3. Which is the right order of the development of life? A.Small clever animals shellfish dinosaurs mammals. B.Shellfish dinosaurs small clever animals mammals. C.Shellfish dinosaurs mammals small clever animals. D.Dinosaurs shellfish mammals small clever animals. 4.Why were mammals different from other life forms? A. Because they gave birth to young baby animals and produce milk to feed them. B. Because they produced young generally by laying eggs. C.Because they were able to live on land as well as in the water. D. Because they live on grass.
into space. Whether life will continue on the earth from millions of years to
come will depend o_n__whether this problem can be solved.
In the last paragraph, we know humans face
How did life begin on the earth?
在大城市生活的白领一族们,工作日中总是被大量的的工作任务、人际关系所裹挟,常常因为七七八八的事情压得我们透不过来气。 实际上,不管是工作还是生活,帮助我们取得成功的并非是意志,而是行动。 以至于很多人会在失落时忘却,时常违背了自己少年时期的志向。 总是自认为通情练达,自认为精明。 从前的我们多单纯,多纯粹。 而现在,丢弃了单纯与纯粹的我们,也总算是看透了,想穿了。 但也正因为如此,逐渐就变成了少年时间的自己最憎恨的那种人。
从这个意义上讲,距离就等于理解,就是温情,就是关心。 带着对自己思考后肯定的回答,我安稳的睡去。
迪士尼乐园,在这片最神奇而真实的土地上,总有一些属于你自己的magic moment,我们虽然知道它不是生活的避难所,但总还是想让这份美好永驻。
头顶上是浩瀚的星空 眼前是闪烁的灯火
远离了呼啸而过的地铁呼啸声;远离了川流不息的车流声; 等到了一个此时此刻,用我的五官感受到了一个真正美好寂静的夜晚,属于自己的夜晚。
Review:Look and say
Stand up ,please . Sit down.
Game time
1 打怪兽的游戏 教师发号: “stand up ”或“sit down”,学生 做动作。
2 玩“Simon says ”的游戏, 比一比 谁的动作快。
Look, and guess.
迪士尼乐园,与我们成年人而言,它是一个守护了我们童年的港湾。 在这里的所有伙伴,不论男女老少,都能卸下自己的伪装和枷锁,尽情的享受一个美好的虚幻童话世界。
在这里,不会有人催你长大。 这里有关于梦想幻想的一切,你忘记烦恼,只为把快乐投入其中。
这是一个能让你变回孩子的地方,可以没有顾虑做回真实的自己。 这里虽然可爱却并不幼稚,你会惊叹于华特迪士尼的设计和想象力。 这里充满着无数的童年的回忆,有很多张笑脸,有很多意想不到的创意。 在这里我们得到的幸福不是痛苦或者失去头脑后的自我陶醉,而是我们人格完整的最好证明。
偶尔来给自己一点喘息的余地和放松的空间吧,只为回归纯粹。 于是,我选择了一个周五的傍晚,住进了“花筑”民宿,来到了位于迪士尼周边2km的小镇。
算是给自己放一个小假,只为圆一场童话梦。 穿梭回到童年,就为简单、不知所谓的快乐一番。
bike . 5.villager n. 村民;乡下人 er 表示人,类似的词很多。如: waiter 侍者 manager 经理 reporter 记 者
6.per cent 百分之 eg: 我百分之百同意。
I am 100 per cent in agreement . three per cent 百分之三
The whole village was excited by the
(2)learn在句中的含义为“获悉”、 “得知”: 我刚刚得知她病了。
I've just learnt that she was ill.
2.Sam Benton, the local butcher,
A book was given to me by her.
2). She bought me a present.
A present was bought for me by
her. 练习:Her mother gave her a new pen.(变被动) A new pen ______ ______ ______ her by her mother. was given to
Now there are tenty one-dollar bills.'
The boy quickly replied,'That's right ,lady.Th;s purse ,she didn't have any change for a reward .' 注释:bustle 匆忙 comment 评 论
• Emma’s son • Adopted by Regina • The key person, the only one believe the story is true • Lead Emma to Storybrooke , help Emma break the spell
Do you remember the fairy tale?
