Strange Particle Freeze-Out
Freeze-Out Parameters in Central 158AGeV Pb+Pb Collisions
a r X i v :n u c l -e x /9901009v 2 9 J u l 1999Freeze-Out Parameters in Central 158·A GeV208Pb+208Pb CollisionsM.M.Aggarwal,1A.Agnihotri,2Z.Ahammed,3A.L.S.Angelis,4V.Antonenko,5V.Arefiev,6V.Astakhov,6V.Avdeitchikov,6T.C.Awes,7P.V.K.S.Baba,8S.K.Badyal,8A.Baldine,6L.Barabach,6C.Barlag,9S.Bathe,9B.Batiounia,6T.Bernier,10K.B.Bhalla,2V.S.Bhatia,1C.Blume,9R.Bock,11E.-M.Bohne,9Z.K.B¨o r¨o cz,9D.Bucher,9A.Buijs,12H.B¨u sching,9L.Carlen,13V.Chalyshev,6S.Chattopadhyay,3R.Cherbatchev,5T.Chujo,14A.Claussen,9A.C.Das,3M.P.Decowski,18H.Delagrange,10V.Djordjadze,6P.Donni,4I.Doubovik,5S.Dutt,8M.R.Dutta Majumdar,3K.El Chenawi,13S.Eliseev,15K.Enosawa,14P.Foka,4S.Fokin,5V.Frolov,6M.S.Ganti,3S.Garpman,13O.Gavrishchuk,6F.J.M.Geurts,12T.K.Ghosh,16R.Glasow,9S.K.Gupta,2B.Guskov,6H.˚A .Gustafsson,13H.H.Gutbrod,10R.Higuchi,14I.Hrivnacova,15M.Ippolitov,5H.Kalechofsky,4R.Kamermans,12K.-H.Kampert,9K.Karadjev,5K.Karpio,17S.Kato,14S.Kees,9H.Kim,7B.W.Kolb,11I.Kosarev,6I.Koutcheryaev,5T.Kr¨u mpel,9A.Kugler,15P.Kulinich,18M.Kurata,14K.Kurita,14N.Kuzmin,ngbein,11A.Lebedev,5Y.Y.Lee,11H.L¨o hner,16L.Luquin,10D.P.Mahapatra,19V.Manko,5M.Martin,4G.Mart´ınez,10A.Maximov,6R.Mehdiyev,6G.Mgebrichvili,5Y.Miake,14D.Mikhalev,6Md.F.Mir,8G.C.Mishra,19Y.Miyamoto,14D.Morrison,20D.S.Mukhopadhyay,3V.Myalkovski,6H.Naef,4B.K.Nandi,19S.K.Nayak,10T.K.Nayak,3S.Neumaier,11A.Nianine,5V.Nikitine,6S.Nikolaev,6P.Nilsson,13S.Nishimura,14P.Nomokonov,6J.Nystrand,13F.E.Obenshain,20A.Oskarsson,13I.Otterlund,13M.Pachr,15A.Parfenov,6S.Pavliouk,6T.Peitzmann,9V.Petracek,15F.Plasil,7W.Pinganaud,10M.L.Purschke,11B.Raeven,12J.Rak,15R.Raniwala,2S.Raniwala,2V.S.Ramamurthy,19N.K.Rao,8F.Retiere,10K.Reygers,9G.Roland,18L.Rosselet,4I.Roufanov,6C.Roy,10J.M.Rubio,4H.Sako,14S.S.Sambyal,8R.Santo,9S.Sato,14H.Schlagheck,9H.-R.Schmidt,11Y.Schutz,10G.Shabratova,6T.H.Shah,8I.Sibiriak,5T.Siemiarczuk,17D.Silvermyr,13B.C.Sinha,3N.Slavine,6K.S¨o derstr¨o m,13N.Solomey,4S.P.Sørensen,20P.Stankus,7G.Stefanek,17P.Steinberg,18E.Stenlund,13D.St¨u ken,9M.Sumbera,15T.Svensson,13M.D.Trivedi,3A.Tsvetkov,5L.Tykarski,17J.Urbahn,11E.C.v.d.Pijll,12N.v.Eijndhoven,12G.J.v.Nieuwenhuizen,18A.Vinogradov,5Y.P.Viyogi,3A.Vodopianov,6S.V¨o r¨o s,4B.Wys l ouch,18K.Yagi,14Y.Yokota,14G.R.Young 7(WA98Collaboration)1University of Panjab,Chandigarh 160014,India2University of Rajasthan,Jaipur 302004,Rajasthan,India 3Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,Calcutta 700064,India 4University of Geneva,CH-1211Geneva 4,Switzerland 5RRC “Kurchatov Institute”,RU-123182Moscow,Russia 6Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,RU-141980Dubna,Russia 7Oak Ridge National Laboratory,Oak Ridge,Tennessee 37831-6372,USA8University of Jammu,Jammu 180001,India 9University of M¨u nster,D-48149M¨u nster,Germany 10SUBATECH,Ecole des Mines,Nantes,France11Gesellschaft f¨u r Schwerionenforschung (GSI),D-64220Darmstadt,Germany 12Universiteit Utrecht/NIKHEF,NL-3508TA Utrecht,The Netherlands13Lund University,SE-22100Lund,Sweden 14University of Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305,Japan15Nuclear Physics Institute,CZ-25068Rez,Czech Rep.16KVI,University of Groningen,NL-9747AA Groningen,The Netherlands17Institute for Nuclear Studies,00-681Warsaw,Poland18MIT Cambridge,MA 02139,USA19Institute of Physics,751-005Bhubaneswar,India20University of Tennessee,Knoxville,Tennessee 37966,USA(Draft 2.0,February 8,2008)Neutral pion production in central 158·A GeV 208Pb+208Pb collisions has been studied in the WA98experiment at the CERN SPS.The π0transverse mass spectrum has been analyzed in terms of a thermal model with hydrodynamic expansion.The high accuracy and large kinematic coverage of the measurement allow to limit previously noted ambiguities in the extracted freeze-out parameters.The results are shown to be sensitive to the shape of the velocity distribution at freeze-out.25.75.Dw,24.10.Pa1Heavy ion reactions at sufficiently high energies pro-duce dense matter which may provide the necessary con-ditions for the transition from a hadronic state to a de-confined phase,the Quark-Gluon Plasma.Since afinite thermalized system without external containment pres-sure will necessarily expand,part of the thermal excita-tion energy will be converted into collective motion which will be reflected in the momentum spectra of thefinal hadrons.The dynamics of the expansion may depend on the presence or absence of a plasma phase.The strongly interacting hadrons are expected to decouple in the late stages of the collision.Their transverse momentum spec-tra should therefore provide information about the con-ditions of the system at freeze-out,in particular about the temperature and collective velocity of the system,if the thermal assumption is valid.The application of a thermal description is non-trivial. There is no reason to believe neither that chemical and kinetic freeze-out should be identical,nor that there should be unique thermal freeze-out temperatures for all hadrons,nor unique chemical freeze-out temperatures for allflavour changing reactions.It is likely that chemical equilibrium is not fully attained(see e.g.[1]),implying that chemical parameters will also influence momentum spectra through contributions from decays of heavier res-onances.Furthermore,it is not obvious that this problem should have a stationary solution since particle emission will occur throughout the full time evolution of the colli-sion and so,in principle,would require a full space-time integration with varying parameters.Most attempts to extract freeze-out parameters from experiment assume local thermal equilibrium andfit pa-rameterizations of hydrodynamical models to the exper-imental distributions[2–7].Already the earliest analy-ses[2]noted ambiguities infitting the hadron transverse mass spectra due to an anti-correlation between thefitted temperature,T,and transverseflow velocity,βT.Two-particle interferometric(HBT)measurements provide information on the spatial and temporal extent of the emission volume,but are also sensitive to the col-lective motion of the source(see e.g.[3,8,9]).Within a hydrodynamical parameterization of the source at freeze-out,the transverse two-particle correlations have been shown to be sensitive only to the ratioβ2T/T[3].Hence HBT analyses have aβT−T ambiguity which is roughly orthogonal to that resulting fromfits to the single par-ticle spectra.This fact has recently been used by the NA49collaboration to constrain the freeze-out param-eters to lie within the region βT =0.55±0.12and T=120±12MeV for central Pb+Pb collisions[6].Al-ternatively,a recent analysis ofπ+,K+,and K−distri-butions andπ+andπ−two-particle correlations mea-sured by the NA44collaboration for central Pb+Pb col-lisions using a9-parameter hydrodynamical modelfit[10] gave freeze-out parameters of βT =0.443±0.023and T=95.8±3.5MeV.These analyses suggest that a sin-gle set of freeze-out parameters can describe the hadron single particle distributions and two-particle correlations, with moderate temperature and large transverseflow ve-locity.On the other hand,various thermal model analyses of particle production ratios,especially strangeness pro-duction(see e.g.Ref.[11]for a recent summary),have indicated rather high chemical freeze-out temperatures.Use of integrated yields in these analyses allows to obtain conclusions on the temperature which are insensitive to the amount of transverseflow.In a recent analysis of re-sults at SPS energies,including Pb+Pb collisions,good agreement is obtained if partial strangeness saturation is assumed with a chemical freeze-out temperature of about 180MeV[12].A successful thermal interpretation of relativisticheavy ion collisions must provide an accurate descrip-tion of the pion spectra since pions provide the“thermal bath”of the late stages the collision.In this letter we discuss the extraction of thermal freeze-out parameters from the neutral pion transverse mass distribution for central158·A GeV208Pb+208Pb collisions.These data provide important constraints due to their accuracy and coverage in transverse mass.The analysis of theπ0spec-trum,within a particular hydrodynamical model,reveals the importance of the shape of the velocity distribution at freeze-out.The default shape,derived from a Gaus-sian spatial distribution,favors a large thermal freeze-out temperature,similar to temperatures extracted for chemical freeze-out,but in contradiction to conclusions obtained based on analyses of limited coverage particle spectra and HBT results[6,10,13].The CERN experiment WA98[14–16]consists of large acceptance photon and hadron spectrometers together with several other large acceptance devices which allow to measure various global variables on an event-by-event basis.The results presented here were obtained from an analysis of the data taken with Pb beams in1995 and1996.The10%most central reactions(σcentral≈630mb)have been selected using the transverse energyE T measured in the MIRAC calorimeter.Neutral pions are reconstructed via theirγγde-cay branch using the WA98lead-glass photon detector, LEDA,which consisted of10,080individual modules with photomultiplier readout.The detector was located ata distance of21.5m from the target and covered thepseudorapidity interval2.35<η<2.95.The general analysis procedure,described in[16],is similar to that used in the WA80experiment[7].The momentum dis-tributions are fully corrected for geometrical acceptance and reconstruction efficiency.The systematic error on the absolute yield is≈10%and increases sharply below p T=0.4GeV/c.An additional systematic error origi-nates from the uncertainty on the momentum scale of1%.The influence of this rises slowly for large p T and leads to an uncertainty on the yield of15%at p T=4GeV/c. 210101010110101010101010m T -m 0 (GeV/c 2)E d 3σ/d p 3 (m b c 3/G e V 2)FIG.1.Transverse mass spectra of neutral pions in cen-tral collisions (10%of min.bias cross section)of 158A GeV Pb+Pb.The invariant cross section of neutral pions is com-pared to a fitusinga hydrodynamicalmodel [5]including transverse flow and resonance decays,with the direct produc-tion and the contribution of ρdecays and all other resonances shown separately.The ratio of the fit to the data is shown in the inset.m 0is the π0mass.The measured neutral pion cross section from central Pb+Pb reactions as a function of m T −m 0is shown in Fig.1.Included is a fit with a hydrodynamical model [5]including transverse flow and resonance decays.This computer program calculates the direct production and the contributions from the most important resonances having two-or three-body decays including pions (ρ,K 0S ,K ⋆,∆,Σ+Λ,η,ω,η′).The code,originally intended for charged pions,has been adapted to predict neutral pion production.The model uses a gaussian transverse spatial density profile truncated at 4σ.The transverse flow rapidity is assumed to be a linear function of the radius.For all results presented here,a baryonic chemical potential of µB =200MeV has been used.The results are not very sensitive,however,to the choice of µB for the m T −m 0region considered here.This model provides an excellent description of the neutral pion spectra with a temperature T =185MeV and an average flow velocity of βT =0.213.These values are very similar to the parameters obtained with similar fits to neutral pion spectra in central reactions of160180200220240260280300320340T 0T l o c a l (M e V )FIG.2.The local inverse slope of the transverse mass spectrum of neutral pions in central collisions of 158A GeV Pb+Pb.The measured results (solid points)are compared to the hydrodynamical model best fit result (solid line;T =185MeV and βT =0.213,also shown in Fig.1)and to the other results given in table I.32S+Au [7].The 2σlower limit 1on the temperature is T low =171MeV and the corresponding upper limit onthe flow velocity is βuppT =0.253.The observed curvature at low m T is largely a result of resonance decay contributions.Performing a fit with only the direct contribution leads to T =142MeV and βT =0.301,with corresponding 2σlimits of T low =135MeVand βuppT =0.318,similar to other analyses which have neglected decay contributions [6,17].The larger average velocity which results in this case is due to the fact that all of the observed curvature must now be accounted for by transverse flow.The high statistical accuracy and large transverse mass coverage of the present π0measurement reveals the con-cave curvature of the π0spectrum over a large m T range,which constrains the parameters significantly.This is further demonstrated by studying the local slope at each m T .The local (inverse)slope is given byT −1local=− Ed 3σdm TEd 3σ1All limits given use the data for m T −m 0>2GeV /c 2as upper limits only to allow for additional hard-scattering contributions.3βTd N /d βT (a r b . u n i t s )FIG.3.Unnormalized multiplicity distributions as a func-tion of the transverse source velocity for the parameter sets given in table I.been fixed to larger values comparable to those obtained by Refs.