

经贸英语(第二版)电子教案Unit 5

经贸英语(第二版)电子教案Unit 5

In the late 1980s, China‘s goals of modernization and rapid economic (1)__g_r_o_w_t_h___
depended on the large-scale introduction of foreign (2)_t_e_c_h_n_o_l_o_g_y_. The task was to
1 We are interested in advanced technology and the transfer of
我们对先进技术和技术转让都很感兴趣 。
The investors got back their total investments three years ahead of schedule.
technology transfer? Why?
2. Is it free of charge for an advanced technology? How t1980s, what did China prefer in introducing advanced
投资者提前计划三年收回了总投资 。
As compared with the past, the sum of direct investment
3 absorbed is 4.6 times that of the previous five years..
than (6)_f_i_n_is_h_e_d___,and to renovate factories through selective purchase of key

unit 5英语报刊选读

unit 5英语报刊选读

Focus on the newspaper: developing an argument

While it is important to keep a balanced view, some writers like to put across their own view and build an argument in favor of something. Understanding the development of an argument is vital in processing a text.

Word formation
noun Disaster Benefit economy adjective Disastrous Beneficial economic benefit economize verb
Summary of the article

Nuclear power is enjoying a comeback. For years after Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, nuclear power was shunned as being dangerous. Many Asian countries are currently constructing nuclear power plants. Advocates are pointing out that nuclear power can be cleaner and cheaper than fossil fuels.
Are you for or against nuclear power? Why? How should radioactive waste be disposed? If nuclear power were abolished in your country, which two energy sources would you recommend and why?



Unit5passage1But are today's economic times actually worse?One way to measure that is the misery index.That was a gauge of economic trouble developed in the late1970s and 1980s that was supposed to be a more accurate measure of how bad the economy was for the average Joe.The misery index combines the inflation rate with the unemployment rate to come.And indeed those twin fears of joblessness and souring food and gas prices are what seems to be sapping confidence in the economy these days as well.So how does the economy measure up to the1970s based on the misery index. Actually pretty well.The misery index hit19.3at the end of1974,the year I was born. In1980,the index pare that to now and the economy looks positively rosy.Today the misery index would stand at11.Good times,right.Maybe not.But while the misery index may have been a good gauge of economic health in the1970s,it isn't the best measure of economic health at all times and misses the point today.One example,deflation is one of the worse things that can happen to the economy.Wages and income and asset values tumble,while debts stay the same. Bankruptcies galore.Yet,by the misery index,deflation would be a good thing, bringing the index down.And too little inflation,and the fear of deflation,has been one of the things that Bernanke has worried about.That's why Kathleen Madigan,over at the Wall Street Journal,has devised a new misery index that may do a better job of actually comparing today's economic times to back then.While inflation is low,many think it will soon rise,and that along housing prices and the lack of jobs could be what is holding back the economy.So Madigan's new misery index looks at the one year change in the jobless rate,gas prices and home prices.Based on those calculations,Madigan's new misery index scores in at20, up from8.3a year ago.She also finds that Phoenix is not the most miserable place, economy-wise,in the nation to live.So how does our current economic times measure up to the1970s?The earliest I could find for gas price data was1979.At the end of that year,the new misery index would actually stand at-8.So a rating of positively groovy.That's mostly due to the fact that housing prices rose12that year.The reading for1980would be13.2%.So now we are talking some economic pain.But still that's significantly less than Madigan's misery index reads now.So I guess it's time for me to recalibrate what I think the worst of economic times are.And I thought it was just the music that was better back then.至少对20世纪70年代出生的我们这一代人,那十年仍然是最糟糕的时代。

经贸英语Unit 5

经贸英语Unit 5

Text A: Background Information
1. Treasury bond (T- Bond) coupon rate. These bonds are not callable, but some older Treasury bonds available on the secondary market are callable within five years of the maturity date. also called U.S. Treasury bond or T-bond.
Text A: Background Information
2. CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System 全球第一大电视网络,全球第二大户外媒体,北美第二大广 播网络---哥伦比亚广播集团(CBS Corporation, NYSE: CBS.A and CBS),成立于1928年,是世界领先的综合性传媒集团, 受众和客户遍布美国和主要国际市场。CBS的业务涵盖从广播 到互联网几乎所有的媒体形式,包括广播电视( CBS 和 The CW : 一 家 CBS 和 华 纳 兄 弟 娱 乐 的 合 资 公 司 ) 、 有 线 电 视 ( Showtime 和 CBS College Sports Network ) 、 地 方 电 视 台 ( CBS Television Stations ) 、 电 视 节 目 制 作 发 行 ( CBS Paramount Network Television和CBS Television Distribution)、 电 台 ( CBS Radio ) 、 户 外 广 告 ( CBS Outdoor ) 、 出 版 ( Simon & Schuster )、互动媒体( CBS Interactive )、音乐 (CBS Records)、授权商品零售(CBS Consumer Products)、 录像带和DVD(CBS Home Entertainment)、商场媒体(CBS Outernet)和电视电影(CBS Films)等。

