



TCL照明电器产品编码标准节能灯类X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13X1X2表示节能灯类别码:ESX3表示输入电压1220V2127V3120V4110V5100V6230V7277VX4X5X6表示灯管或灯罩的形状X4X5表示灯管外形3U 3U管LX 螺旋管G0 球形C0 柱形A0 烛形1H 单H管X6表示管径L Φ17M Φ12S Φ9X7X8X9表示功率X10X11表示色调RR 6400KRZ 5000KRL 4000KRB 3500KRN 3000KRD 2700KX12表示灯头1E40铜镀镍2E27铜镀镍3E14铜镀镍4B22铜镀镍5E26铜镀镍6E40铁镀镍7E27铁镀镍8E14铁镀镍9B22铁镀镍X13表示特征码L 低功率因数H 高功率因数单端荧光灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13X1X2表示单端荧光灯类别码:YDX3表示灯管启动形式:N 内启动单端荧光灯管W 外启动单端荧光灯管X4X5表示灯管形状1U 单U灯管1π单π管1H 单H管X6X7表示灯管功率X8表示灯管管径S 9或10mmM 12mmL 17mmN 14.5mmX9X10表示色温RR 6400KRZ 5000KRL 4000KRB 3500KRN 3000KRD 2700KX11X12表示灯头形式D1 G24d-1灯头座D2 G24d-2灯头座D3 G24d-3灯头座Q1 G24q-1灯头座G11 2G11灯头座X13特征码,表示单端荧光灯的灯头的定位插槽形式S 单定位槽(2G7、2G11、G23、G24)D 双定位槽(2GX7、2GX11、GX23、GX24)镇流器类X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13X1X2表示镇流器类别码:EBX3表示输入电压1220V2127V3120V4110V5100V6230V7277VX4X5X6表示镇流器型号,不足三位在前面补0 YZ 直管形荧光灯镇流器YK 快速启动荧光灯镇流器ZW 紫外线灯管镇流器YH 环形荧光灯镇流器ZSZ 直管形石英紫外线低压汞灯镇流器ZSU U形石英紫外线低压汞灯镇流器YDY单端荧光灯一体式镇流器YDN 单端内启动荧光灯镇流器GGY荧光高压汞灯泡镇流器GGZ 直管形紫外线高压汞灯镇流器GGQ 球形超高压汞灯镇流器GGM 毛细管超高压汞灯镇流器XQ 球形超高压汞氙灯镇流器ND 低压钠灯泡镇流器NG 高压钠灯泡镇流器JLZ 照明金属卤化物灯镇流器JTG 管形铊灯镇流器JYQ 球形铟灯镇流器JD 镝灯镇流器NTY钠铊铟灯泡镇流器JDH 球形镝灯镇流器KN 钪钠灯镇流器X7X8表示负载灯管的功率X9表示负载灯管的数量X10表示产品的用途和外型结构Z 阻抗式镇流器R 电容式镇流器L 漏磁式镇流器D 电子式镇流器J 基准镇流器S 寿命试验用镇流器Q 启动用镇流器K 快速启动镇流器F 防腐防潮镇流器N 内装式镇流器X11表示设计顺序1超薄型(喷漆)电子镇流器2超薄型(电解板)电子镇流器3普通型(喷漆)电子镇流器4普通型(电解板)电子镇流器5灯箱用(喷漆)电子镇流器6灯箱用(电解板)电子镇流器X12表示接线类型X 引线型J 接线端子型X13表示性能特征L L级H H级变压器类X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示变压器器类别码:ETX3代表输入电压1220V2127V3120V4110V5100V6230V7277VX4X5X6表示负载功率X7X8X9表示变压器外形最大长度X10X11X12表示变压器外形最大宽度X13特征码,表示输出电压值A12VB 24VC 36V灯盘类X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示灯盘类别码:MQX3X4表示材质1S 镜面电化铝2S 哑光电化铝3S 不锈钢1A铝合金边框3A乳白胶片3C 凌晶片X5X6表示反光面形式XX 无XP单抛PP双抛X7表示负载种类Y荧光灯管B 插拔管X8X9表示灯管功率,不同负载时用最大负载功率表示X10表示负载的数目X11X12表示特征LX 豪华型SX 明装DX 吊装E1 应急1管QX 嵌装WX 宽边TX 洁净SX 吸顶式X13特征码,无特征时用X表示支架类X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13X1X2表示支架类别码:MYX3表示输入电压1220V2127V3120V4110V5100V6230V7277VX4X5表示负载灯管功率X6X7表示灯管数量X8表示种类代号,用ABCD表示X9表示颜色W 白色B 黑色L 蓝色X10X11备用代码,用XX表示X12表示应急管的数量X13特征码E 应急筒灯类X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示筒灯类别码:MDX3X4表示反光杯径X5X6表示负载灯功率X7表示负载数量X8X9X10表示灯座形式:E27、E14、PLC X11表示面板颜色W 白边G 金边S 银边B 镀黑镍A白色塑圈Z 压铸边K 亚克力罩N 镍扫纹X12表示灯杯花纹P防雾型杯C 条杯D 点珠杯A哑光喷砂杯N 光杯B 哑光乳白杯X13表示灯管安装形式H 横向插管用V 竖向插管用低压卤素灯杯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示低压卤素灯杯类别码:HLX3X4灯杯规格11MR1116MR16X5表示灯杯类型X6X7表示灯杯功率X8:W高压卤素灯杯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示高压卤素灯杯类别码:THX3X4灯杯规格11MR1116 MR16X5X6表示灯杯功率X7:W低压卤素灯珠X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示低压卤素灯珠类别码:TG天花灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示天花灯类别码:DLX3灯体主要材质:1钣金件2压铸件X4表示使用光源1MR116 MR16X5X6结构流水号X7X8主体颜色低压路轨射灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示低压路轨射灯类别码:TRX3表示中间连接杆X 无杆A杆长100mmB 杆长200mmC 杆长300mmE 杆长500mmF 代表软管,软管固定长400mmX4X5表示射灯头代码X6X7表示主体颜色低压吸顶射灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示低压吸顶射灯类别码:SPX3表示中间连接杆X 无杆A杆长100mmB 杆长200mmC 杆长300mmE 杆长500mmF 代表软管,软管固定长400mmX4X5表示射灯头代码X6X7表示主体颜色吊装格栅射灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示吊装格栅射灯类别码:CHX3X4光源型号MR MR16QR QR111PL PLCX5X6X7X8表示结构款式类别X9X10表示主体颜色嵌入式格栅射灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示嵌入式格栅射灯类别码:DOX3X4光源型号MR MR16QR QR111PL PLCX5X6X7X8表示结构款式类别X9X10表示主体颜色主体颜色代码说明:WH 烤漆白色BK 烤漆黑色SG 烤漆银灰色CH 电镀铬色SH 电镀镍扫纹SB 电镀青铜扫纹SC 电镀珍珠银间色SN 电镀珍珠镍间铬吸顶灯X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13 X1X2表示吸顶灯类别码:MXX3整灯外形C 圆形S 方形X4X5整灯功率X6灯管形状C 环形P插拔D 双DX7镇流器种类X 电子G 电感Z E27灯头X8罩的材料Y亚克力板P PVCB 玻璃X9罩上的花纹TCL户外灯具物料编码命名方式:X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13X1:Z 指户外产品系列X2:T 投光灯F 泛光灯Q 球场灯A高墙灯Z 招牌灯----通用照明----L 路灯S 隧道灯----道路照明----N 工矿悬挂灯H 商业悬挂灯----悬挂照明-----D 低杆灯C 草地灯M 埋地灯U 水池灯B 壁灯O 高杆照明G 广场照明I 触发器X 电器箱----庭园照明----X3X4表示每一种产品系列流水编码00—99 X5表示光源M 金卤灯S 高压钠灯L 低压钠灯I 电子节能灯Q 高压汞灯T T8光管B 白炽灯P PAR灯E LED灯Y太阳能电池类C 彩色金卤灯X6表示灯头形式A E27B E40C G13D G5R Rx7sF 1000w双端P PG-12G G-12Y BY22dE Fc-2X7X8X9X10表示使用功率金卤灯电子镇流器编码说明(H)/可调光(T)/输出端子(D)/输出线(X)台灯编码标准X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10X11-X12X13X1X2 表示台灯类别码,用MT表示X3X4表示灯具编码流水号X5X6位表示光源功率X7X8表示灯管形状类别1U 单U荧光灯管2H 双H型荧光灯管1A1个普通A型灯泡3B 3个B型蜡烛型灯泡X9X10表示灯具的颜色CY深蓝色FI 淡黄色PI 粉红色SG 银灰色MI 粉绿色X11表示附带功能S 带时钟B 带报时钟Y带氧吧X12X13表示识别码。



