
蝴蝶效应 The Butterfly Effect 英文剧本

蝴蝶效应 The Butterfly Effect 英文剧本

A playground. Evan's father, JASON (23), puts a 1-year old on a slide.
A birthday party for LENNY, 5, a chubby kid with only a few friends. Evan, now 5, is gently prodded by Andrea toward KAYLEIGH, 5, a quiet sweet-looking girl with beautiful hair.
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EVAN, 20, good-looking but with dark haunted eyes, frantically hides himself in an unlit Doctor's office. His face and chest are covered in blood. He holds his forehead in pain.
Mrs. Treborn! I need to speak with you!
I'm sorry, but can it wait til tonight? I'm already late for work --
Mrs. Boswell's a.
Tommy! Leave Lenny alone! Don't make me send you to Mr. Voytek's office!



专辑英文名: David.Russell.-.[Francisco.Tá]专辑中文名: 泰雷加吉他作品全集艺术家: David Russell古典类型: 室内乐资源格式: FLAC版本: 分轨发行时间: 1991年1月地区: 美国语言: 英语简介:专辑介绍:Integral de Guitarra. David Russell, guitar. The first recording of the complete guitar works of one of the fundamental composers for this repertoire.如平日一样打开CD舱门,也如平日一样不经意地按下Play按钮,荡漾在空气中的竟是非凡的音乐!罗素与泰雷加的组合就象鲁宾斯坦演奏肖邦的夜曲,那种震撼的感觉,如同一颗彗星般的音符,划过沉寂的夜空,照亮了心中的黑暗。











Tolstoy vs Dostoevsky: Poetic • Dostoevsky: Symbolic reality achieved through dialogue, conflict (often physical); different characters incarnate different ideas; characters have an element of caricature, exaggeration • Tolstoy: observed reality depicted through metonymy; poet of the real, material world captured in representation of detail; plausible characters; much less dialogue.
Tolstoy’s influence
• • • • Politics: non-violence, rejection of progress Religion: rejection of the established church Life-style: the commune, vegetarianism Literature: the historical and realist novel: especially influential on English literature - E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence • Literary technique and theatre: representation of the material world • rejection of artificial convention in art.



[BT][欧美爱情][西西里的美丽传说(完整版)][BD2016-02-05 22:30X【片名】西西里的美丽传说/玛莲娜/西西里的美丽传说(台)/真爱伴我行(港)【译名】Malèna【年代】2000【国家】意大利/美国【类别】剧情/爱情/战争【片长】108Mins【语言】意大利语【IMDB评分】7.4/10 from 38,604 users【IMDB链接】/title/tt0213847/【导演】吉赛贝·托纳多雷 Giuseppe Tornatore【主演】莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci .... Malena Scordia Adelaide Alessi ....Vitalba Andrea .... Moglie farmacistaDaniele Arena .... AgostinoGaetano Aronica .... Nino ScordiaAngelo Battista ....Totò Borgese .... Milite fascistaMichel Daniel Bramanti .... SasàVanni Bramati ....Claudio Castrogiovanni ....Franco Catalano .... NegozianteMarcello Catalano .... Lieutenant CadelAlessandro Cremona ....Lazzaro Croce ....【分级】马来群岛加载中...内容加载失败,点击此处重试加载全文:18SX 加拿大:14A 冰岛:12 阿根廷:13 澳大利亚:M 加拿大:18 智利:14 芬兰:K-15 德国:12 香港:IIB意大利:T 荷兰:16 挪威:15 秘鲁:14 葡萄牙:M/12 葡萄牙:M/16 新加坡:M18 韩国:18 西班牙:13瑞典:11 瑞士:14 瑞士:14 英国:15 美国:R【简介】二战时期西西里岛上宁静的小镇,美艳动人的妇人玛莲娜(莫妮卡?贝鲁奇饰),撩着波浪长发,穿着时髦的短裙SiWa,踏着诱惑的高跟鞋,烟视媚行,征服了镇上所有男人,也包括年仅十三岁的维利图,他悄悄地成为她的小跟班,如影随形地跟踪、窥视她的生活。

