

Melville 麦尔维尔

Melville 麦尔维尔

Masters influencing him
• He was deeply impressed by Hawthorne’s book. Hawthorne’s understanding of evil impacted Melville’s original design of Moby Dick. • They were philosophically closely related, and they represented a position of tragic humanism in their time.
Moby Dick《白鲸》
• Moby-Dick, Herman Melville's 1851 novel, tells the story of obsessed Captain Ahab’s quest for revenge on the White Whale as observed by a common seaman who identifies himself only as Ishmael.
A whaling ship is my Yale College and my Harvard. ------Herman Melville
◆ 1847, married Elizabeth Shaw, the daughter of Lemuel Shaw, Chief Justice of Massachusetts. ◆ 1850-1863, bought a farm near Pittsfield, Mass., and became friends with his neighbor Nathaniel Hawthorne. ◆ 1851, Moby-Dick was published, but received little attention. ◆ died in 1891 in poverty and obscurity



关于人与动物主题的文学作品,以下是一些著名的例子:1. 《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)-赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)这部小说讲述了一个人类船长亚哈与白鲸莫比·迪克之间的复杂关系,探讨了人与自然、人与动物之间的冲突与和谐。

2. 《动物农场》(Animal Farm)-乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)这部寓言小说通过描绘动物们起来反抗人类,自己建立了一个平等的动物共和国,最终却演变成为另一种形式的压迫,反映了人与动物、人与人之间的关系。

3. 《人与自然》(The Man and the Natural World)-约翰·福斯特(John Fowles)这是一部关于人与自然关系的小说,讲述了一个男人在寻找失踪的妻子时,与自然界的生物建立起的微妙关系。

4. 《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)-夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)小说中的男主人公罗切斯特先生拥有一匹名叫布兰奇的女马,布兰奇与简·爱之间建立了深厚的感情,成为了她生活中的一部分。

5. 《我与地坛》(My Relationship with the Earth)-莫言(Mo Yan)这部作品通过描绘主人公与地坛之间的生活,表现了人与自然、人与动物和谐共生的观念。

6. 《荒原》(The Waste Land)- T·S·艾略特(T.S. Eliot)这部诗作中的“荒原”意象,暗示了人与自然、人与动物关系的破裂与疏离。

7. 《小王子》(The Little Prince)-安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)一部寓言般的童话作品,通过描绘小王子与地球上的各种奇特生物之间的互动,探讨了人与动物、人与人之间的爱与沟通。

8. 《草原动物园》(The Animal Farm)-埃里希·凯斯特纳(Erich Kästner)这部小说讲述了一群动物在受到人类虐待后,决定起来反抗,建立一个平等的动物共和国。



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Moby Dick (1851)
Herman Melville Moby Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic(散文叙事诗). Although it is presented in the form of a novel, at times it seems like a prose poem.
The major events influencing Melville’s literary career
• There are three things which deserve to be mentioned about his life. • Going out to sea is one of them, the other two being his marriage and his friendship with Hawthorne.
• His experience and adventure on the sea furnished him with abundant material for fiction. • Melville had to do hackwork for the money he needed to keep his wife in her extravagant(奢 侈的) style . • Melville saw in Hawthorne the one American who was expressively aware of the evil at the core of American life.He found Hawthorne's understanding of evil, that blackness of vision, unusually fascinating.

Herman Melville赫尔曼.梅尔维尔简介

Herman Melville赫尔曼.梅尔维尔简介
In 1839, Melville decided to become a seaman, first signed on to a merchant ship that was going from Boston to liver-pool, England, and then in 1841 signed on for a long whaling cruise to the South Seas. During this harsh voyage, he met another young man. Later they ventured into a valley on the island of Nukahiva. Finally they escaped, and Melville signed as a seaman on a naval
Herman Melville was born in New York City on August 1, 1819. He was a descendent of English and Dutch colonial families. His father, once a successful dry-goods. Melville‘s education began when he was five years old, and then he read widely. When he was 12 years old, his farther died because of bankruptcy . Since Melville was no longer attending school, he had to face the hard time of his family. In order to get rid of poverty, he began to work on merchant ship. Sailing broadened his vision. Then he became a successful writer. Withdrawn from literary circles, back in New York, being a clerk in a customhouse. His death went unnoticed by the public in 1891.

