[ 摘要】 目的
让患 者主动掌握人类免疫缺陷综合 征病 毒( I S / 核病 ( I/ B 双重感 染的相关知识 , AD )结 HV T ) 从而减少 、 改变 以及
对1 8例 AIS T D / B患者进行全程督导及系统 的健康教育。结 健康教育可以使
消除影响健康的危险行为 , 提高患者生命生活质量 , 延长存 活期。方法
P NGC iag DUL—u . E a- n,U R—o( eatetfiet u,l Fr epe o il N nig N rig 50 2 ,hn ) A a- n , i n W IC i u X f q y i b Dp r n o n cos£e o hPol m f i J t H s t o ann , amn ,3 0 3 C i pa f a
[ 章 编号 ]17  ̄7 8 20 ) 1 0 30 文 6 3 6 ( 09 0 - 0 -3 0
HVT I/ B双 重 感 染 病 人 全 程 督 导 健 康 教 育 模 式▲
黄翠英 , 潘彩芳 , 丽群 , 杜 韦彩 云 , 日波 ( 西南 宁市第四人 民 医院感 染科 , 许 广 南宁 市 5 0 2 ) 303
te rv ylt gpt nsaq i ek o l g fAD dtbruoi A D / B)du l if t n Meh d 1 ae f ai t his v a b tn ai t c r t nwe eo ISa ecl s( I S T r u il ei e u eh d n u s obe n ci . t o css tns e o 8 op e
• 结核病是HIV/AIDS患者的主要 杀手
肺炎 : 40%
虫病 : 11% 弓形体病 :
10% 5%
其他 : 39%
TB: 44%
脓毒病 : 11% 肺炎 : 8%
Data sources: Nelson AM et al. HIV-1 seropositivity and mortality at University Hospital, Kinshasa, Zaire, 1987. AIDS, 1991, 5:583– 586 and Lucas SB et al. The mortality and pathology of HIV infection in a west African city. AIDS, 1993, 7:1569–1579.
普通 人群
未感 染HIV 和TB
未感染结核菌的 HIV/AIDS
感染结核菌的 HIV/AIDS
活动性肺结核 HIV/AIDS
避免发生HIV感染 提高机体免疫力 措施:宣传和干预 措施:抗病毒治疗
➢ 合并症并发症多,病死率高 ➢ 药品相互作用 ➢ 耐药结核 ➢ 非结核分枝杆菌感染
▪ X光片会导致TB诊断不足
– 以X光片作为唯一的诊断依据,40%被诊断为TB感染者 为非活单动凭性X光结片核诊。断、监控TB是不可靠的。
PTB – 诊断检查 – 镜检 (1)
利用显微镜检测经Ziehl-Neelsen染色或荧光染色 的痰液涂片
样本 1: 首次看诊,患者当场取样。 样本 2: 为患者提供一个装痰液的容器,患者在回家后当晚或次
1 资料和方法1.1 一般资料滋病合并肺结核20例,男17例,女3例,年龄23~48岁,平均33岁,已婚19例,未婚1例。
1.2 临床表现20例患者均出现持续发热,高热(39℃以上)为主,明显消瘦19例,咳嗽、咳痰17例,胸闷呼吸急促3例,2例合并口腔念珠菌感染。
01 HIVTB双重感染
本研究观察aids/tb双重感染患者的临床表现,分析影响aids/tb 患者发生免疫重建炎症综合征(immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome,iris)因素,本院2008年11月1日~2011年12月30日期间诊治82例aids/tb双重感染患者,其中41例采用haart联合左氧氟沙星和常规抗结核治疗,取得较满意的效果,现报道如下。
1资料与方法1.1 一般资料2008年11月1日~2011年12月30日期间我院诊治82例aids/tb 双重感染患者,其中男64例,女18例,年龄30~65岁。
aids/tb 双重感染诊断标准:①elisa检测hiv—1抗体阳性并通过wb法确认;②在入院治疗前的30 d内cd4+t淋巴细胞计数 0.05),具有可比性。
1.2 药物异烟肼注射液(天津金耀氨基酸有限公司,批号0912232),利福平注射液(沈阳双鼎制药有限公司,批号11080201),盐酸乙胺丁醇片(广州市香雪制药股份有限公司,批号11071201),吡嗪酰胺片(广东三才石岐制药有限公司,批号2011001),左氧氟沙星片(哈药集团三精制药诺捷有限责任公司,批号100162),齐多夫定片(广东东阳光药业有限公司,批号1010009),拉米夫定胶囊(珠海经济特区生物化学制药厂,批号20100804),司他夫定胶囊(东北制药集团沈阳第一制药有限公司,批号10051303),依非韦伦片(杭州康泰药业有限公司,批号20100314)。
1.3 治疗方案常规抗结核组:采用常规的抗结核方案,2hrze/4hr(h:异烟肼,r:利福平,z:乙胺丁醇,e:吡嗪酰胺),疗程6个月,患者均在监督下规律服药规律用药。
感染经抗炎治疗3-4周仍无改善; 痰中带血或咯血; 长期低热或发热待查; 肩胛间区有湿罗音,或年轻患者有局限性 哮鸣音;
有关节疼痛和皮肤结节性红斑等过敏反应表现, 以及实验室异常发现; 有渗出性胸膜炎,长期淋巴结肿大等病史,新 近出现呼吸道症状或肺部X线异常表现。
• 将患者体内的艾滋病病毒载量控制在现有
方法无法检测的水平 (50copies/mI)
• 有助于患者的免疫重建 • 推迟疾病临床进程
• 提高患者生存质量和存活率
• 显著降低母婴传播的危险性
• 艾滋病患者感染结核后临床症状不典型, PPD阴性率可达到90%。 • 由于结核菌素与卡介苗(BCG)抗原及其他
阳性反应可因BCG免疫或其他分枝杆菌的 暴露引起,因而缺乏特异性。
• HIV阳性者PPD对潜伏结核(LTBI)筛检 并无实际意义。 • 机体内的MTB可通过改变基因或蛋白的表 达而适应不同的外部环境,从而在不同的 TB感染阶段产生相应不同的抗体。 • 血清诊断试验ELISA方法的进展可作为现 行诊断方法的一个补充。
100 000 to 999 999
1 000 000 or more No Estimate
• 结核病严重危害人类健康
二、联合筛查的策略联合筛查的策略主要包括以下几个方面:1. 整合策略:在诊所、医院和卫生机构中将艾滋病和结核病的筛查流程整合起来,使患者能够同时接受艾滋病和结核病的检测。
2. 创新技术:利用新型便携式设备,如GeneXpert等,进行联合筛查,可以快速准确地检测艾滋病和结核病的同时感染。
3. 家庭和社区筛查:通过开展艾滋病和结核病的家庭和社区筛查活动,发现潜在的患者,并引导他们及时就诊和接受治疗。
四、联合治疗的策略联合治疗的策略包括以下几个方面:1. 接受抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART):艾滋病患者在接受结核病治疗的同时,需要接受ART治疗,以有效抑制HIV病毒的复制,提高免疫系统的功能。
2. 结核病治疗方案:艾滋病患者的结核病治疗方案应与非HIV感染者相似。
3. 定期随访:联合治疗过程中,定期进行随访是至关重要的。
2005年我国已存活HIV 感染者大约6.5万人,人群感染率平均为0.05%,疫情仍呈上升趋势,流行范围广,地区差异大,三种传播途径并存,吸毒和性传播是新发感染的主要途径,并存在高危人群向一般人群扩散的危险,艾滋病病人死亡情况严重。