Journalistic Transparency in the Media Orient How

 Journalistic Transparency in the Media Orient How

Journalism and Mass Communication, ISSN 2160-6579May 2013, Vol. 3, No. 5, 319-323Journalistic Transparency in the Media Orient:How JournalistsFrom Egypt and the UAE Deal With Instruments CreatingJournalistic TransparencyAndreas StraeterTechnical University of Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyDriven by the political upheavals in the Arab world, media in Egypt and in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is onits way to find new ways about how to deal with their audiences. Initial signs suggest that Emirati as well asEgyptian media have drawn some first findings from the upheavals of the “Arab Spring”, so that the first flimsyform of media accountability and a new openness is to be found in the media orient. Moreover, this study tries todraw some parallels between the “old” Arab sphere (Egypt) and the “new” Arab world (U AE) in order to generatenew knowledge exploratively. Twelve journalists and media professionals from both countries have beenqualitatively interviewed between November 2011 and May 2012 in this regard at spot and via phone or skype.This study distinguishes between two different media systems within the Arab sphere. International comparativestudies on the media systems within the heterogeneous world of Arabia are considered as a desideratum in the fieldAll Rights Reserved.of journalistic research.Keywords: journalistic transparency, Arab Spring, United Arab Emirates (UAE), EgyptIntroductionIn disciplines like politics, economics, consumerism, and journalism, the issue of transparency has becomea high place-value. The globalization, the internet, and the first generation of digital natives are working asengines in this process. If you have a closer look on hotel rating platforms, transparency can be regarded as abusiness selling argument or not. In any case, transparency creates accountability and reliance in all areas.These findings are transferable to the field of journalism, especially in a digital world. Transparency prospers in a linked medium, for you can literally see the connections between the final draft’s claims and theideas that informed it. On printed paper, on the other hand, interactive links cannot be added. You can look upbackground information, but that’s an expensive, time-consuming activity more likely to result in failure thansuccess. The present era can be described as the Age of Links and transparency is the “emb edded ability to seethrough the published draft” (Weinberger, 2009).In a wired world of global connection and social networks, it seems almost impossible to suppress discussions and debates to manipulate recipients or to censor information. Media users all over the world havereceived easier access to a fast, free, and ubiquitously accessible discourse on media and its contents via socialmedia and the Web 2.0.Andreas Straeter, M.A., Institute of Journalism, Technical University of Dortmund.JOURNALISTIC TRANSPARENCY IN THE MEDIA ORIENT320Nevertheless, they have admitted that Arab journalists have to work within completely different conditions compared to their colleagues in the western world. With the help of occasional self-censorship, they try toprotect themselves against the regime, especially in Egypt. Despite all the constraints, Arab journalists try towork as transparently as possible, they can be contacted via e-mail or telephone and receive feedback,comments, and advices from their viewers, listeners, and readers.Definition of Journalistic TransparencyThe U.S. media scholars Craft and Heim (2009) situated the debate on transparency in an interdisciplinary global discourse. They characterize the notion of transparency across all disciplines as “availability ofinformation and as a disclosure of it” (p. 219). The U.S. political scientist Florini (2002) described transparencyas the opposite of secrecy and confidentiality. She raises transparency to a desirable standard in a world ofglobal integrity: “(...) Secrecy means deliberately hiding your actions; transparency means deliberatelyrevealing them. This element of volition makes the growing acceptance of transparency much more than aresigned surrender of the technologically facilitated intrusiveness of the Information Age” (p. 14).The business analysts Tapscott and Ticoll (2003) considered transparency from the perspective of economics and approach the concept in their first general definition: “Transparency is information about thatorganization is available to people or to other organizations” (p. 22). They describe transparency as an “Engineof Greatness”, as a forc e for innovation and future, and rely on models of success, among other platforms likeeBay, where transparency and rates makes sense.From the perspective of media economics, transparency in journalism can be regarded as a strategic option All Rights Reserved.of the trust in order not to lose recipients and to stabilize the media brand (Meier, 2010; Evers/Eberwein, 2011).Despite the high potential of transparency journalists are often afraid to use tools to create transparency andpublicity. For journalists, it has never been ambitious to disclose how and under what circumstances ajournalistic contribution has arisen (Meier & Reimer, 2011).This study focuses on “transparency”. In comparison to the term “accountability”, the effect is not intended in the concept of “transparency”. In previous studies on the subject, a clear-cut delineation betweeninstruments of transparency and the method of “media accountability” was missing (Fengler, 2011). Thedifference lies in the definitions, especially in the fact that transparency instruments in themselves aredescriptive, while “media accountability” is normative. The ethically desirable establishing of trust is notimplied in the description of transparency instruments.Craft and Heim (2009) described “accountability” as the result of transparency and believed that transparency instruments ultimately help to establish trust in the media: “This implied linkage among readers’ability to witness, to evaluate, and therefore, to trust, indicates the valued role transparency plays in facilitatingjournalistic accountability” (p. 222).A Categorization of Transparency ToolsIn journalism, various instruments for creating transparency can be found. Journalism Scholars distinguish between journalism-internal and journalism-external instruments (Evers/Eberwein, 2011; Bettels, Fengler,Sträter, & Trilling, 2011). On the one hand, internal instruments like the by-line, deep links, or additionalinformation are classified as transparency tools that are created by journalists themselves and that occasionallylead to more information on the editorial department, on journalistic work processes, on sources, and onJOURNALISTIC TRANSPARENCY IN THE MEDIA ORIENT 321editorial decision processes (Bettels et al., 2011). On the other hand, there are external instruments like mediajournalism, academic research, blogs, and media criticism in Social Networks or online comments that also leadto a certain form of transparency (Fengler, 2008; Eberwein, Brinkmann, & Sträter, 2012).Moreover, the study distinguishes between simple and innovative instruments. Simple transparency instruments are instruments that are easy to install and that require little effort—like the by-line, likeinformation on the author or the possibility to comment. Innovative instruments are happening at a higher levelof self-reflection like blogs, descriptions of the news production, or editorial blogs.Transparency as a Certain Form of “Window Dressing”Transparency in journalism should be considered more complex than one-sidedly positive, since a closer inspection illustrates pitfalls: Firstly, the effectiveness of many transparency instruments is not yet provedempirically (Craft & Heim, 2009), because the field of research in media science is relatively new andunexplored. Secondly, these instruments also have a slightly illusionary effect and are installed due to publicityand marketing reasons (Fengler, 2011). It is reversed that they tend to contribute to transparency by their verynature, although this is not intended. The tools are mainly implemented, because of business reasons in order tostabilize the media brand.The German professor for international journalism, Fengler (2011) pointed out: “Good PR for the journal, but little transparency for the reader” (p. 82). The result is that this is merely an “illusion of inclusion” (p. 83).Consequently, many accountability instruments simply lead to an increase publicity effect and, according to theDutch media expert de Haan (2011), “seem to be more a form of window dressing than a true attempt to restore All Rights in their performance” (p. 208).The idea of the having full transparency in the media with respect to the public and participation in the Arab world is still in its infancy (Lahlali, 2011). The news channel “Al Jazeera” was a pioneer in introducingtalk call-in shows with first participatory elements (Miles, 2005). Elsewhere, it is mentioned that the internetcould lead to spread and compact the political discourse in the Arab sphere (Hafez, 2006). According to thesocial scientists Zweiri and Murphy (2011), the social web opens a new world of dialogue and conversation inthe Middle East.The MethodologyComparing the UAE with Egypt within heterogeneous Arab World is appealing, because these countries have many differences in the same sphere. These discrepancies cannot only relate to the media systems, butalso on the political and cultural development of the two states (Hahn & Alawi, 2007; Hermann, 2011).Many characteristics run diametrically above the other. Both states possess media scientific relevance,particularly as the UAE boats reference media with an impact throughout the Arab World like “Abu DhabiTV” and “Al Arabiya”. Egypt has reference media outlets of the newspapers “Al Ahram” and “Al Akhbar”(Rugh, 2004).As there is no systematic knowledge in communication science about journalistic transparency instruments in the Arab sphere, knowledge and results are generated exploratively by using a qualitative method. This iswhy 12 Arab journalists have been interviewed anonymously with semi-structured qualitative guidelines. Someof them were interviewed at spot, some via telephone or Skype. Generally, it was important to create an openconversation atmosphere.JOURNALISTIC TRANSPARENCY IN THE MEDIA ORIENT322ResultsThese are the results of the study. In the UAE, there tends to be more openness towards innovative transparency instruments than in Egypt. In order to strengthen their market position, they generally use Twitterand Facebook to suggest credibility. A journalist working for the TV-station “Al-Arabiya” in Dubai says: “Ithink that Arab media has learnt a lot of les sons from the Arab Spring”.Another journalist from Abu Dhabi points out the importance of what the Internet is offering and how journalists should deal with them. The media professional states:The internet will increase pressures on conventional media organizations to be transparent and clear and not to hide information. Audiences have other ways to obtain information and are able to bypass traditional channels. If you don’twatch out, you would be left behind. (…) Online media are the future communication platform on which all traditionalmedia will converge. If you don’t join the bandwagon, you would be the loser in this technological transition. (anonymousinterview)A journalist from the Egyptian newspaper “Al-Akhbar” adds: “(…) What you hid is going to be there.People want to have communication, so they start to communicate”.The flare-up of journalistic transparency can be seen in the political context of the impact of the “Arab Spring”. These two phenomena have in common that each citizen is able t o voice what he or she is thinking. Agreat awareness of transparency in terms of making editorial processes public seems only peripherally present,because both countries need time for developing the idea of social participation and the idea of a self-reflectedjournalism.A journalist working for the Abu Dhabi based newspaper “The National” reflects: “There has been a major All Rights Reserved.change. Not just for stories, but for journalism itself. There is now a higher connection between the people andjournalists ... The y can comment everything I have written”. There has been a major change how media dealswith their recipients, she says, “Everything is now available to everyone. They can comment whatever theythink”. In the end, these comments lead to tighter conversations with the journalists and authors.Comparing print and TV media to the issue of journalistic transparency, it is like striking that print media outlets are the leaders, although a general statement is hard to find in this context so that each medium shouldbe analyzed on its own in terms of transparency.ReferencesBettels, T., Fengler, S., Sträter, A., & Trilling, M. (2011): Mogelpackung im www. Wie europäische Medien ihr Publikum online an redaktionellen Prozessen teilhaben lassen—Ergebnisse einer international vergleichenden Studie. Retrieved fromäische-Medien-ihr-Publikum-online-an-redaktionellen-Prozessen-teilhaben-lassen5.pdfCraft, S., Heim, K. (2009). Transparency in Journalism: Meaning, Merits, and Risks. In L. Wilkins, & G. Clifford (Eds.). The handbook of mass media ethics (pp. 217-228). New York, Haan, Y. (2011). Between professional autonomy and public responsibility: Accountability and responsiveness in Dutch media and journalism. Amsterdam.Eberwein, T., Brinkmann, J., & Sträter, A. (2012). Zivilgesellschaftliche Medienregulierung. Chancen und Grenzen journalistischer Qualitätssicherung durch das Social Web. In C. Schicha, A. Filipovic, & M. Jäckel (Eds.), Medien- undZivilgesellschaft (pp. 245-260 ). Weinheim.Evers, H., & Eberwein, T. (2011): Can a million toothless tigers make a difference? Potentials and pitfalls of web-based accountability processes in German journalism. In H. Heikkilä, & D. Domingo (Eds.), Media act working paper series on“Media accountability practices on the internet”. Retrieved from TRANSPARENCY IN THE MEDIA ORIENT 323Fengler, S. (2011). Musterland der Medienkritik. Europäisches Forschungsprojekt untersucht Status quo und Einfluss von Medienselbstkontrolle auf Journalisten—Deutschland hat im Vergleich die größte Vielfalt an Instrumenten. Dortmund.Fengler, S. (2008). Media wwwatchdogs? Die Rolle von Blogs für die Medienkritik in den USA. In T. Quandt, & W. Schweiger (Eds.). Journalismus online—Partizipation oder Profession (pp. 151-171). Wiesbaden.Florini, A. (2002). The end of secrecy. In B. I. Finel, & K. M. Lord (Eds.), Power and conflict in the age of transparency (pp.13-29). New York.Hafez, K. (2006).Internet und Demokratisierung in der Arabischen Welt: Eine Zwischenbilanz. In M. Kerner, & T. Müller (Eds.), Gespaltene Welt? Technikzugänge in der Wissensgesellschaft (pp. 115-128). Köln.Hahn, O., Alawi, Z.(2007): Arabische Welt. In B. Thomaß(Ed.), Mediensysteme im internationalen Vergleich (pp. 279-299).Konstanz.Herrmann, R. (2011): Die Golfstaaten: Wohin geht das neue Arabien? München.Lahlali, E. (2011): Contemporary Arab broadcast media. Edinburgh.Meier, K. (2010). Redaktion. In C. Schicha, & C. Brosda (Eds.), Handbuch medienethik (pp. 149-164). Wiesbaden.Meier, K., & Reimer, J. (2011). Transparenz im Journalismus: Instrumente, Konfliktpotenziale, Wirkung. Publizistik. Wiesbaden.Miles, H. (2005): Al-Dschasira. Ein arabischer Nachrichtensender fordert den Westen heraus. Hamburg.Rugh, W. A. (2004). Arab mass media: Newspapers, radio, and television in Arab politics. Westport.Tapscott, D., & Ticoll, D. (2003). The naked corporation: How the age of transparency will revolutionize business. Toronto.Weinberger, D. (2010). Transparency is the new objectivity. Massachusetts: Brookline.Zweiri, M., & Murphy, E. C. (Eds.). (2011). The new Arab media: Technology, image, and perception. Bodmin: King’s Lynn.All Rights Reserved.。

AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书

AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书

Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。




《as i moved on》个性,舒畅阴郁迷离的氛围,收缩⾃如的刮碟技巧,⼀吹即散的低吟美声,时躁时缓的颓靡饶⾆,这正是Blue Foundation的魅⼒所在,⼀队融合各种不同⾳乐影响的跨国组合。

九零年代尾声,爱好⾳乐的丹麦青年Kirstine Stubbe Teglbjaerg和Tobias Wilner来到伦敦,他们⽩天流连在⼆⼿唱⽚市场,晚上则穿梭在当地夜店的五光⼗⾊之下,由于长年来对⽇本⽂化和⾳乐的向往,间接促成他们与⽇本籍DJ Tatsuki以乐会友的机缘。

Tatsuki Oshima长年旅居伦敦,并常驻当地夜店放歌。

DJ Tatsuki对嘻哈节奏的掌握和优异的DJ技巧,让Kirstine和Tobias深深折服,他们⼀同看见Blue Foundation这个跨国组合的基本雏型。

回到哥本哈根后他们邀请以英⽂创作的MC Jabber和⼩号吹奏⼿Bo Rande加⼊,Blue Foundation正式宣告成⽴,也确⽴其融合异国⽂化和丰富⾳乐根源的创作风格。

!《pretty young thing》欢快《酸酸甜甜就是我》的英⽂原唱!!歌曲名称:《 pretty young thing》演唱歌⼿:lene 《Traveling Light》欢快让我们来听这歌:《Traveling Light》,Joel Hanson和Sara Groves是两个乡村歌⼿,Joel 是⼀个优秀吉他弹奏者,在与Sara Groves合作前发⾏过两张专辑《broken》和《Interview》。

