PD17 PD18 PD19 PD20 PD21 PD22 PD23 PD24 PD25 PD26 PD27 PE0 PE1 PE2 PE3 PE4 PE5 PE6 PE7 PE8 PE9 PE10 PE11 PF0 PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5 PG0 PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 PG7 PG8 PG9 PG10 PG11 PH0 PH1 PH2
功能说明 CAMERE电源CSI_CORE1V5控制信号。开启CAMERA时该引脚设置为输置 高,关闭CAMERA 时该引脚设置为输入 /上下拉禁止。 CAMERE 复位信号,输出 =0复位 CAMERE低功耗控制IO,输出=1进入低功耗模式 当机内温度超过设定伐值,LM95235该引脚将拉低。 eMMC复位,输出=0复位 GPS主电源控制信号。开启时该引脚设置为输出置高,关闭时该引脚设 置为输入/上下拉禁止。 MMA7455L 重力传感器I2C Enable,输出=1进入I2C模式 HUB模块电源开关,输出=1开,输出=0关闭 USB指纹识别器电源开关,输出=1开,输出=0关闭 输出=0关闭WIFI
电源功能按键输入检测IO口,当有按键按下时,该引脚为低电平;按键 释放后,该引脚为高电平。
622 394 45
594 594 22
594 289 22
594 495 22
495 495 22
495 394 22
622 495 22
622 394 22
尺寸公差范围(size tolerance):0-3mm
风量 / 初阻力
(m3/h / Pa)
No.88, Lane 377,ChenHui Rd,Zhangjiang High-Tech Park,Pudong District, Shanghai
Fax:021-5080 9987
Hi-cap,synthetic media bag prefilter
1700 / 18 3400/ 68
850 / 18 1700 / 68
1420 / 18 2840 / 68
1180 / 18 2360 / 68
935 / 18 1870 / 68
1480 / 18 2960 / 68
1860 / 18 3720 / 68
1700 / 20 3400 / 70
850 / 20 1700 / 70
30/30 CL2 24 x 20 x 4
30/30 CL2 20 x 20 x 4
30/30 CL2 20 x 16 x 4
30/30 CL2 25 x 20 x 4
30/30 CL2 25 x 25 x 4
30/30 CL2 24 x 24 x 2
维萨拉工业测量产品手册湿度 | 温度 | 露点 | 二氧化碳 | 沼气 | 油中水分 | 连续监测系统 |溶解气体分析系统 | 过氧化氢 | 压力 | 气象 | 服务支持观测让世界更美好维萨拉的工业测量业务领域产品能够帮助客户了解工艺过程。
如需更多信息,请通过以下方式联系我们:销售热线:400 810 0126电子邮箱:**********************公司网址:扫描二维码,关注维萨拉企业微信3目 录Indigo系列变送器Indigo200系列数据处理单元 (7)Indigo300数据处理单元 (9)Indigo510数据处理单元 (12)Indigo520数据处理单元 (15)用于抽检和校准的手持设备Indigo80手持式显示表头 (18)HMP80系列手持式湿度和温度探头 (21)DMP80系列手持式露点和温度探头 (23)HM70手持式湿度和温度仪 (26)HUMICAP® 手持式湿度温度仪表HM40系列 (29)DM70手持式露点仪 (33)MM70适用于现场检测的手持式油中微量水分和温度测试仪 (36)湿度和温度用于测量相对湿度的维萨拉HUMICAP® 传感器 (38)如何为高湿度应用选择合适的湿度仪表 (40)Insight PC机软件 (44)HMP1墙面式温湿度探头 (46)HMP3一般用途湿度和温度探头 (48)HMP4相对湿度和温度探头 (51)HMP5相对湿度和温度探头 (54)HMP7相对湿度和温度探头 (57)HMP8相对湿度和温度探头 (60)HMP9紧凑型湿度和温度探头 (63)TMP1温度探头 (66)适用于苛刻环境中湿度测量的HMT330系列温湿度变送器 (68)HMT370EX系列本安型温湿度变送器 (78)HMT310温湿度变送器 (84)HUMICAP® 温湿度变送器HMT120和HMT130 (87)适用于高性能暖通空调应用的HMW90系列湿度与温度变送器 (90)HMD60系列湿度和温度变送器 (92)HMD110/112和HMW110/112湿度和温度变送器 (96)适用于楼宇自动化高精度室外测量的HMS110系列温湿度变送器 (99)HMDW80系列温湿度变送器 (101)适用于楼宇自动化应用室外测量的HMS80系列温湿度变送器 (105)HMM100湿度模块 (107)适用于OEM应用的HMM105数字湿度模块 (109)HMM170温湿度模块 (111)INTERCAP® 温湿度探头HMP60 (113)4INTERCAP® 温湿度探头HMP63 (115)HUMICAP® 温湿度探头HMP110 (117)HUMICAP® 温湿度探头HMP113 (120)SHM40结构湿度测量套件 (122)HMK15湿度校准仪 (125)DTR500太阳辐射和雨水防护罩 (127)HMT330MIK气象安装套件 (129)适用于动力汽轮机进气测量的HMT300TMK汽轮机安装组件 (131)露点Vaisala DRYCAP® 传感器用于测量干燥过程中的湿度 (133)DMP5露点和温度探头 (135)DMP6露点探头 (138)DMP7露点和温度探头 (140)DMP8露点和温度探头 (142)DMT340系列露点和温度变送器 (145)适用于高温应用的DMT345和DMT346露点变送器 (151)DMT152露点变送器 (155)DMT143露点变送器 (157)DMT143L露点变送器 (160)用于冷冻干燥机的DMT132露点变送器 (162)DM70用DSS70A便携式采样系统和采样室 (164)DPT146露点和气压变送器 (166)DPT145多参数变送器 (168)二氧化碳适用于苛刻环境的维萨拉CARBOCAP® 测量传感器 (171)GMP343二氧化碳探头 (173)适用于CO2恒温箱的GMP231二氧化碳探头 (176)GMP251二氧化碳探头 (178)GMP252二氧化碳探头 (181)GM70手持式二氧化碳测试仪 (184)适用于苛刻通风要求应用的GMW90系列二氧化碳及温湿度变送器 (187)适用于智能控制通风系统 (DCV) 的GMW80系列二氧化碳、湿度和温度一体变送器 (190)按需控制通风系统中的GMD20系列二氧化碳变送器 (193)GMD110管道安装式二氧化碳变送器 (195)沼气MGP261多气体探头 (197)MGP262多气体探头 (199)油中水用于测量油中微水的维萨拉HUMICAP® 传感器 (201)MMP8油中水分探头 (203)MMT330系列油中微量水分与温度变送器 (205)5MMT310系列油中微量水分与温度变送器 (209)MMT162油中微量水分和温度变送器 (211)连续监测系统维萨拉viewLinc企业版服务器版本5.1 (213)AP10 VaiNet无线接入点 (215)用于连续监测系统的RFL100无线数据记录仪 (218)HMP115温湿度探头 (223)TMP115宽范围温度探头 (225)维萨拉温度与相对湿度数据记录仪系列DL2000 (227)维萨拉通用输入数据记录仪系列DL4000 (229)维萨拉多应用温度数据记录仪DL1016/1416 (231)维萨拉热电偶数据记录仪系列DL1700 (233)维萨拉中端温度、湿度及触点通道数据记录仪 (235)维萨拉vNet以太网供电数据记录仪接口 (238)溶解气体分析OPT100 Optimus™ 溶解气体分析(DGA)监测系统 (240)MHT410变压器油中微量水分、氢气和温度分析仪 (244)过氧化氢用于测量汽化过氧化氢、相对饱和度和相对湿度的维萨拉PEROXCAP® 传感器 (246)用于过氧化氢、湿度和温度测量的HPP270系列探头 (249)压力用于测量压力的维萨拉BAROCAP® 传感器 (253)PTU300气压、湿度和温度一体变送器 (255)适用于专业气象、航空与工业用户的PTB330数字式气压计 (260)气压传递标准PTB330TS (262)PTB210数字气压计 (265)PTB110气压计 (267)将风引起误差降低的SPH10/20静压头 (269)气象Vaisala用于工业应用测量的风和气象传感器技术 (271)风测量装置WA15 (273)WINDCAP® 超声波风传感器WMT700系列 (276)气象变送器WXT530系列 (278)服务支持面向仪表全生命周期服务 (280)67功能•数据处理单元 USB-C 端口支持使用通用 USB 电缆连接到维萨拉Insight PC 软件•数字和图形彩色显示屏(针对模拟型号提供可选的不带显示屏的款式)•IP65 外壳•24 V AC/DC 电源输入•Indigo201:3 个模拟输出(mA 或 V)•Indigo202:RS-485,带有Modbus ® RTU•2 个可配置的继电器维萨拉 Indigo200 系列数据处理单元是一种主机设备,它显示来自维萨拉 Indigo 兼容探头的测量值,同时也可通过模拟信号、Modbus RTU 通信或继电器将这些测量值传输到自动化系统。
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO NPAM8006Application NoteAE Department1.Revision InformationDate Revision Description Comment20011/04/14V1.0Initial releaseDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P.A.MCONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO N 2.PAM8006General DescriptionThe PAM8006is a10W(per channel)stereo class-D audio amplifier with fixed gain which offers low THD+N,low EMI,and good PSRR thus high-quality sound reproduction.The PAM8006runs off from a7.5V to18V supply at much higher efficiency than competitors’Ics.The PAM8006only requires very few external components,significantly saving cost and board space. The PAM8006is available in a32pin QFN5mm*5mm and TSSOP-28PP package.Key Features■10W@10%THD/Channel Output into a8ΩLoad at13V■Power Supply Range:7.5V to18V■Low SNR:95dB■Over90%Efficiency■With Shutdown/Mute Function■Over Current,Thermal,Short-Circuit Protection and UVLO■Low THD+N■Low Quiescent Current■Pop noise suppression■Small Package Outlines:Thin32-pin QFN5mm*5mm and TSSOP-28PP Package3.Applications⏹Flat Monitor/LCD TVs⏹Multi-media Speaker System⏹DVD players,Game machines⏹Boom Box⏹Music instrumentsDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P.A.MCONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO N5.Application Information5-1Selection of Gain and Input Signal AmplitudeThe PAM8006has two internal amplifier stages with fixed gain.The pre-amp stage gain is10X,while the second stage gain is5X.The pre-amp is powered internally by the5V value of AVDD.At maximum pre-amp gain operation for avoiding the pre-amp saturation,it's worth noting that the peak value of input signal(Vp)shouldn't exceed250mV when the THD+N of PAM8006is lower than1%;and the Vp value shouldn't exceed 300mV when the THD+N is lower than10%.Total gain is calculated as follows:Gin=20log[100k/(10k+Rin)*5]5-2MUTE OperationThe MUTE pin is an input for controlling the output state of the PAM8006.A logic high on this pin disables the outputs and low enables the outputs.This pin may be used as a quick disable or enable of the outputs.For power saving,the SD pin should be used to reduce the quiescent current to the absolute minimum level.5-3Shutdown OperationThe PAM8006employs a shutdown operation mode to reduce supply current to the absolute minimum level during periods of non-use to save power.The SD input terminal should be held high during normal operation when the amplifier is in use.Pulling SD low causes the outputs to mute and the amplifier to enter a low-current state.SD should never be left unconnected to prevent the amplifier from unpredictable operation.For the best power-off pop performance,the amplifier should be set in shutdown mode prior to removing the power supply voltage.5-4BSN and BSP Capacitors(1)For the high side NMOS of full H-bridge output stages bootstrap(2)220nF X5R/X7R ceramic capacitor and rated for at least25V(3)One must be connected from OUTP to BSP(4)One must be connected from OUTN to BSNDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P.A.MCONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO N5-5Input Resistors(1)Limit the closed-loop gain(2)Form a high pass filter with Ri,and the cut off frequency is fc=1/2*Π*Ri*Ci(3)5.1KΩand1%tolerance needed for resistor matching to improve CMRR,PSRR5-6Input Capacitors(1)Form a high pass filter with Ri,and the cut off frequency is fc=1/2*Π*Ri*Ci(2)Have a tolerance of10%or better for matching:any mismatch in capacitance cause san importance mismatch at the corner frequency and below(3)Low leakage current needed,0.47uF,X5R/X7R ceramic recommend5-7Power Supply decoupling Caps(1)Low ESR for good THD,PSRR(2)1uF/0.1uF ceramic for higher frequency transients,spikes,or digital hash on the line of PVDD/AVCC(3)Additional10uF or greater for low frequency noise filtering and serves as a local storage capacitor for supplying current during large signal transients on the amplifier outputs(4)Need place very closed to the IC5-8VCLAMP Capacitors(1)VCLAMP limit the Vgs of the NMOS(2)1uF,X5R/X7R ceramic and rated25at least recommend(3)Place closed to the device5-9Internal Regulated5V-Supply Capacitor(1)Internal power supply for pre-amplifier,OSC(2)1uF,X5R/X7R ceramic recommend(3)Place very closed to the deviceDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P.A.MCONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO NDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P .A.M6.EMI Eliminate Solutions(1)A ferrite bead filter at output traces(2)Ferrite bead selection:High impedanceat high frequency and very low impedance at low frequencyCONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO N6.PCB Layout GuidelinesExposed PAD(1)It’s important using exposed pad for thermal transfer(2)Refer to PAM8606application note for exposed pad layoutGrounding(1)Use plane grounding or separate grounds(2)Do not use one line connecting power PGND and analog GND(3)Output noise grounds must tie to system ground at the power in exclusively.