JORC vs. Chinese_Resource_Classification
计算机英语考试题目及答案一、选择题1. What does HTML stand for?a) Hyper Text Markup Languageb) High Technology Multimedia Languagec) Home Tool Management Languaged) Human Token Marker Language答案:a) Hyper Text Markup Language2. Which of the following is not a programming language?a) Javab) Pythonc) HTMLd) C++答案:c) HTML3. What is the purpose of CSS?a) To add interactivity to web pagesb) To structure the content of web pagesc) To define the layout and style of web pagesd) To create dynamic web pages答案:c) To define the layout and style of web pages4. What is the function of a router in a computer network?a) To connect computers to the internetb) To store and manage data on a networkc) To protect the network from security threatsd) To direct network traffic between devices答案:d) To direct network traffic between devices5. Which of the following is a commonly used database management system?a) Microsoft Wordb) Adobe Photoshopc) MySQLd) Windows Media Player答案:c) MySQL二、填空题1. The process of converting source code into machine code is called ________.答案:compilation2. The most widely used programming language for web development is ________.答案:JavaScript3. TCP/IP stands for ________.答案:Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol4. The physical components of a computer are referred to as ________.答案:hardware5. SQL stands for ________.答案:Structured Query Language三、简答题1. What are the advantages of using cloud computing?答案:Cloud computing offers several advantages, including:- Cost savings: Companies can reduce their infrastructure costs by using cloud services instead of maintaining their own hardware.- Scalability: Cloud services can easily scale up or down based on demand, allowing businesses to only pay for what they need.- Flexibility: Users can access cloud services from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling remote work and collaboration.- Disaster recovery: Cloud providers often have backup systems in place, ensuring data can be recovered in case of a disaster.- Automatic updates: Cloud services are typically updated regularly by the provider, ensuring users have access to the latest features and security patches.2. Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.答案:HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for transmitting data over the internet. It is not secure, meaning that the data being transmitted can be intercepted and read by anyone. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), on the other hand, is a secure version of HTTP. It uses encryption to ensure that data is encrypted before transmission, making it much more difficult for hackers to intercept and read. HTTPS is commonly used for secure online transactions, such as submitting credit card information or personal details.四、编程题请编写一个Python程序,实现计算圆的面积和周长的功能。
可以使用命令行工具执行以下命令:mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example-DartifactId=my-project-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart-DinteractiveMode=false上述命令将创建一个名为“my-project”的Maven项目。
以下是一个示例代码,展示了如何获取resource文件夹中文件的相对路径:javapublic class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {String filename = "files/test.txt"; 相对路径URL resourceURL =Main.class.getClassLoader().getResource(filename);String resourcePath = resourceURL.getPath();System.out.println("Resource path: " + resourcePath);}}在上述代码中,我们通过将相对路径作为参数传递给getResource()方法来获取文件的URL对象。
D. Prometheus
A. Skaffold
B. Draft
C. Helm
D. Maven
48. __________是Kubernetes中用于暴露应用服务的资源类型。
49. __________是一个开源的服务网格,提供了微服务之间通信的延迟和故障注入等功能。
A. Pod
B. Service
C. Node
D. Database
A. Jenkins
B. GitLab CI
C. Travis CI
D. Docker Compose
63.请阐述服务网格(Service Mesh)在云原生应用架构中的作用,并列举至少三个服务网格的主要功能。
1. C
2. C3. B4. C来自5. D6. A
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Internet Authorizations Using PKI
A Know l e d ge-Base d Approach t o I nt e rne t Aut h oriz at ion Using PKI Al ong L inT rust ed E-Se rv ic e s L aborat oryH P L aborat orie s Brist olH P L-2000-133Oc t ob e r 13t h , 2000*E-m ail: al in@h pl b.h pl.h pol ic y-driv e nm anage m e n t, se c urit ym anage m e n t,aut h oriz at ion I n t h is pape r, a k n ow l e d ge-base d approac h t o In t e rn e taut h oriz at ions is proposed by using Publ ic-Key I nf rast ruc t ure(PKI)based digit al c e rt if ic at e s, t rustm ode l s, Rol e-Base d Ac c e ss Cont rol(RBAC), andint e l l ige n t bac k t rac k ing. Se c urit y pol ic ie s are e xpre sse d as t h erul e s in a k now l e d ge b ase. An inf e re n c e e n gine is ut il ise d t oe v al uat e pol ic ie s, dynam ic al l y assign rol e s t o In t e rn e t use rs, and re d o rol e s assignm e n t aut om at ic al l y.