Temperature Effects on Fatigue of Polymer Composites
工 程 塑 料 应 用ENGINEERING PLASTICS APPLICATION第49卷,第6期2021年6月V ol.49,No.6Jun. 2021118doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3539.2021.06.021聚四氟乙烯压缩蠕变行为测试与表征雷淼,周健,李孟茹,晁敏,颜录科(长安大学材料科学与工程学院,西安 710064)摘要:为研究聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)压缩蠕变行为,自行设计制造压缩蠕变试验装置,分别对其常温与高温压缩蠕变性能进行测试,建立PTFE 压缩蠕变模型和蠕变方程,对所得压缩蠕变性能数据进行非线性拟合分析。
结果表明,自制高温压缩蠕变测试仪实现了由室温到250℃范围内、不同载荷作用下材料长期压缩蠕变性能测试的自动化操作;PTFE 在压缩蠕变过程中并不表现出黏性流动形变,但当其表现出与一般材料相同的典型蠕变行为时,推迟时间要比其它条件下大许多,当发生蠕变断裂时推迟时间将提高近一个数量级。
所建立的七元件蠕变模型能全面地反映PTFE 的压缩蠕变行为,可预测PTFE 的长时力学行为、使用寿命以及疲劳与失效等。
关键词:聚四氟乙烯;复合材料;压缩蠕变;测试;表征中图分类号:TQ327.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3539(2021)06-0118-07Testing and Characterization of Compressive Creep Behavior in PolytetrafluoroethyleneLei Miao , Zhou Jian , Li Mengru , Chao Min , Yan Luke(School of Materials Science & Engineering , Chang ’an University , Xi'an 710064, China)Abstract :In order to study the compression creep behavior of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE),the compression creep test device was designed and manufactured by ourselves ,the normal temperature and high temperature compression creep properties of PTFE were tested ,and the PTFE compression creep model and creep equation were established ,and then nonlinear fitting analysis was performed on the obtained compression creep performance data. The results show that the self-made high-temperature compression creep tester realizes the automatic operation of the long-term compression creep performance test of materials under different loads from room temperature to 250℃. PTFE does not exhibit viscous flow deformation during compression and creep ,but when it exhibits the same typical creep behavior as general materials ,the delay time is much longer than under other conditions ,and when creep rupture occurs ,the delay time increases by nearly one order of magnitude. The established seven-element creep model can fully reflect the compression creep behavior of PTFE ,and can predict the long-term mechanical behavior ,service life ,fatigue ,and failure of PTFE. The creep fitting curve is in good agreement with the test data ,and the fitting accuracy is high.Keywords :polytetrafluoroethylene ;composite ;compressive creep ;testing ;characterization几乎所有材料都会发生蠕变,而塑料材料特别显著,在常温下就会有明显的蠕变。
HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TONGJI MEDICAL COLLEGE ACCESSORY TONGJI HOSPITALHospitalization Records for None-operation Division Division: __________ Ward: __________ Bed: _________ Case No. ___________Name: ______________ Sex: __________ Age: ___________ Nation: ___________ Birth Place: ________________________________ Marital Status:____________ Work-organization & Occupation: _______________________________________ Living Address & Tel: _________________________________________________ Date of admission: _______Date of history taken:_______ Informant:__________ Chief Complaint: ___________________________________________________History of Present Illness:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________Past History:General Health Status: 1.good 2.moderate 3.poorDisease history: (if any, please write down the date of onset, brief diagnosticand therapeutic course, and the results.)Respiratory system:1. None2.Repeated pharyngeal pain3.chronic cough4.expectoration:5. Hemoptysis6.asthma7.dyspnea8.chest pain_______________________________________________________________ Circulatory system:1.None2.Palpitation3.exertional dyspnea4..cyanosis5.hemoptysis6.Edema of lower extremities7.chest pain8.syncope9.hypertension_______________________________________________________________ Digestive system:1.None2.Anorexia3.dysphagia4.sour regurgitation5.eructation6.nausea7.Emesis8.melena9.abdominal pain 10.diarrhea11.hematemesis 12.Hematochezia 13.jaundice_______________________________________________________________ Urinary system:1.None2.Lumbar pain3.urinary frequency4.urinary urgency5.dysuria6.oliguria7.polyuria8.retention of urine9.incontinence of urine10.hematuria 11.Pyuria 12.nocturia 13.puffy face_______________________________________________________________ Hematopoietic system:1.None2.Fatigue3.dizziness4.gingival hemorrhage5.epistaxis6.subcutaneous hemorrhage_______________________________________________________________ Metabolic and endocrine system:1.None2.Bulimia3.anorexia4.hot intolerance5.cold intolerance6.hyperhidrosis7.Polydipsia8.amenorrhea9.tremor of hands 10.character change 11.Marked obesity12.marked emaciation 13.hirsutism 14.alopecia15.Hyperpigmentation 16.sexual function change_______________________________________________________________ Neurological system:1.None2.Dizziness3.headache4.paresthesia5.hypomnesis6. Visual disturbance7.Insomnia8.somnolence9.syncope 10.convulsion 11.Disturbance of consciousness12.paralysis 13. vertigo_______________________________________________________________ Reproductive system:1.None2.others_______________________________________________________________Musculoskeletal system:1.None2.Migrating arthralgia3.arthralgia4.artrcocele5.arthremia6.Dysarthrosis7.myalgia8.muscular atrophy_______________________________________________________________ Infectious Disease:1.None2.Typhoid fever3.Dysentery4.Malaria 4.Schistosomiasis4.Leptospirosis 7.Tuberculosis 8.Epidemic hemorrhagic fever9.others_______________________________________________________________ Vaccine inoculation:1.None2.Yes3.Not clearVaccine detail __________________________________________ Trauma and/or operation history:Operations:1.None2.YesOperation details:_______________________________________ Traumas:1.None2.YesTrauma details:_________________________________________ Blood transfusion history:1.None2.Yes ( 1.Whole blood 2.Plasma3.Ingredient transfusion)Blood type:____________ Transfusion time:___________Transfusion reaction1.None2.YesClinic manifestation:_____________________________ Allergic history:1.None2.Yes3.Not clearallergen:________________________________________________clinical manifestation:_____________________________________Personal history:Custom living address:____________________________________________ Resident history in endemic disease area:_____________________________ Smoking: 1.No 2.YesAverage ___pieces per day; about___yearsGiving-up 1.No 2.Yes (Time:_______________________) Drinking: 1.No 2.YesAverage ___grams per day; about ___yearsGiving-up 1.No 2.Yes(Time:________________________) Drug abuse:1.No 2.YesDrug names:_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________Marital and obstetrical history:Married age: __________years old Pregnancy ___________timesLabor _______________times(1.Natural labor: _______times 2.Operative labor: ________times3.Natural abortion: ______times4.Artificial abortion: _______times5.Premature labor:__________times6.stillbirth__________times)Health status of the Mate:1.Well2.Not fineDetails: _______________________________________________ Menstrual history:Menarchal age: _______ Duration ______day Interval ____daysLast menstrual period: ____________ Menopausal age: ____years oldAmount of flow: 1.small 2. moderate 3. largeDysmenorrheal: 1. presence 2.absence Menstrual irregularity 1. No 2.Yes Family history: (especially pay attention to the infectious and hereditary diseaserelated to the present illness)Father: 1.healthy 2.ill:________ 3.deceased cause: ___________________ Mother:1.healthy 2.ill:________ 3.deceased cause: ___________________ Others: ________________________________________________________ The anterior statement was agreed by the informant.Signature of informant: Datetime:Physical ExaminationVital signs:Temperature:______0C Blood pressure:_______/_______mmHg Pulse: _____ bpm (1.regular 2.irregular_____________________________) Respiration: ___bpm (1.regular 2.irregular____________________________) General conditions:Development: 1.Normal 2.Hypoplasia 3.HyperplasiaNutrition: 1.good 2.moderate 3.poor 4.cachexiaFacial expression: 1.normal 2.acute 3.chronic other_____________________ Habitus: 1.asthenic type 2.sthenic type 3.ortho-thenic typePosition: 1.active 2.positive pulsive 4.other_______________________ Consciousness: 1.clear 2.somnolence 3.confusion 4.stupor 5.slight coma6.mediate coma7.deep coma8.deliriumCooperation: 1Yes 2.No Gait: 1.normal 2.abnormal______Skin and mucosa:Color: 1.normal 2.pale 3.redness 4.cyanosis 5.jaundice 6.pigmentationSkin eruption:1.No 2.Yes( type: __________distribution:__________________) Subcutaneous bleeding: 1.no 2.yes (type:_______distribution:______________) Edema:1. no 2.yes ( location and degree________________________________) Hair: 1.normal 2.abnormal(details_____________________________________) Temperature and moisture: normal cold warm dry moist dehydration Liver palmar : 1.no 2.yes Spider angioma (location:________________) Others: __________________________________________________________ Lymph nodes: enlargement of superficial lymph node:1.no2.yesDescription: ________________________________________________ Head:Skull size:1.normal 2.abnormal (description:____________________________) Skull shape:1.normal 2.abnormal(description:___________________________) Hair distribution :1.normal 2.abnormal(description:______________________) Others:___________________________________________________________ Eye: exophthalmos:___________eyelid:____________conjunctiva:__________ sclera:________________Cornea:_______________________Pupil: 1.equally round and in size 2.unequal (R______mm L_______mm)Pupil reflex: 1.normal 2.delayed (R___s L___s ) 3.absent (R___L___)others:______________________________________________________ Ear: Auricle 1.normal 2.desformation (description:_______________________) Discharge of external auditory canal:1.no 2.yes (1.left 2.right quality:_____)Mastoid tenderness 1.no 2.yes (1.left 2.right quality:__________________)Disturbance of auditory acuity:1.no 2.yes(1.left 2.right description:_______) Nose: Flaring of alae nasi :1.no 2.yes Stuffy discharge 1.no 2.yes(quality______) Tenderness over paranasal sinuses:1.no 2.yes (location:_______________) Mouth: Lip______________Mucosa_____________Tongue________________ Teeth:1.normal 2. Agomphiasis 3. Eurodontia 4.others:____________________Gum :1.normal 2.abnormal (Description____________________________)Tonsil:___________________________Pharynx:_____________________Sound: 1.normal 2.hoarseness 3.others:_____________________________ Neck:Neck rigidity 1.no 2.yes (______________transvers fingers)Carotid artery: 1.normal pulsation 2.increased pulsation 3.marked distention Trachea location: 1.middle 2.deviation (1.leftward_______2.rightward______) Hepatojugular vein reflux: 1. negative 2.positiveThyroid: 1.normal 2.enlarged _______ 3.bruit (1.no 2.yes ________________)Chest:Chest wall: 1.normal 2.barrel chest 3.prominence or retraction:( left________right_________Precordial prominence__________) Percussion pain over sternum 1.No 2.YesBreast: 1.Normal 2.abnormal _______________________________________ Lung:Inspection: respiratory movement 1.normal 2.abnormal_____________ Palpation: vocal tactile fremitus:1.normal 2.abnormal _______________pleural rubbing sensation:1.no 2.yes______________________Subcutaneous crepitus sensation:1.no 2.yes________________ Percussion:1. resonance 2. Hyperresonance &location_____________3 Flatness&location_________________________________4. dullness & location:_______________________________5.tympany &location:_______________________________lower border of lung: (detailed percussion in respiratory disease)midclavicular line : R:_____intercostae L:_____intercostaemidaxillary line: R:______intercostae L:_____intercostaescapular line: R:______intercostae L:_____intercostaemovement of lower borders:R:_______cmL:__________cm Auscultation: Breathing sound : 1.normal 2.abnormal _______________Rales:1.no 2.yes__________________________________ Heart: Inspection:Apical pulsation: 1.normal 2.unseen 3.increase 4.diffuseSubxiphoid pulsation: 1.no 2.yesLocation of apex beat: 1.normal 2.shift (______ intercosta,distance away from left MCL______cm) Palpation:Apical pulsation:1. normal 2.lifting apex impulse 3.negative pulsationThrill:1.no 2.yes(location:___________ phase:_________________)Percussion: relative dullness border: 1.normal 2.abnormalAuscultation: Heart rate:___bpm Rhythm:1.regular 2.irregular_______Heart sound: 1.normal 2.abnormal________________________Extra sound: 1.no 2.S3 3.S4 4. opening snapP2_________ A2_________Pericardial friction sound:1.no 2.yesMurmur: 1.no 2.yes (location____________phase_____________quality______intensity________ transmission___________effects of position_________________________________effects of respiration______________________________Peripheral vascular signs:1.None2.paradoxical pulse3.pulsus alternans4. Water hammer pulse5.capillary pulsation6.pulse deficit7.Pistol shot sound8.Duroziez signAbdomen:Inspection: Shape: 1.normal 2.protuberance 3.scaphoid 4.frog-bellyGastric pattern 1.no 2.yes Intestinal pattern 1.no 2.yesAbdominal vein varicosis 1.no 2.yes(direction:______________ )Operation scar1.no 2.yes ________________________________ Palpation: 1.soft 2. tensive (location:____________________________)Tenderness: 1.no 2.yes(location:_______________________)Rebound tenderness:1.no 2.yes(location:________________)Fluctuation: 1.present 2.abscentSuccussion splash: 1.negative 2.positiveLiver:_______________________________________________Gallbladder: __________________Murphy sign:____________Spleen:______________________________________________Kidneys:____________________________________________Abdominal mass:______________________________________Others:______________________________________________ Percussion: Liver dullness border: 1.normal 2.decreased 3.absentUpper hepatic border:Right Midclavicular Line ________IntercostaShift dullness:1.negative 2.positive Ascites:_____________degreePain on percussion in costovertebral area: 1.negative 2.positve ____ Auscultation: Bowel sounds : 1.normal 2.hyperperistalsis 3.hypoperistalsis4.absence Gurgling sound:1.no 2.yesVascular bruit 1.no 2.yes (location_____________________) Genital organ: 1.unexamined 2.normal 3.abnormalAnus and rectum: 1.unexamined 2.normal 3.abnormalSpine and extremities:Spine: 1.normal 2.deformity (1.kyphosis 2.lordosis 3.scoliosis)3.Tenderness(location______________________________)Extremities:1.normal 2.arthremia & arthrocele (location_________________)3.Ankylosis (location__________)4.Aropachy: 1.no 2.yes5.Muscular atrophy (location_______________________) Neurological system:1.normal 2.abnormal_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________Important examination results before hospitalized___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Summary of the history:______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Initial diagnosis:_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________Recorder:Corrector:。
anticracking agent|抗龟裂剂\r\n
anti-fatigue agent|抗疲劳剂\r\n
antifoaming agent|消泡剂\r\n
addition polymerization|加聚\r\n
adjacent re-entry model|相邻再入模型\r\n
adsorption polymerization|吸附聚合\r\n
antistatic additive|抗静电添加剂\r\n
antistatic agent|抗静电剂\r\n
AP|(参见APK,EPM,EPR)Ethylene-Propylene Rubber 乙丙橡胶\r\n
APK|(参见AP,APT,EPM,EPR)Ethylene-Propylene Rubber 乙丙橡胶\r\n
ABS|Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Copolymer(GB,DIN,ASTM,ISO) 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物\r\n
accelerated ageing|加速老化\r\n
accelerated sulfur vulcanization|促进硫化\r\n
active center|活性中心\r\n
activity of initiator|引发剂活性\r\n
F 部结构substructure桥墩pier 墩身pier body墩帽pier cap, pier cop ing台帽abutme nt cap, abutme nt cop ing盖梁bent cap又称“帽梁”。
重力式[桥]墩gravity pier实体[桥]墩solid pier空心[桥]墩hollow pier柱式[桥]墩column pier, shaft pier单柱式[桥]墩single-columned pier, single shaft pier双柱式[桥]墩two-columned pier, two shaft pier 排架桩墩pile-be nt pier丫形[桥]墩Y-shaped pier柔性墩flexible pier制动墩brak ing pier, abutme nt pier单向推力墩si ngle direct ion thrusted pier抗撞墩an ti-collisi on pier锚墩an chor pier辅助墩auxiliary pier破冰体ice apron防震挡块an ti-k nock block, restra in block桥台abutme nt台身abutme nt body前墙front wall又称“胸墙”。
翼墙wi ng wall又称“耳墙”。
U 形桥台U-abutment八字形桥台flare win g-walled abutme nt一字形桥台head wall abutme ntT 形桥台T-abutme nt箱形桥台box type abutme nt拱形桥台arched abutme nt重力式桥台gravity abutme nt埋置式桥台buried abutme nt扶壁式桥台coun terfort abutme nt, buttressed abutme nt衡重式桥台weight-bala need abutme nt锚碇板式桥台an chored bulkhead abutme nt支撑式桥台supported type abutme nt又称“轻型桥台”。
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10%NaOH aqueous solution at different temperatures
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The Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate
The Effect of Temperature on ReactionRate温度对反应速率的影响反应速率是化学反应过程中一个非常重要的参数,它可以代表反应中物质的消耗或产生速度。
附件:南通市第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文奖获奖名单南通市人民政府2021年8月27日附件南通市第十二届自然科学优秀学术论文奖获奖名单(共119篇)一等奖(共12篇)1.紫菜番茄红素环化酶的功能研究阐明了红藻的叶黄素合成过程(Functional characterization of lycopene cyclases illustrates the metabolic pathway toward lutein in red algal seaweeds)邓银银(江苏省海洋水产研究所)、程璐、王齐2.串联式细纱机短车集落改造技术探讨及应用效果分析吉宜军(南通双弘纺织有限公司)、夏春明、吕兴明3.靶向递送siVEGF的仿病毒壳聚糖胶束和FRET技术追踪下的酸触发释药过程(Virus Mimetic Shell-Sheddable Chitosan Micelles for siVEGF Delivery and FRET-Traceable Acid-Triggered Release)张胜喻(南通市海门区人民医院)、干烨、邵兰兰4.精神应激-糖皮质激素-tsc22d3信号通路抑制肿瘤治疗诱导的抗肿瘤免疫应答(Stress–glucocorticoid–TSC22D3 axis compromises therapy-induced antitumor immunity)陈健(南通市肿瘤医院)、马瑜婷、杨衡5.1ncRNA Gm10451靶向miR-338-3p调控PTIP促进胰岛类β细胞体外分化的机制研究(1ncRNA Gm10451 regulates PTIP to facilitate iPSCs-derived β-like cell differentiation by targeting miR-338-3p as a ceRNA)黄(南通大学附属医院)、徐阳、陆玉华6.大跨度钢桥沥青混凝土面层疲劳寿命损伤演化新规律(New damage evolution law for modeling fatigue life of asphalt concrete surfacing of long-span steel bridge)徐勋倩(南通大学)、杨霄、黄卫7.元麦麸皮羧甲基β-葡聚糖的制备及其对金黄色葡萄球菌的抗菌活性和机理研究(Synthesis of carboxymethylated β-glucan from naked barley bran and its antibacterial activity an d mechanism against Staphylococcus aureus)宋居易(江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所)、陈惠、魏亚凤8.基于最近邻模因组量子粒子群算法的深度神经-感知模糊属性协同约简(Deep neuro-cognitive co-evolution for fuzzy attribute reduction by quantum leaping PSO with nearest-neighbor memeplexes)丁卫平(南通大学)、Chin-Teng Lin、Zehong Cao9.血糖响应控制释放-红细胞载药平台的构建及解决肿瘤乏氧提高放疗效果研究(Overcoming Hypoxia-Restrained Radiotherapy Using an Erythrocyte-Inspired and Glucose-Activatable Platform)夏栋林(南通大学)10.激光冲击诱发镍基高温合金GH202渗铝涂层高温氧化性能的提升(Laser shock processing improving the high temperature oxidation resistanceof the aluminized coating on GH202 by pack cementation)曹将栋(江苏航运职业技术学院)11.“封城”措施遏制中国黄石市新冠疫情发展——早期流行病学发现(Lockdown Contained the Spread of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseas e in Huangshi City,China:EarlyEpidemiological Findings)秦刚(南通市第三人民医院)、纪托、陈海莲12.无单元伽辽金法在船体开孔板格弹性屈曲分析中的应用杨源(南通中远海运川崎船舶工程有限公司)、莫中华、孙启荣二等奖(共24篇)1.通过具有联合稀疏性的堆叠式深度嵌入式回归进行脑电特征选择(EEG Feature Selection via Stacked Deep Embedded Regression Wit h Joint Sparsity)蒋葵(南通大学)、唐嘉茜、王宇龙2.有序介孔五氧化二铌/氮掺杂氧化石墨烯复合材料的制备及光催化性能(Structure Retentively Synthesis of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Nb 2O5/N-Doped Graphene Nanocomposite with Superior Interfacial Contacts a nd Improved Visible Photocatalysis)黄徽(南通职业大学)、周君、周杰3.聚合硅酸铁钛混凝剂的表征及其处理分散和活性印染废水的研究(Characterization and application of poly-ferric-titanium-silicate-sulfate in disperse and reactive dye wastewaters treatment)石健(南通大学)、万杨4.利用锌指介导的蛋白标记方法揭示膜蛋白复合体的亚基几何构型(Zinc-finger-mediated labeling reveals the stoichiometry of membrane proteins )XXX盛(南通大学)、Maximilian H. Ulbrich5.用于下一代设备的功能性2D MXene纳米结构的最新进展(Recent Advances in Functional 2D MXene-Based Nanostructures for Next-Generation Devices)黄卫春(南通大学)、胡兰萍、汤艳峰6.矿物质粉尘诱导基因在肿瘤外在调节作用的新发现(New discoveries of mdig in the epigenetic regulation of cance rs)施军卫(南通市第六人民医院)7.脑卒中患者早期肌力训练的最佳证据总结陈晓艳(南通大学附属医院)、王娅、仲悦萍8.严重创伤患者谵妄发生风险预测模型的构建吉云兰(南通大学附属医院)、徐旭娟、单君9.直流电场干扰对γ-FeOOH向α-FeOOH转变的抑制作用加速碳钢在模拟工业大气环境中的腐蚀速率(The Suppression of transformation of γ-FeOOH to α-FeOOH accelerating the steel corrosion in simulated industrial a tmospheric environment with a DC electric field interference)顾剑锋(南通科技职业学院)、肖轶、戴念维10.养老机构照护服务质量评价指标的构建及信效度检验耿桂灵(南通大学)、高晶、肖玉华11.低频交变电磁疗法结合计算机辅助认知训练对脑卒中患者康复的影响胡永林(南通市第二人民医院)、陈晓磊、华永萍12.代谢相关基因FDFT1和UQCR5在CLM中表达和突变的双重调控机制(Dual Regulatory Mechanisms of Expression and Mutation Involving Metabolism-Related Genes FDFT1 and UQCR5 during CLM)吴徐明(南通市第四人民医院)、刘继斌13.绿色合成具有强磁性的复合石墨烯气凝胶用于有效的水修复(Green Synthesis of Composite Graphene Aerogels with Robust Mag netism for Effective Water Remediation)刘其霞(南通大学)、胡世棋、杨智联14.响应面法优化蒲公英根多糖的提取工艺、结构表征及抗氧化活性(Optimization of extraction of polysaccharide from dandelion roo t by response surface methodology: Structural characterization an dantioxidant activity)蔡亮亮(南通大学附属医院)、陈伯华、易芳莲15.异质结和磷掺杂协同提升氮化碳光催化降解抗生素废水性能的研究(Boosting Photocatalytic Degradation of Antibiotic Wastewater by Synergy Effect of Heterojunction and Phosphorus Doping)周杰(南通职业大学)16.基于弹塑性减震曲线的黏滞阻尼器减震加固结构设计方法研究(Design method of structural retrofitting using viscous dampers based on elastic-plastic response reduction curve)沈华(南通职业大学)、张瑞甫、翁大根17.p-Ag2O/n-Nb2O5分级结构异质结微球制备及其光催化性能研究(Facile fabrication of hierarchical p-Ag2O/n-Nb2O5 heterojunction microspheres with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity)王璐(南通职业大学)、李亚、韩萍芳18.益气养阴方联合化疗治疗非小细胞肺癌的荟萃分析与系统回顾(Chinese herbal medicines of supplementing Qi and nourishing Yi n combined with chemotherapy for non–small cell lung cancer: A meta‐analysis and systematic review)沈水杰(南通市中医院)、姜水菊19.B/Bax/Caspase-3通路调控脑出血后神经元凋亡(GATA-4 regulates neuronal apoptosis after intracerebral hemorrhage via the NF- B/Bax/Caspase-3 pathway both in vivo and in vitro GATA-4蛋白通过NF-κ)徐辉(南通市第六人民医院)20.