
《工程热力学》课程教学大纲课程编号:0807000115英文名称:Engineering Thermodynamics学分:3总学时:48。
适用专业: 热能与动力工程专业、建筑环境与设备工程专业先修课程:高等数学、大学物理一、课程性质与教学目的本课程是热能与动力工程及建筑环境与设备工程专业的一门专业基础课程。

1. 材料科学基础
1.1 材料科学的发展历程
1.2 材料科学的研究方法与手段
1.3 材料科学的基本概念和专业术语
2. 材料结构与性能
2.1 材料的晶体结构与非晶体结构
2.2 材料的晶体缺陷与非晶缺陷
2.3 材料的晶体结构与性能关系
2.4 材料的物理性质与化学性质
2.5 材料的机械性能与材料强度
3. 材料制备与加工
3.1 金属材料的制备与加工
3.2 陶瓷材料的制备与加工
3.3 高分子材料的制备与加工
3.4 复合材料的制备与加工
3.5 材料制备与加工中的工艺控制与监测
4. 材料性能测试与分析
4.1 材料性能测试的基本原理与方法4.2 材料力学性能测试与分析
4.3 材料热学性能测试与分析
4.4 材料电学性能测试与分析。

《热学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息英文名称 Thermal Physics 课程代码 PHYS1002课程性质 专业必修课程 授课对象 物理学学 分 3学分 学 时 54学时主讲教师 修订日期 2021年9月指定教材 李椿等,热学(第3版)[M], 北京:高等教育出版社,2015.二、课程目标(一)总体目标:让学生了解热力学和统计物理学的基本知识和基本概念,掌握由宏观的热力学定律和从物质的微观结构出发来研究宏观物体的热的性质的研究方法,了解宏观可测量量与微观量的关系以及如何把宏观规律与微观解释相联系的方法。
(三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表课程目标对应课程内容对应毕业要求(及对应关系说明)课程目标1 第一章 温度第二章 气体分子动理论的基本概念第三章 气体分子热运动速率和能量的统计分布律第四章 气体内的输运过程第五章 热力学第一定律第六章 热力学第二定律第八章 液体第九章 相变7-2具有终身学习的意识,了解物理学前沿和物理教学领域及国际发展动态。

1 热力学第二定律的表
在孤立系统中,不断增 加,不可逆过程不能自发 发生。
2 卡诺循环
理想的热机循环,能实现 最高效率的理论。
3 热力学第二定律的应
解释自然界中各种能量转 化的局限性。
1 熵的概念
1 标准热力学循环
2 常见的热力学循环
1 热力学的理论与应用
2 热力学的未来发展
1 热平衡的条件
物体间热量的传递达到稳 定状态,没有净热量的交 换。
2 热平衡的稳定性
系统达到热平衡后,微小 扰动不会导致系统温度变 化。
3 热传递的方式
1 定与表述
欢迎来到《材料的热学》PPT课件。本课程将为您介绍热力学的基本概念、定 律和参数,以及热平衡、热传递、热力学循环等内容,让您深入了解材料的 热学。
• 热力学的基本概念 • 热力学的三大定律

《材料物理性能》课程教学大纲课程代码:ABCL0518课程中文名称: 材料物理性能课程英文名称:Physical properties of materials课程性质:选修课程学分数:2课程学时数:32授课对象:新能源材料与器件专业本课程的前导课程:《近代物理概论》,《材料科学前沿系列讲座》一、课程简介本课程主要包括材料的热学、光学、电学、磁学等性能和应用。
课程教学要求:1. 掌握材料热学性能,包括热容、热膨胀、热传导等性能;2. 理解材料热学性能的测量方法;3. 掌握材料热学性能分析方法的应用。

《材料热力学与动力学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程编号:13103103 课程类别:专业核心课程适应专业:材料物理总学时:54学时总学分:3学分课程简介:本课程是我院材料专业的专业基础课程,本课程重点介绍了经典热力学和统计热力学理论在揭示材料中的相和组织形成规律方面的应用,注意通过材料问题实例来使读者理解和寧握热力学的基本规律。
教学方式:课堂讲授教学要求:理解材料热力学的概念、课程的教学目的和学习方法,学握第一定律及相关函数, 状态函数及全微分,热恰与比热,标准态等知识。

