗人,小说家,甚至制片人至今点缀.虽然亚瑟王地真实存在地疑问,您可以访问他地传说,如悬崖边缘地廷塔杰尔城堡在康沃尔,相关地地方.根据传说亚瑟地骑士聚集一公司给他,谁坐在阿瑟一起在卡米洛特城堡(可能是真实地吉百利在萨默塞特山山顶堡垒).他地骑士之间地冲突导致亚瑟创造了著名地“圆桌会议”时,都将具有相同优先级.这也许可以看作是在其中地英国人,也希望看到他们都不是一个远程君主独裁者其他方式地指标,并在管理成为一个更民主地制度,逐步约束君主地事实,而不是完全拒绝它.不管亚瑟地成功,不是传说,但并没有持续,对盎格鲁撒克逊人确实成功地入侵英国,要么吸收凯尔特人人,或迫使他们到英国西部和北部边缘.尽管人们对当代英语亚瑟王认为他们地英雄,他实在是对他们地斗争,这些盎格鲁撒克逊侵略者英语地祖先,在“角创始人土地”或“英格兰”,因为它成为众所周知地.两个侵略者地团体来英国后,从世纪后期地:,袭击者来自斯堪地纳维亚,凶恶地海盗,威胁到英国地海岸.在英格兰长大,他们地定居点,直到英格兰北部和东部地广大地区在其控制.届时,英国地英雄是真正地英语(盎格鲁撒克逊人),如阿尔弗雷德大帝,谁把在打击海盗南部地潮流.仍然有一定地这一天北方人之间在英国,南方人地文化鸿沟地同时不自觉地“撒克逊人”与“丹麦人”,可能在这个时候它地起源.较富裕地南方人倾向于认为是自己地尖端不到北方人,而北方人认为南方人傲慢和不友好地.它们还具有明显地特点是不同地口音.下一个侵略者地诺曼,来自法国北部,谁都是海盗地后裔.在诺曼底威廉(称为“征服者威廉”),他们在年越过英吉利海峡,并在黑斯廷斯战役,哈罗德国王下击败英国军队.这标志着最后一次从外部入侵成功地在英伦三岛地军队.威廉了英国王位,成为英国威廉第一.在伦敦,在伦敦,他城堡建中心大楼,今日依然适用.诺曼并没有解决任何英格兰很大程度上:进口,而他们地统治阶级.接下来地三百年可以看作是一个诺曼(和法语)贵族统治一个主要撒克逊和英语地人口.正是这种局势产生了英格兰地英雄传说另一个.这是罗宾汉,由诺曼,谁成为非法压迫,并与他地“快乐男人”带传说藏在舍伍德森林在英格兰北部地中部.从这个秘密地地方,武装他们地长弓,然后他们出去抢劫从富人送给穷人.这种早期地英国社会主义(!)有特色,在许多电视剧和电影,英国和美国.一些作家已经看到在这个绿木隐藏着地英文字符地线索:内容丰富,非常规地内部生活地外部符合隐藏地叛乱传奇受欢迎.但是,像所有成见,这一项在很多英国人,尤其是年轻人,喜欢展示他们地外部其弱点,,例如英国朋克摇滚乐队与他们地生动头发染高低不平.但是,确实有许多英国房屋地死气沉沉方面隐瞒美丽地后花园.园艺是英国最受欢迎地消闲活动之一,并在后花园提供了一个地方,人们地户外生活在家里就可以进行公众地目光.对比这可能与其他国家地户外生活可能更多地社会正面看路人门廊由坐在人.在未来数百年诺曼入侵后,可以被看作是连接在一起地英国统治下地不列颠群岛地各个部分地过程,因此有英国地身份最终成为淹没通过一项更广泛地英国身份地必要性,既要团结王国内部,并提出一个单一地身份对外英国成为一个帝国.与此同时,权力从君主逐渐移交给议会.查尔斯第一企图推翻于世纪年代导致内战中,议会地力量取得了胜利,国王被处决议会.经过个,其中英国是由国会领导人,克伦威尔,恢复君主制统治多年地差距.与议会和国王地冲突导致从宝座取消苏格兰地斯图亚特房子,威廉和玛丽从荷兰进口采取王位,从而最终建立对朝廷议会地统治地位.:: 苏格兰是第二个最大地四个国家,无论是在人口和地理区域.这也是最有信心自己地身份之一,因为只有非英语了它先前花了相当长一段历史地英国组件作为统一国家地英国独立.因此,它不是一个大地飞跃苏格兰想象自己独立了.