learning strategies
Learning strategies include meta-cognitive strategy, social, emotional and cognitive strategies and tactics, the cognitive strategies, which refers to a direct role in input information strategy (O 'Malley Chamot and, 1990). Students gain from reading materials to use some information cognitive strategies to help them to understand these information quickly and accurately. In English reading, flexible use of cognitive strategies for students is very important.一、定义认知策略是学习者加工信息的一些方法和技术,其基本功能有两个方面:一是对信息进行有效的加工与整理;二是对信息进行分门别类的系统储存。
A definitionThe cognitive strategies learners of some of the information is processing techniques and methods, and its basic function of two aspects: one is on information processing and effectively, Two is to classify the storage system.二、类型(一)复述策略复述策略师指在工作记忆中为了保持信息,运用内部语言在大脑中重现学习材料或刺激,以便将注意力维持在学习材料上的方法。
第十一章Learning Strategies
Metacognitive Strategies
Self-Management: Manage Your Own Learning Determine how you learn best. Arrange conditions that help you learn. Seek opportunities for practice. Focus your attention on the task.
O’Malley et al. (1985)
Metacognitive Strategies
Planning Understand the task Organize materials Find resources
Metacognitive Strategies
Monitoring: While working on a task:
Language use strategies
a) rehearsal strategies – strategies for
practicing target language structures b) retrieval strategies – strategies to call up language material from storage c) communication strategies –verbal (or nonverbal) first aid devices used to deal with problems or break-downs in communication.
Language Learning Strategies
(a) identifying material to be learned, (b) distinguishing it from other material, (c) grouping it for easier learning, (d) engaging in repeated contact with it, (e) formally committing it to memory.
use of knowledge
They include cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, effective
strategies, and physiological strategies
Learning strategies are individualized and can vary from
person ategies
Learning strategies refer to the methods and techniques that learners use to facilitate their acquisition, storage, retrieval, and
use of knowledge
They include cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, effective
strategies, and physiological strategies
Learning strategies are individualized and can vary from
English is the language of many fields, including science, technology, and the arts To stay up to date with the latest developments in these fields, it is necessary to have a good command of English
learner strategies名词解释
learner strategies名词解释learner strategies是指学习者在学习活动中采用的规则、方法、技巧和调控方式,这些策略可以帮助学习者更好地理解、记忆和应用学习内容。
这些策略可能包括:1. 认知信息加工策略(Cognitive Information Processing Strategies):此类策略主要用于加工和处理学习内容,旨在提高学习者的认知能力和记忆力。
2. 积极学习策略(Active Learning Strategies):这类策略主要强调学习者的主动参与和合作学习,通过参与课堂讨论、合作学习和问题解决等活动来提高学习效果。
3. 元认知策略(Metacognitive Strategies):此类策略主要用于调节和监控学习者的学习过程,包括计划、监控和评估等方面,旨在帮助学习者更好地管理学习任务和时间。
4. 基本策略和辅助性策略(Basic Strategies and Supportive Strategies):丹瑟洛提出的基本策略和辅助性策略,旨在帮助学习者培养学习技能和思维方式,提高学习的效率和效果。
5. 自主学习策略(Autonomous Learning Strategies):自主学习策略是学习者能够自主安排学习任务、自我评估和改进学习的能力,对于提高学习成绩至关重要。
6. 学习动机(Learning Motivation):学习动机是影响学习策略掌握和运用的内部因素之一,它对学习策略的掌握和运用有重要影响。
7. 认知发展水平(Cognitive Development Level):认知发展水平是影响学习策略掌握和运用的内部因素之一,不同的认知发展水平可能会导致不同的学习策略选择。
8. 知识经验(Knowledge and Experience):知识经验是影响学习策略掌握和运用的内部因素之一,不同的知识经验可能会导致不同的学习策略选择。
10. Can be taught 11. Are flexible 12. Are influenced by a variety of factors
V. Four language skills
How are the four language skills related to each other?