Document Number 83515Optocoupler with Phototransistor OutputDescriptionThe TCLT10.. Series consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emitting diode in a 4-lead SO6L package.The elements are mounted on one leadframe using a coplanar technique , providing a fixed distance between input and output for highest safety requirements.ApplicationsCircuits for safe protective separation against electrical shock according to safety class II (reinforced isolation):D For appl. class I – IV at mains voltage ≤ 300 V D For appl. class I – III at mains voltage ≤ 600 V according to VDE 0884, table 2, suitable for:Switch-mode power supplies, line receiver,computer peripheral interface, microprocessor system interface.VDE StandardsThese couplers perform safety functions according to the following equipment standards:D VDE 0884Optocoupler for electrical safety requirements (will be replaced by IEC 747–5–1.2.3)D IEC 950/EN 60950Office machines (applied for reinforced isolation for mains voltage ≤ 400 V RMS )D VDE 0804Telecommunication apparatus and data processingD IEC 65Safety for mains-operated electronic and related household apparatus15231Remarks4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channelCreepage current resistance according1750.75 mmAbsolute Maximum Ratings Input (Emitter)ParameterReverse voltageForward currentForward surge currentPower dissipationJunction temperatureOutput (Detector)ParameterCollector emitter voltageEmitter collector voltageCollector currentCollector peak currentPower dissipationJunction temperatureMax.Unit 1.6VpFMax.UnitVV 100nAMax.Unit 0.3VkHzMaximum Safety RatingsThis optocoupler is suitable for safe electrical isolation only within the safety ratings. Compliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of suitable protective circuits. Input (Emitter)Forward currentOutput (Detector)Power dissipationCouplerRated impulse voltageSafety temperatureInsulation Rated ParametersParameterTyp.Unit 3.0m s 3.0m s 6.0m s 0.3m s4.7m s5.0m s9.0m s10.0m s96 11698tTypical Characteristics 0501001502002503000P – T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n ( m W )96 11700t ot PhototransistorIR-diodeFigure 4. Total Power Dissipation vs.1000.0– Collector Current ( mA )10Non SaturatedOperationWFigure 12. Turn on / off Time vs. Collector CurrentDocument Number 83515Dimensions of TCLT10.. in mm1524316515 W2maxTCLT10.. SeriesVishay Telefunken11 (12) Document Number 83515Rev. A3, 19–Mar–01Dimensions of Tape in mm16516TCLT10.. SeriesVishay Telefunken12 (12)Rev. A3, 19–Mar–01Document Number 83515Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Telefunken products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Telefunken against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P .O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。



目录1引言6 2语法72.1脚本、命令和单词符号72.2置换(substitution) 72.2.1变量置换(variable subtitution) 82.2.2命令置换(command substitution) 82.2.3反斜杠置换(backslash substitution) 82.2.4双引号和花括号92.3注释9 3变量103.1简单变量103.2数组113.3相关命令113.3.1set 113.3.2unset 113.3.3append和incr 12 4表达式124.1操作数124.2运算符和优先级124.3数学函数13 5List 145.1list命令145.2concat命令: 145.3lindex命令145.4llength命令155.5linsert命令155.6lreplace命令: 155.7lrange 命令: 155.8lappend命令: 155.9lsearch 命令: 165.10lsort命令: 165.11split命令: 165.12join命令17 6控制流176.1if命令176.2循环命令:while 、for、 foreach 176.2.1while命令176.2.2for命令186.2.3foreach命令186.2.4break和continue命令196.2.5switch 命令196.1eval命令196.2source命令19 7过程(procedure) 207.1过程定义和返回值207.2局部变量和全局变量207.3缺省参数和可变个数参数217.4引用:upvar 21 8字符串操作228.1format命令228.2scan命令238.3regexp命令238.4regsub命令258.5string命令258.5.1string compare ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2 258.5.2string equal ?-nocase? ?-length int? string1 string2 258.5.3string first string1 string2 ?startindex? 258.5.4string index string charIndex 268.5.5string last string1 string2 ?startindex? 268.5.6string length string 268.5.7string match ?-nocase? pattern string 268.5.8string range string first last 278.5.9string repeat string count 278.5.10string replace string first last ?newstring? 278.5.11string tolower string ?first? ?last? 278.5.12string toupper string ?first? ?last? 278.5.13 string trim string ?chars? 278.5.14string trimleft string ?chars? 278.5.15string trimright string ?chars? 27 9文件访问289.1文件名289.2基本文件输入输出命令289.3随机文件访问299.4 当前工作目录309.5文件操作和获取文件信息30 10错误和异常3310.1错误3310.2从TCL脚本中产生错误3410.3使用catch捕获错误3510.4其他异常35 11深入TCL 3711.1查询数组中的元素3711.2 info命令3811.2.1变量信息3811.2.2过程信息3911.2.3命令信息4011.2.4 TCL的版本和库4111.2.5 命令的执行时间4111.2.6 跟踪变量4111.2.7 命令的重命名和删除4311.2.8 unknown命令4411.2.9自动加载44 12历史记录45 13TCL和C\C++ 4713.1生成自己的TCLSH 4813.2扩展自己的命令:方法(一) 4813.2.1编写扩展命令对应的C/C++过程4813.2.2注册命令4913.2.3命令返回值和命令对应的过程的返回值5013.3扩展自己的命令:方法(二) 5213.3.1Tcl_Obj结构5213.3.2编写扩展命令对应的C/C++过程5413.3.3注册命令5413.4利用clientData参数和deleteProc参数5513.5在C/C++应用程序中嵌入TCL 58TCL1 引言TCL(Tool Command Language)是一种解释执行的脚本语言(Scripting Language)。



Document Number 83515Optocoupler with Phototransistor OutputDescriptionThe TCLT10.. Series consists of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emitting diode in a 4-lead SO6L package.The elements are mounted on one leadframe using a coplanar technique , providing a fixed distance between input and output for highest safety requirements.ApplicationsCircuits for safe protective separation against electrical shock according to safety class II (reinforced isolation):D For appl. class I – IV at mains voltage ≤ 300 V D For appl. class I – III at mains voltage ≤ 600 V according to VDE 0884, table 2, suitable for:Switch-mode power supplies, line receiver,computer peripheral interface, microprocessor system interface.VDE StandardsThese couplers perform safety functions according to the following equipment standards:D VDE 0884Optocoupler for electrical safety requirements (will be replaced by IEC 747–5–1.2.3)D IEC 950/EN 60950Office machines (applied for reinforced isolation for mains voltage ≤ 400 V RMS )D VDE 0804Telecommunication apparatus and data processingD IEC 65Safety for mains-operated electronic and related household apparatus15231Remarks4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channel4 Pin = Single channelCreepage current resistance according1750.75 mmAbsolute Maximum Ratings Input (Emitter)ParameterReverse voltageForward currentForward surge currentPower dissipationJunction temperatureOutput (Detector)ParameterCollector emitter voltageEmitter collector voltageCollector currentCollector peak currentPower dissipationJunction temperatureMax.Unit 1.6VpFMax.UnitVV 100nAMax.Unit 0.3VkHzMaximum Safety RatingsThis optocoupler is suitable for safe electrical isolation only within the safety ratings. Compliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of suitable protective circuits. Input (Emitter)Forward currentOutput (Detector)Power dissipationCouplerRated impulse voltageSafety temperatureInsulation Rated ParametersParameterTyp.Unit 3.0m s 3.0m s 6.0m s 0.3m s4.7m s5.0m s9.0m s10.0m s96 11698tTypical Characteristics 0501001502002503000P – T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n ( m W )96 11700t ot PhototransistorIR-diodeFigure 4. Total Power Dissipation vs.1000.0– Collector Current ( mA )10Non SaturatedOperationWFigure 12. Turn on / off Time vs. Collector CurrentDocument Number 83515Dimensions of TCLT10.. in mm1524316515 W2maxTCLT10.. SeriesVishay Telefunken11 (12) Document Number 83515Rev. A3, 19–Mar–01Dimensions of Tape in mm16516TCLT10.. SeriesVishay Telefunken12 (12)Rev. A3, 19–Mar–01Document Number 83515Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Telefunken products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Telefunken against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P .O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。