在身体上,苏格兰是英国最坚固地一部分,是人烟稀少地山区和北部地湖泊区,(苏格兰高地)和南部(南高地).三,在低地地区地人口生活宿舍,跨越这两个国家地高地地区. 最大城市格拉斯哥,在这个区域西面.苏格兰首府爱丁堡市,在东海岸英里地距离格拉斯哥.这是著名地有美,其占主导地位地大城堡,在市中心地高地岩石.这两个城市都拥有古老地和国际上知名大学从世纪以来.苏格兰不是罗马人征服,但他们曾经尝试,并占领了一段时间至于北部高原区地边缘.然而,维持他们地统治有困难,导致他们撤退到线大致相当于英格兰和苏格兰之间地现代边界.沿着这条线,从海到海,他们像中国,建立了一堵墙,以纪念他们地域地北部边缘,并帮助保卫它.它被称为“哈德良长城”之后,罗马皇帝在其建设地时间,虽然毁了,它地长度仍然可以看到并沿着.也不是苏格兰最征服盎格鲁撒克逊人,虽然英国地角度是在东南成立,因此,爱丁堡地日耳曼名字.英国凯尔特人流离失所由撒克逊入侵南部被占领靠近了现在格拉斯哥,在这同一时期(约公元六世纪)地人从北爱尔兰入侵西南地区.它们被称为苏格兰人,但正是他们给了苏格兰其名称地现代化国家.原苏格兰凯尔特人,称为皮克特人,他们与非生产性广泛,但离开高原区.之间地高地和低地苏格兰仍然是一个分裂地文化鸿沟地今天,同样地方式为英格兰北部和南部认为自己地不同之处.甚至有在高原地区(除英国)人说老塞尔特语,被称为“盖尔语”.喜欢英格兰,苏格兰开始体验海盗在第九世纪袭击,它是来自外部地威胁,这导致苏格兰国王,以统一地压力,形成仅有约地同时,盎格鲁撒克逊英格兰也是统一地一个独立地苏格兰国家奇异.这个较大,南方门口强大地王国地存在是在苏格兰政治地,关于时间地关键因素,两者之间频繁地战争.威廉莎士比亚地戏剧“麦克白”中设置地这个贝里克苏格兰小镇附近地现今英国苏格兰边境后,不愧是据说易手次,结果是英苏格兰冲突.尽管冲突,有密切地联系,两国之间广泛地两个贵族通婚,甚至王室之间地家庭.最近好莱坞电影,勇敢地心,告诉威廉华莱士地起义在年,是由英国平息地故事.但仅仅几年后,苏格兰人,在罗伯特布鲁斯地领导,是战胜国,在班诺克本战役,导致年完全独立.在年,但是,伊丽莎白女王,英国首位死亡无子女,以及符合未来王位地是苏格兰地詹姆斯第六届,因此他也成为英格兰地詹姆斯第一,团结两个宝座.但再过一百年苏格兰保持其独立地政治身份.然而,在年由英格兰和苏格兰议会地协议,苏格兰加入了联盟.有两次叛乱后,在年和年,其中地斯图亚特索赔继承人(在年被废黜地英国议会)英国王位试图重建他地统治权,英国,聚集在苏格兰地支持,然后将与英国军队迈进.在年这导致了残酷地英国军队地军事反应.起义军在被摧毁地卡洛登战役(英国领土上地最后一战在北部苏格兰).苏格兰高地部族(家族集团)文化有效地摧毁了这个时候,今天存在,这主要是因为他们地钱分手通过出售他们地“格子呢”纪念品或“他们地”家族历史旅游方式.对于下面地卡洛登,更重要地是,世纪导致人口减少地高原农业地变化,许多苏格兰人寻求他们地财富在苏格兰以外地英国,美国,加拿大或澳洲.因此,有外部苏格兰血统地人比在它,其中许多回来找到自己地“根”,形成了对这种纪念品地销售很好地目标.一个独立地苏格兰地梦想并没有随之消失,但它似乎并不被大多数苏格兰人共同地.苏格兰选举中只以同样地方式有国会议员在伦敦地英国议会做.它发出了名代表到伦敦,但在年选举地个,只有人选出地苏格兰民族党,一个党,都希望有一个独立地苏格兰.然而,国会议员()最大地群体是由工党,它说,如果他们当选为英国政府在下次选举中,他们将成立一个为苏格兰地区议会来管理其在英国地自己地内部事务.苏格兰在艺术,哲学和科学创新地伟大传统.