

读 挪威的森林有感 英文版

读 挪威的森林有感 英文版

From An Outsider's Eyes--Impressions of After-reading of Norwegian WoodDue to the love to a boy, I fell in love with a book in my 17.Mixingmy stories and those in the book up and floundering confusedly in the riverof youth, I just want to catch that straw of love. Today, fading greenand coming into the Norwegian Wood again, what I see are the lost youthand the hard growthComing into the world once again, I still appreciate Watanabe and cherish this lonely boy as much as my first reading. His eyes occupiedby loneliness attracted me once more. Watanabe has not youth, or, he doesnot wade the youth river. Wandering aimlessly on the river bank and seeing others struggling in the river, desires to save others rose again and again. But what he finds at last is that: everyone has their own river which othersare excluded from so that his outstretched hand works faintly as a shadow.Even so, Watanabe, on the shore, has accompanied wholehearted with everyone who struggles hard in the river, like Kizuki and Naoko, and inevitable witnesses their drowning.Those people and experience impel Watanabe to strand on the shore. He works, reads, listens to music and winds himself up every day; he managesto fill all the time but away from his own youth with heavy dust. Therefore, Midori-ko just has a feeling –“you always curled up in your own world,but I was pressing 'stuff' knock at your door and calling you. Hence you quietly lift eyelids, but quickly recover”.I can't find out what is the began to his own youth.After reading a letter, from Reiko, tells the Naoko’s illness have reappeared,the castle, built together with Naoko, based on fantasy and vision collapses. He stays in the house lonely for three days, but he eventually determines to be strong - although “even my bravery may not solve everything smoothly”– to wait for Naoko’s rehabilitation.At that moment, Mr. Watanabe has a dialogue with Kizuki who is in another world: "Hello, Kizuki! Different you, I have to pay for my continued existence with according price" .After Kizuki’s death, this is the firsttime for Watanabe to face with him and determined to get out from frozen seventeen.- is this the beginning?After the death of Naoko, Watanabe has wandered out for one month. (Ilike this month of wandering. Maybe one day I'm tired of the life, I willalso take my bags up to stray, go straight and go straight on). He triesto forget the death and sorrow, but doesn't make it. Lately, Reiko leaves nursing home to give him one important advice: “if you have a sense of trauma for Naoko’s death, please to be mature and then be come an adult.”Waving Reiko off, Watanabe calls Midori-ko and tells her: he wants totalk to her anyhow and in the whole world he just wants nothing but her.Getting along with Midori-ko for so long time, this is the first time for Watanabe to realize that love between he and Midori-ko has already grows. It is unfair to hug Midori-ko but across Naoko’s shadow and so many memories .- is this?Person who is similar to Watanabe, also sees others struggling in the river of youth, is Nagasawa. But Nagasawa’s eye is as cold as a well in the winter. Reading Norwegian Wood entirely, I don't remember where traces of Nagasawa’s youth are. He never needs to struggle and each goal can be implemented perfectly. He is the only adult in the Norwegian Wood and completed the growth at the very start.Originally, Watanabe stands outside of the youth and stands on the edge of his own life and partners’ deaths.Loneness and helplessness glows in his eyes where is no indifference and no despair. His heart is longing for a warm embrace and the unknown life. So, Watanabe’s eyes are gentle and transparent, like springs in spring. I do believe that he and Midori-ko will get along with much more bravery, and then have a bunch of kids and age slowly.。

