water treatment technology--1
Prevention and control
Strengthen the management of toxic chemical emissions and control the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
03 Water pollution prevention and control
fishing, agriculture, and the tourism industry
The ecosystem is disrupted, leading to a decline in biodiversity and the degradation of habitats
02 Water pollution types
Thermal pollution can cause an increase in water temperature,
affect the living environment of aquatic organisms, and disrupt
the ecological balance of water bodies.
Prevention and control
Strengthen the management of industrial wastewater discharge, control acid rain discharge, and reduce the discharge of heavy metal ions.
Prevention and control
Strengthen the construction of sewage treatment facilities, improve sewage treatment efficiency, and reduce sewage discharge.
工作电极(working electrode) 辅助电极(counter electrode) 参比电极(reference electrode)
电化学氧化 电化学还原 电吸附 电凝聚 电渗析
利用不溶性阳极的直接电解氧化作用,或阳极反应产物(Cl2、 ClO-、O2)间接的氧化作用,降解消除水中的氰、酚以及COD、 S2-等污染物。
使有机物或还原性无机物氧化为无害物质, 对于难降解有毒有机物转化有意义
(electrolytic cell)
电化学水处理技术是指在外加电场的 作用下,在特定的电化学反应器内, 通过一定的化学反应、电化学过程或 物理过程,对废水中的污染物进行降 解的过程。
2、基本原理 阳极过程:有机物氧化
直 接 电 解 原 理 间 接 电 解
可逆过程:金属氧化物高低价态 转化 不可逆过程:产生的强氧化性物质 或自由基
1、 环境兼容性高 电化学技术中使用清洁、有效的电 子作为强氧化还原试剂, 是一种基本对环境无污染的 “绿色”生产技术。 2、多功能性 电化学过程具有直接或间接氧化与还原、 相分离、浓缩与稀释、生物杀伤等功能,能处理到 1 ×10-6L的气、液体和固体污染物。 3、能量高利用率 与其他一些过程相比, 电化学过程可 在较低温度下进行。它不受卡诺循环的限制,能量利 用率高。通过控制电位、合理设计电极与电解池,减 小能量损失。 4、经济实用 设备、操作简单, 费用低。
合流污水的一大特点是旱季和雨季的水质、水量变化大,雨季污水B O D浓度低,不利于生化处理。
3.通过安排适当的进出水口位置、回流污泥入口位置,氧化沟可形式一个倒置A2/0工艺,在去除B O D 的同时,能取得较好的氮磷去除效果4.熟化塘的应用,为处理水安全排放水体,能够提供可靠的技术保证。
1. w/l ratio ==> 宽长⽐2. wafer ==> 薄⽚3. wafer cutting ==> 切⽚4. wafer descumming ==> 清除薄⽚上浮渣5. wafer developer ==> 晶⽚显影器6. wafer dicing saw ==> 切⽚锯7. wafer distortion ==> 晶⽚变形8. wafer drying spinner ==> 薄⽚⼲燥⽤离⼼机9. wafer engraving ==> 晶⽚刻蚀10. wafer fabrication line ==> 薄⽚制造线11. wafer fabrication module ==> 圆⽚制造⽤组件12. wafer flat ==> 薄⽚取向⾯13. wafer flatness ==> 薄⽚平⾯度14. wafer gettering ==> 晶⽚吸除15. wafer handler ==> 晶⽚装卸器16. wafer handling ==> 晶⽚传送17. wafer handling module ==> 晶⽚传送组件18. wafer identification ==> 晶⽚识别19. wafer inspection microscope ==> 晶⽚检查显微镜20. wafer inspection station ==> 硅⽚检验台21. wafer inspector ==> 晶⽚检查装置22. wafer leveling ==> 晶⽚平整23. wafer lithography ==> 晶⽚光刻24. wafer loader ==> 圆⽚输⼊器25. wafer loading ==> 圆⽚输⼊26. wafer mapping ==> 晶⽚图形布置27. wafer marking ==> 晶⽚打标28. wafer measurig equipment ==> 薄⽚测量设备29. wafer nonflatness ==> 薄⽚的⾮平⾯度30. wafer patterning ==> 薄⽚图案形成31. wafer polishing machine ==> 晶⽚抛光装置32. wafer positioner ==> 薄⽚定位器33. wafer prealignment ==> 薄⽚预对准34. wafer printer ==> 晶⽚光刻装置35. wafer printing ==> 晶⽚光刻36. wafer prober ==> 晶⽚检测仪37. wafer processing equipment ==> 薄⽚加⼯装置38. wafer reading ==> 薄⽚标记读出39. wafer resistivity ==> 薄⽚电阻率40. wafer scale integrated circuit ==> 圆⽚规模集成电路41. wafer scale integration ==> 圆⽚规模集成化42. wafer scale memory ==> 圆⽚规模存储器43. wafer scanner ==> 薄⽚扫描器44. wafer scriber dicer ==> 薄⽚的划切装置45. wafer scrubber ==> 硅⽚擦洗机46. wafer shipping box ==> 薄⽚装运盒47. wafer slicing ==> 切⽚48. wafer sort ==> ⽚⼦分类49. wafer spacing ==> 薄⽚间距50. wafer stepper lithography ==> 薄⽚的步进式光刻51. wafer stepper projection system ==> 薄⽚的步进式投影曝光装置52. wafer throughput rate ==> 薄⽚处理速度53. wafer to mask gap ==> 薄⽚掩模间隙54. wafer to wafer repeatability ==> 薄⽚间重现性55. wafer topography ==> 薄⽚构形56. wafer transfer ==> 晶⽚传送57. wafer transfer system ==> 晶⽚传送系统58. wafer transport ==> 晶⽚传送59. wafer type component ==> 圆⽚型元件60. wafer typer ==> 薄⽚导电型测量仪61. wafer warpage ==> 薄⽚弯曲62. wafer yield ==> 晶⽚成品率63. wafering ==> 切⽚64. wafertrack ==> 薄⽚环带65. wafertrack line ==> 硅⽚廉线66. wagner ground ==> ⽡格纳接地67. wait state ==> 等待状态68. waiting system ==> 等待系统69. waiting time ==> 等待时间70. walkie lookie ==> 便携式电视机71. walkie talkie ==> 对讲机,携带式⽆线电话机72. Walkie Talkie ==> 步话机73. wall ==> 墙74. wall absorption ==> 壁吸收75. wall bracket ==> 壁⽀架76. wall bushing ==> 穿壁套管77. wall diagramm ==> 壁指⽰图表78. wall distortion ==> 波导管壁失真79. wall effect ==> 期效应80. wall fitting ==> 壁灯81. wall lamp ==> 壁灯82. wall losses ==> 期损失83. wall mounting ==> 壁上安装84. wall plate ==> 壁装插座板85. wall plug receptacle ==> 壁插座86. wall socket ==> 壁插座87. wall telephone set ==> 培机88. wall type and retractable soot blower ==> 墙式,伸缩式吹灰器89. wallman amplifier ==> 阴地栅地级联放⼤器涡尔曼放⼤器90. wallman circuit ==> 级联放⼤器91. WAMS, Wide Area Measurement System ==> ⼴域测量系统92. wan ==> ⼴域93. wandering beam ==> 徘徊射束94. WAP, Wireless Application Protocol ==> ⽆线应⽤协议(即使⼿机具有上功能)95. ward leonard system ==> 沃德伦纳德制96. warm air curtain ==> 热风幕97. warm up time ==> 预热时间98. WARMAP, Wide ARea Moniting Analysis Protection control ==> ⼴域监测分析保护控制系统(南瑞注册的商标)99. warming line ==> 加热管100. warning ==> 警报101. warning signal ==> 报警信号102. warren motor ==> ⽡伦式同步马达103. wash ==> 清洗104. wash discharge test ==> 放电试验105. wash tank ==> 冲洗箱106. wash tray ==> 洗涤塔盘107. washer ==> 垫圈,清洗机108. washer liquid ==> 洗液109. waste field ==> 泄漏磁场110. waste gas ==> 废⽓111. waste heat boiler ==> 废热锅炉112. waste treatment ==> 废物处理113. watch dog relay ==> 监视继电器114. water ==> ⽔115. water absorbed in the core structures ==> 堆芯结构吸收的⽔116. water absorbing quality ==> 吸⽔性117. water absorption ==> 吸⽔率118. water activity meter ==> ⽔放射性[测量]计119. water admixing installation ==> 混⽔装置120. water-air-cooled machine ==> 间接⽔冷式空冷电机121. water-air ratio ==> ⽔⽓⽐122. water analysis ==> ⽔分析123. water annealing ==> ⽔韧[退⽕]处理124. water as refrigerant ==> 冷剂⽔125. water aspirator ==> ⽔抽⼦126. water atomizer ==> ⽔雾化器127. water attack ==> ⽔[冲]击,(汽轮机)进⽔128. water back ==> (炉排)⽔冷渣挡129. water baffle ==> 挡⽔板130. water balance ==> ⽔平衡131. water bath ==> ⽔浴,⽔槽132. water-bath evaportor ==> ⽔槽蒸发器133. water battery ==> ⽔电池134. water-bearing bed ==> 含⽔层135. water-bearing concreae ==> 