同时,感染TB将导致免疫细胞对HIV易感,这将使得HIV 更易进入免疫细胞并更容易复制。
据统计,感染了结核菌的HIV/AIDS患者每年发展为活动性肺结核的机会为7%~10%,而HIV 阳性结核菌感染者一生中患结核病的机会为5%~10%,与未感染HIV的人相比,AIDS患者患活动性肺结核危险性升高170倍,HIV感染者患活动性肺结核危险性高113倍。
随着HIV/TB双重感染率不断攀升,国际上采取三个措施:①建立控制HIV/TB 双重感染的合作机制,包括在TB病人中实行HIV监测,对HIV感染者和AIDS 患者进行TB筛查。
【中图分类号】 R193; R521 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1002 - 9982 ( 2012) 06 - 0501 - 04 【关键词】 TB / HIV; 双重感染; 健康教育
近年来, 艾 滋 病 死 亡 构 成, 一 直 高 居 传 染 病 死亡构成的首位; 结核病年发病率高居传染病第 二位[1]。据世界卫生组织估算,2009 年在我国 130 万例 ( 110 万 ~ 150 万例) 新发结核病患者中,大 约有 1. 9 万例 ( 1. 2 万 ~ 2. 9 万例) 患者同时感染 了艾滋病病毒[2]。在 2007—2008 两年间进行的结 核病患者艾滋病病毒 ( HIV) 感染现状调查也表 明,全国结 核 病 患 者 HIV 感 染 率 约 为 0. 28%[3]。 结核分枝杆菌 / 艾滋病病毒 ( TB / HIV) 双 重 感 染 为结核病、艾 滋 病 防 治 带 来 新 的 困 难。 有 效 遏 制 TB / HIV 双重感染疫情,不仅需要经费的投入和医 务人员的努力,更 需 要 多 部 门 的 配 合 和 全 人 群 对 相关知识的了解。特别是涉及到 HIV 感染,最行 之有效并且切实可行的预防和控制措施是开展健 康促进活动,提高公众相关知识,以及对防治工 作的正确态度和主动利用相关卫生服务的行为。 部分调查数据 显 示,目 前 国 内 的 TB / HIV 双 重 感 染健康 促 进 活 动 仍 处 于 较 薄 弱 的 阶 段,仅 有 38. 7% 调 查 对 象 听 说 过 TB / HIV 双 重 感 染, 13. 0% 调查对象接受过 TB / HIV 双重感染的相关 知 识[4]。 为 此 , 本 文 依 据 我 国 结 核 病 、 艾 滋 病 流
滋病感染高危人群、艾滋病病毒感染和艾滋病病 人、结核病病人以及 TB / HIV 双重感染者。项目建 立的健康教育模式,明确了对不同对象组织开展 健康教育 活 动 的 主 要 责 任 者、主 要 内 容 和 主 要 方法。 2. 1 公众结核病 / 艾滋病防治健康教育模式 此项 工作是 TB / HIV 双重感染防治健康教育的基础。在 TB、HIV 感染的不同程度流行区,都能按照 《中 华人民共和国传染病防治法》 和 《艾滋病防治条 例》 等法律 法 规 的 要 求 开 展 相 关 健 康 教 育 工 作。 公众健康教育责任者主要包括卫生部门及其相关 专业机构、教 育 部 门 及 所 属 大 中 小 学 校、 宣 传 部 门及新闻单位等。主要内容为卫生部门拟定的结 核病防治核心信息和艾滋病防治核心信息。主要 方法为大众传播和学校教育等,主要活动形式包 括广播、电视宣传,在项目地区共有 78 个县区以 广播的形式、112 个县区以电视的形式开展了这种 模式的教育。 2. 2 艾滋病感染高危人群健康教育模式 主要责 任者为 《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》 和 《艾 滋病防治条例》 等法律法规赋予职责的部门、单 位。主要内容 为 艾 滋 病 防 治 核 心 信 息、 结 核 病 防 治核心信息、 安 全 套 使 用 知 识 和 相 关 技 能, 以 及 相关行 为 干 预 等。 主 要 方 法 有 培 训、 咨 询、 同 伴 教育以及多 种 形 式 的 行 为 干 预 等。 同 时, 非 政 府 组织也是重要的协助者,14 个项目 ( 自治区) 省 中共有 67 个县 ( 区) 分别与非政府组织合作开展 了相关的活动,其中有同 伴 小 组 /社 区 组 织 参 与 TB / HIV 双 重 感 染 防 治 健 康 教 育 活 动 的 共 19 个, 占 14% ; 有妇联参与活动的共 25 个,占 19% ; 有 艾防协会参与活动的共 10 个,占 7% ; 有红十字 会参与活动的共 12 个,占 9% ; 其他参与活动的 共 61 个,占 46% 。 2. 3 针对艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人的健康 教育模式 14 个项目省 ( 自治区) 中均开展了此 种模式的健康教育活动,其中 44 个县 ( 区) 以报
广西百色市HIV/TB双重感染现况分析柳智豪【摘要】Objective To explore the status of HIV/TB co-infection in Baise so as to provide the references for HIV/TB co-infection control and prevention.Methods The characteristics of 205 patients with HIV/TB co-infection confirmed in the two-way screening conducted by AIDS/TB control and prevention organizations in all counties(districts) in Baise were analyzed.Results The ratio of the cases from Youjiang county,Tianyang county,Tiandong county and Pingguo county to the total cases of the city was 91.22%(187/205).The morbidities in various age groups showed no significant difference(P>0.05),and the mortality increased with the increasing age.Farmers and migrant workers gained the highest morbidity,accounted for 70.24%(144/205).The retirees gained the highest mortality(20.00%).The HIV infection correlated with sexual transmission in 68.92%of patients with HIV/TB co-infection,which was the common transmission route in Baise.Conclusion HIV/TB co-infection has its own characteristics in Baise.It is necessary to carray out the continuous comprehensive two-way screening on HIV/TB co-infection.%目的:了解百色市艾滋病病毒/结核杆菌( HIV/TB )双重感染的情况,为防控 HIV/TB 双重感染提供参考。