挪威的森林 norwegian wood

挪威的森林  norwegian wood

The protagonist and narrator. He is a Tokyo college student of average ability, majoring in drama without reason or conviction for doing so. Toru (渡边 Watanabe Toru) Unlike Watanabe most students, he is interested in Western, and in particular, American literature. He is Kizuki's best friend, and develops romantic relationships with Naoko and, later, Midori.
Nikkan Sports Film Awards 2011 Won Best Actor Nikkan Sports Film Award Ken'ichi Matsuyama (actor) For Mai bakku peji , Gantz and Usagi doroppu
《寻羊冒险记》写了主角与同伴合伙经营一家广告公司, 同一个既是出版社校对员、又是应召女郎、同时兼做耳朵 模特的女孩同居。 不久,一个右翼巨头的秘书限“我”在一个月内找到一只 背部带星纹的羊。在女友带领下,以鼠寄来的照片为线索, “我”开始了“寻羊冒险记”。在札幌海豚宾馆遇见了羊 博士。羊博士当年是农林省高级业务官僚, 由于一次被羊 进入体内而又离去遂变成性情古怪的“羊壳”。其后,羊 进入一个右翼头目体内,使其构筑了一个暗中操纵整个日 本的强大权力王国。由羊博士指点,“我”和女友找到那 只羊出现过的牧场。原来这牧场有鼠父亲的别墅,鼠则不 知去向。几次追问羊男一个形体酷似羊的人,都不得而知。 最后,在黑暗中“我”同鼠相见。原来,鼠为了不让羊进 入自己身体操纵自己选择了自杀。而“我”又回到了原来 的生活。这样,村上的青春三部曲以“我”的回归和鼠的 死亡结束。[2



渡边彻 故事的男主角。在神户高中毕业后,到东京的私立大学升学, 于文学部专攻戏剧。喜欢喝威士忌、白兰地、爱看书、和女 人厮混。不喜欢与人有深入接触,除了直子。 小林绿子 和渡边彻同上《戏剧史II》课,大学一年级女生。自家在东京 内的大冢经营小林书店。乐观、开朗型少女,十分情绪化、 喜欢跟人赌气和爱撒娇。母亲因脑肿瘤去世,父亲也因此病 逝世。会做关西风味的菜式,有抽烟的习惯。 直子 和木月自小相识的女性朋友,后来成为木月的情人。高中毕 业后到东京的大学升学,其后在火车上遇到渡边彻。遇到渡 边彻的半年后,进了京都一间名为“阿美寮”的疗养院,是 集体治疗精神病患者的设施。“1969年冬天自杀。 石田玲子 是直子在阿美寮的女室友,身上有着许多皱纹。在渡边彻探 望直子时,当观察者。自小立志当职业钢琴家,但因精神病 而被迫放弃,后来和跟她学钢琴的男生结婚,但后来被一位 跟她学钢琴的十三岁女同性恋者令她被人误会是同性恋者引 起邻居非议,最后和丈夫离婚。喜爱抽烟、会弹吉他。
"听到这首歌,感觉自己仿佛在密林里迷了路。不知道为什么 会这样。只觉我孤单一人、又冷又暗,没人来救我……但是 这确确实实是我最喜欢的歌。" 听到《挪威的森林》总会流泪的直子说道:"只要有渡边在就 不要紧了",可她had a girl,我曾经拥有过一个女孩 Or should I say或者我应该说 She once had me.是她拥有我 She showed me her room,她带我去看她的房间 Isn't it good?这很好,不是吗? Norwegian wood.像挪威的森林一般冷清 She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere,她叫我留下,让我随便坐坐 So I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair. 然后我环视了房间一周,发现这连一张椅子都没有 I sat on a rug那我就只好坐在一块小地毯上 Biding my time,等待着时机的来临 Drinking her wine.喝着她给的酒 We talked until two,我们聊到深夜两点钟 And then she said,然后她说 It's time for bed?是时候睡觉了吧? She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh,她告诉我她要在早上去上班,然后她就放声 大笑了 I told her I didn't,我告诉她我不是 And crawled off to sleep in the bath.然后就只好跑到 浴室里睡觉了 And when I awoke当我醒来的时候 I was alone,我只是孤身一人 This bird has flown,小鸟都飞走了 So I lit a fire,所以我一把火把房子烧了 Isn't it good?这不是很好吗? Norwegian wood.这如挪威森林一般冷清的房子