brandy melville营销建议

brandy melville营销建议

brandy melville营销建议Brandy Melville是一家知名时尚品牌,以其独特的街头风格和青春活力而闻名于世。

然而,在市场竞争激烈的时尚行业,如何在品牌推广和营销方面取得进一步的成功成为了Brandy Melville面临的一个重要问题。

本文旨在探讨Brandy Melville的营销建议,帮助品牌更好地推广自身,吸引更多的目标消费者。


Brandy Melville可以通过以下方面来实现这一目标:1. 设计独特的Logo和商标:Brandy Melville的Logo和商标应该具有独特性,能够引起消费者的兴趣和认知。


2. 打造品牌故事:消费者更倾向于购买那些具有吸引力和独特故事的品牌。

Brandy Melville可以通过生动有趣的方式来打造自己的品牌故事,与消费者建立情感联系,增强品牌认同感。


Brandy Melville可以通过以下方式来加强线上推广:1. 社交媒体平台的优化:Brandy Melville应该在各大社交媒体平台上建立品牌形象,并定期更新和发布有关品牌的内容。


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网红代言对于年轻人的购买决策具有重要影响力,Brandy Melville可以利用这一势头来吸引更多的潜在消费者。


要实现这一目标,Brandy Melville可以采取以下措施:1. 扩大产品线:Brandy Melville可以考虑向更多的服装和配饰领域扩展产品线,以满足不同消费者的需求。



● Moby Dick
◆ To readers
◆ To Ishmael

● Although neglected for many years, he was rediscovered around 1920 and has been enthusiastically studied by critics and scholars ever since. Soon after his death, there was a short revival of interest in Melville’s work. Many of his works were published again and so were many appreciative scholarly evaluations.
◆ For Melville, he needed badly sb. to understand and sympathize with his literary work, especially the companionship of the older writer could reawaken his creative energy, as neither understanding nor sympathy was forthcoming from his own family. ◆ They were philosophically closely related, and they represented a position of tragic humanism in their time. (P80-81)
◆ His discovery of Shakespeare stirred him to the depths of his being. Carlyle and Hawthorne’s symbolism fascinated him. For Emerson he had mixed feelings of respect and repulsion.



麦尔维尔的小说作品还有《皮埃尔》 (1852)和《伊斯雷尔· 波特》 (1855)。他 的短篇小说和散文有《代笔者巴特贝》 (1853)、《迷惘的岛屿》(1854)、《 班尼托· 西兰诺》 (1855)等,后来集成《广场故事》于1856年出版。1857年 出版的长篇小说《骗子的化装表演》 。他去世前所写的一部长篇小说是《毕 利· 伯德》 (1924),在他死后30多年才出版。麦尔维尔晚年转而写诗。1866年 他自费印行第1部诗集《战事集》 。1876年又自费出版以宗教为题材的18000 行长诗《克拉瑞尔》 ,1888年和1891年自费出版诗集《约韩· 玛尔和其他水 手》和诗集《梯摩里昂》 ,各印25册。

航海生涯 麦尔维尔作品 1837年,18岁的麦尔维尔怀着满腔的忿懑和对社会的抵触,逃 上了一艘帆船,开始了他的航海生涯。第一次的航海只是激起了他更 强烈的愿望,1839年,到一艘往返于美国纽约和英国利物浦之间的轮 船上当服务员,开始了5年海上生活。其间曾在几艘捕鲸船和邮轮上 当过渔叉手和普通水手,足迹踏遍四大洋,还曾流落到塔希提岛和马 克萨斯岛上,在有食人风气的土著部落中生活过一个时期,并作为水 兵在美国号战舰上服过役。从1841年起,他开始登上捕鲸船做水手了 。在随后的3年间,麦尔维尔随着捕鲸船到了世界上的很多地方,大 大开阔了眼界。不仅如此,他还和捕鲸船上的其他伙伴一起,同捕鲸 船上的专制行为做了一定的斗争,并且还曾因暴动等原因被监禁。后 来,麦尔维尔加入了美国军舰“美国号”,在舰上服役,直到1844年 他在波士顿上岸,结束自己的航海生涯。这些经历为日后他的创作提 供了丰富的素材。

He died soon afterward, leaving his family penniless, when Herman was 12. Although Maria had well-off kin, they were concerned with protecting their own inheritances and taking advantage of investment opportunities rather than settling their mother's estate so Maria's family would be more secure. Herman's younger brother, Thomas Melville, eventually became a governor of Sailors Snug Harbor.