20 0 9年 2月 第4卷
第 1期
8 3
m d er tym lpemylm J . nl d,99,4 iei rfco ut l e a[ ] N E g JMe 19 3 1 n a r i o
( 1 :5 5—17 . 2 ) 16 51
go t fc ri pt nswt avne acr[ ] JCi O cl rwh at ai t i d acdcne J . l no, o n e h n
染 了 M B的耐药菌株 …。WH 国际防痨 和肺病 联合会 (u T O、 I—
M B) T 的联合感染 。近年来 的研 究表明 , 种联合感 染并不是 A L )9 4年启动全球耐药性 监测计 划。该计划依托参 比实 这 T D 19 单纯的两种病症的叠加 , 而是一个相 互促进 的过 程 , 得 H V 使 I 验 室 网 , 用 国际 耐 药 性 监 测 方 法 , 后 2次 对 异 烟 肼 、 福 采 先 利 感染者和结核病 患者的死亡 率大大 升高。本文对 H V T I/ B双 平 、 乙胺丁醇和链霉 素等 4种抗结核 一线药的药敏试验调查。
[ 图法 分 类 号 ] R5 29 ; 2 中 1. 1 R5 [ 献标 识 码 ] A 文
艾 滋 病 即 获 得 性 免 疫 缺 陷 综 合 征 ( c u e m uo e— aq i di m ndf r i cec nrm , I S 不仅 严 重 威 胁 我 国 人 民 健 康 , 已影 响 i ys do e AD ) n y 且
2 0 .9 3 :4 0 1 1 ( ) 8 3—8 0 5.
[2 T o a A, a t i M. urn rl o taio d n cne 2 ] hm sD K na a H C r t oe f hl miei aeY 5 -n e d
HIV诱发结核病的机制 HIV诱发结核病的机制
HIV( HIV(+)者发生结核病的方式
内源性复燃 外源性再染 初染
男性,43岁,已婚,因“咳嗽、咯痰半年,加重1月,伴发热1 天”入院。院外曾以HRSE抗痨治疗近半年。 有献血及输血史,常穿外购旧衣,否认冶游、吸毒史。 PE:T37.5C,消瘦,右下肺闻及湿鸣,余(-)。 血象:Hb 99g/L,WBC 6.1*109/L, N 0.9, L 0.07 胸片:双肺纹理增多,模糊,以双下肺明显。 PPD皮试(-),ESR 135mm/h,痰查抗酸杆菌2次(-)1次(+) 入院后予抗痨抗炎治疗,患者一直高热,进行性衰竭,时有腹 泻,考虑AIDS,查HIV抗体(+),经复查HIV抗体证实诊断。
结核并发HIV/AIDS的治疗 结核并发HIV/AIDS的治疗
HIV/AIDS并发结核病时的基本治疗路线是: HIV/AIDS并发结核病时的基本治疗路线是: 并发结核病时的基本治疗路线是 患者往往处于抗病毒治疗之中,发生结核病后宜使用 含RFB或链霉素(SM)的化疗方案,同时继续其抗病毒 治疗,原则上不要使用RFP。
2000年结核高发国家疫情统计 2000年结核高发国家疫情统计
中国 人口,百万 新发结核病例,万 新发成年病例HIV感染率,% 归因于HIV的新发病例,万 归因于HIV的成人病例,% 新发涂阳结核病例,万 涂阳病例HIV感染率,% MTB-HIV双重感染率,% 结核死亡病例,万 HIV(+)成年结核死亡病例,万 归因于HIV的结核死亡率,% 归因于结核的AIDS死亡率,% 1275 144 0.4 0.31 0.4 65 0.1 0.0 27 0.14 0.5 8.6 泰国 63 8.6 12 0.51 10 3.8 2.5 0.9 1.3 0.18 12 3.0 南非 43 22 60 8 50 9 21 8.3 6 3.8 59 18 巴西 170 11.4 3.3 0.18 2.8 5.1 0.7 0.1 1.5 0.06 3.4 3.2 乌干达 23 7.5 35 1.6 29 3.2 9.1 1.3 1.9 0.79 38 8.1
Y a n - f e n ,
Ni a n — n i n g , OUR u - z h i , Q I NY i n g - me i , XI EZ h i — ma n , L UN i n g . T h e F o u r t h Ho s p i t a l o fN a n n i n g , A I DS
因素分析显示 :体重减轻、既往肝损伤 史、静脉途径用药、C I M T淋 巴细胞计数 、白蛋 白定量、合 并 HB V
感 染 以及治疗 后嗜酸性粒细胞增高与抗结核 时肝损伤 相关。多因素分析显示 :既往肝损伤 史、体 重减 轻、
静 脉途径用 药发生肝损伤 的危 险系数分别 为 3 . 2 4 、 2 . 2 8 9 、 2 . 3 2 8 ;白蛋白定量 高、 C D 4 T淋 巴细胞计数升高 , 发生肝功能损 伤的可 能性 降低 为 0 . 9 1 8 、0 . 9 9 6 。结论 H I V / T B患者 既往有肝损 、体重减轻 、静脉途径用药 是抗结核发生肝损伤的主要危险因素。 白蛋 白定量 高及 C I M T淋 巴细胞计数增高可降低肝损伤 的风险。
【 关键词】 获得 性免 疫缺 陷综合征 ; 危险 因素 ; 抗结核治疗 ; 肝损伤
Ri s k f a c t o r s f o r K v e r d a ma g e i n H1 V/ TB pa i t e n t s wh o we r e t r e a t e d b y a n i t - t ub e r c u l o s i s Z OU , f U n ,L亿,
临床论著 ・
H I V / T B 患者抗 结核治疗 强化 期发生
肝损伤 的危 险 因素
严 重者可发 生 广泛 糜烂 ( 包 括外 生殖 器 、 南于 皮 肤 受 损 , 停用 一切 致 敏 药 物 , 给 予单 人 房 间 , 并 进 行 保 或 大 面 积 表 皮 剥 离 ,
朱莉 萍 贾春 敏 4 3 0 0 2 3 武 汉 市医 疗救 治 中心 , 湖北武汉
I 摘 要]目的 分 析艾 滋 病 ( HI V) 、 肺结核 ( T B ) 双 重 感 染合 并 中毒性 表 皮 坏死 松 懈 症 患 者 的临 床 特点 及 护 理 措 施 。 方 法 选 择 2 0 0 9 年7 月一 2 0 l 1 年7 月在 该 院 进 行 治疗 的 艾 滋 病 、 肺 结 核 双 重 感 染 合 并 中毒性 表 皮 坏 死 松懈 症 患者 l 3 例, 观 察 患者 现 的临 床症状 , 并 对 不 同患 者皮 肤 病 变 程 度 及 艾 滋 病 、 结核病感染程度 , 针对 性 采 取 护 理 措 施 , 对 患 者进 行 心理 安 抚 和营 养 辅 助 治 疗 。 结果 患 者 全身 皮 肤 好 转 5 例, 放 弃 治疗 6 例, 死亡 2 例 。 结论 艾 滋 病 、 肺 结核 双 重感 染 合 并 中毒 性 表 皮 坏 死 松懈 症 属于 慢 性疾病 , 根 据 患者 临 床特 点 , 针 对性 进行 护 理 , 有 助 于稳 定 病情 同时 加 快 疾 病 好 转 。 [ 关键词】 艾滋病 ; 肺 结核 ; 双重 感 染; 中毒 性 表 皮 坏死 松 懈 症 ; 临床 特点 ; 护理 措 施
者中, 患者全身皮 肤好转m院5 例, 放弃治疗6 例, 死亡2 例.
