

高分子化学--绪论 ppt课件

高分子化学--绪论  ppt课件
第一章 绪论 Prolegomenon
高分子材料的创生虽只有100多年, 但其发展速度远远快于金属和无机材料。 究其原因,是合成高分子的结构具有几乎 无穷变化的可能性,赋予材料性能的潜力 远胜于其它物质。
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
本例特点: 因两种单体参与聚合,故两种结构单元构成了一个重复
重复单元(链节) 结构单元
因聚合反应为官能团间的缩合反应,单体分子进入大分 子后失去了一些元素,故结构单元不能称单体单元。
11 13
5)聚合度(Degree of Polymerization):聚合物分子量大 小的一个指标,在聚合物的分子结构式中以n 表示,也称 为链节数。有两种表示方法:
n 重复单元
3)结构单元(Structure Unit):单体分子通过聚合反应进入 大分子链的基本单元。结构单元的元素组成可以与单体的元素 组成相同,也可以不同。
10 12
4)单体单元(Monomer Unit):单体分子通过聚合反应形 成的元素组成与单体完全相同的结构单元。
式中,M0=重复单元的“分子量”,M10、M20 分别为 两种结构单元的“分子量”,且
M 0 M 10 +M 20
13 15
Case 2:聚合物由一种单体聚合而生成,且重复结构单元 的元素组成与单体的元素组成完全相同。如:


Kinds of meaning Major sense relations
Sentence meaning Semantic analysis
Componential analysis Predication analysis
What is semantics?
英文semantics来自希腊语semantikos,意 思是siginificant(有意义)。是研究语言意义 的科学。
词的意义和句子意义. 20世纪60年代以前, 语言学家只注重研究词的意义,忽略了句子 意义。
研究语言单位的意义,尤其是词语和句子的 意义 。
Semantics--the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.
the meaning which arises in cases of multiple conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word is so strong that it forms part of our response to another
Within the domain of linguistics, semantics is mainly concerned with the analysis of meaning of words, phrases, or sentences and sometimes with the meaning of utterances in discourse or the meaning of a whole text.
Example: words having a taboo meaning, such as ‘gay’,

英语词汇学 ppt课件

英语词汇学  ppt课件
3. Varieties of English 4. Classification of languages
Chapter 1 A Brief Survey
of the English Language
Definition of Word Bloomfield: some linguistic forms, which we call bound forms are never used as sentences.
Vocabulary(口语化), lexis(两者 之间), lexicon(学术味) (词汇)
1011学年第二学期词汇学试题类型 I. Explain the following terms. (20 points)
II. Complete the following statements or passages with
1) OE Dialects 方言
West Saxon西撒克逊语 Kentish肯特语 Mercian莫西亚语 Northumbrian北恩布瑞安语
2) OE Vocabulary 词汇
Compounding: for-(forbid, forget), in-, -ful, -dom, -
8. What is the difference between root antonyms and derivational antonyms?
9. State the vital role of context in determination of word meaning.
10. What are verb phrase idioms? What are their peculiar features?



➢Synchronic approach共时研究方法
Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同一个 词可以拥有许多不同的意义。
• 2) Relative synonyms
Synonyms which denote different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality are called relative synonyms.
3. Sources of synonyms同义词的来源
➢ The basic meaning of a word is called the central meaning 中心意义. The derived meanings are secondary in comparison.
2. Two processes of development
1) Radiation辐射型 2) Concatenation连锁型
2) Dialects and regional English 地域性语言和方言
3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words 词的比喻和委婉用法 4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions 单词与习惯表达在意义上的偶合



Research purpose and significance
To investigate the characteristics and patterns of polysemy and homonymy in English: This research aims to identify the characteristics and patterns of polysemy and homonymy in English, providing a better understanding of these phenomena.
详细描述:根据不同的分类标准,可以将同音异义词分为不同的类型。根据词性,可以将同音异义词 分为名词同音异义词、动词同音异义词、形容词同音异义词等。根据词义,可以将同音异义词分为完 全同音异义词和部分同音异义词。
Homonymy's discrimination method
详细描述:对于同音异义词的辨析,可以采用语境法、词源法、词义分析法等方法。语境法是通过上下文语境来判断词义的 方法;词源法是通过词的来源和历史演变来判断词义的方法;词义分析法是根据词的语义特征和义素来分析词义的方法。
Language contact
When different languages come into contact, words from one language may borrow meanings from another language, leading to polysemy.
Secondary polysemy
When a word acquires a new meaning that is related to its original meaning but is not a fundamental change. For example, the word "gas" can mean any one of the elements or compounds that are gaseous at standard temperature and pressure, or it can refer to a type of fuel.


