XOR-based schemes for fast parallel IP lookups
一、《方舟编译器》的技术特点1. 基于LLVM架构《方舟编译器》是基于LLVM(Low Level Virtual Machine)架构开发的,这为其提供了强大的编译优化能力和灵活的扩展性。
LLVM是一个开源的编译器基础设施,提供了一套通用的中间表示IR(Intermediate Representation)和优化器,可以应用于各种编程语言和目标架构。
2. 支持多种编程语言和目标架构《方舟编译器》支持多种主流的编程语言,包括C、C++、Rust等,可以为不同的应用场景提供编译支持。
3. 具有先进的优化技术《方舟编译器》内置了多种先进的编译优化技术,包括指令调度、循环优化、内存优化等,可以提高生成的机器码的运行效率和性能。
1. 显著提高了编译速度相比传统的编译器,华为《方舟编译器》在编译速度上有了显著的提升。
通过使用LLVM 的优化技术和并行编译技术,它能够在保证代码质量的前提下,将编译时间大大缩短,提高开发者的工作效率。
高级架构师考试题库及答案一、单选题1. 在软件架构中,以下哪一项不是微服务架构的特点?A. 服务独立性B. 服务自治性C. 服务集中管理D. 服务轻量级通信答案:C2. 以下关于分布式系统CAP理论的描述,哪一项是错误的?A. 一致性(Consistency)B. 可用性(Availability)C. 分区容错性(Partition tolerance)D. 所有分布式系统都可以同时满足CAP理论中的所有特性答案:D3. 在云原生架构中,以下哪个不是容器化技术的典型特点?A. 环境一致性B. 资源隔离C. 无需操作系统D. 快速启动答案:C二、多选题1. 以下哪些是微服务架构设计时需要考虑的关键因素?A. 服务拆分B. 服务发现C. 服务编排D. 数据一致性答案:A, B, C, D2. 在构建高可用性系统时,以下哪些措施是有效的?A. 负载均衡B. 冗余设计C. 单点故障D. 定期备份答案:A, B, D三、判断题1. 在分布式系统中,CAP理论告诉我们,一致性、可用性和分区容错性可以同时实现。
(对/错)答案:错2. 微服务架构中,服务之间通过同步调用可以提高系统的响应速度。
(对/错)答案:错四、简答题1. 描述一下在云原生架构中,服务网格(Service Mesh)的主要作用是什么?答案:服务网格的主要作用是管理微服务之间的通信,提供服务发现、负载均衡、故障恢复、度量和监控等功能,同时它还有助于实现服务间的安全通信,如加密和授权。
2. 解释一下在分布式系统中,为什么需要进行服务拆分?答案:服务拆分是为了提高系统的可维护性、可扩展性和容错性。
五、案例分析题1. 假设你是一个高级架构师,你的团队正在设计一个面向全球的在线购物平台。
云计算HCIP考试题与答案一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1.在 FusionCompute 中,创建中继类型的端口组时,不可以配置以下哪一项?A、发送流量整形B、填充 TCP 校验和C、IP 与 MAC 绑定D、DHCP 隔离正确答案:C2.FusionCompute 配置上行链路时,需要添加下列哪种类型的端口A、存储接口B、端口组C、BMC 网口D、聚合网口正确答案:D3.瘦终端内不包含操作系统,仅仅是一个用于呈现远程虚拟桌面显示内容和接入外设的硬件设备。
A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B4.FusionCompute 分布式虚拟交换机一方面可以对多台服务器的虚拟交换机统配置、管理和监控。
A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A6.在使用云桌面的时候,视频播放不流畅,属于哪种类型的故障?A、登录连接故障B、外设使用故障C、性能体验故障D、业务发放故障正确答案:C7.在 FusionCompute 中,添 IP SAN 存储资源,达到虚拟机可以使用该资源的目的,正确的添加步骤是以下哪一项?A、添加主机存储接口>添加存储资源>添加数据存储>扫描存储设备B、添加存储资源>添加主机存储接口>扫描存储设备>添加数据存储C、添加主机存储接口>添加存储资源>扫描存储设备>添加数据存储D、添加数据存储>添加主机存储接口>添加存储资源>扫描存储设备正确答案:C8.在 FusionCompute 分布式交换机里,虚拟机与外部通信依靠的是什么端口?A、端口组B、上行链路C、存储接口D、Mgnt正确答案:B9.FusionCompute 在勾选一致性快照后会保存当前虚拟机内存中的数据,在还原虚拟机时能还原虚拟机创建快照时的内存状态。
异构集群 算力
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The placement ofmatrices when usingXOR-based hashingBavo Nootaert∗,Hans Vandierendonck∗,Koen De Bosschere∗∗ELIS,Ghent University,Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat41,9000Gent,BelgiumABSTRACTTo reduce the number of conflicts in caches,hash function are used.One family of hash function that has been reported to perform well in the presence of stride patterns are based on XOR-ing address bits together.We show that,in contrast to traditional modulo-2m-based hashing,for XOR-based hashing the placement of stride patterns and matrices has a significant impact on conflicts. KEYWORDS:cache,optimization,stride pattern,XOR-based hash function1IntroductionHash functions have been studied with the aim of avoiding conflict misses in caches[Schl93, Gonz97,Toph99].In scientific programs,stride patterns are common.It is important to choose a hash function so as to map as many strides as possible with few conflicts.Conven-tional bit selection has the disadvantage of mapping even strides onto only one halve of the sets.A well studied alternative are the XOR-based hash functions[Frai85,Gonz97,Vand05], and a special subclass thereof,the polynomial hash functions[Rau91].These functions are computed using arithmetic over GF(2)and can be evaluated using solely XOR-gates.In[Toph99]benchmarks are used to measure the performance of these hash functions. Analytical studies of XOR-based hash functions are usually limited to vector space pat-terns[Frai85,Vand05].Analyzing these patterns is rather restrictive,since this class con-tains only certain strides,aligned to certain base addresses.In[Rau91],some properties are proven about the effect of polynomial hash functions on stride patterns starting at base ad-dress0.Although some of the theorems can be extended to include a different base address [Noot05],they are aimed at determining equivalence among patterns,and generally can-not say whether a particular base address is actually a good choice.Indeed,the number of conflicts varies greatly depending on the alignment of the stride pattern.In Section2we model self interference in a matrix using stride patterns.In Section3 we use this model to show the potential impact of the base address,independent of any particular benchmark.10000 1500020000 25000 300000 2e+06 4e+06 6e+068e+06 1e+07n u m b e r o f c o n f l i c t s base address Figure 1:The number of conflicts for a 976×976matrix.2A model for self interference in a matrixWe focus on self interference [Lam91]in a matrix:if the cache is large enough,cross inter-ference can be ignored.Assume interference is mainly restricted to within separate columns or rows of a matrix.This assumption is valid if each column or row is reused repeatedly,without intermediate accesses to other columns of the same matrix.A matrix can now be considered as a collection of stride patterns.An S ×S matrix stored in row major order is made of S patterns with stride S (the columns),and S with stride 1(the rows).Let a be the starting address of a matrix A .The patterns with stride S start at addresses a ,a +1,...,a +S −1,and the others start at addresses a ,a +S ,...,a +(S −1)S .A conflict occurs when an element of a pattern is mapped to a set that already contains an element.The number of conflicts is independent of the order in which the elements are mapped.We define the number of conflicts of a matrix as the sum of the conflicts of the column access patterns and the row access patterns.3An exampleConsider a cache with 213sets and a mapping that XORs two slices of 13bits together,and discards any bits above the 26least significant.Assume for simplicity that a cache line can hold exactly one element of the matrix.Figure 1shows the number of conflicts for S =976and base addresses ranging from 0to 10,000,000.Here,optimal placement reduces the number of conflicts with about 59%compared to the worst case.As can be observed,there is some symmetry,which is described next.Proofs can be found in [Noot05].For a pattern with stride S of size W ,the number of conflicts is symmetric around the points b j ,given by:b j =2j +t + S 2 − W S 2−1,where t is the smallest integer that makes b 0positive.The range [0,2b j ]does not reach b j +1.So if one examines the base addresses starting from 0,the range ]2b j ,b j +1]contains new information.In this range,there may be an optimal base address that has not yet been discovered.After the range[0,2b0],which is symmetric since b0is its center,has been reflected around b1,both the original and its image are reflected again around b2,resulting in four copies of the range.After the next symmetry point,we have eight copies,and so on.It can be proven that for the model described in Section2,the number of conflicts for a matrix shows a similar symmetric behavior.The symmetry points for an S×S-matrix areb j =2j+t −S22,where t is the smallest integer that makes b 0positive.4ConclusionThe base address of a stride pattern or a matrix pattern has a significant impact on the num-ber of conflicts,when mapped using a XOR-based hash function.This is the opposite of conventional modulo-based hashing,where the base address has no effect at all on self in-terference.These results offer a new possibility for optimizing the number of conflicts. References[Frai85]J.F RAILONG,W.J ALBY,AND J.L ENFANT.XOR-schemes:aflexible data organi-zation in parallel memories.In Proceedings of the1985International Conference onParallel Processing,pages276–283,August1985.[Gonz97] A.G ONZÁLEZ,M.V ALERO,N.T OPHAM,AND J.P ARCERISA.Eliminating cache conflict misses through XOR-based placement functions.In ICS’97:Proceedings ofthe11th international conference on Supercomputing,pages76–83.ACM Press,1997. [Lam91]M.L AM,E.R OTHBERG,AND M.E.W OLF.The cache performance and opti-mizations of blocked algorithms.In Proceedings of the Fourth International Con-ference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems,pages63–74,April1991.[Noot05] B.N OOTAERT,H.V ANDIERENDONCK,AND K.D E B OSSCHERE.How patterns in memory references affect the performance of hash functions in cache memories.Technical Report R105.002,Ghent University,March2005.[Rau91] B.R AU.Pseudo-randomly interleaved memory.In Proceedings of the18th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture,pages74–83,May1991. [Schl93]M.S CHLANSKER,R.S HAW,AND S.S IVARAMAKRISHNAN.Randomization and associativity in the design of placement-insensitive caches.Technical report,HPComputer Systems Laboratory,June1993.[Toph99]N.T OPHAM AND A.G ONZÁLEZ.Randomized Cache Placement for Eliminating Conflicts.IEEE Transactions on Computers,48(2):185–192,1999.[Vand05]H.V ANDIERENDONCK AND K.D E B OSSCHERE.XOR-based Hash Functions.IEEE Transactions on Computers,54(7):800–812,2005.。
云计算HCIP复习题+参考答案一、单选题(共60题,每题1分,共60分)1、在 FusionCompute 集群配置中,虚拟机启动策略只有负载均衡启动策略。
A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B2、在 FusionCompute 克隆虚拟机过程中,以下哪一项属性可以自定义?A、虚拟机磁盘的容量B、虚拟机的操作系统类型和版本号C、虚拟机的 CPU 数D、虚拟机磁盘的总线类型正确答案:C3、经过 vAG 访虚拟机时,向组件发送什么信息,才能从 H DC 获取虚拟机的 IP 和端口?A、Login TicketB、Address TicketC、Network TicketD、Token正确答案:B4、在 FusionAccess 中,管理员可以为虚拟机桌面配置策略,且策略发布后将立即生效。
A、TB、F正确答案:B5、下面哪项不是 FusionAccess 系统故障定位常见的方法?A、在管理界面检查数据配置是否正确。
B、在客户虚拟机侧观察 CPU 利用率。
正确答案:B6、在 FusionCompute 中,以下关于虚拟机模板的描述,不正确的是哪一项?A、导入模板:可调整部分参数设置,使其与本地虚拟机模板稍有不同B、虚拟机克隆为模板:克隆完成后,该虚拟机仍可正常使用C、虚拟机转为模板:转换后,该虚拟机仍可正常使用D、模板克隆为模板:克隆完成后,原模板仍存在正确答案:C7、FusionCompute 不支持查有业务虚机的哪些指标?A、磁盘 loB、虚拟机 NMA 结构C、CPU 使用率D、网络吞吐量正确答案:B8、华为云计算环境中,对于软件负载均衡器,描述正确的是?A、虚拟机里面部署 HAProxy 负载均衡软件B、部署灵活,管理方便,无额外硬件费用C、性能有限,不适合大规模吞吐量,可利用虚拟机的 HA 实现自己的高可用D、以上说法均正确正确答案:D9、FusionCompute 虚拟化 SAN 储存心跳默认使用的是以下哪一个网络平面?A、存储平面B、专有 SAN 储存心跳平面C、心跳平面D、业务平面正确答案:B10、在 FusionCompute 中,虚拟机的磁盘模式为从属类型时,下面描述正确的是?A、快照中不包含该从属磁盘,更改将立即写入磁盘,重启后失效。
存储HCIP模考试题与答案一、单选题(共38题,每题1分,共38分)1.某应用的数据初始容量是 500GB.,备份频率是每周 1 次全备,6 次增备,全备和增备的数据保存周期均为 4 周,冗余比为 20%。
则 4 周的后端存储容量为:A、3320GB.B、3504GB.C、4380GB.D、5256GB.正确答案:D2.以下哪个不是 NAS 系统的体系结构中必须包含的组件?A、可访问的磁盘阵列B、文件系统C、访问文件系统的接口D、访问文件系统的业务接口正确答案:D3.华为主备容灾方案信息调研三要素不包括哪一项?A、项目背景B、客户需求与提炼C、项目实施计划D、现网环境确认正确答案:C4.以下哪个不是华为 WushanFS 文件系统的特点A、性能和容量可单独扩展B、全对称分布式架构,有元数据节点C、元数据均匀分散,消除了元数据节点性能瓶颈D、支持 40PB 单一文件系统正确答案:B5.站点 A 需要的存储容量为 2543GB.,站点 B 需要的存储容量为3000GB.,站点 B 的备份数据远程复制到站点 A保存。
考虑复制压缩的情况,压缩比为 3,计算站点 A 需要的后端存储容量是多大?A、3543GB.B、4644GB.C、3865GB.D、4549GB.正确答案:A6.关于华为 Oceanstor 9000 各种类型节点下硬盘的性能,由高到低的排序正确的是哪一项?A、P25 Node SSD 硬盘-〉P25 Node SAS 硬盘-〉P12 SATA 硬盘-〉P36 Node SATA 硬盘-〉C36 SATA 硬盘B、P25 Node SSD 硬盘-〉P25 Node SAS 硬盘-〉P12 SATA 硬盘-〉C36 SATA 硬盘C、P25 Node SSD 硬盘-〉P25 Node SAS 硬盘-〉P36 Node SATA 硬盘-〉P12 SATA 硬盘-〉C36 SATA 硬盘D、P25 Node SSD 硬盘-〉P25 Node SAS 硬盘-〉P36 Node SATA 硬盘-〉C36 SATA 硬盘-〉P12 SATA 硬盘正确答案:C7.关于华为 Oceanstor 9000 软件模块的描述不正确的事哪一项?A、OBS(Object-Based Store)为文件系统元数据和文件数据提供可靠性的对象存储功能B、CA(Chent Agent)负责 NFS/CIFS/FTP 等应用协议的语义解析,并发送给底层模块处理C、快照、分级存储、远程复制等多种增值特性功能是由 PVS 模块提供的D、MDS(MetaData Service)管理文件系统的元数据,系统的每一个节点存储可所以元数据正确答案:D8.下面属于华为存储 danger 类型的高危命令的时哪个命令?A、reboot systemB、import configuration_dataC、show alarmD、chang alarm clear sequence list=3424正确答案:A9.华为 Oceanstor 9000 系统提供的文件共享借口不包括以下哪个选项?A、ObjectB、NFSC、CIFSD、FTP正确答案:A10.以下哪个选项不属于 oceanstor toolkit 工具的功能?A、数据迁移功能B、升级功能C、部署功能D、维护功能正确答案:A11.某用户用 Systemreporter 分析其生产设备 Oceanstor 9000 时发现某分区的部分节点 CPU 利用率超过 80%,但平均CPU 利用率约为 50%,另外发现某个节点的读写带宽始终保持在性能规格的 80%以上,其他节点则均在 60%以下,该场景下,推荐使用如下哪种负载均衡策略?A、轮循方式B、按 CPU 利用率C、按节点吞吐量D、按节点综合负致正确答案:D12.下列选项中关于对象存储服务(兼容 OpenStack Swift 接口) 概念描述错误的是:A、Account 就是资源的所有者和管理者,使用Account 可以对Container 进行增、删、查、配置属性等操作,也可以对 Object 进行上传、下载、查询等操作。