海马PPARα参与文拉法辛对小鼠的抗抑郁样作用(Hippocampal PPARαis involved in the antidepressant-like effects of venlafaxine in mice)陈诚(南通市第六人民医院)、吴中华、沈剑虹21.中国帕金森病患者血清SIRT1下降——一项病例对照研究(Reduced serum SIRT1 levels in patients with Parkinson’s disea se:a cross-sectional study in China)朱向阳(南通市第一人民医院)、朱羽婷、周永22.半潜式起重拆解平台重型吊机基座疲劳损伤分析陈文科〔招商局重工(江苏)有限公司〕、来海华、张时运23.高维分位数回归模型的纠偏和分布式估计(Debiasing and distributed estimation for high-dimensional quantile regression)赵为华(南通大学)、Zhang Fode、Lian Heng24.携带myocilin基因Val25lAla突变的中国青光眼大家系临床表型研究(Glaucoma phenotype in a large Chinese family with myocilin Va l25lAla mutation)陆宏(南通大学附属医院)、徐绘、陈颖三等奖(共83篇)1.低成本且价态丰富的铜-铁-硫-氧多孔纳米簇在碱性或近中性电解质中驱动出色节能的碳酰肼氧化反应(Low-cost valence-rich copper–iron–sulfur–oxygen porous nanocluster that drives an exceptional energy-saving carbohydrazide oxidization reaction in alkali and near-neutral electrolytes)王艳青(南通大学)、李岳濛、丁丽萍2.一个核糖体DNAl来源的microRNA调控斑马鱼胚胎血管新生(A ribosomal DNA-hosted microRNA regulates zebrafish embryonic angiogenesis)石运伟(南通大学)、段旭初、许广敏3.高表达的MIR106A-5p可抑制自噬并促进鼻咽癌的恶性进展(MIR106A-5p upregulation suppresses autophagy and accelerates malignant ph enotype in nasopharyngeal carcinoma)游波(南通大学附属医院)、尤易文、张启成4.可以查询肿瘤表型及免疫微环境相关性的DNA调控元件网络平台(SPACE: a web server for linking chromatin accessibility with clinical phenotypes and the immune microenvironment in pan-cancer analysis)范义辉(南通大学)、吴英成5.各向异性沟脊微结构调节雪旺细胞形态和生物功能的研究(Anisotropic ridge/groove microstructure for regulating morphology and biological function of Schwann cells)李贵才(南通大学)、赵雪莹、张鲁中6.Bi(OH)3修饰Pt纳米框架的精准构筑及其催化乙醇氧化研究(Porous Pt nanoframes decorated with Bi(OH)3 as highly efficien t and stable electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation reaction)袁小磊(南通大学)、蒋孛、曹暮寒7.BDH2通过促进Nrf2泛素化在胃癌中触发ROS诱导的细胞死亡和自噬(BDH2 triggers ROS-induced cell death and autophagy by promoting Nrf2 ubiquitinatio n in gastric cancer)刘家洲(南通大学附属医院)、毛勤生、薛万江8.LncRNA H19过表达通过miR-29b-3p靶向MCL-1诱导多发性骨髓瘤对硼替佐米耐药(LncRNA H19 overexpression induces bortezomib resistance in mult iple myeloma by targeting MCL-1 via miR-29b-3p)潘亚芳(南通大学附属医院)、丛辉、陈宏梅9.风电接入系统的低碳电力调度策略优化(Optimization of power dispatching strategies integrating managem ent attitudes with low carbon factors)金晶亮(南通大学)、李晨宇、温晴岚10.基于纳米粒修饰的中性粒细胞的高灵敏“活”探针用于精准肿瘤影像诊断(A highly sensitive living probe derived from nanoparticle-remodeled neutrophils for precision tumor imaging diagnosi)邱钱赛(南通市肿瘤医院)、冯峰、温亚11.ABHD6通过调控单酰甘油的脂解影响非小细胞肺癌的发病机制(Enhanced monoacylglycerol lipolysis by ABHD6 promotes NSCLC pat hogenesis)汤志远(南通大学附属医院)、倪松石12.新生对比成年大鼠源性星形胶质细胞对神经干细胞的增殖影响及其机制研究(Effects and Mechanism of Action of Neonatal Versus Adult Astr ocytes on Neural Stem Cell Proliferation After Traumatic Brain Injury)戴勇(南通大学附属医院)、孙非凡、朱慧13.启东:肝癌病因学和预防研究的熔炉(Qidong: A Crucible for Studies on Liver Cancer Etiology and Prevention)陈建国(启东肝癌防治研究所)、朱健、王高仁14.长链非编码RNA ANRIL通过表观抑制ERRFI1基因的表达促进胆管癌恶性进展(Long non-coding RNA ANRIL promotes the malignant progression of cholangiocarcinoma by epigenetically repressing ERRFI1 expression)于洋(南通市肿瘤医院)、陈俏羽、张珣磊15.血清半乳糖凝集素-3可以作为胰腺癌筛查、早期诊断、预后和疗效评价的生物标记物(Serum galectin-3 as a biomarker for screening, early diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic effect evaluation of pancreatic cancer)易楠(南通大学附属医院)、赵絮影、江枫16.表观遗传调控机制在丙戊酸抑制肝星状细胞激活中的交互作用:蛋白质组和miRNA表达谱的整合研究(Crosstalk between Epigenetic Modulations in Valproic Acid Deact ivated Hepatic Stellate Cells: An Integrated Protein and miRNA Profiling Study)陆鹏(南通大学)、颜民、何理17.hsa_circ_0005785通过miR-578/APRIL轴促进肝细胞癌的细胞生长和转移的研究(Upregulated hsa_circ_0005785 Facilitates Cell Growth andMetastasi s of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Through the miR-578/APRIL Axis)陈琳(南通市第三人民医院)、王峰、吴安琪18.长非编码RNA NR_027471作为miRNA-8055的竞争性内源RNA通过调节TP53INP1的表达抑制骨肉瘤的生长(LncRNA NR_027471 Functions as a ceRNA for miRNA-8055 Leading to Suppression of Osteosarcoma by Regulating the E xpression of TP53INP1)陈佳佳(南通市第一人民医院)、缪吴军、杨赛帅19.第二代不可逆性表皮生长受体抑制剂——阿法替尼氧化还原敏感脂质聚合物纳米粒用于非小细胞肺癌靶向给药系统的体内外评价(Non-small cell lung cancer-targeted,redox-sensitive lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles for the delivery of a second-generation irreversible epidermal growth factor inhibitor—Afatinib: In vitro and in vivo evaluation)王金丽(南通大学附属医院)、苏高星、殷晓芹20.未知控制方向下高阶非线性多智能体系统一致性分布式控制(Consensus control of higher-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown control directions)张智华(江苏航运职业技术学院)、王朝立、蔡轩21.慢性吗啡诱导小鼠脊髓环磷酸腺苷的形成和超极化激活环核苷酸门控通道的表达(Chronic morphine induces cyclic adenosine monophosphate formatio n and hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel expression in the spinal cord of mic)袁林(南通市通州区人民医院)、骆利敏、马霞青22.胰腺癌来源血清外泌体的特征和蛋白质组学分析(Characterization and proteomic profiling of pancreaticcancer-derived serum exosomes)江枫(南通大学附属医院)、倪温慨、朱净23.人类活动背景下江苏近岸海域(中国东部)海洋生物价值评价研究(The evaluation of marine biological value of the Jiangsu coas tal zone (east of China) under the interference of human activities)于雯雯(江苏省海洋水产研究所)、邹欣庆、张东菊24.一种新的逆转录环介导的恒温扩增方法用于快速检测SARS-CoV-2 (A Novel Reverse Tranion Loop-Mediated Isothermal Ampli?cationMethod for Rapid Detection)陆仁飞(南通市第三人民医院)、武秀明、万郑州25.刺激性干预在老年创伤性颅脑损伤昏迷患者中的应用顾宇丹(南通大学附属医院)、费雅雅、秦殊26.丙氨酸乙醛酸-丝氨酸丙酮酸氨基转移酶低表达促进肝细胞肝癌演进和预后不良(Loss of alanine-glyoxylate and serine-pyruvate aminotransferase expression accelerated the progression o f hepatocellular carcinoma and predicted poor prognosis)孙玉风(南通大学)、李文超、沈诗琪27.在非酒精性脂肪性肝中CCN1促进肝脏脂肪变性和炎症(CCN1 promotes hepatic steatosisand inflammation in non-alcoholicsteatohepatitis)居林玲(南通市第三人民医院)、孙燕、薛红28.CD14在结直肠癌中的临床和免疫特征的大样本的分析(The clinical and immune features of CD14 in colorectalcancer identified vialage-scale analysis)陈达天(南通市海门区人民医院)29.用于电池充电的谐振变换器设计及其CC-CV输出特性研究(Resonant Converter for Battery Charging Applications With CC-CV Output Profiles)王书昶〔海迪科(南通)光电科技有限公司〕、刘玉申、王雪峰30.肾母细胞瘤基因(WT1)通过调控E-cadherin和ERK1/2信号通路促进卵巢癌进展(Wilms’tumor 1 (WT1) promotes ovarian cancer progression by regulating E-cadherin and ERK1/2 signaling)韩云(南通市第一人民医院)、宋超、张婷婷31.基于共价组装的荧光探针用于活细胞中hNQO1的检测与成像(Covalent-Assembly Based Fluorescent Probes for Detection of hNQO1 and Im aging in Living Cells)韩佳玲(南通市海门区人民医院)32.黏膜相关恒定T细胞在乙肝病毒相关肝衰竭中的表达(Mucosal-associated invariant T cells in hepatitis B virus-related liver failure)卞兆连(南通市第三人民医院)、薛红、李晗33.以医院为基础的肿瘤登记系统资料收集过程中常见问题辨析潘敏侠(江苏省南通卫生高等职业技术学校)、陈海珍、沈茜34.由华北污染物区域输送引起的一次江苏污染天气分析(Cold fronts transport features of North China pollutant over Jiangsu Province, China)顾沛澍(南通市气象局)、钱俊龙、刘端阳35.一类适用于血浆浓度预测的基于自记忆算法的非线性灰色Bernoulli组合模型(A prediction method for plasma concentration by using a nonli near grey Bernoulli combined model based on a self-memory algorithm)郭晓君(南通大学)、刘思峰、Yingjie Yang36.一种去除细菌生物膜的聚酯基伤口清创材料(A textile pile debridement material consisting of polyester fi bers for in vitro removal of biofilm)付译鋆(南通大学)、安琪、成悦37.基于热刺激驻极的高过滤效率稳定性聚丙烯熔喷非织造材料(Design of Polypropylene Electret Melt Blown Nonwovens with Sup erior Filtration Efficiency Stability through Thermally Stimulated Charging)张海峰(南通大学)、刘诺、曾倩茹38.基于高通量测序的舌癌转录组学研究(Tranome analysis of tongue cancer based on high throughput se quencing)汤明明(南通市肿瘤医院)、韩靓39.玉米苞叶数目和长度的遗传解析及苞叶数目主效QTL的精细定位(Genetic dissection of husk number and length across multiple environments and fine-mapping of a major-effect QTL for husk number in maize (Zea may L.))周广飞(江苏沿江地区农科所)、冒宇翔、薛林40.并行框架下大数据挖掘的改进K-Means聚类算法(Improved K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Big Data Mining under Hadoop Par allel Framework.Hadoop)陆维嘉(南通大学附属医院)41.木板抓取机器人手眼标定方法徐呈艺(南通职业大学)、刘英、贾民平42.考虑应力——锈胀开裂动态相互作用的钢筋混凝土构件耐久性劣(Durability of Reinforced Concrete Members Considering the Dynam ic Interaction of Stress-Corrosion Expansion and Cracking)戴丽(南通理工学院)、吴旭、刘荣桂43.超声辅助双水相萃取虎杖酶解液中的白藜芦醇(Ultrasound-assisted aqueous two-phase extraction of resveratrol from the enzymatic hydrolysates of Poly-gonum cuspidatum)周林芳(江苏工程职业技术学院)、江波、张涛44.Ti3Zr2Sn3Mo25Nb新型β钛合金超声冲击纳米化后的疲劳性能(Effect of Ultrasonic Surface Impact on the Fatigue Properties of Ti3Zr2Sn3Mo25Nb)曹小建(南通大学)、徐小丽45.角度可控性斜坡支架在经皮肾镜手术中的应用(Application of angle controllable slope stent in percutaneousne phrolithotomy)毛秋月(南通市第一人民医院)、陈黎敏46.南通地区住宅使用分户式地源热泵系统设计和运行分析邹丽丽(南通国能制冷空调技术有限公司)、吴志华、杨晓宏47.FGF21通过抑制神经炎症保护帕金森模型中多巴胺能神经元的研究(FGF21 Protects Dopaminergic Neurons in Parkinson’s Disease Mod els Via Repression of Neuroinflammation)连博琳(南通大学)、孙诚、房星星48.基于形态联合约束的结直肠肿瘤病理图像分割研究(Multiple Morphological Constraints-Based Complex Gland Segmentation in Colorectal Cancer Pathology Image Analysis)张堃(南通大学)、付君红、华亮49.针刺配合呼吸训练在慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期病人中的应用王小琴(海安市人民医院)50.卵巢切除诱导大鼠前额叶皮质小胶质细胞活化和炎症反应加速慢性应激介导的焦虑和抑郁机制研究(Ovariectomy Induces Microglial Cell Activation and Inflammatory Response in Rat Prefrontal Cortices to Accelerate the Chronic Unpredictable Stress-Mediated Anxiety and Depression)葛飞(海安市中医院)、刘丽娜、严晶51.个别差异与交通要素对儿童在虚拟交通情境中过马路行为的影响(Roles of individual differences and traffic environment factors on children’s street-crossing behaviour in a VR environment)王华容(南通大学)、高瞻、沈婷52.双面神亲/疏水锌箔制备及其气泡运输特性肖轶(南通职业大学)、孟东、徐呈艺53.中西医结合治疗急性哺乳期乳腺炎并脓肿形成临床疗效观察乔楠(南通市中医院)、丁晓雯、倪毓生54.改良腰腹肌康复锻炼对经皮椎间孔镜髓核摘除术后患者的影响郭玲(海安市中医院)、田春燕、邵月琴55.轴影响阿尔茨海默病的发生发展(LncRNA ZBTB20-AS1靶向miR-132-3p/MAPT)李文玲(南通大学附属医院)、陈伯华、徐新56.水稻种植对沿海滩涂土壤有机碳及碳库管理指数的影响张蛟(江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所)、崔士友、胡帅栋57.文蛤CDK1基因克隆及其在早期生长阶段中的差异表达陈素华(江苏省海洋水产研究所)、吴杨平、陈爱华58.解毒消瘿汤治疗亚急性甲状腺炎热毒壅盛证临床疗效及对血清炎性因子水平的影响张允申(南通市中医院)、方勇、丁晓雯59.C反应蛋白及降钙素原在血流细菌感染诊断中的应用价值沈旭峰(如东县中医院)60.不同形式冷空气侵入台风暴雨过程对比分析张树民(南通市气象局)、吴海英、王坤61.基于第一性原理的锰掺杂二维二硫族化物的电磁学特性研究卿晓梅(南通理工学院)、镇思琦62.污水处理厂达标尾水导流排江可行性研究——以南通市益民污水处理厂为例张云(江苏省水文水资源勘测局南通分局)、蔡彬彬63.有极小边界的非负Bakry-émery Ricci曲率流形(Manifolds with non-negative Bakry-émery Ricci curvature and minimal boundary)杨宁(南通师范高等专科学校)64.del Nido心脏停搏液在成人冠脉动脉旁路移植联合瓣膜置换手术中的安全性姜秀丽(南通市第一人民医院)、顾天玉、刘麟65.固定卡座级进模设计孟玉喜(南通开放大学)、李强66.用好河长制“金钥匙”打造农民身边“幸福河”——江苏省南通市农村治水初探吴晓春(南通市水利局)、卢建均、喻红芬67.医学科研人员科研数据管理的认知调查与分析——以江苏省某地三甲医院医学科研人员为例王玥(南通大学附属医院)、陈飞、徐水珠68.基于认知分析的急诊标准化分诊及质控软件升级与应用刘颖(南通市第一人民医院)、陈建荣、张鹏69.模块化康复训练在车祸致脑外伤偏瘫痪患者中的应用吴莉蓉(如东县人民医院)、季晓平、石利平70.不同拭子和润湿试剂对生物物证的转移释放效果研究高泽华(南通市公安局)、贾东涛、韩海军71.XDA-1大孔树脂吸附处理含苯甲酸废水李珣珣(江苏九九久科技有限公司)、周新基、葛大伟72.南通市农机化发展短板及对策研究姜广林(南通市农业农村局)、周宇、陆锦林73.黄秋葵花的采摘贮运保鲜方法初探唐明霞(江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所)、顾拥建、袁春新74.血清外泌体Annexin A11检测方法学构建及其在胰腺癌中的临床应用肖明兵(南通大学附属医院)、徐伟松、陈晓君75.胸腹部肿瘤手术患者术后重度疼痛的危险因素王迪(南通市肿瘤医院)、缪长虹、陈万坤76.长链非编码RNAATB检测在乳腺癌诊断中的意义洪宏(南通市中医院)、喻海忠、袁建芬77.人工授精前实时三维子宫输卵管超声造影对输卵管通畅性评估的有效性彭琛(南通大学附属医院)、王迪、王霞78.基于心肺交互机制的监测技术对感染性休克患者容量反应性预测价值祁峰(南通市第一人民医院)、曹亮、张玲玲79.新型城镇化背景下土地资源节约集约利用的标准化实践与探索茆根明(海安市自然资源和规划局)、夏晶、崔晓鹏80.互联网医院发热咨询平台在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控中的应用蒋杏茂(南通市第六人民医院)、金琰斐、尹栗81.肝癌患者血清miR-493-5p检测临床应用研究蔡卫华(南通市第三人民医院)、陈琳、居林玲82.如皋市桑树主要害虫的消长规律与防控布局徐祥(如皋市蚕桑技术指导站)、王静、钱小兰83.红木家具雕刻写实手法的应用探析陈加国(江苏翎视界红木艺术品有限公司)。
Effect of pyrolysis temperature and
