第9章 DWRR应用分析




麦塔分析报告1. 简介麦塔(Meta)是一种数据分析工具,通过对用户的行为数据进行统计和分析,帮助企业深入了解用户行为和需求。


2. 功能和使用方法2.1 数据采集与导入麦塔支持多种数据导入方式,包括手动导入、API导入和批量导入。


2.2 数据清洗与处理在数据导入完成后,麦塔提供了一系列数据清洗和处理的功能,用于清理和转换原始数据。


2.3 数据分析与可视化麦塔提供了丰富的数据分析和可视化工具,用户可以根据自己的需求选择相应的分析方法,并生成直观的图表和报告。


2.4 指标计算与分析除了提供常用的数据分析方法外,麦塔还支持用户自定义指标的计算和分析。


3. 常用数据分析指标和技巧3.1 用户活跃度用户活跃度是衡量用户参与程度的重要指标,通常使用以下指标进行分析:•日活跃用户数(DAU):统计每天的活跃用户数量。



3.2 用户行为路径分析用户行为路径分析可以帮助企业了解用户在产品中的行为轨迹和习惯,常用的方法有:•转化漏斗分析:通过分析用户在不同阶段的转化率,找出转化率低的环节并优化。



3.3 用户行为关联分析用户行为关联分析可以帮助企业了解用户的偏好和需求,常用的方法有:•协同过滤推荐:通过分析用户的行为数据,预测用户可能感兴趣的商品或内容。



DWR技术总结目录1DWR入门 (3)1.1DWR(Direct Web Remoting)概述 (3)1.2DWR使用入门 (3)2web.xml的配置 (7)3dwr.xml的配置 (8)3.1创建dwr.xml文件 (8)3.2<init>标签 (8)3.3<allow>标签 (8)3.3.1Creators构造器 (9)3.3.2Converters转换器 (10)3.3.3Filters过滤器 (11)3.4<signatures>标签 (12)4engine.js功能 (12)5util.js功能 (13)6DWR中的javascript (13)6.1DWR的远程调用——使用回调函数处理Ajax的异步特性 (13)6.2创建一个与Java对象相匹配的JavaScript对象 (14)1DWR入门1.1DWR(Direct Web Remoting)概述DWR是一种AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)的JAVA实现,是一个能够使运行在服务器上java和运行在浏览器中的JavaScript交互,并能简单的相互调用的Java库。

官方网站:最新版本:3.0.rc2稳定版本:2.0.7DWR包括两个主要部分:*运行在服务器上的Java Servlet,用以处理请求和向浏览器发回响应。



生成的代码具有ajax 功能,使效果看起来就好像在浏览器上执行的一样,实际上是,代码调用发生在服务器端,DWR负责数据的传递和转换。

这种从java到javascript的运程调用功能的方式使DWR用起来有种非常像RMI或者SOAP的常规RPC机制,而且DWR 的优点在于不需要任何的网页浏览器插件就能够运行在网页上。



很短的 短 的 中等程度 长 的 很长的
0~10 10~25 25~50 50~75 75~100
抓起是指手伸向物体后,从手指开始展开时刻起,一 直到确实握住目的物体的时点为止的动作。 (1)抓起动作分四种:简单抓起、技巧性的抓起、复 杂抓起、特殊抓起。 (2)抓起动作的预定时间标准如表9-15所示。
RWF时间表上的时间单位:Ru(Ready Time Unit)。
所有的操作 都是由标准 要素组合而 成。 标准要素 WF记号 1、移动(到达、搬运)———————R、M 2、抓 ———————————————Gr 3、放 ———————————————Rl 4、前置 ——————————————PP 5、组立 ——————————————Asy 6、使用 ——————————————Use 7、分解 ——————————————Dsy 8、精神作用(检查等) ————————MP
(3)抓起动作分析表达式为:动作难度数——可见性 符号——增额条件符号。
表9-15 抓起的预定时间标准 (动作难度)分类 简单抓取 O l 很容易 容 易 指尖抓取 卷绕抓取 2 一般 3 4 困难 很困难
主要尺寸/m m 复 杂 抓 取 直 厚 可见性区分 可 见 不可见 代 号 V B 径/m m 度/m m
表9-26 步行与身体方向变换的预定时间标准
步 行 1步=750mm 普通步行 困难步行
步行开始之前/之 后身体回转120° 以下 12+8×步数 12+10×步数
步行开始之前/之 后身体回转 120°以上 22+8×步数 22+10×步数



DWR(Direct Web Remoting)是一个开源的类库,可以帮助开发人员开发包含AJAX技术的网站.它可以允许在浏览器里的代码使用运行在WEB服务器上的JA V A函数,就像它就在浏览器里一样.它包含两个主要的部分:允许JavaScript从WEB服务器上一个遵循了AJAX原则的Servlet(小应用程序)中获取数据.另外一方面一个JavaScript库可以帮助网站开发人员轻松地利用获取的数据来动态改变网页的内容.DWR采取了一个类似AJAX的新方法来动态生成基于JA V A类的JavaScript代码.这样WEB 开发人员就可以在JavaScript里使用Java代码就像它们是浏览器的本地代码(客户端代码)一样;但是Java代码运行在WEB服务器端而且可以自由访问WEB 服务器的资源.出于安全的理由,WEB开发者必须适当地配置哪些Java类可以安全的被外部使用.这个从JA V A到JavaScript的远程功能方法给DWR的用户带来非常像传统的RPC机制,就像RMI或者SOAP一样,而且拥有运行在WEB上但是不需要浏览器插件的好处.DWR不认为浏览器/WEB服务器协议是重要的,而更乐于保证编程界面的简单自然.对此最大的挑战就是把AJAX的异步特性和正常JA V A方法调用的同步特性相结合.在异步模式下,结果数据在开始调用之后的一段时间之后才可以被异步访问获取到.DWR允许WEB开发人员传递一个回调函数,来异步处理Java函数调用过程.其配置如下:1.1、dwr.xml的配置<dwr><allow><create creator="new" javascript="testClass" ><param name="class" value="com.dwr.TestClass" /><include method="testMethod1"/></create></allow></dwr><allow>标签中包括可以暴露给javascript访问的东西。