《学生创新实验周》教学大纲课程编号:0802905125课程名称:学生创新实验周英文名称:Innovative experiments week of students设计周数:1 学分:1开设学期:第7学期适用专业:高分子材料与工程专业先修课程:高分子化学、高分子物理、高分子合成工艺学一、实验课程简介根据甲醛树脂的典型特点,制订合适的实验方案,制备以甲醛树脂为主要原料的涂料或粘合剂、并测定其性能,提出改进措施,分析失败原因。
四、实验方法、特点与基本要求1. 基本操作技能掌握涂4粘度计、旋转粘度计、pH计、建筑涂料耐洗刷仪等常规涂料、粘合剂测试设备的使用方法;根据具体情况确定样品的游离甲醛含量,掌握滴定操作的基本步骤,独立制订制备工艺、正确选用设备,整理数据、给出结论,并进行分析。
2. 设计性实验主要的实验内容是制备一种甲醛树脂,包括脲醛树脂、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂、聚乙烯醇甲醛树脂等等,实验中要求学生能设计树脂的配方、制备出相应产品、掌握其中的实验方法、操作规程及相关设备的使用,并对所制备的树脂进行一定的性能测试。

understand the concept of and
application of thermodynamic
To know the conditions of
equilibrium;derive the Clapeyon
理解 与运
equation and understand the
application of the Clapeyron equation 评
用、自 in real cases; understand the orders of 估
The principle of thermodynamic
课后Biblioteka activity; the idea of chemical
课程基本信息(Course Information)
(Course Code) MT222
(Credit Hours)
*学分 (Credits)
(Course Name) (英文)Thermodynamics of Materials
system Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
principle of idealization in the analysis
of a system; to calculate the change of

