
英语演讲稿21日:总统呼吁改善美国经济大环境(中英lrc)Obama’s Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: Bringing our Workplace Policies into the 21st Century 奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁改善美国经济大环境Hi, everybody.大家好!As President, my top priority is rebuilding an economy where everybody who works hard has the chance to get ahead.作为总统,我最首要的职责就是重建一个让所有辛勤工作的人都能取得成功的经济环境。
That’s what I’ll spend some time talking about on Monday, at the White House Summit on Working Families.我将在周一举行的白宫工薪家庭峰会上就此话题谈论我的观点。
We’re bringing together business leaders and workers to talk about the challenges that working parents face every day, and how we can address them together.届时我将与众多企业领导和员工们汇聚一堂,共同探讨工薪父母们每天面对的挑战,并对此提出我们所能实现的解决办法。
Take paid family leave.带薪产假和探亲假。
Many jobs don’t offer adequate leave to care for a new baby or an ailing parent, so workers can’t afford to be there when their family needs them the most.多数岗位都不提供足够的假期让员工有时间去照顾新生婴儿或生病的父母,因此,员工无法在他们的家庭急需他们的时候及时到位,因为他们无法承受这一代价。
布什演讲稿中英对照演讲范本 (1)

布什演讲稿(中英对照)演讲范文Thank ou!Chief Justie Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush, President Clinton, distinguished guests and m fello itizens, the peaeful transfer of authorit is rare in histor, et mon in our ountr. With a simple oath, e affirm old traditions and make ne beginnings.As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his servie to our nation.And I thank Vie President Gore for a ontest onduted ith spirit and ended ith grae.I am honored and humbled to stand here, here so man of Ameria's leaders have e before me, and so man ill follo.We have a plae, all of us, in a long stor -- a stor e ontinue, but hose end e ill not see. It is the stor of a ne orld that beame a friend and liberator of the old, a stor of a slave-holding soiet that beame a servant of freedom, the stor of a poer that ent into the orld to protet but not possess, to defend but not to onquer.It is the Amerian stor -- a stor of flaed and fallible people, united aross the generations b grand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding Amerian promise that everone belongs, that everone deserves a hane, that no insignifiant person as ever born.Amerians are alled to enat this promise in our lives and in our las. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delaed, e must follo no other ourse.Through muh of the last entur, Ameria's faith in freedom and demora as a rok in a raging sea. No it is a seed upon the ind, taking root in man nations.Our demorati faith is more than the reed of our ountr, it is the inborn hope of our humanit, an ideal e arr but do not on, a trust e bear and pass along. And even after nearl 225 ears, e have a long a et to travel.While man of our itizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justie, of our on ountr. The ambitions of some Amerians are limited b failing shools and hiddenprejudie and the irumstanes of their birth. And sometimes our differenes run so deep, it seems e share a ontinent, but not a ountr.We do not aept this, and e ill not allo it. Our unit, our union, is the serious ork of leaders and itizens in ever generation. And this is m solemnpledge: I ill ork to build a single nation of justie and opportunit.I kno this is in our reah beause e are guided b a poer larger than our selves ho reates us equal in His image.And e are onfident in priniples that unite and lead us onard.Ameria has never been united b blood or birth or soil. We are bound b ideals that move us beond our bakgrounds, lift us above our interests and teah us hat it means to be itizens. Ever hild must be taught these priniples. Ever itizen must uphold them. And ever immigrant, b embraing these ideals, makes our ountr more, not less, Amerian.Toda, e affirm a ne mitment to live out our nation's promise through ivilit, ourage, passion and harater.Ameria, at its best, mathes a mitment to priniple ith a onern for ivilit. A ivil soiet demands from eah of us goodill and respet, fair dealing and forgiveness.Some seem to believe that our politis an afford to bepett beause, in a time of peae, the stakes of our debates appear small.But the stakes for Ameria are never small. If our ountr does not lead the ause of freedom, it ill not be led. If e do not turn the hearts of hildren toard knoledge and harater, e ill lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If e permit our eonom to drift and deline, the vulnerable ill suffer most.We must live up to the alling e share. Civilit is not a tati or a sentiment. It is the determined hoie of trust over niism, of munit over haos. And this mitment, if e keep it, is a a to shared aplishment.Ameria, at its best, is also ourageous.Our national ourage has been lear in times of depression and ar, hen defending mon dangers defined our mon