*I nt e rnal Accession Dat e O n l y Approv ed f or Ext e rnal Publ icat ion © Copyrigh t H e w l e t t-Pack ard Com pany 2000A Knowledge-Based Approach to Internet Authorizations Using PKIAlong LinTrusted E-Services LaboratoryHewlett-Packard LaboratoriesFilton Road, Stoke GiffordBristol BS34 8QZ, U.K.Email: alin@AbstractIn this paper, a knowledge-based approach to Internet authorizations is proposedby using Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) based digital certificates, trust models,Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and intelligent backtracking. Securitypolicies are expressed as the rules in a knowledge base. An inference engine isutilised to evaluate policies, dynamically assign roles to Internet users, and redoroles assignment automatically.Keywords: Policy-Driven Management, Security Management, Authorization1 IntroductionWith more electronic services being deployed for access over the Internet, security is becoming an increasingly critical issue. Existing access control mechanisms do not provide a flexible management solution to Internet authorizations. Discretionary Access Control (DAC) prevents unauthorized users from performing operations on resources by administering the relevant Access Control List (ACL), which is not scalable for Internet environments. Mandatory Access Control (MAC) eases the security management by attaching security labels to subjects and objects, and enforces a specific security policy that allows only one-directional information flow between those subjects and objects. However, it does not provide any support for general Internet authorizations. Although several RBAC systems have been developed, they still have the following drawbacks: manual user-role assignment, business logic coupled privileges, and the assumption that users are known to resource providers in advance. Attribute and authorization certificates contain accessing rights within them and seem to be a promising solution [5].Attribute Certificates (ACs) bind attributes to users Distinguished Names (DNs). They can be used with identity certificates to achieve the mapping: attributes ?DN ?public key. The motivation for introducing ACs in PKI technology was that X.509 public key certificates were used for identity purpose by establishing a secure certified relationship between issued public keys and their owners. Although attribute information can beincluded in X.509 v3 certificates as extensions to satisfy application-specific needs, this is not worthy from the perspectives of interoperability, jurisdiction, and revocation. First, private attributes extensions make it hard for disparate systems to interoperate with each other. Second, it is difficult for an organization to issue a certificate containing both the identity information and attributes that may be accessing rights. Finally, attributes are more volatile than identity information, and therefore need revoking more frequently. However, having authorizations in an AC has drawbacks too. First, an attribute certificate authority must issue ACs to potential Internet users before they can access the controlled resources, which is inconvenient to users and sometimes can be disastrous to security managers from certificates management perspective. Second, for those ACs that have a long period of validity, revoking them can be much of a burden to the issuing CA when the accessing rights in them have to be updated due to the business policy changes.In this paper, it is assumed that ACs contain only users comparatively stable attributes without any accessing rights. A user may have several ACs issued by different trusted CAs that have intimate knowledge of the user. E.g., an accredited university or institute issues its graduates normal ACs containing such attributes as degrees, qualifications, majors, graduation dates, and the like. A bank issues each of its account owners an AC that contains account number, account type, branch name, opening date, and so on. A trusted driving license agency may issue a qualified driver an AC that includes driving license number, car categories, validity dates, address, and the like. A user’s ACs will then be used by various resource providers to make authorization decisions based on their business-specific security policies.In the following, a knowledge-based RBAC is discussed first. Second, an automated user-role assignment based on their digital certificates and intelligent backtracking is described. Third, a knowledge-based approach to Internet authorizations is proposed by using PKI, trust models, RBAC, automated user-role assignment, and intelligent backtracking.2 Knowledge-Based RBACIn RBAC [1, 2, 3], permissions are only associated with roles and users get permissions by being members of appropriate business roles. This greatly simplifies a system’s security management. Security officers create business roles and assign those roles to users based on their qualifications and responsibilities in organizations. Users can be easily reassigned from one role to another. Roles may be granted new permissions as new services are deployed, and permissions can be revoked from roles as needed. However, traditional RBAC systems assume that a user’s role is known when it requests particular resources, which requires the user to register with the resource providers in advance. This is neither convenient to Internet users nor cost-effective from systemmanagement perspective. In Internet situations, it may be helpful to allow authorized users to access resources without asking them to register with resource providers in advance. An automated user-role assignment solution has been suggested [4], but it did not discuss how digital certificates are exchanged between users and resource providers. In Knowledge-Based