[10]and NA49[6](sets 2and 3).The corre-sponding fit parameters are given in Table I.The com-parison demonstrates that while the large transverse flow velocity fits can provide a reasonable description of the data up to transverse masses of about 1GeV,they sig-nificantly overpredict the local slopes at large transverse mass.While application of the hydrodynamical model at large transverse mass is questionable,the model cannot overpredict the measured yield.The observed overpre-diction therefore rules out the assumption of large trans-verse flow velocities,or points to a deficiency in the model assumptions used in these fits.The curvature in the π0spectrum at large transverse mass is a result of the distribution of transverse veloci-ties.Although the spectrum is not directly sensitive to the spatial distribution of particle emission,within this model it is dependent indirectly on the spatial distribu-tion due to the assumption that the transverse rapidity increases linearly with radius.The large curvature at large transverse mass is due to high velocity contribu-tions which result from the tail of the assumed gaussian density profile [18].Figure 3shows the transverse source velocity distributions dN/dβT for the different parameter sets.2The curves labelled 1-3correspond to the calcu-lations in figure 2using a gaussian spatial profile.In addition,velocity profiles are shown for a uniform den-sity profile (set 4)and for a Woods-Saxon distribution:ρ(r )=12More precisely these are source emission functions inte-grated over all variables except the transverse velocity and the rapidity,i.e.they are weighted with the produced parti-cle multiplicity.with ∆/r 0=0.02(set 5).These are included in figures 2and 3.It is seen that the uniform density assumption truncates the high velocity tail resulting in less curvature in the pion spectrum,while the Woods-Saxon has a more diffuse edge at high βT .While the gaussian and uniform density assumptions have very different velocity profiles,it is interesting that both can provide acceptable fits to the pion spectrum with best fit results with similar βT and T parameters,which give similar effective temperatures,and which have similar velocity widths,βRMS ,as shown in Table -pared to the gaussian profile result,the best fit result us-ing the uniform profile gives a lower temperature of 178MeV and would lead to weaker limits of βuppT =0.42and T low=134MeV.Limits cannot be set using the Woods-Saxon profile due to increased fit ambiguity.If the data for m T −m 0>2GeV /c 2is used only as up-per limits,as explained above,a best fit result with T =129MeV and βT =0.42is obtained.The data presented here can be well described with high thermal freeze-out temperatures,similar to temper-atures which have been extracted for chemical freeze-out [12],and small transverse flow velocities.3On the other hand,if the larger velocities obtained in other analyses which have considered limited particle spectra together with HBT results [6,10,13]persist,then the present anal-ysis suggests much lower thermal freeze-out tempera-tures.For example,none of the different velocity profile assumptions used in this analysis allowed to reproduce the results of ref.[6]–all profiles studied require a tem-perature of 90MeV or less,if βT =0.55is assumed.The present data obviously provide important informa-tion on the shape of the freeze-out velocity distribution.A more extensive systematic study would require further guidance from full hydrodynamical calculations,which is beyond the scope of this paper.Recent hydrodynamical model calculations [19,20]have found reasonable agree-ment with transverse mass spectra within a broad range of assumptions.However,in these studies it was not at-tempted to limit the model parameters or assumptions by a rigorous comparison to the data.In summary,we have argued that hydrodynamical models which attempt to extract the thermal freeze-out parameters of relativistic heavy ion collisions must pro-vide an accurate description of the pion spectra,since pions most directly reflect the thermal evironment in the late stage of the collision.In particular,models,or parameter sets,which overpredict the observed pion yields,even at large transverse mass,can immediately be ruled out.We have demonstrated that the high accuracy neutral pion spectra with large transverse mass cover-TABLE I.Parameters for different hydrodynamical model fits to the neutral pion spectrum shown infigures2and3. The temperature T,average and RMS transverseflow ve-locity βT andβRMS are given together with the effective temperature T ef f=T/Set TβRMSχ2/dof(MeV)Gauss0.213±0.020230275±10.199386/19 Gauss0.527884178±130.09333.3/18214WS0.365+0.056−0.069age can constrain the thermal freeze-out parameters and model assumptions.Within the context of the hydro-dynamical model of Ref.[5],the default velocity profile favors large thermal freeze-out temperatures similar to the chemical freeze-out temperature determined for the same system[12].Only special choices of the velocity profile allow large average freeze-out velocities similar to those extracted from other recent analyses which consider also HBT results[6,10,13].On the other hand,the cor-responding freeze-out temperatures are then≈90MeV, significantly lower than other estimates.The present re-sults indicate that the determination of the freeze-out parameters remains an open question.It will be impor-tant to determine whether full hydrodynamical models can reproduce the high precision pion data and thereby constrain the assumed freeze-out hypersurface.We wish to thank Urs Wiedemann for assistance with the model calculations and valuable discussions.This work was supported jointly by the German BMBF and DFG,the U.S.DOE,the Swedish NFR and FRN,the Dutch Stichting FOM,the Stiftung f¨u r Deutsch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit,the Grant Agency of the Czech Repub-lic under contract No.202/95/0217,the Department of Atomic Energy,the Department of Science and Tech-nology,the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the University Grants Commission of the Govern-ment of India,the Indo-FRG Exchange Program,the PPE division of CERN,the Swiss National Fund,the INTAS under Contract INTAS-97-0158,ORISE,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Specially Promoted Re-search&International Scientific Research)of the Min-istry of Education,Science and Culture,the University of Tsukuba Special Research Projects,and the JSPS Re-search Fellowships for Young Scientists.ORNL is man-aged by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464with the U.S.De-partment of Energy.The MIT group has been supported by the US Dept.of Energy under the cooperative agree-ment DE-FC02-94ER40818.。
模块一Unit1attend 出席,参加*assembly 集会;会议earn 获得,赚,挣得respect 尊敬,尊重achieve 赢得,取得;实现,成就grade 学分;成绩;等级literature 文学average 一般的,普通的;平均的challenging 具有挑战性的lunchtime 午餐时间e-mail 给…发电子邮件for free 免费extra 额外的,外加的cooking 做饭;烹饪,烹调prepare 准备drop 放弃Spanish 西班牙语;西班牙人German 德语;德国人woodwork 木工工艺miss思念,想念dessert (餐后的)甜点field 运动场,操场experience 经历,体验article 文章penfriend 笔友introduce 介绍immediately 立即,马上former从前的,以前的recently 最近,近来culture 文化develop 培养,养成photograph 照片,相片donate 捐赠,捐献;赠予gift 赠品,礼物,天份display 陈列,展览kindness 善举;好意,善意guest 客人,来宾speech 演说,演讲,讲话flat 套房bookcase 书柜,书橱attention 注意,关注pay attention to 注意please 使满意,取悦title (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名dynasty 朝代,王朝cover (书的)封面;盖子back cover (书的)封底recent 新进的,最近的professor 教授regret 遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜inform 通知,告知run 管理,经营host 主持人;主人,东道主approve 批准,通过;赞成broadcast 广播;播放preparation 准备,筹备close 亲密的;靠近的outing 短途旅行,远足continue 继续,持续poet 诗人generation 一代,一代人poem 诗,诗歌select 选择,挑选Require 要求;需要scary 让人恐慌的,吓人的nature 自然,大自然Unit 2act (戏剧的)一幕表现;行动vacation <美>假期;休假curtain 窗帘;(舞台上的)幕布surprise 使吃惊,使惊奇be supposed to 应该……,应当……bend 弯腰,屈身;(使)弯曲touch 触摸;接触do with 处理,处置*trash 垃圾explain 解释,说明mess 混乱,杂乱,一团糟sink 水池,水槽,洗碗池garbage 垃圾can 罐子,金属容器trash can <美> 垃圾桶leave 使……处于某种状态,听任charge 负责,掌管in charge负责,掌管adult 成年人reason 原因,理由trust 信任behavior <美> 行为,举止unpunished 免受惩罚的teenager (13-19岁的)青少年fault 过错,错误*slam 砰地关上go out (灯)熄灭scene (戏剧的)一场;场面;景色mad 狂怒的,疯狂的not…anymore 不再,再也不hard 苛刻的,严厉的be hard on 对…苛刻,对……要求严格now that 既然;由于rude 粗鲁的,无礼的punish 惩罚explanation 解释,说明*grown-up 成年人cash 现金*okay 好的,行的grandparent 祖父(母);外祖父(母)boring 令人厌倦的,乏味的,无聊的mark 分数;标志,记号test 测验,检测stay up 不睡觉,熬夜upset 心烦的,苦恼的使心烦,使苦恼after all 毕竟mix 混合;混淆,弄混mix up 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和score 得分interest 使……感兴趣silly 愚蠢的sincerely 真诚地*column 专栏,栏目as though 好像,似乎insist 坚持,坚持认为insist on 坚持,坚持认为cafe 咖啡馆,小餐馆Internet café网吧chat 聊天,闲谈valuable 宝贵的,珍贵的;贵重的period 时间段,时期,阶段at present 目前,当前argument 争论,辩论;论点,论据freedom 自由relationship 关系mainly 主要地;大体上suggest 建议;暗示;使想起fight 争吵,争论;打架,斗争crazy 发疯的,疯狂的like crazy 发疯似地,拼命地spare 空闲的;多余的selfish 自私的unloving 缺乏爱心的forbid 禁止truly 真诚地;真实地Unit3gym 健身房;体育馆work out 锻炼Stay 保持slim 苗条的,纤细的figure 体形,身材weight 体重;重量;杠铃片ashamed 惭愧的,羞愧的since 因为;既然weight-loss 减肥的,瘦身的exercise 锻炼,运动work 起作用,有效果,奏效*priceless 无价的,珍贵的recover 痊愈,恢复健康重新获得,恢复*liver 肝脏failure 衰退,衰竭;故障,失灵contain 包含;容纳harmful 有害的chemical 化学物质;化学药品化学的operation 手术exact 精确的,准确的match 相配的人或物,配对物匹配,相称follow 遵循,遵守,依旧advice 建议,忠告seldom 很少,不常,难得damage 损害,伤害attractive 有吸引力的,有魅力的touching动人的,感人的stranger 陌生人embarrassed 尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的pressure 压力actress 女演员overweight 肥胖的,体重超标的diet 节食;日常饮食节食,控制饮食go on diet 节食in secret 秘密地properly 适当地,合适地,合理地skinny 极瘦的,皮包骨的lift 举起consider 考虑effect 效果,作用;影响side effect 副作用fall out (头发等)脱落affect 影响sportsman 运动员achievement 成就risk 冒险post(在网上发布的)帖子put on weight 体重增加recognize 认出,识别;认可,公认*lifestyle 生活方式,生活习惯energy 能量regularly 定期地,有规律地,经常along with 连同……,随同……regular 定期的,有规律的,经常的in the long term从长远角度看yet 然而,可是skip 跳过,略过control 控制*calorie 卡路里,卡*teenage 十几岁的system 系统skin 皮肤count 算数,有效relaxed 放松的,轻松的ability 能力concentrate 集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注amount 量,数量as a matter of fact 事实上loss 丢失,损失suggestion 建议in no time 立刻,很快模块二Unit 1tale 故事,传说unexplained 无法解释的,神秘的puzzled 困惑的,茫然的step up 加紧,加强,促进search 搜索,搜寻,搜查due to由于,因为sighting 目击,目睹puzzling 令人困惑不解的*alien 外星人的外星人show up 出现,露面witness 目击者,证人目击,见证according to 根据full moon 满月multi-coloured 色彩繁多的white-skinned 白皮肤的strange-looking 怪模怪样的creature 动物;人UFO 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object的缩写)Research 研究*nightmare 噩梦,恶魔,可怕的事物frightening 令人恐惧的rule out 排除possibility 可能性look into 调查;检查make up 编造,捏造,杜撰take charge of 负责,接管case 案子,案件murder 谋杀,凶杀convincing 令人信服的evidence 证据outer 外部的,外面的outer space 外层空间,太空progress 进展,进步disappointed 感到失望的*Yeti 雪人,野人(=Abominable Snowman)*monster 怪物;怪兽treasure 财宝,财富lately 最近,近来website 网站*mysterious 神秘的*comic strip 连环漫画wild 野生的;野性的man-like 样子像人的similar 相似的,类似的hairy 多毛的,毛茸茸的villager 村民mountain climber 登山者thick 