与Sara Groves合作的第⼀⽀单曲就是《Traveling Light》并因此⽽⼤获成功。

《Seasons in the Sun》经典,抒情这⾸歌真正的作者是法国的歌⼿Jacques Brel,原名叫 Le Moribond(将死的⼈),发表于1961年。

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SGX Europe Sp. z o.o. 荷兰气体传感器系列数据手册说明书

___________________________________________________________________________________________Whilst SGX has taken care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein it accepts no responsibility for the consequences of any use thereof and also reserves the right to change the specification of goods without notice. SGX accepts no liability beyond the set out in its standard conditions of sale in respect of SGX Europe Sp. z o.o. Building 11Ligocka St. 103, 40-568 Katowice, PolandT: +48 (0) 32 438 4778E:**************************IR15 Dual Gas Series DatasheetInfrared Dual Gas Sensor for Hazardous Environments(Portable and Fixed Systems)The SGX infrared sensors use the proven Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) principle to detect and monitor the presence of gases. With an infrared source and specific filtering on the pyroelectric detectors mounted inside the optical/gas cavity, individual gases or types of gas can be identified and their concentrations determined.These sensors are suitable for reliable monitoring of gas levels in general safety applications where the sensor size is restricted and require a flameproof enclosure for hazardous environments.The IR15 Series contain two active detector elements for simultaneous monitoring of Carbon Dioxide and Methane or Hydrocarbon mixtures in the same size housing as some of the single gas sensors from the IR1xxx series sensors, making the sensor more cost effective than two separate sensors.APPLICATIONS∙ Oil & Gas∙ Petrochemical ∙ Biogas∙Wastewater ∙ Utilities ∙ Steelworks∙ Confined Space Entry ∙ Indoor Air QualityFEATURES∙ For detection of the following gases:o Carbon Dioxide & Hydrocarbons, o Hydrocarbons Mixtures ∙Gas concentration ranges:o 0 - 5% Carbon Dioxide(also suitable for 0 to 0.5%v/v) o 0 - 100% Carbon Dioxide(also suitable for 0 to 10%) o 0 - 100%v/v Hydrocarbons(also suitable for 0 to 100%LEL)∙ 19mm sensor height∙ Embedded thermistor for improved temperature compensation∙ Diffused gas sampling via mesh ∙ Low power∙ Reference channel for self-compensation∙ Special gold plated optical gas cavity for stable signal levels∙ Operational in varying temperature, pressure and humidity∙ Fast response∙ Rugged stainless steel construction ∙ No moving parts∙ Immunity from ‘poisoning’∙Reliable fail-safe operation∙Certified: ATEX, IECEx, CSA and ULOPERATIONTo operate, the sensors must be interfaced to a suitable circuit for power supply, output amplification and signal processing. Sensor outputs require linearisation and compensation for ambient temperature variation using algorithms in the system firmware. This is necessary for sensors to meet their full performance specification. An embedded temperature sensor facilitates this compensation on certain types. Further compensation for pressure changes can also be made in an algorithm, provided there is a suitable input from a pressure sensor.A set of Application Notes is available from the SGX Sensortech Ltd website, to explain more about NDIR gas sensing and provide advice for the end-user on interfacing the sensors and processing signals.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONCONFIGURATIONSThe Highest Concentration Range is the highest range the sensor is suitable. The Lowest Concentration Range is the lowest range the sensor is suitable. The use of the sensor beyond these ranges will affect the sensor’s performance.IR15TTThe IR15TT can be used in all applications for general monitoring of both relatively low concentrations of carbon dioxide and simultaneous %LEL and %v/v concentrations of Group II hydrocarbons, including benzene. The sensors contain a broadband hydrocarbon detector which are cross sensitive to most hydrocarbons and can therefore be calibrated to a specific target gas or a number of gases that can then be selected in the configuration of the customer’s gas measurement instrument.IR15TT-MThe IR15TT-M is very similar to the IR15TT except that a narrowband hydrocarbon detector is used. The sensor can still be used to monitor the same levels of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons but are unsuitable for the detection of benzene. The narrowband detector also has a slightly lower response to humidity than the IR15TT, but is generally more cross-sensitive to other hydrocarbons.IR15TT-RThe IR15TT-R was designed specifically for Biogas applications for the simultaneous detection of carbon dioxide up to 100%v/v and %LEL and %v/v concentrations of hydrocarbons, but can be potentially used for other applications. The IR15TT-R contains the narrowband detector which is unsuitable for the detection of benzene.IR15TT-DThe IR15TT-D is fitted with both the narrowband and broadband hydrocarbon detectors with differing centre wavelength and bandwidth to potentially differentiate between hydrocarbons. The sensor was designed for the gas instruments being used by utilities companies to help differentiate between different compositions of natural gas.HANDLING PRECAUTIONS1. Do not allow sensors to fall on the floor. This could cause IR Source filament breakage, damage to the pins and the gasentrance aperture.2. Do not apply mechanical force against the gas entrance aperture.3. Do not immerse sensors in water or other fluids.4. Protect the gas entrance aperture against dust ingress and sprayed materials.5. Anti-static handling precautions must be taken.PERFORMANCEFor test purposes, all data taken using the following conditions:- Performance as tested in the SGX IR-EK2 Evaluation Kit directly after calibration.- SGX linearisation and temperature compensation algorithms applied; see Infrared Sensor Application Notes.- IR Source Voltage 5V, square wave, at 4 Hz and 50% duty cycle. Running the IR Source at 3V will decrease performance due to lower output signals.- Ambient temperature (20°C) and pressure (101 kPa).- All gases diluted in dry nitrogen.- Performance for the Hydrocarbons refers to Methane only. Most other hydrocarbons will have an improved performance.- Performance data is the same for the supported IR Source variants (“_1” variants).- Refer to Application Notes for more information.(2) Production Test Limits, using standard test gases of Dry Nitrogen, 2%v/v Carbon Dioxide and 5%v/v Methane, where appropriate . (3) A 0.30 absorbance is equivalent to a 30% decrease in the Active peak-to-peak output.(4)The minimum detection level is the smallest detectable change in concentration based upon a 2 sigma variantion. The best detectable change occurs at 0% gas concentration due to the non-linear output of the detector (see Fractional Absorbance Curves).(5) Performance for most hydrocarbons will be better than for methane for equiavlent concentrations, as methane is one of the lower sensitive gasescompared to other hydocarbons.(6) After linearisation using the recommended method of linearisation and based upon a calibration gas with a concentration >75% of the full-scale. (7) Using average Alpha and Beta coefficients based upon test data from the instrument in which the sensor is being tested. Refer to ApplicationNotes for information on calculating Alpha and Beta coefficients. Accuracy can be improved by measuring each sensor over temperature to define specific Alpha or Alpha & Beta coefficients.(8) After sensor stabilisation and over a period of 8 hours. (9) Difference in response when changed from 0 %RH to 90 %RH.(10) Sensors can be used over a greater ambient pressure using pressure compensation of the concentration. An external pressure sensor will berequred for this.FRACTIONAL ABSORBANCE CURVESThese show the typical sensitivity versus concentration before linearisation for the range of gases. For further explanation, refer to the Infrared Sensor Application Notes.Primary Target GasesNote: Both IR15TT-D channels have a similar response to methane but different responses to other alkanes (see table below).Relative Absorbance of Narrowband and Broadband Detectors to AlkanesMethane 5%v/v Ethane (0.5%v/v) Propane (0.35%v/v) Narrowband1.00 0.82IR15TT-D / IR15TT-MBroadband 1.00CERTIFICATIONSCSAULATEXIECEXINSTRUCTIONS SPECIFIC TO HAZARDOUS AREA INSTALLATIONS(Ref: EU ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU)1. The IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads are component-approved only and may not be used as stand-alone items in ahazardous area without further protection.2. The IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads shall be protected in service. The Sensing Head shall be mounted in a protectiveenclosure such that an impact of 7 J in accordance with IEC 60079-0:2007 clause 26.4.2 from any direction shall not cause the impact head to make contact with the Sensing Head.3. The thermal resistance of the IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads does not exceed 25 K/W. This shall be taken into accountwhen considering its surface temperature and the temperature classification of the equipment into which it is to be incorporated. Tests indicated that an internal ignition raises the temperature of the mesh by a further 4.2 K (including a 1.2 safety factor).4. The IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads have not been assessed as a safety device (EHSR 1.5).5. There are no user-serviceable parts in the component.6. The end-user/installer shall be aware that the certification of the IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads relies on the followingmaterials used in its construction, which are suitable for most common applications:Enclosure .................................. Stainless steel Mesh ......................................... Stainless steel Bushing ..................................... Epoxy resinIn accordance with the Note in EN60079-0:2006 clause 6.1, the end-user/installer shall inform the manufacturer of any adverse conditions that the IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads may encounter. This is to ensure that the IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads are not subjected to conditions that may cause degradation of these materials. 7. The IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Head is only certified for use in ambient temperatures between -20°C and +55︒C andshould not be used outside this range.8. The maximum input power of the IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Head shall not exceed 2.5 W.9. The IR15xx Series Gas Sensing Heads are dust-proof (IP5x) but offers no protection against the ingress of water. Whereprotection in excess of IP50 is required, the apparatus into which the IR15xx Series Head is installed shall provide the necessary ingress protection (for example by fitting an external semi-permeable membrane).OUTLINE(All dimensions in millimetres; dimensions without limits are nominal)ConnectionsOutline NotesPin Connection 1. Body dimensional tolerances ±0.1 mm. Pindimensional tolerances as indicated.1 IR Source2 Reference Detector Output3 IR Source Return2. IR15xx Series sensors are designed to press-fit intoPCB sockets. The end-user should choose a socket to accommodate the full sensor pin length. This will ensure a stable mechanical location as well as good electrical contact. SGX Sensortech Ltd recommend the Wearns Cambion type 450-1813-01-03-00 single-pole solder mount socket with through hole, or a suitable equivalent.4 Active 1 Detector Output (CO2 for IR15TT / IR15TT-M / IR15TT-R; Narrowband Hydrocarbon for IR15TT-D)ACCESSORIESDust Membrane (DPP702964BA)Material PTFEAir Flow ≥6.8 l/hr/cm2(∆p 10mbar) Water Intrusion Pressure ≥210 mbarLaminated PTFE Thickness 0.28 mm (nominal)。