holding time on biochar propertiesBiochar is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional methods for managing soil organic matter, improving soil fertility, and sequestering carbon by converting agricultural wastes into a stable and recalcitrant form of carbon. Pyrolysis, the thermal decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, is widely used to produce biochar. The pyrolysis temperature and holding time are two critical factors that influence the properties of biochar. This article aims to explore the effect of pyrolysis temperature and holding time on biochar properties and their implications for soil management.Pyrolysis temperaturePyrolysis temperature is a important factor that influences the physicochemical properties of biochar. It determines the degree of thermal degradation of the material, leading to the production of different biochar properties. The effect of pyrolysis temperature on biochar properties can be divided into three categories: chemical composition, physical characteristics, and adsorption properties.Chemical compositionPyrolysis temperature has a significant effect on the chemical composition of biochar, including carbon content, ash content, pH, and functional groups. Higher pyrolysis temperatures generally result in higher carbon content, lower ash content, and higher pH. As the temperature increases, volatile components are driven off, leaving behind a more stable and recalcitrant carbon structure. At the same time, the increase in temperature may cause some functional groups, such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups, to be decomposed, leading to a decrease in surface functional groups and a corresponding increase in hydrophobicity of the biochar.Physical characteristicsPyrolysis temperature also affects the physical characteristics of biochar, including surface area, pore size distribution, and bulk density. High-temperature pyrolysis leads to the formation of a more open pore structure and a higher surface area. However, pore size distribution is affected by both pyrolysis temperature and the type of feedstock, with higher temperatures resulting in a shift towards smaller pore sizes. Meanwhile, an increase in pyrolysis temperature may cause a decrease in bulk density and an increase in particle size.Adsorption propertiesPyrolysis temperature affects the adsorption properties of biochar, including its ability to adsorb nutrients, heavy metals, and other pollutants. High-temperature pyrolysis generally results in biochar with a higher adsorption capacity due to its higher surface area and pore volume. At the same time, the decrease in functional groups may lead to a reduction in the biochar’s ability to adsorb certain types ofpollutants. The specific effect of pyrolysis temperature on the adsorption properties of biochar is determined by the type and concentration of the adsorbate, as well as the properties of the biochar itself.Holding timeHolding time is another important parameter in pyrolysis that affects the properties of biochar. The holding time is the duration of the pyrolysis process at a given temperature. It is an important factor that determines the final carbonization degree and the degree of thermal degradability of the feedstock. The effects of holding time on biochar properties include chemical composition, surface area, and adsorption properties.Chemical compositionIncreasing the holding time can promote the decomposition of organic matter and improve the carbonization degree of the biochar. However, excessive holding time can lead to excessive thermal degradation and a reduction in the carbon content of the final biochar. The chemical composition of biochar can be affected by the holding time either directly or indirectly. Longer holding times can result in greater efforts to remove moisture and volatile organic matter components from the feedstock, leading to higher carbon yield and lower ash content.Surface areaHolding time can also affect the specific surface area of biochar. As the holding time increases, the surface area of the biochar may increase due to an increase in the extent of decomposition and subsequent micropore formation. However, too long a holding time can also lead to a reduction in specific surface area due to excessive carbonization and vaporization of the volatile components.Adsorption propertiesHolding time can also affect the adsorption performance of biochar. An increase in holding time can result in a higher surface area and micropore volume, leading to a greater adsorption capacity for certain types of pollutants such as heavy metals. However, excessive holding times can reduce the number of surface functional groups responsible for adsorption, merely increasing the micropore density in the biochar, and reducing the potential for adsorption of some other pollutants.ConclusionIn conclusion, pyrolysis temperature and holding time are two crucial factors that influence the properties of biochar, which in turn determine its effectiveness in soil applications. High-temperature pyrolysis tends to result in biochar with higher carbon content, larger surface area, and higher adsorption capacity than low-temperature pyrolysis. Longer holding times can also modify biochar properties,although the extent depends on the conditions of the individual pyrolysis process. A well-designed pyrolysis process can thus be tailored to produce biochar with specific properties suitable for a wide range of soil applications, such as improving soil fertility, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and remediating contaminated soils.。
第52卷第7期2021年7月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.52No.7Jul.2021沥青混合料介电特性温度−频率等效原理于晓贺1,2,罗蓉1,2,王锦腾1,2,李冲1,2,束裕1,2(1.武汉理工大学交通学院,湖北武汉,430063;2.湖北省公路工程技术研究中心,湖北武汉,430063)摘要:为量化温度、频率对沥青混合料介电特性的影响,实现无损检测设备在不同温度、频率下的数据统一,通过理论推导建立基于温度、频率的沥青混合料介电模型和温度−频率等效原理,进行不同温度、频率条件下沥青混合料相对介电常数的测量试验。
研究结果表明:在30~60℃温度范围内,沥青混合料相对介电常数随温度升高而增大,在1~1000kHz 频率范围内,沥青混合料相对介电常数随频率增大而减小;基于温度、频率的沥青混合料介电模型具有较强的适用性,对2组沥青混合料相对介电常数的拟合优度R 2均在0.95以上;温度−频率等效原理对2组沥青混合料相对介电常数的拟合优度R 2均在0.90以上,可以作为实现无损检测设备在不同温度、频率条件下数据统一的理论基础。
关键词:沥青混合料;介电特性;介电模型;温度;频率;等效原理中图分类号:U416.217文献标志码:A开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)文章编号:1672-7207(2021)07-2268-08Development of temperature −frequency equivalence principle onasphalt mixturesYU Xiaohe 1,2,LUO Rong 1,2,WANG Jinteng 1,2,LI Chong 1,2,SHU Yu 1,2(1.School of Transportation,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430063,China;2.Hubei Provincial Highway Engineering Technology Research Center,Wuhan 430063,China)Abstract:In order to quantify the influence of temperature and frequency on the dielectric properties of asphalt mixtures,and unify the data of non-destructive testing equipment at different temperatures and frequencies,the dielectric model based on temperature and frequency and the temperature-frequency equivalence principle of收稿日期:2020−10−27;修回日期:2020−12−10基金项目(Foundation item):国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划)项目(2015CB060100);湖北省科技厅重点研发计划项目(2020BCA085)(Project(2015CB060100)supported by the National Basic Research Development Program (973Program)of China;Project(2020BCA085)supported by the Key Research and Development Project of Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province of China)通信作者:于晓贺,博士研究生,从事沥青混合料性能及道路无损检测技术等研究;E-mail :*****************.cnDOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2021.07.014引用格式:于晓贺,罗蓉,王锦腾,等.沥青混合料介电特性温度−频率等效原理[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,52(7):2268−2275.Citation:YU Xiaohe,LUO Rong,WANG Jinteng,et al.Development of temperature −frequency equivalence principle on asphalt mixtures[J].Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology),2021,52(7):2268−2275.第7期于晓贺,等:沥青混合料介电特性温度−频率等效原理asphalt mixtures was established through theoretical derivation,and the relative dielectric constant measurement test of asphalt mixtures under different temperature and frequency conditions was carried out.The Dielectric Constant Testing Platform was used to determine the relative dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the two asphalt mixtures in the temperature range of30−60°C and6frequency conditions,and verified the reliability of the dielectric model and the temperature-frequency equivalence principle of the asphalt mixtures.The results show that the relative dielectric constant of asphalt mixtures increases with the increase of temperature in the temperature range of30−60℃,and the relative dielectric constant of asphalt mixtures decreases with the increase of frequency in the frequency range of1−1000kHz.The dielectric model of asphalt mixture based on temperature and frequency has great applicability,and the goodness of fit R2of the two groups of asphalt mixture samples is above0.95.The goodness of fit R2of the temperature−frequency equivalence principle for two types of asphalt mixtures is all above0.99,which can be used as a theoretical basis for the data unification of non-destructive testing equipment under different temperature and frequency conditions.Key words:asphalt mixture;dielectric properties;dielectric model;temperature;frequency;equivalence principle采用探地雷达等无损检测设备对沥青路面进行无损检测时,是基于某一路段不同位置处沥青路面材料的相对介电常数差异来进行质量评价的[1−2]。
土木工程材料 英语词汇
Drying shrinkage干燥收缩(干缩)
Durability factor耐久性因素
Decoration glass装饰玻璃
Decoration mortar装饰砂浆
Deformed bar变形钢筋,螺纹钢
Blowing agent发泡剂
Bar between mesh加筋
Ball impact test(冲击强度)落球试验法
Basic constituent碱性组分基本成分
Batch mixture配合料
Bend stress弯曲应力
Bituminous paint沥青涂料
Core tests钻芯试验
Corrosion of steel in concrete混凝土中钢筋的腐蚀
Cost of concrete混凝土成本
Critical aggregate size临界集料尺寸
Coefficient of thermal expansion热膨胀系数
Composite insulation复合绝热层
Condensed silica fume浓缩(凝聚)的二氧化硅烟雾(硅粉)
Capillary water毛细管水