(4)Signal currents for the inputs need to be returned to quite ground.This ground only ties to the signal components and the GND pinPower Supply(1)VDD and each of PVDD need to be separated and tied together at the system power supply.(2)Recommend that the all the trace could be routed as short and thick as possible.(3)Any barricade placed in the trace could result in the bad performance of the amplifier.ponents PlacementDecoupling Capacitors(1)The power supply capacitors(C2,C3,C8,C9,C18,C19,C21,C22,C27,C28)need to place very close to the PAM8006’s pins(2)C16(V2P5),C14(AVDD),and C17(VCLAMP)should be place close das soon as possible(3)Input resistors(Ri)and input capacitors(Ci)place closed to input pins as soon as possibleGrounding(1)The decupling capacitors C16(V2P5),C14(AVDD),C18/C19(AVCC),andC15(Cosc), should each to be grounded to analog ground AGND.(2)The PVCC decoupling capacitors(C2,C3,C8,C9,C21,C22,C27and C28)should each be grounded to power ground PGND(3)An AGND island should be created with a single connection to PGNDOutput filter(1)The ferrite EMI filter should be placed as close to the output terminals as possible for the best EMI performance(2)The capacitors used in the filters should be grounded to PGNDDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P.A.MCONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIO NDO NOT DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUCE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM P .A.M8.PAM8006Suggested LayoutTop LayerBottom Layer。
此Q110(3401 CMOS管)是控制屏供 电的,白屏时测a处有没有12V,如有 大多为屏不良或LVDS线脱落,如a处没 有12V,测b脚有没有,没有查供电电 路,如b有可能为Q110损坏或受控
7. DC-DC转换电路:
由5V转为2.5V供MST6M182的 J6/K6/H6/N5/M10/M11/E13
VCC供 电电路
D1-4(RL207)组 成桥式整流)击穿 会烧险
过压过流 保护电路
2. 待机控制电路
待机时,由MST6M182的A10脚出为低电 压到Q115,使Q114/Q115(3401COMS) 管处于截止状态,没有5V和12V供后面的 相关电路工作,从而达到节能的目的。
此3401 CMOS 管是待机时把 12V关闭
此3401 CMOS 管是待机时把 5V关闭
3. 开机控制 5V/12V供电
开机时,由遥控给一个信号给MST6M182的B9脚,使6M182启动读 U402的软件,由A10脚输出3.3V给Q115,使Q114/Q115 (3401COMS)管处于导通,使5V和12V供后面的相关电路工作。
此为机器启动 前的系统复位 电路
软件配屏型号(更换主板后一定要 进入工厂菜单查看一下软件内的屏 型号与实际屏的型号是否相同,不 同时就要重升级软件)
MS182 机芯 培训课件
乐华服务管理部/陈甲武 2013年3月
目 录
一.机芯特点 二.整机电路及供电顺序方框图
四.各电路模块分析及常见故障 五.软件升级方法及工厂复位介绍
1. LED32C820采用的是三合一板(电源板、主板、背光驱动板),电路简洁。 2. 本机采用MST6M182VG芯片方案,功能特点如下:
模拟量输出 通 信 RS-485
可选配2路 1路/可增配1路
可选配2路输出 可选配2路
1路/可增配1路 液晶
三相 三相 √ √ √ 分时电能 √
可选配4路 可选配2路或4路 可选配2路输出
可选配2路 1路/可增配1路
测量精度 • 电压、电流 0.5 级 • 其他电量 1 级,电能 1 级 • 频率 0.1Hz
通信 • RS-485 接口 • MODBUS 协议 • 波特率 4800~9600 bps
工作环境 • 工作温度:-20℃~60℃ • 存储温度:-40℃~75℃ • 相对湿度:5%~90%不结露
信号开入 • 干接点接入 • 光电耦合器隔离:4000VAC.rms
(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 201920594161.6(22)申请日 2019.04.28(73)专利权人 上海尹莱仕光电科技有限公司地址 200120 上海市浦东新区宣桥镇宣秋路210号B幢4楼401室(72)发明人 陈庆基 (74)专利代理机构 上海科律专利代理事务所(特殊普通合伙) 31290代理人 袁亚军(51)Int.Cl.H04R 9/06(2006.01)H04R 9/02(2006.01)(54)实用新型名称一种抗干扰共振喇叭驱动电路(57)摘要本实用新型公开了一种抗干扰共振喇叭驱动电路,包括音频放大器,其中,所述音频放大器的输入端通过音频信号隔离电路和音频输入信号相连,所述音频放大器的输出端和共振喇叭相连,所述音频放大器的电源端通过电源保护电路连接12V直流电源。
权利要求书1页 说明书4页 附图3页CN 209693042 U 2019.11.26C N 209693042U权 利 要 求 书1/1页CN 209693042 U1.一种抗干扰共振喇叭驱动电路,包括音频放大器(12),其特征在于,所述音频放大器(12)的输入端通过音频信号隔离电路(11)和音频输入信号相连,所述音频放大器(12)的输出端和共振喇叭(2)相连,所述音频放大器(12)的电源端通过电源保护电路(14)连接12V直流电源。
N203 PAM8006A 功放
XSU07 TF卡接口
N510 THGBM5G5A,是一 颗32Gb的eMMC存 储器。eMMC为MMC 协会所订立的内 嵌式存储器标准 规格,它在封装 中集成了一个控 制器提供标准接 口并管理闪存。
XSU04 USB1 N501 RDT2995D 主芯片
NU01 AU6258
N802 RF9889/AP3502 5V
RDT2995D是一款集成度较高的网络电视芯片,内置 高性能微处理器、3D处理器、中频解码器、多制式 音视频解码器、网络功能;LVDS输出接口、模拟及 数字音视频接口等, 作为新一代推出的智能电视机芯 方案,其采用了ARM cortexA9双核CPU Android4.2 操作系统,速率更快,应用更流畅。
XS624 10针连接器,用来连 接侧端耳机输出,AV输 出及SPDIF输出。
XS623 3.5mm麦克风输入 接口(预留)
XS624 10针连接器
XSU06 CI_PCMCIA接口 可实现CAM卡与电视机连接 (机卡分离设计)
N510 THGBM5G5A 主程序存储器
康佳技术培训资料集锦 维 修 系 列
目 录
一、RTD2995D平台简介 二、RTD2995D平台主板实物图介绍
四、RTD2995D平台软件升级方法 五、维修常见故障分析及处理办法 六、常见故障图解
XSU06 CI_PCMCIA接口 一体机特有部分 NU01 (AU6258) 是一款USB端口扩 容芯片。
遥控器上的振动模式关闭方法:◎ 同时按“设定”+“解除”键,遥控器发出一声提示音,“设置” 字符闪动进入设置状态;
◎ 之后按“设定”键,将在时间/分钟→时间/小时→闹钟开/关→闹钟/分钟→闹钟/小时→语开/关音→方式1/2/3→自投开/关→退出之间循环转换选择,相对应字符快速闪动。
◎ 按“解除”键(对快速闪动字符的参数)进行调整,调整完成之后,继续按“设定”键选择下一功能进行调整。当“退出”字符闪动时,同时按“设定”+“解除”键1秒可保存设定的状态并退出。按“解除”马上退出,设置不保存。
◎ 方式:“1”表示只有报警声,没振动; “2”表示只有振动没报警声; “3”表示有报警声,也有振动声。
PAM4 Transmitter Analysis软件应用说明书
PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisComprehensive PAM4 Analysis, showing detailed jitter analysis for each eye and global link measurementsFeatures and benefitsThe PAM4 Transmitter Analysis software application enhances the capabilities of the DPO/MSO70000DX/SX and DPO/DSA/MSO70000series oscilloscopes, adding transmitter and channel testing for four-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM4) devices and interfaces for bothelectrical and optical physical domains.Single Integrated Application for PAM4 Electrical and Optical SignalDebug and ValidationThis application brings together all the capabilities needed forcomprehensive PAM4 analysis and debugDashboard style configuration panel enables quick and easyconfiguration of all the necessary parameters for PAM4 analysisEnhanced Clock RecoverySoftware clock recovery offers the industry's most robust clockrecovery capability even from heavily impaired signalsConfigurable Bessel-Thomson FilterOffers the flexibility to tune bandwidth of the measurementreceiver, either manually or automatically, based on detected datarateWaveform Filter enables embed or de-embed test fixtures or channelmodelsAuto ConfigurationAuto detect thresholds, symbol rate, pattern type and length,enabling ease of configurationSymbol and Bit Error DetectorDetect and navigate to individual errors with annotations of clockrecovery, eye centers, and expected symbolsAccumulate SER and BER over multiple acquisition cyclesIntegrated Receiver EqualizationApply CTLE, FFE and DFE equalization to the acquired waveformto open a closed eye.Model different types of receiver settings to perform what-ifanalysisSupport for standard based equalization presetsJitter Measurement and Eye AnalysisFull Characterization of the PAM4 eyes to support standard basedand debug analysisIsolate the effects of ISI and show the potential for receiverequalization using correlated eyeRise and Fall times for all 12 PAM4 transitions offers the capability to analyze each transition type in PAM4 signal providing greaterinsightFlexible controls to automatically acquire a desired symbolpopulation across multiple acquisitionsNoise Analysis and BER ContoursEye width and height analysis per OIF-CEI standards or to customBER targetsEye diagram annotated to show BER contours and width/heightmeasurement locationsSNDR AnalysisAutomates a complex Electrical PAM4 transmitter measurementuseful for characterizationTDECQ AnalysisAutomates a complex Optical PAM4 measurement that is used tocharacterize the optical transmitter vertical eye closurePlots and reportsComprehensively interact with plots for measurement visualizationand deep analysisHTML report captures all the relevant setup configuration,measurement test results, and plot in single file that is easy to readand shareMeasurement results across multiple acquisitions can be exported to a consolidated CSV file useful for additional analysisApplicationsDebug, Analysis, and Characterization of Electrical and Optical PAM4signalsCharacterization of OIF-CEI and IEEE based PAM4 standards; such as OIFCEI-VSR-56G-PAM4, 802.3bs, and CDAUI-8.PAM4 overviewThe frequency content of the NRZ signal increases linearly with bit-rate.PAM4 signaling needs half the bandwidth as NRZ for the same data rate.400G Ethernet standards, both electrical and optical interfaces, adopted PAM4 signaling to support the forecasted growth in the datacenter andnetwork traffic.Assumes linear coding for illustration. In practice, gray coding is frequently used.The 4 levels of PAM4 introduce additional complexity in signaling and place new demands on the test methodology. The PAM4 analysis tool offers several measurement and visualization capabilities aimed at making the task of validating PAM4 designs more efficient.PAM4 Measurement configurationThe configuration panel is a dashboard within the PAM4 analysis tool that enables you to configure most elements for a PAM4 analysis run. The panel includes; measurement source selection, Clock recovery, Threshold,and Bessel-Thomson filter and Equalization configuration. It also has theability to embed or de-embed a channel using a waveform filter.Clock recoveryConfigurable PLL (phase-locked loop) clock recovery reliably extracts the symbol clock, even with highly impaired signals, and exports thereconstructed clock waveform to a reference channel where it may be viewed.Channel Embedding / De-embeddingThe waveform filter option offers the ability to embed or de-embed differentchannel elements. For example:The effects of a test fixture can be de-embedded to gain