美英报刊阅读教程课件 Lesson5

美英报刊阅读教程课件 Lesson5
Lesson 5
5. What the author means by saying “Even in America, where dating is national sport…” is that ____.
A. Americans take a serious attitude to dating. B. Americans are interested in dating. C. Americans are eager to get married. D. Americans don’t want to be bound by marriage.
The secularization of society, extended affluence, a change in what Americans expect from marriage all contributed to people’s attitudes toward marriage.
does Greenwald recommend for dating? She recommends a business approach.
Lesson 5
3. What is the difference of Greenwald’s book from the great majority of self-help guides?
1. Most of the listeners to the program are ____.
A. rich B. poor C. well-educated
D. poorly-educated
Lesson 5
2. Sex and the City most probably tells a story about ____.

报刊英语Unit 5

报刊英语Unit 5
• • • • • • • •
Exercise one’s mind Be mentally engaged / active Be physically engaged / active (潮)上涨, (浪)汹涌澎湃 run high 联系动词+形容词 Indignation and anger ran high among the demonstrators. • 井水干了. • The well has run dry. • There was a wave of excitement among the audience when the actress appeared.
• • • • •
The carpet is wearing thin. My patience is wearing thin. 我的旧夹克的胳膊肘处已经磨得很薄了. My old jacket has worn thin at the elbows. 这个笑话被人重复了多次,已经不太让人发笑 了. • The joke began to wear thin after it was repeated many times. • The stone steps have worn smooth. • Carl’s mind is becoming unhinged精神错乱 的.

对外经贸函电课程课件 新Unit 5 Qotations, Offers and Counter-offers

对外经贸函电课程课件 新Unit 5 Qotations, Offers and Counter-offers

A firm offer(实盘)
A promise to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time. A firm offer must be clear, complete and definite, and the validity must be clearly stated.
4. offer
1) n. 报盘 Please make us an offer CIF London for (on) 20 metric tons groundnuts.请给我们一个20公 吨花生伦敦到岸价的报盘。
The offer is / remains/ is kept/is held firm ( valid, good, open) for two weeks.此报盘两 周内有效。
A quotation is generally regarded as an offer in simple form which mainly deal with the price, and which, like a non-firm offer, is not legally binding upon the seller. But in practical use, there may be no such clear distinction between the two words “offer” and “quotation” .
Letter (1)
(A reply to an inquiry, sending a price list)
Letter (2) (A firm offer)


3. Samples of letters(1)
• Subject: Bank Draft Payment The goods under Contract No.555 was delivered here in good order and condition and we are quite satisfied with it.
• Yours truly,
3. Samples of letters(2)
• Subject: Asking for Deferred Payment • Your Invoice No.1223 for US $ 80,000 worth of goods
supplied on 20th July is due for payment at the end of this month. Most unfortunately, a fire broke out in our warehouse last week and destroyed a certain part of valuable consignment. Our claim is now with the insurance company, but it is unlikely to be met for another three or four weeks and until then we are faced with a difficult financial situation. I am therefore writing for permission to defer payment of your invoice until the end of September. • As you know, my accounts with you have always been settled promptly and it is with the utmost regret that I am now forced to make this request. I hope, however, that you will find it possible to grant it. In doing so you would render me a service I should never forget.