RBAC (KBRBAC), application-specific user-role assignment policy, trust models, and business logic on roles privileges are provided as a knowledge base. Any changes to it will dynamically drive the changes in an organization’s security policies on its business processes, thus significantly alleviating the security management in a system. An independent knowledge base also gives security managers a lot of flexibility. When the knowledge base for configuring an RBAC system is empty, roles must be assigned to users manually and there is no extra business logic on roles privileges; otherwise, if the user-role assignment policies are enforceable and described in the knowledge base, those roles may be assigned to users automatically at run-time. For other roles that must be manually assigned to users, their role-assignment policy attributes are ‘null’. To be more flexible, each role privilege is associated with a predicate used as the business logic on it. A predicate is defined by a set of rules. A privilege consists of a set of operations and objects to be performed on by role members. The role definition and an example are given in appendixes A, B, respectively.Even though the knowledge base can be built by the security manager of an RBAC system with the help of an authoring tool on the resource controller’s side, it still requires some information about the potential Internet users. What kind of information about a resource requestor should or can be sent to resource providers? How can the trust relationship be established between the unknown Internet users and service providers? These issues will be discussed in the following sections.3 Automated Role-Assignment Using PKI and Intelligent Backtracking An approach has been proposed to dynamically map a user to predefined business roles based on the user’s digital certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and role-assigning policies pre-set by resource providers [4]. Because the user does not know anything about a resource provider’s authorization policy, various digital certificates may be required to present to the resource provider for accessing a particular resource [5]. An intelligent backtracking mechanism is therefore necessary for supporting the non-deterministic automated user-role assignment, which means there will be a lot of traffic between a resource requestor and a resource provider at run-time. Furthermore, in order to validate Internet users digital certificates, the trust relationships between resource providers and CAs have to be defined in the trust models of a knowledge base.Although a user may be assigned several business roles based on its digital certificates and pre-set role-assigning policies, only some of them will authorize it to access the requested resource. For those roles that have privileges matching the user’s current accessrequest, the policy evaluator will be called to evaluate the policies enforced on those privileges. If the policy evaluates true, the user’s current request is authorized and the relevant actions can then be performed on the resource; otherwise, alternative roles will be tried. For each assigned role, if either it does not have a matching privilege for the user’s current request or the matching privilege’s associated authorization policy evaluates false, the inference engine will redo the previous role assignment automatically. If all roles have been tried, the user’s request will be denied. Because the inference engine can support backtracking and policy evaluation, it can be combined into one on the resource provider side.To avoid assigning a user to the roles that do not have the required privilege, an efficient indexing mechanism is needed to support the retrieval of the candidate assignable roles. Only those roles having the required privilege will be tried assigning to the user for current request. However, whether a role will be assigned to a user still depends on the user’s presented digital certificates, the service provider’s role-assignment policy and trust models, which are expressed as rules in a knowledge base. The service provider may not trust some Certificate Authority (CA), and asks the user to present other digital certificates issued by particular CAs. When a user accesses a resource, the resource provider will first get a set of candidate roles whose privileges match the user’s current request to improve the role-assignment efficiency. Then, it will try to assign those roles to the user based on the presented digital certificates and the knowledge base.separation of duties when role-assigning policies are set, an automated mechanism for guaranteeing this is very helpful so that two conflicting roles will not be assigned to auser at run-time. This can be achieved by not satisfying the policies on two conflicting roles assignment simultaneously or storing users assigned roles information in a database persistently. A user’s candidate assignable roles must not be in conflict with the roles that have already been assigned to the user (see Fig. 1). If such conflicts occur, the security manager will be informed of them and take necessary measures as required.Our automated role-assignment solution based on PKI