visibility of thesignal at the transmitter output.A channel can be embedded to gain visibility of the signal at the receiver input.DatasheetEqualizationIt is often necessary to apply receiver equalization to open the eyes before measurements can be performed. In most cases the lack of physical access makes it impossible to verify the receiver circuit behavior and monitor the effects of clock recovery and equalization.A comprehensive equalizer in the PAM4 analysis tool offers the ability to dothe following:Apply CTLE either using custom poles and zeros or standards basedpresets.Apply configurable length FFE and / or DFE with auto-adapted tapvalues.Observe the tap values that have been chosen.Measurement SelectionThe new Select panel enables you to select between electrical and optical PAM4 measurements.The selection list allows you to choose window measurements andconfigure the display for ease of use and execution speed.Auto Configure CapabilityThe PAM4 analysis application can automatically detect the signal’s symbol rate and pattern, and choose the appropriate decision thresholds based on analysis of the eye diagram. This allows quick and error-free set-up, as well as, verifying your signal’s key characteristics.PAM4 MeasurementsPAM4 analysis package provides a comprehensive set of measurements that offer greater insight into signal characteristics, speeding up validation or characterization of PAM4 designs.The supported list includes IEEE (802.3bs/cd) and OIF-CEI Standards based measurements or SNDR and TDECQ when enable characterized of electrical and optical PAM4 Transmitter.PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisFull Waveform and Correlated WaveformanalysisA full waveform analysis can be performed by overlaying all the unitintervals on the acquired PAM4 signal. A jitter analysis is done on theindividual eyes within the link and the BER eye contours. Both tests cangive insight into eye closure at all timing phases and reference levelssimultaneously.The correlated waveform and eye show how much additional eye openingis theoretically obtainable through equalization. The correlated waveformcan be analyzed by tools and techniques similar to those found onEquivalent Time Oscilloscopes. Many performance communicationsstandards assume access to correlated data. The PAM4 Analysisapplication can effectively model correlated and composite eye diagrams.1Supports Average Launch Power of Off Transmitter as per IEEE 802.3bs/cd specifications.2This measurement not available until December 2018.DatasheetRise and Fall Time analysisAnalysis of the individual transitions rise and fall times helps separate linear impairments (bandwidth, ISI) from nonlinear (slew-rate limiting, clipping).The rise and fall times also support advanced tuning of equalizationalgorithms. The PAM-4 analysis software provides the max, min, and meanrise and fall time for each of the six transition types within the PAM4 eye.VisualizationA comprehensive set of plots can be used to visualize measurement data.The plots provide additional insight into the signal characteristics and are useful for debugging.The plot toolset enables interaction with the plots and can focus in on anarea of interest for closer examination and further analysis.Error DetectorThe PAM4 analysis tool comes with a built in error detector that can identify individual symbol errors in the current source waveform. The identified errorcan be viewed in a dedicated error navigator window.The error navigator has several capabilities that makes it easy to quickly navigate and zoom into the error location. The additional information for thefollowing detected errors offer help debugging symbol errors on the link:Location of recovered clockLocation of symbol error reference thresholdsExpected symbol displayed Actual symbol displayedPAM4 Transmitter AnalysisComprehensive test report and data exportThe measurement results can be saved in the form of a test report. The report includes; the configuration of the oscilloscope, applicationconfiguration, measurement results, and plots all available in an easy to read or share format.The measurement results across multiple acquisitions can also be exportedto a single CSV file for further analysis.Full waveform resultsFull waveform eye diagramDPO7OE Series Optical ProbesThe DPO7OE Series Optical probes can be used as an Optical Reference Receiver for high speed serial data signals (using selectable Bessel-Thomson ORR filters), or can be used as a conventional O/E converter for general wide-bandwidth optical signal acquisition. The DPO7OE Series is compatible with DPO/MSO70000 C/DX/SX models. Connected to TekConnect channels for up to 33 GHz bandwidth. Connected to ATI channels, the DPO7OE1 provides up to 42 GHz electrical response; theDPO7OE2 provides up to 59 GHz electrical bandwidth response.DPO7OE1 33 GHz Optical ProbeDatasheetOrdering informationThe PAM4 Transmitter analysis software for Tektronix DPO/MSO70000 Win7 Series oscilloscopesFor new DPO/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopesFor users with existing DPO/DSA/MSO70000 Series oscilloscopesRequired optionsDJA DPOJET Eye and Jitter Analysis DJAN DPOJET Noise AnalysisSDLA64SDLA Visualizer channel de-embedding, embedding, and equalizationRecommended ProbesDPO7OE133 GHz optical probe DPO7OE259 GHz optical probeTektronix is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by SRI Quality System Registrar.Product(s) complies with IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, RS-232-C, and with Tektronix Standard Codes and Formats.PAM4 Transmitter AnalysisDatasheetASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900 Austria 00800 2255 4835*Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777 Belgium 00800 2255 4835*Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627 Canada180****9200Central East Europe and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777 Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777 Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777 France 00800 2255 4835*Germany 00800 2255 4835*Hong Kong 400 820 5835 India 000 800 650 1835 Italy 00800 2255 4835*Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086 Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777 The Netherlands 00800 2255 4835*Norway 800 16098People's Republic of China 400 820 5835 Poland +41 52 675 3777 Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +822 6917 5084, 822 6917 5080 Russia & CIS +7 (495) 6647564 South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain 00800 2255 4835*Sweden 00800 2255 4835*Switzerland 00800 2255 4835*Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688 United Kingdom & Ireland 00800 2255 4835*USA180****9200* European toll-free number. If not accessible, call: +41 52 675 3777For Further Information. Tektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology. Please visit . Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification andprice change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies.06 Feb 2019 55W-60239-8 。
Metcal MFR-1300系列双输出60W泡沫解OLD OLD系统说明书
Metcal MFR-1300 SeriesDual Output 60W Desolder / Solder Systemw/Internal PumpMakes Desoldering Clean and EasyMetcal's MFR-1300 Desoldering System is a powerful, cost-effective system with a small footprint. With 0.7 bar of vacuumsuction force, both the MR-1350 and MR-1351 have what it takes tomake through-hole desoldering clean and easy.Each system includes a Desoldering Pistol with a large capacity,easy to change solder collection chamber to ensure minimumdowntime. The pistol can easily be converted to a pencil grip foradditional control. Metcal offers a wide range of long life desolderingtips that will keep your equipment working efficiently.The MFR-1351 unit has both desoldering and solderingcapabilities, eliminating the need for two separate units. The MFR-1351 uses SmartHeat®, a microprocessor controlled system whichoperates at lower temperatures and eliminates calibration time.The MFR-1300 series is the best choice for small or largeproduction environments which need exceptional desoldering andsoldering performance from a unit with a small footprint.MFR-1300 Series Features and Benefits• Self-contained internal pump and large capacity collectionchamber makes desoldering easy• Pistol handpiece can easily be converted to a pencil grip• SmartHeat® technology operates at lower and safertemperatures and eliminates overshoot.• No calibration required which saves money and down-time.Desolderingpistol can easilybe changed toa pencil grip foradditional control.Large capacitydesolderingcollectionchamber is easy tochange, reducingdowntimeMetcal MFR-1300 SeriesSee pgs. 5 - 612AABBCCEFHRxP Rework Cartridges See pg. 6DxP Desoldering DSee page 3 for additional accessoriesO D U C T U P D A T EMetcal MFR-1300 SeriesAccessories and Replacement PartsO D U C T U P D A T EMetcal MFR-1300 SeriesDxP Desoldering TipsSee pages 5 - 6 for SxP Soldering Cartridges andpage 6 for RxP Blade Rework CartridgesMetcal MFR-1300 SeriesO D U C T U P D A T EMetcal MFR-1300 Series RxP Blade Rework CartridgesF = FR4 / Fiberglass, for most standard applications T = Temperature Sensitive C = Ceramic for high thermal demand applications.。