浓密的;厚的fur(动物的)皮毛,毛皮shoulder 肩,肩部national 国家的run after 追,追赶strength 力量,力气footprint 脚印state 州;国家support 支持;支撑;搀扶existence 存在on average 平均inch 英寸(长度单位)exist 存在possibly 可能*mystery 神秘,神秘的事物Unit 2adventure 冒险,冒险经历astonishing 令人惊讶的camel 骆驼dusty 尘土飞扬的,满是灰尘的local 当地的,地方的camp 宿营宿营地*torch 手电筒;火把,火炬dark 黑暗in the dark 在黑暗中uncomfortable 不舒服的,不自在的actually 实际上,事实上white-water rafting白浪漂流,激浪漂流clothing 衣服helmet 头盔life jacket 救生衣in case 万一*raft 筏子乘筏子漂流upside down 颠倒,上下翻转过来whatever 无论什么,无论何事including 包括*backpack 背包supply 供给,补给提供scare 使恐惧,惊吓up close 靠近地tiring 让人疲劳的,累人的sick 感到恶心的;患病的sunset 日落;晚霞African 非洲的非洲人bite 咬envy 羡慕;嫉妒view 景色,风景forward 向前;想着将来look forward to 期望,盼望note 便条,短信interview 采访,访问schedule 日程表,时间表,进度表sunrise 日出;朝霞dawn 黎明,拂晓surprisingly 令人惊讶地,意外地total 完全的,全然的;全部的,总计的silence 沉默;寂静cable car 缆车beauty 美;美景;美人south-west 西南方西南方的在西南方,向西南方northwards 向北*horizon 地平线;视野kingdom 王国*snow-capped (山等)顶部积雪的,带雪冠的reach 延伸,达到perfect 完美的officially 官方地,正式地publish 出版perfectly 完美地,不折不扣地county 县;郡government 政府claim 声称,宣称;要求tower 高耸,屹立;高高升起塔,塔楼form 形成,构成形状,外形Viewer 观看者,观众Speechless 无法用语言形容的;一时说不出话来的surround 包围,环绕vast 广阔的,辽阔的grassland 草原jewel 宝石heavenly 天堂般的harmony 和谐,协调,融洽provide 提供,给予endless 无穷无尽的,没完没了的Tibetan 西藏的;藏族人的西藏人,藏族人common 普通的heaven 天空;天堂mild 平和的,温和的unit3*curse 诅咒;咒语诅咒;咒骂*mummy 木乃伊explorer 探险家brave 勇敢的adventurous 喜欢冒险的;冒险的artist 艺术家bright 聪明的,伶俐的curious 好奇的;求知欲强的sail 航行;风帆set sail 启航Egyptian 埃及的,埃及人的埃及人gold 黄金preserve 保存;保护;保持discovery 发现valley 山谷,峡谷riches (复数)财富as well as 也,以及empty 倾空,倒空right away 立刻,马上strangely 奇怪地,莫名其妙地present 在场的,出席的fever 发烧,发热secretary 秘书shortly 不久,很快within 在……之内,不超过coincidence 巧合,碰巧scientific 科学的virus 病毒fresh 新鲜的disturb 打扰,扰乱result 结果,导致illness 疾病examine 检查;考察;仔细观察certain 确定的,肯定的fully 完全地,彻底地,充分地finally 最后,终于pay off 成功,带来好结果ancient 古代的,远古的compare 比较express 表达,表示childhood 童年,孩童时期airplane 飞机Organize 组织base 基地,大本营;底部;基础以……作基础*contact 联系,接触maker 制造者,制造商a great deal of 大量,许多survivor 幸存者captain 船长warning 警告;提醒iceberg 冰山survive 幸存,生还westerner 西方人once 一旦orbit 轨道绕……的轨道飞行astronaut 宇航员north-eastern 东北方的army 军队;陆军fighter 战斗机,歼击机;斗士,战士pilot 飞行员Project 工程;计划;项目,课题pick 挑选candidate 候选人,申请人survival 幸存,生还rocket 火箭prove 证明,证实*qualified 合格的,有资格的task 任务psychological 心理的,心理上的position 位置;职位Commander 指挥官,司令官,首长quality 品质;质量Successful 成功的indeed 的确,确实Manage 设法,努力,争取live 实践,身体力行********************************模块三Unit 1sense 感觉;感官;意义感觉到fog 雾weatherman 气象员truth 事实;真理observe 观察, 注意到, 观察到rest 其他,其余glance 瞥, 扫视nowhere 无处, 到处都不footstep 脚步声;脚步deserted 空无一人的;被离弃的sight 视野;视力;视觉in sight 看得到, 在视力范围之内rough粗糙的brush 轻擦,轻拂,掠过;轻轻擦拭beat (心脏)跳动fear 害怕,恐惧soft (声音)轻的, 轻柔的;软的, 柔软的wish for 盼望,企盼still 静止的,不动的darkness 黑暗second 秒;片刻reach out (手)伸出, 伸出手stare 凝视, 盯着看stare up at 抬头凝视watch out for留意,留心,密切注意step 台阶firmly 坚定地;牢牢地helper帮助者rare 稀有的, 罕见的pay back 报答, 偿还(借款)Freeze (使)僵住, 呆住be frozen with由于……而呆住confidently自信地, 信心十足地personally亲自,当面smell味道,气味,嗅觉reduce 减轻, 减少volunteer 志愿experiment 实验, 试验sniff 嗅, 闻*vanilla 香子兰豆, 香草香精unpleasant令人不快的*durian 榴莲related 相关的, 有联系的be related to和……相关,和……有联系change 变化data (datum的复数) 数据add 补充说, 补充, 添加link 联系;相关联;连接be linked to 和……有联系的, 和……有关联的make sense 有意义;有道理, 讲得通overall 总体的,全部的, 全面的, make the most of充分利用stressed 紧张的,感到有压力的blood 血, 血液blood pressure血压misuse 误用;滥用everyday 日常的;每天的television 电视touch 触觉;接触触摸;接触ignore 忽视nightshirt 睡衣deeply 深, 沉, 深深地ache 疼痛snowstorm 暴风雪can’t help (doing)禁不住(做某事),忍不住(做某事) destination 目的地warm up (使)暖和起来, (使)热身impossible 不可能的sweat出汗, 流汗汗, 汗水sudden 突然的all of a sudden突然,猛地ring out (铃声、枪声等)突然响起make progress 取得进步muscle 肌肉*transplant 移植temporarily临时地,暂时地fly 空运treatment 治疗;处理;对待hopefully 有希望地accept 接受, 接纳method 方法tap 轻拍display 展品*corridor 走廊My goodness! 天哪!whisper低声说, 耳语耳语*bang 碰撞;发出砰的响声bang into (不小心)撞着某物type 类型;型号great white shark 大白鲨movie <美>电影fierce 凶猛的,强悍的tiger shark 虎鲨bull shark 牛鲨chance可能性, 机率,机会drown 溺死, 淹死feed on 以…...为食, 吃dump 碰,撞sneak 偷偷摸摸的行为latter (两者中)后者的(两者中的)后者likely 可能的deadly 致命的wound 伤口,创伤使受伤distance 距离jewellery 珠宝shiny 发亮的,光亮的avoid 避开;避免water sports 水上运动tip 建议panic 惊慌, 恐慌stick 将……刺入lightning 闪电unit2throughout 贯穿;遍及confusing 令人迷惑的,令人不解的be made up of 由……组成,由……构成vocabulary词汇*Celtic 凯尔特语*Cermanic 日耳曼民族的*tribe 部落, 部族European 欧洲的;欧洲人的欧洲人*Angle 盎格鲁人*Saxon 撒克逊人*Jute 朱特人*invade 侵略,入侵* Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁—撒克逊语★★★★★★★*Viking 维京人, 北欧海盗*Scandinavian 斯堪的纳维亚的create 创造;创建;创作nowadays 现今, 现在official 官方的, 正式的consist 组成, 构成consist of 由……组成, 由……构成pick up 拿起,捡起lift up 拿起, 举起*Norse 挪威语*factor 因素, 要素contribute 贡献contribute to 是……的成因之一development 发展;开发*Norman 诺曼人诺曼的, 诺曼人的*conquer 征服take control of 控制, 取得对……的控制*conquest 征服*invasion 侵略rule 统治replace 替换, 代替,取代*despite 尽管*impact 巨大的影响, 冲击,碰撞servant 仆人raise 饲养ox (复数oxen)牛;公牛mutton 羊肉bacon 熏猪肉,咸猪肉,*plural 复数的ending 词尾;结尾, 结局upper上层的;上面的, 上部的class 阶级,阶层adopt 采用tongue 语言;舌头mother tongue 母语, 本国*occasion 场合,机会modern 近代的, 当代的;现代化的;时髦的;时新的include 包括*Latin 拉丁语的拉丁语Greek希腊语的;希腊人的;希腊的希腊语;希腊人pronunciation 发音, 语音*undergo经历,经受Style 风格*dialect 方言process 过程;进程depend 视……而定;依靠depend on 视……而定;取决于依赖于;依靠record记录promise 许诺, 答应许诺, 诺言difficulty 困难look up (在字典或参考书中)查找unknown 不知道的, 未知的*context 上下文, 语境disagree 意见不一, 分歧;不一致standard 标准标准的set 确定(标准等), 制定(规则等)phrase 词组,短语care about 关注,关心;在意;担心department 部门ban 禁止, 取缔pure 纯的,纯洁的spread 传播easily 容易地, 不费力地access 接近, 使用接近的机会,享用权across在…...各处,遍及*Malay 马来语;马来人,马来语的;马来人的*Tamil 泰米尔语;泰米尔人泰米尔语的;泰米尔人的racial 种族的*Hindu 印度人印度人的character (书写或印刷)符号*Chinese character汉字differ 相异, 有区别differ from 和……不同,不同于*numerous 无数的, 许多的represent 代表action 行为,动作;行动combine组合, (使)联合, (使)结合writing 文字;文学作品*pictograph象形文字drawing绘画,;绘画艺术physical 有形的;实物的;物质的square 方的,正方形的方形,正方形simplify 简化complex 复杂的as a whole 作为整体,总体上originally 最初, 原先, 起先*peak 山峰;峰eventually最后, 最终,终于turn into (使)变成reflect 反映;反射*element成分, 组成部分;元素,要素prisoner 囚犯symbol 符号;象征direction 方向opposite 相反的事物, 相对立的事物************************ indicate显示, 表示;象征, 暗示pronounc发音*pictophonetic 形声的Unit3civilization文明lecture 讲座*Roman 罗马人罗马的;罗马人的take over 夺取;接管volcano 火山erupt (火山等)爆发*lava 熔岩, 火山岩ash 火山灰;灰, 灰烬rock 岩石unfortunately 不幸地bury 埋, 埋葬;掩埋stone 石,石头*archaeologist 考古学家director主管, 负责人;主任mud 泥, 泥浆,烂泥*mosaic 马赛克body 尸体*binoculars 双筒望远镜destroy 毁坏, 摧毁house 收藏, 储藏wealthy 富有的;富裕的commercial商业的,贸易的gradually 渐渐地,逐渐地sandstorm沙尘暴, 风沙cultural 文化的institute(教育、专业等的)机构;研究所Swedish 瑞典的;瑞典人的;瑞典语的瑞典人;瑞典语ruin (常作 ruins) 废墟,遗迹remains遗迹,遗址;残留物paint (用颜料等)画;油漆pot 罐, 壶material 材料;物质document 文献;文件temple 庙, 寺庙workshop 作坊;车间enormous巨大的,庞大的*archaeological考古的, 考古学的wise 明智的;高明的;英明的heat 热;热度drive 迫使(某人生气、发疯等) passage 通道, 过道burial 埋葬*chamber (作特定用途的)房间,室burial chamber 墓室bone 骨, 骨头wooden 木制的condition 状态,状况;条件, 情形in good condition 处于良好的状态uncover 发现;揭开(盖子)feed 为……提供食物,养活*solution 解决办法faithfully 忠实地,忠诚地,Yours faithfully <英>你忠实的(正式信函末尾署名前的套语) concerned担心的,关心的;有关的citizen 市民major 主要的*military 军事的;武装的carry out 实施,执行,进行airfield 机场bomb 轰炸炸弹explode 爆炸board 甲板;木板on board 在船上(飞机或火车上) ;上船(飞机或火车) sink (使)下沉,(使)沉没airplane 飞机president 总统declare 宣布,宣告,宣称in memory of 纪念memorial 纪念馆纪念的battleship 战舰republic 共和国;共和政体empire 帝国confusion 混乱;混淆fighting 战斗;战争;打斗influence 影响emperor 皇帝unite 统一;联合;团结overthrow 推翻, 颠覆poetry 诗歌*philosophy 哲学similarity 相似点;相似,类似*likewise 同样地*route 路线, 线路trade 贸易,交易in use 使用中china 瓷器in return 作为回报*spice 香料,调味品wool 羊毛goods 商品;货物no more 不复存在;不再formation 形成reunite 重新统一;再联合模块四Unit 1advertise (为……)做广告;登广告advertisement 广告be used to对……习以为常,习惯于,适应share 分享;分担;共有persuasive 劝导性的,劝诱的;有说服力的,使人信服的*image 图像,影像;形象product 产品service 服务*billboard 广告牌promote 宣传,推广;促销,推销place 安排,放置intended (为……而)打算的(或设计的)educate 教育issue 问题, 议题welfare 福利, 福利事业complete 全部的, 完全的, 完整的law 法律lie 说谎untrue 不真实的*claim 声称, 宣称,号称aware 知道的, 明白的, 意识到的be aware of 知道, 明白,意识到even if 即使toothpaste 牙膏breath 气息;呼吸,bad breath 口臭advertiser 登广告者, 广告客户;广告商cure 治愈, 治疗customer 顾客, 消费者comment 评论, 意见, 评价connect 联系;连接fall for 上……的当,受……的骗,对……信以为真trick 骗局, 把戏;恶作剧play tricks on 欺骗,捉弄original 新颖的, 别致的,独创的;最初的, 原始的creative 具有创造性的;具有独创力的public 公众, 大众lead 过(某种生活);领导;引导nationwide 全国范围的,全国性的,campaign (社会、政治或商业等的)活动, 运动drug 毒品;药, 药物deal 处理,对付deal with 处理,对付;对待social 社会的*slogan 口号, 标语school 使受学校教育;培养,教育live 过(某种生活)smoking 吸烟,抽烟commit犯(错误),干(坏事)commit suicide自杀*suicide 自杀smart 聪明的, 精明的complete 完成satisfied 满意be satisfied with 对……感到满意schoolmate 同学trick 欺骗, 哄骗trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事publisher 出版商,出版公司reader 读者unique 独特的, 独一无二的imagination想象, 想象力*fascinating 迷人的,令人着迷的over and over again 反复地, 一遍又一遍地category 类别,种类senior 年长的;资历较深的,地位(或等级)较高的senior high 高中choice 选择recommend 推荐purchase 购买copy 一本,一册;拷贝;复印件sales (复数)销售量;销售额bar 条, 棒ice cream 冰淇淋repackaging 重新包装eye-catching 引人注目的company 公司update 更新packaging 包装in order to 为了, 以便old-fashioned 老式的, 过时的design 设计;图案, 花样设计*feature 特色, 特点Completely 完全地;彻底地commercial (电视台或电台播放的)商业广告sweet <英>糖果soft drink 不含酒精的饮料, 软饮料*snap 给……拍快照,快摄(照片)unforgettable 难忘的,无法忘记的Fashionable 时髦的,流行的Convenient 便利的, 方便的continuously 连续地,不间断地*cute 可爱的, 漂亮的,迷人的highly 很,非常;高地,高度地, up to (数量、程度等)达到functional 实用的, 有用的;功能的,机能的filling 馅;填充物*finger-licking 吮指回味地*funky <美>时髦的,别致的bored 感到厌倦的be bored with对……感到厌倦jeans 牛仔裤day and night 整天,昼夜available可买到的,可获得的build 开发,建构various 各种各样的,多样的particular 特定的;特别的Audience 受众;观众;听众;读者goal 目标,目的,target 目标, 对象;靶子media(medium的复数)媒介;媒体mailing (成批寄发的) 信件,邮件determine 确定,决定extremely 非常,极其appeal 迎合,有吸引力appeal to 迎合,对……有吸引力react 做出反应,回应gather 搜集, 收集;使聚集be concerned with 对……关心(关注或感兴趣)get sth across 传达put sth together组织,汇集;组装approach 方法,途径Unit 2sporting 体育的,运动的honourable光荣的,可敬的, 高尚的delighted 愉快的,高兴的,欣喜的significance 重要性, 重要意义briefly 简要地, 扼要地*discus 铁饼wrestling 摔跤(运动)running 跑, 跑步athlete 运动员compete 比赛;竞争unmarried 未婚的take part in 参加separate 单独的,分开的,不同的honour 尊敬, 敬意;荣誉,光荣in honour of 纪念……,向……表示敬意god 神;偶像restart 重新开始peacefully 和平地;平静地, 安宁地side by side 一起, 共同;并肩地,并排well-known 著名的, 闻名的boxer 拳击手,拳击运动员medal 奖牌,奖章,;勋章,纪念章gladly 高兴地, 乐意地light 点燃;照亮flame 火焰ceremony 仪式,典礼opening ceremony 开幕式superstar 超级明星scorer 得分运动员,得分选手distance runner长跑运动员record 纪录break the record打破纪录run 跑, 赛跑contribution 贡献make contributions to 对……做出贡献absence 缺席,没参加,不在场female 女子的,女性的table tennis 乒乓球excite 使兴奋, 使激动Asia 亚洲人亚洲的*hurdle 跨栏*Olympian 奥林匹克选手joy 喜悦,欢乐attempt 尝试,努力limit 极限;界限,限度movement 运动, 移动glorious 光辉的,光荣的,荣耀的international 国际的committee 委员会state 陈述, 说明retire 退役;退休host 主办;主持*facility 设施, 设备stadium 体育馆first-class 一流的,最好的, itself pro 它自己plenty of 许多,大量transport 交通运输系统;运输attraction 吸引人的地方或事情tourist attraction旅游景点,旅游胜地bid 申请,争取fan 爱好者, 迷pretty 相当, 颇coach 教练warm-up 热身,准备活动otherwise 否则,要不然swimmer 游泳者post 寄,邮寄centimetre 厘米net 网 ********************** *stretch 延伸;伸展court 球场origin 起源, 由来outdoors 往户外;在户外version 变体, 变种;版本physical 身体的;肉体的technique 技术, 技法,技巧opponent 对手, 竟争者leading 主导的role 作用,地位;(演员的)角色play a role in 在……中发挥作用;在……中扮演角色activity 活动joke 开玩笑requirement 要求meet 满足(需要等),达到(要求等)practice 从事, 经常做, 实践association 协会continent 洲,大陆current 目前的,当前的,现在的ensure 保证keep...under control 控制住,使……处于控制之下remove 去除,去掉;移开,拿走rugby 橄榄球*polo 马球power boating (运动项目)汽艇,摩托艇make way for 给……让路, 让位与……tae kwon do 跆拳道previous 先前的, 早先的*martial 武术的martial art 武术supporter 支持者, 拥护者branch 分支;分部*maintain 维持, 保持balance 平衡*judo 柔道*fencing 击剑*revise 修改,修正,修订involved 涉及的, 卷入的Unit 3*virtual (通过电脑)虚拟的, 模拟的virtual reality 虚拟现实reality 现实,真实*proposal 计划书,方案;提议Extraordinary 非凡的,特别的character 人物*interactive交互式的,互动的set 为(故事等)设置背景tiredness 疲劳, 疲倦, 疲惫upon 在……后立即,一……就……feeling 感觉,感情happiness 幸福, 快乐headset (戴在头上的)耳机enable 使能够3D(=three dimensional)三维的,立体的*animation 动画, 动画片monitor 监控,监视pass on 传递fingertip 手指尖via 经, 由,通过,thousands of 成千上万的sensor 传感器be connected to与……相连接give out 发出(气味、热等) opening 开口, 孔, 缺口deliver 传送,传递straw (喝饮料用的)吸管;(干的)稻草,麦秆world-famous 世界闻名的,举世闻名的Brazilian 巴西的巴西人final 决赛winning 制胜的,获胜的*sign 签(名)迹象,征兆,put forward 提出(观点、议案等) thrilled 喜不自胜的,欣喜若狂的Besides 除……以外, 包括此外firefighter 消防队员burn 燃烧, 烧battle 战役,战斗whale 鲸ant 蚂蚁fantastic 极好的, 特棒的*opportunity 机会industry 行业;工业impress给……留下深刻印象,使钦佩impression 印象*invest 投资Exhibit 展品,陈列品built-in 内置的, 嵌入式的power-free 无需用电的clay 黏土, 陶土study 研究*soya bean <英>大豆powder-free 无需洗衣粉的announce 宣布,宣告, 宣称;通知liquid 液体soap 肥皂,香皂powder 粉, 粉末showcase 展示的场所,玻璃陈列柜*responsible 负责的last but not least 最后但同样重要的programming(计算机)程序设计,编程set up 创办,建立,创立employ 雇佣;使用accuse 控告be