英语文化 学英语必须要知道的经典英文歌曲6 Norwegian Wood

英语文化 学英语必须要知道的经典英文歌曲6 Norwegian Wood

歌曲背景"Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles. It was written by the songwriting partnership of John Lennon and Paul McCartney and was first released on the album Rubber Soul on 3 December 1965. Musically influenced by the introspective lyrics of Bob Dylan, "Norwegian Wood" is considered a milestone in the Beatles' progression as complex songwriters. Ravi Shankar and the recordings of studio musicians during the Help! filming sessions inspired lead guitarist George Harrison to incorporate the sitar into the song.披头士/甲壳虫乐队(1960-1970)《挪威的森林(这只鸟已飞走)》(Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown),通常简称为“Norwegian Wood”)[注释1]是一首披头士乐队的歌曲,主要由约翰·列侬所作,过门部分与保罗·麦卡特尼合写,收录于1965年的专辑《Rubber Soul》中。




关 键 词 :《挪威的森林》 村 上 春 树 译 文
- ■概述 《挪 威的森林》是村上的第五 部 长 篇 小 说 ,完 成 于 1987年4月 。 书 名 取 自 披 头 四 的 一 首 歌 :Nor­ wegian Wood。这部让村上春树名 声大振的小说跟他前面几部长篇 有 很 大 不 同 ,里面没有超现实的 奇 怪 人 物 ,也没有怪异离奇的场 景 和 情 节 。按 村 上 的 话 说 ,这 是 一 个 “直 截 了 当 表 现 ‘男孩遇到女 孩 ’的故事”。这部小说之所以成 为 超 级 畅 销 书 ,可能就像渡边评 价 初 美 (书 中 人 物 )时 所 说 的 ,因 为 它 唤 起 了 读 者 心 中 “类似一种 少 年 时 代 的 憧 憬 ,一种从来不曾 实现而且永远不可能实现的憧 憬”吧 。 二.原文— 疏离的节奏感 村上春树是一个受西方文化 (特别是美国文化)影响很深的日 本 作 家 。他在谈到自己的写作风 格时曾经说:“一 开 始 ,我竭力真 实 地 去 写 ,但 结 果 却 无 法 卒 读 。于 是 我 就 试 着 用 英 文 重 写 开 头 。我 把 它 翻 回 日 文 ,再 加 工 一 下 。用英 文 写 的 话 ,我的词汇有限,不可能 写 长 句 子 。在 这 种 情 况 下 ,竟 然 让 我 抓 到 了 一 种 节 奏 ,比较而言词 语 精 炼 、句 子简洁。”大部分评论 家 在 说到他的语言风格时,基本 上也都是同样的结论:语言简练, 明 快 ,有 节 奏 感 ,不像传统的日本 小说。 除 了 句 子 简 洁 明 快 ,节奏干 净 利 落 以 外 ,他的书中往往还会 出 现 大 量 的 西 方 文 化 符 号 ,包括 音 乐 、文 学 作 品 、电 影 ,甚至是饮 食 习 惯 。当然每个符号在具体上 下文里 有 不 同 的 含 义 ,但总体给

挪威森林(Norwegian Wood)

挪威森林(Norwegian Wood)

挪威森林(Norwegian Wood)iwasthirty-seventhen,strappedinmyseatasthehuge747plungedthroughdensecloudcov eronapproachtothehamburgairport.coldnovemberrainsdrenchedtheeartha ndlenteverythingthegloomyairofaflemishlandscape:thegroundcrewrangear ,aflagatopasquatairportbuilding,abmwbillboard.sogermanyagain.37岁的我端坐在波音747客机上,庞大的机体穿过厚重的夹雨云层,俯身向汉堡机场降落。



oncetheplanewasonthegroundsoftmusicbegantoflowfromtheceilingspeake rs:asweetorchestralcoverversionofthebeatles'"norwegianwood".themelod yneverfailedtosendashudderthroughme,butthistimeithitmeharderthanever.飞机刚一着陆,天花板扩音器中低声传出轻柔的背景音乐,那是一个管弦乐队演奏的甲壳虫乐队的《挪威的森林》。



ibentforwardinmyseat,faceinhandstokeepmyskullfromsplittingopen.before longoneofthegermanstewardessesapproachedandaskedinenglishifiwassick. "no,"isaid,justdizzy"为了不使头脑胀裂,我弯下腰,双手捂脸。



