



必修一第一单元复习目的:培养学生解题能力,加强实战演练课时:2课时(一)考查再认再现能力1-12一、选择题(每小题2.5分,共50分)1.从孔子提出“仁”到孟子主张“仁政”,再到荀子强调“仁义”,儒家思想的早期发展始终贯穿的一条主线是( )A.从强调个人的道德修养入手描绘设计一个礼乐文明社会B.统治者要“仁者爱人”,被统治者要“克己顺服”C.依靠礼仪法制的教化规范,把小人变成君子,凡人变成圣人D.从强调“三纲五常”入手构建一个大一统社会2.有学者说:每一次人类文化的交流,都会带来一次文化发展的机遇。


以下事例不能印证这一说法的有( )A.董仲舒提出“天人感应” B.程朱理学的创立C.吴道子创作《送子天王图》 D.敦煌莫高窟的兴建3.理学的出现与走向成熟,体现了儒学的新发展。

这一新发展主要表现在( ) A.提出君权神授,强调尊君 B.将儒家伦理提升到“天理”的高度C.继承德治主张,强调民本思想 D.形成囊括天人关系的严密思想体系4.在张居正时代,讥讽宋明理学,挑战传统社会秩序,评论当朝时事,被保守派视为“非圣无法”的异端分子的是( )A.李贽 B.黄宗羲 C.顾炎武 D.王夫之5.宋元文化高度繁荣,能代表当时科技水平的重大成就的有( )①活字印刷术②郭守敬的简仪③指南针用于航海④火药在军事上广泛使用A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①②④6.东晋雕塑家戴逵(326~396),铚县(今临涣)人,擅长佛教雕塑,被誉为“中国式佛像之父”。

下列对这一时期绘画成就表述错误的是( )A.士大夫画家总结出了许多精辟的绘画理论B.《夫妇宴饮图》堪称此时期工笔重彩画的杰作C.顾恺之主张画人物注重表现人的气质D.《洛神赋图》是这一时期的代表作品之一7.法国《读书》杂志推荐的理想藏书中包括以下三部著作。

下表中关于这三部著作的表述,完全正确的项目是( )8.元代堪称中国戏曲的黄金时代,后人评价元曲“文而不晦”“俗而不俚”“明白如话”这主要肯定元曲的艺术风格是( )A.以市民自然本色为主流 B.以文人雅士抒情写志为主流C.体现凝重与沉郁的特征 D.体现浪漫主义风格9.16世纪后期,文艺复兴逐渐从质朴走向高雅和精致,以优雅流畅的语言、丰富细腻的情感、隽永深刻的哲理,对人文主义思想进行了精彩的概括。






1.下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音都相同的一项是()??? A.卓.然/船棹.??? 庇.佑/毗.邻??? 巢.穴/蜂窠.??? 掇.将/点缀.??? B.窈窕./眺.望??? 踹.水/遄.飞??? 央浼./怏.快??? 埋.怨/埋.没??? C.遐.观/不暇.??? 纡.回/吁.气??? 逋.慢/照浦.??? 奉诏./昭.然??? D.筹.划/田畴.??? 累.积/连累.??? 漂泊./停泊.??? 拮.据/诘.问2.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()A.李老师为人谨慎,战战兢兢....地工作,勤勤恳恳地教书,深受学生爱戴。









2010—2011学年度高二年级毕业考试德育试题(考试时间90分钟,满分100分))(本大题25个小题,每小题2分,共50分)“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要”这里是强调()实践是认识的来源 B实践与认识互相决定读书不能获得真知 D认识能够指导实践)以是否在实践中得到证明定是非 B以众人的意见定是非以吾心之是非为是非 D以伟人之是非为是非)人脑的错误判断 B人的主观想象客观世界 D落后的思想意识“会看的看门道,不会看的看热闹”。