PAM8003 滤波器无的 2.5W 双频带音频放大器说明书
FILTERLESS 2.5W CLASS-D STEREO AUDIO AMPLIFIERDescriptionThe PAM8003 is a 2.5W, Class-D audio amplifier. It offers low THD+N, allowing it to achieve high-quality sound reproduction. The new filterless architecture allows the device to drive the speaker directly,requiring no low-pass output filters, thus saving the system cost and PCB area.With the same numbers of external components, the efficiency of the PAM8003 is much better than that of class-AB cousins. It can extend the battery life, making it ideal for portable applications.The PAM8003 is available in SO-16 package.Features∙ 2.5W Output at 10% THD with a 5Ω Load and 5V Power Supply ∙ Filterless, Low Quiescent Current and Low EMI ∙ Low THD+N∙ 64-Step DC Volume Control ∙ Superior Low Noise ∙ Short Circuit Protection ∙ Thermal Shutdown∙ Few External Components to Save the Space and Cost ∙ RoHS Pass and Green Package∙ Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2) ∙ Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3)Pin AssignmentsApplications∙ LCD Monitors / TVs ∙ Notebook Computers ∙ Portable Speakers∙Portable DVD Players, Game MachinesOrdering InformationNotes:1. No purposely added lead. Fully EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) & 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) compliant.2. See https:///quality/lead-free/ for more information about Diodes Incorporate d’s definitions of Halogen - and Antimony-free, "Green" and Lead-free.3. Halogen- and Antimony-free "Green” products are defined as those which contain <900ppm bromine, <900ppm chlorine (<1500ppm total Br + Cl) and <1000ppm antimony compounds.Typical Applications Circuit ArrayPin DescriptionsFunctional Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)These are stress ratings only and functional operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for prolonged time periods may affect device reliability. All voltages are with respect to ground.Recommended Operating Conditions(@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Thermal InformationElectrical Characteristics (@T A = +25°C, V DD = 5V, Gain = 24dB, R L = 8Ω, unless otherwise specified.)Typical Performance Characteristics (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Typical Performance Characteristics (continued) (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Typical Performance Characteristics (cont.) (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Application Information1. When the PAM8803 works with LC filters, it should be connected with the speaker before it’s powered on, otherwise it will risk being damaged easily.2. When the PAM8003 works without LC filters, it’s better to add a ferrite chip bead at the outgoing line of speaker for suppressing the possi ble electromagnetic interference.3. The recommended operating voltage is 5.5V. When the PAM8003 is powered with four battery cells, it should be noted that the voltage of four new dry or alkaline batteries is over 6.0V, higher that its operation voltage, which will probably damage the device. Therefore, its recommended to use either four Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride) rechargeable batteries or three dry or alkaline batteries.4. One should not make the input signal too large. Large signal can cause the clipping of output signal when increasing the volume. This will damage the device because of big gain of the PAM8004.5. When testing the PAM8803 without LC filters by using resistor instead of speakers as the output load, the test results, e.g. THD or efficiency, will be worse than those of using speaker as load.Test Setup for Performance TestingNotes: 4. The AP AUX-0025 low pass filter is necessary for class-D amplifier measurement with AP analyzer.5. Two 22μH inductors are used in series with load resistor to emulate the small speaker for efficiency measurement.Power Supply DecouplingThe PAM8003 is a high-performance CMOS audio amplifier that requires adequate power supply decoupling to ensure the output THD and PSRR as low as possible. Power supply decoupling affects low frequency response. Optimum decoupling is achieved by using two capacitors of different types of noise on the power supply leads. For higher frequency transients, spikes, or digital hash on the line, a good low equivalent-series-resisitance (ESR) ceramic capacitor, typically 1.0µF, works best, placing it as close as possible to the device V DD terminal. For filtering lower-frequency noise signals, a large capacitor of 20µF (ceramic) or greater is recommended, placing it near the audio power amplifier.Input Capacitor (C I )Large input capacitors are both expensive and space hungry for portable designs. Clearly, a certain sized capacitor is needed to couple in low frequencies without severe attenuation. But in many cases the speakers used in portable systems, whether internal or external, have little ability to reproduce signals below 100Hz to 150Hz. Thus, using a large input capacitor may not increase actual system performance. In this case, input capacitor (CI) and input resistance (RI) of the amplifier form a high-pass filter with the corner frequency determined by equation below.In addition to system cost and size, click and pop performance is affected by the size of the input the coupling capacitor, C I . A larger input coupling capacitor requires more charge to reach its quiescent DC voltage (nominally ½ V DD ). This charge comes from the internal circuit via the feedback and is apt to create pops upon device enable. Thus, by minimizing the capacitor size based on necessary low frequency response, turn-on pops can be minimized.C R 21f II C ∏=Application Information (continued)Analog Reference Bypass Capacitor (C BYP)The Analog Reference Bypass Capacitor (C BYP) is the most critical capacitor and serves several important functions. During start-up or recovery from shutdown mode, C BYP determines the rate at which the amplifier starts up. The second function is to reduce noise caused by the power supply coupling into the output drive signal. This noise is from the internal analog reference to the amplifier, which appears as degraded PSRR and THD+N.A ceramic bypass capacitor (C BYP) with values of 0.1μF to 1.0μF is recommended for the best THD and noise performance. Increasing the bypass capacitor reduces clicking and popping noise from power on/off and entering and leaving shutdown.Undervoltage Lock-Out (UVLO)The PAM8003 incorporates circuitry designed to detect low supply voltage. When the supply voltage drops to 2.0V or below, the PAM8003 outputs are disabled, and the device comes out of this state and starts to normal function when V DD≥ 2.2V.Short Circuit Protection (SCP)The PAM8003 has short circuit protection circuitry on the outputs to prevent damage to the device when output-to-output or output-to-GND short occurs. When a short circuit is detected on the outputs, the outputs are disabled immediately. If the short was removed, the device activates again.Over-temperature ProtectionThermal protection on the PAM8003 prevents the device from damage when the internal die temperature exceeds +140°C. There is a 15° tolerance on this trip point from device to device. Once the die temperature exceeds the thermal set point, the device outputs are disabled. This is not a latched fault. The thermal fault is cleared once the temperature of the die is reduced by 30°C. This large hysteresis will prevent motor boating sound well and the device begins normal operation at this point without external system intervention.How to Reduce EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference)A simple solution is to put an additional capacitor 1000μF at power supply term inal for power line coupling if the traces from amplifier to speakers are short (< 20cm).Most applications require a ferrite bead filter as shown in Figure 2. The ferrite filter reduces EMI of around 1 MHz and higher. When selecting a ferrite bead, choose one with high impedance at high frequencies, and low impedance at low frequencies.Figure 2. Ferrite Bead Filter to Reduce EMIMarking InformationPackage Outline DimensionsPlease see /package-outlines.html for the latest version.SO-16SEE DETAIL 'A'11 of 12 May 2017 © Diodes IncorporatedSuggested Pad LayoutPlease see /package-outlines.html for the latest version.SO-16PAM8003Document number: DS36421 Rev. 2 - 212 of 12 May 2017 © Diodes IncorporatedPAM8003Document number: DS36421 Rev. 2 - 2。
活体科技 3人员专用 3 Megapixel 综合能力 D N 适应型红外 LED 基本 WDR 变
Basic WDR (74 dB); White balance: automatic, hold, and manual; Brightness; Contrast; Sharpness (auto); Auto gain control; Digital noise reduction; Flickerless
