Physical limits to the validity of synthesis models The Lowest Luminosity Limit



异常、不育或女方有两次以上自然流产史。其中,经3 次精液常规检查确诊的无精症56例,少精症12例。 该项研究在患者知情同意后,得到医院伦理委员会的 批准。 1.2方法 1.2.1试验材料及试剂 “HpH.Buffer”(实验室自 制),Promega raq DNA聚合酶(上海Promega,进E1分 装);dNTP混合物(Sangong公司,上海),琼脂糖(Biowest 公司,上海Y1TO公司分装);溴化乙锭(Promega公司, 美国)。实验所用其它试剂均为分析纯或优级纯,水为 灭菌蒸馏水。 1.2.2试验用仪器设备PCR扩增仪(FIE一225,MJ, 美国);电泳仪(PowerPac 1000,BIO.RAD,美国);芯片电 泳仪(2100 Bioanalyzer,Agilent,德国);凝胶电泳成像仪 (C,eneGenius,SYNGENE,英国);微量基因光谱测定仪 (Gene Specnl,NaKa Instrument,日本)o 1.2.3 DNA提取对收集的全血标本,每份取O.5 mL,按酚/氯仿法提取,再以.IE缓冲液溶解而得。实 验用DNA模板均用紫外分光光度法测定其浓度及纯 度,以rIE缓冲液调整终浓度为20.100 n∥皿。 1.2.4引物设计根据文献资料和欧洲男科协会及 欧洲分子遗传实验质控网的检测指南,选择了分布在 AZFa区,AZFb区和AZFc区上的共12个序列标签位 点(sequence tagged sites,STS),同时,还选择了位于Y 染色体上的性别决定区基因(flex.determining region Y, SRY),和分别位于x和Y染色体上的X/Y连锁锌指 蛋白基因(X.1inked Or Y.1inked zinc finger gene,ZFX/Y) 作为内部质控。不论是否存在疾病,所有男性标本均 有SRY片段的扩增;而所有男性和女性标本均有 ZFX/ZFY片段的扩增。因此,根据SRY和ZFX/ZFY片 段的扩增情况,可以判断实验的有效性。根据参考文 献和GenBank提供的STS引物序列合成引物。所有引 物均由上海英骏公司合成,并经PAGE纯化。引物序 列见表1。



Hypermesh常见错误和知识集锦1、⼏何清理清除不必要的细⼩特征:孔倒⾓2、由点确定⽮量⽅向■ N1, N2, IN3 H1节点来定义⽅向或平⾎蛊点定义⽮最⽅(orlyNI and N2)8点定臾平⾯或(NL N2, andN3),按右丁啦则Plane defined byN1,N2: N3N3—? 0 *N2Direction i& normalto plane Positive direction Is by ''right hand rule"■ |ojitawn▼ DtftmiialonHk'pmVfi.vJt |町⼙$⽞勺Mb -6D0iMBW OUlJ *⼀』 fhe VA⼸Ifii 民 aQAi9⾁⼝ plEhssprnqQ.iC-cnrLsr^ni CaWll.llJ FlWPEPe |即inpul FI E II' ■*- A Dt ETL L i_ TH . EAaBt AuBM AnBb( AaBbCS B 1= ■s调⽤多个CPU*" ■■□■H⼝1 2 3 J- 5 G ?iriLlLjida □snndidB^iVector from N1 to N23 RROR # 2502A fatal error has bee n detected duri ng in put process ing:*** ERROR # 2502 ***Eleme nt 549700 had in correct node nu mberi ng seque nee and n eeds renu mberi ng.***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED BEFORE COMPLETING THE CHECK RUN *****(1)⼀般发⽣在修改⽹格之后,再删除原来的⽹格的时候没有将element549700删掉,使得该单元上的节点与后来划分的⽹格的节点出现⽭盾冲突;先利⽤find id=549700删掉该单元Save found ——F5-mask ------ retrieve(选择保存的)------ reverse(反选) -- mask---- 只显⽰549700 单元了4 *** ERROR # 1237 ***CHEXA eleme nt number 26323 refere nces a missi ng property ID 23 or uses property of in correct type for this eleme nt type.(1)由于property ID 23(23号属性定义有问题),没有定义⼀个正确的单元类型;5*** ERROR # 2203 ***Error(s) encoun tered duri ng eleme nt check***** Eleme nt Quality Check Failed - error limits violatio n *****NOTE : To bypass eleme nt quality checks (except esse ntial validity checks) use PARAM,CHECKEL,NO. This may, however, cause very poor results.(1)单元质量不好6 *** ERROR # 312 ***In static load case 1the complia nee is n egative or large 1.875471E+13Optimizati on/buckli ng an alysis cannot be performeddue to possible rigid body modeFEASIBLE DESIGN (ALL CONSTRAINTS SA TISFIED).(1)弹簧没建好;⽹格划分的不好节点不重合7 *** FATAL ERROR # 8111 ***vfileio:: Failed write for file[0], i/o 16384/0,n ame=./dl32_DESIGN_TRUE_3load_parame_2624_00.scr. This is likely in sufficie nt disk space*** ERROR # 151 ***Error accessing the scratch files:error encoun tered in subrout ine "xdslif" (⽹格画⼩) caused byEdit pjopCEt f⼆兰X这个地⽅容易没有填,注意注意(3)⽹格划分的质量也有可能出现这个问题,重新划分⽹格可以消除该错误。



Sebia毛细管电泳仪检测HBA2对地中海贫血的诊断价值探讨张静;刘鸥;王以婷【摘要】目的用诊断性试验指标评价Sebia毛细管电泳仪检测血红蛋白A2 (HBA2)在地中海贫血(以下简称地贫)诊断中的价值.方法产前筛查孕妇中疑似地贫携带者2 892例,同时检测HBA2、α和β地贫基因.HBA2用法国Sebia全自动电泳分析仪-Caplillarys检测,α、β地贫基因诊断分别用GAP-PCR法和PCR结合反向斑点杂交法(RDB)法检测.以基因诊断结果为金标准,对HBA2联合平均红细胞体积(MCV)对地贫的诊断价值进行分析.结果 (1)基因诊断确诊β地贫携带者398例,α地贫携带者588例,未发现异常者1 906例.(2) HBA2筛查α、β地贫时ROC 曲线下面积(AUCRoc)分别为82.20%、98.80%.(3)以HBA2≥3.45%作为诊断β地贫携带者的最佳临界值时,其敏感度( Sen)为96.00%,特异度(Spe)为98.70%,阳性预测值(+PV)为97.70%,阴性预测值(-PV)为1.7%,阳性似然比(+LR)为99.39,阴性似然比(-LR)为0.04,准确性(Acc)为98.70%,尤登指数为0.95;以HBA2≤2.65%作为诊断α地贫携带者的最佳临界值时,其Sen为87.20%,Spe为56.00%,+PV为37.79%,-PV为6.86%,+LR为1.94,-LR为0.23,Acc为63.00%.(4) HBA2平行联合MCV,诊断α地贫Sen可达98.10%,序列联合Spe可达96.20%.结论(1)Sebia 毛细管电泳仪检测HBA2,对β地贫诊断价值明显高于α地贫,(2)通过HBA2联合MCV,可显著提高对α地贫的诊断价值.【期刊名称】《贵州医药》【年(卷),期】2011(035)011【总页数】4页(P970-973)【关键词】地中海贫血;毛细管电泳;血红蛋白A2;诊断性试验【作者】张静;刘鸥;王以婷【作者单位】深圳南山区妇幼保健院检验科遗传室,深圳518052;中山大学2008级数学与计算科学学院;深圳南山区妇幼保健院检验科遗传室,深圳518052【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R556.6+1目前,婚前或产前进行地贫血液学筛查和基因诊断发现地贫夫妇携带者,并对胎儿进行产前基因诊断策略已取得一定成效。