(3).Social meaning: Based on: ①the social relationship between the
speakers;②the occasion;③the subject matter;④ the mode of speech;etc. eg: What’s your age? (对求职者)
2.Lexical meaning:
(1).Denotative meaning: It is the central factor in linguistic communication. eg: chair → 椅子 mother → 母亲 man → 男人 woman → 女人 politician → 政客 blood → 血液 chicken → 小鸡 adumeaning: eg: chair → 官位 mother → love, care, tenderness man → 勇敢,强壮,责任心,大度 woman → 意志薄弱,爱流泪,多情善感 (Anyway,she is a woman.) politician → 欺诈,夸夸其谈 blood → 出身,亲情,民族 (Blood is thicker than water. He has Canadian blood) chicken → 懦弱,胆怯 adult → 责任
你吃了吗? (denotative meaning; connotative meaning)
(4).Affective meaning: a.Interjections: Oh! Alas! Ouch! b.Approval and disapproval: mother, scholar, masterpiece, career, buzz, gang, boast, workaholic, etc. c.Bias: slender — skinny, statesman — politician, famous — notorious proud — arrogant (褒义) (贬义)



1.2.1 original meaning vs. extended meaning
original meaning: no practical use
extended meaning: in use
Candidate 穿白衣服的人
Three types of homonyms
2.1 Perfect homonyms完全同形同音异义词 2.2 Homophones同音异义词 2.3 homograph / heteronym同形异音异义

Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most common.
1.1 Polysemy
means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.
治理国家; 政府
150 meanings
b) Concatenation连锁型:
It is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its primary meaning in succession so that the present meaning seems to have no connection to the primary meaning.

Sense relations 语义关系ppt课件

Sense relations 语义关系ppt课件
⑶ figurative and euphemistic use of words e.g. Drunk-elevated (euph), lie---distort the fact (euph) ⑷ coincidence with idomatic expressions e.g. win—gain the upper hand hesitate-be in two minds help—lend one a hand
structure, phonological form and usage are
synonyms, and the relationship between them
is one of synonymy.
types of synonymy
• total / absolute / perfect synonyms • partial synonyms (部分同义词)
• Synonymy
is a term used in semantics to refer to
a major type of sense relation between
lexical items: lexical items which have the
same meaning but differ in morphemic
• Native


secondary meaning.
6.1.2 two processes of
• its central meaning is
• 1)"the front part of the head" 5
• its secondary meanings are:
• 2. economy and efficiency
• 3. affective and stylistic meaning for each individual sense.
– You will go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. – She wants to put her tongue in your mouth.
white"(A+B) • "a seeker for office" (B) • A--->A+B--->B • The word "treacle" in Greek means • "of a wild beast" (A) • "a remedy for the bite of a wild beast" (A+B) • "a remedy in general" (B) • "a remedy in the form of a syrup" (B+C) • "a syrup in general" (C) • A--->A+B--->B--->B+C--->C



• 圆盘式抓棉机
➢ 主要机构
➢ 工艺过程
➢ 大手结构特点
➢ 三台电机的作用分析
• 往复式抓棉机
• 联动控制原理
• 抓棉机的作用分析
➢ 开松作用影响因素分析 下页
三 棉箱机械 (一)自动混棉机
• 在流程中的位置与作用(参看流程图) • 主要机构 • 工艺过程 • 联动控制原理 • 影响开松除杂作用的因素分析
第一章 绪论
• 第一节 概述 • 第二节 纺纱基本原理
➢ 什么是纺纱学? ➢ 纺纱过程的理论描述与形象化
▪ 理论描述 ▪ 形象化描述 • 第三节 纺纱工艺系统
第三节 纺纱工艺系统
• 升降电机-小车每转一周或运动到
Back 54
特吕 茨勒 的开 棉机
返回 55
双滚筒 Back
• 在流程中的位置
• 凝棉器——
• 配棉器——
• 强力除尘器——
• 金属除杂装置——
• 火花检测与灭火装置-特吕茨勒公司图示
六 清棉机-成卷机