职场口语从头学Chapterl第一讲:描述理想职业Describing Your Ideal CareerOrlan do: What kind of career do you want?An drea: I want to work in market ing. I think it would be an in credible experie nee work ing on intern ati onal ad eampaig ns.Orlan do: Oh, the n you have to be up to speed on differe nt bran ds.An drea: Absolutel y. I'm already aware of eurre nt and future trends but I would n eed to in crease my kno wledge of the media and branding.Orlando: You really know what you want! Exeellent.An drea: You've bee n a journ alist for about five years, right? Why did you choose to be a journalist?Orlan do: Well, I've always had an affinity for an alytical writ ing and curre nt even ts. Plus, I'm in terested in politics.An drea: I see what you're say in g. I always enjoy work ing on a team, especially whe n I get to use imag in ati on to deliver messages using visual aids. So, we both matched our in terests to our careers.Orlan do: Defin itely! What about your career expectati ons?An drea: I would expect to be able to com muni cate creatively, and have the freedom to an alyze markets. I also believe that a market ing job would provide great opport un ities for my pers onal growth.Orlando: I agree. Being a journalist broadens my horizons. That is one of the main reasons I chose this job. 参考译文描述理想职业奥兰多:你向往哪一种职业呢?安德里亚:我想要从事市场营销的工作。

经典豪华风格设计师:埃德·塔特尔(Ed Tuttle)人物简介

经典豪华风格设计师:埃德·塔特尔(Ed Tuttle)人物简介

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埃德·塔特尔(Ed Tuttle)对设计教育与实践的贡献
• 塔特尔曾在耶鲁大学(Yale University)和纽约视觉艺术学院(School of Visual Arts)担任教职 • 他培养了许多优秀的设计师,为设计界输送了大量人才 • 塔特尔还积极参与设计教育的研究和改革,为设计教育的进步做出了贡献
埃德·塔特尔(Ed Tuttle)的生活趣事与趣闻
• 塔特尔热爱旅行,他喜欢探索不同的文化和地理环境 • 他喜欢阅读和艺术,业余时间会参观博物馆和艺术画廊 • 塔特尔还喜欢运动,尤其是游泳和打网球,他保持很好的身体素质和健康的心态
• 塔特尔在设计美国广播公司商标时,曾经采用了一种非常独特的颜色,这种颜色被称为 “塔特尔蓝” • 他在设计过程中,非常注重细节和精致感,有时候会在一张图纸上修改很多次,直到达到 满意的效果 • 塔特尔还曾经为迪士尼乐园(Disneyland)设计过标识,他的作品受到了广泛的认可和赞 誉
• 塔特尔的设计作品具有很强的实践性,他的作品既美观又实用 • 他的设计作品为很多企业和品牌提供了形象设计和产品设计的解决方案 • 塔特尔还积极参与设计实践,为设计界的创新和发展做出了贡献
埃德·塔特尔(Ed Tuttle)在设计界的地位与荣誉
• 塔特尔被认为是美国最重要的设计师之一,他的作品被认为是豪华风格设计的典范 • 他在设计界具有很高的声誉和地位,被同行和公众所尊敬 • 塔特尔还积极参与设计界的各种活动,为推动设计界的发展做出了贡献
埃德·塔特尔(Ed Tuttle)的设计风格概述



Press Release 23 April 2021 Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo: Combined consumption 29.4 kWh/100 km; combined CO2 emissions 0g/km44th Porsche Tennis Grand Prix – Summary Day 7Four semifinalists, four top starsStuttgart. Four top stars will be contesting the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix semifinals – Ashleigh Barty versus Elina Svitolina and Simona Halep versus Aryna Sabalenka. The two matches in the penultimate round on Saturday will determine the finalists at the 44th edition of the time-honoured Stuttgart tournament. There will definitely be a new winner – a winner that will take reception of a mamba green metallic Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo as the main prize. The title holder Petra Kvitova was ousted by Elina Svitolina in the quarterfinals whilst the 2018 winner Karolina Pliskova was defeated by the top-seeded Ashleigh Barty.The first quarterfinal on Centre Court in the Porsche Arena began at 2.00 in the afternoon but Ashleigh Barty was seemingly still half-asleep. In losing the first set 6-2, the Australia overwhelmed by Karolina Pliskova before taking the initiative to even up the match with an equally convincing 6-1 second set. And the rollercoaster continued. In final set, she again needed a long-run up and had her back to the wall when the Czech served for the match at 5-4. However, Ashleigh Barty impressively showed just why she tops the rankings and extricated herself from the perilous position with some great shots to progress to the semifinal after wrapping up the match 7-5 in the third. “It was a great battle, especially in the third set,” said the top favourite who is making her debut at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix. “I never gave up, fought hard and tried to enjoy the match despite everything. They’re the matches I love.”Her semifinal opponent Elina Svitolina from Ukraine downed the title holder Petra Kvitova in the quarterfinals after eventually closing out the encounter 6-7 (4), 7-5, 6-2 after two hours 37 minutes. She was forced onto the back foot most of the time by the Czech and, after losing the first set in a tie-break, was soon 5-2 down in the second. The title holder was unable to convert her both first match point and then the second when she was serving for the match at 5-4. The world No. 5 continued battling to break back twice and eventually win a set that she had looked like losing. Her Czech opponent’s resistance was broken even though she herself fended off three match points. Elina Svitolina wa s still out of breath at the winner’s interview saying: “I expected a hard match but nothing like that. I fought for every single ball and it was the key to winning the match.”Simona Halep has it easyEkaterina Alexandrova was in the quarterfinals by virtue of a surprise victory against Belinda Bencic. However, her winning run was brought to an end by Simona Halep. The two-time grand slam champion and Stuttgart No. 2 seed cruised to a 6-1 first set. Though the world No. 36 from Russia was improving all the time, the Romanian did not have to exert herself too much when taking the second 6-4, also thanks to her excellent serve. The fact that she had lost the last two matches against the Russian was of no importance anymore. “I have learned from the defeats and made her run a bit more,” said Simona Halep who is playing the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix for the sixth time. Looking ahead to the semifinals, she was nevertheless, “glad to finish off the match in two straight sets.”It was a long semifinals day in the Porsche Arena, one that ended just before midnight when Aryna Sabalenka finally converted her fourth match point to beat Anett Kontaveit 7-5, 4-6, 6-1. The No. 5 seeded Belarusian and the unseeded Estonian, the 2019 runner-up, gave each other no quarter for almost two and a half hours, Even the third set was much closer than the score suggests. “I was under pressure every second of the match and there were lots of emotions of the court,” said the winner. “In the thirdset, I managed to concentrate better. The semifinal against Simona is sure to be much harder. She won our last match in Dubai. Hopefully I can do better tomorrow.”Five Germans stood on the court for the doubles quarterfinals on Friday, but things went well for only one of them. P artnered by China’s Yafan Wang, Vivian Heisen, who mainly plays on the ITF Tour, ended the semifinal hopes of Angelique Kerber and Andrea Petkovic with a 6-2, 6-4 win. Their Porsche Team Germany teammates, the title holders Anna-Lena Friedsam and Mona Barthel are also out of the tournament after losing 6-3, 6-3 against Nadiia Kichenom (Ukraine) and Raluca Olaro (Romania).Service for all the media representativesOur new media hub containing all the relevant information about the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix like press releases, match results, statistics, audio recordings of press conferences with players and photos is available to journalists via the Porsche press data base at Further contents can be found in the Porsche Tennis Media Guide.Further information, film and photo material in the Porsche Newsroom: 。

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dynamicduo -回复什么是动态二人组合(Dynamic Duo)?动态二人组合,简称“Dynamic Duo”,是指由两个成员组成的音乐团队。














以下是其中几个最著名的例子:1. 模范青年团(OutKast):由安德烈·本杰明(AndréBenjamin)和安东尼·帕顿(Antwan Patton)组成的美国嘻哈组合。


2. 白日梦(Daft Punk):由托马斯·邦加尔特(Thomas Bangalter)和盖·曼·埃勒克(Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo)组成的法国电子音乐组合。




