arcgis server vue使用
arcgis server vue使用在当今的数字化时代,地理信息系统 (GIS) 起到了至关重要的作用,它能够帮助人们更好地管理和分析地理空间数据。
ArcGIS Server 是 Esri 公司推出的一种基于企业级服务器的GIS 解决方案,它可以让用户共享、发布和管理地理信息服务。
在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用 Vue.js 框架来构建 ArcGIS Server 应用程序。
Vue.js 是一种流行的 JavaScript 框架,它可以帮助我们构建交互式的用户界面。
结合 ArcGIS Server,我们可以创建出功能强大且具有吸引力的地理信息系统应用程序。
ArcGIS Server 提供了一组强大的 API,使我们能够访问其各种地理数据和功能。
我们可以使用 ArcGIS API for JavaScript来构建我们的 Web 应用程序。
然而,为了更好地与 Vue.js 集成,我们可以使用Esri Leaflet 或 ArcGIS API for Python 这样的桥接库。
这些库允许我们在 Vue.js 中使用 ArcGIS Server 的功能,并提供更好的开发体验。
开始之前,我们需要保证已经安装了 Node.js 并且可以使用 npm (`npm install -g @vue/cli`) 命令来安装 Vue CLI。
Vue CLI 是一个命令行工具,可以帮助我们创建新的 Vue.js 项目。
现在,我们可以使用以下命令来创建一个新的 Vue.js 项目:```vue create arcgis-server-vue-app```选择默认配置并等待依赖项下载完成。
创建完成后,我们可以进入项目目录,并运行以下命令来启动开发服务器:cd arcgis-server-vue-appnpm run serve```现在,我们可以在 http://localhost:8080 查看我们的应用程序。
基于ArcGIS Engine的三维地物平台的建立——以重庆忠县果园管理为例
伟, 刘洪斌
40 1) 0 76
数字农业与生物信息重点实验室 , 重庆
摘要 : 随着 GS的快速发展 , 们对空间数据 的需求也 日益增 大, I 人 如何 让用户对空间数据 有更直观更为 简便的 了解 , 成 为 G S2次开发的 1个热点 A c I n i I rGSE g e是基于 GS2次开发的典型代表 , n I 针对 Ac I nie能脱 离专业软件 环 rG SE gn 境这一特点 , 根据 果园 园区管理 实际需要 , 建立 了忠县 三维果园管理 平台。
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基 于 A c I nie的三 维地 物 平 台 的建 立 rGSE gn
— —
以重庆 忠县果 园管理为例L
肖 海, 武
Ab t a t W i h a i e eo me to I t ed ma d f rs a il a a i i ce sn .Ho c u i t h s r t p t ld t r sr c : t t e r pd d v lp n fG SI h e n o p t t s n r a ig h ad w t a q an eu e swi s ai a amo e o t h a e sl a e o o s o n GI e o d p o r mme d v lp n .ArGI st e rp e e tt n b s d o h e o d p o r mme o S a i h sb e me a h tp ti S s c n — r g a y e eo me t e S i h e r s n ai a e n te s c n - r g a o fGI . Ta i g a v n a e o e c a a t r t fArGI n i e t a t si d p n e to r fs in ls f r n a e n t e s e i c r q i — k n d a t g ft h r ce i i o e S E g n h t n e e d n fp oe s a ot e a d b s d o h p cf e u r h sc ii o wa i e me t foc ad ma a e n -a tr e d me so a r h r n g me t lt r a e n e t l h d f rZ o g i n c u t. n r h r n g me t h e — i n in lo c a d ma a e n af m h s b e sa i e h n x a o n y o p o b s o Ke r s Ar G S E gn ;t r e d me so a rh r s ai l aa y wo d : e I n i e h e - i n in lo c ad; p t t ad
ArcGIS 10.5,打造智能的Web GIS平台
Networks of Organizations
Creating an Open and Real-Time Network of Geospatial Services
Named Users
A named user is your identity within Web GIS.
