



https:///manual/8001209041[en]Scan the QR code or visit the website to open the Further Notices for Use. You can find additional informa-tion about your appliance or accessory here.[ms]Imbas kod QR atau lawati laman web untuk membuka arahan penggunaan lanjut. Anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat tambahan mengenai peranti anda atau aksesori di situ.[zh-tw]掃描 QR-Code 或訪問網站,以開啟更詳細的使用說明。




[ar]حسمازمرةباجتسلااةعيرسلاايئوضوألَّضفتةرايزبعقوملاينورتكللإاحتفلتاداشرلإاةعسوملالوحمادختسلاا.دجتكانهتامولعمةيفاضإلوحكزاهجوأتاقحلملا.en Safety8Safety¡Observe the instructions for the base unit.Only use the accessories:¡with a hand blender MSM1..., MSM2..., MSM6B...¡for applications described in these instructions.▶Never touch the blade edges with bare hands.▶Care should be taken when handling sharp blades, emptying the container and during cleaning.▶Only attach and remove accessories once the drive has stopped and the appliance has been unplugged.▶Only use the accessories once fully assembled.Avoiding material damage▶Never immerse the gear attachments in liquids and do not clean under runningwater or in the dishwasher.▶Never use the universal cutter container in the microwave or oven.▶Never use the blender foot or the whisk in the universal cutter container. Overview→ Fig. 1Depending on the modelNote: If an item is not included in the scope of supply, it can be ordered from customer service.Universal cutterThe universal cutter is suitable for cutting up food, e.g. meat, hard cheese, onions, garlic, fruit, vegetables, herbs, nuts or al-monds.Notes¡Remove hard pieces of food before pro-cessing, e.g. gristle, bones, sinews orstones from stone fruit.¡The universal cutter is not suitable for cutting up very hard food, e.g. coffeebeans, nutmegs, radishes or frozen food,e.g. fruit or ice cubes.Using the universal cutter→ Fig. 2 - 11WhiskThe whisk is suitable for whipping cream, beating egg whites or milk froth and for making sauces or desserts. Recommendations for optimum results:¡Use cream with a minimum fat content of 30% and a temperature of 4-8 °C¡Use milk with a high protein content anda temperature of max. 8 °C¡Whip cream or beat egg whites in a wide jugNote: To prevent splashing, use deep con-tainers with the whisk.Application examples enUsing the whisk→ Fig. 12 - 16Application examplesAlways observe the maximum quantitiesand processing times in the table.→ Fig. 17Honey cake with applesHoney-apple mixture→ Fig. 18Cakes¡ 3 eggs¡60 g butter¡100 g plain white flour¡60 g ground walnuts¡ 1 tsp cinnamon¡ 2 tbsp vanilla sugar¡ 1 tsp baking powder¡ 1 applePreparation¡Separate the eggs and whisk the eggwhites until stiff.¡Beat the egg yolk with the sugar untillight and fluffy. Add the soft butter andthe prepared honey-apple mixture.¡Mix the rest of the ingredients in a separ-ate bowl, add to the moist ingredientsand stir in.¡Carefully fold in the beaten egg whiteswith a spatula.¡Line a rectangular loaf tin (35 x 11 cm)with greaseproof paper and add the pre-pared cake mixture.¡Peel the apple, cut into slices and ar-range on the cake.¡Preheat the oven to 180 °C and bakethe cake for 30 minutes.Overview of cleaningClean the individual parts as indicated inthe table.→ Fig. 199ms Keselamatan10Keselamatan¡Ikuti arahan untuk peranti asas.Gunakan aksesori hanya:¡dengan pengadun tangan MSM1..., MSM2..., MSM6B...¡untuk aplikasi yang dijelaskan dalam manual ini.▶Jangan sesekali menyentuh bilah dengan tangan.▶Berhati-hati semasa mengendalikan bilah pemotong yang tajam dan juga semasa mengosongkan bekas dan semasa pembersihan.▶Hanya pasang dan tanggalkan aksesori semasa pemacu berhenti dan peranti tidak terpasang.▶Gunakan aksesori hanya apabila dipasang sepenuhnya.Elakkan kerosakan harta benda ▶Jangan sekali-kali merendam unit gear dalam cecair dan jangan sekali-kalimembersihkannya di bawah air yangmengalir atau di mesin basuh pingganmangkuk.▶Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan bekas pencincang sejagat dalam ketuhargelombang mikro atau ketuhar.▶Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan kaki pengadun atau pukul ke dalam bekaspencincang sejagat.Gambaran keseluruhan→ Raj. 11Bergantung kepada model Nota: Sekiranya komponen tidak disertakan dalam skop penghantaran, anda boleh memesan melalui perkhidmatan pelanggan.Pemotong kecil universal Pemotong kecil universal sesuai untuk memotong kecil bahan makanan, cth. daging, keju keras, bawang besar, bawang putih, buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, herba, kekacang atau badam.Nota¡Keluarkan objek keras dari bahan makanan sebelum pemprosesan, cth.rawan, tulang, urat atau biji dari buah.¡Pemotong kecil universal tidak sesuai untuk memotong kecil bahan makananyang sangat keras, cth. biji kopi, buahpala, lobak atau bahan makanan yangbeku, cth. buah atau kiub ais. Gunakan pemotong kecil universal→ Raj. 2 - 11Pemukul telurPemukul telur sesuai untuk memukul krim putar, putih telur atau buih susu dan untuk menyediakan sos atau pencuci mulut. Saranan untuk hasil yang optimum:¡Gunakan krim dengan kandungan lemak min. 30% dan 4-8 °CContoh penggunaan ms11¡Gunakan susu dengan kandunganprotein tinggi dan maks. 8 °C ¡Pukul krim atau putih telur di dalam bekas yang lebar Nota: Untuk mengelakkan percikan,gunakan pemukul telur dalam bekas yang tinggi.Gunakan pemukul telur→ Raj. 12 - 16Contoh penggunaanPerhatikan kuantiti maksimum dan masa pemprosesan dalam jadual.→ Raj. 17Kek madu dengan epal Campuran madu epal→ Raj. 18Kek¡ 3 biji telur¡60 g mentega¡100 g tepung putih (jenis 405)¡60 g walnut yang dikisar¡ 1 sudu teh kayu manis¡ 2 sudu besar gula vanila¡ 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik¡ 1 epalPenyediaan¡Pisahkan putih telur dengan kuning telurdan pukul putih telur sehingga kembang.¡Pukul kuning telur dengan gula hinggaberbuih. Tambahkan mentega lembutdan campuran madu epal yang telahdisediakan.¡Campurkan bahan yang lain di dalammangkuk yang berasingan untukmenambah dan mengacau bahanbasah.¡Kaup dan balikkan putih telur secaraberhati-hati dengan spatula.¡Alaskan loyang kek (35 x 11 cm)dengan kertas minyak dan masukkancampuran kek yang disediakan.¡Kupas epal, hiris dan tabur di atas kek.¡Panaskan ketuhar hingga 180 °C danbakar kek selama 30 minit.Gambaran keseluruhanpembersihanBersihkan bahagian-bahagian tunggal seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam jadual.→ Raj. 19zh-tw 安全性12安全性¡注意主機的說明書。