FortiSwitch Data Center switches deliver a Secure,Simple, Scalable Ethernet solution with outstandingthroughput, resiliency and scalability. Virtualizationand cloud computing have created dense high-bandwidthEthernet networking requirements. FortiSwitch DataCenter switches meet these challenges by providing ahigh performance 10 GE, 40 GE or 100 GE capableswitching platform, with a low Total Cost of Ownership.Ideal for Top of Rack server or firewall aggregationapplications, as well as SD-Branch network core deployments, these switches are purpose-built to meet the needs of today’s bandwidth intensive environments.FortiSwitch™ Data Center SeriesStandalone ModeThe FortiSwitch has a native GUI and CLI interface. All configuration and switch administration can be accomplished through either of theseinterfaces. Available ReSTful API’s offer additional configuration and management options.FortiLink ModeFortiLink is an innovative proprietary management protocol that allows our FortiGate Security Appliance to seamlessly manage any FortiSwitch. FortiLink enables the FortiSwitch to become a logical extension of the FortiGate integrating it directly into the Fortinet Security Fabric. This management option reduces complexity and decreases management cost as network security and access layer functions are enabled and managed through a single console.3FortiSwitch 1024D — frontFortiSwitch 1048D — frontFortiSwitch 1048D — backFortiSwitch 3032D — frontFortiSwitch 3032D — backFortiSwitch 1048E — frontFortiSwitch 1048E — backFortiSwitch 1024D — backFortiSwitch 3032E — frontFortiSwitch 3032E — backLAG support for FortiLink Connection YesActive-Active Split LAG from FortiGate to FortiSwitches for Advanced Redundancy YesFORTISWITCH 1024D FORTISWITCH 1048D FORTISWITCH 1048E FORTISWITCH 3032D FORTISWITCH 3032E Layer 2Jumbo Frames Yes Yes Yes Yes YesAuto-negotiation for port speed and duplex Yes Yes Yes Yes YesIEEE 802.1D MAC Bridging/STP Yes Yes Yes Yes YesIEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)Yes Yes Yes Yes YesIEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSTP Root Guard Yes Yes Yes Yes YesEdge Port / Port Fast Yes Yes Yes Yes YesIEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Fortinet Warranty Policy: /doc/legal/EULA.pdfFortiSwitch 1024DFortiSwitch 1048DFortiSwitch 1048E7FortiSwitch 3032D* Fortinet Warranty Policy: /doc/legal/EULA.pdfFortiSwitch 3032EGLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Fortinet Inc.899 KIFER ROAD Sunnyvale, CA 94086United StatesTel: +/salesEMEA SALES OFFICE 905 rue Albert Einstein 06560 Valbonne FranceTel: +33.4.8987.0500APAC SALES OFFICE 8 Temasek Boulevard#12-01 Suntec Tower Three Singapore 038988Tel: +65.6395.2788LATIN AMERICA SALES OFFICE Sawgrass Lakes Center13450 W. Sunrise Blvd., Suite 430 Sunrise, FL 33323United StatesTel: +1.954.368.9990Copyright© 2019 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet®, FortiGate®, FortiCare® and FortiGuard®, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., in the U.S. and other jurisdictions, and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. In no event does Fortinet make any commitment related to future deliverables, features or development, and circumstances may change such that any forward-looking statements herein are not accurate. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.FST -PROD-DS-SW4 FS-DC-DAT-R18-201903FortiSwitch ™ Data Center SeriesORDER INFORMATIONFS-SW-LIC-3000SW License for FS-3000 Series Switches to activate Advanced Features.* When managing a FortiSwitch with a FortiGate via FortiGate Cloud, no additional license is necessary.For details of Transceiver modules, see the Fortinet Transceivers datasheet.。
INDUSTRY-LEADING CLOUD MANAGEMENT• Unified firewall, switching, wireless LAN, and mobile device man-agement through an intuitive web-based dashboard• Template based settings scale easily from small deployments to tens of thousands of devices• Role-based administration, configurable email alerts for a variety of BRANCH GATEWAY SERVICES• Built-in DHCP, NAT, QoS, and VLAN management services • Web caching: accelerates frequently accessed content• Load balancing: combines multiple WAN links into a single high-speed interface, with policies for QoS, traffic shaping, and failover FEATURE-RICH UNIFIED THREAT MANAGEMENT (UTM) CAPABILITIES• Application-aware traffic control: bandwidth policies for Layer 7 application types (e.g., block Y ouTube, prioritize Skype, throttle BitTorrent)• Content filtering: CIPA-compliant content filter, safe-seach enforcement (Google/Bing), and Y ouTube for Schools• Intrusion prevention: PCI-compliant IPS sensor using industry-leading SNORT® signature database from Cisco• Advanced Malware Protection: file reputation-based protection engine powered by Cisco AMP• Identity-based security policies and application managementINTELLIGENT SITE-TO-SITE VPN WITH MERAKI SD-WAN• Auto VPN: automatic VPN route generation using IKE/IPsec setup. Runs on physical MX appliances and as a virtual instance within the Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure cloud services• SD-WAN with active / active VPN, policy-based-routing, dynamic VPN path selection and support for application-layer performance profiles to ensure prioritization of the applications types that matter • Interoperates with all IPsec VPN devices and services• Automated MPLS to VPN failover within seconds of a connection failure• Client VPN: L2TP IPsec support for native Windows, Mac OS X, iPad and Android clients with no per-user licensing feesOverviewCisco Meraki MX Security & SD-WAN Appliances are ideal for organizations considering a Unified Threat Managment (UTM) solution fordistributed sites, campuses or datacenter VPN concentration. Since the MX is 100% cloud managed, installation and remote management are simple. The MX has a comprehensive suite of network services, eliminating the need for multiple appliances. These services includeSD-WAN capabilities, application-based firewalling, content filtering, web search filtering, SNORT® based intrusion detection and prevention, Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP), web caching, 4G cellular failover and more. Auto VPN and SD-WAN features are available on our hardware and virtual appliances, configurable in Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure.Meraki MXCLOUD MANAGED SECURITY & SD-WANRedundant PowerReliable, energy efficient design with field replaceable power suppliesWeb Caching 128G SSD diskDual 10G WAN Interfaces Load balancing and SD-WAN3G/4G Modem Support Automatic cellular failover1G/10G Ethernet/SFP+ Interfaces 10G SFP+ interfaces for high-speed LAN connectivityEnhanced CPU Layer 3-7 firewall and traffic shapingAdditional MemoryFor high-performance content filteringINSIDE THE CISCO MERAKI MXMX450 shown, features vary by modelModular FansHigh-performance front-to-back cooling with field replaceable fansManagement Interface Local device accessMulticolor Status LED Monitor device statusFRONT OF THE CISCO MERAKI MXMX450 shown, features vary by modelCryptographic AccelerationReduced load with hardware crypto assistCisco Threat Grid Cloud for Malicious File SandboxingIdentity Based Policy ManagementIronclad SecurityThe MX platform has an extensive suite of security features including IDS/IPS, content filtering, web search filtering, anti-malware, geo-IP based firewalling, IPsec VPN connectivity and Cisco Advanced Malware Protection, while providing the performance required for modern, bandwidth-intensive yer 7 fingerprinting technology lets administrators identifyunwanted content and applications and prevent recreational apps like BitT orrent from wasting precious bandwidth.The integrated Cisco SNORT® engine delivers superior intrusion prevention coverage, a key requirement for PCI 3.2 compliance. The MX also uses the Webroot BrightCloud® URL categorization database for CIPA / IWF compliant content-filtering, Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) engine for anti-malware, AMP Threat Grid Cloud, and MaxMind for geo-IP based security rules.Best of all, these industry-leading Layer 7 security engines and signatures are always kept up-to-date via the cloud, simplifying network security management and providing peace of mind to IT administrators.Organization Level Threat Assessment with Meraki Security CenterSD-WAN Made SimpleTransport independenceApply bandwidth, routing, and security policies across a vari-ety of mediums (MPLS, Internet, or 3G/4G LTE) with a single consistent, intuitive workflowSoftware-defined WAN is a new approach to network connectivity that lowers operational costs and improves resource us-age for multisite deployments to use bandwidth more efficiently. This allows service providers to offer their customers the highest possible level of performance for critical applications without sacrificing security or data privacy.Application optimizationLayer 7 traffic shaping and appli-cation prioritization optimize the traffic for mission-critical applica-tions and user experienceIntelligent path controlDynamic policy and perfor-mance based path selection with automatic load balancing for maximum network reliability and performanceSecure connectivityIntegrated Cisco Security threat defense technologies for direct Internet access combined with IPsec VPN to ensure secure communication with cloud applications, remote offices, or datacentersCloud Managed ArchitectureBuilt on Cisco Meraki’s award-winning cloud architecture, the MX is the industry’s only 100% cloud-managed solution for Unified Threat Management (UTM) and SD-WAN in a single appliance. MX appliances self-provision, automatically pulling policies and configuration settings from the cloud. Powerful remote management tools provide network-wide visibility and control, and enable administration without the need for on-site networking expertise.Cloud services deliver seamless firmware and security signature updates, automatically establish site-to-site VPN tunnels, and provide 24x7 network monitoring. Moreover, the MX’s intuitive browser-based management interface removes the need for expensive and time-consuming training.For customers moving IT services to a public cloud service, Meraki offers a virtual MX for use in Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, enabling Auto VPN peering and SD-WAN for dynamic path selection.The MX67W, MX68W, and MX68CW integrate Cisco Meraki’s award-winning wireless technology with the powerful MX network security features in a compact form factor ideal for branch offices or small enterprises.• Dual-band 802.11n/ac Wave 2, 2x2 MU-MIMO with 2 spatial streams • Unified management of network security and wireless • Integrated enterprise security and guest accessIntegrated 802.11ac Wave 2 WirelessPower over EthernetThe MX65, MX65W, MX68, MX68W, and MX68CW include two ports with 802.3at (PoE+). This built-in power capability removes the need for additional hardware to power critical branch devices.• 2 x 802.3at (PoE+) ports capable of providing a total of 60W • APs, phones, cameras, and other PoE enabled devices can be powered without the need for AC adapters, PoE converters, or unmanaged PoE switches.MX68 Port ConfigurationVirtual MX is a virtual instance of a Meraki security appliance, dedicated specifically to providing the simple configuration benefits of site-to-site Auto VPN for customers running or migrating IT services to the public cloud. A virtual MX is added via the Amazon Web Services or Azure marketplace and then configured in the Meraki dashboard, just like any other MX. It functions like a VPN concentrator, and features SD-WAN functionality like other MX devices.• An Auto VPN to a virtual MX is like having a direct Ethernetconnection to a private datacenter. The virtual MX can support up to 500 Mbps of VPN throughput, providing ample bandwidth for mission critical IT services hosted in the public cloud, like Active Directory, logging, or file and print services.• Support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AzureMeraki vMX100MX68CW Security ApplianceLTE AdvancedWhile all MX models feature a USB port for 3G/4G failover, the MX67C and MX68CW include a SIM slot and internal LTE modem. This integrated functionality removes the need for external hardware and allows for cellular visibility and configuration within the Meraki dashboard.