08 AJAX框架应用入门-DWR

08 AJAX框架应用入门-DWR
导入类库包和log4j.properties :
DWR使用Log4j作为日志记录工具, log4j.properties是log4j的 标准配置文件,将配置文件拷 贝到工程的src目录中。
将dwr和log4j目录中的所有jar文 件拷贝到WEB工程的WEBINF/lib目录,dwr.jar是DWR的 Java类库,其它的jar文件是 log4j的类库和依赖类库。

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> // 测试用户输入的登录名是否存在 function testUserName(){ var name = DWRUtil.getValue("userName"); if(name.length == 0){ $("userNameResult").innerHTML = "<font color='red'>请填写用户名</font>"; return; } TestUserName.test(name, setUserNameResult); } // 将测试结果显示到页面中 function setUserNameResult(data){ if(data){ $("userNameResult").innerHTML = "<img src='images/ok.gif' />"; }else{ $("userNameResult").innerHTML = "<font color='red'>该用户名未注册</font>"; } } </script>



The ReadyWork-factor Munual目录第1部序论第1章Ready Work Factor 法概要 (3)第2章Work Factor 的标准要素 (11)第2部[拿取] 与[放置]第3章移动 (17)第4章抓取 (37)第5章放 (55)第6章预置 (59)第7章[拿取] 与[放] (67)第3部组装、使用、分解第8章组装 (73)第9章使用 (101)第10章分解 (103)第4部其它第11章精神作用 (111)第12章全身运动 (121)第13章特殊运动 (127)(1) 圆周运动(2) 笔记(3) 打锤子(4) 反复动作第5部Ready Work Factor 分析实例第14章Ready Work Factor 分析 (135)第1部序论第一章Ready Work Factor 法概要ⅠWork Factor 法历史ⅡReady Work Factor 法ⅢReady Work Factor 法特征ⅣWork Factor 时间第二章Work Factor 标准要素第1章Ready Work Factor 法概要1 Work Factor 法的历史以前,标准时间的设定是以以往的实际的实际记录,估量值,秒表测量结果等实际时间为基础进行的。






1934年Joseph.H.Quick(奎克)领导的生产工学小组的研究成果就是现在被称为Work Fac tor法的统计方法。



gwr模型用法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以参考如下:引言是一篇文章的开端,用于引起读者的兴趣并提供背景信息。


GWR模型(Geographically Weighted Regression,地理加权回归模型)是一种空间统计模型,用于研究地理空间数据的非均质性和异质性。




















DWR介绍⏹简介DWR(Direct Web Remoting)是一个可以允许你去创建AJAX WEB 站点的JAVA开源库。


DWR包含2个主要部分:● 一个运行在服务器端的Java Servlet,它处理请求并且向浏览器发回响应。

● 运行在浏览器端的JavaScript,它发送请求而且还能动态更新网页。









2.在WEB-INF目录下的web.xml文件中配置dwr的核心DwrServletweb.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><web-appversion="2.5"xmlns="/xml/ns/javae" xmlns:xsi="/2001/XMLSchema-instanc" xsi:schemaLocation="/xml/ns/javaee /xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"><servlet><servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name><servlet-class>org.directwebremoting.servlet.DwrServlet </servlet-class><init-param><param-name>debug</param-name><param-value>true</param-value></init-param><load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup></servlet><servlet-mapping><servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name><url-pattern>/dwr/*</url-pattern></servlet-mapping></web-app>3.编写java服务端程序HelloWorld.javapackage com.bean;public class HelloWorld {public String sayHello(String str) {return "hello" + str;}}4.在WEB-INF下新建dwr.xml并引入其dtd文件。

