





Abstract:Thecoreconceptofthehighereducation'sinternationali zationisthetrainingoftheinternalandinternationalcompetitive nessstudents.Bilingualteachingisoneimportantwaywhichcanrealizethetrainin gobjective.Thisarticleintroducesthedetailaboutelectrotechni csandelectronicsbilingualteachingpractice,andbringsforwards omeproblemsintheteachingprocess,andfinallyproposesstrategie sandmeasures.关键词:电工电子学双语教学;教学模式;双语教材;双语课件;考核评价Keywords:electrotechnicsandelectronicsbilingualteaching;tea chingmode;bilingualbook;bilingualcourseware;assessment 0引言随着经济快速发展,综合国力不断增强,中国的政治、经济地位已得到国际社会的认可和高度重视。




英语作文-掌握集成电路设计中的关键技术与方法Integrated Circuit (IC) design plays a pivotal role in modern electronics, serving as the foundation for virtually all electronic devices we use today. Mastering the key techniques and methods in IC design is crucial for engineers and researchers in this field. This article explores the essential aspects of IC design, highlighting the methodologies and technologies that drive innovation and efficiency in this complex discipline.### Understanding IC Design Fundamentals。

At its core, IC design involves the creation of miniature electronic circuits that integrate thousands to billions of components onto a single semiconductor chip. This integration enables devices to perform complex functions while minimizing size and power consumption. The process begins with conceptualizing the circuit's functionality and architecture, followed by detailed design and verification stages.### Key Stages in IC Design。






1. Electricity(电):Electricity是指电荷(Charge)通过导体(Conductor)流动时产生的能量形式。


2. Circuit(电路):Circuit是指由导线、电源和负载组成的一个完整的路径,使得电流可以流动。


3. Current(电流):Current是指电荷通过导体的流动。



4. Voltage(电压):Voltage是指电流在电路中的推动力或压力。

电压的单位是Volt (伏特),简称V。

5. Resistance(电阻):Resistance是指电流在电路中遇到的阻力,它限制了电流的流动。


6. Ohm's Law(欧姆定律):Ohm's Law是指电压、电流和电阻之间的关系。

根据欧姆定律,电压等于电流乘以电阻,用公式表示为V = I * R。

7. Power(功率):Power是指电流在电路中产生或消耗的能量。


功率可以通过电压和电流的乘积来计算,用公式表示为P = V * I。

8. Series Circuit(串联电路):Series Circuit是指电路中的负载(电阻或电器)依次连接在一起,共享相同的电流。


9. Parallel Circuit(并联电路):Parallel Circuit是指电路中的负载以多个分支并联连接,每个负载之间有相同的电压,但电流会分流。




自己整理的常用电子电路英语词汇电子专业英语新手必备词汇1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 benchtop supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET8 bucket capcitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense11 constant current source 恒流源 12 Core Sataration 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率 14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断 20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or devicemalfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristicssection is not implied. 超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。


25 Failling edge 下降沿26 figure of merit 品质因数27 float charge voltage 浮充电压 28 flyback power stage 反驰式功率级29 forward voltage drop 前向压降 30 free-running 自由运行31 Freewheel diode 续流二极管32 Full load 满负载33 gate drive 栅极驱动34 gate drive stage 栅极驱动级35 gerber plot Gerber 图36 ground plane 接地层37 Henry 电感单位:亨利38 Human Body Model 人体模式 39 Hysteresis 滞回40 inrush current 涌入电流 41 Inverting 反相42 jittery 抖动43 Junction 结点44 Kelvin connection 开尔文连接 45 Lead Frame 引脚框架46 Lead Free 无铅47 level-shift 电平移动48 Line regulation 电源调整率 49 load regulation 负载调整率 50 Lot Number 批号51 Low Dropout 低压差52 Miller 密勒53 node 节点54 Non-Inverting 非反相55 novel 新颖的56 off state 关断状态57 Operating supply voltage 电源工作电压58 out drive stage 输出驱动级 59 Out of Phase 异相60 Part Number 产品型号 61 pass transistor pass transistor62 P-channel MOSFET P沟道MOSFET63 Phase margin 相位裕度 64 Phase Node 开关节点65 portable electronics 便携式电子设备 66 power down 掉电67 Power Good 电源正常 68 Power Groud 功率地69 Power Save Mode 节电模式 70 Power up 上电71 pull down 下拉72 pull up 上拉73 Pulse by Pulse 逐脉冲(Pulse by Pulse)74 push pull converter 推挽转换器 75 ramp down 斜降76 ramp up 斜升77 redundant diode 冗余二极管 78 resistive divider 电阻分压器 79 ringing 振铃80 ripple current 纹波电流 81 rising edge 上升沿82 sense resistor 检测电阻 83 Sequenced Power Supplys 序列电源84 shoot-through 直通,同时导通 85 stray inductances 杂散电感86 sub-circuit 子电路87 substrate 基板88 Telecom 电信89 Thermal Information 热性能信息 90 thermal slug 散热片91 Threshold 阈值92 timing resistor 振荡电阻93 Top FET Top FET 94 Trace 线路,走线,引线95 Transfer function 传递函数96 Trip Point 跳变点97 turns ratio 匝数比,,Np / Ns。



孙雪景 (9 9 ) 17- ,女,河北石家庄人 ,吉林建筑工程学院市政与环境 工程学院,助教 ,主要 研完方向 : - 环境 工程 。( 吉林 长春  ̄o m) so
基 金 项 目 :本 文 系 2 0 吉林 省 高等教 育教 学研 究课 题 的研 究成 果 。 08年
英语 教学必 须注 重学生的多媒 体交流能力,强调 英语 的实 外语应 用能力 的提高有机 结合,培养 学生用英语思考 问题、分 用性 。要培养 学生增强英语服务 于未来 的综 合专业能力,必须 析 问题 和解决 问题的能力,提高其英语的应用水平。电路课程双 尽可能地营造 相 关的模 拟语境 ,将 英语 作为主要工具进行 专业 语教学 中的外语相对 于电路 内容本身而言只是一种辅助性教学 学习和交流。因此,有必 要将专业 的主干课程按由浅人深的顺序 手段 。因为电路课程 实施双语 教学 的最终 目的就是掌握 好电路 进行双语 教学 ,使学生以听说读写的顺序在 互动式学习中自然而 知识,其次才是提高专业外语能力,因此不能把电路双语课程当 然地 提高英 语学 习的效率 ,培 养他们使 用英语 工具 的习惯。所 作专业英语 去讲授。本文 结合笔者在 电路原理双 语教学过程 中 谓双语教学是指能在学校 里使用第 二种语言或英语 进行各门学 的实践和体会,指出了双语教学的可行 性和必要性 ,继而对双语 科 的教学 ,将 学生的英语或者 第二 语言通 过教学 过程,经过若 教学模 式进行 了深入实 际的探 讨,并着 重指 出在双语教学 中不可 干 阶段 的训 练,使之接近 母语 的表 达水平。吉林建筑 工程 学院 忽视的几个重要 因素,结合实例说明双语教学能够达到的效果 。
教学模式可以促进学生综合素质的全面提 高。
关 键 词 :双 语教 学 ;电路 课 程 ;教 学手段 作者简介 :魏立明 (94 ) 男 17~ , ,吉林省吉林市人,吉林建筑工程学院电气与电子信息工程 学院,讲 师,主要研 究方向 :电气工程 及其 自 动化 ; 成浩 (92 , 男, 吉林 延 边人 ,吉林 建 筑 工程学 院电气与电 信息工 程 学院, 副教 授 ,主要 研 究方 向 :电子信息 工程 ; 韩 17一) 子