• 1 x CAT 6, 300 Mbps LTE modem • 1 x Nano SIM slot (4ff form factor)• Global coverage with individual orderable SKUs for North America and WorldwideMX67C SIM slotSmall branch Small branch Small branch Small branch50250 Mbps250 Mbps250 Mbps200 Mbps1Requires separate cellular modemMX67MX67C MX68MX68CW 1Requires separate cellular modemMedium branch Large branch Campus orVPN concentrator Campus orVPN concentratorRack Mount Models 1Requires separate cellular modemVirtual AppliancesExtend Auto-VPN and SD-WAN to public cloud servicesAmazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure1 + VirtualIncluded in the BoxPackage Contents Platform(s)Mounting kit AllCat 5 Ethernet cable (2)AllAC Power Adapter MX64, MX64W, MX65, MX65W, MX67, MX67W, MX67C, MX68, MX68W, MX68CWWireless external omni antenna (2)MX64W, MX65W, MX67W, MX68W250W Power Supply (2)MX250, MX450System Fan (2)MX250, MX450SIM card ejector tool MX67C, MX68CWFixed external wireless and LTE paddle antennas MX68CWRemovable external LTE paddle antennas MX67CLifetime Warranty with Next-day Advanced ReplacementCisco Meraki MX appliances include a limited lifetime hardware warranty that provides next-day advance hardware replacement. Cisco Meraki’s simplified software and support licensing model also combines all software upgrades, centralized systems management, and phone support under a single, easy-to-understand model. For complete details, please visit /support.ACCESSORIES / SFP TRANSCEIVERSSupported Cisco Meraki accessory modulesNote: Please refer to for additional single-mode and multi-mode fiber transceiver modulesPOWER CABLES1x power cable required for each MX, 2x power cables required for MX250 and MX450. For US customers, all required power cables will beautomatically included. Customers outside the US are required to order power cords separately.SKUMA-PWR-CORD-AUThe Cisco Meraki MX84, MX100, MX250, MX450 models support pluggable optics for high-speed backbone connections between wir-ing closets or to aggregation switches. Cisco Meraki offers several standards-based Gigabit and 10 Gigabit pluggable modules. Each appliance has also been tested for compatibility with several third-party modules.Pluggable (SFP) Optics for MX84, MX100, MX250, MX450AccessoriesManagementManaged via the web using the Cisco Meraki dashboardSingle pane-of-glass into managing wired and wireless networksZero-touch remote deployment (no staging needed)Automatic firmware upgrades and security patchesTemplates based multi-network managementOrg-level two-factor authentication and single sign-onRole based administration with change logging and alertsMonitoring and ReportingThroughput, connectivity monitoring and email alertsDetailed historical per-port and per-client usage statisticsApplication usage statisticsOrg-level change logs for compliance and change managementVPN tunnel and latency monitoringNetwork asset discovery and user identificationPeriodic emails with key utilization metricsDevice performance and utilization reportingNetflow supportSyslog integrationRemote DiagnosticsLive remote packet captureReal-time diagnostic and troubleshooting toolsAggregated event logs with instant searchNetwork and Firewall ServicesStateful firewall, 1:1 NAT, DMZIdentity-based policiesAuto VPN: Automated site-to-site (IPsec) VPN, for hub-and-spoke or mesh topologies Client (IPsec L2TP) VPNMultiple WAN IP, PPPoE, NATVLAN support and DHCP servicesStatic routingUser and device quarantineWAN Performance ManagementWeb caching (available on the MX84, MX100, MX250, MX450)WAN link aggregationAutomatic Layer 3 failover (including VPN connections)3G / 4G USB modem failover or single-uplinkApplication level (Layer 7) traffic analysis and shapingAbility to choose WAN uplink based on traffic typeSD-WAN: Dual active VPN with policy based routing and dynamic path selection CAT 6 LTE modem for failover or single-uplink1MX67C and MX68CW only Advanced Security Services1Content filtering (Webroot BrightCloud CIPA compliant URL database)Web search filtering (including Google / Bing SafeSearch)Y ouTube for SchoolsIntrusion-prevention sensor (Cisco SNORT® based)Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)AMP Threat Grid2Geography based firewall rules (MaxMind Geo-IP database)1 Advanced security services require Advanced Security license2 Threat Grid services require additional sample pack licensingIntegrated Wireless (MX64W, MX65W, MX67W, MX68W, MX68CW)1 x 802.11a/n/ac (5 GHz) radio1 x 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz) radioMax data rate 1.2 Gbps aggregate (MX64W, MX65W), 1.3Gbps aggregate (MX67W,MX68W, MX68CW)2 x 2 MU-MIMO with two spatial streams (MX67W, MX68W, MX68CW)2 external dual-band dipole antennas (connector type: RP-SMA)Antennagain:*************,3.5dBi@5GHzWEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK, WPA2-Enterprise with 802.1X authenticationFCC (US): 2.412-2.462 GHz, 5.150-5.250 GHz (UNII-1), 5.250-5.350 GHZ (UNII-2), 5.470-5.725 GHz (UNII-2e), 5.725 -5.825 GHz (UNII-3)CE (Europe): 2.412-2.484 GHz, 5.150-5.250 GHz (UNII-1), 5.250-5.350 GHZ (UNII-2)5.470-5.600 GHz, 5.660-5.725 GHz (UNII-2e)Additional regulatory information: IC (Canada), C-Tick (Australia/New Zealand), RoHSIntegrated Cellular (MX67C and MX68CW only)LTE bands: 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, and 19 (North America). 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 20, 26, 28A, 28B, 34, 38, 39, 40, and 41 (Worldwide)300 Mbps CAT 6 LTEAdditional regulatory information: PTCRB (North America), RCM (ANZ, APAC), GCF (EU)Power over Ethernet (MX65, MX65W, MX68, MX68W, MX68CW)2 x PoE+ (802.3at) LAN ports30W maximum per portRegulatoryFCC (US)CB (IEC)CISPR (Australia/New Zealand)PTCRB (North America)RCM (Australia/New Zealand, Asia Pacific)GCF (EU)WarrantyFull lifetime hardware warranty with next-day advanced replacement included.Specificationsand support). For example, to order an MX64 with 3 years of Advanced Security license, order an MX64-HW with LIC-MX64-SEC-3YR. Lifetime warranty with advanced replacement is included on all hardware at no additional cost.*Note: For each MX product, additional 7 or 10 year Enterprise or Advanced Security licensing options are also available (ex: LIC-MX100-SEC-7YR).and support). For example, to order an MX64 with 3 years of Advanced Security license, order an MX64-HW with LIC-MX64-SEC-3YR. Lifetime warranty with advanced replacement is included on all hardware at no additional cost.*Note: For each MX product, additional 7 or 10 year Enterprise or Advanced Security licensing options are also available (ex: LIC-MX100-SEC-7YR).and support). For example, to order an MX64 with 3 years of Advanced Security license, order an MX64-HW with LIC-MX64-SEC-3YR. Lifetime warranty with advanced replacement is included on all hardware at no additional cost.*Note: For each MX product, additional 7 or 10 year Enterprise or Advanced Security licensing options are also available (ex: LIC-MX100-SEC-7YR).。
云计算HCIP模考试题(含参考答案)一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1.FusionAccess 组件 WI 实现的主要功能是?A、提供最终用户的接入界面入口B、桌面接入登录负载均衡C、桌面接入的协议网关,内外网隔离、传输加密D、与虚拟机中的 HDA 进行交互,收集 HDA 上报的虚拟机状态及接入状态正确答案:A2.某企业准备上线华为桌面云系统,该企业对数据安全性要求高,现对用户虚拟机进行整机备份,以下哪个是不需要考虑的事项?A、备份软件:优秀的备份软件包括加速备份、自动操作、灾难恢复等特殊功能,对于安全有效的数据备份是非常重要的。
B、备份网络:备份网络可以选择 SAN,也可以选择 LAN,它是数据传输的通道,数据备份的效率高低与备份网络有密切关系。
正确答案:D3.DNS 域名的层次结构是?A、顶级域-二级域-子域-主机B、根域-顶级域-二级域-子域-主机C、根域-顶级域-二级域-三级域-子域-主机D、根域-二级域-子域-主机正确答案:B4.FusionCompute 上,DP M 功能可用的前提是配置了单选主机的 BMC 信息。
A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A5.在 FusionCompute 中,以下关于分布式虚拟交换机特性的描述,错误的是哪一项?A、每个 VM 可以具有多个 vNIC 接口,每个 vNIC 可以加入分布式交换机的多个端口组B、每个分布式交换机可配置多个端口组,每个端口组具有各自的属性C、用户可以配置多个分布式交换机,每个分布式交换机可以覆盖集群中的多个 CNA 节点D、每个分布式交换机可以配置一个上行链路组,用于 VM 对外的通信正确答案:A6.在 FusionAccess 中,当虚拟机的业务平面与 TC 网络平面不通时,虚拟机需添加除业务平面网卡和管理平面网卡外,与 TC 网络平面互通的第三张网卡A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A7.在FusionCompute 中,三台虚拟机共用一个CPU 线程,主频为2.8GHz。
图像加密英文翻译 译文
编号:毕业设计(论文)英文翻译(译文)学院:数学与计算科学学院专业:信息与计算科学学生姓名:覃洁文学号: 1000710222指导教师单位:数学与计算科学学院姓名:王东职称:副教授2014年 6 月7 日Parallel image encryption algorithm based on discretized chaotic mapAbstractRecently, a variety of chaos-based algorithms were proposed for image encryption. Nevertheless, none of them works efficiently in parallel computing environment. In this paper, we propose a framework for parallel image encryption. Based on this framework, a new algorithm is designed using the discretized Kolmogorov flow map. It fulfills all the requirements for a parallel image encryption algorithm. Moreover, it is secure and fast. These properties make it a good choice for image encryption on parallel computing platforms.1. IntroductionIn recent years, there is a rapid growth in the transmission of digital images through computer networks especiallythe Internet. In most cases, the transmission channels are not secure enough to prevent illegal access by malicious listeners. Therefore the security and privacy of digital images have become a major concern. Many image encryption methods have been proposed, of which the chaos-based approach is a promising direction [1–9].In general, chaotic systems possess several properties which make them essential components in constructingcryptosystems:(1) Randomness: chaotic systems generate long-period, random-like chaotic sequence ina deterministic way.(2) Sensitivity: a tiny difference of the initial value or system parameters leads to a vast change of the chaoticsequences.(3) Simplicity: simple equations can generate complex chaotic sequences.(4) Ergodicity: a chaotic state variable goes through all states in its phase space, and usually those states are distributeduniformly.In addition to the above properties, some two-dimensional (2D) chaotic maps are inherent excellent alternatives forpermutation of image pixels. Pichler and Scharinger proposed a way to permute the image using Kolmogorov flow mapbefore a diffusion operation [1,2]. Later, Fridrich extended this method to a more generalized way [3]. Chen et al. proposedan image encryption scheme based on 3D cat maps [4]. Lian et al. proposed another algorithm based on standardmap [5]. Actually, those algorithms work under the same framework: all the pixels are first permuted with a discretizedchaotic map before they are encrypted one by one under the cipher block chain (CBC) mode where the cipher of the current pixel is influenced by the cipher of previous pixels. The above processes repeat for several rounds and finally thecipher-image is obtained.This framework is very effective in achieving diffusion throughout the whole image. However, it is not suitable forrunning in a parallel computing environment. This is because the processing of the current pixel cannot start until theprevious one has been encrypted. The computation is still in a sequential mode even if there is more than one processingelement (PE). This limitation restricts its application platform since many devices based on FPGA/CPLD or digital circuitscan support parallel processing. With the parallel computing technique, the speed of encryption is greatly accelerated.Another shortcoming of chaos-based image encryption schemes is the relatively slowcomputing speed. The primaryreason is that chaos-based ciphers usually need a large amount of real number multiplication and division operations,which cost vast of computation. The computational efficiency will be increase substantially if the encryption algorithmscan be executed on a parallel processing platform.In this paper, we propose a framework for parallel image encryption. Under such framework, we design a secure andfast algorithm that fulfills all the requirements for parallel image encryption. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 introduces the parallel operating mode and its requirements. Section 3 presents the definitions and propertiesof four transformations which form the encryption/decryption algorithm. In Section 4, the processes ofencryption, decryption and key scheduling will be described in detail. Experimental results and theoretical analysesare provided in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. Finally, we conclude this paper with a summary.2. Parallel mode2.1 Parallel mode and its requirementsIn parallel computing mode, each PE is responsible for a subset of the image data and possesses its own memory.During the encryption, there may be some communication between PEs (see Fig. 1).To allow parallel image encryption, the conventional CBC-like mode must be eliminated. However, this will cause anew problem, i.e. how to fulfill the diffusion requirement without such mode. Besides, there arise some additional requirements for parallel image encryption:1. Computation load balance The total time of a parallel image encryption scheme is determined by the slowest PE, since other PEs have to waituntil such PE finishes its work. Therefore a good parallel computation mode can balance the task distributed to each PE.2. Communication load balance There usually exists lots of communication between PEs. For the same reason as of computation load, the communication load should be carefully balanced.3. Critical area management When computing in a parallel mode, many PEs may read or write the same area of memory (i.e. critical area) simultaneously,which often causes unexpected execution of the program. It is thus necessary to use some parallel techniquesto manage the critical area.2.2 A parallel image encryption frameworkTo fulfill the above requirements, we propose a parallel image encryption framework, which is a four-step process: Step 1: The whole image is divided into a number of blocks. Step 2: Each PE is responsible for a certain number of blocks. The pixels inside a block are encrypted adequately witheffective confusion and diffusion operations. Step 3: Cipher-data are exchanged via communication between PEs to enlarge the diffusion from a block to a broaderscope. Step 4: Go to step 2 until the cipher image reaches the required level of security.In step 2, diffusion is achieved, but only within the small scope of one block. With theaid of step 3, however, suchdiffusion effect is broadened. Note that from the cryptographic point of view, data exchange in step 3 is essentially apermutation. After several iterations of steps 2 and 3, the diffusion effect is spread to the whole image. This means thata tiny change in one plain-image pixel will spread to a substantial amount of pixels in the cipher-image. To make theframework sufficiently secure, two requirements must be fulfilled:1. The encryption algorithm in step 2 should be sufficiently secure with the characteristic of confusion and diffusion aswell as sensitivity to both plaintext and key.2. The permutation in step 3 must spread the local change to the whole image in a few rounds of operations.The first requirement can be fulfilled by a combination of different cryptographic elements such as S-box, Feistel-structure,matrix multiplications and chaos map, etc., or we can just use a conventional cryptographic standard suchas AES or IDEA. The second one, however, is a new topic resulted from this framework. Furthermore, such permutationshould help to achieve the three additional goals presented in Section 2.1. Hence, the permutation operation isone of the focuses of this paper and should be carefully studied.Under this parallel image encryption framework, we propose a new algorithm which is based on four basic transformations. Therefore, we will first introduce those transformations before describing our algorithm.3. Transformations3.1 A-transformationIn A-tran sformation, …A‟ stands for addition. It can be formally defined as follow: a+b=c ,where a,b,cϵG,G=GF(28), and the addition is defined as the bitwise XOR operation. The transformation A has three fundamental properties:(2.1)a+a=0(2.2)a+b=b+a (2)(2.3)(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)3.2 M-transformationIn M-transformation, …M‟ stands for mixing of data. First, we introduce the sum transformation: sum:m×n→Gthensum(I) is defined as: sum(1)= a(ij)Now we give the definition of M-transformation as follows: M:m×n→m×nLet M(I)=C I= a(ij)C=(c(ij)(3) c(ij)=a(ij)+sum(I)It is easy to prove the following properties of the M-transformation:(5.1)M(M(I))=I(5)(4) (5.2)M(I+J)=M(I)+M(J)(5.3)M(kj)=kM(I),where kI=1,k∈NIt should be noted that all the addition operations from are the A-transformation indeed.3.3 S-transformationIn S-transformation, …S‟ stands for S-box substitution. There are lots of ways to constructan S-box, among whichthe chaotic approach is a good candidate. For example, Tang et al presented a method to design S-box based on discretized logistic map and Baker map [10]. Following this work, Chen et al. proposed another method to obtain an S-box,which leads to a better performance [11]. The process is described as follows:Step 1: Select an initial value for the Chebyshev map. Then iterate the map to generate the initial S-box table.Step2: Pile up the 2D table to a 3D one.Step 3: Use the discretized 3D Baker map to shuffle the table for many times. Finally, transform the 3D table back to2D to obtain the desired S-box. Experimental results show that the resultant S-box is ideal for cryptographic applications. The approach is alsocalled …dynamic‟ as different S-boxes are obtained when the initial value of Chebyshev map is changed. However,for the sake of simplicity and performance, we use a fixed S-box, i.e. the example given in [11] (see Table 1).3.4 K-transformationIn K-transformation, …K‟ stands for Kolmogorov flow, which is often called generalized Baker map [3]. The applicationof Kolmogorov flow for image encryption was first proposed by Pichler and Scharinger [1,2]. The discrete version of K-flow is given by :whered = (n1,n2, . . . ,nk), ns is an positive integer, and ns divide N for all s, = 1/ns, while Fsis still the leftbound of the vertical strip s:Note that the Eq. (6) can be interpreted by the geometrical transformation shown in Fig.2. The N ·N image is firstdivided into vertical rectangles of height N and width ns. Then each vertical rectangle is further divided into boxes ofheight psand width ns. After K-transformation, pixels from the same box are actually mapped to a single row.Table 1The proposed S-box is the example given in [11]161 85 129 224 176 50 207 177 48 205 68 60 1 160 117 46130 124 203 58 145 14 115 189 235 142 4 43 13 51 52 19152 153 83 96 86 133 228 136 175 23 109 252 236 49 167 92106 94 81 139 151 134 245 72 172 171 62 79 77 231 82 32238 22 63 99 80 217 164 178 0 154 240 188 150 157 215 232180 119 166 18 141 20 17 97 254 181 184 47 146 233 113 12054 21 183 118 15 114 36 253 197 2 9 165 132 204 226 64107 88 55 8 221 65 185 234 162 210 250 179 61 202 248 247213 89 101 108 102 45 56 5 212 10 12 243 216 242 84 111143 67 93 123 11 137 249 170 27 223 186 95 169 116 163 25174 135 91 104 196 208 148 24 251 39 40 31 16 219 214 74140 211 112 75 190 73 187 244 182 122 193 131 194 149 121 76156 168 222 34 241 70 255 229 246 90 53 225 100 30 37 237103 126 38 200 44 209 42 29 41 218 71 155 78 125 173 28128 87 239 3 191 158 199 138 227 59 69 220 195 66 192 2304 MASK–aparallel image encryption scheme4.1.Outline of the proposed encryption schemeAssume the N·Nimage is encrypted by nPEssimultaneously, we describe the parallel encryption schemeas follows:1.Each PE is responsible for some fixe drow so fpixelsin the image.2. PixelsofeachrowareencryptedusingtransformationM,A,S,respectively.3. Permuteall the pixelsaccording to transformation Ktohavefur the rdiffusion.4. Goto step 2 forano the rroun do fencryptio nuntilthecip her issufficiently secure.Thereforeboththepermutationmapanditsparametersmustbecarefullychosen.Inouralgorithm ,disaconstantvectorwithlengthq,whereq=N/n.Eachelementofthevectorisequalton Each PE is responsible for q consecutive rows, or more specifically, the ith PE is responsible for rows from (i-1) * qto i* q-1. This algorithm can fulfil all the requirements for parallel encryption, as analyzed below.1.Diffusion effect in the whole imageAssume that the operations in step 2 are sufficiently secure. After step 2, a tiny change of the plain pixel will diffuse tothe whole row of N pixels. If we choose d according to Eq. (7), it is easy to prove that those N cipher pixels will bepermuted to different q rows with the help of K-transformation in step 3. In the same way, after another round ofencryption, the change is spread to q rows, and after the third round, the whole cipher image is changed. Consequently,in our scheme, the smallest change of any single pixel will diffuse to the whole image in 3 rounds.2.Balance of communication loadIf the parameter d of (6) is chosen as (7), it is easy to prove that the data exchanged between two PEs are constant,i.e., equal to 1/q2 of the total number of image pixels. For each PE, this quantity becomes (q _ 1)/q2. Therefore, inour scheme, the communication load of each PE is equivalent, and there is no unbalance of communication load forthe PEs at all.3. Balance of computation loadThe data to be encrypted by each PE is equally q rows of pixels; hence computation load balance is achievednaturally.4. Critical area managementIn our scheme, under no circumstances would two PEs read from or write to the same memory. Therefore, we do notneed to impose any critical area management technique in our scheme as other parallel computation schemes oftendo.The above discussions have shown that the proposed scheme fullfil all the requirements for parallel image encryption ,which is mainly attributed to the chaotic Kolmogorov map and the choice of its parameters.4.2 CipherThe cipher is made up of a number of rounds. However, before the first round, the image is pre-processed with a K-transformation.Then in each round, the transformation M, A, S, K is carried out, respectively. The final round differsslightly from the previous rounds in that the S-transformation is omitted on purpose. The transformations M, A, Soperate on one row of pixels by each PE, while the transformation K operates on the whole image which necessarilyinvolves communicationbetween PEs. The cipher is described by the pseudo-code listed in Fig. 3.4.3 Round key generationAmong the four transformations, only transformation A needs a round key. For an 8-bit grey level image of N ·Npixels, a round key containing N bytes should be generated for transformation A in each round.Generally speaking, the round keys should be pseudo-random and key-sensitive. From this point of view, a chaotic map is a good alternative. In our scheme, we use the skew tent map to generate the required round keys.x/μ,0<x<μx(1)=(1−x)/(1−u) ,μ<x<1 (8) The chaotic sequence is determined by the system parameter l and initial state x0 of the chaotic map either of whichis a real number between 0 and 1. Although the chaotic map equation is simple, it generates pseudo-random sequencesthat are sensitive to both the system parameter and the initial state. This property makes the map an ideal choice for keygeneration.When implemented in a digital computer, the state of the map is stored as a floating point number. The first 8 bits ofeach state are extracted as one byte of the round key. Accordingly, we need to iterate the skew tent map for N times ineach round.4.4 DecipherIn general, the decryption procedures are composed of a reversed order of the transformations performed in encryption. This property also holds in our scheme. However, with careful design, the decryption process of our scheme canhave the same, rather than the reversed, order of transformations as the cipher. This impressive characteristic attributesto two properties of the transformations:(1)Transformation-S and transformation-K are commutable. Transformation-S substitutes only the value of eachpixel and is independent of its position. On the other hand, transformation-K changes only a pixel‟s position with It‟s value unchanged. Consequently, the relation between the twotransformations can be expressed in (9):K(S(I))=S(K(I))(2) Transformation-Mis a linear operation according to (5). Moreover, the addition defined in (5.2) is actually transformationA. Thus the relation between the two transformations can be expressed in (10):M(A(I,J))=A(M(I),M(J)In short, either transformations S and K, or transformations M and Acan interchange their computation order withno influence on the final result. Table 2 illustrates how these two properties affect the order of the transformations ofdecipher in a simple example of 2-round cipher.It is easy to observe that for a cipher composed of multiple rounds, the decipher process still has the same sequenceof transformations as the cipher. Hence, both the cipher and decipher share the same framework. However, there are still some slight differences between the encryption and decryption processes:(1)The round keys used in decipher is in a reversed order of that in cipher, and those keysshould be first applied thetransformation M.