分析结果组织内共享 必须部署Web GIS Base Deployment
Pro Portal Insights Python Web GIS Layers Server 集群
新的 Web GIS 图层
可以通过Pro、Portal、 Insights、 python以及Rest API 调用大数据工具
• • 更广泛的数据支持 更便捷的服务发布方式
3. 移动端:用户定制的
1. ArcGIS Pro
2. Esri CityEngine
3. Drone2Map for ArcGIS 4. ArcGIS Enterprise
部署在亚马逊云上 (WebGIS) 8 c3.2x多实例 (8 vCPUs, 16GB RAM)
GeoEvent server
高频实时数据快速获取 连续的实时处理,50多种内置处理 聚合展示 离散要素展示 全新时空大数据存储 多种形式,告知决策者 1.获取 2.处理
23/28 72.74长春工程学院学报(自然科学版2005年第7卷第1期J.ChangchunInst.Tech.(Nat.Sei Edi,2006,V01.7,No.1IssN1009—8984CN22-1323/N 基于ArcSDE技术的省级基础空间数据库设计与建立喻冰眷,姜琦剐(吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院,长春130026摘要:针对省级基础空问数据库需求,提出建库的总体方案和技术路线,实现对多元空问数据有效的集成管理。
市界 县界 水库 海 绿地 电杆 人井 管道段 杆路段 引上段 …
线 线 线 线 线 线 面 线 线 线 面 面 面 面 面 面 点 点 线 线 线 …
2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 3106 2108 2109 2110 3107 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 1001 1002 2001 2002 2003
在2级的基础上,加 载网络业务及全局查 询
在3级的基础上,加载 用户级数据及全局查 询等
快速应用场景(按权限 提供数据及业务场景)
从基础地图数据中抽 在1级的基础上,增加 取地理编码进行管理 网络资源数据管理
在2级的基础上,增 加网络业务数据管理
在3级基础上,增加用 户分布、用户投诉信 息等用户数据管理
规 范
与 服 务
多源数据无缝访问 多级服务聚合技术
管理 子系 统
理 办 法
目录与元 数据
地名地址 数据
公用专题 数据
部门专题 数据
管理人员全面掌握和管理共 享平台资源的工具,实现对空间 资源入库、更新、管理和发布管 理。具体功能包括数据目录注 册、数据入库与编辑、元数据管 理、数据发布、地理编码匹配等 功能
ArcGIS Explorer
ArcGIS Explorer
地图数据 检查、处理、转换、提取 For Developers Script 开发工具
GP流程打包 便于分享和代码保护
创建、管理、编辑 地图数据 ArcObjects File Geodatabase API SDE API SQL For Developers
Microsoft Silverlight/WPF
Query Editing
FeatureLayers Time-awareness Extents Routing
扩展Windows devices APP
ArcGIS Mobile SDK
ArcGIS Mobile Data Service
ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS for Windows Phone
Windwos phone 7 Blend Silverlight XNA Framework
Eclipse IDE 插件
ArcGIS Flex api
Flashbuilder 4.5
Air app apk | ipa
未来 ArcGIS Flex api 可以将同一套代码部署在不同的平台中
ENVI for ArcGIS Server
ENVI for ArcGIS Server
服务器环境搭建说明书(数据库+Arcgis)目录服务器环境搭建说明书(数据库+Arcgis) (1)一、数据库服务器的搭建: (1)1.概述: (1)2.数据库安装: (1)3.arcSDE安装 (15)4.数据的导入 (16)二、arcgis地图服务器的搭建: (17)1.概述: (17)2.arcGIS 安装 (17)3.发布REST服务:拷贝已有的mxd文件 (45)一、数据库服务器的搭建:1.概述:数据库服务器用于提供数据存储、读取、编辑等功能的支持,搭建过程主要包括:数据库软件的安装,以及为支持空间数据,arcSDE的安装。
2.数据库安装:Oracle 11g 32位安装步骤如下:1、首先是去/technetwork/cn/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/112010-win6 4soft-086667-zhs.html官网下载oracle11g win64位如下:首先点选上上面Accept License Agreement选项,然后再下面的列表中选择你需要的版本,我选的是MicrosoftWindows(32-bit),2G啊,慢慢等吧!不过我的网速还是可以的,嘿嘿!下载下来的总共有两个zip包,解压时一定要放在一起,并一起解压!2、解压得到database目录,打开database目录:双击setup.exe进入安装!3、进入如下界面,等待。
4、OK了,oracle的OUI启动了!电子邮箱可以自己写一个,我没写,因为我写了之后会出一些连接不上的问题,所以没写,不影响!口令也爱写不写!不影响!不写邮箱点击下一步出现提醒,直接点是即可,进入下个界面!5、使用默认选择:创建和配置数据库!点击下一步!6、我用的电脑室win7旗舰版,所以选择了桌面版!建议选择桌面版!点击下一步!7、Oracle基目录,软件目录,和数据库文件目录,Oracle一般会自动帮你选择空间最大的盘和你解压文件的当前盘,我使用的默认!版本:当然企业版了!字符集:我使用的默认GBK,如果使用UTF-8虽然利于网络传输,但是很可能出现中文乱码的情况,到时自己进行转码会很麻烦的!全局数据库名:我使用的默认orcl管理口令:这地方真心蛋疼,看是我怎么设都不合法,没办法看帮助吧:现在是不是知道管理口令应该是什么格式的了!好了,点击下一步!8、开始进入一个不太长的等待!9、哦了,Oracle已帮你把基本的设置信息(包括你选的,当然oracle也有些默认的)显示出来了!至于需不要保存相应文件,随便吧,我随便保存了一下!ok,可以点完成了!10、开始进入漫长的安装过程!耐心等待!11、漫长等待完成后又进入另一个漫长的等待!继续等待!12、OK,终于要完成了!对oracle不熟悉的同学最好点击口令管理,对你需要用的口令进行解锁!我没进行口令管理,直接点确定!实在等的不耐烦了!最后点关闭!开始准备检查Oracle时候安装成功!13、打开命令行,输入sqlplus回车:命令行会提醒你输入用户名;对于进行了口令管理对自己要用的账户进行解锁的同学可直接跳到下步;这里进行的主要是:因为没有进行口令管理解锁账户,所以需要在命令行以管理员的身份对账户进行解锁!在用户名中输入:sqlplus/.as sysdba回车在口令中直接回车,因为默认口令为空!OK,已经进入到sql>中!开始对常用用户解锁,或设置新的账户!下面解锁常用账户scott在命令行中输入:alter user scott account unlock;回车命令行提醒用户已更改,这时scott账户已解锁成功,可以正常登陆!(在这里也可以进行常用账户(如scott)的口令的修改;输入:alter user scott identified by XXX;回车)14、用户登陆打开cmd窗口;输入sqlplus回车输入用户名:scott回车输入口令:tiger回车(这里可能提醒您the password has expired,意思是口令已过期,不过没关系,你继续在新口令中输入tiger回车,并在重新输入心口令中输入tiger回车就行了,因为老版本的的scott口令一般都为tiger,所以咱也不用换成其他的了!)OK了,Oracle确认安装完成!3.arcSDE安装4.数据的导入第一步:重建表空间和用户(a)从数据库中删除SDE和SDE USER用户DROP USER SDE CASCADE;DROP USER SDEUSER CASCADE;(b)创建新的SDE用户和SDEUSER下为创建SDE用户过程:(i)创建表空间CREATE TABLESPACE "SDE"LOGGINGDATAFILE 'D:\\oracle\\oradata\\orcl\\SDE.ora' SIZE 500MEXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO(ii)创建用户CREATE USER "SDE" PROFILE "DEFAULT"IDENTIFIED BY "sde" DEFAULT TABLESPACE "SDE"TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "TEMP"ACCOUNT UNLOCK;(iii)创建角色GRANT "DBA" TO "SDE";GRANT "CONNECT" TO "SDE";GRANT "RESOURCE" TO "SDE";(iiii)系统权限GRANT ALTER ANY INDEX TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT ALTER ANY TABLE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT ANALYZE ANY TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT CREATE ANY INDEX TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT CREATE ANY PROCEDURE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT CREATE ANY SEQUENCE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT CREATE ANY TRIGGER TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT CREATE ANY VIEW TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT CREATE SESSION TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT DROP ANY INDEX TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT DROP ANY TABLE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT DROP ANY VIEW TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT DROP ANY PROCEDURE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT DROP ANY SEQUENCE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT SELECT ANY SEQUENCE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO "SDE" WITH ADMIN OPTION;第二部:导入SDE和SDEUSER的数据注意顺序,先SDE,后SDEUSERIMP SYSTEM/oracle@orcl FROMUSER=SDE TOUSER=SDEIMP SYSTEM/PASSWOR@SID FROMUSER=SDEUSER TOUSER=SDEUSER以上提到的SDE和SDEUSER是不同的用户,SDE是ArcSDE安装时的默认用户,SDEUSER是指用户存储数据的用户,如果之间使用SDE默认用户存储,则省去所以的SDEUSER操作二、arcgis地图服务器的搭建:1.概述:arcgis地图服务器用于提供2.arcGIS 安装安装步骤如下图所示:第一步:安装license管理器(简称LM)注意:这里第一次用到了凭证文件37102011.efl9,里边有一段”SERVER this_host ESRI_SENTINEL_KEY=37102011 27001”,把this_host改成所在计算机的名称。