• Q: What is polysemy?
• Q: What is polysemy?
• The word polysemy is of Greek origin (GK polys+ sema).
• Polysemy means a single word having several or many meanings.
– Homonymy is when two words are (etymologically) distinct, but sound the same due to historical accident
– Polysemy is when one word has multiple meanings (and supposedly only one etymological antecedent)
Homonymy and polysemy
• Q: What is the difference between homonymy and polysemy?
Homonymy and polysemy
• Q: What is the difference between homonymy and polysemy?
• Elevation is also a process whereby words rise from humble meanings to positions of importance.
• e.g. success---“result” to “ good result”.



PolysemyWhat is polysemy?The word polysemy is of Greek origin (Gk polys, much + sema, meaning). It means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.In English as in any language the number of meanings is larger than the number of words.By a variety of shifts in meaning due to the use of a word in different situations a single word has been made to express not one meaning alone, but often a remarkable variety of meanings.Take the word set for example. It has 126 meanings in the Oxford English Dictionary; besides, the verb to set has 26 combinations with an adverb, of which the last, set up, has 67 senses.PolysemyIn order to express new ideas, new processes, new products, language can do three things:1) to form a new word,2) to borrow a word from other languages,3) to add new meanings to established words.Of the three ways, the simplest one is to have old words take on additional meaning.Two processes leading to polysemyRadiation (辐射型)Concatenation(连锁型)Radiation (辐射型)Semantically, radiation is the process in which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.Radiation (辐射型)headhead of a schoolsix pence per headthe head of a ladder to lose one’s headsix heads of cattleConcatenation(连锁型)Concatenation is a semantic Process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary meaning.Concatenation (连锁型)Board: a flat piece of woodboard: the council or committee that meets about the table: Board of Directorsboard: an extended surface of wood: black board, notice-boardboard: the tablet on which games are played: chessboardboard: A table, especially one set for serving food.board: any piece of furniture resembling a table: dressing-board, side-boardPolysemy and ContextMan must change in a changing world.Man is taller than woman.He tipped the chessboard, dumping the men to the floor. They are man and wife.The visitor sent his man for the luggage.We can man ten ships.Mary had a little lamb.Mary had a little lamb, some rice and vegetables.Polysemy and HomonymyHow can we differentiate polysemy from homonymy?1. MeaningRelated—polysemy Unrelated—homonymy2. OriginSame origin—polysymy Different origin—homonymy 3. EntryUnder the same entry—polysemy Under different entries—polysemy。


Old Norse rās > race ‘running’ [reis]
French race > race ‘nation, breed’
2. Semantic divergence: “When two or more meanings of the same word drift apart to such an extent that there will be no obvious connection between them, polysemy will give place to homonymy…”
Types of homonyms
1. Perfect homonym: identical in both sound and spelling, e.g.
➢ vi make a statement that one knows to be to be untrue
➢ vi be, put oneself flat on a horizontal surface or in a resting position
➢ n. one side of a leaf of paper in a book, periodical, etc
➢ n. boy servant, usu. in uniform, in a hotel, club, etc.
compliment, complement
3. Homograph: identical only in spelling
Hale Waihona Puke lead /li:d/lead /led/
sow /sәu/
sow /sau/