(2)The transformation K and S in decipher should use their inversetransformations.However, since transformation K and S can both be implemented by look-up table operations, their inverse transformationsdiffer just in content of look-up tables. Consequently, all above difference in computations can be translatedinto difference in data.The symmetric property makes our scheme very concise. It also reduces lots of codes for a computer system implementingboth the cipher and decipher. For hardware implementation, this property results in a reduction of cost forboth devices.Table 2 The process of equivalent decipher in 2-round encryptionThe remarkable structure of our scheme looks more concise and saves a lot of codes during implementation. This isdefinitely an advantage when compared with other chaos-based ciphers5 Experimental resultsIn this section, an example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the experiment, a greylevel image …Lena‟ of size 256 * 256 pixels, as shown in Fig. 4a, is chosen as the plain-image. The number of PEs is chosenas 4. The key of our system, i.e. the initial state x0 and the system parameter l are stored as floating point numberwith a precision of 56-bits. In the example presented here, x0 = 0.12345678, and l = 1.9999.When the encryption process is completed, the cipher-image is obtained and is shown in Fig. 4b. Typically, weencrypt the plain-image for 9 rounds as recommended.5.1 HistogramHistogram of the plain-image and the cipher-image is depicted in Figs. 4c and d, respectively. These two figures showthat the cipher-image possesses the characteristic of uniform distribution in contrast to that of the plain-image.5.2 Correlation analysis of two adjacent pixelsThe correlation analysis is performed by randomly select 1000 pairs of two adjacent pixels in vertical, horizontal,and diagonal direction, respectively, from the plain-image and the ciphered image. Then the correlation coefficientof the pixel pair is calculated and the result is listed in Table 3. Fig. 5 shows the correlation of two horizontally adjacentpixels. It is evident that neighboring pixels of the cipher-image has little correlation.5.3 NPCR analysisNPCR means the change rate of the number of pixels of the cipher-image when only one pixel of the plain-image ismodified. In our example, the pixel selected is the last pixel of the plain-image. Its value is changed from (01101111)2 to (01101110)2. Then the NPCR at different rounds are calculated and listed in Table 4. The data show that the performanceis satisfactory after 3 rounds of encryption. The different pixels of the two cipher-images after 9 rounds are plottedin Fig. 6. Fig. 4.(a) Plain-image, (b) cipher-image, (c) histogram of plain-image, (d) histogram of cipher-image. Table 3 Correlation coefficient of two adjacent pixels in plain-image and cipher-image. Fig.5. Correlation of two horizontally adjacent pixels of (a) plain image; (b) cipher image, x-coordinate and y-coordinate is the greylevel of twoneighbor pixels, respectively. Table 4 NPCR of two cipher-images at different rounds.5.4 UACI analysisThe unified average changing intensity (UACI) index measures the average intensity of differences between twoimages. Again, we make the same change as in Section 5.3 and calculate the UACI between two cipher-images. Theresults are in Table 5. After three rounds of encryption, the UACI is converged to 1/3. It should be noticed thatthe average error between two random sequences uniformly distribution in [0, 1] is 1/3 if they are completely uncorrelatedwith each other. Fig. 6.Difference between two ciphered images after 9 rounds. White points (about 1/256 of the total pixels) indicate the positionswhere pixels of the two cipher-images have the same values. Table 5 UACI of two cipher-images.6 Security and performance analysis6.1 DiffusionThe NPCR analysis has revealed that when there is only 1 bit of the plain pixel changed, almost all the cipher pixelsbecome different although there is still a low possibility of 1/256 that two cipher pixels are equal. This diffusion firstattributes to transformation S since change of any bit of the input to the S-box influences all the output bits at a changerate of 50%. Then, the diffusion is spread out to the whole row by transformation M. Finally, transformation K helps toenlarge the diffusion to 25% of the image in 2 rounds, and to the whole image in 3 rounds.6.2 ConfusionThe histogram and correlation analyses of adjacent pixels both indicate that our scheme possesses a good propertyof confusion. This mainly results from the pseudo-randomness of the key schedule and transformations M and A. Theywork together to introduce the random-like effect to the cipher image. Transformation K is also helpful in destroyingthe local similarity of the plain-image.6.3 Brute-force attackThe proposed scheme uses both the initial state x0 and the system parameter l as the secret key whose total number of bits is 112. It is by far very safe for ordinary business applications. Therefore, our scheme is strong enough to resistbrute-force attack. Moreover, it is very easy to increase the number of bits for both x0 and μ.6.4 Other security issuesSomeone may argue that, in our scheme, transformation K is not governed by any key. However, this reduces littlesecurity of our scheme. As a matter of fact, most conventional encryption algorithms such as DES and AES use publicpermutations. There are at least two reasons for it. First, permutations governed by key slow down the speed of encryption,for it costs time to generate those permutations from the key. Secondly and the foremost, weak permutations maybe generated from some keys, which harm to the security of the system. Actually, a permutation that helps to achievediffusion and confusion is a better alternative.More specifically, in a parallel encryption system, if the permutationhelps to achieve computation and communication load balance, it is a good alternative. From this point of view, transformationK is a proper choice.6.5 Performance analysisThe proposed algorithm runs very fast as there are only logical XOR and table lookup operations in the encryptionand decryption processes. Although multiplications and divisions are required in transformation K, the transformationis fixed once the number of PE is fixed. Hence, they can be pre-computed and stored in a lookup table. More accurately,there are only 3 XOR operations (2 for transformation M and 1 for transformation A) and 2 lookup table operations (1 for transformation S and 1 for transformation K) for each pixel in each round. On the contrary, for the simplest logisticmap with 56-bit precision state variable, one multiplication costs about 28 additions in average. In our keyschedule,multiplications are also required in the skew tent map. However, there are only N such multiplications in each round ,and hence an average of 1/N multiplications for each pixel per round. Furthermore, when the algorithm runs on a parallel platform, the performance can increase nearly n times than ordinary sequential image encryption scheme. Therefore, as far as the performance is concerned, our scheme is superior than existing ones.7 ConclusionIn this paper, we introduced the concept of parallel image encryption and presented several requirements for it. Thena framework for parallel image encryption was proposed and a new algorithm was designed based on this framework. The proposed algorithm is successful in accomplishing all the requirements for a parallel image encryption algorithmwith the help of discretized Kolmogorov flow map. Moreover, both the experimental results and theoretical analysesshow that the algorithm possesses high security. The proposed algorithm is also fast; there are only a couple ofXOR operations and table lookup operations for each pixel. Finally, the decryption process is identical to that ofthe cipher. Taking into account all the virtues mentioned above, the proposed algorithm is a good choice for encryptingimages in a parallel computing platform.References[1] Pichler F, Scharinger J. 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Image encryption using chaotic logistic map. Image Vision Comput2006;24(9):926–34.[10] Tang Guoping, Liao Xiaofeng, Chen Yong. A novel method for designing S-boxes based on chaoticmaps. Chaos, Solitons&Fractals 2005;23:413–9.[11] Chen G, Chen Y, Liao X. An extended method for obtaining S-boxes based on three-dimensionalchaotic Baker maps. Chaos,Solitons& Fractals 2007;31(3):571–9Digital Image Processing1 IntroductionMany operators have been proposed for presenting a connected component n a digital image by a reduced amount of data or simplied shape. In general we have to state that the development, choice and modi_cation of such algorithms in practical applications are domain and task dependent, and there is no \best method". However, it is interesting to note that there are several equivalences between published methods and notions, and characterizing such equivalences or di_erences should be useful to categorize the broad diversity of published methods for skeletonization. Discussing equivalences is a main intention of this report.1.1 Categories of MethodsOne class of shape reduction operators is based on distance transforms. A distance skeleton is a subset of points of a given component such that every point of this subset represents the center of a maximal disc (labeled with the radius of this disc) contained in the given component. As an example in this _rst class of operators, this report discusses one method for calculating a distance skeleton using the d4 distance function which is appropriate to digitized pictures. A second class of operators produces median or center lines of the digital object in a non-iterative way. Normally such operators locate critical points _rst, and calculate a speci_ed path through the object by connecting these points.The third class of operators is characterized by iterative thinning. Historically, Listing [10] used already in 1862 the term linear skeleton for the result of a continuous deformation of the frontier of a connected subset of a Euclidean space without changing the connectivity of the original set, until only a set of lines and points remains. Many algorithms in image analysis are based on this general concept of thinning. The goal is a calculation of characteristic properties of digital objects which are not related to size or quantity. Methods should be independent from the position of a set in the plane or space, grid resolution (for digitizing this set) or the shape complexity of the given set. In the literature the term \thinning" is not used .in a unique interpretation besides that it always denotes a connectivity preserving reduction operation applied to digital images, involving iterations of transformations of speci_ed contour points into background points. A subset Q _ I of object points is reduced by a de_ned set D in one iteration, and the result Q0 = Q n D becomes Q for the next iteration.。
云计算HCIP习题库(含参考答案)一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1.在 FusionCompute 中,已切换为 SR-IOV 模式的网卡可以更换为不支持 SR-IOV 模式的网卡。
A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B3.以下哪一项内存复用技术可以回收虚拟机暂时不用的物理内存,分配给需要复用内存的虚拟机?A、内存置换B、内存共享C、内存透明大页D、内存气泡正确答案:D4.FusionCompute 支持使用 VMDK 类型磁盘文件导入,以创建新的虚拟机。
A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:B5.在 FusionCompute 中,以下关于虚拟机模板的描述,不正确的是?A、虚拟机克隆为模板:克隆完成后,该虚拟机仍可正常使用。