and intelligent backtracking has a unique advantage over the traditional RBAC and others [4] in that it enables users to specify various domain-specific security policies in a knowledge base. It allows Internet users to access resources more conveniently and security policies can be managed flexibly. Furthermore, because much of the user-role assignment management has been automated, the security manager’s work will be reduced to a minimum by using a configurable knowledge base.4 A Knowledge-Based Approach to Internet Authorizations Using PKI Now that we have discussed how to authorize a user’s request based on its digital certificates, a knowledge base, and intelligent backtracking, we need to consider what information needs to be exchanged between the user and the resource provider without disclosing the server side security policies to the user. It is not reasonable to ask the user to submit all its digital certificates, most of which may be irrelevant to its current request, and the user may not be willing to do that. Therefore, during the authorization decision-making, users digital certificates may be requested. For simplicity, we assume that the user has already been authenticated and we will only focus on the authorizations below. There are three steps in requesting a user’s digital certificates. First, the Server Security Agent (SSA) needs to decide what digital certificates are required for the current user’s request. Based on the request and the security policies in the knowledge base, the SSA can automatically find the potential set of digital certificates using a logical reasoning. Second, the SSA checks if some of those digital certificates have already been cached in a directory and are still valid, and then sends a request for unavailable digital certificates to the user. Finally, the user sends the requested digital certificates back to the SSA, which will then cache them in its directory for future use using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).However, sending digital certificates is only part of the Internet authorization (illustrated in Fig. 2). If any of the following conditions holds, the SSA will have to redo its previous role assignment and find another set of digital certificates to try other alternative roles for the user’s current request, and re-evaluate the associated authorization policy.•Some digital certificates presented have already been revoked by their CAs using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) or the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).• Some digital certificates are neither valid nor trusted by the SSA according to the trust models described in the knowledge base.• The presented digital certificates cannot assign the user a role that authorizes the current request based on the resource provider’s role-assigning policy expressed in the knowledge base.• The authorization policy on the assigned role’s matching privilege evaluates false using the system models in the current context.The client’s digital certificates can be sent to the SSA by using a trusted applet digitally signed by the resource provider or a plug-in for the client’s Web browser. The communication between the user and the resource provider is based on Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The client can optionally configure the certificate-sending policy on what digital certificates can be sent automatically without being informed in advance. If there is no policy configured for sending a particular certificate, a user will be informed of thecertificate request by default, and will decide whether to send it to the SSA for the user’s current request. If there is a certificate-sending policy and it evaluates false, the requested digital certificate will not be sent to the SSA; otherwise, it will be sent to the SSA automatically without the user’s intervention. In Business-to-Business situations, client side authorization for sending digital certificates to the server side also needs a knowledge base that describes the client’s certificate-sending policy and trust models (as shown in Fig. 3).Regarding the client’s trust in an applet, there are two primary types of models. One is hierarchical and the other is based on the web of trust. The former assumes that the user’s chain of digital certificates is rooted by a CA trusted by its receivers. The latter allows any of the digital certificates in a chain can be cross-certified by more than one CAs. Because trust policies are always business related and application-specific, they must be configurable by means of an independent knowledge base so that the SSA, a Web browser or a trusted applet can use it to make trust decisions.As pointed out in [6,7,8], a logic-based knowledge representation is expressive enough and has several advantages over other approaches. PROLOG (PROgramming in LOGic) is based on Horn-clauses, which is a subset of first order logic, and has a solid theoretical foundation. What is more, both policy evaluation and policy conflict detection can be easily done within the logic framework as well. Therefore, it is adopted as the policy representation language in this paper.5 ConclusionsIn this paper, a knowledge-based