The four language skills are related to each other in two ways: • the direction of communication (in or
learning c. Evaluating your learning
cognitive strategies: a. practicing b.receiving and sending messages c.analyzing and reasoning d. creating structure for input and output
out) • the method of communication (spoken
or written)
VI. Strategy System
1. direct strategies • memory strategies • cognitive strategies • compensation strategies 2. indirect strategies • metacognitive strategies • affective strategies • social strategies
Learning strategies include meta-cognitive strategy, social, emotional and cognitive strategies and tactics, the cognitive strategies, which refers to a direct role in input information strategy (O 'Malley Chamot and, 1990). Students gain from reading materials to use some information cognitive strategies to help them to understand these information quickly and accurately. In English reading, flexible use of cognitive strategies for students is very important.一、定义认知策略是学习者加工信息的一些方法和技术,其基本功能有两个方面:一是对信息进行有效的加工与整理;二是对信息进行分门别类的系统储存。
A definitionThe cognitive strategies learners of some of the information is processing techniques and methods, and its basic function of two aspects: one is on information processing and effectively, Two is to classify the storage system.二、类型(一)复述策略复述策略师指在工作记忆中为了保持信息,运用内部语言在大脑中重现学习材料或刺激,以便将注意力维持在学习材料上的方法。
Learning Strategies 学习策略 语言学
Oxford按照策略和语言材料的关系将策略分为直接策 略(direct strategies)和间接策略(indirect strategies) 。直接策 略要求对所学语言进行认知处理,因而与所学语言直接相
Factors Influencing Learning Strategy
1. age 2. motivation 3. Personality
4. Learner's educational background
1. Age • Evidence indicates that age is an evident factor affecting learners’choice of learning strategies. Young children like to use simple strategies, while adult learners like to employ more complex and sophisticated strategies. Brown et al.’s (1983) study demonstrates that when children use the strategy of rehearsal, they think it is only rote repetition. However, adult learners’use of the same strategy involves active, systematic and elaborative procedures.
Weinstein Learning strategies are the behaviors and thoughts that a learner and Mayer engages in during learning that are intended to influence the learner’s encoding process.
新教材高中英语学案:Welcome UnitListening and TalkingReading for WritingReflect on your learning styles and strategies.Ⅰ. 话题词汇1. reflect on 考虑; 反思2. learning styles 学习方式, 学习风格3. learning strategies 学习策略4. work/study in groups 小组学习5. listen to the teacher and take notes听老师讲并做笔记6. watch videos 看视频7. use flash cards 用教学卡片8. make mind maps 制作思维导图9. keep a learning diary 记学习日记10. organise one’s thoughts 组织某人的想法11. learning goals 学习目标12. make plans for English studies制订英语学习计划13. exchange learning experience 交流学习经验14. improve your reading skills 提高你的阅读技能15. check for new words 查新单词Ⅱ. 情境交际(听录音补全对话)A=Amy L=Li MingA: Hi, Li Ming. Ready for the test? Do you have any 1. study tips for me ?L: Not really. I just listen to the teacher and 2. take notes.A: Oh, group work is my 3. favourite way to learn. I’m an outgoing person, so I like to discuss things. Talking to others helps me remember things.L: I’m not very good a t group work but I have other ways of remembering things.I like using 4. flash cards. They are really effective.A: Hmm. . . Notes and flash cards. . . I think you’re a visual learner.L: Yes, I guess so. I learn best when I look at pictures, so I make mind maps to organise my thoughts. I keep a 5. learning diary, too. I write down what I’ve learnt and my thoughts. It helps me plan my learning and what I need to review for exams. A: Ah, that’s a good idea. I want to try that! My friends and I have a 6. study group. We talk about what we’re learning and help each other. Why don’t you join us?L: Sure, I’d like that.Ⅰ. 话题句式1. I have set goals and made plans for my study this term.我已经为这个学期的学习制订了目标和计划。
learning strategies
Successful learners 3
• 文秋芳也指出成功的学习者全都是使用策略的能
手,认为国内外对成功学习者(善学者)的研究 结果都证明了成功者的共性特征:(1)成功者关 注语言的形式,多用参考书获得相关的语言知识, 对语言新知识比较敏感,善于从错误中学习;(2) 成功者也关注语言的意义,从上下文中猜测意义, 并设法表达自己的意思;(3)成功者通常积极参 与一切可能对语言学习有益的活动,甚至自己创 造学习语言的机会,例如自己对自己说外语,或 是以边听别人说外语一边重复等;(4)成功者通 常对自己的学习过程具有较高的意识程度,能主 动反思、计划和调控自己的学习;(5)成功者能 20 灵活、恰当地使用策略。
Learner Strategies 5
• 3.社会情感策略 • 社会策略是指学习者为了跟其他学习者和
本族语者交流而采取的行为,分为询问问 题,和别人合作,同情别人;。情感策略 指的是降低焦虑程度,鼓励自己,有意识 了解和控制自己的情感rs 1
• Naiman (1978) 认为好学生经常使用六种语
Meta-cognitive Strategies
learning strategies 学习策略
(一) 计划策略 Planning strategy is based on a cognitive activity of specific target, at an event before the planned activities, expected results, selection strategy, come up with solutions to the problem, and it is expected that its effectiveness.计划策略是 根据认知活动的特定目标,在一项活动之前计划 各种活动,预计结果、选择策略,想出解决问题 的方法,并预计其有效性。 To study plan can be a long-term, can also be tailored to the specific learning task plan. 给学习做计划既可以是较长期的,也可以 是针对具体的学习任务所制定的计划。
早期的研究认为,记笔记的主要作 用是对信息进行编码和用于课后复习,新近 的研究则把记笔记看作为一个学生自我监控 的过程,在这个过程中,记笔记的目标、学 生对课程重要性和笔记的作用的理解、学生 所具有的关于如何记笔记的知识经验等等都 会对记笔记产生影响
有人建议,记笔记应采用以下三个步骤: ①留下笔记本每页右边的1/3或1/4空白 处; ②记笔记(note taking),即记下听课或 阅读的内容; ③做笔记(note making),即整理笔记, 在留下的空白部分加边注、评语等。
( 1) position memory method.位置记忆 法 ( 2) reduction and reading method.缩 简和歌诀法 ( 3) homophonic Association.谐音联想 法 ( 4) the keyword method.关键词法 ( 5) the visual imagination.视觉想象 ( 6) semantic association.语义联想
But the learning strategy means that the students adopt various actions and steps for their efficient learning and developing.