巧虎幼幼版目录07幼幼版2007-0101 唱唱跳跳(一)点点踏踏舞02 生活自理(一)小熊吵着买东西03 生活自理(二)看看就好,这次不好04 说故事我不要!我不要!05 我爱大自然头上有角的动物06 美劳小书粘贴图卡真有趣07 唱唱跳跳(二)长短歌08 认知学习比较长短摘苹果幼幼版2007-0201 唱唱跳跳(一)新年快乐歌02 生活自理要换别人玩03 我会小心要注意游戏安全04 生活动动脑圆圆的,会变成什么呢05 认知学习车子、船、飞机06 玩具介绍陆海空交通工具造景组07 唱唱跳跳飞机歌08 说故事三只小猪幼幼版2007-0301 唱唱跳跳(一)碰碰屁股打招呼02 认知学习(一)多和少比一比03 生活自理(一)我不打人,要用说的呵!04 生活自理(二)一起玩,不打人05 我爱大自然彩色的鸟06 认知学习(二)从1数到507 唱唱跳跳(二)可爱的蚱蜢和蚂蚁08 说故事不要怕铛铛幼幼版2007-0401 生活自理手没洗干净,哪里要注意?02 唱唱跳跳(一)洗手歌03 说故事洗干净真高兴04 我会小心我会注意洗澡的安全05 唱唱跳跳(二)转圈圈来跳舞06 谁知学习吃的喝的穿的玩的07 美劳小书一起去游乐园玩08 专注力律动训练听声音的快慢动一动幼幼版2007-0501 唱唱跳跳(一)茶壶歌02 生活自理我是小帮手03 我会小心坐公车的安全04 我爱大自然好吃的蔬菜05 唱唱跳跳(二)煮蔬菜汤喽06 玩具介绍点餐点数游戏组07 认知学习数一数,还差一个08 说故事送给妈妈的惊喜幼幼版2007-0601 生活处理一个一个扣起来02 唱唱跳跳(一)小扣子穿过洞洞03 我会小心搭手扶梯,我会注意安全04 谁知学习你喜欢什么颜色05 说故事彩色世界真美丽06 唱唱跳跳(二)颜色歌07 美劳小书一起学画画08 专注力律动训练听身音的高低动一动09 巧虎舞台剧律动娃娃兵幼幼版2007-0701 唱唱跳跳(一)草裙舞02 生活自理我会照顾弟弟妹妹03 我会小心走失了,怎么办?04 我爱大自然去看海里动物05 唱唱跳跳(二)和海里动物一起跳舞06 说故事形状躲在哪里呢?07 认知学习形状大集合08 玩具介绍创意形状组合积木组09 巧虎舞台创律动火车快飞幼幼版2007-0801 我长大了手牵手好朋友02 要上学喽(一)我喜欢我的老师03 要上学喽(二)上幼稚园真有趣04 要上学喽(三)我都会做了05 唱唱跳跳介绍自己交朋友06 谁知游戏动动脑做做看07 美劳小书剪剪贴贴说故事幼幼版2007-0901 唱唱跳跳(一)欢迎歌02 巧虎说故事我喜欢我的家人03 生活自理我不怕看医生04 玩具介绍小医生扮演组05 认知动动脑 1 2 3 到台湾06 唱唱跳跳(二)可爱的鸭子和袋鼠07 自然真奇妙可爱的动物宝宝08 专注力律动训练跟着音乐动一动巧虎幼幼版2007年9月-1和许多巧虎幼幼版2007年10月-我会刷牙了巧虎幼幼版2007年11月-比一比大中小巧虎幼幼版2007年12月-形状配配对08200801唱唱跳跳(一)---巧虎快乐体操认识动动脑---五指谣生活自理---一次只买一个呵唱唱跳跳(二)---礼貌小超人我会小心---在浴室里要小心巧虎说故事---奶奶,我帮你拿语言表达CD书---12个新朋友专注力律动训练---隔着声音高低动一动200802唱唱跳跳(一)---舞狮咚咚锵巧虎说故事---恭喜,新年快乐!人际礼仪---在公园玩要有礼貌生活自理---勾勾手,我会做到认知动动脑---长短比一比唱唱跳跳(二)---长和短自然真奇妙---一起去逛动物园玩具介绍---动物乐园图形组200803唱唱跳跳(一)---点点踏踏舞人际礼仪---不能打人呵认知动动脑---吃的喝的穿的玩的唱唱跳跳(二)---红灯停、绿灯行生活自理---我会爱惜我的东西巧虎说故事---全家旅行真有趣创意动手小书---神奇公车肢体律动训练---爬行和单脚站立的平衡训练200804唱唱跳跳(一)---洗手泡泡歌生活自理---把手洗干净人际礼仪---接电话有礼貌认知动动脑---小猫咪的形状屋唱唱跳跳(二)---形状歌玩具介绍---形状磁铁游戏盒自然真奇妙---买蔬菜、水果喽巧虎说故事---故事奶奶好厉害200805唱唱跳跳(一)---扣子穿过洞洞生活自理---自己穿衣服,扣扣子人际礼仪---不哭我会好好说我会小心---走失了怎么办?唱唱跳跳(二)---学昆虫动一动认知动动脑---数一数,有几双?巧虎说故事---妈妈赶快好起来语言表达CD书---礼貌村的歌唱比赛专注力律动训练---听起来像什么呢?200806人际礼仪---可以借我玩吗?生活自理---我会照顾弟弟、妹妹唱唱跳跳(一)---肚子咕噜噜自然真奇妙---动物朋友吃什么呢?认知动动脑---茜茜公主的皇冠唱唱跳跳(二)---颜色拉拉队玩具介绍---小刺猬颜色积木组200807唱唱跳跳(一)---一起去海边玩巧虎说故事---到幼稚园看表演生活自理---尿好了再回来玩人际礼仪---我是最棒的小主人唱唱跳跳(二)---搭车要注意什么呢?我会小心---搭车的安全和礼貌认知动动脑---和表情玩游戏创意动手小书---到海边玩肢体律动训练---往下弯、接球的平衡训练200808唱唱跳跳(一)---手牵手来跳舞巧虎说故事---不害羞大声说生活自理---我长大了,我会做!人际礼仪---一起上幼稚园喽!认知动动脑---小熊的生日宴会唱唱跳跳(二)---雨天和晴天自然真奇妙---现在是什么天气呢?玩具介绍---认知数数挂布组200809唱唱跳跳(一)---欢迎新朋友说故事---巧虎一家人智能启发---家里有什么东西呢?玩具介绍---巧虎家族立体屋念谣乐园---爸爸笑哈哈唱唱跳跳(二)---分类收东西,我最棒!生活自理---东西不乱丢,我会分类收拾好我会小心---不爬高、不乱跳,我会保护自己专注力律动训练---当音乐停止时……200810唱唱跳跳(一)---我爱洗澡生活自理---我喜欢洗头洗澡,不怕冲水说故事---洗澡真快乐念谣乐园---放烟火唱唱跳跳(二)---动物歌自然妙妙妙---去动物园玩表达CD书---动动小手手指谣特辑200811唱唱跳跳(一)---快乐吃饭歌我会小心---吃东西要小心说故事---小厨师不见了念谣乐园---眼睛亮晶晶智能启发(一)----大中小唱唱跳跳(二)---小种子和大气球智能启发(二)----多和少200812唱唱跳跳(一)---快乐圣诞节说故事---圣诞节的愿望肢体律动训练---双手互拉、悬吊手臂生活自理---我会擤鼻涕,不怕看医生玩具介绍---小花妹妹照顾组唱唱跳跳(二)---勇敢小超人念谣乐园---青蛙画画自然妙妙妙---多吃水果和蔬菜09200901念谣乐园---恭喜新年好说故事---妈妈赶快好起来生活自理---浴室里湿湿的要小心我会小心---手牵手过马路唱唱跳跳(一)---12345智能启发---数数1-5唱唱跳跳(二)---5个好朋友来跳舞表达CD书---动动身体巧虎体操特辑200902玩具介绍---神奇唱歌公车,出发唱唱跳跳(一)--If you are happy and you know it 说故事---传递爱心的公车唱唱跳跳(二)---Let's Make Stew!生活自理---我不吵着买东西人际礼仪---我最有礼貌念谣乐园---阿弟仔食番茄智能启发---这是什么车专注力律动训练---跟着鼓声节奏踏步200903说故事---沉睡的形状国公主智能启发---形状变变变念谣乐园---画圈圈唱唱跳跳(一)---猜拳歌人际礼仪---鼓励别人,加油加油唱唱跳跳(二)---交通安全歌我会小心---手牵手过马路生活自理---爱惜玩具,修理好又可以玩肢体律动训练---支撑的爬行运动创意操作书·形状特辑---超级裁缝师比比200904唱唱跳跳(一)---一起去郊游智能启发---吃喝穿玩专卖店人际礼仪---我排在你后面唱唱跳跳(二)---排队轮流歌念谣乐园---说“你好”说故事---我会体贴奶奶生活自理---好好的说不生气表达CD书---音感节奏特辑小雨滴200905人际礼仪---不拿别人的东西玩具介绍---彩色冰激凌游戏组唱唱跳跳(一)---彩色冰激凌歌说故事---彩色冰激凌店念谣乐园---我爱妈妈生活自理---我是家事小帮手唱唱跳跳(二)---超级小帮手我会小心---搭手扶梯要小心肢体律动训练---跳跃、踮脚尖跑和翻滚200906人际礼仪---大声说对不起自然妙妙妙---海里世界真有趣唱唱跳跳(一)---游泳歌说故事---海豚Super Jump智能启发---找找看图案在哪里?念谣乐园---咏鹅唱唱跳跳(二)---洗手歌生活自理---不憋尿,上完厕所要洗手创意操作书---蜡笔特辑超级小画家200907入园特辑·生活自理---自己穿衣服、扣扣子入园特辑·认识幼稚园---幼稚园真好玩入园特辑·人际礼仪---借玩具,我们一起玩我会小心---走失时,不乱跑念谣乐园---春晓说故事---分享最快乐唱唱跳跳---1-10数字歌智能启发---数数1-10表达CD书---乐器特辑森林音乐会200908入园特辑·生活自理---我会照顾好自己,我好棒入园特辑·认识幼稚园---我喜欢老师入园特辑·人际礼仪---介绍自己,交朋友念谣乐园---囡仔食西瓜智能启发---认知大挑战自然妙妙妙---有趣的昆虫说故事---变出什么呢?唱唱跳跳---螳螂拳玩具介绍---变变变创意胶片组200909唱唱跳跳---欢迎新朋友玩具介绍---小花妹妹照顾组说故事---巧虎当哥哥我会小心---吃东西的安全生活自理---我会自己走念谣乐园---一起看小鸭智能启发---这是谁的呢?我最有礼貌---我是干净好宝宝健康动身体---一二三,木头人200910唱唱跳跳---动物歌自然妙妙妙---一起去动物园生活自理---多喝水好健康智能启发---大中小念谣乐园---大公鸡说故事---大家来穿小内裤健康动身体---拔萝卜我最有礼貌---家里的礼貌200911说故事---巧虎不哭我最有礼貌---餐桌上的礼貌念谣乐园---一起来跳舞生活自理---我会专心吃饭我会小心---在家里的安全要注意唱唱跳跳---一起做面包智能启发---高矮、长短、多少表达CD书---和巧虎一起唱歌谣特辑健康动身体---这是什么车?200912唱唱跳跳---圣诞快乐生活自理---生病不怕看医生说故事---圣诞老公公会来吗?念谣乐园---叮叮当我最有礼貌---说话的礼貌智能启发---认识家里的用品健康动身体---小白兔(弹跳力训练)玩具介绍---小厨师料理组自然妙妙妙---好吃的蔬菜和水果健康宝宝---预防感冒10201001201002我是礼貌好宝宝201003开心学形状201004数数我最棒201005我能帮忙啦201006和好朋友一起玩201007认知小高手201008去上幼儿园喽201009201010自己刷牙喽201011小手洗干净201012巧虎幼幼版2008年1月-我会分类收拾好巧虎幼幼版2008年2月-开心学颜色巧虎幼幼版2008年3月-一起学数数巧虎幼幼版2008年4月-学形状认图案巧虎幼幼版2008年5月-我会安全过马路巧虎幼幼版2008年6月-我会从1数到10 巧虎幼幼版2008年7月-自己穿衣真开心巧虎幼幼版2008年8月-上幼儿园喽巧虎幼幼版2009年9月-吃饭时我不玩巧虎幼幼版2009年10月-自己刷牙喽巧虎幼幼版2009年11月-小手洗干净巧虎幼幼版2009年12月-拉拉勾守约定。

vitamix 6300料理机中文说明书9页word文档

vitamix 6300料理机中文说明书9页word文档



















详细部分Vitamix 6300料理机说明书控制面板1.ON/OFF SWITCH (开关按钮/电源开关):开关按钮在机器前端左面的底部(在控制面板与开关指示灯之下)。



晚上或不再使用料理机时请将开关按钮关闭(按至OFF)2.ON/OFF Light(开关指示灯):开关指示灯在控制面板之下。


如果您使用预设程序(预设程序包括:SMOOTHIES 冰沙;FROZEN DESSERT S 冷冻甜品,HOT SOUPS 热汤)时,当料理机即将完成您的预设指令时,开关指示灯会闪烁。

3.Start/Stop Switch (开始/停止按钮):向下按压开始/停止开关,料理机便会按照您所选用的转速(1-9 转速)或者预设程序运转(SMOOTHIES,FROZEN DESSERTS,HOT SOUPS)。






纸板书,大卫小时候18首鹅妈妈童谣韵谣纸板书非常适合准备着要二胎的家庭,书中讲述了小宝宝陪着妈妈迎接新的小宝宝First Time系列,以宝宝的各种第一次为主题。

第一次出去玩,第一次睡过头等等,很贴近宝宝的生硬纸板撕不破书,另外三本是Clean It, Grow It, 和Fix It.四本书都属于成长型书籍Pick &Choose 系列硬纸板书,操作起来特别有趣。