含⽔混凝⼟136. water blast pump ==> ⽔喷射泵137. water block ==> ⽔封138. water bloom ==> ⽔发绿,⽔华139. water boiler ==> 热⽔锅炉140. water boiler reactor ==> 沸⽔反应堆141. water-borne ==> 带⽔的142. water-borne contaminant ==> ⽔中的污染物143. water-borne noise ==> ⽔中噪声144. water-borne radioactivity ==> ⽔中放射性145. water-borne waste ==> ⽔载废物146. water box cover ==> ⽔室盖147. water channel ==> ⽔路148. water circuit breaker ==> ⽔中开关,断⽔器149. water circulation ==> ⽔循环150. water consumption ==> 耗⽔量151. water coolant ==> 冷却⽔152. water-cooled ==> ⽔冷的153. water-cooled transformer ==> ⽔冷变压器154. water cooled tube ==> ⽔冷管155. water-cooled valve ==> ⽔冷管156. water cooling ==> ⽔冷157. water corrosion ==> ⽔腐蚀158. water curing ==> ⽔处理159. water-cycling system ==> ⽔循环系统160. water damage ==> ⽔[蚀]损伤161. water delivery ==> 供⽔162. water deprivation ==> 脱⽔[作⽤]163. water discharge ==> 排⽔量164. water-discharge tube ==> 排⽔管165. water disinfection ==> ⽔的消毒166. water divider ==> 配⽔器167. water drain ==> 排⽔沟168. water drain pipe ==> 排⽔管169. water drain valve ==> 排⽔阀170. water drainage ==> 排⽔171. water drip cooler ==> ⽔淋冷却器172. water droplet ==> ⽔滴173. water dropper ==> ⽔滴集电器174. water engine ==> ⽔⼒发动机175. water erosion ==> ⽔蚀176. water feeder ==> 给⽔器177. water film ==> ⽔膜178. water filter ==> 滤⽔器179. water-flow-alarm system ==> ⽔流量警报系统180. water flux ==> ⽔通量181. water gage ==> ⽔位表182. water gas ==> ⽔煤⽓183. water gate ==> ⽔闸184. water hammer ==> ⽔锤效应,⽔击185. water hardness ==> ⽔[质]硬度186. water head ==> 落差,⽔[柱压]头187. water heating ==> ⽔暖188. water heating bath ==> ⽔加热槽189. water immersion test ==> ⽔浸试验190. water immersion wire ==> 潜⽔电线191. water induction prevent control ==> 防进⽔控制192. water injection ==> 喷⽔193. water injection augmentation ==> 喷⽔加⼒(压⽓机) 194. water injet ==> 进⽔⼝195. water jacket ==> ⽔套196. water-jet arrester ==> ⽔柱放电器,⽔柱避雷器197. water-jet cutting ==> ⽔射流切割198. water lance ==> 喷⽔枪199. water lancing cleaning ==> ⽔枪清洗200. water laser ==> ⽔蒸汽激光器201. water-level ==> ⽔位202. water-level alarm ==> ⽔位报警203. water-level gauge ==> ⽔位计204. water-level indicator ==> ⽔位指⽰器205. water-level regulator ==> ⽔位调整器206. water-level telemetering ==> ⽔位遥测207. water lime ==> 熟⽯灰208. water line ==> ⽔管209. water-line attack ==> ⽔线腐蚀210. water line corrosion ==> ⽔线腐蚀211. water load ==> ⽔负载212. water main ==> ⽔母管,总⽔管213. water management ==> ⽔[务]管理214. water mark ==> ⽔位标记215. water moderated reactor ==> ⽔衰减反应堆216. water of crystallization ==> 结晶⽔217. water outlet ==> 出⽔⼝218. water outlet valve ==> 出⽔[⼝]阀219. water pipe ==> ⽔管220. water pipe grounding system ==> ⽔管接地制221. water plant ==> ⾃来⽔⼚222. water pollution index ==> ⽔污染指数223. water pollution monitor ==> ⽔污染监测仪224. water power ==> ⽔⼒225. water-power development ==> ⽔⼒开发,⽔电开发226. water power plant ==> ⽔⼒发电⼚227. water power resources ==> ⽔⼒资源228. water power site ==> ⽔⼒发电地点229. water power station ==> ⽔⼒发电⼚230. water pressure relay ==> ⽔压继电器231. water processing ==> ⽔处理232. water-proof ==> 防⽔的233. water-proof case ==> 防⽔外壳234. water-proof course ==> 防⽔层235. water-proof insulation ==> 防⽔绝缘236. water-proof layer ==> 防⽔层237. water-proof machine ==> 防⽔型电机238. water-proof mortar ==> 防⽔砂浆239. water-proof motor ==> 防⽔型电动机240. water-proof structure ==> 防⽔结构241. water-proof wire ==> 防⽔线,耐潮线242. water purification system ==> ⽔净化器243. water recirculator ==> ⽔再循环器244. water repellent resin ==> 防⽔树脂245. water resistance ==> ⽔电阻246. water rheostat ==> ⽔变阻器247. water soluble flux ==> ⽔溶性焊剂248. water stop flange ==> ⽌⽔法兰249. water supply control ==> 供⽔控制250. water supply facility island ==> ⽔⼯岛251. water tight lamp holder ==> 密封灯头252. water tight packing ==> 防⽔填料253. water treatment technology ==> ⽔净化技术254. water tube boiler ==> ⽔管锅炉255. water turbine ==> ⽔轮机256. water wheel ==> ⽔车257. water wheel generator ==> ⽔轮发电机258. waterbaffle ==> ⽔冷隔板259. waterproof machine ==> 防⽔式电机260. waterproof wire ==> 耐⽔线261. watertight housing ==> ⽔密外壳262. watertight lampholder ==> 防⽔灯座263. watertight lighting fitting ==> 防⽔照明装置264. watertight machine ==> 不透⽔型电机265. watertight motor ==> 不透⽔型电动机266. wats ==> 宽域电话业务267. watt ==> ⽡268. watt consumption ==> ⽡特数269. watt current ==> 有效电流270. watt hour ==> ⽡时271. watt hour capacity ==> ⽡时容量272. watt hour constant ==> ⽡时常数273. watt hour demand meter ==> 需量⽡时计274. watt hour efficiency ==> ⽡时效率275. watt hour meter ==> ⽡时计276. watt loss ==> 电阻损耗277. watt second ==> ⽡秒278. Watt, J.Watt ==> 1736-1819,英国⼈,发明蒸汽机279. wattage ==> ⽡特数280. wattless component ==> ⽆功部分281. wattless component meter ==> ⽆功电度表282. wattless current ==> ⽆功电流283. wattless kilowatts ==> ⽆功千伏安284. wattless power ==> ⽆功功率285. wattless power meter ==> ⽆功功率表286. wattmeter ==> ⽡特计287. wattmeter method ==> ⽡特计法288. watts out ==> 发出⽡数289. watts output ==> 发出⽡数290. wave ==> 波291. wave absorber ==> 电波吸收体292. wave acoustic ==> 物理声学293. wave action ==> 激活作⽤294. wave aerial ==> ⾏波天线295. wave amplitude ==> 波幅296. wave analyzer ==> 波形分析器297. wave angle ==> 电波仰⾓,波程⾓298. wave antenna ==> ⾏波天线299. wave attenuation ==> 波的衰减300. wave band ==> 频带301. wave band filter ==> 波带滤波器302. wave changing switch ==> 波长转换开关303. wave channel ==> 波道304. wave cluter ==> 海⾯杂乱回波305. wave coil ==> 波绕线圈306. wave constant ==> 波长常数307. wave converter ==> 波变换器308. wave crest ==> 波峰309. wave detector ==> 检波器310. wave differential equation ==> 波动微分⽅程311. wave diffraction ==> 波衍射312. wave director ==> 引向器,导波体,波导313. wave distortion ==> 波形畸变314. wave drag ==> 波阻⼒315. wave energy ==> 波能316. wave energy air turbine ==> 波能空⽓涡轮机317. wave energy extractor ==> 波能发电站318. wave energy generator ==> 波能发电机319. wave energy power plant ==> 波能发电⼚320. wave envelope ==> 波包络线321. wave equation ==> 波动⽅程322. wave filter ==> 滤波器323. wave front ==> 波前,波阵⾯,冲击波头324. wave front angle ==> 波阵⾯⾓,波前倾⾓325. wave front matching ==> 