(Welcome to Storybrooke) 欢迎来到童话镇
Introduction of Once Upon A Time
1. Another freshman series from ABC makes the top 10 2. It mainly talks about a story after” the happy ending “. The evil queen banished every storybook character we’ve ever known to our world, a small town named Storybrooke in Maine. Only one can break the spell-Snow White and Prince Charming’s daughter Emma. 3. When Emma gets to Storybrooke, she can’t help sensing that everything’s not quite what it seems. After a long time , Emma believes everything and accepts her destiny and fights like hell. 4.Actually,in season 1 Storybrooke is a land without magic. Until Emma broke the curse , magic is coming .
Storybrooke 童话镇
Things we haven‘t thought about in years , still have the ability to make us cry. 有些东西被我们遗忘多年,却仍然可以让我 们流泪。 Survival isn't living. 活着不代表生活。 You don't know anything about loss , You're just afraid of it. 你不了解 失去,你只是害怕失去。
Soon everything you love,everything all of you love,will be taken from you foever. And out of your suffering,will rise my victory.I shall destory your happiness,if it’s the last thing I do. 很快,你们所珍爱的 一切,你们所有人所珍爱的的一切,都将从 你们身边被永远夺走,你们的苦难,将会造 就我的成功。我将倾尽一生,来摧毁你的幸 福。
Rumplestilskin,the things we have,it’s never been easy.I’ve lost you so many times,I’ve lost you to darkness,to weakness,and finally,to death.But now I realize,I realize that I’ve not spent my time losing you,I’ve spent my life finding you. 朗普斯金,我们之间的感情,从来都 不容易,我失去你太多次了,我们曾向黑暗屈服, 被软弱羁绊,最终,被死亡分离。但现在我明白了, 我并非一直都在失去你,而是倾尽一生找寻你。
• Phrase
• by surprise 出其不意地 • in surprise 惊奇地 • big surprise 大惊喜;大吃一惊 • surprise attack 奇袭,突然袭击;突袭 • (make a) surprise attack 袭击
• must一般只能表达现在的必要性,而have to则可以表达过去或将来的必要性。
• I shall have to leave London tomorrow. • 我明早得离开伦敦。
• I had to stop smoking because it was forbidden in my company.
• He may not/might not know the scientist. • 他也许不认识那位科学家。
• 3.疑问句中用can/could (能……?)。 • • Could he have finished the task? • 他可能把任务完成了吗?
• Can he be at home now? • 他现在能在家吗?
dry [drai] 1)adj. 干的;口渴的;枯燥无味的;
•h a soft dry cloth.
• 用柔软的干布把这金属擦干净。
• Symptoms ['simptəm] included feeling dry in the mouth frequently ['fri:kwəntli].
• His eyes watered from cigarette[,siɡə'ret, 'siɡ-] smoke.
• 他的眼睛被香烟烟雾呛出了泪水。 Cookies make your mouth water.
Main Characters
*Full name:Prince Charming *Character in Storybrooke: David Nolan *Characteristic:Handsome Intelligent Gentle *Classic lines: I will always find you.
· Once
upon a time(童话镇)
Brief Introduction: Ⅰ.Show on:ABC (American Broadcasting Company) Ⅱ.Background: Two time and spaces: The fairy tale world & The real world:Storybrooke (童话镇) Ⅲ. Main idea: All fairy tales are true and magic is coming.
Evil Queen
*Full name:Evil Queen *Character in Storybrooke: Regina Mills Mayor of the town *Characteristic:Evil Cruel Powerful *Classic lines: I shall destory your happiness if it’s the last thing I do.id
Captain Hook Red
Hope you enjoy the video!
Thank you !