PheromoneA pheromone (from Greekφέρωphero "to bear" +hormone from Greek ὁρμή- "impetus") is a secretedor excreted chemical factor that triggers a socialresponse in members of the same species.Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting outsidethe body of the secreting individual to impact thebehavior of the receiving individual.[1] There are alarmpheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones,and many others that affect behavior or physiology.Their use among insects has been particularly welldocumented. In addition, some vertebrates and plantscommunicate by using pheromones.BackgroundThe term "pheromone" was introduced by PeterKarlson and Martin Lüscher in 1959, based on theGreek word pherein(to transport) and hormone(tostimulate). They are also sometimes classified as ecto-hormones. These chemical messengers are transported outside of the body and result in a direct developmental effect on hormone levels or behavioral change.[2]They proposed the term to describe chemical signals from conspecifics which elicit innate behaviors soon after the German Biochemist Adolf Butenandt characterized the first such chemical, Bombykol (a chemically well-characterized pheromone released by the female silkworm to attract mates).[3]LimitsThere are physical limits on the practical size of organisms employing pheromones, because at small sizes pheromone diffuses away from the source organism faster than it can be produced, and a sensible concentration accumulates too slowly to be useful. So, bacteria are too small to use pheromones as sex attractants but do use them to determine the local population density of similar organisms and control behaviors that take more time to execute (quorum sensing). Similarly, the simple animals rotifers are apparently also too small for females to lay down a useful trail, but in the slightly-larger copepods the female leaves a trail that the male can follow.[4]TypesAggregation pheromonesAggregation pheromones function in defense against predators, mate selection, and overcoming host resistance by mass attack. A group of individuals at one location are referred as aggregation, whether consisting of one sex or both sexes. Male-produced sex attractant have been called aggregation pheromones, because they usually result in the arrival of both sexes at a calling site and increase in density of conspecifics surrounding of the pheromone source. Most sex pheromones are produced by the females and small percentage of sex attractants are produced by males.[5] Aggregation pheromones have been found in members of the Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Dictyoptera and Orthoptera. In recent decades, the importance of applying aggregation pheromones in the management of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis), stored productweevils (Sitophilus zeamais ), Sitophilus granarius, Sitophilus oryzae and pea and bean weevil (Sitona lineatus) has been demonstrated. Aggregation pheromones are among the most ecologically selective pest suppression methods. They are not toxic and they are effective at very low concentrations.[6]Alarm pheromonesSome species release a volatile substance when attacked by a predator that can trigger flight (in aphids) or aggression (in ants, bees, termites)[7] in members of the same species. Pheromones also exist in plants: certain plants emit alarm pheromones when grazed upon, resulting in tannin production in neighboring plants. These tannins make the plants less appetizing for the herbivore.[8]Epideictic pheromonesEpideictic pheromones are different from territorypheromones, when it comes to insects. Fabre observedand noted how "females who lay their eggs in thesefruits deposit these mysterious substances in thevicinity of their clutch to signal to other females of thesame species they should clutch elsewhere."Releaser pheromonesReleaser pheromones are pheromones that cause analteration in the behavior of the recipient. For example, some organisms use powerful attractant molecules to attract mates from a distance of two miles or more. This type of pheromone generally elicits a rapid response but is quickly degraded. In contrast, a primer pheromone has a slower onset and a longer duration. Ex. Rabbit (mothers) release mammary pheromones that trigger immediate nursing behavior by their babies.[9]Signal pheromonesSignal pheromones cause short term changes; such as, the neurotransmitter release which activates a response. For instance, GnRH molecule functions as a neurotransmitter in rats to elicit lordosis behavior.[10]Primer pheromonesPrimer pheromones trigger a change of developmental events (in which they differ from all the other pheromones, which trigger a change in behavior).Territorial pheromonesLaid down in the environment, territorial pheromones mark the boundaries of an organism's territory. In cats and dogs, these hormones are present in the urine, which they deposit on landmarks serving to mark the perimeter of the claimed territory. In social seabirds, the preen gland is used to mark nests, nuptial gifts, and territory boundaries with behavior formerly described as 'displacement activity'.Trail pheromonesTrail pheromones are common in social insects. For example, ants mark their paths with these pheromones, which are volatile hydrocarbons.Certain ants lay down an initial trail of pheromones as they return to the nest with food. This trail attracts other ants and serves as a guide.[11] As long as the food source remains, the pheromone trail will be continually renewed. The pheromone must be continually renewed because it evaporates quickly. When the supply begins to dwindle, the trail making ceases. In at least onespecies of ant, trails that no longer lead to food are also marked with a repellent pheromone.[12] Information pheromonesInformation pheromones are indicative of an animal's identity or territory. For example, dogs and cats deposit chemicals in and around their territory, which then serve as an indicator for other members of the species about the presence of the occupant in that territory.[9]Sex pheromonesIn animals, sex pheromones indicate the availability of the female for breeding. Male animals may also emit pheromones that convey information about their species and genotype.At the microscopic level, male copepods can follow a three-dimensional pheromone trail left by a swimming female, and male gametes of many animals use a pheromone to help find a female gamete, for fertilization.[13]Many insect species release sex pheromones to attract a mate, and many lepidopterans (moths and butterflies) can detect a potential mate from as far away as 10 kilometers (6.25 mi). Traps containing pheromones are used by farmers to detect and monitor insect populations in orchards.Pheromones are also used in the detection of oestrus in sows. Boar pheromones are sprayed into the sty, and those sows which exhibit sexual arousal are known to be currently available for breeding. Sea urchins release pheromones into the surrounding water, sending a chemical message that triggers other urchins in the colony to eject their sex cells simultaneously.Other pheromonesThis classification, based on the effects on behavior, remains artificial. Pheromones fill many additional functions.*. Nasonov pheromones (worker bees)*. Royal pheromones (bees)*. Calming (appeasement) pheromones (mammals)*. Necromones consisting of Oleic and Linoleic Acids helping animals identify the presence of a dead conspecifics. (Crustaceans and Hexapods)EvolutionPheromones have evolved in all animal phyla, to signal sex and dominance status, and are responsible for stereotypical social and sexual behaviour among members of the same species. In mammals, these chemical signals are believed to be detected primarily by the vomeronasal organ(VNO), a chemosensory organ located at the base of the nasal septum[14]. The VNO is present in most amphibia, reptiles and non-primate mammals but is absent in birds, adult catarrhine monkeys and apes[15]. An active role for the human VNO in the detection of pheromones is disputed; the VNO is clearly present in the foetus but appears to be atrophied or absent in adults. Three distinct families of putative pheromone receptors have been identified in the vomeronasal organ (V1Rs, V2Rs and V3Rs). All are G protein-coupled receptors but are only distantly related to the receptors of the main olfactory system, highlighting their different role[14].UsesNon-human animalsFor biological pest control, see Pheromone trap.Pheromones of pest insect species, such as the Japanese beetle and the gypsy moth, can be used to induce many behaviors. As a result, a pheromone trap can be used to trap pests formonitoring purposes, to control the population by creating confusion, to disrupt mating, as well as to prevent further egg laying.In mammals and reptiles, pheromones may be detected by the vomeronasal organ(VNO), or Jacobson's organ, which lies between the nose and mouth and is the first stage of the accessory olfactory system. Some pheromones in these animals are detected by regular olfactory membranes.HumansFew well-controlled scientific studies have ever been published suggesting the possibility of pheromones in humans.The best known case involves the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women based on unconscious odor cues (the McClintock effect, named after the primary investigator, Martha McClintock, of the University of Chicago).[16][17] This study exposed a group of women to a whiff of perspiration from other women. It was found that it caused their menstrual cycles to speed up or slow down depending on the time in the month the sweat was collected; before, during, or after ovulation. Therefore, this study proposed that there are two types of pheromone involved: "One, produced prior to ovulation, shortens the ovarian cycle; and the second, produced just at ovulation, lengthens the cycle". However, recent studies and reviews of the McClintock methodology have called into question the validity of her results.[18]A newspaper report[19]suggested that women withirregular menstrual cycles became regular whenexposed to male underarm extracts, andhypothesized that male sweat contains pheromones,which mirror how pheromones affect othermammals.[19]Other studies have demonstrated that the smell ofandrostadienone, a chemical component of malesweat, maintains higher levels of cortisol in females,[20]and that the compound is detected via the olfactorymucosa.[21]The scientists suggest that the ability ofthis compound to influence the endocrine balance of the opposite sex makes it a human pheromonal chemosignal. In 2002, a study showed an unnamed synthetic chemical in women's perfume appeared to increase intimate contact with men. The authors hypothesize, but do not demonstrate, that the observed behavioural differences are olfactorily mediated.[22] This and a previous study by the same authors with the still undisclosed "pheromone" preparation has been heavily criticized for having methodological flaws and that upon re-analyzing there was no effect seen.[23][24]Pheromone action in humans should not be confused with major histocompatibility complex interaction. Using a brain imaging technique, Swedish researchers have shown that homosexual and heterosexual males' brains respond differently to two odors that may be involved in sexual arousal, and that the homosexual men respond in the same way as heterosexual women, though it could not be determined whether this was cause or effect.[citation needed] The study was expanded to include homosexual women; the results were consistent with previous findings meaning that homosexual women were not as responsive to male identified odors, while their response to female cues were similar to that of heterosexual males.[25]According to the researchers, thisresearch suggests a possible role for human pheromones in the biological basis of sexual orientation.[26] In 2008, it was found using functional magnetic resonance imaging that the right orbitofrontal cortex, right fusiform cortex, and right hypothalamus respond to airborne natural human sexual sweat.[27]In 2006, it was shown that a second mouse receptor sub-class is found in the olfactory epithelium. Called the trace amine-associated receptors (TAAR), some are activated by volatile amines found in mouse urine, including one putative mouse pheromone.[28]Orthologous receptors exist in humans providing, the authors propose, evidence for a mechanism of human pheromone detection.[29]Some body spray advertisers claim that their products contain human sexual pheromones which act as an aphrodisiac. In the 1970s, "copulins" were patented as products which release human pheromones, based on research on rhesus monkeys.[30]Subsequently, androstenone, axillary sweat, and "vomodors" have been claimed to act as human pheromones.[31] Despite these claims, no pheromonal substance has ever been demonstrated to directly influence human behavior in a peer reviewed study.[30][31][32]。