good. No e must hoose if the example of our fathers and mothers ill inspire us or ondemn us. We must sho ourage in a time of blessing b onfronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.Together, e ill relaim Ameria's shools, before ignorane and apath laim more oung lives.We ill reform Soial Seurit and Mediare, sparing our hildren from struggles e have the poer to prevent. And e ill redue taxes, to reover the momentum of our eonom and reard the effort and enterprise of orking Amerians.We ill build our defenses beond hallenge, lest eakness invite hallenge.We ill onfront eapons of mass destrution, so that a ne entur is spared ne horrors.The enemies of libert and our ountr should make no mistake: Ameria remains engaged in the orld b histor and b hoie, shaping a balane of poer thatf avors freedom. We illdefend our allies and our interests. We ill sho purposeithout arrogane. We ill meet aggression and bad faith ith resolve and strength. And to all nations, e ill speak for the values that gave our nation birth.Ameria, at its best, is passionate. In the quiet of Amerian onsiene, e kno that deep, persistent povert is unorth of our nation's promise.And hatever our vies of its ause, e an agree that hildren at risk are not at fault. Abandonment and abuse are not atsof God, the are failures of love.And the proliferation of prisons, hoever neessar, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls.Where there is suffering, there is dut. Amerians in need are not strangers, the are itizens, not problems, but priorities. And all of us are diminished hen an are hopeless.Government has great responsibilities for publi safet and publi health, for ivil rights and mon shools. Yet passion is the ork of a nation, not just a government.And some needs and hurts are so deep the ill onl respond to a mentor's touh or a pastor's praer. Churh and harit, snagogue and mosque lend our munities their humanit, and theill have an honored plae in our plans and in our las.Man in our ountr do not kno the pain of povert, but e an listen to those ho do.And I an pledge our nation to a goal: When e see that ounded traveler on the road to Jeriho, e ill not pass to the other side.Ameria, at its best, is a plae here personalresponsibilit is valued andexpeted.Enouraging responsibilit is not a searh for sapegoats, it is a all to onsiene. And though it requires sarifie, itbrings a deeper fulfillment. We find the fullness of life not onl in options, but in mitments. And e find that hildren and munit are the mitments that set us free.Our publi interest depends on private harater, on ivi dut and famil bonds and basi fairness, on unounted, unhonored ats of deen hih give diretion to our freedom.Sometimes in life e are alled to do great things. But asa saint of our times has said, ever da e are alled to dosmall things ith great love. The most important tasks of a demora are done b everone.I ill live and lead b these priniples: to advane m onvitions ith ivilit, to pursue the publi interest ith ourage, to speak for greater justie and passion, to all for responsibilit and tr to live it as ell.In all these as, I ill bring the values of our histor to the are of ourtimes.What ou do is as important as anthing government does. I ask ou to seek a mon good beond our fort; to defend needed reforms against eas attaks; to serve our nation, beginningith our neighbor. I ask ou to be itizens: itizens, not spetators; itizens, not subjets; responsible itizens,building munities of servie and a nation of harater.Amerians are generous and strong and deent, not beause e believe in ourselves, but beause e hold beliefs beond ourselves. When this spirit of itizenship is missing, no government program an replae it. When this spirit is present, no rong an stand against it.After the Delaration of Independene as signed, Virginia statesman John Page rote to Thomas Jefferson: "We kno the rae is not to the sift nor the battle to the strong. Do ou not think an angel rides in the hirlind and direts this storm?"Muh time has passed sine Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The earsand hanges aumulate. But the themes of this da he ould kno: our nation's grand stor of ourage andits simple dream of dignit.We are not this stor's author, ho fills time and eternit ith his purpose. Yet his purpose is ahieved in our dut, and our dut is fulfilled in servie to one another.Never tiring, never ielding, never finishing, e rene that purpose toda, to make our ountr more just and generous, to affirm the dignit of our lives and ever life.This ork ontinues. This stor goes on. And an angel still rides in the hirlind and direts this storm.God bless ou all, and God bless Ameria.谢谢大家!尊敬的芮恩奎斯特大法官,卡特总统,布什总统,克林顿总统,尊敬的来宾们,我的同胞们,这次权利的和平过渡在历史上是罕见的,但在美国是平常的。