approach to Internet authorizations is proposed by using PKI-based digital certificates, trust models, policy-based roles privileges, automated user-role assignment, and intelligent backtracking. Security policies are expressed as the rules in an independent knowledge base. An inference engine is utilized to evaluate various policies, dynamically assign roles to Internet users, and redo roles assignment automatically. The innovative approach makes the administration of Internet users accesses to resources less of a burden to security managers. The proposed architecture for Internet authorizations is capable of dealing with both unknown Internet users and automatic user-role administration. It overcomes some of the drawbacks of existing RBAC systems, which are neither flexible for access control management nor convenient to Internet users.A policy-authoring tool is strongly recommended to be used to alleviate the administration task of security managers. The tool should be capable of mapping a user’s access request to a role’s privilege and even refining a high-level security policy into executable rules, so that security managers can focus on the specification of authorization policies, trust models, and role-assigning policies in the knowledge base.References[1] Ferraiolo D F, Barkley J F, Kuhn D R, A Role-Based Access Control Model and Reference Implementation Within a Corporate Intranet, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, (1999) 34-64.[2] Ferraiolo D F, Cugini J A, Kuhn D R, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Features and Motivations, In Proc. of 11th Annual Computer Security Applications Conf., (1995) 241-248, /rbac/newpaper/rbac.html.[3] Giuri L and Iglio P, A formal model for role based access control with constraints, In Proc. of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop, (1996) 136-145.[4] Herzberg A, Mass Y, Mihaeli J, Naor D, and Ravid Y, Access Control Meets Public Key Infrastructure, Or: Assigning Roles to Strangers, /TrustEstablishment/paper.htm.[5] Johnston W, Mudumbai S, and Thompson M, Authorization and Attribute Certificates for Widely Distributed Access Control, In Proc. of the IEEE 7th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-98), (1998) 340-345.[6] Li N, Feigenbaum J and Grosof B, A Logic-based Knowledge Representation for Authorization with Delegation, In Proc. of the 12th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, (1999) 162-174.[7] Massacci F, Reasoning about Security: a Logic and a Decision Method for Role-Based Access Control, In Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning (ECSQARU/FAPR-97), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1244 (1997) 421-435.[8] Seamons K E, Winsborough W and Winslett M, Internet Credential Acceptance Policies, In Proc. of the Workshop on Logic Programming for Internet Applications, July 1997, /~winsboro/papers/CAP.html.Appendix A – the role syntax<Role> ::= ‘Name:’<Role Name>‘.’‘Role-Assigning Policy:’{<Predicate> | ‘null’}‘.’‘Authorizations:’<Privileges>‘.’<Role Name> ::= <Symbolic Atom><Privileges> ::= <Privilege>*<Privilege> ::= <Policy> ‘,’{<Method>}+‘.’Where, <Policy> is a predicate and is described by a set of PROLOG clauses defined as below, and <Method> is defined as an external function in models. A special predicate is symbolic atom ‘true’.<Clause> :: = <Fact> | <Rule><Fact> ::= <Predicate>‘.’<Rule> ::= <Predicate> ‘:-’<Conditions>‘.’<Conditions> ::= ‘(’<Conditions> ‘)’| <Expression> | ‘!’<Expression>| <Expression> ‘,’ <Conditions><Expression> ::= <Argument><RelOp><Argument> | <Predicate><RelOp> ::= ‘==’| ‘<’| ‘>’| ‘<=’| ‘>=’| ‘!=’<Symbolic Atom> ::= [‘a’-‘z’]{[‘a’-‘z’] | [‘A’-‘Z’] | [‘0’-‘9’] | ‘_’}*<Argument> ::= <Symbolic Atom> | <String> | <Number> | <Logical Variable>| <Functor><Parameters><Functor> ::= <Symbolic Atom> | ‘.’| <Arithmetic Operators><Parameters> ::= ‘(‘<Argument>{‘,’<Argument>}*‘)’<Logical Variable> ::= ‘_’| [‘A’-‘Z’]{[‘a’-‘z’] | [‘A’-‘Z’] | [‘0’-‘9’] | ‘_’}*<Predicate> ::= <Symbolic Atom>[<Parameters>]<Policy> ::= <Predicate>Appendix B – A Bank ExampleWe use a simple example to demonstrate the ideas contained in the paper. It is assumed that a full-time student has already been issued an identity certificate by an accredited university, and has got a digital driving license issued by the Driving License Agency (DLA) after having passed both the theory and practical tests. The student wants to getthe service of car rental or hotel reservation on the Internet, which requires the student to open an account in a recognized bank first to get digital credit certificates.The bank provides a set of E-services, including new account creation, normal bank account transactions, and interest enquiries. In the following, various kinds of policies are modeled by PROLOG rules and the methods of privileges are left undefined. Some predicates are simply defined and even omitted here.Name: bank_account_owners.Role-Assigning Policy: bank_account_attribute_certs( Account_ids, Certificates ). Authorizations:transfer_accounts_policy( Request, Account_ids, [From, To, Amount] ),transfer_money( From, To, Amount ).account_access_policy( Request, Account_id, Account_ids ),get_balance( Account_id, Balance ). // get the balance of the bank account.account_access_policy( Request, Account_id, Account_ids ),deposit_money( Account_id, Amount ).withdraw_policy( Account_id, Amount),withdraw_money( Account_id, Amount )..Name: bank_account_creators.Role-Assigning Policy: certificates_for_bank_account_creation( Request, Identity ). Authorizations:true, issue_account_attribute_certificate( Identity, Request )..Name: default.Role-Assigning Policy: true.Authorizations:get_interest_rate_policy( Request, Type ),report_interest_rate( Type ). // return the interest rate to the user..