4 configurable regions User defined text on video User defined image layer on video
Image flip and mirror
• Audio
Compression Audio-In Audio-Out
8 kHz, Mono, PCM, 16 bit encoding; G.711 Cable with 3.5mm phone jack Cable with 3.5mm phone jack
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or newer (full functionality); Safari with QuickTime installed, and other browsers with VLC installed (partial functionality)
• Interface
Digital Input Digital Output Local Storage
1, cable without connector 1, cable without connector MicroSDHC/MicroSDXC memory card slot (card not included)
Thermal Information
Par ameter Thermal Resistance (Junction to AmbPackage S OP- 1 6
Maximum 110
Unit °C/W
T hermal Resis tance (Junction to Case)
Pin Configuration & Marking Information
Top View SOP-16/SOP-16(EP)
+OUT_L 1
16 +OUT_R
Recovery n Thermal Shutdown n Few External Components to Save the
Space and Cost n SOP-16L/SOP-16(EP) Package
n LCD TVs n Mutimedia Speakers n AM/FM System n DABs
(Class D) VDD=3.6V,Po=0.05W~1W,RL=2 Ω
(Class D)
PSRR Power Supply R ipple Rejection VDD=5.0V, Inputs ac- grounded with
Crosstalk Signal- to-noise ratio
_ + _
PAM Modulation
Driver Driver
Feedback System
Power Analog Microelectronics, Inc
03/2011 Rev1.0
10W Stereo Class-D Audio Power Amplifier
Absolute Maximum Ratings
These are stress ratings only and functional operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute
Junction Temperature Range,TJ......-40°C to 150°C Storage Temperature.....................-65°C to150°C Lead Temperature1,6mm(1/16 inch) from case for 5 seconds.................................................260°C
The PAM8006 runs off from a 7.5V to 18V supply at much higher efficiency than competitors’ICs.
The PAM8006 only requires very few external components, significantly saving cost and board space.
Pyle USA 超大磁路高敏感音频扬声器说明书
I. FEATURES1. Ultra-large magnetic circuit high-sensitivity speaker with high penetrating power, low-frequencyshock and perfect medium-/high-frequency representation2. The latest decoding chips supporting stable playback of MP3 up to 32GB U disk/TF card.3. FM radio reception - high-quality digital radio with automatic channel search and storage of up to 60 channels.4. 3. 5mm AUX audio input for each connection to a wide range of sound sources.5. Built-in high-capacity battery for consecutive playback of up to 2 hours.6. Connect the microphone, adjustable reverberation, voice and Karaoke function to presentoutstanding performance.7. Battery with built-in recharging protection to present a long and stable service life.8. Built-in low battery and full recharging indication.9. With belt / handle design for easy transportation and high mobility.10. Outputs to earphone or external sound sources.11. Record your favorite FM radio station or other AUX sound source to enjoy the music wherever you like.12. Microphone input recording to act as your personal business assistant.13. With Bluetooth function.II. RECORDINGRecording via External Microphone:Connect a storage device (USB/TF card) and short press RECORD key to start recording for a time depending on the storage capacity. During recording, tune the “-ECHO+” knob to minimum. It isbest that the microphone should have a proper distance away from the speaker to prevent any feedback.Notes:This product starts recording from the time record is displayed on the LED screen.III. BLUETOOTH PAIRING OPERATION:1. ON/OFF: switch the power to ON, press the key “MODE” to enter the mode of Bluetooth, the display screen will show “BLUE”.2. Make sure the Bluetooth function of the Mobile device is active and begin searching, Connect tomobile device when “PyleUSA” shows. Mobile device connections do not need password, however if prompted, input “0000” to go on pairing. After a successful pairing, the speaker will send out a voice prompt indicating it has successfully been paired with the mobile device.3. Play the music from your mobile device directly and enjoy.1IV. FUNCTIONAL OPERATIONS AND FEATURES1. LED Screen2. Master Volume: In MP3/FM/AUX mode, use it to regulate volume output from the speaker.3. TF Port: Read audio les in MP3 format in TF card in capacity up to 32GB (FAT32).4. USB Port: Read audio les in MP3 format in USB storage device in capacity up to 32GB (FAT32).5. : In FM receiving status, short press it to select the previous channel after a full station search has been executed.6. :In USB/TF card reading status, short press it to play/pause, or long press it to select one of fourplayback sequencing modes (All - play all tracks in sequence; ONE - repeat one track). In FM receiving status, long press it to execute a full search (it is recommended to execute at least one full searchbefore using radio receiving function. All founded stations will be saved even in power-o ). In AUX input / FM radio status, short press it to toggle between mute and normal volume.7. : In USB/TF card reading status, short press it to go to the previous track. In FM receiving status, short press it to select the next channel after a full station search has been executed.8. Mode/SHIFT: Short press it to toggle between USB/TF and FM receiving modes. Long press it totoggle between recording folder and MP3 folder.9. Recording/DEL: Short press it to enable recording (USB/TF storage device need be connected rst). During recording, reverberation should be tuned to the minimum. Long press it to delete arecording le. Recording in AUX or FM mode is available.10. EAR MIC: Headphone/MIC Port11. EQ: Environment Switching: In USB/TF reading status, short press it to select an environmentmode (from Square, Meeting, Home, Hall and Personal).12. MIC PRIORITY: Connect the microphone, short press the key, into the microphone priority mode13. LINE IN: External sound source input port (plug-and-play).214. Microphone volume: Microphone volume regulating knob.15. Reverberation: Microphone reverberation regulating knob.16. Microphone input: Microphone input jack 17. DC 12V recharging: DC 12V recharging port.18. : Press it to control the ash light switch.19. Recharging indicator light: When recharger is connected, the red light turns on. When the device is fully recharged, the blue light turns on.20. Power switch: “ ” - ON; “ ” - OFF.21. TREBLE: The control knob of treble22. BASS: The control knob of bass23. IR: Infrared remote receiver moduleCAUTION:Please be sure to charge while music distorted.V. REMOTE INSTRUCTIONS:1. Power Button: Short press it to enter standby mode; short press it again to resume. If no device is connected, the system goes to “-NO-”.2. : Functions as “ ” on the master device.3. : Functions as “ ” on the master device.4. : Functions as “ ” on the master device.5. Mode: Functions as “Mode” on the master device.6. V+/V- Keys: In USB/TF/FM/AUX mode, press them to volume up/down.7. Numeric Keys 0~9: In USB/TF card reading status, to play Track 12, just input numbers “1” and “2”, and in 2 seconds the system will go to Track 12 and start playback. Any input of number larger than number of the total available tracks is invalid. In FM status, to listen to channel 107.5MHZ, just input “1075”.8. Environment Key: In USB/TF card reading status, short press it to toggle among Square, Meeting, Home, Hall and Personal modes.9. Sequencing Key: In USB/TF card reading status, short press it to toggle among four playback sequencing modes (All - play all tracks in sequence; RAND - play in random; ONE - repeat one track; FOL - repeat all tracks in a folder).10. In USB/TF/FM/AUX mode, short press it to mute the device.11. 100+: Number selection key - in MP3 mode (USB/TF card), short press it to add “100” to current track number.3。
艰r 我宇学修平板谁修讲座伴音功放集成块PAM 8006A 的SD 脚电压异常导致无声故障检修实例□贺学金—台康佳LED 32F 1100C F 型液晶彩电,图像 正常,无伴音。
该机采用康佳35017517主板,该主板为四合 一驱动板,整合了开关电源、LED 背光驱动电路、 机芯电路以及逻辑电路。
主芯片采用 MST 6M 180X T -W L ,伴音功放块采用集成块 PAM 8006A ,线路输出放大电路采用双运放 T D A 1308,线路输出接口采用耳机插座。
为了确定故障范围,输入T V 、A V 等信号源 试机,均无伴音。
试从耳机插座插入耳机试听,声 音正常…判断故障部位在功放电路、静音控制电路或扬声器。
接下来采用 干扰法检查以缩小故障范围,干扰功放块P A M 8006A 的左、右声道音频输入端③、⑥脚,扬 声器无干扰响声,说明故障在功放块或静音控制 电路。
P A M 8006A 是 P A M (龙鼎微)公司推出的一款高效率D 类音频 功率放大器,该1C 特性是:驱动的扬声器,功率可达15W X 2;效率高达90%;低噪音,-90d B ;非 线性失真小;低静态工作电流;宽工作电压,为 8V ~18V ;具有过流、过压、欠压保护,以及过热和L207Easy domingA P P L-IA7S IC E T R E P A I T R I J S I G 短路保护功能;,非线性功率限制;具有关断/静音功能。
主芯片 N501(MST6M180X T-W L)⑮、⑯脚输出的左、右声道音频信号分别送到PAM8006的③、⑥脚,经内部前置放大及功率放大后,分别从⑪、⑭脚和@、®脚输出,经低通滤波后推动扬声器发声。
PAM8006A④脚(M U T E)是静音控制脚,正常放音时为低电平(0V),静音时为高电平(约4.8V)〇PAM8006A⑬脚(SD)是功放关断控制脚,表1PAM8006A引脚功能引脚符号功能1、8、17,24NC空脚2LINN左声道负极性输入3LINP左声道正极性输入4MUTE 静音控制。
功放IC PAM8006A承认测试报告
编号:RT01 生效日期:2011-01-26 版号:3.1
KTC ISO9001、ISO14001体系表格
项目判定项目条件Min Typ Max要求判定名称功放IC VCC正常工作8V/18V12v OK 外观OK Vmute静音2V/ 5.5V>4.5OK 标识清晰VOUT THD = 10%7.6W8W8.48W OK 封装QFN5*5-32L POUT THD = 10%7.6W8W8.48W OK 本体尺寸Ok GV///32dB24.6dB OK 引脚尺寸OK PSRR/-65dB/OK 可焊性良好IOSM Repetitive未给出 2.2Amax OK 实物Mark PMA8006A工作温度/-40+125同左OK 1脚标示有储存温度/-65+150同左OK 引脚功能OK结温Tj160℃同左OK 包装管装热阻Tsol50℃同左OK