美国总统奥巴马的演讲稿集(中英文对照) 奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词Thank you. Thankyou. Thank you so much.谢谢,非常感谢各位。
Tonight more than200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its owndestiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. It movesforward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed thespirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit thathas lifted this country from the depths of despair to the sofhope. The belief that while each of us will pursue our ownindivual dreams, we are an American family and we rise or falltogether as one nation and as one people.今晚,是在一个曾经的殖民地在赢得自己主权200多年之后,我们来到这里,不断前行,这主要是因为你们坚信这个国家能够实现永恒的希望,实现移民的梦想。
Tonight in thiselection, you, the American people, remind us while our road hasbeen hard, while our journey has been long, we have pickedourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in ourhearts that the united states of America the best is yet tocome.今晚,在选举的过程当中,你们——美国的人民,让我们记得我们的道路是非常艰辛的,我们的道路是漫长的,我们重新站了起来,我们也从内心知道,美国还没有迎来最好的时代。

英语演讲原文:Protecting Americans

Protecting AmericansTHE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I've just finished a candid 1 公正的,率直的 and productive meeting with the CEOs of 12 of our nation's largest financial institutions. I asked them to come to Washington today -- at the end of this difficult year for their industry, but also for the economy -- to discuss where we've been, what we expect of them going forward, and how we can work together to accelerate economic recovery.Our nation's banks play, and have always played, a crucial role in our national economy -- from providing loans for homes and cars and colleges; to supplying the capital that allows entrepreneurs企业家 to turn ideas into products and businesses to grow; to helping 2 people save for a rainy day and a secure retirement退休,退役 . So it's clear that each of us has a stake in ensuring the strength and the vitality 3 活力,生气 of the financial system.And that's why one year ago, when many of these institutions were on the verge 4 of边缘 collapse 5 -- a predicament状态,困境 largely of their own making, oftentimes because they failed to manage risk properly -- we took difficult, and, frankly 6 , unpopular steps to pull themback from the brink 7 边缘 , steps that were necessary not just to save our financial system, but to save our economy as a whole.Today, due to the timely loans from the American people, our financial system has stabilized 8 , the stock market has sprung back to life, our economy is growing, and our banks are once again recording 9 profits. A year ago, many doubted that we would ever recover these investments, but we've managed this program well. This morning, another major bank announced that it would be repaying taxpayers 10 in full, and when they do, we'll have collected 60 percent of the money owed -- with interest. We expect other institutions to follow suit跟着做,学样 , and we are determined 11 to recover every last dime 12 for the American taxpayers.So my main message in today's meeting was very simple: that America's banks received extraordinary assistance from American taxpayers to rebuild their industry -- and now that they're back on their feet, we expect an extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild our economy.That starts with finding ways to help creditworthy有信誉的small and medium-size businesses get the loans that they need to open their doors, grow their operations, and create new jobs. This is something I hear about from business owners and entrepreneurs across America -- that despite their best efforts, they're unable to get loans. At the same time, I've been hearing from bankers that they're willing to lend, but face a shortage of creditworthy individuals and businesses.Now, no one wants banks making the kinds of risky 13 loans that got us into this situation in the first place. And it's true that regulators are requiring them to hold more of their capital as a hedge against the kind of problems that we saw last year. But given the difficulty businesspeople are having as lending has declined, and given the exceptional assistance banks received to get them through a difficult time, we expect them to explore every responsible way to help get our economy moving again.And I heard from these executives that they are engaging in various programs like "second look" programs, hiring more folks, raising their target goals in terms of lending -- all of which sounded positive, but we expect some results, because I'm getting too many letters from small businesses who explain that they are creditworthy and banks that they've hada long-term relationship with are still having problems giving them loans. We think that's something that we can -- that can be fixed 14 . And so I urged these institutions here today to go back and take a third and fourth look about how they are operating when it comes to small business and medium-sized business lending.We also discussed the need to pass meaningful financial reform that will protect American consumers from exploitation and American -- the American economy from another financial crisis of the kind which we just came out of.I noted 15 the resistance of many of the financial sectors16 to these reforms -- the industry has lobbied vigorously against some of them -- some of these reforms on Capitol Hill. So I made it clear that it is both in the country's interest -- and ultimately, in the financial industry's interest -- to have updated rules of the road to prevent abuse andexcess. Short-term gains are of little value to our banks if they lead to long-term chaos 17 in the economy.And I made very clear that I have no intention of letting their lobbyists thwart 18 reforms necessary to protect the American people. If they wish to fight common-sense consumer protections, that's a fight I'm more than willing tohave.#p#分页标题#e# The way I see it, having recovered with the help of the American government and the American taxpayers, our banks now have a greater obligation to the goal of a wider recovery, a more stable system, and more broadly shared prosperity.So I urged them to work with us in Congress to finish the job of reforming our financial system to bring transparency and accountability to the financial markets; to ensure that the failure of one bank or financial institution won't spread throughout the entire system, and to help protect consumers from misleading and dishonest practices with products like credit and debit 19 cards, with mortgages and auto 20 and payday loans.Now, I should note that around the table all the financial industry executives said they supported financial regulatory reform. The problem is there's a big gap between what I'm hearing here in the White House and the activities of lobbyists on behalf of these institutions or associations of which they're a member up on Capitol Hill. I urged them to close that gap, and they assured me that they would make every effort to do so.In the end, my interest isn't in vilifying 21 any one person or institution or industry; it's not to dictate 22 to them or micromanage their compensation practices to ensure that consumers and -- my job is to ensure that consumers and the larger economy are protected from risky speculation 23 and predatory practices, that credit is flowing, that businesses can grow, and jobs are once again being created at the pace we need.Some of the banks and financial institutions have taken small but positive steps to improve lending to small and medium-sized businesses, as I indicated. They've begun reworking mortgages that are now underwater because of declining home values, and they have acknowledged that much more needs to be done going forward. Many have begun to follow our lead in shifting from paying huge cash bonuses to awarding long-term stock, which will encourage more prudent 24 decision-making -- but, as I indicated in this meeting, they certainly could be doing more on this front as well.These efforts reflect a recognition ultimately that the fate of our financial institutions is tied to the fate of our economy and our country -- and these institutions can't endure ifworkers don't have jobs, and businesses can't grow, and consumers don't have money to spend. Ultimately, in this country, we rise and fall together -- banks and small businesses, consumers and large corporations, and we have a shared interest in working together to ensure a lasting 25 recovery that will benefit all of us and not just some of us.I called today's meeting with this in mind, and I told the group that I look forward to continued engagement and progress in the months and years ahead.Thank you.END 12:46 P.M. EST■文章重点单词注释:1candidadj.公正的,正直的;坦率的参考例句:I cannot but hope the candid reader will give some allowance for it.我只有希望公正的读者多少包涵一些。