电路原理英语知识点总结1. Electric Circuit ComponentsAn electric circuit is made up of various components that are necessary for the flow of electricity. The main components of an electric circuit include:- Voltage source: A voltage source provides the electrical energy required to initiate the flow of current in the circuit. Examples of voltage sources include batteries, generators, and power supplies.- Conductors: Conductors are materials that allow the flow of electrical current. They are usually made of copper or aluminum and are used to connect the various components of the circuit.- Resistors: Resistors are components that are used to control the flow of current in the circuit. They are made of materials that resist the flow of electricity and are used to limit the amount of current in a circuit.- Capacitors: Capacitors are components that are used to store and release electrical energy. They are made of plates separated by a dielectric material and are used to store charge in the circuit.- Inductors: Inductors are components that are used to store and release energy in the form of a magnetic field. They are made of coils of wire and are used in applications where energy storage is required.- Switches: Switches are components that are used to control the flow of current in the circuit. They can be used to open or close the circuit, allowing the flow of current to be controlled.2. Electric Circuit LawsThere are several laws and principles that govern the behavior of electric circuits. These laws are essential in understanding how electric circuits work and in analyzing and designing electrical systems. The main laws and principles of electric circuits include:- Ohm's Law: Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to its resistance. Mathematically, Ohm's law is expressed as I = V/R, where I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance.- Kirchhoff's Laws: Kirchhoff's laws are two principles that govern the behavior of electric circuits. Kirchhoff's current law states that the total current entering a junction is equal to the total current leaving the junction. Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the sum of the voltage drops around a closed loop in a circuit is equal to the sum of the voltage rises.- Thevenin's Theorem: Thevenin's theorem states that any linear electrical network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage source and a single series resistor, where the voltage source is equal to the open-circuit voltage and the series resistor is equal to the Thevenin resistance.- Norton's Theorem: Norton's theorem is similar to Thevenin's theorem and states that any linear electrical network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a single current source and a single parallel resistor, where the current source is equal to the short-circuit current and the parallel resistor is equal to the Norton resistance.- Maximum Power Transfer Theorem: The maximum power transfer theorem states that the maximum power is transferred from a source to a load when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance.3. Series and Parallel CircuitsElectric circuits can be connected in two ways: series and parallel. In a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end, so that the current flows through each component in sequence. In a parallel circuit, the components are connected across each other, so that the current is divided and flows through each component simultaneously. Understanding the behavior of series and parallel circuits is important in the analysis and design of electrical systems.In a series circuit, the total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances, and the total voltage is the sum of the individual voltages. The current is the same in all components in a series circuit. In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances, and the total current is the sum of the individual currents. The voltage is the same across all components in a parallel circuit.4. Applications of Electric CircuitsElectric circuits have numerous applications in a wide range of electrical and electronics systems. Some of the key applications of electric circuits include:- Power distribution: Electric circuits are used to distribute electrical power from the source to the various loads in a system. Power distribution systems are essential in providing electricity to homes, industries, and other facilities.- Electronic devices: Electric circuits are used in the design and development of electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, televisions, and other consumer electronics. The behavior of electric circuits is fundamental to the operation of these devices.- Control systems: Electric circuits are used in the design of control systems that are used to regulate and control the behavior of various systems. Control systems are used in industrial automation, robotics, and other applications.- Communication systems: Electric circuits are used in the design of communication systems, such as telecommunication networks, wireless communication systems, and satellite communication systems. These systems rely on the behavior of electric circuits to transmit and receive signals.- Renewable energy systems: Electric circuits are used in the design and implementation of renewable energy systems, such as solar power systems, wind power systems, and hydroelectric power systems. These systems rely on the behavior of electric circuits to convert and distribute the generated electrical energy.In conclusion, electric circuits are essential in the study and application of electrical engineering and technology. Understanding the principles of electric circuits, including their components, laws, behavior, and applications, is crucial in the design, analysis, and operation of electrical and electronics systems. Whether it is power distribution, electronic devices, control systems, communication systems, or renewable energy systems, electric circuits play a critical role in the functioning of modern electrical and electronic systems.。













三、《电路分析》双语教学实践1. 教学资源建设(1)外文教材及参考资料的建设与使用对于双语教学来说,教材的选取非常重要[1]。






英语作文-集成电路设计师需要了解的基础知识与技术要点Integrated circuit (IC) design is a sophisticated field that requires a deep understanding of both foundational knowledge and technical nuances. At the heart of modern electronics, IC designers are the architects of the microscopic systems that power everything from smartphones to satellites. The journey to becoming a proficient IC designer is paved with the mastery of several critical areas.Fundamental Knowledge。

The bedrock of IC design lies in a solid grasp of electronic engineering principles. Designers must be well-versed in digital logic design, which includes understanding logic gates, flip-flops, multiplexers, and the ability to create state machines. Analog design principles are equally important, as they involve dealing with operational amplifiers, transistors, resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Knowledge of semiconductor physics is crucial, as it provides insight into how electronic components conduct and control the flow of electricity on a microscopic level.Design and Simulation Tools。



