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1.adjust politics 调整政策
2.an accomplishment unparalleled in human history 史无前例的成就
3.attendance and drop-out rates 在效率和辍学率
4.capsize 倒闭
5.enroll more students every year 逐年扩大招生规模
6.expand domestic demand and stimulate economic growth 扩大内需,刺激经济增长
7.facilitate changes from a socialist to market housing system, changes from distributing units into distributing money 推动住房体制从社会主义向市场转化,即将实物分房转化为货币分房
8.high home ownership 购房率高
9.individual housing expenditure 个人住房消费
10.insufficiency of public funding 公共事业投入不足
11.junior and regular college students 本专科大学生
12.“land only” tax 土地税
13.lift out of poverty 脱贫
14.mortgage lending 住房抵押贷款
15.overall funding on education 教育总投入
16.prosecute corporate criminal 起诉企业犯罪
17.R&D capability 研发能力
18.rebound strongly from a decline to a rise 出现强力反弹,从下降走向增长
19.resale house transactions 二手房交易
20.service-oriented economy 以服务业为导向的经济
21.target the housing sector as a new growth point 将房地产作为新的增长点
22.the admission rate for those taking the college entrance exams 高考录取率
23.the demolition of old housing stock 旧房拆除
24the opening of China’s vast domestic market 中国国内市场的大规模开放
25.the picture of Chinese economy, its growth pattern, and the key concerns regarding
the balance of growth 中国经济的总体状况、增长模式和均衡增长等关键问题
26.the scale and pattern of urbanization 城市化规模和格局
27.transfer of labor 劳动力转移
1.安居乐业live in peace and contentment
2.弊端和消极现象malpractices and negative factors
3.财政赤字规模the size of the deficit
4.采煤沉陷区sinking land and cave-ins above exhausted mines
5.差/等额选举multi-/single-candidate election
6.长治久安long-term order and stability; lasting political stability
7.超期羁押detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits
8.城乡发展、地区发展不平衡uneven development between urban and rural areas and among different regions
9.充分发挥聪明才智bring one’s talent and creativity into full play
10.单产the yield per unit year
11.盗版侵权行为piracy and patent infringement
12.低水平重复建设low-level, redundant construction
13.调动积极因素mobilize positive factors
14.动物疫情animal epidemics
15.反腐倡廉anti-corruption bid
16.反倾销调查anti-dumping investigations
17.放宽市场准入relax market access
18.改善民主improve the livelihood of the people
19.非法传销pyramid schemes
20.肝胆相照,荣辱与共treat each other with all sincerity, and sharing weal and woe
21.高压政策high-handed policy
22.股份制the shareholding system
23.国土资源管理land and resources administration
24.发展势头development momentum
25.合法权益lawful/legitimate/legal rights and interests
26.弘扬与时俱进的精神uphold the spirit of advancing with the times
27.活力迸发release the gushing vitality
28.基本农田the use of primary farmland
29.加快国有独资商业银行改革accelerate the reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks
30.加快推进现代化产权制度建设speed up the establishment of a modern system of ownership
31.加强社会信用体系建设establish a system to ensure credibility in society
32.假冒伪劣产品counterfeit and shoddy goods
33.健全投资宏观调控体系establish a macro-control mechanism for investment
34.精简机构streamline government organs
35.科教兴国战略strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education
36.扩大内需expand domestic demand
37.粮食播种面积the acreage sown in grain crops
38.粮食流通体制改革the reform of grain distribution system
39.粮食主产区major grain producing areas
40.南水北调工程the south-to-north water diversion project
41.农村科技推广体系the system for spreading the application of science and technology in rural areas
42.农村税费改革rural taxes and administration charges
43.乱占滥用耕地illegal acquisition and use of farmland
44.盲目投资haphazard investment
45.农民人均纯收入rural per capita per income
46.农田水利建设the construction of water control projects
47.农业科技创新、储备和转化能力ability to make advances in agro-science and hold them in reserve and find applications for them
48.区别对待deal with problems individuality
49.全面清理各类开发区screen development zones of all types
50.社会治安综合治理maintain law and order by taking comprehensive measures
51.深化国有资产管理体制和国有企业改革deepen the reforms of the state asset management system and state-owned enterprises
52.失信惩罚制度a mechanism for penalizing who lose credibility
53.实行自下而上,由上而下,充分民主的提候选人的办法adopt the method of nominating candidates from bottom up and from top down in a fully democratic manner
54.使用人力和畜力耕作use manual labor and animals to till the land
55.体制机制性障碍structural and institutional obstacles
56.通胀预期inflation expectation
57.土地征收、征用制度the system for land expropriation and requisition
58.推动资本市场改革开放和稳定发展reform and open up the capital market and develop it steadily
59.拖欠农民工工资wage arrears for migrant rural workers
60.完善银行、证券、保险监管体制improve the regulatory systems for banking, securities and insurance
61.稳健的货币政策a prudent monetary policy
62.西电东送transmit electricity from the west to the east
63.西气东输transmit natural gas from the west t the east
64.县城经济intra-county economies
65.信用市场监督管理体系a system for overseeing the credit market
66.以工代赈give people work in place of relief subsidies
67.增进了解、化解分歧increase understanding and iron out difference
68.优质、高产、高效、生态、安全农业high-quality, high-yield, cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe agriculture
69.知难而进forge ahead in spite of difficulties
70.主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work
71.资源节约型和环境友好型社会a resources-conserving and environment-friendly society
72.综合国力overall national strength
1.We will make sure that no one will be homeless or without healthcare, that
children will be educated, that people have enough to eat.

2.We intended to maintain manufacturing as a key component of our economy and
the key here is making sure that our people are well-schooled in science and mathematics, that we have a strong research and technological base.

3.We believe that we must have the hard things and these hard things mean
maintaining manufacturing as a solid part of our economy.

4.In the past four years, we have provided tax relief to every person who pays
income taxes, overcome a recession, opened up new markets abroad, prosecuted corporate criminals, raised home ownership to its highest level in history.

5.To make our economy stronger and more productive, we must make health care
more affordable and give families greater access to good coverage and more control over their health decision.

6.“Each age is a dream that is dying or one that is coming to birth.” And we live in
the country where the biggest dreams are born.


7.Mortgage lending in China has grown quickly since it took hold in 1998. Lenders
are experiencing annualized growth rates in mortgage volumes of up to 100% or more.


8.China has risen to be the eleventh largest trading nation in the world, and 200
fewer million people in China now live in poverty-and every year, more than 450,000 fewer Chinese children die before reaching their fifth birthday than was the case just two decades ago.

9.The changes in China since the 1970s have been remarkable. And the change in
China has led to a profound evolution in the relationship between our two countries.


10.China is now the world’s third-largest trading nation. Its exports are growing at
over 30 per cent per year.