前言本文档主要介绍ArcGIS Desktop,ArcGIS for Server的安装配置,GIS服务的发布以及如何进行地图切片。
一、ArcGIS Desktop 安装运行安装包中的ESRI.exe,点击ArcGIS for Desktop后的Setup,开始安装,之后的过程点击Ok即可。
二、ArcGIS Server安装操作系统需求操作系统64位安装ArcGISServer加载光盘后运行可以看见下面的界面我们选择安装ArcGIS for Server,点击ArcGIS forServer后面的的“Setup”在弹出的窗口中点击Next勾选I accept the license agreement点击Change可以修改安装路径,点击next继续点击Browse可以选择Python的安装目录,选择好后点击Next继续创建server账户和密码,设置完毕后点击Next继续如果有之前安装时候创建的账户配置文件,可以勾选下面的那个选项。
很多人到这一步会有一个疑问:这个账户和刚刚安装ArcGIS Server步骤中创建的账户有关系吗?分别用来控制什么?首先在上一节中我们创建的ArcGIS Server账户,是为ArcGIS Server创建的操作系统账户(安装完你可以切换操作系统账户看一下,是不是多了一个ArcGIS Server),该账户实际上用来管理ArcGIS Server的操作系统进程(启动、停止ArcGIS Server服务);而我们此时创建的站点账户,主要是为了管理站点中的各种服务形式的GIS资源(各种类型服务的发布、启动、停止、删除;站点安全;集群管理等等)。
基于 A r c G I S E n g i n e的城 市基 础 地 理信 息 服务 平 台建设 研究
苏丹 丹 , 刘佳 玮 , 项晏琳
( 长 春师范 大学城 市 与环境科 学学 院 , 吉林 长 春 l 3 0 0 3 2 )
[ 摘 要] 以“ 长春 市基础地理信息空间数据” 为基础数据 , 选 用集 成二次开 发模 式 , 将A E组件式 系、 总体框架建设 和功能模块 没计 互个 方面进行详细研究 , 为数字城市建设研 究提供有力 的参考 。
1 . 2 相 关技术 研究
本 次研 究选定 在 c # . N E T 2 0 1 0开发语 言环 境下 , 应用 A r c G I S的 A r c G I S E n g i n e l 0开 发包 进行 独 立应 用 程 序开发 , 应用 关系 数据库 G e o d a t a b a s e 数据 模型 对空 间数 据进 行 管 理 , 运用 A r c G I S O b j e c t s l 0组 件 对象 技 术 搭 建G I S应用 的各种 组件 , 为 用 户搭 建 自定 义 应 用平 台提 供 了广 阔 的空 间 , 同 时 也提 高 了平 台 的灵 活 性 和 共
[ 关键词 ] 空 间数据库 ; 空间查询 ; 缓 冲区分析 ; 叠加分析 ; 网络分析 [ 中图分类号 ] K 9 0 9 [ 文献标 识码 ] A [ 文章编号] 2 0 9 5— 7 6 0 2 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 2— 0 0 5 4— 0 4
城市基础地理信息服务平台建设 , 是将基于 A r c G I S E n g i n e 的软件开发技术与 G I S 强大的空间分析功能相 融合, 服 务于 日常生 活和政 府 的内部 管理 , 有 助于 更为广 泛地 开展各 级政 府 的电子政 务平 台建设 , 而且 为城 市 或 地 区的数字 城市建 设研 究提供 有力 的参 考 , 产 生一定 的社会 效 益 。本文 以 “ 长春 市基 础地 理 信息 服 务平 台
GIS的概念和作用GIS(Geographic Information System),即地理信息系统,是一种能够集成、管理、分析和展示空间数据的技术。
1.数据互操作模式数据互操作模式是OpenGIS consortium(OGC)制定的规范。
一、某地区地块的拓扑关系建立1.创建Majinjian Geodatabasea)在ArcCatalog树中,右键单击Result文件夹,单击New,单击PersonalGeodatabase,输入所创建的Geodatabase名称:Majinjian Geodatabase。
在新建的Geodatabase右键选择New中的Features Dataset,创建要素数据集。
b) 打开New Features Datateset,输入Name为MajinjianToplology。
c) 单击下一步,单击Import按钮,为新建的数据集匹配坐标系统,选择Blocks.shp。
d) 一直单击下一步,到finish,这时要素数据集定义了坐标系统。
2.向数据集中导入数据a)在ArcCatalog树中,右键单击ZhaoResult文件夹中的MajinjianTopology 数据集,单击Import,选择Feature Class(Multiple)。
b) 打开Feature Class to Geodatabase(multiple)对话框,导入Blocks和Parcels,单击OK按钮。
a)在Blocks要素类上单击右键,选择Properties,打开Feature ClassProperties对话框。
b) Feature Class Properties对话框(Subtypes选项卡),在Subtypes Filed 下拉框中选择一个子类型字段:Res,在Subtypes栏中的Code列下输入新的子类型代码及其描述,描述将自动更新Default Subtypes窗口中的内容。
ArcMap提供了数据视图(Data View)和版面视图(Layout View)两种浏览数据的方式,在此环境中可完成一系列高级GIS任务。
ArcToolbox 包括了数据管理、数据转换、Coverage处理、矢量分析、地理编码以及统计分析等多种复杂的空间处理工具。
2.1.1 新地图文档创建ArcMap中,创建新的地图文档有以下两种方法:1.启动ArcMap在ArcMap对话框中,选择A new empty map并单击OK按钮,创建一个新的空地图。
或者应用已有的地图模板创建新地图:选择A template并单击OK按钮,在New对话框中选择General标签中的LandScapeClassic.mxt,即古典景观地图版式,单击OK按钮,出现了预先设计好的地图模板,进入地图编辑环境(图2.1)。
基于WebSocket和ArcGIS Server的高铁基础设施在线监测系统
基于WebSocket和ArcGIS Server的高铁基础设施在线监测系统李道震;张长生;郎向伟;唐率;吴小建【期刊名称】《计算机系统应用》【年(卷),期】2016(025)002【摘要】为了提高高铁基础设施安全监测的信息化水平,实现监测超标预警的实时性,研究实现了高铁基础设施安全监测管理系统.利用ArcScan进行影像矢量化和属性数据录入,系统业务数据库采用Oracle 11g,并在其中建立基于ArcSDE的空间数据库,通过ArcGIS Sever发布地图服务.系统采用B/S体系结构,利用WebSocket 技术实现服务器端和浏览器端的实时通信,调用ArcGIS API for JavaScript开发系统GIS模块,实现了监测超标点实时预警功能.通过在试验工程中的应用表明,该系统实用性强,实现了监测超标的实时预警,具有较高的应用价值.【总页数】7页(P38-44)【作者】李道震;张长生;郎向伟;唐率;吴小建【作者单位】中国铁道科学研究院深圳研究设计院,深圳518000;中国铁道科学研究院深圳研究设计院,深圳518000;中国铁道科学研究院深圳研究设计院,深圳518000;中国铁道科学研究院深圳研究设计院,深圳518000;中国铁道科学研究院深圳研究设计院,深圳518000【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.基于WebSocket的风电机组Web实时监测系统设计 [J], 黄艳庭;谷玉海;王菊远2.基于Arcgis Server的水环境监测系统的研究 [J], 齐少群3.利用Socket实现基于Web的远程监测系统 [J], 范云芝;陈树平4.基于Websocket的桥梁结构变形实时监测系统设计 [J], 王丽红; 王夏黎; 曹晨洁; 赵嘉兴5.基于WebSocket技术无线频谱大数据实时监测系统设计与实现 [J], 高锐;闫光辉;罗浩;严天峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
arcgis vue 实例
arcgis vue 实例ArcGIS Vue 实例ArcGIS 是由美国 Esri 公司开发的一种地理信息系统软件。
Vue 是一种流行的JavaScript 框架,用于构建交互式用户界面。
通过将 ArcGIS 和 Vue 结合起来,开发人员可以创建功能强大的地图应用程序。
以下是一个 ArcGIS Vue 实例的示例。
步骤1:设置项目首先,创建一个新的 Vue 项目。
在命令行中输入以下命令:```vue create my-appcd my-app```安装必要的依赖项:```npm install arcgis-js-apinpm install esri-loadernpm install sass-loader node-sass```步骤2:配置地图打开 src/main.js 文件并添加以下代码段:```import { loadModules } from 'esri-loader';//load ArcGIS CSSimport './assets/styles.scss';//load the ArcGIS JS API modules loadModules(['esri/Map','esri/views/MapView']).then(([ArcGISMap, MapView]) => {const map = new ArcGISMap({basemap: 'streets-vector'});const view = new MapView({container: 'viewDiv',map: map,center: [-116.538433,33.82975],zoom: 14});});```此代码段加载 ArcGIS JS API 模块,并使用它创建地图并将其显示在Web 应用程序中。