地位 19世纪美国最伟大的小说家、散文家和诗人之一,
与纳撒尼尔·霍桑齐名,梅尔维尔身前没有引起应 有的重视,在20世纪二十年代声名鹊起,被普遍 认为是美国文学的巅峰人物之一。 英国作家毛姆 认为他的《白鲸》是世界十大文学名著之一,其 文学史地位更在马克·吐温等人之上。梅尔维尔也 被誉为美国的“莎士比亚”。
赫尔曼·梅尔维尔,相信邪恶的普遍性,怀 疑超验主义的乐观主义理论,对社会进步 持悲观态度,他给美国文学注入了悲剧色 彩。
麦尔维尔写信给霍桑说:"我写了一本邪书, 不过,我觉得象羔羊一般洁白无疵."
“披谷德号”船长亚哈(又译埃哈伯),在上一次 猎击中,给莫比-迪克咬掉了一条腿,因此,他满怀 复仇之念,一心想追捕这条白鲸,竟至失去理性,变 成一个独断独行的偏热症狂.他将白鲸看成人间万 恶之源,发誓要到天涯海角去追索它.他搜罗一批所 谓社会渣滓,不顾船东的利益,以猎鲸为名出航,使 用威胁利诱的手段,勒迫他们跟他一起去作环球航 行,专事搜捕白鲸.经过长期的海上颠簸生活,历尽 千难万险,终于遇到白鲸,在连续三天的恶战中,最 后总算结果了这条白鲸.但是,亚哈本人,大船,小艇, 全体船员水手都与白鲸同归于尽,只剩一个幸存的 水手以实玛利,来向人间讲述这个故事.
麦尔维尔(1819~1891) Melville,美国作家。 1819 年 8 月19日生于纽约的一个商人家庭,1891年9月28 日卒于同地。因父亲破产,未成年便离开学校,自立谋生。 先后当过银行小职员、农场工人、商店伙计、小学教师。 1839年,到一艘往返于美国纽约和英国利物浦之间的轮船 上当服务员 ,开始了5年海上生活 。其间曾在几艘捕鲸船 和邮轮上当过渔叉手和普通水手,足迹踏遍四大洋,还曾流 落到塔希提岛和马克萨斯岛上,在有食人风气的土著部落中 生活过一个时期 ,并作为水兵在美国号战舰上服过役。这 些经历为日后他的创作提供了丰富的素材。



