





一、(选择题)总分:50分(1分/题)1、What do we call a plant that grows in water?我们称在水中生长的植物为?A, TreeB, Aquatic plantC, CactusD, Bush2、What does "百合" mean in English?A, DaisyB, LilacC, LilyD, Orchid3、This girl is very ambitious. 这个女孩非常有抱负。

A, Lazy B, Ambitious C, Complacent4、What is the name of the animal that can change colors?A, ChameleonB, DolphinC, SharkD, Frog5、What do we call the tiny hair-like structures on roots?我们称根部上的细毛状结构为?A, Root hairsB, FibersC, StalksD, Tendrils6、What is the English word for "健康"?A, HealthB, StrengthC, FitnessD, Energy7、What is the main language spoken in the USA? A, SpanishB, FrenchC, EnglishD, Chinese8、What do you call an animal that eats plants? A, CarnivoreB, OmnivoreC, HerbivoreD, Scavenger9、What do we call the hard outer layer of a fruit?中文解释:我们称水果的硬外层为?A, SkinB, PeelC, Shell10、He is a scientist. 他是一名科学家。



南宁“PEP”2024年11版小学六年级上册英语第四单元自测题考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What do we call the person who writes books?A, AuthorB, EditorC, PublisherD, Reader2、What do you call a young seal?A, PupB, KitC, CalfD, Cub3、How many continents are there in the world?A, FiveB, SixC, SevenD, Eight4、What is the main language spoken in the United States?A, SpanishB, EnglishC, FrenchD, German5、How many players are on a basketball team?A, 5B, 6C, 7D, 86、What is the capital of Mexico?A, CancunB, GuadalajaraC, Mexico CityD, Tijuana7、How many months are there in a year?A, TenB, ElevenC, TwelveD, Thirteen8、What is the primary color made by mixing blue and yellow? A, GreenB, OrangeC, PurpleD, Brown9、What do you call a baby lion?A, CubB, KitC, PupD, Calf10、What is the capital city of Japan?A, SeoulB, BeijingC, TokyoD, Bangkok11、What do we call the person who teaches us in school? A, StudentB, PrincipalC, TeacherD, Janitor12、What do we call the place where we can see animals?A, ZooB, AquariumC, FarmD, Garden13、What is the capital city of Belgium?A, BrusselsB, AntwerpC, GhentD, Bruges14、What is the name of the first human-made object to reach interstellar space? A, Voyager 1B, Pioneer 10C, New HorizonsD, Cassini15、Which planet is known for its beautiful rings?A, SaturnB, UranusC, NeptuneD, Mercury16、Which of these animals lives in a den?A, BearB, EagleC, FishD, Frog17、What do we call a story that teaches a lesson?A, FableB, MythC, LegendD, Tale18、What is the primary color of a cantaloupe?A, GreenB, OrangeC, YellowD, Red19、What is the name of the famous wizard in literature?A, MerlinB, GandalfC, Harry PotterD, Dumbledore20、How many letters are in the English alphabet?A, 24B, 25C, 26D, 27二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)You can find _______ in a garden or park.2、听力题:I like to watch ______ (movies) on weekends.3、听力题:A _______ can help attract bees to your garden.4、听力题:A molecule with a high affinity for electrons is called ______.5、听力题:I want to be a ______ (pilot) when I grow up.6、听力题:The snow is ___ (falling) gently.7、听力题:The ocean floor has ______ features like ridges and trenches.8、听力题:A volcano that is currently erupting is called an ______ volcano.9、听力题:A ______ is a type of animal that can swim very fast.10、听力题:I like to ___ (play) tag with my friends.11、听力题:I have a ______ (collection) of toy cars.12、听力题:A ______ is a special type of ant.13、听力题:Oxidation is a reaction involving the loss of _____.14、听力题:The ______ is known for its strength and size.15、听力题:The Earth's crust is constantly being shaped by ______ forces.A ____ is often found in ponds and has a smooth body.17、听力题:The rabbit hops ___. (quickly)18、听力题:My cousin is a talented ____ (dancer).19、听力题:I want to be a ________.20、听力题:She is _______ (climbing) the stairs.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:A ______ (植物的用途) can be extensive.2、填空题:A ________ (温泉) is a natural hot spring.3、填空题:I want to travel to ______ someday.4、填空题:A squirrel gathers ______ (坚果) in autumn.5、填空题:I enjoy _______ (和朋友一起玩).6、填空题:The __________ is a famous city known for its temples. (清迈)7、填空题:My grandma is very ____.8、填空题:The capital of South Korea is ________ (首尔).9、y of Paris ended the War of ________ (1812). 填空题:The TreaA dolphin is a playful ______ (动物).11、填空题:The dolphin is known for its friendly ______ (性质).12、填空题:I saw a _____ (鸥) flying above the beach.13、填空题:The crab has a hard _______ (外壳).14、填空题:The ancient Romans built _______ to connect their cities. (道路)15、填空题:I pretend my dolls are having a _________ (派对).16、trial Revolution changed how goods were ________ (生产). 填空题:The Indu17、填空题:I can learn cooperation with my ________ (玩具).18、填空题:A _____ (种植者) takes care of plants and helps them grow.19、填空题:My ________ (玩具) is fun to play with alone or with friends.20、填空题:I have a toy _____ that can make sounds.。



















A.3 B.15 C.6 D.1356.一个数是36的约数,又是9的倍数,这个数可能是________、________、________.(从小到大依次填写)7.小明和5个同学站成一纵队,前后每两个同学之间的间距都是0.6米,那么这个队伍长为__________米(自身宽度忽略不计)。










4.58=()15 =()÷40=()48=()(填小数)5.如图,钟面上的时针长8cm,分针长10cm,从上午6:00到上午9:00,时针扫过的面积是_____cm2,分针的尖端走过的路程是_____cm.6.一根长12m的长方体木料,横截面面积是0.6m2,木料的体积是(_____)m3。






(对的画“√ ”,错的画“×”。



高一 上学期11月质量检测考试(物理)含解析

高一 上学期11月质量检测考试(物理)含解析

高一上学期11月质量检测考试(物理)含解析一、选择题1.某航母跑道长200m飞机在航母上滑行的最大加速度为6m/s2,起飞需要的最低速度为50m/s.那么,飞机在滑行前,需要借助弹射系统获得的最小初速度为A.5m/s B.10m/s C.15m/s D.20m/s2.一辆汽车由静止开始运动,其v-t图象如图所示,则汽车在0~1s内和1s~3s内相比()A.速度变化相同B.平均速度相等C.位移相等D.加速度相同3.把竖直向下的90N的力分解为两个分力,一个分力在水平方向上等于120N,则另一个分力的大小为( )A.30N B.90N C.120N D.150N4.如图所示,质量为m的等边三棱柱静止在水平放置的斜面上.已知三棱柱与斜面间的动摩擦因数为μ,斜面的倾角为30°,则斜面对三棱柱的支持力与摩擦力的大小分别为()A.3mg和32mgμB.12mg和3mgC.12mg和12mgμD.32mg和12mg5.若已知物体的速度方向和它所受合力的方向,如图所示,可能的运动轨迹是( ) A.B.C.D.6.如图所示,手沿水平方向将书压在竖直墙壁上,使其保持静止,现增大手对书的压力,则书()A.将沿墙壁滑动B.受到的最大静摩擦力不变C.对墙壁的压力不变D.受到的静摩擦力不变7.甲、乙、丙三辆汽车同时以相同的速度经过某一路标,此后甲一直做匀速直线运动,乙先加速后减速,丙先减速后加速,它们经过下一路标时的速度仍相同,则A.甲车先经过下一个路标B.乙车先经过下一个路标C.丙车先经过下一个路标D.无法判断谁先经过下一个路标8.马拉车在水平路面上由静止开始前进,在以后的运动过程中,下面的哪些说法是正确的A.马拉车的力先产生,车拉马的力后产生B.马能拉动车是因为马拉车的力大于车拉马的力C.匀速前进时,马向前拉车的力等于车向后拉马的力,加速前进时,马向前拉车的力也等于车向后拉马的力D.马拉车的力和车拉马的力大小相等,方向相反,在同直线上,是一对平衡力9.如图所示,竖直平面内固定的半圆弧轨道两端点M、N连线水平,将一轻质小环套在轨道上,一细线穿过轻环,一端系在M点,另一端系一质量为m的小球,不计所有摩擦,重力加速度为g,小球恰好静止在图示位置,下列说法疋确的是()A.轨道对轻环的支持力大小为mgB.细线对M3mgC.细线对轻环的作用力大小为32 mgD.N点和轻环的连线与竖直方向的夹角为30°10.从离地面3m高处竖直向上抛出一个小球,它上升5m后回落,最后到达地面,在此过程中()A.小球通过的路程是8m B.小球的位移大小是3mC.小球的位移大小是13m D.小球的位移方向是竖直向上11.一辆汽车从静止开始由甲地出发,沿平直公路开往乙地.汽车先做匀加速直线运动,接着做匀减速直线运动,开到乙地刚好停止,其v-t图象如上页图所示.那么在0~4s和4~6s两段时间内,下列说法正确的是()A.加速度大小之比为2:1B.位移大小之比为1:2C.平均速度大小之比为2:1D.平均速度大小之比为1:112.如图所示,位于斜面上的物块M在沿斜面向上的力F作用下处于静止状态,则斜面作用于物块的静摩擦力()A.方向一定沿斜面向上B .方向一定沿斜面向下C .大小一定等于零D .大小可能等于F13.在研究物体的运动时,力学中引入“质点”的概念,从科学方法上来说属于( ) A .极限分析物理问题的方法B .观察实验的方法C .等效替代的方法D .建立理想物理模型的方法14.甲、乙两车在同一平直公路上同向运动,甲做匀加速直线运动,乙做匀速直线运动。