YES2 inherently-safe tethered re-entry mission and contingencies

YES2 inherently-safe tethered re-entry mission and contingencies

IAC-03-IAA.6.2.02YES2 inherently-safe tethered re-entry mission and contingenciesM. Kruijff, E.J. v.d. Heide, S. Calzada Gil Delta-Utec SRC, Leiden, Holland, , Abstract This paper discusses the tethered re-entry mission of the 2nd Young Engineers Satellite with a particular focus on the approach to mission planning, safety, risks and contingency. As an introduction, the major safety aspects and lessons learned from YES1 are discussed. YES2 aims at a tethered sample return demonstration using an inherently-safe inflatable capsule, possibly landing in Europe. It is completely student built. The paper provides a summary overview of and references for the evaluations behind design choices such as the selection of landing site, deployment scheme, optimisation of the cut time, mission timeline and contingency planning. The system hardware and control algorithms are driven by a minimalist design for simplicity and reliability. In addition, it discusses and quantifies the approach to safety issues such as meteoroid cutting risk, deployment failure scenarios, tether contingency lifetime and atmospheric entry/ground impact risks. 1. Two inherently-safe YES satellites In May 2002 the European Space Agency kickedoff a hands-on educational project called Young Engineers Satellite 2, managed by Delta-Utec in Leiden, Holland [1,2]. The YES2 is building on the experience and success of YES & TEAMSAT, launched on Ariane 502 in 1997 [3]. This first YES, a 200 kg satellite built in only 6 months, had the objective to deorbit a dummy mass from GTO by a 3 km rotating tether. A late change in nominal Ariane orbit increased the risk of accidental collision with other satellites to a non-negligible level, it was decided to not deploy the tether. Many experiments on TEAMSAT & YES were performed successfully (GPS, radiation sensors, cameras, commercial technology, sunsensors), but some important systems ran into problems. After the flight, a careful analysis was made of potential design flaws and the events that led to them, revealing three major causes[3]: 1. 2. 3. Human interaction under pressure Off-nominal satellite orbit & attitude, System complexity, providing on one hand useful redundancy, but also additional failure modes. There are significant differences between the two projects: YES1 was built in an intense effort, by a small group of co-located youngster working (nearly) full-time. For the YES2 project the students are working within the university curriculum, the focus is generally less intense. The project lasts longer too, so students will have to transfer tasks to a new generation from time to time. However there are more students involved and there is more time available, so more time and effort can be spent on careful analysis and testing. For YES2, students from all over Europe and Canada are now building a satellite with the objective to demonstrate two attractive new technologies: · A 30 km long, 0.5 mm, 5 kg Tether · An Inherently-safe Re-entry capsule, AIR Late 2006 YES2 is to be launched on Foton-M3, a Russian carrier. The 30 km of tether will be deployed from the carrier. At the other end, the AIR capsule is located. There is no conventional de-orbit burn: it is the tether that will accurately swing the capsule towards the Earth. The two technologies serve to demonstrate the SpaceMail application: a frequent sample return capability for the International Space Station9. Here, quick access and delivery to the customer is of importance. Conventional re-entry capsules are however landing in remote areas for reasons of safety. The concept behind YES2 is, if all goes to plan, the capsule will land so softly that it does not pose any risk to the population. We are designing AIR light and slow enough to land in mainland Europe (primary focus Sweden 60-63 degrees North), although alternative landing sites are considered as back-up. Such a mission must be inherently safe: even if something fails, it should still be safe, e.g. a failing capsule can be designed to burn in the atmosphere and therefore be of no threat. The principle approach for safety of YES2 is: Simplicity Increased reliability by having simple, wellunderstood or well-tested systems with few interfaces. Inherent safety Student built satellites cannot be expected to be as highly reliable as their professional equivalents. Therefore, mission and design concepts must be selected such that single failures do not lead to hazards. This also allowsAnnex 1 reports in more detail about the technical challenges and solutions regarding safety of the tether mission in particular.1for highly attractive experiments such as the 30 km tether deployment or a capsule landing in Europe. Understanding your hardware Hardware performance is modelled, simulated (Monte Carlo etc.) and tested. Particularly, An advanced testing system has been built for realtime tether deployment simulation with hardware-in-the-loop, mission simulation and reentry simulations. Awareness of risk & contingencies The system know-how needs to be translated in an overview of primary and secondary risks, failures and abort options. 2. The YES2 mission and safety approach In this section we give a short introduction into the YES2 mission [2.1] and subsequently discuss the tether related safety aspects [2.2], the capsule related safety aspects [2.3], the flight operations and landing concerns [2.4]. 2.1 YES2 Mission plan YES2 will be launched as a piggy back on FOTON in 2006 at ~ 280 km altitude (Fig. 1-[2]). YES2 consists of 2 satellite parts, connected by a tether Fig. 1-[3]: FLOYD (Foton Located Yes Deployer, Fig. 1-[4]) and AIR (An Inherently-safe Re-entry vehicle, Fig. 1-[5]). After initial downward ejection of AIR by a spring system, inertia and gravity gradient are used to deploy the tether between the two parts and AIR is stabilized 3.5 km below FOTON Fig. 1[6]. This takes about 1.5 hours. Possibly, AIR will be inflated at this stage. When synchronization with the projected landing site is achieved several hours later, deployment is continued (t2=0). The increased gravity gradient accelerates the capsule exponentially to ~60 km/hr. A Coriolis force builds up and the tether swings forward below and ahead of the FOTON Fig. 1-[7]. With the 30 km tether fully deployed (t2 ~ 2200 s), it becomes a pendulum and swings back to the vertical, below FOTON, where it is cut at FOTON-side (t2 ~ 3100 s). This cut releases the AIR and tether from FOTON Fig. 1-[8]. The reduced altitude and velocity send AIR into a reentry trajectory. The tether may still be attached to AIR and assist in initial orientation Fig. 1-[9]. Eventually the tether is released, together with all superfluous hardware, the so-called Mechanical and data-Acquisition Support System (MASS). MASS provides stiffness during launch, contains the ejection interface, the inflation system, and possibly a GPS and telemetry unit. AIR is now ultra-light (~5-15 