正确答案:C6.在 FusionCompute 中,CPU 资源以什么单位衡量?A、THZB、线程数C、核数D、GHz正确答案:D7.FusionCompute 中端口聚合会使用什么进行负荷分担?A、源目 MACB、源目 IPC、源目端口D、源目端口组正确答案:A8.华为桌面云系统本地备份方式产生的备份文件存放路径是?A、/var /huawei/vdes ktop/backupB、/backupC、/var/backupD、/var /vdesktop/backup正确答案:D9.对于采用 GPU 硬件虚拟化技术的桌面虚拟机,一个 vGPU 最多可以绑定给几个桌面虚拟机使用?A、32 个B、无数个C、1 个D、3 个正确答案:C10.下列关于 IMC 的功能描述正确的是?A、IMC 配置可以确保集群内的主机向虚拟机提供相同的 CPU 功能集,即使这些主机的实际 CPU 不同,也不会因 CPU 不兼容而导致迁移虚拟机失败。
DOI: 10.11772/j. issn. 1001-9081.2019040598
(三亚学院信息与智能工程学院,海南三亚572022) (* 通信作者电子邮箱 liukainan_2016@ 126. com)
摘要:为了节省云数据中心的能量消耗,提出了几种基于贪心算法的虚拟机(VM)迁移策略。这些策略将虚拟 机迁移过程划分为物理主机状态检测、虚拟机选择和虚拟机放置三个步骤,并分别在虚拟机选择和虚拟机放置步骤 中采用贪心算法予以优化。提出的三种迁移策略分别为:最小主机使用效率选择且最大主机使用效率放置算法 MinMax_Host_Utilization、最大主机能量使用选择且最小主机能量使用放置算法MaxMin_Host_Power_Usage、最小主机 计算能力选择且最大主机计算能力放置算法MinMax_Host_MIPSo针对物理主机处理器使用效率、物理主机能量消 耗、物理主机处理器计算能力等指标设置最高或者最低的阈值,参考贪心算法的原理,在指标上超过或者低于这些阈 值范围的虚拟机都将进行迁移。利用CloudSim作为云数据中心仿真环境的测试结果表明,基于贪心算法的迁移策略 与CloudSim中已存在的静态阈值迁移策略和绝对中位差迁移策略比较起来 ,总体能量消耗少15%,虚拟机迁移次数 少60% ,平均SLA违规率低5%。
Abstract: In order to save the energy consumption in cloud data center, some greedy algorithms-based Virtual Machine
(VM) migration strategies were proposed. In these strategies, the virtual migration process was divided into physical host status detection, virtual machine selection and virtual machine placement, and the greedy algorithm was adopted in the process o£ virtual selection and virtual placement respectively. The three proposed migration strategies were: Minimum Host Utilization selection, Maximum Host Utilization placement (MinMax_Host_Utilization); Maximum Host Power Usage selection, Minimum Host Power Usage placement (MaxMin_Host_Power_Usage); Minimum Host MIPS selection, Maximum Host MIPS placement (MinMax_Host_MIPS). The maximum or minimum thresholds were set for the processor utilization efficency, the energy consumption and the processor computing power of physical host. According to the principle of greedy algorithm, the virtual machines with indicators higher or lower than the thresholds should be migrated. With CloudSim as the simulated cloud data center, the test results show that compared with the static threshold and median absolute deviation migration strategies existing in CloudSim, the proposed strategies have the total energy consumption reduced by 15%, the virtual machine migration number decreased by 60%, and the average SLA violation rate lowered about 5%.
例如,在传统的机器学习算法中,由于XOR 问题的线性不可分性,传统的线性分类器无法解决XOR语句。
因此,在使用XOR 语句时,需要根据实际的任务需求和数据特征等因素来选择适当的模型和算法。
对象存储服务 3.0(OBS)3.23.3h&s并行文件系统特性指南文档版本01发布日期2023-03-30版权所有 © 华为云计算技术有限公司 2023。
华为云计算技术有限公司地址:贵州省贵安新区黔中大道交兴功路华为云数据中心邮编:550029网址:https:///目录1 简介 (1)1.1 什么是并行文件系统 (1)1.2 应用场景 (1)1.3 约束限制 (1)1.4 使用方式 (2)2 控制台方式 (3)2.1 创建并行文件系统 (3)3 API方式 (5)3.1 支持的API列表 (5)1简介1.1 什么是并行文件系统并行文件系统(Parallel File System)是对象存储服务(Object Storage Service,OBS)提供的一种经过优化的高性能文件系统,提供毫秒级别访问时延,TB/s级别带宽和百万级别的IOPS,能够快速处理高性能计算(HPC)工作负载。
1.2 应用场景并行文件系统提供高兼容性、高性能、高可扩展性、高可靠性的能力,适用各种高性能计算以及媒资归档场景。
主要的应用场景如下:视频监控:公安社会视频、商业监控、家庭监控点播:OTT分发、媒资库HPC:聚焦基因测序、制造业CAE场景大数据:日志分析、内容推荐、运营报表、用户画像、交互式分析1.3 约束限制操作限制●不支持将已有的OBS桶修改为并行文件系统,创建并行文件系统方法请参见创建并行文件系统。
VMware vSphere Flash Read Cache 与 XstreamCORE 集成配置
The Power Behind the Storage+1.716.691.1999 | T ake advanTage of vM ware v S phere ® f laSh r ead C aChe ™ (v frC) wiTh X STreaM Core™Adding remote flash to ESXi™ hosts and allocating it as read cache is supported inVMware® as of ESXi 5.5. VMware vFRC is a feature that allows hosts to use solid state drives as a caching layer for virtual machines virtual disks to improve performance by moving frequently read information closer to the CPU. Now SAS shelves of SSDs can be added to the datacenter where hosts can be allocated and assigned the flash they need to improve each VMs read performance.VMware has published vFRC performance numbers that show database performance can be increased between 47% - 145% through proper sizing and application of vFRC. vFRC requires VMware vSphere® Enterprise Plus™ edition.X STreaM Core® addS f laSh SSd S To up To 64 hoSTS per applianCe pairATTO XstreamCORE® interfaces with commodity shelves of up to 240 total SAS/SATASSDs per appliance. XstreamCORE supports the ability to map Fibre Channel initiators directly to SAS LUNs up to a maximum of 64 ESXi hosts. This benefits hosts that may be space constrained from adding SSD drives, such as blade servers or servers without free drive slots. ATTO recommends that appliances be installed in pairs for redundancy both in Fibre Channel pathways as well as to connect to multiple SAS controllers of a JBOF shelf. Multiple XstreamCORE appliance pairs can be added to a fabric to support far more than 64 hosts in a single data center.X STreaM Core e liMinaTeS The need for e nTerpriSe S Torage • XstreamCORE FC 7550/7600 presents SAS/SATA SSDs on Fibre Channel fabrics to allESXi hosts for use as local SSD flash for hosts and read cache for VMs or even rawSSD capacity storage space •Allows the use of commodity JBOFs to scale up to 240 total SSD devices perappliance pair instead of more expensive All Flash or Enterprise storage •No hardware or software licensing required to utilize all XstreamCORE features •XstreamCORE features the ATTO xCORE processor which accelerates all I/O inhardware ensuring a deterministic, consistent protocol conversion latency of lessthan 4 microseconds •XstreamCORE advanced features including host group mapping, which isolatesspecific Fibre Channel initiators to specific SSD LUNs ensuring hosts can only seethe SSDs they are allocated. This mapping can be quickly and easily changed as host needs and additional SSDs are added to the environmentXstreamCORE connects up to 10 shelves of flash SSDs to a Fibre Channel fabric and then to up to 64 VMware ESXi hosts. This storage is then set up as remote flash for hosts or as SSD LUNs to scale up existing storage.ATTO XstreamCORE 7550 or 76006Gb and 12Gb SSD JBOF Shelvesa dding SSd S aS r ead C aChe via f ibre C hannelXstreamCORE listed in the VMware Compatibility Guide07/10/19Host Read Cache for VMware DatacentersAddexternAlSAS/SAtA SSd F lASh with M ultipAthing And F ibre C hAnnel Support。
算法设计羚通羚羊算力算法的设计基于以下几个关键原则:1. 任务分解算法将复杂的计算任务分解为多个子任务,并将其分配给不同的计算节点进行并行计算。
2. 资源调度算法通过智能的资源调度机制,将计算资源分配给不同的子任务。
3. 数据处理算法对数据进行合理的处理和优化,以减少数据传输和存储的开销。
4. 错误处理算法具备强大的容错和错误处理能力。
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XOR-based schemes for fast parallel IP lookupsGiancarlo Bongiovanni∗Paolo Penna†‡AbstractAn IP router must forward packets at gigabit speed in order to guarantee a good quality of service.Two important factors make this task a challenging problem:(i)for each packet,the longest matching prefix in the forwarding table must be quickly computed;(ii)the routingtables contain several thousands of entries and their size grows significantly every year.Becauseof this,parallel routers have been developed which use several processors to forward packets.In this work,we present a novel algorithmic technique which,for thefirst time,exploits theparallelism of the router to also reduce the size of the routing table.Our method is scalableand requires only a minimal additional hardware.Indeed,we prove that any IP routing table Tcan be split into two subtables T1and T2such that:(a)|T1|can be any positive integer k≤|T|and|T2|≤|T|−k+1;(b)the two routing tables can be used separately by two processors sothat the IP lookup on T is obtained by simply XOR-ing the IP lookup on the two tables.Ourmethod is independent on the data structure used to implement the lookup search and it allowsfor a better use of the processors L2cache.For real routers routing tables,we also show how toachieve simultaneously:(a)|T1|is roughly7%of the original table T;(b)the lookup on tableT2does not require the best matching prefix computation.Keywords:IP lookup,best matching prefix,parallel router.∗Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Informazione,Universit`a di Roma“La Sapienza”,via Salaria113,I-00133Roma, Italy.Email:bongio@dsi.uniroma1.it†Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni“R.M.Capocelli”,Universit`a di Salerno,via S.Allende2,I-84081 Baronissi(SA),Italy.E-mail:penna@dia.unisa.it.Research supported by the European Project IST-2001-33135, Critical Resource Sharing for Cooperation in Complex Systems(CRESCCO).‡Part of this work has been done while at the University of Rome“Tor Vergata”,Math Department.1IntroductionWe consider the problem of forwarding packets in an Internet router(or backbone router):the router must decide the next hop of the packets based on their destinations and on its routing table. With the current technology which allows to move a packet from the input interface to the output interface of a router[20,18]at gigabit speed and the availability of high speed links based on optic fibers,the bottleneck in forwarding packets is the IP lookup operation,that is,the task of deciding the output interface corresponding to the next hop.In the past this operation was performed by data link Bridges[6].Currently,Internet routers require the computation of the longest matching prefix of the destination address a.Indeed,in the early1990s,because of the enormous increase of the number of endpoints,and the consequent increase of the routing tables,Classless Inter-Domain Routing(CIDR)and address aggregation have been introduced[7].The basic idea is to aggregate all IP addresses corresponding to endpoints whose next hop is the same:it might be the case that all machines whose IP address starts by 255.128have output interface I1;therefore we only need to keep,in the routing table,a single pair prefix/output255.128.∗.∗/I1:this is the conceptual format,as the actual format is something like,plus additional information.Unfortunately,not all addresses with a common prefix correspond to the same“geographical”area:there might be so called exceptions,like a subnet whose hosts have IP address starting by255.128.128and whose output interface is different,say I2.In this case,we have both pairs in the routing table and the rule to forward a packet with address a is the following:if a is in the set1255.128.∗.∗,but not in255.128.128.∗,then its next hop is I1;otherwise,if a is in the set255.128.128.∗,then its next hop is I2.More in general,the correct output interface is the one of the so called best matching prefix BMP(a,T),that is,the longest prefix in T that is a prefix of a.Even though other operations must be performed in order to forward a packet,the computation of the best matching prefix turns out to be the major and most computationally expensive task. Indeed,performing this task on low-cost workstations is considered a challenging problem which requires rather sophisticated algorithmic solutions[3,5,8,11,16,22,24].Partially because of these difficulties,parallel routers have been developed which are equipped with several processors to process packets faster[20,18,15].Wefirst illustrate two simple algorithmic approaches to the problem and discuss why they are not feasible for IP lookup:1.Brute force search on the table T.We compare each entry of T and store the longest that isa prefix of the given address a;2.Prefix(re-)expansion.We write down a new table containing all possible IP addresses oflength32and the corresponding output interfaces.Both approaches fail for different reasons.Typically,a routing table may contain several thousands of prefixes(e.g.,the MaeEast router contains about33,000entries[13]),which makes thefirst approach too slow.On the other hand,the second approach would ensure that a single memory access is enough.Unfortunately,232is a too large number tofit in the memory cache,while access time in RAM is considered too large for high performances routers.Also,even a table with only IP addresses corresponding to endpoints would suffer from the same problem:this is exactly a major reason why prefix aggregation is used!In order to obtain a good tradeoffbetween memory size and number of memory accesses,a data structure named forwarding table is constructed on the basis of the routing table T and then used for the IP lookup.For example,the forwarding table may consist of suitable hash functions.1We consider a prefix x∗as the set of all possible string of length32whose prefix is