电路原理英语Circuit TheoryIntroduction:Circuit theory is a fundamental branch of electrical engineering that focuses on the study of electronic circuits and their behavior. It provides a framework for understanding the principles and concepts underlying the functioning of various electronic devices. Basic Concepts:1. Voltage: Voltage is the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit. It is measured in volts (V) and represents the "push" or "force" that drives the flow of electric current.2. Current: Electric current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. It is measured in amperes (A) and represents the rate of flow of charge.3. Resistance: Resistance measures the opposition to the flow of electric current in a circuit. It is measured in ohms (Ω) and depends on factors such as the material, length, and cross-sectional area of the conductor.4. Ohm's Law: Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to its resistance. It can be mathematically expressed as I = V/R, where I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance.Circuit Elements:1. Resistors: Resistor is a passive electronic component that limits the flow of current in a circuit. It is commonly used to control the voltage levels in a circuit.2. Capacitors: Capacitor is a passive electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It consists of two parallel conducting plates separated by an insulating material called a dielectric.3. Inductors: Inductor is a passive electronic component that stores electrical energy in a magnetic field. It consists of a coil of wire wound around a magnetic core.4. Diodes: Diode is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow in only one direction. It is widely used in rectifier circuits and serves as a switch in digital logic circuits.Circuit Analysis Techniques:1. Kirchhoff's Laws: Kirchhoff's laws are a set of fundamental principles used for analyzing electrical circuits. The first law, called Kirchhoff's current law (KCL), states that the sum of currents entering a node in a circuit is equal to the sum of currents leaving the node. The second law, called Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), states that the sum of voltages around any closed loop in a circuit is zero.2. Node Voltage Method: The node voltage method is a circuit analysis technique that involves assigning reference node voltages and solving for the unknown node voltages using Kirchhoff's laws.3. Mesh Current Method: The mesh current method is a circuit analysis technique that involves assigning mesh currents and solving a set of simultaneous equations based on Kirchhoff's voltage law.Conclusion:Understanding the principles of circuit theory is essential for analyzing and designing electronic circuits. By applying the basic concepts and analysis techniques discussed, engineers can predict the behavior of circuits and ensure their proper functioning.。





1. 电力系统 Power System1.1 电力系统的组成 Components of Power System中文英文发电厂Power Plant变电站Substation输电线路Transmission Line配电网Distribution Network负荷Load1.2 电力系统的运行 Operation of Power System中文英文发电Generation输电Transmission配电Distribution用电Consumption调度Dispatching1.3 电力系统的分析 Analysis of Power System中文英文潮流计算Load Flow Calculation短路计算Short Circuit Calculation稳定分析Stability Analysis谐波分析Harmonic Analysis暂态分析Transient Analysis2. 电力电子 Power Electronics2.1 电力电子器件 Power Electronic Devices中文英文晶体管Transistor中文英文场效应管Field Effect Transistor (FET)功率场效应管Power Field Effect Transistor (PFET)双极型晶体管Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)功率双极型晶体管Power Bipolar Junction Transistor (PBJT)晶闸管Thyristor可控硅Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)双向晶闸管Bidirectional Triode Thyristor (BTT)晶闸管可逆变流器Thyristor Reversible Converter (TRC)2.2 电力变换器 Power Converters2.2.1 直流变换器 DC Converters斩波器 Chopper升压斩波器 Boost Chopper降压斩波器 Buck Chopper升降压斩波器 Boost-Buck Chopper桥式可逆斩波器 Bridge Reversible Chopper2.2.2 直交变换器 AC-DC Converters整流器 Rectifier单相桥式整流器 Single-phase Bridge Rectifier三相桥式整流器 Three-phase Bridge Rectifier可控整流器 Controlled Rectifier单相半控桥式整流器 Single-phase Half-controlled Bridge Rectifier 单相全控桥式整流器 Single-phase Full-controlled Bridge Rectifier 三相半控桥式整流器 Three-phase Half-controlled Bridge Rectifier 三相全控桥式整流器 Three-phase Full-controlled Bridge Rectifier2.2.3 交直变换器 AC-DC Converters逆变器 Inverter单相桥式逆变器 Single-phase Bridge Inverter三相桥式逆变器 Three-phase Bridge InverterPWM逆变器 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) InverterSPWM逆变器 Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) Inverter 可控逆变器 Controlled Inverter单相半控桥式逆变器 Single-phase Half-controlled Bridge Inverter 单相全控桥式逆变器 Single-phase Full-controlled Bridge Inverter 三相半控桥式逆变器 Three-phase Half-controlled Bridge Inverter 三相全控桥式逆变器 Three-phase Full-controlled Bridge Inverter 2.2.4 直交直变换器 DC-AC-DC Converters直交直变换器 DC-AC-DC Converter单相桥式直交直变换器 Single-phase Bridge DC-AC-DC Converter三相桥式直交直变换器 Three-phase Bridge DC-AC-DC Converter3. 发电机 Generator3.1 发电机的类型 Types of Generator中文英文同步发电机Synchronous Generator异步发电机Asynchronous Generator直流发电机Direct Current Generator永磁发电机Permanent Magnet Generator变速恒频发电机Variable Speed Constant Frequency Generator 3.2 发电机的参数 Parameters of Generator中文英文额定功率Rated Power额定电压Rated Voltage额定电流Rated Current额定频率Rated Frequency额定转速Rated Speed额定功率因数Rated Power Factor额定效率Rated Efficiency功率角Power Angle转差率Slip起动转矩Starting Torque3.3 发电机的特性 Characteristics of Generator中文英文开路特性Open Circuit Characteristic短路特性Short Circuit Characteristic外特性External CharacteristicV曲线V Curve功率曲线Power Curve4. 变压器 Transformer4.1 变压器的类型 Types of Transformer中文英文单相变压器Single-phase Transformer三相变压器Three-phase Transformer自耦变压器Auto-transformer分接变压器Tap-changing Transformer调压变压器Voltage-regulating Transformer4.2 变压器的参数 Parameters of Transformer中文英文额定容量Rated Capacity额定电压比Rated Voltage Ratio额定电流比Rated Current Ratio空载损耗No-load Loss短路损耗Short-circuit Loss4.3 变压器的测试 Tests of Transformer中文英文空载试验No-load Test短路试验Short-circuit Test5. 电路 Circuit5.1 电路的元件 Circuit Elements5.1.1 无源元件 Passive Elements电阻 Resistor电容 Capacitor电感 Inductor5.1.2 有源元件 Active Elements电源 Source放大器 Amplifier开关 Switch5.2 电路的分析 Circuit Analysis5.2.1 基本法则 Basic Laws基尔霍夫电流定律 Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)基尔霍夫电压定律 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)欧姆定律 Ohm's Law特尔文定理 Thevenin's Theorem诺顿定理 Norton's Theorem超级节点法 Super Node Method超级网孔法 Super Mesh Method5.2.2 网络函数 Network Functions阻抗函数 Impedance Function导纳函数 Admittance Function传输函数 Transfer Function频率响应 Frequency Response5.2.3 电路的求解 Circuit Solution节点分析法 Node Analysis Method网孔分析法 Mesh Analysis Method等效电路法 Equivalent Circuit Method叠加定理 Superposition Theorem变换法 Transformation Method6. 设备 Equipment6.1 电机 Motor中文英文直流电机Direct Current Motor交流电机Alternating Current Motor同步电动机Synchronous Motor异步电动机Asynchronous Motor永磁电动机Permanent Magnet Motor步进电动机Stepping Motor无刷直流电动机Brushless Direct Current Motor 6.2 开关 Switch中文英文开关 Switch断路器 Circuit Breaker接触器 Contactor继电器 Relay熔断器 Fuse6.3 传感器 Sensor中文英文温度传感器 Temperature Sensor中文英文压力传感器 Pressure Sensor流量传感器 Flow Sensor湿度传感器 Humidity Sensor光敏传感器 Photoresistor Sensor7. 保护 Protection7.1 保护的原理 Principle of Protection过流保护 Overcurrent Protection短路保护 Short-circuit Protection过压保护 Overvoltage Protection欠压保护 Undervoltage Protection过频保护 Overfrequency Protection欠频保护 Underfrequency Protection差动保护 Differential Protection距离保护 Distance Protection零序保护 Zero-sequence Protection7.2 保护的装置 Protection Devices保护继电器 Protective Relay故障录波器 Fault Recorder故障指示器 Fault Indicator故障定位器 Fault Locator故障分析仪 Fault Analyzer8. 继电器 Relay8.1 继电器的类型 Types of Relay中文英文电磁继电器 Electromagnetic Relay固态继电器 Solid State Relay热继电器 Thermal Relay光耦继电器 Optocoupler Relay时间继电器 Time Relay8.2 继电器的参数 Parameters of Relay中文英文额定电压 Rated Voltage中文英文额定电流 Rated Current额定功率 Rated Power接通时间 Operate Time断开时间 Release Time8.3 继电器的应用 Applications of Relay控制 Control开关 Switching隔离 Isolation放大 Amplification反馈 Feedback。