kg) and inflated such to obtain a very low ballistic coefficient. It will slow down already in the very upper layers of the atmosphere and remain relatively cool Fig. 1-[10]. It will come down to Earth softly as a balloon and may therefore be used to land even in inhabited areas of Western Europe Fig. 1-[11]. If the AIR balloon fails to inflate, it will burn, thus creating an inherent level of safety. Thetether itself is dragged along to burn or will reenter soon after due to atmospheric drag. The total mission duration is several hours up to a day (depending on the duration of the synchronisation phase Fig. 1-[6]). Fig. 1 shows the mission stages and telecommands from different viewpoints.Fig. 1: YES2 sample return mission. Foton moves to the right. See text for numbers.22.2 Tether mission safety The YES2 tether deployment safety approach is characterized by the following points, providing a multi-level safety: 1. System well understood 2. Reliability through simplicity 3. Opportunities for evaluation and safe abort during mission, robust deployment 4. Orbital dynamics provide inherent safety 5. Low impact on Foton if failure These points will now be discussed in detail: System well understood The deployer hardware is based on a flight proven tether deployer concept, derived from the SEDS missions (Fig. 2). The following steps are followed to fully characterize the tether hardware:Hardware modelled, tested and characterized in detail. This includes e.g. the tether spool unwinding characteristics inside the canister (Fig. 2) as well as the friction brake performance. For the YES2 brake, mathematical models were developed (Fig. 3b, [5,10,11]) and friction tests were [5],[6] performed, also in zero-gee. Tests in thermal vacuum are planned. Validated 3D Tether simulator [5],[7] MTBSim ( ). Unknowns in orbit parameters are modelled as having normal distributions with conservative standard deviations: Environment (aidrag), initial conditions (ejection speed and direction), control measurement errors, brake friction performance parameters, etc. Standard deviations based on results of testing, literature etc. See also Fig. 4.Reliability through simplicity The tether deployer concept and hardware is chosen for its simplicity, to avoid as much as possible failure modes. There are no moving parts, nor open guides required for the unwinding there is an axial deployment from a spool head as depicted in Fig. 2) and the single thin smooth tether is thus contained. The so-called barberpole brake (Fig. 3a) is a simple snag-free friction-brake design: the friction acts a viscous damping force rather than a (destructive) clamping or inertia force.Fig. 2: Left: FLOYD: YES2 Deployer, SEDS derived. Middle: YES1 tether spool. Right: YES2 tetherAlso the control feedback is designed for simplicity: · Only length measurement is required for feedback. It has been demonstrated there is no need for differential GPS, angle measurement or tension measurement, even not if accurate landing is a requirement[8,9,12]. Furthermore there is no need for communication between the capsule and Foton. The length is measured on the Foton-side, where the control computer is housed in a pressurized, thermally controlled environment. The unwinding of the tether is monitored by optical sensors, counting the number of deployed loops. From a table, the deployed length is calculated and velocity is derived by a filter[5].Dynamics & effect of disturbances studied extensively.Monte Carlo simulations quantified deployment control response Realistic breadboard testing performedYES2 team designed improved test [16] rig , also simulates the mission.With real-time hardware-in-theloop and closed loop control [8]. The results show that a better than 0.5% deployment accuracy can be obtained with the current system, in both length and deployment angle. The lessons learned could be directly applied into design improvements. The results also indicate how the Monte Carlo simulations indeed provide results typical for real [8] hardware systems . Improvements based on the results of above tests. It includes a display of the 3D deployment as actually achieved by the hardware. It can be used for the full range of deployment tension and velocities. Includes EGSE and can also be used to test flight software.Figure 3a: YES2 barberpole brake30.60.50.4 Tension [N] 0 0.5 1 1.5 Turns [#] 2 2.5 3T = (T0 + I .r .l&2 ( fq q 0 -q ) 2.p . f n .n ).e .e E ArelFig. 3b: Barberpole friction brake behaviour: the applied friction is proportional to the exponential function of the number of turns wrapped around the central pole. The pole itself is positioned by a stepper motor through a feedback based on length measurements. A simplified mathematical model is shown (more advanced models were derived in [5,10,11]). Measurements of tension versus turns performance are shown below, from which the friction parameters in the model can be derived. At high velocities, the tension resulting from the unspooling rises as well (see formula, with at least the square of velocity). This means there will be an inherent tendency for passive braking.This reference deployment is designed to have: 1. good robustness (no very low velocities (<0.3 m/s) during deployment to avoid risk of getting stuck, 2. a nominal tension level with sufficient margin to control in either direction with the brake position 3. a tension level high enough to avoid bending of the tether as a result of Coriolis forces 4. smooth end brake and tether length margin to avoid jerks and slackness when the tether is fully deployed. A feedback will be applied with respect to the brake position from the reference file. Because of the non-linear dynamics of tethers in space, an Energy Feedback was devised and tested. For this, the onboard computer converts length and velocity into a system energy measure based on a mathematical model of the tether system (potential & kinetic)[12]. If the system has too much energy, extra energy is dissipated by applying additional brake turns. The mission operations are kept simple and are minimized for real-time human interaction. There are no telecommands other than switch on/off, (time tagged) eject, start of second stage & cut tether. In order to allow safety for the Foton carrier, the Russian controller will have full control and/or override possibility (Fig. 10c). For example, the tether is cut autonomously, at a fixed time since start of second stage deployment: t2 = tcut. This time can be pre-fixed before launch, or sent after launch by time-tagged telecommand (TTTC), when the orbital parameters are more precisely known. During the tether deployment itself, no telecommands will be sent (other than abort). The cut-time has been determined at a specific point in the swing back (Fig. 1-[8]), some degrees before the vertical chosen such that robustness with respect to system noise is maximal[9]. Opportunities for evaluation and safe abort during mission, robust deployment Fig. 10c shows the reference mission control. Because the deployment is