Deutsche FrauennamenName BedeutungAdriana(lat.) Bewohnerin der Stadt Hadria Hadria的居民Agnes(griech) die Reine, die Heilige 纯洁的、神圣的人Alexandra, Alexa, Alexia,AlexisWeibl. Form von AlexanderAlice Kurzform von Alexandra Alexandra的简称z.B. Alice im Wunderland von Lewis CarrolAndrea(griech.) die Mutige 勇敢的人Amanda(lat.) die Liebliche 可爱的人Angelika(griech./lat.) Botin, Engel 信使,天使Anna, Annette, Anja, Ann, Antje (hebr?isch) die Gesegnete受祝福的人Figur in der Bibel, Tante von JesusAnika, Anke Koseform von Anna Anna的昵称Antonia Weibl. Form von Anton Anton用于女性名字的形式Anabel, Annabella(span./ital.) die Sch?ne, die Liebliche 漂亮的,可爱的人Astrid(altnord.) von ?ans’ = Gott上帝Barbara, B?rbel, Varenka(griec h) Ausl?nderin, Fremde异邦女人z.B. die Heilige Ba rbara für die im Dezember ein Kirschzweigins Zimmer gestellt wirdBeate, Beata, Beatrix, Bea(lat.) die Glückliche幸运的人z.B. Beatrice von Dante in der G?ttlichen Kom?dieBettine, Bettina, Betti Vgl. Elisabethz.B. Bettine von Arnim, Schriftstellerin der RomantikBerta, Betti(althochdeutsch) die Leuchtende 杰出的,超群的z.B. Berta von Suttner, Frauenrechtlerin und PazifistinBrigitte, Birgit, Britta(nordisch) die Adelige, die Edle 女贵族C arla, Carolin, Carola, Karla Weibl. Form von Carl, Karl Karl用于女性名字的形式Camilla(lat.) die Angenehme 令人愉快的人Charlotte, Lotte??z.B. Lotte in Goethes Die Leiden des jungen Werther.Christine, Christiane, Kerstin Die, die Christus folgt 追随基督的人Cornelia, Kornelia, Nelly(lat.) Mitglied der Familie der Cornelier Cornelier家族的成员z.B. Nelly Sachs, dt. Dichterin und Nobelpreistr?gerinCordula, Cora, Kora, Delia M?dchen, Jungfrau女孩,少女Claudia von ?claudius’ = der Hinkende跛行的人Cecillia, C?cilie, Silke Mitglied der Familie der C?cilier C?cilier家族的成员D agmar(altd?nisch) von ?dago’ = gut好的,善的,美的Dana Die RichterinDaniela(hebr?isch) Gott ist der RichterDaria(altpersisch) die M?chtige有权势的Deborah(hebr?isch) die Hartarbeitende, Biene蜜蜂,辛勤工作的人Diane, Diana R?m. G?ttin der Jagd狩猎女神Doris, Dora(griech.) aus der Region Doris kommend 来自Doris地区的人Dorothea, Dorothee, Doro(griech.) Geschenk Gottes 上帝的礼物z.B. Dorothea Schlegel-Schelling, wichtige Person der Romantik Edith(angels?chs.) Besitz财产z.B. Edith Stein, Dichterin, Nonne und Opfer der NazisElfriede, Elfi, Effi, Frieda(althochdeutsch) von ?alb’ = Naturgeist精灵z.B. Elfriede Jelinek, ?sterreichische Autorin undNobelpreistr?gerinElisabeth, Elisa, Elise, Ilse, Lisa (hebr?isch) Gott ist vollkommenz.B. die Heilige Elisabeth, versorgte die Armen im MittelalterElke(niederdeutsch) die Vornehme 高贵、高尚的、有教养的人z.B. Elke Heidenreich, erfolgreiche LiteraturkritikerinEmilie, Emilia Weibliche Form von Emil Emil用于女性名字的形式z.B. Emilia Galotti, Theaterstück der Aufkl?rung von Lessing Emanuela, Manuela(lat./griech.) Gott mit uns 与我们同在的上帝z.B. das Lied ?Emanuela’ von Fettes BrotEmma, Emmie(althochdeutsch) die Erhabene (vgl. Brigitte) 庄严的,崇高的z.B. sagt man, dass alle M?wen aussehen, als ob sie Emmahei?enErika, Eri Weibliche Form von Erik Erik用于女性名字的形式Erika ist auch der Name ein BlumeEsthe r(persisch/hebr?isch) der Stern星辰Eva, Evelyn, Evi(hebr?isch) die Leben schenkende赋予生命、创造生命的Fabia Weibliche Form von Fabian Fabian用于女性名字的形式Felicitas, Feli(lat.) das Glück幸福,幸运z.B. Felicitas Hoppe, dt. GegenwartsautorinFiona(engl.) wei?洁白的Flora(lat.) blühend盛开的,绽放的Die G?ttin Flora ist das Symbol für den FrühlingFranziska Weibliche Form von Franziskus, Franz Franziskus, Franz用于女性名字的形式z.B. Franziska von Almsick, dt. SchwimmerinFranka Weibliche Form von Frank Frank用于女性名字的形式z.B. Franka Potente, dt. SchauspielerinFrauke(niederdt.) froh 高兴的Friederike Weibliche Form von Friedrich Friedrich用于女性名字的形式G abriele, Gabi, Jella(hebr?isch) Heldin Gottes上帝(派来)的女英雄Galina(russisch) Ruhe, Frieden 安宁,和平Gerda Weibliche Form von Gerd, Kurzform von Irmgard Gerd用于女性名字的形式;或Irmgard的简称Gisela, Silke(althochdt.) Geisel 人质Gitta, Gitte Kurzform von Brigitte Brigitte的简称z.B. Gitte, bekannte dt. Schlagers?ngerinGudrun(althochdt.) von ?gund’ = Kampf, ?runa’ = Geheimnis, Za uber神秘,魔力,吸引力H anna, Johanna, Hanni(hebr?isch) die Begnadete, Anmutige天才的、天赋的,风姿优美、优雅的z.B. die Heilige Johanna von Orleans, besiegte die Engl?nderim 100j?hrigen KriegHedwig(althochdt.) von ?hadu’ = Kampf战斗,战争Heidrun(althochdt.) ?heid’ = Wesen存在Henrike, Heike Weibliche Form von Heinrich Heinrich用于女性名字的形式z.B. Heike Makatsch, dt. Moderatorin und SchauspielerinHelene, Helena Lena, Lene, Ilona, Elena (griech.) die Leuchtende 杰出的,超群的z.B. die sch?ne Helena aus der IlliasHelga, Olga(schwed.) gesund 健康的Hermine, Minna Weibliche Form von Hermann Hermann用于女性名字的形式z.B. Harry Potters Schulkollegin Hermine GrangerHera Heldin 女英雄z.B. griechische G?ttin, Gattin von ZeusI da(althochdt.) die Seherin 女先知Ingrid(althochdt.) germanische Stammesg?t tin 日尔曼人的女神Irene, Irina, Ira(griech.) Friede 和平z.B. die griechische G?ttin des Friedens IreneIris(griech.) Regenbogen 虹Irmgard, Irma, Emma, Gerda(althochdt.) von ?irmin’ = Welt世界Isolde(kelt.) Eisen 铁Johanna, Jana Weibliche Form von Johannes (vgl. Hanna) Johannes用于女性名字的形式Jasmin, Yasmin Nach dem Blütenstrauchz.B. Jasmin Tabatabai, dt. SchauspielerinJessika, Jessica(hebr?isch) Gott siehtJudith, Jutta(hebr?isch) Frau aus Jehud来自Jehud的女人z.B. Figur aus der Bibel, die Holofernes t?tet und so denKrieg für ihr Volk gewinntJulia, Juliane, Liane Weibliche Form von Julius Julius用于女性名字的形式z.B. aus dem Stück von Shakespeare Romeo und JuliaKatherina, Karin, Katrin, Katja (griech.) die Reine 纯洁的人z.B. Katharina die Gro?e, Zarin von Russlan dKatalin, CatalinKassandra, Cassandra(griech.) die Frau, die M?nner f?ngt让男人就范的女人z.B. die griechische Seherin aus TrojaKlara, Clara, Klarissa(lat.) hell, leuchtend, berühmt让人眼前一亮的;著名的z.B. Figur aus dem beliebten Kinderbuch ?Heidi’, ClaraSchumann dt. Komponistin und PianistinKonstanze, Constanze, Conny(lat.) best?ndig, standhaft坚强的,有恒心的Lara, Larissa(griech.) nach der Stadt LarissaLaura Kurzform von Laurentia, weibliche Form von LaurentiusLaurentia的简称;或Laurentius用于女性名字的形式Lea(hebr?isch) die Ermüdete略显憔悴的,受劳累的人Leona weibliche Form von Leo Leo用于女性名字的形式Lucia(lat.) die Leuchtende 杰出的、超群的人z.B. die Heilige des schwedischen LichterfestesLuise Weibliche Form von Ludwig Ludwig用于女性名字的形式z.B. Pünktchen aus dem beliebten Kinderbuch ?Pünktc hen undAnton’Lydia(griech.) LydierinM agdalena, Lena, Leni, Magda(hebr?isch) aus der Stadt Magdala stammend来自Magdala城的人z.B. Figur aus der Bibel, Gefolgsfrau von JesusMaria,Marie, Meike, Maike, Maja, Marei, Manja, Mareike, Maren, Marion, Miriam, Mirjam (aram?isch) die Sch?ne漂亮的人z.B. Figur aus der Bibel, Mutter von Jesus, Marie Curie, poln. Physikerin und Nobelpreistr?gerinMargareta, Greta, Grete, Margot (orientalisch) die Perle 珍珠z.B. Figur aus dem Faust von GoetheMarina Weibliche Form von Marinus Marinus用于女性名字的形式Martha, Marta(hebr?isch) Herrin女主人Martina Weibliche Form zu Martin Martin用于女性名字的形式Mathilde, Matilda, Mafalda(althochdt.) von ?mahti’ = Macht Kraft权力Melanie, Meline, Mela(griech.) die Schwarze, die Dunkle 黑色的,黑暗的Michaela, Michelle Weibliche Form zu Michael Michael用于女性名字的形式Minna(althochdt.) Liebe 爱z.B. Minna von Barnhelm, Kom?die von LessingMonika, Mona, Moni(lat.) ermahnenN aomi(hebr?isch) die Liebliche可爱的人Natalie, Natalja (romanisch) Geburtstag Christi 用于女性名字的形式Nicole, Nicola Weibliche Form zu Nikolaus NikolausO ttilie, Ottilia, Odilia(althochdt.) von ?od’ = Erbgut, Besitz财产Olivia Weibliche Form von Oliver Oliver用于女性名字的形式Paloma(span.) die Taube 鸽子Patrizia(lat.) dem r?mischen Adel angeh?rig出身罗马贵族的Paula, Pauline Weibliche Form von Paul Paul用于女性名字的形式Petra Weibliche Form von Peter Peter用于女性名字的形式Philippa Weibliche Form von Philipp Philipp用于女性名字的形式Priska, Pricila(lat.) alt, ehrwürdig上了年纪的,值得尊敬的R ahel, Rachel(hebr?isch) Mutterschaft母性Rebecka, Becky(hebr?isch) die Schmeichlerin谄媚者,阿谀奉承者Regina, Regine, Ina(lat.) die K?nigin女王Renata, Renate(lat.) die Wiedergeborene 重生的人Rosa, Rosalie(lat.) die Rose 玫瑰Roswitha, Rosa(althochdt.) von ?hruod’ = Ruhm荣誉Ruth(hebr?isch) Freundsc haft 友谊Sabine, Sabina, Bine(lat.) aus dem Stamm der Sabiner 来自Sabiner的人Sandra(ital.) Kurzform für Alessandra (Alexandra) Alessandra的简称Sara, Sarah(hebr?isch) Fürstin女领主Silvia, Sylvia(lat.) Wald 森林Simone Weibliche Form von Simon Simon用于女性名字的形式Sophie, Sofie, Sonja(griech.) Weisheit 智慧z.B. Sophie Scholl, Studentin und Mitglied der Wei?en Rose Stephanie, Stefanie, Steffi Weibliche Form zu Stephan Stephan用于女性名字的形式Susanne(hebr?isch) Lilie百合花Tamara(hebr?isch) Dattelpalme海枣Tatjana, Tanja(althochdt.) ??Therese, Theresa(griech.) von der Insel Thera stammend 来自Thera岛的人U lrike, Ulla, Rike Weibliche Form von Ulrich Ulrich用于女性名字的形式Undine(lat.) Nixe 水妖Ursula, Ursel(lat.) kleine B?rin小母熊Valentina, Valentine, Wally Weibliche Form zu Valentin Valentin用于女性名字的形式Valeria Weibliche Form zu Valerius Valerius用于女性名字的形式Vera, Verena(lat.) die Wahre 真实的,诚实的人Veronika(griech.) bringenViktoria Weibliche Form zu Viktor Viktor用于女性名字的形式Viola(lat.) VeilchenVanessa(engl.) ??W ibke, Wiba(althochdt.) von ?wig’ = Kampf战斗,战争Xaveria Weibliche Form von Xaver Xaver用于女性名字的形式Xenia(griech.) gastfreundlich 好客的Yvonne??Zaida(arab.) Gebieterin 女统率Zoe(franz.) ??z.B. Zoe Jenny, dt. AutorinZena, Zenobia Weibliche Form zu Zenobio Zenobio用于女性名字的形式Deutsche