性能测试(或其它)1. 最大伴音输出功率: 1. 输入电压与输出功率曲线:
T=25 ,VCC=12V,R=8Ω 1KHZ 0.5Vrms T=25 ,VCC=12V,R=8Ω 1KHZ 0.5~2.0Vrms
T=25 ,VCC=12V,R=8Ω 1KHZ 0.5Vrms
高温老化:T=40℃ ,VCC=12V,R=8Ω,电视音量100,播放MP3,2H后测试IC表面温度为:65℃
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1.Read InstructionsAll the safety and operation instructions should be read before using the product and retain them for future reference.2.Water &MoistureThis product should not be used near water and will be protect from atmospheric agents in fixed or temporary installations.3.HeatThis product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators,or other devices which produce heat.4.Liquid EntryCare should be taken so that liquids are not spilled into the product and that objects do not fall on.5.Service AssistanceThis product should be serviced only by qualified service personnel when :a.Liquids has spilled or objects have fallen into this product,or b.This product has been exposed to rain,orc.This product does not appear to operate normally or exhibits change in performance,or been dropped or its has cabinet /chassis damaged.6.PackageThe package of this product has been tested,inspect the package before open,if any damage is found,notify to your dealer.7.HearingThis product produce high acoustic levels may cause permanent hearing loss,(SPL in for a defined period of time).8.InstallationsThis product should be installed on the wall or in the floor with specific stands,according to the max weight."Electricdischarge"This symbol,alert you to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage inside the product which constitutes a enclosure,risk of electric shock."Exclamatorypoint"This symbol,alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance instructions the owner's manual in included to the product.TABLE OF CONTENT4.Technical Specifications (8)1.PAM5Passive Live Monitor (3)1.1Quick Start -Passive Speaker Cabinet 1.2Input /Link Connections 2.PAM5A Active Live Monitor (5)2.1Quick Start -Active Speaker Cabinet 2.2Control Elements for PAM5A Rear Panel3.PAM5T Installation Speaker Cabinet (6)3.1Quick Start Passive -Line 70.7/100V connection 3.2Control Elements for PAM5T Rear Panel1.3Wire Connections1.PAM5Passive Live Monitor1.1Quick Start-Passive Speaker CabinetMake all initial connections,with the power switches Off for all equipment and main volumes are closed.Output CHA-CHBConnect one side of the speaker cable to the(SPK+1/-1)or Binding Post of your stereo power amplifier and the other side to the(Jack for Live applications)or(for fixed installations).Input Link Push-ButtonCaution:The Nominal Impedance is16ohm and the Minimum Impedance is12ohm.Put more attention to the impedance value,when you connect more speakers with the same power amplifier.1.2Input/Link ConnectionsTwo types of linked connector are used,for Live application and for fixed instal-lation.The Positive connection is usually marked with(+),or Red for push-button.In case of1/4"Standard Jack,the Tip of the plug is positive connection.The Negative connection is usually marked with(-),or Black for push-button.The sleeve of1/4"Standard Jack will be the negative connection.LINK LINKTip Sleeve+1-1-.Here,we strongly recommend you to pay more attention to its electrical connection with the power amplifier,and avoid any polarity mismatch issue.For further details,please refer to the following configuration.1.3Wire Connections2.PAM5A Active Live Monitor2.1Quick Start-Active Speaker CabinetMake all initial connections,with the power switches Off for all equipment and main volumes are closed.Connect one side of the signal cable at your audio mixer in to Output Left-Right(with Stereo-Jack or XLR)and the other side of the cable in to the Line Input(Combo)of your active speaker cabinet.Start always with the LINE switch sensitivity in+6dB positions.Caution:The Line Input(Combo)and Link(XLR)are connected in Balanced or Unbalanced mode(Positive2/ Negative3/Ground1).The input with RCA connector,work in direct mode and by-pass the Volume control.2.2Control Elements for PAM5A Rear Panel(1)Power IndicatorThis LED lights up blue when the PAM5A active speakers are powered ON.(2)Power SwitchThis switch is used to turn the PAM5A active speakers ON or OFF.Caution:Make sure your supply voltage is same to the value printed on the rear panel,before turn on theswitch,(230V-50Hz#115V-60Hz).(3)Mains FuseThe fuse is a security device for mistake in the power supply,replace the fuse with the same type(230V-2A#115V-4A).Caution:Ask always at qualified personnel only.(4)Power CordThe power cord is a standard printed cable with ground makes for your security.Do not cut or replace theconnector,be sure that ground is always connected at voltage supply line.Caution:Ask always at qualified personnel only.(5)Main VolumeThis control adjusts the proper signal present on the Combo Connector(Line Input).Caution:The signal present on the RCA-Connector(Input)is out of the Volume Control.(6)Out/LinkBalanced Output(XLR Male),can be used for linked at another PAM5A Active Speaker with the same signallevel of the first.(7)Signal InputLine Input on combined connector(XLR/Jack)for receive any type of signal Sources.Balanced or unbalanced configuration is possible.(8)Sensitivity SwitchUse this switch in LINE position at+6dB when you connect an Audio Mixer,use this switch in MIC position at-45dB when you connect a Microphone.(9)Direct Aux InputDirect Aux Input,with RCA connector,the signal work without volume control at-10dB of sensitivity.(10)Limiter IndicatorWhen the LED indicator,flashes in Red colour the limiter circuit is engaged,when the LED indicator switchesIn fixed Red,the signal is excessive,adjust the Volume control or decrease the Mixer Output.3.PAM5T Installation Speaker Cabinet3.1Quick Start Passive-Line70.7V/100V connectionMake all initial connections,with the power switches Off for all equipment and main volumes are closed.The70.7V or100V connection is possible only with power amplifier included the output transformer for same voltage value70.7V/100V.Connect one side of the bi-wire cable at your70.7V or100V power amplifier and the other side at the Input of PAM5T(push-button)or with a Mono Jack.After this,select the desired power level of PAM5T,read the value in the70.7V list from60W(83ohm)to7.5W (666ohm)or in100V list from60W(166ohm)to7.5W(1.33kohm).Caution:Before switching ON the external power amplifier,verify the correct position of the Power Selections (Off-7.5W/15W/30W/60W)and the correct position of slider selection(Passive-Line70.7V/100V).3.2Control Elements for PAM5T Rear Panel(1)Input/Link ConnectionTwo types of linked connector are used,Mono Jack for Live application and push-button for fixed installation.The Positive connection is usually marked with(+),or Red for push-button.In case of1/4"Standard Jack,the Tip of the plug is positive connection.The Negative connection is usually marked with(-),or Black for push-button.The sleeve of1/4"Standard Jack will be the negative connection.(2)Power SelectionsWith this rotary switch,it is possible to select the power level of the PAM5T from7.5W minimum to60W maxi-mum,for two different Constant Voltages70.7V or100V.In Off position the speaker system is disconnected from the Line.(3)Passive-Line SelectorThe type of work for PAM5T is selectable by a slider selector.When in PASSIVE position,the PAM5Ts work in passive configuration at16ohm.When in LINE70.7V/100V position,the transformer inside will be engaged.4.Technical SpecificationsSEIKAKU TECHNICAL GROUP LIMITEDNo.1,Lane17,Sec.2,Han Shi W.Road,Taichung,401Taiwan Tel:886-4-22313737email:*******************Fax:886-4-22346757All rights reserved to ALTO Mobile.Due to continued development in response to customer feedback,product features,specifications and/or internal/external design may be changed without prior notice.No photocopying,translation or reproduction of any part of this user manual is allowed without prior written permission.Copyright2004Seikaku Technical Group Limited.cNF01528-1.0。