in two stages (Fig. 1), there is the opportunity to evaluate the mission success during the stable synchronization phase. Now the 2-stage deployment was developed not only for this purpose. At 3 km distance between Foton and the capsule, the difference in gravity is sufficiently large to quickly accelerate the capsule. Therefore the second stage of deployment is less sensitive to noise and more predictable. In this way, the robustness of the tether deployment is significantly increased [9], [13] .Fig. 4: Visualization of Monte Carlo simulations results. A large amount of mission, environment, system and control parameters was disturbed according to normal distributions. The image shows the two-stage deployment combined results of 600 simulations, as seen from the side (Foton above in origin, moving left, Earth is down). Interval between the blobs of points is 200 s. Each point indicates the position during a single Monte Carlo run. The final set of small lines (at end of swing below in yellow image) are vectors indicating the error in obtained Delta-V relative to the nominal deorbit vector of 113 m/s, shown in the red box for comparison. These errors translate into a 50 km 1 sigma landing error.·Simple & robust control algorithm: A reference deployment is stored on board containing: tether length, angle and brake position as a function of time.4Orbital dynamics provide inherent safety As explained above the concept of the barberpole and axial spool deployment makes it unlikely that the tether would get stuck and introduce a sudden stop. The following discussion should be considered in such event. The first tens of meters of the tether can be designed to break in case of tether snag. If the tether would snag just after ejection, The kinetic energy of the capsule mv2 will be converted into potential energy of the strain in the tether: ku2. The peak tension F=ku will thus be: Fpeak,snag = v Ö(mEA/L), With k = EA/L and L the current length of the tether. If L is small, shortly after ejection, and in the neighborhood of Foton, the tension will be very high and the tether will break, so there will not be a recoil. In case of unforeseen jerk & slackness near the end of deployment, the capsule will bounce up, and will get into a free orbital trajectory that will tend to restore tension. The oscillation is dampened out without large effect on landing site (Fig. 5, [12]).Furthermore there is always a chance that the tether is cut by micrometeoroids or debris. If this would however happen, the YES2 tether will be (nearly) immediately removed from orbit by drag (low orbit) and momentum transfer effects. Note: the relevant measure for meteorite risk is the integrated exposed time-length product (Annex 1.3). For YES2 we selected a singlestrand tether for simplicity. The part of the tether that is exposed to the space environment longest, should also be the thickest. With the first 3 km (first stage) of thickness 1 mm, the survivability probability amounts to 99.5% for the nominal mission, or 98.9% if the first stage phase is delayed to a full day for mission operation reasons. Low impact on Foton One often-expressed worry is the possible wrapping of the YES2 tether around Foton. YES2 intends to eject to nadir (downward), for simplicity of the attitude requirement of Foton. Now suppose the ejection will be in apogee. With the velocity vector pointing downward, it means that the instantaneous apogee of the capsule must be larger than the altitude at time of ejection. In case of a somehow friction-less deployment, eventually, the capsule could meet-up with Foton again and there is a potential danger of the tether wrapping around Foton. In reality, a tether deploying from a spool will always dissipate some energy, even without friction, to account for: · the increase in kinetic energy of the complete system as new parts of the tether gain speed, · the shock energy (Carnot energy), required to bring into instantaneous motion the tether from the spool[12], in the same way as elements of a chain jump from tensionless to tensioned when pulled. From the law of momentum change, F=d(mv)/dt, it can be directly derived that the minimum tension that accounts for this dissaption is equal to: Tmin,deploy = rv2, with r the linear density of the tether [kg/m], and rv the rate of increase of moving mass [kg/s]. This term is called the rocket term. In addition, in reality, there will always be friction in the system. It will be part of the YES2 safety and contingency investigation what friction levels are required to dissipate enough energy to avoid risk of collision with Foton. It is proposed to put the brake in initial braking position, such that if the stepper motor fails, the system will decelerate gently. Depending on the results of the analysis, it may be required to eject more in backward direction, to decrease orbital energy of the capsule. This 5Fig. 5: tether deployment with and without feedback. The deployment without feedback deviates considerably. Because no tether length margin is included here, the capsule snags at the end of the tether. However the combined orbital/tether dynamics cause the tension to restore and the oscillation to dampen out.If the deployed length is intermediate (several hundreds of meters), the case is much less clear. The best solution is to provide a passive absorption mechanism near the end of the tether. This is called ripstitching (Fig. 6).Fig. 6: Ripstitching concept. The capsule moves with arrow. If the tether (orange) gets suddenly stuck, the ripping of the stitches (black) will absorb some of the energy.will lead to, firstly, a larger difference in orbital period, so to increase the distance between the two bodies in the subsequent apogee, and secondly, a lower apogee so that less time will be spent in the same altitude region. Note that the true anomaly of ejection does not need to be in apogee but can freely (and possibly more optimally) be chosen, because of the 2-stage deployment concept. Moving into secondary level failures, if the tether would wrap, or the capsule should come back to Foton, one should consider that: · The Foton weighs over 6000 kg vs. 0.2 kg/km tether (<7 kg total), so the impact of the tether will be low. · The nominal tension in the tether is also low, less than 10 N throughout the mission, less than 0.1 N typically. · The low ejection energy (20 kg at 2 m/s = 40 J, a walking child) limits the risk of damage to Foton subsystems by capsule impact. · The tether design break strength is near that of typical handling loads (40 kg) so that the risk of deforming appendages of Foton is inherently low. 2.3 Capsule safety and landing Inherent safety As mentioned, the YES2 capsule is An Inherently-safe Re-entry vehicle (AIR). Rather than depending for a soft landing on a parachute system, the capsule will be its own parachute, by being light and large. The landing velocity relates to: vlanding = Ö [2g (mAIR-rairVAIR) / (rair CD S) ] with rairVAIR the buoyancy of the AIR capsule and mAIR/CDS the ballistic parameter. A