





下面,朗阁名师就雅思托福口语方面的不同进行讲解:The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) are two main tests that check foreign language speakers' English proficiency globally. Although both tests are targeted at examining students' comprehension and understanding of the English language usage, the two are by no mean identity and differ both in the delivery, scoring and difficulty.Speaking section is always the one part which bothers the majority of the prospective test-takers. During all these teaching years, there are always students who are confusing which test they should take since there are huge differences between the IELTS and the TOEFL speaking sections. Let us see where the similarities and differences lie in these two tests.1.Which one takes more time?The IELTS speaking test is one candidate and one examiner, who manages the test and evaluates the candidate at the same time. The test is separated into three parts. Both part 1 and part 3 take about 4 minutes, part 2 takes about 3 minutes.In Part 1, the examiner asks the candidate some simple personal questions on everyday common topics. The examiner reads these questions from a script. Some frequently asked topics are work, study, hometown, cities, food, holidays, friends, going out, festivals, sports, schools and public transport.In Part 2, the examiner gives the candidate a topic on a card (cue card) and the candidate needs to give a speech about it for more or less 2 minutes. Before speaking, the candidate has one minute to make notes. The task is to talk about a personal experience such as a memorable day or a significant person. This is followed by a quick question, which the candidate gives a short answer to. This provides some continuity for the transition to part 3.In Part 3, candidate and examiner will have a discussion relating to the subject area in Part 2. The candidate will be asked to do more complicated things, such as evaluate, justify positions and opinions, make predictions, and express preferences. The examiner has a list of questions but is not restricted to these. He or she can respond freely to the candidate's answers, making this part of the test more like a regular conversation.The TOEFL speaking test is one candidate and a computer, which provides tasks for the candidate, records their answers and times them (with an on-screen clock). The recorded sample is evaluated later by a group of examiners. The test is separated into 6 tasks, two independent tasks (just the candidate speaking) and four integrated tasks (with the candidate integrating information from other sources, such as a written text or listening). The test takes about 20 minutes.In Task 1, the candidate reads and listens to a short question based on a familiar topic. For example, the candidate could be asked to describe a class. In Task 2, they are asked to choose between two choices and explain why. In bothquestions, the candidate has 15 seconds to prepare an answer and needs to speak for 45 seconds.In Part 2 of the speaking the four tasks are integrated with other skills. In Task 3, the candidate reads a short text on a campus-related issue, and then hears one or two students expressing opinions. The candidate therefore needs to summaries what the speakers have said. In Task 4, the candidate reads about an academic subject, and then hears a professor lecturing on the same subject. There is then a question based on both sources. In Task 5, the candidate listens to a brief conversation about a campus-related situation and then answers a question. This answer includes choosing between options and justifying this choice. The final task is to listen to a short extract from a lecture and then explain a point with examples.As we can see here, the major difference between these two speaking tests is that if you talking to a machine or talking to an examiner face to face. Also, TOEFL speaking section definitely requires you to master some note-taking skills whereas they seem unnecessary in the IELTS speaking section. Furthermore, TOEFL speaking section lasts longer and has more tasks need to be done. Finally, the TOEFL speaking questions are more academically based while the IELTS speaking questions are quite relevant to everyday life.2.Which one will the test-takers be evaluated easier?In IELTS speaking, the examiner listens to the candidate as they do the test, and then evaluates their level by assessing the speaker's performance to descriptions. The levels go from 1 - 9. The four criteria are described below:Fluency and CoherenceThis means how good the candidate is at keeping talking at the right pace and how proficient they are at connecting their ideas together. This is a fairly general criterion which includes evaluating the relevance of the candidate's answers, but in terms of the features we have identified in part 1 of this article, it refers to speakers need to be able to understand and follow the rules of language at a word, sentence and text level.●Lexical ResourceThis means how much vocabulary the candidate has and how well they manage it. As well as the rules of language at a word level, this criterion judges the communicative functions of speech and the social meaning of speech.●Grammatical Range and AccuracyThis means how various structures the candidate has and how well they handle them. Again, as well as the rules of language, this criterion considers the communicative functions of speech.●PronunciationThis means how well the candidate pronounces the language. As well as considering the communicative effect of the candidate's pronunciation, there is evaluation of how much strain it causes on a listener, and how noticeable their accent is - although the accent itself is not a problem. In terms of the elements I have identified at the beginning of this article, this criterion refers to speakers need to be able to produce the phonological aspects of speech.In the TOEFL, the candidate is recorded, and then at least three different examiners listen to this recording. They grade each of the six tasks on the recording separately against criteria in four areas. Levels go from 0 - 4, so there each band is broader than in an IELTS test. The criteria are below:●DeliveryThis means how well the candidate uses pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation, and whether their rate of speech, pausing or fluency is appropriate. In terms of the elements we have identified in the beginning of this article, this criterion refers to speakers need to be able to produce the phonological features of speech.●Language UseThis means how much vocabulary and how many structures the candidate has, and how well they use these two elements. As above, this includes the rules of language at a word level, the communicative functions of speech and the social meaning of speech.●Topic DevelopmentThis is a different kind of criteria which the IELTS does not have because as well as assessing the general cohesion and coherence of the candidate's answers (the rules of language at a word, sentence and text level and the communicative functions of speech), this criteria asks if the candidate has completed the task, which includes using the information they were given. In this way, this criterion evaluates both language and content.3.Should you act differently in these two exams?Once again, the speaking section differs greatly between the IELTS and the TOEFL exams. The IELTS speaking section lasts from 12 to 14 minutes and takes place with an examiner, rather than a computer as on the TOEFL. There is a short warm up exercise consisting mainly of small talk, followed by a response to some sort of visual stimulus and, finally, a more extended discussion of a related topic. On the TOEFL, you are asked to record responses on the computerof 45 - 60 seconds to six different questions based on brief descriptions / conversations. The speaking section of the test lasts 20 minutes.As we mentioned above, you are talking to an examiner in the IELTS speaking section. Therefore, a large part of communication is non-verbal. You are marked by the examiner in the room and you should try your best to show that person that you are a skilled communicator. I found it common that most of my students at Longre feel uncomfortable making eye contact with the examiner. If you do not do so, he/she is probably going to be less impressed with your performance. This is a speaking test and not a listening test. If you do not get the question you have been given, ask the examiner to repeat or explain it. If you try to answer a question you do not understand, you will almost certainly become incoherent. This is an exam and you need to show the best side of your spoken English. If you relax too much and become too conversational, your English may suffer. You need to recognize that this is not a true dialogue between two people: it is more of an interview with one person speaking and the other listening. In a conversation the speaking conventions are quite different: you expect the other person to share 50% of the talk time and to react to your comments, typically one person will not speak for any length of time.While in the TOEFL speaking test, which is happened in a big classroom with all the test takers, there is a very good chance that some of the other test takers would already have started their speaking before you and the noise they make while speaking may disturb you. The only effective strategy in this case is to disregard the noise. There is some time to listen to instructions. During this time concentrate solely on what you hear and pay no attention to what is going on around you.Also, try to use the preparation time effectively to draw the outline and details of your response. Time management is a crucial component. It is neither goodto finish long before the time is over nor is it pleasant to be unable to complete your response within the time. Try to answer the question as completely as possible within the given speaking time.4.ConclusionAs we have discussed above, both the IELTS and the TOEFL speaking tests seem to be a big challenge to most of Chinese students. They have quite the same criteria for the candidates, however, are tested in total different ways. As long as you know how to act differently and be fully prepared with lots of practice, you can take both of them down easily.。





















