波前匹配326. wave front steepness ==> 波冲前沿斜率327. wave function ==> 波函数,波动函数328. wave generator ==> 波形信号发⽣器329. wave heater ==> 电磁波加热器330. wave impedance ==> 波阻抗331. wave interference ==> 波⼲涉,波⼲扰332. wave launcher ==> 电波发射器,射波器333. wave length ==> 波长334. wave line ==> 电波传播⽅向335. wave loop ==> 波腹336. wave mechanics ==> 波动⼒学337. wave mode ==> 波型338. wave motion ==> 波动339. wave motor ==> 波⼒发动机340. wave node ==> 波节341. wave normal ==> 波法线342. wave number ==> 波数343. wave of translation ==> 平移波344. wave packet ==> 波群345. wave-path ==> 电波传播路径346. wave pattern ==> 波谱347. wave power ==> 波浪发电,海浪发电348. wave-power breakwater ==> 拦浪发电站349. wave-power device ==> 波浪发电装置350. wave-powered buoy ==> 波浪发电浮筒351. wave process ==> 波动过程352. wave propagation ==> 波的传播353. wave quenching ==> 波动熄灭354. wave radiation ==> 电波辐射355. wave range ==> 波段356. wave-range switch ==> 波段开关357. wave reflection ==> 波反射358. wave refraction ==> 波折射359. wave resistance ==> 波阻360. wave shape ==> 波形361. wave spectrum ==> 波谱362. wave tail ==> 波尾363. wave theory of light ==> 光的波动理论364. wave tilt ==> 波前倾斜365. wave time history ==> 波浪时间历程曲线366. wave train ==> 波串,波列,进⾏波367. wave trap ==> 陷波电路368. wave vector ==> 波⽮量,波向量369. wave velocity ==> 波速370. wave voltage ==> 波电压371. wave winding ==> 波状绕组372. waveform ==> 波形373. waveform analyzer ==> 波形分析器374. waveform characteristic ==> 波形特性375. waveform convertor ==> 波形变换器376. waveform corrector ==> 波形校正器377. waveform distortion ==> 波形失真378. waveform pulse ==> 波形脉冲379. waveform separation ==> 波形分离,波形区分380. waveform space ==> 信号空间381. waveform synthesizer ==> 波形综合器382. wavefront ==> 波前383. waveguide ==> 波导,波导管384. waveguide attenuator ==> 波导衰减器385. waveguide bend ==> 波导弯头386. waveguide bridge ==> 波导电桥387. waveguide circulator ==> 波导循环器波导环⾏器388. waveguide coaxial junction ==> 波导管同轴接头389. waveguide dispersion ==> 波导分散390. waveguide filter ==> 波导滤波器391. waveguide gasket ==> 波导垫圈392. waveguide junction ==> 波导接头393. waveguide laser ==> 波导管激光394. waveguide length ==> 波导长度395. waveguide lens ==> 波导透镜396. waveguide modulator ==> 波导调制器397. waveguide phase shifter ==> 波导移相器398. waveguide post ==> 波导端⼦399. waveguide radiator ==> 波导辐射器400. waveguide resonator ==> 波导谐振器401. waveguide section ==> 波导管节402. waveguide short ==> 波导短路403. waveguide shutter ==> 波导开闭器404. waveguide stub ==> 波导短截405. waveguide switch ==> 波导转换开关406. waveguide synchrotron ==> 波导同步加速器407. waveguide transformer ==> 波导变换器408. waveguide transition ==> 波导管过渡409. waveguide tuner ==> 波导式调谐器410. waveguide twist ==> 波导扭转接头411. waveguide wall ==> 波导壁412. wavelength ==> 波长413. wavelength constant ==> 波长常数414. wavelength division solar cell ==> 波长分割太阳能电池415. wavelength in vacuum ==> 真空波长416. wavelength of light ==> 光波长。
关键词电化学;水处理;技术应用;工艺Abstract: This paper analyzed and compared in detail according to the main water treatment technology, through the electrochemical water treatment technology and careful study of the characteristics and the main technological process, help of electrochemical water treatment technology has been more widely used in practice. According to the analysis of the main technical principle and scope of application, to strengthen its presence in the actual operation effect, so that this technology can get better development, better reasonable treatment of the polluted water resources, protection of environment and development will be placed in the most important position.Key words electrochemistry; water treatment; application of technology; Technology 中图分类号:TU45 文献标识码: A文章编号:2095-2104(2012)01-0020-02水资源是人类赖以生存和发展的关键,如何很好的保护水资源,减少对其污染和危害,是现今一项比较被人们关注的话题。
Exhibitor Profiles 参展范围WATER TECHNOLOGY 水科技∙Water Treatment Plants 净水设备∙Desalination Plants 海水淡化设备∙Water Bottle Companies 采水设备∙Asbestos, GRP, Fibre Glass, HDPE, PVC, G.I. Stainless Steel & Other Pipes 石棉、GRP材料、玻璃纤维、高密度聚乙烯、PVC、不锈钢及其他材料管道∙Water Treatment Chemicals 水处理药品∙Water Coolers & Water Heaters 冷水及暖水设备∙Water Savers & Water Scooters 节水器∙Water Well Drilling Equipment & Accessories 水井钻探设备∙Water SCADA Software 水检测及数据采集软件∙Warming Tapes 水管保温材料∙Pumps 水泵∙Valves-Gate, Butterfly, Air, Pressure Reducing 阀门、减压装置∙Irrigation System 灌溉系统∙Sanitary Wares & Accessories 卫浴∙Agriculture & Horticulture Equipment 农业及园艺设备∙Chlorination System 氯化消毒系统∙Dewatering Equipment 脱水设备∙Waterproofing Products 防水产品RENEWABLE ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM再生能源环保系统A类. Energy Conservation Products and Technologies 节能产品及科技∙Energy / Water-saving Appliances: 节水、节能用品∙Air-Conditioners, Dishwashers, 空调、洗碗机∙Refrigerators, Vacuum Cleaners, 冰箱、吸尘器Washers / Dryers, Appliances 洗涤/脱干机∙Emerging Lighting Technologies - LED Devices, LED Materials, OLEDs 新型照明科技-LED设备、LED材料∙Windows Technologies: - Window glazing technology for residential and commercial buildings - Advanced framing systems - Vacuum glazing窗户科技:窗户玻璃科技,住宅及商业用途,先进框架系统,真空玻璃等∙Emerging HVAC and Water Heating Technologies 新兴暖通空调及水加热科技∙Green Dispensing & Cooling Systems, Vending Machines manufacturers 绿色喷洒及降温系统,自动售货机∙Smart Grid Technologies 智能电网科技∙Tanks/Reservoir Lining Materials 蓄水池里料∙Fibre Glass Products 玻璃纤维产品∙Manhole Covers 井盖∙Micro Tunneling Equipment 小型管道设备∙Pipeline Coating Systems 管道外包系统∙Sealants 密封剂∙Adhesives 粘合剂∙Leak Detection Equipment 检漏设备∙Water Transmission & Distribution-related Products 水传输和分配产品ENERGY TECHNOLOGY 能源科技∙Boilers 锅炉∙Turbines 涡轮机∙Compressors 压缩机∙Motors 发动机∙Generators 发电机∙Air-conditioners 空调机∙Air-conditioning Chillers & Heat 冷风机/热风机∙Exchangers 交换机∙Air-Purification & Cleaning Equipment 空气净化机清新设备∙Air Curtains & Filters 空气过滤器∙Auto Recloser 自动重合闸∙Batteries & Battery Charges 电池及充电器∙Bearing & Gears 轴承及齿轮∙Industrial Belts 工业皮带B类. Environment Protection Products & Services环保产品及服务∙Air Quality: - Air filtration systems - Air purification, deodorization