低速空气动力学词汇表Vocabulary in the First Six Chapters of《Fundamentals of Aerodynamics》思西子、屈胡子汇集木土诚子﹑屈夫子、思西子打字First ed, first print: May 2006, second print: Feb.2007Second ed: May 2008清凉西来坊承印 (May 2008, Xi’an )Words in Sequence of Chapters and Sections in 《Fundamentals of Aerodynamics》(Only First Six Chapters)pillar柱子,栋梁,柱形物Chapter 11.1warship军舰,战舰churn [ʧə:n] v. (剧烈)搅拌[动]gyration [ʤaiə‵reiʃən] n. 回旋,回转armada [ɑ:'mɑ:də] n. ①舰队②(飞机)机群Spanish Armada西班牙无敌舰队invasion [in'veiʒən] n. 侵入,侵略Elizabeth [i'lizəbəθ] n. 伊莉莎白Elizabethan[i.lizə'bi:θən] a. 伊丽莎白女王(时代)的fire ship火攻船head-on a. 正面的,迎面的 adv.正面地fleet [fli:t] n. 舰队naval battle between Spanish Armada and English fleet西班牙无敌舰队与英国舰队的海战pack with (be packed with) 装有formidable ['fɔ:midəbl] a. ①可怕的,难对的②困难的,棘手的,庞大的cannon [kænən] n. (pl. cannon, cannons)大炮, (飞机上的)自动机关枪devastate ['devəsteit] v. to completely destroy a place or an area 彻底破坏,摧毁shot [ʃɔt,ʃʌt] (旧时用大炮发射的石质或金属)弹丸hinge [hinʤ] n.铰链v. hinge on sth : to depend on sth completely 有赖于; 取决于 […在此一战]Catholic ['kæθlik] n.=Roman Catholic 天主教徒Prostestant ['prɔtestənt] n.(16世纪脱离罗马天主教的)新教教徒sovereign ['sɔvrin] n. 君主,元首,国王, 统治者a. 有主权的,至高无上的,完全独立自主的sovereignty ['sɔvrinti] n. 主权,最高统治权;独立自主(的状态)crucial [ 'kru:ʃiəl, 'kru:ʃəl ] a. 关键的,决定性的squash [skwɔʃ] v. 压软, 压扁, 压变形float [flout] make sth move on waterattempt [ə'tempet] v.企图, 试图formation n. 编队headlong['hedlɔ]ŋ a. with the head first and the rear of the bdy following 头向前的,匆促而用力的; without thinking carefully before doing sth轻率的,莽撞的 ad. 头向前地,猛然的用力的ensue [in'sju:] v. to happen after or as a result of another event 接着发生,因而产生【同义】follow sluggish ['slʌgiʃ] a.缓慢的; 迟缓的; 懒洋洋的maneuver [mə'nu:və] n. 机动(动作,飞行), 演习,调遣,策略 v. 调遣,演习,用计策maneuverable [mə'nu:vərəbl] a.机动[灵活]的,容易驾驶[操纵]的maneuverability [məˌnu:vərə'biliti] n. 可操作性,机动性disarray [dis rei] n. a state of confusion and lack of organization 混乱,无秩序oar [ɔ:] n. 船桨naval battle海战political power政治强权,政治力量naval power海军力量,海上强权synonymous [si'nɔniməs] a. 同义的maneuver [m nu:v] n. v. 机动(动作,飞行) maneuverable [mə'nu:vərəbl] a. 可移动的,可操纵的,容易操作的;可调动的,操纵灵活的; 机动的,有机动性的maneuverability [m□nu:v□r□□biliti] 机动性resistance阻力sail n. 帆hull [hʌl] n. 船身, 船体impetus [□impitəs] n. 冲力,刺激,原动力mechanics [mi'kæniks] n. 力学,机械学impetus to the study of fluid mechanics流体力学研究的推动力stride[straid] n. 大步,一跨步 v. 迈大步走,跨过oblique a. 斜的oblique plane斜面shock n. 激波oblique shock 斜激波squishy [skwiʃi] a. 湿软的, 粘乎手的squashy [skwɔʃi] a. 软而易压坏(扁)的qualitative ['kwɔlitətiv] a. 定性的quantitative ['kwɔntitətiv] a. 定量的let alone 更别说…pellet['pelit] n. 小球; 丸; 小弹丸rectilinear [rekti'liniə] a.直线的,笔直的shotgun n. 猎枪 shotgun blast 开火Newton’s sine-squared law 牛顿正弦平方律stream of particles粒子流formula [ 'fɔ:mjulə ] (pl. formulae['fɔ:mjuli:]) 公式,规则,客套话strike碰撞impact 碰撞,冲击impinge [im'pindʒ] v. 冲击,撞击 vi. 侵犯normal [ 'nɔ:məl ] 法向的momentum[ məu'mentəm ] n. 动力,要素;[物理]动量normal momentum法向动量tangential[tæn'dʒenʃ(ə)l ] a. 切线的,相切的,切向的preserve保留,维持canal [k næl] 运河stream n. 流动upon striking一碰就…leave much to be desired有待改进naval architecture造船学experiments carried out by d’Alembert 达朗贝尔实验exercise v. 实[履]行,行使,发挥(威力) supersede [sju:pə'si:d] v. to take the place of sth/sb that is considered to be old-fashioned or no longer the best available 取代, 替代, 使让位proportional [ prə'pɔ:ʃənl ] a. 成比例的,相称的n. [数]比例项incidence [ 'insidəns ]n.[物理]入射incidence angle入射角distribution[ .distri'bju:ʃən ] n. 分发,分配,散布,分布variation[.vɛəri'eiʃən] n. 变化,变动,变种,变异; 变化的程度;变量;【数】变分application[.æpli'keiʃən] n. 使用, 运用, 适用, 应用, 用途; 施(用), 敷用(物); 请求, 申请, 申请书; 施加力[荷载], 操作(包括贴, 涂, 浇, 洒, 撒, 镀, 敷等) aviation[ .eivi'eiʃən ] n. 航空,飞行, 航空学, 航空术hold for 对…成立glider [glaidə] n. 滑翔机stun [stʌn] v. ①使昏迷; 打昏②使震惊stunning failure惨败prestigious [pres□tiʤiəs] a. 有威信的,有声望的,受尊敬的,闻名于世的institution n. (大学,银行等规模大的)机构Smithsonian Institution (美)史密森学会arch[ɑ:tʃ] n. 拱门,弓形v. 成弓形弯曲,成弓形arched['ɑ:tʃt] a. 弓形(结构)的,有拱的despairingly绝望地curvature[ 'kə:vətʃə ] n. 屈曲,弯曲,曲率hallmark ['hɔ:lmɑ:k] n. (金银纯度的)检验印记,纯度检验证明,品质证明,标记; 特征,特点v. 加盖纯度检验证明mutter [mʌtə] n. 咕哝;牢骚 v.低声说;出怨言perseverance [.pə:si'viərəns] n. 毅力,忍耐,不屈不挠,坚持不懈scene [si:n] n. ①地点,现场②事件,场面flush [flʌʃ] v. ①脸红②冲洗▲flushed with success = very excited and pleasedwing机翼wing span机翼翼展chord[kɔ:d] n. 弦,和音,情绪 ◆A line segment that joins two points on a curve. 弦:将两点用曲线连接起来的曲线段◆A straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil.翼弦:连接机翼的前缘与后缘的直线chord length弦长airfoil [ 'ɛəˌfɔil ] n. 翼剖面,翼型aerofoil [ 'ɛərəfɔil ] n. 翼剖面,翼型camber弯度state-of-the-art adj. using the most modern or advanced techniques or methods; as good as it can be at the present time 应用最先进技术(或方法)的,最先进的:◆the system was state of the art 这一系统是当前最先进的;▲a state-of-the-art system 目前最先进的系统。