电话地发明人是苏格兰人,而第一人传送地电视画面是另一回事.它地作者给予了诸如著名地苏格兰高地瓦尔特司各特地恋情工作世界,和“友谊地久天长”(由罗伯特伯恩斯,谁是苏格兰方言写).但工作地许多人认为是最好地了苏格兰地立场地总和就是著名地小说化身博士和海德先生,由罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森,描述科学家如何文明地化身博士定期转换到原油和暴力海德先生.这种人地双重性质地描述也许是一个好办法想到苏格兰:表面上完全融入英国,但下面这是一个隐藏仍然强劲苏格兰地身份.:: 威尔士地首府是加地夫,约万人在南海岸地小城市.南部地区,这是在英国工业革命地重要组成部分,因为它拥有丰富地煤炭资源.煤炭开采,也为威尔士地重要产业,在其雇用成千上万地高度.因此,最近失踪地是一个主要地经济和文化地打击.但南威尔士州已经非常成功地从国外吸引投资特别是日本和美国,这有助于创造新地行业,以取代煤和钢铁.威尔士是三国之间在英国大陆最小地,虽然比北爱尔兰大.这是非常接近英格兰中部人口最稠密地地区.虽然是伊利耶和超过英国邻近地区地坚固,没有自然边界.因此,威尔士一直由英国比联盟地其他国家长.然而,令人奇怪地是,尽管这远近和长期地政治一体化威尔士保留了其强大地来自英国地差异感.它也保留自己地语言,威尔士.这是凯尔特人从英语母语完全不同,%地人口,比人口地比例相当高发言说,在苏格兰地盖尔.同样,所有这些威尔士地扬声器也流利地英语.像英国地其它地方,最后在罗马帝国地到来,威尔士是一个凯尔特民族地土地,在一个小部落王国携带者人数.威尔士是罗马人征服了最后,虽然有困难.威尔士土司卡拉多克打从反对侵略者地威尔士山区长期游击战.当罗马人离开英国威尔士又是凯尔特人地土地,虽然再分成独立地王国,但与英国不属于它地盎格鲁撒克逊第五世纪侵略者.但威尔士一直受到来自其英文邻国地压力,尤其是在诺曼征服,当诺曼贵族成立由英王地权力和威尔士城堡屋.因此,有必要统一威尔士成功抵御英语.但事实并非如此,直到鸭把他地统治下,威尔士地大部分,以及军事行动迫使英国承认为威尔士亲王于年他.但是,当他去世后,英国国王爱德华第一,关于征服威尔士设置,建立一个大石头城堡有一系列从中控制人口.这些城堡站在今天地威尔士最大地旅游景点之一(另一个是它地海滩,悬崖,山)和旅游业是一项重要产业.爱德华第一,并任命他地儿子威尔斯亲王,以及国王地第一个儿子一直主张所有权以来(包括查尔斯王子至今),试图使英国威尔士地国家.最后真正企图抵制这一进程是在世纪初时,欧文格林杜尔领导地一个不成功地奋起反抗英国.今天格林杜尔和会比威尔士简单地历史人物,他们更是几乎威尔士民族传说中地英雄.他们简要运动地历史时威尔士作为一个统一地独立国家存在地唯一倍.后格林杜尔一百年年,威尔斯被带到法律,行政和政治进入英国由一名英国议会地行为.这种密切地长期合作关系意味着,现代威尔士缺乏一些差异地苏格兰具有向外地迹象,其法律制度和教育体系是完全一样在英格兰.通常,官方地统计资料刊载地“英格兰和威尔士”.不过,威尔士是不同地,这种差异地关键指标之一是威尔士语,旧英国凯尔特舌头仍处于日常使用.但是,作为威尔士地身份有时这是分裂地根源,因为%地威尔士不会说地语言,但感觉威尔士.由于威尔士大部分发言是在北方,这加深之间地人口较多,南方文化产业司和威尔士北部地农村.如在苏格兰威尔士人民选出国会议员在伦敦议会.威尔士也有民族主义政党,“格子库姆里”(党地威尔士),成立一个独立地威尔士地运动.威尔士地名议员,个是这个党地成员.在威尔士,工党政府将有可能获得自己地议会来管理自己地内部事务.。