technology andequipment - Air pollution and gas emission control -Indoor air quality technology and systems空气质量相关:空气过滤器,空气净化器/除臭科技及设备,空气污染及煤气泄漏监控,室内空气净化科技及系统∙Eco-friendly landscape designs 生物环保景观设计∙Biodegradable products: Plastic, paper, organic 可生物降解产品:塑料、纸料、有机材料C类. Clean Energy Technologies 清洁能源科技∙Biomass Technologies 生物质能科技∙Fuel Cell Technologies 燃料电池科技∙Solar Technologies: - Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal 太阳能科技:光电伏、太阳能∙Hydro Power Technologies 水电科技D类. Recycling Technologies and Products可循环科技及产品∙Bolts, Nuts & Chains 螺栓、螺母及链条∙Hardware Tools, Tackles & Gaskets 五金工具、索具∙Brake Parts & Lining 阀门零件∙Cables-HV/MV/LV/Control 索链∙Cable Fault Locator 电缆故障探测仪∙Cabinet 柜∙Cast Resin Transformer 变压器∙Wire Manufacturing 电线制造设备∙Cable Joints & Accessories 电缆接头及设备∙Cable Tiles/Protection covers/UPVC pipes 电缆盒/电缆外套及UPVC管∙Calibration Equipment & Gauges 校准设备及仪表∙Cathodic Protection System 阴极防护系统∙Centrifugal Machineries 离心机设备∙Industrial Chemicals & Products 化工原料及产品∙Communication Systems & Equipment 通讯系统及设备Distribution-related Products 配送关联产品∙Computers 电脑∙Conduits & Electric Fittings 管线及电气配件∙Control Systems-Industrial & Residential 工业及住宅用控制系统∙Corrosion Control System 防腐控制系统∙Cranes 起重机∙Control Safety, System Protection &Monitoring Equipment 安全控制、系统保护及监控设备∙Cooling & Heating Equipment 冷却剂加热设备∙Technology recycling: e-waste 回收技术∙Paper and Material recycling 纸料及材料回收E类. Environment-friendly Products and Smart Technologies环保产品及科技∙Household: 家用设备∙- Appliances and consumer devices 电器及消费类产品∙- Consumer electronics 消费电子类∙- Household appliances 家庭用品∙- Green components and equipment for electrical appliances 绿色电子设备∙- Home Automation Systems 家庭自动化系统∙- Green IT; Energy-efficient IT technologies 绿色高科技∙Industrial: 工业类∙- Green engineering and technologies 绿色能源及科技∙- Eco-friendly materials for construction and fitting 建筑及家居环保材料∙- Green roof systems and green walls 绿色屋顶及墙面系统F类. Corporate Sustainability, Government, Regulatory Agencies, Institutions & Authorities∙Diesel Engines 柴油机∙Distance Relays 远程继电器∙Differential Relays 差速器∙Earthing/Lighting Equipment & Accessories 接地/照明设备及配件∙Fan & Exhaust Systems 风扇及排气系统∙Firefighting Equipment & System 消防设备及系统∙Fuel Handling & Injection system 燃料处理及注入系统∙FGRP Kiosks 简易房屋∙Galvanizing Products 镀锌产品∙Gas Detectors 气体检测器∙Geographic Information (GIS systems)定位系统∙Gas Insulated Switchgear气体绝缘封闭组合电器∙Safety Equipment, PPE Items 安全装置∙Horizontal Drilling Equipment 水平钻孔设备∙Hydraulic Equipment & Tools 液压设备及工具∙HRC Fuses Links/ MCCBs 保险管∙Industrial & Power Automation 工业及电力自动化∙Instrumentation & Calibration 仪表及校准工具∙Insulation Material 绝缘材料∙Lifts & Escalators 升降机∙Lighting Fixtures-Industrial & Residential 工业及住宅用照明设备∙Industrial Linings 工业填料∙Lubricants-Industrial 工业润滑剂∙Magnetic Devices 磁力设备∙Relays-Control & Protection 继电器控制及保护装置企业、政府、监管机构、研究机构、官方机构∙- Green Energy Solutions Providers 绿色能源解决方案∙- Municipalities and Government Authorities 政府机构∙- Environmental Management Companies 环境管理企业∙- Environmental Associations - SustainablePublications 环保机构及可持续发展出版机构G类 Building Energy , Auditing Software Products OIL AND GAS 建筑能源,核算软件产品石油和天然气类∙Alternative fuel utilization: services, technologies可替代能源服务及科技∙Chemical engineering systems and supplies 化学工程系统及应用∙Cryogenic Technology and Equipment 深冷技术及设备∙Data Acquisition & IT Services 数据采集和信息服务∙Distillation Systems and Equipment 蒸馏系统及设备∙Drilling & Downhole Technology 钻孔及打井技术∙Deposits’ c onstruction and operation 沉积工程及操作技术∙Refining technologies 精炼工艺∙Geologic exploration and predicting 地质勘探及预测∙Geology - prospecting equipment 探矿系统∙Geochemical Services and Consulting 地球化学服务及咨询∙Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 地理信息系统∙Ring Main Units (SF6) 环路部件∙Circuit Breakers 断路器∙Cable Trays 线缆槽∙Capacitor Banks 电容组∙Switchgears/Distribution Boards/Mini Distribution Pillars开关/配电板/小型配电装置∙Pocket Substations 小型变电站∙Overhead Line Equipment 架空线路设备∙Material/Hardware & Accessories 材料/工具/设备∙Ceramic & Other Power Insulators 陶瓷及其他绝缘材料∙Fault Recorders 故障记录设备∙Energy Meters-Consumer Connection 能量仪器∙Equipment Home Service Meters 家用仪器∙Partial Discharge Measurement Equipment 局部流量测量设备∙On Load Tap Changer带载负抽头变换开关∙Main Panels & Distribution Boards 管道输送板∙Testing & Measurement Equipment 测试机测量设备∙Plastic Tubes, Rods & Sheets塑料管、条及板∙Pneumatic Tools & Tackles 启动工具集索具∙Power Coating Products 粉末涂料产品∙Pressure Gauges 压力计∙Pressure Vessels 压力容器∙Power Transformers / Distribution变压器/分配器/ Instrument / Voltage / Current Transformers 检∙Process Control Systems & SCADA 程序控制系统∙Public Address System 扩声系统∙Geological Studies and Consulting 地质研究及咨询∙Geophysical Products and Services 地球物理产品及服务∙Global Positioning Systems (GPS) 环球定位系统∙Helicopter/Aircraft Service 直升飞机/飞行器服务∙Oil processing equipment and petro chemistry 石油加工设备及汽油化学∙Oil-fields construction and operation 油田建设及操作∙Oil and gas transportation systems 石油和天然气运输系统∙Pipeline engineering and equipment 管道工程机设备∙Pumps and Compressors 油泵和压缩机∙Reservoir Evaluation 储量评估∙Safety & Pollution Control 安全及污染控制∙Seismic Data Acquisition 地震数据采集∙Surveying 测量∙Exploration and production technology 勘探开发科技∙Environmental protection and pollution control环保及污染控制∙Exploration and Development 勘探与开发∙Extractive equipment for fuel-energy resources: oil, gas 石油及天然气等燃料资源提炼设备∙Gas and oil well equipment 气井与油井设备∙Gas processing equipment天然气处理设备∙Marine equipment and services 海作业设备及服务∙Instrumentation and Control Technology 检测及控制科技∙Industrial technologies meant for production∙Radiators 散热器∙Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) 远程终端设备∙Ring Main Units 环形电路设备∙Reactors 反应器∙Radio Communications 无线电设备∙Refrigeration Equipment制冷设备∙Rust Proofing Equipment 防锈处理设备∙Sandblasting Equipment 喷砂设备∙Seals 封印∙Substation Control System 变电系统∙Spraying Equipment 喷涂设备∙Survey Equipment 测量设备∙Tubing Works 