遂宁高级实验学校外国语学校初2019级第一学月考试数 学 试 题(时间:120分钟 总分:150分)温馨提示:亲爱的同学,这份试卷将再次记录你的自信、沉着、智慧和收获。


答题前,请你先通览全卷;答题时,请你认真审题,做到先易后难;答题后,要注意检查.预祝你取得好成绩!A 卷 (100分)一、精心选一选(请将正确答案的番号填入..机读卡...上对应位置,每小题3分,共45分) 1. 如果收入200元记作200+元,那么支出150元记作( ). A .+150元B .150-元C .+50元D .50-元2、下列各式中不成立的是( )A .8|8|=-B . |8||8|--=-C .|8||8|=-D .|5|--=)5(--3. 下列比较大小正确的是 ( ) A. 5465-<-B. (21)(21)--<+-C. 1210823--> D. 227(7)33--=--4.有理数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图1所示,则a +b 的值 ( ) (图1) A .大于0 B .小于0 C .等于0 D .大于b 5. 下列说法中错误..的是 ( ) A 、互为相反数的两个数的绝对值相等; B 、任何有理数的绝对值都是正数 C 、两个不相等的数,它们的绝对值可能相等; D 、任何有理数绝对值都不是负数 6.下列说法:①相反数等于本身的数是0 ;②绝对值等于本身的是正数; ③倒数等于本身的 数是±1; ④平方等于本身的数是0和1;⑤平方为9的数是3;⑥有绝对值最小的有理数。

正确的个数为 ( ) A .1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 7.在12,—20,211-, 0 ,—(—5),—|+3|中,负数有 ( )A.2 个B. 3个C. 4个D.5个 8.下列交换加数的位置的变形中,正确的是( )A、14541445-+-=-+- B、12342143-+-=-+- C、1311131134644436-+--=+-- D、4.5 1.7 2.5 1.8 4.5 2.5 1.8 1.7--+=-+-9. 点A 为数轴上的表示-2的动点,当点A 沿数轴移动4个单位长度到点B 时,点B 所表示的有理数为( )A .2B .-6C .2或-6D .不同于以上答案 10.下图是一个简单的运算程序:输入x 4 ÷(-2) 输出y 若x =-4,则y 的值为( )A .8B .4C .-2D .-2411. 若||3a =,||2b =,且a ─b>0,则a b +的值等于 ( ) A .1或5 B .1或-5 C .-1或-5 D .-1或512. 2019年8月第29届奥运会在北京开幕,5个城市的国际标准时间(单位:时)在数轴上表示如图所示,那么北京时间2019年8月8日20时应是( )A. 伦敦时间2019年8月8日11时;B. 巴黎时间2019年8月8日13时;C. 纽约时间2019年8月8日5时;D. 汉城时间2019年8月8日19时 .(12题)13.如图3,多边形的相邻两边均互相垂直,则这个多边形的周长为( ) A 、21 B 、26 C 、37 D 、4214. 计算机中常用十六进制是逢16进1的计数制,采用数字0~9和字母A ~F 共16个计数符号,这些符号与十进制的数的对应关系如下表: 例如,用十六进制表示:5+A=F ,3+F=12,E+D=1B ,则A ×C= ( ) A 、6E B 、78 C 、5F D 、B0 15.a 是不为1的有理数,我们把11a-称为a 的差倒数....如:2的差倒数是1112=--,1-的差倒数是111(1)2=--.已知113a =-,2a 是1a 的差倒数,3a 是2a 的差倒数,4a 是3a 的北京 汉城巴黎伦敦 纽约1差倒数,…,依此类推,则____________2013=a .A .31-B .43 C .4 D .2019遂宁高级实验学校外国语学校初2019级第一学月考试数 学 试 题(时间:120分钟 总分:150分)一、请将选择题答在机读卡上面对应位置。



2020-2021学年第一学期11月六校联合调研试题高一数学一、选择题:(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.命题“x R ∀∈,()210x -≥”的否定为( ) A .x R ∀∈,()210x -< B .不存在x R ∈,()210x -< C .0x R ∃∈,()2010x -< D .0x R ∃∈,()2010x -≥ 【答案】C【考点】全称命题的否定【解析】由题意命题“()012≥-∈∀x R x ,”的否定需要把全称量词命题符号∀改为特称量词符号∃,结论相反,则否定为“()012<-∈∃x R x ,”,故答案选C.2.设集合{}{}1011A ,,B ,=-=-,则A B =( ) A .φ B .{}1-C . {}11,-D .{}101,,- 【答案】D【考点】集合的并集【解析】由题意集合{}{}1011A ,,B ,=-=-,则A B ={}101,,-,故答案选D. 3.设函数()2011x f x x ,x ⎧≤≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩ ,则12f f ⎛⎫⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭( ) A .1 B . 3 C .2 D .4 【答案】C【考点】分段函数求函数值【解析】由题意2211221=-=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛f ,所以()()222212===⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛f f f ,故答案选C.4.下列函数中,在其定义域内既是奇函数又是减函数的是( ) A .()10y x x=-≠ B .()y x x R =-∈ C .()2y x x R =-∈ D .()y x x R =∈ 【答案】B【考点】函数的奇偶性、单调性判断【解析】由题意对于选项A ,xy 1-=在定义域内为奇函数,在()0,∞-和()∞+,0均为单调递增,不满足题意;对于选项B ,x y -=在定义域R 内为奇函数,且在定义域R 上单调递减,满足题意;对于选项C ,2x y -=在定义域内为偶函数,且在()0,∞-上单调递增,在()∞+,0上单调递减,不满足题意;对于选项D ,x y =在定义域R 内为奇函数,且在定义域R 上单调递增,不满足题意;故答案选B.5.“0ab =”是“0a =”的 ( ) A .必要条件 B .充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分又不必要条件 【答案】A【考点】逻辑用语条件的判断【解析】由题意ab =0,可得a =0或b =0,所以“0ab =”是“0a =”的必要条件,故答案选A.6.已知00a ,b >>且31a b +=,则28a b +的最小值为( ) A .2 2 B .3 3 C .6 D . 8【答案】A【考点】基本不等式的应用【解析】因为a >0,b >0,所以02>a ,08>b ,则b a b a b a 332222282⋅≥+=+22223==+b a ,当且仅当b a 82=,即b a 3=,又13=+b a ,联立解得21=a ,61=b ,等号成立,故答案选A.7.对数的应用很广泛,有些速算的原理来自对数,例如:如果正整数a 的31次方是个35位数,那么根据3431351010a <<,取常用对数得3431<lg a <3531,可得到1.09<lg a <1.15,由对数表可知这个数是13.已知某个正整数的57次方是45位数,则该正整数是( )A .5B .6C .7D .8 【答案】B【考点】对数的运算【解析】由题意设该数为a ,则4557441010<<a ,取常用对数可得79.0lg 0.77<<a ,查表可得a =6,故答案选B.8.关于x 的不等式221()10x x a x x a --+++++>对任意的0x >恒成立,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .a >-2 B .a >-1 C .a >0 D .a >1 【答案】B【考点】不等式的恒成立问题【解析】由题意可得()()01121>-++++--a x x a x x 对任意的0x >恒成立,则可设1-+=a a t (t >2),即表示为012>-++a at t 对任意的t >2恒成立,化简有()()()0111>++-+t a t t ,因为t >2,所以t +1>0,则a >t -1,则()11max -=->t a ,所以a >-1,故答案选B.二、多项选择题:(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求。