The Polysemy in English Vocabulary

The Polysemy in English Vocabulary

The Polysemy in English Vocabulary余路遥2120122780英语1202 Abstract: Polysemy, is the coexistence of many possible meanings for a word or phrase, is a common and important linguistic phenomenon, it is a major feature of English Words. English pure monosemic words are few, most words are polysemous, i.e. a term with two or more than two significance (Li Fuyin, 2006). So, how does polysemy come into being? There are two ways expanding meanings in polysemy: Radiation and Concatenation. Speaking from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, metaphor and metonymy is the ways to extend and expand the meaning of polysemy. Researching on these questions will not only deepen our understanding of polysemy, and its English learners will get some important enlightenment in learning English vocabulary. 1.The reason of polysemyPolysemy means that a word has more than one meaning and all the meanings are related with each other. Polysemy is a reflection of the economics and flexibility in language, it belongs to the positive part of language because it is not necessary for words to lose their original meanings as the price of achieving new meanings. No increase in the number of words, can express meaning scope has been broadened, this is language economy and creativity (Shu Dingfang, 2000). The causes of polysemous words are as follows:1.1 Shift in applicationThis is the main reason of Polysemy. For example, the original handsome is generally only used to describe male appearance, meaning "natty, featurely"; If used to describe women, such as “a handsome woman”, its meaning becomes "graceful and dignified, beautiful"; If used for modification of money, such as “a handsome sum of money", its meaning is” considerable, sizable". Some of the words used in different occasions have different meanings, take the adjective sharp and blunt as an example (Duan Manfu, 2004). Sharp: (tool) sharp -- (speech) harsh -- (action) straight to -- (feeling) vigorous -- (wisdom) agile. Blunt: (tool) blunt -- (speech) frank -- (action)clumsy -- (feeling) dull -- (Intelligence) stupid. Thus, a word, as a result of the transfer of situation, can be used in the semantic field of different, and have different meanings.1.2Specialization in asocial milieuIt belongs to the social reason. For example, lawyers said “action” often is “lega laction”, and the soldiers said “action” could be “military action”; and as many refers to the “company”, business people talk about the “corporation” , but said the captain “company” signifies the “crew” .1.3Ambiguous due to rhetorical usageTake metaphor and metonymy for example. In the metaphor, the vehicle and the body have similarities, so in eye of a needle (needle), teeth of a tomb (comb), neck of a bottle (bottleneck), bridge of a pair of glasses(glasses frame), lip of a cup (cup). Here, “eye”, “teeth”, “neck”, “bridge” and “lip” are the usage of metaphor, shaping similar with the body, thus these words have multiplemeanings. Next in the metonymy, metonymy is also called melonymy, with a closely related things that refers to another thing. F or example, “She gets a good table”, “table”, here means” supply of food”, replace “food” with “table”; “He is nice,but he hasn’t got much brain”, here, use “brain” instead of “wisdom”.1.4Foreign influenceMany French words have been brought into English and have endowed English words with new meanings.2.The ways of the formation of polysemy2.1 Radiation and ConcatenationFirstly, the radiation.One word originally has one meaning, so how do other meanings appear? There are two important process of lexical development, namely the radiation type and chain link. The so-called radiation type, from the angle of semantics, with a vivid metaphor, is more of a derived meaning of a word in the original meaning as the center, such as X-ray general around radiation from the center. Take the word “power” as an example, in The Concise Oxford Dictionary, it has several meanings: (1) ability to do or act…;particular faculty of body or mind…;(2) vigor,energy;(3) active property...;(4) government,influence,authority...;personal ascendancy;political or social ascendancy...;(5)authorization,delegated authority...;(6)influential person,body,or thing....The primary mea ning of “power” is “ability to do or act”, with this as the centre, come out many derivational meanings, just like rays.Secondly, the concatenation. Concatenation, just as its name implies, is each meaning that words later have is only associated with the one before it, that is to say, each descendent word derives from the last one, like chains derive from the ring, closely interlocked with one another. After several derived produce, descendent words’ meanings have been free to the original meaning, and alm ost do not have any