《电气专业英语》课程教学大纲一、课程简介课程名称:电气专业英语英文名称:Specialized English for Electrical Professional课程代码: 0110336 课程类别:专业选修课学分:2 总学时:32先修课程:电路基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机与电力拖动、电力电子变流技术。





三、教学内容及学时分配UNIT1 (2学时)1.学习目的和要求掌握有关电阻的专业词汇与常用词组,基本掌握电阻技术领域英文文献的阅读与翻译,提高专业英语的应用能力。


2.教学内容Text A:What Is Resistance?UNIT2 (4学时)1.学习目的和要求掌握有关电的专业词汇与常用词组,基本掌握有关电荷、电压、电流及交流电方面英文文献的阅读与翻译,提高专业英语的应用能力。


2.教学内容Text A:Electric Basic ConceptText B:Introduction to ACUNIT3 (4学时)1.学习目的和要求掌握有关电路的专业词汇与常用词组,基本掌握简单电路、直流串联电路及并联电路等方面英文文献的阅读与翻译,提高专业英语的应用能力。


2.教学内容Text A:Simple Electric CircuitText B:DC Parallel CircuitUNIT4 (4学时)1.学习目的和要求掌握有关半导体晶体的专业词汇与常用词组,基本掌握硅晶体结构、电子与原子等方面英文文献的阅读与翻译,提高专业英语的应用能力。



电路英语知识点归纳总结An electric circuit can be defined as a closed loop through which electric current can flow. It consists of various electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and active devices like transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits. Understanding the key concepts of electric circuits is essential for anyone studying electrical engineering or working with electronic devices. In this article, we will summarize the important knowledge points of electric circuits, including basic laws, circuit analysis techniques, and key components.1. Basic Laws of Electric CircuitsOhm's Law: Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering that relates the voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in a circuit. It can be stated as V = I * R, where V is the voltage across the resistor, I is the current flowing through the resistor, and R is the resistance of the resistor. This law allows us to calculate the voltage, current, or resistance in a circuit when the other two are known.Kirchhoff's Laws: Kirchhoff's laws are two fundamental rules that govern the behavior of electric circuits.- Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL): KCL states that the algebraic sum of currents entering and leaving a node in a circuit is zero. This law is based on the principle of conservation of charge.- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL): KVL states that the algebraic sum of the voltage drops around any closed loop in a circuit is zero. This law is based on the principle of conservation of energy.2. Circuit Analysis TechniquesThere are several techniques for analyzing electric circuits, including:- Nodal Analysis: Nodal analysis is a method for determining the voltage at each node in a circuit. It is based on KCL and Ohm's Law and is particularly useful for complex circuits with multiple voltage sources.- Mesh Analysis: Mesh analysis is a method for determining the current in each mesh (loop) of a circuit. It is based on KVL and Ohm's Law and is particularly useful for circuits with multiple current sources.- Thevenin's Theorem: Thevenin's theorem states that any linear circuit consisting of voltage and current sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit comprising a single voltage source and a single series resistance. This theorem simplifies complex circuits for analysis and design.- Norton's Theorem: Norton's theorem states that any linear circuit consisting of voltage and current sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit comprising a single current source and a single parallel resistance. This theorem is a dual of Thevenin's theorem and is equally useful for simplifying circuits.3. Key Components of Electric CircuitsResistors: Resistors are passive electronic components that impede the flow of electric current. They are widely used in electric circuits to control the amount of current or voltage in a circuit.Capacitors: Capacitors are passive electronic components that store and release electrical energy. They are used in circuits for filtering, timing, and energy storage.Inductors: Inductors are passive electronic components that store energy in a magnetic field when current passes through them. They are used in circuits for energy storage, filtering, and inductive coupling.Diodes: Diodes are active electronic components that allow current to flow in one direction only. They are used in circuits for rectification, signal demodulation, and voltage regulation.Transistors: Transistors are active electronic components that amplify or switch electronic signals. They are widely used in electronic devices such as amplifiers, oscillators, and digital logic circuits.Integrated Circuits (ICs): Integrated circuits are miniaturized electronic circuits comprised of semiconductor devices and passive components. They are the building blocks of modern electronic devices and are used in a wide range of applications such as computers, mobile phones, and consumer electronics.In conclusion, understanding the basic laws, circuit analysis techniques, and key components of electric circuits is essential for anyone working with electronic devices or studying electrical engineering. These fundamental concepts provide the groundwork for designing and analyzing complex circuits and are the building blocks of modern electronics.。