什么是雅思和托福呢雅思全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)简称IELTS。


托福全名为检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language),简称TOEFL,中文由TOEFL而音译为“托福”。



今天我们就来看看除了,托福和雅思的区别费用之外,雅思和托福的区别有哪些?1. 出题机构(1)相异点:雅思(International English Language T esting System,简称IELTS)是由英国文化委员会(The British Council)、剑桥大学地方考试委员会(CUCLES)和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Education Australia)三大国际性机构联手举办的国际英语水平测试。






以中国的英语等级考试体系为例,中国英语等级考试(English Proficiency Test,简称CET)是一个常见的英语水平考试。


根据一般的评估,CET-4相当于国际英语能力等级(International English Language Testing System,简称IELTS)的5-5.5级,CET-6相当于IELTS的6-6.5级,CET-8相当于IELTS的7-7.5级,CET-SET相当于IELTS的8-8.5级。












小站托福official50的task3摘要:I.托福考试简介A.托福考试的重要性B.托福考试的内容和形式II.小站托福Official 50的Task 3A.Task 3的概述B.Task 3的考试要求C.Task 3的评分标准III.如何准备小站托福Official 50的Task 3A.提高听力技巧1.练习听力理解能力2.学习听力笔记技巧B.增强阅读能力1.阅读各种类型的文章2.提高阅读速度和准确性C.练习口语表达能力1.学习口语表达技巧2.模拟真实考试环境进行练习IV.总结A.强调Task 3在托福考试中的重要性B.提醒考生注意考试时间和流程C.鼓励考生积极备考,取得理想成绩正文:托福考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL)是评估非英语母语者在学术环境中使用英语的能力的重要考试。