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LEVERAGE VBLOCK TM INFRASTRUCTURE PLATFORM FORESRI’S ARCGIS SYSTEMJUNE 2011 WHITE PAPERTable of ContentsExecutive Summary (3)The Challenge (3)The Solution (3)Audience (3)Terminology (4)Technology Overview (5)Vblock™ Inf rastructure Platforms (5)ArcGIS Introduction (7)ArcGIS System Components (7)Vblock Platform Logical Components (8)Service Profiles (9)Service Profile Templates (10)ArcGIS Configurations on a Vblock Platform (10)Ad-hoc GIS Analysis (11)Highly Available GIS Services (12)On Demand GIS Servers (13)Provisioning a New ArcGIS Environment Using UIM and vCloud Director (14)Creating and Deploying an ArcGIS Server vApp (14)Adding Application Resources to an Existing ArcGIS Server vApp (15)Adding Hardware Resources to an Existing ArcGIS Server vApp (15)Conclusion (16)Further Reading (16)Executive SummaryOrganizations are pursuing virtualization initiatives to deliver better IT services faster, more reliably, and at a lower cost than with traditional data center models. Improved technology provides increased efficiencies, cost reductions, and faster processes that can enable you to overcome challenges and to take advantage of opportunities.Understanding the benefits of virtualization, Esri has teamed up with the VCE Company to validate the ArcGIS System on the Vblock TM Infrastructure Platform, a converged infrastructure environment optimized for cloud computing. The Vblock solution enables ArcGIS System administrators to take advantage of the benefits of virtualization and converged infrastructure technology provided by three world-class corporations – Cisco®, EMC®, and VMware®. Through these technologies, administrators can manage their environment using service profile templates and an automation engine specifically designed for the Vblock platform, which greatly simplifies provisioning and configuring ArcGIS instances on blades and servers. These simplified provisioning options allow administrators to focus on adapting ArcGIS to respond to business demands instead of focusing on infrastructure deployment. After deploying ArcGIS in a virtual environment, administrators can focus more of their time directing fire-power at increasing availability, performance, capabilities, and finding better and more creative solutions to drive the business.This document provides:∙An introduction to Vblock platform and ArcGIS technology.∙ A description of common ArcGIS deployment methods on a Vblock platform.∙An overview of the steps required to provision a new ArcGIS Server instance using an automation engine designed for the Vblock platform.The ChallengeGIS data is being used for increasingly more purposes from generating maps to facilitating data integration. The increased use of GIS data also drives the increased collection of data. This growth of GIS data and its use has made the limitations of artifact systems evident. Building and maintaining computer clusters to perform computations and adding physical devices to store data is costly, inefficient and potentially limits data sharing.The SolutionSimplified provisioning enables administrators to rapidly provision new ArcGIS instances on blades and purpose servers. Using the VCE developed solutions described in this paper, administrators can manage their ArcGIS landscapes in a virtualized environment and quickly adjust to meet business demands.AudienceThis paper is intended for ArcGIS architects, basis administrators, or other individuals tasked with evaluating, acquiring, managing, operating, or deploying ArcGIS in a virtualized data center environment.TerminologyTerm DefinitionConverged Infrastructure An integration of Information Technology (IT) components, such asStorage, Network, Compute, and Virtualization, into a singleoptimized computing system.Process Automation A model to improve performance and provide cost savings byautomating redundant tasks to drive value for the business and itscustomers.Service Profile Templates Logical representations of desired physical configurations andinfrastructure policies.Virtual Machine A virtualized instance of an operating system that a virtualized hostand hypervisor manage and abstract the virtual machine from theunderlying physical hardware resources.Technology OverviewTogether VCE and Esri offer a robust, best-of-breed solution via technologies that enable enterprises to present GIS offerings to business users on a converged infrastructure.Vblock™ Infrastructure PlatformsVCE, the Virtual Computing Environment Company formed by Cisco and EMC with investments from VMware and Intel, represents an unprecedented level of collaboration in development, services and partner enablement by established market and technology leaders. VCE accelerates the adoption of converged infrastructure and cloud-based computing models that dramatically reduce the cost of IT while improving time to market