南宁2024年11版小学六年级上册英语第六单元测验卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、(选择题)总分:50分(1分/题)1、Which type of plant is a spinach?中文解释:菠菜属于哪种植物?A. Leafy greenB. FruitC. Herb2、What is the smallest continent?A) AsiaB) AfricaC) AustraliaD) Europe3、What does "同学" translate to in English?A) ClassmateB) TeacherC) StudentD) Neighbor4、What does "钥匙" translate to in English?A) LockB) KeyC) HandleD) Bolt5、What does "狮子" mean in English?A) WolfB) LionC) FoxD) Bear6、How do you say "再见" in English?a) Hellob) Goodbyec) Please7、Which of these is a dairy product?A) ButterB) BreadC) VegetableD) Fruit8、What is 4 + 6?A) 8B) 9C) 10D) 119、What is the English word for "土狼"?A) HyenaB) African wild dogC) CoyoteD) Wolf10、Which type of plant has thin and delicate leaves?哪种植物有薄而精致的叶子?A. CactusB. FernC. OakD. Pine11、What is the opposite of "young"?A) OldB) NewC) FreshD) Recent12、She enjoys writing in her journal. 她喜欢在日记中写作。



江苏省南京市六合区2024年九年级数学第一学期开学教学质量检测试题题号一二三四五总分得分批阅人A 卷(100分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、(4分)若代数式11a a +-在实数范围内有意义,则实数a 的取值范围是()A .1a ≥B .1a ≠C .1a <D .1a =-2、(4分)函数1y kx =-与(0)k y k x =≠在同一坐标系内的图像可能是()A .B .C .D .3、(4分)下列x 的值中,能使不等式-11x <成立的是()A .3-B .2C .3D .4、(4分)下列各式正确的是()A .B .C .D .5、(4分)下列说法错误的是()A .“买一张彩票中大奖”是随机事件B .不可能事件和必然事件都是确定事件C .“穿十条马路连遇十次红灯”是不可能事件D .“太阳东升西落”是必然事件6、(4分)关于x 的分式方程522x m x x -=++有增根,则m 的值为()A .0B .5-C .2-D .7-7、(4分)如图,在四边形ABCD 中,//AB CD ,要使四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,下列可添加的条件不正确的是()A .AB CD =B .//AD BC C .A C ∠∠=D .AD BC =8、(4分)在平行四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O ,若24ABCD S =,则AOB S =()A .3B .4C .5D .6二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、(4分)关于x 的方程22x m x +-=1的解是正数,则m 的取值范围是________.10、(4分)如图中的螺旋由一系列直角三角形组成,则第2019个三角形的面积为_______.11、(4分)在平面直角坐标系中,将点(3,﹣2)先向右平移2个单位长度,再向上平移3个单位长度,则所得点的坐标是_____.12、(4分)如图,矩形ABCD 中,AB =8,BC =1.点E 在边AB 上,点F 在边CD 上,点G 、H 在对角线AC 上,若四边形EGFH 是菱形,则AE 的长是_________________。



昆明2024年11版小学6年级英语上册试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What do we call the force that pulls objects toward the Earth?A. MagnetismB. GravityC. FrictionD. Pressure2、Which season comes after spring?A. WinterB. SummerC. FallD. Rainy3、How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four4、What is 20 divided by 4?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 75、What is the primary color of a kiwi?A. BrownB. GreenC. YellowD. Red6、选择题:What is the name of the famous scientist who developed the theory of evolution?A. Isaac NewtonB. Charles DarwinC. Albert EinsteinD. Galileo Galilei7、选择题:What is the name of the famous children's book character known for her red hood?A. Little Red Riding HoodB. GoldilocksC. CinderellaD. Alice8、What is the term for a group of galaxies?A. ClusterB. SuperclusterC. Galaxy GroupD. Nebula9、What do we call a tool used to hold objects together?A. NailB. HammerC. ScrewD. Clamp10、选择题:Which of these animals can fly?A. ElephantB. SharkC. EagleD. Lion11、What do we call a young tiger?A. CubB. PuppyC. KittenD. Calf12、选择题:What is the name of the famous toy building blocks?A. K'NexB. Lincoln LogsC. LegoD. Tinkertoy13、选择题:What is the color of a ripe banana?A. RedB. BlueD. Green14、选择题:What do we call a sweet dish served at the end of a meal?A. DessertB. EntreeC. AppetizerD. Snack15、选择题:What is the name of the famous river in Italy?A. TiberB. ArnoC. PoD. Adige16、What do we call the movement of the Earth around the Sun?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. OrbitD. Spin17、选择题:What do we call the musical notes played together?A. ChordB. ScaleC. MelodyD. Harmony18、选择题:Which fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?A. RaspberryB. StrawberryC. BlueberryD. Blackberry19、What is the capital of Bulgaria?A. SofiaB. PlovdivC. VarnaD. Burgas20、What do you call a group of stars?A. GalaxyB. UniverseD. Solar System二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:The ______ is a talented artist.2、听力题:The stars we see at night are very ______.3、听力题:The chemical symbol for calcium is _______.4、听力题:I can ______ (play) the piano very well.5、听力题:A __________ is a mixture where one substance is evenly distributed in another.6、听力题:The capital of Armenia is _______.7、听力题:The ice is ______ in the glass. (cold)8、听力题:My ______ is an expert in technology.9、听力题:A __________ is formed when atoms share electrons.10、听力题:A ____ is a tiny animal that loves to hop around in gardens.11、听力题:The clock is ______ (ticking) loudly on the wall.12、听力题:A voltmeter measures electrical ______.13、听力题:I have _____ (three) brothers.14、听力题:The chemical symbol for potassium is ________.15、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium cyanide is ______.16、听力题:The parade is very ___ (lively).17、听力题:I want to be a ________ (doctor) when I grow up.18、听力题:A ______ is formed when two or more elements chemically bond together.19、听力题:The first successful heart surgery was performed by _______.20、听力题:I like to _______ (run) in the morning.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:A ____(estuary) is where freshwater meets saltwater.2、填空题:I like to volunteer because it allows me to help those in need. It’s very _______ (有意义).3、填空题:A fish can breathe through its ______ (鳃).4、填空题:The ________ was a famous treaty that ended a long-standing conflict.5、填空题:My sister enjoys __________ (学习) about science.6、填空题:The ________ was a notable treaty that fostered peace and stability.7、填空题:Plants can be classified as ______ (一年生) or perennial.8、sh Armada was defeated by the __________ in 1588. (英军) 填空题:The Span9、填空题:I want to be a _______ (作家) when I grow up.10、填空题:The nurse provides emotional _____ (支持) to patients.11、填空题:The ancient Egyptians built temples to honor their ________ (神灵).12、填空题:We had fun making a video with our toy ____. (玩具名称)13、填空题:A _____ (果实) can contain many seeds.14、, I feel _______ (情感) when I study. But I know that I can always ask for _______ (帮助). 填空题:Sometime15、填空题:My grandma is a fantastic ____.16、填空题:My mom loves to collect __________ (纪念品).17、填空题:I want to learn how to ________.18、填空题:The ________ was a significant leader in the labor movement.19、填空题:中国的________ (art) 在历史上有着丰富的表现形式。