M?nnernamenName BedeutungAdrian(lat.) Bewohner der Stadt Hadria Hadria的居民Aaron, Aron(hebr?isch) der Erleuchtete顿悟的人Achim, Joachim, Jochen(hebr?isch) von Gott aufgerichtet受上帝鼓励的、帮助的z.B. Achim von Arnim, Autor der RomantikAlbert(althochdt.) Kurzform von Adalbert von ?adal’ = edel高尚的,和谐的Alexander, Alex, Sandro, Sascha (griech.) M?nner abwehrenderz.B. Alexander der Gro?e, griech. FeldherrAlfred(engl.) Elf, Naturgeist 精灵Alois(althochdt.) sehr klug, weise十分聪明的,智慧的Andreas, Andre(griech.) der Tapfere 勇敢的人Armin(althochdt.) die Welt 世界Arnold(althochdt.) von ?arm’ = Adler山雕(坚强和勇敢的象征)Arthur(keltisch) der B?r熊Axel Kurzform von Absalom, (hebr?isch) Vater des Friedens带来和平的人Bastian, Basti, Sebastian(griech.) verehrungswürdig值得尊敬的Ben(hebr?isch) der Sohn儿子Benni, Benedikt(lat.) der Gesegnete 受祝福的人Benjamin(hebr?isch) der Sohn meiner Rechten父亲右侧的儿子(古希伯来人以右为尊)Bernhard, Berndt(althochdt.) stark wie ein B?r象熊一样强壮的Berthold, Bert(althochdt.) von ?beraht’ = gl?nzend闪光的,光辉的z.B. Bertolt Brecht, dt. AutorBj?rn(schwedisch) der B?r熊Boris(slawisch) der K?mpfer战士z.B. Boris Becker, dt. TennisspielerBruno(althochdt.) der B?r, braun熊;棕色的Burkhard(althochdt.) Burg, Schutz 城堡,防卫(措施)C hristian, Carsten, Karsten(griech./lat.) Christusanh?nger信基督教的人Christopher, Christoph(griech.) Christustr?gerz.B. der Heilige Christoperus, Beschützer der Reisenden Clemens(lat.) der Sanftmütige温和的人z.B. Clemens Brentano, Autor der RomantikCornelius, Niels(lat.) aus der Familie der Cornelier Cornelier家族的人D amian(griech.) b?ndigenDaniel(hebr?isch) Richter ist GottDavid(hebr?isch) Geliebter, Liebling爱人Denis, Dennis(griech.) dem Gott Dionysos geweihtDetlef(niederdt.) Sohn des Volkes 人民之子Dieter, Dirk, Dietrich(althochdt.) von ?diot’ = Volk人民,大众Dominik(lat.) dem Herrn geweihtDragan, Drago(slawisch) teuer, lieb 可爱的Eike, Egon, Eckhard(althochdt.) Schneide 刀刃,刀锋Emil(lat.) der Eifrige 热心的人Erich, Erik(althochdt.) Ehre 荣誉z.B. Eri ch K?stner, dt. AutorErnst(althochdt.) Ernst, Entschlossenheit 坚决,认真,坚持不懈Ernst Jünger, dt. AutorErwin(althochdt.) von ?heri’ = Heer陆军,军队Eugen(griech.) der Edelgeborene 贵族出身的人Fabian(lat.) aus dem Geschlecht der Fabier Fabier家族的人Falko, Falk(althochdt.) der Falke 鹰z.B. Falco, ?sterreichischer PopmusikerFelix(lat.) der Glückliche幸运的人Florian(lat.) von Florus, blühend盛开的,繁荣的,有生命力的Frank(angels?chs.) frei自由的Franz(lat.) der Franzose 法兰西人z.B. Franz Kafka, dt. AutorFriedrich, Frederik, Fritz(althochdt.) von ?fridu’ = Friede和平z.B. Friedrich der Gro?e, K?nig von Preu?enG abriel(hebr?isch) Held Gottes上帝(派来)的英雄z.B. ErzengelGeorg, J?rg, Jürgen(griech.) Bauer, Mann vom Land 务农的人z.B. der Heilige Georg, der den Drachen get?tet hat Gerald, Gerold, Gerhard, Gerd(angels?chs./althochdt.) von ?ger’ = Speer矛,枪z.B. Gerhard Schr?der, dt. PolitkerGideon(hebr?isch) Zertrümmerer毁灭者Gregor(lat.) der Wachsame 警惕的人Gunter, Günther, Gunnar(althochdt.) von ?gund’ = Kampf战争,战斗z.B. Günther Grass, dt. Autor und Nobelpreistr?gerGustav (altschwedisch) Bote 信使H einrich, Heiko, Henri, Harry(althochdt.) von ?hagan’ = Einfriedung, Schutz围墙,篱笆,防护措施z.B. Heinrich von Kleist, dt. AutorHektor(griech.) Schirmer, Herrscher 保护者,统治者z.B. Hektor von TrojaHelge(skandinavisch) heil, gesund 健康的z.B. Helge Schneider, dt. KomikerHelmut(althochdt.) Helm (斧、榔头)柄z.B. Helmut Kohl, dt. PolitkerHerbert(althochdt.) von ?heri’ = Heer, ?beraht’ = gl?nzend闪光的,光辉的z.B. Herbert Gr?nemeyer, dt. Mus ikerHermann(althochdt.) von ?heri’ = Heer, ?man’ = Mann, Manndes Heeres 男人,军人z.B. Hermann Hesse, dt. AutorHolger(nordisch) von ?holm’ = Insel岛,岛屿Horst(althochdt.) von ?hurst’ = Gebüsch, kleiner Wald灌木丛,小树林I ngmar, Igor, Ingo(althochdt./russi sch) von ?Ingwo’ = germanischerStammesgott 日尔曼人的神z.B. Ingmar Bergmann, schwedischer RegisseurJakob(hebr?isch) Zweitgeborener次子z.B. Jakob Grimm, dt. Sprachwissenschaftler undM?rchensammlerJohannes, Johann, Jan, John, Hannes, Hans (hebr?isch) Gott ist gn?digz.B. Johann der T?ufer, Zeitgenosse von Jesus und einer der vier EvangelistenJonas(hebr?isch) die Taube鸽子z.B. Figur aus der Bibel, hat einige Tage im Baucheines Wales gelebtJonathan(hebr?isch) Geschenk Jahwes (Gottes)上帝的礼物Julius, Julian(lat.) aus dem Geschlecht der Julianer Julianer家族的人z.B. Julius C?sar, r?mischer KaiserJustus, Justin(lat.) der Gerechte 公正的,有正义感的人Kai(keltisch/friesisch) ??z.B. Kai Wiesinger, dt. SchauspielerKarl, Carl(althochdt.) der Freie 自由的人z.B. Kar l der Gro?e, dt. KaiserKasimier(slawisch) Stifter des Friedens 缔造和平的人Kasper, Caspar(persisch) Schatzmeister 主管财务的人z.B. einer der Heiligen Drei K?nige, Ursprung derGeschenktradition zu WeihnachtenKevin(irisch/engl.) sch?n von Geburt生来俊俏的z.B. Kevin Costner, amerik. SchauspielerKonrad, Kurt(althochdt.) von ?kuoni’ = kühn, tapfer勇敢的Konstantin, Kosta(lat.) best?ndig, standhaft坚强的,有恒心的Lars, Lorenz Von Laurentius (lateinisch) Mann aus Laurentium 来自Laurentium的人z.B. Lars von Trier, Dogma-RegisseurLeo, Leon(lat.) der L?we狮子Leonhard, Leonard(althochdt.) von ?liuti’ = Leute, Volk人民,大众Linus(lat.) der Betrauerte 受人们怀念的人z.B. Linus von den PeanutsLothar(althochdt.) von ?hluth’ = berühmt有名的Ludwig, Lutz, Louis, Vico(althochdt.) von ?hluth’ = berühmt有名的z.B. Ludwig XIV. Franz?sischer Sonnenk?nigLukas, Luca(griech.) aus Lukanien stammend 来自Lukanien的人einer der vier EvangelistenM agnus(lat.) gro?, angesehen伟大的,有名望的Manfred(althochdt.) von ?man’ = Mann男人Manuel(griech.) Gott mit uns 与我们同在的上帝z.B. Emanuel, Taufname von JesusMarin, Marinus(lat.) von der See stammend 从海上来的Markus, Mark, Marco, Martin, Marten (lat.) Sohn des Kriegsgottes Mars (罗马神话中)战神之子z.B. Markus, einer der vier EvangelistenMatthias(hebr?isch/griechisch) Geschenk Gottes 上帝的礼物z.B. einer der vier EvangelistenMax, Maximilian(lat.) der Gr??te und aus dem Geschlecht der ?milierstammend Amilier家族的长子Moritz der Mohr 黑(种)人z.B. Moritz BleibtreuMichael(hebr?isch) Wer ist wie Gott?z.B. ein Erzengel, bewacht das ParadiesN athan, Nathanael(hebr?isch) Gott hat gegebenz.B. Nathan der Weise, Figur von LessingNicolai, Nikolai, Nico, Nicolaus, Klaus (griechisch) von ?nike’ = Sieg胜利z.B. der Heilige Nikolaus, dessen Tag am 6. Dezember gefeiert wirdNorbert(germanisch) ?northo’ = Kraft力量Norman(romanisch) Mann aus dem Norden 来自北方的人(engl./amerik.) starker MannO laf, Ole(schwed.) Ahnenspross 后裔z.B. Olaf der Wikinger, norwegischer K?nigOliver(engl./nordisch) ??Orlando, Roland(germanisch) von ?hroth’ = Ruhm荣誉z.B. Orlando BloomOskar, Ansgar(althochdt.) unter Gottes Schutz 受上帝保护的z.B. Oskar aus der Blechtrommel von Günther Grass Oswald, Answald(althochdt.) von ?ans’ = Gott上帝Otto, Otmar, Udo(althochdt.) von ?ot’ = Erbgut, Besitz财产z. B. Otto, bekannter dt. KomikerPascal(franz./lat./hebr?isch) an Ostern geborener在复活节出生的人Patrick(irisch/engl./lat.) als r?mischer Adeliger geborener罗马贵族出身的z.B. irischer NationalheiligerPaul(griech.) von ?pauros’ = klein普通的,平凡的z.B. Paulus, Kirchenvater des ChristentumsPeter, Pit, Peer(griech.) der Fels 岩石z.B. Petrus, Gefolgsmann von Jesus, Kirchengründer Philipp(griech.) von ?philos’ = Freund朋友Q uintus, Quentin(lat.) der Fünfte第五个人R aimund, Rainer, Reinhard(althochdt.) von ?ragin’ = Rat建议,给建议的人z.B. Rainer Maria Rilke, dt. Dichter(germanisch) von ?hruod’ = Ruhm荣誉Ralf, Ralph, Rudolf, Rudi,RolfRaphael, Rafael(hebr?isch) es heilt Gottz.B. Raphael, italienischer MalerReinhold, Rainald, Runold(althochdt.) von ?ragin’ = Rat, g?ttliche r Rat 上帝的指引Richard(althochdt.) von ?rihi’ = reich, m?chtig富有的,有权势的z.B. Richard L?wenherz, engl. K?nigRobert, Robin(germanisch) von ?hroth’ = Ruhm荣誉Roger, Rüdiger(germanisch) von ?hroth’ = Ruhm荣誉Roman(lat.) der R?mer罗马人z.B. Roman Polanski, poln. RegisseurSamuel, Sam(hebr?isch) von Gott geh?rt属于上帝的Siegfried, Siggi, Siegmund(althochdt.) von ?sigu’ = Sieg胜利z.B. Siegfried, altgermanischer HeldSimon(hebr?isch) Erh?rung答应…请求,满足(请求)z.B. Figur aus der Bibel, unbesiegbar stark(griech.) von ?stephanos’ = Kranz, Krone花环,花冠Stephan, Stefan, Steffen,StevenSven(schwedisch) junger Mann, junger Krieger 年轻人,年轻的战士Thomas, Tomas, Tom, Tommy(hebr?isch) Zwilling孪生儿(之一)z.B. der Heilige Thomas, Lieblingsjünger von Jesus,ZweiflerThorsten(skandinavisch) von ?thor’ = nordischer Gott desDonners 北欧神话中的雷神Timon(griech.) von ?time’ = Ehre尊敬,荣誉,尊严Tobias(hebr?isch) Gott ist gutU lrich, Uli (althochdt.) von ?uodal’ = Erbgut, HeimatUrban(lat.) aus der Stadt 城市来的Uwe(friesisch) ??z.B. Uwe Timm, Uwe Johnson, dt. AutorenValentin, Valerius(lat.) kr?ftig, gesundz.B. der Heilige Valentin, Beschützer der LiebendenViktor, Victor(lat.) Sieger 胜利者Volker(althochdt.) von ?folk’ = Volk人民W aldemar, Wladimir, Walter(althochdt.) von ?waltan’ = herrschen统治的Werner(germanisch) vom germanischen Stamm der Warnen 日尔曼血统的Wilfried(althochdt.) von ?willo’ = Wille决心,意志Wilhelm, Willi, William(althochdt.) von ?willo’ = Wille决心,意志z.B. Wilhelm II, dt. KaiserWolfgang, Wolfram(althochdt.) Wolf 狼z.B. Wolfram von Eschenbach, dt. Dichter desMittelaltersXaver Nach dem spanischen Schloss Xavier in NavarraYves, Ives(franz./althochdt.) Eibe, Eibenholz 紫杉,紫杉木z.B. Yves Klein, franz. MalerZacharias(hebr?isch) es gedenkt Jahwe (Gott)Zenobio(griech.) aus Zeus (griech. Gott) und ?bios’ = Leben生活(注:专业文档是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。