for customers.VCE, through the Vblock platform, delivers the industry's first completely integrated IT offering that combines best-of-breed virtualization, networking, computing, storage, security and management technologies with end-to-end vendor accountability. VCE’s prepackaged solutions cover horizontal applications, vertical industry offerings and application development environments, allowing customers to focus on business innovation instead of integrating, validating and managing IT infrastructure. VCE provides the fastest, most efficient and effective path to pervasive virtualization and cloud computing, available to customers through a large and growing network of value added resellers, system integrators and service provider partners.Vblock platforms provide pre-engineered, production-ready (fully tested) virtualized infrastructure components, including the best-of-breed private cloud offerings from Cisco, EMC and VMware. Vblock platforms are designed and built to satisfy a broad range of specific customer implementation requirements. Vblock platforms scale to deliver the right performance and capacity to match the needs of business applications. The following Vblock platforms are available:Vblock Platform DescriptionVblock Series 700 Designed for deployments of very large numbers of virtual machines and users.Ideally suited to meet the higher performance and availability requirements of anenterprise's business critical applications.Vblock Series 300 Designed to address a wide spectrum of virtual machines, users, and applications.Ideally suited to achieve the scale required in both private and public cloudenvironments.Vblock 1 and 1U Designed for medium to high numbers of virtual machines. Ideally suited to a broadrange of usage scenarios, including shared services, e-mail, file and print, virtualdesktops, and collaboration.Vblock 0 Designed to support virtual machines in small to medium size enterprises. Ideallysuited to test and development deployments, shared services, file and print, andother smaller production environments.The following table lists components of each Vblock platform:For a more in depth overview of Vblock platforms, go to:/pdf/solutions/vce-vblock-infrastructure-technical-overview.pdfArcGIS IntroductionEsri’s ArcGIS is a complete system for designing and managing solutions through the application of geographic knowledge. ArcGIS provides the kind of deep analysis, understanding, and high-level decision-making that users and their organizations have come to depend upon for their desktop, mobile, and server GIS solutions. ArcGIS Desktop provides tools for spatial analysis, geographic data management, and high-end cartography. Desktop is used to produce geographic content (maps, models, tools) that can be distributed and optimized for mobile and web solutions. ArcGIS Mobile delivers GIS capabilities and data from centralized servers to a range of mobile devices. Mobile users can collect, edit, and update GIS data in real time and share information with colleagues promptly. ArcGIS Server connects people with the geographic information they need. Organizations use ArcGIS Server to distribute maps and other GIS capabilities provided by Web mapping applications and services to improve data management, planning and analysis, field worker optimization, visualization, and constituent engagement. With ArcGIS Server, you can:∙Publish fast, intuitive Web maps tailored to your audience∙Geographically enable your IT investments∙Centrally manage your geo-data∙Simplify access to large volumes of imagery resources∙Extend GIS to your mobile workforceArcGIS System ComponentsAn ArcGIS Server includes the following components:∙Web Application server– The web application server acts as a gateway between the core GIS services and clients. Within an ArcGIS Server deployment, the web tier supports web servicehandlers, which funnel http requests from clients via REST or SOAP protocols into the underlyingGIS Server component. Additionally, ArcGIS Server Manager, the web administration tool forArcGIS Server, resides in the web tier.∙GIS server– The GIS Server enables multi-user access to GIS resources such as map-services, globe-services, and locator-services. The GIS Server distributes GIS requests across thecomputing resources available on a single, or multiple servers.The GIS server itself is composed of two distinct parts: the Server Object Manager (SOM) andServer Object Containers (SOCs). The SOM, as the server resource manager, performs loadbalancing, distributing the server load across multiple SOCs. The SOCs run server processes. GIS administrators can configure servers to behave as the SOM (load balancer), SOCs (process hosts), or both. Please see figure 1 below for a load balancing configuration example.Typically, the GIS Server is configured to have access to:∙Vblock platform Storage Area Network (SAN), especially for the purpose of serving as the store for imagery, read-only vector data and map caches.