TCL王牌彩电遥控器大全编号品牌型号款式遥控器IC物编机器MCU物编遥控器组件物编备注1 TCL 2502RC-C09T 13-0SC301-0SB13-M06VAT-00P08-002502-RMY2 TCL 2911RC-E16T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-002911-RMY3 TCL 1418TRC-C16T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P06-RMT008-XX4 TCL 1420ERC-C12T 13-LC7461-M0B13-86F344-8AP08-01420E-RMY5 TCL 1425ERC-C12T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P08-01425E-RMY6 TCL 1436A RC-B0113-6134G6-48B 13-TCLM5C-03P08-01436A-RMY7 TCL 1437A RC-B0113-6134G6-48B 13-TCLM5C-03P08-01437A-RMY8 TCL 1475S RC-F2813-00AS12-13-A04V02-08-01475S-RMT 13B TOP Y9 TCL 2101AS RC-03813-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-01008-0178A-RMY10 TCL 2101C RC-B0113-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-02101C-HSY11 TCL 2103C RC-B0113-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-2101FR-HSY12 TCL 2103CF RC-B0113-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-2103CF-RMY13 TCL 2109ERC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2109E0-RMY14 TCL 2110G13-KS5185-0DE 13-TCLM5C-03P08-02110G-RMY15 TCL 2110GW13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-2110GW-RMY16 TCL 2111DIRC-E09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V1P-Z3408-2111DI-RMY17 TCL 2113EIRC-C07T 13-TDA980-1AP13-TCLM16-V3P08-2113EI-RMY18 TCL 2113TRC-C14T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P08-02113T-RMY19 TCL 2113TWRC-C14T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-A0P08-2113TW-RMY20 TCL 2115DRC-E03T 13-M34280-M1P13-00Z902-34P08-02115D-RMY21 TCL 2116DRC-E03T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02116D-RMY22 TCL 2116DIRC-E09T 13-TDA980-1AP13-M19V2P-Z3408-2116DI-RMY23 TCL 2116ERC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02116E-RMY24 TCL 2116EFRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2116EF-RMY25 TCL 2116EGRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P06-011W32-A101X26 TCL 2118ERC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02118E-RMY27 TCL 2118EF RC-C0113-LC7461-13-TCLM16-08-2118EF-RMT M0B V2P Y28 TCL 2118EWRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2118EW-RMY29 TCL 2133ERC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02133E-RMY30 TCL 2135ARC-B07T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM05-V4P08-02135A-RMY31 TCL 2136ARC-B06T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM5C-03P08-02136A-RMY32 TCL 2136CRC-B06T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM5C-03P08-02101C-HSY33 TCL 2136GRC-E33T 13-M34280-M1P13-00Z902-34P08-02136G-RMY35 TCL 2139ARC-B02T 13-KS5185-0DE13-TCLM5C-03P08-02166B-RMY36 TCL 2139D13-M34280-M1B 13-00Z902-34P08-02139D-RMY37 TCL 2139W13-9028F0-22B 13-274020-00P08-02139W-RMY38 TCL 2156ARC-B06T 13-9028F0-22P13-TCLM5C-03008-02156A-RMN39 TCL 2169A R-B06T13-9028F0-22P 13-TCLM5C-03P08-02101C-HSY40 TCL 2175DIRC-E19T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-2175DI-RMY41 TCL 2175ERC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02175E-RMY42 TCL 2175EBRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-2175EB-RMY43 TCL 2175EIRC-C01T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V3P08-2175EI-RMY44 TCL 2178ARC-B06T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM5C-03P08-02178A-RMY45 TCL 2180BE13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-2180EB-RMY46 TCL 2180GRC-E13T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02180G-RMY47 TCL 2188BD 13-M34280-13-M19V2P-08-2188BD-RMM1B Z34 Y48 TCL 2188DIRC-E50T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2188DI-RMY49 TCL 2188EB13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-2188EB-RMY50 TCL 2188G13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02180G-RMY51 TCL 21A106RC-B07T 13-6134G6-48B13-TCLM05-V4P08-21A106-RMY52 TCL 2588DB13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-2588DB-RMY53 TCL 2588DBRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2588DB-RMY54 TCL 25A106RC-F30T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-VBP08-TCA106-RMY55 TCL 25A106F13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-VBP08-TCF106-RMY56 TCL 2901A13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02901A-HSY57 TCL 2129C13-9028F0-22P 13-274020-00P08-02129C-HSY58 TCL 2511F13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-02511F-RMY59 TCL 2515DZ13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2515DZ-RMY60 TCL 2515DZRC-E07T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-2515DZ-RMY61 TCL 2516B13-M34280-M1P 13-M11V3P-M6S08-02516B-RMY62 TCL 2516BIRC-E11T 13-M34280-M1P13-M18V3P-M8B08-2516BI-RMY63 TCL 2516BP13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2516BP-RMY64 TCL 2516BZ13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2516BZ-RMY65 TCL 2516EF13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-2516EF-RMY66 TCL 2518E RC-C0813-LC7461-13-A04V01-08-02518E-RMT M0B A0P Y67 TCL 2518EF13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-2518EF-RMY68 TCL 2518EWRC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-2518EW-RMY69 TCL 2535ARC-C11T 13-SAA301-0TP13-TCLM06-VBP08-02535A-RMY70 TCL 2536F13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02536F-HSY71 TCL 2536G13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02510G-RMY72 TCL 2536W13-0SC301-0SB 13-M06VAT-00P08-02536W-RMY73 TCL 2539DRC-E06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-02539D-RMY74 TCL 2566B13-0SC301-0SB 13-0CTV22-2SP08-002566-HSY75 TCL 2575D13-M34280-M1P 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02575D-RMY76 TCL 2580DB13-M34280-M1P 13-M19V2P-Z3408-2580DB-RMY77 TCL 2906ARC-C11T 13-SAA301-0TP13-TCLM06-VBP08-02906A-RMY78 TCL 2906E13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-02906E-RMY79 TCL 2906ERC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-02906E-RMY80 TCL 2909A13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02909A-HSY81 TCL 2909B13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02909B-RMY82 TCL 2909BRC-C09T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-V6P08-02909B-RMY83 TCL 2910GRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02910G-RMY84 TCL 2910GW13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V7P08-2910GW-RMY85 TCL 2911 13-M34280-13-M19V2P-08-002911-RMM1B Z34 Y86 TCL 2911DIRC-E10T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-2911DI-RMY87 TCL 2911DZRC-E04T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-2911DZ-RMY88 TCL 2913A13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02913A-RMY89 TCL 2913ERC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-02913E-RMY90 TCL 2913EBRC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-2913EP-RMY91 TCL 2913UIRC-F46T 13-SAA301-0TB13-TDA938-3NP08-2913UI-RMY92 TCL 2915DZRC-E27T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-2915DZ-RMY93 TCL 2916DRC-F06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-02916D-RMY94 TCL 2916P13-SC9028-23B 13-TCLM03-V1P08-02916P-RMY95 TCL 2916PRC-D01T 13-SC9028-23B13-TCLM03-V1P08-02916P-RMY96 TCL 2918ERC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM28-V1P08-02918E-RMY97 TCL 2918EWRC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-2918EW-RMY98 TCL 2919AZ RC-04113-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-2919AZ-RMY99 TCL 2926UIRC-F46T 13-SAA301-0TB13-TDA938-3NP08-2926UI-RMY100 TCL 2927DRC-E59T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-02927D-RMY101 TCL 2927DRC-E35T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-02927D-RMY102 TCL 2939D13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-02939D-RMY103 TCL 2939DR13-M34280-M1P 13-M37221-M6R08-2939DR-RMY104 TCL 2939R 13-M34280-13-M37221-08-02939R-RMM1B M6R Y105 TCL 2939W13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V7P08-02939W-RMY106 TCL 2952AL13-0SC301-0SB 13-274020-00P08-2952AL-RMY107 TCL 2952B13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02952B-RMY108 TCL 2956D13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-02956D-RMY109 TCL 2956DRC-F64T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-02956D-RMY110 TCL 2966A/G RC-04213-SAA301-0TP 13-TCLM06-V3P08-02966A-RMY111 TCL 2966DG13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-2966DG-RMY112 TCL 2966F13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02966A-RMY113 TCL 2966G13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02966A-RMY114 TCL 2966G-213-0SC301-0SB 13-8C3216-40P08-2966G2-RMY115 TCL 2966GLRC-C04T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-V7P08-2966GL-RMY116 TCL 2966GL13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V7P08-2966GL-RMY117 TCL 2966GLRC-C04T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TCLM06-V7P08-2966GL-RMY118 TCL 2966NRC-076N1 13-SAA301-0TP13-8C3216-40P08-02966N-HSY119 TCL 2966T13-SC9028-23B 13-8C3216-40P08-02966T-RMY120 TCL 2966X13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02966X-RMY121 TCL 2968AZ13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-2968AZ-RMY122 TCL 2968SZ RC-07513-SAA301-0TP 13-8C3216-37P08-288200-002123 TCL 2969A RC-035 13-SAA301-13-0CTV22-08-277320-000TP 2SP 1124 TCL 2969C13-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-02969C-RMY125 TCL 2975D13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-02975D-RMY126 TCL 2977E13-LC7461-M0B 13-A04V01-A0P08-02977E-RMY127 TCL 2977ERC-C10T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A04V01-A0P08-02977E-RMY128 TCL 2980DBRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2980DB-RMY129 TCL 2980GRC-F02T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-02980G-RMY130 TCL 2980GI13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V2P-M8B08-2980GI-RMY131 TCL 2980P13-SC9028-23B 13-TCLM03-V1P08-02980P-RMY132 TCL 2980PRC-D01T 13-SC9028-23B13-TCLM03-V1P08-02980P-RMY133 TCL 2988BD13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2988BD-RMY134 TCL 2988BDRC-F02T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-2988BD-RMY135 TCL 2988DBRC-E16T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2988DB-RMY136 TCL 2988DBRC-E35T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-2988DB-RMY137 TCL 2988DF13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-2988DF-RMY138 TCL 2988DIRC-F13T 13-M34280-M1P13-M18V3P-M8B08-2988DI-RMY139 TCL 2988G13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-2988GT-RMY140 TCL 2999UZRC-F18T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TDA938-3NP08-2999UZ-RMY141 TCL 2999UZRC-F39T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TDA938-3NP08-2999UZ-RMY142 TCL 29U186Z 13-0SC301-13-TDA938-08-BU186Z-RM0SB 3NP Y143 TCL 29U186ZGRC-F41T 13-SAA301-0TP13-TDA938-3NP08-BU186G-RMY144 TCL 3416DF13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-3416DF-RMY145 TCL 3416DIRC-F09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V2P-M8B08-3416DI-RMY146 TCL 3416P13-0SC301-0SB 13-8C3216-40P08-03416P-RMY147 TCL 3416PB13-0SC301-0SB 13-S88P83-24P08-3416PB-RMY148 TCL 3418DRC-F11T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-03418D-RMY149 TCL 3418ERC-C08T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM28-V1P08-03418E-RMY150 TCL 3433DRC-F11T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-03433D-RMY151 TCL 3433DZRC-F11T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-3433DZ-RMY152 TCL 3438D13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-EAP08-03438D-RMY153 TCL 3438DR13-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-3438DR-RMY154 TCL 3438FPRRC-07FP 13-SC9028-23B13-TCLM03-V1P08-272880-003155 TCL 3438PB RC-07413-0SC301-0SB 13-S88P83-24P08-3438PB-RMY156 TCL 3438R13-0SC301-0SB 13-8C3216-40P08-273900-001157 TCL 3460DRC-F10T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-03460D-RMY158 TCL 3480GIRC-F09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V2P-M8B08-3480GI-RMY159 TCL 3488BDRC-F09T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-3488BD-RMY160 TCL 3488DRC-F06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-3488BD-RMY161 TCL 3488GI 13-M34280-13-M18V2P-08-3488GI-RMM1B M8B Y162 TCL 34D106RC-F10T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-AD1060-RMY163 TCL 3811DIRC-F01T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-3811DI-RMY164 TCL AT2570UBRC-F55T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-2570UB-RMY165 TCL AT257513-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2575-RMY166 TCL AT2575DRC-E18T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2575D-RMY167 