The Prayer钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版

The Prayer钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版
The Prayer
Celine Dion
Andrea Bocelli
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Ed Sheeran / Andrea Bocelli《Perfect Symphony》中英文歌词《Perfect Symphony》是最近新播出的英文歌曲,演唱者是Ed Sheeran和Andrea Bocelli。


听听《Perfect Symphony》的歌唱旋律,你们是否能够将其英文歌词转换为中文歌词的意思呢?是否理解了其歌词表达意味?Perfect Symphony中英文歌词I found a love for me我找到了吾爱Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead亲爱的就跟着我一起沉沦Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet这个女孩是那么的甜美可爱Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me之前却从不知道你就是我的天命'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love因为当我们在沦陷爱河时就像是单纯的孩子Not knowing what it was对未来不知所措I will not give you up this time但这次我绝不放手But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own亲爱的,温柔地亲吻我,你的真心是我拥有的一切And in your eyes, you're holding mine而我也是你眼中的全部Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms亲爱的,我们在夜色下翩然起舞Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song赤足踏在草地上,听着最爱的歌When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath当你说你是如此狼狈不堪时,我会在心底默默低语But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight但亲爱的你会听到,你今夜竟如此完美Sei la mia donna你是我所遇见的La forza delle onde del mare比任何人都坚强的女人Cogli i niei sogni i miei segreti molto di più你能进入我的梦境,窥探我的秘密Spero che un giorno l'amore che ci ha accompagnato我希望有一天能给你一个家,Diventi casa la mia famiglia diventi noi我才意识到原来爱可以承载更多E siamo sempre bambini ma nulla impossibile当我们在沦陷爱河时就像是单纯的孩子Stavolta non ti lascerò但这次我绝不放手Mi baci piano ed io torno ad esistere亲爱的,温柔地亲吻我,你的真心是我拥有的一切E nel tuo sguardo crescerò而我也是你眼中的全部Ballo con te nell'oscurità stretti forte e poi亲爱的,我们在夜色下翩然起舞A piedi nudi noi dentro la nostra musica赤足踏在草地上,听着最爱的歌Ti ho guardata ridere e sussurrando ha当你说你是如此狼狈不堪时,我会在心底默默低语Detto tu stasera vedi sei perfetta per me但亲爱的你会听到,你今夜竟如此完美Ballo con te nell'oscurità st retti forte e poi亲爱的,我们在夜色下翩然起舞A piedi nudi noi dentro la nostra musica赤足踏在草地上,听着最爱的歌Ho creduto sempre我深深坚信着Perché sei un angelo e io t'ho aspettato你就是我一直等待的天使Quanto t'ho aspettato perché tu stasera你是如此美丽而我又如此幸运Sei perfetta per me今夜的你如此美丽ANDREA BOCELLI简介安德烈·波切利,1958年9月22日出生于意大利托斯卡纳,歌唱家。