管道工程∙Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment 不断电源设备∙Ventilation Products 通风设备∙Weighing Equipment 称重设备∙Wire Products 钢丝制品∙Home Appliances like Refrigerators, Air-conditioners, Dishwashers, Cookers, TV, PC, Light fittings, Wiring Switches, & Accessories家用电器,如:冰箱、空调、洗碗机、炉灶、电视机、个人电脑、照明设备、电线及开关automation, software for oil and gas industry 石油及天然气工业用途的生产自动化和软件∙LNG Technology and Equipment 液化天然气技术及设备∙Log Digitalizing & Logging 伐木工艺及自动化技术∙Mapping/Cartographic Services 地图绘图服务∙Marine Equipment & Services 航海设备及服务∙Mineral processing equipment and Diagnostic engineering 矿物加工设备勘探工程∙Shipyard and engineering 船坞及工程∙Safety system and fire prevention 安全及防火系统∙Services in oil, gas and mineral oils transportation 石油、天然气及矿物油服务∙Storing equipment and tanks for fuels 燃料储存设备∙Tools and equipment for mining. Hard alloy tools, abrasives, diamond tools 挖矿设备,硬合金工具,研磨工具,金刚石工具∙Trunk pipelines and fittings. Rust prevention 管道干线及安装,防锈工艺∙Tanks and Storage Fabrication 储存器建设∙Well services 油井服务∙Valves and Fittings 阀门及管件。
第43卷第 8 期2023年8月Vol.43 No.8Aug.,2023 工业水处理Industrial Water TreatmentDOI:10.19965/ki.iwt.2023-0042含锑废水深度处理技术研究与中试示范陈韬1,付广义1,钟宇1,李琼花1,2,田石强1,成应向1(1.湖南省环境保护科学研究院,水污染控制技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南长沙410004;2.长沙理工大学化学化工学院,湖南省电力运输材料保护重点实验室 &湖南省细胞化学重点实验室,湖南长沙410004)[ 摘要]以某锑制品厂混凝沉淀处理后的低浓度含锑废水为吸附对象,在小试中通过单因素实验得到最佳吸附条件,再通过动态化吸附和再生实验确定深度处理磁分离技术的最佳工艺参数。
该技术使出水的锑质量浓度能稳定达到排放标准(5 μg/L)。
小试结果表明,在铁基Fenton改性磁性吸附剂(AFS350)投加2.0 g/L,吸附1.0 h,搅拌速度200 r/min的条件下,出水锑的质量浓度降为0.004 mg/L。
中试结果表明,AFS350投加3 g/L,搅拌速度300 r/min,吸附2.0 h后,锑的去除率高达98.91%。
[关键词]水处理技术;磁性吸附材料;含锑废水[中图分类号]X703 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1005-829X(2023)08-0179-06Research and pilot-scale demonstration of advanced treatmenttechnology for antimony-containing wastewater CHEN Tao1,FU Guangyi1,ZHONG Yu1,LI Qionghua1,2,TIAN Shiqiang1,CHENG Yingxiang1(1.Hunan Reasearch Academy of Environmental Sciences,Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Control Technology,Changsha 410004,China;2.Changsha University of Science and Technology,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Materials Protection for Electric Power and Transportation & Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Cytochemistry,Changsha 410004,China)Abstract:The low concentration antimony-containing wastewater from an antimony product plant after coagulation and precipitation treatment was used as the adsorption object,and the optimal adsorption conditions were obtained by single-factor experiments. Then,the optimal process parameters of the magnetic separation technology for deep treatment were determined by dynamicized adsorption and regeneration experiments. The technology enabled the effluent antimony mass concentration to reach the discharge standard(5 μg/L)stably. The results of the experiments showed that the mass concentration of antimony was reduced to 0.004 mg/L under the conditions of iron-based Fenton-modified magnetic adsor‑bent(AFS350) dosing of 2.0 g/L,adsorption for 1.0 h and stirring speed of 200 r/min. The results of the pilot test showed that the removal rate of antimony after AFS350 dosing of 3 g/L,stirring speed of 300 r/min and adsorption for 2.0 h was up to 98.91%. This process technology achieves fully automatic separation and recovery and recycling of magnetic adsorp‑tion materials,and at the same time had high economic efficiency and sustainable development potential,providing a fea‑sible solution for the deep treatment of industrial antimony-containing wastewater.Key words:water treatment technology;magnetic adsorption material;antimony-containing wastewater锑是一种有毒类金属,其化学结构类似于砷,表现出金属和非金属的性质〔1〕。
The first step in the treatment of water for beverages is pre-treatment of raw water, which includes removing solids, microorganisms, and colloidal substances.2.接下来是调节水的PH值和硬度,以确保符合饮料生产的要求。
Next is the adjustment of water pH and hardness to ensure it meets the requirements for beverage production.3.深度过滤是继续处理的一部分,可以去除水中的微小颗粒和有机物。
Depth filtration is part of the continued treatment to remove fine particles and organic matter from the water.4.紧接着是活性炭过滤,用来去除水中的异味和有机物质。
Next is activated carbon filtration, used to remove odors and organic matter from the water.5.通过反渗透膜,可以进一步去除水中的溶解固体和微生物。
Reverse osmosis membranes can further remove dissolved solids and microorganisms from the water.6.最后的消毒步骤是利用紫外线或臭氧处理水中的细菌和病毒。
The final disinfection step involves using ultraviolet light or ozone to treat bacteria and viruses in the water.7.经过这一系列的工艺处理,原水变成适合饮料生产的优质水。
·107反渗透浓水的处理工艺在纯水制备中的应用文_李海玲 北京九章环境工程股份有限公司摘要:反渗透工艺是电子化工行业中的常用技术,但是在实际应用的过程中会产生大量的浓水,这些浓水如果直接排放,会对周围环境产生极为严重的影响,因此,本文针对反渗透浓水的处理工艺进行研究。
关键词:反渗透技术;浓水处理工艺;纯水制备;经济效益Application of Reverse Osmosis Concentrated Water Treatment Technology in PureWater PreparationLi Hai-ling[ Abstract ] Reverse osmosis process is a common technology in the electronics and chemical industry, but in the process of practical application, a large number of concentrated water will be produced. If these concentrated water is discharged directly, it will have a very serious impact on the surrounding environment. Based on this, this paper studies the treatment process of concentrated reverse osmosis water. Based on the traditional and new reverse osmosis concentrated water treatment process, the application of reverse osmosis concentrated water treatment process in the preparation of pure water is analyzed in this paper.[ Key words ] reverse osmosis technology; concentrated water treatment process; pure water preparation; economic benefits现在,纯水的使用量不断提高,反渗透工艺在纯水制备工艺中发挥着更加重要作用,不仅操作便捷,同时经济成本也相对较低,成为纯水制备中的主要技术。
¾A treatment process is being
Tandoku only night soil . In this case, gray water is discharged without treatment.