五首The Beatles 的歌,造就了这五本小说如果凭空问一句,以下四位作家有什么共同点?东野圭吾伊坂幸太郎村上龙岛田庄司你大概会如此作答:来自日本;都是男性;写过推理小说;以及和大部分经历了上世纪60 年代的日本男作家一样(伊坂幸太郎生于1971 年,勉强算他赶一个尾巴吧…),还喜欢酒精、做梦、摇滚乐。





是的,就像一本小说的The Beatles 乐队本身,在半个世纪以来被很多小说家写进他们小说里,而其中日本作家就是最为热情的一批人。

前不久,豆瓣的嘿呦音乐特意整理了一份包含“披头士元素”的日本小说清单,这些小说,有的以The Beatles 粉丝作为主角,有的则干脆用The Beatles 的歌曲当做小说题目。

虚构的故事固然新鲜,挖一下The Beatles 创作的真实背景其实也很有趣。

一少年心中的苦楚需要一曲纯粹的春天的摇滚乐曲东野圭吾《解忧杂货店》[日]东野圭吾[译]李盈春南海出版公司家境优渥的少年浩介全家都是The Beatles 的粉丝,以收集乐队的黑胶唱片为乐趣。


然而一场突如其来的家庭巨变,让少年浩介陷入亲情与未来的迷茫中,与此同时,连喜欢的The Beatles 也面临解散。


影片最后,乐队成员来到苹果公司大楼的屋顶平台上,时值冬日,寒风从四面八方袭来,听众们都裹着大衣,四人在此种状况下开始演唱《回去》 (get back )。






















书名取自披头四的一首歌:Norwegian Wood。


















读挪威的森林有感英文版From An Outsider's Eyes--Impressions of After-reading of Norwegian WoodDue to the love to a boy, I fell in love with a book in my 17.Mixingmy stories and those in the book up and floundering confusedly in the riverof youth, I just want to catch that straw of love. Today, fading greenand coming into the Norwegian Wood again, what I see are the lost youthand the hard growthComing into the world once again, I still appreciate Watanabe and cherish this lonely boy as much as my first reading. His eyes occupiedby loneliness attracted me once more. Watanabe has not youth, or, he doesnot wade the youth river. Wandering aimlessly on the river bank and seeing others struggling in the river, desires to save others rose again and again. But what he finds at last is that: everyone has their own river which othersare excluded from so that his outstretched hand works faintly as a shadow.Even so, Watanabe, on the shore, has accompanied wholehearted with everyone who struggles hard in the river, like Kizuki and Naoko, and inevitable witnesses their drowning.Those people and experience impel Watanabe to strand on the shore. He works, reads, listens to music and winds himself up every day; he managesto fill all the time but away from his own youth with heavy dust. Therefore, Midori-ko just has a feeling –“you always curled up in your own world,but I was pressing 'stuff' knock at your door and calling you. Hence you quietly lift eye lids, but quickly recover”.I can't find out what is the began to his own youth.After reading a letter, from Reiko, tells the Naoko’s illness have reappeared,the castle, built together with Naoko, based on fantasy and vision collapses. He stays in the house lonely for three days, but he eventually determines to be strong - although “even my bravery may not solve everything smoothly”– to wait for Naoko’s rehabilitation.At that moment, Mr. Watanabe has a dialogue with Kizuki who is in another world: "Hello, Kizuki! Different you, I have to pay for my continued existence with according price" .After Kizuki’s death, this is the firsttime for Watanabe to face with him and determined to get out from frozen seventeen.- is this the beginning?After the death of Naoko, Watanabe has wandered out for one month. (Ilike this month of wandering. Maybe one day I'm tired of the life, I willalso take my bags up to stray, go straight and go straight on). He triesto forget the death and sorrow, but doesn't make it. Lately, Reiko leaves nursing home to give him one important advice: “if you have a sense of trauma for Naoko’s death, please to be mature and then be come an adult.”Waving Reiko off, Watanabe calls Midori-ko and tells her: he wants totalk to her anyhow and in the whole world he just wants nothing but her.Getting along with Midori-ko for so long time, this is the first time for Watanabe to realize that love between he and Midori-ko has already grows. It is unfair to hug Midori-ko but across Naoko’s shadow and s o many memories .- is this?Person who is similar to Watanabe, also sees others struggling in the river of youth, is Nagasawa. But Nagasawa’s eye is as cold as a well in the winter. Reading Norwegian Wood entirely, I don't remember where traces of Nagasaw a’s youth are. He never needs to struggle and each goal can be implemented perfectly. He is the only adult in the Norwegian Wood and completed the growth at the very start.Originally, Watanabe stands outside of the youth and stands on the edge of his own life and partners’ deaths.Loneness and helplessness glows in his eyes where is no indifference and no despair. His heart is longing for a warm embrace and the unknown life. So, Watanabe’s eyes are gentle and transparent, like springs in spring. I do believe that he and Midori-ko will get along with much more bravery, and then have a bunch of kids and age slowly.。