C. 1. 欧元区2013年GDP增长率预计不足0.5%。德国和法国几乎没有任何起色。 希腊将连续第六年陷入衰退;西班牙和葡萄牙面临五年内第四次经济下滑。 2. 领导们面临一个令人不快的选择:要么让欧元区解体,这会让该地区面临 陷入衰退的风险;要么进一步加深合作,这将迫使德国等核心国家为其他成 员国的问题买单。 3. 这意味着欧元区最终将会解体。其实不然:尽管早已伤痕累累,但欧元区 的医药箱里还有充足的膏药,帮助其顺利度过2013年。 4. 尽管欧洲央行将进行干预,以压低主权债券过高的收益率,帮助政府赢得 一点时间,但政客们还是不能修复根本问题。 5. 但这会导致财政政策的紧缩,最终,美国经济增长的重任就落在了美联储 的肩上。 6. 即便如此,对于想要找出中国经济增长瑕疵人来说,问题还是显而易见的。 可以重点关注利润压榨、投资浪费和产能过剩等。 7. 风险投资者不要拘泥于传统市场,尝试放眼更为另类的地方。 8. 没有了那个支持,中国的路途可能不会太平坦,而这正是新一届领导班子 极力避免出现的情况。 9. 你或许认为,金融危机爆发六年后,衰退早已远离我们,经济发展势头良 好。 10. 相反,世界上大片土地似乎开始像日本那样,陷入长期滞涨的困境。
6. 德· 古赫特先生也难以得到欧盟成员国对其调查的全力支持,因为 这些成员国正深陷经济危机之中,担心此举将恶化他们与中国的贸易 关系。 7. 尼兹切克先生指出,要完全收回生产和销售成本,中国光伏产品的 价格应该至少在每瓦特0.7欧元。 8. 这个协议在获得欧盟委员会26位委员的批准之前,将先提交给欧盟 成员国进行投票。 9. 沈先生指出,欧洲是中国光伏产品最大的出口市场,这个协议完全 符合双方的共同利益。 10. 我们有信心,这个价格上的举措将稳定欧洲光伏市场,并且消除 倾销行为对于欧洲光伏产业已经产生的影响。

经贸英语报刊阅读教程课件 Unit 5

经贸英语报刊阅读教程课件 Unit 5

• This threatens the entire founding idea of the Internet – the free sharing of information. But ACTA doesn't stop there. It goes beyond the Internet, bearing down on generic drugs and food patents. If passed, ACTA will enforce a global standard for seed patenting, which would wipe out independent, local farmers and make the world completely dependent on the patent owners (read "big corporations") for supplies.
• ACTA is a multinational treaty for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement. The agreement aims to establish an international legal framework for targeting counterfeit goods, generic medicines and copyright infringement on the Internet, and would create a new governing body outside existing forums, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the United Nations.

英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版)Unit (5)

英文报刊国际商务阅读(第三版)Unit (5)

11. intensify: v. 加剧 Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours. 最近几小时首都周边的战斗愈演愈烈。 Economic conditions intensified the pressure on industry to raise prices. 经济情况增加了企业提价的压力。
China major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union
II. The following paragraph is a brief introduction of the newspaper The Guardian. Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form where necessary.
4. bailout: n. 财政援助,拯救(来自于动词词组bail out) The government has already bailed the project out once before. 政府已经对该项计划实施过一次财政拯救。 Three years of huge losses forced the bank to seek a government bailout. 三年的巨额亏损迫使该银行寻求政府援助。 The Clinton administration last winter assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico. 克林顿政府去年冬天筹集了500亿美元的紧急救援资金, 以缓解墨西哥的一场金融危机。