英语演讲稿21日:总统呼吁国会尽早通过预算法案(中英lrc)Obama’s Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act Now to Pass a Budget and Raise the Debt Ceiling奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁国会尽早通过预算法案Hi, everybody.大家好。
It was five years ago this week that a financial crisis on Wall Street spread to Main Street, and very nearly turned a recession into a depression.5年前的本周华尔街金融危机蔓延至中产阶级的经济危机,而这场危机差点将衰退变成萧条。
In a matter of months, millions of Americans were robbed of their jobs, their homes, their savings-after a decade in which they’d already been working harder and harder to just get by.在短短几个月的时间里,数百万美国人失去了工作,失去了他们十多年间辛辛苦苦辛苦打拼下来的住房和存款。
It was a crisis from which we’re still trying to recover.直到现在,我们还在努力从这场危机中恢复过来。
But thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, we are steadily recovering.但凭借美国人民的坚忍不拔,我们复苏的步伐很稳健。
Over the past three and a half years, our businesses have created seven and a half million new jobs.过去的三年半时间里,我们的企业创造了750多万个工作岗位。

英文版:My fellow citizens,We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom — symbolizing an end as wellas a beginning — signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — thebelief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that thetorch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage — and unwilling to witness or permit theslow undoing of those human rights to which thisnation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.Let every nation know, whether it wishes us wellor ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.This much we pledge — and more.To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little wecan do — for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.To those new states whom we welcome to the ranksof the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supportingtheir own freedom — and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required — not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannotsave the few who are rich.To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge — to convert our good words into good deeds — in a new alliance for progress —to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support — to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective — to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak — and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we becertain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course — both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.So let us begin anew — remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms, and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control ofall nations.Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.Let both sides unite to heed in all corners ofthe earth the command of Isaiah — to "undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free."And if a beachhead of cooperation may push backthe jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.Now the trumpet summons us again-not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are-but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" — a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility — I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.。

以下为奥巴马就职演说全文:Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.谢谢,非常感谢大家。
Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:拜登副总统、首席大法官先生、国会议员们、尊敬的各位嘉宾、亲爱的公民们:Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. W e recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:每一次我们集会庆祝总统就职都是在见证美国宪法的持久力量。

WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working Together on Behalf of theAmerican People每周演讲:为了美国人民的利益而齐心协力Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressThe White HouseOctober 19, 2013巴拉克.奥巴马总统讲话每周演讲白宫2013年10月19日Hi everybody. This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came tog ether, thegovernment was reopened, and the threat of default was removed from o ur economy.大家好!本周,由于民主党人和负责任的共和党人的共同努力,美国政府重新开启,经济中的违约威胁得以消除。
There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. But the truth is , there wereno winners in this. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, themanufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth. And it’sunderstan dable that your frustration with what goes on in Washingto n has never been higher.最近,对这次政府关门的政治讨论有很多。

布什白宫演讲稿(双语)——“911事件”布什白宫电视讲话全文2001-09-12 9:45AM Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices. Secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.“晚上好,今天,我们的同胞,我们的生活,我们的自由,遭到了一系列有预谋的、惨无人道的恐怖分子袭击。
The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.飞机撞到了高楼上,浓烟滚滚,巨大的建筑物坍塌了,我们无法相信这一画面。
These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people have been moved to defend a great nation.这次大规模屠杀行为目的是为了恐吓我们的国家,使美国陷入一片混乱之中。

二、回顾过去工作1. 消防设备维护与检查在过去的一段时间里,我们高度重视消防设备的维护与检查工作。
2. 安全演练和逃生计划制定我们组织了多次安全演练活动,并制定了详细可行的逃生计划。
三、问题分析经过综合分析,我们发现目前仍存在以下问题需要解决:1. 整体意识不够强烈:虽然我们已经采取了一系列措施,但仍需将消防安全的重要性进一步普及和宣传,增加员工对消防工作的认识。
2. 巡检制度不健全:目前巡检制度存在漏洞,有时无法及时发现隐患。
3. 应急救援准备不足:虽然我们已经制定了逃生计划,但在实际操作中发现,员工对于如何正确使用灭火器、撤离路线等方面的知识了解还不够充分。
四、下一步工作计划鉴于以上问题,我们明确了下一步的工作方向:1. 制定消防安全宣传计划我们将组织开展针对员工的消防安全知识培训和宣传活动,通过海报、公告等形式加强宣传力度,并适时邀请专家进行讲座指导。
2. 健全巡检制度和工作流程我们拟定修改巡检制度,将其细化到每个角落,明确责任人,并采取无规律巡检、突击巡检等多种方式,以确保隐患能够及时发现和处理。
3. 加强应急救援培训针对员工对于应急救援知识的欠缺情况,我们将加大培训力度。

阿尔戈尔和平演讲(转)(大全)第一篇:阿尔戈尔和平演讲(转)(大全)Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honorable members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen.尊贵的国王陛下,尊贵各位殿下,尊敬的各位瑞典诺贝尔学会的各位会员们,诸位阁下,女士们先生们,I have a purpose here today.It is a purpose I have tried to serve for many years.I have prayed that God would show me a way to accomplish it.我来这里有一个目的,我已经为这个目的奋斗了许多年,我不断向上帝祈祷,祈求上帝能指引我找到一条实现它的道路。
Sometimes, without warning, the future knocks on our door with a precious and painful vision of what might be.One hundred and nineteen years ago, a wealthy inventor read his own obituary, mistakenly published years before his death.Wrongly believing the inventor had just died, a newspaper printed a harsh judgment of his life's work, unfairly labeling him “The Merchant of Death” because of his invention ¨dynamite.Shaken by this condemnation, the inventor made a fateful choice to serve the cause of peace.有的时候,在毫无预告的条件下,未来会叩响我们的房门,带来了珍贵而让人痛苦的未来景象。

Obama’s Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working Together on Behalf of the American People
Hi everybody.
This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came together, the government was reopened, and the threat of default was removed from our economy.
There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown.
But the truth is, there were no winners in this.
At a time when our economy needs more growth and more
jobs, the manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth.