Selected Readings in American LiteratureUnit 5Herman MelvilleMoby DickHerman Melville (1819-1891)⏹Herman Melville(1819 –1891)was an American novelist, shortstory writer, essayist, and poet.⏹Although Melville has beenregarded throughout most of thetwentieth century as one ofAmerica's most powerful literaryartists, particularly for hismasterpiece Moby-Dick,he waslargely unrecognized in his lifetime.Herman Melville⏹Life Story⏹Literary Characteristics⏹Reading Moby DickLife Story⏹Childhood⏹CareerChildhood⏹Birth: New York City; August 1, 1819⏹Grandson of two Revolutionary WarHeroes⏹Father’s view of his son⏹Death of father in 1832Father’s Opinion ofHim“backward in speech and somewhat slow in comprehension…of a docile and amiable disposition”Career⏹Various jobs: bank clerk; clerk in a cap and fur store; farmhand; schoolteacher, sailor, whaler⏹Significant Events⏹Arrowhead⏹Clerk in New York Custom house for the last 20 years of his life⏹Death in 1891Significant Events⏹Going out to sea⏹Marriage⏹Friendship with HawthorneSea Experiences⏹“Cabin boy”of St. Lawrence in 1839⏹Whaler Acushnet in 1841⏹Whaler Lucy Ann in 1842⏹Whaler Charles & Henry⏹Seaman on United States in 1843Marriage⏹1847⏹Elizabeth Shaw (daughter of Chief Justice of Boston )⏹Extravagant lifestyle⏹Writing for moneyFriendship with Hawthorne ⏹Meeting Hawthorne in the summer of 1850⏹Influenced by his black vision⏹Revising Moby Dick⏹Dedicating Moby Dick to Hawthorne⏹“He will never rest until he gets hold of a definite belief. Itis strange how he persists… He can neither believe, nor be comfortable in his disbelief; and he is too honest andcourageous not to try to do one or the other… He has a very high and noble nature.”Melville’s GravePuritanism (Calvinism), Transcendentalism, Symbolism, IndividualismContents1. Introduction to American Romanticism2. Introduction to American Transcendentalism3. Washington Irving 华盛顿·欧文(1783——1859)4. James Fennimore Cooper 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀(1789——1851)5. William Cullen Bryant 威廉·柯伦·布莱恩特(1794——1878)6. Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加·艾伦·坡7. Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生8. Henry David Thoreau 亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817——1862)9. Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔·霍桑(1804——1864)10. Herman Melville 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(1819——1891)11. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗12. Walt Whitman沃尔特·惠特曼(May 31, 1819-March 26, 1892)13. Emily Dickinson 艾米莉·狄金森(1830——1886)Company LogoLiterary Characteristics⏹Major Works⏹Features⏹Typee (1846)⏹Omoo(1847)⏹Mardi(1849)⏹Redburn(1849)⏹White-Jacket (1850)⏹Moby-Dick(1851)⏹Pierre(1852)⏹The Confidence-Man(1857) ⏹Clarel(1876)⏹Billy Budd(posthumous, 1924)Melville ’s Major Works •1) Typee «泰皮»•2) Omoo «欧穆»•3) Mardi «玛地»•4) Redburn «雷得本»•5) White Jacket «白外衣»from his adventures among the peopleof the South Pacificislands an account ofhis voyage toEngland his life on aUnited Statesman-of-warMelville’s Major Works⏹6) Pierre«皮埃尔»⏹7) Billy Budd《比利•巴德》(a sign that he had resolved his quarrel with God)⏹Clarel《克拉莱尔》( a poem)Features⏹Earlier Works—drawing upon his sea experiences —black and white⏹Later Works—Reconciliation between man and God —living by the rules of this world。



Philosophical ,intellectual and symbolic • Unlike most realists, however, he laced 交织在一起)his stories with (交织在一起 philosophical and intellectual issues and explored them through realistic descriptions which also functioned as symbols. Melville wasn‘t much concerned with describing the psychology of his characters, but instead with telling a realistic story with intellectual undertones 潜在) (潜在)
• In Melville’s fiction, man lives in a world divided into two warring(敌对的) parts: good against evil, God against Satan(撒旦,魔鬼), the “head” against the “heart”. There is no way to overcome the opposites. Melville has a tragic view of life(人生观): he seems to feel that the universe itself is working against human happiness and peace of mind(内心的宁静).
Writing Style
• Realistic • Melville wrote stories that were very realistic. His stories frequently dealt with(涉及)depictions (描 涉及) 描 涉及 写)of life on the sea. The majority of his writing was based on personal experiences while aboard whaling ships(捕鲸船). Melville wrote with a (捕鲸船) style that was his own, intermingling(混合) (混合) fact ,fiction, and subtle symbolism. His writing style was unfamiliar to the literature of the time; he allowed his stories to “ebb and flow”(起伏) (起伏) rather than simply follow one plot.