// If the request is to create a new bank account and the user has valid and acceptable // identity certificates, collect them into Accepted_certificates; Otherwise, return false.certificates_for_bank_account_creation( Request, Identity_cert ) :-creating_bank_account( Request ),request_certificates( Certificates ), // Its definition is omittedvalid_and_accepted_certificates( Certificates, Accepted_Certificates ),has_acceptable_identity_certificate( Accepted_certificates, Identity_cert ).// Test if there is a valid and acceptable identity certificate in the given set of certificates withdraw_policy( Account_id, Amount ) :-get_balance(Account_id, Balance),get_credit_limit( Account_id, Credit_limit),Amount <= Balance + Credit_limit.transfer_accounts_policy( Request, Account_ids, [From, To, Amount] ) :-get_transfer_parameters( Request, From, To, Amount ),member( From, Accounts_ids ),member( To, Accounts_ids ),withdraw_policy( From, Amount ).// Request attribute certificates issued by the bank to the user, and collect bank account // numbers into Account_numbers. If the user doesn’t have valid and acceptable attribute // certificate issued by the bank, it returns false.bank_account_attribute_certs( Account_numbers, Certificates ) :-request_certificates( Certificates ), // Its definition is omittedvalid_and_accepted_certificates( Certificates, Accepted_Certificates ),get_account_numbers( Accepted_Certificates, Accounts_numbers ),Accounts_numbers \= [].// Get the bank account numbers of valid and accepted bank account attribute certificates get_account_numbers( [Certificate|Rest], [No|Account_Nos] ) :-get_account_identifier( Certificate, No ),get_account_numbers( Rest, Account_Nos ).get_account_numbers( [_|Rest], Account_Nos ) :-get_account_numbers( Rest, Account_Nos ).get_account_numbers( [], [] ).// Get the bank account number of a valid and accepted bank account attribute certificate get_account_identifier( Certificate, Id ) :-valid_certificate( Certificate ),this_bank_service_accepted_certificate( Certificate ),bank_account_no( Certificate, Id ).account_access_policy( Request, Account_id, Account_ids ) :-get_account_id_from_request( Request, Account_id ),// get the account number from the user’s requestmember( Account_id, Account_ids ).valid_and_accepted_certificates( [Valid|Rest], [Valid|Certificates] ) :- valid_and_accepted_certifiacte(Valid ),// test if the certificate is valid and accepted by the bank service provider valid_and_accepted_certificates ( Rest, Certificates ).valid_and_accepted_certificates ( [_|Rest], Certificates ) :-valid_and_accepted_certificates ( Rest, Certificates ).valid_and_accepted_certificates( [], [] ).。
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Network coding for distributed storage systems
March 5, 2008
to replication; see, e.g., [9]. However, a complication arises: In distributed storage systems, redundancy must be continually refreshed as nodes fail or leave the system, which involves large data transfers across the network. This problem is best illustrated in the simple example of Fig. 1: a data object is divided in two fragments y 1 , y 2 (say, each of size 1Mb) and these encoded into four fragments x1 , . . . x4 of same size, with the property that any two out of the four can be used to recover the original y 1 , y 2 . Now assume that storage node x4 fails and a new node x5 , the newcomer, needs to communicate with existing nodes and create a new encoded packet, such that any two out of x1 , x2 , x3 , x5 suffice to recover. Clearly, if the newcomer can download any two encoded fragments (say from x1 , x2 ), reconstruction of the whole data object is possible and then a new encoded fragment can be generated (for example by making a new linear combination that is independent from the existing ones). This, however, requires the communication of 2Mb in the network to generate an erasure encoded fragment of size 1Mb at x5 . In general, if an object of size M is divided in k initial fragments, the repair bandwidth with this strategy is M bits to generate a fragment of size M/k . In contrast, if replication is used instead, a new replica may simply be copied from any other existing node, incurring no bandwidth overhead. It was commonly believed that this k -factor overhead in repair bandwidth is an unavoidable overhead that comes with the benefits of coding (see, for example, [10]). Indeed, all known coding constructions require access to the original data object to generate encoded fragments. In this paper we show that, surprisingly, there exist erasure codes that can be repaired without communicating the whole data object. In