南宁2024年统编版小学六年级上册英语第6单元真题试卷[有答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The cat is ___ on the sofa. (sitting)2. 填空题:My ________ (表哥) is a great basketball player and teaches me how to play.3. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. BreadB. CheeseC. Tomato SauceD. All of the above答案:D4. 填空题:The __________ (历史事件) can be interpreted in different ways.5. 填空题:The _____ (小鸟) is building a nest in the tree.6. 填空题:My dad likes to _______ (动词) on holidays. 他总是 _______ (动词).7. 填空题:The ________ is celebrated for its independence from Britain.8. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. WaterD. Salt9. 选择题:What is the opposite of fast?A. QuickB. SlowC. SteadyD. Rapid答案:B10. 听力题:A saturated solution cannot dissolve any more ______.11. 听力题:The city of Oslo is the capital of _______.12. 选择题:What color are strawberries?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Green13. 填空题:Many __________ (居民) live in the countryside.14. 听力题:My mom has a _____ (new/old) car.15. 选择题:What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. PodC. FlockD. School16. 填空题:My brother is a __________ (项目负责人).17. 听力题:The _______ produces beautiful blooms each season.18. 填空题:The chef, ______ (厨师), creates new recipes.The __________ (十字军) aimed to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control.20. 填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) can be found in many toy stores.21. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American musician known for "Happy"?A. Pharrell WilliamsB. Bruno MarsC. Justin TimberlakeD. Usher答案:A22. 填空题:The library is _______ (quiet/loud).23. 填空题:The _____ (狒狒) is a type of monkey found in Africa.24. 填空题:In the morning, I ________ (起床) early. I brush my teeth and have breakfast. My mom makes me ________ (煎蛋) and toast.25. 填空题:The ancient Egyptians used ________ for religious texts.26. 听力题:A __________ can often be seen flying around flowers.27. 填空题:The _____ (灌溉) system waters the plants automatically.28. 选择题:What is the opposite of 'hot'?A. WarmB. CoolC. ColdD. Freezing29. 填空题:The __________ (高原) is known for its unique landscape.30. 听力题:The puppy is very _______ (playful).The _______ of an object can be influenced by its shape and size.32. 选择题:What do we call a large group of people gathered for a common purpose?A. CrowdB. AudienceC. GatheringD. Assembly答案:A33. 听力题:The ______ helps with the production of hormones in the body.34. 填空题:The signing of the Treaty of Versailles ended ________ (第一次世界大战).35. 填空题:I can ______ (处理) difficult situations calmly.36. 填空题:The ________ (生态系统) includes plants and animals.37. 听力题:__________ are substances that can conduct heat or electricity.38. 选择题:What is the chemical symbol for water?A. O2B. H2OC. CO2D. H2答案:B39. 填空题:________ (植物多样性研究) provides insights.40. 听力题:I like to ________ with my family.41. 选择题:What is the name of the famous landmark in Egypt?A. Great WallB. PyramidsC. StonehengeD. ColosseumWhat do we call the process of water turning into vapor?a. Precipitationb. Evaporationc. Condensationd. Sublimation答案:b43. 填空题:My toy ________ is very creative.44. 填空题:My uncle is a __________ (外科医生).45. 听力题:They are ___ the game. (enjoying)46. 选择题:What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on the principles of mechanics?A. Isaac NewtonB. Albert EinsteinC. Galileo GalileiD. Johannes Kepler答案: A47. 选择题:Where do fish live?A. TreesB. WaterC. LandD. Sky答案: B48. 听力题:She is ___ a picture. (drawing)49. 填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a magician's helper.50. 填空题:She has a _______ who is very tall.51. 听力题:The _____ (whale) swims in the ocean.Which animal is known for having a long neck?A. GiraffeB. ElephantC. ZebraD. Hippo答案: A. Giraffe53. 听力题:The ________ (collaboration) leads to success.54. 填空题:I made a _________ (玩具卡车) that can carry many things.55. 选择题:What is the color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Purple56. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in aBLT sandwich?A. ChickenB. BaconC. TurkeyD. Ham57. 填空题:The __________ (历史的情感) connects us to the past.58. 听力题:I enjoy _______ (playing) board games.59. 填空题:She is a _____ (模特) in fashion shows.60. 填空题:I have a toy _____ that can fly.61. 选择题:What do we call the way we speak to others?A. CommunicationB. ConversationC. DialogueD. All of the aboveThe dog is ___ at the door. (barking)63. 选择题:What is the name of the river that runs through Egypt?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. Yangtze答案: B64. 听力题:I love to eat ________ for dessert.65. 选择题:What is the capital city of Turkey?A. IstanbulB. AnkaraC. IzmirD. Antalya答案:B66. 选择题:What is the capital of Nigeria?A. LagosB. AbujaC. KanoD. Ibadan67. 填空题:The _____ (园艺师) designs beautiful landscapes.68. 填空题:Rain is important for _____ (生态) balance.69. 填空题:I can ______ (清楚地表达) my ideas.70. 听力题:I have _____ of candy in my bag. (lots)71. 填空题:When I was younger, my favorite toy was a ________ (玩具名). I played with it every day until it broke. I felt very ________ (形容词).The Earth's layers contain various ______ materials.73. 听力题:Electrons are negatively charged ______ in an atom.74. 听力题:I enjoy ______ with my family during the holidays. (celebrating)75. 填空题:In ancient Rome, the Senate was a governing __________. (机构)76. 听力题:A solute is the substance that is ________ in a solution.77. 听力题:A ______ is a small animal that loves to dig.78. 选择题:What do you call the study of living things?A. ZoologyB. BiologyC. BotanyD. Physiology答案: B79. 填空题:I enjoy planting seeds of ________.80. 听力题:I like to ___ (have) fun in the snow.81. 填空题:A ______ (金鱼) is often kept as a pet in aquariums.82. 选择题:What fruit is known for having a pit in the center?A. AppleB. PeachC. GrapeD. Banana83. 听力题:The symbol for nitrogen is _____.The frog jumps from lily pad to _______.85. 听力题:The basic unit of a carbohydrate is a ________.86. 填空题:At the fair, I won a giant ____! (玩具名称)87. 听力题:We have music ______ every Friday. (class)88. 听力题:The Sun's mass holds the solar system together by its ______.89. 填空题:My brother is excited about ____.90. 听力题:The girl is very ________.91. 选择题:What do we call the science of classifying living things?A. EcologyB. TaxonomyC. GeneticsD. Anatomy答案: B92. 填空题:My friend has a great sense of __________ (幽默).93. 填空题:The __________ is known for its unique wildlife and ecosystems. (加拉帕戈斯群岛)94. 听力题:The chemical formula for mercury(II) chloride is ______.95. 听力题:The stars are ______ tonight. (bright)96. 听力题:A base feels slippery and can turn red litmus paper ______.97. 选择题:What do we call a small, fluffy animal that purrs?A. DogB. CatC. RabbitD. Hamster98. 听力题:The concept of environmental awareness encourages individuals to take action for the ______.99. 听力题:My sister loves _____ music. (listening to)100. 听力题:The concept of biodiversity hotspots identifies areas with high levels of ______.。