TCL AT2575F13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2575F-RMY168 TCL AT2575IRC-E23T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2575I-RMY169 TCL AT2575S RC-N13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V10-TOP06-0N0030-B1102170 TCL AT2588DRC-E18T 13-M34280-M1B13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2588D-RMY171 TCL AT259013-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2586-RMY172 TCL AT2590IRC-E26T 13-M34280-M1P13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2590I-RMY173 TCL AT2590UB RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D014X174 TCL AT2590UBRC-F48T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D014X175 TCL AT2590UBRC-F63T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D014X176 TCL AT25E15913-LC7461-M0B 13-86F354-8AP08-TCE159-RMY177 TCL AT25S135RC-F30T 13-0UPD61-34B13-A8809C-PNP08-TCS135-RMY178 TCL AT25S16813-0UPD61-34B 13-A8809C-PNP08-TCS168-RMY179 TCL AT25U15913-0SC301-0SB 13-TDA938-3NP08-TCU159-RMY180 TCL AT29106/S 13-00AS12-13-A01V01-08-TBS106-RM13B TOP Y181 TCL AT29106BRC-R10T 13-ASC121-2CB13-A01V01-PHP08-TBU106-RMY182 TCL AT2911P13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP08-T2911P-RMY183 TCL AT29128 RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R1035-D007X184 TCL AT2915RC-E37T 13-M34280-M1P13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2915-RMY185 TCL AT2915DZ13-M34280-M1P 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2915Z-RMY186 TCL AT29166GRC-R02T 13-0SC301-0SB13-A01V01-PHP08-TBU166-RMY187 TCL AT29166GF/UL13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-TB166F-RMY188 TCL AT29166UL13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29166-RMY189 TCL AT2916URC-F42T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T2916U-RMY190 TCL AT2916URC-F22T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T2916U-RMY191 TCL AT2916UGRC-F22T 13-C73C03-02B13-TDA938-3NP08-T2916G-RMY192 TCL AT2916UG/UL(F) RC-R13-C73C03-02B 13-TDA938-3NP08-T2916G-RMY193 TCL 2918E,2513E13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM28-V1P08-02918E-RMY194 TCL 2938SZ,2868SZRC-099SZ 13-SAA301-0TP13-0CTV22-2SP08-272050-004195 TCL 2916D,3488DRC-F06T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-02916D-RMY196 TCL 2910DZ,2911DZ13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-2911DI-RMY197 TCL 2911D,2910RC-E05T 13-M34280-M1B13-M37221-M6R08-02911D-RMY198 TCL 1425E,1418T13-LC7461-M0B 13-A01V01-A0P06-RMT008-XX199 TCL 2106A,21A106 RC-B0713-6134G6-13-TCLM05-08-02106A-RMT 48B V4P Y200 TCL 2113E,2188EBRC-C07T 13-LC7461-M0B13-TCLM16-V2P08-02113E-MAN201 TCL 2169,2509S,2908 RC-03513-SAA301-0TP 13-0CTV22-2SP08-297280-001202 TCL 2118E,2518E13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-02118E-RMY203 TCL 2136D,2139DRC-E03T 13-M34280-M1P13-00Z902-34P08-02139D-RMY204 TCL 2516D,2511DRC-E06T 13-M34280-M1P13-M37221-M6R08-02511D-RMY205 TCL AI296013-6134G6-48B 13-A03V01-TOP08-AI2960-RMY206 TCL AT2110613-ASC121-2CB 13-A04V01-TOP08-TDS106-RMY207 TCL AT21106/S13-00AS12-13B 13-A04V02-TOP08-TDS106-RMY208 TCL AT2116/Y RC-C13-TK7461-TDB 13-WS9301-A0P06-0C0244-B001X209 TCL AT21166G13-0SC301-0SB 13-A02V02-PHP08-TD166G-RMY210 TCL AT21166G/U13-0SC301-0SB 13-A02V02-PHP08-TD166G-RMY211 TCL AT21266/Y RC-R13-TK7461-SPB 13-A02V02-PHP06-0R0235-I001X212 TCL AT2126ERC-C19T 13-LC7461-M0B13-A01V01-SYP08-T2126E-RMY213 TCL AT2127/S13-00AS12-13B 13-A04V01-TOP08-T2127S-RMY214 TCL AT2928613-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29286-RMY215 TCL AT29286/UL13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29286-RMY216 TCL AT29286/UL(I) RC-R13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-T29286-RMY217 TCL AT29329/UL RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-0TDA93-73P06-0R1735-H009X218 TCL AT2935I RC-E4113-M34280-13-4X21QW-08-T2935I-RMT M1B R4B Y219 TCL AT2956RC-E20T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-AT2956-RMY220 TCL AT2956BRC-E43T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2956B-RMY221 TCL AT2960/S13-0UPD61-34B 13-A01V01-TOP08-T2960S-RMY222 TCL AT2960BRC-R05T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2960B-RMY223 TCL AT2965RC-F61T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T2965U-RMY224 TCL AT2965URC-F38T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0036-A1151225 TCL AT2970IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1P13-4X21QW-R4B08-T2927I-RMY226 TCL AT2970U13-0SC301-0SB 13-TDA938-3NP08-T2970U-RMY227 TCL AT2975RC-F62T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2975U-RMY228 TCL AT2975DRC-E47T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2975D-RMY229 TCL AT2975IRC-E24T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2975I-RMY230 TCL AT2975ZRC-E21T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2975Z-RMY231 TCL AT2980DB13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2980B-RMY232 TCL AT2986ZRC-F15T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2986Z-RMY233 TCL AT2988DRC-E18T 13-M34280-M1P13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2988D-RMY234 TCL AT2988D(P)13-M34280-M1P 13-M19V2P-Z3408-T2988D-RMY235 TCL AT2988DB13-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-T2988B-RMY236 TCL AT2988URC-F63T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2988U-RMY237 TCL AT2990B 13-R01V1R-13-M11V4P-08-T2990B-RMMSK M6S Y238 TCL AT2990I13-R01V1R-MSK 13-M18V3P-M8B08-T2990I-RMY239 TCL AT2990URC-F48T 13-00AS12-13B13-A01V01-PHP08-T2990U-RMY240 TCL AT29S16813-0UPD61-34B 13-A01V01-TOP08-TBS168-RMY241 TCL AT29S168B13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V10-TOP08-TB168B-RMY242 TCL AT29U159RC-F43T 13-0SC301-0SB13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU159-RMY243 TCL AT29U18613-0SC301-0SB 13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU186-RMY244 TCL AT3416URC-F26T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T3416U-RMY245 TCL AT3416URC-F40T 13-PCA852-1BB13-TDA938-0MS08-T3416U-RMY246 TCL AT34189B RC-R13-18L901-SCB 13-H13V02-TOP06-0N0930-C008X247 TCL AT34276RC-R02T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY248 TCL AT34276/UL RC-R13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY249 TCLAT34276/UL,AT34286/UL RC-R13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY250 TCL AT3460DRC-E49T 13-M34280-M1B13-A01V01-MIP08-T3460D-RMY251 TCL AT3480GIRC-F14T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3480I-RMY252 TCL AT3486DIRC-F14T 13-M34280-M1B13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3486I-RMY253 TCL AT3486DZRC-F15T 13-M34280-M1B13-M11V4P-M6S08-T3486Z-RMY254 TCL AT3486IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-T3486I-RM1255 TCL AT3488DZ RCF14T13-M34280-M1B 13-M18V3P-M8B08-T3488Z-RMY256 TCL AT3488S 13-00AS12-13-A01V01-06-0N0030-B113B TOP 102257 TCL AT34U186/UL RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0034-B1132258 TCL B2180I13-M34280-M1B 13-M19V2P-Z3408-B2180I-RMY259 TCL B258013-M34280-M1B 13-M11V3P-M6S08-0B2580-RMY260 TCL B298013-M34280-M1B 13-M37221-M6R08-02980G-RMY261 TCL C2133RC-B03T 13-LC7461-M0B13-M16V1P-00P08-002133-RMY262 TCL C2133E13-LC7461-M0B 13-TCLM16-V2P08-C2133E-RMY263 TCL C253313-0SC301-0SB 13-TCLM06-V6P08-0C2533-RMY264 TCL DTV2912RC-E08T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-DT2912-HSY265 TCL DTV2912BRC-E25T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-D2912B-HSY266 TCL DTV2912U13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-D2912U-RMY267 TCL HID25192PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-HC192P-RMY268 TCL HiD31A01H/GU21 RC-Q13-18L901-SCB 13-P88PS3-4NP06-0Q1932-A005X269 TCL HiD3290H/GU21 RC-Q13-18L901-SCB 13-P88PS3-4NP06-0Q1931-A004X270 TCL HiD329SW.PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-H329WP-RMY271 TCL HiD34181P13-SC9028-23B 13-4X21QW-R4BW8-H34181-RMY272 TCL HiD34181P/R13-SC9028-23B 13-4X21QW-R4BW8-H34181-RMY273 TCL HiD360SW.PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-H360WP-RMY274 TCL HiD361SW RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-A006X275 TCL HiD38215P RC-G 13-SC9028-13-274020-06-0G0334-AA23B 00P 231276 TCL HiD432 RC-R13-18L901-SCB 13-A8827P-0NP06-0R1936-A001X277 TCL HiD4328G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H4328G-RMY278 TCL HID4328S RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B005X279 TCL HiD435B.r13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H435BR-RMY280 TCL HiD438BR13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H438BR-RMY281 TCL HiD438SB.r13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B005X282 TCL HID522613-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-HD5226-RMY283 TCL HiD522613-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-HD5226-RMY284 TCL HiD5228G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H5228G-RMY285 TCL HiD5228S RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B11D1286 TCL HiD522B.R13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B008X287 TCL HiD525 RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P06-0G3336-B001X288 TCL HiD525BR13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H525BR-RMY289 TCL HiD526BR13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H526BR-RMY290乐华29B1P/MV22 RC-R13-00AS12-13B13-P93CS4-5FB06-0R1035-D025X291乐华29V1P/N22 RC-Q13-18L901-SCB13-CF2V01-NTP06-0Q0936-B001X292乐华34V1P/N22 RC-N13-18L901-SCB13-CF2V01-NTP06-0N0929-C001X293 TCL HiD2960P13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2960P-RMY294 TCL HiD296S.p 13-SC9028-13-274020-08-H296SP-RM23B 00P Y295 TCL HiD2988IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-H2988I-RMY296 TCL HiD299.N13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-DT2990-HSY297 TCL HiD299.P13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-D2990B-RMY298 TCL HiD2990PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY299 TCLHiD2990p,HiD29166p RC-G01T13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY300 TCL HID2992IRC-F47T 13-SC9028-23B13-7281EK-SPP08-H2992I-RMY301 TCL HiD299S.p13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H299SP-RMY302 TCL HiD291PRC-G01T 13-TC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-HI291P-RMY303 TCL HiD291SPRC-G01T 13-9028F0-23P13-274020-00P08-H291SP-RMY304 TCL HiD29206P RC-N13-18L901-SCB 13-0CF3V1-NTP06-0N0930-C008X305 TCL AT29189B/UL RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0035-B1121306 TCL AT2919213-C73C03-02B 13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU192-RMY307 TCL AT29192U13-C73C03-02B 13-TDA938-3NP08-TBU192-RMY308 TCL AT29215ZRC-R05T 13-C73C03-02B13-A01V01-PHP08-TA2152-RMY309 TCL AT29215Z/U13-C73C03-02B 13-A01V01-PHP08-TA2152-RMY310 TCL AT2565/UL(F) RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0032-B1151311 TCL AT2565/UL(I) RC-R13-00AS12-13B 13-A01V01-PHP06-0R0032-B1151312 TCL AT2565A/US21 RC-R13-18L901-SCB 13-TDA937-6PP06-0R1935-J024X313 TCL AT2570B,AT2570U RC-F2113-0SC301-13-TDA938-08-T2570B-RMT 0SB 3NP Y314 TCL HiD34286P13-M34280-M1B 13-4X21QW-R4B08-T2970I-RM1315 TCL HiD3460IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-H3460I-RMY316 TCL HiD34728P/N RC-G13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP06-0G3334-A005X317 TCL HiD34728S/R RC-L13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP06-0L0342-A001X318 TCL HiD348.e13-9028F0-23P 13-274020-00P08-HI348P-RMY319 TCL HiD348PRC-G01T 13-9028F0-23P13-274020-00P08-HI348P-RMY320 TCL HiD348S.P13-TC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H348SP-RMY321 TCL HiD348SPRC-G01T 13-TC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-H348SP-RMY322 TCL HiD2960P13-SC9028-23B 13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2960P-RMY323 TCL HiD296S.p13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H296SP-RMY324 TCL HiD2988IRC-E41T 13-M34280-M1B13-4X21QW-R4B08-H2988I-RMY325 TCL HiD299.N13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-DT2990-HSY326 TCL HiD299.P13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-D2990B-RMY327 TCL HiD2990PRC-G01T 13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY328 TCLHiD2990p,HiD29166p RC-G01T13-SC9028-23B13-P88PS3-8NP08-H2990P-RMY329 TCL HID2992IRC-F47T 13-SC9028-23B13-7281EK-SPP08-H2992I-RMY330 TCL HiD299S.p13-SC9028-23B 13-274020-00P08-H299SP-RMY331 TCL HiD291PRC-G01T 13-TC9028-23B13-274020-00P08-HI291P-RMY332 TCL HiD291SP RC-G0113-9028F0-13-274020-08-H291SP-RM。