¾This type of Johkaso
was supposed to be allowed to be used until 2001, but many of them are still being used now.
The coverage rate of domestic wastewater treatment in areas with a population scale at the end of 2006 in Japan
120 Coverage rate (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0
Municipal sewerage Rural community sewerage On site system Night soil TP ater Night soil Sludge Effluent
Sludge treatment system Incineration Reuse
The importance of small scale domestic wastewater treatment technology
¾ There is a trend in domestic wastewater treatment in which large city areas ¾ “Locally suitable technology” technology” that is adaptable to local social and
• Walnut-Shell Filter 核桃壳过滤器
Induced Gas Flotation 加气浮选
• Gas bubbles produced by mechanical turbine or hydraulic eductor
• 5 to 10 minutes residence time 5-10分钟停留时间
Track Records 优良的业绩
•Oil & water skid package: 69 (projects) / 216 (packages) •Gas treatment project: 38 (projects) / 141 (packages)
产品橇块 Vessels 容器 Metering Skids 计量橇 Separators 分离器 Hydrocyclones 水利旋流器 Filters 过滤器 Flam Burner Boom 火炬臂 TEG Dehydration unit TEG脱水橇 LPG Extraction脱气装置 Sweetening Units 气体甜化/脱硫 Flotation IGF 气浮选 数 量 108 70 50 41 39 13
Desanding System 冲砂系统
• • •
Operating Online 在线除沙
Reliable performance 性能可靠
High performance 除砂效率高
Scrubber Gas/Liquid Separator 气 – 液分离器
Contaminants of water (3)
Problem minerals • 水的污染物 3 • 矿物质
1. Calcium and magnesium 2. Iron and manganese 3. Silicates 4. Carbon dioxide 5. Hydrogen sulfide 6. Phosphates
目标 水处理系统 存储要求 取样,测试 水的种类 微生物,消毒
Water system design
1. Pipes sloped so water does not pool and can drain easily 2. Sanitary fittings & connections 3. Constructed of suitable materials such as stainless steel 4. Circulate the water 5. Incorporate non-return valves (NRV)
Stagnant water inside valve
Water system design (3)
1. Sanitary pumps 2. Clamps and O rings
versus threaded fittings 3. Heat exchangers 4. Side arm level measuring devices are
声明 根据世界卫生组织的有关培训材料改写而成
Part I Water Pre-treatment
Water Introduction and treatment
膜技术和环境保护中的水处理Membrane technology and water treatment in environmental protectionREN J ianxin1 , ZHANGBaocheng2(1.China National Blue Star Chemical Cleaning Co. , No。
9 West Road , BeituchengChaoyang District ,Beijing 100029 , China2。
Department of Chemical Engineering , Polytechnic of Turin , Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 ,Torino 10129 , Italy)Abstract : The paper present s a general summary on the state of the water resource and membrane industry of China。
Now the water pollution is becoming more grave , and the water resource is shorter and shorter in the earth。
China ha s660 cities ,360 cities of them are short of water. The situation in 110 cities is serious , and the situation in 40 cities is dangerous。
It was predicted that the water could be a main cause of local conflict s and international wars。
反渗透水处理设备译英文Here is the English essay on the topic "Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Equipment" with a word count of over 1000 words.Water is an essential resource for human life and economic development. However, the increasing demand for clean water due to population growth, urbanization, and industrialization has put a significant strain on the available water resources. One of the key technologies that has emerged to address this challenge is reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment equipment. This technology plays a crucial role in purifying water and making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including domestic, industrial, and agricultural use.Reverse osmosis is a membrane-based water purification process that removes a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved salts, minerals, and organic compounds, from water. The process works by using a semi-permeable membrane that allows the passage of water molecules while selectively rejecting the larger and charged particles, such as ions and molecules. The driving force behind this process is the applied pressure, which is typically higher than the natural osmotic pressure of the water.The main components of a reverse osmosis water treatment system include a pre-treatment unit, a high-pressure pump, a semi-permeable membrane, and a post-treatment unit. The pre-treatment unit removes larger particles, such as sediment and debris, to protect the membrane from fouling and clogging. The high-pressure pump then applies the necessary pressure to force the water through the semi-permeable membrane, where the contaminants are separated from the water. The post-treatment unit may include additional filtration, disinfection, or remineralization steps to further improve the quality of the treated water.One of the key advantages of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is its ability to remove a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved salts, heavy metals, and organic compounds. This makes it a versatile technology that can be used in a variety of applications, such as municipal water treatment, industrial water purification, and seawater desalination. Additionally, RO systems are relatively compact and can be easily installed and maintained, making them a practical solution for both large-scale and small-scale water treatment applications.Another important aspect of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is its energy efficiency. The process operates at relatively low pressures compared to other water purification technologies, such as thermal desalination. This results in lower energyconsumption and reduced operating costs, making it an attractive option for water treatment in regions with limited energy resources or high energy prices.The development of new materials and membrane technologies has also contributed to the improving performance and cost-effectiveness of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment. For example, the use of advanced polymer membranes and nanocomposite materials has led to the development of more efficient and durable RO membranes, which can operate at lower pressures and have longer lifespans.In addition to the technical advancements, the regulatory environment and public awareness of water quality and sustainability have also played a significant role in the adoption of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment. Many countries have implemented stricter water quality standards and regulations, driving the demand for more effective water purification technologies like reverse osmosis. Furthermore, the growing concern for environmental sustainability and the need to conserve water resources have further contributed to the increased use of RO systems, as they can produce high-quality water with minimal waste and environmental impact.Despite the numerous benefits of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment, there are also some challenges and limitations that needto be addressed. One of the main challenges is the disposal of the concentrated waste stream, or brine, generated during the RO process. This brine can contain high concentrations of salts, minerals, and other contaminants, and its improper disposal can have negative environmental consequences. Researchers and manufacturers are actively working to develop innovative solutions, such as zero-liquid discharge systems and brine management strategies, to address this issue.Another challenge is the potential for membrane fouling and scaling, which can reduce the efficiency and lifespan of the RO system. Proper pre-treatment and regular maintenance of the system are essential to mitigate these issues and ensure the long-term performance of the RO equipment.Despite these challenges, the future outlook for reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is promising. As the global demand for clean water continues to grow, the need for efficient and sustainable water purification technologies will only increase. Advances in membrane materials, energy recovery systems, and brine management strategies are expected to further improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of RO systems, making them an even more attractive solution for a wide range of water treatment applications.In conclusion, reverse osmosis water treatment equipment plays a crucial role in addressing the global water crisis by providing a reliable and effective means of purifying water and making it suitable for various uses. The technology's ability to remove a wide range of contaminants, its energy efficiency, and its versatility make it an essential tool in the quest for sustainable water management. As the world continues to face the challenges of water scarcity and quality, the importance of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment will only grow, and the ongoing research and development in this field will continue to drive innovation and progress in this critical area.。
desalination and water treatment 的latex 模版