x.This approach,that works well in the case searching for a key a into a dictionary T(i.e.,the exact matching problem),has several drawbacks when applied to the IP lookup problem:1.We do not know the length of the BMP.Therefore,we should try all possible lengths up to32for IPv4[21](128for IPv6[4])and,for each length,apply a suitable hash function;2.Even when an entry of T is a prefix of the packet address a,we are not sure that this one isthe correct answer(i.e.,the BMP).Indeed,the so called exceptions require that the above approach must be performed for all lengths even when a prefix of a is found.1.1Previous solutionsThe above simple solution turns out to be inefficient for performing the IP lookup fast enough to guarantee millions of packets per second[15].More sophisticated and efficient approaches have been introduced in several works in which a suitable data structure,named forwarding table,is constructed from the routing table T[3,5,8,11,16,22,24].For instance,in[24]a method ensuring O(log W)memory accesses has been presented,where W denotes the number of different prefix lengths occurring in the routing table T.This method has been improved in[22]using a technique called controlled prefix expansion:prefixes of certain lengths are expanded thus reducing the value W to some W′.For instance,each prefix x of length8is replaced by x·0and x·1(both new prefixes have the same output interface of x).By one hand,the prefix expansion improves the number of memory accesses of the algorithm in[24].By the other hand,its major drawback is the increase of the number of entries in the new table.This may lead to a forwarding table too large tofit in the L2memory cache,thus resulting in a worse performance.Indeed,the main result of [22]is a method to pick a suitable set of prefix lengths so that(a)the overall data structure is not too big,and(b)the value of W′is as small as possible.Notice that,an extreme solution would be to re-expand all prefixes up to its maximum length32and then construct one hash function for this new routing table.However,its size would be simply unfeasible even for a DRAM memory.Actually,many existing works pursue a similar goal of obtaining an efficient data structure whose sizefits into the L2memory cache of a processor(i.e.,about1Mb).This goal can be achieved only by considering real routing tables.For example,the solutions in[3,5,8,16]guarantee a constant number of memory accesses,while the size of the data structure is experimentally evaluated on real data;the latter affects the time efficiency of the solution.These methods are designed to be implemented on a single processor of a router.Some routers exploit several processors by assigning different packets to different processors which perform the IP lookup operation using a suitable forwarding table.It is worth observing that:1.All such methods suffer from the continuous growth of the routing tables[9,2,1];if the sizeof the available L2memory cache will not grow accordingly,the performance of such methods is destined to degrade;22.Other hardware-based solutions to the problem have been proposed(see[12,19]),but they donot scale,thus becoming obsolete after a short time,and/or they turn out to be too expensive;3.The solution adopted in[20,18](see also[15])exploits the parallelism in a rather simple way:many packets can be processed in parallel,but the time a single packet takes to be processed depends on the above solutions,which are still the bottleneck.2In our experiments we observed that the number of entries of a router can vary significantly from one day to the next one:for instance,the Paix router had about87,000entries the1st November2000,and about22,000only the day after.CPU2table T 1table T 2BMP (a,T 1)CPU 1BMP (a,T 2)prexif longest BMP (a,T )IP address aFigure 1:A simple splitting of T into two tables T 1and T 2requires an additional hardware component to select the longest prefix.Finally,the issue of efficiently updating the forwarding table is also addressed in [11,17,22].Indeed,due to Internet routing instability [10],changes in the routing table occur every millisecond,thus requiring a very efficient method for updating the routing/forwarding table.Similar problems are considered in [14]for the task of constructing/updating the hash functions,which are a key ingredient used by several solutions.1.2Our contributionIn this work,we aim at exploiting the parallelism of routers in order to reduce the size of the routing tables.Indeed,a very first (inefficient)idea would be to take a routing table T and split it into two tables T 1and T 2,each containing half of the entries of T .Then,a packet is processed in parallel by two processors having in their memory (the forwarding table of)T 1and T 2,respectively (see Figure 1).The final result is then obtained by combining via hardware the results of the IP lookup in T 1and T 2.The main benefit of this scheme relies in the fact that access operations on the L2cache of the processor are much faster (up to seven times)than accesses on the RAM memory.Thus,working on smaller tables allows to obtain much more efficient data structures and to face the problem of the continuous increase of the size of the tables [9].Notice that this will not just increase the time a single packet takes to be processed once assigned to the processors,but also the throughput of the router:while our solution uses two processors to process 1packet in one unit of time,a “classical”solution using two processors for two packets may take 7time units because of the size of the forwarding table.Unfortunately,the use of the hardware for computing the final result may turn out to be unfeasible or too expensive:this circuit should take in input BMP (a,T 1)and BMP (a,T 2)and return the longest string between these two (see Figure 1).An alternative would be to split T according to the leftmost bit:T 1contains addresses starting by 0(i.e.,so called CLASS A addresses)and T 2those starting by 1.This,however,does not necessarily yield an even splitting of the original table,even when real data are considered [13].The main contribution of this work is to provide a suitable way of splitting T into two tables T 1and T 2such that the two partial results can be combined in the simplest way:the XOR of the two sequences.This result is obtained via an efficient algorithm which,given a table T ,for any positive integer k ≤|T |,finds a suitable subtable T 1of size k with the property thatLookup (a,T )=Lookup (a,T 1)⊕Lookup (a,(T \T 1)∪{ǫ}),where ǫis the empty string and Lookup (a,T )denotes the output interface corresponding to BMP (a,T ),for any IP addresses a .Therefore,for every k ≤|T |,we can find two subtables of size k and |T |−k +1respectively.The construction of T1is rather simple and the method yields different strategies which might be used to optimize other parameters of the two resulting routing tables.These,together with the guarantee that the size is smaller than the original one,might be used to enhance the performance of the forwarding table.Additionally,our approach is scalable in that T can be split into more than two subtables.Therefore,our method may yield a scalable solution alternative to the simple increase of the number of processors and/or the size of their L2memory cache;for instance,rather than implementing a memory cache circuit of double size,we could simply double the number of processors and add a simple XOR circuit combined with our method.Notice that,increasing the number of processors might be much simpler than implementing a memory cache of larger size and(approximatively)the same access time(e.g.,the parallel routers in[20,18]use a rather large number of processors but each with memory cache of about1-2Mbs).We believe that our novel technique may lead to a new family of parallel routers whose performance and costs are potentially better than those of the current solutions[20,15,17,23].We have tested our method with real data available at[13]forfive routers:MaeEast,MaeWest, AADS,Paix and PacBell.We present a further strategy yielding the following interesting perfor-mances:1.A very small routing table T1whose size is very close to7%of|T|;Indeed,in all our experi-ments it is always smaller but in one case(the Paix router)in which it equals to:(i)7.3%of |T|when T contains over87,000entries,and(ii)10.2%when|T|is only about6,500entries.2.A“simple”routing table T2=T\T1with the interesting feature that no exceptions occur,that is,every possible IP address a has at most one matching prefix in T2.So,for real data,we are able to circumscribe the problem of computing the best matching prefix to a very small set of prefixes.By one hand,we can apply one of the existing methods,like controlled prefix expansion[22],to table T1:because of the very small size we could do this much more aggressively and get a significant speed-up.By the other hand,the way table T2should be used opens new research directions in that,up to our knowledge,the IP lookup problem with the restriction that no exceptions occur has never been considered before.Observe that,table T2can be further split into subtables without using our method,since at most one of them contains a matching prefix.Finally,we consider the issue of updating the routing/forwarding table,which any feasible solution for the IP lookup must take into account.We show that updates can be performed without introducing a significant overhead.Additionally,for the strategy presented in Section3, all type of updates can be done with a constant number of operations,while keeping the structure optimality.Roadmap.We describe our method and the main analytic results in Section2.In Section3we present our experimental results on real routing tables.In Section4we conclude and describe the main open problems.2The general methodIn this section we describe our approach to obtain two subtables from a routing table T so that the computation of Lookup(a,T)can be performed in parallel with a minimal amount of additional hardware:the XOR of the two partial results.Throughout the paper we make use of an equivalent representation of a routing table by means of trees.First consider the case in which the router has only two output interfaces,namely0and 1.In Figures2-3we show a routing table and the corresponding tree defined as follows:Prefix Output1000100111000111001010100110001001111010011100 Figure2:A routing table.100101000011100110010011111001110100110001100Figure3:An equivalent representation of the routing table in Figure2.1.Each vertex of the tree corresponds to a prefix in the routing table;2.Each vertex has a label corresponding to the output value of the routing table,i.e.either0or1;3.Because of the best matching prefix rule,the labels of any two adjacent vertices are different,i.e.every path from a vertex to the root contains an alternated sequence of0’s and1’s.More in general,let us consider a routing table T={(s1,o1),...,(s n,o n)},where each pair (s i,o i)represents a prefix/output pair.Given two binary strings s1and s2,we denote by s1≺s2 the fact that s1is a prefix of s2.We can represent T as a forest(S,E)where the set of vertices is S={s1,...,s n}and for any two s1,s2∈S,(s1,s2)∈E if and only if1.s1≺s2;2.no s∈S exists such that s1≺s≺s2.Finally,to every vertex s i,we attach a label0/1according to the corresponding output value of s i in T.In the sequel we will make use of this representation to derive a method to split T into subtables containing fewer elements than the original one.Moreover,to simplify the presentation,we assume that T always contains the empty stringǫ,thus making(S,E)a tree rooted atǫ.Observe that, this tree is not directly used to perform IP lookups.So,it will not be stored in the memory cache which will contain the forwarding tables derived from the subtables.2.1The main ideaOur method is based on the following idea:whenever a node u∈T has the same label as its parent p(u),then removing u from T and connecting its children to p(u)does not change the result of Lookup(a,T).Intuitively,BMP(a,T)is the lowest node u∈T that matches with a.When we