一、(选择题)总分:50分(1分/题)1、What do we use to brush our teeth?A, A combB, A toothbrushC, A spongeD, A towel2、What do we call the nutrient-rich part of soil?我们称土壤中富含养分的部分为?A, TopsoilB, SubsoilC, BedrockD, Loam3、What do we call the meal we eat in the evening?A, BreakfastB, LunchC, DinnerD, Snack4、What does "猫" mean in English?A, DogB, CatC, RabbitD, Mouse5、What do we call a flowering plant that grows in cold climates?中文解释:我们称生长在寒冷气候中的开花植物为?A, Alpine plantB, Tropical plantC, Desert plant6、What do we call the leaves of a plant that fall in autumn?我们称秋天落下的植物叶子为?A, Deciduous leavesB, Evergreen leavesC, Coniferous leavesD, Broad leaves7、What is the English word for "沙发"?A, ChairB, CouchC, TableD, Bed8、What is the English translation of "播种"?A, SowingB, HarvestingC, PruningD, Weeding9、What is the English translation of "紫罗兰"?A, VioletB, OrchidC, RoseD, Tulip10、What do we call the protective covering of a seed?我们称种子的保护外壳为?A, Seed coatB, HuskC, ShellD, Pod11、What is the color of an orange?A, GreenB, YellowC, RedD, Orange12、Which plant can grow in rocky areas?中文解释:哪种植物可以在岩石区域生长?A, SucculentB, FernC, Grass13、How do you say "好" in English?A, GoodB, BadC, UglyD, Nice14、What do we call a plant that has a long lifespan?我们称寿命长的植物为?A, PerennialB, AnnualC, BiennialD, Herbaceous15、What does "植物生境" mean in English?A, Plant habitatB, Plant ecosystemC, Plant environmentD, Plant community16、What does "植物社会效益" mean in English?A, Plant social benefitsB, Agricultural benefitsC, Environmental benefitsD, Ecological benefits17、What is the English translation of "植物科学研究成果"? A, Plant science research resultsB, Agricultural resultsC, Environmental resultsD, Ecological results18、What is the English translation of "骆驼"?A, CamelB, LlamaC, DonkeyD, Horse19、Which type of plant is usually grown at higher altitudes?哪种植物通常生长在较高海拔地区?A, Alpine plantB, Tropical plantC, Desert plantD, Aquatic plant20、What is the opposite of "difficult"?A, EasyB, HardC, ChallengingD, Complex二、(听力题)总分:45分(1分/题)1、听力填空题:I ___ (take) photos on my vacation.2、听力填空题:He ___ (not/want) to go home.3、听力填空题:We ___ (go) to the amusement park every spring.4、听力填空题:He ___ (not/understanD, the lesson well.5、Where do fish live?A, In treesB, In waterC, On landD, In the sky6、听力填空题:He ___ (not/like) wearing a tie.7、听力填空题:He ___ (not/know) how to tie his shoes.8、听力填空题:He ___ (not/understanD, the topic.9、听力填空题:He ___ (not/like) to run in the rain.10、What is the color of a typical school bus? A, BlueB, YellowC, RedD, Green11、听力填空题:He ___ (not/understanD, the joke.12、What color is the sky on a clear day?A, GreenB, BlueC, RedD, Yellow13、Where do trees grow?A, In the airB, In the waterC, On the groundD, In the sky14、听力默写填空:I brush my _____ (teeth) every day.15、听力默写填空:I want to be a _____ (doctor).16、听力填空题:The baby ___ (sleep) peacefully.17、听力填空题:She ___ (not/attenD, the meeting last week.18、听力填空题:He ___ (not/like) running.19、How many colors are there in a traffic light?A, OneB, TwoC, ThreeD, Four20、What is the name of the person who leads a team in sports? A, PlayerB, CoachC, RefereeD, Manager三、(填空题\连线题)总分:30分(1分/题)1、填空题:A ________ (美洲豹) has a powerful physique.2、He has ___ apples.A, manyB, muchC, fewD, little3、关于"人物"沟通用语填空题:The _____ oversees the overall operations of educational institutions. (school principal)4、填空题:A ______ (生态系统维护) is vital for health.5、填空题:A fish lives in the ________ (水).6、The movie was _____ than I expected.A, betterB, bestC, goodD, well7、填空题:A ______ (农业实践指南) provides best practices.8、填空题:The ______ (植物保护措施) ensures species survival.9、填空题:The ______ (叶面) collects sunlight.10、I enjoy _____ with my friends.A, playingB, playC, playedD, plays。



南宁2024年06版小学六年级上册英语第1单元综合卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which planet has no atmosphere?A. MarsB. MercuryC. VenusD. Jupiter2、What do we call the large body of saltwater?A. RiverB. LakeC. OceanD. Pond3、What do we call a young fish?A. FryB. FingerlingC. LarvaD. Pup4、What is the opposite of hot?A. WarmB. CoolC. ColdD. Freezing5、选择题:Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Peach6、Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. Bear7、Which instrument is known for its strings and bow?A. TrumpetB. GuitarC. ViolinD. Flute8、What is 5 x 3?A. 8B. 15C. 12D. 109、What do you call a baby wombat?A. JoeyB. KitC. PupD. Calf10、What is the capital city of Fiji?A. SuvaB. NadiC. LautokaD. Labasa11、选择题:What do we call the study of living things?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Geology12、What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system?A. Olympus MonsB. Mauna KeaC. Mount EverestD. Kilauea13、选择题:What is the opposite of dry?A. WetC. DampD. Humid14、选择题:What do you call a baby otter?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Cub15、What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. ColumbusB. MagellanC. Vasco da GamaD. Cook16、What is 4 x 2?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 1217、选择题:What do we call a traditional story that explains something in nature?A. MythB. FableC. LegendD. Tale18、What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. PepperD. Onion19、选择题:What is 40 - 15?A. 25B. 20C. 30D. 3520、What do you call the main ingredient in guacamole?A. AvocadoB. TomatoD. Pepper二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:She is wearing a beautiful ___. (ring)2、听力题:We recognize ________ (hard work) in our team.3、听力题:The candy is ___ (colorful).4、听力题:I have a _____ (toy) car.5、听力题:The dog is ________ around the yard.6、听力题:The ancient Romans spoke _______.7、听力题:A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the ______.8、听力题:The dog is _____ (running/sitting) in the yard.9、听力题:I _____ (am/are) going to the park.10、听力题:My sister is ________ her friends.11、听力题:The ______ contains a lot of water vapor.12、听力题:The castle is _______ (old) and beautiful.13、听力题:The ____ has a fluffy tail and likes to chase after insects.I can ________ my bike.15、听力题:We need to ________ (study) for the test.16、听力题:I love to _______ (explore) new places.17、听力题:The _____ (moon/sun) is bright.18、听力题:The stars are _______ (twinkling) in the sky.19、听力题:My uncle is a ____ (doctor) who helps sick people.20、听力题:A meteor is a small piece of rock that burns up in the ______.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:My dog enjoys going for _______ (散步) with me.2、填空题:The ________ is tall and straight.3、填空题:My grandma enjoys making __________ (传统美食).4、填空题:A ________ (植物爱好者) enjoys gardening.5、填空题:The ________ (花蕾) is waiting to bloom.6、填空题:I love to draw ________ (风景) in my notebook.7、填空题:My _____ (朋友) is coming over today.The kitten plays with a _________. (球)9、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a toy that can bounce.10、填空题:A rabbit’s teeth are always ______ (生长).11、填空题:The ________ (探险故事) inspire many adventurers.12、填空题:My uncle is a professional __________ (运动员).13、填空题:The __________ (日本) was isolated until the 19th century.14、填空题:I enjoy cooking ________ (晚餐) with my family.15、 Mountains are located in ________ (落基山脉位于________). 填空题:The Roma16、填空题:My favorite sport is ______ (羽毛球).17、填空题:A tortoise lives longer than a ______ (兔子).18、填空题:We celebrate my birthday in ________ (六月) every year.19、填空题:My favorite cartoon is _______.20、填空题:I wish I could take my __________ (玩具名) everywhere I go.。