美国第一夫人演讲稿中英文美国第一夫人演讲稿英文:MRS. OBAMA: Applause. Thank you. Well, ni-hao. Laughter. It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me.Now, before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, Ijust want to say a few very brief words about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search. And please know that we are keeping all of the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.Now with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China, Ambassador Baucus. President Wang; Chairman Zhu; Vice President Li; Director Cueller; Professor Oi, and the Stanford Center; President Sexton from New York University, which is an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai; and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University. Thank you all for joining us.But most of all, I want to thank all of the students who are here today. And I particularly want to thank Eric Schaefer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction. That was a powerful symbol of everything that I want to talk with you about today.See, by learning each other’s languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other’s cultures, Mr. Schafer and Ms. Zhu and all of you are building brid ges of understanding that will lead to so much more. And I’m here today because I know that our future depends on connections like these among young people like you across the globe.That’s why when my husband and I travel abroad, we don’t just visit palaces and parliaments and meet with heads of state. We also come to schools like this one to meet with students like you, because we believe that relationships between nations aren’t just about relationships between governments or leaders -- they’re about relationships between people, particularly young people. So we view study abroad programs not just as an educational opportunity for students, but also as a vital part of America’s foreign policy.Through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before. Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a button. Companies can do business and compete with companies across the globe. And we can text, email, Skype with people on every continent.So studying abroad isn’t just a fu n way to spend a semester; it isquickly becoming the key to success in our global economy. Because getting ahead in today’s workplaces isn’t just about getting good grades or test scores in school, which are important. It’s also about having real experien ce with the world beyond your borders –- experience with languages, cultures and societies very different from your own. Or, as the Chinese saying goes: “Itis better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.”But let’s be clear, st udying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future. It’s also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share. Because when it comes to the defining challenges of our time -–whether it’s climate change or economic opportunity or the spread of nuclear weapons -- these are shared challenges. And no one country can confront them alone. The only way forward is together.That’s why it is so important for young people like you to live and study in each other’s countries, because that’s how you develop that habit of cooperation. You do it by immersing yourself in one another’s culture, by learning each other’s stories, by getting past the stereotypes and misconceptions that too often divide us.That’s how you come to understand how much we all share. That’s how you realize that we all have a stake in each other’s success -- that cures discovered here in Beijing could save lives in America, that clean energy technologies from Silicon Valley in California could improve the environment here in China, that the architecture of an ancient temple in Xi’an could inspire the design of new buildings in Dallas or Detroit.And that’s when the connections you make as classmates or labmates can blossom into something more. That’s what happened when Abigail Coplin became an American Fulbright Scholar here at Peking University. She and her colleagues published papers together in top science journals, and they built research partnerships that lasted long after they returned to their home countries. And Professor Niu Ke from Peking University was a Fulbright Scholarship -- Scholar in the U.S. last year, and he reported -- and this is aquote from him -- he said, “The most memorable experiences were with my American friends.”These lasting bonds represent the true value of studying abroad. And I am thrilled that more and more students are getting this opportunity. As you’ve heard, China is currently the fifth most popular destination for Americans studying abroad, and today, the highest number of exchange students in the U.S. are from China.But still, too many students never have this chance, and some that do are hesitant to take it. They may feel like studying abroad is only for wealthy students or students from certain kinds of universities. Or they may think to themselves, well, that sounds fun but how will it be useful in my life? And believe me, I understand where these young people are coming from because Ifelt the same way back when I was in college.See, I came from a working-class family, and it never occurred to me to study abroad -- never. My parents didn’t get a chance to attend college, so I was focused on getting into a university, earning my degree so that I couldget a good job to support myself and help my family. And I know for a lot of young people like me who are struggling to afford a regular semester of school, paying for plane tickets or living expenses halfway around the world justisn’t possible. And that’s not acceptable, because