accused of被控告犯有……罪*piracy 盗版*sue 控告, 对……提起诉讼question 询问, 讯问;怀疑close down关闭,使停业,使倒闭*bankrupt 破产的, 倒闭的file 文件popularity 流行,受欢迎*criticize 批评fade 逐渐暗淡, 逐渐消逝,逐渐消失;衰退editor 编辑therefore 因此, 所以voice 表达,吐露(感情或意见)opinion 意见, 看法in my opinion 在我看来,依我看crash (电脑)死机PC(=personal computer) 个人电脑CPU (=central processing unit)(计算机)中央处理器RAM (=random access memory) (计算机)内存*cursor 光标IT =(information technology)信息技术nephew 侄子;外甥come across 发现,(偶然)遇见central 中央的,中心的surface 表面southern 南方的,南部的hero 英雄science fiction 科幻小说(或电影等)nameless 没有名字的,无名的, 不知名的,*Victorian 维多利亚女王时代的gentle 温和的, 文雅的journey 旅行inexperienced 缺乏经验per 每, 每一rescue 营救,援救,*astrophysics天体物理学force 力量guide 操纵;带领,引导safely 安全地模块五Unit1get along 相处;进展betray 出卖,背叛primary 初步的,初级的;第一位的,主要的primary school 小学academic 学习良好的,学术的stupid 笨的,愚蠢的overlook 忽略,忽视;俯瞰afterwards 然后,后来cheerful 愉快的, 高兴的admit 承认deliberately 故意地keep one's word 信守诺言swear 发誓forgive 原谅,宽恕tease 嘲笑,取笑,奚落friendship 友谊in trouble 有麻烦,处于困难中dilemma 进退两难的处境,尴尬的处境,困境,窘境brilliant 优秀的,杰出的;灿烂的;聪明的focus 集中注意力;聚焦焦点,关注点absent-minded 心不在焉的as a result 结果yell 吼叫, 大叫mean 刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的guilty 内疚的,有罪的cruel 刻毒的,伤人的;残酷的, 残忍的stand 容忍,忍让;经受,遭受awkward 别扭的,不自然的;笨拙的outgoing 开朗的;友好的apologize 道歉bitte 怀恨的;苦的;痛苦的, athletic 适合做运动员的;健壮的,强健的,充满活力的right 权利unlikely 不太可能的blame 责备, 谴责doubt怀疑;疑惑怀疑;疑问behaviour 行为, 举止*jealou s嫉妒的,妒忌的Embarrass 使尴尬,使困窘,使不好意思,使局促不安in public 当众, 在公共场合gifted 有天赋的,有才的strength 力量, 力气;实力teammate 队友unfair 不公平的stubborn 顽固的, 固执的, 倔强的disagreement 分歧,意见不同;不调和ruin 破坏, 使毁灭delay 耽搁, 拖延,推迟mailbox 邮箱persuade 说服, 劝说badminton 羽毛球DVD 碟片(digitai versatile disk 的缩略)note 笔记;记录dentist 牙科医生algebra 代数arithmetic 算术Easter 复活节amusement 娱乐, 消遣amusement park 游乐场circus 马戏表演;马戏团take care 保重;小心,当心daily 每天的, 日常的每天,天天identity 身份discourage 阻止,劝阻;使灰心, 使气馁discourage...from doing sth 阻止做某事absurd 荒唐的,荒诞的,怪诞的essay 短文;论文;散文punishment 惩罚area 区域, 地区trying 难受的, 难熬的;恼人的anxious焦急的,焦虑的;渴望的suffer忍受痛苦;受损害, 受损失practical 实用的;实际的free 免费的line (电话等的)线路get through (电话等)接通puzzle 使困惑, 使迷惑不解apartment 房间;公寓sofa 沙发absorb 吸收;吸引absorbed 投入的,专注的,全神贯注的in the world(表示强调)究竟, 到底*horoscope 星座运势attitude 态度, 看法consistent 一致的worldwide 全世界(的) adolescent 青春期的青少年hesitate 犹豫, 迟疑不决respond 作出反应,回应,回答hesitation 犹豫, 迟疑不决one another 互相,相互regardless 不管, 不顾unit 2*economy 经济environmentalist 环境保护论者, 环境论者TV presenter 电视节目主持人*economist 经济学家debate 辩论, 争辩,争论environmental 环境的,与环境有关的Preservation 保护;保存industrial 工业的awful 可怕的poisonous 有毒的atmosphere 大气,空气;气氛,氛围flow 流动pollution 污染addition 加,增加in addition 另外wipe 擦,擦去wipe out 扫除, 消灭lay 产卵,下蛋;放置,摆放figure 数字*************** approach 接近, 靠近cut back on 削减,缩减,减少production 生产beneficial 有益的, 有利的,有帮助的expand 扩展,扩大environmentally环境上,与环境有关地gentleman 绅士,先生obvious 明显的,显而易见的situation 形势, 情形pipe 管子, 导管responsibility 责任, 职责*economic 经济的,经济上的stable 稳定的enemy 敌人key 答案;关键关键的effective 有效的inspection 检查;监督;视察willing 乐意的, 自愿的slightly 些微地, 稍微地tax 税,税收;税款向……征税;课……税open the floor 自由发言destruction 破坏, 毁灭ridiculous 荒唐的,荒谬的,可笑的run out (of) 用完,耗尽state 状态,状况, 情形shock 使震惊,使震动disappoint 使失望clean-up 打扫,清扫insect 昆虫shame 可耻的事 (或人);羞耻,羞愧lover 爱好者;情人arrest 逮捕, 拘留illegally 非法地customs [用作单数]海关officer 官员, 公务员;军官;警官arrival 到达者;到达物;到达,到来closely 仔细地,认真地feather 羽毛stomach 胃, 肚子tortoise 陆龟,龟,乌龟apparently 明显地, 显然地blanket 毯子resource 资源limited 有限的statement 声明, 陈述forcefully 强有力地clap 鼓掌,拍手desertification 沙漠化,荒漠化farmable 可耕种的,可耕作的nation 国家, 民族*combat 战斗,抗击Convention 公约, 协定;习俗, 惯例establish 建立, 创立,设立fence 栅栏, 篱笆dirt 尘土;污物bush 灌木, 矮树decrease 减少['di:kri:s]减少north-east 东北方(的)in the form of以……的形式stock 装备,储备be stocked with 装备有……,储备有……technical 技术的equipment 设备, 器材;装备technician 技术人员, 技师anti-desertification 抗沙漠化measure 措施,方法management 管理,经营usage 使用;用法level 层次;级别;水平, 程度pick out 找出,挑选raise 引发,提出concern 关心, 关注nationally 全国范围地internationally 全世界范围地rapid 迅速的, 飞快的agricultural 农业的growth 增长, 生长ton 吨(重量单位)untreated 未经处理的*sewage 污水, 废水*deposit 使淤积,使沉积;存放rely 依靠,依赖rely on 依靠,依赖wildlife 野生动植物result in 导致(结果)unsafe 不安全的, 危险的lead to 导致(结果)ecology 生态, 生态学thankfully 幸运的是importance 重要性organization 组织non-governmental 非政府的, 非官方的advise 建议,劝告illegal 违法的,非法的hunt 打猎, 猎捕endanger 危及, 使……面临危险under way 在进行中focus on 集中,关注conservation 保护;保存assess 评估, 评价diverse 各种各样的,不同的range 范围dolphin 海豚white-flag dolphin 白海豚mammal 哺乳动物reserve保护区;保留保留,保存nature reserve 自然保护区remain 留存,剩余;逗留;仍然是reach 河段,水域prohibit 禁止concerning 关于, 涉及effort 努力appreciate 赞赏,欣赏,赏识unit 3versus 与……相对announcement 宣告,通告,通知clone 克隆*embryo 胚胎on the one hand 一方面point out 指出tissue (生物的)组织organ 器官mankind 人类*interfere 干涉, 干预, 干扰real-life 现实生活中的cell 细胞normal 正常(的),常规(的);标准(的)in general 一般来说,总体而言praise 表扬,赞扬,表彰breakthrough 突破Scottish 苏格兰的intention 意图, 目的;企图anxiety 忧虑, 焦虑, 不安saleswoman 女售货员desperate 不顾一切的,拼命的adopt 收养, 领养*genetically 从基因上来说地ahead 往前,向前push ahead with 义无反顾地进行努力推进deliver 生产(婴儿);接生stem cell 干细胞medical 医学的,医疗的succeed 成功goat 山羊benefit 有利于,使……受益利益,福利,好处totally 完全地, 彻底地immoral 不道德的consequence 结果,后果superhuman 超人的race 种族end up 以……告终sale 出售,销售for sale 供出售,待销售use up 用完, 耗尽surely 当然, 肯定comment 评论, 点评,。
Kinetic freeze-out with resonances动力学冻结和共振-PPT课件
Calculate primordial and resonance spectra at the same kinetic freezeout temperature.
Have resonance spectra decay; treat 2 body, 3 body and consecutive decays.
– flat rapidity – box source profile: β= βS(r/R)n Particles included: – , K, p, K*, K0S, ω , η, η’, ρ, s, Σs, Ω
Particles included in the fit (0-5%, 200 GeV Au-Au):
Levente Molnar, Purdue University
p spectra
• Main contribution: , , • Inclusive and primordial spectrum shapes are similar • Gradual increase towards low pT
Levente Molnar, Purdue University
- spectra
• Main contribution: ρ, , , ’, Δ • At low pT: ρ, contributes significantly • At higher pT: ρ dominates
Levente Molnar, Purdue University
Model description
超级大坏蛋电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好-可打印)至今我的生活是这样的:Here's my day so far:蹲过大牢失去过梦中情人Went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams,被狠狠扁过and got my butt kicked pretty good.仍然事情变得更加糟糕Still, things could be a lot worse.噢对了Oh, that's right.我就要摔成肉饼了I'm falling to my death. 不是吧Guess they can't.你也许会问怎会如此结局?How'd it all come to this, you ask?结局早已是注定的My end starts at the beginning.从最初就注定了The very beginning.是的那就是我Yes, that's me.我有一个非常正常的童年I had a fairly standard childhood.我出生于你们所说的破碎的家庭I came from, what youmight call, a broken home.字面意义上的破碎Literally broken.我在八天大的时候我还和我的双亲在一起I was eight days old and still living with my parents.很悲剧吧How sad is that?显然这个时候该改变了Clearly it was time to move on.这是你的跟班他会照顾你的Here is your minion. He will take care of you. 还有这个是你的奶嘴And here is your binky.你的命运是...You are destined for...我没有听清楚最后的那一部分不过听起来很重要I didn't quite hear that last part, but it sounded important....二一 - 命运是啥?...two, one. - Destined for what?我出发去寻找我的人生I set out to find my destiny.另一个格兰普象限的小鬼与我的想法完全一致Turns out a kid from the Glaupunkt quadrant had the exact same idea.就是那天我遇到了大好人先生...That was the day I met Mr. Goody Two- Shoes......那时我们闪亮的人生轨迹开始了...and our glorious rivalry was born.难道这个就是我命运? Could this be what I was destined for?奢华的梦幻般的生活A dream life filled with luxury. 显然不是的Apparently not.就连命运也会按喜好挑选Even fate picks its favorites.没啥No big deal.一个截然不同的人生等着我A much different fate awaited me.宝宝真体贴A baby! How thoughtful.噢是的是的我看到了它就想到了你Oh, yes. Yes, I saw it and thought of you.幸运的是我找到了一个小小的一个叫家的地方Luckily I found a lovely little place to call home.我们能留下它么Can we keep it?这个地方教育我对和错A place that taught me the differences between right...的区别...and wrong.大好人先生Mr. Goody Two- Shoes, on the other hand,过着衣来伸手饭来张口的日子had life handed to him on a silver platter.我们的宝宝会飞呀Our baby can fly.是的是的你的宝宝最强了亲爱的Yes, yes, nothing but the best for you, darling.飞行能力刀枪不入无敌发型The power of flight, invulnerability, and great hair.我又更加更加强的本领But I had something far, far greater.强大的智慧......My amazingintellect......我有能制造破坏力超强的工具...and knack for building objects of mayhem.在几年的良好表现后After a few years, and with some time off for good behavior,我有机会能继续深造了...I was given an opportunity to better myself through learning......通过一个叫学校的奇怪地方 a strange place called shool. 在那里我再次遇到了大好人先生It was there that I once again ran into Mr. Goody Two- Shoes.在那里他已经有了他的脑残粉丝团了He had already amassed a gigantic army of soft- headed groupies.他用美味食物He bought their affections with showmanship收买友情and extravagantgifts of deliciousness.所以我也要做爆米花然后赢得这群盲目份子的喜爱So I, too, will make this popp- ed corn and win over those mindless drones.熄灯Lights out.从那时我学到了艰辛的一课:That's when I learned a very hard lesson:好人总是受到爱戴Good receives all the praise and adulation,干坏事的就是要去蹲墙角while evil is sent to quiet- time in the corner.看来我无法合群So fitting in wasn't really an option.当他们在学唱儿歌时...While they were learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider......我在学习如何将生物脱水然后再按照意愿水化它们...I learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will.有些时候觉得只有小跟班和我在一起与全世界为敌Some days, it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world.不管我怎么努力No matter how hard Itried,我永远都不合群I was always the odd man out,是剩下的那个the last one picked,永远一团糟是老鼠屎the screw- up, the black sheep...瞄准他!Get him!...坏孩子 - 怪胎! ...the bad boy. - Freak!傻逼!Weirdo!这就是我的命运吗? Was this my destiny? 等等也许没错Wait, maybe it was.当坏蛋不就是我最拿手的吗Being bad is the one thing I'm good at.我恍然大悟如果我是个坏孩子Then it hit me: If I was the bad boy,我就要当最坏的那个then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all.我命中注定会成为超级大坏蛋I was destined to bea super- villain,我们生来就是对手and we were destinedto be rivals.生死已注定The die had been cast,我那不朽史诗般的终身事业就这样开始了and so began an enduring, epic, lifelong career.我爱这份工作And I loved it.我们的恩怨越来越错综复杂Our battles quickly got more elaborate.他赢了几次He would win some.我也不逊色I would almost win others. 他的名号是曼城卫士蛮城的守护者He took the name Metro Man, defender of Metrocity.我打算取一个低调点的名字超级大坏蛋I decided to pick something a little more humble: Megamind...不可比拟的英俊的犯罪天才一切罪恶的主人...incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy.超级大坏蛋下班了再看开门Read on your own time. Open up.- 嘿 - 呸- Hey! - Boo!噢早上好典狱官Oh, good morning, Warden.好消息哦我改过自新了Great news: I'm a changed man, and...作为合格的公民我可以重返社会了...and I'm ready to re- enter society as a solid citizen.你是个恶棍而且永远是个恶棍You're a villain, and you'll always be a villain.你根本没有改过也就别想着离开You'll never change, and you'll never leave.你真搞笑You're fun.有人给你寄了份礼物You got a present in the mail.是狗狗吗Is it a puppy?曼城卫士给你的 "希望你珍惜85次无期徒刑的每分每秒"From Metro Man. "To count every second of your 85 life sentences."真好玩没想到曼城卫士也会幸灾乐祸That's funny. Neverthought Metro Man was the gloating type.噢但他品位的确不错我帮你保管吧Oh, but he does have nice taste. I think I'll keep it.能不能不要拖延我的时间了Any chance you could give me the time?今天曼城卫士博物馆开放我不想迟到I don't want to be late for the opening of the Metro Man Museum.噢不看来你要错过了Oh no. Looks like you're gonna miss it, 错过好几千年by several thousand years.噢是吗Oh, am I?曼城曼城卫士日快乐Happy Metro Man Day, Metro City.在这美丽的日子美丽的城市It's a beautiful day in beautiful downtown,我们有幸向这个美丽的人致敬曼城卫士where we're here to honor a beautiful man, Metro Man.他的心胸似海洋但更宽广His heart is an oceanthat's inside abigger ocean.这些年他用他的超视力一直看护着我们For years he's been watching us with his super- vision,用他的超能力解救我们用他那超宽广的爱心照顾我们saving us with his super- strength and caring for us with his super- heart.现在我们回报他的时候到了Now it's our turn to give something back.这里是洛克斯安瑞驰This is Roxanne Ritchi, reporting live 在曼城卫士博物馆落成典礼现场发回的报道from the dedication of the Metro Man Museum.喔好的刚才他们让你在广播里念的那一段Wow. OK, the stuff they make you read on- air,真难以置信都疯狂了that's un- freaking- believable. It's crazy.那是我自己写的哈尔I wrote that piece myself, Hal.其实我想说的是What I was trying tosay was,在现代社会里I can't believe that in our modern society,还能出现艺术的美感真是难得啊they let, like, actual art get onto the news.补救的不错啊哈尔- Nice save, Hal. - What are we...我们去喝杯咖啡什么的吧Like, let's just get a coffee or something.拜托今天是曼城卫士节的大日子Come on, it's time to get in the Metro Man Day spirit.如果我是曼城卫士的话Well, if I were Metro Man,决不会让超级大坏蛋绑架你那么多次Megamind wouldn't be kidnapping you all the time.- 这是最最最重要的事 - 你真贴心哈尔- That's the first thing. - That's sweet, Hal.我会像澳洲野犬照顾孩子一样看着你And I'd be watching you, like a dingo watches a human baby.好吧那听起来... OK, that sounded...- 好吧那听起来有点怪 - 是的确实有一点- OK, that sounded a little weird. - A little bit. Yeah.