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10W STEREO CLASS-D AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIERDescriptionThe PAM8006 is a 10W (per channel) stereo Class-D audio amplifier with fixed gain which offers low THD+N, low EMI, and good PSRR producing high-quality sound reproduction.The PAM8006 runs off from a 7.5V to 18V supply at much higher efficiency than competitors’ ICs.The PAM8006 only requires very few external components, significantly saving cost and board space.The PAM8006 is available in a 32pin QFN 5mm*5mm and TSSOP-28PP package.Features∙ 10W @ 10%THD/ Channel Output into a 8Ω Load at 13V ∙ Power Supply Range: 7.5V to 18V ∙ Low SNR: 95dB ∙ Over 90% Efficiency∙ With Shutdown/Mute Function∙ Over Current , Thermal, Short-Circuit Protection and UVLO ∙ Low THD+N∙ Low Quiescent Current ∙ Pop Noise Suppression∙ Small Package Outlines: Thin 32-pin QFN 5mm*5mm and TSSOP-28PP Package∙ RoHS Pass and Green PackageApplications∙ Flat Monitor /LCD TVs ∙ Multi-media Speaker System ∙DVD players, Game machines∙ Boom Box ∙ Music instrumentsPin AssignmentsTypical Applications CircuitPin DescriptionsPin NamePin NumberFunctionQFN5x5 TSSOP-25RINN 2 5 Negative differential audio input for right channel. RINP 3 6 Positive differential audio input for right channel. NC 1, 8, 17, 24 — Not Connected AVDD 5 8 5VAnalog V DD MUTE 4 7 A logic high on this pin disables the outputs and a logic low enables the outputs. LINP 6 9 Positive differential audio input for left channel. LINN 7 10 Negative differential audio input for left channel. PGNDL 9, 16 11, 18 Power ground for left channel H-bridge. PVCCL 10, 15 12, 17 Power supply for left channel H-bridge not connected to PVCCRor AVCC. LOUTN 11 13 Class-D 1/2-H-bridge negative output for left channel. BSLN 12 14 Bootstrap I/O for left channel, negative high-side FET. BSLP 13 15 Bootstrap I/O for left channel, positive high-side FET. LOUTP 14 16 Class-D 1/2-H-bridge posi tive output for left channel.COSC 18 19I/O for charge/discharging currents onto capacitor for ramp generator trianglewave biased at V2P5.AVCC 22 23 High-voltage analog power supply (7.5V to 18V).V2P5 19 202.5V Reference for analog cells, as well as reference for unused audio inputwhen using single-ended inputs.AGND 20 21 Analog GNDSD 23 24Shutdown signal for IC (low = shutdown, high = operational). TTL logic levels withcompliance to V CC .VCLAMP 21 22 Internally generated voltage supply bootstrap capacitors. PGNDR 25, 32 4, 25 Power ground for right channel H-br idge. PVCCR 26, 31 3, 26 Power supply for right channel H-bridge not connected to PVCCL or AVCC. ROUTP 27 27 Class-D 1/2-H-bridge posi tive output for right channel. BSRP 28 28 Bootstrap I/O for right channel, positive high-side FET. BSRN 29 1 Bootstrap I/O for right channel, negative high-side FET. POUTN 30 2 Class-D 1/2-H-bridge negative output for right channel.Functional Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)These are stress ratings only and functional operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for prolonged time periods may affect device reliability. All voltages are with respect to ground.Recommended Operating Conditions (@T A = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)Thermal InformationParameter Package Symbol Max UnitThermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) QFN 5x5θJA18.1 °C/WTSSOP-28PP 27.8Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) QFN 5x5θJC7.6 TSSOP-28PP 14.4 Internal Power Dissipation (T A = +25°C) QFN 5x5 P D5.52W TSSOP-28PP 3.60The exposed PAD must be soldered to a thermal land on the PCBElectrical Characteristics (@T A = +25°C, V CC = 12V, G V = 24dB, R L = 8Ω, unless otherwise specified.)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsV CCSupply Power 7.5 12 18 V P OContinuous Output PowerTHD+N = 0.1%, f = 1kHz, R L = 8Ω5 W THD+N = 1.0%, f = 1kHz, R L = 8Ω8 W THD+N = 10%, f = 1kHz, R L = 8Ω, V CC = 13V 10 W THD+N = 10%, f = 1kHz, R L = 4Ω (Note 1)15 W THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise Po = 5W, f = 1kHz, R L = 8Ω 0.1 % I CC Quiescent Current(No Load) 20 30 mA I SD Shutdown Quiescent Current in Shutdown ModeSHUTDOWN = 0V 4 10 µAR DS(ON) Static Drain-to-Source On-State ResistorV CC = 12V I O = 1A T A = +25°CHigh Side 300 m Ω Low Side 300Total 600PSRR Power Supply Ripple Rejection 1V PP Ripple, f = 1kHz,Input AC-Coupled to Ground -60 dB f OSC Oscillator FrequencyC OSC = 220pF250 V N Output Integrated Noise Floor 20Hz to 22kHz, A-Weighting-90 µV C SCrosstalkP O = 3W, R L = 8Ω, f = 1kHz-80 dB SNRSignal-to-NoiseMaximum Outout @ THD+N < 0.5%, f = 1kHz 95 dB |V OS |Output Offset Voltage (Measured Differentially) INN and INP Connected Together 30 mV V2P5 2.5V Bias VoltageNo Load2.5AVDDInternal Analog Supply VoltageV CC = 7.5 to 18 5 5.5 OTS Over Temperature Shutdown150°COTH Temperature Hysterisis40Note:1. Heat sink is required for high power output.Typical Performance Characteristics (@T A = +25°C, R L = 8Ω, V CC = 12V, G V = 24dB, unless otherwise specified.)Typical Performance Characteristics (cont.) (@T A = +25°C, R L = 8Ω, V CC = 12V, G V = 24dB, unless otherwise specified.)Application InformationPower and Heat DissipationChoose speakers that are able to stand large output power from the PAM8006. Otherwise, speaker may suffer damage.Heat dissipation is very important when the device works in full power operation. Two factors affect the heat dissipation, the efficiency of the device that determines the dissipation power, and the thermal resistance of the package that determines the heat dissipation capability.In operation, some of power is dissipated to the resistors. Power Dissipation: P LOSS = (P O *(1-η)/η)*2The PAM8006’s efficiency is 90% with 10W ouput and 8Ω load. The dissipation power is 2.22W.Thermal resistance of junction to ambient of the QFN package is 18.1°C/W and the junction temperature T J = P LOSS *θJA +T A , where T A is ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is +85°C, the QFN’s junction temperatureT J = 2.22*18.1 + 85 = +125°Cwhich is lower than +150°C rated junction temperature.If the rated workable junction temperature is +150°C, the relationship between ambient temperature and permitted P LOSS is shown in below diagram.From the diagram, it can be found that when the device works at 10W/8Ω load the dissipation power is 1.1W per channel, 2.2W total, the permitted ambient temperature is over +100°C. This is proven by actual test. The PAM8006 can work in full output power under +85°C ambient temperature.Heat Dissipation in PCB DesignGenerally, class-D amplifiers are high efficiency and need no heat sink. For high power ones that has high dissipation power, the heat sink may also not necessary if the PCB is carefully designed to achieve good heat dissipation by the PCB itself.Dual-Side PCBTo achieve good heat dissipation, the PCB’s copper plate should be thicker than 0.035mm and the copper plate on both sides of the PCB should be utilized for heat sink.The thermal pad on the bottom of the device should be soldered to the plate of the PCB, and via holes, usually 9 to 16, should be drilled in the PCB area under the device and deposited copper on the vias should be thick enough so that the heat can be dissipated to the other side of the plate. There should be no insulation mask on the other side of the copper plate. It is better to drill more vias on the PCB around the device if possible.Application Information (cont.)4-Layer PCBIf it is 4-layer PCB, the two middle layers of grounding and power can be employed for heat dissipation, isolating them into serval islands to avoid short between ground and power.Consideration for EMIFilters are not required if the traces from the amplifier to the speakers are short (< 20cm). But most applications require a ferrite bead filter as shown in below figure. The ferrite bead filter reduces EMI of around 1MHz and higher to meet the FCC and CE's requirements. It is recommended to use a ferrite bead with very low impedances at low frequencies and high impedance at high frequencies (above 1MHz).The EMI characteristics are as follows after employing the ferrite bead.Vertical PolarizationHorizontal PolarizationMUTE OperationThe MUTE pin is an input for controlling the output state of the PAM8006. A logic high on this pin disables the outputs and low enables the outputs. This pin may be used as a quick disable or enable of the outputs.For power saving, the SD pin should be used to reduce the quiescent current to the absolute minimum level.Shutdown OperationThe PAM8006 employs a shutdown operation mode to reduce supply current to the absolute minimum level during periods of non-use to save power. The SD input terminal should be held high during normal operation when the amplifier is in use. Pulling SD low causes the outputs to mute and the amplifier to enter a low-current state. SD should never be left unconnected to prevent the amplifier from unpredictable operation.For the best power-off pop performance, the amplifier should be set in shutdown mode prior to removing the power supply voltage.Application Information (cont.)Internal 2.5V Bias Generator Capacitor SelectionThe internal 2.5V bias generator (V2P5) provides the internal bias for the preamplifier stage. The external input capacitors and this internal reference allow the inputs to be biased within the optimal common-mode range of the input preamplifiers.The selection of the capacitor value on the V2P5 terminal is critical for achieving the best device performance. During startup or recovery from shutdown state, the V2P5 capacitor determines the rate at which the amplifier starts up. When the voltage on the V2P5 capacitor equals 0.75 x V2P5, or 75% of its final value, the device turns on and the Class-D outputs start