definition content
Rebecca Oxford (1990,p.8 )
Some ways of teaching learning strategy
The procedures of teaching learning strategy
Add 5 Partyour title
The apply of learning strategy
The rise of learning strategies
1980s---Classifications of strategies and descriptions of learners The 1980s was marked by efforts to classify strategies. Language educators like O’Malley and Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990), and others created classification schemes that labeled strategies according to whether they had a primarily “metacognitive”, “cognitive”, “social”, “affective”, or other function, drawing primarily on the rich L1 literature about reading strategies.
Language Learning Strategies
Source Rubin 1987
Learning strategies are strategies which contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly.
Weinstein and Mayer 1986
Learning strategies are the behaviours and thoughts that a learner engage in during learning that are intended to influence the learner’s encoding process.
• 1. Learning strategies refer to both general approaches and specific actions or techniques used to learn an L2.
Chamot 1987
Learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate action that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistic and content area information.
• diminishing the efforts of the instructor • resulting in more effective and efficient
语言学习策略的定义The definitions of language learning strategies •是学习者为了使语言学习取得更好的效果而采取的各种策略,它既包括学习者为了更好地完成某个学习活动或学习任务而采取的微观策略,也包括学习者对自己的学习目标、学习过程、学习结果进行计划、调控、评估等而采取的宏观策略以及学习者对语言和语言学习的一些认识。
语言学习策略的分类The classification of language learning strategies •1、根据学习策略的用途进行分类直接用于语言学习中的策略(Strategies in learning the language)直接用于语言使用中的策略(Strategies in using the language)•2、根据学习策略的表现形式分类外显的学习策略、纯思维的学习策略•3、根据学习策略的使用者分类成功学习者的学习策略不太成功学习者的学习策略•4、根据心理过程分类认知策略、情感策略、元认知策略、社交策略•5、根据学习者的水平分类初级学习者的策略中级学习者的策略高级学习者的策略•6、根据使用目的分类语音学习策略、语法学习策略、词汇学习策略、说的学习策略影响语言学习策略的因素(Factors influencing language learning strategies)(一)年龄对学习策略的影响(二)智力对学习策略的影响(三)个性对学习策略的影响(四)认知风格对学习策略的影响(五)教师对学习策略的影响(六)其他因素对学习策略的影响四、英语学习策略(Strategies in learning English)(一)英语词汇学习策略(二)英语语法学习策略(三)英语学习中听的策略(四)英语口语学习策略(五)英语学习中的阅读策略(六)英语学习中的写作策略英语词汇学习策略(Strategies for vocabulary development)关于词汇学习的认识英语词汇学习策略关于词汇学习的认识Understanding vocabulary development1. 为什么要学习单词著名语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)说:“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”由此可见单词是何等重要。
The Importance of Learning Strategies in ELT(外语学习策略的重要性)
Learning strategies are steps taken by students to enhance their own learning.
Strategies are especially important for language learning because they are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing communicative competence.
• Understanding how to train your students to use them
III. Definition
Oxford, Rebecca. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. Boston: Heinle & Heinle
Jun Liu Example Learning ategies
• Memorize. •Take risks. •Learn from your mistakes.
National English Speaking Competition Example Learning Strategies
•Set up goals and objectives.
•Evaluate how you are doing.
Social/Affective Strategies
When you use social/affective strategies, you are thinking about how you feel about your language learning and you are working with other people to learn.