合肥2024年01版小学六年级英语第6单元自测题考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:Every Saturday, I visit my grandparents. They always have ________ (玩具) for me to play with.2、填空题:The __________ (全球问题解决) requires teamwork.3、听力题:A strong acid can completely ionize in _____ to produce hydrogen ions.4、Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to use tools?a. Dolphinb. Horsec. Catd. Fish答案:a5、选择题:How many days are in a week?A. FiveB. SevenC. TenD. Twelve6、听力题:He likes to ___ (swim/run) in the pool.7、What do we call the process of moving water from the ground to the atmosphere?A. PrecipitationB. TranspirationC. InfiltrationD. Evaporation答案:B8、Which gas do plants need to live?A. OxygenB. Carbon DioxideC. NitrogenD. Helium答案:B9、Which planet is known for its rings?A. MarsB. VenusC. SaturnD. Mercury答案:C10、填空题:A lion's mane indicates its ________________ (健康) and dominance.11、填空题:The _____ (小猪) loves to roll in mud.12、听力题:A _______ is a compound that contains carbon.13、填空题:My brother enjoys __________ (参加) science fairs.14、填空题:I like to _______ (参加) science fairs at school.15、听力题:The car is ___. (fast)16、填空题:The swan glides elegantly on the _________. (水面)17、What is the square root of 16?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案:CA _______ (海马) is a unique creature.19、听力题:She is _____ (running) a marathon.20、填空题:The pelican has a big ______ (喙).21、填空题:A squirrel's diet consists mainly of ______ (坚果) and grains.22、What is the capital of Myanmar?A. NaypyidawB. YangonC. MandalayD. Bagan答案:A23、填空题:I like to watch the fish in the ______.24、选择题:What is 24 - 12?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1325、填空题:My brother enjoys playing __________. (电子游戏)26、填空题:My pet lizard is very ______.27、What is the name of the large body of salt water that covers most of the Earth?A. LakeB. RiverC. OceanD. Sea答案:C28、听力题:The teacher gives us _____ for homework. (assignments)The _____ (老鹰) flies high above the mountains.30、填空题:The ________ (农业生产模式) reflects innovations.31、听力题:My dad has a collection of ____ (stamps) from different countries.32、听力题:The capital of Kiribati is _______.33、听力题:Plants need _______ to make food.34、填空题:I enjoy ________ (绘画) in my free time.35、Which gas is essential for breathing?A. HeliumB. HydrogenC. OxygenD. Nitrogen答案:C36、听力题:A _____ is a reaction that absorbs energy.37、填空题:During break time, I enjoy playing ______ (捉迷藏) with my classmates. It’s always a good laugh.38、选择题:What do we call a place where people live?A. CityB. SchoolC. ParkD. Store39、填空题:The ancient Greeks used _____ to teach moral lessons.40、填空题:My uncle is a talented __________ (写作者).His favorite hobby is ________.42、听力题:The chemical symbol for nitrogen is ____.43、填空题:The __________ (历史的情感连接) foster unity.44、What do you call the process of providing nutrients to plants?A. FertilizationB. IrrigationC. CultivationD. Planting45、听力填空题:Every year, I participate in __________. It’s an event where we get to __________. I enjoy meeting new people and sharing experiences with them.46、填空题:A parakeet can be very ______ (社交) with its owners.47、填空题:The bear is a ______ (大型) animal found in forests.48、听力题:Kinetic energy is energy of ______.49、填空题:The ________ has many different shapes.50、听力题:A _______ can be used to measure the speed of a rotating object.51、填空题:This toy ____ can jump really high! (玩具名称)52、填空题:The ________ was a famous explorer who mapped the seas.53、填空题:The snake slithers through the _________. (草丛)54、填空题:A rabbit's hearing is much better than ______ (人的).He is playing a ___. (game)56、填空题:My family goes hiking in the ______.57、选择题:What do we call a person who collects stamps?A. PhilatelistB. NumismatistC. CollectorD. Archivist58、听力题:A sloth is known for being very ______.59、听力题:I enjoy ______ in the sunshine. (playing)60、What do we call the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. TransformationC. EvolutionD. Development答案:A61、填空题:The first president of South Africa after apartheid was _______. (曼德拉)62、填空题:The mouse runs very ______.63、填空题:The ________ was a critical battle in the history of the nation.64、听力题:I like to ______ my friends on weekends. (meet)65、填空题:A ____(drought) is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall.66、填空题:Her _____ (阿姨) is very kind.67、填空题:A ______ (生态友好的) approach benefits the planet.My brother writes stories about ____.69、听力题:The ice cream is ______ (cold).70、听力题:The dog is ___ in the backyard. (playing)71、Where do fish live?A. TreesB. WaterC. SkyD. Ground72、填空题:A jellyfish has a gelatinous ______ (身体).73、填空题:My favorite _____ is a fluffy bunny.74、填空题:The __________ was a pivotal event in the fight against slavery in the U.S. (南北战争)75、填空题:The __________ is known for its vast empire and military prowess. (罗马帝国)76、ts can ______ (吸收) pollutants from the air. 填空题:Some pla77、填空题:The ______ (蝴蝶) has beautiful wings.78、填空题:The _____ (生长) of plants is influenced by sunlight.79、选择题:Which of these is a fruit that grows on trees?A. CarrotB. AppleC. PotatoD. Lettuce80、填空题:My grandma enjoys making ____.I dream of having a __________ (形容词) __________ (玩具名).82、听力题:The capital of Macedonia is __________.83、听力题:The ______ is known for her philanthropic work.84、听力题:A ______ is a geographical feature that can influence climate.85、听力题:She is a great ___. (helper)86、听力题:A __________ is formed by the accumulation of ice over time.87、填空题:The _______ (青蛙) sits on a lily pad.88、填空题:I can make my __________ (玩具名) do __________ (动作).89、填空题:I enjoy ______ (与同学一起) studying together.90、填空题:A rabbit can have many ______ (小兔子) at once.91、What do you call a person who studies plants?A. BiologistB. BotanistC. ZoologistD. Chemist92、听力题:The ____ is a playful animal that loves to splash in water.93、选择题:Which animal lives in a den?A. BearB. FishC. BirdD. Snake94、What is the main function of the brain?A. Pump bloodB. Digest foodC. Control the bodyD. Store energy答案:C95、听力题:A _______ is a reaction that occurs in the atmosphere.96、填空题:Each plant has its own _____ (特征) that makes it unique.97、听力题:I have a ___ (cool) skateboard.98、选择题:What is the primary color that you get when mixing red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. OrangeD. Brown99、听力题:The ________ is a famous waterfall located in the United States.100、填空题:A bee gathers _______ from flowers to create honey.。




一、(选择题)总分:50分(1分/题)1、Which gas do plants need for photosynthesis?中文解释:植物进行光合作用需要哪种气体?A, OxygenB, Carbon dioxideC, Nitrogen2、What do you need to wear when it's raining?A, SunglassesB, HatC, RaincoatD, Scarf3、What does "芦苇" mean in English?A, CattailB, BambooC, ReedD, Grass4、What is the process of breathing called?A, InhalationB, ExhalationC, RespirationD, Circulation5、关于"人物"沟通用语填空题:_____ are colorful and attract bees. (flowers)6、你想说“我是从中国来的。


A, I'm China.B, I'm from China.C, My name is China.7、What does "猴子" mean in English?A, MonkeyB, BearC, PantherD, Tiger8、How many letters are in the English alphabet?A, 24B, 25C, 26D, 279、What do we call the edible part of a plant?我们称植物的可食用部分为?A, FruitB, LeafC, StemD, Root10、Which plant is known for its soft leaves?中文解释:哪种植物以其柔软的叶子而闻名?A, Lamb's earB, CactusC, Oak11、What do you call the person who teaches students?A, DoctorB, TeacherC, EngineerD, Chef12、Which part of the plant is often used for making herbal teas?植物的哪个部分通常用于制作草药茶?A, LeavesB, RootsC, FlowersD, All of the above13、Which fruit is known for its high vitamin C content?A, BananaB, OrangeC, AppleD, Grape14、Who is known for saying "I have a dream"? A, Abraham LincolnB, Martin Luther King Jr.C, Nelson MandelaD, Mahatma Gandhi15、What is the English translation of "葡萄"? A, GrapeB, CherryC, PlumD, Peach16、What is the English translation of "水果"? A, VegetablesB, FruitsC, MeatD, Snacks17、How many days are in a week?A, FiveB, SixC, SevenD, Eight18、Which fruit is red and often used in pies? A, BananaB, CherryC, PeachD, Kiwi19、How many legs does a spider have?A, SixB, EightC, FourD, Ten20、What is the English translation of "驯鹿"? A, ReindeerB, ElkC, MooseD, Caribou二、(听力题)总分:45分(1分/题)1、听录音,选出所听到的单词。