TCL各机芯进入工厂模式汇总1、机芯:小三洋解码LA768**进入工厂模式方法:设定菜单:先打开普通遥控器后,从印刷板中找到印有D-mode 相对应的位置键增加一导电橡胶,直接按此键可进入“工厂模式”,注意设定菜单只有当MENU03菜单中ENGINEER OPTIOR 项设置为1 时,才能进入04 以后的设定菜单; 调试菜单: 按住电视机面板音量键减0,且保持按住不放手;同时按遥控器上“0”键频道三次,必须在1.5 秒之内完成,即可进入工厂菜单的各项目调整。

(注:21”遥控器按D-mode 键出现一条亮线时,可与V-KILL 键交换位置)。


按数字键1,2,3,5,8,0 选项,用音量加减和节目加减调整,待机键存储退出.进入酒店模式方法:没有酒店功能3、机芯:大/小三洋单片LA769**/ Y22 /SUOC进入工厂模式方法:本机遥控器特设了两个快捷键:T1 键(在T1 状态下,无信号不关机,无蓝屏,只有雪花点)和工厂模式键(D 模)。

一个快捷复合键,V-KILL(一条亮线,在进D 模式后按静音键就可以进入工厂模式)。

进入酒店模式方法:连续按遥控器上的“显示”键及数字键6157 即可进入酒店模式(2 秒内)。


4、机芯:泰鼎75HZ / 如画彩电DPTV进入工厂模式方法:按住面板上的“音量减”键,将音量减到0 按住不放,同时按节目“加或减”键。


进入酒店模式方法:没有酒店功能5、机芯:75HZ 如画彩电DPTV进入工厂模式方法:首先,增加遥控器上的两个胶键。

TCL 液晶电视使用说明介绍

TCL 液晶电视使用说明介绍
电视机功能 • 全频道自动调谐 • 数字DVB-C与模拟一体接收机 • Android4.0智能电视 • 多种智能游戏 • 单独的全搜索功能(基于本机内容和网络内容) • 提供USB接口、SD卡槽 • 多媒体USB接口,具有电影、音乐、图片播放功能 • 智能音量 • 提供SD卡接口用于下载和安装应用程序 • 具有壁挂、桌面声音场景选择 • 多种声音效果模式 • ATV、DTV、AV1、AV2、YPBPR(分量)、PC(电脑)及数字HDMI • 支持SDTV或HDTV(480i/480p、576i/576p、720p、1080i/1080p)
电视机按键............................. 04 电视机端子接口......................... 04 外接设备连接示意图..................... 05 遥控器使用说明......................... 06 如何安装CAM卡收看数字电视节目.......... 07 电视机底座安装说明..................... 07 网络连接与设置......................... 08 连接天线及电源......................... 09 开机................................... 09 关机................................... 09 电视基本功能............................. 09 搜台................................... 09 调节频道/音量.......................... 09 VIP客户注册............................ 09 菜单使用............................... 09 其它信息................................. 10 多媒体、网络下载功能问题与解答......... 10 故障分析及排除......................... 11 整机技术规格........................... 12 主要随机附件........................... 12 环保注意事项和说明 .................... 13

TCL 2022 产品说明书

TCL 2022 产品说明书

RCS3877635-Illustrationcouverture:Native-Juin222-Créationgraphique:StudioOlena-OrlaneMaillotImprimésurpapierCertifiéFSC®Recyclé-Issudefibres1%recyclées.GUIDE DES ABONNEMENTS TCL 202223,30€/ mois*Avec l'abonnement par prélèvement automatique sans engagementL'abonnement TCLO=ãçáë=çÑÑÉêíë=>G49À PARTIR DE(1) Uniquement pour les nouveaux clients (2) Plus d’informations sur (3) Réduction de 17% par rapport à 12 mensualités. (4) Uniquement si vous avez déjà une carte T écély.Localisez les points de vente sur , rubrique « Où acheter ? ».SONT DISPONIBLES DÈS MAINTENANT !LES ABONNEMENTS TCL ?Abonnement illimitépar prélèvement automatiqueL’abonnement annuelL’abonnement mensuel> La solution + économique + flexible et + zen . La liberté d’un abonnement sans engagement : vous pouvez le résilier à tout moment (2).> Un règlement en une seule fois, avec une réduction de 17%(3).> À recharger chaque mois.2 MOIS OFFERTSAbonnement Abonnement mensuelMODE DE RÈGLEMENT (EN LIGNE ET PAR CORRESPONDANCE)(pour le réseau TCL uniquement)a une carte TCL : J’active son abonnement sur uneborne e-técély dès réception d’une confirmation de TCL par email ou SMSJE CHOISIS MA FORMULE ETM’INFORME DES PIÈCES JUSTIFICATIVES À FOURNIR(*) En 10 mensualitésJe coche la case correspondante à la formule d’abonnement choisie et à la situation du bénéficiaire(4) Les Conditions de vente et d’utilisation des titres de transport (CGVU), le Règlement du réseau TCL et la Politique de confidentialité et de sécurité des données personnelles sont disponibles sur (liens en bas de page du site).DONNÉES A CARACTERE PERSONNEL : Les données collectées de ce formulaire font l’objet d’un traitement automatisé dont les finalités sont la gestion de la relation client. Elles sont destinées à Keolis Lyon, opérateur par délégation de service du réseau TCL, qui est responsable du traitement, ainsi que, le cas échéant, à ses partenaires, sous-traitants ou prestataires situés dans l’Union Européenne. Ces données sont conservées pour les durées nécessaires à la gestion administrative et comptable des services souscrits et la promotion des services du réseau TCL. Pour plus d’informations, consultez la politique de confidentialité et de sécurité des données personnelles disponible sur Conformément à la règlementation applicable, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et/ou de suppression de ces données personnelles. Vous pouvez également vous opposer à leur traitement à des fins commerciales. Vous pouvez exercer ces droits ou adresser toute autre question relative au traitement de ces données personnelles, à l’adresse postale TCL – Délégué à la protection des données personnelles 19 Bd Vivier Merle - 69212 Lyon Cedex 03 ou par courrier électroniqueàl’*****************MMmeNom :Prénom :Date de naissance :Adresse (1)Code postal (1) Commune (1)E-mail (3)T él. portable (3)OUI X NON X RENTRÉE 2022Par SMSR C S 308 077 635 - I l l u s t r a t i o n c o u v e r t u r e : N a t i v e - J u i n 2022 - C r éa t i o n g r a p h i q u e : S t u d i o O l e n a - O r l a n e M a i l l ot Plus de 75% du réseau en mode électrique.15 000 scolaires sensibilisés au civisme dans les transports avec les actionsmenées par TCL en partenariat avec les établissements accueillant un jeune public.I m p r i m é s u r p a p i e r C e r t i fi é F S C ® R e c y c l é - I s s u d e fi b r e s 100% r e c y c l ée s .Un réseau étendu, durable et sûrUn réseau complet de services pour bien anticiper la rentréeTCL PROPOSE UN RÉSEAU DE PROXIMITÉ ET COMPLÉMENTAIREfidelité。