这里的“门道”)“现象”和“本质” B “客观”和“主观”“本质”和“现象” D “主观”和“客观”5.“知人知面不知心”主要是告诫我们()A知人知面就行了 B认识一个人的外表就可以了C一个人的外表容易认识D不要轻信一些人的外表,要透过其外表看其本质6.人们要正确认识事物的本质和规律,必须培养科学的()A行为习惯 B思维方法 C工作方法 D认知态度7.培养科学的思维方法,要求我们遵循形式逻辑的要求,正确地运用()A形式逻辑 B判断 C概念 D推理8.人生发展需要不断通过()和学习提高能力。

A实验 B工作 C实践 D体验9.“志当存高远”是三国时诸葛亮的一句名言。

其中包含的哲理是()A人应当选择崇高的人生目标B崇高的理想是社会进步的助推器C理想是社会存在的反映 D 崇高的理想可以转化为现实10.下列关于人生目标的说法不正确的是()A人生目标的确立和实现只要符合个人实际就行B人生目标要在社会发展中不断校正C人生目标的确立关系到人生奋斗的方向,一旦确立就要坚持到底,不能多变D正确确立人生目标要靠自己的不断学习和不断提高11.社会理想和职业理想、生活理想、道德理想的关系是()A社会理想贯穿于其他三种理想之中,又是其他三种理想的归宿和基础B职业理想、生活理想、道德理想对社会理想也有决定作用C道德理想是最根本的,决定和制约了其他三种理想D职业理想对一个人的其他三种理想起主导和支配作用12.一个人如果没有崇高理想或者缺乏理想,就会像一艘没有舵的航船,随波逐流,难以顺利到达彼岸。





一、代数方程1. 求解方程:2x+5=17。

2. 解方程:(x+3)(x-4)=0。

3. 解方程组:{ y = 3x + 2, y = 5x - 1 }。

4. 解二次方程:x^2 + 5x + 6 = 0。

5. 解不等式:2x - 3 > 5。

二、函数与图像1. 求函数的定义域:f(x) = √(x + 2)。

2. 求函数的值域:f(x) = x^2 + 1。

3. 判断函数奇偶性:f(x) = x^3 - x。

4. 根据函数图像填空:函数y = x^2的图像是一条向上开口的抛物线。

三、几何图形1. 求三角形内角和:一个角是120°,另外两个角各是60°,它是什么三角形?2. 求平行四边形的周长:已知平行四边形的一条边长为5cm,另一边长为8cm,求周长。

3. 求圆的面积:已知一个圆的直径为12cm,求其面积。

4. 求长方体的体积:长方体的高为6cm,底面积为10cm²,求体积。

四、概率与统计1. 求事件的概率:一颗骰子被投掷一次,求出现奇数的概率。

2. 求平均数:已知成绩为80、90、95、85和70,求平均成绩。

五、三角函数1. 求三角函数值:已知角度A是30°,求sin(A)、cos(A)和tan(A)的值。

六、数列与数学归纳法1. 求等差数列的通项公式:已知一个等差数列的首项是3,公差是4,求第n项的表达式。

2. 判断数列是否为等差数列:数列1,4,7,10,13是等差数列吗?3. 利用数学归纳法证明等式:1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2。








材料一:积极情绪(Positive Emotion)可以定义为正面的情绪或者具有正面向上价值的情绪。



















1.What does the man want from the woman?A.A paintbrush. B.A picture. C.A hammer.2.Where does the woman come from?A.San Francisco. B.Paris. C.Rome.3.When will the school term begin?A.On September12. B.On September 20. C.On September 22.4.What can we know from the conversation?A.Tom’s parents have left Los Angeles.B.The woman called on Tom’s parents last n ight.C.Tom’s parents have gone to Los Angeles.5.How long did it take the man to go to work on foot?A.About fifteen minutes. B.About an hour. C.About forty-five minutes.第二节请听下面两段对话,选出最佳选项。