约翰梅尔维尔美国文学的重要代表人物约翰梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)是19世纪美国文学中的一位重要代表人物。







二、主要作品2.1 《白鲸记》约翰梅尔维尔最著名的作品是《白鲸记》(Moby-Dick)。




2.2 《巴图比亚士》《巴图比亚士》(Bartleby, the Scrivener)是梅尔维尔的另一部重要作品。



2.3 《红字》梅尔维尔的作品《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国文学中的经典之作。








梅尔维尔鲸英语文章Melville's WhaleHerman Melville, one of America's greatest writers, wrote a novel called Moby-Dick. The story is about a whaling ship and its crew, who are hunting a giant white whale named Moby Dick. The captain of the ship, Ahab, is obsessed with catching this whale because he believes it destroyed his previous ship and killed his leg.The novel is not just a thrilling adventure story, but also explores deeper themes such as obsession, revenge, and the nature of evil. Melville uses the character of Ahab to show how an individual's desire for revenge can lead to their downfall. He also questions the morality of whaling and the impact it has on the natural world.Moby-Dick was first published in 1851 and was initially not very popular. However, over time it has become recognized as a masterpiece of American literature. It has been adapted into several films, plays, and musicals, and continues to be studied and enjoyed by readers around the world.In conclusion, Herman Melville's Moby-Dick is a classic novel thattells the story of a whaling ship and its crew, and their quest to catch a giant white whale. It is a work of art that explores complex themes and ideas, and continues to captivate readers today.。

床头灯英语3000词 白鲸

床头灯英语3000词 白鲸

《白鲸》是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)所写的一部经典小说,讲述了一艘捕鲸船与一头白鲸的生死搏斗。

"The white whale. Aye, Moby Dick. Call him what you will, he is deeper than all the sea. He is as old as the great Leviathan himself. Of what strange unknown origin is the White Whale? Whence came he, and what is he? Of what is he made, and what does he do? Did he come into the world before the world itself, or was he created with the world? For all we know, all whales, small and great, and the great Leviathan himself, may have been created in imitation of him; so that the white whale is the original model to all whales; the Arch-type as it were of all things whale-like. ...He is the grand central Whale of all whales, the white whale of all whales."



❖ 3.Important Works:
❖ Mosses from an Old Manse(1646);
❖ 《古屋青苔》
❖ his masterpiece: ❖ The Scarlet Letter(1850); 《红字》 ❖ The House of the Seven Gables(1851)
An Analysis of Hester Prynne
❖ Though living on the fringe of the community, she does her best to reestablish her fellowship with her neighbors on a new, honest basis. She helps her fellow creatures as a sister of mercy of sorts or as a skilled embroideress in an undemanding manner, and finally wins their love and admiration.
❖ Doctor Chilingworth, Hester’a husband, discovered who was the adulterer and made up a cruel plan of revenge—to torture the Minister mentally and physically till his death. In the end, Hester regained her dignity and even respect from the community. Dimmesdale was mentally tortured to death by his own sense of guilt plus Chilingworth’s vicious plan and only in the last minute of his life he revealed his sin.




米考伯(Moby-Dick)是美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)创作的一部经典小说,被誉为美国文学史上的巅峰之作。





















赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的象征主义作品解读赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)是19世纪美国文学的重要代表之一,以其深邃而复杂的文学作品而闻名。



1. 梅尔维尔及其时代背景在探讨梅尔维尔的象征主义作品之前,我们先来了解一下他所处的时代背景。




2. 梅尔维尔作品中的象征意义梅尔维尔通过独特的象征主义手法,深刻揭示了人性、社会和宇宙的本质。


2.1 鲸鱼与《白鲸记》梅尔维尔最为人所熟知的作品之一就是《白鲸记》。




2.2 峡谷与《皮门》另一个具有强烈象征意义的作品是《皮门》。



2.3 音乐与《比利·巴德》《比利·巴德》是梅尔维尔最后一部小说,也是他最具象征主义特色的作品之一。



3. 梅尔维尔作品的象征意义解读梅尔维尔作品中蕴含的象征意义有着多重解读方式。

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brandy melville店员的标准
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5. 团队合作:店员需要具备良好的团队合作能力。