Learning Strategies 学习策略
through planning, monitoring and evaluating (e.g.previewing concepts deciding in advance to attend specific aspects of input) • Cognitive: involving analysis, transformation, or synthesis of learning materials (e.g. predicting inferring ) • Socio-affective: concerning ways in which learner interact with others (e.g. seeking opportunities to interact with native speakers)
Some common terminology
• Tarone 1980 • production strategy: "an attempt to use one's linguistic
system efficiently and clearly, with a minimum of effort" • communication strategy: attempts to deal with problems
• referring to general approaches and specific actions or teniques
提高口语技能4 提高口语技能4-强化
• 掌握语音:模仿、突击强化 掌握语音:模仿、 • 读英语口语书→诵读口语书和文章→说 读英语口语书→诵读口语书和文章→ 英语→ 再诵读口语书和文章/ 英语 → 再诵读口语书和文章 / 读 、 听 各 种话题的文章/看电影→ 种话题的文章/看电影→再说英语 • 李阳“三最”口语:最大声、最响亮、 李阳“三最”口语:最大声、最响亮、 最快速; 最快速;句子是财富
提高口语技能3 提高口语技能3-口译法
口译法: 中英文版本的材料 的材料, 口译法:有中英文版本的材料,口头翻译 中文版本, 中文版本,用英文版本对照 1.自己就可以练习口语。 自己就可以练习口语。 2.有话可说:题材范围广 突破思维禁锢。 有话可说: 有话可说 题材范围广, 突破思维禁锢。 3.有词汇可用:学过的课本复述和口译。 有词汇可用: 和口译。 有词汇可用 学过的课本复述和口译 4. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻。 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻。
提高口语技能2 提高口语技能2-复述法
• 复述法:英语复述听/读过的材料 复述法:英语复述听
• 被动听 → 主动听 ( 理解 、 记忆 、 表 被动听→ 主动听( 理解、记忆、 达)
• Listen to understand → Listen to reproduce
• 表现方式现成,有助于开口和流利训练。 表现方式现成,有助于开口和流利训练。
• Do it whenever and wherever you can.
• 一定数量,柳暗花明, 一懂百懂 一定数量,柳暗花明,
• • • • • / 旺旺英语 / 沪江英语 / 英语之声 / 普特英语听力 BBC, ABC, CBC, NPR, CNN, VOA 国外
Learning Strategies
Willing’s Learning Style Inventory
• Willing identified four different learner types of learners across a range of cultural backgrounds:
• (i) Concrete learning style - use active and direct means, are interested in information of immediate value, like variety, dislike routine.
2. Propensities (cognitive and affective qualities involving preparedness or orientation to language learning)
(a) Learning style (b) Motivation (c) Anxiety (d) Personality (e) Willingness to communicate
Propensities: (a)Learning Styles
• Styles . . . characterize the consistent and enduring traits, tendencies, or preferences that may differentiate you from another person (Brown, 2001:210). Learning styles are therefore more difficult to change than strategies because they relate to propensities we have which make us favour certain ways of processes information in our environment or dealing with people.
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• Encouraging yourself
• Taking your emotional temperature
1. asking for clarification or verification A. Asking questions 2. asking for correction 1. cooperating with peers Social strategies B. Cooperating with others 2. cooperating with proficient users of the new language 1. Developing cultural understanding C. Empathizing with others 2. Becoming aware of others’ thoughts and feelings
• • • • Using imagery Semantic mapping Using keywords Representing sounds in memory
• Receiving well
• • • Structured receiving Using physical response sensation Using mechanical techniques
• Employing action
Cognitive strategies
Receiving and sending messages
Analyzing and reasoning
Creating structure for input and output
● ●
• Arranging and planning your learning
• Evaluating your learning
• • Self-monitoring Self- evaluating
• Affective strategies • lowering your anxiety
• • • • • • • • • • Using progressive relaxation, deep breathing Using music Using laughter Making positive statements Taking risks wisely Rewarding yourself Listening to your body Using a checklist Writing a language learning diary Discussing your feelings with someone else.
translating ● transing
structure for input and output
taking notes
summarizing ● highlighting
ing linguistic clues A. Guessing intelligently Compensation strategies B. Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing 2. using other clues 1. switching to the mother tongue 2. getting help 3. using mime or gesture 4. avoiding communication partially or totally 5. selecting the topic 6. adjusting or approximating the message 7. Coining words 8. Using a circumlocution or synonym
Applying images and sounds
Receiving well
Employing action
• Creating mental linkages
• Grouping • Associating/elaborating • Placing new words into a context • Applying images and sounds
• •
Centering your learning
• • Metacognitive • strategies
Arranging and planning your learning
Evaluating your learning
• Centering your learning
direct strategies Learning Strategies indirect strategies
memory cognitive compensation metacognitive affective social
Memory strategies
Creating mental linkages
• • • • • • • • Overviewing and linking with already known material Paying attention delaying speech production to focus on listening Finding out about language learning Organizing Setting goals and objectives Identifying the purpose of a language task Seeking practice opportunities
formally practicing with sounds and writing systems Recognizing and using formulas and patterns Practicing naturalistically
● ●
Receiving and sending messages
getting the idea quickly using resources for receiving and sending messages
● Analyzing
reasoning deductively analyzing expressions
analyzing contrastively (across languages)