desalination and water treatment 的latex 模版以下是一个关于desalination and water treatment的LaTeX 模板的示例文章内容:\documentclass{article}\usepackage{graphicx}\usepackage{amsmath}\title{Desalination and Water Treatment}\author{Your Name}\date{\today}\begin{document}\maketitle\section{Introduction}Desalination is the process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater or brackish water to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption or industrial use. With the increasing global water scarcity, desalination has become an important solution to meet the growing demand for fresh water.\section{Desalination Technologies}There are several desalination technologies available, including reverse osmosis (RO), multi-stage flashdistillation (MSF), multi-effect distillation (MED), electrodialysis (ED), and ion exchange (IX). Eachtechnology has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of technology depends on factors such as feedwater quality, energy availability, and cost.\subsection{Reverse Osmosis}Reverse osmosis is the most widely used desalination technology due to its high efficiency and relatively low energy consumption. In this process, water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure, leaving behind the salt and other impurities. The permeate, which is the purified water, is collected, while the concentrated brine is discharged.\subsection{Multi-Stage Flash Distillation}Multi-stage flash distillation involves heating seawater in multiple stages, causing it to evaporate and condense. The vapor is then condensed to produce fresh water, while the remaining brine is discharged. This technology has been used for decades and is known for its reliability and robustness.\subsection{Multi-Effect Distillation}Multi-effect distillation is similar to multi-stage flash distillation, but it uses a series of evaporators instead of stages. Each evaporator operates at a lower pressure than the previous one, allowing the water to evaporate at a lower temperature. This technology is energy-efficient and has a low environmental impact.\subsection{Electrodialysis}Electrodialysis uses an electric field to remove salt and other ions from the water. The process involves passing the feedwater through a stack of alternating cation andanion exchange membranes. The ions are selectively transported through the membranes, resulting in desalinated water and concentrated brine.\subsection{Ion Exchange}Ion exchange involves exchanging ions in the water with ions of a similar charge on a resin bed. This process is commonly used for water softening, but it can also be used for desalination by exchanging sodium ions with chloride ions. The resin bed needs to be periodically regenerated to remove the accumulated salt.\section{Water Treatment}In addition to desalination, water treatment is necessary to ensure the quality of the produced water. The treatment processes may include pre-treatment, post-treatment, and disinfection. Pre-treatment involves removing suspended solids, organic matter, and other impurities to protect the desalination equipment. Post-treatment is carried out to adjust the water chemistry and improve its taste and odor. Disinfection is essential tokill any remaining bacteria and viruses.\section{Conclusion}Desalination and water treatment technologies play a crucial role in addressing the global water scarcity. With continuous advancements in technology, desalination has become more energy-efficient and cost-effective. However, challenges such as high energy consumption, environmental impacts, and brine disposal need to be addressed to ensure sustainable water supply for future generations.\end{document}。
水资源利用与节水的英语Water Resource Utilization and Water ConservationWater is the foundation of life on our planet, and its responsible management is crucial for the well-being of both humanity and the environment. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for water has increased significantly, putting a strain on our limited water resources. In this essay, we will explore the importance of water resource utilization and the strategies for water conservation, highlighting the need for sustainable practices to ensure a secure water future.The Importance of Water Resource UtilizationWater is an essential resource for a wide range of human activities, from domestic use to industrial and agricultural purposes. Proper utilization of water resources is crucial for maintaining a balanced ecosystem, supporting economic development, and ensuring the well-being of communities around the world. Effective water resource utilization involves the efficient management of water supplies, the implementation of water-saving technologies, and the promotion of sustainable water-use practices.One of the primary challenges in water resource utilization is the uneven distribution of water across different regions. Some areas experience water scarcity, while others may have an abundance of water. This disparity necessitates the development of innovative solutions to transport, store, and distribute water to meet the varying demands. Strategies such as desalination, water recycling, and groundwater management can help alleviate water shortages and ensure a more equitable distribution of this precious resource.Furthermore, the efficient use of water in various sectors, such as agriculture, industry, and households, is essential for sustainable water resource utilization. In agriculture, which accounts for the largest share of global water consumption, the adoption of irrigation techniques like drip irrigation, precision farming, and the use of drought-resistant crops can significantly reduce water usage. Similarly, in the industrial sector, the implementation of water-efficient processes, the recycling of wastewater, and the use of alternative water sources can contribute to the conservation of water resources.Water Conservation StrategiesAlongside the effective utilization of water resources, water conservation is a crucial aspect of ensuring a sustainable water future. Water conservation involves the implementation of strategies and practices that aim to reduce water consumption, prevent water waste,and protect water sources from depletion and contamination.One of the primary strategies for water conservation is the promotion of public awareness and education. By educating individuals, communities, and businesses about the importance of water conservation and the adoption of water-saving practices, we can foster a collective sense of responsibility and encourage behavioral changes that lead to reduced water consumption. This can include initiatives such as water-saving campaigns, the installation of water-efficient appliances, and the implementation of water-metering systems to monitor and manage water usage.Another important aspect of water conservation is the development and implementation of policies and regulations that support sustainable water management. Governments and policymakers play a crucial role in establishing guidelines, incentives, and penalties to encourage water conservation practices, such as the implementation of water-efficient building codes, the regulation of water extraction and usage, and the promotion of water-recycling and water-harvesting initiatives.The role of technology in water conservation cannot be overstated. Advancements in water treatment, desalination, and water-efficient technologies have significantly improved our ability to conserve and reuse water. For example, the use of advanced irrigation systems,water-efficient household appliances, and water-recycling systems can significantly reduce water consumption and minimize waste.Furthermore, the protection and restoration of natural water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater aquifers, are essential for long-term water conservation. This includes measures to prevent water pollution, manage watershed areas, and restore degraded ecosystems. By preserving the natural water cycle and maintaining the health of our water bodies, we can ensure the continued availability of clean and accessible water resources for generations to come.ConclusionIn conclusion, the responsible utilization and conservation of water resources are crucial for the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. By implementing sustainable water management practices, promoting public awareness, and leveraging technological advancements, we can ensure a secure and equitable water future. It is our collective responsibility to take action and adopt a holistic approach to water resource management, recognizing the vital role that water plays in sustaining life and supporting the development of our societies. Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to water conservation, we can safeguard this precious resource and ensure its availability for generations to come.。