书中有一块可以变换脸部表情的纸板,一面是happy face, 一面是sad face,可以根据宝宝看到的场景让宝宝去翻动表情翻翻书,有上下两部分,宝宝们在书中可以见到很多常见的食材或者物品纸板书,洞洞面具书,整本书文字很简单,五种怪兽的表情和文字描述洞洞面具书,书中人物也不少,机器人,超人,巫婆,海盗猜谜游戏书,翻翻书,虽然只有8页,但每一页都分成了三部分,藏着三种动物,每种动物都露出身体的一小部分廖单手偶书,书中嵌入了四只手指手套,打开书后,每一页都能发现手指有不同的用途。






吳敏蘭老師《繪本123 用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》,繪本123-CH1開啟寶寶的閱讀之門第一章0-2歲,打開那扇寶寶的閱讀窗【books for baby】推薦書單,書目如下:1.《Ready to Your Bunny》2.《Black on White》3.《White on Black》4.《Oops! 》5.《Blankies》6.《Waiting for Baby》7.《First Time–Nursery》8.《Cook it! 》9.《Teddy or Train》10.《Funny Faces Fancy Dress》11.《Look at Me, I’m a Monster》12.《What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? 》13.《Giggle Giggle A giggly glove Puppet Book》14.《Old MacDonald Hand Puppet Book 》繪本123-CH2 好玩又沒壓力的來看書!第二章2-3歲,小小孩也愛看的無厘頭書【fun&silly books】推薦書單,書目如下:1《What’s in the Witches’Kitchen?》2《Shark in the Park》3《The Napping House》4《No David》5《Knuffle Bunny》6《Mommy Laid an Egg》7《Not a Box》8《We Are in a Book (An Elephant and Piggie Book)》9《Everyone Poops》10《How Are You Peeling?》繪本123-CH3 你今天吃了什麼+ 從頭到腳動一動+ 衣服變變變第三章3-6歲,幼兒主題書【stories with themes】推薦書單,書目如下:CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》2《Elmer》3《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》4《Freight Train》5《Where is the Green Sheep》6《A Color of His Own》7《Winnie the Witch》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 123來數數8《Ten Black Dots *》9《The Doorbell Rang》10《Mouse Count》11《1,2,3 to the Zoo》12《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?1《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》2《Eat Your Peas》3《Green Eggs and Ham》4《Don't Forget the Bacon》5《Today is Monday》6《Goldilocks》7《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動8《From Head to Toe》9《Go Away Big Green Monster》10《Funny Bones》11《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變12《Froggy Gets Dressed》13《Caps for Sale》14《Yuk!》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園1《Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?》2《We Are Going On a Bear Hunt》3《The Very Busy Spider》4《The Grouchy Ladybug》5《The Seals on the Bus》6《I Went Walking》7《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙8《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》9《The Carrot Seed》10《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》11《Little Cloud》12《Planting a Rainbow》13《When Sophie Gets Angry》14《The Tiny Seed》5-6歲,晚安故事大集合【bedtime story】+你準備好上學了嗎?【school&friends story】推薦書單,書目如下:CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合1《Good Night Moon》2《Again!》3《Ten in Bed *》4《Good Night Gorilla》5《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》6《Monkey Puzzle》7《Guess How Much I Love You》8《Now One Foot, Now The Other》9《Love You Forever》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?10《David Goes to School》11《Splat the Cat》12《Yo! Yes?》13《How Do Dinosaurs Go to School》14《Chrysanthemum》15《How Do YOU Feel》繪本123-CH6+7 環遊世界走透透+ 經典繪本永流傳5-6歲,環遊世界走透透【multicultural story】+經典繪本永流傳【classics to keep】推薦書單,書目如下:CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透1《This is the Way We Go to School》2《Handa's Surprise》3《Me on the Map》4《Dim Sum for Everyone》5《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳6《Madeline》7《Curious George》8《Where the Wild Things Are》9《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》10《Olivia》第一至第七章推薦書中,各組精選3本而成的超值體驗組,共33冊,書目如下:繪本123-CH3-CH7精選體驗組CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》2《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》3《A Color of His Own》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 一二三來數數4《Ten Black Dots *》5《The Doorbell Rang》6《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?7《Eat Your Peas》8《Don't Forget the Bacon》9《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動10《From Head to Toe》11《Funny Bones》12《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變13《Froggy Gets Dressed》14《Caps for Sale》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園16《The Grouchy Ladybug》17《The Seals on the Bus》18《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙19《The Carrot Seed》20《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》21《Little Cloud》CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合22《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》23《Monkey Puzzle》24《Now One Foot, Now The Other》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?25《Splat the Cat》26《Chrysanthemum》27《How Do YOU Feel》CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透28《This is the Way We Go to School》29《Me on the Map》30《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳31《Curious George》32《Where the Wild Things Are》33《Olivia》CH1 開啟寶寶的閱讀之門1.《Ready to Your Bunny》2.《Black on White》3.《White on Black》4.《Oops! 》5.《Blankies》6.《Waiting for Baby》7.《First Time–Nursery8.《Cook it! 》9.《Teddy or Train》10.《Funny Faces Fancy Dress》11.《Look at Me, I’m a Monster》12.《What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? 》13.《Giggle Giggle A giggly glove Puppet Book》14.《Old MacDonald Hand Puppet Book 》CH2 好玩又沒壓力的來看書!1《What’s in the Witches’Kitchen?》2《Shark in the Park》3《The Napping House》4《No David》5《Knuffle Bunny》6《Mommy Laid an Egg》7《Not a Box》CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》到33《Olivia》2《Elmer》3《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》4《Freight Train》5《Where is the Green Sheep》6《A Color of His Own》7《Winnie the Witch》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 一二三來數數8《Ten Black Dots *》9《The Doorbell Rang》10《Mouse Count》11《1,2,3 to the Zoo》12《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?1《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》2《Eat Your Peas》3《Green Eggs and Ham》4《Don't Forget the Bacon》5《Today is Monday》6《Goldilocks》7《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動8《From Head to Toe》9《Go Away Big Green Monster》10《Funny Bones》11《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變12《Froggy Gets Dressed》13《Caps for Sale》14《Yuk!》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園1《Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?》2《We Are Going On a Bear Hunt》3《The Very Busy Spider》4《The Grouchy Ladybug》5《The Seals on the Bus》6《I Went Walking》7《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙8《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》9《The Carrot Seed》10《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》11《Little Cloud》12《Planting a Rainbow》13《When Sophie Gets Angry》14《The Tiny Seed》CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合1《Good Night Moon》2《Again!》3《Ten in Bed *》4《Good Night Gorilla》5《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》6《Monkey Puzzle》7《Guess How Much I Love You》8《Now One Foot, Now The Other》9《Love You Forever》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?10《David Goes to School》11《Splat the Cat》12《Yo! Yes?》13《How Do Dinosaurs Go to School》14《Chrysanthemum》15《How Do YOU Feel》CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透1《This is the Way We Go to School》2《Handa's Surprise》3《Me on the Map》4《Dim Sum for Everyone》5《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳6《Madeline》7《Curious George》8《Where the Wild Things Are》9《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》10《Olivia》CH3-1_ COLORS BOOKS 一起來玩顏色1《White Rabbit's Color Book》2《Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly》3《A Color of His Own》CH3-2_NUMBERS BOOKS 一二三來數數4《Ten Black Dots *》5《The Doorbell Rang》6《Inch by Inch》CH3-3_FOOD BOOKS你今天吃了些什麼?7《Eat Your Peas》8《Don't Forget the Bacon》9《TO MARKET TO MARKET》CH3-4_BODY BOOKS 從頭到腳動一動10《From Head to Toe》11《Funny Bones》12《Harry the Dirty Dog》CH3-5_CLOTHING BOOKS衣服變變變13《Froggy Gets Dressed》14《Caps for Sale》15《Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing *》CH3-6_ ANIMALS BOOKS 我家有個動物園16《The Grouchy Ladybug》17《The Seals on the Bus》18《Dear Zoo》CH3-7_ NATURE BOOKS自然真奇妙19《The Carrot Seed》20《Mr Gumpy’s Outing*》21《Little Cloud》CH4_BEDTIME STORY 睡前故事大集合22《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night》23《Monkey Puzzle》24《Now One Foot, Now The Other》CH5_BOOKS FOR SCHOOL你準備好上學了嗎?25《Splat the Cat》26《Chrysanthemum》27《How Do YOU Feel》CH6_MULTICULTURAL STORY環遊世界走透透28《This is the Way We Go to School》29《Me on the Map》30《Seven Blind Mice》CH7_CLASSICS TO KEEP經典繪本永流傳31《Curious George》32《Where the Wild Things Are》33《Olivia》。