(PS:this "you" refers to Snow White)
【最新文档】《童话镇》 Once Upon a Time-范文word版 (1页)
【最新文档】《童话镇》 Once Upon a Time-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==《童话镇》 Once Upon a Time最近,我被美剧所吸引,有一部美剧叫《童话镇》。
ecently, I was attracted by the American TV series, it called Once Upon a Time. It tells many typical fairy tales happen in a modern town, while the town is controlled by a witch. The drama writer is very skillful in writing the play, he gets familiar with all kinds of the fairy tales and then make up an attractive story. I admire the writer so much, to write such a good play, he must have a wide range of the knowledge. Since watching his play, I have the strong desire to read the fairy tales, for the purpose of enriching my knowledge.。
新标准小学英语第九册M1 U1There wasn27t a clock here before精品PPT课件
一个短暂快乐的周末小假期,给予我的时光让我充分认识到: 我不会再装模作样地拥有很多朋友,而是要回到了真实独立的自我之中,以真正的我开始了独自的生活。 虽然有时我也会因为寂寞而难以忍受空虚的折磨,但我宁愿以这样的方式来维护自己的自尊,也不愿以耻辱为代价去换取那种表面的朋友。
• There are……now.
a new building.
新人教版小学英语三年级上册Unit4 story time精品PPT课件
在大城市生活的白领一族们,工作日中总是被大量的的工作任务、人际关系所裹挟,常常因为七七八八的事情压得我们透不过来气。 实际上,不管是工作还是生活,帮助我们取得成功的并非是意志,而是行动。 以至于很多人会在失落时忘却,时常违背了自己少年时期的志向。 总是自认为通情练达,自认为精明。 从前的我们多单纯,多纯粹。 而现在,丢弃了单纯与纯粹的我们,也总算是看透了,想穿了。 但也正因为如此,逐渐就变成了少年时间的自己最憎恨的那种人。
抽空给自己放个假吧,或许是短暂的穿梭回到童年,仅仅是度一个24h的假期,放肆快乐的开怀大笑一天;或者是选择一家安静美好的民宿,望着月亮发发呆;更或者是集结三五好友,在星空灯火的陪伴下喝点啤酒,聊点理想,都行。 想必,这也算是给即将结束的2019年,画上一个完美的句号了罢。
0今天这个题目的灵感,来自于刘润老师公众号里的文章《假如再选一次,我会选A》。文章中刘润老师给了两个选项: A、:你可以慢慢变成一个强者。 B、:你可以一瞬间以弱变强。
爱丽丝梦游仙境 ppt 英文.ppt
Johnny Depp is playing Tim Burton in almost all his movies. Depp has referred to working with Burton as “coming home”
The Mad Hatter--A wacky man and leader of the Mad Tea Party. He is known to be very rude towards Alice and giving her stupid riddles without any answers. He is also the first witness of the Knave of Hearts' trial.
International Politics
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world (Wonderland) populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre, and its narrative course and structure have been enormously influential, especially in the fantasy genre.
最近它的英文版也火得不行,今天就让大白带大家来听听它英文版《Fairy T own》。
《童话镇》英文版 Fairy Town来自撩英语00:0003:29Fairy Town童话镇I heard that Snow White ran away听说白雪公主在逃跑And Little Red is afraid小红帽在担心大灰狼I heard that Mad Hatter likes Alice听说疯帽喜欢爱丽丝The Ugly Duckling will become a swan丑小鸭会变成白天鹅I heard that Peter Pan never grows up听说彼得潘总长不大Jack has taken the magic harp杰克他有竖琴和魔法There’s a gingerbread house in the woods听说森林里有糖果屋Cinderella, she lost her glass shoe灰姑娘丢了心爱的玻璃鞋The wise river knows只有睿智的河水知道Snow felt trapped in the boring castle白雪是因为贪玩跑出了城堡Little Red wears a cloak that keeps her小红帽有件抑制自己From turning into a wolf变成狼的大红袍There’s an iridescent river that winds through fairy town 总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇里七彩的河Tainted by the wildest of magic,沾染魔法的乖张气息It twists and turns in love.却又在爱里曲折The river runs and skips and川流不息扬起水花Flows towards a lake of memories又卷入一帘时光入水Let all the Once Upon A Times让所有很久很久以前Lead to the Happily Ever Afters都走到幸福结局的时刻I heard Aurora was cursed to sleep听说睡美人被埋藏Mermaids watched the palace from the sea 小人鱼在眺望金殿堂Apollo became a golden crow听说阿波罗变成金乌Saber-tooth cats roam the grasslands green 草原有奔跑的剑齿虎I heard dwarfs have boxes full of jewels听说匹诺曹总说着谎And Pinocchio never tells the truth侏儒怪拥有宝石满箱A tree of life grows at the cliffs听说悬崖有颗长生树The red shoes are eternally dancin’红鞋子不知疲倦地在跳舞The wise river knows只有睿智的河水知道Aurora finally escaped her sorrows睡美人逃避了生活的煎熬Little mermaid paints her eyelids小人鱼把阳光抹成眼影With the blessing from the sun投进泡沫的怀抱There’s an iridescent river that winds through fairy town 总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇里七彩的河Tainted by the wildest of magic,沾染魔法的乖张气息It twists and turns in love.却又在爱里曲折The river runs and skips and川流不息扬起水花Flows towards a lake of memories又卷入一帘时光入水Let all the Once Upon A Times让所有很久很久以前Lead to the Happily Ever Afters都走到幸福结局的时刻Winding through the dreamy fairy town, A mystical river总有一条蜿蜒在童话镇里梦幻的河that divides ideals and reality分隔了理想分隔现实Yet allow them to clash and merge又在前方的山口汇合The river runs and skips and川流不息扬起水花Flows towards a lake of memories又卷入一帘时光入水Let all the Once Upon A Times让所有很久很久以前Lead to the Happily Ever Afters都走到幸福结局的时刻。