明智上网的具体建议英语作文Title: Prudent Internet Usage: Practical Advice for a Safe and Productive Online JourneyIn today's digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, with its vast benefits come numerous risks. It is, therefore, crucial to practice prudent internet usage to ensure a safe and productive online experience. Here are some specific suggestions to help you navigate the internet wisely.Firstly, be vigilant about your privacy. Ensure that you are using strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts. Avoid using easily guessed information, such as birthdays or pet names. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication for increased security. Furthermore, be cautious about sharing personal information online, especially on public platforms.Secondly, stay updated on the latest cybersecurity threats. Regularly update your software and operating systems to patch any security vulnerabilities. Install antivirus software and a firewall to protect your devices from malicious attacks. Bewary of suspicious emails and links, and avoid downloading files from untrusted sources.Thirdly, be mindful of your online reputation. Your actions and words on the internet can have lasting consequences. Avoid engaging in inflammatory or offensive behavior, and strive to be respectful and constructive in your online interactions. Additionally, be careful about sharing sensitive information, such as political opinions or religious beliefs, as they can potentially impact your reputation.Fourthly, manage your screen time effectively. While the internet provides access to valuable resources and entertainment, excessive usage can be detrimental to your health and well-being. Set limits on your screen time, take regular breaks, and ensure that you are engaging in other meaningful activities, such as physical exercise or socializing with friends.Lastly, cultivate a critical mindset when consuming online content. The internet is a vast source of information, but not all of it is accurate or reliable. Learn to distinguish between credible and untrustworthy sources. Question the validity ofthe information you encounter and conduct further research to verify its authenticity.In conclusion, prudent internet usage is essential to ensure a safe and productive online experience. By being vigilant about your privacy, staying updated on cybersecurity threats, managing your online reputation, managing your screen time effectively, and cultivating a critical mindset, you can navigate the internet wisely and enjoy its benefits to the fullest.。



如何应对信息过载英语作文In today's digital age, we are constantly bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information. Whether it's through social media, news websites, or email subscriptions, we are constantly exposed to a never-ending stream of data. This phenomenon, known as information overload, can have detrimental effects on our productivity, mental health, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to cope with information overload and regain control of our digital lives.First and foremost, it is crucial to prioritize the information we consume. With an abundance of information at our fingertips, it's easy to get caught up in the endless scrolling and clicking. To overcome this, we need to identify our goals and focus on the information that is relevant and beneficial to us. This could involve unsubscribing from unnecessary email newsletters, unfollowing social media accounts that do not add value, and setting specific time limits for browsing the internet.Additionally, developing critical thinking skills is essential in navigating through the vast sea of information. With the rise of fake news and misinformation, it is crucial to question the credibility and validity of the information we come across. Fact-checking, verifying sources, and cross-referencing information can help us make informed decisions and avoid falling into the trap of misinformation.Another effective strategy is to establish a digital detox routine. Taking regular breaks from technology can help alleviate the stress and overwhelm caused by information overload. This could involve setting aside designated periods of time each day to disconnect from our devices, engaging in activities that promote mindfulness and relaxation, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing meditation. By consciously creating space for ourselves away from the constant influx of information, we can recharge and rejuvenate our minds.Moreover, organizing and curating the information we consume can significantly reduce the feeling of overload. Utilizing productivity tools such as note-taking apps, bookmarking websites, and creating digital folders can help us categorize and storeinformation in a structured manner. This not only allows for easy retrieval of relevant information when needed but also reduces the clutter and chaos associated with information overload.Furthermore, effective time management is crucial in combating information overload. With limited time and an abundance of information, it is essential to allocate our time wisely. Prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and breaking them down into manageable chunks can help us stay focused and productive. Additionally, utilizing time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where work is divided into intervals with short breaks in between, can enhance productivity and prevent burnout.Lastly, practicing self-care is vital in maintaining a healthy balance in the face of information overload. Taking care of our physical and mental well-being is essential for optimum performance and resilience. This could involve getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. By nurturing ourselves, we can better cope with the demands of the digital world and prevent information overload from taking a toll on our overall well-being.In conclusion, information overload is a prevalent issue in today's digital age. However, by implementing effective strategies such as prioritizing information, developing critical thinking skills, establishing a digital detox routine, organizing and curating information, practicing time management, and prioritizing self-care, we can successfully navigate through the overwhelming sea of information and regain control of our digital lives. By doing so, we can lead more balanced, productive, and fulfilling lives in this information-rich era.。



LEGENDA Below are shown the simbologies used in the manual in order to warn the reader: Caution ! High Voltage ! Caution ! This operation must be executed by skilled workers. Read carefully the following indications. Further information.
Installation user’s manual
Version 1.0
W100, W100ANA, JollyW100, JollyW100ANA
பைடு நூலகம்
2004/108/CE EN55022 EN61000-6-2 EN61000-6-4 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECT INSTALLATION OF THE LOAD CELLS .......................... 4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECT INSTALLATION OF WEIGHING INSTRUMENTS............ 5 LOAD CELLS CHECK ..............................................................................................................