《挪威的森林》读后感英文回答:Haruki Murakami's novel Norwegian Wood is a beautifully written and deeply moving story of love, loss, and the search for meaning in life. The novel follows the protagonist, Toru Watanabe, as he navigates the complexities of adolescence and young adulthood in 1960s Japan. Along the way, he falls in love with two very different women: Naoko, a quiet and introspective young woman who is struggling with depression, and Midori, a vibrant and outgoing spirit who brings joy and vitalityinto his life.One of the things that I found most striking about Norwegian Wood is Murakami's ability to capture the complexities of human emotions. He delves deep into the characters' inner lives, exploring their hopes, fears, and dreams. The novel is full of moments of great beauty and sadness, and I found myself deeply moved by the characters'struggles and triumphs.Another thing that I appreciated about Norwegian Woodis the way in which it explores the themes of love and loss. Murakami does not shy away from the pain and heartache that can come with love, but he also shows us the power of loveto heal and to bring us together. The novel is a reminder that even in the midst of loss, there is always hope for redemption and renewal.Overall, I found Norwegian Wood to be a deeplyrewarding and moving experience. It is a novel that will stay with me long after I have finished reading it. Ihighly recommend it to anyone who is interested inexploring the complexities of human emotions and the search for meaning in life.中文回答:村上春树的《挪威的森林》是一部文笔优美、感人肺腑的爱情、失去和人生的意义的寻找的故事。



挪威的森林中渡边英语作文In the heart of the Norwegian forest, I found myself surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. The tall, majestic trees stood like ancient guardians, their branches reaching up to the sky. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the sound of birds singing in the distance. It was a place of tranquility and peace, a place where I could escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with the natural world.As I walked through the forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer magnitude of the trees around me. Their towering presence made me feel small and insignificant, yet at the same time, I felt a deep sense of connection to the earth and all its inhabitants. It was a humbling experience, one that reminded me of the importance of preserving and protecting our natural environment.The forest was also home to a wide variety of wildlife.I caught glimpses of deer and rabbits darting through the underbrush, and I could hear the chatter of squirrels high up in the canopy. It was a reminder of the richbiodiversity that exists in this world, and the importanceof conserving it for future generations to enjoy.As I continued my walk, I stumbled upon a crystal-clear stream that meandered its way through the forest. The water was so pure and untouched, it seemed to sparkle in the dappled sunlight. I knelt down and cupped my hands, takinga sip of the cool, refreshing water. It was a simple yet profound moment, a reminder of the life-giving force that nature provides us with.In the midst of this natural wonder, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to experience such beauty. The Norwegian forest had left an indelible mark on my soul, and I knew that I would carryits memory with me forever.挪威的森林中,我发现自己被大自然的宁静美丽所包围。