Name: ______________ Sex: __________ Age: ___________ Nation:___________Birth Place: ________________________________ MaritalStatus:____________Work-organization & Occupation:_______________________________________Living Address & Tel:_________________________________________________Date of admission: _______Date of history taken:_______Informant:__________Chief plaint: ___________________________________________________ History of Present Illness:__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ______________Past History:General Health Status: 1.good 2.moderate 3.poorDisease history:(if any, please write down the date of onset, briefdiagnostic and therapeutic course, and theresults.)Respiratory system:1. None2.Repeated pharyngeal pain3.chronic cough4.expectoration:5. Hemoptysis6.asthma7.dyspnea8.chest pain_______________________________________________________________ Circulatory system:1.None2.Palpitation3.exertional dyspnea4..cyanosis5.hemoptysis6.Edema of lower extremities7.chest pain8.syncope9.hypertension_______________________________________________________________Digestive system:1.None2.Anorexia3.dysphagia4.sour regurgitation5.eructation6.nausea7.Emesis8.melena9.abdominal pain 10.diarrhea 11.hematemesis12.Hematochezia 13.jaundice_______________________________________________________________Urinary system:1.None2.Lumbar pain3.urinary frequency4.urinary urgency5.dysuria6.oliguria7.polyuria8.retention of urine9.incontinence of urine 10.hematuria 11.Pyuria12.nocturia 13.puffy face_______________________________________________________________Hematopoietic system:1.None2.Fatigue3.dizziness4.gingival hemorrhage5.epistaxis6.subcutaneous hemorrhage_______________________________________________________________Metabolic and endocrine system:1.None2.Bulimia3.anorexia4.hot intolerance5.coldintolerance6.hyperhidrosis7.Polydipsia8.amenorrhea9.tremor of hands 10.character change 11.Markedobesity 12.marked emaciation 13.hirsutism14.alopecia15.Hyperpigmentation 16.sexual function change_______________________________________________________________Neurological system:1.None2.Dizziness3.headache4.paresthesia5.hypomnesis6. Visual disturbance7.Insomnia8.somnolence9.syncope 10.convulsion 11.Disturbance ofconsciousness 12.paralysis 13. vertigo_______________________________________________________________Reproductive system:1.None2.others_______________________________________________________________Musculoskeletal system:1.None2.Migrating arthralgia3.arthralgia4.artrcocele5.arthremia6.Dysarthrosis7.myalgia8.muscular atrophy_______________________________________________________________Infectious Disease:1.None2.Typhoid fever3.Dysentery4.Malaria4.Schistosomiasis 4.Leptospirosis 7.Tuberculosis8.Epidemic hemorrhagic fever 9.others_______________________________________________________________ Vaccine inoculation:1.None2.Yes3.Not clearVaccine detail__________________________________________Trauma and/or operation history:Operations:1.None2.YesOperationdetails:_______________________________________Traumas:1.None2.YesTraumadetails:_________________________________________Blood transfusion history:1.None2.Yes ( 1.Whole blood 2.Plasma3.Ingredient transfusion)Blood type:____________ Transfusion time:___________Transfusion reaction1.None2.YesClinicmanifestation:_____________________________Allergic history:1.None2.Yes3.Not clearallergen:______________________________________________ __clinicalmanifestation:_____________________________________Personal history:Custom livingaddress:____________________________________________Resident history in endemic diseasearea:_____________________________Smoking: 1.No 2.YesAverage ___pieces per day; about___yearsGiving-up 1.No 2.Yes(Time:_______________________)Drinking: 1.No 2.YesAverage ___grams per day; about ___yearsGiving-up 1.No2.Yes(Time:________________________)Drug abuse:1.No 2.YesDrug names:_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________Marital and obstetrical history:Married age: __________years old Pregnancy ___________times Labor _______________times(1.Natural labor: _______times 2.Operative labor:________times3.Natural abortion: ______times4.Artificial abortion:_______times5.Premature labor:__________times6.stillbirth__________times)Health status of the Mate:1.Well2.Not fineDetails:_______________________________________________Menstrual history:Menarchal age:_______ Duration ______day Interval____days Last menstrual period: ____________ Menopausal age: ____years oldAmount of flow: 1.small 2. moderate 3. largeDysmenorrheal: 1. presence 2.absence Menstrual irregularity 1. No2.YesFamily history: (especially pay attention to the infectious andhereditary disease related to the present illness) Father: 1.healthy 2.ill:________ 3.deceased cause:___________________Mother:1.healthy 2.ill:________ 3.deceased cause:___________________Others: ________________________________________________________The anterior statement was agreed by the informant.Signature of informant: Datetime:Physical ExaminationVital signs:Temperature:______0C Blood pressure:_______/_______mmHg Pulse: _____ bpm (1.regular2.irregular_____________________________)Respiration: ___bpm (1.regular2.irregular____________________________)General conditions:Development: 1.Normal 2.Hypoplasia 3.HyperplasiaNutrition: 1.good 2.moderate 3.poor 4.cachexiaFacial expression: 1.normal 2.acute 3.chronicother_____________________Habitus: 1.asthenic type 2.sthenic type 3.ortho-thenic typePosition: 1.active 2.positive 3.pulsive4.other_______________________Consciousness: 1.clear 2.somnolence 3.confusion 4.stupor5.slight a6.mediate a7.deep a8.deliriumCooperation: 1Yes 2.No Gait: 1.normal 2.abnormal______Skin and mucosa:Color:1.normal 2.pale 3.redness 4.cyanosis 5.jaundice 6.pigmentation Skin eruption:1.No 2.Yes( type:__________distribution:__________________)Subcutaneous bleeding: 1.no 2.yes(type:_______distribution:______________)Edema:1. no 2.yes ( location anddegree________________________________)Hair: 1.normal2.abnormal(details_____________________________________)Temperature and moisture: normal cold warm dry moist dehydrationLiver palmar : 1.no 2.yes Spider angioma(location:________________)Others: __________________________________________________________ Lymph nodes: enlargement of superficial lymph node:1.no2.yesDescription:________________________________________________Head:Skull size:1.normal 2.abnormal(description:____________________________)Skull shape:1.normal2.abnormal(description:___________________________)Hair distribution :1.normal2.abnormal(description:______________________)Others:__________________________________________________________ _Eye:exophthalmos:___________eyelid:____________conjunctiva:__________ sclera:________________Cornea:_______________________ Pupil: 1.equally round and in size 2.unequal (R______mmL_______mm)Pupil reflex: 1.normal 2.delayed (R___s L___s ) 3.absent (R___L___)others:______________________________________________________Ear: Auricle 1.normal 2.desformation(description:_______________________)Discharge of external auditory canal:1.no 2.yes (1.left 2.right quality:_____)Mastoid tenderness 1.no 2.yes (1.left 2.rightquality:__________________) Disturbance of auditoryacuity:1.no 2.yes(1.left 2.right description:_______) Nose: Flaring of alae nasi :1.no 2.yes Stuffy discharge 1.no2.yes(quality______)Tenderness over paranasal sinuses:1.no 2.yes(location:_______________)Mouth: Lip______________Mucosa_____________Tongue________________ Teeth:1.normal 2. Agomphiasis 3. Eurodontia4.others:____________________Gum :1.normal 2.abnormal(Description____________________________)Tonsil:___________________________Pharynx:_____________________Sound: 1.normal 2.hoarseness3.others:_____________________________Neck:Neck rigidity 1.no 2.yes (______________transvers fingers)Carotid artery: 1.normal pulsation 2.increased pulsation 3.marked distentionTrachea location: 1.middle 2.deviation(1.leftward_______2.rightward______)Hepatojugular vein reflux: 1. negative 2.positiveThyroid: 1.normal 2.enlarged _______ 3.bruit (1.no 2.yes________________)Chest:Chest wall: 1.normal 2.barrel chest 3.prominence or retraction:( left________right_________Precordialprominence__________)Percussion pain over sternum 1.No 2.YesBreast: 1.Normal 2.abnormal_______________________________________Lung:Inspection: respiratory movement 1.normal2.abnormal_____________Palpation: vocal tactile fremitus:1.normal 2.abnormal_______________ pleural rubbing sensation:1.no2.yes______________________Subcutaneous crepitus sensation:1.no2.yes________________Percussion:1. resonance 2. Hyperresonance&location_____________ 3Flatness&location_________________________________4. dullness &location:_______________________________5.tympany&location:_______________________________lower border of lung: (detailed percussion inrespiratory disease)midclavicular line : R:_____intercostaeL:_____intercostaemidaxillary line: R:______intercostaeL:_____intercostaescapular line: R:______intercostaeL:_____intercostaemovement of lower borders:R:_______cmL:__________cm Auscultation: Breathing sound : 1.normal 2.abnormal_______________Rales:1.no2.yes__________________________________Heart: Inspection:Apical pulsation: 1.normal 2.unseen 3.increase4.diffuse Subxiphoid pulsation: 1.no 2.yesLocation of apex beat: 1.normal 2.shift (______intercosta,distance away from leftMCL______cm)Palpation:Apical pulsation:1. normal 2.lifting apex impulse3.negative pulsationThrill:1.no 2.yes(location:___________phase:_________________)Percussion: relative dullness border: 1.normal 2.abnormal_______cm)Auscultation: Heart rate:___bpm Rhythm:1.regular2.irregular_______Heart sound: 1.normal2.abnormal________________________Extra sound: 1.no 2.S3 3.S44. opening snapP2_________ A2_________Pericardial friction sound:1.no2.yesMurmur: 1.no 2.yes(location____________phase_____________quality______intensity________transmission___________effects ofposition_________________________________effects ofrespiration______________________________Peripheral vascular signs:1.None2.paradoxical pulse3.pulsus alternans4. Waterhammer pulse 5.capillary pulsation 6.pulsedeficit 7.Pistol shot sound 8.Duroziez sign Abdomen:Inspection: Shape: 1.normal 2.protuberance 3.scaphoid4.frog-bellyGastric pattern 1.no 2.yes Intestinal pattern1.no2.yesAbdominal vein varicosis 1.no2.yes(direction:______________ )Operation scar1.no 2.yes________________________________Palpation: 1.soft 2. tensive(location:____________________________)Tenderness: 1.no2.yes(location:_______________________)Rebound tenderness:1.no2.yes(location:________________)Fluctuation: 1.present 2.abscentSuccussion splash: 1.negative 2.positiveLiver:_______________________________________________Gallbladder: __________________Murphysign:____________Spleen:______________________________________________Kidneys:____________________________________________Abdominalmass:______________________________________Others:______________________________________________Percussion: Liver dullness border: 1.normal 2.decreased3.absentUpper hepatic border:Right Midclavicular Line________IntercostaShift dullness:1.negative 2.positiveAscites:_____________degreePain on percussion in costovertebral area: 1.negative 2.positve ____Auscultation: Bowel sounds : 1.normal 2.hyperperistalsis3.hypoperistalsis4.absenceGurgling sound:1.no 2.yes Vascular bruit 1.no 2.yes(location_____________________)Genital organ: 1.unexamined 2.normal 3.abnormalAnus and rectum: 1.unexamined 2.normal 3.abnormalSpine and extremities:Spine: 1.normal 2.deformity (1.kyphosis 2.lordosis3.scoliosis)3.Tenderness(location______________________________)Extremities: 1.normal 2.arthremia & arthrocele(location_________________) 3.Ankylosis(location__________) 4.Aropachy: 1.no 2.yes5.Muscular atrophy(location_______________________)Neurological system:1.normal2.abnormal____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Important examination results before hospitalized__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _Summary of thehistory:________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _Initialdiagnosis:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _Recorder:Corrector:。