大陆快乐版第3版详细目录:第3版01 健康小卫士01 生活好习惯健康小卫士02 世界真奇妙各种各样的人03 汉字乐园(一)04 小小社会我会坚持到底05 认知单元比较(一)06 自我保护我不随便开门07 童话故事热心的小象皮皮08 HAPPYENGLISH 画动物09 汉字乐园(二)10 唱唱跳跳快乐送货员11 认知单元比较(二)12 巧虎智力玩具医生体验游戏组13 下次预告第3版02 家务我来帮01 生活习惯家务我来帮02 世界真奇妙中国年03 小小社会耐心等待不吵闹04 自我保护我不到厨房去玩05 汉字乐园套圈圈游戏06 童话故事海底世界游乐园07 认知单元形状王国梦游记08 Happy English Number09 唱唱跳跳恭喜新年好10 巧虎益智玩具形状趣多多11 下集预告第3版03 我家没有爱哭鬼01 阳光小天使我家没有爱哭鬼02 世界真奇妙动物宝宝长大了03 汉字乐园(一)04 自我保护搭乘电梯的安全05 小小社会幼儿园真有趣06 特别企划公园里的礼貌07 童话故事哭鼻子大王哇哇08 汉字乐园(二)09 认知单元空间的概念10 Happy English Good Night11 唱唱跳跳可爱的小瓢虫12 巧虎益智玩具魔幻立体拼图13 下集预告第3版04 自已能做好01 阳光小天使自己能做好02 世界真奇妙假如我是03 汉字乐园(一)04 自我保护小心陌生人05 小小社会互相帮助的好朋友06 童话故事威利会自己睡觉07 汉字乐园(二)08 认知单元语言表达09 Happy English Number10 手指韵律操手影游戏11 唱唱跳跳长大了不依赖12 巧虎益智玩具汉字游戏13 下集预告第3版05 贴心小宝贝01 阳光小天使贴心小宝贝(一)02 世界真奇妙黑白黑白03 阳光小天使贴心小宝贝(二)04 自我保护超市里的安全05 汉字乐园(一)06 小小社会我很勇敢07 童话故事小猫咪的特别日子08 汉字乐园(二)09 认知单元熊猫烧烤店10 Happy English Colour11 唱唱跳跳一起大扫除12 巧虎益智玩具妈妈好帮手13 特别预告第3版06 有话好好说01 阳光小天使有话好好说02 世界真奇妙火车03 自我保护预防走失的方法04 汉字乐园(一)05 小小社会我不贪心06 特别企划参观时的礼貌07 童话故事猴子小丁找妈妈08 Happy English Thank You09 汉字乐园(二)10 手指韵律操手指点点11 认知单元标志12 唱唱跳跳我会有话好好说13 巧虎益智玩具自然探险宝典14 下次预告第3版07 爱心暖洋洋01 阳光小天使爱心暖洋洋02 世界真奇妙长大了我要做什么03 汉字乐园(一)04 自我保护游泳时的安全05 小小社会我再试试看06 童话故事一封信07 汉字乐园(二)08 认知单元序列09 Happy English Colour10 唱唱跳跳再试试看11 巧虎益智玩具心灵手巧特辑12 下次预告第3版08 一起来分享01 阳光小天使一起来分享02 世界真奇妙有趣的家族03 汉字乐园(一)04 小小社会我是大哥哥了05 自我保护看书的姿势06 Happy English 运动07 手指韵律操手影游戏08 童话故事小熊真霸道09 认知单元8的分解10 巧虎益智玩具巧虎数字游戏船(一)11 汉字乐园(二)12 唱唱跳跳小鱼快跑13 巧虎益智玩具巧虎数字游戏船(二)14 下次预告第3版09 幼儿园的新朋友01 生活好习惯准备好了02 世界真奇妙猫猫狗狗03 汉字乐园(一)04 小小社会不害羞大声说05 自我保护幼儿园里的安全06 童话故事淘淘有了新朋友07 HAPPY ENGLISH HELLO08 汉字乐园(二)09 巧虎智力玩具1 巧虎立体积木组10 唱唱跳跳1-10数字歌11 认知单元一起来数数12 巧虎智力玩具2 巧虎立体积木组13 下次预告第3版10 早睡早起01 生活好习惯早睡早起02 世界真奇妙我爱吃神什么03 汉字乐园(一)04 小小社会相亲相爱一起玩05 自我保护过马路的安全06 童话故事小熊比利送邮件07 HAPPY ENGLISH 我的一家08 汉字乐园(二)09 手指韵律操手指家族10 认知单元分类11 唱唱跳跳快乐巧巧农场12 巧虎智力玩具认知彩泥组13 下次预告第3版11 食物宝宝有营养01 生活好习惯食物宝宝有营养02 世界真奇妙牙齿03 汉字乐园(一)04 自我保护刷牙歌05 小小社会和大家一样棒06 童话故事班班和花花07 汉字乐园(二)08 自我保护刷牙时的安全09 认知单元配对10 Happy English 水果11 唱唱跳跳有趣的橘子秀12 巧虎益智玩具巧虎餐厅体验组13 下集预告第3版12 送玩具回家01 生活习惯送玩具回家02 世界真奇妙欢乐圣诞03 自我宝华居家安全要小心04 汉字乐园(一)05 手指韵律操石头剪子布06 小小社会不是故意的也要说对不起07 童话故事贪吃的嘟嘟08 汉字乐园(二)09 特别企划车上的礼貌10 Happy English Good Morning11 认知单元5的组合12 唱唱跳跳圣诞快乐13 巧虎益智玩具数字印章组14 下集预告。



颜色随机发送电池使用说明:早教机一律禁止使用充电电池,【DD1、641除外】(使用充电电池导致机器烧坏,买家承担所有责任)品牌: 良兴货号: LX531适用年龄: 3岁以上玩具材质: 塑料按价格展示: 50元-80元欢迎使用“良兴”早教机,从这一刻起,您已经拥有了一位不知疲倦的会说话的超级教师。

她不仅精通拼音、看图识字、数学,而且还会跟小朋友一起做智力游戏呢……【品牌型号】良兴LX-531中英双语学习机【材质】ABS无毒工程塑料【包装尺寸】长42CM\宽29CM\高6CM【包装重量】2KG左右【生产厂家】良兴电子有限公司【附件】:1.主机一台 (屏幕可以旋转) 2.学习卡片8套(共120张):拼音乐园学习卡: 20张看图识字学习卡: 15张数学乐园学习卡: 20张植物园地学习卡: 10张智力乐园学习卡: 20张字母乐园学习卡: 20张诗歌乐园学习卡: 5张动物王国学习卡: 10张3.鼠标一个(作用不大)4.触笔一只(作用不大)5.使用说明书【产品特点】:1. 采用全新一代的微电脑语音芯片,配合高保真的DSP.CELP语音压缩技术,语音还原度好。


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1、《兔子先生去散步》认识标志、幽默2、《叶子小屋》认识昆虫、关心生物3、《我家是动物园》以人物认识抽象概念4、《唉唷唷唷》生活趣味5、《圣诞树》节庆、绘图丰富6、《我不知道我是谁》二、两岁到三岁 (小学低年级也会听得津津有味)1、《妈妈的红沙发》(优先起步阅读)勤俭、努力、达成愿望、单亲2、《让路给小鸭子》爱、冒险3、《做妈妈的都是这样》(优先起步阅读)妈妈为什么爱孩子4、《爷爷一定有办法》(优先起步阅读) 机智、勤俭5、《隧道》(优先起步阅读)手足之情6、《7号梦工厂》无字书、奇幻7、《讨厌黑夜的席奶奶》(优先起步阅读)幽默、想象力8、《162只螳螂》(优先起步阅读) 生命循环、数字概念9、《100只饥饿的蚂蚁》数字概念、幽默10、《菲菲生气了》情绪处理11、《小羊睡不着》数数书12、《露西儿》做回自己13、《小猪离家记》追求理想、关怀、幽默14、《鳄鱼怕怕牙医怕怕》看牙医的心理建设、幽默以下为相同作者系列作品——罗伦斯·安荷特:文;凯瑟琳·安荷特:图。



WaWaYaYa全套60CD,包括:全部共五大系列[小学综合知识系列][儿童综合能力培养系列][儿童英语系列][开心汉语系列][儿童双语童话系列] WaWaYaYa小学综合知识系列18CD1、WaWaYaYa小学综合知识学习系列面向即将升入小学及小学阶段的适龄儿童。



a、小学综合知识语文入学篇快乐语文学校适合幼儿园大班、小学一年级,包括《难忘海滨学校》和《山野学校七日游》2张软件CD b、小学综合知识数学入学篇趣味数学王国适合幼儿园大班、小学一年级,包括《数学符号大搜索》和《数学明珠的秘密》2张软件CDc、小学综合知识生活入学篇漫步生活奇境适合幼儿园大班、小学一年级,包括《快乐时光穿梭机》和《木偶奇遇记新编》2张软件CDd、小学综合知识语文进阶篇语文长廊适合小学一、二年级学生,包括《漫步神奇长廊》和《挑战语文智慧》2张软件CD及《神奇猜谜游戏》e、小学综合知识数学进阶篇数学勋章适合小学一、二年级学生,包括《我的海豚勋章》和《挑战数学智慧》2张软件CD及《益智游戏棋——连环布子》f、小学综合知识科学进阶篇科学探奇适合小学一、二年级学生,包括《魔法世界奇遇》和《挑战科学智慧》2张软件CD及《科学实验宝典》g、小学综合知识语文提高篇语文智慧谷适合小学三、四年级学生,包括《逍遥谷探奇》和《极速救援行动》2张软件CD及《我的古诗赏析集》h、小学综合知识数学提高篇数学魔幻城适合小学三、四年级学生,包括《太空幻想曲》和《魔幻村落的秘密》2张软件CD及《益智游戏棋——连环布子》i、小学综合知识科学提高篇科学空间站适合小学三、四年级学生,包括《神奇海岛历险记》和《假如我是舰长》2张软件CD及《我的科学小宝典》小学综合知识系列之入学篇6CD快乐语文学校1难忘海滨学校2山野学校七日游漫步生活奇境1快乐时光穿梭机2木偶奇遇记新编趣味数学王国1数学符号大搜索2数学明珠的秘密小学综合知识系列之进阶篇6CD(no)科学探奇1魔法世界奇遇2挑战科学智慧数学勋章1挑战数学智慧2我的海豚勋章语文长廊1漫步神奇长廊2挑战语文智慧小学综合知识系列之提高篇6CD(no)科学空间站1假如我是舰长2神奇海岛历险记数学魔幻城1魔幻村落的秘密2太空幻想曲语文智慧谷1极速救援行动2逍遥谷探奇WAWAYAYA开心汉语系列3CD2、开心汉语系列产品从培养学习汉语的兴趣和学习方法入手,以汉字构字规律为主线,变单个识字为成组识字。



完整word版)幼儿图书目录班级:小(1)日期:2016.2序号书名数量备注1 《乖乖兔丛书》 102 《小猴摘桃》 53 《大闹天宫》 24 《看图识动物》 55 《七彩葫芦娃》 46 《小海豚幼儿启蒙金卡-日常用品》 57 《小海豚幼儿启蒙金卡-水果蔬菜》 58 《看图学儿歌》 109 《儿童素质教育丛书-精品阅读金钢葫芦娃1》 210 《天线宝宝》 311 《宝宝圈圈书守株待兔》 212 《宝宝圈圈书小红帽》 213 《宝宝圈圈书小蝌蚪找妈妈》 214 《小笨熊认知起步生活用品》 515 《小笨熊认知起步认字》 316 《小笨熊认知起步认数》 317 《小笨熊认知起步儿歌》 518 《狼来了》 519 《卖火柴的小女孩》 220 《拇指姑娘》 221 《拔萝卜》 5以下是小班(1)的幼儿图书目录,日期为2016年2月。





班级:小(2)日期:2016.2序号书名数量备注1 《大灰狼》 52 《三只小猪》 23 《咪咪养鱼》 54 《拔萝卜》 55 《冠军宝宝绕口令101》 46 《冠军宝宝童谣101》 27 《冠军宝宝儿歌101》 28 《宝宝圈圈书小蝌蚪找妈妈》 59 《宝宝圈圈书小马过河》 810 《宝宝圈圈书小猫钓鱼》 611 《小宝贝小故事》 512 《娃娃画报》 1013 《新黑猫警长》 614 《哪吒传奇》(3) 215 《看图学儿歌》 416 《叮当机器猫》 217 《看图猜谜语》 218 《大耳朵图图》 5这是小班(2)的幼儿图书目录,日期为2016年2月。