• Before 1840s
• The first European navigators arrived in 1642. • Captain James Cook: the first Englishman to visit New Zealand in 1769
• In 1840s and 1850s
• Maori language and NZSL are the official languages and English is the languages spoken. • Religion is a matter of individual conscience. • The first country to give women the right to vote.
• Geography and land
New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean, halfway between the equator and the South Pole.
• It has two main landmasses :the North Island and the South Island
• Environmental responsibility
New Zealanders are keen to take environmental responsibility on an individual basis,as well as nationally and internationally.
Unit 1 New Zealand
Land,People and History

英美概况unit 1

英美概况unit 1

Unit One
Mediaeval Wales was rarely united but was under the rule of various native principalities. England and Scotland had existed as separate sovereign and independent states with their own monarchs and political structures since the 9th century. In 1282, King Edward I of England (1272–1307) finally conquered the last remaining native Welsh principalities. Two years later the Statute of Rhuddlan1 formally established Edward's rule over Wales. To appease the Welsh, Edward’s son (later Edward II), who had been born in Wales, was made Prince of Wales on 7 February 1301. The tradition of bestowing the style Prince(ess) of Wales’ on the heir of the British Monarch continues to the present day.
Unit One
The state began to take its present shape with the Acts of Union in 1707, which united the crowns and Parliaments of England (including Wales) and Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain. A further Act of Union in 1800 joined the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922, the Irish Free State gained independence, leaving Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom. As a result, in 1927 Britain changed its formal title to “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, usually shortened to “the United Kingdom”, “the UK” or “Britain”.

英美概况USA chapter 1 Brief Introduction to the United

英美概况USA chapter 1 Brief Introduction to the United
An Outline of the UK and the USA
Brief Introduction National Flag
•Stripes: 13 horizontal stripes of red alternating with white representing the original thirteen colonies •Stars: a blue rectangle bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars alternating with rows of five stars, representing the 50 U.S. states •Nicknames: the stars and stripes, Old Glory, the American flag, and the star-spangled banner
— These precision machines look like toys.
An Outline of the UK and the USA
Brief Introduction An Outline of the UKIntroduction
Area: 9372614 square km Coastline: 22680 km From east to west : about 4500 km From north to south: about 2700 km Lowest sea-level: -86m (Death Valley) Highest sea-level: 6193m Mt. Mckinley


• To enhance your cultural awareness and lay a solid foundation for cross-cultural communication
• To improve your English listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities through classroom activities and after-class assignments
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Map of Europe
• Britain--- It is the short form for Great Britain. Officially it should be the Great Britain.
• The island of Great Britain is divided into three parts: England ( English)in the south, Scotland(Scottish) in the north and Wales(Welsh) in the Southwest.
Classroom Activities
• lecture • video/audio clips • discussion • presentation
Let’s work hard together and have fun!
Requirements and Grading
• Students are required to attend the class constantly and behave actively in class. Every time there will be certain amount of assignments for you to finish, including reading the textbook, class presentation, finishing the exercises, etc.. Students should always finish the assignments on time. All of these mentioned above are directly related to your scores.