浸没式超滤膜工艺流程英文回答:The immersed ultrafiltration membrane process is a widely used technology in water treatment and filtration.It is a process that uses a membrane to separate solids, particles, and microorganisms from water by applying pressure or suction.The process begins with the pre-treatment of the water, which involves removing larger particles and impurities through processes such as sedimentation, coagulation, and flocculation. This step helps to protect theultrafiltration membrane from fouling and clogging.Once the water is pre-treated, it is then passed through the ultrafiltration membrane module. This module consists of a series of hollow fiber or spiral-wound membranes that have small pores. These pores allow water molecules to pass through while trapping larger particlesand microorganisms.As the water flows through the membrane module,pressure or suction is applied to create a pressure difference across the membrane. This pressure drives the water through the membrane while leaving behind the contaminants. The filtered water, known as permeate, is collected and can be used for various purposes such as drinking water or industrial processes.The retained contaminants, known as retentate, are concentrated and discharged from the system. Depending onthe application, the retentate can be further treated or disposed of properly.One of the advantages of the immersed ultrafiltration membrane process is its ability to remove a wide range of contaminants, including suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, and some organic compounds. The membrane acts as a physical barrier, preventing these contaminants from passing through.Another advantage is the compact design of the membranemodule, which allows for a smaller footprint compared to other filtration technologies. This is particularly beneficial in situations where space is limited.Furthermore, the immersed ultrafiltration membrane process is highly efficient and requires minimal chemical usage. It does not rely on the addition of chemicals for coagulation or disinfection, reducing the overall operational costs.In conclusion, the immersed ultrafiltration membrane process is a reliable and effective technology for water treatment and filtration. Its ability to remove a wide range of contaminants, compact design, and cost-effectiveness make it a popular choice in various industries.中文回答:浸没式超滤膜工艺是水处理和过滤中广泛使用的技术。
Testing whether the water is contaminated requires an analysis of its quality.2.一旦发现污染问题,应该立即停止污染源的排放。
Once a pollution problem is identified, the discharge from the pollution source should be stopped immediately.3.采取适当的措施,防止污染物进一步蔓延。
Appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the further spread of pollutants.4.进行水源保护,防止污染物进入水域。
Water sources should be protected to prevent pollutants from entering the water body.5.抽取水样进行检测,确保水质符合相关标准。
Water samples should be tested to ensure that the water quality meets the relevant standards.6.分析检测结果,找出水质存在的问题。
The test results should be analyzed to identify any water quality issues.7.制定处理方案,清除水体中的污染物。
A treatment plan should be developed to remove pollutants from the water.8.选择合适的处理工艺,进行污染物的处理。
An appropriate treatment process should be selected for the removal of pollutants.9.进行污染物的处理和清除工作,恢复水体的良好状态。
After entering the water treatment plant, the raw water first undergoes a pre-treatment process.2.预处理包括过滤和沉淀等步骤。
Pre-treatment includes processes such as filtration and sedimentation.3.过滤可以去除水中的固体颗粒和大颗粒悬浮物。
Filtration can remove solid particles and large suspended solids from the water.4.沉淀则能够将水中的悬浮物沉降下来。
Sedimentation can cause suspended solids in the water to settle down.5.经过预处理的水再进入到混凝过程。
The water after pre-treatment then enters the coagulation process.6.在混凝过程中,添加混凝剂使微小的悬浮物结合成较大的絮凝体。
In the coagulation process, coagulants are added to make small suspended particles combine into larger flocs.7.絮凝体的形成使得水中的悬浮物容易被去除。
The formation of flocs makes the suspended solids in the water easier to remove.8.下一步是沉淀过程,将絮凝体从水中沉淀出来。
The next step is the sedimentation process, where the flocs are allowed to settle out of the water.9.沉淀后的水被送入过滤系统,进一步去除残留的固体颗粒。
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HOMESewage treatment technologies(wastewater treatment)The wide spectrum of available technologies for the design of sewage treatment plants.The design of sewage treatment plants (also called "wastewater treatment plants") includesseveral treatment units, typically:1.Pre-treatment: one or more units for the physical separation of gross solids (sand,litter) and flotables (FAT, oil and grease, etc.).2.Biological treatment: one or more types of biological reactors in series.3.Clarification, disinfection and post-treatment of treated wastewater (when required).4.Sludge treatment (some sewage treatment plants do not require sludge treatment).There exist numerous types of biological reactors for sewage treatment.They can be classified according to:Process biochemistry:∙Aerobic process (e.g., activated sludge, wastewater maturation ponds, trickling filters, high-rate stabilization ponds).∙Anaerobic process (e.g., anaerobic ponds, UASB-Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactors).∙Facultative process (or mixed) (e.g., facultative ponds, some constructed wetlands, wastewater reservoirs).Process intensity:∙Intensive reactors (e.g., activated sludge, UASB anaerobic reactors, high-rate trickling filters).∙Super-Intensive reactors (e.g., membrane reactors, activated sludge combined with fixed biomass).∙Extensive reactors (e.g., waste stabilization ponds, wastewater reservoirs, SAT-Soil Aquifer Treatment, constructed wetlands, macrophyte ponds).∙Semi-intensive reactors (e.g., anaerobic ponds, low-energy aerated lagoons, low-rate trickling filters, high-rate stabilization ponds).Operational regime:∙Continuous flow reactors (e.g., continuous flow activated sludge, UASB type anaerobic reactors, trickling filters, stabilization ponds, constructed wetlands,macrophyte ponds).∙Sequential batch reactors - SBR (e.g., sequential batch activated sludge, sequential batch wastewater reservoirs).∙Pulse reactors (e.g., some types of vertical flow constructed wetlands, intermittent sand filters).∙Perfectly mixed and plug-flow reactors.Biomass characteristics:∙Suspended biomass reactors (e.g., activated sludge, UASB type anaerobic reactors, stabilization ponds, aerated lagoons).∙Fixed biomass reactors (or biofilm) (e.g., tickling filters, SAT, constructed wetlands, macrophyte ponds, rock filters, intermittent sand filters).∙Combined biomass reactors.Selecting the best technology for wastewater treatment in a specific project.No one of the above technologies is definitely better than the others.Each one has its advantages and disadvantages regarding construction costs, operational costs, energy use, size, operation simplicity, stability, reliability, etc.Each one suits better to different specific conditions.One of the most difficult tasks in the conceptual design of a sewage treatment plant is the selection of the most appropriate technology for the specific conditions of the project.The designer should obtain an optimal combination of:∙High public health and environment protection.∙Low construction and operational costs.A proper conceptual design is a key element for the technical success of the project: good quality effluents, simple and reliable operation, low costs, low environmental impact.The present trend in Israel and many other countries is to move from the design of sewage treatment plants as an isolated event, towards design within the framework of regional environmental planning.The geographic unit defining a region is generally the catchment basin (watershed in American English). Thus, catchment basin planning based on wide public health and environmental considerations is substituting the relatively simple sewage treatment plant design as an engineering practice.The conceptual design of sewage treatment plants within the catchment basin framework goes beyond the classical engineering profession, and requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team of professionals.Copyright ?2002-2008 Juanicó - Environmental Consultants Ltd. All rights reserved.如何用物理法处理污水?处理处理法就是利用物理作用除去污水的漂浮物、悬浮物和油污等,同时从废水中回收有用物质的一种简单水处理法。
How physics sewage treatment. Handling sewage treatment is the use of physical action to remove floating objects, such as suspended solids and oil. Meanwhile useful substances from water waste a simple treatment method. Gravity methods commonly used in the treatment of the physical separation, filtration, evaporation and crystallization method and physical conditioning. Gravity separation refers to the use of sewage sediment, suspended solids and other oil-water separation under the force of gravity and the characteristics After Settlement, a large proportion of sewage to remove suspended solids; centrifugal separation refers to the high-speed rotating machinery centrifugal effect, different quality of suspended solids or emulsified oil exports through different drainage, and for recycling; Quartz sand filtration is used. mesh, nylon sheets, which features such as filter media, suspended for withholding; evaporation and crystallization of the sewage water is heated gasification. be concentrated and crystallized solids; Magnetic separation is to use the strength of the magnetic field, Fast wastewater difficult to remove suspended solids and colloidal small separation, such as oil, heavy metal ions, algae, bacteria, viruses and other pollutants.。