在这四个部分中,Task 3是口语考试的一个重要环节。

小站托福Official 50的Task 3要求考生在听到一段校园生活相关的对话后,阅读一篇与对话主题相关的文章,然后回答一个与文章内容相关的问题。


在准备Task 3时,考生需要了解考试要求、评分标准以及如何提高自己的应试能力。


Task 3的听力材料通常包括校园生活相关的对话,例如学生与教授、图书管理员或同学之间的交流。




Task 3的文章通常涉及学术主题,如生物学、社会学等。







一、考试内容比较1. 托福考试托福考试是美国教育测试服务机构(ETS)主办的一项国际英语能力标准化考试。



2. 其他英语水平考试除了托福考试,还存在其他多种类型的英语水平考试,如雅思考试(IELTS)、剑桥商务英语考试(BEC)和剑桥英语考试(Cambridge English Exams)等。


二、考试形式比较1. 托福考试托福考试采用计算机化考试形式,即iBT(Internet-based Test)。



2. 其他英语水平考试除了托福考试,其他英语水平考试的形式也存在多样性。

雅思考试提供计算机和纸质两种形式供考生选择;剑桥商务英语考试分为四个级别测试,包括初级、中级、高级和Vantage级;剑桥英语考试则分为多个级别,如PET(Preliminary English Test)和FCE(First Certificate in English)等。

三、考试评估标准比较1. 托福考试托福考试的评估标准主要基于全球语言能力参考标准(GSE)。

















































估计托福110能相当于SAT 阅读650的水平。
















托福考试成绩解读托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)考试是一个用于衡量非英语为母语的人士英语能力的国际标准化考试。



1. 考试结构和分数托福考试包括听力、阅读、口语和写作四个部分,总分为120分。




2. 成绩的含义托福考试成绩是对考生英语水平的客观评估。

以下是对不同分数范围对应的能力水平的解读:- 0-14分:基本无法理解英语,在听力、阅读、口语和写作方面表达能力很弱。

- 15-21分:理解能力较差,只能掌握简单的对话和文章,表达不流畅。

- 22-30分:基本能理解口语和书面英语,并能与人交流和书写简单的内容。

- 31-40分:在英语听说读写方面有一定的能力,但表达上可能存在错误和不流利的地方。

- 41-55分:具备一定的听说读写能力,在简单和熟悉的话题上表达较为流利。

- 56-75分:具备较强的英语沟通能力,可以应对大部分日常和工作场景中的英语交流。

- 76-93分:在听、说、读、写方面的能力出众,可以处理复杂的语言任务和信息。

- 94-102分:英语水平接近于母语水平,能够轻松应对大部分的英语交流及专业需求。

- 103-120分:英语水平高超,几乎可以胜任任何英语环境下的交流和任务。

3. 成绩的影响托福成绩对申请留学和出国工作有直接的影响。
















中国英语能力量表 与国外考试对比

中国英语能力量表 与国外考试对比

中国英语能力量表与国外考试对比The Chinese English Proficiency Test (CEPT) is a standardized test designed to assess the English proficiency of Chinese speakers. It is widely used in China for purposes such as university admissions, job applications, and language learning programs. The CEPT consists of four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section is scored on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest possible score.In contrast, there are several internationally recognized English proficiency tests that are commonly used outside of China. These include the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), and the Cambridge English exams (such as the Cambridge First Certificate in English). These tests are used by universities, employers, and governments around the world to assess the English proficiency of non-native speakers.One key difference between the CEPT and these international tests is the level of difficulty. The CEPT is designed specifically for Chinese speakers and may be easier for them compared to the international tests, which are designed to be more challenging for non-native speakers. This can lead to discrepancies in scores between the CEPT and international tests,making it difficult to compare the English proficiency of Chinese speakers to that of non-native speakers.Another difference is the focus of the tests. The CEPT places a strong emphasis on grammar and vocabulary, reflecting the traditional Chinese approach to language learning. In contrast, the international tests focus more on communication skills and the ability to use English in real-life situations. This difference in focus can also lead to variations in scores between the CEPT and international tests.Overall, while the CEPT provides a valuable tool for assessing the English proficiency of Chinese speakers, it may not be directly comparable to international tests such as the TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge exams. It is important for test takers to be aware of these differences and to choose the test that best suits their needs and goals. Ultimately, the goal of any English proficiency test is to assess and improve one's English skills, regardless of the specific test used.。