如何证明海森堡不确定原理The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that states the more precisely the position of a particle is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa. This principle was first proposed by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927, and it has since become one of the key principles in quantum mechanics.海森堡不确定原理是量子力学中的一个基本概念,它指出粒子位置被精确确定得越多,其动量就越无法被精确确定,反之亦然。


One way to understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is to consider the concept of wave-particle duality. According to quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. When we try to measure the position of a particle with high precision, we are essentially confining it to a small region of space, which disrupts its momentum. This is because theact of measuring the position of the particle involves interacting with it, which perturbs its momentum.理解海森堡不确定原理的一种方式是考虑波粒二象性的概念。



用环境描写忐忑不安作文英文回答:In the tapestry of life, amidst the vibrant hues of joy and the somber shades of melancholy, there exists a thread woven with the intricate fibers of anticipation and uncertainty: the state of trepidation. It is a realm where the heart flutters with both excitement and apprehension, where the mind races through countless possibilities, each carrying the weight of hope and the sting of fear.Trepidation, like a restless wind, whispers of unknown horizons and uncharted waters. It is the catalyst that propels us forward, driving us to explore the boundaries of our comfort zones and embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Yet, like a storm that threatens to engulf us, it can also cripple our resolve, leaving us paralyzed by doubt and insecurity.The physical manifestations of trepidation are asvaried as the individuals who experience it. Some may feel a tightening in the chest, a knot in the stomach, or a trembling in the limbs. Others may experience racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, and an overwhelming sense of unease. Regardless of its form, trepidation has the power to consume our thoughts, disrupt our sleep, and cast a shadow over even the most mundane of tasks.Navigating the treacherous waters of trepidation requires a delicate balance between acknowledging its presence and refusing to be consumed by it. It is essential to recognize the validity of our fears and uncertainties, for they often stem from a deep-seated desire to protect ourselves from potential harm. However, we must also learn to challenge these fears, to question their legitimacy and to consider the potential rewards that may lie beyond them.Embracing a mindset of resilience and adaptability can serve as a powerful antidote to trepidation. By focusing on our strengths and past accomplishments, we can bolster our confidence and develop a belief in our ability to overcome challenges. Additionally, surrounding ourselves withsupportive individuals who believe in us and encourage our growth can provide an invaluable source of reassurance and motivation.Ultimately, the transformative power of trepidationlies not in its avoidance, but in its acceptance and harnessing. By confronting our fears head-on, we learn that they are often more formidable in our imaginations than in reality. Overcoming trepidation is a process that requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. It is a journey that tests our limits, challenges our beliefs, and ultimately leads to personal growth and fulfillment.中文回答:在人生的画卷中,在喜悦的鲜艳色彩和忧郁的阴暗色调之间,编织着一条由期待和不确定性的复杂纤维构成的线,忐忑不安的状态。



生活中奇怪的现象英语作文英文回答:In the tapestry of life, there are countless occurrences that defy easy explanation, phenomena that linger on the fringes of comprehension. These strange happenings, both mundane and extraordinary, challenge our preconceived notions and spark a sense of wonder and curiosity.From the seemingly innocuous to the utterly bizarre, life is replete with inexplicable events. For instance, have you ever experienced a moment of déjà vu, an uncanny feeling of having been in the exact same situation before? Or encountered an inexplicable synchronicity, where two seemingly unrelated events align in an improbable manner? The human mind is prone to perceiving patterns, even in the absence of any discernible order, leading to the creation of false memories or the attribution of meaning to random occurrences.Furthermore, there are physical phenomena that defy our understanding. Consider the perplexing behavior of water, a substance that expands upon freezing, defying the norm of most materials. Or the spontaneous combustion of certain substances, where flammable items ignite without an apparent external source of heat. These enigmatic occurrences challenge our assumptions about the fundamental properties of the world we inhabit.The paranormal realm is no less fertile ground for strange phenomena. Unexplained noises, apparitions, and sensations of being watched are common experiences reported by individuals across cultures and time periods. While scientific skepticism casts doubt on the validity of such claims, the enduring allure of the supernatural persists, tantalizing our imaginations and leaving room for the possibility of realms beyond our current understanding.While some strange phenomena may find a rational explanation through scientific investigation, others remain shrouded in mystery. These unexplained occurrences serve asa reminder of the vastness of our ignorance, the limits of our knowledge, and the boundless potential for discoverythat lies ahead. They invite us to question our assumptions, embrace uncertainty, and cultivate a sense of wonder at the inexplicable tapestry of life.中文回答:生活中的许多奇怪现象难以解释,它们徘徊在理解的边缘。



尊重他人的事情英语作文100字英文回答:Respect is a fundamental value that underpins harmonious and thriving relationships. It encompasses acknowledging and valuing the worth of other individuals, irrespective of their differences. By treating others with respect, we foster a climate of trust, understanding, and empathy.Respect manifests itself in various forms, including:Listening attentively: Giving someone our undivided attention when they speak demonstrates that we value their thoughts and feelings.Acknowledging different perspectives: Recognizing that others may hold different opinions or experiences without belittling their validity.Avoiding judgment: Refraining from making snap judgments about others based on their appearance, background, or actions.Treating others with kindness: Showing compassion and consideration for the feelings and well-being of others.Respecting boundaries: Understanding and adhering to the limits that others set for their physical, emotional, and intellectual space.Respect is essential for building strong relationships, creating inclusive communities, and fostering a just society. It empowers individuals to feel valued, heard, and accepted, regardless of their circumstances. When we respect others, we not only demonstrate our own integrity but also contribute to a culture of respect and understanding that benefits all.中文回答:尊重他人是一个基本价值观,它支撑着和谐而繁荣的关系。



福建中医药2024 年1 月第55 卷第1期Fujian Journal of TCM January 2024,55(1)皮肤针放血疗法联合极超短波治疗髂胫束综合征42例翁国盛1*,翁千雅1,郑良朴2,张建礼3,唐劲松4,邵岩峰5(1.福建省体育科学研究所,福建福州350003;2.福建中医药大学科技创新与转化中心,福建福州350122;3.福建省蓝排运动中心,福建福州350003;4.福建中医药大学第二人民医院,福建福州350003;5.福建中医药大学第三人民医院,福建福州350108)摘要:目的探讨皮肤针放血疗法联合极超短波治疗髂胫束综合征的疗效及对下肢功能以及患侧伸肌群肌力恢复的影响。





关键词:髂胫束综合征;屈肌群;伸肌群;皮肤针;放血疗法;极超短波髂胫束综合征(iliotibial band syndrome,ITBS)在1973年由Rennel首次提出,是指由于各种原因造成髂胫束(iliotibial band,ITB)及其周围结构异常而引发的综合征[1]。