relation. For example, ”candidates” comes from Latin word “candidatus”(white-robed), which means “a person dressed in white” ; afterwards, it means “white-robed seeker for office”. In fact, in ancient Rome, people in white robes sought for office always met with ordinary people, thus “candidate” had this sense. To conclude, pathway or process of evolution of the two word is not be quite distinct from each other, but for the cross.2.2 Metaphor and metonymy is another way of the formation of polysemyAnalyzing polysemy from the cognitive perspective, we can find that metaphor and metonymy plays an important role in the formation. “Language is deeply rooted in the cognitive structure, metaphor is an important cognitive model, and is the root of new semantic generation". (Zhao Yanfang, 2001) "There is a link between polysemy. This is often established through metaphor". (Chen Zhong, 2005) Also as Leech argued, semantic extension is mainly achieved through metaphor or metonymy cognitive way of thinking (Leech, 2000) Tenor and vehicle belonging to two different areas, is a domain mapped to another field, tenor and vehicle has the similarity relations with each other. Metonymic projection is usually the main mode of "two-way”, “the whole and the part", "the part and the whole", "place names and institutions", "cause and effect"and "personal and work" etc. (Li Ying, Wen Xu, 2006) We take the word “head” for example, in the CALD (Cambridge Advanced Learner 's Dictionary), many nou n senses of “head” have been listed, we only choose 3 to analyze:(1)the part of the body above the neck that contains the eyes,nose,month and the brain. (2)a person or animal when considered as a unit.(3)the larger end of a nail,hammer,etc.No.1 is nat urally the original meaning of “head”; No.2 obviously has cognitive characteristics with metonymy, the head is the most important part of the human body, as the number of people or animal calculation unit head, nod number indicates the number of point of human or animal, this in part with integral is metonymic thinking mode. Move on to No.3, No.3 has the similarity with original meaning, it belongs to the metaphorical thinking mode, because the “head” to the reflection of human is the real nails and a hammer, this is two different domain mapping between with each other. As a result, the extension of word meaning depends mainly on the similar thinking characteristics of metonymy and the adjacent thinking characteristics of metaphor.3.Enlightenment of polysemy for English vocabulary learningFirst of all, pay attention to the stage, summed up in a timely manner. In the process of learning English vocabulary, attention should be paid to the stage. Different stages have different priorities. In the primary stage of language learning, we will encounter and remember the meaning of specific words, but with the language ability enhancement, we will find that these words have different meanings in different contexts. Then we had better take active action to do a detailed summary of each meanings of these polysemous words, study associations between different meanings and the ways of formation, so as to grasp the different meanings more accurately.Second, grasp the central meaning, namely the original meaning. Because of the relationship between the basic meaning and the implied meaning of different senses of polysemous words, so if we can catch hole of the original meaning and use this association to memorize vocabulary, we can learn twice with half effort. In other words, holding in the time of the original meaning all the time will make it easier to remember other related meanings.Third, special attention should be paid to the context of using polysemy. When memorizing word, we should not merely mechanically recite the definition or concept in dictionary, if so, it will always be difficult to distinguish or determine a polysemy’s meaning when it appear in a different article. Learners should depend on the specific context to determine the meanings of polysemous words (Duan Jianmin, 2006).4.ConclusionIn conclusion, as a common linguistic phenomenon, polysemy has attracted more and more attention. Research on polysemy has also brought some useful enlightenment to English vocabulary learning. English learners should pay attention to the stage of vocabulary learning, sum up in a timely manner, grasp the original meaning of polysemous words, and pay attention tothe context of polysemous words at the same time. Of course, grasping English vocabulary well is a complex and gradual process. In this process, learners need to explore more vocabulary knowledge, including the characteristics of polysemy; find their own suitable learning methods in order to achieve a multiplier effect.参考文献:梅文静 - 《文教资料》,2005年36期张晓鹏 - 《现代外语》,2010年04期袁佳玲 - 《湘潭师范学院学报:社会科学版》,2008年第2期王霞 - 《江南大学学报:人文社会科学版》,2005年01期。