中国英语能力量表 与国外考试对比

中国英语能力量表 与国外考试对比

中国英语能力量表与国外考试对比全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Chinese English Proficiency Scale Versus Foreign ExamsHey guys, do you know that in China, we have our own way of measuring how well we speak English? It's called the Chinese English Proficiency Scale. Let's take a look at how it compares to foreign exams like the TOEFL or IELTS.First of all, the Chinese English Proficiency Scale has six levels, from Novice to Master. Each level has specific criteria for speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. This is different from foreign exams, which usually have just one overall score.In China, we also have our own English exams like the College English Test (CET) and the Public English Test System (PETS). These exams are used to measure our English skills for educational and professional purposes. Foreign exams like the TOEFL and IELTS are more commonly used for studying abroad or immigration.One cool thing about the Chinese English Proficiency Scale is that it's based on the language needs of Chinese people. So the topics and vocabulary are more relevant to us. Foreign exams may have topics that are more global or international in nature.But the downside is that the Chinese English Proficiency Scale is not as well known outside of China. So if you want to study or work abroad, you may still need to take a foreign exam like the TOEFL or IELTS.In conclusion, both the Chinese English Proficiency Scale and foreign exams have their pros and cons. It's all about finding the right test that fits your goals and needs. So keep studying hard, guys, and keep improving your English skills! Thank you for listening!篇2Okay, let's talk about the China English Proficiency Scale and how it compares to exams in foreign countries. The China English Proficiency Scale is a way to measure how good you are at speaking English in different categories like listening, speaking, reading, and writing.In China, we have exams like the National College English Test (CET) and the Test for English Majors (TEM) to see how wellwe can communicate in English. These exams are important because a lot of jobs and universities require a certain level of English proficiency. The China English Proficiency Scale helps us figure out where we stand compared to other people in China.But how does it compare to exams in other countries like the TOEFL or IELTS? Well, the TOEFL and IELTS are more internationally recognized and are used by people all over the world. They focus on similar things like listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but they might have different test formats and questions.Some people might say that the China English Proficiency Scale is not as tough as the TOEFL or IELTS, while others might think it's just as challenging. It really depends on the person and how much they study and practice.Overall, the China English Proficiency Scale is a good way for us to see how we're doing in English compared to others in China. But if we want to compete on a global scale, we might need to take exams like the TOEFL or IELTS to show our English skills to people in other countries. It's important to keep studying and practicing English so we can communicate with people from all over the world!篇3Chinese English Ability Scale vs. Foreign ExamsHey guys! Today we're going to talk about Chinese English Ability Scale and compare it with foreign exams. So, let's get started!First of all, let's talk about the Chinese English Ability Scale. It's like a ruler, but for English! It measures how good we are at speaking, reading, writing, and listening in English. The scale has different levels, from A1 (beginner) to C2 (advanced). It's really cool because we can see where we are on the scale and know how much we need to improve.Now, let's talk about foreign exams like TOEFL and IELTS. These exams are from other countries, like the United States and the United Kingdom. They are used to test our English skills and see if we're ready to study or work in English-speaking countries. They have different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Just like the Chinese English Ability Scale, they also have different levels to show how well we can use English.So, how do they compare? Well, the Chinese English Ability Scale is more focused on Chinese learners and their needs. It helps us to see our progress and set goals for improving ourEnglish. On the other hand, foreign exams like TOEFL and IELTS are more universal and widely accepted by universities and companies around the world.In conclusion, both the Chinese English Ability Scale and foreign exams are important for us to improve our English skills. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they can help us to become better at English. So, let's keep studying hard and reach our goals on the English Ability Scale!That's all for today! Thanks for reading, and remember to keep practicing your English every day! See you next time!Bye-bye!篇4Hey guys! Today I want to talk about the Chinese English Proficiency Index (CEPI) and compare it to foreign exams. So,let's dive in!First off, the CEPI is a test that measures your English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It's kind of like a report card for how well you can use English. And it's super important because English is like a secret code that helps us communicate with people from all over the world.Now, let's talk about foreign exams like the TOEFL and IELTS. These exams are used by people in other countries to show how good they are at English. They're kind of like big, important tests that can help you get into college or get a really cool job.But, here's the thing - the CEPI is tailored specifically for Chinese students. That means it focuses on the things that Chinese students need to know to be successful in English. So, while foreign exams are great, the CEPI really speaks to us and helps us improve in areas where we might struggle.In conclusion, the CEPI is a great tool for us Chinese students to measure our English skills and improve. And while foreign exams are important too, nothing beats a test that's designed just for us! Keep studying, keep practicing, and keep rocking that English - you got this!篇5China's English Proficiency Scale vs Foreign ExamsHello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the China's English Proficiency Scale and how it compares to foreign exams. We all know that being able to speak English well is super important nowadays, so let's see how these different tests can help us improve our English skills!Firstly, let's talk about the China's English Proficiency Scale. It's like a ruler that measures how good you are at English. There are six levels in total, starting from beginner all the way up to advanced. Each level tests different skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It's a great way to track your progress and see how you're improving over time.Now, let's move on to foreign exams like the TOEFL or IELTS. These tests are used all over the world to measure English proficiency. They are more challenging than the China's English Proficiency Scale because they are designed for international students who want to study or work in English-speaking countries. They test your ability to communicate effectively in English and are recognized by universities and employers worldwide.So, how do these two compare? Well, the China's English Proficiency Scale is a great starting point for learners to build a strong foundation in English. It focuses on basic skills and is a good way to get started on your English learning journey. On the other hand, foreign exams like the TOEFL or IELTS are more comprehensive and test a wider range of skills.In conclusion, both the China's English Proficiency Scale and foreign exams are valuable tools for improving your English skills.Whether you're just starting out or aiming for fluency, there's a test out there for you. Just keep practicing and don't give up, and you'll be speaking English like a pro in no time! Thanks for listening, and good luck on your English learning journey!