科学性:本书的目录充分体现了科学喂养的理念,不仅介绍了营养学的基础知 识,还强调了宝宝的身体状况和特点对饮食的影响。同时,针对不同年龄段和 身体状况的宝宝提供了不同的饮食建议和调理方法,具有很高的科学性。
《宝宝辅食跟我做》这本书的目录结构完整、实用性和科学性都很突出,能够 满足新手父母对于宝宝辅食制作的需求。通过这本书,读者可以全面了解宝宝 辅食制作的基础知识、方法和技巧,从而为宝宝的健康成长提供有力的支持。
在宝宝辅食添加过程中,应该注意观察宝宝的反应情况,如有不适或过敏反应 应及时停止添加,并咨询专业医生意见。
《宝宝辅食跟我做》这本书是一本非常实用的宝宝辅食制作指南,通过详细讲 解不同年龄段宝宝的辅食添加原则、辅食制作方法和营养知识,让年轻父母轻 松掌握宝宝辅食的制作方法,从而更好地照顾宝宝的健康成长。
这一章主要介绍了宝宝辅食的基本概念、作用和原则,包括宝宝辅食的定义、 宝宝辅食添加的时机和原则、宝宝辅食的制作技巧等。还详细介绍了宝宝的营 养需求和不同阶段宝宝的饮食特点,为读者提供了全面的宝宝辅食基础知识。
这一章主要介绍了不同年龄段的宝宝辅食制作方法,包括4个月至1岁的宝宝辅 食、1岁至2岁的宝宝辅食和2岁至3岁的宝宝辅食。每个年龄段又分别根据食材 类别划分为不同的章节,例如米糊、果蔬泥、肉蛋奶等。还介绍了宝宝辅食的 常见食材和工具,以及如何为宝宝添加新的食物等。
一些容易引起过敏的食物如鸡蛋、牛奶、鱼类、大豆等应该逐渐添加到宝宝的 辅食中,以帮助宝宝逐渐适应这些食物,并降低过敏的风险。
宝宝辅食添加应该注意卫生安全,制作辅食的餐具和手应该清洁干净,以确保 宝宝不会因为食物污染而引起腹泻或其他疾病。
一些常见食材如南瓜、胡萝卜、菠菜、豆腐等可以制作出多种营养丰富、美味 可口的宝宝辅食,同时这些食材也具有很好的营养价值和保健作用。