20XX年复习资料大学复习资料专业:班级:科目老师:日期:电路英语电路的基本概念及定律电源 source电压源 voltage source电流源 current source理想电压源 ideal voltage source理想电流源 ideal current source伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristic 电动势 electromotive force电压 voltage电流 current电位 potential电位差 potential difference欧姆 ohm伏特 volt安培 ampere瓦特 watt焦耳 joule电路 circuit电路元件 circuit element电阻 resistance电阻器 resistor电感 inductance电感器 inductor电容 capacitance电容器 capacitor电路模型 circuit model参考方向 reference direction参考电位 reference potential欧姆律 ohm’s law基尔霍夫定律 kirchhoff’s law基尔霍夫电压定律 kirchhoff’s voltage law(kvl)基尔霍夫电流定律 kirchhoff’s current law(kcl)结点 node支路 branch回路 loop网孔 mesh支路电流法 branch current analysis网孔电流法 mesh current analysis结点电位法 node voltage analysis电源变换 source transformations叠加原理 superposition theorem网络 network无源二端网络 passive two-terminal network 有源二端网络 active two-terminal network 戴维宁定理 thevenin’s theorem诺顿定理 norton’s theorem开路(断路)open circuit短路 short circuit开路电压 open-circuit voltage短路电流 short-circuit current交流电路直流电路direct current circuit (dc)交流电路alternating current circuit (ac)正弦交流电路 sinusoidal a-c circuit平均值 average value有效值 effective value均方根值root-mean-squire value (rms)瞬时值 instantaneous value电抗 reactance感抗 inductive reactance容抗 capacitive reactance法拉 farad亨利 henry阻抗 impedance复数阻抗 complex impedance相位 phase初相位 initial phase相位差 phase difference相位领先Aphaselead相位落后 phase lag倒相,反相phase inversion频率 frequency角频率 angular frequency赫兹 hertz相量 phasor相量图 phasor diagram有功功率 active power无功功率 reactive power视在功率 apparent power功率因数 power factor功率因数补偿 power-factor compensation 串联谐振 series resonance并联谐振 parallel resonance谐振频率 resonance frequency频率特性 frequency characteristic幅频特性amplitude-frequency response characteristic 相频特性 phase-frequency response characteristic截止频率 cutoff frequency品质因数 quality factor通频带 pass-band带宽 bandwidth (bw)滤波器 filter一阶滤波器 first-order filter二阶滤波器 second-order filter低通滤波器 low-pass filter高通滤波器 high-pass filter带通滤波器 band-pass filter带阻滤波器 band-stop filter转移函数 transfer function波特图 bode diagram傅立叶级数 fourier series电路的暂态过程分析暂态 transient state稳态 steady state暂态过程,暂态响应 transient response 换路定理 low of switch一阶电路 first-order circuit三要素法 three-factor method时间常数 time constant积分电路 integrating circuit微分电路 differentiating circuit磁路与变压器磁场magnetic field磁通 flux磁路 magnetic circuit磁感应强度 flux density磁通势 magnetomotive force磁阻 reluctance电动机直流电动机 dc motor交流电动机 ac motor额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current额定功率 rated power机械特性 mechanical characteristic继电器-接触器控制按钮 button熔断器 fuse开关 switch行程开关 travel switch继电器 relay接触器 contactor常开(动合)触点 normally open contact常闭(动断)触点 normally closed contact时间继电器 time relay热继电器 thermal overload relay中间继电器 intermediate relay可编程控制器(plc)可编程控制器 programmable logic controller 语句表 statement list梯形图 ladder diagram半导体器件本征半导体intrinsic semiconductor掺杂半导体doped semiconductorp型半导体 p-type semiconductorn型半导体 n--type semiconductor自由电子 free electron空穴 hole载流子 carrierspn结 pn junction扩散 diffusion漂移 drift二极管 diode硅二极管 silicon diode锗二极管 germanium diode阳极 anode阴极 cathode发光二极管 light-emitting diode (led)光电二极管 photodiode稳压二极管 zener diode晶体管(三极管) transistorpnp型晶体管 pnp transistornpn型晶体管 npn transistor发射极 emitter集电极 collector基极 base电流放大系数 current amplification coefficient场效应管 field-effect transistor (fet)p沟道 p-channeln沟道 n-channel结型场效应管 junction fet(jfet)金属氧化物半导体 metal-oxide semiconductor (mos)耗尽型mos场效应管 depletion mode mosfet(d-mosfet)增强型mos场效应管 enhancement mode mosfet(e-mosfet)源极 source栅极 grid漏极 drain跨导 transconductance热敏电阻 thermistor开路 open短路 shorted放大器 amplifier正向偏置 forward bias反向偏置 backward bias静态工作点 quiescent point (q-point)等效电路 equivalent circuit电压放大倍数 voltage gain总的电压放大倍数 overall voltage gain饱和 saturation截止 cut-off放大区 amplifier region饱和区 saturation region截止区 cut-off region失真 distortion饱和失真 saturation distortion截止失真 cut-off distortion零点漂移 zero drift正反馈 positive feedback负反馈 negative feedback串联负反馈 series negative feedback并联负反馈 parallel negative feedback共射极放大器 common-emitter amplifier射极跟随器 emitter-follower共源极放大器 common-source amplifier共漏极放大器 common-drain amplifier多级放大器 multistage amplifier阻容耦合放大器 resistance-capacitance coupled amplifier 直接耦合放大器 direct- coupled amplifier输入电阻 input resistance输出电阻 output resistance负载电阻 load resistance动态电阻 dynamic resistance负载电流 load current旁路电容 bypass capacitor耦合电容 coupled capacitor直流通路 direct current path交流通路 alternating current path直流分量 direct current component交流分量 alternating current component 变阻器(电位器)rheostat电阻(器)resistor电阻(值)resistance电容(器)capacitor电容(量)capacitance电感(器,线圈)inductor电感(量),感应系数inductance正弦电压 sinusoidal voltage集成运算放大器及应用差动放大器 differential amplifier运算放大器 operational amplifier(op-amp)失调电压 offset voltage失调电流 offset current共模信号 common-mode signal差模信号 different-mode signal共模抑制比 common-mode rejection ratio (cmrr)积分电路 integrator(circuit)微分电路 differentiator(circuit)有源滤波器 active filter波特沃斯滤波器 butterworth filter切比雪夫滤波器 chebyshev filter截止频率 cut-off frequency上限截止频率 upper cut-off frequency下限截止频率 lower cut-off frequency中心频率 center frequency带宽 bandwidth开环增益 open-loop gain闭环增益 closed-loop gain共模增益 common-mode gain输入阻抗 input impedance电压跟随器 voltage-follower电压源 voltage source电流源 current source单位增益带宽unity-gain bandwidth频率响应 frequency response频响特性(曲线)response characteristic 波特图 the bode plot稳定性stability补偿 compensation比较器 comparator迟滞比较器 hysteresis comparator阶跃输入电压step input voltage仪表放大器 instrumentation amplifier隔离放大器 isolation amplifier对数放大器 log amplifier反对数放大器antilog amplifier反馈通道 feedback path反向漏电流 reverse leakage current相位phase相移 phase shift锁相环 phase-locked loop(pll)锁相环相位监测器 pll phase detector和频 sum frequency差频 difference frequency波形发生电路振荡器 oscillatorrc振荡器 rc oscillatorlc振荡器 lc oscillator正弦波振荡器 sinusoidal oscillator三角波发生器 triangular wave generator方波发生器square wave generator幅度 magnitude电平level饱和输出电平(电压) saturated output level功率放大器功率放大器 power amplifier交越失真 cross-over distortion甲类功率放大器 class a power amplifier乙类推挽功率放大器class b push-pull power amplifier otl功率放大器 output transformerless power amplifier ocl功率放大器 output capacitorless power amplifier 直流稳压电源半波整流 full-wave rectifier全波整流 half-wave rectifier电感滤波器 inductor filter电容滤波器 capacitor filter串联型稳压电源 series (voltage) regulator开关型稳压电源 switching (voltage) regulator 集成稳压器 ic (voltage) regulator门电路与逻辑代数二进制 binary二进制数 binary number十进制 decimal十六进制 hexadecimal二-十进制 binary coded decimal (bcd)门电路 gate三态门tri-state gate与门 and gate或门 or gate非门 not gate与非门 nand gate或非门 nor gate异或门 exclusive-or gate反相器 inverter布尔代数 boolean algebra真值表 truth table卡诺图 the karnaugh map逻辑函数 logic function逻辑表达式 logic expression组合逻辑电路 combination logic circuit 译码器 decoder编码器 coder比较器 comparator半加器 half-adder全加器 full-adder七段显示器 seven-segment display时序逻辑电路 sequential logic circuit r-s 触发器 r-s flip-flopd触发器 d flip-flopj-k触发器 j-k flip-flop主从型触发器 master-slave flip-flop置位 set复位 reset直接置位端direct-set terminal直接复位端direct-reset terminal寄存器 register移位寄存器 shift register双向移位寄存器bidirectional shift register 计数器 counter同步计数器 synchronous counter异步计数器asynchronous counter加法计数器 adding counter减法计数器 subtracting counter定时器 timer清除(清0)clear载入 load时钟脉冲 clock pulse触发脉冲 trigger pulse上升沿 positive edge下降沿 negative edge时序图 timing diagram波形图 waveform脉冲波形的产生与整形单稳态触发器 monostable flip-flop双稳态触发器 bistable flip-flop无稳态振荡器 astable oscillator晶体 crystal555定时器 555 timer模拟信号与数字信号的相互转换模拟信号 analog signal数字信号 digital signalad转换器analog -digital converter (adc)半导体存储器只读存储器 read-only memory(rom)随机存取存储器 random-access memory(ram)可编程rom programmable rom(prom)电器电子英语词汇(上)matched filter 匹配滤波器matching transformer 匹配变压器matrix 矩阵matrix circuit 矩阵变换电路matrix display 矩阵显示器matrix integrated circuit 矩阵型集成电路matrix large scale integration 矩阵型大规模集成电路maximum load 最大负载maximum usable frequency 最高可用频率maxwellian distribution 麦克斯韦分布mean error 平均误差mean free path 平均自由路程mean frequency 平均频率mean life 平均寿命mean time between failures 平均故障间隔时间mean time to failure 平均故障间隔时间measurement 测量measuring amplifier 测量用放大器measuring bridge 测量用电桥measuring device 测量装置measuring error 测量误差measuring microphone 测量传声器mechanical failure 机械故障medium frequency 中频medium scale integration 中规模集成度medium waves 中波megachip 百万级规模集成电路megascale ic 百万级规模集成电路melt 熔融meltback 回熔melting 熔融memory transistor 存储晶体管memory unit 存储单元memoscope 存储管式示波器mesfet 金属半导体场效应晶体管21 / 21。