二、课程内容研究生材料热力学教学内容应包括以下几个方面:1. 热力学基础知识:介绍热力学的基本概念和基本原理,如能量、热力学系统、状态函数、热力学第一定律等。
2. 热力学过程:介绍热力学过程的基本类型和特点,如等温过程、绝热过程、等熵过程等。
3. 热力学平衡:讲解热力学平衡的概念和条件,如热力学平衡的判据、平衡态的稳定性等。
4. 相平衡和相变:介绍物质的相平衡和相变过程,如固液相平衡、液气相平衡、相变的热力学条件等。
5. 化学反应的热力学:讲解化学反应的热力学基础,如焓、反应热、反应平衡等。
1. 理论讲解:教师应结合教材和教学大纲,对热力学的基本概念和原理进行系统讲解。
2. 实验教学:通过设计和实施一些热力学实验,让学生亲自操作和观察实验现象,从而加深对热力学知识的理解。
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1、Aim and significance of the course课程任务和目的In response to the growing economic and technological importance of polymers, ceramics, advanced metals, composites, and electronic materials, many departments concerned with materials are changing and expanding their curricula. The advent of new courses calls for the development of new textbooks that teach the principles of materials science and engineering as they apply to all classes of materials.The Series in Materials Science and Engineering is designed to fill the needs of this changing curriculum.Based on the curriculum of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanchang University, the series will include textbooks for the undergraduate core sequence of course on Thermodynamics, Physical chemistry, Chemical physics, Structures, Mechanics, and Transport Phenomena as they apply to the study of materials. More advanced texts based on this core will cover the principles and technologies of different material classes, such as ceramics, metals, polymers, and electronic materials.The series will define the modern curriculum in materials science and engineering as the discipline changes with the demands of the future.This curriculum is deal with: treatment of the laws of thermodynamics and their applications to equilibrium, and the properties of materials. Provides a foundation to treat general phenomena in materials science and engineering, including chemical reactions, magnetism, polarizability, and elasticity. Develops relations pertaining to multiphase equilibria as determined by a treatment of solution thermodynamics. Develops graphical constructions that are essential for the interpretation of phase diagrams. Treatment includes electrochemical equilibria and surface thermodynamics. Introduces aspects of statistical thermodynamics as they relate to macroscopic equilibrium phenomena2、main contents and basic requirement课程内容及基本要求First Law: system and surroundings, energy transfer, energy of system, energy as a state function, work, the close system, notation, intensive and extensive properties, the open system, enthalpy, steady state, heat capacity at constant volume, heat capacity at constant pressure, adiabatic flow through a valve: Joule-Thomson Expansion, equations of state, nonideal gases, adiabatic compression or expansion, enthalpies of formation, enthalpy changes in chemical reactions, adiabatic temperature change in chemical reactionsSecond Law: entropy as a state function, entropy not conserved, open system entropy balance, adiabatic, reversible, steady state system, heat engines, diagrammatic representation,refrigerators, heat pumps, entropy changes, entropy changes in chemical reactions and the third lawProperty Relationships : the property relation, the function F and G, chemical potentials, partial molar quantities, property relations derived from U, H, F, and G, ideal gas, entropy of mixing, heat capacity, variation of heat capacity, isentropic pressure-temperature relationship, isentropic compression of solids, thermo elastic effect, compressibility, magnetic effectsEquilibrium: condition of equilibrium, barometric equation, phase equilibria, special case: closed system, constant volume, first-order transitions: variation of equilibrium pressure with temperature, Clapeyron equation in vapor equilibria, variation of vapor pressure of condensed phase with total applied pressure, variation of vapor pressure with particle size, second-order transitions, superconductivity: an exampleChemical Equilibrium: thermodynamic activity, chemical equilibrium, gaseous equilibria, solid-vapor equilibria, sources of information onG , Ellingham diagrams, variation of equilibrium constant with temperature, gases dissolved in metals (Sievert ’s law), chemical equilibrium and adiabatic flame temperaturesElectrochemistry: electrochemical cell, nomenclature, calculation of cell voltage, direction of reaction, half-cell reactions, variation of voltage with concentration: Nernst equation, pourbaix diagram, concentration cells, oxygen pressure determination, temperature dependence of voltage, electrochemical potentialSolutions : thermodynamic activity, partial molar quantities, relative partial molar quantities, entropy of mixing: ideal solution, enthalpy of mixing: ideal solution, graphical representation, nonideal solution, Gibbs-Duhen relation, dilute solution and colligative properties, integrating the Gibbs-Duhen equation, regular solutions, regular solutions: atomic interpretation, polymer solution, osmotic pressurePhase Rule: phase, components, specifying a system, equilibrium condition, Gibbs phase ruler, one component system, examples, phase rule for condensed systemsPhase Diagrams: freezing point depression, the level rule, simple eutectic, cooling curves, complete miscibility, immiscibility, spinodal points, peritectic phase diagram, compounds, ternary diagramsStatistical Thermodynamics : Macrostates and Microstates. Temperature. Information and Entropy3、Practical lecture 实践环节及基本要求it is core of the materials and engineering curriculum, and it is theory course.4、sequence of courses与其他课程的联系former course :physical chemistry,basic of materials and engineering,physics5、the acquirements对学生能力培养要求Many consider this a "vegetables'' class--as in "eating your vegetables first.'' It is true that thermodynamics is about developing a rigorous understanding of natural processes. And it is true that thermodynamics can become tedious and also true that the useful applications don't begin until a solid foundation is developed. However, I don't think it necessarily has to be boring and I encourage you to keep your minds open about the beauty of developing a subject rigorously. Veggies can be tasty as well.Much of what you will learn about materials science will rely on your comprehension of thermodynamics. Unfortunately, most of you do not yet know about all the wonderful things you are going to learn over the next three years as you become a professional materials scientist and how they depend on this course. So, there will be times when you will be struggling to learn something without knowing why you should bother to learn it. Had we an infinite amount of time, I would introduce a practical aspect of each thermodynamic concept, then rigorously teach you the concept, and then show how it applies in a particular case.However, there are a large number of concepts that I must teach you in a finite amount of time.Furthermore, some concepts are so basic and essential that any practical example would seem artificial[6]. I have tried to distill the thermodynamics you will need to know into 37 lectures--sometimes you are going to have to trust that I am trying to teach you something useful.I truly and deeply like thermodynamics and have liked it since the first time I took it. It iselegant and beautiful. I also think that it takes many years to master this subject. I