particular, for the (4, 2) example, we show that the newcomer can download 1.5Mb to repair a failure and that this is the information theoretic minimum (see Fig. 2 for an example). More generally, we identify a tradeoff between storage and repair bandwidth and show that codes exist that achieve every point on this optimal tradeoff curve. We call codes that lie on this optimal tradeoff curve regenerating codes. Note that the tradeoff region computed corrects an error in the threshold ac computed in [1] and generalizes the result to every feasible (α, γ ) pair. The two extremal points on the tradeoff curve are of special interest and we refer to them as minimum-storage regenerating (MSR) codes and minimum-bandwidth regenerating (MBR) codes. The former correspond to Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) codes that can also be efficiently repaired. At the other end of the tradeoff are the MBR codes, which have minimum repair bandwidth. We show that if each storage node is allowed to store slightly more than M/k bits, the repair bandwidth can be significantly reduced. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II we discuss relevant background and related work from network coding theory and distributed storage systems. In Section III we introduce the notion of the information flow graph, which represents how information is communicated and stored in the network as nodes join and leave the system. In Section III-B we characterize the minimum storage and repair bandwidth and show that there is a tradeoff between these two quantities that can be expressed in terms of a maximum flow on this graph. We further show that for any finite information flow graph, there exists a regenerating code that can achieve any point on the minimum storage/ bandwidth feasible region we computed. Finally, in Section IV we evaluate the performance of the proposed regenerating codes using traces of failures in real systems and compare to alternative
java 中英文新闻爬取,段落对照
目录一、背景介绍二、爬取流程1. 确定目标全球信息站2. 分析网页结构3. 编写爬虫程序三、数据清洗1. 去除HTML标签2. 去除非中英文字符四、存储与分析1. 存储数据2. 分析数据五、风险与合规1. 爬取的合规性2. 数据隐私与安全风险一、背景介绍随着互联网的快速发展,信息爬取已经成为了现代程序员日常工作的重要部分。
二、爬取流程1. 确定目标全球信息站需要确定要爬取的目标全球信息站。
2. 分析网页结构在确定了目标全球信息站后,需要通过抓包工具等方式分析网页结构,找到新闻页面的URL、新闻标题、发布时间、正文内容等信息所对应的HTML标签,以便后续编写爬虫程序进行数据抓取。
3. 编写爬虫程序接下来,利用Java语言中的Jsoup等HTML解析库编写爬虫程序,实现新闻页面的信息抓取,并将结果存储到本地文件或数据库中。
三、数据清洗1. 去除HTML标签在爬取到新闻页面的HTML内容后,需要进行HTML标签的去除操作,以获取到新闻正文内容。
2. 去除非中英文字符在获取到新闻正文内容后,可能会包含一些非中英文字符,如特殊符号、数字等。
四、存储与分析1. 存储数据爬取到的新闻数据可以存储到本地文件中,或者将其存储到数据库中以便后续的数据分析。
开发环境:Ubuntu12.04 + GCC4.7⼀、有道翻译APIAPI 地址:这⾥我选择了数据调⽤接⼝key的申请,填⼊相关信息,然后系统会提供API Key和Keyfrom字段给你,同时会发送⼀份包含这2项的邮件到你所填写的邮箱。
有道翻译API的数据接⼝如下:/<keyfrom>&key=<key>&type=data&doctype=<doctype>&version=1.1&q=要翻译的⽂本版本:1.1,请求⽅式:get,编码⽅式:utf-8主要功能:中英互译,同时获得有道翻译结果和有道词典结果(可能没有)参数说明: type - 返回结果的类型,固定为data doctype - 返回结果的数据格式,xml或json或jsonp version - 版本,当前最新版本为1.1 q - 要翻译的⽂本,不能超过200个字符,需要使⽤utf-8编码errorCode: 0 - 正常 20 - 要翻译的⽂本过长 30 - ⽆法进⾏有效的翻译 40 - 不⽀持的语⾔类型 50 - ⽆效的key⼆、 Curl和JsonCpp的安装2.1 Curl的安装Curl⼯程主页:,⽬前最新版本是curl-7.34.0,下载解压后进⼊curl-7.34.0⽬录,⽤如下命令安装:1 cd $CURL_HOME2mkdir build3 cd build4 cmake ..5make2.2 JsonCpp的安装JsonCpp⼯程主页:,⽬前的最新版本是jsoncpp-src-0.5.0,下载解压后进⼊jsoncpp-src-0.5.0,使⽤Scons进⾏安装,Scons是⼀个Python 编译系统,没有安装的童鞋需要先安装Scons,如下:1sudo apt-get install sconsScons安装好之后就可以编译JsonCpp了,使⽤如下命令:1 scons platform=linux-gcc好了,JsonCpp已经成功安装了,为了后⾯程序编译链接过程中⽅便,我在JsonCpp路径下的libs⽂件夹中设置了⼀个软连接,如下:1ln -s libjson_linux-gcc-4.7_libmt.a libjson_linux-gcc.a三、在线翻译⼯具直接贴代码:1/*2 Filename: 3 Author: BerlinSun4*/5 #include <iostream>6 #include "curl/curl.h"7 #include "json/json.h"89using namespace std;1011void usage()12 {13 cout << "Usage: translate word_you_want_to_translate" << endl;14 }1516int writer(char *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, string *writerData)17 {18if (writerData == NULL)19return0;20int len = size*nmemb;21 writerData->append(data, len);22return len;23 }2425int main(int argc, char *argv[])26 {27if(argc < 2)28 {29 usage();30 exit(0);31 }32string buffer;33string translate_url = "/";34 translate_url += argv[1];35 CURL * curl;36 CURLcode res;37 curl = curl_easy_init();38if (curl)39 {40 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, translate_url.c_str());41 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writer);42 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &buffer);43 res = curl_easy_perform(curl);44 curl_easy_cleanup(curl);45 }46if (buffer.empty())47 {48 cout << "The server return NULL!" << endl;49 exit(0);50 }5152 Json::Value root;53 Json::Reader reader;54bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(buffer, root);5556if (!parsingSuccessful)57 {58 cout << "Failed to parse the data!" << endl;59 exit(0);60 }6162const Json::Value basic = root["basic"];63const Json::Value phonetic = basic["phonetic"];64const Json::Value explains = basic["explains"];65 cout << "Provided by Youdao dictionary!" << endl;66 cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;67 cout << argv[1] << "\t英[" << phonetic.asString() << "]" << endl;6869for(int i = 0; i < explains.size(); ++i)70 cout << explains[i].asString() << endl;7172return0;73 }View CodePS:代码中红⾊加粗的部分就是你所申请到的key和keyfrom字段。
openresty 常用编译参数
openresty 常用编译参数OpenResty是一个基于Nginx的可扩展的Web平台,它通常用于构建高性能的Web应用程序。