你的鬼脸让我也感到怪怪的And you're making a weird face, andthat's making me feel weird.重点是我会看着你就像...The point is, I would watch you like someone...不是爱我们又没恋爱我不是说我爱你Not love. We're not in love. I'm not saying I love you.嘿不管怎么样我爱你Hey, I love you. Whatever.但是我又没有说就像我爱着你我是说... But I'm not saying like I'm in love with you. I'm saying...洛克斯安洛克斯安Roxanne? Roxaroo?- 什么...什么 - 嘿...- Whoa... What? - Hey...好好上班政府花钱又不是让你游手好闲的Get back to work. The city doesn't pay youto loaf.- 不许动! - 同志们你们要干什么- Freeze! - Whoa. What are you doing, guys?是我我是典狱官It's me! It's the warden.喂开门Hey! Open up!不你们这些笨蛋我们被他耍了No, you fools. He's tricked us.你说得没错You were right.我一直都会是个大坏蛋I'll always be a villain.哎呀帅哥要搭你一程不Well, hello good- Iooking. Need a lift?当然要啊你这条聪明绝顶的鱼Certainly do, you fantastic fish, you.- 快上车吧 - 我自由了- Get in the car, you. - I'm free!是吗Right?你送我的手表太赞了小跟班Nice work sending me the watch, Minion.- 那还用说老板 -用力打- You got it, boss. - Punch it!成功大家一起来举起双手All right, put your hands in the air.女士们先生们欢迎曼城卫士Ladies and gentlemen, your Metro Man!- 你们在等谁 - 曼城卫士!- Who's your man? - Metro Man!是的曼城!Yeah, Metro City!来吧举高你们的手Gimme some. Come on. Give it now. 把手都给我来吧很好Give it to me. Right on. Gimme the good stuff. All right.嘿曼城Hey, Metro City.嘿嘿Hey. Hey.你们都知道你们都知道我是很低调的You know, you know, I just want to bring it down a bit.小伙子们小点声谢谢你们朋友们Boys, a little lower. Thank you, fellas.现在来点实际的Let's get real for a moment.对的对的对的That's right. That's right. That's right.尽管有了博物馆是非常非常酷的事情Although getting a whole museum is super- cool, is super- cool,但你们知道我最大荣誉是什么吗you want to know what the greatest honor you've given me is?你们真的想知道吗真的吗Do you really want to know? Really?那我来告诉你们I'll tell you. 你们给我的最大荣誉就是...The greatest honor you've given me is letting me serve you,...让我为你们服务帮助曼城的市民the helpless people of Metro City.每天结束的时候And at the end of every day,我常常问自己well, I often ask myself...如果没有你们我会是谁?...who would I be without you?- 我爱你曼城卫士! - 我也爱你们市民朋友- I love you, MetroMan! - And I love you, random citizen.我跟你说小跟班没什么能比得上自己的邪恶老窝了I tell you, Minion. There's no place like evil lair.我特地为您保持潮湿阴冷I've kept it cold and damp just for you, sir.我看起来怎样小根班? 我看起来很邪恶不? How do I look, Minion? Do I look bad?先生您恐怖得一塌糊涂Disgustingly horrifying, sir. 你的小嘴儿越来越甜了You always know what to say.噢我的脑蝇当然想你们啦Oh, the brain- bots certainly missed you, sir.想你们的老爹不那个最调皮的捣蛋鬼呢Did you miss your daddy? Who's a menacing little cyborg?是你啊是的就是你不许咬You are. Yes, you are. No biting.不不不不不No, no, no, no, no,no.要扳手吗? 去捡回来吧You want the wrench? Go get the wrench.- 噢快看 - 现在欢笑又回来了- Oh, look at that. - Now, back to laughing.她快醒了快准备干活She's awake. Quick, to work.瑞驰小姐我们又见面了Miss Ritchi, we meet again.把袋子洗了你会死啊Would it kill you to wash the bag? 瑞驰小姐你就扯起嗓子喊吧You can scream all you wish, Miss Ritchi.你喊破喉咙也不会有人听见的I'm afraid no one can hear you.为...为什么你不叫啊Wh... Why isn't she screaming?瑞驰小姐如果你不介意的话Miss Ritchi, if you don't mind?就像这样...Like this...但是那是可怜女士的叫法But that's, that's apoor lady scream.他比我擅长些He's a little better.这个是不是在那个傻叉超级恶棍网站上Is there some kind of nerdy super- villain Web site搞到的特斯拉线圈和闪光按键where you get Tesla coils and blinky dials?事实上大部分都是从...Actually, most of it comes from an outlet store in...不要接话Don't answer that. - 罗马尼亚买的 - 不要停- Romania. - Don't! Stop!她在用她那记者的小伎俩She's using her nosy reporter skills从你不设防的脑袋里挖掘我们的秘密on your weak- willed mind to find out all our secrets.这点小伎俩对我没用Such tricks won't work on me...- 能再说慢点吗 - 妖精- Please talk slower. ...temptres s.你有什么秘密一眼就看穿了What secrets? You're so predictable.看穿了看穿了Predictable? Predictable?噢你叫这个看穿了Oh, you call this predictable?你的短吻鳄嘛是的Your alligators. Yes.耶在来的路上我就想到了Yeah, I was thinking about it on the way over.那这个呢砰在你脸上What's this? Boom! In your face.- 陈词滥调 - 不看这个- Cliche. - No! Look, watch.- 幼稚 - 震撼吧- Juvenile. - Shock and awe.- 没新意 - 噢这多可怕啊- Tacky. - Oh, it's so scary!- 见过了 - 那这个呢- Seen it. - What's this one do?浮夸Garish.- 好吧蜘蛛还有点新意 - 蜘蛛?- OK, the spider'snew. - Spider?是的蜘蛛Yes. The... The spee- ider.即使被这只致命黑寡妇咬一小口Even the smallest bite from Arachnis deathicus就会彻底瘫掉...will instantly paralyze...帮我赶走它在咬我Get it off! It bit me!放弃吧超级大坏蛋你的计划就没成功过Give it up, Megamind. Your plans never work.别浪费时间了赶紧给男朋友打电话吧Let's stop wasting time and call your boyfriend in tights, shall we?很荣幸的能把这个新博物馆献给给曼城卫士It is with great pleasure that I present to Metro Man his new museum.有请If you please.- 曼城卫士! - 嘿我孩子看不见- Metro Man! - Hey! My kid can't see.- 超级大坏蛋 - 噢好极了曼城卫士- Megamind! - Oh, bravo, Metro Man.呸!Boo!没错我一起玩呸Yes, I can play along too. Boo!我早知道你会来闹场子Should've knownyou'd try to crash the party.噢不仅仅是闹场子这么简单Oh, I intend to do more than crash it.今天会让你和蛮城都会很难忘This is a day you and Metrocity shall not soon forget.是读作曼城! It's pronounced Metro City!吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮Potato- tomato, potato- tomato.我们都知道结局会怎么样那就是你再次入狱We all know how this ends: With you behind bars.正在我的海豹皮靴里发抖呢I'm shaking in my custom baby seal leather boots.你就要永别蛮城了不然的话这是你最后一次You will leave Metrocity, or this will be the last听到洛克斯安瑞驰讲话了you ever hear of Roxanne Ritchi.洛克斯安不要慌洛丝Roxanne! Don't panic, Roxie.- 我马上就到 - 是的我不慌张- I'm on my way. - Yeah, I'm not panicking.要想阻止我你先找到我吧曼城卫士In order to stop me, you need to find me first, Metro Man.我们在废弃的瞭望台We're at the abandoned observatory.不不是的No, we're not!不要听她的她疯掉了Don't listen to her. She's crazy.曼城卫士就要到了先生Metro Man approaching, sir.等等Hold on a second.噢我的天Oh, good heavens!你没想到我们是在真的瞭望台吧You didn't think you were in the real observatory, did you?准备发射死亡射线小跟班Ready the death ray, Minion.死亡射线准备发射Death ray, readying.看这里我的老朋友Over here, old friend.友情提醒下你掉进我的陷阱啦In case you haven't noticed, you'vefallen right into my trap.你无法打败正义这是一种理想一种信念You can't trap justice. It's an idea, a belief. 就算最虔诚的信念也会被时间所侵蚀Even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time.正义是耐腐蚀的金属Justice is a non- corrosive metal.但是金属能被复仇的火焰融化But metals can be melted by the heat of revange.是仇恨最好冷冻起来It's "revenge," and it's best served cold.但能用微波炉方便的进行加热But it can be easily reheated in themicrowave of evil.我想保修期快到了吧Well, I think your warranty is about to expire.或许我能延长保修期Maybe I got an extended warranty.不正确使用该产品保修是无效的Warranties are invalid if you don't use the product for its intended purpose.噢姑娘们姑娘们你们都很漂亮我能回家了不Oh, girls, girls, you're both pretty. Can I go home now? 当然可以了如果曼城卫士抗住Of course. That is, if Metro Man can withstand the full,太阳的聚光concentrated power of the sun!发射Fire!小跟班发射Minion. Fire?- 先生还在预热中 - 你说什么?- It's still warming up, sir. - Come again?- 预热中先生 - 预热中太阳还要预热- Warming up, sir. - Warming up? The sunis warming up?就一下下...One second more and......就一下下一下下一下下下下下... ...just tippy- tappy tippy- tap- tap, tip- top more,- 我们马上就准备... - 说实话- and we are ready in just... - Honestly!我就来了洛丝On my way, Roxie.都跟你说了要准备好都说了无数次了I told you to have things ready. I told you countless times. 为嘛老是怪我Why do you always blame me?蜘蛛毒让我开始抽风My spider bite is acting up.你的计划又打了水漂了承认吧Your plan is failing. Just admit it.是啊希望下次能行Yeah, good luck with that one.你站哪边Whose side are you on?- 输的一边 - 谢谢- The losing side. - Thank you.能给我的绑架贵宾卡上多积一分吗Could someone stamp my Frequent Kidnapping Card?这个活动早就到期了You of all people know we discontinued that promotion.- 各位再见了 - 下周老时间见吗- Ciao- ciao, all! - Same time next week?见鬼! 金刚罩!Dag! Crab nuggets!- 他在讲啥 - 金刚罩- What did he just say? - "Crab nuggets"?天啊我飞不出去Fackled fishcracker! 还剩十秒Ten seconds to full power.- 天呐我困住了 - 十...- Good lord, I'm trapped. - Ten...- 他又搞什么东东 - 九...- what kind of trickery isthis? ...nine...- 你这个疯子 ...八...- You madgenius. ...eight...- 你终于得逞了 ...七...- Your dark gift has finally paidoff. 有吗? ...六...- It... Ithas? ...six...这个穹顶镀了铜This dome is obviously lined with copper.- 是的怎样 - 先生...- Yeah? So? - Sir...- 铜耗尽了我的能量 ...二...- Copper drains my powers. ...two...- 你的弱点居然是铜 ...一...- Your weakness is copper? 开玩笑吧 - 充满- You're kidding, right? - Full power. 我觉得他这次死翘翘了I don't think even he could survive that.还是不抱希望吧Well, let's not get our hopes up just yet.- 快快看 - 曼城卫士!- Look! - Metro Man!曼城卫士Metro Man.曼城卫士!Metro Man!- 你做到了先生 -我做到了吗- You... You did it, sir. - I did it?他做到了He did it.- 我做到了 - 他做到了- I did it? - He did it.- 你做到了先生 -我做到了- You did it, sir. - I did it!- 你做到了 - 我做到了蛮城是我的啦- You did it! - I did it! Metrocity is mine!- 你做到了先生 -我做到了是的我我- You did it, sir! - I did it! Yeah, me, me!- 是的我做到了 - 我们我们一起做到了- Yes, I did it! - Us! We both did it!- 不是我们是我 -你比我做的- Not us! I! - You, a little more- 多那么一点 - 比你多的多- than me but still, come on! - A lot more than you.他们什么时候颁奖When they're giving out the awards,- 我跟在你后面 - 什么奖什么奖为啥颁奖- I'm gonna be right there next to you. - What awards? What awards, for what?放音乐Hit it!放下武器Drop 'em!首先真是惊天大逆转啊First off, what a turnout.很疯狂吧How wild is this?我所做的就是铲除了全宇宙最强悍的人All I did was eliminate the most powerful man in the universe.还有什么问题吗是的后面那位Are there any questions? Go on. Yes! You in the back.我肯定大家都想知道你会怎么处置我们和这座城市I'm sure we'd all like to know what you plan to do with us and this city.很好真高兴你问这个问题Good, I'm glad you asked that.想想下你们能想到的最恐怖Imagine the most horrible, terrifying,最邪恶的事情evil thing you can possibly think of,然后再乘以...六and multiply it... by six!同时In the meantime,你们可以继续过你们无聊的I want you to carry on with the dreary, normal things柴米油盐酱醋茶的生活you normal people do.享受这样的生活吧Let's just have fun with this. Come on.我会回来的And I will get back to you.现在狠狠地甩门Now slam the door really hard.他们...还是能看到你啊They... They canstill see you.- 现在呢 - 是的还是能看到啊- Now? - Your elbow's still in.很好Good.他来了邪恶之王There he is, Mr. Evil Overlord噢小跟班你有想过今天吗Oh, Minion, did you think this day would ever come?没有完全没先生No way. Not at all,sir.从没过个万把年也没... 我的意思是Never. Never in a million... I mean...- 是的我想过 - 看看这精美的吊顶- Yes, I did. - Look at the intricate mouldings.在看呢在看呢I'm looking. I'm looking.这是啥And what's this?看上去像基地里的大监视器It's like one of the giant monitors in the lair. 但好像只有一个画面啊But it seems to only carry one station.哦那啊主人那个叫做窗户Oh, that, sir, is called a window.- 窗户... - 所有孩子从这里往外看- Window? - All the kids are looking through them.哦我以前从没看到过风景I've never had a view before.蛮城小跟班这都是我的了Metrocity, Minion, it's all mine.如果我的父母现在能看到我的话If my parents could see me now.先生我肯定他们在坏蛋的天平向您微笑Sir, I'm sure they're smiling down from evil heaven.现在大好人先生被铲除了And now that Mr. Goody Two- Shoes is out of the way,我有了我想要的一切了I can have everything I want,而且没人能阻止我了and there's no one to stop me! 我知道我知道I know. I know.一直饥渴永远都得不到满足Always thirsty, never satisfied.我能理解漂亮的小小小小鸟I understand you, little well- dressed bird.无目标空虚啊都成真空了啊难道不是吗Purposeless, emptiness. It's a vacuum, isn't it?是啊... 你的空虚像什么It's... What's your vacuum like?嘿嘿嘿嘿现在不行小跟班Hey, hey, hey, hey! Not now, Minion.我和这死鱼眼的塑料玩具I'm in a heated, existential discussion正在进行关于存在的激烈辩论?with this dead- eyed, plastic desk toy.有...有什么不对吗先生Is... Is something wrong, sir?想想Just think about it.我们有了一切We have it all. 然而我们一无所有Yet, we have nothing.现在没有挑战了It's just too easy now.抱歉我很迷惑先生I'm sorry, you've lost me, sir.我的意思是我们做到了不是吗I mean, we did it, right?是啊是你做到了啊Well, you did it, sir.是的你说得非常清楚Yes, you've made that perfectly clear.那为什么我感觉这么...这么的不给力呢Then why do I feel so... mel- on- choly.不给力"Mel- on- choly"?- 不高兴 - 好吧... - Unhappy. - Well...那我们明天What if tomorrow,去绑架洛克斯安瑞驰好不we could go kidnap Roxanne Ritchi.那一直对您都很给力您不是一直觉得这样很给力吗That always seems to lift your spirits.好主意小跟班但没有他又有什么意思呢Good idea, Minion. But without him, what's the point?- 他? 先生? - 没啥- "Him," sir? - Nothing.好吧那么那就...当是考虑下吧OK, all right. We'll just... that's something to consider......还有...我想我们先休整下...and... Well, I think I'll just power down for a while then.他总是在那里保护我们那么可依靠He was always there for us. Dependable.也许我们认为他就应该这样你们知道的也许Perhaps we took him for granted. You know, maybe,直到失去我们才懂得他的珍贵we never really know how good we have it until it's gone.我们想念你曼城卫士我想你We miss you, Metro Man. I miss you.我还有一个问题要问超级大坏蛋现在你满意了吧And I have just one question for Megamind: Are you happy now? 这是洛克斯安瑞驰在没有英雄的城市为您报道This is Roxanne Ritchi, reporting from a city without a hero.接下来你想成为奴隶大军吗你们该知道......Coming up next, are you ready to be a slave army? What you need to know.包起来当是孩子的圣诞礼物吧And... wrap that up and give it to a child on Christmas,- 我们收工了 - 好了明天见哈尔- 'cause we're done.