Alice:Alice: She
is the main character of the story. She is an seven-year-old girl with good imagination,manners and behavior. She followed the rabbit into the underworld.
reasons. Besides, it is a best seller and has been popular for 100 years. We can learn a lot of things from it.
This book can make us remember our childhood. Alice is a brilliant role model for young teens. And it is easy to read.
active person but a little gloomy.When Alice return to underworld, she put her under her wings to protect her.
• Why did I choose this book?
It is a mystery, a fairy tale. So it must be engaging. This is one of my
The mad hatter:
He always waits for Alice’s return. When some people don’t want to trust Alice,he always company with her. He is Alice’s real friend.
We are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughingWe are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughingWe are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughing
crying, laughing
We are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughingWe are all struggling for their dreams,
crying, laughing
We are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughingWe are all struggling for their dreams,
We are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughing
We are all struggling for their dreams, crying, laughingWe are all struggling for their dreams, crying,
The most precious thing in life is time. Life, the most brilliant than career. The happiest thing in life is to struggle The most precious thing in life is time. Life, the most brilliant than career. The happiest thing in life is to struggle
Emma Swan
*Full name:Emma Swan *Characteristic:Savior
Confused Strong *Classic lines: Never underestimate (低 估)someone who's acting for their child. (PS:She is the the crystallization of love of Snow and Charming.)
*Full name:Rumplestilskin *Character in Storybrooke: Mr. Gold *Characteristic: "Crocodile" in Peter Pan as well as the son of Peter Pan The monster in Beauty and the beast *Classic lines: All magic comes with a price.
Main Characters
*Full name:Snow White *Character in Storybrooke: Mary Margaret Blanchard *Characteristic:Beautiful
Brave Clever *Classic lines: I will always find you. (PS:this "you" refer to Prince Charming)
·Brief Introduction
Ⅰ.Show on:ABC (American Broadcasting
"Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" “In order to bite your throat [θrəʊt]!" Quilt [kwɪlt] uncovered, descended [dɪ'sendɪd] a black Wolf. “Bang!" A gunshot. Hunter John turned his head out of the window : "it's dangerous, I arrived on time.” “外婆,为什么你的嘴巴那么大?” “为了能咬断你的喉咙!”被子掀开,一条黑 色的狼扑了过来。 “嘭!”一声枪响。猎人约翰从窗外探过头来: “真是危险啊,还好我赶到及时。”
But it doesn't matter, said little red riding hood . My grandmother died, and We'll get a lot of money. If my grandmother die, Our life will be much better. In Grandmother's house, little red riding hood see grandma lie on the bed quietly. "Come here, let me have a look at you." Grandma said. 可是不要紧,小红帽想,外婆死了,我们 就会得到好多好多的钱。如果外婆死了,我们 的日子就会好过许多 外婆家,小红帽看到外婆躺在床 上。“过来,让我好好看看你。”外婆说。
In grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma's ears, eyes and mouth were all very big.