以下是一些常用的编译参数:1. --prefix=path,指定OpenResty的安装路径。
2. --with-luajit,启用LuaJIT支持,LuaJIT是一个快速的JIT编译器,可以提高Lua脚本的性能。
3. --with-pcre=path,指定PCRE库的路径,PCRE是一个正则表达式库,用于支持正则表达式匹配。
4. --with-openssl=path,指定OpenSSL库的路径,用于支持加密和安全连接。
5. --with-http_ssl_module,启用SSL模块,支持HTTPS协议。
6. --with-http_realip_module,启用RealIP模块,用于获取真实的客户端IP地址。
7. --with-http_stub_status_module,启用Stub Status模块,用于监控Nginx的运行状态。
8. --with-http_v2_module,启用HTTP/2支持,提高Web应用的性能。
9. --with-threads,启用线程支持,可以提高并发处理能力。
10. --with-stream,启用Stream模块,支持TCP和UDP代理。
gerresiurces().getidentifier 的替代方法
1. **对于较新的API版本**:
* 在较新的API版本中,你可以直接使用资源的名称来获取其ID。
java`int id = getResources().getIdentifier("my_resource", "id", getPackageName());`
2. **对于旧的API版本**:
* 对于旧的API版本,你通常会使用`R`类来访问资源ID。
java`int id =;`
3. **动态资源ID**:
* 如果你需要动态地获取资源的ID(例如,基于资源名称),你可以使用上述第一种方法。
4. **其他考虑**:
* 确保你的资源名称是唯一的,这样你才能正确地获取它们的ID。
* 如果你正在处理大量的资源或复杂的资源结构,考虑使用更高级的数据结构或库来帮助管理这些资源。
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
String absolutePath = classLoader.getResource("文件路径
请注意,上述代码中的`getClass()`方法是获取当前类的Class 对象。
resourceserverconfig 正则 -回复
resourceserverconfig 正则-回复正则表达式(Regular Expression),简称正则,是一种用于匹配、查找和替换字符串的强大工具。
以下是一些常见的正则表达式特殊字符:1. 字符匹配- 普通字符:普通字符在正则中表示它本身,例如匹配字符串"abc" 中的"a"。
- 转义字符:转义字符(\)用于将特殊字符转义为普通字符,例如匹配字符串"a.b" 中的"a.b"。
2. 字符类- 方括号([]):方括号用于指定一个字符集合,匹配方括号中的任意一个字符,例如[abc] 匹配'a'、'b' 或'c'。
- 范围(-):方括号内可以使用范围(-)表示连续字符,例如[a-z] 表示匹配任意小写字母。
- 取反(^):方括号中的^ 表示取反,匹配不在方括号中的字符。
3. 重复匹配- 星号(*):表示匹配前一个字符的零个或多个实例,例如匹配"ab*" 可以匹配"a"、"ab"、"abb" 等。
- 加号(+):表示匹配前一个字符的一个或多个实例,例如匹配"ab+" 可以匹配"ab"、"abb"、"abbb" 等。
- 问号(?):表示匹配前一个字符的零个或一个实例,例如匹配"ab?" 可以匹配"a"、"ab" 等。
gccli 参数 -回复
gccli 参数-回复GCCLI参数详解及使用指南GCCLI (Google Cloud Command Line Interface) 是谷歌云平台提供的一套命令行工具集,用于与谷歌云平台进行交互。
本文将为您详细介绍GCCLI 的各种参数,并给出使用指南。
全局参数适用于所有GCCLI 命令,而子命令参数则是根据不同命令的功能而定。
1. 全局参数1.1. project PROJECT_ID该参数用于指定项目ID,指定后所有后续操作都将在该项目下进行。
1.2. configuration CONFIGURATION该参数用于指定配置文件,用于在多个配置之间进行切换。
您可以使用`gcloud config configurations create`命令创建新的配置文件,然后使用`gcloud config configurations activate`命令激活指定的配置文件。
1.3. quiet该参数用于关闭交互模式,GCCLI将不会提示确认信息。
1.4. verbosity LEVEL该参数用于指定命令输出的详细级别。
2. 子命令参数2.1. compute子命令参数2.1.1. compute instances createimage-family和image-project: 用于指定实例的映像machine-type: 用于指定实例的机器类型zone: 用于指定实例所在的区域tags: 用于指定实例的标签preemptible: 用于指定实例是否为可抢占式实例2.1.2. compute instances deletezone: 用于指定要删除的实例所在的区域2.1.3. compute instances start/stopzone: 用于指定要启动/停止的实例所在的区域2.1.4. compute instances listfilter: 用于指定筛选条件,过滤要显示的实例列表format: 用于指定输出的格式,如table、json等2.2. storage子命令参数2.2.1. storage buckets create/deletelocation: 用于指定存储桶的区域project: 用于指定存储桶所属的项目2.2.2. storage buckets listproject: 用于指定要列出的存储桶所属的项目2.3. pubsub子命令参数2.3.1. pubsub topics create/deleteproject: 用于指定主题所属的项目2.3.2. pubsub topics listproject: 用于指定要列出的主题所属的项目综上所述,我们详细介绍了GCCLI的各种参数及其使用方法。
resources.arsc 编译
resources.arsc 编译介绍如下:
freeradius ca证书 makefile
freeradius ca证书makefile以下是一个示例的FreeRADIUS CA证书生成的Makefile:```makefile# Makefile for generating FreeRADIUS CA certificateCA_NAME := mycaall: ca.pemca.pem: ca.key ca.crtca.key:openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048ca.crt: ca.keyopenssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -subj "/CN=$(CA_NAME)"clean:rm -f ca.key ca.crt ca.pem```上述Makefile中包含了以下几个目标:- `all`目标:生成CA证书- `clean`目标:清除生成的证书文件该Makefile使用OpenSSL命令行工具来生成CA证书。
首先,它生成一个私钥文件`ca.key`,然后使用该私钥生成自签名的CA证书文件`ca.crt`,其中`-subj "/CN=$(CA_NAME)"`用于指定证书的通用名称(Common Name)。
如果需要清除生成的证书文件,可以运行`make clean`命令。
2. 流程执行监控 – 主要问题分析
问题3:监控事件先后顺序颠倒 原因:网络延迟 导致的问题:错误的监控结果 例子:
错误的监控结果下,流程可能被终止,而流程的意外终止可 能会给企业带来极大的经济损失
2. 流程执行监控 – 解决方法
解决思路: 在对监控事件流的分析中,利用BPEL流程的结
从BPEL流程结构能够产生对应的监控事件的时序 图
表达流程的结构信息以及监控事件的先后顺序 采用一个事件匹配算法,运行时将监控事件与时
问题:业务流程 产生顺序的监控 事件流
监控事件先后顺序 颠倒
监控事件流 act1act2act3act4
2. 流程执行监控 – 主要问题分析
问题1 确定当前执行节点:顺序的监控事件流中,最后一个监控事 件对应的流程节点是当前执行的节点。但是,BPEL支持并行的流程 结构。流程执行可能存在多个当前执行节点。仅仅通过顺序的监控 事件流并不能将所有当前流程执行节点分析出来
flow c
2. 流程执行监控 – 解决方法
节点与监控事件相对 flow a
应,a节点对应开始事 件,c节点对应完成事
act3 a
act1 a act3 c
每个节点用与其对应 的流程节点名称标识,
act1 c flow a
act2 a
act4 a act5 a
在开始配置和编译Certi源码之前,您需要确保您的系统已经安装了以下必要的软件和库:3. GNU工具链:由于Certi在编译和链接过程中使用了GNU工具链,因此您需要确保您的系统上安装了GNU工具链。
接下来,我们将详细介绍如何配置和编译Certi源码:2. 配置Coq和OCaml环境:在开始构建Certi之前,您需要配置Coq和OCaml环境。
您可以在命令行终端中运行以下命令来验证环境配置是否正确:```coqc -vocaml -v```如果命令输出显示了正确的版本信息,则说明Coq和OCaml环境已经配置正确。
3. 构建Coq证明:接下来,您需要构建Coq证明。
4. 构建C程序和链接器:在构建Coq证明之后,您需要构建Certi的C程序和链接器。
在命令行终端中,导航到Certi源码目录,并运行以下命令来构建C程序和链接器:```make C```这将触发C程序和链接器的自动构建过程。
5. 运行测试:构建C程序和链接器之后,您可以运行Certi的测试套件来验证程序的正确性。
在命令行终端中,导航到Certi源码目录,并运行以下命令来运行测试套件:```make test```这将触发测试套件的自动运行过程。
c-ares 编译
c-ares 编译
以下是编译c-ares 的一般步骤:
1. 克隆c-ares库:使用git命令克隆c-ares仓库到本地。
2. 进入c-ares目录:使用cd命令进入c-ares仓库的目录。
3. 执行构建配置:使用./buildconf命令执行构建配置。
4. 执行自动配置:使用autoconf命令执行自动配置。
5. 执行配置:使用./configure命令执行配置。
6. 执行编译:使用make命令执行编译。
7. 安装:使用sudo make install命令安装编译好的库。
在编译过程中,可能需要安装其他依赖库,例如zlib和openssl 等。
Quirc 是一个用于二维码解码的C 库,它提供了一个简单的接口来处理QR 码图像。
以下是一个基本的Quirc 库的编译步骤,假设你已经获取了Quirc 的源代码:
1.获取Quirc 源代码:首先,从Quirc 的官方GitHub 存储
2.安装依赖项:Quirc 可能依赖于一些库,例如libjpeg、
libpng 等。
README 文件查找所需的依赖项。
3.进入源代码目录:打开命令行终端,进入Quirc 源代码的根
mkdir build cd build
5.运行CMake:使用CMake 生成构建系统。
装了CMake 工具。
cmake ..
6.运行make:使用make 工具进行编译。
如果使用的是Windows 平台,可能需要使用Visual Studio 编译,可以运行cmake --build .或使用Visual Studio 打开生成的项目文件。
8.运行示例:如果Quirc 附带了示例代码,你可以尝试运行示
查看Quirc 的文档或README 文件以获取更详细的编译和使用说明。