Lesson5 Food and Obesity Being fat is be coming the norm for Americans.As it will soon be come in this country, I have seen the future, and it's extra large.By Joan SmithA friend who happens to be both American and a superb cook-his poulet de Bresse en deuil is one of the most memorable dishes I have tasted--called me a couple of days ago,enthusing about a lecture he had just at ended.The thesis,he said,was that the human body has changed irrevocably over the last quarter of a century and that the physical environment—chairs,beds, airline seats-will gradually adapt to accommodate the new shape.It is,of course,in the US, where my friend no longer lives,that this evolutionary experiment is most advanced;for years now, millions of people have been gorging themselves on vast helpings of fast food, with the consequencethat about 60 percent of the population is overweight.According to Greg Critser, author of Fat Land:How Americans Became the Fattest People in the Word, none of this has happened by accident. Critser argues that the challenge to the US food industry in the 1970s was that the population was growing more slowly than the food supply, so people had to be persuaded to change their eating habits. Fast food, invented after the Second World War as an affordable way of getting families to eat together, became a means of selling surplus fat and sugar to the far-from-unwilling masses. This is a social revolution on a grand scale as scarcity, with which most human beings have had to struggle throughout history, has given way to an apparently permanent state of plenty.It may also help to explain why the magician David Blaine, suspended without food in a Perspex box beside Tower Bridge,has such a grip on people's imaginations.In an astonishingly short period of time, starvation has metamorphosed from a threat to a spectacle, and families are turning out en mass eat weekends to see how his hunger strike is going. For the fifth of the British population who are obese, and unused to doing without food for more than a few hours, the notion of someone giving it up for 44 days is unthinkable, some normal-size people have turned up to mock, throwing egg, cooking food and even trying to cut off the water supply to the hung American. Perhaps this is the point, that there are so few starving Americans in the world, which makes his self-imposed ordeal appear ludicrously self-indulgent.Yet it is possible to take Critser's argument a stage further and suggest that millions of Americans are trapped between two industries, fast food and slimming, which enjoy a cosily symbiotic relationship. Researchby a fast-food chain showed that what customers cared about was neither taster nor quality but portion size; what they have come to expect from food, and what their neighbours are beginning to want as well-obesity has increased by 158 per cent in Mexico in a decade, since fast food outlets began to replace the traditional diet-is a feeling of being stuffed to the gills. Cooking has become a spectator sport, something to watch famous people do on telly, as the populations of affluent countries rely increasingly on supermarket meals and takeaways. For many people, eating has become an addiction rather than a pleasure, and going on a diet merely replaces on morbid habit with another.In the circumstances, it is not really surprising that people are confused and an gered by Bia ine, whose stunt highlights the disordered relati on to eat ing which has become habitual in Western societies. Far from being an object of derision as his body en ters ketosis, the state in which it starts to con sume itself, he should logically be the envy of all those in dividuals who are en dlessly trying Atk ing and other fashi on able diets. We are so used to heari ng people pay to get hun gry, tur ning the con diti on of starvi ng Africa ns into a Ion ged-for luxury. There is someth ing sham ing about this, and about the extent to which so many people-like Kafka' hunger artist, who was addicted to starv in g-have lost con trol of their appetites.Perhaps the thesis my frie nd described to me on the phone is correct, and houses and cars and pla nes will just have to get bigger as the huma n race-the afflue nt part of it, that is-continues to inflate itself with empty calories. Bizarrely, being fat is fast beco ming the norm for America ns, and eve n in this country it will soon be people likeme(5ft 5in and a paltry nine stone) who are the freaks. I have seen the future, and ' extra large.Pla in food moves up a classI was supposed to give a talk myself at the weeke nd, on food and class, but had to pull out becauseof an annoyin gly persiste nt throat virus. I was going to discuss Eat ing above your stati on” ,which is someth ing I lear nt to do, like many people of my gen eratio n, whe n I went to uni versity. Un til the n, I had scarcely ever eate n in a restaura nt and I had n ever tried what my family referred to as foreig n muck ”.Ever macar oni cheesewas too exotic for my pare nts, who tipped it in to the bin whe n I came home from cookery class with a Pyrex dish full of overcooked pasta and melted cheddar.Food was pla in, served on a plate with thick porti ons of gravy or custard, and the idea of helping yourself from serving dishes seemed the height of sophistication. What strikes me no w, looki ng back on that traditi onal work in g-class diet, is that it was un adve nturous but it did n 'do me ant harm. My father grew vegetables, my mother shelled peas and sliced carrots, and I don't recall anyone in my family being overweight. It s hard to eat too much whe n some one else puts the food on your plate. These days, if a work in g-class diet can be said to exist, it is surperficially much more cosmopolitan-curries, pizza, the ubiquitous Chin ese takeaway-but adapted to satisfy the British appetite for saturated fat, salt and sugar.In a curious reversal, plain food-simple grilled fish with a green salad, such as the wonderful meal I ate in Marbella in the summer-has become the province of the middle class. I am one of those lucky people who cha nged class at the right time and in the right directi on, but the effects of our eat ing habits-a sle nder elite, as millio ns of ordinary people pile on the poun ds-suggest that class divisi ons are as deep as ever.Bring on the euroI was driving back from a health farm the other day when the friend with whom I had just shared three days of massage, facials and Pilates said rather n ervously that she wan ted to ask me a questio n. I n aturally assumed that she wan ted to talk about men, underwear or the least painful way of shaving your legs, as women do when they know each other well, but it turned out to be something far more intimate. Am I, sheasked, in favour of jo ining the euro?Oh God, anything but that. Admitt ing that you fell no attachme nt to the pound, and would like to use the euro in Waitrose, is like telling your friends that you have joined a weird sect. I don't think people spend much time thinking about Gordon Brow n 'five econo mic tests, but there is a presumpti on that the British did jolly week to stay out of the eurozone when all those foreigners gave up their currencies almost two years ago. And now we're supposed to admire the Swedes for resoundingly voting No” at the weekend.I don 'thi nk I v e ever con fessed this in public before, and I suspect I won 'be in vited to any smart parties for weeks at the very least. But I really want to join the euro. And since we both came out somewhere on the M1-it was a relief, I can tell you-I now know at least one other pers on who feels the same.。