1.用英文作自我介绍回答问题:请简单说明什么事聚合物的粘弹性,并说明它与低分子液体流动的区别?朗读并翻译以下段落Larger diameter (50-10nm) vapor grown carbon nanofibers can be well dispersed in polypropylene melt, while singe wall carbon nanotubes(swnt) were not as well dispersed, techniques such as end-group functionalization, use of ionic surfactants, shear mixing and plasma coating have been used to improve dispersion and exfoliation of carbon nanotubes in polypropylene compatibility with fillers has been improved by matrix modification by grafting it with reactive moieties,such as acrylic acid,acrylic esters,and maleic anhydride.2.高聚物与高聚物之间相容性的好坏可以通过什么方法加以评价?A new copolyamide,nylon 6 11,was prepared by hydrolytic polymerization and melt polycondensation and characterized by means of intrinsic viscosity,fourier transform infraed(ftir) spectroscopy and differemtial scanning calorimetry(DSC)in this paper.it was found that the intrinsic viscosity of nylon 6 11 copolymerization time under vacuum. however,the incorporation of caprolactam into nylon 11 chains did not transform the crystal phase of nylon 11.3.请问聚合物分子量的测试方法有哪些?并描述其中两种测试方法的测试原理?Solutions of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) or evoh,ranging in composition from 56 to71 wt% vinyl alcohol,can be readily electrospun at room temperature from solutions in 70% 2-propanol/water. The solutions are prepared at 80? And allowed to cool to room temperature. Interestingly, the solutions are not stable at room temperature and eventually the polymer precipitates after several hours. However,prior to precipitation,electrospinning is extensive and rapid,allowing coverage of fibers on various substrates. Fiber diameters of ca. 0.2-0.8um were obtained depending upon the solution concentration.4.用于生产合成纤维的高分子的分子量与橡胶、塑料相比有什么不同,结构有何差异?The use of macromonomers is a convenient method for preparing branched polymers. However,graft copolymers obtained by conventional radical copolymerization of macromonomers often exhibit poorly controlled molecular weights and high polydispersities as well as large compositional heterogeneities from chain-to-chain. In contrast,the development of “living”/contolled radical polymerization has facilitated the precise synthesis of well-defined polymers with low polydispersities in addition to enabling synthetic chemists to prepare polymers with novel and complex architectures.5.如何测定A Vrami指数?Avrami指数物理学上有什么意义?The thermal and electrical conductivities in nanocomposites of single walled carbon nanotubes(swnt) and polyethylene(pe)are investigated in terms of swnt loading, the degree of PEin thermal conductivity with increasing swnt loading,having 1.8 and 3.5 w/mk at a swnt volumefraction of ?~0.2 in low-density pe(ldpe)and high-density PE(hdpe),respectively.this increase suggests a reduction of the interfacial thermal resistance. Oriented swnt/hdpe nanocomposites exhibit higher thermal conductivities, which are attributed primarily to the aligned pe matrix. 6.请陈述你对“高分子”的理解?在你印象中,你知道哪些常用的聚合物品种?请列举其中两种聚合物品种的应用?We previously discovered that isotropic monomer solution shows birefringence due to its anisotropic structure after gelation in the presence of a small amount of rod-like polyelectrolyte. Here, we focus on what mechanism is responsible for the formation of anisotropic structure during gelation. Various optical measurements are performed to elucidate the structure change during gelation. It is found that the existence of a large-size structure in monomer solution with the rod-like polyelectrolyte is essentially important to induce birefringence during gelation.7.如何提高尼龙66的分子量?This work examines the pbt/pet sheath/core conjugated fiber, with reference to melt spinning,fiber properties and thermal bonding. Regarding the rheological behaviors in the conjugated spinning, pet and pbt show the smallest difference between their melt-viscosity at temperatures of 290 and 260 respectively,which has been thought to represent optimal spinning conditions. The effect of processing parameters on the crystallinity of core material-pet was observed and listed. In order of importance,these factors are the draw ratio,the heat-set temperature,and the drawing temperature.8.你对白色污染有何看法?你认为可以实现高分子得循环利用吗?Thermoresponsive shape memory fibers were prepared by melt spinning from a polyester polyol-based polyurethane shape memory polymer and were subjected to different postspinning operations to modify their structure. The effect of drawing and heatsetting operations on the shape memory behavior,mechanical properties,and structure of the fibers was studies. In contrast to the as-spun fibers, which were found to show low stress built up on straining to temporary shape and incomplete recovery to the permanent shape,the drawn and heat-set fibers showed signficantly higher stresses and complete recovery.9.在自由基聚合中存在反应的自加速现象,请简单说明产生的原理并说明如何采用措施来调整反应的速率?The dry-jet-wet spinning process was employed to spin poly(lactic acid)fiber by the phase inversion technique using chloroform and methanol as solvent and nonsolvent, respectively, for pla. The as-spun fiber was subjected to two-stage hot drawing to study the effect of various process paraments, such as take-up speed,drawing temperature, and heat-setting temperature on the fiber strucural properties. The take-up speed had a pronounced influence on the maximun draw ratio of the fiber. The optimum drawing temperature was observed to be 90 to get a fiber10.什么是晶体,如何测定晶胞参数,密勒指数,高分子材料的结晶行为与小分子材料比有什么区别?The electrostatic spinning technique was used to produce ultrafine polyamide-6 fibers. The effect of solution conditions on the morphological appearance and the average diameter of as-spun fibers were investigated by optical scanning and scanning electron microscopy techniques. It was shown that the solution properties(i.e.viscosity,surface tension and conductivity) were important factors characterizing the morphology of the fibers obtained. Among these three properties,solution viscosity was found to have the greatest effect. Solutions with high enough viscosities were necessary to produce fibers without beads.11.如何测定高分子的分子量,不同的方法得到的结果有什么差异?Ternary blend fibers(TBFs) , based on melt blend of poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate),poly(ethylene terephthalate), and a thermotropic liquid-crystal polymer(TLCP),were prepared by a process of melt blending and spinning to achieve high performance fibers. The reinforcement effect of the polymer matrix by the TLCP component,the fibrillar structure with TLCP fibrils of high aspect ratios,and the development of more ordered and perfect crystalline structures by an annealing process resulted in the improvement of tensile strength and modulus for the TBFs.12.高分子材料制成制品需要经过成型加工步骤。
The effects of temperature on the algae growth kinetics under a low nutrients' concentration
1.1 Main Instruments and Equipment Main instruments and equipment included: light incubator, biological optical microscope, 10 x 10 phytoplankton count frame, super-clean bench, electric pressure steam sterilizer, electric thermostatic blast drying oven, centrifuge and so on. The glassware instruments needed in the test should be first immersed in the 10% dilute hydrochloric acid for 24h after being cleaned by ultrasonic wave and then be rinsed out by using fresh deionized water. Through being sterilized in the 121℃ high-pressure stream, we dried them for backup. 1.2 The Category of Algae and Medium The blooms of Anabaena flos-aquae (FACHB245) were brought from Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science. The test was based on the BG11 medium. We used the fresh deionized water to make up the medium without any phosphorus The pH was fixed at 7.5 or so. According to the required mass concentrations of the test, we added a corresponding amount of phosphorus (K2HPO4) and respectively set the P molar concentration to 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0µmol/L. Then put the above configuration medium into the sterilization pot and make it sterilized under 121℃ high-pressure stream for 30min. 1.3 Inoculation and Incubation The test applied “the batch culture test” adopted from kinetics. We used the 250ml triangular flasks as the culture equipments for algae samples and each sample had two parallel ones marked with A and B. During the incubation period, artificial shaking of the samples should be done three or four times each day. At 8:00 every morning, we made samplings to detect the biomass of Anabaena flos-aquae. Because of the minimal sampling volume (around 1.0ml or so), the medium was nearly considered to be in line with the requirement of “supply and remove without substrate and thalli” in the process of batch culture test. 2. Models 2.1 The Study of Effects of Temperature Changes on the Growth Kinetics of Algae with Growth Advantages Under the Condition of Limited Phosphorus In different phosphorus (P) concentrations, Anabaena flos-aquae always clearly present a form of exponential curve during the exponential growth phase. In the test, the number of Anabaena flos-aquae cells increases relatively slower under the concentration of less than 1µ mol P/L. The low-density nutrient salts are considered as limiting factors for the growth of algae. In terms of the maximum biomass (cell density), the standing crop of the Anabaena flos-aquae under the circumstances of nutrient salts with high P concentration is larger than that with low P concentration. Experimental results were analyzed in the regression analysis method. The maximum growth rate μ max obtained through analysis indicates the biomass growth rate as the concentration of the restrictive substrate tends to be infinite while the half-saturation constant (Ks) generally refers to measuring the affinity between the biological species and nutrients. By comparing the different values of μ max and Ks which the algae obtained during the growing process under the influence of different nutrient salts, we can predict the growing status of algae under the condition of different kinds of limited nutrient salts. [5,6]The processed data results of the experiment tell that the value of μ max reached its maximum when the temperature kept at 20℃ while it began to gradually decline as the temperature continued to increase. The variation tendency of the half-saturation constant (Ks) was similar to that of μ max. That is, its value reached the maximum when it was 20℃ and the minimum as it was 30℃.