large volume (> 2 m3), a large surface and a low mass all reduce the landing velocity (YES2: 1<m/S<10). Inflatable capsule The main concept of interest to achieve such velocities is an inflatable capsule, because it is scalable to ISS applications. The key to inherent safety with an inflatable (or unfoldable) capsule is to have a single stage inflatable (it either succeeds or it does not) and to inflate already in space. The inflated capsule will decelerate at very high altitudes (>80 km), in the rarefied flow, with low density and therefore low heat fluxes. The capsule can be dimensioned such that, if for some reason the inflation fails, it will burn and be of no hazard (Fig. 7). In the contingency-case, the capsule with decreased surface will penetrate deeper into the atmosphere until it eventually decelerates as well. Interestingly, the peak of the total dissipated power (Fdragv = 0.5 rair v3 CD S, [W]) remains nearly unaffected, and occurs at similar velocity (~5 km/s), but in a higher 6density region. The smaller surface area S causes increased heat load. The dissipated power expressed in [W/m2] in fact scales roughly with the ballistic coefficient. In reality heat flux and temperature are not directly proportional to dissipated power and will peak typically even before [Fig. 7].2500Tem pera tur e in the w all [K]2000inflation 'failed inflation succ ess150010005000 0 100 2 00 300 400 500 6 00 Tim e fr om e ntry po int at 12 0 km [s]Fig. 7: Capsule wall temperature during re-entry, in case of successful inflation (lower curve), and failed inflation (upper). In case of failure, the capsule will burn.The inflation system and other mechanical hardware, and even the heavy instrumentation is jettisoned before entry, to reduce mass and hardness of the capsule even more. If the capsule is spherical and the final velocity becomes supercritical (Reynolds number > ~300.000), the turbulent, viscous flow will stick to the wall on the back of the capsule, reducing the size of the capsule s (pressure-less) wake, and therefore the pressure drag. The effect on landing velocity is roughly an increase by factor 2. This is one of the reasons to consider a sphere-cone capsule. The steep gradients at the edge of the vehicle will ensure flow release and a large wake, so high drag. Also the sphere-cone allows for a relatively large nose radius (larger shock distance so lower heat flux) and reduces total surface area, both allowing for a potentially lighter capsule.Fig. 8: Triple Tori mock-upAt a mass of 12 kg and diameter of 1.8 m, the Triple Tori expected landing velocity is less than 10 m/s, the equivalent impact energy (if relatively little ground winds) only about 500 J, equivalent to the energy of a handful of dropping soccer balls.A good time for inflation seems to be the synchronization stage (Fig. 1-[6]). This is because then there is a stable situation with a well-known time since ejection. The inflation can thus be simply initiated by a timer connected to a microswitch. There will be no telecommand capability to the AIR capsule, so autonomous inflation is required. The inflation is also expected to reduce any remaining capsule librations when suspended from the tether, due to increasing moments of inertia as well as increasing arm and stabilizing torque of the tether tension. However, the possibility of a long waiting phase of maybe a day could lead to excessive leakage of gas. Later inflation (e.g. after cut of the tether) is possible as well, but it is more difficult to make a reliable, autonomous inflation system. Filtered measurements of tether tension and/or dynamic pressure are required then. 2.4 YESsim mission simulator A complete mission simulation environment YESsim has been developed, connecting the following major functionalities:possible use of the tether to support this [Fig. 9]. YESsim is used to study whether the inflatable capsule deformations cause attitude instabilities during the part of re-entry where heat flux and dynamic pressure are steeply decreasing.Fig. 9: tether orienting capsule at entry. The capsule (red circle) is at ~100 km altitude. The tether is 30 km long, so the upper part is outside the atmosphere. Tension near the capsule is now ~15 N but rising strongly.· · · · · · ·Tether deployment dynamics simulation Re-entry simulation Pressure-induced deformations on inflatable capsule Attitude propagation Heat transport throughout capsule Noise models & Monte Carlo VisualisationsThis integrated 3D tool includes models for the different flow regimes, higher order gravity and solar pressure disturbances, as well as the latest versions of atmosphere and wind models (MSISE00, HWM93, G2S). The heat transport through the capsule is based on models supported by test [17]. The validated tether simulator has been described in section 2.2 and includes tether deployer hardware models. Tether & aerodynamic torques are calculated in real time. The Re-Entry Simulation Tool (REST) includes engineering relationships for the different flow regimes. YESsim will be used to make certain mission decisions, such as best time of inflation, optimal entry angle and time of tether cut at Foton, time of MASS/tether jettison from AIR. The attitude of the capsule when suspended from the tether will be evaluated. The capsule has no active attitude control, so pitch-off rate induced by the ejection must be dampened out or contained by the tether tension or initial spin. With YESsim we can evaluate the required initial condition and acceptable angular rates for correct orientation at entry, as well as theLanding area minimization The Re-Entry Simulator Tool (REST) is the part of YESsim that is used for evaluating trajectory, heat fluxes and landing points. Combined with the Monte Carlo tool, it is used for landing area determination. The Monte Carlo tool takes into account the errors of the density, the wind velocity, the drag coefficient and the lift coefficient (aerodynamic landing area). When coupled to the tether simulator, the total landing area can be simulated. The collection of possible landing areas, due to orbital uncertainties in the planning phase, is called the landing zone. The landing zone is an important parameter for YES2. Although the nominal Foton landing zone in the Kazakhstan region remains a back-up for YES2, it will be attempted to meet the challenge of landing the first capsule ever on (WesternEuropean) soil. Such a landing in inhabited could only be allowed for an inherently-safe vehicle. However, since the European countries in general are rather small, it may be necessary to obtain permission to land from more than one country. Not an easy task indeed. This is where REST will help. It is used for minimization of the landing area in the following ways: recommendations for optimal initial conditions REST is coupled to an NRL-provided module, G2S, which allows for reading-in of actual weather predictions, to improve trajectory estimates at the last moment. The coupling of REST to the tether simulator will be used during the mission7。