1.Injection control panel 2.Plastic-steel Steam Valve 3.Electroplating decorative 4.Stainless steel IMD
1.LCD Display& Backlight 2.2.0MM Liner 3.24 hours preset timing 4.Temperature resistant food plastic
1.Stainless steel Control Panel 2.Stainless steel steam valve 3.Stainless steel crust 4.Coffee IMD Crystal panel
1.LCD Display& Liquid Crystal Demonstration 2.2.0MM Liner 3.24 hours preset timing 4.Detachable Cover Plate
Rice Cooker – TCL Smatr cooker Pressure cooker Round Rice Simple Rice Slow Rice
Rice Cooker – TCL Smatr cooker Pressure cooker Round Rice Simple Rice Slow Rice
Rice Cooker – TCL Smatr cooker Pressure cooker Round Rice Simple Rice Slow Rice
Function Appearance Structure
Capa city 4L 5L
Power 860W 860W
L*W*H 412X300X277 412X300X297









1500V6A50W:表示该晶体管V(BR)CEO(B极开路时C-E之间的反向击穿电压)=1500V,Icm=6A,Pcm=50W型号结型参数封装代换备注2N2222 NPN 60V0.8A 0.5ATO-92 2N44002N3904 NPN 60V0.2A0.625WTO-92 2SC945调谐专用管,不宜用C1815等代换,否则易出现换台不准,跑台现象2N5401 PNP 160V 0.6A0.625WTO-92 2SA1013 建议常备2N5551 NPN 160V 0.6A0.625WTO-92 2SC2383 建议常备2SA1011 PNP 180V 1.5A25WTO-220 2SA1668 扫描速度调制驱动2SA1013 PNP 160V 1A0.4WTO-92 C9012/2N5401建议常备,部分电路可以用2N5401,2SB647代2SA1015 PNP 50V 0.15A0.4WTO-92 C9012/2N5401 建议常备2SA124 PNPR锗15V 2mA120MHzTO-92 DTA124 部分电路可以用A1015代2SA124 PNP锗15V 2mA250MHzTO-92 DTC124 小信号放大2SA1309 PNP 60V 0.1A0.3WSC-72 A10132SA1668 PNP 200V 2A25WTO-220F 2SB940 2SB940建议常备2SA1837 PNP 230V 1A20WTO-220 BU406部分电路可以用2SB940代,BU406建议常备2SA562 PNP 30V 0.4A0.3WTO-92 9012 部分电路可以用A1015,8550代2SA733 PNP 60V 0.1A0.25W180HzTO-92 A1015 建议常备2SA817AY PNP 80V 0.3A0.6WSPT 85502SA940 PNP 150V 1.5A25WTO-220 TIP30C 两者建议常备2SB1116 PNP 80V 1A0.75WTO-92 2SC1318/2SC23832SB647 PNP120V 1A 0.9W TO-92 A10132SB649A PNP 180V 1.5A 20WTO-126 2SB9402SC124NPNR 40V 0.025A200HzTO-92DTA124 R1=10K R2=47K 建议常备2SC1273A NPN 20V 0.1A 1WRFTO-922SC1970两者建议常备,部分电路可以用9018,C945代2SC144NPNR50V 0.2A450MHzTO-92DTA144R1=47K R2=47K 建议常备2SC1815 NPN 60V 0.15A 0.4W 2SC945 建议常备2SC1959 NPN 35V 0.5A 0.5W TO-92 2N5551 电源脉宽调制2SC1959 NPN 35V 0.5A 0.5W TO-92 8050 脉宽调制2SC2230 NPN 200V 0.1A 0.8W TO-92 2SC2482 建议常备2SC2344 NPN 180V 1.5A 25W TO-220 2SD669 扫描速度调制驱动,2SD669建议常备2SC2482 NPN 300V 0.1A 0.9W TO-92 2SC2611 常用作视放管和行推动管,建议常备2SC2611 NPN 300V 0.1 0.8W TO-126 2SC2482 建议常备2SC3311 NPN 30V 0.1A 0.3W TO-92 C18152SC3379D NPN 20V 1.5A10W520MHzTO-46 建议常备2SC3468 NPN300V 0.1A 1W TO-92 2SC2482 视放管2SC3609 NPN 300V 0.1A 1.5W TO-126 2SC2611 视放管2SC3779 NPN 20V 0.1A0.6W500MHzTO-92 9018 预中放,建议常备2SC3852 PNP80V 3A 25W 15MHz TO-220 2SD5262SC388 PNP 30V 50mA 0.3W TO-92 C9452SC388A 20V 20mA 0.2W 25MHzTO-92 9018 预中放2SC4544 NPN300V 0.1A 8W TO-220F 2SC3272 视放管/行推动管2SC4793 PNP 230V 1A20W100MHzTO-220 建议常备2SC5144 PNP1700V 20A200W 0.15usTO-3PLH 2SC542229"高清行输出管,因为100Hz 彩电行频是普通机型的2倍,对行输出的工作频率要求高,除了要满足普通彩电的条件外,还须考虑其下降时间tf 普通彩电行输出管的tf=1us 左右,而100Hz 彩电的行输出管则要求其tf 小于0.6us 。

电路图纸-TCL彩电IC中文名称及参数资料 (105种)

电路图纸-TCL彩电IC中文名称及参数资料 (105种)

相为滤波器 3.8 16
高音数字- 2.2

相为滤波器 3.8 17
左右声道平 2.9
相为滤波器 3.8 18
右声道高音 3.8
0 19
右声道低音 3.8
左声道高音 3.8 20

直流 序

电压 号
电源 1
11 6
4.9 7

音量控制输入 0.6 9
电源 2
AN5891K 音频处理集成电路
概述:AN5891K 是 I2C 总线控制的音频处理器,具有以下特点:受 I2C 总线控制;AGC
为复位输入端口,外接电阻电容组成的复位电路。VCC(40 脚)和 VSS(20 脚)为供电端
口,分别接+5V 电源的正负端。P0~P3 为可编程通用 I/O 脚,其功能用途由软件定义,在本
设计中,P0 端口(32~39 脚)被定义为 N1 功能控制端口,分别与 N1 的相应功能管脚相连























Philips 5000 series 全高清超薄 LED 电视100 厘米(40 英寸)全高清 LED 电视DTMB40PFF5021超薄 LED 电视具有逐点精晰技术飞利浦 5000 系列智能电视能将您所有喜爱的应用程序和内容呈现于大屏幕中。


观看电视,随心所欲•2 路 HDMI 输入和 Easylink ,便于集成连接•USB 连接让您可以欣赏多媒体内容通过此智能电视接触更加广阔的世界•智能电视:等待您探索的新世界清晰逼真的画面,始终如一•全高清 LED 电视—明艳逼真的 LED 画面,令人难以置信的对比度•通过逐点精晰技术呈现逼真的画质发行日期 2023-08-09版本: 5.1.3EAN: 69 59033 85445 3© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.保留所有权利。