4讨 论
出现 表 皮 剥 落 现 象 。 部 分 患 者 现 寒 战 、 疲 乏等 症 状 。
▪ 原发疾病不同(bù tónɡ)
▪ 典型的发生在肺尖,播散性疾病不常见 ▪ (除非免疫力非常低下)
▪ 在HIV感染的任何阶段都可以(kěyǐ)出现结核症状 ▪ 在HIV感染的任何阶段都可以发展成活动性结核
▪ TB可以是肺部的或肺外的 • 肺部结核是最常见的形式- 它的表现和免疫
▪ 中国的女性艾滋病感染者比例正在逐年上升,在每年新报 告的艾滋病感染者中,男女比例达到2∶1。 至2007年4月30日,全国累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者 2,03527例,其中艾滋病病人(bìngrén)52480例,死亡16155例。 虽然从整体上看,全国艾滋病疫情仍呈低流行态势,但在 特定人群和局部地区中感染率已很高,疫情处于上升阶段。 据了解,自1985年中国发现首例艾滋病病例以来,女性艾 滋病感染者人数迅速增加,艾滋病对妇女的危害日益严重。 在全国累计报告的艾滋病病毒感染者中,女性感染者2000 年为19.4%,2006年上升到27.8%。而在每年新报告的 艾滋病病毒感染者中,男性和女性的比例已从20世纪90年 代的5∶1上升到目前的2∶1.性传播正成为艾滋病病毒危害 女性的主要途径。在经性途径传播的艾滋病病毒感染者中, 女性所占比例从2001年的44.1%上升到2004年的55.0 %。
• 胸腔积液抗酸染色涂片
• 胸膜活检 ▪ 治疗(zhìliáo)
• 同结核
• 疗程:9个月 ▪ 预后:好,约50%的患者遗留胸膜肥厚
HIV感染者易患恶性肿瘤,如淋巴瘤 、卡波西肉瘤等。
结核病是由结核分枝杆菌引起 的慢性传染病
主要通过呼吸道、消化道和皮肤 黏膜传播
分为原发感染、继发感染和再发感 染
患者咳嗽、打喷嚏时,含菌飞沫可被易感者吸入 而引起感染
根据hiv和tb感染的具体情况,制定联合治疗方案,提高治疗效果 。
• 幻灯片1:封面页 • 幻灯片2:目录 • 幻灯片3:hiv感染概述 • 幻灯片4:hiv感染的流行病学特征 • 幻灯片5:hiv感染的自然史 • 幻灯片6:hiv感染的临床表现 • 幻灯片7:hiv感染的诊断 • 幻灯片8:hiv感染的抗病毒治疗 • 幻灯片9:hiv感染的免疫重建 • 幻灯片10:hiv感染的免疫病理学特征 • 幻灯片11:hiv感染的合并症 • 幻灯片12:hiv感染的预防控制措施
了解HIV和结核分枝杆菌的感染 机制
掌握合并感染的诊断方法和治 疗策略
熟悉合并感染的预防和控制措 施
医学专业本科生和研究生 有一定的微生物学、免疫学和内科学基础知识
HIV感染,即人类免疫缺陷病毒( Human Immunodeficiency Virus )感染,是导致获得性免疫缺陷综 合征(Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome,简称AIDS )的病原体。
结核病人的单核细胞对HIV的易感性增高。 结核感染诱导γ 干扰素(IFN-γ)、IL-1、2,肿瘤坏 死因子(TNF)等因子释放,增强HIV的复制。 结核菌胞壁的阿拉伯甘露糖(LAM)是HIV复制的诱导 剂。 结核菌诱导单核细胞内HIVRNA增强,P24增量。 结核菌降低CD4细胞计数,增加HIV病毒载量6~7倍。 结核杆菌激活HIV感染者的CD4细胞后,也可以促进 HIV病毒的复制。
CD4 细 胞 水 平 较 低 时 肺 结 核 病 灶 常 见 于 下 肺
病 灶 进 展 迅 速, 类 似 于 炎 性 改 变
有 些 肺 部 无 明 显 病 灶, 但 痰 结 核 菌 阳 性
HIV感染患者免疫功能低,非结核分枝 杆菌感染几率高,因此做结核菌培养尤为 重要.