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AbstractIn many countries sustainable slab track systems have been established as standard solutions for railway tunnels. As a result of safety requirements, the construction of drivable slab track systems for tunnels represents a new challenge, since until now satisfactory solutions hardly exist.A research project of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, in collaboration with RTE Technologie GmbH deals with the development of a drivable slab track cover system. A first proposal for a drivable slab track cover system is presented in this paper, based on the results of experimental and numerical investigations.Keywords: slab track system, cover element, concrete, load arrangement, numerical simulation, experiments.1 IntroductionAs a result of their stability, durability and low maintenance effort slab track systems are increasingly applied for high performance railway lines all over the world. Particularly in tunnels slab track systems represent the standard solution by now. Modern tunnels require complex safety concepts regarding escape, rescue, fire protection and fire fighting. One important aspect is the possibility of driving along the tracks with road vehicles in case of emergency. In this context slab tracks offer the best prerequisites due to structural stability and low maintenance effort.However, up to now existing solutions for drivable slab tracks do not meet all demands. Thus, the University of Innsbruck in collaboration with RTE Technologie GmbH started a research project dealing with the development of a drivable slab track cover system, meeting all technical and economical requirements concerning fabrication, installation, function and maintenance.The research work started with tests for determining realistic load arrangements. These load assumptions were used to develop a concept for a drivable slab trackPaper 142Design of a Cover Element forSlab Track SystemsA. Andreatta 1, Y. Theiner 1, J. Feix 1G. Hofstetter 1, M. Kowalski 2 and S. Knittel 2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Innsbruck, Austria 2 RTE Technolgie GmbH, Rhomberg Bahntechnik GruppeBregenz, Austria©Civil-Comp Press, 2012 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance,J. Pombo, (Editor),Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotlandcover system consisting of two element types. Furthermore, investigations on the entire production and installation process of these elements will be carried out in order to obtain an economic solution.2 RequirementsAt the start of the project it was necessary to collect all functional, operational and economic requirements concerning the construction of drivable slab track cover systems. In Germany the current requirements were compiled by the Department for Railway Systems of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on behalf of the German Slab Track Research Group (AFF) [1]. These requirements were provided as a basis for all further research steps and can be summarized briefly as follows: • functional requirements: adequate geometry, structural stability and safety, position stability, position accuracy, sufficient roughness;• operational requirements: unrestricted train operation, no negative effects on the control and safety systems, quick and easy maintenance, quick and easy repair and replacement;• economic requirements: low material costs, low installation costs, short installation time, low maintenance costs, low repair and replacement costs.3 First solution proposalDifferent types of slab track systems have been developed. Hence, in course of designing a drivable slab track cover system it is necessary to consider the respective type of the slab track, as only the combination of slab track and cover system offers the possibility to drive along railway tracks with road vehicles. Due to different geometries of currently used slab track systems the upper side of these systems has to be adapted slightly.The solution presented in this contribution is based on the slab track system “ÖBB-Porr” (Figure 1).The research work conducted until now resulted in a concept for a drivable slab track cover system consisting of two element types shown in Figure 2.3.1 Side elementsThe side elements, situated on both sides of the rails (Figure 2) are relatively small, with low weight to ease the installation and the maintenance works. The gap between the side elements and the rails represents an important design aspect. The shape and size of the side elements have to be determined such that vehicle wheels (car or truck) cannot enter the gap. Furthermore, service inspections, small works on rails and rail fastening elements as well as replacement of rails must be feasible without removing the side elements.Figure 1: Slab Track System “ÖBB-Porr”.Figure 2: The entire slab track cover set for a stretch of four elements.As a result of economical aspects the side elements are made of plain concrete, in order to reduce the material and labour costs. In addition, possible adverse effects on the train signalling and control system can be avoided. Elements without reinforcement require a concrete composition with high tensile strength. According to the European Standard ÖNORM EN 1992-1-1 [2] the concrete used for the side elements can be classified as C45/55 (Table 1).mean value characteristic value design valueN/mm² modulus of elasticity E cm36000 cylinder strength f c53 N/mm² 45 N/mm² 24 N/mm²axial tensile strength f ct 3.8 N/mm² 2.7 N/mm² 1.44 N/mm²Table 1: Material properties C45/55 (plain concrete) according to ÖNORM EN1992-1-1.The side elements were developed by an iterative optimization process, consisting of experimental and numerical investigations which are described in detail in sections 5 and 6.3.2 Middle elementAs it is not necessary to remove the middle elements for inspection works, they are designed with dimensions much larger than the side elements. For this reason and because of transportation aspects they are made of reinforced concrete. Since the middle elements are acting as single-span girders reinforcement bars are providedonly in the lower part, reducing thereby adverse effects on the train signalling and control system.The middle elements are situated between the rails in the middle of the track (see Figure 2). Because of their higher weight, they can be placed and removed only by appropriate lifting equipment. Moreover, the middle elements are easily adaptable toany irregularity of the track such as ducts or train control devices.4 Load assumptionsAs the load assumptions according to the European standard differ by far from thereal loads acting on drivable slab track cover systems, a considerable part of the research work was related to the determination of realistic loads. Two representativeload types were considered. On the one hand the loading by fire trucks represents an extraordinary load case and on the other hand the loading caused by maintenance vehicles represents a permanent load case.The force transmitted from a tire to the surface of the cover elements consists of a vertical and a horizontal component. The vertical component on the one hand depends on the static tire-load (maximum laden weight) and on the other hand on the moment, resulting from the braking force of the respective vehicle. The breakingforce represents the horizontal component. In order to determine the contact area between tire and surface of the cover system a particular test arrangement was developed (Figure 3a). In Figure 3b exemplarily the contact area of a tire with the dimension 315/70 R 22.5 is shown. The experimentally determined contact areas areused in the numerical simulation of the side elements, described in section 6.a)b)Figure 3: (a) Experimental determination of the contact area between tire and coversystem and (b) contact area.According to [1] the gap between the drivable surface of the side elements and the rail is 180 mm in the area of the rail support and 100 mm in the area between the crossties (Figure 4). Therefore, additionally to the determined contact areas (see Figure 3b), also load arrangements were considered, assuming only parts of the tire treads for load transmission.Figure 4: Gap between side element and rail in the area of support and between thecrossties.Finally in Figure 5 the respective load arrangement of a fire truck, causing maximum tensile stress within the side element, is shown. The respective vertical component of the tire load amounts to 55 kN and the horizontal one to 34 kN.Figure 5: Load arrangement for a single tire of a fire truck.5 Experimental investigationIn order to obtain a technical certification for a slab track cover system experimental investigations are required.Concerning the side element different load arrangements, described in chapter 4, were considered. Figure 6 shows the experimental set-up allowing the transmission of vertical and horizontal forces.Figure 6: Experimental set-up. 100115195955.2 Experimental resultsHere for brevity, only the experimental results for the load arrangement shown in Figure 5 are described.In order to fulfil the code requirements regarding the ultimate limit state the following equation has to be fulfilled:d d S R ≤, (1)where d S denotes the design value of action and d R denotes the design value ofresistance. In the present case equation (1) yields,10.7S k m ct pl R S R γαγ⋅≤⋅⋅⋅, (2)where k S denotes the characteristic value of action and m R denotes the mean valueof resistance. Considering the partial safety factor for action S γ = 1.0, the one formaterial R γ = 1.5, the factor ,0.8ct pl α= for plain concrete and a factor of 0.7describing the ratio between characteristic value and mean value of the axial tensile strength, equation (2) results in:1.00.373k m S R ⋅≤⋅. (3)The calculated design value of the resistance capacity 0.373d m R R =⋅, has to becompared with the respective design value of action, 1.0d k S S =⋅, described insection 4 (vertical and horizontal component of the tire load of 55 kN and 34 kN, respectively). In order to fulfil equation (3) the mean value of resistance m R , represented by the vertical and horizontal component of the tire load ,V m R and ,H m R , has to achieve the following minimum values:, 1.055 kN 147.45 kN 0.373v m R ⋅==, (4), 1.034 kN 91.15 kN 0.373H mR ⋅==. (5)Collapse of the prototype of the side element occurred at a vertical load of 60 kN and a horizontal load of 37 kN. Figure 7 shows the respective fracture pattern.Figure 7: Fracture pattern of the side element.The comparison of the experimentally determined load components with equation (4) and (5) shows, that the required safety level according to the European Standard is not fulfilled for the presented proposal. Therefore, the further development of the side element is based on an iterative optimization process consisting of numerical simulations and experimental investigations.6 Numerical investigationBeside the experimental investigation also a three-dimensional numerical simulation of the above described prototype of the side element was carried out, assuming linear elastic material behaviour but taking into account a nonlinear contact relationship between the side element and the surface of the slab track system. The Finite Element (FE)-Model of the side element consists of about 1.2 Mio. degrees of freedom. The contact areas (support) between side element and slab track system are shown in Figure 8. The contact relationship is characterized by the ability to transmit shear stresses and compressive stresses, whereas tensile stresses cannot be transferred across the interface.Figure 8: Geometry model of the side element with contact areas (red coloured).In the following the numerical results, considering the load arrangement shown in Figure 5, are described. Figure 9 shows the predicted maximum principal stress of the side element with values up to 8.5 N/mm² (area of fillet, position 1). As not even the mean value but also the design value of the tensile strength (Table 1) of the concrete used is exceeded by the numerical results, cracking and thus failure of the side element is expected due to the respective design load. Areas of stress concentration with tensile stresses larger than 8.5 N/mm² up to 64 N/mm², are the consequence of the assumed linear elastic material behaviour in combination with the contact relationship.Figure 9: Maximum principal stress [N/mm²].The numerically determined regions of failure of the side element agree quite well with the observed one, confirming the applicability of the FE-model. Both, the numerical and the experimental investigations on the structural behaviour reveal, that the first proposal of the side element is insufficient for fulfilling the code requirements regarding the ultimate limit state.Figure 10 shows a revised proposal for the geometry of the side element as result of an iterative optimization process consisting of further Finite Element simulations and experimental investigations.Figure 10: Revised proposal for the geometry of the side element. References[1] E. Hohnecker, “Befahrbarkeit von eingleisigen Eisenbahntunneln mitStraßenfahrzeugen”, Abschlussbericht, Karlsruhe, März, 2008.[2]Eurocode 2 EN 1992-1-1: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: Generalrules and rules for buildings, 2009.。