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bm女孩指的是身材偏向白幼瘦风格的女孩,bm是品牌brandy melville的缩写,该品牌只售卖小码的衣服,款式青春靓丽,但只有很瘦的女孩才能穿进去,因此,bm就用来指代身材纤细的女孩,也称为小码女孩。

bm女孩也称为小码女孩,指的是身材偏向白、幼、瘦风格的女孩,bm是意大利服装品牌brandy melville的缩写,该品牌的特点是只售卖小码的衣服,其衣服款式青春靓丽,受到很多女孩的青睐,但只有很瘦的女孩才能穿进去。



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Typee (1846) Omoo (1847) Mardi (1849) Redburn (1849) White-Jacket (1850) Moby-Dick (1851) Pierre (1852) Israel Potter (1855) Piazza Tales (1856) The Confidence-Man (1857) Battle Pieces (1866) Clarel (1876) John Marr and Other Sailors (1888) Timoleon (1891) Billy Budd (posthumous, 1924) Uncollected Prose (1839-1856)
• Most of Melville's novels were published first in the United Kingdom and then in the U.S. Sometimes the editions contain substantiar, The Whale has become Melville's most famous work and is often considered one of the greatest literary works of all time. It was dedicated to Melville's friend Nathaniel Hawthorne. It did not, however, make Melville rich. The book never sold its initial printing of 3,000 copies in his lifetime, and total earnings from the American edition amounted to just $556.37 from his publisher, Harper & Brothers.
• In Nantucket, they sign on with the Pequod, Queequeg the more attractive employee due to his excellence with the harpoon. Ishmael, lacking any further ambition, will be a common sailor. The ship's captain, Ahab, is nowhere to be seen; nevertheless, they hear of him. He is a "grand, ungodly, god-like man" (Chapter 16), according to one of the owners, a man of few words but deep meaning, who has been in colleges as well as among the cannibals. A raggedy prophet of doom named Elijah catches the two friends on the dock and hints at trouble with Ahab. The mystery grows on Christmas morning when Ishmael spots dark figures in the mist, apparently boarding the Pequod shortly before it sets sail.
• Moby-Dick has been classified as American Romanticism. It was first published by Richard Bentley in London on October 18, 1851, in an expurgated three-volume edition titled The Whale, and weeks later as a single volume, by New York City publisher Harper and Brothers as Moby-Dick; or, The Whale on November 14, 1851. Although the book initially received mixed reviews, Moby-Dick is now considered part of the Western canon.
• Herman Melville (August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist, and poet. He is best known for his novel Moby-Dick and the posthumous novella Billy Budd. His first three books gained much contemporary attention (the first, Typee, becoming a bestseller), but after a fast-blooming literary success in the late 1840s, his popularity declined precipitously in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime. When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially Moby-Dick which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world literature.
• Moby-Dick, also known as The Whale, is a novel first published in 1851 by American author Herman Melville. Moby-Dick is widely considered to be a Great American Novel and a treasure of world literature. The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael, and his voyage on the whaleship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale: Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white sperm whale. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to take revenge.
Herman Melville (1819-91)
Born in New York City, the son of New England merchant. He worked at odd jobs (clerk, farmhand, teacher) before sailing to the South Seas on the whaler Acushnet. He deserted his ship, lived among cannibals, mutinied on an Australian boat, then spent two years on an American boat returning to the U.S. He successfully romanticized these adventures, publishing seven novels in six years, including Moby Dick (1851), one of the masterworks of American fiction. His popularity waned, and by the time he died he was virtually forgotten. Billy Budd was his last great novel. As his writing declined, Melville sailed again, around Cape Horn to San Francisco on a clipper ship commanded by his brother.
• In Moby-Dick, Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and metaphor to explore numerous complex themes. Through the main character's journey, the concepts of class and social status, good and evil, and the existence of gods are all examined as Ishmael speculates upon his personal beliefs and his place in the universe. The narrator's reflections, along with his descriptions of a sailor's life aboard a whaling ship, are woven into the narrative along with Shakespearean literary devices such as stage directions, extended soliloquies, and asides. The book portrays insecurity that is still seen today when it comes to non-human beings along with the belief that these beings understand and act like humans. The story is based on the actual events around the whaleship Essex, which was attacked by a sperm whale while at sea and sank.