- OK. See you tomorrow, Hal.等等洛丝我家正要办个聚会Wait. Roxie, I'm having a party at my house.就算是放松一下什么的It's gonna be, like, off the hook, or whatever.你应该来玩玩我找了个DJYou should come over.I got a deejay,租了个气垫房子搞了酒rented a bouncy house, made a gallon of dip.很不错的捏It's gonna be sick.噢我...我不知道哈尔Oh. I... I don't know, Hal.我不想去人多的地方I don't really feel like being around a bunch of people.不不不那最好了因为只有你和我No, no, no, that's the best part. It'll just be like you and me.嗷那很吸引人啊Wow. That... that's certainly very tempting, but...我还请了个婚礼摄影师I did hire a wedding photographer. That's just in case we were like,只是以防我们会做什么疯事something crazy happened and we wanted a picture of it.就像是拍一张当纪念你知道的Like, maybe we should have this for, like, ever. Like a memory, you know?我还是不去了I'm gonna pass.还有些工作要做好了再见I have some work here that I need to do, anyway.好吧周四呢周四可以考虑不Cool. So Thursday? Soft Thursday?- 晚安哈尔 - 那就是说周四还是可以啦- Good night, Hal. - That's a soft yes on Thursday.我是怎么想的? 租了间气垫房子?What's wrong with me? Rented a bouncy house?姑娘们都不喜欢气垫房子Chicks don't like bouncy houses.他们比较喜欢小丑They like clowns.笨蛋车把我的手都弄破了Stupid van! You broke my finger!我铸成了大错I've made a horrible mistake.我无心要毁掉你的I didn't mean to destroy you.我的意思是我曾经想要毁掉你I mean, I meant to destroy you,但没想到会成功but I didn't think it would really work.我们该怎么办?What are we supposed to do? 没有你恶魔们在街上会泛滥成灾的Without you, evil is running rampant through the streets.我已经厌倦了在大街上捣乱I'm so tired of running rampant through the streets.干嘛要做坏人What's the point of being bad如果没有好人来阻止你?when there's no good to try and stop you?一定要找人去阻止超级大坏蛋Someone has to stop Megamind.- 嘿我们快撞了 -你吓到我了- Hey, we're closing soon. - You scared me.- 巴里对吗? - 伯纳德- Barry, right? - Bernard.伯纳德刚才我只是... 呃我在自言自语Bernard. I was just... Well, I was talking to myself.你可能认为我有点不对劲You probably thinkI'm a little bit nuts.我不可以直接冒犯客人I'm not allowed to insult guests directly.谢谢你只是... 伯纳德我想再待一会儿Thank you. Just... Bernard, I'll just be another minute.好吧OK.谢谢Thanks.我还有好多邪恶计划I had so many evil plans in the works.傻瓜光线The illiteracy beam.台风奶酪Typhoon cheese.机械绵羊Robo- sheep.后无来者的较量Battles we will now never have.我连道别的机会都没有You know, I never had the chance to say goodbye.所以只好趁现在了So it's good that we have this time now.摧毁这里之前You know, before I destroy the place.我对事不对人只是这地方给我太多痛苦回忆Nothing personal, it just brings back too many painful memories.有人吗?Hello?- 有人吗? - 是洛克斯安- Hello? - Roxanne.- 你的戏服真是俗不可耐 - 戏服?- That's a pretty tasteless costume. - Costume?超级大坏蛋的头也没弄得这么夸张Megamind's head is not that grossly exaggerated.你居然还做了这么劣质的脱水枪仿制品多么...And you even made acheap replica of his dehydration gun. How...你好? 有人吗? Hello? Is someone there?你好? 谁在那里啊? Hello? Who's there?伯纳德是你啊It's just you, Bernard.对啊只有我一个伯纳德Yes. It's just me. Bernard.好吧谢谢你让我在这透透气Well, thank you for letting me stay.听着如果我是你的话我不会停留超过2分钟37秒Look, I wouldn't stay here for more than two minutes and 37 seconds我们准备拆墙和天花板if I were you. We're having the walls and ceiling removed.哇听起来是一次大翻新耶Wow, that sounds like quite the renovation.那我和你一起下去好了I guess I'll catch a ride down with you then.我一直在想他最后关。
AE中particular插件中英文对照(一)Emitter(发射器)Particular/sec (粒子/秒)——每秒钟发射粒子的数量。
Emitter Type(发射器类型)——它决定发射粒子的区域和位置。
Point(点)——从一点发射出粒子Box(盒子)——粒子会从立体盒子中发射出来,(Emitter Size中XYZ是指发射器大小)Sphere(球形)——和Box很像,只不过发射区域是球形Grid(网格)——(在图层中虚拟网格)从网格的交叉点发射粒子Light(灯光)——(要先新建一个Light Layer)几个Light Layer可以共用一个Particular。
Layer——使用合成中的3D图层生成粒子,Layer Grid——同上,发射器从图层网格发射粒子,像Grid一样。
Directional(特定方向)——(如枪口喷射)通过调节X、Y、Z Rotation来实现。
Outwards (远离中心)——粒子会始终向远离发射点的方向移动。
Direction Spread(方向拓展)——可以控制粒子发射方向的区域。
Velocity Random——每个粒子Velocity的随机性会随机增加或者减小每个粒子的Velocity。
Velocity Distribution()—— Velocity from Motion(速度跟随运动)——粒子在向外运动的同时也会跟随发射器的运动方向运动。
2.当我们使用Custom Particular(定制粒子)时,意味着我们可以使用任何图像作为粒子。
Particular Generater(粒子生成器)是用来生成和控制粒子的工具。
Particular界面(默认设置)Emitter(发射器)Particular/sec (粒子数量/秒)—100—每秒钟发射粒子的数量。
Emitter Type(发射器类型)——它决定发射粒子的区域和位置。
Point(点)——从一点发射出粒子Box(盒子)——粒子会从立体盒子中发射出来,(Emitter Size中XYZ是指发射器大小)Sphere(球体)——和Box很像,只不过发射区域是球形Grid(网格)——(在图层中虚拟网格)从网格的交叉点发射粒子Light(灯光)——(要先新建一个Light Layer)几个Light Layer可以共用一个Particular。
Layer(图层)——使用合成中的3D图层生成粒子,Layer Grid(图层网格)——同上,发射器从图层网格发射粒子,像Grid(网格)一样。
Position位置XYPosition位置Z 0Position Subframe位置子帧Linear(线性)10xLinear(10x线性)10x Smooth(10x平滑)Exact(slow)精确(慢)Direction(方向)Uniform(统一)——任一粒子发射类型发射粒子时,会向各个方向移动。
Directional(方向)——(如枪口喷射)通过调节X、Y、Z Rotation来实现。
化学常用词汇表2015/8/17 23:54:00第一单元粒子和提纯“unit1 particles and purification”state 状态matter 物质substance 物质particle 粒子atom 原子molecule 分子ion 离子chemical means 化学方法volume 体积container 容器pattern 式样vibrate 震动slide 滑动random 随机的rapidly 迅速的vigorously 剧烈的melt 熔化boil 沸腾condense 液化;冷凝freeze 凝固;冻结diffusion 扩散kinetic particle theory 粒子动理论concentrated 浓的collide 碰撞bounce 反弹cotton wool 棉花reaction 反应stop-clock 秒表;停表precision 精密度Celsius degrees 摄氏度Thermometer 温度计Centimetres cubed 立方厘米decimetres cubed 立方分米chromatography 色谱法solvent 溶剂solute 溶质mixture 混合物pigment 色素solubility 溶解度filter 过滤soluble 可溶的base line 基线lid 盖dye 染料locating agent 定位试剂RF value 比移值Impurity 杂质Melting point 熔点boiling point 沸点dissolve 溶解filtration 过滤decant 倾倒centrifugation 离心分离filtrate 滤液crystallization 结晶extraction 提取residue 滤渣distillation 蒸馏fractional distillation 分馏petroleum 石油column 柱;塔proximity 接近overall 全部的;全面的purity 是纯净evaporation 蒸发作用rinse 漂洗volatile liquid 挥发性强的液体第二单元原子单质化合物unit2 atoms elements and compounds property 性质nucleus 核子proton 质子neutron 中子nucleon number 核子数mass number 质量数electron shell 电子层electrical energy level 电子能级proton number 质子数atomic number 原子序数isotopes 同位素radioactive 放射性的decay 衰变electron configuration 电子排布valency electrons 价电子noble gas 稀有气体chemical bond 化学键electrical conductivity 导电性allotrope 同素异形体malleable 有展性的ductile 有延性的lustrous 有光泽的sonorous 响亮的;醒目的dull 钝的;暗淡的brittle 脆的insulator 绝缘体conductor 导体semi-conductor 半导体radiation 辐射powder 药粉layer 层artificial 人造的unit3 structure and bonding 第三单元结构和化学键formation 构成ionic bond 离子键transfer 交换dot-and-cross diagram 点叉图stable 稳定的multiple 多样的;多重的octet 八电子组covalent bond 共价键non-metal 非金属lone pair electrons 孤对电子valency 价态combining power 结合力single bond 单键double bond 双键triple bond 三键intermolecular forces 分子间作用力=范德华力delocalised electrons 离域电子metallic bond 金属键overlap 重叠conductivity 传导性solubility 溶解性volatilvity 挥发性rigid 坚固的slippery 光滑的three-dimensional 三维的diamond 钻石graphite 石墨lattice 晶格unit4 chemical formulae公式和方程compound ion离子团chemical symbol 化学符号formula 化学式molecular formula 分子式structural formula 结构式empirical formula 经验式(最简式)word equation 文字表达式symbol equation 化学方程式balance 配平state symbol 状态符号spectator ion 旁观离子unit 5 chemical calculationsreagent 试剂relative atomic mass 相对原子质量relative molecular mass 相对分子质量Avogadro constant 阿伏加德罗常数Stoichiometry 化学计算法;化学计量法mole 摩尔limiting reactant 受限试剂actual yield 实际产量predict yield 预计产量titration 滴定法yield 产率;产量concentration 浓度empirical formula 最简式unit 6 electricity and chemistry 电与化学electrolysis 电解decompose 分解cell 电池anode 阳极;正极cathode 阴极;负极electrolyte 电解质discharge series 放电顺序dilute 稀的refining 精炼;提炼sludge 软泥;泥泞slime 泥inert 惰性的electroplating 电镀molten 熔化的ore矿石siphon 虹吸管bleach 漂白deposit 使沉积unit7 chemical changesexothermic 放热的endothermic 吸热的bond energy 键能fuel 燃料radioactivity 放射性electro chemical cell 化学原电池reactive 活泼的proton exchange membrane 质子交换膜unit 8 speed of reactionrate 速率;速度interpret 解释rust 锈;生锈controlled variable 控制变量independent variable 自变量catalytic converter 催化转化器exposed 暴露precipitate 沉淀collision theory 碰撞理论photosynthesis 光合作用photography 摄影术light-sensitive reactions 光敏反应redox reaction 氧化还原反应unit 9 chemical reactions化学反应reversible reaction 可逆反应equilibrium 平衡的hydrated 水合的anhydrous 无水的oxidation states 氧化数redox reaction 氧化还原反应unit10 acid and bases酸和碱acid 酸alkali 碱universal indicator 通用知识剂neutral 中性的ph scale ph比例;ph量household 家庭的antacid 抗酸的tablet 药片indigestion 消化不良alkaline solution 碱溶液neutralisation reaction 中和反应proton donor 质子提供体acceptor 接受体amphoteric oxide 两性氧化性unit 11 making and identifying saltsreactivity series 活动性顺序evaporate 蒸发squeaky 吱吱响的glowing splint 带火星的小木条relight 复燃damp litmus paper 湿石蕊试纸cream 奶油色qualitative analysis 定性分析phenolphthalein 酚酞methyl orange 甲基橙indicator 指示剂unit 12 the periodic table group 族period 周期trend 趋势fizzy 嘶嘶作响的physical property 物理性质flame 火焰poisonous 有毒的halogens 卤素halide ions 卤素离子pattern 图案;样式spoil 损坏complex ions 络合离子transition element 过渡元素unit 13 metals and reactivity shape memory alloy 形状记忆合金displacement reaction 置换反应thermite 铝热剂;灼热剂shield 屏蔽reductant 还原剂oxidant 氧化剂thermal decomposition 热分解Metal hydroxide 金属氢氧化物Unit 14 Metal extraction Bauxite 铁铝氧石Haematite 赤铁矿Zinc blende 闪锌矿Extraction 提取;提取物Undergo 遭受Blast furnace 炼铁炉Slag 矿渣Hopper 漏斗Converter 转化器Galvanize 镀锌Mild steel 软钢Steel 钢Brass 黄铜Unit 15 air and waterArtic 北极的Antarctic 南极的Coolant 冷却剂Sedimentation 沉淀;沉降Chlorination 加氯消毒;氯化Cholera 霍乱Typhoid 伤寒Hazardous 有害的Dry deposition沉积作用Smog 烟雾Denitrification 反硝化作用;脱氮作用Greenhouse gas 温室气体Wavelength 波长Infrared ray 红外线Ultraviolet ray 紫外线Sacrificial protection 牺牲保护层Unit 16 the chemical industryNpk fertilizers 氮磷钾化肥Contact process 制硫酸反应Haber process 制氨反应Raw materials 原材料Compressed 被压缩的Chamber 室Compromise 妥协Quicklime 生石灰Slaked lime ca(oh)2Unit 17 organic chemistry and petrochemicalsHomologus series 同系列Alcohol 酵类Carboxylic acids 羧酸Alkene 烯胫Alkane 烷胫AlkyneStructural isomers (结构型)同分异构体Fossil fuel 化石燃料Hydrocarbon 胫Fermentation 发酵Gasoline 汽油Naphtha 石脑油Kerosene(paraffin)煤油Diesil oil(light gas-oil)柴油Fuel oil(heavy gas—oil)重柴油Lubricating oil 润滑油Bitumen 沥青Unit 18 the variety of organic chemicals Saturated 饱和的Photochemical reaction 光化学反应Substitution reaction 取代反应Hydrogenation reaction 制化反应Addition reaction 加成反应Refluxing 回流冷却Unit 19 polymersMacromolecules 高分子Monomer 单体Addition polymerization 加聚反应Condensation polymerization缩聚反应Biodegradable 可自然降解的Polyamide 聚酰胺Polyester 聚酯Unit 20 natural polymers Carbohydrates 碳水化合物Protein 蛋白质Ester linkage 酯键Amide linkage 酰酯键Hydrolysis 水解Glycerol 甘油Fatty acids 脂肪酸Soap 肥皂Alkyl 烷基Alternatve to practical section Demonstration 示范;示意Recognition 承认Proccedure 过程Goggles 护目镜Precision 精确度Sufficient 足够的Anomalous 反常的Appendix I apparatusTube 试管Flask 烧瓶Measuring cylinder 量筒Volumetric pipette 定量筒Burette 滴定管Volumetric flask 定量瓶Conical flask 锥形瓶Gas syringe 气体注射器Lid 盖子Separating funnel 分液漏斗Filter funnel 过滤漏斗Filter paper 滤纸Evaporating basin 蒸发皿Cold tile 点滴板Distillation flask 蒸馏瓶Thermometer 温度计Condenser 冷凝管Fractionating column 分馏塔Chromatography paper色谱纸Gas jar 集气瓶Metal cover金属盖Crocodile clip 夹子Cells电池Ammeter 电流表Stirrer /stirring rod 搅拌棒Gauze石棉网Calorimeter 铜锅Bunsen burner 本生灯Spirit burner 酒精灯Balance 天平Funnel 漏斗Beaker 烧杯Safety tube 安全管(控制气压)Blast furnace 炼铁炉Settlement tank 沉淀池Cooling chamber 冷却室Water bath 水浴Pipette 滴管Spatula 药匙Flat bottom flask 平底烧瓶Tripod 三脚架Pipeclay triangle 陶瓷三角Clamp 铁圈Teat pipette 移液管Watch glass 表面皿Plunger 活塞U-tube u型管Combustion spoon 燃烧匙Stand 铁架台Crucible 坩锅Mortar 研体Tongs 坩锅钳Pestle 研棒;杵Rubber bung 橡胶塞Pipette filler 滴管填充器Volumetric pipette 定量滴管Tweezers 镊子Delivery tube导管Appendix II chemicals Hydroxide OH-Nitrate NO3-Nitrite NO2-Sulfate SO42-Sulfite so32- Carbonate co32- Hydrogencarbonate hco3- Mono-一Di-二Tri-三Tetra-四Hydrochloric acid 盐酸Sulfuric acid 硫酸ethanoic acid乙酸Nitric acid 硝酸Benzoic acid 苯酸Citric acid 柠檬酸AmmoniaLime water 石灰水Quick lime 生石灰Graphite 石墨Diamond 金刚石Brine 浓盐水Margarline 人造黄油Bauxite 铝土矿Cryolite 冰晶石Coal 煤Petroleum 石油Natural gas 天然气Marble 大理石Litmus 石蕊Brass 黄铜Bronze 青铜Stainless steel不锈钢Zinc blende 闪锌矿Haematite 赤铁矿Galena 方铅矿Oleum 发烟硫酸Plaster 石膏Aluminium hydroxide 氢氧化铝Sodium chloride 氯化钠Silicon dioxide 二氧化硅Hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢Silver bromide 溴化银Silver iodide 碘化银Methane 甲烷Salicylic acid 水杨酸(一种氨基酸)Vanadium(v) oxide 五氧化钒Ceramic 陶器Platinum 铂。
AE中particular插件中英文对照2 AE 中particular 插件中英文对照(一)Emitter (发射器)Particular/sec (粒子/秒)-- 秒钟发射粒子得数量。
Emitter Type (发射簿类型)它决定发射粒子得区域与位4。
Point (点)从一点发射出粒子Box (盒子)——粒子会从立体金子中发射出来,(Emitter Size 中XYZ 就是指发射S 大小) Sphere (球形)——与Box 很像,只不过发射区城就是球形GrJd (网格)——(在图展中虚拟岡格)从《格得交叉点发射粒子Light (灯光)(矣先新建一个Light Layer )几个Light Layer 可以共用一个 Particular 。
Layer ——使用合成中得3D 图展生成粒子,Layer Grid ——同上,发射器从图展网格发射粒子,像Grid-样。
D1 recti on (方向)Uni form (统一)一粒子发射类型发射粒子时,会向各个方向移动?(如枪O 喷射)通过调节X 、Yx Z Rotat i on 来实现。