6.When will the plane take off?A.At 5:00. B.At 4:30 C.At 5:307.What’s the woman probably going to do in Washington?A.Study there B.Work there. C.Visit her sister.请听第七段材料,回答第8至第10题8.How many cigarettes does the man smoke every day?A.About 15 B.About 20 C.About 309.What will the man do tomorrow?A.Begin to quit smoking. B.See a doctor. C.Take an exam.10.What can we know about the man from the conversation?A.He has a bad headache. B.He has quitted smoking. C.He usually works late at night. 英语知识运用第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)11.—Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?—Terry? Never! She ______ tents and fresh air!A.has hated B.hated C.will hate D.hates12.I wonder what difficulty they have had _____ her to leave.A.to persuade B.persuaded C.persuading D.persuade 13._____ a lot of other countries, we’re in an economic recession(衰落).A.Having a lot in common B.Having in common withC.In common with D.In common14.Now that we _____ all the money, it’s no use saying it’s all my fault.A.had lost B.lost C.have lost D.lose 15.That big armchair will have to go: it _____ too much space in the small study.A.takes up B.makes up C.saves up D.puts up 16._____ good, the apples were soon sold out.A.Tasting B.Taste C.Tasted D.Having tasted 17.The man lying on the ground _____ to me that his distinctive cock had _____ several eggs.A.lay;lain B.lied; lied C.lied; laid D.lied;lain 18.As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers _____ by her mother.A.buying B.being bought C.were bought D.bought 19.That movie is about a love story _____ a(n)_____ train to Tokyo.A.setting in ; express B.set in; expressC.sets in; fast D.setting in; fast20.When _____ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.A.compared B.being comparedC.comparing D.having compared21.—Have you sold your house?—No. Last week only four people came to look at the house, _____ wanted to buy it.A.none of them B.none of whom C.neither of them D.neither of whom 22.Generally speaking, employers should not _____ themselves in the private affairs of their staff.A.remind B.inform C.understand D.involve 23.—Is it OK to go Dutch for this great dinner?—_____.A.Don’t be nervous. I’ll arrange. B.No, you should go thee first.C.Forget it. It’s my treat today. D.OK. It’s my turn to serve today. 24.Humans differ _____ other mammals _____ their ability to speak.A.with; in B.from; about C.with; on D.from; in 25.From the _____ look of the boys, I found they were _____.A.satisfying; satisfied B.satisfying; satisfyingC.satidfied; satisfied D.satisfied; satisfying第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从26-45各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



高二练习题制作个性化书签英语作文Personalized bookmarks are not just ordinary pieces of paper used to mark pages in a book. They are small tokens ofcreativity and personality, reflecting the interests and uniqueness of the individual using them. Making a personalized bookmark can be a fun and rewarding activity, allowing one to express themselves through art and design.To create a personalized bookmark, you can start by gathering the necessary materials. This can include colorful paper or cardstock, markers, colored pencils, stickers, glitter, andother decorative items. The beauty of creating a personalized bookmark lies in the freedom to choose materials that resonate with your personal style and preferences.Once you have gathered your materials, you can begin the creative process. Think about what themes or designs you would like to incorporate into your bookmark. For example, if you love nature, you could create a bookmark adorned with flowers, leaves, or animals. If you are a fan of space and astronomy, you could design a bookmark featuring stars, planets, and galaxies.After deciding on a theme, you can start sketching out your design on the paper or cardstock. Feel free to experiment with different shapes, colors, and patterns to make your bookmarktruly unique. You can also add inspirational quotes, yourfavorite lyrics, or meaningful symbols to personalize your creation further.Once you are satisfied with your design, you can begin adding colors and embellishments. Use markers, colored pencils, orpaints to bring your design to life. Don't be afraid to get creative and try out different techniques to make your bookmark stand out.After decorating your bookmark, you can add a personal touch by writing your name, a special message, or the date on the back. This not only adds a personal element to your creation but also makes it a meaningful keepsake that you can cherish for years to come.In conclusion, creating a personalized bookmark is awonderful way to unleash your creativity and showcase yourunique personality. Whether you are an avid reader looking toadd a personal touch to your books or someone who enjoys artsand crafts, making a personalized bookmark is a rewardingactivity that allows you to express yourself in a fun andartistic way. So gather your materials, let your imagination run wild, and create a oneofakind bookmark that is as unique as you are.。