经贸英语阅读教程Text 5(3)

经贸英语阅读教程Text 5(3)

GDP per head (人均GDP),is a crude measure of the standard of living in a country. It is obtained by the ratio of that country’s GDP to its population. This measure is also known as the country’s income per capita or per capita GDP. In essence, it tells us how much each resident of a country would have if the value of a country’s production were equally divided among all members of society. By this standard, some countries are low or middle income (even though some residents may be rich) while other countries are high income (even though some residents may be poor).
an actual value. Moreover, the vast majority of derivatives 'cancel' each other out (i.e., a derivative 'bet' on an event occurring is offset by a comparable derivative 'bet' on the event not occurring). Many such relatively illiquid securities are valued as marked to model, rather than an actual market price. The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities of a corporation or mutual organization specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of stocks and securities together. The
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Unit 5 passage1But are today's economic times actually worse? One way to measure that is the misery index. That was a gauge of economic trouble developed in the late 1970s and 1980s that was supposed to be a more accurate measure of how bad the economy was for the average Joe. The misery index combines the inflation rate with the unemployment rate to come. And indeed those twin fears of joblessness and souring food and gas prices are what seems to be sapping confidence in the economy these days as well.So how does the economy measure up to the 1970s based on the misery index. Actually pretty well. The misery index hit 19.3 at the end of 1974, the year I was born. In 1980, the index averaged 21. Compare that to now and the economy looks positively rosy. Today the misery index would stand at 11. Good times, right. Maybe not.But while the misery index may have been a good gauge of economic health in the 1970s, it isn't the best measure of economic health at all times and misses the point today. One example, deflation is one of the worse things that can happen to the economy. Wages and income and asset values tumble, while debts stay the same. Bankruptcies galore. Yet, by the misery index, deflation would be a good thing, bringing the index down. And too little inflation, and the fear of deflation, has been one of the things that Bernanke has worried about.That's why Kathleen Madigan, over at the Wall Street Journal, has devised a new misery index that may do a better job of actually comparing today's economic times to back then. While inflation is low, many think it will soon rise, and that along housing prices and the lack of jobs could be what is holding back the economy. So Madigan's new misery index looks at the one year change in the jobless rate, gas prices and home prices. Based on those calculations, Madigan's new misery index scores in at 20, up from 8.3 a year ago. She also finds that Phoenix is not the most miserable place, economy-wise, in the nation to live.So how does our current economic times measure up to the 1970s? The earliest I could find for gas price data was 1979. At the end of that year, the new misery index would actually stand at -8. So a rating of positively groovy. That's mostly due to the fact that housing prices rose 12 that year. The reading for 1980 would be 13.2%. So now we are talking some economic pain. But still that's significantly less than Madigan's misery index reads now. So I guess it's time for me to recalibrate what I think the worst of economic times are. And I thought it was just the music that was better back then.至少对20世纪70年代出生的我们这一代人,那十年仍然是最糟糕的时代。

























Unit 5 passage2Weak dollar gives British tourists reason to smileA plummeting dollar is giving Britons a better reason to look across the Atlantic for their holidays than they’ve had since 2009, with a steadily gaining euro making the continent a pricey option.美元飙升给英国人更好的理由,看看大西洋的假期比2009年以来,欧洲稳定增长使欧洲成为一个昂贵的选择。

Unit 5 passage3Wall Street is back华尔街卷土重来American investment banks dominate global finance once more.That’s not necessarily good for America美国投行再次占据全球金融主导地位, 对美国未必好May 11th 2013 | From the print editionFOR a few tense weeks in 2008, as investment-bank executives huddled behind the imposing doors of the New York Federal Reserve, Wall Street seemed to be collapsing around them. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch collapsed into the arms of Bank of America. American International Group (AIG) and Citigroup had to be bailed out and the rot seemed to be spreading. Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary at the time, recalled in his memoir that: “Lose Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs would be next in line—if they fell thefinancial system might vaporise.”2008年投行高层挤在纽约联储局里的那几个月,华尔街摇摇欲坠。