∙Databases, either running in virtual machines or on bare-metal within the Vblock platform infrastructure, or outside in physical servers.Along with a typical ArcGIS Server deployment, ArcGIS Desktop machines are generally configured within the Vblock platform infrastructure to facilitate authoring of GIS resources such as maps and geoprocessing tools that will eventually be published to ArcGIS Server as GIS Web Services.Figure 1 – ArcGIS Server Load BalancingVblock Platform Logical ComponentsThe IT staff can manage Vblock platform using standard management tools, such as Unified Infrastructure Manager (UIM). UIM manages the configuration, provisioning, and compliance of a single Vblock platform and pools of aggregated Vblock platforms, simplifying deployment and integration into IT service catalogs and workflow engines. It thus can simplify Vblock platform deployment by abstracting the overall provisioning of the Vblock system while offering granular access to individual components for troubleshooting and fault management. In addition, Vblock platforms have an open management framework that allows organizations to integrate them with their current management tools if they prefer.In addition, IT can manage the workloads running on the Vblock platform with VMware management solutions: VMware vCenter Server and vCloud Director.Vblock Platform AutomationAutomation on the Vblock platform occurs through element (storage, network, and compute) manager applications. These element managers provide automation and virtualization of individual elements without requiring a specific end-to-end business solution.However, using APIs for each of the element managers (l ike “wrappers” around each API), the automation engine can perform a number of end-to-end provisioning steps on the Vblock platform allowing you to aggregate and simplify complex tasks, including:∙Selection of self-service portal choices (service offering, cost/capacity usage)∙Allocation of compute resources (service profiles, policies)∙Allocation of storage resources (devices, capacity)∙Configuration of network resources (VLAN, SAN)∙Configuration of ESX Server and cluster (ESX installation, cluster configuration)∙Allocation of Virtual Machines (VMs) (template cloning, Operating System and ArcGIS Server configuration)Element managers drive standardization, agility, and operational efficiency, allowing agile business process definitions.Service ProfilesService profiles are instances of a template (known as a “personality”) used to specify attributes to configure various aspects of a server’s functionality such as:∙UUID∙vNIC and vHBA∙MAC address∙VLAN∙WWNN and WWPN∙Policies∙Server assignmentAfter creating a service profile, you associate it with a blade to set that blade’s attributes.In this way, you can deploy multiple blades in your environment with the same configuration.Service Profile TemplatesService profile templates enable the rapid deployment of multiple service profiles using the same policies, pool attributes, number of vNICs and vHBAs, and other settings from an initial service profile.Before creating a service profile template, you need to consider how you want to use the template as two categories of service profile templates exist: initial and updating.You can use either type of template to create a new service profile; however, the type of template that you use sets the conditions for how changes are propagated to the service profiles created from that template as follows:Template Type ChangesInitial Template Not automatically propagated to service profiles created from that template.Any changes you make to the template, you must almost make to any serviceprofile created from that template, since the service profile is not connected tothe template.Updating Template Automatically propagated to service profiles created from that template as theservice profiles remain connected to it.ArcGIS Configurations on a Vblock PlatformThis section shows several typical ArcGIS configurations as deployed on a Vblock platform.A typical deployment of ArcGIS on a Vblock platform uses the following virtual machine (VM) templates:VM Template DescriptionWeb/SOM Includes both the Web Application Server and the Server Object Managercomponent.SOC Includes the Server Object Container only.Web/SOM/SOC Includes all components of ArcGIS Server.After creating these templates, you instantiate and configure any one of them as needed to support business demands. This section shows the following typical configurations:∙Ad-hoc GIS Analysis∙Highly Available Map Services∙On-Demand GIS ServersAd-hoc GIS AnalysisIn this configuration, a Web/SOM virtual server front-ends a cluster of multiple SOCs for a very large GIS analysis task such as:∙Building a large map cache to display maps on the web quickly∙Pre-computing derived GIS layers such as slope or aspect from a digital elevation model∙Running spatial data analysis for workforce optimization, etc.This configuration provides high data throughput to storage and high computing resources.Generally, you