高二练习题制作个性化窗帘英语作文In today's fastpaced world, where selfexpression is highly valued, personalizing our living spaces has become increasingly important. One way to add a touch of uniqueness to our homes is by creating personalized curtains. Customizing curtains not only allows us to showcase our creativity but also adds a personal touch to our living spaces.To begin with, the process of making personalized curtainscan be a fun and engaging activity. It provides an opportunityfor individuals to unleash their creativity and experiment with different designs, patterns, and colors. Whether it's handpainting intricate designs, adding embellishments, or incorporating unique fabrics, the possibilities are endless.This handson approach to decorating not only results in oneofakind curtains but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and pride in the finished product.Moreover, personalized curtains offer a way to reflect our individual style and personality in our home decor. By choosing fabrics, patterns, and colors that resonate with our tastes and preferences, we can create a space that truly feels like our own. Whether we prefer bold and vibrant designs or subtle and understated patterns, our curtains can serve as a reflection of who we are and what we love. This personal touch can transform amundane living space into a welcoming and unique environmentthat speaks volumes about our identity.In addition to the aesthetic aspect, personalized curtains also offer practical benefits. Customizing curtains allows us to cater to specific requirements, such as controlling light levels, enhancing privacy, or complementing existing decor. By selecting the right fabric weight, opacity, and length, we can create curtains that not only look stunning but also serve their intended purpose effectively. This tailored approach ensuresthat our curtains are not just decorative elements but also functional components that enhance the comfort and functionality of our living spaces.Furthermore, the process of making personalized curtains can be a rewarding learning experience. It provides an opportunityto develop skills in sewing, design, and home decor, enabling individuals to hone their creativity and craftsmanship. Whetherit's learning new sewing techniques, experimenting with color combinations, or understanding the principles of interior design, the journey of creating personalized curtains can be both educational and enriching. These newfound skills can be appliedto future projects and serve as a source of inspiration for further creative endeavors.In conclusion, the art of making personalized curtains offers a unique and fulfilling way to decorate our living spaces. Byinfusing our creativity, style, and personality into our curtains, we can transform our homes into personalized sanctuaries that reflect who we are and what we cherish. Whether it's through intricate designs, vibrant colors, or custom fabrics, personalized curtains allow us to create a space thatis truly our own. So why settle for ordinary curtains when you can craft personalized masterpieces that speak volumes about your individuality and creativity? Let your imagination run wild and embark on the journey of creating personalized curtains that will not only enhance your living space but also bring joy and satisfaction to your home decor endeavors.。



高二练习题制作个性化鞋柜英语作文Hey guys, imagine this you've been tasked with creating a personalized shoe cabinet for your room as a high school project. How cool is that, right? Let's get those creative juices flowing! Picture this: you can paint it in funky colors, add yourfavorite quotes or even stick on some quirky stickers. The possibilities are endless!First things first, let's brainstorm some ideas. What themedo you want for your shoe cabinet? Are you a fan of minimalismor do you prefer a more vibrant look? Don't forget to consider practicality too how many shoes do you have and how can you organize them effectively?Next up, let's think about materials. Will you go for wood, plastic, or maybe even recycled materials? Each option has its own charm and sustainability factor. And hey, why not add some LED lights or a small mirror inside for that extra touch of glam?Now, here comes the fun part let's put our plan into action! Get your hands dirty, grab those tools, and start building.Don't worry about making mistakes, that's all part of thecreative process. Remember, it's your shoe cabinet, so let your personality shine through!Once your masterpiece is complete, step back and admire your handiwork. Take a moment to appreciate the effort you've put in and the unique design you've created. And hey, don't forget toshow it off to your friends and family they'll be super impressed, I'm sure!So, there you have it a personalized shoe cabinet that reflects your style and creativity. I can't wait to see what you come up with! Happy crafting, guys!。