switching. The startup time is not critical for the best de-pop performance since any heard pop sound is the result of the Class-D output switching-on other than that of the startup time. However, at least a 0.47μF capacitor is recommended for the V2P5 capacitor.Another function of the V2P5 capacitor is to filter high frequency noise on the internal 2.5V bias generator.Power Supply Decoupling, C SThe PAM8006 is a high-performance CMOS audio amplifier that requires adequate power supply decoupling to ensure the output total harmonic distortion (THD) as low as possible. Power supply decoupling also prevents oscillations caused by long lead between the amplifier and the speaker. The optimum decoupling is achieved by using two capacitors of different types that target different types of noise on the power supply leads. For higher frequency transients, spikes, or digital hash on the line, a good low equivalent-seriesresistance (ESR) ceramic capacitor, typically 1μF, is recommended, placing as close as possible to the device’s VCC lead. To filter lowerfrequency noises, a large aluminum electrolytic capacitor of 10μF or greater is recommended, placing near the audio power amplifier. The 10μF capacitor also serves as a local storage capacitor for supplying current during large signal transients on the amplifier outputs.BSN and BSP CapacitorsThe full H-bridge output stages use NMOS transistors only. They therefore require bootstrap capacitors for the high side of each output to turn on correctly. A at least 220nF ceramic capacitor, rated for at least 25V, must be connected from each output to its corresponding bootstrap input. Specifically, one 220nF capacitor must be connected from xOUTP to xBSP, and another 220nF capacitor from xOUTN to xBSN. It is recommended to use 1µF BST capacitor to replace 220nF (pin15, pin16, pin35 and pin36) for lower than 100Hz applications.VCLAMP CapacitorsTo ensure that the maximum gate-to-source voltage for the NMOS output transistors not exceeded, two internal regulators are used to clamp the gate voltage. Two 1μF capacitors must be connected from VCLAMP to ground and must be rated for at least 25V. The voltages at the VCLAMP terminals vary with V CC and may not be used to power any other circuitry.Internal Regulated 5-V Supply (AVDD)The AVDD terminal is the output of an internallygenerated 5V supply, used for the oscillator, preamplifier. It requires a 0.1μF to 1μF capacitor, placed very close to the pin to Ground to keep the regulator stable. The regulator may not be used to power any external circuitry.Differential InputThe differential input stage of the amplifier eliminates noises that appear on the two input lines of the channel. To use the PAM8006 with a differential source, connect the positive lead of the audio source to the INP input and the negative lead from the audio source to the INN input. To use the PAM8006 with a single-ended source, acground the INP input through a capacitor equal in value to the input capacitor on INN and apply the audio source to the INN input. In a single-ended input application, the INP input should be acgrounded at the audio source other than at the device input for best noise performance.Using Low-ESR CapacitorsLow-ESR capacitors are recommended throughout this application section. A real (with respect to ideal) capacitor can be modeled simply as a resistor in series with an ideal capacitor. The voltage drop across this resistor minimizes the beneficial effects of the capacitor in the circuit. The lower the equivalent value of this resistance the more the real capacitor behaves as an ideal capacitor.Short-Circuit ProtectionThe PAM8006 has short circuit protection circuitry on the outputs to prevent damage to the device when output-to-output shorts, output-to-GND shorts, or output-to-VCC shorts occur. Once a short-circuit is detected on the outputs, the output drive is immediately disabled. This is a latched fault and must be reset by cycling the voltage on the SD pin to a logic low and back to the logic high state for normal operation. This will clear the short-circuit flag and allow for normal operation if the short was removed. If the short was not removed, the protection circuitry will again activate.Application Information (cont.)Selection of C OSC and Frequency SettingThe switching frequency is determined by the values of components connected to C OSC and calculated as follows:f OSC = 22 / (C OSC *R)R is the internal resistor and the vaule is 400k Ω and with ±20% tolerance.The frequency may varies from 200kHz to 300kHz by adjusting the values of C OSC . The recommended value is C OSC = 220pF for a switching frequency of 250kHz.Selection of Gain and Input Signal AmplitudeThe PAM8006 has two internal amplifier stages with fixed gain. The pre-amp stage gain is 10X, while the second stage gain is 5X.The pre-amp is powered internally by the 5V value of AVDD. At maximum pre-amp gain operation for avoiding the pre-amp saturation, it's worth noting that the peak value of input signal (V P ) shouldn't exceed 250mV when the THD+N of PAM8006 is lower than 1%; and the V P value shouldn't exceed 300mV when the THD+N is lower than 10%. Total gain is calculated as follows:Gain = 20log[100k/(10k+RIN)*5](R IN is external input resistor.)Thermal ProtectionThermal protection on the PAM8006 prevents damage to the device when the internal die temperature exceeds +150°C. There is a ±15 degree tolerance on this trip point from device to device. Once the die temperature exceeds the set thermal point, the device enters into the shutdown state and the outputs are disabled. This is not a latched fault. The thermal fault is cleared once the temperature of the die is reduced by +40°C. The device begins normal operation at this point without external system intervention.Test Setup for Performance TestingNotes: 2. The Audio Precision(AP) AUX-0025 low pass filter is necessary for Class-D amplifier measurement with AP analyzer.3. Two 22μH inductors are used in series with load resistor to emulate the small speaker for effic iency measurement.Ordering InformationPart Number Part Marking Package TypeStandard PackagePAM8006TR PAM8006 XATYWWLL QFN5x5 3000 Units/Tape&Reel PAM8006HRPAM8006 XATYWWLLTSSOP-28PP 2500 Units/Tape&ReelMarking InformationPackage Outline Dimensions (All dimensions in mm.)QFN5x5-32Package Outline Dimensions (cont.) (All dimensions in mm.)TSSOP-28PPIMPORTANT NOTICEDIODES INCORPORATED MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARDS TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION).Diodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to this document and any product described herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this document or any product described herein; neither does Diodes Incorporated convey any license under its patent or trademark rights, nor the rights of others. Any Customer or user of this document or products described herein in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on Diodes Incorporated website, harmless against all damages.Diodes Incorporated does not warrant or accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any products purchased through unauthorized sales channel.Should Customers purchase or use Diodes Incorporated products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Customers shall indemnify and hold Diodes Incorporated and its representatives harmless against all claims, damages, expenses, and attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized application.Products described herein may be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign patents pending. Product names and markings noted herein may also be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign trademarks.This document is written in English but may be translated into multiple languages for reference. Only the English version of this document is the final and determinative format released by Diodes Incorporated.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are specifically not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the Chief Executive Officer of Diodes Incorporated. As used herein:A. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which: 1. are intended to implant into the body, or2. support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in thelabeling can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.B. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or to affect its safety or effectiveness.Customers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their life support devices or systems, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems, notwithstanding any devices- or systems-related information or support that may be provided by Diodes Incorporated. Further, Customers must fully indemnify Diodes Incorporated and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems.Copyright © 2012, Diodes Incorporated。