create this configuration temporarily for the duration of the job. Once the job is completed, you may terminate the Web/SOM and SOC VMs and use the output on a separate ArcGIS Server configuration optimized for publication. For example, once a map cache is built, it is sufficient to use a modest ArcGIS Server failover configuration with two small Web/SOM/SOC VMs to publish the map tiles. This configuration and pattern is applicable to data management, planning and analysis, workforce optimization, and constituent engagement pattern of use.Figure 2 – ArcGIS Ad-hoc GIS AnalysisHighly Available GIS ServicesThis configuration uses a redundant configuration of ArcGIS Servers fronted by a load balancer. You create this configuration using Vblock platform VM-Templates that include all the components of ArcGIS Server: the Web, the SOM and the SOC. Multiple ArcGIS Server clones point to a common repository of data (shown as a SAN in the following diagram but could also be a database). The ArcGIS Server clones are configured for fail-over using Vblock platform load balancing capabilities, for example to provide active-passive fail-over where a passive ArcGIS Server automatically comes online if the active one fails.Figure 3 – ArcGIS Highly Available GIS ServicesOn Demand GIS ServersThis configuration allows you to respond to an unanticipated load on a particular application or web service. Through the use of Vblock platform automation, you can create SOC VM-Templates and then add SOCS to the ArcGIS Server deployment on demand.The following figure shows four SOCs configured to power an average workload in the GIS Server. It also shows how, using the Vblock platform and ArcGIS Server APIs, you can dynamically allocate two additional virtual servers (performing as SOCs) when required. You can use this configuration to add virtual machines to ArcGIS at scheduled times or as needed depending on the load of the system.Figure 4 – On Demand GIS ServersProvisioning a New ArcGIS Environment Using UIM and vCloud Director Being able to quickly provision a new ArcGIS Server environment, or add resources or nodes to an existing array without significant manual work is an important part of maintaining applications. On the Vblock platform, you manage that process using the following tools:Tool DescriptionVMware vCloud Director End user VM/vApp provisioning tool that allows application owners/users to deploy new resources.Unified Infrastructure Manager Simplifies the management and operations across multiple Vblock platforms, supporting private, public and hybrid cloud environments. Enables "single click" end-to-end Vblock resource provisioning that is 80% more efficient and 5 times faster than other methods.These tools can help infrastructure administrators provide QA over ArcGIS Server deployments and streamline the hardware stack that supports those deployments. They are also essential to the rapid deployment and teardown of ArcGIS Server environments, including allowing multiple environments to co-exist in an isolated fashion. For detailed information, please review the “VMWARE VCLOUD ON VBLOCK SOLUTIONS BRIEF” available on the website.The following steps illustrate how you can achieve simplified provisioning using a Vblock platform. Creating and Deploying an ArcGIS Server vAppTo rapidly create a test ArcGIS Server system, perform the following steps:1. Log into the vCloud Director portal.2. Click on the “My Cloud” tab and select the “Esri ArcGIS Server” vApp from the appropriate catalog.3. Select the Organizational vCD in which to run the vApp, as well as the external (public) network towhich to connect.4. Initiate a full copy of the vApp from the catalog to the local organization, and click the “Start” buttonto power on the vApp.vApp includes a completely fenced internal vApp network by default; thus, vApp isolates every deployed instance from the others, even if those instances share the same IP addressing scheme.Adding Application Resources to an Existing ArcGIS Server vAppTo add more application resources (or nodes) to an existing environment, perform the following steps:1. Log into the vCloud Director portal.2. Click on the “My Cloud” tab and select the required VM type from the appropriate catalog.Possibilities include:a. Additional front-end web serversb. Additional SOC/SOM serversc. VMs to provide additional ArcGIS Server functionality (for example, mobile)3. Select the Organizational vCD in which to run the vApp, as well as the external (public) network towhich to connect.4. Initiate a full copy of the vApp from the catalog to the local organization.5. Once the vApp with the single VM you chose has been deployed, right-click the VM and select“Move to”.6. Select the existing vApp to which to add resources to configure the VM name, Computer Name,and Networks, then click “Finish”.7. Add the new server into the application as appropriate.In this way, you can add resources in a very granular fashion while taking advantage of pre-built and