高二练习题制作个性化浴室帘英语作文Title: Creating Personalized Shower Curtains for High School Sophomore Practice English EssayDesigning personalized shower curtains can add a unique touch to any bathroom. In this creative project, high school sophomores can explore their artistic skills while incorporating English language practice.To begin, students can brainstorm various design ideas that reflect their personalities or interests. Whether it's afavorite quote, a scenic landscape, a beloved character, or a pattern inspired by their hobbies, the possibilities are endless. This exercise not only encourages creativity but also allows students to express themselves through visual art.Next, students can research English phrases, idioms, or vocabulary words that they would like to incorporate into their shower curtain design. This step serves as a language practice exercise, helping students expand their English language skillsin a fun and engaging way. By integrating language elements into their artwork, students can reinforce their understanding of English while working on a handson project.Once the design concept is finalized, students can begin the process of creating their personalized shower curtains. This may involve sketching out the design on paper, transferring it onto the curtain fabric, and adding color or details using fabricmarkers or paint. Throughout this process, students can practice their English language skills by describing their design choices, explaining the significance of certain elements, or writing accompanying captions or quotes in English.After completing their personalized shower curtains, students can showcase their creations to their classmates or teachers. This provides an opportunity for students to practice speaking about their artwork in English, discussing the inspirationbehind their designs, and sharing any interesting language elements they incorporated. Additionally, displaying thefinished shower curtains can serve as a source of pride and accomplishment for students, showcasing both their creativityand language proficiency.In conclusion, the project of designing personalized shower curtains for high school sophomores offers a creative and engaging way for students to practice their English languageskills while exploring their artistic abilities. By combiningart and language in this unique project, students can enhance their vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills whilecreating a practical and personalized piece of home decor. This exercise not only fosters creativity and selfexpression but also encourages students to have fun with language learning in a handson and meaningful way.。



高二练习题制作个性化桌面收纳盒英语作文As a high school sophomore, I am constantly looking for creative ways to organize my study materials and desk clutter. One innovative solution that I have recently explored iscreating a personalized desktop storage box. This not only serves the practical purpose of keeping my workspace tidy but also allows me to express my creativity and individuality.To begin the process of making a personalized desktop storage box, I first gathered all the necessary materials. This included a plain cardboard box, colorful wrapping paper, glue, scissors, and any other decorative items I wanted to incorporate. I chose a sturdy box that was the perfect size to fit on my desk without taking up too much space.Next, I carefully measured and cut the wrapping paper to fit the dimensions of the box. I then used the glue to carefully adhere the wrapping paper to the box, making sure to smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles. This step allowed me to customize the look of the storage box to match my personal style and preferences.After the wrapping paper was securely attached, I began to add additional decorative elements to make the box truly unique.I used stickers, markers, and even small trinkets to embellish the box and make it stand out on my desk. This step allowed meto let my creativity shine and make the storage box truly my own.Once the decorative elements were in place, I organized the interior of the storage box to best suit my needs. I added dividers, small containers, and labels to ensure that I could easily separate and access different types of materials. This organizational aspect of the project helped me streamline my workspace and improve my overall study habits.In conclusion, creating a personalized desktop storage box has been a fun and rewarding project for me as a high school student. Not only does it serve a practical purpose in helping me stay organized, but it also allows me to showcase my creativity and individuality. I now have a stylish and functional storage solution that reflects my personality and enhances my study environment.。



高中个性化试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 根据题目分析,下列哪项是正确的?A. 地球是宇宙的中心B. 地球是围绕太阳转的C. 太阳是宇宙的中心D. 月球是地球的卫星答案:B2. 以下哪个选项是高中数学中常见的几何图形?A. 圆B. 正方形C. 三角形D. 所有以上选项答案:D3. 英语中,表示“在...之后”的介词是?A. inB. onC. afterD. at答案:C4. 根据化学知识,下列哪种元素的化学符号是正确的?A. 氧(O2)B. 氢(H2)C. 碳(C)D. 氮(N2)答案:C5. 在物理学中,下列哪个单位用于表示力的大小?A. 米B. 千克C. 牛顿D. 秒答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 请写出牛顿第一定律的内容:________答案:任何物体在不受任何外力的情况下,总保持静止状态或匀速直线运动状态。