篇6Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the Chinese English Ability Scale and compare it to foreign exams. It's gonna be fun, so make sure you stick around!First of all, let's talk about the Chinese English Ability Scale. It's like a big ruler that measures how good you are at speaking and understanding English. There are different levels, like A, B, and C, with C being the best. It's kinda like getting a gold star on your homework!Now let's talk about foreign exams, like the TOEFL or the IELTS. These exams are from other countries and they also measure how good you are at English. They have levels too, like beginner, intermediate, and advanced. It's like playing a video game and trying to level up!So, how do the Chinese English Ability Scale and foreign exams compare? Well, they both test your English skills, like reading, listening, speaking, and writing. But the foreign examsmight be a little more challenging because they are from different countries and use different ways to test you.In conclusion, both the Chinese English Ability Scale and foreign exams are great ways to show off your English skills. So keep studying, keep practicing, and you'll be a English superstar in no time!That's all for today, folks. Thanks for listening and I'll see you next time! Bye-bye!篇7The China English Proficiency Test (CEPT) is a test that shows how good you are at speaking English in China. It's like the TOEFL or IELTS test that lots of people take in other countries to show how well they can speak English.In the CEPT test, there are four levels: A, B, C, and D. Level A is for beginners who know a little bit of English, while Level D is for advanced learners who are almost fluent in English. Each level has its own questions and tasks to see how well you understand and use English.Some people say that the CEPT test is easier than the TOEFL or IELTS test. They think that the questions are simpler and thetasks are not as hard. But that doesn't mean it's not important! The CEPT test is still a good way to see how good you are at English and can help you improve your skills.So, if you're a student in China and want to show off your English skills, why not try taking the CEPT test? It could be a fun challenge and help you get better at speaking English! Who knows, maybe one day you'll be speaking English as well as a native speaker!篇8Title: China English Proficiency Scale vs. Foreign TestsHey everyone! Today let's talk about English tests! You know how in China, we have this thing called the China English Proficiency Scale, right? Well, it's pretty important because it helps us know how good we are at speaking and understanding English.But have you ever wondered how it compares to the English tests in other countries? Let's find out!First of all, let's talk about the tests in China. The China English Proficiency Scale has six levels, from A1 (beginner) to C2 (advanced). It tests your listening, speaking, reading, and writingskills. It's a good way for us to see how well we are doing in English, and to track our progress.Now, let's look at some of the popular English tests in foreign countries. In the United States, they have tests like the TOEFL and the SAT. These tests focus on academic English and are often required for college admission. In the United Kingdom, they have tests like the IELTS and the Cambridge exams. These tests evaluate your overall English proficiency and are used for immigration and study abroad purposes.So how do these foreign tests compare to the China English Proficiency Scale? Well, they are all slightly different in terms of format and content. But the basic idea is the same – they all test your English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.In conclusion, the China English Proficiency Scale and foreign English tests serve the same purpose – to help us improve our English skills and achieve our goals. So whether you are preparing for the China English Proficiency Scale or a foreign English test, keep practicing and studying hard! You can do it!That's all for today, everyone! Keep working hard on your English and reach for the stars! See you next time!篇9Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the Chinese English Ability Scale and compare it to foreign exams.So in China, we have this thing called the Chinese English Ability Scale. It's like a big test that helps us see how good we are at English. There are different levels from A to E, with A being the best and E being the lowest. It's kind of like getting grades in school, but for English.Now, let's talk about foreign exams like TOEFL and IELTS. These exams are used all over the world to test how well people can speak, listen, read, and write in English. They have different sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking, and you have to do different tasks in each one.The Chinese English Ability Scale is a bit different from these foreign exams because it focuses more on reading and writing. It doesn't have a speaking section like TOEFL and IELTS. Some people say that these foreign exams are better because they test all four skills, but some people say that the Chinese English Ability Scale is good too because it helps us see our strengths and weaknesses in English.In conclusion, both the Chinese English Ability Scale and foreign exams like TOEFL and IELTS are important for testing our English skills. They may have different focuses, but they all helpus improve our English and become better at the language. Thank you for listening to my speech!篇10The China English Ability Scale and Foreign Exams ComparisonHi everyone! Today, I want to talk about something super important - English! We all know that learning English is so cool, right? But did you know that in China, we have something called the China English Ability Scale to measure how good we are at English? Let's learn more about it and compare it to exams from other countries.First, let's talk about the China English Ability Scale. It's like a big test that sees how well we can speak, read, write, and understand English. There are different levels, like A, B, and C, with C being the highest. It's kinda like leveling up in a game - the more you study, the higher level you can reach!Now, let's look at how the China English Ability Scale compares to exams from other countries, like the TOEFL or the IELTS. These exams are super famous and are used by people all around the world to show how good they are at English. The China English Ability Scale is similar in some ways, but alsodifferent. For example, the TOEFL and IELTS focus more on academic English, while the China English Ability Scale is more general and covers everyday English skills.In conclusion, the China English Ability Scale is a great way to see how good we are at English, but it's also important to know about exams from other countries. By studying hard and practicing our English skills, we can all become English champions! So keep reading, keep practicing, and remember - English is awesome!。