电路英语知识点总结初中An electric circuit is a path along which an electric current can flow. It consists of an energy source, such as a battery or generator, a load, such as a light bulb or motor, and the connecting wires that allow the current to flow. Understanding the key components and principles of electric circuits is essential for mastering the field of electronics.Key Components of an Electric Circuit1. Energy Source: The energy source is the component that provides the electrical energy needed to power the circuit. The most common energy sources are batteries and generators. Batteries are portable and provide direct current (DC), while generators produce alternating current (AC) and are more commonly used in large-scale power generation.2. Load: The load is the component in the circuit that performs the desired work, such as lighting a bulb or powering a motor. It consumes the electrical energy provided by the energy source.3. Conductors: Conductors are the materials that allow the flow of electric current. Metal wires are the most common conductors used in electric circuits due to their ability to conduct electricity efficiently.4. Switches: Switches are components that can open or close the circuit to control the flow of current. They are essential for turning devices on and off.5. Resistors: Resistors are components that resist the flow of electric current and are usedto control the amount of current in a circuit. They are commonly used to limit the current toa safe level for electronic components.6. Capacitors: Capacitors are components that store electric charge and release it when needed. They are used to stabilize voltage, store energy, and filter out noise in electronic circuits.7. Inductors: Inductors are components that store energy in a magnetic field when a current flows through them. They are used in circuits to control the flow of electricity and filter out unwanted frequencies.Principles of Electric Circuits1. Ohm's Law: Ohm's law states that the current (I) flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) between them. The mathematical equation representing Ohm's law is V = I x R.2. Kirchhoff's Laws: Kirchhoff's laws are a set of principles used to analyze the currents and voltages in electrical circuits. Kirchhoff's current law states that the sum of currentsentering a node is equal to the sum of currents leaving the node. Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the sum of the voltages around any closed loop in a circuit is zero.3. Series and Parallel Circuits: In a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end, and the same current flows through all the components. In a parallel circuit, the components are connected in multiple paths, and the current is divided among the branches. Understanding the properties of series and parallel circuits is essential for designing and analyzing complex electrical systems.4. Power in Electric Circuits: The power (P) in an electric circuit is the rate at which electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy. It is calculated using the formula P = I x V, where I is the current and V is the voltage. Understanding power in electric circuits is essential for designing and selecting the right components for a circuit.Applications of Electric CircuitsElectric circuits are essential in a wide range of electronic devices and systems. Some common applications include:1. Lighting Systems: Electric circuits are used in lighting systems to power light bulbs, LEDs, and other lighting sources. The design and installation of lighting circuits require a thorough understanding of electric circuits.2. Power Distribution: Electric circuits are used to distribute electrical power from a source, such as a power plant, to consumers. The design and operation of power distribution systems rely on the principles of electric circuits.3. Electronics: Electric circuits are the foundation of modern electronics, including smartphones, computers, and televisions. Understanding electric circuits is essential for designing, troubleshooting, and repairing electronic devices.4. Renewable Energy Systems: Electric circuits are used in renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to convert and distribute the electrical energy generated from natural sources.ConclusionElectric circuits are fundamental in the field of electronics and are essential for understanding how electrical energy is converted and distributed in various systems and devices. Mastering the key components and principles of electric circuits is essential for anyone pursuing a career in electrical engineering, electronics, or related fields. By understanding the components, principles, and applications of electric circuits, individuals can design, analyze, and troubleshoot complex electrical systems and devices.。