7. 请填写下列化学反应方程式中缺失的部分:2H2 + O2 → ________答案:2H2O8. 在英语中,“图书馆”的英文单词是:________答案:library9. 请写出二次函数的一般形式:________答案:y = ax^2 + bx + c10. 根据历史知识,中国历史上第一个统一的封建王朝是:________ 答案:秦朝三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. 请简述光合作用的过程。


12. 解释什么是欧姆定律,并给出其公式。


公式为:I = V/R,其中I是电流,V是电压,R是电阻。

13. 请简述英语中的被动语态。



14. 描述牛顿第三定律的内容及其在日常生活中的应用。




















5.(5分)首先,尊重学生个性及时代特点(1分),建立和谐的师 生、家庭关系(1分)【以上推断来源自原文“如果教育者不关注受 教育者的变化,默守着以分数为纽带的师生关系、家庭关系”】
其次,了解受教育者的身心需求(1分),给受教育者提供多元 的成才途径(1分)【以上推断来源自原文“默守着以分数为纽带的 师生关系、家庭关系,始终套用一个成才模式,那么,就无法了解受 教育者的真实内心”】
பைடு நூலகம்
20.陈涉、吴广起义,函谷关被攻占了,项羽放一把火,把阿房 宫烧成了灰烬。
21.假使他内心坦然,不因外物而伤害天性,那么将到哪里而感 到不愉快?
10、为主人勤劳耕地;饥饿也不吃田里的禾苗;杀虎救主;杀凶手为主 人报仇。
11、一方面害怕自己接受贿赂草菅人命的行为因此暴露而受惩罚;另一 方面又害怕义牛前来报仇杀死自己。
13、D 14、A 15、C
22、王缮认为鲁宗道年轻,有志向操守,豪爽正直,是朝廷的有用人才, 不能因为一点小的过失影响其前程。况且“私贷之罪”,还不足以导致 罢官,两人一块获罪没有什么好处。
25、(1)张角就趁机派遣八个徒弟到各处去,用善良的宗教教义来教 化天下的人,辗转地进行欺骗蛊惑(2)(他们)所到之处就焚烧官府, 抢劫村庄城镇















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1.函数ln y x x =-的单调减区间为 .
2.函数2()()f x x x c =-在2x =处有极大值,则常数c = .
3.函数()2cos (0)2
f x x x x π=+<<的最大值为 .
4.若函数3()2f x x ax =+-在区间(,)-∞+∞上是增函数,则实数a 的取值范围为________.
5.已知函数3()128f x x x =-+在区间[3,3]-上的最大值与最小值分别为M ,m ,则M m -= .
6.已知函数2'()2(1)f x x x f =+⋅,则(1)f -= .
7.曲线ln y x =上的点到直线1y x =+的距离的最小值是 .
8.设()f x ,()g x 分别是定义在R 上的奇函数和偶函数,当0x <时, ''()()()()0f x g x f x g x +>,且(3)0g -=,则不等式()()0f x g x <的解集是 .
9.已知32()f x x ax bx c =+++,在曲线()y f x =上的点(1,(1))P f 的切线方程为31y x =+.
(1)若函数()f x 在2x =-处有极值,求)(x f 的表达式;
(2)在(1)的条件下,求函数)(x f y =在[3,1]-上的最大值;
(3)若函数)(x f y =在区间[2,1]-上单调递增,求实数b 的取值范围.
10.设cx bx ax x f ++=23)(的极小值是5-,其导函数的图象如图所示.
(1) 求)(x f 的解析式;
(2) 若对任意的[]4,4-∈x 都有m m x f 6)(2-≥恒成立,求实数m
11.已知a 是实数,函数2()()f x x x a =-.
(1)若'(1)3f =,求a 值及曲线()y f x =在点(1,(1))f 处的切线方程;
(2)求()f x 在区间[]2,0上的最大值.。