study abroad shouldn’t just be for students from certain backgrounds.Our hope is to build connections between people of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, because it is that diversity that truly will change the face of our relationships. So we believe that diversity makes our country vibrant and strong. And our study abroad programs should reflect the truespirit of America to the world.And that’s why when my husband visited China back in 2021, he announcedthe 100,000 Strong initiative to increase the number and diversity of American students studying in China. And this year, as we mark the 35th anniversary of the normalization of relationships between our two countries, the U.S. government actually supports more American students in China than in any other country in the world.We are sending high school, college and graduate students here to study Chinese. We’re inviting teachers from China to teach Mandarin in American schools. We’re providing free online advising for students in China who wantto study in the U.S. And the U.S.-China Fulbright program is still goingstrong with more than 3,000 alumni.And the private sector is stepping up as well. For example, Steve Schwarzman, who is the head of an American company called Blackstone, isfunding a new program at Tsinghua University modeled on the Rhodes Scholarship. And today, students from all kinds of backgrounds are studying here in China.Take the example of Royale Nicholson, who’s from Cleveland, Ohio. She attends New York University’s program in Shanghai. Now, like me, Royale is a first-generation college student. And her mother worked two full-time jobswhile her father worked nights to support their family. And of her experiencein Shanghai, Royale said -- and this is her quote -- she said, “This city oozes persistence and inspires me to accomplish all that I can.” And happy birthday, Royale. It was her birthday yesterday. Laughter.And then there’s Philmon Haile from the University of Washington, whose family came to the U.S. as refugees from Eritrea when he was a child. And ofhis experience studying in China, he said, “Study abroad is a powerfulvehicle for people-to-people exchange as we move into a new era of citizen diplomacy.”“A new era of citizen diplomacy.” I could not have sa id it better myself, because that’s really what I’m talking about. I am talking about ordinary citizens reaching out to the world. And as I always tell young people back in America, you don’t need to get on a plane to be a citizen diplomat. I tell them that if you have an Internet connection in your home, school, or library, within seconds you can be transported anywhere in the world and meet people on every continent.And that’s why I’m posting a daily travel blog with videos and photos of my experiences here in China, because I want young people in America to bepart of this visit. And that’s really the power of technology –- how it can open up the entire world and expose us to ideas and innovations we never could have imagined.And that’s why it’s so important for information and ideas to flowfreely over the Internet and through the media, because that’s how wediscover the truth. That’s how we learn what’s really happening in our communities and our country and our world. And that’s how we decide which values and ideas we think are best –- by questioning and debating themvigorously, by listening to all sides of an argument, and by judging for ourselves.And believe me, I know how this can be a messy and frustrating process. My husband and I are on the receiving end of plenty of questioning and criticism from our media and our fellow citizens. And it’s not always easy, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Because time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices of and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.And as my husband has said, we respect the uniqueness of other cultures and societies, but when it comes to expressing yourself freely and worshipping as you choose and having open access to information, we believe those universal rights -- they are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet. We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to fulfill their highest potential as I was able to do in the United States.And as you learn about new cultures and form new friendships during your time here in China and in the United States, all of you are the living, breathing embodiment of those values. So I guarantee you that in studying abroad, you’re not just changing your own life, you are changing the lives of everyone you meet.And as the great American President John F. Kennedy once said aboutforeign students studying in the U.S., he said “I think they teach more than they learn.” And that is just as true of yo ung Americans who study abroad.All of you are America’s best face, and China’s best face, to the world -- you truly are.Every day, you show the world your countries’ energy and creativity and optimism and unwavering belief in the future. And every day, you remind us -- and me in particular -- of just how much we can achieve if we reach across borders, and learn to see ourselves in each other, and confront our shared challenges with shared resolve.So I hope you all will keep seeking these kinds of experiences. And I hope you’ll keep teaching each other, and learning from each other, and building bonds of friendship that will enrich your lives and enrich our world for decades to come.You all have so much to offer, and I cannot wait to see all that you achieve together in the years ahead.Thank you so much. Xie-Xie. Applause.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
奥巴马传奇演讲中英对译《A More Perfect Union》(一个更完美的城邦)