英美文化概论提纲Unit 1 a brief introduction to the united kingdom 1一 a brief introduction1.全称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland--P17 III 12.构成England LondonScotland EdinburghWales CardiffNothern Ireland Belfast--P17 III23.历史A公元43世纪RomanB公元7世纪Anglo –saxons 安格鲁撒克逊人C 8世纪末阿尔弗雷德大帝King Alfred北欧海盗D 1066年诺曼征服NormansWilliam of NormandyBattle of HastingsKing Harold4.英国内战 civil war 资产阶级革命二Scotland1. Glasgow 最大城市 --P16 II 82. 大学15世纪 ancient and international university --P17 III 11三WalesUnlike England it did not fall to the Anglo-Saxon invaders of the 5th century --P16 II 11名词解释London:the largest city located in the south of the country .London is dominant in the UK in all fields;government finance and culture.London is one of the top three financial centers in the worldUnit 2 a brief introduction to the united kingdom iiNorthern Ireland1.宗教爱尔兰人是天主教徒 Catholics英国人是新教徒 Protestants--P33 I 62.1921年独立 Irish State (分水岭)3.爱尔兰南部26郡成立自由邦北部6 郡仍属英国—P34 II 104 .Loyalist 民族派希望加入爱尔兰共和国Unionist 联合派亲英国5.The official IRA 倾向于政治手段解决–P34 III 4The Provisional IRA 军事–P35 III 5“The Bullet and the Ballot Box”—P35 III 106.区分 Sinn Fein是政党 --P33 I 8/P35 III 11,121919 IRA是军事团体非政党7 .1973年 Power-Sharing mechanism权利分享机制—P34 II 88.1972 “Bloody Sunday”—P34 II 79.1985 Anglo-Irish agreement --P33 I 910. Downing –Street Declaration唐宁街宣言授权英军司令直接干预北爱治安事务名词解释1.”Home-rule”:1914年被签署成为法律。



Part II Climate
1. General Features: (1) The UK enjoys a mild climate due to the North Atlantic Drift, which is a continuation of a warm current that flows from the Straits of Florida in a generally northeastern direction. (2) It has a changeable weather. It is hard to predict the weather even by the most experienced meteorologist, so weather becomes a frequent topic of discussion among people. (3) It has abundant rainfall, mostly drizzles.
(2) Central lowlands • Most important part of Scotland • Most populated • Edinburgh: known as "the Athens
of the North," a tribute to its worldrenowned architecture and cultural calendar.
1. Different names
Geographical names
(1) the British Isles 大布列颠群岛
It is a group of islands off the northwestern coast of Europe, which consists of two main islands: Great Britain, Ireland and numerous smaller islands. Of all the islands, the largest one is called Great Britain. The second largest one is Ireland, which is to the west of Great Britain. Thus, British Isles don’t refer to Great Britain only.

Lesson 1英美概况第一课

Lesson 1英美概况第一课
An Outline Introduction to Britain and America
Lesson One
General Intro.

Brief Introduction to the social and cultural aspects of UK and USA

Geography History Politics Economics Social life
Bagpipe – Highlandands of Scotland
I wandered lonely as a cloud
this poem provides an example of a thyme scheme

3. Physiographic Features
A. The Highland Zone

The highlands of Scotland Ben Nevis The central lowland of Scotland The Southern Uplands The Pennines
Changeable Moderate (May day) Abundant rainfall
3. Climate and Weather

Factors influence English weather

The shores of the British Isles, especially the Western shores are bathed by the North Atlantic Drift The westerly wind belt The numerous inlets

Unit 1 (British and American Studies)英美文化 教学课件

Unit 1  (British and American Studies)英美文化 教学课件
Unit 1 The country and the people
Think and answer the following q like to talk about weather so much? 4. Can you list the names of popular festivals British celebrate
➢The British state is made up of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK).
As the most important_e_co_n_o_m__i_c region, here lives 3/4 of Scotland’s population
Unit 1 The country and the people
1.1.2 physical features
C) The Southern Uplands
in spring?
5. Can you list the names of some densely populated cities in U.K?
6. What languages greatly influence the development of English?
7. Please give some evidence to prove the importance of religion to Britain?
A) The Highlands of Scotland

英美文化基础教程 Chapter 1 The Country

英美文化基础教程 Chapter 1 The Country

Notes and Explanations Lough Neagh the Gulf Stream
Quiz on page 10-12 1.True or False
2.Multiply Choice
Homework: Review and Preview
Climate 7. How about the climate and the weather in the UK( two words to summary)?
Components 8. Name the four regions that make up the United Kindom. 9.Which topographical region does Scotland lie in(one word to summary )? 10.Where is Northern Ireland Located? 11.Which lake is the largerst one in the UK and where is it?
Project What information about the UK can be inferred from its full name? Of the four components of the UK, which one is the largest and the most important one? And why?
General questions:
Physical Features: 1.What is the official name of the UK?
2.Discuss the difference between Great Britain and the UK.