ISSN 100020054CN 1122223 N 清华大学学报(自然科学版)J T singhua U niv (Sci &Tech ),2003年第43卷第11期2003,V o l .43,N o .111 36144121443退火温度对T i O 2薄膜光学性能的影响侯亚奇, 庄大明, 张 弓, 赵 明, 吴敏生(清华大学机械工程系,北京100084)收稿日期:2002212204基金项目:国家教育振兴计划资助项目作者简介:侯亚奇(19792),男(汉),陕西,博士研究生。
通讯联系人:庄大明,副教授,E 2m ail :dm zhuang @tsinghua .edu .cn摘 要:为确定合适的T i O 2薄膜退火工艺,研究了退火温度对采用中频交流反应磁控溅射技术制备的T i O 2薄膜光学性能的影响。
利用分光光度计测得石英玻璃基体T i O 2薄膜试样的透射谱和反射谱,用包络线法和经验公式法计算出薄膜的光学常数。
结果表明:T i O 2薄膜的折射率随退火温度的上升而增加,低温退火时薄膜消光系数略有减小,500℃退火时T i O 2薄膜具有最优的光学性能。
关键词:薄膜光学;T i O 2薄膜;中频交流磁控溅射;退火中图分类号:O 484.4+1文献标识码:A文章编号:100020054(2003)1121441203I nf luence of annea li ng tem pera ture onoptica l properties of titan iu mox ide th i n f il m sHOU Ya q i ,ZH UANG D am ing ,ZHANG Gong ,ZHAO M ing ,W U M insheng(D epart men t of M echan ical Eng i neer i ng ,Tsi nghua Un iversity ,Be ij i ng 100084,Chi na )Abstract :T heinfluence of annealingtemperature on op ticalp roperties of T i O 2th in fil m s p repared using the m id 2frequency A C m agnetron sputtering technique w as studied to design T i O 2thin fil m annealing p rocess .T he trans m ittance and reflectance spectra of T i O 2thin fil m s on fused silica substrate w ere m easured by a spectropho tom eter .T he reflective indices of the fil m s w erecalculated using the envelope m ethod and the extincti on coefficients w ere deter m ined using the emp irical fo rm ula m ethod .T he results show that the refractive index of the T i O 2th in fil m s increases w ith annealing temperature w hile the fil m extincti on coefficient decreases a little at low er annealing temperatures .T he T i O 2th in fil m annealed at 500℃has the best op tical p roperties .Key words :th infil mop tics;titaniumoxideth infil m;m id 2frequency A C m agnetron sputtering;annealing 对T i O 2薄膜的制备方法及性能已有深入研究[1,2]。
发酵对金丝小枣多糖缓解体力疲劳功效的影响王洪杰;张平平;欧可可;冯聪;揣东华【摘要】研究发酵前后金丝小枣多糖对缓解小鼠体力疲劳的影响.取56只雄性SPF级昆明小鼠,连续灌胃不同剂量的枣多糖,4周后分别测定小鼠体重、力竭游泳时间以及相关抗疲劳评价指标.结果表明,与对照组相比,发酵前后的金丝小枣多糖均能延长小鼠力竭游泳时间(发酵前的高剂量组和发酵后的中剂量组的延长率分别为32.01%,47.98%),提高肝糖原和肌糖原含量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和超氧化物歧化酶活力,降低尿素氮和血乳酸含量、肌酸激酶活力,发酵多糖中剂量组小鼠各项指标的测定结果均有极显著差异.发酵前后的金丝小枣多糖均具有缓解小鼠体力疲劳的作用,而且发酵后中剂量对小鼠体力疲劳的缓解作用更加明显.%The effects of fermented and unfermented Ziziphus jujuba polysaccharide on the physical fatigue alleviation in mice was investi-gated in this study.5 6 male SPF class Kunming mice were fed with different doses of polysaccharides,and their body weight,exhaustive swimming time and related anti-fatigue evaluating indexes were measured after treated for 4 weeks.Tests showed that,compared with the normal control group,the mice fed with the polysaccharides from fermented and unfermented Ziziphus jujuba had a prolonged ex-haustive swimming time.The percentage elongation was 32.01% for the high-dose unfermented jujuba polysaccharide treated group,and the percentage elongation was 47.98% for the medium dose of the fermented one.The effect of the medium-dose fermented jujuba poly-saccharide on alleviating physical fatigue was remarkable,and the content of hepatic glycogen and muscle glycogen,andthe activities of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase increased. Moreover,the content of urea nitrogen,lactic acid and the activity of creatine kinase decreased.The polysaccharides from both fermented and unfermented Ziziphus jujuba had the effect of relieving the physi-cal fatigue in mice,and the effect of medium-dose of the fermented group on alleviating physical fatigue was more remarkable.【期刊名称】《食品与机械》【年(卷),期】2018(034)002【总页数】4页(P46-49)【关键词】金丝小枣;发酵;多糖;体力疲劳【作者】王洪杰;张平平;欧可可;冯聪;揣东华【作者单位】天津农学院食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300384;天津农学院食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300384;天津市农副产品深加工技术工程中心,天津300384;天津农学院食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300384;天津农学院食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300384;天津农学院食品科学与生物工程学院,天津 300384【正文语种】中文体力疲劳又叫躯体性疲劳,当机体长时间从事繁重紧张的体力劳动时,会有大量的代谢物在体内积聚,刺激人体组织细胞和神经系统,使人产生疲劳感[1]。
第52卷第6期表面技术2023年6月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·153·抗气蚀聚氨酯涂层的研究进展王天聪1,2,侯国梁1,苏琼2,崔海霞1,陈磊1,周惠娣1,陈建敏1(1.中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 中科院材料磨损与防护重点实验室,兰州 730000;2.西北民族大学 化工学院,兰州 730030)摘要:随着水轮机和螺旋桨等过流件的尺寸和转速不断提高,气蚀损坏问题更加突出,因此易施工涂覆且便于设计调控的聚氨酯涂层始终是耐气蚀领域的研究热点。
关键词:聚氨酯涂层;气蚀;损伤机理;改性;多功能中图分类号:TG172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)06-0153-13DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.06.014Research Progress of Anti-cavitation Erosion Polyurethane CoatingWANG Tian-cong1,2, HOU Guo-liang1, SU Qiong2, CUI Hai-xia1,CHEN Lei1, ZHOU Hui-di1, CHEN Jian-min1(1. Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Wear and Protection of Materials CAS, Lanzhou Institute ofChemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China;2. School of Chemical Industry, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730030, China)ABSTRACT: As a special form of material destruction, cavitation erosion causes huge economic losses and material losses to ships, water conservancy and hydropower industries every year, especially irreversible damage to key parts such as turbine and收稿日期:2022–01–17;修订日期:2022–06–17Received:2022-01-17;Revised:2022-06-17基金项目:中国科学院材料磨损与防护重点实验室青年基金(SYSQJ-2020-1);中国科学院青年创新促进会会员资助(2020416);陇原青年创新创业人才项目Fund:Supported by the Youth Foundation of Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Wear and Protection of Materials, CAS (SYSQJ-2020-1); the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS (2020416); the Longyuan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent Project作者简介:王天聪(1997—),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为表面涂层技术。
The Effect of Temperature on Protein Conformation
The Effect of Temperature on ProteinConformationProteins are essential components of living organisms and are responsible for carrying out various cellular functions. They are composed of long chains of amino acids that are folded into intricate 3-dimensional structures. The specific shape of a protein, or its conformation, plays a critical role in its function. Temperature is one of the key factors that can influence protein conformation. In this article, we will explore the effect of temperature on protein conformation and how it impacts their function.Temperature-induced protein denaturationProtein denaturation is a process in which the protein loses its native conformation and unfolds into a linear or random coil structure. This process can be triggered by several factors, including pH, salts, mechanical stress, and temperature. Among these, temperature is the most commonly studied factor that can induce protein denaturation.When proteins are exposed to high temperatures, the thermal energy causes the bonds that hold the protein structure together to break. Hydrogen bonds, which are weaker than covalent bonds, are the first to be broken. As the temperature continues to rise, the more significant covalent bonds that hold the protein together begin to break, further destabilizing the structure. Ultimately, the protein loses its native conformation, and its function is impaired.The effect of temperature on protein stabilityThe stability of a protein refers to its ability to maintain its native conformation in the face of various environmental conditions, including temperature. The stability of a protein is influenced by several factors, including the amino acid sequence, solvent conditions, and the presence of ligands or cofactors. Temperature can disrupt the stability of a protein by altering its structure and causing it to denature.Proteins have a range of thermal stability that depends on their amino acid sequence and their specific structure. Generally, proteins that are stable at higher temperatures have a higher content of hydrophobic amino acids, which can help to stabilize the structure through hydrophobic interactions. In contrast, proteins that are stable at lower temperatures tend to have more polar amino acids and a lower content of hydrophobic amino acids.The temperature at which a protein denatures is known as its melting temperature or Tm. The Tm of a protein is influenced by its intrinsic stability as well as the specific conditions under which it is studied. For example, the pH, salt concentration, and presence of other molecules can all affect the Tm of a protein.The effect of temperature on protein functionThe specific conformation of a protein plays a critical role in its function. Therefore, changes in protein conformation due to temperature can have a significant impact on their function. The effect of temperature on protein function can vary depending on the specific protein and the conditions under which it is studied.Some proteins are more sensitive to changes in temperature than others. For example, enzymes, which catalyze chemical reactions in the cell, have a specific optimal temperature range at which they function best. Outside of this range, the reaction rate can slow down or even stop altogether due to changes in protein conformation.Other proteins, such as transporters and receptors, are also sensitive to changes in temperature. Changes in protein conformation due to temperature can affect the ability of these proteins to bind to their ligands and carry out their function.ConclusionIn conclusion, temperature has a significant impact on protein conformation. High temperatures can cause proteins to denature, while changes in temperature can alter their stability and affect their function. Understanding the effect of temperature on protein conformation and function is essential for designing experiments and developing new drugs and therapies that target specific proteins.。
208TPI 的门尼粘度对NR /TPI 减震制品性能的影响宋雅婷,于 龙,王 鹏,盛恩恬,王 崴[高特威尔科学仪器(青岛)有限公司,山东 青岛 266042]摘要:研究反式异戊橡胶(TPI )的门尼粘度对天然橡胶(NR )/TPI 减震性能的影响。
结果表明:与NR 硫化胶相比,NR /TPI 硫化胶的硬度增大,拉伸性能和抗撕裂性能降低,压缩永久变形减小,在-30,23和70 ℃下的耐屈挠龟裂性能提高,但在100 ℃×48 h 热老化后23 ℃下的耐屈挠龟裂性能降低;随着TPI 门尼粘度的提高,NR /TPI 硫化胶的拉伸性能、撕裂强度和回弹值提高,静态压缩永久变形、动静刚度比和损耗因子减小,耐压缩疲劳性能以及在-30,23和70 ℃下的耐屈挠龟裂性能提高;高门尼粘度TPI 在橡胶减震制品中的应用性能更优异。
关键词:反式异戊橡胶;天然橡胶;橡胶减震制品;门尼粘度;物理性能;耐疲劳性能中图分类号:TQ333.3 文章编号:2095-5448(2024)04-0208-04文献标志码:A DOI :10.12137/j.issn.2095-5448.2024.04.0208天然橡胶(NR )综合性能优异且用量大,使用NR 的橡胶减震制品加工性能好、强度高,但随着橡胶工业的发展,单独使用NR 已难以满足市场对橡胶减震制品性能的更高要求,如更好的耐疲劳性能、更低的动静刚度比、更小的压缩永久变形等。
反式异戊橡胶(TPI )是一种在常温下低结晶性的橡塑二重性材料[1-2],其与NR 的相容性好,可以显著改善NR 的动态性能[3-6]。
近年来国内外学者对采用TPI 制备高性能橡胶减震制品进行了大量研究[7-12],为TPI 在橡胶减震制品领域的应用奠定了充分的理论基础。
The Effect of Temperature on Protein Folding