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如果需要更快的响应速度,并且可以接受额外的服务器负载,可以配置DWR使用Coment或Polling方式。这种模式称作积极的Reverse Ajax。默认情况下DWR不是以积极ReverseAjax模式启动,仅仅允许piggyback传输模式。
Remote.getData(42, function(str) { alert(str); });
假设有下面的Java方法,有一个Person类型的Java Bean参数:
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DWR1 DWRDWR(Direct Web Remoting)是getahead公司开发的一个实现Ajax应用的框架。



1.1 DWR简介DWR(Direct Web Remoting)是一个开源的类库,可以帮助开发人员开发包含Ajax技术的网站。


DWR包含两个主要的部分,其一是运行在浏览器客户端的Javascript,这部分被用来与服务器通信,并更新页面内容;其二是运行在服务器端的Java Servlet,这部分被用来处理请求并将响应结果发送给浏览器。


这样Web开发人员就可以在Javascript里像使用浏览器的本地代码一样使用Java代码,而实际上这些Java代码是运行在服务器端并且可以自由访问Web 服务器资源的。







图11-1 DWR交互过程使用DWR可以有效地从应用程序代码中把Ajax的全部请求-响应循环消除掉。




目录1.1DWR 中的反向“全推”和“半推”AJAX技术(第1部分) (2)1.1.1反向Ajax技术的实现原理 (2)1.1.2DWR 中的反向“全推”Ajax技术的实现实例 (5)1.1.3设计服务器端的Java程序类 (10)1.1DWR 中的反向“全推”和“半推”AJAX技术(第1部分)1.1.1反向Ajax技术的实现原理1、什么是反向Ajax技术(1)反向Ajax反向Ajax的基本概念是客户端不必从服务器获取信息,服务器会把相关信息直接推送到客户端。




2、常规的Web应用系统无法实现反向Ajax技术(1)常规的AJAX技术所存在的局限性AJAX技术提高了单用户操作的响应性,但Web 本质上是一个多用户的系统。

现有的AJAX 技术的发展并不能解决在一个多用户的Web 应用中,将更新的信息实时地传送给客户端,从而用户可能在“过时”的信息下进行操作。




DWR 在解决编辑冲突中的应用

DWR 在解决编辑冲突中的应用

DWR 在解决编辑冲突中的应用 摘 要:随着Web2.0 时代的到来,在线协作编辑系统被广泛的使用,随之而来出现的编辑冲突问题也屡见不鲜。

本文首先分析了编辑冲突出现的情况,比较了常见的解决编辑冲突方法,并发现了这些方法的不足,然后介绍了基于Ajax 技术的DWR 框架在增强用户体验上的优势,最后提出了使用DWR 框架解决编辑冲突的方法,从而使编辑冲突的解决更加实时化,响应客户的方式更多样化。

关键字:文本编辑;编辑冲突;AJAX; 0 引言 在 Web2.0 的时代里,文本编辑的使用无处不在。





本文从实际出发,探讨了运用DWR 技术的解决编辑冲突的策略,有效的体现了解决编辑冲突的实时性和解决方法的丰富性。





那么考虑这种情况:A,B 为两个普通用户。


这个词条用A 的版本保存了也完成了他的修改,并单击保存本页。

这时B 就出现编辑冲突问题。

因为 B 用户编辑的内容在尚未提交时就已经被A 更新了。




corr预测模型指标-概述说明以及解释1.引言【1.1 概述】本文旨在介绍和探讨corr预测模型指标。



corr预测模型指标是基于相关系数(correlation coefficient)的一种评估模型准确性的指标。











接下来,我们将结合具体案例,深入探讨corr 预测模型指标的各个方面,相信这将为读者提供有价值的信息和洞察力。



正文部分(Main Body)正文部分是文章的核心部分,我们将重点讨论corr预测模型指标。



rwkv语料例子-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分应该对整篇文章的主题进行简要介绍,并指出文章的重要性和价值。

下面是对"rwkv语料例子" 这篇文章概述的一个例子:引言部分旨在引出本篇文章的主题——"rwkv语料例子"。





第二部分将介绍rwkv 语料的相关要点,通过详细说明其组成和用途,进一步解释其在语料库中的实际应用。














WR的数值范围为 0——100,
其中以0为顶部, 以100为底部。
80——100区间时, 是WR指标的超卖区, 表明市场处于超卖状态, 股票价格已近底部,
可考虑买入。 WR=80这一横线, 超买状态,
•5、当红柱开始消失、绿柱开始放出时,这是股市转市信号之一,表明股市的上涨行情(或高位盘 整行情)即将结束,股价将开始加速下跌,这时应开始卖出大部分股票而不能买入股票。
•6、当绿柱开始消失、红柱开始放出时,这也是股市转市信号之一,表明股市的下跌行情(或低位 盘整)已经结束,股价将开始加速上升,这时应开始加码买入股票或持股待涨。
WR指标的背离 是指WR指标的曲线的走势正好和股价K线图上的走势正好相反。和其他技术分析 指标一样,WR指标的背离也分为顶背离和底背离两种。
1、当股价K线图上的股票走势一峰比一峰高,股价在一直向上涨,而WR指标图 上的WR曲线的走势是在高位一峰比一峰低,这叫顶背离现象。顶背离现象一般 是股价将高位反转的信号,表明股价短期内即将下跌,是比较强烈的卖出信号。

标 WR 威廉指标
定义:由快的指数移动平均线(EMA12)减去 慢的指数移动平均线(EMA26)得到快线DIF, 再用2×(快线DIF-DIF的9日加权移动均线 DEA)得到MACD柱
•12日EMA(快的指数移动平均线)的计算: EMA(12) = 前一日EMA(12) X 11/13 + 今日收盘价 X 2/13 •26日EMA(慢的指数移动平均线)的计算: EMA(26) = 前一日EMA(26) X 25/27 + 今日收盘价 X 2/27 •差离值(DIF)的计算: DIF = EMA(12) - EMA(26) 。 (根据差离值计算其9日的EMA,即离差平均值,是所求的DEA值。为了不与指 标原名相混淆,此值又名DEA或DEM) •DEA = (前一日DEA X 8/10 + 今日DIF X 2/10) •用(DIF-DEA)*2即为MACD柱状图。 •MACD的意义:由快、慢均线的离散、聚合表征当前的多空状态和股价可能的发 展变化趋势。



ˆ 创高幕墙员工满意度调查各维度回归分析为了更为清楚地了解各维度满意度对公司总体满意度的影响,本部分将对创 高各维度满意度与公司总体满意度进行回归分析,建立相应的回归方程模型。

设被 解释变量为Y ,解释变量为X ,则多元线性回归理论模型为:Y=a 0+a 1x 1+a 2x 2+······+a j x i +ε其中,Y 是被解释变量,也称为因变量,a j (j=0,1,···,n )是回归系数, x i (i=1,2,···,n )是解释变量,也称为自变量,ε是残差。