remove u from T the best matching prefix of a becomes node p(u).So,if u and p(u)have the same label,then Lookup(a,T)=Lookup(a,ˆT).Now suppose that,in the tree T in Figure3,weflip the label of vertex‘1001’from1to0(this corresponds to change the output value in the routing table).Then,using the above idea,it would be possible to simplify the tree(and hence the routing table)and obtain a treeˆT with only two entries:‘100’and‘10001’with labels equal to0and1,respectively.Indeed,if u=BMP(a,T)is one of the nodes removed from T,then(i)node‘100’also matches with a and(ii)the label of u and ‘100’are both equal to0.Therefore,the value of Lookup(a,T)and Lookup(a,ˆT)is the same.Unfortunately,we cannot simplyflip some bits of the labels,since this would result in a lost of information and in an uncorrect lookup operation(e.g.,according to routing table in Figures2-3, all addresses‘1001100···’must be routed through output interface1).However,we will use the0/010011100/01/010010/01/11/10/11000110010010110011001001111Figure 4:The tree in Figure 3with twonew labels per vertex.01110010111001110100011001001111T 1T 2000110011001001100Figure 5:The resulting two subtrees.above idea to “spread”the vertices of the tree T into two different trees T 1and T 2,each of them corresponding to a smaller routing table.Then,the two routing tables can be used separately by two processors to compute the output interface value.Each packet is processed in parallel by two processors and the results are combined through a very simple Boolean circuit:the XOR of two bits.Let us consider the example in Figure 4:the tree contains the same vertices (i.e.,prefixes)as the tree in Figure 3,but each label (i.e.,output interface)is replaced by a pair of labels with the property that their XOR equals the old label (see Figure 3).Intuitively,the two new labels represent the label of the vertex in the tree T 1and T 2,respectively.We can then use the idea that a vertex having the same label of its parent can be removed to obtain the trees T 1and T 2in Figure 5.2.2How to split &compact the tablesIn the sequel we describe more in details our approach in the case of routers with any number of output interfaces.2.2.1The split phaseGiven a routing table T ,let T up denote any subtree of T having the same root.Also,for any node u ∈T ,let l (u )and l ′(u )=l 1(u )/l 2(u )denote its old and new labels,respectively.We assign the new labels as follows (see Figure 6):•For any u ∈T up ,l ′(u )=l (u )/¯0,where ¯0denotes the bit sequence (0,...,0);•For any v ∈T \T up ,l ′(v )=l (x )/(l (x )⊕l (v )),where x is the lowest ancestor of v in T up .Let T ′(respectively,T ′′)be the routing table obtained from T by replacing,for each u ∈T ,the label l (u )with the label l 1(u )(respectively,l 2(u )).It clearly holds that l 1(u )⊕l 2(u )=l (u ).Hence,Lookup (a,T ′)⊕Lookup (a,T ′′)=Lookup (a,T ).2.2.2The compact phaseThe main idea behind the way we assign the labels is the following (see Figure 6):1.All nodes in T up have the second label equal to ¯0;2.T \T up contains upward paths where the first label each node are all the same.Because of this,T 1and T 2contain redundant information and some entries (vertices)can be removed as follows.Given a table T ,let Compact (T )denote the table obtained by repeatedly performing the following transformation:for every node u with a child v having the same label,remove v and connect u to all the children of v .Then,the following result holds:x v T \T upl (x )/0l (x )/(l (x )⊕l (v ))vT 2ǫl (x )⊕l (v )ǫu x T 1l (x )l (u )ǫuT up l (u )/0c o m p a c t c o m p a c t NEW LABELS (table T 1/table T 2)Figure 6:An overview of our method:The subtree T up corresponds to table T 1after a compact operation is performed;similarly,T \T up yields the table T 2.Lemma 1Let T 1=Compact (T ′)and T 2=Compact (T ′′).Then,|T 1|=|T up |and |T 2|=|T |−|T up |+1.Proof.We will show that no node in T up ,other than ǫ,will occur in T 2;similarly,no node in T \T up will occur in T 1.Indeed,every node u ∈T up have label equal to ¯0in T ′′(see Figure 6).Since also ǫhas label ¯0,Compact (T ′′)=T 2will not contain any such u .Similarly,any node v ∈T \T up has its label in T ′equal to some l (x ),where x is the lowest ancestor of v in T up (see Figure 6).Therefore,all nodes in the path from x to v have label the same label l (x )and thus will not occur in Compact (T ′)=T 1.This completes the proof.2Lemma 2For any table T and for any address a ,it holds thatLookup (a,T )=Lookup (a,Compact (T )).Proof.Let u a =BMP (a,T )and v a =BMP (a,Compact (T )).If u a =v a ,then the lemma clearly follows.Otherwise,we first show that,in the tree T ,either u a is an ancestor of v a or the other way around.By contradiction,let us assume that u a and v a are not one an ancestor of the other,andlet x be their lowest common ancestor.By definition,x ≺u a ≺a and x ≺v a ≺a .Let u ′a and v ′a be the two children in the path from x down to u a and v a ,respectively.By definition of T ,it musthold that u ′a ≺v ′a and v ′a ≺u ′a .Since u a ≺a and v a ≺a ,it holds that u a ≺v a or v a ≺u a .Wethus have two cases:(u ′a ≺u a ≺v a ).By definition of v ′a ,we also have v ′a ≺v a ,thus implying that either u ′a ≺v ′a orv ′a ≺u ′a.(v ′a ≺v a ≺u a ).By definition of u ′a ,we also have u ′a ≺u a ,thus implying that either u ′a ≺v ′a or v ′a ≺u ′a .In both cases,we have a contradiction with the fact that u ′a ≺v ′a and v ′a ≺u ′a .If u a was an ancestor of v a (i.e.,u a ≺v a ),then we would obtain u a =BMP (a,T )≺v a ∈T .Since v a ≺a ,this would contradict the definition of BMP .We thus have that v a is an ancestor of u a in T (i.e.,v a ≺u a ).Since BMP (a,Compact (T ))=v a =u a ,it must then hold that u a /∈Compact (T ).Moreover,in constructing Compact (T ),we have removed from T the node u a and all of its ancestors up to v a .This implies l (u a )=l (v a ),i.e.,Lookup (a,T )=Lookup (a,Compact (T )).2We have thus proved the following result:Theorem1For any routing table T and for any integer1≤k≤|T|,there exist two routing tables T1and T2such that•|T1|≤k and|T2|≤|T|−k+1;•Lookup(a,T)=Lookup(a,T1)⊕Lookup(a,T2),for any address a.The above theorem guarantees that any table T can be divided into two tables T1and T2of size roughly|T|/2.By applying the above construction iteratively,the result generalizes to more than two subtables:Corollary1For any routing table T and for any integers k1,k2,...,k l,there exist l+1routing tables T1,T2,...,T l+1such that•|T i|≤k i,for1≤i≤l;•|T l+1|≤|T|−k+l,where k=k1+k2+···+k l;•Lookup(a,T)= l+1i=1Lookup(a,T i),for any address a.Remark1We mention that the bound on the overall size corresponding to all subtables is tight. Indeed,if the original table T does not contain any redundant information(i.e.,Compact(T)= T),then every entry in|T|must appear in one subtable.In other words,the splitting of T into T1,T2,...,T l+1,does not reduce the total number of entries.Finally,we observe that the running time required for the construction of the two subtables depends on two factors:(a)the time needed to construct the tree corresponding to T;(b)the time required to compute T up,given that tree.While the latter depends on the strategy we adopt for T up(see Section3),thefirst step can be always performed efficiently.Indeed,by simply extending the partial order‘≺’,a simple sorting algorithm yields the nodes of the tree in the same order as if we perform a BFS on the tree.Thus, the following result holds:Theorem2Let t(|T|)denote the time needed for computing T up,given the tree corresponding to a routing table T.Then,the subtables T1and T2can be constructed in O(|T|log|T|+t(|T|))time.Also notice that,if we want to obtain two subtables of roughly the same size,then a simple traversal(BFS or DFS)suffices,thus allowing to construct the subtables in O(|T|log|T|)time.The same efficiency can also be achieved for a rather different strategy which we describe in Section3.2.3UpdatesIn this section we show that,in several cases,our method does not introduce an overhead in the process of updating the forwarding table.We consider three types of updates:(a)label changes, (b)entry insertion,and(c)entry deletion.In particular,we assume that we have already computed the position,inside the tree T,of the newly added node or of the node to update.We describe a method to keep the two subtables T1and T2updated according to the change performed on the original table T.When performing these changes,we have to ensure that the following three properties are preserved by the new label pairs(see Figure6):(P1)all nodes u∈T up agree on their second label(i.e.,l2(u)=¯0),(P2)all nodes v∈T\T up,whose lowest ancestor in T up is some node x,agree on theirfirst label(i.e.,l1(v)=l1(x)=l(x)),and(P3)for every node p∈T, l1(p)⊕l2(p)=l(p).Notice that,Properties(P1)-(P1)are defined as in Section2.2.1and arev 2v a v 1x 2x bx 1x u······label pair l (x )/(l (x )⊕l (v i ))label pair l (x i )/¯0l (x )/¯0l (u )/¯0Figure 7:The hard case for updates:if a border node x changes its label,then the label pairs of several of its children must be also updated.used in Section 2.2.2to show that,by applying Compact to the two tables T ′and T ′′,we obtain subtables T up and (T \T up )∪{ǫ},respectively (see Figure 6and Lemma 1).Our goal,however,is to avoid the recomputation of the subtables from scratch and to keep them updated.In the remaining of this section,we make use of the following definition:Definition 1A node x ∈T up is a border node if either (i)is a leaf node in T or (ii)one of its children is in T \T up .A node u ∈T up is an internal node if it is not a border node.Informally speaking,border nodes are the “hard”case for the updates.In the example in Figure 7,we have {u,x }⊆T up and node x is a border node:every child v i ,with i =1,2,...,a ,is in T \T up and has label pair l ′(v i )=(l (x )/l (x )⊕l (v i )).If label of x changes from l (x )to ˆl (x )and we want to keep x in the set T up ,then its new label pair becomes ˆl ′(x )=(ˆl (x )/¯0).Unfortunately,this change implies that we should also change the label pair of every v i into ˆl ′(v i )=(ˆl (x )/ˆl (x )⊕l (v i )).On the contrary,if we insist on keeping the first label of x equal to its old value l (x ),then its second label must be equal to l (x )⊕ˆl (x ),so that the XOR of the two labels yields ˆl (x ).In this case,every node x i ,for i =1,2,...,b ,will appear in both subtables T 1and T 2.For b sufficiently large w.r.t.|T |,this results in a significant loss of the efficiency yielded by Theorem 1.Since we do not want to recompute T 1and T 2from scratch,we make use of the following representation of table T .We consider T as a tree (as specified in Section 2)and,for each node u in T ,we add the following fields:the label pair l ′(u )=(l 1(u )/l 2(u )),as defined in Section 2.2.1and a pointer subtable (u )to the entry of u in subtable T i containing u ,with i ∈{1,2}.We implement the tree by means of list of children so that removing a node u ∈T and connecting all of its children to the parent p of u can be done in constant time.Our goal is also to count how many updates we have to perform on each subtable.We thus assume that,for every update of a node u ∈T ,we also perform the analogous operation in the subtable T i containing u .In particular,for every label change performed on label pair l ′(u ),the corresponding update in T i can be done in constant time using pointer subtable (u ).Similarly,whenever we remove/add an entry from/to T up (respectively,T \T up ),we can also remove/add that entry from the list representing T 1(respectively,T 2)in constant time using pointer subtable (u ).In the sequel we describe more in detail the updating procedures and their performances de-pending on the specific update to be performed.Notice that,the time complexity is also an upper bound on the number of updates required on each subtable.2.3.1Label changesConsider the situation in which the label of a prefix p ∈T changes from value l (p )to a value ˆl (p ).We let ˆl ′(p )=(ˆl 1(p )/ˆl 2(p ))denote the update of the pair l ′(p )=(l 1(p )/l 2(p ))corresponding to this label change of p .。