英美概况课件Lecture 1

英美概况课件Lecture 1
A Brief Introduction to Britain and America
A Brief Introduction to Britain and America
• course aims • classroom activities • grading

Course Aims
• To broaden your horizon and enlighten you on British and American society and culture
Ben Nevis, Scotland
Ben Nevis, in western Scotland’s Grampian Mountains, is the tallest
mountain in the British Isles and a popular tourist destination.
• B. the Central Lowlands (contains most of the industry and population)
• C. the Southern Uplands.
Scottish Highlands
More than half of the surface of Scotland is occupied by the
c.1300 -
1707 -
1800 -
Flag of Wales
the Red Dragon (adopted in 1959)
Flag of St David (Wales)
UK flag – “the Union Jack”
The current design of the Union Flag dates from the union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801. It consists of the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England), edged in white, superimposed on the Cross of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland), which are superimposed on the Saltire [sæltaiə] X 形十字图记 of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland). Wales, however, is not represented in the Union Flag by Wales' patron saint, Saint David.
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Unit one The Land and People of U.K.I. Different Names for Britain and Its Parts1. What are the names that come to your mind when people refer to 英国?(1) Britain(2) Great Britain(3) England(4) The British Isles(5) The United Kingdom or the U.K.2. What are these names exactly refer to?Great Britain, the United Kingdom and the British Isles do not mean the same thing.Strictly speaking, the British Isles, Great Britain, and England are geographical names.G reat B ritainE ngland is part of an island called Great Britain, the largest island in Europe. Great Britain is the official name given to the the two kingdoms of England and Scotland, and the principality of Wales. It also includes the small adjacent islands except the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Sometimes people use the shorten name Britain instead of Great Britain.The term "Great Britain" was used for the first time when England and Scotland became a single kingdom under King James VI of Scotland who became King James I of England in 1603.U nited K ingdomT he United Kingdom consists of Great Britain - the main island made up of England, Scotland and Wales - and Northern Ireland.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) was formed in on January 1 1801 and constitutes the greater part of the British Isles. The largest of the islands is Great Britain, which comprises England, Scotland and Wales. The next largest is Ireland, comprising NorthernT he B ritish I slesThe British Isles include the UK, Great Britain, and other islands such as Ireland and the Channel Islands.The British Isles consists of:∙Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)∙The whole of Ireland∙The Orkney and Shetland Islands∙The Isle of Man∙The Inner and Outer Hebrides∙The Isle of Wight∙Scilly Islands∙Lundy Island∙The Channel IslandsPlus many other offshore islandsSummary:EnglandGreat Britain ScotlandWales U.K.2 large islandsNorthern IrelandBritish Isles IrelandRepublic of IrelandHundreds of (1949)small islands3. What is the official name of Britain?(1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island(2) For short: Britain, the United Kingdom or U.K.*The Union Jack--refers to the Union Flag or the National flag of the United Kingdom--It is called the Union Flag because it represents the emblems of the four countriesunited under one Sovereign - the kingdoms of England and Wales, of Scotland andof Ireland (although since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the UnitedKingdom).--Although the name "Union Jack" is the popular name by which the flag is knownto the world, it should strictly, perhaps, only be used for the flag when it is flownas a jack (a small flag flown at the bow of a ship); government documentsgenerally prefer "union flag" as the more universally correct term4. Why do people often use “England” and “English” to refer to “Britain” and“British”?England is the largest, post populous, and the richest.Largeness Size Pop.England biggest 60% 85%Britain Scotland 2nd largest 30% 1/10Wales smallest 9% 5%5. British imperial expansion“The sun never sets on the British Empire”(1) Ruled 1/4 of the world‟s population and 1/4 of world‟s land(2) Had colonies in North America, Asia, Africa, Austrialia6. British Commonwealth (Commonwealth of Nations)The term …Commonwealth‟ has been used to replace the word …Empire‟ to describe collectively the independent countries associated under the British crow(1) A free association of countries used to be English colonies(2) 53 member countries at present(3) Functions: active in a number of areas including development, democracy, debtmanagement and trade.II. Geographical features1. Geographical positionThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is situatednorth-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It has a total land area of 244,100 square kilometres, of which nearly 99% is land and the remainder inland water. From north to south it is about 1,000 kilometres long.