无锡2024年01版小学六年级英语第6单元全练全测(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:A material that resists the flow of electric current is called a _____.2、听力题:The chemical symbol for lead is ______.3、填空题:The ancient Romans created a system of _____ for their cities.4、Which of these is a flying mammal?A. BatB. SquirrelC. KangarooD. Elephant答案:A5、填空题:The snail moves very _________. (慢)6、填空题:The __________ (果实) of the tree is ripe for picking.7、填空题:The hedgehog rolls into a _______ (球) when scared.8、听力题:The stars _____ bright in the night sky. (shine)9、How many teeth does a typical adult human have?A. 28B. 30C. 32D. 34答案:C10、What is the first letter of the alphabet?a. Ab. Bc. Cd. D答案:a11、听力题:The chemical symbol for rubidium is ______.12、听力题:They are having a ______ (party) this weekend.13、Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. TriangleC. CircleD. Rectangle14、听力题:The main gas in the air we breathe is _____.15、听力题:The city of Port Vila is the capital of _______.16、听力题:The boy is a good ________.17、填空题:A ______ (社区花园) promotes social interaction.18、听力题:When you heat sugar, it can turn into __________.19、What do you call a person who studies ancient civilizations?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. GeologistD. Anthropologist答案:B20、填空题:My friend has a pet _________. (猫)21、听力题:The ice cream is _____ on a hot day. (refreshing)22、What is 6 x 7?A. 42B. 36C. 48D. 54答案:A23、填空题:A ____(butte) is an isolated hill with steep sides.24、听力题:The process of making chocolate involves _______ fermentation.25、听力题:A zebra has black and ______ stripes.26、填空题:When it rains, I like to wear my __________ coat. (防水的)27、听力题:The ______ helps us learn about traditional stories.28、填空题:I respect my . (我尊重我的。



江苏省南京市2024-2025学年高二上学期11月期中学情调研测试数学试题注意事项:1.本试卷考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分150分.2.本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分.3.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上.一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把答案填涂在答题卡相应位置上.1.下列四组数据中,方差最小的是A.5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5B.4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6C.3,3,4,4,5,6,6,7D.2,2,2,2,2,5,8,82.已知i 13i z ⋅=+,则z =A.3i −+B.3i −−C.3i +D.3i −3.直线310x +=的倾斜角为 A.π6 B.π3 C.2π3 D.5π64.两条渐近线互相垂直的双曲线的离心率为5.若方程22171x y m m +=−−表示焦点在y 轴上的椭圆,则实数m 的取值范围是 A.(,1)−∞ B.(1,4) C.(4,7) D.(7,)+∞6.底面直径与高相等的圆柱的体积为2π,则该圆柱的外接球的表面积为A.6πB.8πC.10πD.12π 7.已知点(0,0),(3,0)O A ,若圆2230x y tx ++−=上任意一点P 都满足||2||PA PO =,则实数t =A.-3B.-2C.2D.3 8.抛物线2:4C x y =的准线为l ,M 为C 上的动点,则点M 到l 与到直线250x y −−=的距离之和的最小值为二、选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,请把答案填涂在答题卡相应位置上.全部选对得6分,部分选对得部分分,不选或有错选的得0分.9.分别抛掷两枚质地均匀的硬币,记“第一枚硬币正面朝上”为事件A ,“第二枚硬币反面朝上”为事件B ,则 A.1()2P A = B.1()3P AB = C.A 和B 是互斥事件 D.A 和B 是相互独立事件10.在矩形ABCD 中,2,4AB AD ==.若13,42BE BC CF CD ==− ,则 B.//AC BF B.AE BD ⊥C.以CE 为直径的圆与直线BF 相切D.直线AE 与BF 的交点在矩形ABCD 的外接圆上 11.已知椭圆22:143x y C +=,直线y mx =与C 交于A ,B 两点,点P 为C 上异于A ,B 的动点,则A.当12m =时,||AB = B.||PA PB +C.存在点P ,使得π2APB ∠= D.ABP S 三、填空题:本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上.12.若直线1:210l x my ++=与2:(1)30l m x y −+−=垂直,则实数m =______.13.已知π3cos ,45x x+=∈ ,则sin x =______. 14.历史上最早系统研究圆锥曲线的是古希腊学者梅纳库莫斯,大约100年后,阿波罗尼斯更详尽地研究了圆锥曲线,他的研究涉及圆锥曲线的光学性质,其中一条是:如图(1),从右焦点2F 发出的光线m 交双曲线右支于点P ,经双曲线反射后,反射光线n 的反向延长线经过左焦点1F .已知图(2)中,双曲线C 的中心在坐标原点,左、右焦点分别为12(4,0),(4,0)F F −,直线l 平分12F PF ∠,过点2F 作l 的垂线,垂足为H ,且||2OH =.则当反射光线n 经过点(8,5)M 时,2||F P PM +=______.四、解答题:本大题共5小题,共77分.请在答题卡指定区域内作答,解答时应写出必要的文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.15.记ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知cos cos 2cos a C c A b A +=.(1)求A ;(2)若2,4a b c =+=,求ABC 的面积.16.已知点(4,2)A 在抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>上,直线l 经过点A ,且在y 轴上的截距为-2.(1)求p 的值和直线l 的方程;(2)记l 与C 的另一个交点为B ,求经过O ,A ,B 三点的圆的方程.17.在四面体P ABC 中,M ,N 分别为PC ,BC 的中点.(1)证明:PB //平面AMN ;(2)若PC ⊥平面,2,3ABC PC AC ==,四面体P ABC 的体积为2,且cos ACB ∠,求MN 与平面P AC 所成角的正弦值.18.已知圆()2224C x y ++=:,圆222:(2)(0D x y r r −+=<<,过点(0,1)P 作圆D 的切线,切线的长为2.(1)求圆D 的方程;(2)直线l 经过点P ,且与圆C 交于A ,B 两点,||AB =①求l 的方程和CA CB ⋅ 的值;②若动圆E 与圆C 外切,且与圆D 内切,求动圆圆心E 到点P 距离的最小值.19.已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y E a b a b+=>>的右顶点为A ,上顶点为,||B AB =. (1)求E 的方程;(2)直线l 平行于直线AB ,且与E 交于M ,N 两点,①P ,Q 是直线AB 上的两点,满足四边形MNPQ 为矩形,且该矩形的面积等于21||3MN ,求l 的方程; ②当直线AM ,BN 斜率存在时,分别将其记为12,k k ,证明:12k k ⋅为定值.。