Lecture 9 polysemy 汉英翻译 教学课件

Lecture 9 polysemy 汉英翻译 教学课件
1) Her left foot hurt badly when she finally walked to the foot of the mountain.
2) A: Where is Washington? B: He is dead. A: I mean the capital of the United States. B: They invested it all in Europe.
6) They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor. 他们把沙发收拾了一下,让这位不速之客睡下。 7) He acquired a high reputation as a master thief(first-rate
novelist). 他赢得了神偷(一流作家)的盛名。
8) Mr. Williams was a man of integrity, but unfortunately had a certain reputation. 威廉姆斯先生为人正直,却不幸有某种坏名声。
part of Othello. 5) We drove fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston. 6) They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected
visitor. 7) He acquired a high reputation as a master thief (first-rate
2) Heads or tails?/ Heads I win, tails you lose. 正面还是反面?/反正我赢定了。 3) Prick with the head of a needle. 用针尖挑/刺。 4) The old couple raised 20 head of cattle. 这对老夫妇养了二十头牛。


溶解参数更直观。 物理意义:材料单位体积内聚能密度的
开平方 .
E 1/2 V
H M /V 1 2 (12 )2
聚合物 σ(J.cm-3)1/2 聚合物 σ(J.cm-3)1/2
测相图可采用光散射法和浊点法。 光散射法要求聚合物组分间有较大的折射率差,同时分
相的粒子应足够大。 浊点法较简便,稳定的均相体系是透明的,非均相共混
4.相容性的预测及测定方法 虽然XAB可预测相容性,但实测困难,用
当XAB=0.01时, △Gm 在整个组成范围内都
小于零,曲线1呈现一极小值。体系在整个组 成范围内都是均一的相;
当XAB=0.05时, △Gm 在整个组成范围内都
大于零,曲线3呈现一极大值。体系在整个组 成范围内都高于纯组成A或组成B的自由能,体 系不稳定,必然发生相分离;
当XAB=0.03时, 虽然△Gm 在整个组成范围
表现出最低临界相容温度(LCST)行为。低于此温 度,共混体系完全相容,高于此温度,为部分相容, 在一定范围内产生相分离。较多体系是这类。如 PMMA/SAN
均相区 两相区
同时具有UCST和LCST。 UCST和LCST会相互交叠,形成封闭的两相区。 表现出多重UCST和LCST的行为
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Weinreich (1964) (1) a. The bank of the river
b. The richest bank in the city
(2) mouth:
• an organ of the human body
• the entrance to a cave
• the place where the river joins the sea
• E.g.
• mouse in computer science
• a chair---a president of a meeting
• a neck of a bottle---the hardest point of an issue
• a hawk---a person who favors war
Four kinds of extension:
A.From specific to general B. From proper nouns to common nouns C. From concrete to abstract D. From technical terms to general words
A. From specific to general
• Example:
originally: a painting or drawing
• The present meaning:
a photograph a cinematic picture an x-ray picture a TV picture a radio-telescope picture any picture
• According to Crystal (1980:274): “Polysemy is a
term used in semantic analysis to refer to a
lexical item which has a range of different
• The derived meaning come into being mainly by :
• extension, narrowing, analogy, transfer.
• Extension of Meaning:
It is also called widening of meaning or generalization. It’s a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized.
Two approaches to polysemy
• Diachronic • Synchronic
• According to diachronic study, polysemy is the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one word.
• Generally speaking, we add new meaning (extension) by the ways of metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, euphemism, narrowing, elevation, degradation, argot ect.
Later, people used his name to refer to all similar food.
More examples:
ampere---“the name of a physicist” to “the unit of current”
matter---“the hard part of a tree” to an abstract meaning as in the sentence The world is made of matter.
• Q: What is polysemy?
• Q: What is polysemy?
• The word polysemy is of Greek origin (GK polys+ sema).
• Polysemy means a single word having several or many meanings.
• More Examples: •
Originally: rubble (碎石)
Now: anything worthless
B: From proper word to denotes a popular fast food.
• a dove--a sign of peace, a person who love peace
• Narrowing is a process by which a word of wide meanings acquires narrower senses.
• for example, meat--- “food and drink” to “ flesh of animals used as food”.
It originates from John Montague, Fourth earl of Sandwich in 18th -century England. He was so fond of gambling that he often forgot his meals.
He often ordered slices of bread with thick pieces of roast beef stuffed between them be brought to him so he could eat while playing.