Bi-Directional (相反特定方向) -- 与Directional 十分相似,但就是向着两个宪全相反碍方向发射。
Disc (盘状)——通常只在两个维度上,形成一个盘形?施?子会始终向远离发射点得方向移动。
而Uniform St A 随机得。
Direction Spread (方向拓展)——可以控制粒子发射方向得区域。
粒子会向整个区域得百分之几运动?(即粒子发射方向有多宽)Velocity (速度)——粒子皐秒钟运动得像素数。
Velocity Random ---- 每个粒子VeIocity 得随机性会随机增加或者减小每个粒子得Velocity^ Velocity DistributionO ------- V elocity from Motion (H.度跟随运动) ---- 粒子在向外运动得同时也会跟随发射S 得运动方向运动。
涂料专业术语中英文对照AAccelerate 促进剂Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂Acetic acid 醋酸Acetone 丙酮Achromatic color 无彩色Acid stain 丙烯酸树脂Acrylic丙烯酸Acrylics acid resin 丙烯酸(类)树脂Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯树脂Active agent 活性剂Additive 添加剂Additive mixture 加色混合Adhesive 胶粘剂,粘合剂Adhesive solvent 胶(料)溶剂Adjacent color 类似色Advancing color 进出色Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂,气溶胶喷涂After image 残象Air drying 常温干燥Airless spraying 无气喷涂Alcohol stain 酒精着色剂Alert color警戒色Alkyd resin 醇酸树脂Alligatoring 漆膜龟裂Amount of spread 涂胶量Anticorrosive paint 防锈涂料Antifouling paint 防污涂料Antique finish 古式涂料Automatic spraying 自动喷涂BBaking finish 烤漆喷涂Base boat 底漆(色漆)--primer, undercoating Blistering 小泡Blushing 白化Body varnish 磨光漆Brilliant 鲜艳的Brushing 刷涂Brushing mark/streak 刷痕Bubbling 气泡Button lac 精致虫胶CCafé咖啡色Carbamide resin adhesive 尿素树脂胶Catalyst 催化剂,触媒,接触剂Chalking 粉化Cherry 樱桃色Chipping 剥落Chromatic color 有彩色Chromaticity 色度Chromaticity coordinates 色度坐标Chromaticity diagram色度圆Clssing 补漆Clear coating 透明涂层Clear lacquer 透明喷漆Clear paint 透明涂料Coarse particle 粗粒Coating 涂料Cobwebbing 裂痕Cocos 可可色Cold water paint 水性涂料Color blindness 色盲Color conditioning 色彩调节Color harmony 色彩调和Color in oil 片种特(调色用)Color matching 调色Color number 色号(色之编号或代号)Color paint 有色涂料Color reaction 显色反应Color reproduction 色重现Color tolerance 色容许差Compatibility 相容性Complimentary color 补色Consistency 稠厚度Contractive color 收缩色Cold color 寒色,冷色Cooling agent 冷却剂Covering power 覆盖力Cracking 龟裂,裂纹Cresol resin adhesive 甲酚树脂胶Crimping 皱纹Cure 硬化Curing agent 固化剂Curing temperature 固化温度DDark 暗Deep 深Degumming 脱胶Dewaxed shellac 胶蜡虫胶Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilution ratio 稀释比例Dingy 浊色Dipping 浸渍涂层Dipping treatment 变色Discoloring 变色Discord 不调和色Drier 干燥剂Dry rubbing 干磨Drying time 干燥时间Dulling 失光Dusting 粉化EEgg-shell 埴孔亚光,显孔亚光electrostatic spraying 静电涂装emulsion adhesive 乳化胶emulsion paint 乳化涂料enamel 色漆,磁漆end-coating 端面涂层end-gluing 端面胶合epoxy finish环氧效果epoxy resin glue环氧树脂胶ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆FFading退色Filler 腻子,埴料,填充剂Finish code 涂料编号Finishing 涂饰Flaking 剥落Flat paint 消光涂料Flatness 消光Flat lacquer 哑光漆Floor paint 地板涂料Foam glue 泡沫胶GGelatin 明胶,凝胶Glue 胶粘剂,胶,胶料Glue and filler bond 动物胶及填料胶结Glue mixer 调胶机Glue spreader 涂胶机Gum 树胶,胶树HHardener 硬化剂Hide 皮胶High solid lacquer 高固体分漆Honey color 蜂蜜色IIlluminant color 光源色JJelly strength 胶质强度Joint strength 胶接强度LLac 虫胶Lac varnish 光漆Lacquer 漆Latex 乳胶Latex paint 合成树脂乳化型涂料Leveling agent 均化剂Liquid glue 液态胶Long oil varnish 长性清漆Love formaldehyde 低甲醛MMake up paint 调和漆Medium oil varnish 中油度清漆Melamine resin adhesive 三聚氯胺树脂胶,蜜胺树脂胶Melamine resin sheet 三聚氯胺树脂(片)Methyl alcohol 甲醇Multi-color 多彩漆NNatural clear lacquer 清漆N.C lacquer 硝化棉喷漆N.C lacquer enamel 硝色棉色漆N.C lacquer sealer硝化棉底涂料N.C lacquer surfacer 梢化棉中涂整面涂料Nitro-cellulose lacquer 硝化纤维漆,硝基榉Nitro-lacquer 硝基漆Nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维(喷)漆Non toxix finishes无毒喷漆Novolac (线型)酚醛清漆OOff- color 变色的,退色的,不标准的颜色Oil paint 油性漆Oil putty 油性腻子Oil solvent 油溶剂Oil stain 油性着色剂Oil staining 油着色Oil stone 油石Oil varnish 油性清漆,上清漆Opacity 不透明度Opaque paint 不透明涂料PPaint 涂料,油漆Paint film 涂膜Paint nozzle 涂料喷头Penetrant 渗透剂Phenol aldehyde resin 酚醛树脂胶Polishing varish 擦光(亮)清漆Poly Urethane Resin 聚氨酯(PU)Poly ester 聚酯Polyester resin lacquer 聚酯树脂涂料Polypropylene 聚丙烯Polystyrene聚苯乙烯Polyurethane 聚氨酯Polyvinyl acetate adhesive 聚醋酸乙烯(树脂)胶Polyvinyl adhesive 聚乙烯树脂胶Polyvinyl chloride resin 聚乙烯树脂涂层Pre-coating 预涂Procuring 预固化Preservative 防腐剂Primer 底漆(下涂涂料)Putty 腻子,油灰,灰泥Pyroxylin lacquer 硝基漆QQuick drying paint 速干漆RReady mixed paint 调和漆Refined shellac 精制虫胶Resin adhesive 树脂胶Reverse coater 反向涂料器Roller brush 滚筒刷SSample board 样板Sand blast 喷砂A氨基树脂——Amino Resin螯合助剂――Chelating agent 配位助剂――Complexing agent 鳄裂――AlligatoringB搬运干燥――Dry to handle半光涂料――Satin finish剥落――Pe eling保护助剂――Protecting agent保湿剂――Humectant保水助剂――Water-retention agent边缘润湿――Wet edge表干――Tack free表面调整助剂――Surface container表面改性剂――Surface modifier表面调整剂――Surface container表面活性剂――Surfactant表面活性助剂――Surface active agent表面流动――Surface flow表面张力――Surface tension界面张力――Interfacial tension丙烯酸乳液――Acrylic latex丙烯酸树脂――Acrylic resin玻璃化温度――Glass transition temperature 不挥发组分――Non-volatile固体含量――Percent Solids不可燃――Nonflammable不相容性――Incompatibility相容性――Compatibility不粘干燥――Dry to tack freeC层间污损――Intercoat contamination层间粘合――Intercoat adhesion层间附着――Interlayer adhesion沉淀――Sedimentation成膜辅助剂――Film forming aid成膜助剂――Coalescing agent成膜工艺――Film forming process成膜物质――Binder成膜助剂――Coalescing agent斥水性――Hydrophobic斥水性助剂――Water repellent除味剂――Deodorant除油剂――Degreaser储存寿命――Shelf Life活化寿命――Pot life触变性――Thixotropy触变流动――Thixotropic flow behavior 触变助剂――Thixotropic agent醇酸树脂――Alkyd resin磁漆――Enamel次催干剂――Secondary drier辅助催干剂――Auxiliary driers。
Box(盒子)——粒子会从立体盒子中发射出来,(Emitter Size中XYZ是指发射器大小)
X Rotation(X旋转)0x0
X Rotation (Y旋转)0x0
X Rotation (Z旋转)0x0
Velocity Random[%](随机运动【%】)20
Split Clip-Play Once(分段-演示一遍)
Split Clip-Loop(分段-循环演示)
Split Clip-Stretch(分段-伸展演示)——把定制粒子分离开。
Current Frame-Freeze(当前帧-冻结)
Random Seed(随机种子)1
Number of Clips(分段数量)—2—分离的个数—将粒子分成几份
Velocity Distribution(速度分布)—0.5—
Velocity from Motion[%](继承运动速度【%】)20
Emitter Size X(发射器尺寸X )50
Emitter Size Y (发射器尺寸Y )50
Emitter Size Z (发射器尺寸Z)50
AE中particular插件中英文对照(一)Emitter(发射器)Particular/sec (粒子/秒)——每秒钟发射粒子的数量。
Emitter Type(发射器类型)——它决定发射粒子的区域和位置。
Point(点)——从一点发射出粒子Box(盒子)——粒子会从立体盒子中发射出来,(Emitter Size中XYZ是指发射器大小)Sphere(球形)——和Box很像,只不过发射区域是球形Grid(网格)——(在图层中虚拟网格)从网格的交叉点发射粒子Light(灯光)——(要先新建一个Light Layer)几个Light Layer可以共用一个Particular。
Layer——使用合成中的3D图层生成粒子,Layer Grid——同上,发射器从图层网格发射粒子,像Grid一样。
Directional(特定方向)——(如枪口喷射)通过调节X、Y、Z Rotation来实现。
Outwards (远离中心)——粒子会始终向远离发射点的方向移动。
Direction Spread(方向拓展)——可以控制粒子发射方向的区域。
(即粒子发射方向有多宽) Velocity(速度)——粒子每秒钟运动的像素数。
Velocity Random——每个粒子Veloc ity的随机性会随机增加或者减小每个粒子的Velocity。
Velocity Distribution()—— Velocity from Motion(速度跟随运动)——粒子在向外运动的同时也会跟随发射器的运动方向运动。
freeze用法和短语 -回复
1. freeze up:意思是“停滞不前,停止工作”,常用于描述机器或系统出现故障,无法正常运转。
2. freeze out:意思是“排斥,排挤”,常用于描述某人被其他人的冷落或排挤。
3. freeze over:意思是“(湖水等)为冰所封”,常用于描述水域等在低温下结冰的现象。
4. freeze frame:意思是“静止画面”,常用于描述电影或视频中的某一帧被定格的画面。
5. freeze-dried:意思是“冷冻干燥的(食品等)”,常用于描述某些食品或物质在低温下被脱水的过程。
6. brain freeze:意思是“脑骤停(吃冰激凌时突然感到的头痛感觉)”,常用于描述某些人在吃冰冷食物时突然感到头痛的症状。
7. freeze someone out:意思是“使某人感到孤立,不受欢迎”,常用于描述某些人被群体或组织冷落或排斥的情况。
freeze用法和短语 -回复
freeze用法和短语 -回复freeze是动词,可以表示冷冻或冻结。
以下是一些常见的用法和短语:1. Freeze as a Verb:- The water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.(水在摄氏0度时冷冻。
)- She froze the leftovers to eat later.(她将剩菜冷冻起来以备晚些时候食用。
)- The company has frozen the salaries of its employees.(该公司冻结了员工的薪水。
)2. Freeze as a Noun:- The weather was so cold, I felt a chill and a freeze.(天气非常寒冷,我感到寒意和冻僵。
)- The government imposed a freeze on new construction projects.(政府对新建项目实施了停工令。
)一些相关的短语有:1. Freeze over:变冷冻- The pond froze over during the winter.(池塘在冬天结冰了。
)2. Freeze out:排除,冷落- He was frozen out of the discussion.(他被排除在讨论之外。
)3. Freeze someone's assets:冻结某人的资产- The government has frozen his assets pending the investigation.(政府已经冻结了他的资产,等待调查。
)4. Freeze up:僵硬,困住- I froze up in front of the audience and couldn't remember my lines.(我在观众面前僵住了,记不起台词。
暗物质freeze out机制
暗物质freeze out机制
暗物质的freeze out机制是指在宇宙早期,宇宙高温相当于能够保持宇宙物质高度充满的情况下,暗物质的形成和分布过程。
在宇宙扩张冷却到一定程度时,暗物质的自由度减弱,产生了freeze out 现象,即暗物质的粒子与常规物质的相互作用减弱,暗物质粒子不再与常规物质粒子碰撞,从而形成稀薄的暗物质云团。
根据暗物质freeze out机制,暗物质的粒子被认为是宇宙中最早形成的粒子之一。
暗物质的freeze out机制对理解暗物质的起源和演化过程具有重要意义。
深入理解暗物质的freeze out机制可以为揭示宇宙的演化历史和构造提供重要线索,对推动天体物理学和粒子物理学的发展具有重要意义。
Physics Model(物理学模式)
Physics Time Factor物理学时间因素—1—现实时间控制器;
Time Sampling(时间采样)——时间采样的类型
Current Time(当前时间)
Start at Birth-Play Once(出生时开始演示一遍)---从开始采样循环一次然后停止。
Transfer Mode(应用模式)——Glow与粒子的叠加模式
Random Seed(随机种子)
No Streaks(无条纹)—7—条痕数,条状痕由几个粒子组成
X Rotation(X旋转)0x0
X Rotation (Y旋转)0x0
X Rotation (Z旋转)0x0
Velocity Random[%](随机运动【%】)20
particular面板中英文翻译AE之particular 插件英汉对照Particular 界面⑴Emitter (发射器)Particular/sec (粒子/秒)—每秒钟发射粒子的数量。
Emitter Type (发射器类型)一它决定发射粒子的区域和位置。
Point (点)一从一点发射出粒子Box (盒子)一粒子会从立体盒子中发射出来(Emitter Size中XYZ是指发射器大小)Sphere (球形)一和Box很像,只不过发射区域是球形Grid (网格)一(在图层中虚拟网格)从网格的交叉点发射粒子Light (灯光)一(要先新建一个Light Layer )几个Light Layer 可以共用一个Particular。
Layer——使用合成中的3D图层生成粒子,Layer Grid ------ 同上,发射器从图层网格发射粒子,像Grid 一样。
Position xyPosition zPosition subframLin ear10*li near10*smoothExact(slow)Direction (方向)Uniform (统一)一一任一粒子发射类型发射粒子时,会向各个方向移动。
Directional (特定方向)一一(如枪口喷射)通过调节X、Y、Z Rotation来实现。
Bi-Directional (相反特定方向) ---- 和Directional十分相似,但是向着两个完全相反的方向发射。
Disc (盘状)----通常只在两个维度上,形成一个盘形。
Outwards (远离中心)一粒子会始终向远离发射点的方向移动。
Direction Spread (方向拓展)一一可以控制粒子发射方向的区域。
(即粒子发射方向有多宽)Velocity (速度)一一粒子每秒钟运动的像素数。
Velocity Random —每个粒子Velocity的随机性会随机增加或者减小每个粒子的Velocity。
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a rXiv:h ep-ph/9711344v221Nov1997STRANGE PARTICLE FREEZE-OUT Jean Letessier 1,Johann Rafelski 1,2and Ahmed Tounsi 11Laboratoire de Physique Th´e orique et Hautes Energies ∗,Paris 2Department of Physics,University of Arizona,Tucson,AZ 85721PAR/LPTHE/93–54November 1993Published in Phys.Lett.B 321(1994)394.Abstract We reconsider thermal conditions of the central fireball presumed to be the source of abundantly produced strange (anti-)baryons in S →W collisions at 200GeV A.We show that it is possible to completely fix the freeze-out temperature of strange particles in terms of the central rapidity kaon to Lambda particle abundance ratio at fixed,high transverse mass using a non-equilibrium hadronization model and the measured quark fugacities.Kinetic strange particle production models [1]imply that abundant strangeness is suggestive of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP).Even more specific information about the nature of the dense matter formed in relativistic nuclear collisions can be obtained considering strange quark and anti-quark clusters,since they are more sensitive to the environment from which they emerge [2].Recently,the relative abundances of strange and multi-strange baryons and anti-baryons where studied experimentally [3,4].It has been suggested that the observedparticle abundances are in agreement with a picture of explosively disintegrating QGP fireball[6].This postulate was supported by the observation that details of the produced particle multiplicity point to a high entropy primordial phase [7],and by a comprehensive analysis of the data which concluded that the hadron gas (HG)model cannot be brought into consistency with the experimental results [8].On the other hand,the alternative has been discussed [9,10,11]that the early experi-mental results [3],are compatible with the simplest possible scenario of an equilibrium,no flow,HG fireball being the particle source at which time it was noted that it is possible to distinguish the QGP and HG phases using the entropy content of the fireball [9].We will show here that the HG alternative is not tenable anymore,given the larger and more precise set of experimental strange particle data [4,5]and that the modificationsrequired2J.Letessier,J.Rafelski and A.Tounsi in order to describe thefinal state hadrons point in a unique way to the originally postu-lated direct(that is without re-equilibration)QGP disintegration.We further show that the kaon multiplicity measurement is able tofix the unknown temperature of strange particle freeze-out.Implicit in the physical picture employed here(see Ref.