(1) Northwest of Europe(2) North Atlantic Ocean(3) Separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel2. Geographical features(1) An island country, surrounded by sea(2) Highlands in the north and west(3) Lowlands in the east and southeastA. Part of the great European PlainB. Level land and fertile soilC. farming(4) 3 natural zones in ScotlandA. the highlands in the northB. the central lowlandsC. the southern uplandsIII. Rivers and LakesImportant role of rivers in the coun try‟s economy1. Important Rivers(1)the Severn RiverA.the longest in the countryB.only 338 kilos long(2)the Thames RiverA.the 2nd longestB.the most important riverC.336 kilos longD.Oxford and London are on the river(3)River ClydeA.the most important in ScotlandB.important commercial waterway2. the Lake District(4)in northwest England and North Wales(5)popular tourist attractions(6)the home of the Lake PoetsA.William WordsworthB.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC.Robert SoutheyIV. Climate1. Typical feature of Britain’s climate“Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather.”The statement is often made by Englishmen to describe the peculiar meteorological conditions of their country.A maritime type of climate(1)rainy---abundant rainfallThe uncertainty about the weather tends to make the Englishmen cautious.“A foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman setting forth on abrilliantly sunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella, but he may well regret his laughter later in the day!”(2)changeable and unpredictable, no clear cut of 4 seasons“In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a balmy spring morning;an hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rainmay be pouring down. At midday conditions may be really wintry with thetemperature down by about eight degrees or more centigrade. And then, in the lateafternoon the sky will clear, the sun will begin to shine, and for an hour or twobef ore darkness falls, it will be summer.”(3)Mild: no extremesIn England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the mostextreme.temperature: 4-6℃in winter, 12-17℃in summer2. Factors influencing the climate(4)the surrounding waters(5)the prevailing south-west winds(6)the North Atlantic Drift (warm current)3. Rainfall(7) a steady reliable rainfall throughout the year(8)uneven distribution of rainA. a water surplus in the north and westB. a water deficit in the south and eastV. The People1. Population of Britain: characteristics(1)Densely populatedVery large population for such a small country.(2)Highly urbanized90% of the population is urban and only 10% rural(3)Unevenly distributedThe population is made up mainly of (composition of British population)A.the English (81.5%)B.the Scottish (9.6%)C.the Welsh (1.9%)D.the Irish (2.4%)2. Different ancestors(4)the English----the Anglo-Saxons(5)the Scots, Welsh, and Irish----the Celts3. Differences in character and speech between southern and northern England(9)Southerners speak the type of English closer to BBC EnglishGenerally speaking, southerners speak the type of English closer to BBCEnglish. They do not have a special accent except the Cockneys from the EastEnd of London.(10)N ortherners speak broader EnglishHowever, the northerners speak broader English than the southerners, andoften leave out the article “the” and the possessive adjectives “my”, “your”,“their”, etc.4. The way the Welsh keep their language and culture aliveThrough Eisteddfodau (Eisteddfod)a)The Eisteddfod (literally 'sitting') is a Welsh festival of literature, music, andsong. The tradition of such a meeting of Welsh artists dates back to at least the12th century.The most important eisteddfod is the National Eisteddfod, held annually andusually alternating between North and South Wales, and taking place entirely inthe Welsh language.b)The Welsh are music lovers and are proud of their past.c)Throughout the year they have festivals of song, dance and poetry calledEisteddfod(au), hold competitions in Welsh poetry, music, singing and art to keepthe Welsh language and culture alive.。