7、结核菌素(PPD) 试验阳性率低。
90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
正常 HIV 无症状 期 艾滋病 期 阳性率
细菌学(三) 分离培养法: 过去结核菌BACTEC 460检测系统:可灵敏 检测液体培养基系统中早期生长细菌,初次分 离培养阳性率一般可提高10%左右。现在多用 生物梅里埃培养系统。 阳性报告时间缩短至10日左右。 可培养非结核分枝杆菌
HIV感染者常规做痰细菌学检查 首次应留夜间、早晨及即时痰涂片 TB诊断为阳性者:治疗2个月、治疗5和 6月(初治)或7、8月(复治)再查早晨及 即时痰;如强化期结束后痰阳性则治疗3月 末再查痰一次。 TB阴性者查痰次数同X-检查 项目要求对所有HIV感染者做痰及血结核菌 培养
送 样 日 期 : [__|__|__|__| |__|__| |__|__] 时 间 : |__|__|:|__|__| 1血标本管数量: 2发送实验室名称: 3发送实验室负责人签名 ____________标本运输员签名 _____________ 4收样实验室名称: 5血标本个人信息记录单(姓名, 年龄, 性别和样品号):作为 附件。 收样实验室负责接收人签名 ________________ (此表保存在送样实验室)
艾防机构上报疫 情,并负责抗结 核治疗
下次就诊,结防机 构提供HIV检测后 阴性结果咨询
• 在结防机构发现艾滋病人的工作应该遵循 为病人保密的原则。
– 必须在门诊的问诊过程、检测报告、转介服务、档案 记录和计算机信息等各个管理与服务环节中注意保护 求询者的隐私。 – 未经病人同意不得将其姓名、检测结果和有关个人、 家庭、工作、治疗、转介等情况透露给他人。 – 结防机构必须将结核病人HIV抗体检测结果记录在专用、 保密的登记本上,并向艾防机构提供艾滋病合并结核 病病人的艾滋病病毒流行病学调查相关信息,艾防机 构根据相关规定上报疫情。
TB/HIV防治工作 技术指导手册
卫生部疾病预防控制局国家卫生监察专员 肖东楼通报: 2011年,全国共登记结核菌/艾滋病毒双重 感染肺结核患者1701例;
新报告的艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者中 接受结核病检查率达到40.4%; 全国294个艾滋病流行重点县(市)的结核 病患者接受艾滋病病毒检测率达到54%。
□抗病毒治疗/机会性感染治疗 □结核病诊断和治疗 □母婴阻断 □美沙酮维持治疗 □针具交换 □性病防治 □心理咨询 □其它 特转介到你处,请给予提供相关帮助。如有疑问,请与本机构联系。 地址: 电话: 感谢贵单位大力协助。 致
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Conclusion—Potent immune responses of hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate-specificIFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T cells and PPD-specific IFN γ+ CD8+ T cells were detected in HIV + LTB personsbut not HIV + TB patients. The robust immune responses of V γ2V δ2+ and CD8+ T effector cellswere associated with the latent stage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-1-infectedhumans.KeywordsHIV/AIDS; latent TB; T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay for tuberculosis; tuberculosis;V γ2V δ2+ T cells Introduction Tuberculosis (TB), HIV/AIDS and malaria remain three leading causes of infectious morbidity and mortality worldwide. HIV/AIDS clearly increases the pandemics and mortality of TB. The WHO estimates that about 8% of the 8.8 million new TB cases and 229 000 of 1.7 million TB deaths were probably HIV-infected in 2003. Clinical studies have demonstrated that purified protein derivative (PPD)+ persons not infected with HIV-1 have approximately 10% lifetime risk of developing active tuberculosis, whereas coinfection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV-1 is associated with a 5–15% yearly risk of active TB [1]. It is important to elucidate immune mechanisms underlying the increased susceptibility to primary M.tuberculosis infection and reactivation tuberculosis in HIV-infected individuals.Immune components for maintaining clinical quiescence of latent M. tuberculosis infection remain poorly characterized in both healthy individuals and HIV-infected humans [2]. Murine CD4+ T cells do not appear to have a role in controlling reactivation of latent infection despite the fact that they are absolutely required for immunity against the acutely active or persistent M. tuberculosis infection in mice [3–5]. Human CD4 T cells may play a role in immunityagainst reactivation of latent M. tuberculosis infection, as HIV-induced immune suppressionand decline of CD4 T-cell counts are associated with increased susceptibility to M.tuberculosis infection and reactivation tuberculosis. The role of human CD8+ T cells inimmunity against reactivation tuberculosis has not been demonstrated althoughmycobacterium-specific histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted CD8+ T cellscan be detected in humans [6–8]. Surprisingly, the depletion of murine CD8+ T cells inducesreactivation of latent M. tuberculosis infection in mice, although there is a limited role of thesecells in controlling active M. tuberculosis infection [9]. Circulating V γ2V δ2+ T cells exist onlyin primates and, in humans, constitute 60–95% of total blood γδ T cells. Although immuneresponses of V γ2V δ2+ T cells in patients with chronic tuberculosis appear to be suppressed[10–12], it has been debated as to whether the depression of V γ2V δ2+ T-cell response in TBis caused by the infection or allows the infection to progress (for review see [13]). As HIVdoes not infect small laboratory animals, studies of T-cell immune responses in M.tuberculosis coinfection of HIV can only be undertaken in humans and nonhuman primates.We have recently undertaken extensive studies of potential roles of antigen-specific αβ CD8T cells and V γ2V δ2+ T cells in AIDS virus infection, M. tuberculosis infection andmycobacterium-AIDS virus coinfection in nonhuman primates [6,13–15]. Particularly, wehave shown that a loss of mycobacterium-specific T-cell responses can result in reactivationof AIDS-related tuberculosis-like disease in SIV/mycobacterium-coinfected monkeys [16]. Inaddition, macaque V γ2V δ2+ T cells share with their human counterparts the capability torecognize mycobacterial phosphoantigen (E )-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate(HMBPP), and that HMBPP can stimulate prolonged antimicrobial and cytotoxic responses ofsystemic and pulmonary V γ2V δ2+ T cells [17–19]. While HMBPP-specific V γ2V δ2+ T cellscan undergo extraordinary transendothelial migration and interstitial localization in tissuesNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscriptduring M. tuberculosis infection, the ability of these cell to rapidly expand is associated withthe immunity against acutely fatal tuberculosis in juvenile rhesus monkeys [14,20]. Thesefindings therefore prompted us to investigate mycobacterium-specific V γ2V δ2+ T cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as their association with maintenance of latent stage of M.tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-1-infected humans.Materials and methods Patients and controls One hundred and ten individuals were recruited in this study, among which 100 were HIV-1-infected individuals and 10 were uninfected healthy controls. The HIV-1-infected individuals were recruited from Yunnan province, the HIV and TB pandemic area in China. HIV-1infection was confirmed by clinical records, routine serum tests [enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) confirmation] and CD4T-cell counts. All individuals had a history of newborn Bacille Calmette–Guerin (BCG) vaccination.Criteria for determining HIV + TB, HIV + LTB, HIV + TB −, and HIV − TB − individuals As BCG vaccination is still routine clinical practice in China, we used T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay for tuberculosis (T-SPOT.TB assay) to distinguish BCG vaccination from M. tuberculosis infection. The individuals were divided into four groups based on T-SPOT.TB assay and extensive clinical evaluation of tuberculosis including TB contact history.T-SPOT TB kit (Oxford Immunote Ltd., Oxford, UK), a novel commercial enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay to detect IFN-γ release induced by M. tuberculosis ESAT-6and CFP-10, was employed to identify