[8]for more details)is the for-mation of a central and hot matterfireball in the nuclear collisions at200GeV A.This reaction picture presumes that a fraction of energy andflavor(baryon number)content of the central rapidity region is able to thermalize;this does not imply that the number of particles reaches“equilibrium”abundance characterized by the statistical variables of the system:the temperature T and the chemical fugacitiesλi of the different conserved quark flavors i=u,d,s.We recall that there is only a slight asymmetry in the number of u and d quarks in the heavy nuclei used in experiments:it is thus convenient to introduce the quark fugacityλ2q=λuλd and to confine the asymmetry between the number of neutrons and protons to the parameterδλ≤0.03withλd/λu=(1+δλ)2[8].Analysis of the S–S[12]and S–W data[8]obtained at200GeV A has shown that the strange quark fugacityλs≃1,which is not the case for the lower energy results[13]. We recall that the recently reportedΩ/Ω=0.6±0.4which depends solely on λs is also independently an indication thatλs∼1[8].Thefindingλs=1is of particular importance as it is natural for a directly disintegrating QGP phase:in QGP the symmetry between the s and¯s quarks is reflected naturally in this value ofλs,and only if no HG re-equilibration ensues can this value be preserved in thefinal state particle abundances.This is the case since in the HG phase,whatever the equation of state,λs=1is an exceptional condition.Atfinal baryon number(viz.λd,λu=1)the strangeness conservation constraint requires that the number of strange and anti-strange valance quarks bound infinal state hadrons are equal.This is in general incompatible withλs=1as is most easily seen noting that the number of strange quarks contained in strange baryons is not equal to the number of anti-strange quarks contained in strange anti-baryons—however,this asymmetry may be compensated at some temperature T by a similar asymmetry in the kaon yields,hence non-trivial conditions may exist withλs=1in the HG phase.We now turn to the characterization of thefinal hadronic state in terms of the statistical parameters.The most convenient way is to size up the phase space in terms of all hadronic resonances,but to allow forflexibility regarding relative particle abundances.Throughout, we shall use the Boltzmann approximation for particle spectra.The distribution of thefinal state strange particles can be obtained by considering the Laplace transform of the phase space density,which leads to partition function Z s as given out of chemical equilibrium: V T3ln Z s=Strange Particle Freeze-Out3 we have included kaons up to1.78GeV,hyperons up to1.94GeV,cascades up to1.95GeV and also the omega resonance at2.25GeV.The phase space factors F i of the strange particles are explicitlyF K= j g K j W(m K j/T),F Y= j g Y j W(m Y j/T),FΞ= j gΞj W(mΞj/T),FΩ= j gΩj W(mΩj/T),(2)with W(x)=x2K2(x),where K2is the modified Bessel function,arising as an integral over the free Boltzmann particle phase pared to the case of an equilibrated source, several novel features are added to allow for the possibility that thefinal state particles emerge rapidly from a source of quite different nature than HG:1.the factorγs in Eq.1[6]allows us to consider the strange particles emerging away from absolute chemical equilibrium which corresponds to the valueγs=1.In general,if there is not sufficient time to make strangeness(but sufficient time to exchange strange quarks between the carriers,which we implicitly assumed above)the partition function applies with γs<1.The value of the factorγs is determined by the dynamics of strangeness production. Its measurement is only possible in the comparison of abundances of hadrons comprising different numbers of strange(or anti-strange)quarks.The valueγs=0.7±0.1[8]arising from the WA85results[3]is suggestive of QGP based strangeness production mechanisms.2.the factors C s i control the abundance of strange mesons i=M and baryons i=B with reference to the equilibrium based expectations[8].A priori,these parameters could vary from particle to particle but intuitively we can subsume that the processes which form mesons and baryons from some primordial source differ substantially only between(strange) mesons and baryons.Especially when direct hadronization of a QGP is considered,one should not expect to see both factors to be equal to each other or to be unity.We require that thefinal state hadrons contain equal number of s and¯s quarks.This can be related to the parameters present in Eq.1using:0= s − ¯s =λs∂2F Y −γsFΞ4J.Letessier,J.Rafelski and A.TounsiFigure1:Strangeness conservation constraintin theµB–T f plane.Solid line:λs=1,dashedcurve:λs=0.98,dotted line:λs=1.08(allwith R s C=1,γs=0.7).Horizontal inter-secting lines correspond toλq=1.48±0.05.Hatched area is the region of agreement(within1s.d.)of the strangeness conservation condi-tion with the observed valuesλs=1.03±0.05andλq=1.48±0.05.The experimental crossis set at the maximal possible temperature,T f=0.232±0.005GeV,consistent with m⊥-spectra.Here R s C=1.45in order to assurestrangeness conservation.where we introduced the baryo-chemical potentialµB=3T lnλq and the ratioC s MR s C=Strange Particle Freeze-Out5 strangeness neutral HG source(withoutflow)for strange particles,even allowing for off-equilibrium strangeness saturationγs=0.7,is in disagreement with experiment.It is at this point interesting to note that in thefirst analysis of the data[3]the“experimental”point coincided with the hatched area[9].The more precise recent data[4]lead to a shift of the experimental point to the right by about1s.d.after afit of the high statistics m⊥spectra; similarly the theory was also further developed and includes today all known hadronic res-onances.This has moved the solid line(λs=1)in Fig.1by the left,to its current location.Finally,the disagreement between HG-theory and experiment is enhanced by another1s.d.since previously we hadλs>0.93(within1s.d.)and now it isλs>0.98 (dashed line in Fig.1),which moves the error boundary by one the left,to its current location in Fig.1.We conclude that these recent developments preclude the possibility of a HG interpretation of the data,without other dynamical features,such as transverseflow[8]. This conclusion seems to differ from the two-temperature hadronization model[14],which assumes a fully equilibrated(up to strangeness)sources of strange and non-strange particles at different temperatures,and does not seem to notice that the strange particle m⊥-spectra are too hot for the HG-model temperatures.To reach agreement today between the conditions of the source emitting the particles and strangeness conservation constraint we must allow for transverse surfaceflow.In presence of flow the thermal freeze-out temperature T f of the particles would be blue-shifted according to the standard Doppler formula to the higher value T E read offthe m⊥-spectra:T E=T f 1−βf.(6)Hereβf is the surface transverse velocity.The hatched area in Fig.1is then indicating a thermal freeze-out temperature T f=190±15MeV;such a high T f,though consistent with the notion of strangeness conservation(when one subsumes HG equilibrium meson and baryon abundances),cannot be physically correct,since it entails a much too high particle density. Should a QGP phase hadronize at this temperature,it must be expected that there would be continued hadronic particle interactions and therefore collective(transverse)flow of the resulting HG matter,withfinal particle decoupling occurring at lower temperatures,where density is low.Such a scenario involving HGfinal state evolution could not be expected to result in theλs=1which has been observed.We believe that the valueλs≃1may be taken as suggesting a primordial phase hadronization in a manner in which the emerging hadrons immediately decouple from each other.One can imagine here two extreme cases:a freeze out at very low temperature,where the particle density is naturally low,or a sequential hadronization at high temperature, such that the produced hadronic particles are escaping freely.All this can in general be accomplished in consistency with strangeness conservation principle when allowing for the production of strange mesons and baryons away from abundances dictated by the relative HG chemical equilibrium.These putative scenarios are consistent with the diverse experi-mental facts and theoretical believes,but have a lot of freedom in the choice of values for the hadronization parameters.The issue is tofind a physical observable which would allow6J.Letessier,J.Rafelski and A.Tounsi Figure 2:For each value of freeze-out tem-perature we need a different non-equilibriumparameter R s C .Solid line for λq=1.5,long-dashed line for λq =1.3,short dashed curveλq =2;all for λs =1,γ=0.7.Figure 3:Each measured value of R K ,the K-short to Lambda ratio,implies a different value of the strange particle freeze-outtemperature.Lines as in restrict considerably the conditions at which strange particle hadronization occurs.This could be clearly accomplished if the temperature of the freeze-out were to be determined.We first determine which values of R s C are required to have strangeness conservation ata given thermal freeze-out temperature T f .We take the experimentally motivated γs =0.7,though the deviation from unity is of little numerical importance in this argument.Since the (multi-)strange (anti-)baryon particle ratios normally fix λq and λs we take these as given:we continue to use the QGP freeze-out value λs =1and set λq to three values in Fig.2:the solid line is for λq =1.5,an appropriate choice for the case of S–W collisions at 200GeV A,(when λs =1),the long dashed line is for λq =1.3which we believe is nearly appropriate for the case of S–S collisions at 200GeV A [12](it would lead to a central rapidity,high-m ⊥particle ratioΛ/Λ=0.063).We see that for this wide range of physical situations (0.35≤Λ+Σ0=R s Cλs λu λd .(7)where the second identity is only valid if resonance decay contributions largely cancel,which is the case [8].For the rather light kaons there exist many different possibilities for secondaryStrange Particle Freeze-Out7 production through resonance decays,which limits somewhat the practical usefulness of this ratio,except at very high m cut⊥>1.9GeV.However,since the data of the experiment WA85can be constrained to such large values of m cut⊥,we show in Fig.3,how the freeze-out temperature T f is determined by the measured ratio R K(it should be here kept in mind that along each line shown,forfixedλs=1,λq={2,1.5,1.3}the ratio8J.Letessier,J.Rafelski and A.Tounsi [4]D.Evans,for the WA85collaboration,New results from WA85on multi-strange hyperonproduction in200A GeV/c S–W interactions,presented at the“Quark Matter’93”meeting,June1993,to appear in the proceedings(Nucl.Phys.A).[5]S.Abatzis et al,(WA85collaboration)Phys.Lett.B316(1993)615.[6]J.Rafelski,Phys.Lett.B262(1991)333;J.Rafelski,Nucl.Phys.A544(1992)279c,and references therein.[7]J.Letessier,A.Tounsi,U.Heinz,J.Sollfrank and J.Rafelski,Phys.Rev.Lett.70(1993)3530.[8]J.Letessier,A.Tounsi,U.Heinz,J.Sollfrank and J.Rafelski,Strangeness Conservationin hot nuclearfireballs,Paris preprint LPTHE/92-27R submitted to Phys.Rev.D [9]J.Letessier,A.Tounsi and J.Rafelski,Phys.Lett.B292(1992)417J.Letessier,A.Tounsi and J.Rafelski,in:Proceedings of the XXVI International High Energy Physics Conference,Dallas,Texas,August6-12,1992,J.R.Sanford(ed.), American Institute of Physics,New York,1993,p.983.[10]J.Cleymans and H.Satz,Z.Phys.C57(1993)135.[11]J.Cleymans,K.Redlich,H.Satz,and E.Suhonen,Z.Phys.C58(1993)347.[12]J.Sollfrank,M.Ga´z dzicki,U.Heinz,and J.Rafelski,Regensburg preprint TPR-93-14,Z.Physik C,in press.[13]J.Rafelski and M.Danos,Strangeness Flow Differences in Nuclear Collisions at15and200GeV A,submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.[14]K.Redlich,J.Cleymans,H.Satz and E.Suhonen,Hadronization of quark-gluon plasmaBielefeld preprint BI-TP93/44,to appear in the proceedings of the“Quark Matter’93”meeting,June1993(Nucl.Phys.A).[15]J.B.Kinson,WA85Collaboration,Nucl.Phys.A544(1992)321c.(Preliminary valuesof the kaon to Lambda ratio can be read of the transverse m⊥distributions on pages 330–331c.Wefind R K=0.15±0.1which is of course not sufficiently precise for this discussion.)。