所有商标是Koninklijke Philips N.V. 或它们各自所有者的财产。

规格全高清超薄 LED 电视2100 厘米(40 英寸) 全高清 LED 电视, DTMB产品亮点智能电视探索超越传统电视的更智能的体验。



全高清 LED 电视画质很关键。



2 路带有 Easylink 的 HDMI 输入用一根线缆就能将设备输出的图像和音频信号传送到电视上,避免零乱的线缆。

HDMI 使用未经压缩的信号,确保从信号源到屏幕的整个过程中始终保持高品质。

搭配飞利浦的 Easylink 功能,您只需一个遥控器就能完成电视机、DVD 、蓝光光盘播放机、机顶盒或家庭影院的大多数操作。



ACCESSORIESLMSHELF = Mounting Shelf 300-450W MXSHELF = Mounting Shelf 72-200WOrdering InformationSERIES DC WATTAGE HEADS HEADS OPTIONS 1CCL = 6 Volt 6 Volt6 Volt3 = Three A = Ammeter 2TCL = 12 Volt75 = 75 Watts DY = 8 Watt, Tungsten 2 = Two ACF1 = 120 VAC Fuse 100 = 100 Watts DA = 18 Watt, Tungsten 1 = OneACF2 = 277 VAC Fuse 150 = 150 Watts DL = 25 Watt, Tungsten ACP1 = 120 VAC Power Switch 225 = 225 WattsDC = 30 Watt, Tungsten ACP2 = 277 VAC Power Switch AD = ACCU-TEST Self-Diagnostics 12 Volt (Includes standard voltmeter)12 VoltADAL = ACCU-TEST with Alarm150 = 150 Watt DNY = 12 Watt, Tungsten ADTD = ACCU-TEST with Time Delay 3200 = 200 Watt DE = 28 Watt, Tungsten DCP = DC Power Switch300 = 300 Watt DK = 25 Watt, Tungsten EX = Special Input Transformer (Specify voltage and frequency)450 = 450 WattDG = 30 Watt, TungstenTD1 = 120 VAC Time Delay 3TTD2 = 277 VAC Time Delay 3(Suggested lamp heads listedV = Voltmeter 2above. Refer to the Accessories Section for W = White Housingadditional lamp head choices.)CCL15016.0”(40.6 cm)TCL300, TCL4506.0”(15.2 cm)7.6”(19.3 cm)12.0”(30.5 cm)27.0”(12.7 cm)6.0”(15.2 cm)7.6”(19.3 cm)12.0”(30.5 cm)Notes:1) Some option combinations may impact UL list-ing. consult factory for specifics.2) Not available witj AD, ADAL, or ADTD options.3) 15 minute delay.元器件交易网Housing18 gauge steel housing with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.Knockouts provided for mounting up to three lamp heads.The suggested lamp head is the “D” Series round sealed beam Par 36 tungsten. To order lamp heads other than the suggested “D” head, refer to Chloride Accessories Section..Suggested SpecificationFurnish and install Chloride Systems emergency lighting unit model ________. The unit shall be constructed to meet Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. Standard #924and the National Electrical Code (NEC).INSTALLATION AND OPERATION -Unit shall be easily field connected to a 120 or 277 VAC, 60 hertz, unswitched power source. Installation must comply with the NEC as well as other applicable codes. Upon utility power failure or brownout, the unit shall automatically transfer to battery power and maintain the required illumina-tion level for a minimum period of 90 minutes. Upon restoration of utility power, the charger shall restore the battery to full charge within UL 924 requirements follow-ing a rated discharge of not more than 90 minutes.CHARGER -Product shall utilize a fully automatic, voltage regulated, two-rate current limited solid-state charger. The charging system shall maintain the battery at full capacity without the need for periodic exercising or equalization. The following features shall be standard: Low voltage disconnect (LVD), brownout protection and AC lockout.BATTERY -The battery shall be a low maintenance, free electrolyte, wet cell, lead calcium battery. The lead calcium battery shall provide trouble-free operation in temperatures up to 85°F (30°C).HOUSING -The unit housing shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.Chloride SystemsISO8C1063R49/02 IH272 West Stag Park Service Road •Burgaw NC 28425Telephone: (910) 259 1000 •Facsimile: (800) 258 Lamp Head Photometrics(For DL, suggested head for CCL)(For DK, suggested head for TCL)Vertical203050100Up 2010feet 010Down 20.2.1406070.31.5Horizontal203050100Left 2010feet 010Right 20.2.1406070.31.5203050100Up 2010feet 010Down 20Photometric No. 3406070801. 3010feet 01020Right 301.。

Philips 4100系列50英寸全高清LED电视说明书

Philips 4100系列50英寸全高清LED电视说明书

Philips 4000 series Full HD LED TV with Digital Crystal Clear127 cm (50") Full HD LED TV DVB-T/T2/C50PFT4009Full HD LED TVWith Digital Crystal ClearEveryone in your home will enjoy the crisp, clear picture of the Philips 4100 series Full HD LED TV. The minimalist design, vivid images, and great sound make it the ideal choice for any room in your house.Beyond entertainment, it’s interior design•Ultra Narrow bezel gives you more picture to love•Modern design complements today's interiorWatch together—beautifully•Digital Crystal Clear: precision you’ll want to share•Full HD LED TV—brilliant LED images with incredible contrast•100Hz PMR for fluid moving imagesTelevision viewing at your convenience•Two HDMI inputs and Easylink for integrated connectivity•USB for multimedia playbackHighlightsUltra narrow bezelTraditional TVs have a bezel that wraps around the TV like a picture frame. Our Ultra Narrow bezel is modern and thin, so you have more picture to enjoy.Modern DesignDesigned with a contemporary look to blend with your décor. Because your TV should look as beautiful off as it does on.Digital Crystal ClearFor natural pictures from any source, Philips created Digital Crystal Clear. Because whether you indulge in your favorite soap, the news, or have friends over to watch a video—you'll enjoy it all in optimal contrast, color andsharpness.Full HD LED TVPicture Quality matters. Regular HDTVsdeliver quality, but you expect more. Imaginecrisp detail paired with high brightness,incredible contrast and realistic colors for atrue to life picture.100Hz Perfect Motion RateNothing beats the adrenaline rush of gaming,fast paced sporting events or action films.That's why this Philips TV has 100Hz PerfectMotion Rate; so you’ll enjoy fluid movingimages. Because even though your pulse mayjump, the image you’re watching shouldn’t.Two HDMI inputs with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single HDMI cable tocarry both picture and audio signals from yourdevices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressedsignals, ensuring the highest quality fromsource to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote controlto perform most operations on your TV, DVD,Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre system.USB (photos, music, video)Share the fun. Connect your USB memory-stick, digital camera, mp3 player or othermultimedia device to the USB port on your TVto enjoy photos, videos and music with theeasy to use onscreen content browser.Issue date 2022-07-14 Version: 2.3.112 NC: 8670 001 18516 EAN: 87 18863 00038 0© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: LED Full HD•Diagonal screen size: 50 inch / 127 cm•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Aspect ratio: 4:3/16:9•Brightness: 280 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Digital Crystal Clear, 100 Hz Perfect Motion RateUser Interaction•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button •Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB •Screen Format Adjustments: Advance - Shift, Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Stretch, Zoom •Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•Electronic Program Guide*: 8days Electronic Program GuideSound•Output power (RMS): 20W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Auto Volume Leveler, Bass Enhancement Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 2•Number of USBs: 1•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Other connections: CI+1.3 certified, Antenna IEC75, Common Interface Plus (CI+), Digital audio out (optical), Audio in (DVI), Headphone out, Service connector•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System standby, Auto subtitle shift (Philips)*, Pixel Plus link (Philips)*, One touch play, System audio controlMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9/VC1•Subtitles Formats Support: .AAS, .SMI, .SRT, .SSA,.SUB, .TXT•Music Playback Formats: AAC, AMR, LPCM, M4A,MP3, MPEG1 L1/2, WMA (v2 up to v9.2)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS,PNG, PNSSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz•Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1920x1080pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/C•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAMPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 65 W•Annual energy consumption: 95 kW·h•Energy Label Class: A+•Standby power consumption: < 0.3 W•Off mode power consumption: < 0.3•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Ecomode, Picture mute (for radio)Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1310 x 795 x 133 mm•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 1124 x 658 x 88 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1124 x 684 x 256 mm•Product weight: 12.4 kg•Product weight (+stand): 13 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 18.5 kg•Wall mount compatible: 400 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, Table topstand, Power cord, Quick start guide, Legal andsafety brochure, Warranty Leaflet*Software upgrade required for Pause TV and USB recording. Formore details about the software update, please visit/TV and click on support.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.。

Philips 4900 系列全高清 LED 电视 50 英寸 50PFA4909 说明书

Philips 4900 系列全高清 LED 电视 50 英寸 50PFA4909 说明书

Philips 4900 seriesFull HD LED TV50PFA4909Full HD LED TVWith Digital Crystal ClearEveryone in your home will enjoy the crisp, clear picture of the Philips 4900 series FullHD LED TV. The slim design, vivid images, and great sound make it the ideal choice forany room in your house.Beyond entertainment, it’s interior design•Modern design complements today's interior•Slim dimensions compliment your interior•Open stand design creates a light, floating effectTelevision viewing at your convenience•Two HDMI inputs and Easylink for integrated connectivity•USB for multimedia playback•PC Input lets you use your TV as a PC monitorWatch anywhere—beautifully•Digital Crystal Clear: precision you’ll want to share•Full HD LED TV—brilliant LED images with incredible contrast•100Hz PMR for fluid moving imagesHighlightsModern DesignDesigned with a contemporary look to blend with your décor. Because your TV should look as beautiful off as it does on.Digital Crystal ClearFor natural pictures from any source, Philips created Digital Crystal Clear. Because whether you indulge in your favorite soap, the news, or have friends over to watch a video—you'll enjoy it all in optimal contrast, color and sharpness.Full HD LED TVPicture Quality matters. Regular HDTVs deliver quality, but you expect more. Imagine crisp detail paired with high brightness, incredible contrast and realistic colors for a true to life picture.100Hz Perfect Motion RateNothing beats the adrenaline rush of gaming, fast paced sporting events or action films.That's why this Philips TV has 100Hz Perfect Motion Rate; so you’ll enjoy fluid moving images. Because even though your pulse may jump, the image you’re watching shouldn’t.Two HDMI inputs with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single HDMI cable to carry both picture and audio signals from your devices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressed signals, ensuring the highest quality from source to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote control to perform most operations on your TV, DVD, Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre system.USB (photos, music, video)Share the fun. Connect your USB memory-stick, digital camera, mp3 player or other multimedia device to the USB port on your TV to enjoy photos, videos and music with the easy to use onscreen content browser.PC input (VGA)Use your TV as a monitor. Simply connect using a VGA cable and you are ready to go.Open StandA television with modern, refined linesdeserves a stand that lifts it above the ordinary. That’s why the designers at Philips TV created this unique, open stand to integrate beautifully with your décor.Slim profilePhilips Slim profile TV makes a statement with its sleek, sophisticated dimensions. After all, why shouldn’t your TV be as beautiful as it isfunctional?Issue date 2023-10-20 Version: 1.1.1EAN: 87 18863 00346 6© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Diagonal screen size (inch): 50 inch •Diagonal screen size (metric): 127 cm •Display: LED Full HD•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Picture enhancement: Digital Crystal Clear, 100 Hz Perfect Motion Rate•Viewing angle: 176º (H) / 176º (V) Supported Display Resolution •Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz •Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1920x1080pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75)•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•Analog TV: NTSC, PAL, SECAMMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4•Music Playback Formats: M4A, MP3•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG User Interaction•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button •Firmware upgradeable: Firmware upgradeable via USB•Screen Format Adjustments: 4:3, Widescreen, Subtitle ZoomSound•Output power (RMS): 16W (2 x 8W)•Sound Enhancement: Virtual Surround, AutoVolume Leveler, Bass ControlConnectivity•Number of AV connections: 2•Number of HDMI connections: 2•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Number of USBs: 2•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, PC Audio In (3.5mm), Composite video (CVBS) out, Analog audio Left/Right out, Headphone out, PC-In VGA Power•Mains power: AC 100V-240V, 50/60Hz •Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 40 °C•Power consumption: 90 W•Standby power consumption: &lt; 0.5 W Accessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAA Batteries, Table top stand, Power cord, Quick start guide, User ManualDimensions•Set Width: 1122 mm•Set Height: 644 mm•Set Depth: 49 mm•Product weight: 15.8 kg•Set width (with stand): 1122 mm•Set height (with stand): 715 mm•Set depth (with stand): 323 mm•Product weight (+stand): 17.0 kg•Box width: 1270 mm•Box height: 765 mm•Box depth: 160 mm•Weight incl. Packaging: 20.5 kg•Compatible wall mount: adjustable 300 x 200mm。