M. tuberculosis infection including latent and active M. tuberculosis infection. The test result of T-SPOT TB assay was considered positive if either or both of Panel A (containing peptide antigens derived from ESAT-6) or Panel B (containing peptide antigens derived from CFP-10) had six or more spots than the negative control, and this number was at least two times greater than the number of spots in the negative controls.The combined T-SPOT TB assay and extensive clinical evaluation resulted in the classificationof four groups of human individuals: HIV + TB, HIV + LTB, HIV + TB −, and HIV − TB −(healthy controls). The patients and groups were described in Table 1. Thirty-two patients (22men and 10 women, 37.0 ± 8.6 years of age, range 26–65 years) were defined as having activeTB (HIV + TB) by the presence of recent clinical symptoms of TB, positive culture of M.tuberculosis , smear test for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) from sputum, or both and abnormal chestradiograph. Large numbers of these newly diagnosed TB patients had been treated withantiretrovirals for months and routine anti-TB drugs for less than 2 months when they wererecruited for studies (Table 1). Antiretrovirals can improve immune responses of V γ2V2δTcells and αβ T cells; anti-TB therapy appears to increase IFN-γ/granulysin production effectorfunction of V γ2V2δT cells but decrease their expansion capacity [12,21]. Forty-six (24 menand 22 women, 33.9 ± 6.7 years of age, range 24–45 years) were diagnosed with latent TB(HIV + LTB) by positive T-SPOT TB assay and no evidence of active tuberculosis, withoutclinical manifestations of pulmonary and extrathoracic tuberculosis, and abnormal chestradiograph. Twenty-two HIV-1-infected individuals (nine men and 13 women, 33.7 ± 5.8 yearsof age, range 22–44 years) were defined as no M. tuberculosis coinfection group (HIV + TB−) based on negative T-SPOT assay and the absence of any clinical evidence of tuberculosis.Given the possibility that HIV infection might reduce sensitivity of T-SPOT.TB test, thereduced sensitivity might lead to potential misclassification of some of the patients in the HIV+ TB − group. However, this speculative misclassification if ever would have little impact onthe main findings seen in comparison between LTB and TB+ groups. Ten individuals (threemen and seven women, 31.9 ± 14.2 years of age, range 24–70 years) were healthy control whohad negative results of T SPOT and anti-HIV antibodies assays.NIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptPeripheral blood lymphocytes isolationBlood samples collected freshly from all groups of patients were handled, and analyzed byphenotyping, ELISPOT and intracellular cytokine staining (ISC) at the biocontainmentlaboratory of Honghe No.1 People’s Hospital in Yunnan, China. Peripheral blood lymphocytes(PBLs) were isolated from ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-anticoagulated blood ofthe individuals by density gradient sedimentation using Lympholyte-H (CedarlaneLaboratories Ltd, Ontario, Canada).Immunofluorescent staining and flow cytometric analysisFor cell-surface staining, 100 μl EDTA blood was treated with red blood cell (RBC) lyzingbuffer and washed twice with 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS)-phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)before staining. PBLs were stained with up to four Abs (conjugated to FITC, PE,allophycocyanin, pacific blue, and PE-Cy5) for at least 10 min at room temperature. Afterstaining, cells were fixed with 2% formaldehyde-PBS prior to analysis on a BD FACSAriaflow cytometer (BD Bioscience, San Diego, California, USA). Lymphocytes were gated basedon forward-scatters and side-scatters; at least 20 000-gated events were analyzed usingWinMDI 2.9 Software. Absolute cell numbers were calculated based on flow cytometry dataand complete blood counts. The following mouse antihuman mAbs were used: V γ2 (7A5),V δ2 (15D), CD3 (SP34, SP34-2), CD8 (RPA-T8), CD28 (CD28.2), CD49d (9F10), IFN γ(4S.B3), (BD Pharmingen, San Diego, California, USA); CD4 (OKT4) (eBioscience, SanDiego, Califonia, USA); CD8 (DK25) (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark). The secondary Ab PE-conjugated goat antimouse IgG (Beckman Coulter, Marseille, France) was used for indirectstaining.T-SPOT.TB assayThe T-SPOT.TB assay was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The spotswere read using the ELISPOT plate reader (AID-Gmb-H, Germany). The results were doublechecked by other laboratory workers and, if deemed necessary, corrected by manual counting.The laboratory technicians were blinded to the subject identifiers. The positive results were asdescribed earlier.Purified protein derivative and hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate-based enzyme-linked immunospot assayThe ELISPOT assay using PPD and HMBPP was done using our established protocol [16–18,20]. In these experiments, 96-well nitrocellulose-backed plates were coated with 10 μg/mlantihuman IFN γ (B27) by overnight incubation at room temperature; 2 ×105 cells were platedin triplicate in each well with or without PPD (25 μg/ml), or HMBPP (40 ng/ml) or mediaalone. PPD were purchased from Mycos Research (Loveland, Colorado, USA), and wereshown to carry large and small peptide proteins without detectable phosphoantigen activity(data not shown). HMBPP was synthesized using a previously described procedure [22], whichwas scaled-up to a final yield of 10 g. The purity determined by ion chromatography was morethan 98%. Eighteen hours after culture, the plates were washed and incubated for 2 h at roomtemperature with 500 ng of the biotinylated anti-IFN γ. Spots were developed by addinghorseradish peroxidase (HRP)-streptavidin and freshly prepared substrate. The numbers ofspot-forming cells in response to the mycobacterial antigens were calculated and expressed byspot-forming cells per 106 PBL.Intracellular cytokine stainingThis was done using the standard protocol as we recently described [17,18]. For the assay ofICS, 106 PBL plus costimulatory mAbs CD28 (1 μg/ml) and CD49d (1 μg/ml) were incubatedwith PPD (25 μg/ml), HMBPP (40 ng/ml) or media alone in 200 μl final volume for 1 h at 37°NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptC, 5% CO 2 followed by an additional 5 h incubation in the presence of brefeldin A (GolgiPlug;BD Bioscience). After staining cell-surface CD3/CD4/CD8/V γ2 for at least 15 min at roomtemperature, cells were permeabilized for 45 min (Cytofix/cytoperm; BD Bioscience) at 4°Cand stained another 45 min for IFN γ at room temperature before resuspending in 2%formaldehyde-PBS. As only TCR bearing both V γ2 and V δ2 elements can recognize HMBPP[23], the V γ2 T cells that produce IFN γ in response to HMBPP are interpreted as V γ2V δ2 Tcells.Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was done using Student’s t -test and ANOVA as previously described [18,20].Results HIV + LTB individuals appeared to have relatively conserved numbers of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells and V γ2V δ2+ T cells compared with HIV + TB patients As an initial effort to explore an association between effector T cells and latent stage of M.tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-infected humans, we examined the numbers of circulating CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells and V γ2V δ2 T cells between HIV + LTB group and HIV + TB group. A group infected with HIV-1 only (HIV + TB −) and a normal healthy group without any evidence of infections also served as controls (Table 1). Although the mean percentage numbers and absolute numbers of CD4+ T cells in all three HIV-infected groups were significantly lower than the healthy control group (P < 0.05), the HIV + TB group had lower CD4+ T-cell counts than HIV + LTB group [P < 0.001 (Fig. 1a, b)]. Interestingly, mean absolute numbers of CD8+ T cells in the HIV + LTB group were significantly higher than those in the HIV + TB group (P < 0.001), despite the lack of differences in mean percentage numbers of CD8+ T cells between these two groups (Fig. 1c). Furthermore, both percentage and absolute numbers of V γ2V δ2+ T cells in the HIV + LTB group were significantly higherthan those in the HIV + TB group (P < 0.01), although both the groups had significantly lowernumbers of these γδ T cells than the healthy control group [P < 0.05, (Fig. 1d)]. However,percentage and absolute numbers of V γ2V δ2+ T cells in HIV + TB was much lower than thosein HIV + LTB group and other two groups[P < 0.05 for percentages, P < 0.01 for absolutenumbers, (Fig. 1d)]. Thus, the phenotyping data from our well defined groups indicate thatHIV + LTB individuals appear to have relatively conserved numbers of CD4+ T cells, CD8+T cells and V γ2V δ2+ T cells compared with HIV + TB patients, although both groups exhibitedlower numbers of CD4+ T cells and V γ2V δ2+ T cells than the normal healthy controls.The appreciable mycobacterium-specific IFN γ+ CD8+ T-cell responses were detectable during the latent stage of M. tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-1-infected humansWe then sought to compare the capacity of αβ T cells to recognize M. tuberculosis antigensand to exert effector function of IFN γ production between the HIV + LTB and HIV + TBgroups. Given that PPD has been repeatedly used as multiple protein peptide antigens formeasuring peptide-specific immune responses of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells [14,17,18], weused PPD as specific stimuli in ELISPOT and intracellular ICS assays. ELISPOT data indicatedthat mean numbers of PPD-specific IFN γ+ cells in the HIV + LTB group were significantlyhigher than those in the HIV + TB group and the other two control groups: HIV + TB − andhealthy control [P < 0.05, (Fig. 2a)]. Surprisingly, ICS data showed that regardless of theirstatus of CD4+ T-cell counts, both the HIV + LTB and HIV + TB groups exhibited low levelsof PPD-specific IFN γ + CD4+ T cells, suggesting that HIV-1 infection affected IFN γ immuneresponses of PPD-specific CD4+ T cells (Fig. 3a). In contrast, the HIV + LTB group exhibitedan increase in numbers of PPD-specific IFN γ + CD8+ T cells compared with the HIV + TBgroup [P < 0.05, (Fig. 3b, c)]. The fact that some of HIV + TB − or healthy individuals exhibitedNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscriptgood numbers of PPD-specific T cells might represent ongoing memory responses of BCGvaccination. Therefore, these results demonstrated that whereas both HIV + TB and HIV +LTB groups had low levels of PPD-specific CD4+ T-cell immune responses, appreciableIFN γ responses of mycobacterium-specific CD8+ T cells were detectable during the latentstage of M. tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-1-infected humans.Potent immune responses of hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate-specific IFN γ+V γ2V δ2+ T cells were associated with the latent stage of M. tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-1-infected humansAs HMBPP is the sole M. tuberculosis phosphoantigen recognized by V γ2V δ2+ T cells [14,17,18], we evaluated the numbers of HMBPP-specific IFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T cells between theHIV + LTB and HIV + TB groups. Surprisingly, HIV + LTB individuals developed potentHMBPP-specific IFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T-cell responses. ELISPOT data indicated that the absolutenumbers of HMBPP-specific IFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T cells in the HIV + LTB group were five timesgreater than those in the HIV + TB group [P < 0.01, (Fig. 2b)]. Even within the HIV + LTBgroup for comparing αβ and γδ T cells, HMBPP-specific IFN-γ producing V γ2V δ2+ T cellswere five times greater than PPD-specific IFN γ+ CD8+ T cells (Fig. 2a, b). Consistently, ICSdata showed that the mean numbers of HMBPP-specific IFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T cells in the HIV+ LTB group were significantly higher than those in the HIV + TB group [P < 0.001, (Fig.3de,)]. Importantly, the numbers of HMBPP-specific IFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T cells in the HIV +LTB group were even greater than those detected in the two control groups: HIV + TB − andhealthy control groups not infected with M. tuberculosis [P < 0.05, (Fig. 3c,e)].Given that both HIV + LTB and HIV + TB groups had detectable but low PPD-specific IFN γ+ CD4 T cells, it is important to evaluate antigen-specific T-cell responses between thesubgroups whose CD4 T-cell counts were categorized. We, therefore, subgrouped HIV + LTBand HIV + TB patients based on their CD4 PBL counts more than 200/μl and less than 200/μl, and then compared magnitudes of HMBPP-specific V γ 2V δ2 T-cell responses as well asPPD-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses between the CD4 T-cell-matched subgroups. Therationale for using the number 200 CD4 T cells/μl as cutoff for sub-grouping was that CD4PBL counts 200/μl were defined as AIDS in HIV-infected humans. Interestingly, both ‘high’and ‘low’ CD4-PBL-count subgroups of HIV + LTB persons exhibited statistically greaternumbers of HMBPP-specific IFN γ+V γ2V δ2 T cells than those matched subgroups of HIV +TB patients (Fig. 4a, b). Only the ‘high’ CD4-PBL-count subgroup of HIV + LTB personsexhibited statistically greater numbers of PPD-specific IFN γ+CD8 T cells than the matchedsubgroup of HIV + TB patients (Fig. 4a, b).These results therefore demonstrated that potent immune responses of HMBPP-specific IFN γ+ V γ2V δ2+ T cells together with PPD-specific αβ CD8+ T cells were associated with the latentstage of M. tuberculosis coinfection in HIV-1-infected humans.DiscussionIn this study, we combined the T-SPOT.TB assay and clinical evaluation to define latent andactive M. tuberculosis coinfections in HIV-1-infected humans in China, one