Z3 An Efficient SMT Solver

Z3 An Efficient SMT Solver

Z3:An Efficient SMT SolverLeonardo de Moura and Nikolaj BjørnerMicrosoft Research,One Microsoft Way,Redmond,WA,98074,USA{leonardo,nbjorner}@Abstract.Satisfiability Modulo Theories(SMT)problem is a decisionproblem for logicalfirst order formulas with respect to combinations ofbackground theories such as:arithmetic,bit-vectors,arrays,and unin-terpreted functions.Z3is a new and efficient SMT Solver freely availablefrom Microsoft Research.It is used in various software verification andanalysis applications.1IntroductionSatisfiability modulo theories(SMT)generalizes boolean satisfiability(SAT)by adding equality reasoning,arithmetic,fixed-size bit-vectors,arrays,quantifiers, and other usefulfirst-order theories.An SMT solver is a tool for deciding the satisfiability(or dually the validity)of formulas in these theories.SMT solvers enable applications such as extended static checking,predicate abstraction,test case generation,and bounded model checking over infinite domains,to mention a few.Z3is a new SMT solver from Microsoft Research.It is targeted at solving problems that arise in software verification and software analysis.Consequently, it integrates support for a variety of theories.A prototype of Z3participated in SMT-COMP’07,where it won4first places,and7second places.Z3uses novel algorithms for quantifier instantiation[4]and theory combination[5].The first external release of Z3was in September2007.More information,including instructions for downloading and installing the tool,is available at the Z3web page:/projects/z3.Currently,Z3is used in Spec#/Boogie[2,7],Pex[13],HAVOC[11],Vigi-lante[3],a verifying C compiler(VCC),and Yogi[10].It is being integrated with other projects,including SLAM/SDV[1].2ClientsBefore describing the inner workings of Z3,two selected uses are briefly de-scribed.Front-ends interact with Z3by using either a textual format or a binary API.Three textual input-formats are supported:The SMT-LIB[12]format,the Simplify[8]format,and a low-level native format in the spirit of the DIMACS format for propositional SAT formulas.One can also call Z3procedurally by using either an ANSI C API,an API for managed common language runtime,or an OCaml API.Spec#/Boogie generates logical verification conditions from a Spec#pro-gram(an extension of C#).Internally,it uses Z3to analyze the verification conditions,to prove the correctness of programs,or tofind errors on them.The formulas produced by Spec#/Boogie contain universal quantifiers,and also use linear integer arithmetic.Spec#replaced the Simplify theorem prover by Z3as the default reasoning engine in May2007,resulting in substantial performance improvements during theorem proving.Pex(Program EXploration)is an intelligent assistant to the programmer.By automatically generating unit tests,it allows tofind bugs early.In addition,it suggests to the programmer how tofix the bugs.Pex learns the program behavior from the execution traces,and Z3is used to produce new test cases with different behavior.The result is a minimal test suite with maximal code coverage.The formulas produced by Pex containsfixed-sized bit-vectors,tuples,arrays,and quantifiers.3System ArchitectureZ3integrates a modern DPLL-based SAT solver,a core theory solver that han-dles equalities and uninterpreted functions,satellite solvers(for arithmetic,ar-rays,etc.),and an E-matching abstract machine(for quantifiers).Z3is imple-mented in C++.A schematic overview of Z3is shown in the followingfigure.Simplifier Input formulas arefirst processed using an incomplete,but efficient simplification.The simplifier applies standard algebraic reduction rules,such as p∧true→p,but also performs limited contextual simplification,as it identifies equational definitions within a context and reduces the remaining formula using the definition,so for instance x=4∧q(x)→x=4∧q(4).The trivially satisfiable conjunct x=4is not compiled into the core,but kept aside in the case the client requires a model to evaluate x.Compiler The simplified abstract syntax tree representation of the formula is converted into a different data-structure comprising of a set of clauses and congruence-closure nodes.Congruence Closure Core The congruence closure core receives truth assign-ments to atoms from the SAT solver.Atoms range over equalities and theory specific atomic formulas,such as arithmetical inequalities.Equalities asserted by the SAT solver are propagated by the congruence closure core using a data structure that we will call an E-graph following[8].Nodes in the E-graph may point to one or more theory solvers.When two nodes are merged,the set of theory solver references are merged,and the merge is propagated as an equality to the theory solvers in the intersection of the two sets of solver references.The core also propagates the effects of the theory solvers,such as inferred equalities that are produced and atoms assigned to true or false.The theory solvers may also produce fresh atoms in the case of non-convex theories.These atoms are subsequently owned and assigned by the SAT solver.Theory Combination:Traditional methods for combining theory solvers rely on capabilities of the solvers to produce all implied equalities or a pre-processing step that introduces additional literals into the search space.Z3uses a new theory combination method that incrementally reconciles models maintained by each theory[5].SAT Solver Boolean case splits are controlled using a state-of-the art SAT solver.The SAT solver integrates standard search pruning methods,such as two-watch literals for efficient Boolean constraint propagation,lemma learning using conflict clauses,phase caching for guiding case splits,and performs non-chronological backtracking.Deleting clauses:Quantifier instantiation has a side-effect of producing new clauses containing new atoms into the search space.Z3garbage collects clauses, together with their atoms and terms,that were useless in closing branches.Con-flict clauses,and literals used in them,are on the other hand not deleted,so quantifier instantiations that were useful in producing conflicts are retained as a side-effect.Relevancy propagation:DPLL(T)based solvers assign a Boolean value to potentially all atoms appearing in a goal.In practice,several of these atoms are don’t cares.Z3ignores these atoms for expensive theories,such as bit-vectors, and inference rules,such as quantifier instantiation.The algorithm used for discriminating relevant atoms from don’t cares is described in[6].Quantifier instantiation using E-matching Z3uses a well known approach for quantifier reasoning that works over an E-graph to instantiate quantified vari-ables.Z3uses new algorithms that identify matches on E-graphs incrementally and efficiently.Experimental results show substantial performance improvements over existing state-of-the-art SMT solvers[4].Theory Solvers Z3uses a linear arithmetic solver based on the algorithm used in Yices[9].The array theory uses lazy instantiation of array axioms.The fixed-sized bit-vectors theory applies bit-blasting to all bit-vector operations,but equality.Model generation Z3has the ability to produce models as part of the output. Models assign values to the constants in the input and generate partial function graphs for predicates and function symbols.4ConclusionZ3is being used in several projects at Microsoft since February2007.Its main applications are extended static checking,test case generation,and predicate abstraction.References1.T.Ball and S.K.Rajamani.The SLAM project:debugging system software viastatic analysis.SIGPLAN Not.,37(1):1–3,2002.2.M.Barnett,K.R.M.Leino,and W.Schulte.The Spec#programming system:An overview.In CASSIS2004,LNCS3362,pages49–69.Springer,2005.3.M.Costa,J.Crowcroft,M.Castro,A.I.T.Rowstron,L.Zhou,L.Zhang,andP.Barham.Vigilante:end-to-end containment of internet worms.In A.Herbert and K.P.Birman,editors,SOSP,pages133–147.ACM, Moura and N.Bjørner.Efficient E-matching for SMT Solvers.In CADE’07.Springer-Verlag, Moura and N.Bjørner.Model-based Theory Combination.In SMT’07, Moura and N.Bjørner.Relevancy Propagation.Technical Report MSR-TR-2007-140,Microsoft Research,2007.7.R.DeLine and K.R.M.Leino.BoogiePL:A typed procedural language for check-ing object-oriented programs.Technical Report2005-70,Microsoft Research,2005.8. D.Detlefs,G.Nelson,and J.B.Saxe.Simplify:a theorem prover for programchecking.J.ACM,52(3):365–473,2005.9. B.Dutertre and Moura.A Fast Linear-Arithmetic Solver for DPLL(T).InCAV’06,LNCS4144,pages81–94.Springer-Verlag,2006.10. B.S.Gulavani,T.A.Henzinger,Y.Kannan,A.V.Nori,and S.K.Rajamani.Syn-ergy:a new algorithm for property checking.In Michal Young and Premkumar T.Devanbu,editors,SIGSOFT FSE,pages117–127.ACM,2006.hiri and S.Qadeer.Back to the Future:Revisiting Precise Program Veri-fication using SMT Solvers.In POPL’2008,2008.12.S.Ranise and C.Tinelli.The Satisfiability Modulo Theories Library(SMT-LIB).,2006.13.N.Tillmann and W.Schulte.Unit Tests Reloaded:Parameterized Unit Testingwith Symbolic Execution.IEEE software,23:38–47,2006.。




A 过去1周你感受到的疲劳/困倦的总体程度 B 过去1周你感受到的颈痛、背痛和髋痛的总体程度 C 过去1周你感受到的其他关节疼痛/肿胀(不包括颈痛、

D 过去1周你感受到的因触痛导致不适的总体程度? E 过去1周你清醒后感受到的晨僵的总体程度? F 当你清醒后晨僵持续多长时间?请在下列标尺上标出
2009, American College of Rheumatology

The inclusion of the lower part of the T-spine significantly increases the sensitivity to change when scoring radiographic damage in AS because more syndesmophytes are potentially scored. The new tool, the RASSS, has better face and content validity than the mSASSS. Overall, it proved to be clearly superior for the assessment of structural damage in patients with AS. The RASSS should be further evaluated in clinical trials and cohort studies of patients with AS.