电路英语知识点总结高中Electric circuit is a closed loop through which an electric current can flow. It is a network of interconnected electrical components, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage sources, current sources and switches. An electric circuit can be described with the help of a circuit diagram, which uses symbols to represent the components in the circuit.Basic Components in Electric Circuit1. Voltage Source: A voltage source is a device that provides a potential difference across its terminals, which causes an electric current to flow in the circuit. It is represented by the symbol ‘V’ in circuit diagram.2. Current Source: A current source is a device that produces a constant electric current in the circuit. It is represented by the symbol ‘I’ in circuit diagram.3. Resistor: A resistor is an electrical component that resists the flow of electric current. It is represented by the symbol ‘R’ in circuit diagram.4. Capacitor: A capacitor is an electrical component that stores and releases electric energy. It is represented by the symbol ‘C’ in circuit diagram.5. Inductor: An inductor is an electrical component that stores and releases magnetic energy. It is represented by the symbol ‘L’ in circuit diagram.6. Switch: A switch is a device that can open or close the circuit, allowing the current to flow or stop flowing through the circuit. It is represented by the symbol ‘S’ in circuit diagram.7. Wire: A wire is a conductor that connects the components in the circuit and allows the flow of electric current.Types of Electric Circuits1. Series Circuit: In a series circuit, the components are connected in a single path. The same current flows through all components, and the voltage is divided across the components.2. Parallel Circuit: In a parallel circuit, the components are connected in multiple paths. The voltage is the same across all components, and the current is divided among the components.3. Series-Parallel Circuit: In a series-parallel circuit, the components are connected in both series and parallel configurations. This type of circuit combines the characteristics of both series and parallel circuits.Ohm’s LawOhm’s law is a fundamental principle in electric circuit, which relates the voltage, current and resistance in a circuit. It states that the current flowing through a conductor betweentwo points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between the two points. Mathematically, Ohm’s law can be expressed as:V = I * RWhere V is the voltage across the conductor, I is the current flowing through the conductor, and R is the resistance of the conductor.Kirchhoff’s LawsKirchhoff’s laws are two fundamental principles in electric circuit, which are used to analyze the flow of current and voltage in a circuit. They are named after Gustav Kirchhoff, a German physicist who first introduced these laws.1. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL): KCL states that the total current entering a junction is equal to the total current leaving the junction. In other words, the algebraic sum of the currents at any junction in a circuit is zero.2. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL): KVL states that the sum of the voltage drops around any closed loop in a circuit is zero. In other words, the algebraic sum of the voltage drops in a closed loop is equal to the algebraic sum of the voltage rises in the loop.Circuit AnalysisCircuit analysis is the process of determining the voltages and currents in a circuit. There are several methods to analyze an electric circuit, such as:1. Node Voltage Method: In this method, the circuit is analyzed by defining node voltages at each junction in the circuit. The node voltages are then used to analyze the circuit with the help of Kirchhoff’s laws.2. Mesh Current Method: In this method, the circuit is analyzed by defining mesh currents in each loop of the circuit. The mesh currents are then used to analyze the circuit with the help of Kirchhoff’s laws.3. Thevenin’s Theorem: Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear elec trical network with voltage and current sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a single voltage source and a single resistor.4. Norton’s Theorem: Norton’s theorem states that any linear electrical network with voltage and current sources and resistances can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a single current source and a single resistor.Applications of Electric CircuitsElectric circuits have wide range of applications in various fields, such as:1. Power Generation and Distribution: Electric circuits are used in power generation and distribution systems to transmit electrical energy from power plants to consumers.2. Electronics: Electric circuits are used in electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, televisions, radios, and amplifiers.3. Communications: Electric circuits are used in communication systems, such as telecommunication networks, radio transmitters and receivers, and satellite communication systems.4. Control Systems: Electric circuits are used in control systems, such as automatic voltage regulators, temperature controllers, and motor speed controllers.In conclusion, electric circuit is a fundamental concept in electrical engineering, and it plays a crucial role in various applications. Understanding the principles of electric circuit and its components is essential for designing and analyzing electrical systems.。



电路英语知识点总结IntroductionElectrical circuits are the backbone of modern technology, from simple household appliances to complex industrial machinery. Understanding the principles and components of electrical circuits is essential for anyone working in the field of electrical engineering or related disciplines.In this summary, we will cover the key knowledge points related to electrical circuits, including basic concepts, circuit components, circuit analysis, and practical applications. Basic ConceptsAn electrical circuit is a closed loop through which an electric current can flow. It consists of various components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and power sources, connected in a specific configuration.The most basic circuit consists of a power source, a load, and a conducting path or wire. The power source provides the energy needed to move the charge through the circuit, while the load consumes the energy, such as a light bulb or a motor.Current, voltage, and resistance are the fundamental concepts of electrical circuits. Current is the flow of electric charge, measured in Amperes (A). Voltage is the difference in electric potential between two points in a circuit, measured in Volts (V). Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current, measu red in Ohms (Ω).Circuit ComponentsResistors: Resistors are passive components that restrict the flow of current in a circuit. They are commonly used to control the amount of current flowing through a circuit, protect components from excessive current, and divide voltages.Capacitors: Capacitors store and release electrical energy in the form of an electric field. They are used for filtering, tuning, and energy storage in electronic circuits.Inductors: Inductors store energy in the form of a magnetic field. They are commonly used in filter circuits, oscillators, and power supplies.Diodes: Diodes are semiconductor devices that allow current to flow in one direction only. They are used in rectifiers, signal demodulation, and voltage regulation.Transistors: Transistors are semiconductor devices with amplification and switching capabilities. They are the building blocks of modern electronic circuits and are used in a wide range of applications, including amplifiers, oscillators, and digital logic circuits. Circuit AnalysisCircuit analysis is the process of determining the behavior of a circuit, including current, voltage, and power, using mathematical techniques. There are several methods for analyzing electrical circuits, including Kirchhoff's laws, Ohm's law, and nodal analysis.Kirchhoff's laws: Kirchhoff's current law states that the algebraic sum of currents at a node in a circuit is zero, while Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the algebraic sum of the voltage drops around any closed loop in a circuit is zero.Ohm's law: Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it and inversely proportional to its resistance.Nodal analysis: Nodal analysis is a method for determining the voltage at each node in a circuit by writing equations based on Kirchhoff's current law and solving for the unknowns. Practical ApplicationsElectrical circuits are used in a wide range of practical applications, including power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization. They are critical for the operation of electrical devices such as computers, televisions, smartphones, and medical equipment. Power systems: Electrical circuits are used in power generation plants to generate electricity from various energy sources, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energy. They are also used in transmission and distribution systems to deliver electricity to homes, businesses, and industries.Electronics: Electrical circuits are the foundation of modern electronic devices, including smartphones, computers, televisions, and audio amplifiers. They are used to process and transmit signals, control motors and actuators, and convert and regulate power. Renewable energy: Electrical circuits play a crucial role in the generation and integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. They are used to convert and control the output of renewable energy systems and interface them with the electric grid.ConclusionUnderstanding electrical circuits is essential for anyone working in the field of electrical engineering or related disciplines. The knowledge points covered in this summary provide a solid foundation for understanding the principles and components of electrical circuits, as well as their practical applications in power systems, electronics, and renewable energy. By mastering these knowledge points, one can design, analyze, and troubleshoot electrical circuits with confidence and expertise.。