7.如图所示,正方形导线框 放在匀强磁场中静止不动,磁场方向与线框平面垂直,磁感应强度 随时间 的变化关系如图乙所示, 时刻,磁感应强度的方向垂直纸面向里。下列选项中能表示线框的 边受到的安培力 随时间 的变化关系的是(规定水平向左为F的正方向)( )
13.如图所示,在柱形容器中密闭有一定质量的气体,一光滑绝热活塞(质量不可忽略但厚度不计)将容器分为A、B两部分,离汽缸底部高为35 cm处开有一小孔,与U形水银管相连,容器顶端有一阀门K。先将阀门打开与大气相通,外界大气压 =75 cmHg,室温T0=300 K,稳定后U形管两边水银面的高度差Δh=15 cm,此时活塞离容器底部的高度L=50 cm。关闭阀门,仅使容器内A部分气体的温度降至T1时,稳定后U形管左右两管水银面相平,此时活塞离容器底部的高度为L1=40cm。整个过程B部分气体的温度不变,U形管内气体体积可忽略。求:
A. B.
C. D.
8.如图所示,理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比n1∶n2=1∶2,原线圈接电压随时间变化规律为 的交流电源,A1、A2、A3是三个理想电流表,D为理想二极管,R1是滑动变阻器,定值电阻R2=R3=220Ω,下列说法中正确的是( )
A.电流表A3的示数为 A
B.电流表A2 示数为 A
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牛津6A11月份测试卷I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)( )1.There is _____information board in our school.A) a B) an C)the D)/( )2.-Is the running race ______? -Y es, it is.A . excited B. exciting C. excite D. an exciting( )3.Miss Guo wants some students to welcome the parents on____ floor.A)the second B)two C)one D)first( )4.There is _______litter on the beach, so it looks dirty.A) much B)many C) few D)little( )5.--Have you been to the Great Wall______?--Y es, I’ve ____been thereA) already ,just B) yet ,yet C) yet, just D)just, already ( )6.I bought some books for my daughter and they_____me 50 yuan.A) took B) spent C) paid D)cost( )7. Let's__________ some water.A). has B). having C). to have D). Have( )8.We must keep our classroom______.A) to clean B) cleaning C)clean D)to be clean ( )9.I don’t like this T-shirt. Will you please show me ___ one?A) other B) the other C)others D)another( )10.Tom ___friendly and helpful and he _____helps others.A) always ,is always B) is always ,alwaysC) always ,always D) is always ,is always( )11.Would you like _____ pilot?A)to be B) be a C) be D) to be a( )12.My father likes to read newspapers when he is __the underground.A) at B) on C) by D)in( )13.Sally and Tim always ___a bus to the cinema at weekends.A) go to B) use C) see D)take ( )14.May spends one hour in ______ some cleaning every day.A)to do B) doing C) do D)did( )15.Vivian usually has salad and fruit ______lunch.A)with B)at C) for D)of ( )16.We need _____ water every day, at least(至少)eight glasses.A)a little B) a few C) a lot of D) much ( )17.Mum put the pizza in ____hot oven and baked it for half____ hour.A)a /a B) a/ an C) an/a D)an/an ( )18.We ______not to pollute the environment.A) must B) promise C)should D)would ( )19.I see some advertisement board____I am walking to the park.A)when B)because C)or D)but ( )20.Our parents will go to our hall first and our teachers will meet _____there.A)they B)them C)their D)us II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。

每空格限填一次,每次只能填一次)A. awayB. leaveC. coatD. foundE. haveF. whenG. neverH. anotherI. forOnce upon a time, a great boxer (拳击手) , Tick Black, went to a restaurant for dinner. He took off his coat and___1___it at the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it ___2__. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it, “The great boxer, Tick Black, leaves his ___3__ here, he will be back in a few minutes.” Then he put the paper on his coatand went to ___4___his dinner. ___5__ he came back after dinner, he___6____that his coat was not there. But ___7____ note was there. It said, “A great runner takes away your coat , and he will ____8___come back .”III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。

每空格限填一词)1.Mary has already written many _____to invite his friend to his birthday party.(invite)2.Our teachers are very______ .(help)3.I have many ______ of my family and relatives .(photo)4. We must stop the air ______ and look after our environment .(pollute)5.A dog is running _____the grass .(cross)6.I sometimes spend three hours on _________(travel) every day.7.Welcome to our new _____________(house) estate.8.______,we arrive at the Ocean Park.(final)9.Can you show me the ________to the park?(enter)10. There is not enough food in the fridge. What do we need _____(buy)? IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。

每空格限填一词)1.We promise that we will plant more trees.(保持原义)We promise ______ ________ more trees .2.The teachers from other school visited our school yesterday .( 否定句) The teachers from other school ______ ________our school yesterday.3. We spent two days in doing the class project. (划线提问)_______ _______did you spend in doing the class project?4. We should obey the rules round us. It is very important.(合并为一句) It is very important for us _____ ______ the rules round us.5.The twins usually take the light rail to the supermarket. (保持原义) The twins usually go to the supermarket ________ _______rail .6.Anna has bought a nice present for her mother. (划线提问)________ ________ Anna bought for her mother?7. There were some glasses on the desk just now. (改成否定句)There _________ ________glasses on the desk just now.V. Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)A.Choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)When I was in Chengdu, I saw teahouses everywhere on the streets . There is a saying , " China has the best teahouses in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China ."The service in the teahouses is really friendly . When you go into a teahouse, the waiters or waitresses (女服务员) greet you with smiles on their faces and with teapots and cups in their hands. After you sit down , they set the cups on the table and pour the tea into the cups .People who go to the teahouses are not really thirsty . They pay 20 cents to go to a teahouse and will sit there all day long to chat (聊天) with each other . These days , more and more people go to teahouses for business (生意) talks . Some teahouses also have performances , such as storytelling and Sichuan Opera .()1. According to the passage, Chengdu has_______ in the world.A. the best teaB. the best teahousesC. the worst teaD. the cheapest teahouses()2. What does the writer think of the service in the teahouses?A. It' s friendly.B. It' s not so bad.C. It' s bad.D. It' s unfriendly.()3.Which of the following has the same meaning as “greet”A. callB. look afterC. say hello toD. cry at()4. Who won’t go to the teahouse according to the passage?A. People who aren’t thirsty.B. People who want to chat with others.C. People who have business talks.D. People who want to sing a song.()5. The passage tells us that___________ .A. every teahouse has performancesB. there are many teahouses in ChengduC. only the waitresses make tea in the teahousesD. young people don't like going to teahouses()6. What’s the best title for the passage?A. The Price of TeahousesB. China Has Great TeahousesC. Performances in TeahousesD. Teahouses in ChengduB. Choose the words and expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文)It is Sunday morning. Jack and his father __1__in a big bus. There are __2__ people in it. Some of __3__ come from America and some__4__ England or Canada. They are all friends. They are going to the Summer Palace(颐和园).There are two __5__ in the bus. One is a man. He is a driver. Now he __6__ the bus. The other is a young girl. She__7__ English well. She is now talking __8__ the Summer Palace. The other people are all listening __9__ her. They like the Summer Palace. They want __10__ it very much.( ) 1. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 2. A. many B. much C. a lot D. a little( ) 3. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs( ) 4. A. be come from B. is from C. are from D. comes from ( ) 5. A. China B. Japanese C. Chinese D. English ( ) 6. A. drive B. drives C. is driving D. can drive ( ) 7. A. talk B. talks C. speak D. speaks( ) 8. A. about B. with C. to D. for( ) 9. A. with B. to C. for D. Of( ) 10. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to lookC. Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)One day, Mr Green went into a tailor’s shop with a piece of material. He wanted to have the tailor make some suits for h___1____. He handed the material to the tailor, who said, “Y ou should b____2___ more material. This is not enough.”Mr Green had to leave indisappointment(失望). He soon found a__3_____ tailor’s shop and went in. This tailor didn’t say that the material was not e___4____.A few days later, Mr Green came to get his new suits. He was satisfied with(对……满意)them. But, he saw the tailor’s son wearing the s___5___ clothes as his. He was puzzled (不解的),so he asked the tailor, “why did the f___6___ tailor say the cloth was not enough?”The tailor answered, “Because he has three s___7___. I have only one”. D. Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题)It was a beautiful sunny day. Toby decided to go to the beach. He called his friends, but Ted was at work, and Lisa was at her grandmother's home. So he had to go to the beach alone. He took his bathing suit(泳装), towel (毛巾), beach umbrella and his new boom box.When he arrived at the beach, there weren't many people. There was a family with two little children. There were some American tourists at the shop. Toby put up his beach umbrella and lay down. He turned on his radio and began to enjoy the beautiful music.Soon Toby went to sleep. While he was sleeping, a man came and sat near him. He had a small radio and it played the same music as Toby's. After a few minutes, the man picked up Toby's boom box and walked away. When Toby woke up(醒来), he couldn't find his boom box, and the man's little old radio was in its place.1. What was the weather like that day?It was_____________________________________________________.2.What did Toby take with him?He took ___________________________________________________.3.Who went to the beach with Toby?__________________________________________________________.4.Put the following in the right order that happened.(将下列事件按发生的顺序排列出来)①Toby fell asleep.②Toby lay down on the beach.③Toby called his friends.④Toby got to the beach.__________________________________________________________ 5.Was Toby a careless (粗心的) boy?_______, he _________.6.What can we learn from the passage?We should _______________________________________________. VI. Writing. (作文)根据表格内容,描述你三位好朋友Toby 、Susan 和Ted 的新年计划,同时谈谈你自己的计划及原因。