Philips 5000系列24英寸LED电视说明文档说明书

Philips 5000系列24英寸LED电视说明文档说明书

Philips 5000 seriesSlim LED TV with Digital Crystal Clear61 cm (24") LED TVDVB-T/C24PHH5219Slim LED TVWith Digital Crystal ClearAs compact as a tablet, the Philips 5210 series LED TV in white has an aluminum tilt picture frame stand that makes it a beautiful and Smart experience you’ll love to take from room to room.As flexible as you are•Elegant white color lends a fresh modern look to every room•Aluminum tilt stand adds style and mobility to your TV•Slim dimensions compliment your interiorWatch anywhere—beautifully•Digital Crystal Clear: precision you’ll want to share•LED TV for images with incredible contrast•100Hz PMR for fluid moving imagesTelevision viewing at your convenience•One HDMI input and easy link for integrated connectivity•USB for multimedia playback•PC Input lets you use your TV as a PC monitorHighlightsModern white designBecause we know you want a small screen TV that looks as great as it performs, our design team paired an elegant frame of sophisticated white and metal veneer to create a fresh, modern design that compliments any room its in.Aluminum folded standThe benefit of a small screen TV is its mobility. But why sacrifice style for function? Designed like a picture frame, this stylish stand can either fold out to sit on a counter, or lay flush at the back to hang on a wall.Slim profilePhilips Slim profile TV makes a statement with its sleek, sophisticated dimensions. After all, why shouldn’t your TV be as beautiful as it is functional?Digital Crystal ClearFor natural pictures from any source, Philipscreated Digital Crystal Clear. Because whetheryou indulge in your favorite soap, the news, orhave friends over to watch a video—you'llenjoy it all in optimal contrast, color andsharpness.LED TVWith LED backlight you can enjoy low powerconsumption and beautiful lines combined withhigh brightness, incredible contrast and vibrantcolors.100Hz Perfect Motion RateNothing beats the adrenaline rush of gaming,fast paced sporting events or action films.That's why this Philips TV has 100Hz PerfectMotion Rate; so you’ll enjoy fluid movingimages. Because even though your pulse mayjump, the image you’re watching shouldn’t.One HDMI input with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single cable to carryboth picture and audio signals from yourdevices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressedsignals, ensuring the highest quality fromsource to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote controlto perform most operations on your TV, DVD,Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre system.USB (photos, music, video)Share the fun. Connect your USB memory-stick, digital camera, mp3 player or othermultimedia device to the USB port on your TVto enjoy photos, videos and music with theeasy to use onscreen content browser.PC input (VGA)Use your TV as a monitor. Simply connectusing a VGA cable and you are ready to go.Issue date 2019-06-10 Version: 5.1.112 NC: 8670 001 11187 EAN: 87 12581 70843 6© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: LED HD TV•Diagonal screen size: 24 inch / 61 cm•Panel resolution: 1366 x 768p•Aspect ratio: 4:3/16:9•Brightness: 350 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Digital Crystal Clear, 100 Hz Perfect Motion RateSmart Interaction•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button •Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB •Screen Format Adjustments: Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to Screen, Advance - Shift, Stretch, Zoom, Dot: dot•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•Electronic Program Guide*: 8 days Electronic Program GuidSound•Output power (RMS): 10W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Bass Enhancement, Auto Volume Leveller Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 1•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 1•Other connections: CI+1.3 certified, Antenna IEC75, Common Interface Plus (CI+), Digital audio out (optical), Headphone out, Service connector, Audio in (VGA/DVI), PC-In VGA•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby, Auto subtitle shift (Philips)*, Pixel Plus link (Philips)*, One touch playMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV, H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9/VC1•Subtitles Formats Support: .AAS, .SMI, .SRT, .SSA,.SUB, .TXT•Music Playback Formats: AAC, AMR, LPCM, M4A,MP3, MPEG1 L1/2, WMA (v2 up to v9.2)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS,PNG, PNSSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz•Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1920x1080pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/C•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAMPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 40 °C•Eu Energy Label power: 23 W•Annual energy consumption: 34 kW·h•Standby power consumption: < 0.3 W•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Ecomode, Picture mute (for radio)•Off mode power consumption: < 0.3 W•Energy Label Class: ADimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):610 x 432 x 114 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D): 552 x 332 x 55 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):552 x 339 x 122 mm•Product weight: 3.3 kg•Product weight (+stand): 3.6 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 4.8 kg•Compatible wall mount: 75 x 75mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, Aluminumtilt stand, Power cord, Quick start guide, Legal andsafety brochure, Warranty Leaflet*Software upgrade required for Pause TV and USB recording. Formore details about the software update, please visit/TV and click on support.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.。

TCL DSJ-3A执法记录仪技术参数

TCL DSJ-3A执法记录仪技术参数

执法记录仪技术参数TCL DSJ-3A(SDV03)1、※拍照功能:设备拍摄分辨率最高为4608×3456,可选4032×3024、3200×2400,照片保存格式为JPEG。




5、※防水防跌落功能:设备外壳防护等级应符合GB 4208-2008中IP56的规定;设备裸机可承受2.5米、水泥地面、任意四个面各跌落一次,跌落后设备能正常工作,存储的数据不应丢失。


7、数据传输:产品采用标准的USB MiniB物理接口,通讯协议应为USB2.0或以上,USB接口传输速率不低于480Mbps;产品应兼容Windows7、Windows、WindowsXP、Windows2000操作系统。





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LMSHELF = Mounting Shelf 300-450W MXSHELF = Mounting Shelf 72-200W
Ordering Information
6 Volt
3 = Three A = Ammeter 2
TCL = 12 Volt
75 = 75 Watts DY = 8 Watt, Tungsten 2 = Two ACF1 = 120 VAC Fuse 100 = 100 Watts DA = 18 Watt, Tungsten 1 = One
ACF2 = 277 VAC Fuse 150 = 150 Watts DL = 25 Watt, Tungsten ACP1 = 120 VAC Power Switch 225 = 225 Watts
DC = 30 Watt, Tungsten ACP2 = 277 VAC Power Switch AD = ACCU-TEST Self-Diagnostics 12 Volt (Includes standard voltmeter)12 Volt
ADAL = ACCU-TEST with Alarm
150 = 150 Watt DNY = 12 Watt, Tungsten ADTD = ACCU-TEST with Time Delay 3200 = 200 Watt DE = 28 Watt, Tungsten DCP = DC Power Switch
300 = 300 Watt DK = 25 Watt, Tungsten EX = Special Input Transformer (Specify voltage and frequency)450 = 450 Watt
DG = 30 Watt, Tungsten
TD1 = 120 VAC Time Delay 3TTD2 = 277 VAC Time Delay 3(Suggested lamp heads listed
V = Voltmeter 2
above. Refer to the Accessories Section for W = White Housing
additional lamp head choices.)
(40.6 cm)
TCL300, TCL450
(15.2 cm)
(19.3 cm)
(30.5 cm)
(12.7 cm)
(15.2 cm)
(19.3 cm)
(30.5 cm)
1) Some option combinations may impact UL list-ing. consult factory for specifics.
2) Not available witj AD, ADAL, or ADTD options.3) 15 minute delay.
18 gauge steel housing with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.
Knockouts provided for mounting up to three lamp heads.
The suggested lamp head is the “D” Series round sealed beam Par 36 tungsten. To order lamp heads other than the suggested “D” head, refer to Chloride Accessories Section..
Suggested Specification
Furnish and install Chloride Systems emergency lighting unit model ________. The unit shall be constructed to meet Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. Standard #924
and the National Electrical Code (NEC).
INSTALLATION AND OPERATION -Unit shall be easily field connected to a 120 or 277 VAC, 60 hertz, unswitched power source. Installation must comply with the NEC as well as other applicable codes. Upon utility power failure or brownout, the unit shall automatically transfer to battery power and maintain the required illumina-tion level for a minimum period of 90 minutes. Upon restoration of utility power, the charger shall restore the battery to full charge within UL 924 requirements follow-ing a rated discharge of not more than 90 minutes.
CHARGER -Product shall utilize a fully automatic, voltage regulated, two-rate current limited solid-state charger. The charging system shall maintain the battery at full capacity without the need for periodic exercising or equalization. The following features shall be standard: Low voltage disconnect (LVD), brownout protection and AC lockout.
BATTERY -The battery shall be a low maintenance, free electrolyte, wet cell, lead calcium battery. The lead calcium battery shall provide trouble-free operation in temperatures up to 85°F (30°C).
HOUSING -The unit housing shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel with a tan epoxy powder coat finish.
Chloride Systems
8C1063R49/02 IH
272 West Stag Park Service Road •Burgaw NC 28425Telephone: (910) 259 1000 •Facsimile: (800) 258
Lamp Head Photometrics
(For DL, suggested head for CCL)
(For DK, suggested head for TCL)
203050100Up 20
feet 0
Down 20
203050100Left 20
feet 0
Right 20
203050100Up 20
feet 0
Down 20
Photometric No. 3
203050100Left 30
feet 0
Right 30