如何快速学好电机英语1. 注重基础知识要快速学好电机英语,首先要打好基础。



2. 制定学习计划制定一个科学合理的学习计划,明确学习的目标和重点,合理安排学习时间和学习方法,可以帮助我们更加有效地学习电机英语。


3. 多维度学习学习电机英语并不仅仅是学习电机术语和专业知识,还要注重英语语法、词汇、阅读和写作等方面的学习。



4. 积极参与学习在学习过程中,要保持积极的学习态度,主动参与课堂讨论、讲座和研讨会等活动,积极与老师和同学们交流和探讨问题。


5. 多样化学习资源可以利用各种学习资源,如教科书、教学视频、电子书、学术期刊等,来丰富学习内容,提高学习效果。


6. 不断实践学习电机英语需要不断地实践和应用。



7. 培养自学能力学习电机英语是一个持续不断的过程,需要培养自学能力和自主学习的意识。







第1级(1) circuit,电路 (L1)(2) linear,线性 (L2)(3) non-linear,⾮线性 (L2)(4) current,电流 (L3)(5) voltage,电压 (L3)(6) potential,电位 (L3)(7) reference direction,参考⽅向 (L4)(8) associated reference directions,关联参考⽅向 (L4)(9) non-associated reference directions,⾮关联参考⽅向 (L4)(10) power,功率 (L5)(11) Resistor,电阻 (L6)(12) Ohm's law,欧姆定律 (L6)(13) independent source,独⽴源 (L7)(14) port,端⼝ (L8)(15) dependent elements,受控元件 (L9)(16) dependent source,受控源 (L9)(17) branch,⽀路 (L10)(18) node,节点 (L10)(19) path,路径 (L10)(20) loop,回路 (L10)(21) mesh,⽹孔 (L10)(22) Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL),基尔霍夫电流定律 (L10)(23) Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL),基尔霍夫电压定律 (L10)(24) 2b method,2b法 (L11)第2级(25) source,电源 (L2)(26) load,负载 (L2)(27) switch,开关 (L2)(28) direct current,直流 (L2)(29) alternating current,交流 (L2)(30) terminal,接线端 (L2)(31) two-terminal elements,⼆端元件 (L2)(32) electromotive force,电动势 (L3)(33) branch variables,⽀路量 (L3)(34) open circuit,开路 (L5)(35) short circuit,短路 (L5)(36) one-port network,⼀端⼝⽹络 (L8)第3级(37) planar circuit,平⾯电路 (L2)(38) non-planar circuit,⾮平⾯电路 (L2)(39) passive one-port network,⽆源⼀端⼝⽹络 (L8)(40) active one-port network,有源⼀端⼝⽹络 (L8)(41) passive sign convention,⽆源符号约定 (L8)(42) active sign convention,有源符号约定 (L8)。



一、History about electronics(电子技术,电子学,电子设备)1、The English names for the department and the majors电气工程系Department of Electrical Engineering电气化铁道工程Electrified railway engineering电气自动化技术Electrical automation technology电子信息工程技术Technology of electrical and Information Engineering 应用电子技术The application of electronic technology电子工艺与管理Electronic technology and management供用电技术Technology power电机与电器Motor and electric appliances铁道通信信号Railway communication signal2、History about electronicsThere can be no doubt that the 1900s is remembered as the electronic century. Of course there have been other great advances, in medicine(医学领域), in transport, in science, in commerce(商业领域), and many other fields but where would they have been without the instruments and devices that electronics has provided?How would you see a 3D virtual reality image(3D虚拟现实影像) of your beating heart with no electronics? Would you go to a pop concert(流行音乐会)that had no amplifiers(【电子】放大器,扩音器), large screens or lighting effects? Don’t say you would rather watch TV-there would not be any.Electronics in the early 20th century started thriving at a greater speed unlike the pre-20th century developments. The radio(无线电) invented by the Italian genius Marconi and the work of Henry Hertz opened the road to further discoveries and inventions.In the first decade the new thing that was welcome to the technical world was the vacuum tube(真空管,电子管). The vacuum tubes at that time worked as a miraculous component for the radio devices.The invention of the television was a miraculous thing for the mankind. It was revolution in both communication technology(通信技术) and also for the world media. The distances between the continents did not seem to be far enough.The credit goes to the British engineer John Logic Baird who followed the footprints of Marconi and tried to send the images in the same way as the speech. After a long experiment he found that a series of static pictures, if sent within a small interval of time in between them, seem to be moving.The real electronics what it is called today was actually started after the discovery of the transistor(晶体管) effect. Transistor opened the road for the computing world. Computers of various types started hitting the market and the research works got a boost.Some other problems were also there like the assembling(装配,聚集) of the electronic components(电子元器件) on a single mother board(母板,主插件板). Jack Kilby in Texas Instruments found a very nice solution.He suggested to throw away all the wires(wire:电线,电报) and tried to connect the resistors(电阻器), capacitors(电容器) and transistors on the samepiece of wafer(圆片,晶片) internally. Surprisingly his ideas worked and gave birth to the integrated circuit(集成电路) industries.二、Introduction to some courses1、Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits(直流电路与交流电路)This course covers the fundamental theory of passive devices (无源器件)(resistor, capacitor, and inductor(电感器)) and electrical networks(电子、电路网络) supplied by a DC source(直流电源), then an introduction to the effects of alternating voltage and current in passive electrical circuits(electrical circuit:电路)is given. This module also covers DC machines, three phase circuits(三相电路)and transformers(变压器).这门课程包括了无源器件(电阻,电容和电感)的基本理论和用直流电源供电的电路网络,接着介绍无源电路中的交流电流和交流电压的作用,这个课程模块还包括了直流电机,三相电路和变压器。

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