本部分的回归分析将使用到以下统计量:F 值、R ²、DW 值。

其中F 统计量是为 了检验解释变量与被解释变量之间是否存在显著的线性关系,SPSS 会根据F 统计量 值自动计算出其对应的概率p 值,从而判断出解释变量与被解释变量之间的显著性 水平。

R ²代表拟合优度,R ²取值在0~1之间,R ²越接近于1,说明回归方程对样本 数据点的拟合优度越高,反之,R ²越接近于0,说明回归方程对样本数据点的拟合 优度越低。

DW 观测值是判断残差序列之间是否存在自相关,DW 值在0~4之间,当 残差序列不存在自相关时,DW ≈2(1-ρ)。

如果残差序列存在自相关,说明回归 方程没能充分说明被解释变量的变化规律,还留有一些规律性没有被解释,也就是 认为方程中遗漏了一些较为重要的解释变量;或者,变量存在取值滞后性;或者, 回归模型选择不合适,不应选用线性模型等。

本部分利用SPSS13.0对数据进行处理、分析,发现本部分分析的几个方面的 杜宾值即DW 值均在2左右浮动(具体参数如表1~6所示),因此,适合使用线性回归 模型构建方程,进而分析相应解释变量对被解释变量的影响。

1.从整体上进行分析:各维度上员工满意度对整体满意度的影响如表1所示,本部分解释变量分别为公司满意度(X 1)、工作本身满意度(X 2)、 工作回报满意度(X 3)、工作环境满意度(X 4)、工作群体满意度(X 5),被解释变量 为整体满意度(Y )。



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•9.4.5 结果求解及分析
for flag=1:3 if A(i,j)<=ca(k) w=0; X(i,h)=X(i,h); break; elseif A(i,j)>ca(k)&&A(i,j)<B(f1,f2) w=1-exp(-(A(i,j)-ca(k)/ca1(k))^2); X(i,h)=X(i,h)+w*A(i,j);%加权 break; else k=k+1; f2=f2+1; end end
序,最后用决策分析中的Borda数方法对四个城市的空气质 量综合排序。
%对应每个中值 %对应每个等级值
•9.4.5 结果求解及分析
•9.4.5 结果求解及分析
•9.5 本章小结
本章考虑到污染物浓度这一评价指标的“质的差异” 和“量的差异”,采用动态加权综合评价方法建立评价模 型,增大了评价结果的客观性。首先对评价指标数据进行 归一化处理,然后选取偏大型正态分布函数作为动态加权
i 1
B(u j ) Bi (u j ) ( j 1, 2,3, 4)
i 1
x mj ij , (i 1, 2, ,55; j 1, 2,3) xij M m j j 当 x i时, 0 , 2 x i wi ( x) 1 e i , 当 x 时, i m X w ( x ) x , (i 1, 2,3) i i i i 1 m B(u ) B (u ) ( j 1, 2,3, 4) j i j i 1
SO2 NO2 PM10
•9.4.3 空气质量评价模型的建立
为了给每次的检测值进行排序,在基于上述模型的同时,取综合评价 模型为各评价指标的动态加权和,即:
X wi ( xi ) xi
第9章 DWRR应用分析
•9.1 问题的背景
人类生活在大气里,洁净大气是人类赖于生存的必要条件 。一个人在五个星期内不吃饭或5天内不喝水,尚能维持生命, 但超过5分钟不呼吸空气,便会死亡。随着地球上人口的急剧增 加,人类经济增长的急速增大,地球上的大气污染日趋严重, 其影响也日趋深刻,如由于一些有害气体的大量排放,不仅造 成局部地区大气的污染,而且影响到全球性的气候变化。因此 ,加强大气质量的监测和预报是非常必要。 目前对大气质量的监测主要是监测大气中 等的浓度。
•9.4 模型的建立与求解
表9-2 国标GB 3095-1996中3个主要项目标准限值
mg m3
污染物名称 一级标准 二级标准 三级标准
PM 10
(0,0.08] (0,0.05]
(0,0.08] (0.05,0.15]
(0.08,0.12] (0.15,0.25]
对于这种既有“质差”,又有“量差”的问题,采用定常 加权法显然是不合理的,故合理有效地方法是动态加权综合评 价方法。
•9.4.2 动态加权函数的确定
不妨选取呈正态分布曲线的偏大型正态分布函数作为动态加 权函数,即:
x i 0 , 2 x i wi ( x) i 1 e , x i
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0
x=[0.6,0.67,0.6]; ca=[0.1,0.335,0.1]; % 标 准区间的中值 ca1=x-ca./sqrtm((-log(0.1))) %delta %% x=0:0.1:1; w1=1-exp(-((x-ca(1,1))/ca1(1,1)).^2); % 权值1 w2=1-exp(-((x-ca(1,2))/ca1(1,2)).^2); % 权值2 w3=1-exp(-((x-ca(1,3))/ca1(1,3)).^2); % 权值3 plot(x,w1,'r','linewidth',2) %画图 hold on %图像同轴柄显 示 plot(x,w2,'g','linewidth',2) plot(x,w3,'b','linewidth',2)
•9.4.5 结果求解及分析
ca=[0.1,0.335,0.1]; ca1=[0.5341 0.4492 0.5341]; B=[0.2 0.6 1;0.67 0.67 1;0.2 0.6 1]; a=size(A,1); b=size(A,2); MX=max(A); MN=min(A); f1=1; f2=1; for j=1:b for i=1:a A(i,j)=(A(i,j)-MN(j))/(MX(j)-MN(j)); end end %中值 %δ的值 %标准分级 %A的行数 %A的列数 %A的每列的最大值 %A的每列的最小值 %B的行变量 %B的列变量 %将A里面的值标准化