都有属于自己的一片森林,迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢. —村上春树 刚刚好,看到你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。 —村上春树



《挪威的森林》读后感英文回答:As I embarked on my literary journey through Haruki Murakami's mesmerizing novel, "Norwegian Wood," I was captivated by the introspective and melancholic narrative that unfolded before my eyes. The story delves into the complexities of love, loss, and the search for identity, themes that resonated deeply within me.The protagonist, Toru Watanabe, is a young man grappling with the recent suicide of his close friend, Kizuki. Toru's grief manifests itself in a profound sense of isolation and alienation, leading him to withdraw from the world around him. However, his solitary existence is disrupted by the arrival of two enigmatic women: Naoko, Kizuki's enigmatic girlfriend, and Midori, a vibrant and impulsive classmate.In Naoko, Toru finds a kindred spirit who understandsthe depths of his sorrow. Together, they navigate the labyrinth of their shared past and present pain. Thenovel's title, "Norwegian Wood," alludes to the Beatles song that provides a haunting backdrop to their fragile relationship.Midori, on the other hand, represents a glimmer of hope and vitality in Toru's otherwise desolate world. Her infectious laughter and unwavering optimism challenge his self-imposed solitude and offer him a glimpse of a brighter future. Throughout the novel, Toru struggles to reconcile his feelings for both women, torn between the allure of the past and the promise of the future.Murakami's writing style is characterized by its dreamlike quality, where reality and imagination blur seamlessly. His prose is lyrical and evocative, capturing the nuances of human emotion with remarkable precision. Toru's inner turmoil is vividly rendered through stream-of-consciousness narration, allowing readers to experience his thoughts and feelings firsthand.One of the most striking aspects of "Norwegian Wood" is its exploration of the complexities of grief and loss.Toru's inability to fully process Kizuki's death casts a long shadow over his life, affecting his relationships and his ability to move forward. The novel challenges the notion that grief is a linear process, portraying instead its cyclical and unpredictable nature."Norwegian Wood" is also a coming-of-age story, asToru's experiences lead him to a deeper understanding of himself and the world around him. Through his relationships with Naoko and Midori, he learns the importance of self-acceptance and the transformative power of love. Thenovel's conclusion is both poignant and hopeful, leaving readers with a sense of closure and a renewed appreciation for the fragility of life.Overall, "Norwegian Wood" is a haunting and deeply moving novel that explores the timeless themes of love, loss, and the search for identity. Murakami's evocative writing and profound insights into the human condition make this a literary masterpiece that will stay with me longafter I finish reading it.中文回答:读完村上春树的《挪威的森林》,我被这部小说凄美忧郁的叙事深深吸引。



挪威森林(Norwegian Wood)i was thirty-seven then, strapped in my seat as the huge 747 plunged through dense cloud cover on approach to the hamburg airport. cold november rains drenched the earth and lent everything the gloomy air of a flemish landscape: the ground crew ran gear, a flag atop a squat airport building, a bmw billboard. so germany again.37岁的我端坐在波音747客机上,庞大的机体穿过厚重的夹雨云层,俯身向汉堡机场降落。



once the plane was on the ground soft music began to flow from the ceiling speakers: a sweet orchestral cover version of the beatles' " norwegian wood". the melody never failed to send a shudder through me, but this time it hit me harder than ever.飞机刚一着陆,天花板扩音器中低声传出轻柔的背景音乐,那是一个管弦乐队演奏的甲壳虫乐队的《挪威的森林》。





《挪威的森林》主题探析2010-05-16 20:43《挪威的森林》是日本当代作家村上春树的代表作。





































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