1.无需借助帮忙而能穿上袜子或紧身衣 2.能自己弯腰从地上拾起钢笔 3.无需借助帮助而能触及比自己高的地方 4.不用手支撑或借助帮助而能从无扶手的椅子上站起来 5.躺在地板上,无需他人帮助而能站起来 6.独立站立10分钟无不适感 7.不扶栏杆也不依靠工具而能爬12~15级楼梯(每步一梯级) 8.不转动躯干即能望向您的肩部 9.能进行体能活动,如物理训练、散步或其他体育运动 10.做家务活或上班,均能完成一整天的活动 取得分的均值

Physical Evidence

Physical Evidence

Physical Evidence1.Logistic Tracking SystemReasons:(1)The packages that is received or sent by customers are the most significant factors inEMS express service. Therefore the access to their information is not only available but also critical.(2)In the age of a fast pace society, customers will not allow any mistake that is related tothe delay of the service. An excellent logistic tracking system can help with the process of delivery, offering different options to customers once situation has changed.(3)The logistic tracking system is also significant to the EMS. The company will be able tohandle sudden accidents and fix public relation with the exact information brought by the system.2.Digital scanning machineReasons:(1)In a digital world, the digital scanning machine can speed up the final step whenpackages are delivered to the customers. All the customers have to do is to confirm by his signature.(2)The machine can also accelerate the process of sending packages. Customers only haveto hand in their information during the first experience of sending, and the information will be restored in the server of EMS, making the service faster and easier.(3)The machine benefits EMS by collecting the information of customers, helping thecompany to do research and build a long-term customer relationship. It also makes more convenient to design the path of packages delivery.3.Call centreReasons:(1)Dialing to call centre is the most effective way for customers to complain when they arein troubles. Therefore the call centre must be equipped with high-quality telephones and be available in 24 hours.(2)Internet has changed the lifestyle of people, and they often turn to Internet when theyare in need, especially when they are outdoors and have problems with the delivery service. So a nicely designed online call centre is really helpful to EMS if they want to offer better customers experience.。

US Patent 4282440 中英译文

US Patent 4282440 中英译文

United States PatentNEUTRON ACCELERATOR TUBE HAVING IMPROVED IONIZATIONSECTION具有改进的电离层的中子加速器管ABSTRACTA neutron accelerator tube having a target section, an ionization section, and a replenisher section for supplying accelerator gas to the ionization section. The ionization section is located between the target and the replenisher section and includes an ionization chamber adapted to receive accelerator gas from the replenisher section. The ionization section further includes spaced cathodes having opposed active surfaces exposed to the interior of the ionization chamber. The active surface of at least one of the cathodes is formulated of a β-emitting material. An anode is located intermediate the cathodes whereby in response to an applied positive voltage, electrons are transmitted between the opposed active surfaces of the cathodes and produce the emission of secondary electrons. The active surface of the other cathode may be formulated of a β-ray emitter or material having a secondary electron emission factor of at least 2. One cathode member located in the tube adjacent to the replenisher section may have a protuberant portion extending axially into the ionization chamber and formulated of a β-ray emitting material. A portion of the active surface of the cathode which is recessed with respect to the protuberant portion may be formulated of a material having a secondary electron emission factor of at least 2. The other cathode spaced from the first cathode member in the direction of the target has an aperture therein along the axis of the protuberant portion.摘要一个中子加速器管具有目标层,电离层和补充液层,其中补充剂层是用于给电离层提供加速器气体。

伊顿 低峰值 LPJ J 级 600Vac 300Vdc 1-60A 双元件 延时保险丝 数据表

伊顿 低峰值 LPJ J 级 600Vac 300Vdc 1-60A 双元件 延时保险丝 数据表

Low-Peak™ LPJ Class J 600Vac/300Vdc, 1-60A, dual element, time-delay fusesCatalog symbol:• LPJ-(amp)SP (non-indicating)•LPJ-(amp)SPI (indicating)Description:Bussmann ®series Ultimate protection LPJ Class J dual element, current-limiting, time-delay fuses available with optional open fuse indication. Time-delay – 10 seconds (minimum) at 500% of rated current.Specifications:Ratings•Volts• 600Vac •300Vdc*• Amps 1-60A •IR• 300kA Vac RMS Sym.•100kA Vdc* Indicating versions not Vdc rated.Agency information•cULus Listed file No. JDDZ.E4273• UL 248-8 – Class J Fuses•CSA C22.2 No. 248.8 – Class J Fuses• CE•RoHS compliantLPJ-1-1/4SP LPJ-3-2/10SP LPJ-8SP*LPJ-30SP*LPJ-1-6/10SP LPJ-3-1/2SP LPJ-9SP*LPJ-35SP*LPJ-1-8/10SP LPJ-4SP LPJ-10SP*LPJ-40SP*LPJ-2SP LPJ-4-1/2SP LPJ-12SP*LPJ-45SP*LPJ-2-1/4SP LPJ-5SP LPJ-15SP*LPJ-50SP*LPJ-2-1/2SPLPJ-5-6/10SP LPJ-17-1/2SP*LPJ-60SP*LPJ-2-8/10SPLPJ-6SP*LPJ-20SP** Open fuse indication available by inserting the suffix “I,”e.g., LPJ-15SPI. Requires 75Vac minimum voltage. Indicating fuses are not Vdc rated.Carton quantity:Dimensions - in2.38"1 to 30A2.25"Features:•Industry’s only UL Listed and CSA Certified fuse with a 300kA interrupting rating that allows for simple, worry-free installation in virtually any application.•Fast short-circuit protection and dual-element, time-delay performance provide ultimate protection.•Reduces existing fuse inventory by up to 33% when upgrading to Low-Peak fuses.•Consistent 2:1 ampacity ratios for all Low-Peak fuses make selective coordination easy.•Long time-delay minimizes needless fuse openings due to temporary overloads and transient surges.•Current-limitation protects downstream components against damaging thermal and magnetic effects of short-circuit currents.•Dual-element fuses have lower resistance than ordinary fuses so they run cooler. They can often be sized for back-up protection against motor burnout from overload or single-phasing if other overload protective devices fail.•Proper sizing can provide “no damage” Type 2 coordinated protection for NEMA ® and IEC ® motor controllers.•Space-saving package for equipment downsizing.Available with easy ID™ open fuse indication2Technical Data 1006Effective July 2023Low-Peak™ LPJ Class J 600Vac/300Vdc, 1-60A,dual element, time-delay fuses/bussmannseriesRecommended fuse blocks and holders:35-60JT60060_——For additional information on the Class J fuse blocks and holders, see data sheets no. 10289 (modular open blocks), no.1108 (pyramid blocks), no. 2144 (CH) and no. 1152 (Safety J).Fuse reducers for Class J fuses:100A30AJ-1360AJ-16200A 60AJ-26†† Not for bolt-in applications.3Technical Data 1006Effective July 2023Low-Peak™ LPJ Class J 600Vac/300Vdc, 1-60A, dual element, time-delay fuses /bussmannseriesTime-current curves - average meltAMP RATING1A3A6A3001001010.10.01T I M E I N S E C O N D S10A15A30A60A 1000101CURRENT IN AMPS200100Low-Peak™ LPJ Class J 600Vac/300Vdc, 1-60A,dual element, time-delay fuses Technical Data 1006Effective July 2023Eaton, Bussmann, Low-Peak and Safety J are valuable trademarks of Eaton in the US and other countries. Y ou are not permitted to use the Eaton trademarks without prior written consent of Eaton.CSA is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Group.IEC is a registered trademark of theInternational Electrotechnical Commission.NEMA is a registered trademark of theNational Electrical Manufacturers Association.UL is a registered trademark of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH Bussmann Division 114 Old State Road Ellisville, MO 63021United States/bussmannseries© 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 1006 — BU-SB13688July 2023Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.The only controlled copy of this data sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Eaton network drive. All other copies of this document areby definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Current-limitation curves:Current-limiting effects:3000100010001000500010001000100010,00010001000200015,00010001000200020,00010001000200025,00010001000200030,00010001000200035,00010001000200040,00010002000300050,00010002000300060,00010002000300080,000100020003000100,000100020004000150,000100020004000200,000200030004000250,000200030005000300,000200030005000I N S T A N T A N E O U S P E A K -L E T -T H R O U G H C U R R E N T I N A M P S15A30A 60A 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000RMS SYMMETRICAL CURRENT IN AMPSA-B = ASYMMETRICAL AVAILABLE PEAK (2.3 X SYM RMS AMPS)A M P R A T I N G。