其次是剑桥英语考试(Cambridge English)。











关键词:toefl; cet;效度toefl(test of english as a foreign language)是为申请赴英语国家留学、移民的非英语国家学生而设,用来评定考生运用英语的能力,衡量非英语国家考生是否具备在英语环境中接受教育的能力而举行的大规模考试。


在我国,也有如cet(college english test) 即大学英语等级考试等英语测试,很多语言研究者都致力于英语语言测试学的研究,力求从理论上和实践上不断完善我国的英语测试水平,提高测试的效度和信度。






















什么是雅思和托福呢雅思全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System)简称IELTS。


托福全名为检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language),简称TOEFL,中文由TOEFL而音译为“托福”。



今天我们就来看看除了,托福和雅思的区别费用之外,雅思和托福的区别有哪些?1. 出题机构(1)相异点:雅思(International English Language T esting System,简称IELTS)是由英国文化委员会(The British Council)、剑桥大学地方考试委员会(CUCLES)和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Education Australia)三大国际性机构联手举办的国际英语水平测试。

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一. 大学英语四六级与托福



1. 四级VS托福:
(1) 四级达到及格线425分,则托福基本能达到50分
(2) 四级达到中等分数线500分,则托福基本能达到70分
(3) 四级达到中上等分数线600分,则托福基本能达到90-100分
(4) 四级达到650分以上,则托福基本能达到100+
2. 六级VS托福
(1) 六级达到及格线425,则托福基本能达到60分
(2) 六级达到中等分数线500分,则托福基本能达到80分
(3) 六级达到中上等分数线600分,则托福基本能达到90-105分
(4) 六级达到650分以上,则托福基本能达到105+
二. BEC中、高级与托福

1. BEC中级VS托福
(1) BEC等级为C,则托福基本能达到60分
(2) BEC等级为B,则托福基本能达到80分
(3) BEC等级为A,则托福基本能达到90+
2. BEC高级VS托福
(1) BEC等级为C,则托福基本能达到70分
(2) BEC等级为B,则托福基本能达到90+
(3) BEC等级为A,则托福基本能达到105+