The Effect of Temperature on ProteinFoldingProtein folding is a complex process critical to the function of every living organism. It is the process by which a linear sequence of amino acids is converted into a three-dimensional structure. The correct folding of a protein is necessary for it to perform its biological function, while misfolded proteins can lead to a variety of diseases. Temperature, as a physical parameter, affects the folding process of proteins in both trivial and fundamental ways.At the most superficial level, temperature can affect the overall stability of proteins. At low temperatures, proteins may become less stable, which could cause unfolding. On the other hand, at high temperatures, the molecular motion of proteins may increase and lead to denaturation - the permanent and irreversible unfolding of protein structures. Therefore, protein stability becomes fundamentally dependent on temperature.One way to measure the effects of temperature on protein folding is using a technique called differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). DSC is a widely used method to study protein folding and stability. Essentially, the technique measures the amount of heat a sample protein absorbs or loses during heating or cooling. The amount of energy absorbed or released by a protein during folding or unfolding is related to the stability of its structure. The temperature range over which the protein undergoes unfolding can help to determine the stability of the folded protein.Interestingly, some proteins are observed to undergo a sharp transition in their folding behavior as the temperature is increased. This phenomenon is known as a temperature-induced unfolding transition. The transition is likely the result of changes in the entropy of the protein's structure as the temperature increases. That is, as the temperature rises, the increasing thermal motion will cause the protein to become more disordered and transition from its structured state to the disordered state. This process can be mathematically described by the second law of thermodynamics.Despite the apparent advantages of performing experiments at high temperatures, these experiments are often challenging due to the difficulties in controlling the sample's thermal fluctuations. There are ways to mitigate these difficulties. For example, one can use modified experimental setups to increase the thermal stability of the sample, such as using high-pressure cells. An alternative approach is to use single-molecule techniques. These methods, such as single-molecule fluorescence, can provide a means to observe protein folding dynamics at practically any temperature.One can also look at temperature effects on protein folding from a comparative evolutionary perspective. The theoretical framework of evolutionary trade-offs suggests that genetic mutations that increase protein stability at one temperature will often cause protein destabilization at another. This assertion is supported by the observation that many thermophilic proteins (adapted to survive in high-temperature environments) have an overall less stable structure than mesophilic (adapted to moderate temperature) or psychrophilic (adapted to low-temperature) proteins. Similarly, some studies have suggested that proteins from insects, which have to survive significant temperature fluctuations, tend to be less stable than proteins from more stable environments.Overall, the effects of temperature on protein folding are complex and multifaceted. Given the significance of protein folding in biological systems, it is essential to continue to study the effects of temperature on this process to better understand the fundamental principles of protein folding and how they relate to disease, evolution, and other areas of biochemistry.。
中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing 2023年第9卷第11期Vol.9, No.11,2023艾灸疗法治疗1例奥沙利铂致下肢周围神经病变性疼痛的护理张悦,刘书红(北京中医药大学东方医院肿瘤科,北京, 100078)摘要:本文总结1例艾灸疗法缓解奥沙利铂致下肢周围神经病变性疼痛的护理经验。
关键词:结肠癌;奥沙利铂;周围神经病变性疼痛;艾灸;中医护理中图分类号:R 473.73文献标志码:A 文章编号:2709-1961(2023)11-0052-04Moxibustion treatment and nursing of apatient with peripheral neuropathic pain oflower limbs caused by oxaliplatinZHANG Yue,LIU Shuhong(Department of Oncology, Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing,100078)ABSTRACT:To summerize the effect of moxibustion therapy and nursing interventions on the peripheral neuropathic pain of lower limbs caused by oxaliplatin.A comprehensive pain assess⁃ment was conducted for the establishment of following nursing plan. The combination treatment of moxibustion and acupoint massage was carried out to relive the peripheral neuropathic pain of lower limbs and ensure the completion of chemotherapy.KEY WORDS: colon cancer; oxaliplatin; peripheral neuropathic pain; moxibustion; Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing结肠癌为临床常见恶性肿瘤,发病率较高,化疗是晚期结肠癌患者的主要的治疗手段[1-3]。
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Temperature Effects on Fatigue of Polymer Composites Hai C. Tang, Tinh Nguyen, Tze-jer Chuang, Joannie Chin,Felix Wu, and Jack Lesko*National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 *Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061IntroductionFiber-reinforced polymeric composites(FRPC) have been extended from aerospace, automotive, and military applications into civil engineering structures[1,2]. There is an urgent need to assess the safety arid reliability of using polymeric composites in these applications. One particularly critical issue in regards to using polymeric composites in structural applications is their fatigue reliability in different environmental and loading conditions. Fatigue damages in polymeric composites for noncivil engineering applications have been extensively investigated. Studies of the effects of water and saltwater on fatigue behaviors of polymer composites have been reported. However, there is little quantitative research on the effects of civil engineering environments, namely, water, seawater, temperature, concrete pore solution, ultraviolet light, and loading on the fatigue of polymeric composites.We have developed a fatigue model for predicting the fatigue life of fiber-reinforced polymeric composites, that incorporates applied maximum stress, stress amplitude, loading frequency, residual tensile modulus, and material constants as follows[3]:where,D is the state of damage defined as D = 1 –E/Eo, and EandE o are the residual and initial moduli,respectively,C1, C2, m. and n are the material constants,S max is the maximum stress, or the normalizedmaximum stress to ultimate stress,f is the fatigue loading frequency,R is the ratio of ,minimum to maximum stress,N is the number of loading cycles before failure, and Nf is the number of loading cycles at failure.The model has been verified with experimental fatigue data from a glass fiber/vinyl ester composite in various environments: air, fresh water, and saltwater at 30°C. This study investigates the effects of temperature on fatigue life of a vinyl ester/E-glass fiber composite submerged in seawater. Experimental ProcedureIn this paper, we only briefly describe the experimental procedure to provide background information. For a complete description, readers may refer to [3]. The specimens used in these experiments are obtained from a vinyl ester/ E-glassfiber composite. The flat laminate composite is a cross-ply material with unidirectional roving and a random mat of continuous fibers in the off axis. The specimens are cut into rectangular shapes, 200 mm long, 25 mm wide, and 3.2 mm thick. The edges of the specimens are then coated with epoxyto prevent the sorption of water into the composite from the edges.Fatigue experiments are conducted in a tension-tension mode with a R value of 0.1. Maximum applied load ranges from 35% to 70% of ultimate tensile strength, and frequencyis set at 10Hz for studying temperature effect. All experiments are conducted at three temperatures(60°C, 30°C, and 4°C) on a servo-hydraulic fatigue test frame that has a tension-compression load capacity of 100 kN. The specimens used to simulate saltwater environments are attained by immersing in a 3.5% NaCI solution at 65°C for451 hours to reach 95% of saturation. Before fatigue loading, the ultimate tensile strength, modulus, and Poisson's ratio are measured in dry air (450/£1 relative humidity at 30°C) and in salt water environmentsTemperature EffectsBoth the residual mechanical properties at specified loading cycles and the number of cycles at which the specimens fail are measured. The results show, for the material used in this study, that the fatigue life in these aqueous environments at 65°C is about the same as that at 30°C, but the fatigue life at 4°C is significantly longer than that at 30°C. Fig.I shows the experimental results and linear regressed S-N curves.861The experimental data and the S-N curves in Fig. 1 alsoshows that the maximum stresses for all three temperatures at N f =1000 are approximately two thirds of respective ultimate strength. Also Eq. 3 can be rewritten as:where C represents a combined constant in Eq3 Thus.(7)Fig. 3 shows the temperature effect on the fatigue life with R = 0.1 and S max = 50% of ultimate strength. The data points are obtained from the S-N curves in Fig. 1 and plottedfatigue life curve is computed based on the m value form Eq. 5 and N f from Eq. 6 and Eq. 7. Fig. 3 shows that the fatigue life of vinyl ester/E-glass fiber composite is reduced by two orders of magnitude as temperature increases from 4°C to 65°C. This result alsoindicates that polymer composites reinforced by glass fiber alone could not sustain the fatigue life the civil engineering infrastructure requires. Therefore, a hybrid reinforced with fatigue-resistant fiber such as carbon fibers would be needed to sustain needed fatigue life for civil engineering structures.11T(K.I)Fig. 3. Temperature Effect on Fatigue Life for MaximumLoading at 50% of Ultimate Strength and R=0.l.AcknowledgmentThe authors appreciate the support of NIST Advanced Technology Program.References1. S. S. Wang and D. W. Fitting (Eds), Composites Materials for Offshore Operations, Proc. 1st Int.Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication 887, 1995.2. H. Saadatmanesh and M. R. Ehsani (Eds), Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Composites in Infrastructure, ICCI 98, Tucson, Arizona, 1998.3. H. C. Tang, T. Nguyen, T. J. Chuang, J. Chin, J. Lesko and H. F. Wu. "Fatigue Model for Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites." ASCE J. of Mat. in Civil Eng. 12(2),97-104, May, 2000.862As shown in Fig. 1, the downward slope of the S-N curve,(i.e. –1/2m), goes further downward as the temperature increases. This clearly indicates that the value of m is temperature dependent, and that m value decreases as temperature increases. The continuing downward slope as temperature increases may expressed by the Arrhenius type equation:where Q is the activation energy, R is the gas constant(8.134 joules-moles -1 K -1), and T is temperature in K. Thus, the m value becomes:(4)We can then plot the natural log(m) vs. 1/T(Fig. 2) and obtain:(5)This equation gives an active energy of Q=14.6 k joules-moles -1for the material used in this study.(6)。