A More Perfect UnionRemarks of Senator Barack ObamaPhiladelphia, PA | March 18, 2008为了更完美的联邦巴拉克〃奥巴马2008年3月18日在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的演讲海星译"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."“我们[美利坚合众国的]人民,为缔造一个更完美的联邦。
”Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America's improbable experiment in democracy. Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution finally made real their declaration of independence at a Philadelphia convention that lasted through the spring of 1787.221年前,一群人聚集在至今仍屹立在这条街上的市政厅里,用上述这样简洁的言语,发起了美利坚不可思议的民主实验。
The document they produced was eventually signed but ultimately unfinished. It was stained by this nation's original sin of slavery, a question that divided the colonies and brought the convention to a stalemate until the founders chose to allow the slave trade to continue for at least twenty more years, and to leave any final resolution to future generations.他们讨论出的文件得以签署通过但尚未最终完成。

布什演讲稿(中英对照)演讲范文ed and humbled to stand here, where so many of america's leaders have come before me, and so many will follow.we have a place, all of us, in a long story -- astory we continue, but whose end we will not see. it is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator ofthe old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to er.it is the american story -- a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals.the grandest of these ideals is an unfolding american promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.americans are called to enact this promise in ourlives and in our laws. and though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.through much of the last century, america's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. andeven after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.while many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country. the ambitions of some americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth. and sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems we share a continent, but not a country.we do not accept this, and we will not allow it. our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation. and this is my solemnpledge: i will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.i know this is in our reach because we are guided by a power larger than our selves who creates us equal in his image.and we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward.america has never been united by blood or birth or soil. we are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. every child must be taught these principles. every citizen must uphold them. and every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, american.today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.america, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. a civil societydemands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small.but the stakes for america are never small. if our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. if we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. if we permit our ey to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most.we must live up to the calling we share. civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. it is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of ity over chaos. and this commitment,if we keep it, is a way to shared accomplishment.america, at its best, is also courageous.our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending dangers defined our good. now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. we must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing themon to future generations.together, we will reclaim america's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives.we will reform social security and medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent. andwe will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our ey and reward the effort and enterprise of working americans.we will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge.we will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.the enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: america remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power thatf avors freedom. we will defend our allies and our interests. we will show purpose without arrogance. we will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. and to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth.america, at its best, is compassionate. in the quiet of american conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation's promise.and whatever our views of its cause, we can agreethat children at risk are not at fault. abandonment and abuse are not acts of god, they are failures of love.and the proliferation of prisons, however necessary, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls.where there is suffering, there is duty. americans in need are not strangers, they are citizens, not problems, but priorities. and all of us are diminished when any are hopeless.government has great responsibilities for publicsafety and public health, for civil rights and schools. yet compassion is the work of a nation, not just a government.and some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor's touch or a pastor's prayer. church and charity, synagogue and mosque lend our ities their humanity, and they will have an honored place in our plans and in our laws.many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do.and i can pledge our nation to a goal: when we seethat wounded traveler on the road to jericho, we will notpass to the other side.america, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued andexpected.encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. and though itrequires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment. we findthe fullness of life not only in options, but in commitments. and we find that children and ity are the commitments thatset us free.our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on ted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom.sometimes in life we are called to do great things.but as a saint of our times has said, every day we are calledto do small things with great love. the most important tasks of a democracy are done by everyone.i will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well.in all these ways, i will bring the values of our history to the care of ourtimes.what you do is as important as anything government does. i ask you to seek a good beyond your comfort; to defend needed reforms against easy attacks; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor. i ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building ities of service and a nation of character.americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. when this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. when this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it.after the declaration of independence was signed, virginia statesman john page wrote to thomas jefferson: "we know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?"much time has passed since jefferson arrived for his inauguration. the yearsand changes alate. but the themes ofthis day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity.we are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another.never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life.this work continues. this story goes on. and an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.god bless you all, and god bless america.谢谢大家!敬爱的芮恩奎斯特****官,卡特总统,布什总统,克林顿总统,尊敬的来宾们,我的同胞们,这次权利的和平过渡特权在历史上是罕见的,但在美国是正经的。

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Obama’s Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working Together on Behalf of the American People
Hi, everybody. This week, Congress finished up some important work before heading home for the holidays.
For the first time in years, both parties came together in the spirit of compromise to pass a budget – one that helps chart our economic course for the next two years. This budget will unwind some of the damaging cuts that have threatened students and seniors and held back our businesses. It clears the path for critical investments in the things that grow our economy and strengthen our middle class, like education and research. And it will keep reducing our deficits – at a time when we’ve seen four years of the fastest deficit reduction since the end of World War II.
Members of Congress also voted to finally allow several dedicated and well-qualified public servants to do their jobs for the American people – many of whom waited months for a simple yes-or-no vote. These are judges, cabinet secretaries and military leaders. They’re men and women charged with growing our economy, keeping our homeland secure, and making sure our housing system and financial system work for ordinary Americans.
So after a year of showdowns and obstruction that only held back our economy, we’ve been able to break the logjam a bit over the last few weeks. It’s a hopeful sign that we
can end the cycle of short-sighted, crisis-driven decision-making and actually work together to get things done.
And that’s important. Because there’s plenty of work to do.
Right now, because Congress failed to act before leaving on vacation, more than one million Americans are poised to lose a vital source of income just a few days after Christmas. For many people who are still looking for work, unemployment insurance is a lifeline that can make the difference between temporary hardship or lasting catastrophe. Instead of punishing these families who can least afford it – especially now –Congress should first restore that lifeline immediately, then put their entire focus on creating more good jobs that pay good wages.
That’s what I’ll be focused on next year, and every day I have the privilege of being your President. Growing the economy. Expanding opportunity. Building an America that offers everyone who works hard the chance to get ahead, and every child a fair shot at success.
And if Congress continues to act in the spirit of cooperation we’ve seen in recent weeks, I’m confident we can make much more progress together in the year to come.
Thank you. Have a great weekend and a very Merry Christmas.