边界的守护与打破作文800字英文回答:In the tapestry of human existence, boundaries both protect and confine. They define our identities, shape our interactions, and delineate the limits of our physical and mental landscapes. Yet, the very nature of boundaries also invites us to question their rigidity, to explore the unknown, and to push the limits of our understanding.On one hand, boundaries provide a sense of security and stability. They establish clear lines of demarcation between ourselves and others, allowing us to safeguard our individuality and maintain a sense of order in an often chaotic world. Within our personal lives, boundaries help us set limits on our time, energy, and emotions, ensuring that we do not overextend ourselves or become overwhelmed. In the realm of society, boundaries establish legal, political, and cultural frameworks that govern our interactions and promote social cohesion.On the other hand, boundaries can also restrict our freedom and limit our potential for growth. They can become barriers that prevent us from exploring new experiences, connecting with others, or realizing our full potential. By rigidly adhering to boundaries, we may miss out on opportunities for personal enrichment and societal progress. As the renowned philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "He who would learn to fly one day must first learn tostand and walk and run and climb and dance – one cannotfly into flying."The tension between the protection and confinement of boundaries lies at the heart of the human experience. It is a dynamic interplay that requires constant negotiation and adjustment. While boundaries are essential for our well-being, we must also be willing to question their validity and to push beyond them when necessary.In the pursuit of personal growth and societal advancement, breaking boundaries can be both liberating and transformative. It allows us to break free from limitingbeliefs, expand our horizons, and embrace new possibilities. By challenging the status quo and daring to venture into uncharted territory, we can uncover new knowledge, foster innovation, and create a more just and equitable world.However, it is important to note that breaking boundaries can also involve risks and uncertainties. It can require us to step outside of our comfort zones, face our fears, and navigate unfamiliar territory. But the potential rewards of breaking boundaries far outweigh the risks, forit is in the realm of the unknown that we discover our true potential and contribute to the advancement of humanity.Ultimately, the decision of whether to guard or break boundaries is a complex one that requires careful consideration and a balance between our need for security and our desire for growth. By understanding the dual nature of boundaries, we can navigate the complexities of human existence with wisdom and courage, embracing both the protection they provide and the liberation they offer.中文回答:边界的守护与打破。


Abstract: The accuracy and validity of the determ ination of synthetic geochem ical anom aly are the important contents in the p rocessing of geochem ical anomaly. The determ ination of synthetic geochem ical anomaly is based on multi2variate normal distribution theory, which is the directly p romotion and app lication of multivariable statistical method, M ahalanobis distance is a composite indicator that w idely app lied in identifying outlier, discrim inant analy2 sis and other related area of geochem istry. Euclidean distance was universally used in traditional methed, however, in recent twenty years, Euclidean distance has been app lied increasedly. Taking the p rocessing of 1∶50 000 geo2 chem istry data for examp le in this paper, two methods were contrasted from theory and app lied effects. Interrela2 tionship of the elements had been considered in M ahalanobis distance. Synthetic geochem ical anom aly computed by M ahalanobis distance has such characters as centralized scope, clear demarcation line, p rom inent intensity, high anastomosis w ith known ore body. M ahalanobis distance has obvious advantage over Euclidean distance and is feasi2 ble to be app lied in reality.
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M. Cervi˜ no and V. Luridiana: The Lowest Luminosity Limit
of synthesis models and real systems, where the IMF is not perfectly sampled, depends on the size of the system. Several works have been written that deal directly or indirectly with the subject of sampling effects. For example, Barbaro & Bertelli (1977), Chiosi et al. (1988), Girardi & Bica (1993), and Girardi et al. (1995), who show the relevance of sampling effects for the study of LMC clusters; Santos & Frogel (1997), who determine how sampling effects affect integrated near-infrared colors; Cervi˜ no, Luridiana, & Castander (2000) and Cervi˜ no et al. (2000), who study the effects of sampling in some observables of young star-forming regions; Cervi˜ no et al. (2001a) and Cervi˜ no & Moll´ a (2002), who estimateபைடு நூலகம்the effects of sampling in stellar yields and chemical evolutionary models. Sampling effects also underlie the study of surface brightness fluctuations (Tonry & Schneider 1988), a primary distance indicator that is based on the analysis of the variations with distance of the amount of stars sampled by CCD pixels: for example, Cantiello et al. (2003) show that surface brightness fluctuations may suffer from a bias that depends on the density of stars in the image pixels. In almost all the preceding works, sampling effects have been evaluated by the use of Monte Carlo simulations. Alternatively, Cervi˜ no et al. (2002b) proposed a formalism, based on the original formulation by Buzzoni (1989), where the mean value, the dispersion, and the correlation coefficient of different observables are obtained analytically using a continuously distributed IMF. The method is applied to young starforming regions (t < 20 Myr) and compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulations, showing that in both cases the results are quite similar, except for colors and equivalent widths in clusters with a low number of stars. The method is extensively tested in Cervi˜ no & Valls-Gabaud (2003) for clusters with a number of stars between 1 and 103 , where it is shown that it reproduces the average value and the dispersion of quantities obtained from Monte Carlo simulations, i.e., the luminosities of Monte Carlo simulations are distributed around the mean value obtained from the analytical model, if the quantity scales linearly with the amount of stars in the system. However, when the modeled properties are logarithmic quantities or ratios, as in the case of equivalent widths and colors, the mean values of Monte Carlo simulations are biased with respect to the results of the analytical modeling; the smaller the system, the more severe the bias. Unfortunately the authors are not able to quantify this bias in an analytical way for very small systems. The subject of sampling has also been addressed by, e.g., Lanc ¸ on & Mouhcine (2000), Girardi (2000), Cervi˜ no et al. (2001b), Bruzual (2002), Girardi (2002), Cervi˜ no et al. (2002a), Cervi˜ no & Luridiana (2002a,b), Cervi˜ no & Valls-Gabaud (2002), and Cervi˜ no (2003a,b,c,d). However, since all these works are published in conference proceedings, their consequences are not extensively explored. Lanc ¸ on & Mouhcine (2000) evaluate sampling effects on monochromatic luminosities at solar metallicity without the use of Monte Carlo simulations, and quote some limits for the minimal initial clusters masses ensuring a relative error lower than 10% for some ages and luminosities. Bruzual (2002)
star clusters. Such a condition is expressed by the requirement that the total luminosity of the cluster modeled be larger than the contribution of the most luminous star included in the assumed isochrones, which is referred to as the Lowest Luminosity Limit (LLL). This limit is independent of the assumptions on the IMF and almost independent of the star formation history. We have obtained the Lowest Luminosity Limit for a wide range of ages (5 Myr to 20 Gyr) and metallicities (Z =0 to Z =0.019) from the Girardi et al. (2002) isochrones. Using the results of evolutionary synthesis models, we have also obtained the minimal cluster mass associated with the LLL, Mmin , which is the mass value below which the observed colors are severely biased with respect to the predictions of synthesis models. We explore the relationship between Mmin and the statistical properties of clusters, showing that the magnitudes of clusters with mass equal to Mmin have a relative dispersion of 32% at least (i.e., 0.35 mag) in all the photometric bands considered; analogously, the magnitudes of clusters with mass larger than 10 × Mmin have a relative dispersion of 10% at least. The dispersion is comparatively larger in the near infrared bands: in particular, Mmin takes values between 104 and 105 M⊙ for the K band, implying that severe sampling effects may affect the infrared emission of many observed stellar clusters. As an example of an application to observations, we show that in surveys that reach the Lowest Luminosity Limit the color distributions will be skewed toward the color with the smallest number of effective sources, which is usually the red, and that the skewness is a signature of the cluster mass distribution in the survey. We also apply our results to a sample of Globular Clusters, showing that they seem to be affected by sampling effects, a circumstance that could explain, at least partially, the bias of the observed colors with respect to the predictions of synthesis models. Finally, we extensively discuss the advantages and the drawbacks of our method: it is, on the one hand, a very simple criterion for the detection of severe sampling problems that bypasses the need for sophisticated statistical tools; on the other hand, it is not very sensitive, and it does not identify all the objects in which sampling effects are important and a statistical analysis is required. As such, it defines a condition necessary but not sufficient for the application of synthesis models to observed clusters.