of 22 high-TB-burden countries in the world [4,24]. As the T-SPOT.TB is a M. tuberculosis -specific, ESAT6-/CFP10-based ELISPOTassay, its capability to detect M. tuberculosis infection is usually notaffected by moderate HIV infection [25–27]. Thus, the combined use of T-SPOT.TB assay andclinical evaluation allowed us to define three groups of HIV-infected individuals as no TB,latent TB and active TB. The data derived from three defined groups of HIV-infected humansappeared to be more convincing than those derived from earlier studies using PPD skin test fordistinguishing BCG vaccination from latent M. tuberculosis infection. This is particularlyimportant for the population studies in China, a country where newborns are vaccinated withNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptBCG. The finding that some of HIV + TB − or healthy individuals showed significant numbers of PPD-specific IFN γ + cells in ELISPOTor PPD-specific IFN γ+ CD8 T cells might be explained by BCG-elicited immune responses rather than latent TB, as they displayed negative T-SPOT.TB results without any evidence of clinical TB. The detectable responses of V γ2V δ2+ T cells after HMBPP stimulation in some of these individuals without M.tuberculosis infection might also be due to the innate-like capacityof these cells or the BCG vaccination background.Both HIV + LTB and HIV + TB groups of HIV-1-infected individuals had low levels of PPD-specific CD4+ T-cell responses compared with PPD-specific CD8+ T-cell responses. Such low levels of PPD-specific CD4+ T-cell responses were not related to their CD4+ T-cell counts in the blood. This result did not appear to support the notion that potent IFN γ immune responses of mycobacterium-specific CD4+ T cells were required for the immunity against reactivation tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected humans. However, the finding does suggest that low levels of antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses may be efficient enough to facilitate M. tuberculosis -specific CD8+ and V γ2V δ2+ T-cell responses, and therefore contribute to the cell-mediated immunity against reactivation tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected humans with latent M.tuberculosis coinfection. Indepth long-term follow-up studies are needed to define the precise role of mycobacterium-specific CD4+ T cells in the immunity against reactivation tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected humans.In HIV negative children, numbers of V γ2V δ2+ IFN γ+ T effector cells are reduced in active TB but restorable under anti-TB therapy [11,12]. Here in HIV+ patients, despite low levels of PPD-specific CD4+ T cells, potent IFN γ immune responses of HMBPP phosphoantigen-specific V γ2V δ2+ T cells and PPD peptide-specific CD8+ T cells were detected in the latent stage of M. tuberculosis coinfection of HIV + LTB persons compared with the active TB stage of HIV + TB patients. The potent T-cell responses detected in the HIV + LTB group were unlikely attributed to immune improvement after successful antiretrovial treatment [21], asonly three of 46 HIV + LTB patients received antiretrovirals whereas 23 of 32 HIV + TBpatients were treated with antiretrovirals (Table 1). Furthermore, our finding was actually seenin the subgroups of HIV + LTB persons whose CD4 T-cell counts were greater or lower than200/μl. Such findings suggest that these two T-cell populations driven by both peptide andnonpeptide antigens may play a role in the immunity against reactivation tuberculosis. In fact,it has been shown in mice that CD8+ T cells contribute to immunity against reactivation oflatent M. tuberculosis infection [9]. It is important to note that CD8+ and V γ2V δ2+ T cellsthat were able to produce IFN γ in recognition of PPD or HMBPP in vitro accounts for morethan 2% mean numbers of CD3 T cells or more than 600/106 peripheral blood mononuclearcells (PBMC) mean absolute numbers in the circulation of HIV + LTB patients. Such a largenumber of antigen-specific IFN γ+T cells may represent an enriched source of T-helper andantimicrobial responses in HIV-infected patients with latent M. tuberculosis coinfection. Infact, IFN γ is important cytokine mounting Th1-like immune responses, and has been shownto be critical for controlling TB in murine TB model.The potent IFN γ responses of HMBPP-specific V γ2V δ2+ T cells in HIV + LTB patients aresomehow consistent with mycobacterial phosphoantigen-mediated immune responses andeffector function of V γ2V δ2+ T cells in nonhuman primates. We have demonstrated that asingle-dose HMBPP treatment plus IL-2 can induce prolonged cytotoxic and IFN γ responsesof V γ2V δ2+ T cells in the systemic and pulmonary compartments [18]. The ability ofV γ2V δ2+ T cells to rapidly expand and migrate to lungs after pulmonary M. tuberculosisinfection correlates with BCG vaccine-induced immunity against acutely fatal tuberculosis injuvenile rhesus monkeys [14,17,20]. It is worth mentioning that our data obtained fromperipheral blood may not adequately reflect the pulmonary immune response, as V γ2V δ2+ Tcells can migrant to and accumulate in lungs despite a lack of apparent responses in the bloodNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author ManuscriptNIH-PA Author Manuscriptduring M. tuberculosis infection [20]. Further studies are needed to elucidate antigen-specificT-effector cells in lungs in M. tuberculosis coinfection of HIV-infected humans. As V γ2V δ2+ T cells and CD8+ T cells have cytotoxic potentials, they may exert killing effector functionthrough TCR recognition of peptides or phosphoantigen on the cell-surface of latently M.tuberculosis -infected macrophages or dendritic cells. Such cytotoxic activities might keeplatent M. tuberculosis coinfection on check and prevent from reactivation tuberculosis inHIV-1-infected individuals. Thus, V γ2V δ2+ T cells and CD8 T cells might emerge asappreciable anti-TB effector T cells in HIV-infected patients whose CD4 T-cell counts are low.Our findings therefore suggest that V γ2V δ2+ T cells and CD8 T cells may be potential targetsfor TB immunotherapeutic and vaccine development.Acknowledgments We thank Dr Hassan Jomaa from Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Giessen, Germany for providing HMBPP.The work was supported in part by Natural Science Grant of China (30400369, to W.Z.), National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program 2005CB523102, to W.Z.), and by the NIH R01 grants HL64560/RR13601 (to Z.W.C.).References 1. Selwyn PA, Hartel D, Lewis VA, Schoenbaum EE, Vermund SH, Klein RS, et al. A prospective study of the risk of tuberculosis among intravenous drug users with human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1989;320:545–550. [PubMed: 2915665]2. Nunn P, Williams B, Floyd K, Dye C, Elzinga G, Raviglione M. Tuberculosis control in the era of HIV. 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