SCF862Essential baby food makerRecipe bookletExpert adviceQuick and easy nutritious recipes for your babyQuick and easy nutritious recipes for your baby 3Stage 1: First tastes8Precious purée of potato and broccoli 10Bananas about avocado 11Stage 2: Soft chews 12Veggie heaven 14Meaty mates15Stage 3: Chunkier chews 16Cod and potato party 1819Stage 4: From one year on 20Happy broccoli ever after 22Sunny asparagus23My first muesliContentsWhen it comes to introducing your baby to solid foods for the rst time it’s perfectly normal to feel confused.The huge amount of informationavailable alone can be overwhelming,particularly if you’re a rst time parent. Babies will sometimes spit out the food prepared for them –being unable to say what they do or don’t want to eat. This can be quite challenging for parents when weaning their baby. But don’t panic, work alongside your baby’s requirements,and provide them with a variety of nutritious meals that will help them to grow up to be healthy and happy.We developed this booklet together with Nutritionist Dr. Emma Williams.It provides professional advice on weaning and on how to preparenutritious meals easily for your baby, so you can get more pleasureout of family meal times together.Dr. Emma Williams has a PhD in Human Nutrition and expertise in childhood growth and nutrition. As a clinical researcher in the pediatric department of a children’s hospital,as appropriate.she examined the growth and dietary intake of very young children (0-3 years) with growth problems and provided dietary advice to their parents.During time spent working as a Nutrition Scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, she provided expert nutritional advice on weaning, analyzed and checked the nutritional content of weaning recipes, and developed meal plans for very young children. She’s also a member of the Nutrition Society and the UK Nutritionists in Industry group and a regular advisor to the media on the subject of nutrition. nutrition, Emma recently set up her own nutrition consultancy business.Our aimStarting to wean your babySeeing your newborn baby grow and develop into a happy and healthy child is a really amazing and rewarding experience. What happens in a baby’s future health and providing healthy, nutritious food is an essential part of this process. Breast milk is the all of the natural nutritional content your baby needs, along with important antibodies for added protection against infection, directly from mother to baby. It’s recommended to breastfeed up to the age of 6 months and if possible to continue to do so together with a healthy, balanced diet for up to 2 years or longer if preferred. When it’s not possible to breastfeed, infant formula is the next best substitute for breast milk. In terms of their ability to grow, a baby should gain between 0.5kg (1.1lbs) and 1kg (2.2 lbs) in weight per month from 0-6 months, after which time, solid foods are required to promote further growth and development.paces, it’s really important not to rush them into weaning before they’re ready. The earliest time to consider starting to wean a baby is 4 months or 17 weeks. But it usually takes around 6 months for a baby’s digestive system to work properly and be ready to digest food*. There are 3 key signs that show when a baby seems to be ready to try solid food. These usually take place around 4-6 months and include: being able to sit up and hold their head steady; good hand, eye and mouth coordination (they can look at food, pick it up and put it in their rather than push it all out. So look for all of these signs before weaning your baby. They may also to show an interest in the foods that other people consume. All of these changes mark an important step in your baby’s development. They’re now ready to explore new tastes and textures in their diet.important how much they consume, it’s more about getting them used to eating food in general. Babies won’t need 3 meals a day initially. You can simply used to the taste, texture and feel of food in their mouth. Then you gradually increase the amount and variety of food your baby eats until they can eventually eat the same foods as the rest of the family, in smaller portions. Babies learn to like the foods they get used to. If you give them very salty,Providing your baby with a range of healthy and nutritious foods to eat from the beginning is absolutely essential, as it will make sure they keep eating such kinds of food as they grow older.sweet or fatty foods and drinks they will be more likely to want them when they get older and you really don’t want to create a fussy eater! Providing your baby with a range of healthy and nutritious foods to eat from the beginning is absolutelyessential, as it will make sure they keep eating such kinds of food as they grow older. It’s really hard to change what children eat when they get older so it’s important to instil good food habits right from the very start. You are advised to do this from weaning onwards and to prepare foods from scratch using fresh ingredients. This way, you know exactly what your baby is eating. You should also try to preserve the nutritional composition of the foods you wish to prepare as much as possible, so that you get the maximum nutrition out of the ingredients you’re using. Buying fresh ingredients and storing them appropriately by following storage instructions provided will help to maintain the nutritionalcontent. This will also make sure that foods such asthat food is prepared on clean surfaces using clean utensils will also protect your baby from harmful bacteria.* Consult your local doctor or child care health consultant if you feel you need further advice on when might be the best time to wean your baby.‘‘I really hope you enjoy this wonderful and exciting time in your child’s growth and development, as they learn to experience new tastes and textures and get healthy eating habits that will enable them to grow into healthy, happy adults!’’Dr. Emma Williams, Nutrition ConsultantWe hope this recipe booklet will help you when starting your baby on solid food. It includessome useful information and professional advice about the di erent stages of weaning, along with appropriate recipes for the di erent stages of weaning. Each recipe has been developed using Philips Avent essential baby food maker to helpyou to provide nutritious food for your growing baby.Although this recipe booklet gives you someinformation related to weaning, there’s also plenty of reliable information available to help you to decide if your baby is ready for weaning. For example, from your local baby clinic, doctor’so ce or online, as well as information to help you progress from one stage to the next, perhaps even other recipe ideas that you can use with your Philips Avent essential baby food maker.Steaming is a very healthy way to prepare food as it helps to keep the nutrients locked in. Using the Philips Avent essential baby food maker will help to retain the nutritional content of the initial ingredients in the nal prepared meal for your baby. This isbecause the juices released from the steamer during cooking (steaming phase) are retained for mixing back into the food during blending (blending phase).Health and safety recommendationsBabies are particularly vulnerable to the bacteria that can cause food poisoning so it’s essential to follow simple health and safety guidelines when preparing and storing their food.Food preparation:• Always make sure food is stored safely and stick to use-by dates. Prepare food in a clean kitchen using clean chopping boards and utensils. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food and your baby’s hands before feeding. Make sure all bowls and spoons used for feeding are thoroughly cleaned prior to use. Philips Avent has a suitable range of• Store cooked and raw meats separate from each other and from other foods in the fridge and keep them covered. Always wash your hands after touching raw meat. Sterile vacuum packed rawas this can spread harmful germs onto kitchenwork surfaces and could lead to food poisoning. Use your own judgment if you’re not sure that it’s been previously washed (i.e. not vacuum packed/ foods bought in fresh food markets). Always wash fruit and vegetables and peel if necessary – all root vegetables should be peeled and washedbefore use.• Never add salt to foods intended for babies. You can add herbs and mild spices instead to make the foods tastier. If you must use stock in a recipe, use low or no salt stock. Avoid adding sugar to food unless required for taste (for example to sweeten tart fruit).• Make sure food is cooked thoroughly and cool until it’s lukewarm before serving.Food storage:• Once prepared, cool the food as quickly as possible (within 1-2 hours) and place in fridge (at a temperature of 5 °C (41 °F) or below) or freezer (at a temperature of -18 °C (0 °F)). Most freshly prepared foods can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Check your freezer guidelines to see how long you can store baby foodsafely – usually 1-3 months.•••••••Foods to avoid and food allergy:Further guidance and information••The quantity indicated in the recipes* shouldprovide you with enough food to feed your baby,as well as some leftovers to portion up and storeor freeze for later use. You can adapt the amountrequired to suit your needs, making sure to adjustthe length of steaming required to the amount ofingredients used. Check ‘ingredients and steamingtime’ in the user manual for approximate steam• Final consistency of each recipe will depend onthe type of ingredients used including the amountused and stage of weaning (i.e. smooth vs. lumpierconsistency). Consistency may be altered via theaddition of baby’s usual milk or boiled water to thethin down or baby rice may be added to thicken.Draining some of the water in the steamer beforeblending will also result in a thicker consistency.••* All recipes have been checked to make sure they contain appropriate amounts of calories, salt, sugar and fatsuitable for babies and toddlers.Frozen food should be defrosted thoroughly beforeheating. Philips Avent bottle warmer can be used toheat your baby’s food evenly and safely. If you’rereheating food using a microwave, always stir thefood and check its temperature before feeding yourbaby. Don’t reheat food more than once.Never refreeze food after it’s been thawed andnever save and re-use foods that your child hasn’tnished eating.Recipe quantities are indicative – these may varydepending on the nature of the ingredients usedand cooking times.The number of portion sizes provided by eachrecipe is only a guide. Because every baby hasdi erent needs, the portion sizes may not re ectthe amount required by your baby’s appetite orneeded to meet his or her growth requirements,meaning that the nal portion size consumed maybe di erent from the one indicated.Certain foods are unsuitable for children under theage of 12 months, including liver, raw shell sh, shark,sword sh and marlin, soft unpasteurized cheesesand honey. Make sure eggs or dishes containing eggare well cooked.If there’s a history of food allergy within the family,exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months isrecommended. Where breastfeeding is not possible,for whatever reason, consult a medical practitionerfor advice on the best type of formula to provideinstead. Because the introduction of rst foods cancause allergies, breastfeeding should be continuedthroughout weaning and care should be taken whenintroducing potentially allergenic foods such asmilk, eggs, wheat, sh and shell sh – o ering themone at a time.If there’s a history of peanut allergy in the familyseek advice from a quali ed medical practitioner.Because of the risk of choking, whole nuts,including peanuts, should not be given to childrenunder 5 years.Immediate signs of allergy (usually occurring withinseconds or up to two hours) can include lip swelling,itchiness and hives, a red ushing of the face orbody, a rash, worsening symptoms of eczemaor di culty breathing. If you think your baby ishaving an allergic reaction to food seek urgentmedical advice – in rare cases a severe reaction(anaphylaxis) can be life-threatening.Delayed reactions to food (usually associated withcow’s milk allergy) can include nausea vomiting orre ux, diarrhea, constipation, blood in stools, a redbottom, and progressively worse eczema. In thelonger term there may also be problems gainingweight. Because some of these symptoms (e.g.rashes and diarrhea) are also indicative of otherillnesses, consult your healthcare practitioner forfurther advice.Always seek the advice of a quali ed healthcarepractitioner if you suspect your child may have apotential food allergy – they should be your rstport of call!taste and texture of milk, the trick here is to introduce new foods gradually. eating his/her own food in no time.Stage 1:First tastesUp until now your baby will only be used tosuckling milk from the breast or drinking formula from a bottle, by pushing the tongue forward to drink. Therefore, when starting to spoon feed for their tongue, meaning that any food going in will be pushed back out the mouth with the tongue. Learning to eat food involves developing a wholenew set of oral motor skills. For example, your baby will need to learn to use his/her lips to pull the food back of the mouth and to swallow. Before this they had only ever used their jaw and cheek muscles for sucking – so it’s a completely new experience. Once your baby can swallow food, along with the other two signs for weaning (sitting up, picking things up and putting them in their mouths) they’re well and truly ready to embark on an exploration of food.First foods can include puréed cereals, such asbaby rice, oats, millet, corn noodles or well mashed cooked rice mixed with your baby’s usual milk. Youcan also purée fruit or vegetables. Purées should be very smooth and still quite runny, using very mild baby just a few teaspoons once a day, either during or after the usual milk feed (breast or formula). It’s can see how they respond to individual foods. Asfoods before their usual milk and gradually increase the frequency of feeds and the amount given. You by adding less milk or water (cooled boiled) to types of food and gradually increase meals from two to three times a day, so that baby can begin to experience lots of new tastes. In terms of yourformula-fed babies cooled boiled water if you think they are thirsty between feeds (breast fed babies don’t need any water).Purées should be very smooth and still quite runny, using very mild (bland even)1 2 3Precious puree of potato andbroccolisteam 20 min 3 portionstotal 30 minWash the broccoli and peel and wash thepotato. Cut the potato and broccoli intoabout 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open thejar lid and ll with water to 120 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lidand pour the water from the jar into thewater tank. Place the lid back on the watertank and turn to the lock position.Place the prepared ingredients into thesteaming basket. Then put the steamingbasket inside the jar in the correct position.Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the mainunit and turn slightly to secure it in the lockposition. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator willturn on. When the steaming cycle is nished,the appliance will stop automatically. Thesteaming power indicator will turn o . Turnthe knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift thesteaming basket and empty the steamed foodinto the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blendposition. Blend 3 or 5 times for 15 secondseach, until the desired consistency isreached. Add some of your baby’s usual milkor boiled water if desirable to thin the puree.6Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool beforeserving 1 portion.1Cut the avocado in half. Remove the seedand scoop out the esh with a tablespoon.Peel the banana. Cut the avocado andbanana into 1 cm size cubes. Remove the lidof the jar. Put all of the fruits and baby's milkinto the jar. Replace and lock the lid in theright position.2Install the jar back to the main unit and lockit. Turn the knob to the blend position. Blend3 or 5 times for 15 seconds each, until thedesired consistency is reached.3Transfer to a bowl before serving.Ingredients:1/3 large potato (approx. 140 g)1/3 small broccoli (approx. 70 g)Bananas about avocadosteam 0 min 1 portiontotal 10 minNutrition tips:High in Vitamin K; Source of Vitamin C & Folate. Vitamin K is one of the important vitamins for healthy bones. Vitamin C contributes to the breakdown and use of energy from food. Folate is important for the production of amino acids, the basic building blocks of protein in the body, needed for growth and repair. Serving/cooking tips:Serve with baby rice or baby’s usual milk. Make it with sweet potato instead of potato.Nutrition tips:High in Folate; Source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, Vitamin B6, & Vitamin K. Folate is oneof the important vitamins for a normal healthy blood supply. Vitamin E helps to protect the baby’s cells from damage (oxidative). Vitamin B6 helps to keep blood cells healthy.Serving/cooking tips:Best served immediately after preparation. Make it with papaya instead of the banana.Ingredients:1/2 medium avocado (ripe) (approx. 50 g)1/2 medium banana (ripe) (approx. 50 g)60 ml baby’s usual milk (prepared as usual)Suitable for freezing Suitable for vegetariansNow that your baby has been used to eating purée or soft mashed foods with progressively moving to roughly mashed foods, so they can learn to chew. At this stage of weaning (from 6-8 months) babies should have started to progress onto 3 meals a day, in larger quantities than before, alongside their usual milk (breast or formula).Stage 2:Soft chewsIn terms of a baby’s development, the sheer action of chewing soft and small lumps of food and moving food around the mouth with their tongue helps them food may cause them to gag, cough or maybe even vomit in order to remove lumps of food from the back of their mouth, this doesn’t mean they don’twill learn to eat a variety of foods and become more receptive to trying new ones. Don’t worry if theyoccasions until they get used to the taste of it and will eventually accept it. It can take several attempts (sometimes up to 15 tastes) for your baby to accept certain foods so be patient and persevere – it will healthy food preferences when your baby is young early years.Although most babies don’t usually have any teeth at 6 months of age they can actually begin tomanage small soft lumpy foods (by grinding their gums). Because this stage is all about teaching them such as cooked vegetable sticks (carrots) or soft ripefruit sticks, little slices of toast and even soft cooked pasta shapes. Never give your baby whole grapes or whole cherry tomatoes as this may cause choking. If you want to give them to your baby, always slice them up.At this stage you can start to experiment more by introducing dishes made from a combination ofBecause this is a time period of rapid growth, your baby will have a higher requirement for nutrient rich foods – so be sure to give plenty of variety! For example, all babies are born with an ample supply of iron. However, that starts to run out at around 6 months of age, so it’s essential that they get enough iron from their diet to ensure healthy growth and development. So give them plenty of foods containing iron, such as lean red meat, cereals, beans and green vegetables. If you are not sure about how much your baby needs to eat, let your baby guide you – babies usually turn their head away or keep their mouth shut when theydon’t want any more food. For safety reasons never leave your baby unattended whilst eating. Continue cooled boiled water from a training cup or mug with meals. Don’t be tempted to give them any juice, as they will be getting plenty of Vitamin C from their milk feeds, as well as from fruit and vegetables.1 2Veggie heavenIngredients:1/5 small cauli ower (approx. 80 g)1/3 medium potato (approx. 90 g)1/2 medium carrot (approx. 60 g)steam 30 min 2 portionstotal 40 minWash the cauli ower and wash and peel thepotato and carrot. Cut the vegetables intoabout 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open thejar lid and ll with water to 180 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lidand pour the water from the jar into thewater tank. Place the lid back on the watertank and turn to the lock position.3Place the prepared ingredients into the steaming basket. Then put the steamingbasket inside the jar in the correct position.Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the mainunit and turn slightly to secure it in the lockposition. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator willturn on. When the steaming cycle is nished, the appliance will stop automatically. Thesteaming power indicator will turn o . Turnthe knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift thesteaming basket and empty the steamed foodinto the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blendposition. Blend 2 or 3 times for 15 secondseach, until the desired consistency is reached.6Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool beforeserving 1 portion.12Remove any skin and fat of the meat. Cut themeat into about 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open thejar lid and ll with water to 180 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lidand pour the water from the jar into thewater tank. Place the lid back on the watertank and turn to the lock position.3Place the prepared ingredients into thesteaming basket. Then put the steamingbasket inside the jar in the correct position.Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the mainunit and turn slightly to secure it in the lockposition. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator willturn on. When the steaming cycle is nished,the appliance will stop automatically. Thesteaming power indicator will turn o . Turnthe knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift thesteaming basket and empty the steamed foodinto the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blendposition. Blend 3 or 5 times for 15 secondseach, until the desired consistency is reached.6Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool beforeserving 1 portion. If required, mix 1tablespoon of meat puree with 3tablespoons of pureed vegetables.Meaty matesIngredients:1 llet beef/lamb/chicken breast/pork(approx. 250 g)3 tablespoons pureed vegetables(recipe: veggie heaven)4 portions total 35 minNutrition tips:High in Vitamin C; Source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin A & Vitamin K.Serving/cooking tips:Serve with meat or sh puree. Mix up with your favorite vegetables or cooked lentils.Nutrition tips:Made with beef - high in Vitamin B12 & Zinc; Source of Iron, Phosphorus, Niacin & Vitamin B6. Vitamin B12 contributes to a healthy immune system. Zinc is important for cognitive function. Iron is important for a normal healthy blood supply. Although babies are born with an adequate supply at birth it starts to run out from 6 months onwards so try to include plenty of good dietary sources where possible such as red meat, tofu, eggs, chickpeas, cooked lentils, kidney beans, raisins, apricots, gs and green leafy vegetables.Serving/cooking tips:Serve with pureed vegetables. Make this puree using sh.steam 30 minThe third stage of weaning (from 9-12 months) is about widening your baby’s chopped, mashed or minced rather than puréed. In terms of their development, your baby should be starting to recognize foods by sight and beginning to associate them with their taste.Stage 3:Chunkier chewsBecause it’s quite common for older children to reject new or previously accepted foods, typically foods at this stage will help them later. You should also start to include your baby in family meal times. This is because children learn to eat foods if they see other people eating them. Therefore, make sure they sit with the rest of the family whilst eating and organize meal times around other people, especially other children. Wherever possible encourage them to feed themselves, even if it’s messy. Mealtimes are a time for learning and should be fun for your baby. Learning to self-feed will help to establish a healthy relationship with food in which they are actively involved in the process. In terms of the foodconsistency, such as raw fruit and vegetable sticks.Continue to give breast or formula milk, but reduce it to two or three times a day. You can also give cooled boiled water if necessary. This is also the right time to try to phase out the use of bottles and introduce a training cup.Because baby’s tummies are quite small they canno room for other more nutritious foods that will give them the energy they need to grow. Fat isalso important for energy production and contains valuable vitamins such as Vitamin A. For this reason, you should not give low fat milk, cheese or yogurt to babies under the age of 2 years.Cod and potato party123Wash and peel the potato. Remove any bones and skin of the cod. Cut all of the ingredients into about 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open the jar lid and ll with water to 180 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lid and pour the water from the jar into the water tank. Place the lid back on the water tank and turn to the lock position.Place the prepared ingredients into the steaming basket. Then put the steaming basket inside the jar in the correct position. Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the main unit and turn slightly to secure it in the lock position. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator will turn on. When the steaming cycle is nished, the appliance will stop automatically. The steaming power indicator will turn o . Turn the knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift the steaming basket and empty the steamed food into the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blend position. For your choice: to make sauce, blend 2 to 3 times for 5 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached; to baby who chews well, drain cooking water out and blend less time or use fork to press cooked food.Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. Check carefully for any bones before serving 1 portion with about 100 g of cooked rice porridge.6Ingredients:1 llet cod (approx. 100 g)1/2 medium potato (approx. 150 g)100 g well cooked rice porridge (per portion)Nutrition tips :High in Iodine; Source of Selenium & Vitamin B12. Iodine is important for normal healthy growth in children. Selenium protects the body’s cells from damage (oxidative). This tasty recipe is a good way of getting sh into your baby’s diet – provide at least two portions of sh per week, one of which should be oily (salmon,mackerel, fresh tuna, sardines).Serving/cooking tips :Serve with meat puree. Serve with cooked pasta, rice or another staple food of your choice.steam 30 min 5 portions total 40min My rst muesli123Wash all of the fruits, peel and core thepeach and pear. Cut the peach and the pear into about 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open the jar lid and ll with water to 120 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lid and pour the water from the jar into the water tank. Place the lid back on the water tank and turn to the lock position.Place the prepared ingredients into the steaming basket. Then put the steaming basket inside the jar in the correct position. Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the main unit and turn slightly to secure it in the lock position. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator will turn on. When the steaming cycle is nished, the appliance will stop automatically. The steaming power indicator will turn o . Turn the knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift the steaming basket and empty the steamed food into the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blend position. Blend 2 to 3 times for 5 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached.Transfer to a bowl and allow to coolbefore serving 1 portion with about 100 g of rolled oats.6Ingredients:1/2 medium peach (ripe) (approx. 100 g)1/2 medium pear (ripe) (approx. 100 g) 50 g blueberry (ripe)100 g rolled oats (per portion)Nutrition tips :Babies will love the taste of this fruity combination. The recipe helps to get more fruit in their diet –mix and match di erent types of fruit to suit your own store cupboard needs and preferences!Serving/cooking tips :To add dairy to this recipe mix with natural yogurt. Use other fruits of your choice.steam 20 min 5 portionstotal 30 min。