pre-configured server templates, thus improving deployment times and quality control.Adding Hardware Resources to an Existing ArcGIS Server vAppTo add more host resources into a VMware vCloud Director environment running on a Vblock infrastructure platform using UIM and VMware vCenter, perform the following steps:1. Add new blades into the Vblock platform and assign them to the appropriate server pool.2. Configure those blades to belong to the Service Offering in which the Esri ArcGIS Server resides.3. After UIM provisioning, verify that the new ESX server(s) have been added to vCenter.VMware vCloud Director automatically recognizes and prepares the new host. No additionalconfiguration is required. VMware vCloud Director adds the resources of the host to the server pool that can be assigned to Provider vCDs.In this way, you can allocate additional hardware resources to the ArcGIS Server environments in a non-disruptive manner.ConclusionThe Vblock solution enables ArcGIS administrators to manage their resources in a converged infrastructure environment and take advantage of the benefits of virtualization. This paper provides an administrator an understanding of the components that make up a Vblock platform and Esri ArcGIS, as well as the concepts of service profiles and service profile templates prior to provisioning a new server or blade in a Vblock platform environment.Although this paper discusses provisioning new ArcGIS instances on a server, any component that uses Vblock platform follows the same model of using service profile templates and automation engines to rapidly provision new application instances on a Vblock platform.For this use case, using service profile templates and the automation engine designed for the Vblock platform dramatically simplifies the provisioning process for new ArcGIS instances on blades and servers. Where the time it takes to provision a new ArcGIS instance is normally measured in hours, this is now reduced to minutes; thus eliminating the need to repeat steps. These templates allow administrators to quickly respond to changing business needs and requirements, while also maintaining operational efficiency and agility.Combining ArcGIS Server with Vblock platform provides Esri ArcGIS customers with the following benefits: ∙The best of the breed compute, networking, storage, and virtualization∙ A fully virtualized environment with the flexibility to move resources from one VM to another VM ∙Reduced complexity; preconfigured and centralized IT resources leads to standardized IT services ∙Predictable performance and operational characteristics∙Ability to scale-up and down on the demand to meet peak and valley requirements∙Load sharing and balancing of resources among multiple users for higher efficiency and utilization ∙Improved GIS service and operationsFurther ReadingVblock Infrastructure Platforms Tech Overview - /pdf/solutions/vce-vblock-infrastructure-technical-overview.pdfDriving Business Value with Vblock Platform - /pdf/solutions/vce-vblock-business-value-whitepaper.pdfVblock Solution for Trusted Multi-Tenancy - /pdf/solutions/vce-trusted-multi-tenancy-white-paper.pdfEsri ArcGIS - /software/arcgis/index.htmlArcGIS Server Functionality Matrix (white paper) - /library/brochures/pdfs/arcgis-server-functionality-matrix.pdfGIS in the Cloud: The Esri Example. By David Chappell - /library/whitepapers/pdfs/gis-in-the-cloud-chappell.pdfABOUT VCEVCE, the Virtual Computing Environment formed by Cisco and EMC with investments from VMware and Intel, accelerates the adoption of converged infrastructure and cloud-based computing models that dramatically reduce the cost of IT while improving time to market for our customers. VCE, through the Vblock platform, delivers the industry's first completely integrated IT offering with end-to-end vendor accountability. VCE's prepackaged solutions are available through an extensive partner network, and cover horizontal applications, vertical industry offerings, and application development environments, allowing customers to focus on business innovation instead of integrating, validating and managing IT infrastructure. For more information, go to .ABOUT ESRISince 1969, Esri has been helping organizations map and model our world. Esri’s GIS software tools and methodologies enable these organizations to effectively analyze and manage their geographic information and make better decisions. They are supported by our experienced and knowledgeable staff and extensive network of business partners and international distributors. A full-service GIS company, Esri supports the implementation of GIS technology on desktops, servers, online services, and mobile devices. These GIS solutions are flexible, customizable, and easy to use.Copyright © 2011 VCE Company, LLC. All rights reserved. Vblock and the VCE logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of VCE Company, LLC. and/or its affiliates in the United States or other countries. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.。