By Wu yundi
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world (Wonderland) populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre, and its narrative course and structure have been enormously influential, especially in the fantasy genre.
Alice couldn’t stop crying.Finally ,the whole hall was full of her tears.After she got a special fan ,she get smaller again!as arresult, she had to swim in the water.on the way, she met a mouse.But she always talked about her pet cat,the mouse was certainly annoyed.
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Henry stole his teacher’s money as travelling expenses , then he found Emma and take her to Storybrooke.
(His teacher is Mary ---ok of fairy tales that holds the key to ending the curse.
The Evil Queen interrupts the wedding of Snow White and Prince Charming to announce that she will cast a curse on everyone and take away all their love so that she is the only one with a happy ending. Many of the fairy tale characters are transported to Storybrooke where most of them are stripped of their true identities and memories of their previous lives.
As such, she is the only person who can break the curse and restore the characters' lost memories.
Henry is the son of Emma, and the grandson of Snow and Charming. Emma has recently reunited him with after placing for adoption upon his birth, , and with the help of Mr. Gold, the Queen adopted him.
The town‘s only hope lies with a bail bondswoman, Emma Swan ,the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who was transported from the fairy tale world before she could be cursed.
Unfortunately, Snow told that uncousious to Regina's mother.
Her mother was a witch and she killed the groom, so Regina hates Snow.
She changes into a wolf on the full moon.
• When I lay my head down • I wanna show you how good to go to sleep at night we can be together My dreams consist of I wanna love you through the things that I'd make you night, I'll be your sweet wanna hide disaster Don't let me in your tower, Wonderland, Wonderland, show me your magic Wonderland, oh powers I believe in you and me I'm not afraid to face a Take me to I believe in you little bit of danger, danger and me, I want the love, the money Wonderland, Take me to(x3) and the perfect ending Wonderland You want the same as I-I Take me to Wonderland, so stop pretending
Who needs true love as long as you love me truly? I want it all, but I want you more Will you wake me up, boy, if I bite your poison apple? I don't believe in fairy tales But I believe in you and me Take me to Wonderland Take me to, take me to Wonderland, Wonderland
<Beauty and the Beast>
<Beauty and the Beast>
<Beauty and the Beast>
<Beauty and the Beast>
<Beauty and the Beast>
<Beauty and the Beast>
I'm not Snow White, but I'm lost inside this forest I'm not Red Riding Hood, but I think the wolves have got me Don't want those stilettos, I'm not, not Cinderella I don't need a knight, so baby, take off all your armor You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty-Beauty
Emma breaking the curse, which brings everyone's memories back, they are not immediately returned to the fairy tale world. With the introduction of magic by Mr. Gold into Storybrooke, the fates of the two worlds become intertwined, while a portion of the fairy tale world that was relatively spared by the curse is revealed.
The other, set in the present day, follows a similar pattern with a different outcome but also offers similar insights.
The Queen, Regina was simple and lovely when she was a little girl,she fell in love with a groom.
The series takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, in which the residents are actually characters from various fairy tales that were transported to the “real world” town by a powerful curse cast by the Evil Queen.
Hook was a captain. Gold‘s wife loved him and gave up her family, followed him . Hook loved her,too.
When Gold became Dark one ,he killed his wife and take away Hook’s left hand.
Alice in Wonderland
Their life is difficult, so he agreed to do something for the Queen,so that he can support their life.But the Queen boxed him.
Alice in Wonderland
Once Upon a Time is an American fantasy-drama television series created by Lost writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz。
ABC的新剧《童话镇》(Once Upon a Time)来自于《迷失》 的执行制作人Edward Kitsis 和Adam Horowitz、
If she wears her red coat(made by Granny),she can avoid to be wolf.
Granny adopted her when she was a baby,
Alice in Wonderland
Stan loved his daughter very much,he has a magic hat, but he never use it for his daughter.
But her mother wanted her married with Snow‘s father and to be a queen, so she decided to elope with the groom.
But her mother wanted her married with Snow‘s father and to be a queen, so she decided to elope with the groom.