believe thata thorough understanding of the subject--especially of the second law--separates qualifiedscientists from amateurs and pretenders.6、Time Management学时分配表7、Final Grade成绩总评The grade in 2.00 will be determined by:Class Participation (10%):Records will be kept for good questions and comments during lectures--you must raise your hand so we can maintain some order in the classroom. You will also need to state your name when asking a question. Students will also be asked randomly about the current lecture topic. You are allowed to absence on making a comment twice during my teaching. Not being present at a lecture in which you are asked a question counts as two absence, unless you have informed the teacher that you cannot attend a particular lecture by sending me email.Students will not get credit for showing off--only productive comments or genuine questions will receive credit. If you are curious whether you are getting credit--please ask. However, if you are unsure, then you are probably not participating actively. Asking questions during recitation orcoming to office hours also count as participation. If you fear that you are getting very far behind in class participation, it is possible to for you to send email to teacher.Homework (20%):You are allowed to turn in the homework up to the next one. Otherwise, homework is no acceptation. Homework will tend to test problem solving ability.Homework assignments will be posted almost every chapter and will usually be due the following lesson (i.e., you will have about two weeks to complete each homework, although some assignments are very difficult. The intent is allow you a bit of flexibility so that you can budget your time accordingly). If you work in groups, you still have to turn in a single homework and record the entire group number in the last line. I hope that you will use the group homeworks as a vehicle for cooperative teaching and learning as well as a time-saving device. Regarding the group homeworks--some students fall into a trap of letting other members of their group do the hard intellectual work and think that they can catch up in time to take the exams. Of course, this is not only a mistake and not an effective way to learn--it is also bad manners.Final Exam (70%): will cover all lecture material.There are review lessons before final exam. It would be wise to listen to them carefully as this year's exams will follow a similar format. You should expect conceptual questions on exams--the kind you should read very carefully because they can be tricky. For instance, a typical question may be: Explain whether and why the following statements are true or false. "The entropy of an isolated system can never decrease.'' "If the Gibbs Free energy of two bodies are equal, then the two bodies are in equilibrium at constant pressure.''There may simple questions that require symbolic computation--you definitely won't need a calculator, but bring one with you if it helps you feel more comfortable. No notes or open book exams. Thermodynamics is a subject that must be digested slowly. Please try to keep up and work at a constant rate. Cramming for a thermodynamics exam is usually a recipe for poor performance.8、Additional Reference Material 课外推荐读物In the first part of this course, it might also be useful for you to browse through the classic monograph by Fermi . It is a classic introduction to the fundamentals of thermodynamics--it is also a bargain. The coverage in Fermi is generic and applicable to all branches of physics and engineering. Concepts that are specific to materials science will be covered in the lectures.It is very useful to take a look at one or two of the hundreds of other thermodynamics texts[8]. Everyone learns in different ways and you may find one that is particularly suitable for you. Perhaps the reason that there are so many thermodynamics texts is that few people agree on the best way to explain the material. You will find that notation varies considerably from book to book (and sometimes even within a single text). You can often learn just by sorting out differences in notation--after all, it is only the subject material that counts. You will learn even more if youstudy the different ways that similar subject material is developed. You will begin to master the subject when you start identifying the conceptual errors that exist in nearly every textbook.Gaskell and Devereux are widely used in Materials Sciences courses at other good universities. Gaskell, in particular, is full of practical worked problems for materials scientists. Keep in mind that notation varies from textbook to textbook; nevertheless, these books may help clarify complicated topics and provide additional practical problems.Statistical Physics from the Landau and Lifshitz series is an excellent advanced treatise on both classical and statistical thermodynamics. It is ponderous, but is a good investment if you find yourself needing more thermo.Denbigh is perhaps the most complete textbook on chemical equilibrium. It is dense but very well-written. The introductory book by Bent has a number of very clear examples and historical anecdotes, I used it very often while preparing lectures.Besides Fermi, Planck also wrote short and very readable introductory treatises on thermodynamics. Shrodinger has a very nice (but perhaps too advanced for this course) introduction to statistical thermodynamics that is also a bargain. You probably associate these authors with other topics--their interest in the formulation of thermodynamics demonstrates the importance that most professional scientists place on a coherent understanding of thermodynamics as a foundation for advanced study. Chandrasekhar devoted an entire chapter of his book on Stellar Structure to the differential geometry of the second law of thermodynamics. The most complete and fundamental development of thermodynamics is a single paper by J. Willard Gibbs. Even though it is very difficult to read, Gibbs is the quintessential reference in thermodynamics. I've tried to use Gibbs as much as possible when I prepared the lectures.You should have a good book on multivariable calculus. MIT's 18.02 is a prerequisite for this course.List:1、Bent, Henry A. The Second Law: An Introduction to Classical and StatisticalThermodynamics. Oxford University Press, 1965.2、Chandrasekhar, S. An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure. New York: DoverPublications, 1939.3、Denbigh K.The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium. 3rd edition. Cambridge Univ. Press,1971.4、Devereux, Owen F. Topics in Metallurgical Thermodynamics. NY: John Wiley andSons, 1983.5、Fermi, Enrico. Thermodynamics. New York: Dover Publications, 1936.6、Gaskell, David R. Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics.NY:McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1981.7、Gibbs, J. Willard. "On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances." (1876). InCollected Works 1, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1928.8、Lifshitz, E.M., and L.P.Pitaevskii. Statistical Physics. 3rd edition. Part 1. New York:Pergammon Press, 1980, pages 365ff.9、Planck, Max. Treatise on Thermodynamics. 7th edition. New York: DoverPublications, 1926.10、Shrodinger, Edwin. Statistical Thermodynamics. Dover, 1989.。