造物小百科目录《how its made》 目录 A4

造物小百科目录《how its made》 目录 A4

《How it's made》目录第一盘:101.铝箔,滑雪板,隐形眼镜,面包102.光碟,奶酪,长统丝袜,荧光灯管103.牙签,浴缸,直升飞机,啤酒104.助听器,三维拼图,橡胶再生,冲水马桶105.打印纸,牛仔裤,电脑,平板玻璃106.钉子,护目镜,布匹,自行车107.皮划艇,安全靴,电子招牌,萨其马108.卡车,创口贴,电脑显卡,酿酒109.钢筋,苹果汁,起落架,化妆品110.全息摄影,包装盒,皮肤培养,玉米罐头111.塑料袋,日光板,塑料汽油桶,曲棍球棍112.铝制瓶盖,花式巧克力,药丸,意大利面113.自行车头盔,铝,车刹,锂电池201.眼睛镜片,花岗石板,马铃薯片,微处理器202.蜂蜜,光纤,砖块,管风琴203.水上摩托,葡萄酒,办公家具,冰鞋204.夹克衫,动画片,蘑菇,钻戒205.水培莴苣,建筑木材,垃圾回收,假蝇饵206.钻刀,木门,彩色球,报纸207.地毯,饮用水,激光眼科手术,吉他208.玻璃纤维艇,干衣机,泡泡糖,焰火209.保险箱,假牙,小型飞机,枫蜜210.花色软糖,易拉罐,养鱼,青铜雕塑211.旋压铝制品,假肢,花生酱,高光灯泡212.小汽车,购物车,快速加工成型,纪念币213.轴承,电线,熔模铸造301.原子章,酸果,棉纱,交通标志302.字码锁,陶器,休闲拖车,橡皮擦303.轮式装运机,植物油,手动工具,棉签304.金属栅栏,沥青屋面板,泡沫板,花式硬糖305.老式马车,假眼,猫粮和狗粮,镜子306.酸奶,蜡烛,霓虹灯,装订307.芥末,小提琴,螺母螺帽,卫生纸308.插花,胶带,豆腐,刮刮彩票309.充气筏,蒸粗麦粉,玩具胶泥,柳编310.风力发电机,塑胶手套,热塑玻璃,救火车311.汽车散热器,孵蛋机,薄生面片,滑雪撬312.电加热器,纸浆容器,鸡肉,电脑游戏313.防火靴,园丁工具,自动化机器2,石膏板第二盘:401.塑料瓶,邮件,鸡蛋,木柄钢笔402.塑料注模,汽车滤油器,文件柜,吹塑玻璃403.钻头,拼花玻璃,拖车,木直笛404.康茄鼓,金属电镀,纽扣405.砂轮,堆肥,百叶窗,牛奶406.木刷子,黑板,熏鲑鱼片,拉链407.立体标牌,硬木地板,聚乙烯管,床垫408.瓷砖,果仁,炼钢,滑板409.轿车引擎,面粉,活动躺椅,信封410.塑料杯和餐具,特技化妆,黄金,竖琴411.表面压片,雪糕,儿童积木,清洁剂412.装饰木面板,滑轮,橡皮管,树脂地板413.油灰刀,车库活动门,电动机,毛料衣物501.沥青石料,葵糖饼干,高音喇叭,电子门锁502.木炭火炉,矫正鞋具,芭蕾舞鞋,公共汽车503.机械手,纹身,卫生巾,水泥管504.曲棍球手套,点心蛋糕,轮胎翻新,污水处理505.救护车,餐桌,手风琴,有机玻璃工艺品506.碱性电池,轮椅,长笛,牛仔靴507.高尔夫球,门扣,停车计时器,房间屏风508.铁盔甲,电灯杆,弯曲硬木,薄膜开关509.马车,风笛,圣诞节原木形大蛋糕,假鱼饵510.守门员护具,衣襟徽章,纸盒,水晶杯511.水泥,寿木,饮料,摆动式摇椅第三盘:512.厨刀,人体模型,纱袜,针头513.配电板,风筝,眼镜架,牙刷601.三轮摩托,棒球棍,盆景,长号602.弹簧,路砖,钢琴603.绳索,台球桌,帆板,锣锵604.安全带,塑钢窗,小蜡像,热气球605.空气过滤器,台球杆,冰雕,西服606.自动扶梯扶手,荧光记号笔,吉他弦,假发607.传统的弓,咖啡机,吉祥物,吊床608.玻璃纤维,木鸭子,口香糖球售卖机,排气管609.链条,硬面包圈,唱片610.挡风玻璃,英式马鞍,黄油,柱钟611.双轮代步车,雪松独木舟,电吉他612.宅用热水器,气囊,胶质软糖,冰面修整器613.水陆两用车,高尔夫球杆,轮船模型,鼓面701.橄榄球,吉它扩音器,玻璃球,飞机螺旋桨702.引擎铸模,硬球糖,爵士鼓703.打火机,化石,冰球,高压钢瓶704.气球,墙纸,炸薯条,白炽灯泡705.火柴,旋转木马,细瓷,汽油箱706.玻璃炊具,肥皂,铁鼓,防火服707.蜡笔,木伐子,割草机,金项链708.安全气囊,盲人打字机,碳纤维大提琴709.碳纤维桅杆,好运饼干,IMA.放映机,滚子链第四盘:710.救火员头盔,罗盘,包装软管,手锯711.卤素灯,纤维绝缘层,铝梯,竹制飞蝇钓竿712.钻头,照相亭,邮票713.游艇方向盘,编织毯,汽车调温器,凿子801.摩托车,水泥管,鼓槌,哨子802.玻璃瓶,钢锯,守门员面具803.长柄曲棍球杆,油炸冻鱼肉,手电筒,油漆刷804.蓄电池,白铁罐,光学镜头805.活塞,油漆滚筒,降落伞,烟筒806.渔线轮,迷你房屋,厨房搅拌器807.照片,毛皮制革,电焊条,电子小提琴808.马蹄铁,洗碗机,石墨飞蝇钓竿,比萨饼809.弹药筒,椒盐卷饼,剪式提升机,滑冰场810.曲棍球棍,婴儿鞋,跑步机,掌上电脑811.堵缝剂,丙烷罐,法医学面部再造812.毛皮大衣,灵车,照明器材,高尔夫球座813.人孔盖,抽油烟机,人造原木,雪地摩托901.实心轮胎,奶酪蛋糕,独木舟短桨,地球仪902.飞去来器,烧烤炉具,弹球机,闪光灯903.木圆盆,链锯,马铃薯片,喷气压缩机片904.钢丝棉,炊具系列,雕刻蜡烛,老虎机D半导体,航空餐,纸杯,小号906.挂锁,电推剪,木鞋,人造革907.划艇,不锈钢水池,皮革,踏板钢铁吉他908.剑,浮船,落地大摆钟,保险丝第五盘:909.保险杠,滤色片,蒸汽模型,苔杖糖910.雨伞,舷外马达,银制餐具,卷尺911.手术刀,油画颜料,英国警察头盔,冰斧912.熏肉,扬雪车,豪华轿车913.自动变速器,银制微型复制品,热气球吊篮,飞镖1001.磁铁,火腿,银制茶壶,撞击测试人体模型1002.冰壶,冰箱,铝制棒球棍,乳白玻璃1003.水平仪,热狗,抛光粉,砂纸1004.冰淇淋,机翼,木制高尔夫球杆,车用蓄电池1005.汽车燃油泵,板球,纸币找换机,球墨铸铁管1006.木桶,消防栓,汽车座椅,阴极射线管1007.不锈钢,橄榄球头盔,树脂小塑像,实验室玻璃器具1008.灭火器,甜甜圈,减震器,班卓琴1009.女装人体模型,小艇螺旋桨,羽绒被,水龙头1010.青铜大钟,木制飞机螺旋桨,木炭块,圆木形煤气炉1011.蛋筒,篷式挂车,鞋油,钳子1012.标准油桶,警笛,微型火车车厢,玻璃垫块1013.折叠小刀,皂石产品,电杆变压器,传统雪鞋1101.望远镜,焰火,长统水靴,圆锯锯片1102.解剖学模型,自动点唱机,墨西哥玉米片,火花塞1103.铅笔,金属回收,咖啡1104.标枪,布谷鸟钟,棕榈心,雨刷1105.技术玻璃,洗衣机,扑克牌,弩1106.电影摄影机,圣诞节玻璃装饰品,巨型轮胎1107.麦克风,按摩缸,人工草坪,啤酒杯1108.改装车,装饰蛋,灭火水龙带喷嘴,棒球第六盘:1109.手风琴,菠萝,人工关节1110.巨型阀门,沙丁鱼罐头,气压计,一次性尿片1111.滑冰刀,滑翔机,手摇铃铛,灭火水龙带1112.电磁炉,车重地衡,利乐包装盒,口琴1113.棒球手套,医疗电极,牛仔帽1201.气动扳手,人造大理石水池,炸香蕉片,纳斯卡赛车1202.救生钳,人造圣诞树,苏打饼干,棘轮扳手1203.温度计,挂秤,飞机机身彩绘,高档巧克力1204.气化器,空调机,糖1205.组合扳手,香肠,高尔夫球车,飞艇1206.碳纤维零件,烘干机,回收丝线,羊毛布料1207.警徽,松饼,洗车房,压力表1208.金属探测器,兰姆酒,蒂凡尼灯具,飞机引擎1209.乘骑式割草机,爆米花,可调床垫,人造钻石1210.流线型拖车,辣根,工业蒸汽锅炉,防臭剂1211.螺丝刀,链带式装卸机,体重秤,碳纤维棒球棒1212.自动扶梯,凯夫拉尔独木舟,羊奶酪,碟式音乐盒1213.摩托车引擎,玻璃搪瓷雕刻,手工纸,撑竿1301.锤,瑞士奶酪,旱冰鞋,彩色铅笔1302.碳纤维自行车,血液制品,锻造吊灯,圆珠笔1303.瑞士军刀,钢琴玩家劳斯莱斯,油轮,方向盘1304.保龄球,理发波兰人,毡,雷达枪1305.铜管件,气缸音乐盒,辣椒米尔斯,热棒转向柱1306.齿轮,皮革表带,Vitrelle餐具,厨房剪刀1307.压力锅,机械鸟唱歌,浮标,不锈钢罐拖车1308.铝船,高山牛角,豪华手表1309.全地形车,高山滑雪,激光切割机,大理石雕塑1310.插座套装,皮鞋,铝矿泉水瓶,自行车链条1311.木雕雕塑,餐具,牛铃,钢笔第七盘:1312.橄榄油,叉车,无缝轧制环,滑雪靴1313.专业炊具,豪华镶框,炊具高效率热水器1401.迷你摩托赛车,夹心饼干,工具盒,弯管接头1402.左轮手枪,跑步机,燃油炉,蔬菜剥皮器比萨刀1403.高尔夫球杆,维夫饼干,电线电缆,火车车轮1404.帆,核桃,车轮防盗装置,蜂窝结构板1405.冲浪板,彩色贴纸,饼干,夹心混凝土屋面瓦1406.滑雪风镜,塔式起重机,瓷俑,柴油机1407.橄榄罐头,星盘,马鞍1408.订制跑鞋,斧头,卡丁车,电子木偶1409.耳机,潜水呼吸调节器,聚光灯泡1410.绕线轮,房屋涂料,编织机,制冰机1411.石墨铅笔芯,单簧管,特技效果1412.空气船,洋葱,三维金属打印,弧形木柜门1413.圆珠笔,日晒盐,低音号1501.海带鱼子酱,豪华帆船,人造牙冠,发动机1502.公文包,喷洒农药飞机,玉米威士忌,离合器1503.火车钢轨,淡化水,竞速轮椅,拼花木地板1504.飞行模拟器,传统装订,温室西红柿,百叶窗1505.辣酱油,草地滚球,遥控模型喷气机1506.烟斗,攀岩丝扣锁,自行车座,豪华跑车1507.食品模型,交通安全锥,摇马,伦敦出租车1508.迷你家具,庭院蒸汽机车,气垫船,折叠自行车1509.横割锯,肉馅羊肚,收藏枪支1510.鳄鱼手袋,储物柜,木工台刨,飞行纪录仪1511.抓斗,调味品,狗雪撬,运动鞋1512.伸缩绳,木结构跑车,寿司第八盘:1513.真皮钱包,圆号,酱油,儿童骑乘汽车1601.千花玻璃镇纸,矿盐,胡桃夹子,车门1602.剃须刀,黑布丁,方向盘,无机颜料1603.铸铁炊具,生物柴油,衣架,岩棉保温1604.针,建筑装饰线条,机车,木夹子1605.掐丝玻璃,鱼食,休旅车1606.手术器械,番茄酱,双层巴士,手杖1607.厨房配件,中央吸尘器,纸型,液压缸1608.粘土酒水罐,肉类熟食,纳斯卡引擎1609.数字牙科,指甲钳,海报修复,菜籽油1610.温度计,鹰嘴豆泥,燃料罐,草帽1611.龙舌兰酒,水床,人字拖鞋,银1612.丙烷气瓶,莎莎酱,抽水风车,直线加速赛车1613.音频电子管,警灯,木制飞机模型,架子鼓1701.墨西哥圆帽,沙拉酱,砸炮枪,再生医学1702.奶酪刨,辣酱,银首饰,墨西哥传统椅1703.游戏哨,蛋黄酱,传统的刀片,蝴蝶安全剃刀1704.玉米饼,曲轴和凸轮轴,丛林飞机,铝自行车轮1705.折叠皮划艇,彩罐,垃圾车,陶瓷复合刹车盘1706.蛋卷,壁炉燃料木颗粒,经典冠军戒指1707.速度滑冰鞋,合成橡胶,可可豆,散装巧克力1708.定制方向盘,航空航天油管,苹果派,暖气片1709.鞭子,自动批萨机,妙脆角,模型喷气发动机1710.希瑟宝石,即时照片,甜菜糖,电动跑车1711.水下机器人,千层面,带锯床,滑雪和登山杖1712.层压板梁,越野车,素汉堡,木钻1713.涡轮增压器,辣酱玉米饼馅,手表1801.压花玻璃面板,带轮箱子,定格动画第九盘:1802.工业钢丝绳,生态墙,大画幅相机,宝石1803.硬币巧克力,地板采暖系统,脚踏汽车,道具剑1804.鱼子酱,进气歧管,机车夹克,铲子和铁锹1805.蜡像,遮阳篷,夹心饼干,锡酒杯1806.袖扣,蓝莓饼,仪表板,陶器1807.鱼类标本,防控警报器,三明治,烛台1808.管清洗机,蓝斯蒂尔顿奶酪,智能电表,望远镜1809.拉力赛汽车,猪肉馅饼,漂浮喷泉,人造石饰品1810.木薯布丁,雪犁,桨船,纤维水泥墙板1811.药品泡罩包装,德利切片,牡蛎,风向标1812.圆顶礼帽,太阳能热水器,粘包子,静电扬声器1813.唱片,蒸汽机,游乐设备,不粘锅1901 园艺叉子,英式太妃糖,邦特蛋糕煎盘1902 锡合金酒瓶,土豆沙拉,氢燃料电池,工程木墙板1903 帆布帐篷,和睦烟斗,方块麦片,大炮1904诱饵机器人,罐装西红柿,电子记分牌,牛仔套索1905 草皮,牛肉干,碎木机,保龄球瓶1906 多用工具钳,荷荷巴油,提线木偶1907 鱼诱捕器,电影数字化,筒状采暖炉,混凝土灯柱1908 竹子自行车,链锯艺术,薄荷糖,机车手动变速器1909 餐具,气动刹车储气罐,糖霜麦片,化石1910 粘土,无核西梅,马刺,聚氨酯轮胎1911 电击枪,汤品罐头,单簧口琴和口弓琴,跳板1912 纳瓦霍地毯,原油,万花筒,钛合金种植牙1913 太空笔,珊瑚鱼缸,金属棺材,复合材料自行车轮2001 鼓,葡萄干,立体观众,丝带麦克风第十盘:2002 马位,燕麦谷物,绿松石首饰,电动滑板车2003 钉钳,玉推杆,冰苹果酒,滑水板2004 驿马车,反射镜,消防烤陶器,定制摩托坦克2005 副本陶管,饮水机,橙利口酒,复合弓2006 抽纸,旅行拖车,拖鞋,摩托车2007 U型锁,圆锥形帐蓬,可颂坊,滚动行李2008 童车厂制房屋,木材的长笛,自行车轮胎2009 疏剪,货车车轮,烤面包机的糕点,小提琴弓2010 铸铁浴缸,霍皮的娃娃,矿车引擎,记忆卡2011 自行车鞋,蒙古包,船用胶合板,彩瓦涂料2012 纸扇,核桃油,铜(第1部分),铜(第2部分)2013 羊肠弦,苦艾酒,皮带扣,杆锁2101.橡胶手套,肥皂雕刻,飞机柜,摩托车制动锁2102.牛角火药桶,手工模具,水饺,内胎2103.蕾丝,仿古墙角,兰花,独轮车2104.移动硬盘,冷冻虾,泰国大米盒,纸巾2105.茶,屋顶杆头,人造花,铝合金轮2106.胶囊,弹簧木马,冷冻煎饼,天然橡胶2107.纸伞,采煤,航空座椅,瓷瓮2108.铝制独木舟,木碗,车载轮椅通道,木琴第十一盘:2109.座椅,纸花,发电机2110.义肢,钢板弹簧,薰衣草,铆钉Dream.Cars.S01E01.Morgan.Aero.CoupeDream.Cars.S01E02.Porsche.911Dream.Cars.S01E03.Ferrari.FFDream.Cars.S01E04.Audi.R8Dream.Cars.S01E05.Rolls-Royce.PhantomDream.Cars.S01E06.Maserati.QuattroporteDream.Cars.S01E07.Wiesmann.MF5mborghini.AventadorDream.Cars.S01E09.Jaguar.F-TypeDream.Cars.S01E10.Bentley.Continental.GT.Speed 【赠品】特别节目[上]【赠品】特别节目[下]【赠品】See.How.It's.Made.pdf(电子书)【赠品】附赠精彩科技前沿英文字幕包★中文字幕的剧集:第一季全(中英)第二季全(中英)第三季全(中英)第四季4. 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5. 烹饪指示灯
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10. 橡胶垫圈
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12. 底座
13. 塑料内盖















































































功率:380W (130W 发动机)


